Local Graph Sparsification for Scalable Clustering

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  • 8/10/2019 Local Graph Sparsication for Scalable Clustering


    Local Graph Sparsication for Scalable Clustering

    Venu Satuluri, Srinivasan Parthasarathy and Yiye RuanDept. of Computer Science and Engineering

    The Ohio State University{satuluri,srini,ruan}@cse.ohio-state.edu

    ABSTRACTIn this paper we look at how to sparsify a graph i.e. howto reduce the edgeset while keeping the nodes intact, so asto enable faster graph clustering without sacricing qual-ity. The main idea behind our approach is to preferentiallyretain the edges that are likely to be part of the same clus-ter. We propose to rank edges using a simple similarity-based heuristic that we efficiently compute by comparing

    the minhash signatures of the nodes incident to the edge.For each node, we select the top few edges to be retainedin the sparsied graph. Extensive empirical results on sev-eral real networks and using four state-of-the-art graph clus-tering and community discovery algorithms reveal that ourproposed approach realizes excellent speedups (often in therange 10-50), with little or no deterioration in the quality of the resulting clusters. In fact, for at least two of the fourclustering algorithms, our sparsication consistently enableshigher clustering accuracies.

    Categories and Subject DescriptorsG.2.2 [Graph Theory ]: Graph Algorithms; I.5.3 [ PatternRecognition ]: Clustering

    General TermsAlgorithms,Performance

    KeywordsGraph Clustering, Graph Sparsication, Minwise Hashing

    1. INTRODUCTIONMany real world problems can be modeled as complex

    interaction networks or graphs. Graph clustering is oneof the fundamental primitives for analyzing graphs, withapplications as diverse as protein complex detection, com-munity discovery in social networks, optimizations for key-word search [10] and many others. Intuitively, graph clus-

    Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work forpersonal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies arenot made or distributed for prot or commercial advantage and that copiesbear this notice and the full citation on the rst page. To copy otherwise, torepublish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specicpermission and/or a fee.SIGMOD11, June 1216, 2011, Athens, Greece.Copyright 2011 ACM 978-1-4503-0661-4/11/06 ...$10.00.

    tering seeks to organize the nodes of the graph into clus-ters such that the nodes belonging to the same cluster aremore strongly connected to each other, compared to thenodes in the rest of the graph. A number of algorithmsfor graph clustering have been previously proposed, includ-ing spectral methods [34], weighted kernel k-means [11], lo-cal spectral methods [36], stochastic ow methods [38, 31],max-ow based methods [21], and Kernighan-Lin style ap-proaches [17]. However, extracting such structure in a scal-able fashion remains a major challenge [12]. Large-scalegraphs are especially common in the WWW domain, withthe rapid growth of many services such as Facebook, Twit-ter, Orkut and so on, which can be very naturally analyzedusing a graph representation [19, 26].

    A general purpose solution to scale various data miningalgorithms that is often considered in the literature is that of sampling. The basic premise is that operating on a smallerscale version of the problem will realize approximately sim-ilar results to processing the entire dataset, at a fraction of the execution time. This premise has been exploited for var-ious machine learning problems and data mining problemsin the past [28]. In a similar spirit, in this paper we attemptto reduce the size of a graph in order to scale up community

    discovery/graph clustering algorithms. However, we aim toretain all the nodes in the graph and only lter out the edgesin the graph - in other words, sparsify the graph. Our goalis to sparsify the graph in such a way that the cluster struc-ture is retained or even enhanced in the sparsied graph. Weare not proposing a new graph clustering algorithm; ratherwe aim to transform the graph in such a way that will helpalmost any existing graph clustering algorithm, in terms of speed and at little to no cost in accuracy. Our sparsiedgraphs can also help in visualizing the cluster structure of the original graph.

    An example illustrating the results that can be obtainedusing our proposed sparsication algorithm is shown in Fig-ure 1. The original graph (Figure 1(a)) consists of 30 nodesand 214 edges, with the vertices belonging to 3 clusters (in-

    dicated by the color coding). The result of sparsifying thisgraph using our proposed sparsication algorithm is shownin Figure 1(b). Note that the sparsied graph only contains64 of the original 214 edges, and the cluster structure of thegraph is also much clearer in this new sparsied graph.

    The main idea behind our sparsication algorithm is topreferentially retain the edges that are likely to be part of the same cluster. We use a similarity-based sparsicationheuristic, according to which edges that connect nodes whichhave many common neighbors are retained. Using a global

  • 8/10/2019 Local Graph Sparsication for Scalable Clustering


    (a) Original graph (b) Sparsied graph (Sp. ratio=30%)

    Figure 1: Proposed local sparsication strategy applied on an example graph with 30 vertices and 3 clusters.

    similarity threshold for selecting which edges to retain in agraph, however, is problematic since different clusters mayhave different densities, and using a global threshold maychoose far many more edges in the denser clusters, discon-necting the less dense clusters. To overcome this problem,we propose a local sparsication algorithm which chooses afew top edges per node, and thereby avoids this problem byusing a locally appropriate threshold for including the edgesin the sparsied graph. Local sparsication also ensures thatall nodes in the graph are covered, i.e. there is at least oneedge incident on each node in the sparsied graph. Speci-cally, we retain de edges for a node of degree d, where e is aparameter that helps control the overall sparsication ratioof the result. We analyze the characteristics of the resultingsparsied graph in terms of the degree distribution and thenal sparsication ratio in terms of the parameter e.

    Since exact similarity computation between each pair of connected nodes is very expensive, we efficiently approxi-mate the similarity by hashing via minwise independent per-mutations [6] (minwise hashing). Estimating similarity forall pairs of connected nodes in the graph using minhashingis linear in the number of edges in the graph, allowing us tosparsify the graph very quickly.

    We evaluate the performance of our proposed local sparsi-cation algorithm (named L-Spar ) on several real networkssuch as Wikipedia, Twitter, Orkut, Flickr and also biologicalnetworks with ground truth. Our main evaluation method isto compare the quality of clusters obtained from the originalgraph with the quality of those obtained from the sparsiedgraph, as well as compare the respective execution times andbalance of the resulting cluster sizes. In terms of baselines,we compare against random sampling [16, 2, 1], samplingbased on the ForestFire model [22] and the global similar-ity sparsication (named G-Spar ) that we initially propose.We examine the performances of the different sparsicationswhen coupled with different state-of-the-art clustering algo-rithms (we use Metis [17], Metis+MQI [21], MLR-MCL [31]

    and Graclus [11]). We summarize our key ndings:

    For different networks and different clustering algo-rithms, L-Spar sparsication enables clustering thatis, in terms of quality, comparable to the clusteringresult obtained from the original graph, despite con-taining far fewer edges (typically 10-20%), and signi-cantly superior to the result obtained by clustering thebaseline sparsications. Indeed, clustering our sparsi-ed graph often improves upon the clustering obtainedfrom the original graph - for example, the F-score of

    Metis improves by 50% when clustering the sparsiedWiki graph. Similarly, Metis+MQI outputs a giantcore cluster containing 85% of the nodes when cluster-ing the original Flickr graph, while the clustering re-sult obtained using the sparsied graph is much moremeaningful.

    Clustering the L-Spar sparsied graph as well as the

    sparsication itself are extremely fast. Metis for in-stance obtains a 52x speedup (including clustering andsparsication times) on the Wiki graph.MLR-MCL sim-ilarly obtains speedups in the range of 20x.

    Examples of the kinds of edges that are retained andthose that are discarded in the sparsication processconrm that the algorithm is able to discern noisier/weakerconnections from the stronger/semantically closer con-nections.

    We also systematically vary the average degree andmixing-ness of the clusters of a synthetic graph gen-erator [20] and nd that our method becomes increas-ingly effective with higher average degrees as well as

    with higher mixing parameters.

    2. RELATED WORKPrevious researchers have developed approaches for spar-

    sifying graphs, but not always with the same goals as ours.In theoretical computer science, graph sparsication ap-

    proaches that approximately preserve (unnormalized) edgecuts have been developed, such as random sampling [16],sampling in proportion to edge connectivities [4] and sam-pling in proportion to the effective resistance of an edge [35].The last scheme - which has the best theoretical properties -favors the retention of edges connecting nodes with few shortpaths, as such edges have high effective resistance. However,this is quite different from our own approach, where insteadwe discard such edges, since they distract from the overallcluster structure of the graph. Furthermore, calculating ef-fective resistances requires invoking a specic linear systemsolver [36], which runs in time at least O(m log15 n) - mean-ing that the overall approach is too time-consuming to bepractical for large-scale graphs. 1

    The statistical physics community has studied the prob-lems of edge ltering [37] and complex network backbone de-tection [14]. This line of work also does not aim to preserve1 n and m denote the number of nodes and number of edgesin the graph respectively.

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    the cluster structure, instead looking to identify the mostinteresting edges, or construct spanning-tree-like networkbackbones. Furthermore, these approaches are inapplicablein the case of unweighted networks.

    There has also been work on graph sampling [18, 22] wherethe goal is to produce a graph with both fewer edges as wellas fewer nodes than the original, and which preserves someproperties of interest of the original graph such as the de-gree distribution, eigen-value distribution etc. The fact thatthese approaches select only a small subset of the nodesin the original graph makes them unsuitable to our task,since we aim to cluster the (entire) nodeset of the originalgraph. Recently, Maiya and Berger-Wolf [25] propose to ndrepresentative subgraphs that preserve community structurebased on algorithms for building expander-like subgraphs of the original graph. The idea here is that sampling nodeswith good expansion will tend to include representativesfrom the different communities in the graph. Since parti-tioning the sampled subgraph will only give us cluster labelsfor the nodes included in the subgraph, they propose to as-sign cluster labels to the unsampled nodes of the originalgraph by using collective inference algorithms [24]. How-ever, collective inference itself utilizes the original graph in

    its entirety, and becomes a scalability bottleneck as one op-erates on bigger graphs.Sparsifying matrices (which are equivalent representations

    for graphs) has also been studied [1, 2]. These approaches, inthe absence of edge weights, boil down to random samplingof edges - an approach we evaluate in our experiments.

    The literature on clustering algorithms for graphs is toovast for us to review here (see [12] for a comprehensive sur-vey), but we point out that the contributions of our papershould be seen as complementing existing graph clusteringalgorithms.

    3. SIMILARITY SPARSIFICATIONWe aim to design a method for sparsifying a graph such


    1. Clustering the sparsied graph should be much fasterthan clustering the original graph.

    2. The accuracy of the clusters obtained from the sparsi-ed graph is close to the accuracy of the clusters ob-tained from the original graph.

    3. The sparsication method itself should be fast, so thatit is applicable to the massive networks where it is mostbenecial.

    Our main approach to sparsication is to preferentiallyretain intra-cluster edges in the graph compared to inter-cluster edges, so that the cluster structure of the originalgraph is preserved in the sparsied graph. Of course, if a

    graph possesses cluster structure at all, then the majorityof the edges in the graph will be contained inside clusters,and so to achieve any signicant sparsication, one needsto inevitably discard some intra-cluster edges. Nevertheless,as long as a greater fraction of the inter-cluster edges arediscarded, we should expect to still be able to recover theclusters from the original graph. The critical problem here,then is to be able to efficiently identify edges that are morelikely to be within a cluster rather than between clusters.

    Prior work has most commonly used various edge central-ity measures in order to identify edges in the sparse parts

    of the graph. The edge betweenness centrality [27] of anedge (i, j ), for example, is proportional to the number of shortest paths between any two vertices in the graph thatpass through the edge ( i, j ). Edges with high betweennesscentrality are bottlenecks in the graph, and are thereforehighly likely to be the inter-cluster edges. However the keydrawback of edge betweenness centrality is that it is pro-hibitively expensive, requiring O(mn ) time [27] (m is thenumber of edges and n is the number of nodes in the graph).

    For this reason, we propose a simpler heuristic for identi-fying edges in sparse parts of the graph.Similarity-based Sparsication heuristic

    An edge (i, j ) is likely to (not) lie within a cluster if the vertices i and j have adjacency lists with high (low) overlap.

    The main intuition here is that the greater the number of common neighbors between two vertices i and j connectedby an edge, the more likely it is that i and j belong to thesame cluster. Another way of looking at it is that an edgethat is a part of many triangles is probably in a dense regioni.e. a cluster. We use the Jaccard measure to quantify theoverlap between adjacency lists. Let Adj (i) be the adjacencylist of i, and Adj ( j ) be the adjacency list of j . For simplicity,we will refer to the similarity between Adj (i) and Adj ( j ) as

    the similarity between i and j itself.

    Sim (i, j ) = |Adj (i) Adj ( j )||Adj (i) Adj ( j )|


    Global SparsicationBased on the above heuristic, a simple recipe for sparsi-

    fying a graph is given in Algorithm 1. For each edge in theinput graph, we calculate the similarity of its end points.We then sort all the edges by their similarities, and returnthe graph with the top s% of all the edges in the graph ( sis the sparsication parameter that can be specied by theuser). Note that selecting the top s% of all edges is the sameas setting a similarity threshold (that applies to all edges)for inclusion in the sparsied graph.

    Algorithm 1 Global Sparsication AlgorithmInput: Graph G = ( V, E ), Sparsication ratio s

    G sparse for each edge e =(i,j) in E do

    e .sim = S im (i, j ) according to Eqn 1end for

    Sort all edges in E by e .sim Add the top s % edges to G sparse

    return G sparse

    However, the approach given in Algorithm 1 has a criticalaw. It treats all edges in the graph equally, i.e. it uses a

    global threshold (since it sorts all the edges in the graph),which is not appropriate when different clusters have dif-ferent densities. For example, consider the graph in Fig-ure 2(a). Here, the vertices {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} form a densecluster, while the vertices {7, 8, 9, 10} form a less dense clus-ter. The sparsied graph using Algorithm 1 and selectingthe top 15 (out of 22) edges in the graph is shown in Fig-ure 2(b). As can be seen, all the edges of the rst clusterhave been retained, while the second cluster consisting of {7, 8, 9, 10} is completely empty, since all the edges in therst cluster have higher similarity than any edge in the sec-

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    (a) Original graph with clusters of vary-ing densities

    (b) Result of using Algorithm 1 (c) Result of using Algorithm 2

    Figure 2: Global vs. local sparsications

    ond cluster. Therefore, clustering the resulting graph willbe able to recover cluster 1, but not cluster 2.

    Therefore, we look to devise an alternative sparsicationstrategy that still relies on the similarity-based sparsica-tion heuristic, but which can also handle situations whendifferent clusters have different densities.Local Sparsication

    We solve the problem with Algorithm 1 described above,by avoiding the need to set a global threshold. Instead, for

    each node i, with degree di , we pick the top f (di ) = deiedges incident to i, ranked according to similarity (Eqn. 1).

    Sorting and thresholding the edges of each node separatelyallows the sparsication to adapt to the densities in thatspecic part of the graph; furthermore, this procedure en-sures that we pick at least one edge incident to each node.Here e (e < 1) is the local sparsication exponent that af-fects the global sparsication ratio, with smaller values of eresulting in a sparser nal graph. The full algorithm is givenin Algorithm 2.

    Algorithm 2 Local Sparsication AlgorithmInput: Graph G = ( V, E ), Local Sparsication exponent eOutput: Sparsied graph G sparse

    G sparse

    for each node i in V doLet d i be the degree of iLet E i be the set of edges incident to ifor each edge e =(i,j) in E i do

    e .sim = S im (i, j ) according to Eqn. 1end forSort all edges in E i by e .sim Add top d ei edges to G sparse

    end for

    return G sparse

    The result of sparsifying the example graph (14 out of 22 edges) in Figure 2(a) using the local sparsication al-gorithm is shown in Figure 2(c). This graph reects the

    cluster structure of the original graph much better than Fig-ure 2(b), since the cluster {7,8,9,10} is still recoverable fromthe sparsied graph, unlike the one that was obtained byglobal sparsication.Discussion

    For a node of degree d, what is a good choice of the func-tion f (d) that tells us the right number of edges to retain?We want to retain at least one edge per node, and so wemust have f > 0 and also f (d) d, d, since one cannotretain more edges than are already present.

    We rst observe that for hub nodes (i.e. nodes with high

    degree), a higher fraction of the incident edges tend to beinter-cluster edges, since such nodes typically tend to strad-dle multiple clusters. For this reason, we would prefer tosparsify nodes with higher degree more aggressively thannodes with lower degree. This implies that we want a strictlyconcave function f , which rules out linear functions of thesort f (d) = c d, c < 1. Two prominent choices for strictlyconcave functions are f (d) = log d and f (d) = de , e < 1.

    The advantage with f (d) = de , e < 1 is that we can con-trol the extent of the sparsication easily using the exponente, while retaining the concave property of the function. Fur-ther more, we have the following in the case of f (d) = de .

    Proposition 1. For input graphs with a power-law de-gree distribution with exponent , the locally sparsied graphs obtained using Algorithm 2 also have a power-law degree dis-tribution with exponent + e 1e .

    Proof. Let Dorig and Dsparse be random variables forthe degree of the original and the sparsied graphs respec-tively.

    Since Dorig follows a power-law with exponent , we have p(D orig = d) = Cd and the complementary CDF is givenby P (Dorig > d ) = Cd1

    (approximating the discretepower-law distribution with a continuous one, as is com-mon [8]).

    From Algorithm 2, D sparse = D eorig . Then we have

    P (D sparse > d ) = P (D eorig > d ) = P (D orig > d 1/e )

    = C d1/e1

    = Cd1 + e 1


    Hence, D sparse follows a power-law with exponent + e 1e .Let the cut-off parameter for Dorig be dcut (i.e. the power

    law distribution does not hold below dcut [8]), then the cor-responding cut-off for D sparse will be decut .

    We can use Proposition 1 to prove the next one.

    Proposition 2. The sparsication ratio (i.e. the number of edges in the sparsied graph |E sparse | , versus the original graph |E |), for the power law part of the degree distribution is at most 2 e 1 .

    Proof. Notice that the sparsication ratio is the same asthe ratio of the expected degree on the sparse graph versusthe expected degree on the original graph. We have, fromthe expressions for the means of power-laws [8]

    E [D orig ] = 1 2


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    E [D sparse ] = + e 1

    e 1 + e 1

    e 2 decut

    Then the sparsication ratio is

    + e 1e

    1 + e 1

    e 2

    1 2

    de 1cut

    + e 1e

    1 + e 1

    e 2

    1 2

    = 2 e 1

    For a xed e and a graph with known , this can be calcu-lated in advance of the sparsication.

    Many real graphs are known to follow power-laws in therange 2 < < 3, and assuming an = 2.1 and e = 0 .5, thesparsication ratio will be less than 17%, according to thecalculations above. Higher values of (i.e. steeper power-law graphs) yield higher sparsication ratios, as do highervalues of the exponent e (as expected).Time complexity

    The main component in the running time for both theGlobal and Local Sparsication is the computation of thesimilarities on each edge according to Eqn 1. Assuming theadjacency lists for each node are pre-sorted, intersecting theadjacency lists of two nodes i and j with degrees di and djtakes number of operations proportional to di + dj . Since anode of degree di requires di intersections, the total numberof operations is proportional to i d2i . This is at least nd2avg(by Jensens inequality), where davg is the average degree of the graph, which is prohibitively large for most graphs.

    We suggest a faster, approximate method next.

    3.1 Minwise Hashing for Fast SimilarityHashing by minwise independent permutations, or min-

    wise hashing, is a popular technique for efficiently approxi-mating the Jaccard similarity between two sets, rst intro-duced by Broder et al. [6]. Minwise hashing has been usedpreviously in problems such as compressing web graphs [7],discovery of dense subgraphs [13] and local triangle count-ing [3]. Our use of minwise hashing is largely orthogonal tothese existing efforts as it has a completely different goal as a simple mechanism to speed up graph sparsication, andeventually to scale up complete graph clustering.

    Given two sets A and B, and a permutation on thespace of the universal set, randomly chosen from a familyof minwise independent permutations [6], we have that therst element of set A under the permutation is equal tothe rst element of set B under with probability equal totheir (Jaccard) similarity :

    P r (min ((A)) = min ((B ))) = |A B||A B |


    Based on Equation 2, a simple estimator for sim (A, B )is I [min ( (A)) = min ( (B ))], where I [x] is the indicator

    variable i.e. I [x] = 1 if x is true and 0 otherwise.Proposition 3. I [min ( (A)) = min ( (B ))] is an unbi-

    ased estimator for sim (A, B ), with variance sim (A, B ) (1 sim (A, B ))

    Proof. The estimator in question is a Bernoulli randomvariable, with probability of success sim (A, B ). The propo-sition follows.

    The variance of the above estimator can be reduced bytaking multiple independent minwise permutations. Let i , i =

    1 : k be k independent minwise permutations on the univer-sal set. Let mh i (A) = min ( i (A)) for any set A, i.e. mh i (A)represents the minimum element of A under the permuta-tion i (i.e. it is the ith minhashof A). We can construct alength- k signature for a set A consisting of the k minhashesof A in order - note that the signature is itself not a set, andthe order is necessary for the similarity estimation.

    A better estimator for sim (A, B ) then is

    sim (A, B )k = 1k( k

    i =1

    I [mh i (A) = mh i (B )] (3)

    Proposition 4. sim (A, B )k is an unbiased estimator for sim (A, B ), with the variance inversely proportional to k.

    Proof. sim (A, B )k is the average of k unbiased estima-tors, and therefore by the linearity of expectation is itself un-biased. It is easy to show the variance is sim ( A,B ) (1 sim ( A,B ))k ,and thus inversely proportional to k.

    For the approximation of sim (A, B ) using the estimatorin Eqn 3 to be fast, we still need an efficient way to generaterandom permutations. Since the space of all permutationsis exponentially large, drawing a permutation uniformaly atrandom from this space can be expensive. For this reason, itis typical to use approximate minwise independent permuta-tions such as linear permutations [5]. A linear permutationis specied by a triplet ( a,b,P ) where P is a large primenumber and a is a integer drawn uniformly at random from[1,P -1] and b is an integer drawn uniformly at random from[0,P -1]; the permutation of an input i [0, P 1] is givenby (i) = ( a i + b)%P . Multiple linear permutations canbe generated by generating random pairs of ( a, b). Sinceall we care about is only the minimum element under thepermutation , minhashing a set using linear permutationssimply involves one pass over the elements of the set, wherewe maintain a variable that keeps track of the minimumelement seen thus far in the scan.

    Local Sparsication using Minwise HashingWe rst generate k linear permutations, by generating k

    triplets ( a,b,P ). Next, we compute a length k signature foreach node by minhashing each node k times - more precisely,we minhash the adjacency list of each node in the graph ktimes - and ll up a hashtable of size n k. For an edge ( i, j ),we compare the signatures of i and j , minhash-by-minhash,and count the number of matching minhashes. Since thesimilarity of an edge is directly proportional to the numberof matches, we can sort the edges incident to a node i bythe number of matches of each edge. Furthermore, since thenumber of matches is an integer between 0 and k, one canuse counting sort to sort the edges incident on a node inlinear time. After the sort, we pick the top dei edges (di is

    the degree of node i) for inclusion in the sparsied graph.The implementation of global sparsication using minwisehashing is similar and is omitted.Time complexity

    Local sparsication using minwise hashing is extremelyefficient. Generating one minwise hash of a set using linearpermutation requires one scan of the set, therefore generat-ing a minwise hash of a single node i takes O(di ) time. Thetime to generate one minwise hash for all nodes takes timeO(m), where m is the number of edges in the graph, andgenerating k minwise hashes for all nodes in the graph takes

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    Dataset Vertices Edges davg |C |(size avg )BioGrid 5,964 192,851 64.7 700(9)

    DIP 4,741 15,147 6.4 700(7)Human 11,750 63,419 10.8 900(13)

    Wiki 1,129,060 53,021,551 93.9 10000(113)Orkut 3,072,626 117,185,083 76.3 15000(205)

    Twitter 146,170 83,271,147 1139.4 1500(97)Flickr 31,019 520,040 33.5 300(103)

    Table 1: Dataset details. |C | is the number of clus-ters and size avg the average cluster size.

    O(km ) time. Estimation of similarity for an edge ( i, j ) onlytakes time O(k), since we only need to compare the length-k signatures of i and j . The estimation of similarity for alledges takes time O(km ) time. Sorting the edges incidenton each node by similarity can be done in linear time us-ing counting sort, since we only sort the number of matcheswhich lie in {0, . . . , k}. Hence, sorting the edges for allthe nodes requires time O(m). In sum, the time complexityfor local (or global) sparsication using minwise hashing isO(km ) i.e. linear in the number of edges.


    We perform experiments on seven real-world networks,including information networks, social networks and protein-protein interaction networks (also see Table 1):

    1. Yeast-BioGrid (BioGrid): This is a protein-proteininteraction (PPI) network of Yeast, obtained from theBioGrid databaseThis network has a relatively highaverage degree of 65, with many noisy interactions.

    2. Yeast-DIP (DIP): This is also a PPI network of Yeast, obtained from the Database of Interacting Pro-teins (DIP)The interactions in this network are morecarefully derived (compared to BioGrid), resulting ina much lower average degree of 6.

    3. Human-PPI (Human): The third network is a Hu-man PPI network, obtained from iRefIndex.

    4. Wikipedia (Wiki): This is an undirected versionof the graph of hyperlinks between Wikipedia articles(from Jan2008). The original downloaded corpus hadnearly 12 million articles, but a lot of these were in-signicant or noisy articles which we removed to obtainthe nal graph with 1.12M nodes and 53M edges.

    5. Orkut: This is an anonymized friendship networkcrawled from Orkut [26]. This is our largest datasetconsisting of more than 3M nodes and 117M edges.

    6. Twitter: This is the Twitter follower-followee net-work collected by Kwak et al. [19]. We retain onlyusers with at least 1000 followers, obtaining a networkof 146,170 users, and we retain only edges ( i, j ) suchthat both i follows j and j follows i. The resultingnumber of edges in this graph is still very high - around83M, with an average degree of 1140 per user.

    7. Flickr tags (Flickr): We downloaded the tag infor-mation associated with 6M photos from Flickr. We

    then built a tag network using the tags that were usedby at least 5 distinct users, placing an edge betweentwo tags if they were used together in at least 50 pho-tos. The resulting network has 31019 tags with 520Kedges, and an average degree of 33.5 per tag.

    Ground TruthFor evaluating the clustering results of the two Yeast PPI

    networks, we used the CYC2008 [29] protein complex dataas the gold standard for ground truth validation. Note thatonly around 30% of the proteins in the PPI datasets haveassociated protein complex information, which means thatthe precision of any clustering result is at most 30%. Forevaluating the results of the Human PPI dataset we usedthe CORUM protein complex data [30], which again has an-notations for only 15% of the total proteins in the graph. ForWiki we prepared ground truth from the categories assignedat the bottom of the page by the editors. We removed manynoisy categories; the nal number of categories was 17950,covering around 65% of the articles in the dataset.

    4.2 BaselinesWe compare the following sparsication algorithms:

    1. Our local similarity-based sparsication algorithm us-ing minwise hashing (which we refer to as L-Spar ,short for Local-Sparsier, henceforth). It takes twoparameters, k referring to the number of minhashes,and e referring to the sparsication exponent.

    2. The global similarity-based sparsication algorithm us-ing minwise hashing, referred to as G-Spar hence-forth.

    3. Random Edge Sampling [22, 16, 1, 2], that selects r %of the edges from the graph uniformly at random.

    4. ForestFire [22] that selects a seed node at randomand recursively burns edges and nodes in its vicinity,with burn probability r %. We repeatedly initiate reschoosing an as-yet unburned seed node so as to covermost of the nodes in the graph. 2

    We set the parameters for the baselines 2-4 above so as toachieve the same sparsication ratio as that achieved usingL-Spar. We use a default sparsication exponent of e = 0.5(unless otherwise mentioned), and default number of min-hashes k=30.

    Additional experiments comparing with the sampling ap-proach of Maiya and Berger-Wolf [25] are presented else-where [33].

    4.3 Evaluation methodOur primary quantitative evaluation method is to cluster

    the original and the sparsied graphs, and to assess the qual-ity of the clusterings either w.r.t. the ground truth or w.r.t.the structure of the (original) graph. We use four state-of-the-art algorithms for clustering the original and sparsiedgraphs - Metis [17], Metis+MQI [21], MLR-MCL [31] and

    2 Note that a burned node may still remain a singleton if none of its edges get burned in the probabilistic burningprocess.

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    Graclus [11]. 3 All the experiments were performed on aPC with a Quad Core Intel i5 CPU, each with 3.2 GHz, 16GB RAM and running Linux. The output number of clus-ters for each network, along with the average cluster size,is provided in Table 1. 4 We used a small average clustersize for the protein networks since most protein complexesare in the size range of 5-15. The average cluster sizes forthe other networks is around 100, which is on average theright size for communities in such networks [23] (in the caseof Orkut, we had to reduce the number of clusters as Metisand Metis+MQI would run out of memory otherwise).

    When we have ground truth for a network, we measurecluster quality using the average F-score of the predictedclusters, which we compute as follows. The F-score of a pre-dicted cluster w.r.t. a ground truth cluster is the harmonicmean of its precision and recall. The F-score of a predictedcluster by itself is its best possible F-score with a groundtruth cluster (i.e. with the cluster that it approximates thebest). The average F-score of all the predicted clusters isthe weighted average of all F-scores, where the cluster sizesare the weights. We denote it as a percentage between 0 and100, with higher being better.

    In the absence of ground truth, we use average conduc-

    tance. The conductance of a cluster is the number of edges leaving the cluster, divided by either the total numberof edges originating in the cluster or of the rest of the graph,whichever is smaller (see [21, 11]). Conductance always liesbetween 0 and 1, with lower conductances being better. Theaverage conductance avg then is simply the average of theconductances of all the clusters. There are two importantpoints to note about the way we measure conductances: (i)For the clusters obtained from the sparsied graph, we can-not simply measure the conductance using the very samesparsied graph, since that would tell us nothing about howwell the sparsied graph retained the cluster structure inthe original graph. Therefore, we report the conductancesof the clusters obtained from the sparsied graphs also us-ing the structure of the original graph . (ii) The G-Spar,RandomEdge and ForestFire (but not L-Spar) often isolatea percentage of nodes in the graph in their sparsication.We do not include the contribution to the nal average con-ductance arising from such singleton nodes. Note that thisbiases the comparison based on conductance against the re-sults from the L-Spar and the original graph and in favor of the baselines.

    Since low conductances can often be achieved by very im-balanced clusterings [23], we also report on the balance of a clustering arrangement using the coefficient of variation cv of the cluster sizes, which is the ratio of the standarddeviation of the cluster sizes to the average cluster size (i.e.cv = / ). Therefore, a lower cv represents a more balancedclustering.

    3 We downloaded the softwares from the respective authorswebpages, except for Metis+MQI which we re-implementedusing Metis and hipr as black-box modules. The versionsare: Metis 4.0, Graclus 1.2, MLR-MCL 1.1 and hipr 3.4.We thank Kevin Lang for help with Metis+MQI.4 The number of clusters is only indirectly speciable inMLR-MCL, and hence the nal number of clusters in thecase of MLR-MCL varied slightly from that reported in Ta-ble 1.

    4.4 ResultsThe results obtained using the various sparsication ap-

    proaches as well as the original graph and using the differentclustering algorithms are presented in Table 2. The sparsi-cation ratios obtained using L-Spar by setting e = 0.5 varyfor different networks depending on their specic degree dis-tributions, but they never exceed 0.2 for the ve biggestgraphs - this means that for those graphs, the sparsiedgraphs contain at most a fth of the edges in the originalgraph. The speedups are w.r.t. clustering the original graph,and take into account both sparsication as well as cluster-ing times.

    Let us rst consider the results using Metis. For all fourdatasets with ground truth, clustering the L-Spar graph ac-tually gives better results than clustering the original graph.This suggests that the removal of noisy edges by L-Sparhelps Metis discover clusters that it was previously unableto. The Wiki graph provides a particularly stark example,where the F-score improves from 12.34 to 18.47, while alsoexecuting 52x times faster. Similarly on Orkut, the aver-age conductance for the clusters discovered from the L-Spargraph is 0.76 as compared to 0.85 for the clustering fromthe original graph. On Flickr, the G-Spar clustering has a

    much lower conductance (0.71) than either the original orL-Spar, but on the ip side, we found that G-Spar intro-duced around 30% singletons in the sparsied graph. Thespeedups are 36x, 6x and 52x for our three biggest graphs(Orkut, Twitter and Wiki).

    Looking at the results using MLR-MCL, we can see thatL-Spar enables clusterings that are of comparable quality toclustering the original graph, and are much better comparedto the other sparsications. On Wiki, for instance, L-Sparenables an F-score of 19.3, far superior to that obtained withthe other baselines, and quite close to the original F-scoreof 20.2. On Orkut, Flickr and Twitter - datasets where wehave no ground truth - clustering the L-Spar graph resultsin clusters with better avg (on the original graph), and alsobetter balance (i.e. lower cv ). Furthermore, L-Spar followedby clustering is at least 22x faster on our three biggest graphs(Orkut, Twitter, Wiki), bringing the total times down fromthe order of hours down to the order of minutes.

    Coming to the results obtained using Metis+MQI, we seeresults that are of a similar avor to those obtained usingMLR-MCL. On the four graphs with ground truth, the ac-curacy of clustering either the original graph or the L-Spargraph are very much comparable, and the other three spar-sications fare worse in comparison. On Orkut and Twitter,we similarly nd the results from clustering either the orig-inal graph or the L-Spar graph comparable. On the Flickrdataset, clustering the original graph results in a low avgof 0.55, but only at the cost of high imbalance ( cv =14.1),with 85% of the nodes being placed in one giant cluster.

    The clusters from the L-Spar graph are much more bal-anced ( cv =1.0). Some examples of clusters obtained fromthe L-Spar graph that were previously merged together inthe giant cluster are : {astronomy, telescope, astrophotogra-phy, griffithobservatory, solarsystem }, {arcade, atlanticcity,ac, poker, slots }, {historicdistrict, staugustine, staugustine-orida, castillodesanmarcos }. Looking at the speedups, wend a counter-intuitive result - Metis+MQI executes sloweron the L-Spar graph for Wiki and Orkut. The explanation isas follows. Metis+MQI recursively bipartitions the graph,operating on the currently biggest partition at each step.

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    The running time for Metis+MQI therefore depends a lot onthe step at which Metis+MQI discovers a nearly balancedbipartition (since that will halve the size of the partitionon which Metis+MQI subsequently needs to operate on).On Wiki, we found that a balanced bipartition is found at150th step on the original graph, versus at 1300th step onthe L-Spar graph, causing almost all the difference in speedwe see. However, the balance of the clustering arrangement(given by cv ) from L-Spar at the end of all the recursive bi-partitions is at least as good as the balance of the clusteringof the original graph (much better for some graphs, as theexample of Flickr above showed). Note that we still obtaina 14x speedup on the 80M edge Twitter graph.

    In the results for Graclus, we see that L-Spar enables moreaccurate clusterings than the original graph on the three bi-ological datasets 5 . For Flickr, we note that avg for thethree baseline sparsications are close to 0.99 if we includethe contribution of singletons, and the shown avg s are com-parable to those obtained using L-Spar only because theircontributions were not included. On Twitter, we nd thatL-Spar enables avg that is comparable to clustering theoriginal graph, with better balance and 5x faster.

    We would like mention to an interesting cross-cutting re-

    sult beyond the results showed in Table 2. The time taken tocluster the L-Spar and G-Spar sparsied graphs is typicallysmaller than the time taken to cluster the other baselinesparsications (RandomEdge and ForestFire), although thereverse trend holds true for the sparsication itself. For arepresentative example, on the Wiki dataset, Metis requires80 seconds to cluster the L-Spar sparsied graph and 8 sec-onds to cluster the G-Spar one, compared to 940 secondsfor RandomEdge and 1040 seconds for ForestFire. Thisdifference in clustering times, despite the fact that all thesparsied graphs contain almost the same number of edges ,is because clustering algorithms generally tend to executefaster on graphs with clearer cluster structures.

    4.5 Examining L-Spar sparsication in depthLet us examine L-Spar sparsication in depth. The Bi-

    oGrid protein interaction network consists mainly of edgesderived from high-throughput interaction detection meth-ods such as Yeast Two Hybrid analysis [9], which are wellknown to detect many false positive interactions. It is es-pecially interesting that for this network, al l four clusteringalgorithms enjoy better clustering accuracies on the L-Sparsparsied graph compared to the original graph, suggestingthat the sparsication does remove many spurious interac-tions.

    We provide some examples from the Wiki, Twitter andFlickr graphs in Table 3 that shine some light on the kinds of edges that are removed vis-a-vis the kinds that are retained.For the three Wikipedia examples of machine learning, graph and Moby Dick , the retained edges are clearly semanticallycloser to the example node, while the discarded edges arenoise, arguably. For Twitter, we highlight the neighbor-hoods of Twitter founder Jack Dorsey, champion cyclistLance Armstrong and conservative blogger Michelle Malkin.The retained neighbors for Dorsey are either high-rankingemployees at Twitter (Stone, Williams, Goldman) or peo-ple with strong Silicon Valley connections (Dash, Lacy),while the discarded neighbors are more peripherally con-5 Graclus ran out of memory for both Wiki and Orkut andcould not be executed.

    nected (Jet Blue Airways, Parul Sharma). The retainedneighbors for Lance Armstrong are all professional bicyclists,while the discarded neighbors come from other backgrounds.For Michelle Malkin, the retained neighbors are Republicangovernors Bobby Jindal, Rick Perry and other conservativesor media personalities; clearly the discarded neighbors donot share as close a connection. The examples from Flickrsimilarly show tags that are semantically closer to the high-lighted tag being retained, with the noisier tags being dis-carded.Trend of speedup and f-score as e changes

    Figures 3(a) and 3(b) report the trends of F-score andspeedup on the Wiki dataset as e changes, using Metis. Itis interesting that even with e=0.3, and retaining only 7%of the edges in the graph, Metis achieves an F-score of 17.73on the sparsied graph, which is signicantly better thanthe 12.34 on the original graph. The F-scores graduallyincrease with increasing e. Coming to the speedups, thebiggest speedups are observed for smaller values for e - withan 81x speedup for e=0.3 (242x considering only the clus-tering times) - and the speedups gradually reduce to 13x fore=0.7.

    Figures 3(c) and 3(d) report the corresponding trends forMLR-MCL and are quite similar. With e=0.7 (using 34%of the edges), clustering the sparsied graph delivers a bet-ter F-score than clustering the original graph, with a 35xspeedup to boot.

    Speedup and F-score as k changesFigures 3(e) and 3(f) show the effect of k, the number

    of min-wise hashes used for approximating similarities. Wealso include the result of sparsication using exact similar-ity calculations (denoted as exact). (We hold e constantat 0.5.) We see a gradual improvement in F-scores with in-creasing k, as the similarity approximation gets better withincreasing k (refer Proposition 4). The F-scores obtainedusing the exact similarity calculation is 18.89, compared tothe 18.47 obtained using k=30, which indicates that the sim-

    ilarity approximation works quite well. Also, exact similar-ity sparsication requires about 240x more time to computecompared to sparsication using minwise hashing with k=30(4 hours vs 1 minute). Therefore we are gaining a lot inspeedup by using minwise hashing while suffering little lossin quality. If we consider the clustering times alone, thenclustering the exact sparsied graph is faster than cluster-ing the minwise hashing sparsied graph with k=30 (50s vs80s).

    Figures 3(g) and 3(h) show the corresponding trends usingMLR-MCL, which are quite similar.

    Trends with varying degree and mixing parameterWe examine the quality of the sparsication while vary-

    ing the average degree of the graph and the mixing-ness

    of different clusters. We generated synthetic graphs usingthe LFR generator [20], with 10000 nodes and power-lawexponent 2.1 for both degree distribution as well as commu-nity size distribution. The LFR generator allows the user tovary the average degree as well as the mixing parameter - anumber between 0 and 1 which is effectively like the aver-age conductance of the clusters; graphs with higher mixingparameters are more challenging to cluster accurately as theclusters are more mixed up in such graphs. Figures 3(i) and3(j) show the change in F-scores for both original and spar-sied graph using Metis+MQI and MLR-MCL, while vary-

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  • 8/10/2019 Local Graph Sparsication for Scalable Clustering


    (a) F-score as e changes; Metis (b) Speedup as e changes; Metis (c) F-score as e changes; MLR-MCL

    (d) Speedup as e changes; MLR-MCL (e) F-score as k changes; Metis (f ) Speedup as k changes; Metis

    (g) F-score as k changes; MLR-MCL (h) Speedup as k changes; MLR-MCL (i) F-score as average degree changes;Metis+MQI

    (j) F-score as average degree changes;MLR-MCL

    (k) F-score as mixing parameter changes;Metis+MQI

    (l) F-score as mixing parameter changes;MLR-MCL

    Figure 3: The performance of L-Spar under varying conditions

  • 8/10/2019 Local Graph Sparsication for Scalable Clustering


    Node Examples of retained edges (neighbors) Examples of discarded edges (neighbors)WikiMachine Learning Decision tree learning, Support Vector Machine, Articial

    Neural Network, Predictive Analytics, Document classi-cation

    Co-evolution, Case-based reasoning, Computational neuro-science, Immune system

    Graph (mathematics) Graph theory, Adjacency list, Adjacency matrix, Modeltheory

    Tessellation, Roman letters used in Mathematics, Mor-phism, And-inverter graph

    Moby-Dick Billy Budd, Clarel,Moby Dick (1956 lm), Jaws (lm),Western canon, Nathaniel Hawthorne

    Bruce Sterling, 668, Dana Scully, Canadian English, Giantsquid, Redburn


    Jack Dorsey Biz Stone, Evan Williams, Jason Goldman, Sarah Lacy,Anil Dash Alyssa Milano, Parul Sharma, Nick Douglas, JetBlue Air-ways, Whole Foods MarketLance Armstrong Dave Zabriskie, Michael Rogers, Vande Velde, Levi

    Leipheimer, George HincapieChris Sacca, Robin Williams, George Stephanopoulos,Alyssa Milano, Dr. Sanjay Gupta

    Michelle Malkin Bobby Jindal, Rick Perry, Howard Kurtz, Neal Boortz,George Stephanopoulos

    Barack Obama, The Today Show, Jim Long, LA Times

    Flickrgladiator colosseum, wor ldheri tage, si te, colosseo, italy europe, travel , canon, sky, summertelescope observatory, astronomy, telescopes, sutherland 2007, geotagged, travel, california, mountainlincolnmemorial memorials, reectingpool, lincoln, nationalmall travel, usa, night, sunset, america

    Table 3: Examples of retained and discarded edges using L-Spar sparsication

    ing the average degree and keeping the mixing parameterconstant at 0.5. The sparsication is more benecial withincreasing degree, and it actually outperforms the originalclustering starting from degree 50. Figures 3(k) and 3(l)report the trend of F scores as we vary the mixing param-eter keeping average degree to 50, using Metis+MQI andMLR-MCL. The performance on both original and sparsi-ed graphs drops with increasing mixing parameter, which isto be expected. However, the sparsication does enable bet-ter performance with higher mixing parameters comparedto clustering the original graph, suggesting that its abil-ity to weed out irrelevant edges helps clustering algorithms.For instance, with the mixing parameter at 0.8, Metis+MQIachieves an F-score of 40.47 on the sparsied graph, improv-ing upon the 26.95 achieved on the original graph.

    5. DISCUSSIONWe would like to begin by emphasizing that the local spar-

    sication approach we present is extremely effective acrossthe board for Metis, MLR-MCL and Graclus and often help-ful for Metis+MQI. Accounting for local densities in thesparsication process provide signicant gains across theboard on all four clustering algorithms (seen by compar-ing results between global and local sparsication). In thecase of Metis and Graclus, clearly observed for results withground truth data, the local sparsication procedure has theadded benet of often improving the quality of the resultingpartitions while also signicantly speeding up the time tocompute partitions. Another way of viewing this result isthat these methods, particularly Metis, are less tolerant of

    noise in the data (presence of spurious edges often under-mine their effectiveness in identifying good communities)and so post-sparsication where spurious edges are elimi-nated (see Table 3) the results are signicantly better (e.g.Wiki). For MLR-MCL the general observation is that localsparsication results in a signicant speedup at little or nocost to accuracy across the board. For Metis+MQI, as ex-plained earlier the results are a bit mixed in the sense thatwe do nd instances where the sparsication results in anoverall slowdown to counter other instances where there isa signcant speedup. We also note that the local sparsi-

    Figure 4: Parallel Path/Bipartite Community inWiki. Circled nodes all belong to the same cluster.

    cation mechanism, for all algorithms, typically results inclusters with signicantly improved balance an importantcriteria for many applications. Finally, the G-Spar sparsi-cation mechanism seems well-suited for applications wherethe requirement is only to discover the densest clusters in thegraph, although we have not directly tested this. We nextdiscuss three ongoing research directions we are currentlyexamining.Bipartite/Parallel Path Communities: The reader maywonder how our sparsication will work in the case of com-munities without triangles, such as bipartite or parallel-pathcommunities. As currently described the procedure we have

    outlined thus far will be unable to uncover such structure.However, recently suggested transformations based on bibli-ographic coupling and co-citation offer an opportunity inthis regard [32]. By rst applying such transformationsand then subsequently sparsifying the transformed graph onthe Wiki dataset using L-Spar allowed us to nd extremelymeaningful parallel-path clusters of the sort exemplied inFigure 4.Out of Core Processing: L-Spar sparsication based onminwise hashing is also well suited for processing large, disk-resident graphs and reducing their size so that they can

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    be subsequently clustered in main memory. If the graph isstored as a sequence of adjacency lists (as is common prac-tice with large graphs), minwise hashing to build length- ksignatures for each node in the graph requires one sequen-tial scan of the graph. The subsequent sparsication itself also requires only one sequential scan of the graph. Assum-ing the n k hashtable containing the signatures can t inthe main memory, the out-of-core version of L-Spar sparsi-cation requires no disk I/O other than the two sequentialscans. A blocked single pass algorithm may also be feasi-ble under certain assumptions (e.g. dependent on degreedistribution) and is currently under investigation.Extensions: There are many interesting avenues for futurework extending the methods detailed here. One exampleis the question of how to incorporate additional informa-tion if present- such as weights, textual attributes of nodesand edges, directionality of edges etc.- into the sparsica-tion, apart from the connectivity information that we areprimarily concerned with here. Additionally, we would liketo investigate the role of such methods in the context of scaling up keyword search algorithms. As recently demon-strated, graph clustering has a central role to play in scalingup such algorithms to out of core datasets[10, 15].

    6. CONCLUSIONIn this paper, we introduced an efficient and effective lo-

    calized method to sparsify a graph i.e. retain only a fractionof the original number of edges. Our sparsication strategyoutperforms baselines from previous literature, as well asenables clustering that is many times faster than clusteringthe original graph while maintaining at least as good qualityas clustering the original graph. The proposed sparsicationis thus an effective way to speed up graph clustering algo-rithms without sacricing quality.Acknowledgments : We thank the reviewers for their thought-ful comments and suggestions. This work is supported inpart by the following grants: NSF CCF-0702587 and IIS-


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