Live in Luxury while the rest of the world burns · Live in Luxury while the rest of the world burns We have all heard the scary stories about what will happen when the U.S. economy

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Live in Luxury while the rest of the world burns

We have all heard the scary stories about what will happen when the U.S. economy finally collapses, but what is the truth, really, and how will you live through it?!!Will there be zombies in the streets? Will there be bands of marauding gangs terrorizing neighborhoods like in Death Wish 3 as everyone is predicting?!!No.!!In 2008, which was the prelude to what is coming (and it was the worst economic calamity since the depression), it was actually way worse than the depression. But, there were no riots, just a dull ache that was forced on all Americans as a result of irresponsible government policy. !!The housing bust, unemployment at historic levels, and a $17 trillion dollar national debt all create problems for the American people, but let’s be realistic about what you should do to prepare for the next time it happens---and there will be a next time.!!Should you buy lots of food rations, guns, fuel and dig a bomb shelter to prepare for the inevitable future?!!I believe there is a better way to invest those dollars.!!Wealth creation and accumulation is the absolute best hedge against everything and anything that will ever happen in your life, may that be good or bad. So instead of discussing how to prepare for a fiscal disaster that WILL absolutely hit our country and the world very soon, let’s talk about what you should be doing to prepare for today, and a really awesome future no matter what happens or when.!!The sky is not going to fall. Each day will begin like most others and the only difference between how you will experience it and how others may experience it will be the quality of your life. !!In 2008, I went bankrupt after earning a seven figure income from my real estate investments and real estate seminar business. The


Live in Luxury while the rest of the world burns

bankruptcy allowed me to keep my house and a car, but I was still left with a bill to the IRS for $290,000 in back taxes. Things looked grim, but I hunkered down and did what I had to do. !!In the end, I negotiated my IRS bill down to $15,000 with a $400 monthly payment, and started learning about why I lost my fortune, and how I could prevent it from ever happening again.!!While I was working in a boiler room selling all sorts of stuff over the phone, I started learning how to trade futures, and I started an online business, one of them being The Oil Money.com. I began to educate myself about the unvarnished realities of the impending economic doom, and how I could realistically prepare for it so that me and my family could live in comfort and afford all the things that make for a good life.!!Here are my conclusions:!!The first thing I did was look back at news reports prior to the 2008 economic bust only to discover that it was clear to everyone in the know what was going to happen and why.!!The news was reporting it and the financial shows and books all predicted what happened.!!When it did happen, it was devastating on our economy, but when you really think about it, it’s mostly a news event. The actual measurable effect it has had on most of us has been difficult to really feel.!!Sure, inflation is higher, so gas and groceries and rent and everything else is higher, but we have not been wiped out right? I’m not making light of the pain it has actually caused long term, what I’m saying is that we are still standing, and when we go for a drive it’s not like a scene from The Road Warrior.!!I see thousands of people “prepping”, and there is nothing wrong with being prepared, but the apocalypse they are preparing for is not going to happen, not the way they are prepping for it.!!


Live in Luxury while the rest of the world burns

The next time around it will be pretty much the same as the one in 2008 except it will be bigger. But, we will still be raising families, sending kids to college, going to the grocery store, to the park and on vacation. After all, the US is still a $17 Trillion dollar economy, way bigger than any other country in the world, and no other country even comes close, so let’s try to keep things in perspective.!

!Hey, I’m not saying we are in great shape, I’m just saying we are not going to have the kind of catastrophe that many of the fear mongers are predicting. It’s going to be bad, but our cities are not going to burn. Life will go on.!!The only thing that you have to concern yourself with is how you and your loved ones live over the next 20 years and beyond, and if you are going to allow the next meltdown to creep up on you like the last one did.!!


Live in Luxury while the rest of the world burns

You have to take the steps necessary to save yourself, nobody is going to do it for you, and the time is now, you can’t wait any longer.!!So what I’m suggesting is 2 very distinct courses of action, and I suggest that you do them both at the same time.!!

1. You need to learn how to trade futures and or Forex 2. You need to start an online business !

Now you may think that since I offer solutions for both that I’m being completely self-serving in this article, and you are partly correct. I can help you learn how to trade, and I can help you start an online business, but you can learn both these things in other places so I’m not holding you hostage here, just giving you information you need to make an informed decision.!!I do believe, however, that I do both better than anyone else, and I have the tools, the team and the experience to make them happen for you. What is most important though is after you finish this article, you sit down and put a plan into action.!!If you have ever watched any of my videos or read any of my articles you know that when it comes to success in trading, I place a huge emphasis on emotional discipline.!!Specifically: Fear and Greed.!!These two emotions are the reason why people lose money trading, period, paragraph, end of story.!!For this reason, I developed The Oil Money and Indicator Incubator to provide very simple visual trading tools to guide you in-and-out of trades, and I’ve made them so inexpensive that anyone can use them, period, paragraph, end of story.!!I have even made it possible for you to get set-up with NinjaTrader for free, and with a free demo account with a broker, and you can test any of my trading systems for 7 days for only $1, further removing any of the barriers to get in and try it.!


Live in Luxury while the rest of the world burns

!You don’t have to pay the $900 to buy NinjaTrader and you don’t have to put any money in your trading account to use the simulator to test my trading systems and indicators. I will get all that set-up for you through my programs, and my relationships with NinjaTrader, and the brokers that I use; so in this case, cost can not be a factor. Motivation, now that’s another story that is completely up to you.!!So that covers item 1, now let’s move on to how you start an online business from scratch.!!After my bankruptcy as I was rebuilding my life, even though all of my money was gone all of my knowledge was still intact in my brain. Thank God for that, and that was worth money, so I was able to get a consulting job with Eben Pagan.!!For those of you who don’t know who Eben is, just Google him and you will discover that he is one of the most successful Internet marketers in the world.!!I became his number 1 online business consultant and worked with hundreds of his clients who paid upwards of $5,000 to work with me, so if you don’t mind me saying so, I know what I’m talking about, and I know what I’m doing.!!In the process of building my online knowledge and businesses, I also built an incredible team who now work with me, and who can also work with you if you want.!!So let’s dig into what you need in order to start an online business:!!

1. You need a product 2. You need an eCommerce Web Site 3. You need targeted traffic to that Web Site !

That’s it.!!So let’s look at an example of how this would work for you. Let’s say you contacted me and said, “Hey Scott, I want to start an online


Live in Luxury while the rest of the world burns

trading business like yours”. I would say, “Get on down with your bad self, congratulations, I can help you with that”. After all, we design the absolute best and most accurate trading systems in the world at the lowest prices, and we know exactly how to custom build a first-class trading system for you to put your name on.!!So the first thing we would do is consult with my chief programmer and come up with a custom built indicator cluster or trading system just for you. We would give it a cool name like The Oil Money, Indicator Incubator or The SX-3 Protocol.!!While your custom trading system is being created, my team will be busy creating your eCommerce web site complete with shopping cart, original killer graphics and videos, and !all the systems integrations you will need to make it work.!!Then I will get my traffic guru to work on driving targeted traffic to your web site to begin generating a monthly residual income for you.!!I can hear that little voice in your head asking the question, “How much is all this going to cost”, right?!!I’m going to get to that next, but first I want to ask you a very critical question. You have to be able to answer this question correctly or you are not a candidate for any of our programs.!!The question is: !!Are you willing to invest $10,000 up front to generate a $1,000 monthly residual income?!!If you answered no, then go back to your cubicle and save as much of your income as possible; buy some gold and silver and hope you get enough of it to support your family when we hit our next economic firestorm.!!If you answered yes, then lets move on.!!


Live in Luxury while the rest of the world burns

It doesn’t matter to me if you decide to work with me or find your own way; what I’m about is encouraging you to get busy and start generating 2 passive or semi-passive incomes starting right now.!!Trading has been a blessing for me and with the right tools it can be for you, as well. It’s nearly free to find out if it’s a good fit for you, so that may be a good place to start. You can start on the trading simulator and see if it’s a fit. If it’s not, it will have cost you a grand total of about $50. Are you willing to invest $50 to find out?!!Now, if you want to start a successful online business, that will cost you a little more, like 1000 times more, and that is still a bargain considering what I have invested, and what I have gone through to succeed online. All the experience I bring to the table is yours for the asking so ask me, I’d love to help you get started. !If you want to discuss an online business write to me at: [email protected]!!If you want to get started trading Oil go straight to:!http://TheOilMoney.com!!If you want to trade instruments other than Oil, and see examples of the quality and kinds of trading systems we develop, go to:!http://indicatorincubator.com !!Don’t be afraid of the future, embrace it and make it 100 times better than the past, just don’t wait for it to happen “to” you. !!You have to direct it, you have to lead it, you have to be in charge of what happens next.!!So, what’s going to happen next?!!Will you write to me? Will you call me? Will you explore trading?
