
Living Well Photography Competition 2018 - slhd.nsw.gov.au · You light up my life by Cliff Philipiah My Favourite Place is my own home, where I am gifted with being able to spend

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You light up my life by

Cliff Philipiah

My Favourite Place is my own home, where I am gifted with being able to spend time with the family that I have. I never feel happier than when I am with my wife & children. They inspire me. They infuriate me. They calm me. But most importantly, they love me. Watching my 7-year-old daughter practice her ballet at home inspired me to take this photo in our driveway one night. I hope that it appeals to you as much as it does to me. Home isn't just a place...it truly is where the heart is.


Snow lights by

Ben Cantelo

This is a photo of my favourite place. It was taken while camping in the snow, close to the top of Mt Kosciusko late at night. I have been skiing here since I was 5, and this was my favourite visit, especially going out in to the backcountry for the first time. It makes me feel relaxed as if I could reach out and touch the stars, as I was at around 2100m from sea level. The tents at night look almost alien like, as if I was on another planet. At any moment, a Martian could land.


In my safe place by

Simone Cheung

Having high functioning anxiety means some days, getting out of bed is difficult. My blanket is my safe place, and often my favourite place.


Escape into the wilderness by

Melinda Choi

Getting away from the busy-ness of cities, and the rush of the everyday soothes my soul and gives me peace. Hiking the mountains of northern Italy with good mates, breath-taking views; and a well-balanced charcuterie is a favourite!

Staff Award

Work by

Aiheak Tariq

Bangladesh is a place that I love to visit. It opens up my mind and lets me see the world in many different perspectives. People work so hard over there just to feed their families, whilst here in Australia, even after having most of the luxuries in the world at our fingertips we keep complaining. These people willingly come to work every day, carrying concrete mix to trucks from the boats at Narayanganj. What fascinates me is that they work so harmoniously, wearing colourful clothes, carrying goods from colourfully artistic boats. Its beautiful.

Youth Award

Field of light by

Zheng Yuan (Grace)

50,000 lights are lighted up in Uluru when darkness falls. Those lights give people a ray of hope and courage to enlighten us to enjoy every single moment of our life now. Lights will change to different colours which resembles our life - colourful and unpredictable.

Technical Award

Never under the weather by

Amanda Clarke

Whilst most employees wouldn’t necessarily describe their workplace as The Happiest Place on Earth, I think it comes close it is important to feel some degree of happiness on the job. A smile never cost anybody anything and a day seems to go better for me because I am surrounded by colleagues that smile and are willing to help you anytime.

Excellence Award

Colo river by

Andrew Simpson

Only 90 minutes’ drive from the inner west, the Colo River is one of Sydney’s best kept secrets and our favourite local getaway. Just don’t tell anyone!

Excellence Award

On the road to Crookwell by

Catherine Montgomery

My photograph was taken early one foggy morning. On the road to Crookwell, was taken to show there is choice in the direction I go. It may not be clearly sign posted, but it is there. Crookwell is the place I can go to, to escape the city and the pressure of everyday living.

Excellence Award

Renewal by

Chloe Berry-Porter

This was taken in late August of the magnolia trees in my backyard. The backyard has been a place where I can find solace from the world. The house tends to be cold, so during winter I will often go out the back and find a patch of sun. My cat likes to follow me, have pats and we enjoy the warmth together. There have been many times when this was the only thing keeping me going. It rejuvenates me. I love the start of spring as it means warmer and brighter days are ahead.

Excellence Award

Sound and light of crashing waves by

Daisy Copping

This image was taken early in the morning and was taken while I was half-asleep still. This image stays in my memory because of the many things going on surrounding me. The bright light that was stuck in the eyes, the sound of the waves crashing close to my feet, the coolness and softness of the water spraying onto my warm skin, the concentration towards the camera and the calm and stillness in my mind. This photo brings me back to summer, with its warmth, happiness and comfort I feel that this place truly does belong in my heart.

Excellence Award

Dahlia by

Frances Brown

I love gardening and visiting gardens. Seeing and photographing beautiful flowers is always uplifting for me. This photo was taken in the Botanic Gardens in Brisbane.

Excellence Award

Colour curator by

Jaime Clarke

We usually think of museums as educational institutions - places where people go to learn and broaden their intellectual horizons. Some are also tourist attractions - one more sight to cross off the must-see list. But beyond that, museums are restorative environments - places where I can go to relax, recharge, and boost my well-being. This is what makes me happy.

Excellence Award

The Chinese Garden by

James Li

The Chinese Garden of Friendship located in the heart of Darling Harbour and Chinatown is a special place to walk around and relax. The sounds of waterfalls and the fresh smell of flowers engages you into a unique atmosphere of nature. When growing up in the city where you generally see a lot of stone buildings and people rushing to places it is refreshing to see nature in it's best form.

Excellence Award

Morning birds by

Justin Brandis

Sunrise by the ocean is a beautiful, calming experience. Even with the never-ending sound of the waves & early birds, there is a peace that connects at a primal level to me. Here, at North Narrabeen NSW, the tidal pool is clear, the seagulls are preparing for the day & on the horizon, someone who feels the call of the ocean stronger than I do!

Excellence Award

Wingdang by

Kevin Costen

After been here for only a few months. Me and my carer went out for a outing to places we have not seen before. Ended up at Wingdang; With very relaxing views. It was very peaceful.

Excellence Award

Solace by

Leah de la Cruz

A place that gives me comfort, with memories of warm summer nights and new loves, and also memories of heartache and sadness calmed by the gentle lapping of the water. I revisit this place for all of it. When I can feel a big change coming, or when I want something new to happen, I go here as if to say to the universe, “I am ready.”

Excellence Award

The Snowy Mountains by

Maryam Nachabe

The Snowy Mountains of rural New South Wales is one of my favourite places to be. During the winter time, the landscape is unrecognisable. It transforms from an arid, barren terrain of bushland, to vast rolling hills coated with magical, pure-white snow. Driving through the Snowy Mountains is a place to escape from the commotion of city life, and transport to an ethereal, otherworldly fairy-tale.

Excellence Award

Reflections by

Nicole Patton

This architectural wonder and detail puts me in awe words cant describe the feel good feeling, whether I am inside St Mary’s Cathedral or outside, I love being here. Sitting outside I have captured the reflection in the water both so detailed and beautiful.

Excellence Award

Oak park by

Olivia Solomon

I took this photo on my favourite beach in Cronulla at the start of the year. The photo is of a blue bottle. I thought that blue bottles are really interesting that day because I saw it moving. Notice how in the photo the blue bottle is slightly raised of the sand stone rock, it was in the air moving slowly up and down. One of my favourite things about the beach is that it doesn’t have proper sand, the whole beach is small pieces of beautiful shells swelling in the ocean for hundreds of years.

Excellence Award

Sunrise by

Richard Helich

The sunrise is of Lake Macquarie. This is one of my favourite places in the morning where the air is clear and its very peaceful.

Excellence Award

Eirini (Peace) by

Styliani Trikilis

My favourite place in this world is the island of Santorini, in Greece. Endless thrum of chattering tourists. Donkeys braying as they trudge up and down, bells ringing. Crickets chirping in the blazing heat. Street vendors yelling of their produce in the markets. Fisherman laughing, readying their nets in swaying row boats along the caldera. Noises are everywhere on this small island, until you pause at the top of a hill, and look out to the sea. It's when I'm looking out at this endless blue ocean that I feel, just for a fleeting moment, completely at peace.

Excellence Award

Inner peace: Cityscape by

Sumanee Wongpanich

Cityscape of Sydney is one of my favourite places. Now a days, people have difficulties finding their inner peace and happiness because of stress and anxiety from daily life. To embrace inner spirituality and find inner peace, I like to visit roof garden areas of ICC (International Convention Centre) at darling harbour to lookout at such lively & beautiful city view.

Excellence Award

Colosseum by

Tanija Novosel

My favourite place is Rome, Italy and visiting the Colosseum. I am amazed of this remarkable structure with almost 2,000 years of history. This amphitheatre sheltered over 50,000 Roman people entertained for years with exhibitions such as the exotic animals, executions of prisoners, recreations of battles and gladiator fights. To this day, the Colosseum is Rome’s greatest tourist attraction.

Excellence Award

Sand between the toes by

Tracye Hughes

Nothing feels better than when it's time to put your thongs on and get sand between your toes.

Excellence Award