ISSUE 142 News Local Soluons, the Plus Dane Group and Liverpool City Council combined forces at the start of the cold season to prepare an unprecedented number of free Winter Assistance Packs for vulnerable service users. Local Soluons has been distribung packs for the last six years but this year, with the ever increasing need within communies, it was decided that by joining together with like-minded organisaons, far more people could be reached. The aim behind the iniave is to provide a hamper with essenal items such as imperishable food, thermal flasks, gloves, easy-reach mobility scks and blankets for vulnerable groups including older people, those at risk of fuel poverty, people receiving domiciliary care, those who have recently been affected by illness or unemployment or by domesc violence. Employees from Local Soluons, Plus Dane, Liverpool PCT and Liverpool City Council were joined by Councillors from across the city, including Gerard Woodhouse, to put together 300 packs in a military-style operaon. View our range of photographs taken on the day including some of the packs being distributed. Easing Winter Blues

Local Solutions News Issue142

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Latest news from social enterprise Local Solutions.

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Local Solutions, the Plus Dane Group and Liverpool City Council combined forces at the start of the cold season to prepare an unprecedented number of free Winter Assistance Packs for vulnerable service users. Local Solutions has been distributing packs for the last six years but this year, with the ever increasing need within communities, it was decided that by joining together with like-minded organisations, far more people could be reached. The aim behind the initiative is to provide a hamper with essential items such as imperishable food, thermal flasks, gloves, easy-reach mobility sticks and blankets for vulnerable groups including older people, those at risk of fuel poverty, people receiving domiciliary care, those who have recently been affected by illness or unemployment or by domestic violence. Employees from Local Solutions, Plus Dane, Liverpool PCT and Liverpool City Council were joined by Councillors from across the city, including Gerard Woodhouse, to put together 300 packs in a military-style operation. View our range of photographs taken on the day including some of the packs being distributed.

Easing Winter Blues

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Local Solutions welcomed Councillor Gary Millar on a tour of its services. Gary is Deputy Lord Mayor, Chair of Employment, Enterprise and Skills Select Committee and represents the Old Swan area of Liverpool.

As well as a member of the North West's Regional Council for Arts Council England, he also sits on the Boards of Brouhaha International and the Local Government Association's Culture, Tourism and Sport Board, Social Enterprise Network. He is also one of Liverpool City Council's representatives on the Liverpool First Economic Growth Partnership.

Gary met with staff from the organisation’s training area and then toured the Carers Centre at Mount Vernon Green to learn more about the work that is undertaken to support unpaid carers. He then visited our Scotland Road site to hear about the work Local Solutions is running to assist people affected by bullying and domestic violence and young homeless people.

Chief Executive, Steve Hawkins said: “It was a brilliant visit by Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Gary Millar - he showed great empathy for the work we do which was a real boost for our staff”.

Councillor Millar Welcomed

Inspired by hit TV show Dancing on Ice, Knowsley Supported Lodgings decided to have a go at ice-skating. The group of young people and staff took a trip to Deeside Ice Rink in North Wales. Most of the party were able to skate by the end of the day, which was enjoyed by all. Adam (17) commented, “I enjoyed the ice skating, the cup of tea and McDonalds but most of all just being with everyone”.

Balancing on Ice!

Cllr Woodhouse Visits Homecare Management team were pleased to host a visit for Councillor Gerard Woodhouse. Gerard, Labour Cllr for Liverpool County Ward and Mayoral Lead for Older People, was welcomed by Senior Manager, Paula Bell, at the organisation’s headquarters in Kensington.

Paula gave an overview of the Homecare services and then introduced Judith Webb who talked about our Safeguarding and Dignity Agenda. Care Support Workers, Dawn Gerrard, Jessica Langford and Natalie Lawson gave Councillor Woodhouse a first-hand account of their roles in supporting vulnerable older people in the community.

The tour concluded with a visit to Moores House Extra Care Scheme which is based in Gerard’s Ward in North Liverpool, where he met with residents. He is pictured here with managers and also care coordinators

from the Liverpool branch.

Paula Bell commented, “Gerard is one of the busiest of our local councillors and he takes a keen interest in older people as the Mayoral Lead –he was delighted to see the progress we are making in supporting this vulnerable group”.

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Staff celebrated at annual bash! It is regarded as one of the highlights of Local Solutions’ calendar - the annual employee awards took place at its Mount Vernon Green Headquarters.

Staff from all departments and sites of the organisation including Scotland Road, Supported Lodgings Wirral and Homecare Manchester to name but a few, were present on the day.

Speeches were given by Chief Executive, Steve Hawkins and Chairman, Robert Owen who highlighted key events for Local Solutions throughout 2012 and conveyed their appreciation of all the hard work of its staff.

Categories and winners can be seen on the right and more can be viewed on Local Solutions’ website under the News section. Congratulations to all!

Homecare is constantly recruiting for Care Support Workers. Two of the service’s staff agreed to give an insight into the world of caring for anyone thinking of joining the sector. Julie Smith (left) and Pat Brown (right) both agree that they love their jobs. Pat comments: “There are many positive aspects to the role. I like not being office-based, I get to build relations with service users - knowing when they’re down and when they need cheering up. It’s good being out in the community too and getting to know people.” Julie agrees, “It’s a job that has a sense of freedom to it, you’re not stuck in an office with the same people all the time. I like being with different people. There aren’t many downsides apart from the weather! I don’t drive so have to walk or use public transport”. Julie explains the role: “I probably do about six or seven

visits in a typical day. Some of those can be single or jointly

with another Care Support Worker”.

Summing up their thoughts on the role, Julie adds: “No-one hates their job doing what we do. It’s different to what you expect it to be. One of my ladies says she can set her

watch by me. I like that! I think some people think they’re just going to be a cleaner when starting out but there’s so much more to it. We really make a difference to people's lives”. While Pat adds: “I would recommend this job to anyone. The first few weeks were difficult because of expectations and it feels a bit strange going into people’s homes but once you build that trust between the two of you, it’s a lot easier. I like the fact that I enable service users to have a degree of independence that they may not have otherwise had”.

The role of a Care Support Worker…

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A special ceremony was held at the Isla Gladstone Conservatory to celebrate the ‘Beautiful North Awards’. The occasion was a celebration of community achievement and partnership working within the Anfield, County and Kirkdale and Warbreck wards. The event recognised the dedication and commitment of members of the local community to help make North Liverpool a better place to live.

Local Solutions is proud to report that Diana Bower, who attends its Liverpool Carers Centre on a regular basis, was presented with the “Carer of the Year Award” in recognition of her dedication and commitment to caring. Diana has cared for her friend for many years and, without her support, her friend would find it very difficult to manage with her everyday life. The Beautiful North brings together the city’s major public service providers, as well as businesses, cultural partners, housing providers and voluntary agencies to deliver real change, who have all committed to working together differently and pooling resources to deliver real change in North Liverpool. The awards were sponsored by a variety of organisations such as PSS, Riverside, Liverpool Mutual Homes, Liverpool City Council, Liverpool Vision and Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service.

Centre Manager, Hazel Brown said, “We are so proud of Diana – she truly deserves this recognition for all that she does – well done”!

Local Solutions held a collection for Central Liverpool foodbanks in January – and again were delighted with the response and the generosity of employees, volunteers and service users. In total we collected over 331kgs in food which created over 800 much needed meals. The next collection will be during the Easter period week commencing 15th April 2013. That week was chosen as it is predicted that the effects of the ‘bedroom tax’ will begin to start around then.

Any donations of food that can made will be gratefully received. The items requested are cereals, powdered or UHT milk, rice, pasta, tinned vegetables, pasta sauces, tinned fruit, tinned meat/fish, tea, coffee, sugar, tinned puddings and tinned/powdered custard. They are particularly in need of tinned meat/fish and sugar but ALL contributions are welcome.

As ever staff at Mount Vernon Green will be happy to take your collections. Please call Heather Akehurst on 0151 709 2320 if you need further information.

We’re so proud of you Diana!

Householder Recruitment Drive

This is a call for householders across Merseyside, Denbighshire

and Flintshire!

If you can provide a room within your own home for a homeless

teenager and are willing to engage in our programme of support

which assists them to live independently, then we would

like to hear from you!

All registered householders are paid £140 per week - which does

not affect most means-tested benefits.

Householders will also receive training and support.

For further details or an informal chat please call:

0151 330 2016 www.localsolutions.org.uk

Foodbank Collections