01/06 THE NATIONAL OUTREACH ARM OF USDA-SARE LIKE MANY FAMILY FARMERS, CHUCK AND MARY SMITH integrate several diverse enterprises to ensure their continued ability to earn a living on 200 acres in north central Kentucky.“We look for things we can do as a family,”Chuck said, including his three daughters. “We want something that’ll keep us and them here for a long time.” To the Smiths, that means diversifying into new enterprises and establishing sustainable practices quite unlike the traditional corn and soybean rotations that had nearly stripped the farm’s hillsides of topsoil before they bought it. They want to boost their income and increase, not further diminish, the farm’s fertility. At least one enterprise they’ve adopted in recent years helps them accomplish those goals: pastured poultry. Each year, the Smiths raise 3,000 broilers and 100 turkeys in a pasture-based system, then sell them directly to customers from Louisville, 45 miles away. The enterprise ensures a respectable income for their effort, involves the whole family and blends well with other aspects of their operation, from raising organic beef to growing grapes for a new winery. They graze their 50 cattle on the same pastures used by the chick- ens and are exploring the idea of turkeys grazing among their grapevines. The Smiths also grow organic produce to sell at two local farmers markets and harvest five or six acres of tobacco each year. Of all those efforts, they point to their poultry operation as a remarkably dependable source of income. The family nets 50 percent of the sale price of each bird, with the chickens selling for $1.75 per pound at an average weight of 3.5 pounds, and the turkeys selling for $3 per pound at an average dressed weight of 18 pounds. Compared to the average payments for conventional growers raising chickens under contract – about 22 cents per 3.5 pound bird – CONTENTS DETERMINING THE RIGHT SYSTEM 2 POULTRY SYSTEM OPTIONS 3 PRODUCTION BASICS 5 FEED 7 BREEDS 7 MORTALITY AND PREDATION 8 ON-FARM PROCESSING 9 COOPERATIVE MOBILE PROCESSORS 10 ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS 11 FAMILY AND LIFESTYLE BENEFITS 12 COMMUNITY BENEFITS 13 MARKETING OPTIONS 14 RESOURCES 16 Published by the Sustainable Agriculture Network (SAN), the national outreach arm of the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program, with funding by USDA's Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service. Also available at: www.sare.org/publications/ poultry.htm Livestock Alternatives Profitable Poultry: Raising Birds on Pasture Virginia’s Joel Salatin, a leader in the movement to expand poultry production outdoors, demonstrates a movable pen, one alternative system detailed in this bulletin. – Photo by Tom Gettings/Rodale Institute

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integrate several diverse enterprises to ensure their

continued ability to earn a living on 200 acres in north

central Kentucky. “We look for things we can do as a

family,” Chuck said, including his three daughters.

“We want something that’ll keep us and them here

for a long time.”

To the Smiths, that means diversifying into new

enterprises and establishing sustainable practices

quite unlike the traditional corn and soybean rotations

that had nearly stripped the farm’s hillsides of topsoil

before they bought it. They want to boost their income

and increase, not further diminish, the farm’s fertility.

At least one enterprise they’ve adopted in recent

years helps them accomplish those goals: pastured

poultry. Each year, the Smiths raise 3,000 broilers and

100 turkeys in a pasture-based system, then sell them

directly to customers from Louisville, 45 miles away.

The enterprise ensures a respectable income for their

effort, involves the whole family and blends well with

other aspects of their operation, from raising organic

beef to growing grapes for a new winery. They graze

their 50 cattle on the same pastures used by the chick-

ens and are exploring the idea of turkeys grazing

among their grapevines.

The Smiths also grow organic produce to sell at

two local farmers markets and harvest five or six acres

of tobacco each year. Of all those efforts, they point

to their poultry operation as a remarkably dependable

source of income. The family nets 50 percent of the

sale price of each bird, with the chickens selling for

$1.75 per pound at an average weight of 3.5 pounds,

and the turkeys selling for $3 per pound at an average

dressed weight of 18 pounds. Compared to the average

payments for conventional growers raising chickens

under contract – about 22 cents per 3.5 pound bird –


















Published by the Sustainable

Agriculture Network (SAN),

the national outreach arm

of the Sustainable Agriculture

Research and Education

(SARE) program, with funding

by USDA's Cooperative State

Research, Education and

Extension Service.

Also available at:



Livestock Alternatives

Profitable Poultry: Raising Birds on Pasture

Virginia’s Joel Salatin, a leader in the movement to expand poultry production outdoors, demonstrates a movable

pen, one alternative system detailed in this bulletin. – Photo by Tom Gettings/Rodale Institute

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the Smiths find themselves ahead, especially because

their chicken housing costs are so much lower.

Moreover, raising poultry on pasture presented

few barriers at the start. Chuck Smith already had set

aside pasture for his beef cattle, and initial costs for

birds, their pens, supplemental feed and processing

equipment were low.

It didn’t take long for Smith to find that the enter-

prise returns more to the farm than it takes away. His

cash flow throughout the six-month production period

is remarkably steady. Fields are healthier because the

chickens deposit nutrients, then work them into the soil.

And the good will Smith has earned among his appre-

ciative chicken customers has prompted many of them

to try the family’s other products. Finally, he knows they

can expand the operation without much additional

effort, a distinct possibility if demand continues apace.

“The market’s there,” said Chuck,“and it just seems

to be getting bigger.”

The consistent market is just one incentive for the

Smiths and other producers across the country who,

in ever-increasing numbers, are raising poultry in alter-

native ways. Add the environmental benefits – like amend-

ing soil with poultry manure and improving pastures

when paired with ruminants – and it’s easy to see how

outdoor poultry systems are meeting the needs of pro-

ducers across the country.

“Birds on pasture make it easier to graze other kinds

of livestock there, or to think about vegetable produc-

tion that doesn’t need a boost from chemical fertilizers,”

said Allan Nation, editor of Stockman Grass Farmer.

“Before you know it, you’ve got a diversified operation

that makes it simpler to earn money from several efforts,

all of them working in concert, and all of them making

your farm and your environment stronger. Pastured

poultry drives the train.”

This bulletin is about driving the train of your farm’s

activities and profitability with pasture-based poultry

systems. Read on to learn more about them and consult

the list of resources on p. 16 for more information.



broilers, layers and other domesticated fowl were raised

outdoors before the advent of the now-dominant con-

finement method in the late 1950s.

Since then, large corporations have become the pri-

mary producers of poultry in the United States develop-

ing “vertically integrated” practices that allow them to

capture nearly 100 percent of the multi-billion dollar

annual market. Today, vertically integrated corporations

control almost every aspect of how broilers and eggs

are produced, processed and sold.

Individual farmers still participate, but as contractors

who agree to meet standards that usually include fur-

nishing climate-controlled confinement houses to hold

25,000 birds or more. Each house costs as much as

$140,000. Poultry companies usually supply farmers with

chicks and feed needed to bring them to market weight

in about seven weeks. They also supply subtherapeutic

antibiotics to prevent disease, growth promotants for

faster weight gain and drugs to control coccidiosis,

common in concentrated operations.

The vertically integrated corporations then typically

Determining the Right Alternative Poultry Production SystemPART I

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manage the slaughtering and packaging process, paying

contract farmers by the bird, with feed and heating

costs factored into the equation. The system has helped

make chicken a low-cost staple for American consumers.

But some farmers and consumers question whether,

in the process of achieving that efficiency, values they

consider important – autonomy and independence for

farmers, the welfare of the flocks, and the taste and

quality of their meat and eggs – have been lost. To meet

a growing niche for poultry raised differently, a number

of growers are choosing to raise birds in alternative

ways, most of them reliant upon pasture.

“One of our key findings is that the system has real

advantages on diversified farms,” said researcher George

“Steve” Stevenson, director of the Center for Integrated

Agricultural Systems (CIAS) at the University of Wiscon-

sin, who won a grant from USDA’s Sustainable Agricul-

ture Research and Education (SARE) program in 1999.

“What’s really nice about pastured poultry is that it folds

in with a whole range of other enterprises.”



innovators have responded by perfecting various sys-

tems, many of them outdoors, that raise chickens for

greater profit with less environmental impact and better

conditions for the birds. The ways to raise poultry are

varied to meet producers’ goals and take into account

climate, topography and available labor.

The Salatin Influence. In the early 1990s,Virginia

farmer Joel Salatin published a book detailing a new

system to compete for the small but growing niche

of consumers who want to buy poultry raised outside

the corporate system. His Pastured Poultry Profits, 10,000

of which have sold, explains the innovations Salatin made

to the old practice of allowing poultry to range free

around the barn lot. It lays out production strategies

alongside promises that readers who follow his methods

can net $25,000 in only six months on 20 acres.

Chickens are raised in floorless, 10’ x 12’ x 2’ pens

containing 75 to 90 broilers. Producers move the pens

daily to fresh pasture. While receiving exercise and fresh

air foraging for plants and insects, the chickens drop

manure that adds fertility to the soil. Producers buy

day-old chicks between April and October, then move

them from brooders onto pasture after a few weeks.

According to many, Salatin’s book sparked a renewed

interest in raising poultry on pasture. The book details how

to brood chicks, rear birds in pens, slaughter, dress and

package the birds, process eggs, and sell poultry products.

Salatin has since begun to work directly with others

to pass along his experiences and ideas, holding field

days and speaking frequently at conferences. With help

from SARE and Heifer International, a nonprofit organi-

zation that promotes community development through

sustainable livestock production, Salatin held workshops

for limited-resource farmers interested in learning more

about pastured poultry.

“You walk away from three days with [Salatin] know-

ing everything from how to keep a chicken healthy to

how to keep your customers happy,” said Rosa Shareef,

a farmer from New Medinah, Miss., who attended one

of the workshops in 1997.

“He’s a wizard,” said Tom Delahanty, a former con-

ventional chicken farmer in Wisconsin, who moved

to Socorro, N.M., to raise pastured poultry. There, mild

desert winters allow him to keep birds on pastures year-

round; Salatin’s methods provided a jumping-off point

from which he designed a field pen to fit his conditions.

David Bosle brought the Salatin model to his central

Nebraska farm, using Salatin’s book “as a bible,” he said.

A corn grower who had never raised livestock, he started

with chickens on pasture almost by accident. When talk-

ing with friends, he mentioned that he was considering

raising chickens. Soon, he had 100 orders over the phone

before buying his first chick.

“I thought, ‘OK, there’s something out there,’” he said.

Years later, Bosle has 250 steady customers to whom he

sells 2,400 chickens a year.

The Label Rouge System. For people seeking ways to

increase the profit potential of range poultry systems as

a full-time enterprise, the new “Label Rouge” approach

may hold promise. The “red label” system, popular in

France since the mid-1960s, produces range poultry on

a larger scale and takes advantage of direct marketing

opportunities. In France, Label Rouge chickens have

captured 30 percent of the poultry market.

Before taking the plunge, consider...

� In penned systems, expect to move pens daily.

� Poultry operations are usually seasonal, unless producers build semi-

permanent housing, see “Yarding” p. 4.

� You may need to dig to find suppliers such as hatcheries and other

contractors. Yet, those retailers will likely ship materials to you.

� Pastured birds are susceptible to weather-related stress and predation.

� Reliable processing may be hard to find; many farmers process on site.

� While some are concerned that pastured poultry might be exposed to

avian influenza through migratory waterfowl, others claim that flocks

and pasture managed with care to avoid parasites are at less risk than

large confinement houses.

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Different from conventional systems, Label Rouge

enterprises offer independence, use lower densities

of birds per housing unit, allow flock access to yards,

discourage routine medication, and feature longer life

spans – 12 weeks – for broilers and other meat birds

to reach market weight. The longer life of the birds

has become a chief marketing point, along with a

flavor Label Rouge proponents claim is superior.

“What affects taste is the genetics of the bird,” said

Stevenson of Wisconsin’s Center for Integrated Agricul-

tural Systems. Because the Label Rouge bird is not a

typical American Cornish Cross breed, because it

lives longer and because, after processing, it is cooled

through air chilling, people consistently notice a taste

difference, he added.

Air chilling after birds are dressed, rather than placing

carcasses in chilled water, holds a number of advan-

tages for producers as well as consumers, according to

Dr. Randall Westgren, a University of Illinois professor of

agribusiness management who has conducted research

into the viability of establishing a Label Rouge market-

ing system. Air chilling discourages potential cross-

contamination because carcasses are hung and chilled

separately rather than lying in contact in a water bath,

and flavor is not compromised by chlorine, typically

added to chill water in poultry processing plants to

kill bacteria and other microbes.

While a farmer may not be able to produce as many

of these flocks per season, charging considerably more

for each bird boosts profits. French farmers who want to

raise birds year-round provide substantial housing.

Poultry specialists at the University of Illinois Agricul-

ture Extension Service have looked into the feasibility of

importing Label Rouge techniques to the United States.

Some promising aspects of the Label Rouge

model include:

� Potential for profit as a primary, rather than

supplemental, enterprise

� A coordinated network of support services,

from start-up services (hatchery, feed mill)

to post-production (processor, distributor)

� Marketing strategies: playing up the “premium”

product, humane treatment or birds’ age

� Opportunities to cooperate with rather than

compete against other producers

� Contact ATTRA, (800) 346-9140, for more

information on Label Rouge, or go to



PASTURED POULTRY PENS – Encloses birds in

floorless portable pens that are moved daily

to fresh pasture. Birds feed on grass or other

forages, worms and insects, and supplemental

grain-based feed. They work their manure into

the soil by scratching.

“NET” RANGE (OR “DAY RANGE”) – Contains

birds in movable housing, with electric

poultry netting defining a series of paddocks

surrounding the house, (often a hoop-like

structure). Producers move flocks through

paddocks, shifting them as the condition of

the pasture dictates. With access to the

shelter for feeding, rest and shade, birds can

escape from both predators and inclement

weather. Birds feed on grass or other forages

such as vegetable or grain crops, worms and

insects, and supplemental grain-based

feed. Birds remain vulnerable to predation –

especially avian predation – but may be

better protected from the more common

nocturnal predation because the housing units

are usually more resistant than field pens to

raccoons, foxes and skunks.

YARDING – Keeps birds in stationary hous-

ing, but allows them access to yard or pasture

during daylight. This model has been a popu-

lar way for some confinement poultry pro-

ducers to tap into the growing market for

“free range” poultry, including the new USDA

certified organic program. They can use the

same houses designed for the industrial con-

finement model, modifying the practice simply

by fencing a yard or pasture surrounding the

house and allowing flocks to range on it.

Without taking care to subdivide the area

into paddocks, however, farmers using this

method risk concentrating birds, which can

denude the soil, deplete nutritious forages

and concentrate pathogens. Again, because

birds are not contained in pens, they are

more open to predation, at least during

daylight hours.

“CHICKEN TRACTOR” – Contains poultry in

small pens to help prepare the soil for garden

plots. Birds feed on weeds, garden plants,

insects and grubs, and supplemental grain-

based feed – while “tilling” and “fertilizing”

the soil. Andy Lee, a Virginia farmer and

researcher, wrote a book about this system,

claiming the birds can do wonders in weed

suppression and soil revitalization.

FREE RANGE – Allows birds to range freely

across pastures, gardens, and/or cropland,

and to return at night or in inclement weather

to portable housing. Skids or “eggmobiles”

are moved regularly to encourage grazing

of particular areas. Birds are vulnerable to


The comparative value of the various

poultry systems depends on the vision you

have for your operation. Seek experienced

advice and make use of the wealth of infor-

mation listed in “Resources” on p. 16.


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opposite page

Paul Ehrhardt manuevers

a flock across pasture

at his Sun Prairie, Wis.,

farm as part of the

diverse Community

Supported Agriculture

enterprise he runs with

his wife, Kay Jensen.

– Photo by Wolfgang Hoffmann

Potential for ProfitPART 2


five farms that raise poultry on pasture and found that

the systems, while highly variable, yielded a significant

profit for growers who fold poultry into diversified farms.

Employing a pastured poultry model and moving pens

containing 75 chickens once each day brought the farm-

ers, on average, a net return of $2.43 per bird. Researchers

found a wide range, however – varying from -$2.82 to

$7.05 – depending on feed costs, experience and

whether producers strove for profit as a primary goal.

“People are making it work best at lower numbers,”

around 1,000 birds a season, Stevenson said, but cau-

tioned that the learning curve is about five years for a

grower to become experienced. “By then, people know

what they’re doing, their pastures are in shape, and they

have figured out their equipment needs.”

Most pastured poultry farmers sell all of the birds

they raise even before processing them. Murial Barrett,

a poultry producer who raises 10,000 birds a year on

pasture in Nebraska, receives about $1.50 a pound for her

pastured birds, 61 cents more than grocery store prices.

“It all gets down to the customer,” said Paul Swanson,

a Nebraska extension educator specializing in sustain-

able agriculture who sees growing interest in pastured

poultry. “To sell your product, you need a customer

and a growing number of people who are interested

in better-tasting, higher-quality chickens and don’t like

the current system.”

In north central Ohio, Molly Bartlett, who along with

her husband operates a Community Supported Agricul-

ture project near Cleveland, charges $2.75 per pound for

800 to 1,000 broilers each season. “We’ve been doing it

long enough, and we do so few, we never have a prob-

lem selling all we have,” Bartlett said.

CIAS researchers recommend a 1,000-bird supple-

mental enterprise. At that size, an experienced producer

will net about $3,000. Given the dearth of small proces-

sors and the need to process on farm, it’s realistic to

handle 1,000 birds a year, Stevenson said.

Most farmers who have worked with Swanson on

poultry enterprises already had crop farms, and many

of them had beef cattle, too. They diversified to improve

profits. “Chickens are a size that people don’t hesitate to

purchase directly, as a opposed to a quarter or half of

beef,” Swanson said. “It’s an opportunity for farmers to

try something without a very large investment.”

Many direct-market producers find that poultry is a

real lure that brings customers onto the farm, and many

of them will buy more than just chicken or turkey when

they are there.

Laura Rogers raises 300 to 400 chickens every year

in Woodbine, Ky. While her husband works off the farm,

she is a significant contributor to the family’s income.

She finds she has no trouble selling chickens for $6 and

$7 to her neighbors and others in her rural community;

her main problem comes in reserving enough birds for

her family of four.

“I put them in a field that runs along the side of the

road,” said Rogers, who has received two SARE farmer

grants, “so the neighbors drive by and see them so they

know when they’re getting big enough. Sometimes I

have to tell them that some of the birds they see are

sold so we can get some.”


Housing. The least expensive approaches are the

chicken tractor and the portable field pen models

described by Andy Lee and Joel Salatin, though most

producers concede they also demand the most time

and labor.

The “tractor” model, which Lee designed – and

describes in his book, Chicken Tractor – calls for small

numbers of birds to control weeds and insect pests and

increase fertility in garden plots. Simple and inexpen-

sive, the “tractor” may be the best way for someone with

limited farming experience to begin raising poultry out-

doors, although it is intended primarily to work in con-

cert with vegetable production.

Salatin’s model also holds promise for producers who

wish to raise poultry with low initial costs. The simple-

to-build pens are made of inexpensive wood, sheet

metal or plastic, and chicken wire. Making a 10-feet by

Farm A Farm B Farm C Farm D

1997 1998 1997 1998 1997 1998 1997 1998

Gross Return $6.70 $8.47 $6.38 $3.80 $12.00 $5.61 $9.36 $7.05

Net Return $3.81 $3.64 -$0.05 -$2.82 $2.39 $1.33 $7.05 $4.08

# Birds Sold 2,898 2,100 633 420 1,110 2,174 700 986

Annual Gross and Net Returns per Bird from Pastured Poultry, Four Farms

Center for Integrated Agricultural SystemsUniversity of Wisconsin

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12-feet pen – suitable for up to 80 mature chickens –

should cost no more than $200, plus labor. Nest boxes

for layers may cost more, but can fit into the same pen

designed for broilers.

At the other end of the spectrum are the portable

houses favored by many farmers involved in day range

or free-range poultry production. Typically much larger

and made of sturdier materials, they can cost more.

Tim Shell, a range poultry farmer and breeder in Vir-

ginia’s Shenandoah Valley, estimates the costs for one

of his portable “hoop houses,” made from PVC plastic

pipes, metal rebar, wood and polymer sheeting, at

nearly $1,000, including labor.

“It holds more birds and provides a lot more protec-

tion from weather and predators than a field pen,” Shell

said. He expects his structures to last nearly twice as

long as a field pen designed and built to Salatin’s speci-

fications. Over a few years, he has even experimented

with brooding chicks in them, which would eliminate

the need and expense of a separate brooder.

Lee designed and built structures he calls “mini-barns”

for his day range operation. They are made from lum-

ber, plywood, corrugated tin and fiberglass, and have

wooden runners, or “skids,” at their bases that allow

them to be dragged with relative ease by tractor to

fresh stands of pasture when needed.

Systems like Shell’s and Lee’s usually depend on

portable fencing. Most producers favor electric fencing

designed for poultry, called poultry netting, or feather

netting. It costs about $160 per 165-foot roll (including

step-in posts, not the power source). Shell, who has

written a manual about range netting, recommends at

least two rolls for an average flock of about 500 birds.

Brooders. Secure boxes in which newly hatched

chicks can live until sufficiently feathered to live out-

doors, brooders are made of plywood, lumber and

chicken wire. They contain warming lamps, drinking

water containers, feeders and litter. A basic brooder

that holds as many as 250 chicks can cost as little as

$100 to construct.

Feed and Water Delivery. Beyond a brooder and

field pen, producers only need containers for feed and

water. They can be simple and inexpensive, even home-

made. Ensure that any feeder or watering unit, whether

made at home or purchased from a commercial source,

does the job properly. For example, improperly anchored

or poorly designed feeders and watering units can be

tipped over or clogged, increasing opportunities for

spoilage and contamination as well as inducing unneces-

sary stress or endangering the lives of a flock. (Look for

poultry equipment suppliers in “Grit!,” the American Pas-

tured Poultry Producers Association (APPPA) newsletter.

See p. 16.)

Once Tom Larson

decided to diversify

his former Nebraska

grain farm, he tried a

host of new ventures,

such as raising birds on

pasture, and focused

both on their place in

his rotation and their

potential in the


– Photo by Tom Wolff

Want Funds to Research Profitable Poultry Systems?

SARE sponsors research and education projects that advance agricultural

systems that are profitable, environmentally sound and good for communities.

Since 1992, SARE also has funded small grants for farmers and ranchers to run

on-site research experiments.

SARE’s portfolio of projects is diverse. Of more than 3,000 projects funded

since the program’s inception in 1988, more than 200 concern alternative poultry

production and processing systems. Visit www.sare.org to download calls for

proposals, check deadlines and learn about grant requirements. (Click on

“Funded projects” to access the national projects database.) If you do not

have on-line access, call (301) 504-5230.

When writing an application, be sure you understand SARE’s goals and

objectives. Find a qualified collaborator and follow instructions.

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for protein, and vitamin and mineral supplements. In

pasture systems, producers do not include medications.

(Look for poultry feed suppliers in “Grit!,” the APPPA

newsletter. See p. 16.)

Some range poultry producers mix their own feed.

Recipes can be found in books, World Wide Web sites

and Internet listservs dedicated to pastured and range

poultry operations.

Other producers work with local mills to design the

right custom mix. David Bosle, who raises birds with no

antibiotics in the feed, has found a cooperative local

mill that offers ingredients specifically for him and other

poultry producers around Hastings, Neb., who market

meat under a “natural” label.

Whatever route you take – purchasing ready-mixed

feed, or preparing your own blend – the cost will likely

range between nine and 18 cents per pound. Meat birds

will ingest roughly 10 pounds of feed apiece before

reaching market weight, which means the cost of feed-

ing each commonly used Cornish Cross bird will range

from 90 cents to $1.80 during its seven- to eight-week

lifetime (or longer for other breeds). Layers ingest simi-

lar amounts, but their useful life spans are much longer.

When considering what feed to provide, consider:

� Organic feeds are available from specialty suppliers.

Expect to pay up to five cents more per pound for


� Some feeds are medicated to combat coccidiosis,

which is particularly devastating to chicks. Producers

who want to attach “natural” labels to their products

may want to avoid medicated feeds.

� Feeds can be ordered in various forms, such as

cracked, mashed and pelletized. Healthy debate

rages as to which form is better utilized by pastured

birds. One point of agreement, however, is that chicks

can choke on feed that is too finely cracked or flaked.

� For more information see “Pastured Poultry Nutrition.”

Request a free copy from ATTRA, (800) 346-9140.



same breed as their confinement counterparts: the

Cornish/Rock cross breed of broiler (commonly called

the Cornish Cross). Developed for its large breast, large

appetite and rapid development, the Cornish Cross also

boasts a mild flavor that is familiar and appealing to

most consumers.

Virginia farmer Harvey Ussery and his wife are

experimenting with hardier varieties of birds, such as

Rhode Island Reds and Plymouth Rocks. Even though

those varieties take longer to reach market weights, the

meat boasts more flavor. Ussery wants to educate con-

sumers about alternatives to Cornish Cross. He says

the fast growth of the Cornish Cross strains their hearts,

digestive systems and bones. Moreover, birds more

suited to foraging eat less supplemental feed.

Ussery, writing in Grit!, the APPPA newsletter, details

the problems he encountered with the Cornish Cross

variety. Cornish Cross chicks from nearly all hatcheries

in the country come from the same stock. The variety,

he argues, is ill-suited for raising outdoors because it

has been bred for confinement. Properties that make

for good and efficient foragers, he says, have been

“selected out” because they are not needed.

The only appeal of the Cornish Cross, he says, is its

ability to arrive at market weight in a period of about

seven weeks. Emphasis on that single quality has ne-

glected other important factors, such as flavor, texture,

and a bird’s ability to take full advantage of all the

benefits available to it on pasture.

Some efforts are underway to make the Cornish

Cross a heartier bird for range poultry production.

Hatcheries such as Shady Lane Poultry Farm, Inc., in

Winchester, Ky., provide day-old chicks bred to succeed

on pasture. Farmers like Matt John, owner of Shady Lane,

raise Cornish Cross birds as parent stock, then select off-

spring that are better adapted to forage. Those chicks are

said to perform well in outdoor settings. See “Poultry

Genetics for Pastured Production” at

http://attra.ncat.org/attra-pub/poultry genetics.html.

Layers. There is no overwhelmingly favored variety of

laying hen for range poultry production. Several breeds,

including Rhode Island Reds, Leghorns and Plymouth

Rocks supply reliably large numbers of eggs. The Coop-

erative Extension Service can help beginners determine

the best varieties for the type of operation they envision,


By adding flax to hen

rations, some producers

have capitalized on the

ability to enrich eggs

with omega-3 fatty acids,

which lower cholesterol

and thus have been linked

to reduced risk of heart

disease in humans.

– Photo by Ken Schneider

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and put them in contact with nearby hatcheries.

Turkeys. The “Cornish Cross” of turkeys is the Broad

Breasted White. Again borrowed from the confinement

industry, the Broad Breasted is a fast-growing bird that

takes about four months to reach market weights of

about 18 to 22 pounds. Many who have raised turkeys

say they are more manageable in many ways than

broilers, and that they convert forage to meat much

better than chickens.

Joleen Marquardt, a field pen poultry producer in

Pine Bluff, Wyo., said she and her children were at first

intimidated by the sheer size of their turkeys at process-

ing time, but found them more docile than broilers.

“The weight gets to be a little much after a full day,

but it’s not nearly as bad as I anticipated,” she said.

Turkeys are generally more resistant to illness than

broilers, says Chuck Smith, and are better foragers.

Moreover, turkeys are even easier to market. “We’ve

never once had a problem selling every turkey we

produce, and most of the time way in advance,” he

noted. “Chickens are gravy, but turkeys are dessert.”

The “Label Rouge” of turkeys are the heritage breeds.

Heritage breeds take longer to grow and develop a

flavorful, moist carcass. Varieties include the Bourbon

Red, Spanish Black, the Bronze and the Royal Palm.

More are listed, along with useful information about

turkey production, on the web site of the American

Livestock Breeds Conservancy, in Pittsboro, N.C.

(See “Resources,” p. 16.)



or turkey is an assurance that you will receive healthy

chicks from the hatchery. Much of that hinges upon

delivery times, with more than a day being undesirable.

Joleen Marquardt has been marketing about 5,000

broilers per season since she started her business five

years ago. Since then, she has mastered the management

skills required and says she knows how to recognize prob-

lems. But the premature mortality rates in her 2001 flocks

were the worst she has seen, reaching nearly 20 percent.

(Beginners should expect to lose 10 to 15 percent.)

“The biggest problem was a particular batch that

my hatchery sent early in the season,” Marquardt said.

“They didn’t tell me, but they ran out of Cornish Cross

stock and had to get mine from a hatchery in Michigan.

That meant they were in transit for at least two days,

and I think that just took a lot out of them.”

Marquardt came out each morning the first week

after the delivery to find 20 to 30 dead chicks. The whole

flock failed to gain market weight. “I wasn’t even sure

they were Cornish Crosses, they were so scrawny,”

she said.

The hatchery eventually replaced most of the flock,

but she nonetheless lost time and money because of

the weakened birds.

When buying stock from hatcheries, remember:

� Choose a hatchery nearby.

� Arrange for overnight deliveries.

� Get guarantees from the hatchery that chicks

arriving dead or obviously weakened by stress

will be replaced at no cost.

� Realize that airline companies may further curtail

the already limited flights that ship live chicks as

mail and seek high-quality hatcheries within a

day’s drive.

� Learn as much as possible about the parent stock.

It’s common, especially among inexperienced pen

producers, for birds to be crushed or injured when field

pens are moved to a new stand of grass. This is less of

a concern for producers using one of the systems that

do not require moving the housing so frequently. As

producers become more experienced, and as a flock

matures, crushing becomes less of a concern because

the birds become accustomed to frequent movement

of their pens and learn to walk with them.

The other major factor in premature loss of birds is

predation. Flocks raised in a field pen system tend to

be safer from daytime predators such as dogs, hawks

and the occasional eagle because they are securely

Raising turkeys often

proves more profitable

than chickens because

farmers can charge up

to $3 per pound. Many

growers stock fewer

turkeys in pens because

of their wide wingspans.

– Photo by Edwin Remsberg

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enclosed. Nocturnal predators such as raccoons, foxes,

coyotes and skunks, however, will exploit even the

smallest opening in the pen. Even most experienced

producers say they have lost a few birds.

Other range poultry producers, on the other hand,

are much more vulnerable to avian predation. Alabama

Day Range producer Charles Ritch, for example, says

hawks and owls are “a big, big problem, and they have

been ever since I started.” He pegs his predation losses

at about 5 percent each season.

Most producers expect some premature loss from

each flock despite working to reduce mortality. To

minimize loss:

� Provide sufficient warmth, water and feed,

especially in the crucial first days after you receive

your shipment of chicks.

� Place pens well inside pastures rather than along

wooded fence lines because many predators will

be reluctant to travel across open territory.

� Consider installing electric fences or using a

trained dog.

� Check the ongoing dialogue among producers

subscribed to the Internet listservs listed in

“Resources,” p. 16.



early on because commercial processors that handle small

numbers of birds are hard to find. If you want to sell through

grocery stores or to restaurants, you must process in a

government-approved facility, but those who sell directly

to the public may be able to slaughter on farm.

Tom Delahanty, the New Mexico farmer, cautions that

a fledgling poultry producer be sure to have lots of help

with strong stomachs.

“You can’t do it alone, and if any members of your

family or people you hire are going to have a problem

with the pace of the work or with killing, plucking and

gutting chickens, you’d better know about it before you

ever get started in the business.”

For a typical on-farm dressing operation, you will need:

� Kill cones

� A scalder (to loosen feathers) purchased or

constructed from a stainless steel drum and a

two-burner gas cook stove

� A plucker to remove feathers

� Stainless steel tables for eviscerating

� Running water for washing

� Plastic tubs or a stainless steel tank to chill carcasses

prior to packaging

� Supplies such as sharp knives, ice and bags

Joel Salatin and his family continue to process nearly

10,000 broilers each year outside, a practice that has

worked well for other farmers. Using equipment similar

to what’s listed above, Salatin works on a concrete slab

beneath a simple corrugated fiberglass roof. Salatin’s

waste water is then pumped to the farm’s vineyards for

nutrient-rich irrigation.

Mississippi farmer

Rosa Shareef’s goal

is to process 1,000

chickens a month,

which, at $1.50 a

pound, nets about

$2.25 per bird.

“Good product at

a good price tends

to sell itself,”

she said.

– Photo courtesy of HeiferInternational

Processing Regulations

Small, independent producers who want to process poultry themselves and sell directly to

customers can take advantage of provisions in federal laws that allow them to be exempt

from inspection. Some states use the federal laws while others have their own state laws.

Fewer than 1,000 broilers – In many states, if you do not sell meat across state lines

and you do not market poultry from other farms, you can raise and process up to 1,000

birds a year and be exempt from federal inspection rules. Check with officials in your state

department of agriculture or health before processing to clarify the exemptions allowed.

Between 1,000 and 20,000 broilers – If the processing facility used and practices

employed meet federal sanitation standards and you do not sell meat across state lines,

you can be exempt from federal inspection rules, although some states (such as Kansas)

may impose stricter rules. Check with officials in your state department of agriculture or

health before processing to clarify the exemptions allowed.

Direct marketing rules for fresh eggs also vary by state.

Labeling claims are tightly regulated. Contact USDA’s Food Safety Inspection Service

for more information, (202) 205-0623.

Consult “The Legal Guide for Direct Farm Marketing” (see “Resources,” p. 16) for further

explanation of processing regulations.

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“My family and I have worked out the best way for us

to do this, and we’ve got it down to a science,” he said.

The most important judges of the quality of his dress-

ing operation, Salatin said, are those who help him do

the processing, and his customers. “Our customers pick

up their orders from a site right next to where we do the

processing, so they can see for themselves how clean

it is,” he said. “If they don’t like what they see, they won’t

come back.”

If he has a good work crew, David Bosle can butcher

as many as 400 chickens a day using a mobile processing

unit he purchased with three other farmers. He processes

three times a year.

Disposal of Solid Wastes. Salatin composts the

feathers, guts, heads, feet and blood of the broilers he

processes. He admits it takes some skill and experience,

but says he is able to manage his compost piles so that

odors and pests aren’t a problem, even at the height of


Oregon farmer Robert Plamondon, who raises about

800 free-range layers and 200 broilers outside the town

of Blodgett, does the same, sprinkling hydrated lime on

his compost heap after each addition to both reduce odors

from the decaying organic matter and to repel pests

such as flies, raccoons, even other chickens. Both Salatin

and Plamondon use the compost to amend the soil in

their garden plots, as well as to help fertilize their pastures.

Other producers who live close to metropolitan areas

with upscale and ethnic restaurants can sell feet and

heads to chefs who use them to make soup stocks.



on-farm poultry processing, groups around the country

are bringing slaughtering to the farm.

Twelve farm families in Michigan collaborated on a

mobile processing unit in a project partially supported by

SARE. The unit, built in 1999, cost about $20,000 and

called for about 360 hours of labor.

Rick Meisterheim, of Michigan’s nonprofit Wagbo

Peace Center coordinated the project. He reports that

the 12 producers contributed together about $11,000

toward the cost of the unit and agreed to a yearly

membership fee of $25 and a 25 cents per-bird charge.

With three other Nebraska growers, David Bosle

bought a mobile processing trailer in a cooperative

effort. The farmers and others in the community share

a trailer equipped with killing cones, a scalder, a feather

picker, a scale and an evisceration area. The processor,

purchased with help from Nebraska’s Center for Rural

Affairs, which received a SARE grant, allows the four

farmers to share the cost of processing. They also rent

out the mobile unit to other farmers or, at a discount,

to community groups like 4-H.

In Kentucky, Poultry Growers Share Processor to Comply with Restrictive Laws

In Kentucky, a group of farmers, consumers, nonprofit organizations, university scientists, and health and agriculture department officials have

jointly constructed a mobile processing unit – about the size of a large horse trailer – that can be hauled by truck to different locations. It con-

tains the scalding, plucking, washing and packaging equipment each farm family needs to process broilers and turkeys.

One of the key players in the coalition is Heifer International (Heifer), a nonprofit organization that helps farmers with limited resources

launch pastured poultry and other enterprises. Heifer applied for SARE funds, which, combined with major support from the Kentucky Depart-

ment of Agriculture, financed the $75,000 mobile unit. Participating farmers helped design the unit, and Steve Muntz, Heifer’s Appalachia program

manager and coordinator of the poultry project, said they are satisfied with their initial experiences.

“There was no alternative for the farmers,” Muntz said. “There is not a single federally inspected poultry processing plant in the state that will

take birds from an independent producer, and selling live birds to individuals is the only other way, given the state restrictions.”

The USDA has exempted the unit from federal inspection, and the state has licensed it for both poultry and shrimp processing. Birds processed

in the unit, the only legal method for independent Kentucky farmers to sell processed poultry, can be sold anywhere in the state.

The unit, which must be paired with a docking station equipped with potable water, electric and sewer connections, is located in Frankfort. To

reach greater numbers of farmers and to minimize the per-station expense (estimated at $4,000 to $5,000), organizers expect to see another

station constructed in eastern Kentucky.

Meanwhile, Heifer and its partners continue to seek a broader customer base for pastured poultry in the state. They also hope to establish a

range poultry cooperative to meet the demand for the product and locate docking stations close to co-op members.

“We hope the mobile processing unit will provide a path to a new small-scale poultry industry in Kentucky,” Muntz said. “As agriculture has

gotten bigger and bigger in this country, the doors to the marketplace have been closed to small farmers. The unit is one key available to Ken-

tucky farmers to unlock those doors.”

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Environmental BenefitsPART 3


control both insect pests and weeds – while supplying

a new revenue stream for the farm.



spreaders that fertilize the soil. They turn and mix soil

and manure as they scratch for insects and worms, increas-

ing organic matter and improving fertility. Take care not

to keep birds too long in one area or in high concentra-

tions, or you risk denuding and compacting the soil.

Steve Stevenson of Wisconsin’s CIAS worked with

farmers who raise other livestock in addition to poultry

on pasture. In each case, the chickens followed the

larger animals, from dairy sheep to beef cattle. “We

heard again and again that chickens do wonders for

soil quality and nutrients,” he said.

In Louisiana, SARE-funded researchers studying the

benefits of integrating vegetables with broilers or layers

found that vegetables grew best when planted 14 days

after birds were moved across the plot.

“We found significant improvement in plant perfor-

mance 14 days after birds were on the land,” said James

McNitt, a researcher at Southern University, who tested

for the optimum time to plant cucumbers, summer squash,

mustard greens and collard greens after pastured poultry.

Mark and Robin Way of Cecil County, Md., appreciate

the extra nitrogen their flocks give to their hay fields.

They move seven pens at a time across one of their four

hay fields, and rotate to a new field each year.

“We’ve had soil tests, and we’re right where we should

be,” Robin Way said. “The animals do well on the fields.

They pick out bugs, and what they give back is extra


Tom Delahanty’s birds help him overcome an obstacle

endemic to New Mexico: poor soil. His birds are build-

ing a layer of rich organic matter atop the sandy desert

ground to the point that he is considering expanding

into organic produce.

“Between the rye and oats I plant both as cover

crops and forage, and the scratching the birds do that

works their manure down into the ground, I’m getting

fertility like they’ve never seen around here,” he said.

“I’ve got grain farmers coming from all over the valley

to look my pastures because they stay green all

year long.”



producers, suggests that birds and pasture offer mutual

benefits. Planting diverse forages that improve soil quality

by fixing nitrogen or adding organic matter makes good

sense, even though poultry producers sometimes debate

how much grass or other forage meat birds and layers

actually eat, and how much benefit they get from it. Birds

are not true ruminants and cannot digest the cellulose in

most plants very efficiently (though turkeys and geese are

better at it than chickens), but they do get some nutrients.

Joel Salatin has established what he calls a “perma-

nent polyculture” of clovers and grasses in his pastures,

with varieties, such as native grasses, broadleaves, clovers,

chickories, oats and rye that mature at different times of

the season. His chickens will, “eat almost anything as

long as it’s not too tall and not too tough,” he said.

Oregon egg producer Robert Plamondon has found

that pasture research from the early 1900s still applies.

“Everything I’ve read points to oats as the ideal cool-

season green feed,” he said,“while ladino clover, alfalfa,

and to a lesser extent other clovers are better summer

Paul Ehrhardt, who

raised 2,500 chickens

in 2001, grows a dense

combination of clover

and grass to pasture

his birds and improve

the soil on his Sun

Prairie, Wis., farm.

– Photo by Wolfgang Hoffmann

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make economic sense because the cost of establishing

them is low while the potential for significant and

steady income is high. However, much of the growing

interest is because these new systems also promote

values such as family cohesion, a clean environment,

an outdoor lifestyle and independence for farmers.



producer, held down a variety of jobs off the farm, but

realized a few years ago that she was missing out on

too much of her children’s lives. She and her husband,

Greg, who operate a dryland wheat farm, were juggling

child care with her various jobs.

“I like to work and contribute to the upkeep of the

family,” she said, “but I felt I was losing contact with the

kids.” Her pastured poultry venture changed all that.

“I kept one of my jobs because I can do it in the

winter months when we can’t raise chickens outdoors,

but I focus on broilers right up through Thanksgiving,”

she said. She can also focus on sons James and Jordan,

and daughter Jessica, because they work right alongside

her now instead of waiting for her to come home from

town every evening.

“That’s the biggest benefit,” Marquardt declared. “I

work with my kids, and see them learn how to take care

of the chickens and work with customers.”

Considering what she used to spend on babysitters

and travel,“I didn’t sacrifice anything by starting this busi-

ness at home. In fact, in a couple more years I’ll proba-

bly be making more than I could have any other way.”

Marquardt’s lifestyle resembles that of many other

range poultry farmers. Some stages are so labor inten-

feeds. My own experience with oats has been very


Salatin maintains that his broilers get enough nutri-

tion from forage, insects, and grubs that they need 30

percent less feed than broilers raised under the indus-

trial confinement model.



disease and infections that many producers forego the

use of antibiotics or medicated feed. Pastured poultry

producers often use that aspect of their operation as a

marketing tool. Few, if any, pastured or range producers

report significant problems with cannibalism, so the

practice of beak trimming is uncommon.

By contrast, chickens raised in confined houses

remain at risk for a host of respiratory illnesses because

of air quality marred by dust made up of excrement,

ammonia, litter, skin and feathers. To guard against ill-

nesses such as bronchitis and necrotic enteritis, con-

finement chickens receive routine inoculations and


Pastured birds, however, are more susceptible to

weather-related stress. They can get too cold, too hot,

be rained upon or be injured by predators or pen walls.

Wildlife can transmit disease-causing microbes.

Diseases such as coccidiosis can occur. Use frequent

rotations and allow pasture plots time to rest to knock

back pathogens. Clean pens and brooders regularly

between flocks to keep harmful microbes in check.


Quality of Life IssuesPART 4

Sarah and William Rogers

help their mother, Laura,

by filling poultry water

containers and tallying

income and expenses,

making the Kentucky

operation a true family


– Photo by Gwen Roland

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sive they can’t be done in isolation, and families pro-

vide the most ready workforce. Children with sufficient

training can handle even the most difficult parts of the

process, including moving field pens or relocating larger

portable shelters with a tractor. They also can help

dress and package broilers, or collect and wash eggs.

Children provide help that is not only valuable to

their parents but also teaches them about careful treat-

ment of animals and reward for labor. Sarah Rogers,

10, and her seven-year-old brother, William, handle

watering chores for their mother, Laura Rogers, in

Woodbine, Ky., every day after school. While Laura

Rogers moves the poultry pens, the kids fill five-gallon

buckets with water. They also check on the chickens,

gather them when needed and ensure pen doors are

closed each evening.

“They know we have to work on the pens every day,

just like homework,” said Laura Rogers, who has taught

them how to keep accounts using money they’ve earned

from poultry proceeds. “Best of all, they are learning

that a family works best when it works together.”



pastured poultry farms, developed a model where farm-

ers spend 20 to 22 hours per week handling a 1,000-bird

supplementary enterprise, raising chickens from chicks

through slaughter at eight to 14 weeks.

As a 5,000-bird primary enterprise, annual net re-

turns would average more than $18,000 by the 10th year,

involving a 35- to 42-hour work week for six months of


Ohio farmer, author and lecturer Herman Beck-

Chenoweth believes farmers routinely undervalue the

cost of their own labor.

“They should keep track of everything, from building

pens to reading and learning more about the process,

to marketing, and if it isn’t paying, they should do some-

thing else,” he said, adding that it is important to ask a

fair price for meat and eggs while minimizing the amount

of time spent on poultry chores.



is the assurance growers and their families have of eat-

ing well.

“I haven’t bought meat from a grocery store in years,”

Kentucky farmer Chuck Smith said, “and I hope I never

have to.” He knows exactly what his animals eat and is

assured – because he and his family do it themselves –

that the animals are processed humanely.

“I know what we are feeding our family when we pull

a chicken or a steak from the freezer, and there aren’t a

lot of people who can say that anymore,” he said.

In a manual intended as a decision-making guide

for farmers, Anne Fanatico from the National Center for

Appropriate Technology summarizes the experiences of

35 southern farm families who participated in a pastured

poultry education project funded by SARE. Between 1996

and 1999, the families enrolled in a Heifer International

course geared at helping limited resource farmers earn

profits and achieve a better quality of life.

After training, each family received funds to help

them get started with the new business. The farmers

recorded income and expenses for the project – as well

as the system’s impact on their lives. Partly because the

new pasture-based system allows them to work directly

with animals outside, earn modest profits and provide

food for the family, 27 of the project’s 35 participants

continue to raise range poultry for home use and for

sale to growing customer bases.

“Not only did we make a few dollars, but I am very-

happy that we can open the freezer and see 40 chickens

we can eat,” said a Kentucky producer quoted in the

NCAT manual, available from ATTRA at http://attra.




community in Illinois have re-charged their finances by

John and Ida Thurman,

shown with Merrill

Marxman of USDA’s

Farm Services Agency

(left), received a SARE

grant to test whether

raising poultry would

stimulate profits and

create jobs. “We have

found that the more

people doing these

types of chickens,

the more people know

about them, and the

better the market gets,”

John Thurman said.

– Photo by Ken Schneider

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adding range poultry enterprises to their farms. Farmers

in Pembroke Township in north central Illinois were so

inspired by their experiences testing alternative poultry

systems that they formed the Pembroke Farmers Cooper-

ative to share poultry pens, a refrigerated truck, a live-

stock trailer and, not least, production information.

Jump-started by two SARE grants, awarded as part

of North Central SARE’s efforts to target funds to under-

served groups, the Pembroke farmers experimented

with both free-range and pen methods. “Through this

project, I learned how to raise a healthier chicken in

a process that is more economically beneficial,” said

Irene Seals, a producer grant recipient. “Raising pas-

tured poultry is now a major part of our operation.”

With help from the Kankakee County USDA-Farm

Service Agency director, they located a small-scale

processor to slaughter and package their birds, com-

plete with the co-op label. With processing secured,

the families are able to sell their product within the

county or, for an even better premium, in Chicago.

“It’s a system that I felt really fits their lifestyles and

the community,” said Merrill Marxman, the FSA director.

“We started it as a USDA outreach effort to what we

saw as an impoverished community, and now the

co-op has its own headquarters.”

After perfecting his pastured poultry system, partly

with help from a SARE producer grant, David Bosle set

up an apprentice program for aspiring chicken farmers

in Nebraska. He taught them everything, from how to

build pens to how to butcher the birds – and got help

processing his chickens along the way. Over the last

few years, he has hosted between four and 10 farmer

apprentices every processing day.

“After getting the SARE grant, the least we can do is

share information with people,” he said. “The informa-

tion is free, but they help me kill chickens.”

Bosle is also designing an Internet course on raising

pastured poultry for his central Nebraska community


The Ways of Conowingo, Md., enjoy farming and

raising livestock, from poultry to rabbits to beef cattle,

on pasture. Robin Way says the family also finds merit

in attracting customers from their community to experi-

ence an integrated farm.

“People are losing small, diversified farms,” she said.

“We try to manage the farm like its own little commu-

nity, and we invite people to come see what we do –

how the animal was raised and how it’s processed.

We’re proud of what we have and how we raise them.”

Not only do customers pick up meat right at their

farm, but the Ways hosted 3,000 people during their

county’s “Family Day at the Farm.”


producer bears this out: Marketing your product will

take as much time and energy as the actual task of

raising and processing your product.

In a survey, 80 percent of APPPA members cited

direct marketing as a top sales method. For most, the

best way to reach family, neighbors and others in the

community was word of mouth, posting flyers on local

bulletin boards, selling products at farmers markets

and contacting customers often.


Newspaper Stories. Mary Berry-Smith doesn’t con-

sider herself a marketing genius, but she managed in

one year to have her pastured poultry operation

featured twice in the Louisville Courier-Journal. Each

time, she received a flood of orders that led to people

reserving every one of her broilers and turkeys well

before the 2001 season was complete.

Marketing is all about capitalizing on advantages.

The key lies in what some call “relationship marketing.”

Berry-Smith worked with a newspaper editor to explain

the benefits of the system, and that made the editor

more willing to try, and to be impressed by, the product.

Joel Salatin and his farm were profiled in the national

Smithsonian magazine, as well as on ABC News.

Farmers who have received ink in newspapers or

magazines report that when people read about their

product – and the philosophy and practices behind

pasture-based poultry systems – their phones, in

Chuck Smith’s words, “ring off the walls.”

Pre-Orders. David Bosle of central Nebraska prints a

newsletter every winter for his customer list of close to

300. He includes a self-addressed, stamped envelope to

Marketing OptionsPART 5

“I didn’t sacrifice

anything by

starting this

business at home.

In fact, in a couple

more years I’ll

probably be

making more

than I could have

any other way.”

– Joleen Marquardt, Wyoming

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take orders, by month, for the season.

“That’s a must,” he said. “The biggest cost is to get the

customer on the belt, and once you’ve got them there,

it’s stupid to let them fall off.”

Bosle takes advantage of the short growing time for

chickens and clusters his flocks around spring, summer

and fall holidays, including Memorial Day and Labor

Day. With the pre-ordering system, he generally sells

his birds prior to growing them.

Samples. Robin Way not only praises the virtues of

investing in a colorful, easy-to-spot farm sign, but also

recommends giving out free meat. “If they take the

trouble to drive down our lane, I’ll give people freebies,”

she said. “Maybe they’ll never show up again, but may

be they’ll be one of our best customers.”

When they first starting raising poultry on pasture,

the Ways would bring chickens to auctions and meet-

ings and make donations. All of the meat was accompa-

nied by their farm business card.

Selling with Other Products. Delahanty, the New

Mexico grower, markets his organic meat under a

“Real Chicken” brand that commands varying premium

prices – as high as $5 per pound at some upscale gro-

ceries in Albuquerque and Santa Fe. Next, he plans to

sell organic vegetables he expects will flourish in the

manure-rich soil aided by his flocks.

“I’ve already got the contacts at farmers markets,

groceries and restaurants all up and down the valley,”

he said, “so selling them vegetables the chickens help

grow should be easy.”

One grower who works with James McNitt at South-

ern University garners $2.25 a pound for chicken partly

because she already has a dedicated list of customers

lining up for her organic blueberries. “And people are

pushing her to do more,” McNitt said.

Molly and Ted Bartlett offer chickens as an extra

option for members of their Community Supported

Agriculture (CSA) enterprise in northeast Ohio. When

joining their farm for the season, customers decide

whether to buy a poultry package. “We offer them 10

birds for $90,” Molly Bartlett said, “and they can take

them all at once, or over the course of a year. It works

well, it helps the cash flow, and it provides more variety

to offer our customers.”


to enrich eggs with omega-3 fatty acids, which lower

cholesterol and thus have been linked to reduced risk

of heart disease in humans. Flax, commonly grown as

an oilseed, can be added to hen rations at about 15

percent. Researchers at the University of Nebraska

have found that so-called “Omega eggs” can reduce

saturated fat by one-third.

With help from a SARE grant, Waterman, Ill., farmer

Joel Rissman began growing flax to feed to his 60 laying

hens. He swaths the flax, lets it dry, then adds it to live-

stock feed. “If we were selling eggs off the farm, I could

easily get a big premium,” Rissman said. “Because our

eggs are all picked up by customers at the farm, which

saves us time, we charge a modest amount that allows

for a fair profit,” about $2 a dozen.

For more information about feeding flax to layers,

see “Resources,” page 16.



APPPA survey raise turkeys along with pastured broilers.

Sixty-nine percent raise layers. Many also report raising

varieties of poultry other than chickens and turkeys,

including ducks, guinea fowl and pheasant hens. Some

market two-year-old stewing hens.

Specialty fowl such as ducks can be raised with as

little effort as is required for broilers and layers, but can

bring in much more money per pound. Their rareness

also tends to make the job of marketing easier. Restau-

rants offer good markets for exotic fowl, and if regula-

tions in your state allow direct sales to restaurants, it’s

worth contacting the chefs at every upscale establish-

ment in your area.


Investing in an eye-

catching farm sign and

an easy-to-read label

helps bring repeat


– Photo by Edwin Remsberg

Page 16: Livestock Alternatives Profitable Poultrywhatcom.wsu.edu/ag/documents/poultry/ProfitablePoultry_SARE.pdf · Livestock Alternatives Profitable Poultry: Raising Birds on Pasture


Sustainable Agriculture Re-search and Education(SARE) programUSDA, 1400 IndependenceAve., SW, Stop 2223, Washington DC 20250-2223(301) 504-5230;[email protected];www.sare.orgSARE studies and spreads information about sustain-able agriculture via a nationwide grants program.See research findings atwww.sare.org/projects

Appropriate TechnologyTransfer for Rural Areas(ATTRA) P.O. Box 3657, Fayet-teville, AR 72702, (800) 346-9140;http://attra.ncat.orgProvides assistance and re-sources free of charge tofarmers and other ag profes-sionals. Request a copy of“Sustainable Poultry: Produc-tion Overview,” a detaileddiscussion of range poultryproduction systems, includ-ing pros and cons of each,and “how-to” informationabout fencing, water andfeed delivery, etc.

Alternative Farming Sys-tems Information Center(AFSIC). USDA NationalAgricultural Library, Rm 132,Beltsville, MD 20705(301) 504-6559;[email protected];www.nal.usda.gov/afsic Provides on-line informationresources, referrals and database searching, withspecialized information on organic production.

American Livestock BreedsConservancy, P.O. Box 477,Pittsboro, NC 27312; (919) 542-5704; www.albc-usa.org

Flax-Enriched Eggs. To learnmore about feeding flaxseedto layers and enriching eggswith omega-3 fatty acids,contact: Mary Van Elswick,OmegaTech, Inc., 5766 Central Ave., Boulder,CO 80301-2895; (303) 442-0047 or NancyLewis, University of NebraskaDepartment of Nutrition andHealth Sciences, Lincoln, NE68588; (402) 472-4633.

PUBLICATIONSThe Breeders Directory,by the Society for thePreservation of Poultry Antiquities, lists breeders of rare and antique poultry,their stock and deliverymethods. $8 to the SPPA (or free with a $12.50 one-year membership). Contact Charles Everett, 122 Magnolia Lane,Lugoff, SC 29078;[email protected]

Chicken Tractor, by AndyLee and Patricia Foreman.$22.95 + s/h to Good EarthPublications, (800) 499-3201; www.goodearthpublications.com

Day Range Poultry: EveryChicken Owner’s Guide to Grazing Gardens andImproving Pastures, byAndy Lee and Patricia Foreman.$22.95 + s/h to Good EarthPublications, (800) 499-3201;www.goodearthpublications.com

Free-Range Poultry Production & Marketing,$39.50, to Back 40 Books, Nature’s Pace Sanctuary,Hartshorn, MO 65479, (573) 858-3559.

A Guide to Raising Chickens,by Gail Damerow. $18.95 + $4 s/h to Storey Books, 210 MASS MoCA Way, North Adams, MA 01247;(800) 441-5700.

Grit!, American PasturedPoultry Producers Associa-tion newsletter. APPPA, PO Box 73, Hartselle,AL 35640, (256) 751-3925;[email protected];www.apppa.org. $30/yearmembership includes a Grit! newsletter published 6 times/year.

The Legal Guide for Direct Farm Marketing,by Neil Hamilton. $20 toDrake University AgriculturalLaw Center, Des Moines, IA50311; (515) 271-2947. Volumediscounts available.

The New American Farmer2nd Edition.A collection of in-depth interviews with farmersacross America, including diversified poultry farmers.$16.95 + s/h to Sustainable

Agriculture Publications,(301) 374-9696;www.sare.org/publications/naf

Pastured Perfect,by Jo Robinson. Why grass-fed meat and dairy productsare safer, healthier, and morebeneficial for you, the ani-mals and the environment.$14.95. (866) 453-8489;www.eatwild.com

Pastured Poultry Profits:Net $25,000 in 6 Months,by Joel Salatin. $30 + $3.50s/h to ACRES U.S.A.; (800) 355-5313; www.acresusa.com/books/books.asp?pcid=2. ($50 videofeatures step-by-step penconstruction.)

Stockman Grass Farmer.This monthly magazine is devoted to the art and science of turning grass into cash. $32/year. To subscribe or for free sample, contact: The Stock-man Grass Farmer, PO Box2300, Ridgeland, MS 39158;(800) 748-9808; [email protected].

Range Poultry Housing,http://attra.ncat.org/attra-pub/PDF/poulthous.pdf

ON-LINE SOURCESPastured poultry discussion group.http://groups.yahoo.com/group/PasturePoultry/

Eat Wild, by Jo Robinson.www.eatwild.com

Pastured Poultry – A Heifer Project Interna-tional Case Study Booklethttp://attra.ncat.org/attra-pub/pasturedpoultry.htmlSummarizes the experiencesof 35 Southern farm familiesparticipating in pasturedpoultry project.

Pastured Poultry Q & A,Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems, University of Wisconsin,www.cias.wisc.edu/archives/2001/10/01/raising_poultry_on_pasture/index.php

Poultry Your Way – AGuide to Management Alternatives for the UpperMidwest, Minnesota Department of Agriculture.Provides an overview ofpoultry production systemsand management options forMidwestern farmers.www.cias.wisc.edu/pdf/poultryway.pdf

Alternative Poultry Resources

– Photo by Ken Schneider

SARE works in partnership with Cooperative Extension and Experiment

Stations at land grant universities to deliver practical information to

the agricultural community. Contact your local Extension office for more


This bulletin was co-written by Valerie Berton and David Mudd. Special

thanks to Anne Fanatico of the National Center for Appropriate Technology

for her advice and careful review. Thanks also to SAN’s team of technical

reviewers. This publication was funded by USDA-CSREES under Cooperative

Agreement 00-ESAG-1-0857 for the Sustainable Agriculture Network.

SARE: Additional Resource
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), USDA. For more information about avian flu and what you can do to manage your flocks, visit http://www.aphis.usda.gov/vs/birdbiosecurity/hpai.html.
Marked set by Thor
Accepted set by Thor
SARE: Addditional Resource
Raising Poultry on Pasture: Ten Years of Success by The American Pastured Poultry Producers Association (APPPA). $39.95 + s/h (discounts for APPPA members). http://www.apppa.org/raising_poultry_on_pasture.html.
Accepted set by Thor