Seismological Research Letters, Volume 64, No. 3-4, July—December, 1993 DID (OR WILL) FLUID INJECTION CAUSE EARTHQUAKES? - CRITERIA FOR A RATIONAL ASSESSMENT Scott D. Davis* and Cliff Frohlich Institute for Geophysics University of Texas at Austin 8701 North Mopac Blvd. Austin, Texas 78759 ABSTRACT Occasionally, the injection of fluids into deep wells causes or triggers earthquake activity. We propose two lists of yes-or-no ques- tions to assess 1) whether an ongoing injection project has induced an earthquake that has already occurred; or 2) whether a proposed injec- tion project is likely to induce a nearby earthquake. The answers to these questions form a descriptive profile of the injection project that facilitates comparison with other projects. To illustrate the application of these questions, we describe the answers in detail for the first set of questions at two sites: 1) the Rocky Mountain Arsenal near Denver, Colorado, where three significant earthquakes occurred in 1967; and 2) an injection site near Painesville, Ohio, near the epicenter of an earth- quake that occurred 31 January, 1986. We also present a table of answers to these questions for several additional sites, and review other factors that may affect the potential for induced,.seisiic activity. The profiles of injection sites presented herein provide a convenient tool for deciding whether an injection site more closely resembles other sites where injection does, or does not induce earthquakes. INTRODUCTION Since 1966, when Evans (1966) established that injection of waste fluids in a deep well near Denver induced earthquakes, scientists have gen- erally agreed that injection may induce earth- quakes in tectonically favorable situations. In the interim, there have been numerous other case stu- dies where the injection of fluids into the crust apparently caused earthquakes. The primary objec- tive of this paper is to suggest criteria that we as professional seismologists can apply to assess seismic hazard from fluid injection. Also, as a resource for assessing cases of possible induced activity, we provide relevant information for 20 case studies in which investigators have suggested a connection between injection and earthquakes. Although feit earthquakes are rare in many areas, they do occur occasionally nearly every- where; indeed, the historical record contains earth- quake reports from all 50 states. The practice of fluid injection for waste disposal or petroleum recovery is also common; in some states there are thousands of injection wells. Thus when an earth- quake does occur near a site of fluid injection, it is reasonable to ask whether the injection caused or triggered it. In addition, when an injection project is proposed there may be public concern that damaging earthquakes may result. In particular, as earthquake seismologists we should be prepared to address the following ques- tions: Situation 1) If injection is ongoing and an earth- quake has occurred: Did this injection project induce the earthquake activity? Situation 2) If injection is proposed and earth- quake hazard is uncertain: Is this injection pro- ject likely to induce damaging seismic activity? In each case, there are compelling social and economic incentives for finding the best possible answers to these questions. We have assisted in the evaluation of several injection projects, both in the presence and absence of possible related seismic activity. The present paper summarizes our approach to providing reasonable answers to the questions posed above (Davis, 1985; 1989; Davis and Frohlich, 1987; 1988; Davis and Penning. ton, 1989). We first present seven questions (Table 1) for assessing whether an ongoing fluid injection pro- ject may have induced an earthquake (Situation 1 above). These questions address four factors: 1) the historical seismicity of the region, 2) the pres- ence or absence of correlation between injection *Presently at U. S. Geologcial Survey, Memphis State University/CERI, Memphis, TN 38152 207

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Seismological Research Letters, Volume 64, No. 3-4, July—December, 1993


Scott D. Davis* and Cliff Frohlich

Institute for GeophysicsUniversity of Texas at Austin

8701 North Mopac Blvd.Austin, Texas 78759


Occasionally, the injection of fluids into deep wells causes ortriggers earthquake activity. We propose two lists of yes-or-no ques-tions to assess 1) whether an ongoing injection project has induced anearthquake that has already occurred; or 2) whether a proposed injec-tion project is likely to induce a nearby earthquake. The answers tothese questions form a descriptive profile of the injection project thatfacilitates comparison with other projects. To illustrate the application ofthese questions, we describe the answers in detail for the first set ofquestions at two sites: 1) the Rocky Mountain Arsenal near Denver,Colorado, where three significant earthquakes occurred in 1967; and 2)an injection site near Painesville, Ohio, near the epicenter of an earth-quake that occurred 31 January, 1986. We also present a table ofanswers to these questions for several additional sites, and review otherfactors that may affect the potential for induced,.seisiic activity. Theprofiles of injection sites presented herein provide a convenient tool fordeciding whether an injection site more closely resembles other siteswhere injection does, or does not induce earthquakes.

INTRODUCTIONSince 1966, when Evans (1966) established that

injection of waste fluids in a deep well nearDenver induced earthquakes, scientists have gen-erally agreed that injection may induce earth-quakes in tectonically favorable situations. In theinterim, there have been numerous other case stu-dies where the injection of fluids into the crustapparently caused earthquakes. The primary objec-tive of this paper is to suggest criteria that we asprofessional seismologists can apply to assessseismic hazard from fluid injection. Also, as aresource for assessing cases of possible inducedactivity, we provide relevant information for 20case studies in which investigators have suggesteda connection between injection and earthquakes.

Although feit earthquakes are rare in manyareas, they do occur occasionally nearly every-where; indeed, the historical record contains earth-quake reports from all 50 states. The practice offluid injection for waste disposal or petroleumrecovery is also common; in some states there arethousands of injection wells. Thus when an earth-quake does occur near a site of fluid injection, it isreasonable to ask whether the injection caused ortriggered it. In addition, when an injection projectis proposed there may be public concern thatdamaging earthquakes may result.

In particular, as earthquake seismologists weshould be prepared to address the following ques-tions:

Situation 1) If injection is ongoing and an earth-quake has occurred: Did this injection projectinduce the earthquake activity?

Situation 2) If injection is proposed and earth-quake hazard is uncertain: Is this injection pro-ject likely to induce damaging seismic activity?

In each case, there are compelling social andeconomic incentives for finding the best possibleanswers to these questions. We have assisted inthe evaluation of several injection projects, both inthe presence and absence of possible relatedseismic activity. The present paper summarizesour approach to providing reasonable answers tothe questions posed above (Davis, 1985; 1989;Davis and Frohlich, 1987; 1988; Davis and Penning.ton, 1989).

We first present seven questions (Table 1) forassessing whether an ongoing fluid injection pro-ject may have induced an earthquake (Situation 1above). These questions address four factors: 1)the historical seismicity of the region, 2) the pres-ence or absence of correlation between injection

*Presently at U. S. Geologcial Survey, Memphis State University/CERI,Memphis, TN 38152 207

Davis and Frohlich

and seismic activity, 3) the geographical and geo-logical relationship between the sites of injectionand seismic activity, and 4) the expected effect offluid injection on the stress regime at the injectionsites. We have phrased these questions so that a"yes" answer supports injection as the cause of theearthquake, while a "no" answer suggests thatinjection is not the cause.

We then answer these seven questions for 20earthquake sequences (Tables 2 and 3), including afictional account of seismicity induced by injectiondown a deep well near Boston, Massachusetts(Franzen, 1992). Many of these earthquakesequences are clearly induced by injection, whilefor other sequences the causal relationshipbetween injection and earthquakes is less dear. Toillustrate the use of these questions we givedetailed justifications for our yes-or-no answers attwo injection sites: Denver, Colorado, and Paines-ville, Ohio. Although the individual yes-or-noquestions may be somewhat subjective, we wouldargue that the cumulative effect of the entire seriesprovides a basis for an informed judgement aboutthe relation of the earthquakes to the injection.While there is no specific number of "yes" answerswhich constitutes proof that injection caused anearthquake sequence, generally more "yes"answers make it more likely that injection is

responsible. Our practical result is that in everycase we studied where five or more of the ques-tions had "yes" answers, most professionalseismologists would condude that injectioninduced the earthquake sequence (Table 2).

Finally, we present a second list of ten ques-tions (Table 4) that evaluate whether a proposedinjection project is likely to induce an earthquake(Situation 2 above). From the proffie developedabove, we condude that prior to injection, Denverwould have received four "yes" answers to thesequestions. To further illustrate the method, wegive answers for two other sites: Tracy, Quebec,and Texas City, Texas.

At present it is impossible to predict theeffects of injection with absolute certainty. Thisuncertainty arises both because the underlyingphysical mechanisms of earthquakes are poorlyunderstood, and because in nearly every specificsituation there is inadequate or incomplete infor-mation about regional stresses, fluid migration,historical seismicity, etc. Clearly, a series of sevenor ten , yes-or-no questions oversimplifies many ofthese 'issues. Thus, these profiles should not beused as an absolute predictor of whether fluidinjection at a particular site will induce earth-quakes. Rather, they provide a means for compar-ing specific injection projects with others that have

Table 1Seven Questions Forming a Profile of a Seismic Sequence

Earthquakes Earthquakes I IIQuestion Clearly NOt Clearly Denver, Painesville

Induced Induced Colorado Ohio

Background Seismicity

1 Are these events the first known earthquakes NO YES YES NOof this character in the region?

Temporal Correlation

2 Is there a dear correlation between injection NO YES YES NOand seismicity

Spatial Correlation

3a Are epicenters near wells (within 5 km)? NO YES YES YES?

3b Do some earthquakes occur at or near NO YES YES YES?injection depths?

3c If not, are there known geologic NO YES NO? NO?structures that may channel flowto sites of earthquakes?

Injection Practices

4a Are changes in fluid pressure at well bottoms NO YES YES YESsufficient to encourage seismicity?

4b Are changes in fluid pressure at hypocentral NO YES YES? NO?locations sufficient to encourage seismicity?



Fluid Injection and Earthquakes - Criteria for Assessment

Table 2Locations of Possible Injection-Induced Earthquakes Examined

SITE Maximum Datel Injection Foca12 Surface3 YES4Magnitude Depth (km) Mech Pres. (bars) Answers


Denver RMA, Colorado 5.3-5.5 08 / 67 3.7 N / SS? ? 6

El Dorado, Arkansas 3.0 12 / 83 2.2 ? 20- 60 7

Painesville, Ohio 5.0 01/86 1.8 SS 110 3

Peabody, Massachusetts5 6.1 06 / 92 7.6 ? TH ? (3)


Ashtabula County, Ohio 3.6 07 / 87 1.8 SS 100 5

Cogdell Oil Field, Texas 4.6 06 / 78 2.1 N 184 5

The Geysers, California 4.0 ? 09 / 92 1.7 - 2.5 N / SS 0 6

Gobles Oil Field, Ontario 3+ 08 / 81 0.9 N / TH ? (2)

Los Angeles Basin, California 3.2 05171 0.9 -1.5 N? ? (2)

Rangely, Colorado 3.4 08 / 64 1.7 SS 72 6

Sleepy Hollow, Nebraska 2.9 07 / 79 1.1 - 1.2 ? 50 (3)


Beowawe, New Mexico -1 08 / 83 1.3 ? - 100 (4)

Dale, New York 0.8 11 / 73 0.4 TH 129 7


Baca, New Mexico -2 05 / 82 1.7 ? ? 6

Fenton 1-111, New Mexico -2 12 / 836 2.7 - 3.5 N / LP 45- 50 6

Matsushiro, Japan 2.8 01 170 1.8 SS 50 (3)

Orcutt Oil Field, California 3.5 01 / 91 0.1 - 0.3 TH 80 7

Puhagan field, Philippines 2.4 05183 1 N < 10 6

Soultz-Sous-Forets, France ? 12 / 88 2.0 ? 82 6

Wairakei, New Zealand 3.0 06 / 84 1.3 SS? 20-30 (4)

1Date of the largest event or injection experiment.2Focal Mech is the focal mechanism: LP = Long Period Tensile Events, N = Normal,SS=Strike-Slip, TH = Thrust, ? = Unknown or not available.3Surface Pres is a typical surface injection pressure (bars) for that site.4YES Answers denotes number of criteria questions answered "Yes" in Table 3; parentheses'indicate 3 or more questions were unanswered, or 5 or more questions were uncertain or

unanswered.5 fictional account6 one of several injection periods

or have not induced earthquakes.However, we make no apologies for our

approach. In our experience these yes-or-no pro-files do provide a convenient way of applyingcurrent scientific knowledge to these problems andcommunicating this information to the public.Moreover, our description of how we arrived atthe profiles for sites in Colorado, Quebec, Ohio,and Texas provides examples of many of the diffi-culties one may encounter when assessing injec-tion sites.

In some cases, it may be useful to make a dis-tinction between earthquakes as either "triggered"or "induced", depending on what fraction ofenergy released in the earthquake was createdartificially. Using the terminology of McGarr(1991), "triggered" earthquakes would indudecases where most of the energy accumulated

naturally by geologic forces, whereas "induced"earthquakes would only indude those in whichmost of the energy release could be directly relatedto man-made sources. However, the magnitudesof in situ principal stresses are often poorly known(Zoback and Zoback, 1980); thus in practice thisdistinction is not always clear. Consequently, inthis report we use the term "induced" to includeboth "triggered" and "induced" earthquakes.

Several recent studies also describe earth-quakes caused by the withdrawal of fluids (Pen-nington et al., 1986; Segall, 1989; Grasso and Wit-tlinger, 1990; Doser et al., 1991). However, in thispaper we will not discuss the effects of productionor withdrawal on seismic activity, as our focus isthe evaluation of seismic hazard from fluid injec-tion.


Davis and Frohlich

SITUATION 1: DID INJECTION having estimated magnitudes of 5 and aboveINDUCE EARTHQUAKES? (Healy et al., 1968).

Seven Questions - contrast, we also discuss our answers for a

In this section we discuss seven questions squence or eartnquakes that occurred in 1986 near

(Table 1) that address the four factors mentioned Painesville, Ohio. This sequence included an

above concerning the relationship between an mb=5.0 event within 17 km of a nuclear power

earthquake and ongoing injection activity. We plant. While some (Ahmad and Smith, 1988) have

have phrased these questions so that the answers suggested that injection at three waste disposal

will be "yes" for earthquakes dearly induced by wells may have triggered the earthquakes, other

injection, and "no" for an earthquake apparently studies have favored a natural, tectonic origin for

unrelated to fluid injection. In many instances, the seismicity (Nicholson et al., 1988; Talwani and

the case for a particular "yes" or "no" answer is Acree, 1986; Wesson and Nicholson, 1986).uncertain because of incomplete or conflicting Question 1 (Background Seismicity): Are these eventsinformation, and we denote these less certain the first known earthquakes of this character in theanswers with question marks -- "yes?" or "no?". region?

To illustrate the application of these questions, Clearly, if earthquakes occur regularly in thewe discuss how we arríved at the answers for the target region, the occurrence of an earthquakeearthquake sequence that occurred at the Rocky sequence near an injection well is not strong evi-Mountain Arsenal near Denver, Colorado (Healy et dence for a causal relationship unless the characteral., 1968; Hsieh and Bredehoeft, 1981). In 1961, of the earthquake is unusual. In Denver, therethe Army Corps of Engineers drilled a well to a may have been occasional very small earthquakes,depth of 3671 m into crystalline Precambrian base- and a possible larger earthquake occurring in 1882ment; injection for waste disposal began in 1962. (Coff`man et al., 1982); however, the sequenceBeginning in 1962, a series of earthquakes occurred beginning in 1962 was dearly anomalous in thatnear the well, with the three largest earthquakes the events were so numerous, and so widely feit.

Table 3Yes-and-no profiles (as described in Table 1) for the 20 sites

of possible injection induced seismicity listed in Table 2.

1 2 3a 3b 3c 4a 4bSite

Historical Temporal EarthquakeEarthquake Geologie Pressures PressuresEarthquakesCorrelationEpicenters Depths Structures (Well) (Hypocenters)


Denver RMA, Colorado YES YES YES YES NO? YES YES?El Dorado, Arkansas YES YES? YES YES YES YES? YES?Painesville, Ohio NO NO YES? YES? NO? YES NO?Peabody, Massachusetts NO? NO? YES? YES? YES? ? ?


Ashtabula County, Ohio YES NO? YES YES NO? YES YESCogdell Oil Field, Texas YES NO YES YES - YES YESThe Geysers, California NO YES YES YES YES YES? YES?Gobles Oil Field, Ontario ? NO YES YES NO ? ?

Los Angeles, California NO NO? YES NO YES? ? ?

Rangely, Colorado ? YES YES YES YES YES YESSleepy Hollow, Nebraska ? NO? YES YES YES? ? ?


Beowawe, New Mexico ? YES? YES YES YES ? ?



Baca, New Mexico ? YFS YES YES YES YES? YES?Fenton Hill, New Mexico ? YES YES YES YES? YES YESMatsushiro, Japan NO NO? YES YES YES NO? NO?Orcutt 011 Field, California YES YES? YES YES YES YES? YES?Fuhagan field, Phuippines YES? YES? YES YES YES YES? NO?Soultz-Sous-Forets, France ? YES YES YES YES YES? YES?Wairakei, New Zealand NO? YES? YES ? YES YES? ?


Fluid Injection and Earthquakes - Criteria for Assessment

Table 4Criteria to Determine if Injection May Cause Seismicity



CLEAR Texas TracyRISK City, Quebec




Background Seismicity

la Are large earthquakes (M ? 5.5) known NO YES NO YES YESin the region (within several hundred km)?

ib Are earthquakes known near the injection NO YES NO YES NO?site (within 20 km)

ic is rate of activity near the injection NO YES NO NO NOsite (within 20 kin ) high?

Local Geology

2a Are faults mapped within 20 kin of the site? NO YES YES YES NO?2b If so, are these faults known to be active? NO YES NO NO NO2c Is the site near (within several hundred NO YES NO? YES YES

lan of) tectonically active features?

State of Stress

3 Do stress measurements in the region NO YES NO NO? YES1suggest rock is close to failure?

Injection Practices

4a Are (proposed) injection practices NO YES NO? YES YES1sufficient for failure?

4b If injection has been ongoing at the NO YES NO N.A. N.A.site, is injection correlated withthe occurrence of earthquakes?

4c Are nearby injection wells associated NO YES NO N.A. N.A.with earthquakes?

TOTAL "YES" ANSWERS 0 10 1 5 4

'Assumes stress measurements completed prior to survey

This was dearly the first documented sequence ofthis character for the region. [Answer: DENVER =YES]

In Ohio, the historical record shows that earth-quakes having Mercalli Intensity IV or V were feitin northwestern Ohio in 1906, 1928, 1943, and 1958(Coffman et al., 1982). The 1943 event, with inten-sity V, has been relocated near the epicenter of the1986 event (Dewey and Gordon, 1984), and had acomparable magnitude. These data suggest thatsimilarly feit earthquakes occur approximatelyevery twenty years in this region, and thus theoccurrence of an intensity VI event in 1986 is notin and of itself unusual. [Answer: OHIO = NO]

Question 2 (Temporal Correlation): Is there a clearcorrelation between the time of injection and the times ofseismic acitivity?

Even if we lacked a clear scientific understand-ing of the processes causing earthquakes, mostpeople would be convinced of a causal relationshipif the seismicity "turned on" when injection beganand "turned off" when injection stopped. InDenver, scientists were able to establish a dearrelationship between the volume of injection andthe number of seismic events, with a time lag ofabout ten days (Healy et al., 1968). More recently,

Hsieh and Bredehoeft (1981) were able to explainthe spatial and temporal extent of seismic activityin Denver in terms of the flow of fluids along apermeable semi-infinite rectangular region whichapproximately contained the activity. Earthquakesoccurred when fluid pressures in the model hadincreased approximately 32 bars or more abovehydrostatic. [Answer: DENVER = YES]

In Ohio, injection had been ongoing for about15 years before the recent sequence of earthquakesbegan. As feit earthquakes have occurred approxi-mately every 20 years in this area, we cannoteasily attribute the 1986 event to the onset of injec-tion. [Answer: OHIO = NO]

Question 3a (Spatial Correlation): Are epicenters nearthe wells?

It is more plausible that deep well injectiontriggers earthquakes if we can establish that theinjection would cause fluid pressure increases athypocentral distances. In Denver, most of the epi-centers were within 8 km of the well, and severalwere within 2 km. The average distance wasabout 4 km. There was also an apparent migrationof activity away from the well as time passed.[Answer: DENVER = YES].


Davis and Frohlich

In Ohio, two small earthquakes in 1983 (mag-nitudes 2.5 and 2.7) had reported epicenters within5 km of one of the injection wells; however, theselocations are uncertain (Nicholson et al., 1988).The maanshock on 31 January 1986 and all but oneof its immediate aftershocks occurred at distancesof about 10 to 15 km from the well. The singleexception was an aftershock with magnitude -0.2which occurred on 12 March 1986 about 3 km fromthe well. Between April 1986 and April 1987,several small (magnitude 1.0 or less) earthquakeswere located near one of the injection wells (seeaddendum in Nicholson et al., 1988). Apart fromthese events, which may not have been detected ifthe network had not been installed due to the 31January 1986 event, the aftershocks seem too dis-tant to have been affected by fluid injection if thefluids behave as expected for radial fluid flowmodels. Nevertheless, we assign a tentative

answer as some earthquakes do occur nearthe injection site, although it is not dear if theseearthquakes are related to the magnitude 5.0 earth-quake. [Answer: OHIO = YES?]Question 3b (Spatial Correlation): Do some earthquakesoccur af depths comparable to the depth of injection?

Induced earthquakes would be most likely tooccur close to the injection well or nearby at simi-lar depths if the injectate flows along approxi-mately horizontal strata. In Denver, earthquakesdid occur near the injection depth, although someoccurred at shallower depths and some occurredup to about 3.3 km deeper than the well.[Answer: DENVER = YES]

In Ohio, the majority of aftershocks occurredin the vicinity of the hypocenter of the 31 January1986 earthquake, with depths about 3 km deeperthan the injection point. However, several smallearthquakes were also subsequently located nearthe injection well, and at depths of 2 km or less.Although it is not dear if there is a connectionbetween the two sets of earthquakes, we assign atentative "yes?" on the basis of these shallowevents. [Answer: OHIO = YES?]Question 3c (Local Geology): If some earthquakes occuraway from welas, are there known geologic structuresthat may channel fluid flow to the sites of the earth-quakes?

Fluid pressure might affect activity at consider-ably greater distances if there are geological struc-tures that channel pressure increases toward thehypocentral region, making a radial flow modelinappropriate. At Denver no such structure hasbeen mapped, although some investigators havepostulated the existence of a fault or fracture sys-tem on the basis of earthquake focal mechanisms,hypocentral locations, and fractures observed inwell cores and in neighboring rocks (Hsieh andBredehoeft, 1981). A seismic reflection survey

reported several minor faults with displacementless than 30 meters in the epicentral region (Healyet al., 1968), although the narest well-mappedfaults are over 30 km to the northwest (Hsieh andBredehoeft, 1981). [Answer: DENVER = NO?]

In Ohio, there are no known structures thatshould channel fluid flow in either the Precam-brian basement or in the overlying Paleozoic strata.Ahmad and Smith (1988) propose the existence ofa fault zone on a weak linear trend in the aft-ershock locations, an observed magnetic anomaly,the isoseismal pattern of the 31 January earth-quake, and slight variations in basementtopography. However, Roeloffs et al. (1989) findno evidence for anisotropic permeability in theirhydrologic modelling. As the contact between thePrecambrian and the Paleozoic strata is very nearlyhorizontal and there are no mapped faults in thisregion, we assign a tentative "no?". [Answer:OHIO = NO?]

Question 4a (Injection Practices): Are changes in fluidpressure sufficient to encourage seismic or aseismicfailure at the bottom of the well?

Clearly, for any reasonable hydrologicalmodel, the largest pressure increases will occur inclose proximity to the well bottom. If well bottompressures are insufficient to induce failure, it isunlikely that the lower fluid pressures found athypocentral distances will induce earthquakes.The Mohr-Coulomb model is the most commonmethod for evaluating shear failure induced byincreases in pore fluid pressure (e.g. Davis andPennington, 1989; Nicholson and Wesson, 1990).According to the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion,the critical shear stress tm= needed to cause slip ona fault is related to the normal stress v n across thefault, the fluid pressure p, the coefficient of fric-tion µf , and the inherent shear strength To of therock by the equation:

Tact = To+ µf (un -p)This criterion appears as a straight line on a Mohrcircle diagram (Figure 1), and the crustal state ofstress can be described as a cirde that intersectsthe normal stress axis at (v l-p) and (v3-p ), wherev 2 and v3 are the maximum and minimum princi-pal stresses, respectively (Hubbert and Rubey,1959). Thus, an increase in fluid pressure has theeffect of shifting the Mohr cirde to the left, ordoser to failure.

In both Denver (Healy et al., 1968) and Ohio(Nicholson et al., 1988), calculations that utilize theavailable estimates of tectonic deviatoric stresses,the known or probably injection pressures, and theMohr-Coulomb failure law, suggest that it is plau-sible that failure would occur near the bottom ofthe injection well. [Answer: DENVER = YES,OHIO = YES]


Fluid Injection and Earthquakes - Criteria for Assessment

Question 4b (Injection Practices): Are changes in fluidpressure sufficient to encourage seismic or aseismicfailure at the hypocentral locations?

In order to determine if fluid pressures at thelocations and depths where earthquakes occur aresufficient for failure, it is usually necessary to per-form some kind of hydrologie modelling. Becausethe geologie settings at different injection sites areso varied, no single hydrologic model will beappropriate for every case study. Nicholson et al.(1988) present a detailed account of fluid pressurecalculations for the Painsevifie, Ohio site, and com-pare results for two models: one for an infinite,isotropic reservoir; and one for a reservoir of infin-ite length but finite rectangular cross section.

In both Denver and Ohio, hydrologic calcula-tions suggest that if the fluid flows in a radial pat-tern the change in pressures would be too small toinduce seismic activity. However, in both cases itwas possible to achieve a sufficient increase inpressure at the hypocenter if fluid flow was con-fined to a favorably oriented zone of rectangularcross sectional area, in approximate coincidencewith the zone of earthquake activity. For Denver,a reservoir of 3.35 km width, based on earthquakelocations and on long term declines in fluid levels,was sufficient to explain the observed seismicity(Hsieh and Bredehoeft, 1981). For Ohio, the calcu-lations only achieved large pressure increases ifflow was confined to a narrow strip approximately1 km wide; however, the observed well responsewas more consistent with radial flow (Nicholson etal., 1988). [Answer: DENVER = YES?, OHIONO?]

Profile of Induced Seismic ActivityWe now apply the above seven questions to 20

seismic sequences which are possibly related towell injection (Tables 2 and 3). Our purpose is toobtain a profile of induced seismic activity asmeasured by these questions. To answer thesequestions we thoroughly evaluated the availablepublished literature concerning these sequences(see Appendix).

Of the 20 sequences considered, profiles fortwelve sites (Ashtabula, Baca, Cogdell, Dale,Denver, El Dorado, Fenton Hifi, The Geysers,Orcutt, Puhagan, Rangely, and Soultz-Sous-Forets)have five or more "yes" answers. We concludethat there is strong evidence that these sequencesare related to the injection process. At two othersites (Beowawe and Wairakei), there were four"yes" answers, suggesting a link between injectionand seismicity, although incomplete or conflictingevidence makes the relation somewhat more ambi-guous.

For the remaining seven sequences, we foundthree or fewer "yes" answers. In many of thesecases the only strong evidence favoring an

injection-induced cause is that earthquakesoccurred near injection wells. Thus the presentlyavailable data do not encourage us to condudethat these sequences are induced by injection.

Several of the answers listed in Table 3 areopen to some interpretation. For example, atMatsushiro, Ohtake (1974) reports a correlationbetween the timing of activity and injection as wellas an apparent migration of activity away from thewell following injection. However, we have care-fully read Ohtake's paper, and we feel the correla-tion between injection and seismic activity is notnearly so clear as he reported (see Appendix).Thus, with only three "yes" answers, we concludethat it is questionable whether the Matsushiroevents are induced by injection.

In several cases, incomplete informationprevents us from answering one or more of thequestions, and thus the relationship between injec-tion and seismicity remains inconclusive. Forexample, we assigned only three "yes" answers forthe fictional account by Franzen (1992). However,no injection data (volume or pressures) were avail-able in that account, although it seems probablefrom the novel that injection volumes were sub-stantial. If a study of the injection showed it to besufficient to cause failure, the additional "yes"answers for questions 4a and 4b would produce aprofile suggesting the earthquakes were induced.

Finally, we note that any profile is open torevision if new information or evidence bedomesávailable. For example, a profile of the Painesvillesite made shortly after the 31 January 1986 earth-quake (Frohlich and Davis, 1987) contained 6 "no"answers and only one "yes" answer, with the sole"yes" answer given because well-bottom pressureswere high enough to cause failure (question 4a).During the following year, however, several small(magnitude 1.0 or less) earthquakes were locatedin the vicinity of the injection well, making astronger (but still inconclusive) case for relating theearthquakes to injection.


Ten QuestionsIn this section we present ten questions (Table

4) which concern whether a proposed injectionproject may induce damaging earthquake activity.The questions in Table 4 are similar to those inTable 1 in that they again evaluate four factorsrelated to possible earthquake hazard: historicalbackground seismicity, local geology, the regionalstate of stress, "and the nature of the proposedinjection. However, the focus of these questions issomewhat different. In the first case (Table 1), anearthquake has already occurred, and the questionto be evaluated is whether or not the earthquake


Davis and Frohlich

was caused by injection. In the second case (Table4), the problem is trying to evaluate the potentialfor future, damaging earthquakes at a specificinjection site.

To illustrate the application of these questions,we discuss results for two proposed or ongoinginjection sites we have previously evaluated(Frohlich and Davis, 1988, 1990): a proposed injec-tion project near Tracy, Quebec, and an injectionwell near Texas City on the Texas Gulf Coast. Asbefore, "yes" answers support the hypothesis thatinjection may induce seismic activity while "no"answers oppose this hypothesis.

As a further illustration, we also present theprofile for the Denver Rocky Mountain Arsenalproject as if injection had not yet taken placethere. This allows us to "test" the criteria at a sitewhere seismologists generally agree that injectionhas induced earthquakes. We chose the Denversite as it is the most well-known case study ofinjection induced earthquakes.

Using our ten-question profile (Table 4), wefind only one "yes" answer for the Texas City site:there are known faults within 20 km of the injec-tion site. However, the faults appear to becurrently inactive, and in view of the lack of localand regional seismicity, the low deviatoric stressesin the Gulf Coast, and the lack of seismicity associ-ated with nearby injection projects, we would findthe Texas City site an unlikely candidate for largeinduced earthquakes.

In contrast, we find four "yes" answers at theDenver site. We could not answer two of thequestions with the available data, and we assigned"no" answers to the other four questions. How-ever, the presence of large regional earthquakes,nearby active tectonic features, and an in situstress state near failure suggest that Denver mightbe a reasonable candidate for injection inducedearthquakes. In this hypothetical evaluation, notethat several of the questions receive "no" answersbecause we are presuming that our assessmenttakes place prior to injection. In actuality, if onewere to propose injection at a site near Denvertoday, the existence of the earthquake activitybetween 1962 and 1972 would alter the profile, andthere would be six or more "yes" answers.

At the Tracy, Quebec site we find Live "yes"answers. This site lies within several hundred kmof the Charlevoix seismic zone, the site of severallarge (M ? 6) historical earthquakes. Moderateseismicity occurs near Tracy itself (Wahlstrom,1987). This area overlies a failed rift arm; suchstructures represent planes of weakness in thecrust and are often associated with large, damag-ing earthquakes (Sykes, 1978; Keller at al., 1983;Johnston and Shedlock, 1992). While calculationsof the in situ stress from hydrofracture do not sug-

gest that rocks at the proposed depth of injectionare naturally close to failure, bottom hole pres-sures following injection would place the rock at ornear failure (Frohlich and Davis, 1988). We wouldthus condude that the situation is more similar toDenver than the Texas Gulf Coast.

OTHER CONSIDERATIONSThe yes-and-no profiles described above, in

conjunction with the Mohr-Coulomb failure model(Figure 1), provide a useful way to evaluate thepossible seismic hazard at injection sites. In partic-ular, it allows one to make comparisons to othersites, and to communicate these comparisons tonon-seismologists. However, to effectively evalu-ate a site one must consider the possibility thatrock failure will occur aseismically, and determinethe faulting characteristics expected for possible"worst-case" earthquakes that might be induced.

Rock Failure Without Earthquakes

When stress analyses suggest that rock failureis likely, this does not necessarily indicate thatearthquakes will occur. There is considerable evi-dence that rocks can, and do, fail aseismically, asby stable sliding. For example, Byerlee and Brace(1972) and Lockner et al. (1982) found in thelaboratory that there was a transition from stick-slip (earthquake-like) behavior to stable slidingbehavior as pore pressures increased. Indeed, insome oil and gas fields near San Antonio, Texas,Pennington et al. (1986) conduded that small (M ^3.9) earthquakes began to occur only whenambient pore pressures decreased due to fluidwithdrawal. They suggested that a transition fromaseismic to seismic behavior, caused by decreasedfluid pressures from oil and gas production, mayhave played a role in the timing and location ofthe earthquakes. In California, networks of"creepmeters" document that aseismic motionoccurs along sections of the San Andreas Fault(Louie et al., 1985; Schulz et al., 1982). Thesecreep events last hours to days, accommodatingfault slip a few mm at a time, and can occur in thecomplete absence of earthquakes.

Elsewhere there are thousands of injectionwells in regions where no earthquakes are knownto occur, but where an analysis of injection pres-sures and probable principal stresses suggests thatrock failure occurs. Davis (1989) and Davis andPennington (1989) analyzed Railroad Commissiondata summarizing injection activity from 2420injection projects in Texas. For these projects, theMohr-Coulomb model predicted rock failure atwell bottoms for somewhere between 5% and 36%of the sites that inject under pressure, dependingon the failure criteria used (Figure 2). However,earthquakes were only dearly identified with oneproject, the Cogdell Oil field near Snyder, Texas.No earthquakes are known at numerous other sites


Fluid Injection and Earthquakes - Criteria for Assessment

Fig. 1. Mohr cirde diagram showing inferred state of stress at the bot-tom of the injection wells (1.8 km depth) for the Painesville, Ohiosite, from Nicholson et al. (1988). Each point cA, the perimeter ofa Mohr cirde represents the stress field for ' fault plane of a par-ticular orientation; v is the normai stress across the plane, whileT is the shear stress along the plane. The two lines indicatefailure criteria for Mohr-Coulomb failure (see text); failure occursif the Mohr's cirde intersects (or lies to the left of) the failure line.The cirde at the right indicates in-situ stresses (typicallyestimated from the inferred overburden pressure, hydrofracturemeasurements, and other stress indicators such as earthquakefocal mechanisms) in the absence of fluid pressure. In the centerMohr's cirde, the principal stresses have been shifted to the leftby the hydrostatic fluid pressure in accordance with the effectivestress law. The leftroost cirde indicates stresses at the well bot-tom during injection (fluid pressure = hydrostatie + surface injec-tion pressure). The fact that the cirde intersects both lines indi-cates that pressures at the well bottom are not only sufficient forfailure if pre-existing faults with zero strength exist (failure line atright), but are sufficient to cause failure even in intact rock with ashear strength of 40 bars (failure line at left).

in Texas, even where injection pressures exceedthe Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion.

Earthquake Magnitudes and Fault CharacteristicsEven at sites where earthquakes are known to

occur, the earthquakes may be of such small mag-nitude as to make the possibility of damageunlikely. For example, profiles for the Baca andFenton Hills sites (Tables 2 and 3) strongly indicatethe earthquakes are related to injection. However,all of the earthquakes observed have been small(approximate magnitude -2 or less) and would beunlikely to produce damage. Although one cannotrule out the possibility of larger earthquakes occur-ring at these sites, the presently available evidencesuggests that the induced seismicity is limited tosmall, non-damaging earthquakes.

Two useful parameters for describing the phy-sical nature of earthquakes are the fault area A ofthe rupture and the slip S that takes place overthis area as the earthquake occurs. Suppose aninjection project induces an earthquake with mag-nitude M. Does the associated fault area and slippose a hazard? The generally accepted method forevaluating the slip and fault area involves analysisof seismic moment, M 0, of an earthquake:

M c = µAS

where µ is the rigidity of crustal rocks (approxi-mately 3 x 1011 dyne/cm2). The most commonlyused relationship (Hanks and Kanamori, 1979)between moment magnitude M and seismicmoment M0 is:





Davis and Frohlich

log10M o = 1.5M + 16.05

Empirical studies (Abe, 1978; Kanamori andAnderson, 1975) of the relationship between faultdimension R and fault slip S find that S - 10 -4 R.If R is the radius of a circular fault, then combin-ing the above equations we obtain the relationshipbetween fault dimension R (in meters), fault slip S(in mm) and moment magnitude M as:

log10R (meters) = 0.5M + 0.7

log10S (mm) = 0.5M — 0.3

Thus for earthquakes with magnitudes Mbetween 0 and 2, we would expect fault dimen-sions of 5 to 50 meters, and slips of 0.5 to 5 mm.However, for an earthquake with magnitude of

5.0, similar to the largest of those earthquakes inthe Denver sequence, R and S would be 1.6 kmand 16 cm, respectively.

Whether the faulting associated with an earth-quake poses a hazard depends on the situation.For example, an earthquake with magnitude 2would be unlikely to pose a risk to any man-madestructure, while even aseismic failure in an areawith considerable preexisting faulting might allowchemical wastes to enter a nearby aquifer. How-ever, seismologists are usually asked only to evalu-ate the characteristics of past or possible futureseismic activity, and other experts must decidewhether these conditions represent a significantrisk.

Fig. 2. Injection pressure versus depth for 2420 projects in the state ofTexas which inject water under pressure at depths of 0 to 3.5 km.The two lines represent failure curves with different assumptionsabout deviatoric stresses, friction, and rock shear strength (seeDavis and Pennington, 1989 for details). In each case, failure isestimated for conditions at the well bottoms; we correct these tosurface injection pressures as recorded by the state of Texas (Rail-road Commission of Texas, 1983). Projects which plot above thelines should be in failure at well bottom conditions. The solidline is a typical failure curve, whereas the dashed line is anextremely conservative failure curve (high friction and low devia-toric stresses). 877 projects lie above the typical failure line, and112 projects should be in failure even by the conservative failurelaw. Nevertheless, induced earthquakes are only unambiguouslyassociated with the Cogdell Oil Field (open cirde).




Fluid Injection and Earthquakes - Criteria for Assessment


Liability and Public Concern

While there are thousands of injection pro-jects, there is surprisingly little available informa-tion about the effects of these projects on seismicactivity. In places such as Ohio and Quebec, thefact that fluid injection might affect seismic activityhas only recently become a factor in obtaining per-mits for injection projects. While this has createdan inducement for companies to study seismicityprior to a proposed injection project, after injectionbegins the recording of any earthquake, no matterhow small or how distant, can only add expenseor delay to the project. Often, individuals andgroups in the community may oppose the injec-tion, because of either real or misguided environ-mental concerns, or simply because the develop-ment is not in their interest. Thus after injectionbegins there is little inducement for a company tooperate a seismic network or publicize recordedactivity.

However, these companies may be held liablefor any resulting damage or interference frominduced earthquakes under the legal concepts ofstrict liability, negligence, and/or nuisance (Cypserand Davis, 1993). Evaluation of the potential forinjection-induced earthquakes (e.g. Frohlich andDavis, 1988; 1990; Nicholson and Wesson, 1990)can help companies avoid the possibility of costlylawsuits and the adverse publicity which wouldaccompany induced seismic activity. In addition,it is economically more efficient to determine thepotential for induced seismicity in the early stagesof a project rather than dealing with the conse-quences of induced earthquakes, induding thepossibility of abandoning the site, after injectionbegins.

As previously mentioned, there may be caseswhere one can make a distinction between"induced" and "triggered" earthquakes, in whichthe energy release from "triggered" earthquakesprimarily resulted from stresses built up over timeby natural tectonic processes (McGarr, 1991). Onemight be tempted to argue that "triggered" earth-quakes would not be a cause for legal concern, asthe triggering mechanism (e.g., injection) has onlyhastened the release of tectonic energy, and theearthquakes would have happened anyway. How-ever, a study on liability for induced earthquakes(Cypser and Davis, in preparation) shows that thisargument does not hold. Rather, it is possible thathuman intervention could release energy thatmight have remained stored in the crust for centu-ries (Allen, 1982). Further, one could argue thatsuch perturbations might influence the character ofseismicity, perhaps creating earthquakes of largermagnitude than would have occurred naturally

(Pennington et al., 1986). There are reasons tofind legal causation even in the case where thetriggering process merely hastened the release ofstored energy, and the inducer would still be heldliable for any resulting damage (Cypser and Davis,1993).

While the potential for a damaging earthquakeis often real, in some situations the threat of dam-age may be as costly to society as any damagefrom the earthquake itself. For example, thesesocietal costs may be in the form of lawsuits, orthey may arise from public concern over seismichazard in situations where the possibility ofdamage from induced earthquakes is remote. Theapplication of the criteria presented in this papermay help provide a framework for determiningwhen such concern is warranted.

Other Characteristics of Induced Earthquakes

It is possible that there exist other characteris-tics that are diagnostic of induced seismic activityin addition to the characteristics addressed inTables 1 and 4. In Table 2 we have compiled addi-tional information about each of the 20 sequencesstudied. These , 'data show that the induced earth-quakes have either strike-slip, thrust, or normalfocal mechanisms, and can occur over a largerange of depths. However, future research maydetermine other factors that might be of use indetermining if seismic activity is natural orinduced.

There is some indication that the rate ofseismic activity is higher in sequences dearly attri-buted to injection than not (Talwani and Acree,1986; Frohlich and Davis, 1987). This is not toosurprising, as swarm-like behavior is oftenobserved where fluid movement or fluid pressurechanges are thought to cause earthquake activity.These include earthquakes induced by the filling ofreservoirs (Gupta, 1992) and those associated withvolcanic activity and magma intrusions (e. g.,Stuart and Johnston, 1975; Malone et al., 1983).

Finally, we note that the literature oninjection-induced earthquakes is surprisingly large.In addition to those listed in Tables 2 and 3 and inthe Appendix, other cases have been made forinjection-induced earthquakes in a variety of set-tings. Earthquakes possibly related to injection atoil and gas fields have been found in East Texas(Carlson, 1984), the Texas Panhandle (Davis et al.,1989), and in Alberta (Milne, 1970; Milne andBerry, 1976). Earthquakes associated with injectionat geothermal sites are common; these include theSalton Sea field, California (Hutchings et al., 1988),the Texas Gulf Coast (Knutson, 1981; Mauk, 1985),the Tongonan field, Philippines (Sarmiento, 1986),the Cambourne Hot Dry Rock site in the UnitedKingdom (Pine and Batchelor, 1984; Crampin andBooth, 1989; Parker, 1989), and the Larderello-


Davis and Frohlich

Travale geothermal area in Italy (Batani et al.,1985). Solution mines where earthquakes havebeen related to injection include those insoutheastern Utah (Wong et al., 1985) and Iraq(Terashima, 1981). Other locations where earth-quakes have been related to injection for experi-mental or other purposes indude central France(Cornet et al., 1992), the Buffelsfontein Gold Minein South Africa (Board et al., 1992), the Lucky Fri-day Mine in Idaho (Whyatt et al., 1992), and asmall-scale experiment at the Canadian Under-ground Research Laboratory (Majer and Doe,1986). Finally, injection at the Inglewood OilField, California, has been related to surface fault-ing which led to the destruction of the BaldwinHills Reservoir (Hamilton and Meehan, 1971).Note that this is not intended to be a complete list,as there exist other locations where a connectionbetween deep well injection and earthquakes hasbeen suggested (e.g., see Nicholson, 1992).

CONCLUSIONSThe question "Is it possible that injection may

induce (or may have induced) seismic activity?" isoften a difficult one for the professional seismolo-gist to answer, as it is impossible to rule out a con-nection between earthquakes and injection withcomplete certainty, even in the absence of evi-dence linking the two. Rather, the profilesdescribed answer the question, "How similar isthis injection situation to other situations whereinjection did cause seismic activity?" Weemphasize that this analysis does not, by itself,determine whether or not injection should takeplace. However, by using criteria such as thosepresented in this paper, seismologists can provideinformation to assist industry and government inmaking responsible decisions concerning the initia-tion of injection, continued injection, or, after anearthquake, about whether it is plausible thatinjection was a contributing factor.

We note that differences in the quality of datasets for injection histories, historical seismicity,and geology and hydrology between different sitesprecludes the use of a consistent, quantitative setof criteria for evaluating these questions. Thus,most of the questions in Tables 1 and 4 areinherently subjective. However, their usefulness is

that they do provide a framework for comparingdifferent injection projects to one another, utilizingwhatever information is available at a particularsite.

In evaluating the seismic hazard from fluidinjection projects, we encourage people to assessthe magnitudes of potential earthquakes. Manyinjection situations are similar to those where smallearthquakes may be induced, but the likely faultareas and fault slips would pose little or no hazardfor most engineering applications. However,

where there are concerns about the possible dam-age from induced seismic activity, it would be pru-dent to take appropriate precautions (Nicholsonand Wesson, 1990; Cypser and Davis, 1993).These precautions might include evaluating thesite for the potential of induced seismic hazard,and monitoring the injection site for seismicactivity.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe authors are grateful for the financial sup-

port from National Science Foundation undergrants EAR-9105069 and EAR-9216873, from theUnited States Geological Survey, and from thedonors of the Petroleum Research Fund, admin-istered by the American Chemical Society. Wegratefully acknowledge the work of our friend andcolleague Wayne Pennington, who originallyinspired much of this research. We also thank D.A. Cypser, A. Johnston, A. McGarr, C. Nicholson,B. J. Wahl, and an anonymous reviewer for theircomments.


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Davis and Frohlich

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Submitted February 4, 1993Revised August 5, 1993Accepted August 11, 1993

APPENDIXListed below are the sources used in preparing

entries for Tables 2 and 3. Explanations for entriesare given only if there is some conflicting informa-tion that requires justification.

Ashtabula, Ohio (waste disposal): Seeber andArmbruster (1988, 1993), Nicholson and Wesson(1990)

2) Injection at Ashtabula had been ongoing forabout a year prior to the magnitude 3.6 earthquakeon 13 July 1987. Although there is no clear corre-lation between injection and seismicity, the fairlyshort lag between the start of injection and theearth quake is suggestive. The detection thresholdprior to the installation of the temporary networkto locate the aftershocks to the 13 July earthquakewas about 1.5, and it is possible that smallerevents may have begun before July 1987. Seismicactivity has occurred at least through March 1992.[NO?]

3c) The epicenters delineate a possible faultthat extends from the injection formation into thebasement, where most of the earthquakes occur.A composite fault plane solution is consistent withstrike-slip motion on the inferred fault. However,there are no mapped faults in the region, and areflection survey failed to resolve the fault plane.[NO?]

Baca Location Geothermal Site, New Mexico(hydraulic stimulation / geothermal): Pearson et al.(1982)

4a,b) We did not calculate pressure changes,but volumes were sufficient for hydraulic stimula-tion. [YES?, YES?]

Beowawe Geothermal Field, Nevada (acid treat-ment / geothermal): Batra et al. (1984)

2) A burst of seismicity accompanied an injec-tion phase on August 21, 1983, but a second injec-tion stage the following day occurred withoutseismicity. [YES?]

Cogdell Oil Field, Texas (secondary recovery / oilfield): Davis (1985, 1989), Davis and Pennington(1989), Harding (1981)

3c) Earthquakes occur within the injectionzone. [NOT APPLICABLE]

Dale, New York (solution mining): Fletcher andSykes (1977)

1) Although the Attica area of western NewYork state has experienced a moderate °amount ofhistorie seismicity, historie compilations and morerecent instrumental locations indicate a low level ofbackground activity near the brine field. A per-manent station in Attica recorded an average rateof less than one event per month prior to injection,which increased to up to 80 events per day duringinjection. Many of these later events were feit orheard by residents in the immediate area. [YES]

Denver RMA, Colorado (waste disposal):Bardwell (1966), Evans (1966), Frohlich and Davis(1987), Healy et al. (1968), Herrmann et al. (1981),Hsieh and Bredehoeft (1981)

see text for comments

El Dorado, Arkansas (waste disposal): Cox (1991)

2) The two principal periods of sëismic activitywere preceded by increased disposal rates. [YES]

4a,b) Cox (1991) reports that in situ stresseswere close to failure. [YES?, YES?]

Fenton Hill Hot Dry Rock Site, New Mexico(hydraulic stimulation / geothermal): Bane andFehler (1986), Cornet and Julien (1989), Fehler(1989), Fehler and Phillips (1991), Fehler et al.(1987), Ferrazini et al. (1990), House (1987), Houseet al. (1992), Pearson (1981), Talebi and Cornet(1987)

The Geysers, California (pressure maintenance /


Fluid Injection and Earthquakes - Criteria for Assessment

geothermal): Allis (1982), Eberhart-Phillips andOppenheimer (1984), O'Connell and Johnson(1988), Oppenheimer (1986), Stark (1990)

Maximum Magnitude -- The largest earth-quakes in the field have been approximately mag-nitude 4.0, although it is not dear if the largestearthquakes are associated with injection.

4a,b) The high background rate of seismicactivity in the field suggests that in situ stressesare close to failure. [YES?, YES?]

Gobles Oil Field, Ontario (secondary recovery / oilfield): Mereu et al. (1986)

Los Angeles Basin, California (secondary recovery/ oil fields): Teng et al. (1973), Nicholson and Wes-son (1990)

2) Teng et al. (1973) suggest a possible rela-tion between number of earthquakes and netvolume of fluid injected at the Inglewood Oil Fieldfor 1971, but the correlation is slight. [NO?]

3c) The Newport-Inglewood Fault may channelfluids to greater depths. [YES?]

Matsushiro, Japan (experimental): Ohtake (1974)

2) Ohtake (1974) purports to see a correlationbetween the time of injection and seismic activity,with bursts of activity seen 4.8 to 9.3 days follow-ing injection periods. However, swarms in the areaare not uncommon before and after the injectionperiods (see ligure 3 in Ohtake), and we do notsee the proposed correlation. However, the hypo-centers do exhibit an apparent migration awayfrom the well following the first injection period(figures 4 and 5 of Ohtake's report). [NO?]

Orcutt Oil Field, California (hydrofractureinduced earthquake / oil field): Kanamori andHauksson (1992)

1) The unusually shallow depth (300 m, basedon field evidence) and long duration (2 minutes) ofthe magnitude 3.5 earthquake was dearlyanomalous. [YES]

2) The earthquake occurred a few hours afterthe hydrofracture. [YES?]

4a,b) We did not calculate pressure changes,but they are presumed to have been sufficient forhydraulic fracturing. [YES?, YES?]

Painesville, Ohio (waste disposal): Ahmad andSmith (1988, 1989), Evans (1987), Frohlich andDavis (1987), Nicholson et al. (1988), Roeloffs et al.(1989), Talwani and Acree (1986), Wesson andNicholson (1986)

see text for comments

Peabody, Massachsetts (fictional account of wastedisposal): Franzen (1992)

1) Historical events are known, although theswarmlike nature of the earthquakes may havebeen anomalous. [NO?]

2) There was a 16 year lag between theassumed start of injection and the first earth-quakes. The second earthquake swarm may havedosely followed a second injection period. [NO?]

3a) The Bosest epicenters are approximately 5km from the assumed injection site. [YES?]

3b) The injection depths are unknown but arepresumed deep. The book mentions an earlyreport suggesting a drilling goal of 25,000 feet [7.6km]. [YES?]

Puhagan Geothermal Field (injection tests / geoth-ermal): Bromley et al. (1987)

1) Bromley et al. (1987) report a "near-quiescent background" prior to geothermaldevelopment. [YES?]

4a,b) Although injection pressures may havebeen sufficient to induce earthquakes, Bromley etal. (1987) report that most of the seismicity occursin the production sector of the field, where pres-sures have decreased. [YES?, NO?]

Rangely Oil Field, Colorado (secondary recovery /oil field): Gibbs et al. (1973), Haimson (1972),Raleigh et al. (1'372, 1976)

1) There aré possible felt reports of earth-quakes prior to injection but no reliable stationcoverage. [UNKNOWN]

2) An early study (Gibbs et al., 1973) couldfind no clear relation between injection andmonthly numbers of earthquakes, although injec-tion and annual activity were more dearly corre-lated. However, later studies (e.g. Raleigh et al.,1976) demonstrated a very dear correlationbetween earthquake activity and fluid pressures inthe field. [YES]

Sleepy Hollow Oil Field, Nebraska (secondaryrecovery / oil field): Evans and Steeples (1987),Frohlich and Davis (1987), Rothe and Lui (1983)

2) No dear correlation exists, although Evansand Steeples (1987) note that the conversion of tenproducers to injectors was followed by an increasein activity. However, this may have been anartifact of the catalog (Evans and Steeples, 1987).[NO?]

3c) Contour maps of the Precambrian base-ment show several vertical faults. However, Evansand Steeples (1987) suggest that the unusuallyhigh permeability of the Reagan sandstone (2.9darcies) would be likely to divert fluid flow hor-izontally rather than into the basement. [YES?]

Soultz-Sous-Forets Hot Dry Rock Site, France(hydraulic stimulation / geothermal): Beauce et al.(1991)

4a,b) We did not calculate pressure changes,but volumes were sufficient for hydraulic stimula-tion. [YES?, YES?]


Davis and Frohlich

Wairakei Geothermal Field, New Zealand (reinjec-tion test / geothermal): Hunt and Latter (1982),Sherburn (1984), Sherburn et al. (1990)

1) The Wairakei region exhibits low tomoderate background seismicity (Hunt and Latter,1982), although the numbers of earthquakes associ-ated with the 1984 injection test was somewhatanomalous. [NO?]

2) A 1984 injection test at Wairakei was dearlyassociated with microearthquake activity. How-ever, a later injection test at lower pressures didnot appear to significantly increase earthquakeactivity. [YES?]

3b) Microearthquake depths were not welldetermined. [UNKNOWN]