I’d like to buy a yellow sports car – maybe a Lamborghini or a Maserati. I’d also like to learn how to play the drums . When I was younger, I always wanted to be rock star , but then I got a great job working for a big company , I have quite a lot of money now and have more free time , so it’s a good time to make my dreams come true. [Adaptado do livro Innovations Elementary, publicado pela Ed. Thomson.] Melissa Ishage filed a lawsuit in L.A. County Superior Court, claiming she’d been working as Katt’s personal assistant – but on October 6th, things suddenly went sour at Katt’s house. He attacked her, punching her and causing her serious and permanent injuries.” Melissa doesn’t explain why Katt flew into a rage – but claims she had to go to the hospital as a result of the beatdown. Now she wants at least $5 million from Katt to call it even. Melissa’s attorney tells us, his client claims Katt struck her in the head and knocked her to the ground. The lawyer says police were called to the scene but no one was arrested. The incident is currently under investigation. protocolar uma ação .......... filed a lawsuit rapidamente se complicaram .......... went sour ferimentos graves e permanentes ....... serious and permanent injuries ficou tão irritado ......... flew into a rage ir ao hospital ......... to go to the hospital consequência da agressão ........ a result of the beatdown golpeou a cabeça dela ......... struck her in the head levou-a ao chão ........ knocked her to the ground foi chamada ao local ........... were called to the scene está sendo investigado no momento.......... currently under investigation 1 Identifique, nas sentenças a seguir, os phrasal verbs usados. a. I took up jogging after my heart surgery. b. She told me to take off my shirt.

Livro Ingles 1

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Livro Ingles 1

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Id like to buy a yellow sports car maybe a Lamborghini or a Maserati. Id also like tolearn how to play the drums. When I was younger, I always wanted to be rock star,but then I got a great job working for a big company, I have quite a lot of money nowand have more free time, so its a good time to make my dreams come true. [Adaptadodo livro Innovations Elementary, publicado pela Ed. Thomson.]

Melissa Ishage filed a lawsuit in L.A. County Superior Court, claiming shed been working as Katts personal assistant but on October 6th, things suddenly went sour at Katts house. He attacked her, punching her and causing her serious and permanent injuries.Melissa doesnt explain why Katt flew into a rage but claims she had to go to the hospital as a result of the beatdown. Now she wants at least $5 million from Katt to call it even.Melissas attorney tells us, his client claims Katt struck her in the head and knocked her to the ground. The lawyer says police were called to the scene but no one was arrested. The incident is currently under investigation.

protocolar uma ao .......... filed a lawsuitrapidamente se complicaram .......... went sourferimentos graves e permanentes ....... serious and permanent injuriesficou to irritado ......... flew into a rageir ao hospital ......... to go to the hospitalconsequncia da agresso ........ a result of the beatdowngolpeou a cabea dela ......... struck her in the headlevou-a ao cho ........ knocked her to the groundfoi chamada ao local ........... were called to the sceneest sendo investigado no momento.......... currently under investigation

1 Identifique, nas sentenas a seguir, os phrasal verbs usados.a. I took up jogging after my heart surgery.b. She told me to take off my shirt.c. Hes really getting into soccer at the moment.d. Lets put off the meeting until Wednesday.e. He just brushed aside the complaints.f. I fell for his story about having lost all his money.g. She made up an excuse about being sick.h. That really calls for quick action.i. He set up a small company 10 years ago.j. I think Im coming down with the flu.k. I handed in my notice this morning.2 Ligue os phrasal verbs s palavras com que combinam e depois com o significadode cada combinao.took up jogging comecei a correr take off my shirt tirar minha camisa getting into soccer comeando a gostar de futebol put off the meeting adiar a reunio brushed aside my complaints ignorou as reclamaesfell for his story acreditei na histria dele made up an excuse inventou uma desculpa calls for quick action exige uma ao rpidaset up a small company abriu uma empresa pequenacoming down with the flu pegando uma gripe handed in my notice entreguei minha demisso3 De acordo com o que voc aprendeu nas atividades anteriores, qual phrasal verbmelhor se encaixa em cada grupo de palavras a seguir? Utilize as formas a seguir:..........................................a storyan excusea liea gameput off..........................................a partya meetinga weddinga triptake up..........................................smokingjoggingswimmingstamp collectingcome down with..........................................a coldthe fluchikenpoxfood poisoningtake off..........................................your shoesyour dressyour T-shirtyour clothes4 Uma das dificuldades relacionadas ao aprendizado de phrasal verbs o fato de alguns terem vrios significados. No entanto, se voc perceber as combinaes de palavras em cada uso, saber quando e como usar um phrasal verb, independentemente de quantos significados ele possa ter. Nas sentenas a seguir, observe os phrasal verbs e as palavras que combinam com eles. Depois relacione cada sentena com sua equivalncia em portugus.a. The doctor told me to take off my pants. ( ) A mdica pediu para eu tirar a cala.b. The plane wont take off on time. ( ) O avio no vai decolar na hora certa.c. She had to put on some weight for the role. ( ) Ela teve de ganhar alguns quilos para o papel.d. She had to put on a coat because it was a bit cold. ( ) Ela teve de vestir um casaco porque estava um pouco frio.e. Ill go for the steak. ( ) Vou escolher o bife.f. Shes trying to go for the world record. ( ) Ela est tentando alcanar o recorde mundial.g. If captured, they might give away our secrets. ( ) Se capturados, eles podem entregar nossos segredos.h. Theyll give away their books. ( ) Eles vo doar os livros deles.i. You never get into work before 8.30. ( ) Voc nunca chega ao trabalho antes das 8:30.j. I dont want to get into an argument with you. ( ) Eu no quero comear uma discusso com voc.5 Como nem tudo perfeito, haver casos em que voc encontrar um phrasal~verb e ele no ter uma palavra por perto. Quando isso acontecer, no se desespere. Observe o contexto e tente compreender a sentena como um todo. Isso ajudar voc a entender o uso daquele phrasal verb em um contexto especfico. Veja as sentenas a seguir e procure definir o significado do phrasal verb em destaque.a. Everyone turned up on time for the meeting.b. Do you know whats going on?c. Somebody broke in last night and stole a computer.d. Sometimes I feel youre going to break down and cry.e. Ill call around and see if I can get a good price.f. His father passed away last year.g. Hes just showing off because his friends are here.h. They really made an effort to dress up for the occasion.i. You go to the reception and check in while I park the car.j. We stopped over in Braslia on our way to Curitiba.6 Escolha o phrasal verb que completa, de forma mais precisa, cada sentena.Observe as palavras em cada sentena para reconhecer o phrasal verb correto.a. They had to ...................... their wedding.( ) put on ( ) put out ( ) put off ( ) put inb. Hes been ...................... a job. But, its being really hard.( ) looking up ( ) looking for ( ) looking on ( ) looking inc. Shes finally decided to ...................... a diet.( ) go out ( ) go off ( ) go for ( ) go ond. He ...................... most of his money to charity.( ) gave away ( ) take away ( ) put away ( ) look awaye. You must all ...................... your homework by next Friday.( ) get in ( ) hand in ( ) put in ( ) take inf. I told you not to ...................... your shoes.( ) take on ( ) take up ( ) take at ( ) take offg. When we got at the airport the plane had already ......................( ) taken off ( ) taken in ( ) taken up ( ) taken toh. I ...................... my boots and kept walking.( ) put on ( ) put in ( ) put after ( ) put ati. I told me he ...................... smoking when he was 12.( ) took after ( ) took up ( ) took off ( ) took downj. Dont believe her! Shes really good at ...................... stories.( ) making off ( ) making on ( ) making up ( ) making atk. They plan to ...................... an import business.( ) set off ( ) set up ( ) set in ( ) set downl. Gentlemen, this situation really ...................... some major changes.( ) calls for ( ) calls in ( ) calls out ( ) calls at

1 Identifique nas sentenas a seguir as combinaes de palavras formadas com aspreposies.a. He is much admired for his technical skills.b. The crash resulted in the deaths of 14 passengers.c. Stop talking and concentrate on your work.d. What happened to you last night?e. The citizens protested against the new law.f. I am concerned about our own safety.g. Were too small to compete with a company like that.h. He lifted his head and stared at her.i. My opinion differs from his.j. She informed me of my appointment.2 Relacione as colunas abaixo de acordo com as combinaes e seus significados.a. be admired for (ser admirado por)The students mustbe admired, fortheir courage and the power of their statement.b. result in (resultar em)c. concentrate on (concentrar-se em)d. happen to (acontecer com)e. protest against (protestar contra)f. be concerned about (estar preocupado com)g. compete with (competir com)h. stare at (olhar fixamente para)i. differ from (diferir de) Ambition differs from greed.j. informed of (informar sobre) Ifyouinformsomeoneofsomething,youtellthemaboutit.Heintendedtoinformherofhisobjections.

3 Nas colunas a seguir, voc encontra alguns verbos e suas preposies mais comuns. Use a tabela para completar as sentenas que seguem.ATONTOWITH

rejoice grumble laughguess hint

put pressure center harp dwell cheer pick prey respond object appeal admit pay attentionlisten

get along comply cooperate help empathize harmonize

a. She didnt respond to my e-mail.b. I didnt want to put pressure ..................... her.put(the)pressure onsomeone(to do something)tomakedemandsonsomeone;totrytogetsomeonetodosomething.Pleasedon'tputpressureonmetogothere!Weputthepressureonhimtogethimtocome,butherefused.Seealso:pressure,putput pressure onsomethingtoapplyweightorpressuretosomething.(Seealsoput(the)pressure onsomeone(to do something).)Putpressureonthewoundtostopthebleeding.Putsomepressureonthepaperstoflattenthemout.Seealso:pressure,putMcGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.put pressure onsomebody/somethingtoinfluencesomeoneorsomethingstrongly,usuallyintentionallyHe'sputtingpressureonmetochangemymind.Newcompaniesareputtingpressureonestablishedfirmstolowertheirprices.

b. They rejoiced ..................... the news.rejoice atsomethingtocelebrateorrevelaboutsomething.Everyonerejoicedattheluckyeventsthathadsavedthem.Weallrejoicedattheoutcomeoftheelection.

c. They dont get along ..................... each other.tohaveagoodrelationshipMykidsandtheircousinsreallygetalongwitheachother.d. Her research will center ..................... educational policies.center something on someone or somethingto base something on someone or something. Let us center the discussion on Walter. Our whole meeting was centered on the conservation question.e. You have to comply ..................... the agreement.comply with somethingto conform to something; to obey guidelines or regulations; to agree to something. I hope you decide to comply with our rules. I am happy to comply with your request.f. Why are you laughing ..................... us?laugh at someone or somethingto chuckle or giggle loudly at someone or something, perhaps in ridicule. Thank goodness, the audience laughed at all my jokes. Don't laugh at me! I'm doing my best! Everyone laughed at the love scene because it was so badly done.g. Youd better listen ..................... your parents.listen to someone or something 1. to pay attention to and hear someone or something. Listen to me! Hear what I have to say! I want to listen to his speech.2. to heed someone, orders, or advice. Listen to me! Do what I tell you! You really should listen to his advice.i. Hes cooperating ..................... authorities.cooperate with someone (on something) and cooperate (with someone) on somethingto work together in harmony with someone on something. Please cooperate with me on this project. Can you cooperate on this with me? I hope we can cooperate on this.k. Local residents objected ..................... the proposed development.object toToexpressdisagreementwithordisapprovalofsomething:Thecitycouncilobjectstovulgarartdisplaysinpublicbuildings.

l. She grumbles ..................... her employees over the slightest thing.grumble aboutsomeone or somethingtocomplainaboutsomeoneorsomething.Whatareyougrumblingaboutnow?Thestudentsweregrumblingabouttheteacher.grumble atsomeonetocomplaintosomeone.Gogrumbleatsomeoneelse.I'mtiredoflistening.Stopgrumblingatme!harp onsomeone or somethingFig.tokeeptalkingorcomplainingaboutsomeoneorsomething;torefertosomeoneorsomethingagainandagain.IwishyouwouldquitharpingonJeffallthetime.Hecouldn'tbeallthatbad.Stopharpingonmymistakesandworkonyourown.keep harping onsomethingtocontinuetotalkorcomplainaboutsomething;tokeepraisingatopicofconversation. Whydoyoukeepharpingonthesameoldcomplaint?Youkeepharpingonmyproblemsandignoreyourown!harp onv.Totalkaboutsomethingtoanexcessiveandtediousdegree;dwellonsomething:Everydaymyteacherharpsontheimportanceofgettingtoclassontime.cheer onv.Toencouragesomeonewithorasifwithcheers:Thespectatorscheeredtherunnersonastheypassedby.Ialwayscheerontheteamthatislosing.guessv.intr.1.Tomakeanestimateorconjecture:Wecouldonlyguessathermotives.2.Toestimateorconjecturecorrectly.

dwell onAlso found in:Legal,Idioms,Encyclopedia.dwell onordwelluponvb1.(intr,preposition)tothink,speak,orwriteatlength:it'snogooddwellingonyourmisfortunes.pick1(pk)v.picked,picking,picksv.tr.1.Toselectfromagroup:Thebestswimmerwaspicked.2.a.Togatherin;harvest:Theywerepickingcotton.b.Togathertheharvestfrom:pickedthefieldinoneday.3.a.Toremovetheoutercoveringof;pluck:pickachickencleanoffeathers.b.Totearoffbitbybit:pickmeatfromthebones.4.Toremoveextraneousmatterfrom(theteeth,forexample).5.Topokeandpullat(something)withthefingers.6.Tobreakup,separate,ordetachbymeansofasharppointedinstrument.7.Topierceormake(ahole)withasharppointedinstrument.8.Totakeup(food)withthebeak;peck:Theparrotpickeditsseed.9.Tostealthecontentsof:Mypocketwaspicked.10.Toopen(alock)withouttheuseofakey.11.Toprovoke:pickafight.12.Musica.Topluck(aninstrument'sstrings).b.Toplay(aninstrument)bypluckingitsstrings.c.Toplay(atune)inthismanner:pickedamelodyoutontheguitar.v.intr.1.Todecidewithcareorforethought.2.Toworkwithapick.3.Tofindfaultormakepettycriticisms;carp:He'salwayspickingaboutsomething.4.Tobeharvestedorgathered:Theripeapplespickedeasily.n.1.Theactofpicking,especiallywithasharppointedinstrument.2.Theactofselectingorchoosing;choice:gotfirstpickofthedesserts.3.Somethingselectedasthemostdesirable;thebestorchoicestpart:thepickofthecrop.4.Theamountorquantityofacropthatispickedbyhand.5.SportsAninterceptionofapass.6.BasketballAscreen.PhrasalVerbs:pickapartTorefuteorfindflawsinbycloseexamination:Thelawyerpickedthetestimonyapart.pickat1.Topluckorpullat,especiallywiththefingers.2.Toeatsparinglyorwithoutappetite:Thechildjustpickedatthefood.3.InformalTonag:Don'tpickatme.pickoff1.Toshootaftersinglingout:Thehunterpickedtheducksoffonebyone.2.BaseballToputout(abaserunnerstandingoffbase)bymakingaquickthrowtoafielder.Usedespeciallyofapitcherorcatcher.3.SportsTointercept(apass),asinfootball.pickonToteaseorbully.pickout1.Tochooseorselect:pickedoutanicewatch.2.Todiscernfromthesurroundings;distinguish:pickedouttheircousinsfromthecrowd.pickoverTosortoutorexamineitembyitem:pickedoverthegrapesbeforebuyingthem.pickup1.Totakeup(something)withahandorotherbodypartorwithaninstrument:Couldyoupickupthatbook?Thedogpickeduptheboneinitsmouth.2.Tocollectorgather:pickedupsomepebbles.3.Totidyup;clean:pickedupthebedroom.4.Totakeon(passengersorfreight,forexample):Thebuspicksupcommutersatfivestops.5.Informala.Toacquirecasuallyorbyaccident:pickedupanewcoatonsale.b.Toacquire(knowledge)bylearningorexperience:pickedupFrenchquickly.c.Toclaim:pickeduphercarattherepairshop.d.Tobuy:pickedupsomemilkatthestore.e.Toaccept(abillorcharge)inordertopayit:Letmepickupthetab.f.Tocomedownwith(adisease):pickedupavirusatschool.g.Togain:pickedupfiveyardsonthatplay.6.InformalTotakeintocustody:Theagentspickedupsixsmugglers.7.SlangTomakecasualacquaintancewith,usuallyinanticipationofsexualrelations.8.a.Tocomeuponandfollow:Thedogpickedupthescent.b.Tocomeuponandobserve:pickeduptwosubmarinesonsonar.c.Toreceive,detect,orregister:Didthemicrophonepickupthatsound?9.Tocontinueafterabreak:Let'spickupthediscussionafterlunch.10.InformalToimproveinconditionoractivity:Salespickeduplastfall.11.Informala.Toprepareasuddendeparture:Shejustpickedupandleft.b.Ingolf,tograbone'sballfromthegroundwhileitisinplay,indicatingthatonehasgivenup.appeal to someoneto please or attract someone. Fast food doesn't appeal to me. The idea of a vacation to Florida this winter appeals to me a lot.appeal tov.1. To make an earnest or urgent request to someone or something: The citizens appealed to their mayor to try to find a solution to the housing crisis.2. To be interesting or attractive to someone: This new style of clothing doesn't appeal to me; I prefer the older fashion.admit tov.1.Toconfesssomethingtosomeone:Ididn'twanttoadmitmycrimestothem.Atfirsttheylied,butlatertheyadmittedtothepolicethattheyhadstolenthebicycle.2.Toconfesssomething:Hewillneveradmittofeelingjealous.Sheadmittedtoherlies.hint atsomethingtorefertosomething;toinsinuatesomething.Whatareyouhintingat?Iamnothintingatanything.Iamtellingyoutodoit!pay attention(to someone or something)togiveattention(tosomeoneorsomething).Pleasepayattentiontotheteacher.Maxalwayspayscarefulattentiontowhatisbeingtoldtohim.help withhelpsomeone or somethingwithsomeone or somethingtogiveaidtosomeoneorsomethingindealingwithsomeoneorsomething.Pleasehelpyourfatherwithyourlittlesister.Ihelpedthecommitteewiththeproblem.empathize withsomeone or somethingtohaveanunderstandingaboutthewaysomeonefeels;tofeelemotionalpainwithsomeone.Icanreallyempathizewithwhatyoumustbegoingthrough.I'vebeenthroughthesamething.IempathizewithpeoplewhohavethesamefamilyproblemsthatIhave.prey on something[for an animal] to feed on another animal as a matter of habit or preference. Owls prey on mice. Many birds prey on snakes.See also: preyMcGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.prey onv.1. To hunt and kill something for food: Owls prey on mice.2. To exploit or make a profit at the expense of someone; take advantage of someone: Pickpockets often prey on unsuspecting tourists.3. To exert a harmful or injurious effect on something or someone: Guilt preyed on him, and eventually led him to confess.See also: preyThe American Heritage Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs. Copyright 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.prey on1. Plunder or pillage; also, make a profit at someone else's expense, victimize. For example, Vikings preyed on the coastal towns of England, or The rich have been preying on the poor for centuries. [Late 1500s]2. Hunt, especially in order to eat, as in Their cat preys on all the rodents in the neighborhood. [c. 1600]3. Exert a baneful or injurious effect, as in Guilt preyed on his mind. [c. 1700]See also: preyThe American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.prey on somebody also prey upon somebody1. to commit a crime against someone Police are looking for street criminals who prey on tourists. Gangs that prey upon small business owners in the city's Chinatown may be spreading to the suburbs.2. to have an effect on someone Guilt preyed on him for years after the accident.Usage notes: sometimes said about something that has an effect on people's emotions: The ads prey on our fear of being alone.See also: preyprey on something also prey upon somethingto kill an animal in order to eat it Spiders prey on small flies and other insects. Seals often prey upon the same fish people are trying to catch.Usage notes: said about animals that kill other animals for foodharmonize withsomeone or somethingtoblendwithsomeoneorsomethingmusically.Pleasetrytoharmonizewiththerestofthesingers!Willyouharmonizewiththepiano,please?

4 Os dicionrios costumam trazer informaes sobre o uso correto de uma palavra e as preposies geralmente usadas com ela. Observe as informaes a seguir sobre a palavra rude extradas de um dicionrio on-line e depois responda s perguntas.rude comparative ruder, superlative rudest1 speaking or behaving in a way that is not polite and is likely to offend or annoypeople [= impolite; polite]:a rude remarkI didnt mean to be rude, ba I had leave early.rude toWhy are you so rude to her?It is rude to do somethingIts rude to stare.a. Rude significa rude, grosseiro, indelicado, deselegante, maleducado, feio. Qual a preposio usada para expressar a ideia de ser indelicado com algum?............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................b. De acordo com o que voc leu na definio da palavra rude, qual preposio completa as sentenas a seguir?Dont be rude .................... your teacher.I was taught not to be rude .................... older people.He was extremely rude .................... us.Why are you so rude .................... your mother?Hes always rude .................... his girlfriends friends.Aprenda a usar os dicionrios (on-line ou fsicos) a seu favor. por meio deles que voc aprender qual preposio combina com uma palavra ou outra. Veja que, em portugus, diz-se ser rude/indelicado com algum, mas em ingls dizemos be rude to someone.Lembre-se: no uma regra que ajudar voc a aprender isso. Trata-se apenas de aprender o modo como as palavras se combinam naturalmente em ingls.5 Escolha a palavra que melhor completa as sentenas.a. Dont you ever point your finger ................. again, ok?( ) on ( ) for ( ) to ( ) atb. Youd better concentrate ................. your studies, young boy.( ) in ( ) on ( ) at ( ) withc. Her assistant was accused ................. theft and fraud by the police.( ) of ( ) from ( ) at ( ) withd. I wont miss ................. the chance to earn some extra money.( ) off ( ) of ( ) out ( ) ine. I dont know what happened ................. her. Its not my problem!( ) for ( ) to ( ) with ( ) byf. The story he told the police differed ................. from the one he told his parents.( ) of ( ) at ( ) from ( ) ing. We were all concerned ................. you. Is everything ok?( ) with ( ) of ( ) about ( ) fromh. They will inform us ................. any progress they make.( ) of ( )on ( ) about ( ) withi. I get along very well ................. my sister.( ) by ( ) to ( ) with ( ) onj. The fans started cheering ................. us, and that was amazing!( ) with ( ) on ( ) about ( ) atk. Fifty percent of road accidents result ................. head injuries.( ) of ( ) in ( ) at ( ) withl. Why is it so hard to get ................. shape?( ) onto ( ) to ( ) into ( ) up

be head over heels (in love) estar completamente apaixonado, caidinho be over your head in debt estar com dvidas at o pescoo, estar todo endividado bite someones head off ser grosso e mal-educado com algum from head to foot/toe da cabea aos ps go to someones head subir cabea (referindo-se a poder, fama, sucesso etc.) have ones head screwed on (straight) ter a cabea no lugar, ser sensato heads or tails? cara ou coroa? cant make head nor tail of something no entender absolutamente nada sobre algo not have a good head for heights ter medo de altura off the top of your head (dizer algo) de cabea, sem consultar put ones head together pensar juntos, planejar juntosa. The little boy was covered in mud from head to ...............b. I cant make head nor ............... of these instructions.c. Off the ............... of my head, Id say there were about 1,000 people in there.d. Im sure that if we put our heads ..............., we can think of a solution to this problem.e. I asked her if she needed any help, and she bit my head ...............!f. Its obvious that theyre head over ............... in love with each other.g. Dont worry about her! She has her head screwed on ...............

3 Algumas expresses idiomticas em ingls so formadas pela combinao de duas palavras ligadas pela palavra and apenas. A seguir, voc encontra algumas das mais comuns. (Tecnicamente falando, esse tipo de expresso chamado de binmio.)born and bread nascido e criadobread and butter ganha-poby and large de modo geralday and night dia e noitefair and square honestamentefew and far between rarofirst and foremost acima de tudogive and take toma l d chere and there espalhado por todos os lados, aqui e alihigh and low em todos os lugares (procurar algo)ins and outs os detalhes, os pormenorespick and choose escolher bempros and cons prs e contrassafe and sound so e salvosick and tired extremamente cansado, de saco cheiospick and span brilhando, bem limpo e organizadothick and thin na vitria e na derrotathis and that isso e aquilotime and again repetidas vezes, frequentementetime and effort tempo e esforoto and from para l e para c, para trs e para a frenteloud and clear alto e clarolost and found achados e perdidosnow and then vira e mexe, de vez em quandoon and off de vez em quandotouch and go incertoups and downs altos e baixoswait and see espere e verswear and tear danos, estragos (em um objeto, carro etc., por uso constante)4 Relacione as palavras da esquerda com as da direita.a. to and ( ) lowb. on and ( ) thenc. high and ( ) tiredd. fair and ( ) goe. born and ( ) againf. now and ( ) offg. sick and ( ) far betweenh. few and ( ) froi. time and ( ) bredj. touch and ( ) square5 As expresses que voc aprendeu no podem ser invertidas. Em portugus, falamos vivendo e aprendendo, e no aprendendo e vivendo. Na atividade a seguir, corrija os erros, se houver algum.a. Im not Brazilian: Im Portuguese bred and born..............................................................................................................b. Im tired and sick of being treated like a child..............................................................................................................c. I cant find my wallet. Ive already looked for it low and high..............................................................................................................d. He makes a little money out of writing but teaching is his bread and butter..............................................................................................................e. Weve tidied up the room and now its span and spick..............................................................................................................f. Theyve shared a lot of experiences: theyve been through thick and thin together..............................................................................................................g. Dads asked Karina again and time not to do it, but she still does..............................................................................................................h. Again and time we were left without electricity..............................................................................................................i. Im awfully sorry but I dont know all the ins and outs of this subject..............................................................................................................j. Wed like to hear the cons and pros of your proposal..............................................................................................................6 No box a seguir, encontram-se algumas combinaes de palavras consideradas idiomticas, combinaes (collocations) cujo significado no fica claro pela traduo literal das palavras. Use cada combinao para completar as sentenas que seguem. No final de cada sentena, voc encontra o significado da combinao que a completa.a. Have you ever wanted to burn a CD...................................... but didnt know where to start? (gravar um CD)b. We drove as fast as we could, trying to make up for lost time.................................... (recuperar o tempo perdido)c. This is how we have run this company since day one. (administrando essa empresa)d. Turtles fight for survival.................................. from the moment they are born. ( lutam pela sobrevivncia)e. We were face problems in our relationship, but we didnt split up. Thats not the best solution ever. (enfrentando problemas)f. He said he didnt know anything about that, but we then jogged his memory and he remebered everything. (refrescou a memria dele)g. I want to say thank you to the girl broke my heart... (partiu meu corao)h. I would also like to raise a point about international funding. (levantar a questo)i. Ruth strike up a friendship with her teacher while she was still in high school. (comeou uma amizade)j. Ask Jane, she usually comes up with good ideas. (tem boas ideias, surge com umas ideias boas)k. The smell of food whetted my appetite. (abriu o meu apetite)l. Nowadays, we can surf the web, send emails, take photos and videos and edit them directly on the phone. (navegar na internet)

have a family (ter uma famlia)support a family (sustentar uma famlia)bring up a family (manter uma famlia)raise a family (manter uma famlia)start a family (comear uma famlia)run in the family (ser de famlia)come from a large/small family (vir de uma famlia grande/pequena)my immediate family (minha famlia mais prxima: pai, me, irmos e irms), my extended family (minha famlia como um todo: tios, avs, primos etc.). Uma famlia de respeito a respectable family. Uma famlia unida uma close family. Usamos a combinao the whole family para falar de a famlia toda, a famlia inteira.Hoje em dia, comum termos uma single-parent family, famlia de pai/me solteiro(a). Existe ainda uma adoptive family, famlia adotiva.No podemos deixar de fora a friend of the family (um amigo da famlia), a member of the family (um membro da famlia), the baby of the family (o caulinha da famlia). A pessoa mais inteligente da famlia pode ser chamada de the brains of the family. Todos sempre defendem the interests of the family (os interesses da famlia). Quando a famlia se ope a algo que um membro quer, esse pode falar que face opposition from the family (enfrenta a oposio da famlia).

Do you have children? (Voc tem filhos?) How old are your children? (Quantos anos seus filhos tm?)Outras combinaes comuns com children so:bring up children (educar os filhos, criar os filhos)raise children (educar os filhos, criar os filhos)look after children (cuidar dos filhos, cuidar das crianas)adopt children (adotar crianas)neglect children (rejeitar os filhos, rejeitar as crianas)teach children something (ensinar algo s crianas/aos filhos)children tease each other (crianas se provocam)spoil the children (mimar os filhos)Uma criana pequena uma small child ou young child. J um(a) filho(a) nico(a) an only child. Spoilt child como se diz criana mimada.expect a baby esperar um beb, estar grvidasingle mother/father me/pai solteira(o)provide for your family dar o necessrio famlialate husband/wife marido/mulher falecido(a)close relatives parentes prximosdistant relatives parentes distantesa gifted child um filho/uma criana talentosatreat someone like a child tratar algum como crianasuitable for cildren apropriado a crianasunsuitable for children desapropriado para crianaslive with your parents morar com seus paismeet her parents conhecer os pais delastrict parents pais severos, rigorososAT WORK(work under a lot of pressure ) trabalhar sob muita presso(to make deals with ) fazer negcios(to complete negotiations ) fechar as negociaes(make money ) ganhar dinheiro(attend several meetings ) participar de vrias reunies(to travel on business ) viajar a negcios, viajar a trabalho(get good deals ) conseguir bons negcios3 Leia as sentenas a seguir e anote as combinaes de palavras que voc observar com a palavra job (emprego).a. I have a full-time job. (trabalho de tempo integral)b. This is a very demanding and stressful job. (trabalho que exige muito)c. I guess you should apply for this job. (candidatar-se a uma vaga)d. They want to offer you a job. (oferecer um emprego a algum)e. Its not easy to get a job nowadays. (arrumar um emprego)f. Try not to lose this job, ok? (perder o emprego)g. What are the perks of the job? (benefcios do trabalho)h. Lets see! He never holds down a job for long. (manter-se em um emprego)i. Shes looking for a job. (procurar por trabalho)j. They dont have the qualifications for this job. (os requisitos para o trabalho)

5 Muita gente confunde o uso das palavras work e job. No entanto, o segredo para us-las corretamente consiste em aprender as palavras que combinam com cada uma. Voc aprendeu combinaes comuns com job, agora a vez de work. Grife as combinaes de palavras que encontrar.a. I am available to take on work. (aceitar trabalho)b. What time do you finish work? (encerrar o trabalho)c. I go to work by bus. (ir para o trabalho de)d. She stops work at the end of this year. (parar de trabalhar)e. Just before he was 50, he decided to give up work. (abrir mo do trabalho)f. The opportunities will depend on your work experience. (experincia de trabalho)g. Her work consists of teaching children how to treat their dogs. (o trabalho consiste em)h. He has some freelance work at the moment. (freela)i. A baby makes a lot of work for its parents. (dar muito trabalho)j. I used to take work home, but I dont do it anymore. (levar trabalho para casa)Por fim, seguem algumas combinaes comuns envolvendo palavras geralmente usadas no mundo dos negcios e do trabalho.MEETING (REUNIO), MEETINGS (REUNIES)ADJETIVOS~ de negcios (business ~), ~ a portas fechadas (closed-door ~), ~ conjunta (joint ~), ~ de almoo (lunch ~, lunchtime ~), ~ mensal (monthly ~), ~ de planejamento (planning ~), ~ de famlia (family ~), ~ de vendas (sales ~), ~ de emergncia (emergency ~), ~ aberta (open ~), ~ de cpula (summit ~), ~ chata (boring ~), ~ demorada (long ~), ~ rpida (brief ~, short ~), ~ conturbada (stormy ~), ~ tensa (tense ~)VERBOSter uma ~ (have a ~), organizar uma ~ (organize a ~, arrange a ~),convocar uma ~ (call a ~, convene a ~), agendar uma ~ (schedule a ~, set a ~, set up a ~), participar de uma ~ (attend a ~, participate in a ~),convocar/intimar algum para uma ~ (summon someone to a ~), comear um ~ (begin a ~, start a ~), abrir a reunio (open the ~), cancelar a ~ (cancel the ~, call off the ~), adiar a ~ (adjourn the ~, postpone the ~, put off the ~), conduzir a ~ (chair the ~, conduct the ~), presidir a ~ (preside at the ~, preside over the ~), solicitar uma ~ (demand a ~, request a ~), conseguir uma ~ (get a ~), interromper a ~ (disrupt the ~)FRASESthe purpose of the meeting o propsito da reuniothe minutes of the meeting as minutas da reuniothe chair of the meeting o presidente da reunioCAREER (CARREIRA)ADJETIVOS~ brilhante (brilliant ~), ~ bem-sucedida (successful ~), ~ lucrativa (lucrative ~), ~ promissora (promising ~), ~ produtiva (prolific ~), ~ militar (military ~), ~ acadmica (academic ~), ~ musical (musical ~), ~ profissional (pro ~, professional ~), ~ gratificante (rewarding ~), ~ solo (solo~), ~ diplomtica (diplomatic ~), ~ escolhida (chosen ~), ~ ilustre (illustrious~), ~ poltica (political ~), ~ digna/que vale a pena (worthwhile ~)VERBOSaspirar/perseguir uma ~ (pursue a ~), ter uma ~ (have a ~), construir uma ~ (build a ~, forge a ~), comear uma ~ (start a ~, begin a ~), entrar na ~ (embark on the ~), colocar a ~ em risco (jeopardize the ~, risk the ~),arruinar a ~ de algum (ruin somebodys ~, wreck someones ~), largar a ~ (abandon the ~, give up the ~), mudar a ~ (change the ~), fazer uma ~ (make a ~), promover uma ~ (further a ~), subir na ~ (climb the ~ ladder)FRASESthe peak of someones career o auge da carreira de algumthe height of someones career o auge da carreira de alguma change of career uma guinada na carreira, uma virada na carreiraa turning point in ones career o momento decisivo na carreira de algumOutras combinaesearn a wage/salary ganhar um salrioemploy staff contratar pessoalrecruit staff recrutar pessoallay off staff demitir pessoalhave a qualification ter uma qualificaoput together my resume montar meu currculotake up the post assumir o cargohold a position manter o cargohand in my resignation entregar meu pedido de demisso

schoolYou can say go to school or attend school. They mean almost the same. The thing is that attend school is a bit formal. In Brazil, children start school at 5 (comeam a estudar aos 5 anos) and leave/finish school at 17 (terminam a escola aos 17). Its common for some children to change schools (mudar de escola). Parents usually pick their kids up from school (buscam os filhos na escola). Some bad children are expelled from school (expulsas da escola). Some children also skip school (matam aula). Its also possible to say cut school, ditch school. If a child stays behind after school, it means the child has to stay at school (ficar na escola) after classes.Other common combinations are: be late for school (estar atrasado para a escola), be at school (estar na escola), stay home from school (ficar em casa e no ir para a escola), quit school (abandonar a escola/os estudos).

a. take an exam (fazer uma prova) b. enrol on a course (matricular-se em um curso) c. carry out a research (fazer uma pesquisa) d. obtain a diploma (tirar um diploma) e. drop out of the course (abandonar um curso) f. attend a lesson (assistir a uma aula) g. give lessons (dar aulas) h. have a lesson on (ter uma aula de) i. invest in education (investir na educao) j. take a crash course (fazer um curso intensivo) k. acquire a qualification (obter uma qualificao) l. hand in your homework (entregar a tarefa de casa) m. pay for your education (pagar por sua educao) n. miss school (faltar a escola) Seguem algumas combinaes comuns envolvendo palavras geralmente usadas nos estudos (escolas e faculdades).HOMEWORK (TAREFA DE CASA, DEVER DE CASA, TEMA)ADJETIVOS~ de ingls (English ~), ~ de cincias (Science ~), ~ matemtica (Math ~),~ de geografia (Geography ~), ~ de literatura (Literature ~)VERBOSfazer a ~ (do the ~), terminar a ~ (finish the ~), entregar a ~ (hand in the~), ter ~ (have ~, get ~), passar ~ (assign ~, give ~, set ~), corrigir ~ (grade ~, mark ~)Exemplos: Our Math teacher assigned a lot of homework for the weekend. (Nossa professora de matemtica passou um monte de tarefas para o fim de semana.) I have to do my English homework. (Tenho de fazer minha tarefa de ingls.) Why didnt she grade our homework? (Por que ela no corrigiu nossa tarefa?)TEACHER (PROFESSOR, PROFESSORA)ADJETIVOS~ brilhante (outstanding ~), ~ competente (competente ~), ~ incompetente (incompetente ~), ~ habilidoso (skilled ~), ~ aposentado (retired ~), ~ pssimo (bad ~), ~ qualificado (qualified ~), ~ universitrio (college ~, university ~), ~ de tempo integral (full-time ~), ~ substituto (supply ~, substitute ~), ~ de educao especial (special-education ~, special-needs ~),~ de escola dominical (Sunday-school ~), ~ de dana (dance ~), ~ de ingls (English ~), ~ de biologia (Biology ~), ~ experiente (experience ~), ~ inexperiente (inexperience ~), ~ exigente (demanding ~),~ meticuloso (painstaking ~, meticulous ~),~ student (estudante, aluno, aluna)ADJETIVOS~ brilhante (brilliant ~), ~ bom (good ~), ~ talentoso (talented ~), ~ de graduao (graduate ~), ~ de ps-graduao (postgraduate ~), ~ de doutorado [doutorando] (doctoral ~), ~ de mestrado [mestrando] (masters ~),~ antigo (old ~, former ~),~ de intercmbio (exchange ~), ~ de engenharia (engineering ~), ~ de medicina (medical ~),~ de direito (law ~)VERBOSmatricular-se (enroll), envolver ~ (engage ~), motivar ~ (motivate ~),encorajar ~ (encourage ~), apoiar ~ (support ~), auxiliar ~ (assist ~),ajudar ~ (help ~), preparar ~ (prepare ~), educar ~ (educate ~)RESEARCH (PESQUISA)ADJETIVOS~ aprofundada (in-depth ~), ~ meticulosa (meticulous ~, painstaking ~), ~ completa (thorough ~), ~ abrangente (exhaustive ~), ~ bsica (basic ~), ~ emprica (empirical ~), ~ de ponta (cutting-edge ~), ~ acadmica (academic ~, scholarly ~), ~ mais recente (latest ~), ~ atual (current ~, present ~), ~ militar (military ~), ~ experimental (experimental ~), ~ anterior (previous ~, prior ~, past ~), ~ inovadora (innovative ~), ~ pioneira (pioneering ~), ~ revolucionria (groundbreaking ~), ~ em andamento (ongoing ~), ~ em conjunto (collaborative ~)VERBOSfazer uma (carry out a ~, do a ~), conduzir uma ~ (conduct a ~), realizar uma ~ (perform a ~, pursue a ~), apresentar uma ~ (presente a ~), publicar uma ~ (publish a ~), financiar uma ~ (fund a ~, sponsor a ~), supervisionar uma ~ (oversee a ~), exigir uma ~ (require a ~, need a ~), liderar uma ~ (lead a ~), promover uma ~ (promote a ~), estimular uma ~ (stimulate a ~),citar uma ~ (cite a ~)

TALKING ABOUT FOODYou already know about fast food, dont you? Now, what about, junk food? People usually say that fast foodand junk food are the same thing. What do you think? Do you agree or disagree?Nowadays, we also foods that are changed or treated as part of an industrial operation. These are known as processed food. There is also genetically modified food, which is shortened to GM food and is also known as genetically engineered food.Apart from those, we can also say simple things such as: diet food, health food, natural food, raw food, fatty food, wholesome food. What about rabbit food? This how they humorously refer to salad vegetables.Whe you go to a restaurant, you can order some carry out-food or takeout food (comida para levar). These are what American usually say. In British English, they say takeaway food. Sometimes we also buy frozen food and prepare it at home. There are lots of word combinations with the word food: fresh food, spicy food, decent food, organic food, vegetarian food, tasty food etc.a. rabbit food (comida de tartaruga (informal: saladas)) b. takeout food (comida para viagem) c. fatty food (comida gordurosa) d. processed food (alimento processado) e. junk food (porcarias, besteiras (no saudveis)) f. GM food (alimento geneticamente modificado) g. wholesome food (alimento integral) h. frozen food (comida congelada) i. spicy food (comida apimentada) j. fresh food (alimento fresco) k. tasty food (comida saborosa)

a. fresh, crunchy, tasty, tomato, Caesar, green ................ saladb. cooking, soybean, olive, canola, rancid, sunflower ................ oilc. boiled, long-grian, short-grain, red, white, steamed ................ riced. stale, crusty, fresh, sliced, garlic, rye, wholewheat ................ breade. creamy, hearty, thin, home-made, packaged, vegetable ................ soupf. rotten, fatty, lean, raw, red, ground, dried, kosher ................ meat

A seguir, veja mais combinaes comuns envolvendo refeies, bebidas e alimentos em geral.BREAKFAST (CAF DA MANH)ADJETIVOS~ bom, excelente (good ~), ~ completo (full ~, proper ~), ~ demorado (long ~), ~ sem pressa, ~ com calma (leisurely ~), ~ leve (light ~), ~ moderado (modest ~), ~ nutritivo, ~ rico (hearty ~), ~ rpido, ~ apressado, ~ s pressas (hasty ~, quick ~, hurried ~), ~ reforado, ~ rico (big ~, large ~), ~ substancioso, ~ reforado, ~ rico, nutritivo (solid ~, substantial ~)VERBOScomear a tomar ~ (start ~), ~ estar pronto (~be ready), fazer ~ (make ~),fazer ~, preparar ~ (fix ~), ficar sem ~, no tomar ~ (skip ~), preparar ~ (get ~ ready), preparar ~ (prepare ~), sentar-se para ~ (sit down to ~),terminar de tomar ~ (finish ~), tomar ~ (eat ~, take ~, have ~)FRASEScaf da manh na cama breakfast in bedLUNCH (ALMOO)ADJETIVOS~ adiantado, ~ antes da hora (early ~), ~ atrasado, ~ tardio (late ~), ~completo, ~ grande (heavy ~), ~ de domingo (Sunday ~), ~ de negcios (business ~), ~ delicioso, ~ saboroso (delicious ~), ~ demorado (long ~), ~demorado, ~ sem pressa (leisurely ~), ~ gostoso, ~ saboroso (tasty ~), ~leve (light ~), ~ minguado, ~ parco, ~ magro (meager ~), ~ nutritivo, ~rico, ~ grande (hearty ~), ~ timo, ~ suntuoso (slap-up ~), ~ regado com bebida alcolica (liquid ~), ~ saudvel, ~ nutritivo (healthy ~), ~ suntuoso (sumptuous ~)VERBOSalmoar (have ~, eat ~, take ~), comear a ~ (start ~), convidar algum para ~ (ask somebody to ~, invite somebody to ~), ~ estar pronto (~ be ready), fazer ~, preparar ~ (fix ~, prepare ~, make ~, cook ~), fazer o almoo, preparar o almoo (get ~ ready), ficar sem ~ (skip ~), sentar-se para ~ (sit down to ~), terminar de ~ (finish ~)DINNER (JANTAR)ADJETIVOS~ luz de velas (candlelit ~), ~ de Natal (Christmas ~), ~ delicioso,saboroso (delicious ~), ~ demorado (leisurely ~), ~ gostoso (good ~), ~maravilhoso, ~ excelente (excelente ~), ~ de micro-ondas (TV ~)1, ~timo, ~ magnfico (slap-up ~), ~ romntico (romantic ~), ~ suntuoso (sumptuous ~)VERBOSconvidar algum para ~ (ask somebody to ~, invite somebody to ~), ~ estar pronto (~ be ready), fazer o ~, preparar o ~ (fix ~, prepare ~, make ~, cook~), fazer o ~, preparar o ~ (get ~ ready), ficar sem ~ (skip ~), jantar (have ~, eat ~, take ~), sentar-se para ~ (sit down to ~), comear a ~ (start ~),terminar de ~ (finish ~)SNACK (LANCHE)ADJETIVOS~ apetitoso, ~ saboroso, ~ delicioso (savoury ~), ~ da manh (mid-morning~), ~ da noite (midnight ~), ~ da tarde (mid-afternoon ~), ~ leve (light ~), ~rpido (quick ~), ~ rico, ~ nutritivo (healthy ~), ~ saboroso, ~ gostoso (tasty ~) lanche da tarde the mid-afternoon snack um lanchinho rpido a quick snack um lanche apetitoso a savoury snackVERBOSfornecer ~ (provide ~), lanchar (have a snack), parar para ~ (stop for a ~),preparar ~, fazer ~ (cook ~, fix ~, prepare ~, make ~), servir ~ (serve ~),tomar um ~ (eat ~, have ~)Outras combinaesperishable food alimento perecvelfood poisoning intoxicao alimentarhome-cooked food comida caseiraa shortage of food falta de comidathe consumption of food o consumo de alimentosnourishing meals refeies nutritivasready meals refeies prontassquare meal refeio decentego out for a meal sair para comerhave dessert pegar sobremesaorder dessert pedir a sobremesalose ones appetite perder o apetitespoil ones appetite perder o apetiteinsatiable appetite apetite insacivela vegetarian dish um prato vegetarianothe national dish o prato nacionala local dish um prato localan expensive dish um prato caroTALKING ABOUT CARSCar is a basic word for every English language learner. Its funny how most of them cant talk about cars, though. Well, they know they can drive a car.Some also knows that you can park a car. If the car wont start, everybody knows that we may have to push the car.Now, imagine you are at a traffic light and your car stalls. What do you do?You have to get out of the car and push it. Of course that wont happen to a classy car or a brand-new car. Problems like that may happen to old wrecks (latas velhas).When youre driving on a road and your car breaks down, you have to call a tow truck (guincho) to tow the car. You cant just leave your car in there.The thing is: if you have a car, you have to take good care of it. By doing so, youll avoid lots of problems. So, remember its always a good idea to have your car serviced from time to time.Hora de praticar1 Relacione a combinao da esquerda com seu significado direita.a. drive a car (dirigir um carro) b. park a car (estacionar um carro) c. push the car (empurrar o carro) d. car stalls (carro morre, carro afoga) e. get out of the car (sair do carro) f. classy car (carro sofisticado, cheio de classe) g. brand-new car (carro zero, carro novinho em folha) h. car breaks down (carro enguia) i. tow the car (rebocar o carro) j. leave your car (deixar seu carro) k. have your car serviced (levar o carro para manuteno)

2 Qual meio de transporte combina com os verbos a seguir? As opes so:, , , , a. ride, come off, fall off, knock somebody off, dismount, push, wheel, go by, get on, mount ......... motorcycleb. run for, get off, wait for, go by, catch, get, take, miss, get on, use, travel by ........................... busc. abandon, scuttle, sink, go down with, tie up, moor, build, board, go aboard, launch, pilot, steer, rescue shipd. rev up, ride, fall off, come off, knock someone off, climb off, get off, mount, climb on, get on ........................... bicyclee. get on, board, charter, catch, get, take, miss, fly, pilot, get off, step off ........................... airplane

3 Escolha o verbo que melhor completa cada sentena abaixo.ride

a. I missed................ the last bus and had to take a taxi home.b. He asked his secretary to call............... me a taxi.c. Its very expensive to own................ a car these days.d. She got into the car and drove off towards downtown.e. His brother died after falling off................ motorcycle.f. We tried to pedal our bikes up the track.g. When we got to the aiport, our plane had already taken off.h. There are no direct trains to Paris from here. You have to change trains at Lyons.4 Marque o verbo que melhor completa cada sentena.a. My sister was twenty before she learned to. ride..... a bike.b. The driver told us not to get off...... the bus while it was moving.c. Do you want me to call...... you a taxi?d. We missed...... the bus. So, we got late to work.e. I fell in love with the city the moment I stepped off...... the planef. Dont you ever ride...... a motorcycle without a welmetg. It was impossible to fly...... the plane in such a horrible weather.h. Come on! get in...... the car and fasten your seat belt.i. Jimmy was very late, so he had to take...... a taxi.j. We were really late, so we had to run for...... the bus.

5 Sobre o que est sendo falado nos textos abaixo?a. Sometimes they are not very punctual. Where I live they should run every ten minutes, but sometimes I wait for them for thirty minutes or more. When one arrives it is full up. On other occasions they are early and I miss them...b. You get in it. You start it. You have a look in the mirror. You change its gear. You speed it up. You overtake another similar to it. If youre not careful you may run out of gas. If this happens, youll have to pull into a gas station to fill it up. If youre driving too fast or not wearing the seat belt, the police may ask you to pull over. Sometimes it breaks down and then you have to look for a mechanic...6 Qual verbo est faltando nas collocations a seguir?a. ...............................(ir de)by busby bikeby planeb. ...............................(pilotar)a planea shipc. ...............................(perder)the busthe planed. ...............................(derrubar da)off a motorcycleoff a bicyclee. ...............................(fretar)a planea shipA seguir, veja mais combinaes comuns envolvendo meios de transporte.CAR (CARRO)ADJETIVOS~ alugado (hire ~), ~ antigo (veteran ~, vintage ~), ~ blindado (armored ~),~ cheio de classe (classy ~), ~ confortvel (comfy ~), ~ de luxo (luxury ~),~ de polcia (police ~), ~ de segunda mo (second-hand ~), ~ econmico (economical ~), ~ envenenado (powerful ~), ~ espaoso (roomy ~), ~espalhafatoso (flashy ~), ~ cheio de frescuras (flashy), ~ esporte (sports~), ~ estacionado (parked ~), ~ novo (new ~), ~ particular (private ~), ~sofisticado (classy ~), ~ usado (used ~), ~ utilizado na fuga (getaway ~), ~veloz (fast ~) o carro utilizado na fuga the getaway car um carro envenenado a powerful car carros antigos vintage carsVERBOS + CARabandonar o ~ (abandon the ~, dump the ~), acabar com o ~, causar dano total ao ~ (write off the ~), alugar um ~ (hire a ~, rent a ~), arrombar o ~(break into the ~), bater o ~, arruinar o ~ (wreck the ~), bater o ~, chocar o ~ , destruir o ~ por completo (smash up the ~), consertar o ~, fazer reparos no ~ (repair the ~), dar r no ~ (back the ~, reverse the ~), deixar o ~, largar o ~ (leave the ~), desfazer-se do ~, livrar-se do ~ (dump the ~),empurrar o ~ (push the ~), estacionar o ~ (park the ~), fazer um ~ (build a ~, make a ~), fazer a manunteno do ~ (service the ~), fazer reparos no ~, fazer ajustes no ~ (work on the ~), ir de ~ (go by the ~), pegar o ~ (take the ~), perder o controle do ~ (lose control of the ~), possuir um ~, ter um ~ (own a ~, have a ~), rebocar o ~ (tow the ~), roubar o ~ (steal the ~),ultrapassar um ~, passar um ~ (overtake a ~, pass a ~), viajar de ~ (travel by ~) abandonaram o carro da fuga abandoned the getaway car perder o controle da direo lost control of the car ter de fazer alguns reparos no carro have to work on the carCAR + VERBOS~ afogar, ~ apagar (the ~ stall), ~ chocar-se contra algo, ~ bater em algo (the ~ run into something), ~ derrapou (the ~ skidded), ~ desviar (the ~ swerve), ~ estar acabado, ~ detonado (the ~ is written off), ~ morrer, ~ apagar, ~ pifar (~ go off), ~ movido a (the ~ runs on), ~ parar bruscamente (the ~ screech to a halt), ~ pegar, ~ funcionar, ~ ligar (the ~ start), ~ pifar, ~ apagar, ~ enguiar, ~ quebrar (the ~ break down), o carro apagou the car stalled o carro pegou de primeira the car started first time o carro est todo detonado the car is written off carros movidos a gasolina cars running on gas Frases a marca do seu carro the make of your car o modelo do seu carro the model of your carBICYCLE (BICICLETA)VERBOS + BICYCLEandar de ~ (ride the ~), cair da ~ (come off the ~, fall off the ~), derrubar algum da ~ (knock somebody off the ~), descer da ~ (dismount the ~),empurrar a ~ (push the ~,wheel the ~), ir de ~ (go by the ~), subir na ~, montar na ~ (get on the ~), subir na ~, montar na ~ (mount the ~) no saber andar de bicicleta cant ride a bicycle empurrar a bicicleta wheel the bicycle, push the bicycle derrubar algum da bicicleta knock somebody off his/her bicycleBICYCLE + VERBOSfurar o pneu da ~ (~ have a puncture, ~ get a puncture, ~ have a flat tire) pneu da bicicleta furou my bike had a puncture, my bike had a flat tireFRASES encostar a bicicleta em algo lean/prop the bicycle against somethingBUS (NIBUS)VERBOScorrer para pegar o ~ (run for the ~), descer do ~, saltar do ~ (get off the~), esperar pelo ~ (wait for the ~), ir de ~ (go by ~), pegar o ~ (catch the ~,get the ~, take the ~), perder o ~ (miss the ~), subir no ~, entrar no ~ (get on the ~), usar o ~ (use the ~), viajar de ~ (travel by ~) perder o ltimo nibus miss the last bus ir de nibus go by bus saltar do nibus get off the bus correr para pegar o nibus run for the busBUS + VERBOS~ chegar, ~ vir (~ arrive), ~ estar cheio (~ be full up), ~ parar (stop), ~ parar, ~ encostar (~ pull up), ~ partir de (~ leave from), ~ passar (~ go), ~ passar (~ run), ~ passar na hora certa (~ be punctual), ~ pegar (~ pick up),~ sair de (~ go from), ~ transportar (~ carry), ~ vir, ~ chegar (~ come) o nibus parou para pegar passageiros the bus pulled up to pick passengers up os nibus passam de dez em dez minutos buses run every ten minutes o nibus estava transportando 80 passageiros the bus was carrying 80 passengers meu nibus nunca passa na hora certa my bus isnt very punctualFRASES ponto de nibus bus stop (apenas uma placa indicando ser ali uma parada de nibus) ponto de nibus bus shelter (com abrigo para proteger voc contra o sol ou a chuva)MOTORCYCLE, MOTORBIKE (MOTOCICLETA)VERBOS + PLANE~ antiga (veteran ~, vintage ~), ~ envenenada, ~ potente (powerful ~) moto envenenada a powerful motorcycle uma coleo de motos antigas a collection of vintage motorcycleVERBOSacelerar a ~ (rev up the ~), andar de ~ (ride a ~), cair da ~ (fall off the ~,come off the ~), derrubar algum da ~ (knock someone off the ~), descer da ~, sair da ~ (climb off the ~), descer da ~, sair da ~ (get off the ~), montar na ~, subir na ~ (mount the ~), subir na ~ (climb on the ~, get on the ~) descer da moto get off the motorcycle cair da moto come off the motorcycleFRASES subir na garupa da moto climb onto the back of the motorcyclePLANE (AVIO)VERBOS + PLANEentrar no ~ (get on the ~), embarcar no ~ (board the ~), fretar um ~ (charter a ~), pegar o ~ (catch a ~, get a ~, take ~), perder o ~ (miss the ~), pilotar um ~ (fly a ~, pilot a ~), sair do ~ (get off the ~, step off the ~) sair do avio step off the plane perder o voo miss the plane pegar o voo take the planePLANE + VERBOS~ aterrissar (~ land), ~ cair (~ come down), ~ chegar (~ arrive), ~ colidir (~ crash), ~ decolar (~ take off), ~ partir (~ depart), ~ sobrevoar (~ cruise, ~ fly), ~ transportar (~ carry) o avio transportava 200 pessoas the plane was carrying 200 um avio caiu no Oceano Pacfico a plane came down over the Pacific OceanFRASES acidente/desastre de avio plane crash/disasterSHIP (NAVIO)ADJETIVOS~ belo, ~ bonito (beautiful ~), ~ bonito, ~ magnfico (fine ~), ~ de carga (cargo ~), ~ de cruzeiro (cruise ~), ~ enorme (huge ~), ~ inimigo (enemy ~), ~ mercante (~ merchant), ~ pirata (pirate ~) navio de cruzeiro a cruise ship um enorme navio de carga a huge cargo shipVERBOS + SHIPabandonar o ~ (abandon the ~), afundar o ~ (scuttle ~ [fazendo-lhe rombos, furos]), afundar o ~ (sink the ~), afundar com ~ (go down with the ~), afundar o ~ com torpedo (torpedo the ~), amarrar o ~, prender o ~ (tie up the ~), atracar o ~ (moor the ~), batizar o ~, nomear o ~ (christen the ~), carregar o ~ (load the ~), construir um ~, fazer um ~ (build a ~), descarregar o ~ (unload the ~), embarcar no ~, entrar no, ir a bordo do ~ (go aboard the ~, board the ~, go onboard the ~, come aboard the ~, come on board the ~), fazer o lanamento do ~ (launch the ~), fretar um ~ (charter a ~), nomear o ~, batizar o ~ (name the ~), pilotar o ~ (pilot the ~, steer the ~), rebocar o ~ (tow the ~), resgatar o ~, salvar o ~ (rescue the ~, salvage the ~), sair ilegalmente do (jump the ~) resgatar o navio mercante rescue the merchant ship eles saram ilegalmente do navio em Recife they jumped ship in RecifeSHIP + VERBOS~ ancorar (~ anchor), ~ chegar (~ arrive), ~ colidir com (~ collide with), ~ emborcar, ~ virar (~ capsize), ~ encalhar (~ run aground), ~ entrar na doca (~ dock), ~ estar ancorado (~ be at anchor, ~ lie at anchor), ~ lanar ao mar (~ put to sea), ~ naufragar (~ be wrecked), ~ partir (~ depart, ~ go, ~ leave), ~ transportar (~ carry) o navio naufragou the ship was wrecked o navio encalhou the ship ran aground o navio estava ancorado the ship was anchored, the ship lay at anchorFRASES a proa do navio the bow of the ship a popa do navio the stern of the ship a tripulao do navio the crew of the shipSUBWAY (METR)VERBOSir de ~ (go by ~, go on ~), pegar o ~ (take the ~), viajar de ~ (travel by ~, travel on ~), usar ~ (use ~) ir de metr go on subway, go by subway usar o metr use the subwayTAXI (TXI)VERBOSacenar para um ~ (hail a ~, flag down a ~), chamar um ~ (call a ~, order a ~, get a ~), conseguir um ~ (get a ~), dividir um ~ (share a ~), encontrar um ~ (find a ~), entrar no ~ (get into athe ~), fazer sinal para um ~ parar (hail a ~, flag down a ~), ir de ~ (go by ~), pagar um ~ (pay for a ~, pay off a ~), pegar um ~ (catch a ~, take a ~), sair do ~ (get out of the ~), solicitar um ~ (call a ~, order a ~), solicitar um ~ por telefone (phone a ~) dividir a corrida do txi share the taxi ride entrar no txi get into the taxiFRASES ponto de txi taxi rank corrida de txi taxi rideComputadoresTHINGS YOU DO WITH A COMPUTER.You have a computer, dont you? Is it a high-speed computer? A state-ofthe-art computer? Now what are the things you do with your computer?Im quite sure that you use your computer a lot. Before using it, you have to switch it on. If your computer crashes, and sometimes it does, you have to reboot it we can also say restart the computer.When you do what you have to do, you switch it off. When we cant switch it off, we may take some extreme measures and shut it down. If you buy a new computer, you have to install it and link (or network) it to the other computers you may have at home.All your files are held on you computer. Its also correct to say that all your data is stored on your computer. We all need an antivirus program. You know there are people out there who may want to hack into your computer. If that happens you may lose all your work.Oh! I cant forget to say that everybody hates being disturbed when they are on the computer.Hora de praticar1 No texto que voc acabou de ler (e ouvir), h alguns verbos e adjetivos comumente usados para falar sobre computadores. Encontre as palavras e anoteas no diagrama a seguir, de acordo com as equivalncias dadas.a. de ltima gerao .............................................b. usar .............................................c. invadir .............................................d. reiniciar .............................................e. rpido .............................................f. ligar ............................................. computerg. desligar .............................................h. ligar em rede .............................................i. dar pau .............................................j. armazenar algo no .............................................k. instalar .............................................l. estar no .............................................2 Seguem as instrues que aparecem no menu da maioria dos computadores.Relacione-as com as equivalncias corretas em portugus.a. open ( ) salvarb. save ( ) fecharc. share ( ) apagar, deletard. paste ( ) imprimire. save as ( ) visualizarf. print ( ) refazerg. close ( ) compartilharh. copy ( ) abriri. select ( ) copiarj. delete ( ) salvar comok. cut ( ) cortarl. undo ( ) selecionarm. view ( ) colar3 Das palavras acima, quais podem ser combinadas com a palavra file (arquivo)?a. abrir o arquivo open a fileb. fechar o arquivo close a filec. copiar o arquivo ...............................................d. salvar o arquivo ...............................................e. compartilhar o arquivo ...............................................f. selecionar o arquivo ...............................................g. apagar o arquivo ...............................................h. imprimir o arquivo ...............................................i. visualizar o arquivo ...............................................Lembre-se de que voc tambm pode:enviar um arquivo send a filebaixar um arquivo download a filesubir um arquivo upload a filerecuperar um arquivo retrieve a file, recover a fileanexar um arquivo attach a fileeditar um arquivo edit a filecriar um arquivo create a filerenomear um arquivo rename a file4 Use as palavras a seguir para completar as sentenas. Para no ter problemas, veja as equivalncias e faa as associaes. Nessa atividade, voc aprender as combinaes mais comuns ao falarmos sobre internet.go bounce a. I click on......................................... the icon but nothing happens.b. Youre already connected......................................... to the internet.c. I cant access......................................... my companys website.d. How much time do you spend......................................... online?e. The email will ......................................... if the account is closed.(voltar, retornar)f. Im trying to download......................................... a video from Youtube.g. Can you send ......................................... her an email?h. How do I ......................................... online?(fico)i. browse......................................... the web in smarter, more powerful ways.j. Do you know what his email address......................................... is?k. select......................................... the option you want.l. Its very easy to shop on ......................................... the internet if you have a credit card.5 Relacione os verbos da esquerda com as palavras da direita.a. send ( ) a programb. highlight ( ) musicc. make ( ) peoples computerd. run ( ) a chat roome. surf ( ) a backup copyf. download ( ) on the internetg. enter ( ) an emailh. go into ( ) part of a texti. back up ( ) to the internetj. hack into ( ) the internetk. shop ( ) the web addressl. connect ( ) your workOutras combinaesforward an email repassar um e-mailreply to an email responder a um e-mailput in the correct address digitar o endereo corretosend an attachment enviar um anexoaccess information acessar informaesback up your work fazer o back-up do seu trabalhoinstall a program instalar um programaspread over the internet espalhar-se pela internetinsert a blank disk inserir um CD virgemsearch the website fazer uma busca no siteprint (out) the document imprimir o documentofollow the set up instructions seguir as instrues de instalaoscroll down the text role o texto para baixoclick on the right mouse button clique o boto direito do mouseclick and hold clique e segurehold and drag segure e arrastecopy and paste copie e coleParte III.......Collocation com palavras comunsEsta terceira parte tem por objetivo funcionar como uma espcie de minidicionrio portugus-ingls de collocations. A organizao a mesma utilizada nos captulos anteriores.Suponhamos que voc queira encontrar combinaes em ingls para a palavra responsabilidade. Sua inteno dizer responsabilidade conjunta. Voc sabe que responsabilidade responsibility, mas e a palavra conjunta? Como ?1. Procure a palavra responsibility no minidicionrio e veja a lista de possveis palavras que combinam com ela.2. O sinal til (~) representa a palavra-chave. Portanto, ~ assustadora significa responsabilidade assustadora, ~ financeira significa responsabilidade financeira e assim por diante. Isso vale tanto para portugus quanto para ingls.3. Na lista de palavras, encontre a palavra conjunta. Veja que temos: ~ conjunta (collective ~, joint ~).4. H, portanto, dois modos de dizer responsabilidade conjunta: collective responsibility e joint responsibility. Escolha um e use-o em seu texto.5. Caso queira encontrar exemplos com uma dessas combinaes, a dica a mesma dos captulos iniciais deste livro: recorra internet para encontrar exemplos e ver como as palavras so usadas em contexto.Compilar um dicionrio de collocations no uma tarefa simples. Algumas palavras podem ficar de fora. Mas saiba que todos os esforos foram feitos para que, no minidicionrio a seguir, constassem as palavras mais frequentes.As palavras-chave escolhidas para esta parte so de uso comum na lngua inglesa e, portanto, tm uma ampla gama de combinaes. Palavras como situation, accident, advantage, attention, problem etc. podem parecer palavras simples. Afinal, so parecidas com seus equivalentes em portugus. No entanto, essas palavras no so usadas isoladamente; elas sempre se fazem presentes e so entendidas por causa de suas combinaes. Logo, de suma importncia que voc aprenda as combinaes mais comuns com elas.Accident (acidente)ADJETIVOS~ areo (aircraft ~), ~ de carro (car ~), ~ de pequenas propores (minor ~, slight ~), ~ de trabalho (work ~), ~ de trnsito (traffic ~), ~ esquisito (freak ~), ~ estranho (freak ~), ~ fatal (fatal ~), ~ feio (nasty ~), ~ grande (major ~), ~ grave (major ~, nasty ~, serious ~), ~ horrvel (bad ~, horrific ~, dreadful ~, nasty ~), ~ industrial (industrial ~), ~ lamentvel (unfortunate ~), ~ leve (minor ~, slight ~), ~ nuclear (nuclear ~), ~ pequeno (minor ~, slight ~), ~ rodovirio (road ~), ~ srio (bad ~, major ~, serious ~), ~ terrvel (bad ~, dreadful ~, horrific ~, terrible ~), ~ trgico (tragic ~), ~ violento (dreadful ~, nasty ~, serious ~)hit-and-run ~ (acidente no qual o motorista atropela algum e foge, sem prestar socorro) um terrvel acidente de trnsito a terrible traffic accident um acidente de pequenas propores a slight accident, a minor accident pior acidente nuclear da histria mundial the worlds worst nuclear accident acidente de trabalho work accidentVERBOScausar um ~ (cause an ~), estar envolvido em um ~ (be involved in an ~), evitar um ~ (avoid an ~, avert an ~, prevent an ~), sobreviver a um ~ (survive an ~), sofrer um ~ (meet with an ~, have an ~, suffer an ~), ter um ~ (meet with an ~, have an ~, suffer an ~), testemunhar um ~ (witness an ~) estar envolvido em um acidente trgico be involved in a dreadful accident testemunhar um acidente de trnsito witness a traffic accident sofrer um acidente de pequenas propores meet with a slight accident sobreviver a um acidente areo survive a aircraft accidentFRASES o local do acidente the scene of the accident o nmero de acidentes the toll of accidents uma onda de acidentes a spate of accidentsACTION (AO)Para ao judicial, veja as combinaes no termo lawsuitADJETIVOS~ conjunta (joint ~), ~ corretiva (corrective ~, remedial ~), ~ de emergncia (emergency ~), ~ demorada (slow ~), ~ desastrosa (clumsy ~), ~ descuidada (careless ~), ~ direta (direct ~), ~ disciplinar (disciplinary ~), ~ do presidente (presidential ~), ~ drstica (drastic ~), ~ efetiva (effective ~), ~ evasiva (evasive ~), ~ firme (decisive ~, firm ~, Strong ~), ~ hostil (hostile ~), ~ humanitria (humanitarian ~), ~ idiota (foolish ~), ~ imediata (immediate ~, swift ~), ~ impensada (thoughtless ~), ~ imprudente (foolhardy ~), ~ judicial (legal ~), ~ legal (legal ~), ~ lenta (slow ~), ~ militar (military ~), ~ nova (further ~), ~ ousada (bold ~), ~ poltica (political ~), ~ positiva (positive ~), ~ precipitada (precipitate ~), ~ presidencial (presidential ~), ~ rpida (brisk ~), ~ tola (foolish ~), ~ urgente (urgente ~), ~ vigorosa (vigorou ~) ao impensada thoughtless action ao disciplinar drstica drastic disciplinary action ao militar military action ao poltica political actionVERBOSAdiar a ~ (defer the ~, postpone the ~), apoiar a ~ (back up the ~, support the ~), aprovar a ~ (back up the ~, support the ~), assumir a responsabilidade por uma ~ (undertake an ~), atrapalhar a ~ (hamper the ~, hinder the ~), causar a ~ (instigate the ~), concordar com uma ~ (agree on an ~), decidir por uma ~ (decide on an ~), desculpar-se por uma ~ (apologize for an ~), dificultar a ~ (hamper the ~, hinder the ~), empreender uma ~ (undertake an ~), entrar em ~ (leap into ~, spring into ~, swing into ~), estorvar a ~ (hamper the ~, hinder the ~), evitar a ~ (prevent the ~), executar a ~ (carry out the ~, perform the ~), exigir uma ~ (call for an ~), fechar os olhos a uma ~ (condone an ~), fomentar a ~ (instigate the ~), instigar a ~ (instigate the ~ ) , julgar a ~ (judge the ~), justificar a ~ (justify the ~), prevenir a ~ (prevent the ~), realizar a ~ (carry out the ~, perform the ~, undertake the ~), renovar a ~ (renew the ~), requerer a ~ (call for the ~), ser levado a ~ (be led into the ~), tomar a ~ (take the ~) requerer uma ao do presidente require a presidential action tomar um ao imediata take an immediate action apoiar uma ao militar support a military action eles vo entrar em ao they will spring into actionFRASES ser responsabilizado por suas aes be held accountable for their actions assumir as consequncias por seus atos face the consequences of their actionsADVANTAGE (VANTAGEM)ADJETIVOS~ adicional (additional ~), ~ aparente (apparent ~), ~ bem merecida (welldeserved ~), ~ clara (clear ~), ~ comercial (comercial ~), ~ considervel (considerable ~), ~ de curto prazo (short-term ~), ~ de longo prazo (longterm ~), ~ decisiva (decisive ~), ~ desonesta (unfair ~), ~ duvidosa (doubtful ~), ~ educacional (educational ~), ~ eleitoral (electoral ~), ~ enorme (enormous ~, huge ~), ~ essencial (key ~, vital ~), ~ evidente (clear ~), ~ fantstica (overwhelming ~), ~ financeira (financial ~), ~ grande (big ~, great ~), ~ importante (main ~), ~ inesperada (unexpected ~), ~ injusta (unfair ~), ~ material (material ~), ~ muito importante (major ~), ~ mtua (mutual ~), ~ ntida (clear ~), ~ poltica (political ~), ~ positiva (positive ~), ~ recproca (mutual ~), ~ significante (significant ~), ~ tcnica (technical ~), ~ tremenda (overwhelming ~) uma forte vantagem poltica an overwhelming political advantage uma aparente vantagem comercial an apparent commercial advantage uma enorme vantagem financeira a huge financial advantageVERBOSAdministrar a ~(grasp the ~, use the ~), analisar bem a ~ (weigh up the ~), conquistar a ~ (win the ~), conseguir a ~ (gain the ~, get the ~), considerar a ~ (weigh up the ~), dar a ~ (give the ~), desfrutar a ~ (enjoy the ~), desperdiar a ~ (waste the ~), enfatizar ~ (press home the ~), gozar de ~ (enjoy the ~), jogar a ~ fora (waste the ~), obter a ~ (gain the ~, get the ~, win the ~), oferecer a ~ (offer the ~), ponderar a ~ (weigh up the ~), segurar a ~ (grasp the ~), superar a ~ (outweigh the ~), ter a ~ (have the ~), usar a ~ (use the ~) analisar bem as importantes vantagens weigh up the main advantages desfrutar das significantes vantagens enjoy the significant advantages ter uma vantagem muito importante sobre have a major advantage overFRASES tirar vantagem de algum (aproveitar-se de algum) take advantage of someone tirar vantagem da situao (aproveitar) take advantage of the situation aproveitar algo ao mximo take full/maximum advantage of somethingAGREEMENT (ACORDO)* tambm pode ser dito apenas suitADJETIVOSProjeto de ~ (draft ~), ~ formal (formal ~), ~ final (final ~), ~ por escrito (written ~), ~ legal (legal ~), ~ compulsrio (legally binding ~), ~ informal (informal ~), ~ verbal (verbal ~), ~ implcito (tacit ~), ~ voluntrio (voluntary ~), ~ definitivo (definitive ~), ~ internacional (international ~), ~ bilateral (bilateral ~), ~ multilateral (multilateral ~), ~ de cessar fogo (ceasefire ~), ~ de paz (peace ~), ~ [ou contrato] de aluguel com opo de compra (hire-purchase ~)VERBOSChegar a um ~ (reach an ~, enter into an ~), entrar em um ~ (enter into an ~), negociar um ~ (negotiate an ~, work towards ~), finalizar o ~ (conclude the ~), assinar um ~ (sign a ~), ter um ~ (have a ~), estar vinculado a um ~ (be bound by an ~), estar preso a um ~ (be bound by an ~), honrar o ~ (honor the ~), manter-se firme ao ~ (keep to ~, stick to ~), quebrar o ~ (break the ~), violar o ~ (violate the ~), negar o ~ (renege on the ~), aderir ao ~ (adhere to ~)FRASES breach of agreement quebra do acordo the terms of the agreement os termos do acordo a clause in the agreement uma clasula do acordoAPPOINTMENT (COMPROMISSO; HORRIO COM MDICO, DENTISTA ETC.)ADJETIVOS~ com o dentista (dental~), ~ com o mdico (medical ~), ~ comercial (business ~), ~ de negcios (business ~), ~ importante (importante ~), ~ inicial (initial ~), ~ urgente (pressing ~, urgente ~) um importante compromisso de negcios an important business appointment um compromisso urgente an urgent/a pressing appointmentVERBOSAdiar um ~ (postpone an ~, put off an ~), agendar um ~ (arrange an ~, book an ~, fix an ~), cancelar um ~ (cancel an ~), conseguir um ~ (get an ~), cumprir um ~ (keep an ~), marcar um ~ (arrange an ~, make an ~), no comparecer a um ~ (fail to turn up for an ~), perder um ~ (break an ~, miss an ~), remarcar um ~ (rearrange an ~), ter um ~ (have an ~) marcar um horrio com o dentista make an appointment to see the dentist adiar um compromisso importanten put off an important appointment ter hora marcada com o dentista have a dental appointment ter hora marcada com o mdico have a medical appointment perder um compromisso miss an appointmentATTENTION (ATENO)ADJETIVOSBastante ~ (careful ~),~ constante (constant ~), detida ~ (meticulous ~, rapt ~, undivided ~), ~ do pblico (public ~), ~ ininterrupta (constant ~), ~ internacional (international ~), muita ~ (close ~), ~ no desejada (unwanted ~, unwelcome ~), pouca ~ (scant ~), ~ total (full ~, meticulous ~, whole ~) muita ateno close attention ateno do pblico public attention ateno ininterrupta constant attentionVERBOSAtrair ~ (attract ~), centralizar a ~ em (focus ~ on), chamar ~ (attract ~, call ~, catch ~), chamar ~ a (draw ~ to),conseguir ~ (get ~), dar ~ (devote ~, give ~), desviar ~ (divert ~), devotar ~ (devote ~), dirigir a ~ (direct ~), ganhar a ~ (receive ~), merecer a ~ (deserve ~), prender a ~ (catch ~, hold ~, keep ~), prestar ~ (pay ~), receber ~ (receive ~), requer ~ (require ~), ter ~ (have ~), trazer algo ~ (bring something to ~) tentar chamar a ateno de algum try to call someones attention receber ateno no desejada receive unwanted attention dar pouca ateno a algo give scant attention to something centralizar nossa ateno em focus our attention on no gostar de chamar a ateno para algo not like to draw attention to something Frases ateno aos detalhes attention to details cuidado e ateno care and attention o centro das atenes the center of attention no dar muita ateno a algo not pay much attention to something dar pouca ateno a algo pay little attention to something no dar nenhuma ateno a algo pay no attention to somethingBEHAVIOR (COMPORTAMENTO)ADJETIVOS~ aceitvel (acceptable ~), ~ agressivo (aggressive ~), ~ ameaador (threatning ~), ~ animal (animal ~), ~ antiesportivo (unsportsmanlike ~), ~ antissocial (antisocial ~), ~ bom (good ~), desvio de ~ (deviant ~), ~ esquisito (odd ~), ~ estranho (odd ~, strange ~), ~ exemplar (exemplary ~), ~ humano (human ~), ~ imperdovel (inexcusable ~), ~ inaceitvel (unacceptable ~), ~ indesculpvel (inexcusable ~), ~ indesejvel (undesirable ~), ~ infantil (infantile ~), ~ irresponsvel (irresponsible ~), ~ irritante (annoying ~, irritating ~), ~ mau (bad ~), ~ misterioso (mysterious ~), pssimo (bad ~), problemtico (problem ~), sexual (sexual ~), social (social ~), violento (violent ~) comportamento antissocial e agressivo antissocial and aggressive behavior um comportamento infantil an infantile behavior comportamento antiesportivo unsportsmanlike behaviorVERBOS + BEHAVIORabrandar o ~ (tone down ~), alterar o ~ (alter ~, change ~, modify ~), atenuar o ~ (tone down ~), censurar ~ de algum por (censure someones ~ for), controlar o ~ (control ~), copiar o ~ (imitate ~), criticar o ~ de algum por (disapprove of someones ~), exibir o ~ (display ~, exhibit ~, show ~), imitar o ~ (imitate ~), influenciar o ~ (influence ~), inibir o ~ (inhibit ~), justificar o ~ (justify ~), moderar o ~ (tone down ~), modificar o ~ (alter ~, change ~, modify ~), mostrar o ~ (display ~, exhibit ~, show ~), mudar o ~ (alter ~, change ~, modify ~), observar o ~ (observe ~), prever o ~ (predict ~), reprimir o ~ (restrain ~), ser responsvel por ~ (be responsible for ~), tentar igualar o ~ (emulate ~) prever um comportamento agressivo predict a aggressive behavior reprimir o comportamento antissocial restrain the antisocial behavior observar o comportamento animal observe the animal behaviour~ me deixou chocado (~ shocked me), ~ me deixou de boca aberta (~ baffled me), ~ me deixou horrorizado (~ appalled me), ~ me deixou perplexo (~ baffled me), ~ melhorou (~ improved), ~ origina-se de (~ stems from), ~ provm de (~ stems from) seu comportamento infantil me deixou bastante chocado your infantile behavior really shocked me o comportamento dele melhorou muito his behavior improved a lot o comportamento violento dela provm de her violent behavior stems fromFRASES estar se comportando bem be on ones best behavior comportamento e atitudes behavior and attitudes um padro de comportamento a pattern of behavior, a standard of behavior padres de comportamento patterns of behavior, standards of behaviorBILL (CONTA PARA PAGAR)ADJETIVOS~ alta (big ~, high ~, large ~, stiff ~), ~ absurda (huge ~), ~ abusiva (outrageous ~), ~ chocante (shocking ~), ~ de luz (electricity ~), ~ de telefone (phone ~), ~ detalhada (itemized ~), ~ do hotel (hotel ~), ~ enorme (big ~), ~ estarrecedora (crippling ~), ~ excessiva (excessive ~), ~ exorbitante (crippling ~, outrageous ~, shocking ~, steep ~), ~ impagvel (unpaid ~), ~ incalculvel (unpaid ~), ~ pendente (outstanding ~), ~ por pagar (outstanding ~), ~ salgada (huge ~, large ~, stiff ~), ~ vencida (outstanding ~) uma conta exorbitante a crippling bill, an outrageous bill, a shocking bill uma conta a pagar an outstanding bill uma conta salgada a stiff bill uma conta detalhada an itemized billVERBOSapresentar a ~ (present the ~, submit the ~), dividir a ~ (split the ~), emitir a ~ (send in the ~, send the ~), enviar a ~ (send the ~), fazer a ~ (run up the ~), liquidar a ~ (settle the ~), pagar a ~ (foot the ~, pay the ~, settle the ~), pedir a ~ (ask for the ~), receber a ~ (get the ~, receive the ~), reduzir a ~ (cut the ~, reduce the ~), saldar a ~ (settle the ~), ter a ~ (have the ~, run up the ~) pedir a conta ask for the bill receber a conta de luz receive/get the electricity bill ter uma conta muito alta run up a very large bill ter uma conta vencida have an outstanding bill reduzir a conta de luz reduce the electricity bill saldar todas as contas settle all the bills pagar a conta do hotel foot the hotel billFRASES estar vencida be overdue, be outstanding estar na conta be on the billBLAME (CULPA)ADJETIVOS~ toda (full, main, real, whole), verdadeira ~ (real) a culpa toda the main blame, the full blame, the real blame, the whole blameVERBOS + BLAMEAbsolver algum de ~ (absolve someone from/of ~), assumir a ~ (accept the ~, bear the ~, shoulder the ~, take the ~), atribuir a ~ (attach the ~, attribute the ~), colocar a ~ (lay the ~, pin the ~, place the ~, put the ~), compartilhar a ~ (share the ~), jogar a ~ (shift the ~),levar a ~ (get the ~), pr a ~ (lay the ~, pin the ~, place the ~, put the ~) jogar a culpa em algum shift the blame onto someone assumir toda a culpa por algo take full blame for something colocar a culpa em algum put blame on someone, lay blame on someoneBLAME + VERBOS~ cair em cima (~ fall on), ~ ficar com (~ lie with, ~ rest on), ~ ser de (~ lie with, ~ rest on) a culpa toda de algum the whole blame lies with someone a culpa sempre recai em mim the blame always falls on meFRASES encontrar os culpados apportion blame (formal) colocar a culpa nas costas de algum lay the blame at someones door parte da culpa part of the blame, a share of the blameCHANGE (MUDANA)ADJETIVOS~ abrupta (abrupt ~, sharp ~), ~ ampla (broad ~, sweeping ~), ~ considervel (considerable ~), ~ constante (constant ~), ~ contnua (continuous ~), ~ crucial (crucial ~), ~ de grande alcance (sweeping ~), ~ de grande efeito (far-reaching ~), ~ de longo alcance (far-reaching ~), ~ de qualidade (qualitative ~), ~ dolorosa (painful ~), ~ drstica (drastic, sharp ~), ~ enorme (big ~, great ~, sea ~), ~ extremamente importante (major ~), ~ extremamente necessria (badly-needed ~), ~ frequente (constant ~), ~ geral (widespread ~), ~ grande (big ~, great ~, sea ~), ~ imediata (immediate ~), ~ inesperada (unexpected ~), ~ inevitvel (inevitable ~), ~ inquietante (unsettling ~), ~ irreversvel (irreversible) ~, ~ lamentvel (unfortunate ~), ~ lenta (slow ~), ~ leve (slight ~), ~ modesta (modest ~), ~ momentnea (momentous ~), ~ muito importante (major ~), ~ perceptvel (perceptible ~, visible ~), ~ perturbadora (unsettling ~), ~ profunda (profound ~), ~ qualitativa (qualitative ~), ~ quantitativa (quantitative ~), ~ radical (radical ~), ~ rpida (quick ~, rapid ~, sharp ~), ~ repentina (sudden ~), ~ significativa (significant ~), ~ sutil (subtle ~), ~ tremenda (tremendous ~), ~ vagorosa (slow ~), ~ visvel (visible ~) uma mudana de longo alcance a far-reaching change uma mudana extremamente necessria a badly-needed changeVERBOSadaptar-se a ~ (adapt to ~), causar ~ (bring about ~, cause ~, produce ~), efetuar ~ (effect ~), estar sujeito a ~ (be subject to ~), evitar ~ (prevent ~), exigir ~ (call for ~, demand ~), fazer ~ (make ~), forar ~ (force ~), iniciar ~ (introduce ~), introduzir ~ (introduce ~), mostrar ~ (reflect, show ~), obrigar ~ (force ~), ocasionar ~ (bring about ~, cause ~, produce ~), opor-se a ~ (oppose ~, resist ~), passar por ~ (undergo ~), realizar ~ (effect ~), refletir ~ (reflect ~, show ~), requerer ~ (call for ~, demand ~), resistir ~ (resist ~), revelar ~ (reflect ~, show ~), ser contrrio a ~ (oppose ~, resist~), sofrer ~ (undergo ~), trazer ~ (bring about ~, produce ~) ser contrrio a grandes mudanas oppose sea changes introduzir mudanas de longo alcance introduce sweeping changes estar sujeito a rpidas mudanas be subject to rapid changesFRASES uma mudana para melhor/pior a change for better/worse mudana de planos, de ideia a change of heart/mind um perodo de mudanas a period of change um clima de mudanas a climate of change ritmo da mudana the pace of change, the rate of changeCONCLUSION (CONCLUSO)ADJETIVOS~ acertada (correct ~, right ~), ~ ajuizada (reasonable ~), ~ apressada (hasty ~, rash ~), ~ correta (correct ~, right ~), ~ definitiva (definite ~), ~ desanimadora (bleak ~), ~ devastadora (devastating ~), ~ equivocada (mistaken ~), ~ errada (wrong ~), ~ errnea (errroneous ~), ~ estranha (awkward ~), ~ falsa (false ~), ~ inevitvel (inescapable ~, inevitable ~), ~ infeliz (sad ~), ~ justificvel (justifiable ~), ~ lgica (logic ~), ~ bvia (obvious ~), ~ pertubadora (disturbing ~), ~ precipitada (hasty ~, rash ~), ~ principal (main ~), ~ sensata (reasonable ~), ~ unnime (unanimous ~) concluso prevsivel foregone conclusion Verboschegar a um ~ (arrive at a ~, come to a ~, reach a ~), apoiar ~ (support ~), apontar para ~ (point to ~), confirmar uma ~ (confirm a ~, bear out a ~), favorecer uma ~ (favor a ~), invalidar uma ~ (invalidate a ~), levar a uma ~ (lead to a ~), rejeitar uma ~ (overturn a ~), ser forado a uma ~ (be forced to a ~), tirar a ~ (draw a ~, jump to a ~, leap to a ~)FRASES no tire concluses precipitadas dont jump to (hasty) conclusions foi totalmente previsvel it was a foregone conclusion no posso tirar concluses pelo que ela falou I cant draw conclusions from what she saidDECISION (DECISO)ADJETIVOS~ anterior (previous ~), ~ apressada (hasty ~, knee-jerk ~, rash ~), ~ arbitrria (arbitrary ~), ~ assustadora (frightening ~), ~ audaciosa (daring ~), ~ boa (good ~), ~ clara (clear-cut ~), ~ comprometedora (binding ~), ~ conjunta (collective ~, joint ~), ~ consciente (conscious ~), ~ correta (right ~), ~ crucial (crucial ~, momentous ~), ~ da maioria (majority ~), ~ delicada (delicate ~), ~ desfavorvel (unfavorable ~), ~ difcil (difficult ~, hard ~, tough ~), ~ direta (straightforward ~), ~ errada (wrong ~), ~ fatdica (fateful ~), ~ favorvel (favorable ~), ~ final (final ~, ultimate ~), ~ firme (firm ~), ~ forada (forceful ~), grande ~ (big ~), ~ importante (crucial ~, important ~, key ~, landmark ~), ~ imprudente (foolhardy ~, unwise ~), ~ injusta (unfair ~), ~ insensata (unwise ~), ~ irreversvel (irreversible ~), ~ justa (fair ~), ~ m (bad ~, poor ~), ~ marcante (momentous ~), ~ ousada (daring ~), ~ racional (rational ~), ~ rpida (lightning ~, prompt ~, snap ~, swift ~), ~ relmpago (lightning ~, swift ~), ~ sbia (wise ~), ~ sensata (sensible ~), ~ unnime (unanimous ~)VERBOSacatar a ~ (abide by the ~), adiar a ~ (defer the ~, postpone the ~, put off the ~ ) , alterar a ~ (alter the ~), anular a ~ (overrule the ~, quash the ~), anunciar a ~ (announce the ~), apelar da ~ (appeal against the ~), apoiar a ~ (uphold the ~), cancelar a ~ (cancel the ~), chegar a uma ~ (arrive at the ~, come to the ~, reach the ~), confirmar a ~ (affirm the ~, uphold the ~), contestar a ~ (contest the ~), dar a ~ (give the ~), desafiar a ~ (challenge the ~), divulgar a ~ (announce the ~), endossar a ~ (endorse the ~), fazer cumprir a ~ (reinforce the ~), ir em frente com a ~ (go ahead with the ~), justificar a ~ (justify the ~, vindicate the ~), manter a ~ (uphold the ~), mudar a ~ (change the ~), pr a ~ em cheque a (question the ~), questionar a ~ (question the ~), ratificar a ~ (ratify the ~), reconsiderar a ~ (reconsider the ~), reverter a ~ (reverse the ~), revisar a ~ (revise the ~), revogar a ~ (overturn the ~), tomar a ~ (make the ~, take the ~) HELP (AJUDA)ADJETIVOSauto ~ (self-~), ~ constante (constant ~), ~ direta (direct ~), ~ enorme (enormous ~, substantial ~), ~ em larga escala (large-scale ~), ~ especializada (expert ~, skilled ~), ~ externa (outside ~), ~ financeira (financial ~), ~ generosa (generous ~, kind ~), ~ grande (big ~, great ~), ~imediata (immediate ~), ~ indispensvel (indispensable ~), ~ individual (individual ~), ~ jurdica (legal ~), ~ mdica (medical ~), ~ mtua (mutual ~), ~ profissional (professional ~), ~ tcnica (technical ~), ~ tremenda (tremendous ~), ~ urgente (urgent ~), ~ valiosa (valuable ~), ~ voluntria (voluntary ~)VERBOSaceitar ~ (accept ~), dar ~ a algum (give somebody ~), encontrar ~ (find ~), ~ estar a caminho (be at hand ~), fornecer ~ (provide ~), conseguir ~(get ~), gritar por ~ (scream for ~, shout for ~), implorar por ~ (beg for ~), ir buscar ~ (fetch ~), mandar buscar ~ (send for ~), oferecer ~ (offer ~), pedir por ~ (call for ~), precisar ~ (need ~), procurar ~ (seek ~, enlist ~), querer ~ (want ~), receber ~ (receive ~), solicitar ~ (appeal for ~, call for ~, summon ~), trazer ~ (bring), vir em ~ (come to ~)Frases um pedido de ajuda a request for help, a plea for help uma solicitao de ajuda a request for help, a plea for help um apelo por ajuda an appeal for help um grito de socorro a cry for help necessitando de socorro in need of help uma oferta de ajuda an offer for helpIDEA (IDEIA)ADJETIVOS~ absurda (absurd ~), ~ alternativa (alternative ~), ~ ambiciosa (ambitious ~), ~ apressada (half-baked ~), ~ arriscada (risky ~), ~ bsica (basic ~), ~ boa (good ~), ~ brilhante (bright ~, brilliant ~), ~ clara (clear ~), ~ complexa (complex ~), ~ confusa (hazy ~, confused ~), ~ construtiva (constructive ~), ~ convincente (convincing ~), ~ de jerico (crackpot ~, crazy ~, mad ~, wacky ~), ~ descarada (bold ~), ~ diablica (diabolical ~), ~ emocionante (exciting ~), ~ equivocada (mistaken ~), ~ esquisita (outlandish ~), ~ estimulante (stimulating ~), ~ estranha (outlandish ~), ~ excelente (excellent ~), ~ falsa (false ~), ~ grande (big ~), ~ grandiosa (grand ~, grandiose ~), ~ grotesca (grotesque ~), ~ idiota (wacky ~), ~ ingnua (ingenious ~), ~ inovadora (innovative ~), ~ inspiradora (inspirational ~), ~ inteligente (clever ~), ~ interessante (interesting ~), ~ m (bad ~), ~ maluca (crackpot ~, crazy ~, mad ~, wacky ~), ~ maravilhosa (marvellous ~), ~ meio louca (wild ~), ~ nova (fresh ~, new ~), ~ original (original ~), ~ tima (great ~), ~ pssima (bad ~), ~ positiva (positive ~), ~que vale a pena (worthwhile ~), ~ ridcula (ridiculous ~), ~ vaga (hazy ~), ~ valiosa (valuable ~) uma ideia de jerico a wacky idea uma ideia imbecil a crackpot idea uma ideia ambiciosa an ambitious idea uma ideia equivocada a mistaken ideaVERBOSaceitar bem a ~ (welcome the ~), amadurecer a ~ (mull the ~ over, turn the ~ over), aplicar a ~ (apply the ~), apresentar a ~ para discusso (put the ~ forward), bolar uma ~ (hit on the ~, hit upon the ~), compartilhar uma ~ (exchange an ~, pool an ~, share an ~), considerar a ~ (consider the ~, flirt with the ~, toy with the ~), dar uma ~ (give an ~), dar vrias ~s (brainstorm ~s), debater a ~ (moot the ~), discutir a ~ (moot the ~, discuss the ~), empurrar a ~ (push the ~, push the ~ forward), encorajar a ~ (encourage the ~), explorar a ~ (explore the ~), falar sobre uma ~ (talk about an ~), gerar uma ~ (generate an ~), implementar a ~ (implement the ~), impo