Living in the divine will cardv11

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My spirit in you will develop (if you will allow it), many gifts – gifts which I can use. My Presence will mean a heightened expression, in you, of those human qualities which point to My existence. Your growing love, patience, courage, self-sacrifice, will be available for My other children. You may not recognise the development of those gifts, but others will; they will be filled with wonder at what My presence in a life –(working sometimes from virtually nothing) – can achieve. Everything that is achieved through the gifts I develop in you will be known for its lasting quality.

Hearts won for me. Hope restored in darkened lives.

These will be real achievements, when seen in the perspective of eternity … My child, I tenderly bless you now, making you strong to bless others. You are the salt of the earth… You are the

light of the world.

(Matthew 5.13-15)

Excerpt taken from p.62 I Am With You (Divine Help For Today’s Needs), Fr John Woolley

Living in the Divine Will

“For he who loves Me, all is possible united to Me!”

Living in the Divine Will is the call to the creature to return to the order, to the

place and to the purpose for which it was created by God.

t is the Will of the Holy Trinity as revealed by Jesus to the Italian mystic Luisa Piccaretta (1865 – 1947). It is the actualisation of the promises made by Jesus when He prayed

the Our Father 2000 years ago: “Our Father Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is heaven.”

Before creation, was God. God is a trinity of persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Their persons are distinct, yet they are a perfect unity of oneness in being, essence and will and because they share one Divine Will there is the most perfect unity, harmony, peace and delight in heaven. With the infinite power of this Divine Will, the three persons continually produce new and increasing joys of happiness and delight, hence creation. God can share His Divinity with His creatures and because of His limitless wisdom, power and love He feels compelled to share His Divinity with His very own children, who are the highlight of His creation. “Everything is given to man, and all things actualise a relation with God; even the little flower of the field actualises a relation between the Creator and the creature. This is why the Lord loves

to be loved by the one whom He so much loves – man, His intelligent free creature, similar to Him.” - Fr. Bernardino Giuseppe Bucci

The gift of the Divine Will is not only about doing God’s Will but, possessing God’s Will, letting God carry out His own will, Himself, within you, through your consent. In the fullness of time, it is possible one might, be able to say: It is no longer I but, Christ living in me. Speaking of this new era Jesus told Luisa:

“I am preparing the era of living in My Will. What past generations have not done and those in the future will not do, the good souls in this era of My Will, will do. They shall complete the love, the glory and the honour which all creation owes Me; and I will give them astonishing and unheard-of graces … They will feel the life of My Will alive in them, its joy and happiness and its operative and creative power. They will feel in possession of My life … All things will be converted into good for them; passions will lose their power to lead them into sin.”

Jesus told Luisa that while He was on earth during His hidden life He took into Himself all the thoughts, words and actions of everyone from Adam to the last person to be created and He created a Divine form of everyone’s life. Why? God takes delight in every aspect of His children. However, only the divinized form of each one’s life can give the Father perfect love and glory as is His due. By Living in the Divine Will each one of us can find the Divine form of our own life and the lives of all those who have ever lived or will ever live suspended in Jesus and make that perfect offering to our almighty Father in heaven. In this way we can now offer the Holy Mass, the Rosary, the Divine Mercy Chaplet, our work, our play to God, not only on our own behalf but also on behalf of all souls past, present and to come which includes our families, extended families, our benefactors and especially those souls who have rejected God. The Golden Rule for living in The Divine Will is simply that we desire it and wish to live it and Jesus will do the rest.


“For he who loves Me, all is possible united to Me!”

“My delight, if you are to live in My Heart it will suit you to begin leading a more perfect way of life. I therefore desire from you … Perfect uniformity to My Will, because you can never love Me perfectly unless you love Me with My own Will; or rather I say to you: that in loving Me with My own Will you will arrive at loving Me and your neighbor with My own Love.” – Vol. 2, The Book of Heaven

uisa Piccaretta was born on 23rd April 1865 in Carato in southern Italy, the Sunday after Easter, which is now known as Divine Mercy Sunday. Her mystical experiences began

at an early age and one day, in fact, the Lord said to her: “I have gone round and round the world again and again, and I looked one by one at all my creatures to find the smallest one of all. Among so many I found you. Your littleness pleased me and I chose you; I entrusted you to my angels so that they would care for you, not to make you great, but to preserve your littleness, and now I want to begin the great work of fulfilling my will. Nor will you feel any greater through this, indeed it is my will to make you even smaller, and you will continue to be the little daughter of the Divine Will” (Vol. 12, March 23, 1921). When she was 16 she saw Jesus carry His cross saying to her: “Soul Help me.” From that moment an insatiable longing to suffer for Jesus and for the salvation of souls was enkindled in Luisa. In 1899 Luisa was asked to put down in writing all that God’s grace was working within her, which ended up as 36 volumes of The Book of Heaven.

Jesus told Luisa, that no other form of holiness of the past remotely resembles this gift of the Divine Will. Luisa, by operating within the Divine Will would open the door for other souls to enter. This was to be Luisa’s unique and sublime mission. Jesus, said: “I beg you my children to read very attentively these pages of The Book of Heaven that I am placing before you. If you do this you will feel the need to live in my will and I will be standing right beside you touching your mind and your heart so you will understand what you have read and want this gift of My Divine Fiat. I could not give you a greater grace, in these times (so stormy and such a headlong rush into evil), than that of making known that I want to give to you the great gift of the kingdom of the supreme fiat – the gift of the Divine Will. Who would be so ungrateful as to turn me away and not welcome the gift I am giving you.”

Her cause for beatification and canonisation was opened in November 1994 and was completed in 2010 with a positive judgement. While Luisa is deemed by the church to have lived a life of virtue to a heroic degree, potential first class miracles are needed and some claims being investigated now. Saint Pio of Pietrelcina referred to Luisa as ‘the Angel in Carato’ and that in the future she would be seen as the greatest saint of all time. Archbishop Guiseppe Carata Archbishop Emeritus & Co-Founder of the Canonically approved Association Luisa Piccarreta writes this: “…The theology of her spirituality brings confusion to the

intelligent, wonder and hope to the simple, and now brings a depth of understanding to the Church which, as I have always held, could very well be a new heavens and a new earth for all the faithful. The praises which I offer do not come from having served as rector of our pontifical seminary for fifteen years, but from many years of meditating our Lord’s own prayer – let Your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven!”


Guidelines to Praying in the Divine Will

“For faithful love is what pleases me, not sacrifice.”

rayer is an opening up of the mind and heart to God. This prayer card is intended to be a beginners guide to praying in the Divine Will, to sow a seed in opening up your mind,

heart and soul to desiring to live in the Divine Will. There is no set formula, just guidelines that embrace all of the prayers, practices and charisms of the Holy Catholic Church.

“… you don’t need paths, nor doors, nor keys to enter into My Divine Will… To enter creatures need but remove the pebble of their own will… A soul has but to desire it and all is done, my Will assumes all the work…” Feb 16, 1921

The most important part is to be consistent and never give up and soon you will experience a gentle pulling-in effect. Get into the practice of going to Reconciliation once a month and if possible do the first Friday’s and first Saturday’s each month. If there is Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in your church or nearby commit to watching for an hour at a time that suits you. Also, consider joining a prayer group. In the event of sin, simply express sorrow and ask to be reinstated in the Divine Will, which Jesus has promised to do immediately. In the early days keep it simple and you will find that the ease and depth of your awareness will develop slowly. One effective method as you wake up is to take into your mind the image of Jesus you most love or the image of Jesus as depicted in the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Pull on that picture as if it is a garment or your clothing for the day as described in the words of St. Paul (Rom 13:14) “Put on the Lord Jesus Christ.” When you poke your head through feel Jesus enter your heart, see through His eyes and hear from His ears, feel His breath inhaling and exhaling, feel His heart beat. United in the Divine Will, now focus on the Holy Trinity, centred on the Father, and pray: Here I am Lord. I have come to do Your Will.

“In my Will, pray and bring before the Divine Majesty the thoughts of all within your thoughts; the glances of all in your eyes; in your words, movements, affections and desires, those of your brothers, in order to repair them and plead Light, Grace and Love for them. In my Will you will find yourself in Me and in all, you will live my Life, and will pray with Me. The Divine Father will be happy, and the whole of Heaven will say: ‘Who is calling us from earth? Who is the one who wants to compress this Holy Will within herself, enclosing all of us together?’ And how much good the earth can obtain, making Heaven descend upon earth!” Vol. 11 – May 3, 1916

Prevenient Act: At the start of the day when you get up, make your commitment to living your day in the Divine Will using the prayer card as your guide. Holy Mass: When possible go to daily Mass. During the Mass, picture all the angels and saints flooding into the church behind Our Lady (who is always present), full of joy, singing and praising God, full of the anticipation of seeing Jesus in His humility fully present in this tiny host, consecrated by His priest in this unique sacrament, the great miracle and centre point of our Catholic Faith: Father we come to offer You this body and blood of Your Divine Son Jesus Christ, this Holy Eucharist, with the whole of creation hidden in there, held in the tabernacle of Your Immaculate Heart, dear Mother, surrounded by Your great love Holy Spirit we pray: All honour and glory is yours almighty Father now and forever. Amen. We ask our guardian angels to please join the offertory procession and lay at the feet of Mary all that is in our hearts and souls, all who have asked us to pray for them and all who have prayed for us and the conversion of the world: Holy Mother take all into your Immaculate Heart, bless them and at the consecration place everything into the Sacred Heart of Jesus and not just in this Mass but, every Mass said throughout the world this day


“For faithful love is what pleases me, not sacrifice.”

and not just that but, every Mass said from the last supper to the end of time. As we receive the Eucharist in the Divine Will we pray in our hearts: My Lord and my God. Amen. Current Act: If the Prevenient Act is the daily renewal of our desire to make all of our actions flow in God’s Will, the Current Act is what we continue to make throughout the day to remain united to God’s Will. In the following passage, Jesus gives a beautiful method for making the Current Act: “In order for the soul to be able to forget herself, everything she does or has to do must be done as if I wanted to do it in her. If she prays, she should say ‘It is Jesus Who wants to pray, and I pray together with Him.’ If she works: ‘It is Jesus Who wants to work; it is Jesus Who wants to walk; Who wants to get up; Who wants to enjoy Himself.’ And it should be like that in everything for the rest of her life, excluding errors. Only in this manner is the soul able to forget herself. For not only will she do everything because I want it; but, if she wants to do it, she will need Me.” Vol. 11 - August 14, 1912 Making The Rounds: Every single thing in God’s creation is an ‘I love you’ from God to us, His children. Every blade of grass, every snowflake that falls, every twinkle of a star is an ‘I love you’ from the Creator to His beloved creatures. We return that love by consciously saying from our hearts to everything we encounter throughout our day ‘I love you too’. Allow the images of everyone - mother, father, spouse, each of your children, grand children, your friends - flash through you mind, saying, ‘I love you too’. Now think and observe everything around you. A bird sings, reply ‘I love you too’, the sun shines, the rain falls - give them all a heartfelt, ‘I love you too’ and experience how your day, your life, can go from negative to positive. Heart Murmurs: Day and night (even in sleep) identify them and cherish them. In the beginning consciously make them happen until eventually they will just be there:

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus; Come Holy Spirit, Come Holy Spirit, Come Holy Spirit; Jesus I trust in You, Jesus I trust in You, Jesus I trust in You; I Love You Jesus, I Love You Jesus, I Love You Jesus; Blessed be Jesus, Mary and Joseph; Thank You Jesus; Not my will but Your Will Lord; All honour and glory is Yours almighty Father now and forever. Amen. End of the Day: Imagine yourself praying like the child Jesus would have done on the lap of His Mother Mary and talk to Her. Review your day, recall the events, untangle the knots and speak to your Mother of all that has happened. Ask for her guidance and intercession. Thank God for all the miracles and blessings Jesus made you aware of that day. Ask God’s blessings on all his children using the prayer card. Queen and Mother of the Kingdom of the Divine Will: In the Book of Heaven, Jesus proclaimed our eternal mother Mary, Queen and Mother of the Kingdom of the Divine Will. Therefore, it is beneficial in the morning and at the end of the day, to ask Our Lady to guide us in giving honour and glory to the Father as is His due, to enlighten us more and more and with the help of The Holy Spirit, to strengthen us in our walk with Christ and deepen our commitment to the intercessory nature of living in the Divine Will.

The Prayer Card

In Favour with God (Jesus Praying with His Mother), by Simon

Who will be My hands and feet?

Who will be My voice to speak?

Life, peace and love in every street.

-Lord, am I the one You seek?

Start of the Day

Come Holy Spirit ✝ Come Holy Spirit ✝ Come Holy Spirit

Jesus, We Trust In You � Jesus, We Trust In You � Jesus, We Trust In You

All honour and glory to You almighty Father now and forever. Amen.

In the Divine Will ✝ With the Divine Will ✝ Through the Divine Will

On behalf of everyone who has ever lived or will ever live, We pray: Our Father Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come,

Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

O adorable and Divine Will behold me here before the immensity of Your Light; may Your eternal Goodness open to me the door so that I may enter and shape

my entire life in Your Divine Will.

The Creed � Act of Contrition � Morning Offering � Angel of God Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus: “Jesus, we know that You are merciful and that You have offered Your heart for us. It is crowned with thorns and with our sins. We know that You implore us constantly so that we do not go astray. Jesus, remember us when we are in sin. By means of Your Sacred Heart make all souls love one another. Make hate disappear from all mankind, show us Your love. We all love You and want You to protect us with Your Shepherd’s Heart and free us from every sin. Jesus enter into every heart! Knock at the door of every heart. Be patient and never desist. We are still closed because we have not understood Your love. Knock continuously. O Good Jesus, open our hearts to You, as we recall Your Passion and death for us.” Amen. Almighty Father: I desire to live this day, on behalf of everyone who has ever lived or will ever live, especially all who fail in their duty rightly due to You. For and in their stead I offer all honour and glory to You almighty Father now and forever. Amen. I further commit that during this day I may become a more thoughtful person, a more prayerful person, a more generous and kindly person. Let me do nothing this day that will hurt another; rather, let me make life more pleasant for those I meet and talk to today. Lord God, it is Your Will that we should love even those who speak or act against us. Help us to observe the commandments of the new law, returning good for evil and learning to forgive as Your Son forgave us (we who crucified Him) for truly, when we achieve forgiveness, they have done nothing more than grow us and thereby become our treasured benefactors. Most Holy Spirit: Help me to be Jesus to all I meet this day. Help me to spread all God’s Graces wherever I go, wherever You send me. For each created thing I come to love You, to praise You, to bless You and to thank You. In the sanctity of Your Will, I come to substitute for all and for each creature and even for the lost souls therefore, I want to make reparation to You for everyone and for each offense. I want to make good for all and love You for all.

Here I am Lord, I have come to do Your Will.

Power Of Jesus: heal and cure (now mention your intention). From the core of our being, cover us with Your precious Blood. Deliver us from all evil. Fill us with Your Holy Spirit. Wash us in the blood and water that comes from Your side and make us a new creation. Amen.

End of the Day

Come Holy Spirit ✝ Come Holy Spirit ✝ Come Holy Spirit

Jesus, We Trust In You � Jesus, We Trust In You � Jesus, We Trust In You

All honour and glory to You almighty Father now and forever. Amen.

In the Divine Will ✝ With the Divine Will ✝ Through the Divine Will

On behalf of everyone who has ever lived or will ever live, We pray:

Our Father Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

I do not want the human will to have life in this heart any longer. I will cast it away

from me and thus form the new Eden of peace, of happiness and of love

The Creed � Act of Contrition � Jesus, Mary and Joseph � Angel of God Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary: “O Immaculate Heart of Mary, ardent with Your goodness, show Your love towards us. May the flame of Your heart O Mary, descend on all mankind. We love You so. Impress true love in our hearts so that we have a continuous desire for You. O Mary, humble and meek of heart, remember us when we are in sin. You know that all people sin. Give us, by means of your Immaculate Heart, spiritual health. Let us always see the goodness of Your maternal heart and may we be converted by means of the flame of Your heart.” Amen. Holy Mother: Kneeling at Your feet O Mother Mary, thinking of all the love and many gifts bestowed on me this day and throughout my life. In humble return of love, I commit through Your intercession, all my thoughts, words, actions, pains and sufferings to Your Divine Son Jesus Christ as a balm for my sins and the sins of all mankind. In turn, give me the grace of obeying His every direction to the fullest extent. Most Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I enter into Your Sacred Hearts and take what I find there: love, mercy, forgiveness, healing, faith, hope, charity, discernment, purity, truth, trust, prudence, obedience, humility, knowledge, wisdom, holiness and I fuse myself to the Divine Will. Adorable Trinity I desire to co-operate in the deliverance of the souls in Purgatory and to testify my devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, I cede and renounce on behalf of those holy souls all the satisfactory part of my works and all the suffrages which may be given to me collating them entirely into the hands of the most Blessed Virgin, that she may apply them to those souls of the faithful departed which she desires to deliver from their sufferings. Seal my reparation with your blessings and grant that in every act that I do, it be repeated, multiplied and be a continual act of reparation on behalf of everyone who has ever lived or will ever live.

Here I am Lord, I have come to do Your Will. Almighty Father: On behalf of all mankind, all who are indifferent, all who reject You and all who hurt You, I commit to You, my life, my work, my heart, my soul, my mind and body, my entire Will – all that I have and possess; You gave it all to me. To You O Lord I return it. Dispose of it according to Your Will and give me only Your love for this is everything. Amen.

Prayer Throughout The Day

Come Holy Spirit ✝ Come Holy Spirit ✝ Come Holy Spirit

Jesus, We Trust In You � Jesus, We Trust In You � Jesus, We Trust In You

All honour and glory to You almighty Father now and forever. Amen

In the Divine Will ✝ With the Divine Will ✝ Through the Divine Will

Making The Rounds

We love and bless the whole of Your creation Father: the sun, moon, stars, galaxies, the earth, the mountains, oceans, lakes, rivers, streams and deserts. The air we breathe, the snow, hail, rain, thunder and lightning, heat, cold, music, birds, animals, fish, all creatures under the ground and over the ground, trees, leaves, grasses, flowers, colours of the rainbow and above all, humanity, Your own children - the very highlight of Your creation. We love and bless the whole of Your redemption Jesus: Your birth and suffering, Your transforming all our lives in Divine form during Your hidden life, Your crucifixion, death and resurrection. Leaving us the gift of the Blessed Sacraments, our Mother Mary, the Apostles, the Holy Catholic Church and all our shepherds, to guide us home safely. We love and bless the whole of Your sanctification Holy Spirit: the gift of Christ in Mary’s womb, Your descent on Mary and the Apostles, giving courage and direction in building Christ’s church. Your opening up the minds, hearts and souls to the true nature of God’s love for all His children, preparing us for to return to the order, to the place and to the purpose for which we were created by God, to live in the Divine Will.

The Holy Rosary

The Joyful Mysteries

The Luminous Mysteries

The Sorrowful Mysteries

The Glorious Mysteries

1. The Annunciation 1. The Baptism in the Jordan

1. The Agony in the Garden

1. The Resurrection

2. The Visitation 2. Christ’s Self-Revelation at Cana

2. The Scourging at the Pillar

2. The Ascension

3. The Birth of Jesus 3. The Proclamation of God’s Kingdom

3. The Crowning with Thorns

3. The Descent of the Holy Spirit

4. The Presentation 4. The Transfiguration 4. The Carrying of the Cross

4. The Assumption

5. The Finding of Jesus in the temple

5. The Institution of the Eucharist

5. The Crucifixion 5. The Coronation of Our Lady

The Divine Mercy Chaplet

Our Father � Hail Mary � The Apostles Creed

Large Beads: Eternal Father, we offer You the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly Beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world.

Small Beads: For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world.

Conclude: Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us and on the whole world (3 times).

Start and End of the Day

Come Holy Spirit ✝ Come Holy Spirit ✝ Come Holy Spirit

Jesus, We Trust In You � Jesus, We Trust In You � Jesus, We Trust In You

All honour and glory to You almighty Father now and forever. Amen

In the Divine Will ✝ With the Divine Will ✝ Through the Divine Will

Queen and Mother of the Kingdom of the Divine Will

Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of mercy, hail, our life, our sweetness and our hope. To Thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve; to Thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this vale of tears. Turn then, most gracious Advocate, Thine eyes of mercy toward us, and after this our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of Thy womb, Jesus, O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary! Pray for us O Holy Mother of God that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Let us pray: Mary Our Mother: We love You. Help us to understand and discern the Divine Will for ourselves, our families, extended families, dependents and benefactors. Help us see and feel God’s love for us this day and always - Passion of Christ inspire us. Mother Of The Church: We pray in Your love sweet Jesus for Our Holy Father the Pope, the Holy Catholic Church, the unification of all Christian churches, for priests, nuns, religious and missionaries - all who carry the Cross of Christ; for vocations to the priesthood - that there be a miraculous response and a surge of religious to fill the worlds seminaries, monasteries, convents, hospitals, schools and churches once more - Passion of Christ strengthen us. Mother Of Mankind: We pray with Your love Holy Spirit for the people of the world: the hungry, the thirsty, the sexually abused, the emotionally abused, the lonely, the homeless and refugees, the depressed, the imprisoned, the enslaved, the sick and the dying, all those who are persecuted and the conversion of those who persecute. We pray for peace, conversion and healing for all your children; in our homes, in our work, in our schools, in our churches, in our leaders - all who touch our lives - Passion of Christ heal us. Virgin Most Pure: We pray through Your love Holy Father for the end of abortion, euthanasia and all legalised killing; for the carers, doctors, nurses, priests, religious, police and military - all who serve with a kind heart; for the conversion of sinners, help for those in their last agonies and all the holy souls in purgatory - Passion of Christ purify us. Mother Most Holy: We pray in, with and through the Divine Will for the end to evil in our thoughts, words and actions, in what we have done and what we have failed to do, for all the hurt and injury caused by us and caused by me - Passion of Christ forgive us. Mother of God: Tabernacle of the Holy Eucharist, one in the Divine Will, humble vessel of infinite wisdom, compassion, healing and love, disseminate all God’s graces for the greater good and for the greatest needs. Amen.

Consecration to the Divine Will

Produced by The Medjugorje Calling Foundation www.medjugorjecalling.com Revised edition Easter 2015

For further information on Living in the Divine Will we recommend Fr. Joe Iannuzzi’s website www.ltdw.org

O adorable and Divine Will behold me here before the immensity of Your Light; may Your eternal Goodness open to me the door so that I may enter and shape my entire life in Your

Divine Will.

Therefore, O adorable Will, prostrate before Your Light, I, the least of all creatures, place myself among the sons and daughters of Your supreme FIAT.

Prostrate in my nothingness, I invoke Your Light and beg that It cover me and obscure all that

does not pertain to Your Divine Will.

May It be my Life, the centre of my intelligence, the enrapturer of my heart of my whole being.

I do not want the human will to have life in this heart any longer. I will cast it away from me and thus form the new Eden of peace, of happiness and of love.

Within it I shall be always happy. I shall have a singular strength and a holiness that sanctifies

all things and leads to God.

Here prostrate, I invoke the help of the most Holy Trinity, that They permit me to live in the cloister of the Divine Will and thus return me to the original order of creation, just as the

creature was created.

Heavenly Mother, Sovereign and Queen of the Divine Fiat, take my hand and introduce me into the Light of the Divine Will.

Be my guide, most tender Mother, and teach me to return to the order, to the place and to the

purpose for which I was created by God.

Heavenly Mother, I consecrate my whole being to Your Immaculate Heart. Teach me the doctrine of the Divine Will; I will listen most attentively to your lessons.

Cover me with Your mantle so that the infernal serpent dare not penetrate into this sacred

Eden to entice me and cause me to fall into the maze of the human will.

Heart of my greatest Good, Jesus, give me the flame of Your Love to burn, consume and feed me; to form in me the Life of the Divine Will.

Saint Joseph, be my protector, the guardian of my heart; keep the keys of my will in your hands. Guard my heart jealously; never give it to me again so that I may be sure never to

leave the Will of God.

My Guardian Angel, protect me; defend me; help me in everything so that my Eden may flourish and be the instrument that draws all men into the Kingdom of the Divine Will.