Lucrative Luminary Accelerated Mentoring Program © Copyright 2013 ~ Leader to Luminary Training Inc. Lucrative Luminary 6-Figure Speaker Accelerated Mentoring Program Welcome to this module in the Lucrative Luminary Accelerated Mentoring Program. This is Callan Rush. In this module, we’ll be taking the first of seven foundational steps in the Super Script design process. Step 1 is to get very specific about WHOM you will speak to with your Education Based Presentation, or Speaking Engagement. In other words, you’re about to choose a SPECIFIC AUDIENCE -Specific Audience is most important, most misunderstood concept in marketing & business. -But CRITICAL to crafting a presentation that allows you to not only get booked, but to deeply serve the audience you are in front of. -In this module, you’ll get crystal clear on WHOM you’ll be talking to, and whom we’ll be crafting your presentation toward. -So - what is a Specific Audience? The clearly defined, select group of individuals you’ll focus on HELPING & being of service to.” -SA is a.k.a., “Target Market” or “Niche Market.” -I prefer, SPECIFIC AUDIENCE.

LL Step1 Specific Audience - Amazon S3 · 2013-05-01 · STORY: COUGAR -Choose Wisely and Specifically! GUIDELINE #3: You’ve probably figured out that I recommend you choose a specific

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Lucrative Luminary Accelerated Mentoring Program

© Copyright 2013 ~ Leader to Luminary Training Inc.

Lucrative Luminary 6-Figure Speaker Accelerated Mentoring Program

Welcome to this module in the Lucrative Luminary Accelerated Mentoring Program. This is Callan Rush. In this module, we’ll be taking the first of seven foundational steps in the Super Script design process. Step 1 is to get very specific about WHOM you will speak to with your Education Based Presentation, or Speaking Engagement. In other words, you’re about to choose a&


-Specific Audience is most important, most misunderstood concept in marketing & business.

-But CRITICAL to crafting a presentation that allows you to not only get booked, but to deeply serve the audience you are in front of.

-In this module, you’ll get crystal clear on WHOM you’ll be talking to, and whom we’ll be crafting your presentation toward.

-So - what is a Specific Audience?

“The clearly defined, select group of individuals you’ll focus on HELPING & being of service to.”

-SA is a.k.a., “Target Market” or “Niche Market.”


Lucrative Luminary Accelerated Mentoring Program

© Copyright 2013 ~ Leader to Luminary Training Inc.

-Prefer to use respectful terms for our clients and potential clients


� Potential client vs. Prospect � Participants vs. Butts in Seats � Specific Audience vs Target

-Again, I encourage you to use Specific Audience.

-Choosing a SA is about narrowing down WHOM you are going to focus your message on.

-WHO WILL YOU SPEAK TO in your marketing in general, and for our purposes, in your educational presentation?

-To choose SA powerfully, must understand concept of EGOIC LABELS -Everyone has EGOIC LABELS -In fact, each of us has several. -An Egoic Label is a way we identify ourselves. -It’s a name we call ourselves inwardly & outwardly -A term we feel comfortable referring to ourselves. -The stronger the attachment to an EGOIC LABEL, the better it is for marketing! -Some Egoic Labels are so strong – we’ll defend them! EXAMPLE: “Mother” -What would happen if I went up to a mother, and told her she wasn’t a mother??

Lucrative Luminary Accelerated Mentoring Program

© Copyright 2013 ~ Leader to Luminary Training Inc.

-Be confused at first, then mad – then indignant! EXAMPLE: “Teacher” -Pple who work in teaching profession would put their hand up and say, “Yes! I identify with that label. I am a teacher.” -When you choose a strong Egoic label to identify your Specific Audience&and you use that label in ur marketing, you will get a similar reaction. -A person will pick up ur brochure, read your ad or see the announcement for your speaking engagement and they will say, “Wow! This is a sign from God! It’s like this was written just for me!” -There are a couple of guidelines to adhere to when choosing your Egoic Labels. -Guideline #1: GOOD EGOIC LABEL is black or white. -It will evoke a clear, “Yes or No” response. -Here are some examples of good, clear, black or white Egoic Labels. GOOD Golfer Electrical Engineer Clinical Counsellor Honda Owner Mac User Teenage Girl

Lucrative Luminary Accelerated Mentoring Program

© Copyright 2013 ~ Leader to Luminary Training Inc.

In each of these example, you are either one of these.. or you are not. Here are some examples of vague, unclear, general, ineffective Egoic labels: Spiritual Seeker Person Woman Consciously aware man Shopper On the fence: Musician Athlete Are you seeing the difference? The more specific a Egoic label is, the more leverage you have. The more difficult it is to readily identify what a label means exactly, the less effective it will be in your marketing. Fuzziness or a generality to the term will make it very difficult for people to SELF SELECT and say, “I am one of those! This message must be for me! ” GUIDELINE #2 to adhere to when choosing your egoic label is to use an Egoic Label the specific audience would actually refer to themselves as.

Lucrative Luminary Accelerated Mentoring Program

© Copyright 2013 ~ Leader to Luminary Training Inc.

Just because you call them a particular Egoic label, doesn’t mean they call themselves that same label. For example, you might call someone a YUPPIE&but they might not identify with that label. -If they don’t use it to describe themselves, you can’t STORY: COUGAR -Choose Wisely and Specifically! GUIDELINE #3: You’ve probably figured out that I recommend you choose a specific audience not just for your Educational Presentations, but for all pieces of marketing. One label per piece of marketing! In the specific case of speaking engagements, one specific audience per presentation. Knowing and being clear about which group of people you are focusing on will not only help make it easier for you to FIND where these groups gather, but it will also help you persuade the person who books speakers to bring you in, and will help the members of the group feel motivated to show up for your talk as they’ll see it is tailored just for them. So often people try to list a bunch of Egoic Labels in hopes of not excluding anyone. They’ll create marketing that says things like&. “ATTENTION: Coaches, Speakers, Trainers, Authors and Entrpreneurs!”

Lucrative Luminary Accelerated Mentoring Program

© Copyright 2013 ~ Leader to Luminary Training Inc.

And all this does is confuse people and catalyze the.. Little No = Big No Response. Someone sees the list of Egoic labels and says, “Well& I am a coach, but I’m not a speaker& and I am not really a ‘trainer’& but I am an Author. Hmmm& I’m not really sure if this is for me.” Got it? -Okay. I’ve put together some examples you may use, or gain inspiration from! -If you haven’t already done so, you can pause this module now and download the ‘Sample Egoic Label PDF’ and follow along as I go through it. [pause] [Go through sheet] -You can see they are arranged by CATEGORY. -There are many more categories, and many more labels out there -This is just to get your creative juices flowing. -You may see your Specific Audience on this sheet. -If so – go ahead and use it!

Lucrative Luminary Accelerated Mentoring Program

© Copyright 2013 ~ Leader to Luminary Training Inc.








DOCTOR (Naturopath,

Pediatrician, Surgeon)








































GENDER (Use only to

modify other labels):



AGE/STAGE (Use only to

modify other labels)



Lucrative Luminary Accelerated Mentoring Program

© Copyright 2013 ~ Leader to Luminary Training Inc.

-If you have no idea at all, or are not attached to one group or another&you can use a few strategies to choose. a) Choose someone just like you.

-If you choose someone just like you, you’re giving yourself a huge advantage in terms of INTIMACY! -If they’re just like you – you will know a lot about them b/c you are just like them. -This will allow you to structure your marketing to speak in ways that will feel very intimate. b) Pick a favourite current client – and see if you can identify an Egoic Label they use.

- Use your group if you get stuck!

c) Finally, the ‘Eeeny meeny miney moe’ Method is often just as effective as labouring over a decision!

-Pick something for now! Get in the game! -We’ll refine it as the program progresses. -I also want to take a minute to handle some of the objections your brain may generate as you move into the process of choosing a narrow and specific Specific Audience. -When I ask entrepreneurs and biz owners to get narrow&to CHOOSE one Specific Audience for their marketing or their educational presentation, they often feel ANXIETY!

Lucrative Luminary Accelerated Mentoring Program

© Copyright 2013 ~ Leader to Luminary Training Inc.

-This Anxiety keeps them from choosing or getting as specific as they need to -If they do choose a SA while working with me, they’ll often go home & quickly get more general& -Don’t Do THIS!!!! -Being broad, vague, or general is Single Biggest Reason businesses struggle & FAIL!!! -You must get specific or it’s very difficult to create the success you want in your biz. -There are a few reasons people get anxious. Let’s handle these now just in case your brain generates any of these concerns. Sometimes pple think: “If I get too narrow, too specific, I am leaving Biz on the table.”

-Your brain thinks, “I’m getting little or no results by talking to everyone. -If I get narrower, I’ll get even less of a result. -Narrow is more intimate. Intimacy brings you biz. -There is a saying that goes like this&

“If you consider everyone as your potential client, you’ll have no one as your ACTUAL client.”

Lucrative Luminary Accelerated Mentoring Program

© Copyright 2013 ~ Leader to Luminary Training Inc.

-Getting SPECIFIC about WHOM you are talking makes ur marketing more magnetic because it makes it easier for you to know:

• WHERE to place ur marketing or HOW to distribute it -Off line or online? -Example: You may not choose to advertise thru email, if ur market is GRANDMA’s.

• WHAT LANGUAGE to use in ur marketing to grab attention

-Example: Would you use same language for a speaking engagement at a high school versus a seniors residence?

• WHAT TOPICS & INFO will be of interest -When you choose SA intimately, you’ll know their HOBBIES, INTERESTS, PROBLEMS are. -This allows you to talk about things in ur marketing you know they’ll be interested in. -Another reason people get anxious when I ask them to get really specific is they say, “I already have many different kinds of clients! If I get narrow, does that mean I can’t help the people I’m currently helping?”

Lucrative Luminary Accelerated Mentoring Program

© Copyright 2013 ~ Leader to Luminary Training Inc.

-Keep helping them&and you must make marketing and biz decisions moving forward that are leveraged, long term! -This means, getting specific. “If I choose, I’ll be CHAINED to this Specific Audience forever!”

“What if I choose wrong? I’m screwed.” -You are not chained. -You can modify – as long as you stay within the rules we are about to share with you. -Also – once you craft a presentation geared toward one SA, and you begin to earn revenue with it& you can always craft another presentation or modify the presentation you create in this program so it is a little more relevant for a new audience! “Why would I get narrow? I have a sincere Desire to Help Everyone!!!” -Does not matter how sincere you are. -If you try to help everyone, you will fail. Okay – here is your homework.

a) Choose a Specific Audience by a strongly held Egoic Label. We’ll be using this one egoic label and crafting our message so it is tailored to them. Please be prepared to show up to next week’s call announcing your Egoic label. I will be

Lucrative Luminary Accelerated Mentoring Program

© Copyright 2013 ~ Leader to Luminary Training Inc.

asking clarifying questions, and working with you to make sure it is the absolute best choice moving forward.

b) If you get that done and want some extra fast track

homework& you can start to brainstorm a list of places this particular type of person gathers on a regular basis.

Lucrative Luminary Accelerated Mentoring Program

© Copyright 2013 ~ Leader to Luminary Training Inc.

-Now, that you have a choice – we need to create a description for this person you want to help -To do this, you want to think of an actual, real LIVE person that fits this label. -It could be a past client. -It could be a current client -It could be someone you’d LOVE to work with. -Must be someone you know or whom you know of. -For example, our Specific Audience is WORKSHOP LEADERS -So, to do this, I’d choose an actual PERSON who fits that description.

Lucrative Luminary Accelerated Mentoring Program

© Copyright 2013 ~ Leader to Luminary Training Inc.

Example: We have a client named Shana James -I’ve CHOSEN HER as my sample person. -Once I have her name and face in mind, I write down as many details about her as I can. -Anything that’s relevant to why she’s an ideal client for us. -Here is a HANDOUT to help you brainstorm pertinent details. HANDOUT ‘Ideal Client Profile’ Template [Teach how to fill it out, let them know they can write on back as well] -After some basic info. like name, age, occupation, where she lives etc& -I might also write& -She has a viable business idea. -She’s smart, has education & experience in her content area -She’s had some success already in workshop biz -Lives in California – so can travel to our events -Has income level that supports spending on biz -Is willing to invest in education to grow her biz [pause]

Lucrative Luminary Accelerated Mentoring Program

© Copyright 2013 ~ Leader to Luminary Training Inc.

-Why is it important that I describe a sample member of my specific audience? -Intimacy! -The clearer I can get on whom I am talking to – the easier it will be for me to write marketing that feels intimate to her. -I’ll use language that appeals to her. -I’ll distribute it in places where she hangs out and will likely see it. -Got it? -Go ahead and choose a person who represents your perfect Specific Audience. -Then – write down in point form as many details as you can about them.