NoFl (1) Stti A[ocation/ CMO/U/ 2015 GOVERNMENT OF TRIPURA DISTRICT HEALTH & FAMILY WELFART socl9l] . - ^ -- OFFICE OF i;E EXECUTNE S'CRETARY CUM CHTEF MEDICAL OFFICER KAILASHAHAR UNAITOTITRiPURA Dare,Kailashahar the 26d'December' 2015 NOTICE FOR RECRUITME}IT Disttict Health & Fa1nily wellare Socielv' Unakoti D:"':if l'lTn1l1Js soing to fillup diilerenr vacani posLs on 'on(rqcILal o"it "'" ;*"o p't for I llelcven1 months whi'h may be I',."i.it-*J,i' ir,.e perrormance t rl Projecr period' With followin g i.structions: 'l:llntetested candidates are hereby requested lo submit lheir Bio dara as pe' ihe prescribed rolrnai alons wrrh self atrested *"1"" #;';;;;;'"'l-'it"nnt do"'"'"nr'.in hard copies from 29- December, /oI5 to 7' J-n-ary '?oi; '".'h;;;;A;t hol:dav) durins-oJtrce hour' in rhe o& cMo. Kailashahar. I ndl.ori Tl iourd ^" 'ipiit'ti""* [ ue re'eiv;d attcr 5 oo PV of ?n January' ,0E-*h.tt,l' t" ""t:iable Ior dny posrdl deLay r:lllThose candidate has slbmitted apPlicatloo earler agaLnsi RecrLlitmen-t NorieNo No'F 1 (1)- staif Alocaiion/ cMoT U 7zo t s aatea o Ji r'o)i':i i """a "it *qtitta to resubmit the appiicatio'' Oualifi cation & ExPede[ce sl. No Nan1e of Post Category Remunerati (ConsoLidat ST SC UR Total -B-".hd; ol D.nt"l Sr'rrgery from recoP.nized Medical College /University' 1 De*tal Surgeon 02 0 o o2 Rs.2u,uuo/ Foli-graduate qru.lif,c a tion in com pu ter Science or BE in ComPuter Sclence / 1T / Electronics. 2 Data Managei {iDSP) lo l 0 01 01 Rs. lU,blrJ/ 0 0 01 Rs. 10,t00/ 3 HMIS I 0r Assistanl (Nodal I\,1 &E L officer) for I DH/SDH I idEiiCl,urerr or BE E'-Ltronrcs & i."r"1'"i-*r""r,r* or BE in CompLrter I Science or B Tech in 'ompdter "'Ience or B.Sc in Computer Science or B'Sc in IT or Bachelor of Computer Applrcauon from affiliated & recognized illstitution Exoerience on MtS and knowlcdBe rn ha<lware, software and net''\ork ma) iru. or.[e!.nce , = ,::;-:: : :: :, social Worker 0 (rs5rc) j 0 01 o1 Rs 12,500/- Master's Degrce rn rsyL'ruru$ a'" _' least one vear expericnce ln ulooo Bank or Medical counselling 5. Data Entry Operatot (TSBTC) 0 o OI 01 Rs. 11,000/ Bachelor: uegree !r arr) 'ulor!'! ' - in computers sPPtlcatlon' 'n1itg speea 35_40 word Per minute w irh mi !t@q9!qrgul!pElls!!q- 6- Laboratory Techoiciao (rsBTC) o1 0 01 02 Rs. 10,500/- months expcrience in the testrng or blood and its compooents' : i::;: :.::,; 7. Pharmacist (Alopath) for RBSK 0 01 0 01 Rs.9,s00/' . H.S l+2 s ta.gel from ft cognized instirution . Diploma in Pharmacy lrom recognrzeo institution.

loAlopath) for RBSK 001 01 Rs.9,s00/' . H.S l+2 s ta.gel from ft cognized instirution. Diploma in Pharmacy lrom recognrzeo institution. n1ilName of short listed eligible candidates

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NoFl (1) Stti A[ocation/ CMO/U/ 2015GOVERNMENT OF TRIPURA




the 26d'December' 2015


Disttict Health & Fa1nily wellare Socielv' Unakoti D:"':if l'lTn1l1Js soing to fillup

diilerenr vacani posLs on 'on(rqcILal o"it "'"

;*"o p't for I llelcven1 months whi'h may be

I',."i.it-*J,i' ir,.e perrormance t rl Projecr period'

With followin g i.structions:'l:llntetested candidates are hereby requested lo submit lheir Bio dara as pe' ihe prescribed

rolrnai alons wrrh self atrested *"1"" #;';;;;;'"'l-'it"nnt do"'"'"nr'.in hard copies from

29- December, /oI5 to 7' J-n-ary '?oi; '".'h;;;;A;t hol:dav) durins-oJtrce hour' in rhe o&

cMo. Kailashahar. I ndl.ori Tl iourd ^" 'ipiit'ti""*

[ ue re'eiv;d attcr 5 oo PV of ?n January'

,0E-*h.tt,l' t" ""t:iable Ior dny posrdl deLay

r:lllThose candidate has slbmitted apPlicatloo earler agaLnsi RecrLlitmen-t NorieNo No'F 1 (1)-

staif Alocaiion/ cMoT U 7zo t s aatea o Ji r'o)i':i i """a "it

*qtitta to resubmit the appiicatio''

Oualifi cation & ExPede[cesl.No Nan1e of Post

Category Remunerati

(ConsoLidatST SC UR Total

-B-".hd; ol D.nt"l Sr'rrgery from

recoP.nized Medical College /University'1 De*talSurgeon

02 0 o o2 Rs.2u,uuo/

Foli-graduate qru.lif,c a tion in com pu ter

Science or BE in ComPuter Sclence /1T / Electronics.

2 Data Managei{iDSP)


0 01 01 Rs. lU,blrJ/

0 0 01 Rs. 10,t00/3 HMIS I 0r

Assistanl(Nodal I\,1 &E


officer) for IDH/SDH I

idEiiCl,urerr or BE E'-Ltronrcs &i."r"1'"i-*r""r,r* or BE in CompLrter


Science or B Tech in 'ompdter "'Ienceor B.Sc in Computer Science or B'Sc inIT or Bachelor of Computer Applrcauonfrom affiliated & recognized illstitutionExoerience on MtS and knowlcdBe rn

ha<lware, software and net''\ork ma)

iru. or.[e!.nce , = ,::;-:: : :: :,social Worker 0(rs5rc) j

0 01 o1 Rs 12,500/- Master's Degrce rn rsyL'ruru$ a'" _'least one vear expericnce ln ulooo

Bank or Medical counselling

5. Data EntryOperatot(TSBTC)

0 o OI 01 Rs. 11,000/ Bachelor: uegree !r arr) 'ulor!'! ' -in computers sPPtlcatlon'

'n1itg speea 35_40 word Per minutew irh mi !t@q9!qrgul!pElls!!q-

6- LaboratoryTechoiciao(rsBTC)

o1 0 01 02 Rs. 10,500/-months expcrience in the testrng or

blood and its compooents': i::;: :.::,;

7. Pharmacist(Alopath) forRBSK

0 01 0 01 Rs.9,s00/' . H.S l+2 s ta.gel

from ft cognized instirution. Diploma in Pharmacy lrom recognrzeo


n1ilName of short listed eligible candidates witl be published in the. District website

{ftt;i;.;;;"4;;."i":"} ;;';r; in the website of NHM rripura (http://tripuranrhra,gov'iny'}

I" fuJU*" foi app""*"g in trre written PT eliminary Competency Assessrnent Test.

{JiltiThe date, time, venue, total marks & other details of the written Preliminary competency

Assessment ?est will t* purtiut ed in NHM website {l*tp:lltripurahtrhrn,gov,in/) in due course of


llili-lsuccessful candidate of Preliminary Comp-etency Asse""q:lt Test,.will be called for

interiew. ?tre,date, time, venue & othei ietails or tn" interview will be. published in the District

w.ebsite Ette:/,,w#:;ail;ti,;;.ii{ ""4 . also in the website of' NHM Tripura

:E*tlFinal seleetion will be done by the Interviey-BoTd for the- pq"l Tlligd for,.based.on Merit

List and maintdning iOO poi"t r"s:t"r, *hi*h will be also publishld:in NHM website oi::e :ime'

f i.:i1fne nUmber of post(s) may increase f decrease or,whole proeess may be cancelled at any

time before or after interYiew.

I[nNo TA/DA will be given for appearing in the Competency Assessment Test or interview'

m*r:?he Notice of recruitment may also be downloaded from

[hiip;ll"^{,".r.lnakoti.nic.in) and a}so in the rvebsite of NHM Tripura {http:the District website/ tripurartha,gov'in/

(District MagistrateUnakoti District.;
