Little Foxes: News Corps' Silent Partner

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  • 8/7/2019 Little Foxes: News Corps' Silent Partner


    Little Foxes: News Corps' Silent Partner

    by Edward Dylan Goff

    Royal Shadow

    Following the World Trade Centerattacks, when a Saudi prince offeredMayor Rudy Giuliani a check for $10million as donation towards disasterrelief, the mayor initially accepted andthen refused it. According to reports, thereason for the mayors declining thedonation was that the prince hadsuggested that the United States "mustaddress some of the issues that led to

    such a criminal attack," and "re-examineits policies in the Middle East."

    With some indignation, Giuliani statedthat "There is no moral equivalent for this[terrorist] act. There is no justification forit. The people who did it lost any right toask for justification for it when theyslaughtered 4,000 or 5,000 innocentpeople."

    Perhaps it was predictable that Fox News should have supported the mayor's decision. On

    October 11, 2001 the Fox News' Special Report, Fox News contributer Mara Liasson said thatAl-Waleed's statement was " completely false ," " outrageous ," and that " the mayor did the rightthing and refused the money ."

    On the October 22, 2001, edition of Fox News' Hannity & Colmes Sean Hannity said, "[T]hisis a man that blames the United States and their policies for the attack that took place onSeptember 11th. That is such an egregious, outrageous, unfair offense that I would havenothing to do with his money either, and I applaud what Mayor Giuliani did. It showed a lot ofguts and character."

    Even Beck got into the act. Watch.

    http ://www .youtube .com /watch ? v = BvP _ zgE _ wOM & feature = player _ embedded

    The prince involved was, by no means, not just another member of the Saudi royal. As ownerof Kingdom Holding, Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal just happens to be of the worlds richestinvestors, with Forbes magazine, listing his wealth at $19.4 billion, ranking him as the 19 th

    richest person in the world in March 2010.
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    Son of Saudi Prince Talal bin Adbel Aziz and Mona El-Solh, daughter of Lebanese Primeminister Riad El-Solh, Al-Waleed was born into two important Middle-Eastern dynasties. Asillustrious as that background might have been, the prince was fairly low on the pecking orderof royalty.

    An article in Khaleej Times by Matein Khalid outlines the rise of the fortunes of Al-Waleed ingreat detail. Upon graduation from Menlo College in 1979, Al-Waleed began his business

    career using a loan from Citibank (and his graduation gift from the King) to construct anofficers mess outside of Riyadh. From construction and contracting, the prince soon movedinto real estate, amassing a small fortune. He then engineered a hostile takeover of the smallunder-performing United Commercial Bank. With radical restructuring, Al-Waleed was able toturn the bank around and, within a few years, the shareholders of the bank saw a lucrativewindfall with the merger of UCB with the premier bank of the kingdom, SAMBA.

    However, it wasnt until the banking crisis on Wall Street in the early 1990s that the princemade his mark outside of the kingdom in a big way. Citibank, which had dominated globalbanking, was on the brink of collapse due poor real estate investments. Citibanks CEO JohnReed, had nearly completed a bailout with Kuwait Investment Office, but then the Iraqinvasion threw the negotiations into disarray, forcing Citibank to accept the Princes offer onthe very day the White House launched its ground invasion. Thus, using the crisis to hisadvantage, Al-Waleed was able to turn a $600 million investment into a $12 billion with a 15%stake in Citigroup. (The Federal Reserve Board later compelled him to reduce hisshareholding to below 10%.)

    More importantly, these events established the Princes way of doing business, his modusoperandi. It is a classic strategy in capitalism, to buy a stake in a company in times of distressat a low price, to work closely with management, restructuring and reducing waste andredundancy in order to engineer a profit. Al Waleeds Citigroup stake was quite possibly thebiggest most successful investment by an Arab investor in Wall Street, according to the citedarticle.

    With that kind of wealth, it's no great surprise that his portfolio is quite diverse, with businessinvestments that include- or have included: AOL Time/Warner

    Apple Computers Inc. Citigroup

    Disneyland Resort and Theme Park, Paris

    The Fairmont Hotels and Resorts Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts

    Ford Motor Company Hewlett-Packard

    Jerusalem Dev. & Investment Co. Kodak Corporation

    Motorola Lebanese Broadcasting Center

    Pepsi Co. Palestine Development & Investment Company

    Saudi American Bank Saks Fifth Avenue

    The Walt Disney Company 20% ownership of Planet Hollywood.
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    Among his many assets are: a 95% stake in Kingdom Holding Company; 91% ownership ofRotana Video & Audio Visual Company; 90% ownership of Lebanese Broadcasting Center( LBCSAT ); about 6% of Citigroup; 17% of Al Nahar and 25% of Al Diyar, two dailynewspapers published in Lebanon.

    Considering all the chest-beating patriotism displayed by Hannity and all the other Foxes, itwas somewhat surprising that one of his other profitable ventures should have remainedunmentioned- on every occasion. In 1997, Time Magazine reported that Al-Waleed ownedabout 5% of News Corporation. By 2010 Al- Waleed 's stake in News Corp . was about 7%stake , worth $3 Billion .

    In the world of modern finance, that information alone isn't earth-shaking. Investors alwaystend to go where there is money and Murdoch's empire has always been able to offer a goodreturn. Of course, given the type of programming that Fox News, a subsidiary of NewCorporation, produces, Al-Waleeds ownership might come as a surprise to many of itsconservative ultra-patriot viewers.

    Fox News channel was created by Australian-American media mogul Rupert Murdoch in

    1996. The channel grew in the late 1990s. Fox News finished the first quarter of 2009 as thesecond-most-watched cable network on prime time, behind USA Network.In his letter toshareholders in 2010, Murdoch wrote: "(T)he Fox News Channel is simply un stoppable."

    In 2010, Fox News' revenues increased 23 percent from 2009. Now, admittedly, 2009 was arough year for News Corp. Overall, the company's revenues decreased 8 percent, and,according to Murdoch, it was "among the most challenging in our Company's 56-year history."

    Fox News has in its past faced assorted challenges and has come out on top. When TimeWarner bought out Ted Turner's Turner Broadcasting, a federal antitrust consent decreerequired Time Warner to carry a second all-news channel in addition to its own CNN. TimeWarner selected MSNBC as the secondary news channel, instead of Fox News. Fox News

    claimed that this violated an agreement to carry Fox News. Citing its agreement to keep itsU.S. headquarters and a large studio in New York City, News Corporation pressured MayorRudolph Giuliani's administration to pressure Time Warner, one of the city's two cableproviders, to transmit Fox News on a city-owned channel. City officials threatened to takeaction affecting Time Warner's cable franchises in the city.

    About that time, lawsuits began flying between Time Warner and the City of New York andNews Corporation. Time Warner claimed undue interference against the city and News Corpcountered with an anti-trust suit against Time Warner for its unfair support of its competitor,CNN. This, in turn, led to a rather nasty spat between Murdoch and Ted Turner with theoutspoken Turner calling Murdoch "Adolf Hitler" and the New York Post, owned by Murdoch,ran an editorial questioning whether Turner was sane.

    When the dust cleared, everybody ended up with a few bruises. Giuliani's motives were alsoquestioned, as his wife was a producer at Murdoch-owned WNYW-TV. In the end,businessmen and lawyers all kissed and made up, agreeing to share the loot in a fair andbalanced way.


    As fascinating as domestic disputes often are, the background of News Corporation's royalinvestor is quite a bit more intriguing. Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal openly shares his sage
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    economic strategy regarding investments and has made public statements to other MiddleEastern investors. He advocates business instead of boycotts , as the means 'influencingAmerican public opinion .

    "...Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, a Saudi billionaire and respected economicauthority, argued that the boycott movement was totally ineffective in that

    it failed to hurt the US economy. He said that it was the Arabs who benefitmore from extended economic relations with the US because "the tradebalance between the Arabs and the US is in our favor." He elaborated byexplaining that US trade with the Arab World was no more than 3% of theAmerican total trade volume. The Arabs should concentrate oninfluencing American public opinion, he said.

    Naturally, this begs the question of how the acquisition of such a conservative mouthpiececould fit into this man's agenda of influencing American opinion. On the surface, it doesn'tseem to be working. While it is possible that 7% ownership could be used to pressureexecutives, either implied or direct, nobody could accuse Fox News of coddling Islamicfundamentalists. Moreover, doesn't Hannity's criticism of Al-Waleed signify that the newsdepartment has not been influenced by Saudi money?

    It could, but the argument would be stronger had the public been informed in astraightforward manner. Instead, by laying on the indignation, Fox News underscores theimage that it is independent- or rather, fair and balanced. In short, a bit of theater for the folksback home. So where is the evidence of direct influence?

    There's a small item which some might reference as the tip of an iceberg. Speaking on apanel at the Arab and World Media Conference in Dubai in 2005, billionaire Prince al- Walidbin Talal criticized U .S . media for being generally " pro - Israel" and said Arabs are not doingenough to counter that, according to Middle East Online.

    The prince then pointed to his own experience as an example of what can be done to shapemedia coverage. During the violent street protests in France one month ago, the prince said,Fox News ran a banner at the bottom of the screen that said "Muslim riots."

    "I picked up the phone and called Murdoch ... [and told him] these are not Muslim riots, theseare riots out of poverty," Al-Waleed said. " Within 30 minutes , the title was changed fromMuslim riots to civil riots ."

    Still, this particular prince, while small in stature, is not known for his unassuming ego.Perhaps this was a fantasy he conjured to boast or illustrate his larger point.

    Admittedly, the example simplyproves that the prince wants people to think he has such

    influence. Perhaps such an investment in News Corp is only all about business and isn't thatpretty predictable for a rich investor? So the questions remain: Is there any evidence of Al-Waleed's political ideology? And is there any evidence that this ideology affects thebroadcasting at Fox News or News Corp?

    It would, of course, be quite surprising to find conclusive evidence because influence of thissort is subtle and, when more direct, definitely undocumented. Additionally, often the outwardsigns of such influence would be an absence of what is being discussed or a re-direction ofpriorities. Here's an example.
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    For a short time, News Corporation's purchase of the Wall Street Journal caused a bit ofconsternation about the independence of this respected source. Executives, however,assured staff that the news department would remain free of interference and carry on as italways had. However, according to insiders, two of the newspaper's top investigativereporters covering terrorism left after Murdoch scaled back their beats. Glenn Simpson andSusan Schmidt, both award-winning journalists, had broken major stories on Saudi funding of

    terrorism. Does this represent interference or just a change of editorial priorities?

    In and of itself, there is nothing inherently wrong about a Saudi prince investing in a newsorganization, even one with such a dominant voice as News Corp. Investors, by their nature,seek out opportunities and News Corporations horizons seem limitless. The question is, ofcourse, is there evidence to suggest that Al-Waleed, as a member of the Saudi royal family,has an agenda? And, more precisely, is New Corp a tool for his agenda?

    Appeal to Viewers

    Al-Waleed's numerous charitable efforts, especially his work with Islamic charities and

    foundations, are well-known in the Arab world and have earned him a great deal of "street

    cred" in certain circles. For example, in 2009 the prince contributed $150,000 for therehabilitation of children with physical disabilities in the north African country of

    Eritrea. Additionally, TheAlwaleed Bin Talal Foundation states that it encourages and

    supports organizations and academic centres which focus on empowering Saudi

    women, alleviating poverty, upgrading services provided to the population, and other

    social infrastructure issues that face the country.Much of Al-Waleed's charitable activities has concentrated on educational initiatives to bridge

    the gaps between Western and Islamic communities by funding centers of American studies

    and research in universities in the Middle East and centers of Islamic studies in western

    universities. In 2002,Al- Waleed donated $500,000 to help fund the George Herbert WalkerBush Scholarship at Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts. Add to that laudable list,

    his $17 million donation to the victims of the Boxing Day tsunami. In April 2009, Prince

    Waleed bin Talal donated $20 million to Harvard University, one of its 25 largest donations.

    One of his lesser known efforts was his participation in (some say hosting of) a TV telethon

    broadcast throughout Saudi Arabia and other parts of the Middle East, following Israeli

    operations in the West Bank city of Jenin.

    According to an article in Scottish Daily Record & Sunday by Simon Houston , in 2002, in one

    of the most extraordinary television appeals ever, the Saudi rulers asked their 23 million

    subjects to dig deep for the families of Palestinian suicide bombers who took their own lives

    in the struggle against Israel. The appeal was, in fact, launched by King Fahd himself and

    state-run TV, controlled by the powerful Interior Ministry, was used to get the message

    across. But few needed much persuasion. Still, who could have expected the reaction?Giant glass trunks were packed with banknotes while others were fit to

    burst with gold bangles and pearl necklaces.

    Valuable electrical appliances were stacked against the walls. And then

    there were the cars - they included a Rolls Royce gifted from the royal

    family itself. It was Saudi Arabia's way of making sure the families of

    Palestinian suicide bombers need never go hungry. From the moment the;+Arab+world+hands+over+pounds+150m+for+Palestinian...-a085025045;+Arab+world+hands+over+pounds+150m+for+Palestinian...-a085025045;+Arab+world+hands+over+pounds+150m+for+Palestinian...-a085025045;+Arab+world+hands+over+pounds+150m+for+Palestinian...-a085025045;+Arab+world+hands+over+pounds+150m+for+Palestinian...-a085025045;+Arab+world+hands+over+pounds+150m+for+Palestinian...-a085025045;+Arab+world+hands+over+pounds+150m+for+Palestinian...-a085025045;+Arab+world+hands+over+pounds+150m+for+Palestinian...-a085025045;+Arab+world+hands+over+pounds+150m+for+Palestinian...-a085025045;+Arab+world+hands+over+pounds+150m+for+Palestinian...-a085025045;+Arab+world+hands+over+pounds+150m+for+Palestinian...-a085025045;+Arab+world+hands+over+pounds+150m+for+Palestinian...-a085025045;+Arab+world+hands+over+pounds+150m+for+Palestinian...-a085025045;+Arab+world+hands+over+pounds+150m+for+Palestinian...-a085025045;+Arab+world+hands+over+pounds+150m+for+Palestinian...-a085025045;+Arab+world+hands+over+pounds+150m+for+Palestinian...-a085025045;+Arab+world+hands+over+pounds+150m+for+Palestinian...-a085025045
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    appeal was launched, the queues began to form outside banks around the

    country. Other preferred to stay at home and make their pledges by


    Within seconds of the numbers appearing on television, the lines were

    jammed. The appeals were fronted by presenters in traditional Saudi

    costume. Within the first 11 hours, a staggering pounds 38.7million had

    been collected. At the end of day three, the figure had reached pounds70million.Across the region, as much as pounds 150 million was raised as

    the people of Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, Dubai and Qatar responded to similar


    Here is how the telethon was reported on Fox News. It is an example of journalism -Fox

    News style. As you see there is no mention of the prince/investor involvement in the telethon,

    despite hissupplying it with its largest individual donation at 18.5 million British pounds ($27

    million )

    When the allegation that the money might have been used to help families of suicide bombers

    became more widely known, Fox News was employed to issue statements such as thefollowing:

    Responding to charges that with the telethon Saudi Arabia was backing terrorism,

    Adel Al-Jubeir, foreign policy adviser to Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah, told Fox

    television: "We have made it very clear in terms of where Saudi funding has gone

    to provide humanitarian assistance to the families who have suffered as a result

    of the Israeli occupation and the recent Israeli aggression." Adel Al-Jubeir added:

    "We do not support suicide bombers. Our objective is to put food on people's

    tables and medicine in their pharmacies" (Fox News, April 28, 2002).

    However, documents seized by the Israeli Defense Force following a raid of Palestinianoffices in April 2002 suggest a very different story. Kenneth R. Timmerman, journalist,

    political writer, and conservative Republican activist who in 2000 and as a candidate for the

    Republican nomination for U.S. Senator for Maryland, noted (Insight on the News " Saudi

    Wealth Fuels Global Jihadism)" that documents seized by the Israelis at numerous " charities "

    and government offices throughout the West Bank "show clearly, money paid by Saudi Arabia

    was considered as 'blood money.' It was used by Hamas as an enticement to murder by

    providing a guaranteed income to the families of the murderers."

    Among the documents found in Tulkarm was a table from Saudi Arabia itemizing the tenth set

    of payments to the "Martyrs of the Al-Aqsa Intifada." The table details how $545,000 wasallocated to 102 families. The logo at the top of the table reads: "Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,

    the Saudi Committee for Aid to the Al-Quds Intifada."This committee was established in the

    fall of 2000 under the Saudi Minister of the Interior, Prince Nayef bin 'Abd al-Aziz. Prince

    Nayef's organization was also responsible for collecting Saudi contributions during the April

    11 telethon for Palestinian "martyrs" on Saudi state television.,2933,50260,00.html,2933,50260,00.html,2933,50260,00.html,2933,50260,00.html,2933,50260,00.html,2933,50260,00.html,2933,50260,00.html
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    And even more unequivocal are the statements by Prince Naif bin Abdul Aziz, the Saudi

    Committee for the Support of the al-Quds Intifada and Interior Minister, " The committee will

    continue to provide direct assistance to the families of Palestinian martyrs and those

    wounded while resisting the occupation "

    The ironic bottom line is, if all these allegations are true, it suggests that the prince had aningenuous idea. Why not, through the use of his profits made by collaborating with News

    Corporation, have the American-flag-waving, anti-Islamic viewers of Fox News unknowingly

    donate to this anti-American, anti-Israel charity that was used, at least, in part to support the

    families of suicide bombers in Palestine?

    Now that's what I call impressive.

    Even More Irony

    Back to Fox.

    In an October of last year, in a speech to the Anti-Defamation League in New York, RupertMurdoch, CEO of News Corp. -- the parent company of Fox News stated, "Today it seems

    that the most virulent strains " ofanti- Semitism " come from the left."

    Now, there's not a single person in this room who needs a lecture on the evil of

    anti-Semitism. My own perspective is simple: We live in a world where there is an

    ongoing war against the Jews. For me, this ongoing war is a fairly obvious fact of

    life. Every day, the citizens of the Jewish homeland defend themselves against

    armies of terrorists whose maps spell out the goal they have in mind: a Middle

    East without Israel. In Europe, Jewish populations increasingly find themselves

    targeted by people who share that goal. And in the United States, I fear that our

    foreign policy sometimes emboldens these extremists. ..Today it seems that themost virulent strains come from the left.

    Given what we know about News Corporation's investor, that remark seems especially

    dubious but the irony doesn't quite end there.

    Glenn Beck is one of Fox News' most popular and outrageous news personalities. While his

    ratings have been dropping of late, he is still easily capable of drawing 2 million viewers a

    night.Dana Millibank of the Washington Post noted ,

    "In his first 18 months on Fox News, from early 2009 through the middle of thisyear, [Beck] and his guests invoked Hitler 147 times. Nazis, an additional 202

    times. Fascism or fascists, 193 times. The Holocaust got 76 mentions, and

    Joseph Goebbels got 24 mentions."

    Fox News ChairmanRoger Ailes in November of 2010 defended a recently-aired expose

    which accused the Jewish financier of funding a conspiratorial shadow government and

    manipulating regimes and currencies to his own benefit. The program's title- not unlike

    Palin's use of "blood libel" is highly charged, dating back to the Nazi claim that political
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    leaders in Germany, and laterAmerica and Britain, were puppets of the Jews.). Condemning

    the broadcast liberal pundits and some Jewish leaders decried that the news story flirted with

    anti- Semitic stereotypes.

    Moreover, this defense of Beck, in turn, sparkedfour hundred rabbis from almost all of the

    main branches of Judaism in the US to take out two full page ads, one in the Wall Street

    journal and another in Forward, calling upon Rupert Murdoch, owner of New Corp's Fox

    News to take action against what they saw as excessive use of the Holocaust and Nazi

    analogies to disparage his mostly liberal political opponents. They felt it had a desensitizing

    effect. After all, if everything is a Nazi atrocity then nothing is. If everybody is an Adolph Hitler

    clone, then nobody is.

    Beck seems pathologically obsessed with Nazis, with a skewed view of self-taught history

    allowing him to link the Third Reich to whatever Obama might have said or done. There is

    literally so much evidence of Glenn Beck's Anti-Semitic views that it is hard to narrow the

    selection. Cleverly, many of the examples relate more to the kind of guests he gives a voiceto on his TV and radio shows. So, just as Murdoch can claim Beck doesn't necessarily

    represent Fox News and his views are solely his own, Beck can say the same about his


    On the June 4 edition of his radio program , Glenn Beck promoted The Red

    Network by Elizabeth Dilling , which is a book that contains numerous passages

    espousing anti-Semitism and racism. At various points throughout the book,

    Dilling attacks "racial inter-mixture" as a communist plot, refers to "un-

    Christianized" "colored people" as "savages," called Hinduism and Islam

    "debasing and degrading," and blamed Nazi Germany's anti-Semitism on

    "revolutionary Russian Jews." Furthermore, Dilling was a Nazi sympathizer whovisited Germany in the late 1930s, attended Nazi party meetings, and praised

    Adolf Hitler's leadership. Dilling also spoke at rallies hosted by the leading U.S.

    Nazi organization, the German-American Bund.

    Dilling's history of anti-Semitism includes calling President Eisenhower "Ike the

    Kike" and labeling President Kennedy's New Frontier program the "Jew frontier."

    British professors Christopher Partridge and Ron Geaves wrote that Dilling was a

    "pro-Nazi anti-semite" who disseminated the anti-Semitic hoax "Protocols of the

    Learned Elders of Zion." Furthermore, Dilling's work has been promoted by David

    Duke and the group Women for Aryan Unity.

    One of Beck's frequent guests, a phony historian named David Barton, has spoken,

    according to the Anti-Defamation League, at events hosted by the Christian IdentityMovement. The organization asserts that " Jews are 'the synagogue of Satan '; that Blacks

    and other people of color are subhuman ; and that northern European whites and their

    American descendants are the 'chosen people ' ofscriptural prophesy ."

    As another blogger asks , what if Beck was Muslim? What if, for example, Fareed Zakaria of

    CNN had spewed anti-Semitic nonsense on national television?
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    Following Islamophobic doctrine, as articulated by Pam Geller and company,

    wed see the anti-Muslim blogosphere fired up by the same less-than-lazy

    comparisons between Muslims and Nazis. Then wed see more of the same

    outpour of vitriolichate speech from the Stop the Islamization of America crowd.

    But, Glenn Beck is not Zakaria and Beck is definitely not Muslim so he is allowed to use Fox

    News as a platform for hate-speech, meanwhile his boss addresses Jewish groups and

    warns them of the source of anti-Semitism, the liberals. I don't think Barton sounds much

    like a Liberal, do you?

    New Channels

    Besides being a shareholder in News Corporation, Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal is owner of

    an Arabic language satellite television channel, Al- Resalah, which broadcasts throughout

    the Middle East, North Africa and Europe. The 24-hour broadcast channel will compete with

    Al-Jazeera. Apparently the enterprise was in partnership with the Fox network. Earlier this

    year, News Corp. agreed to buy a 9.1 percent stake in bin Talal's Rotana Media group for

    $70 million. Rotana hosts Fox channels in Saudi Arabia.The Middle East Media ResearchInstitute , an organization critical of Islamic media, has accused al-Reslah of airing anti-

    Western, anti-Semitic, and pro- Al Qaida content. Writes Steven Stalinsky:

    Prince Al-Waleed made headlines for giving tens of millions of dollars to Harvard

    and Georgetown universities; he also reportedly approached other East Coast

    universities about making donations. The prince's Kingdom Holding Company

    paid for advertisements on major TV networks, including CNN, and in the New

    York Times and Washington Post lauding the donations and the prince's

    "continuous efforts to serve ... religious understanding."

    Al-Waleed's channel could be the evil twin brother of Fox but for an Islamic audience. Given the millions the prince has spent on public relations, Al-Resalah's

    excessive anti-Western content is somewhat astonishing. It is no different from

    any other hate-filled Saudi TV channel. Take, for example, Sheik Ahmad Al-

    Kubeisi, who appeared on Al-Resalah on March 15 and said: "When there is no

    hope for peace, there is no alternative but to resort to the gun. ... The West's

    conflict with Islam and the Muslims is eternal, a preordained destiny that cannot

    be avoided until judgment day."

    Al-Resalah began with a wide range of programmes, but eventually focused on religious

    features, aiming to be within the top ten by Ramadan 2008. He claimed that after only one

    and a half years, Al-Resalah ranks at 18 out of 400 Arab satellite channels and at number one

    of religious channels outside of Saudi Arabia.Ironically,Al- Waleed s media empire is not without its critics inside the Islamic world. In 2009,

    an Islamic scholarcalled for prosecution of two royals, Waleed al-Ibrahim, a brother-in-

    law of the late King Fahd and Prince Alwaleed bin Talal whose TV stations air movies,

    saying they are as dangerous as drug dealers. This unprecedented outcry came

    soon after the prince stated that someday Saudi Arabia would have movie theaters

    something that is banned in his country.
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    Cinemas were closed in Saudi Arabia in the early 1980s amid a rise in conservatism.

    Conservatives believe the movie industry encourages decadence by showing the

    drinking of alcohol and portraying men and women together in a country that bans

    liquor and the public mixing of the sexes.Movies are a tool that hypocrites use to implement their plot to Westernize

    society, corrupt it and drive it away from (religion), said al-Ahmed in his

    response, posted on, an Islamic Web site with news, columns and


    It is a duty to bring him (Alwaleed) and people like him, such as Waleed al-

    Ibrahim, to justice, he added. They are no less dangerous than drug


    He is the owner of the decadent channels that spread lewdness and he

    constantly seeks to insult and humiliate women by showing them without a head

    cover and wearing makeup, al-Ahmed said.

    Al-Ahmed also called for Al-Waleed to repent.In the clash of civilizations, there really is no pleasing some people.

    The Final Bit of Irony

    Quoting C. Ann HollifieldsEffects of Foreign Ownership on Media Content,Marc

    Edge writes ,

    (M)ost countries have prohibited or limited foreign media ownership at least partly

    out of fear that foreign owners would use those outlets to manipulate public opinion

    in times of national crisis.

    Multinational media ownership was thus not widespread outside of consumer

    magazines before the late 1980s, so there is little research on the impact of foreign

    ownership. Literature on media ownership deregulation more generally has beenplentiful since the late 1980s, however...the libertarian rhetoric of the Reagan era

    was underlain by a commercial ethic that promised to unleash entrepreneurship by

    getting the government off the backs of the people. ..the ramifications of

    deregulation in these industries have ironically instead been equity-based, with a

    vast reduction in diversity of viewpoints.

    Thus, the deregulation of the American media industry opened the doors for the growth of

    the Murdoch empire but the same time the deregulation of media ownership allowed for its

    widespread abuse.

    Perhaps you saying to yourself, "There should be SOME law against this kind of thing."

    While deregulation has insured nothing can stop foreign ownership of media, there are laws

    against giving material support to terrorist organizations. Its prohibition is clearly defined in

    the Patriot Act

    18 U .S .C . 2339 B prohibits "providing material support or resources" to an

    organization the Secretary of State has designated as a "foreign terrorist

    organization." The material support ban was first passed as part of the

    Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of1996. The provision's purpose is;jsessionid=5BBB16D0AAA973B8081AB284FCFCCDD3.inst3_2b?docId=5002316541;jsessionid=5BBB16D0AAA973B8081AB284FCFCCDD3.inst3_2b?docId=5002316541;jsessionid=5BBB16D0AAA973B8081AB284FCFCCDD3.inst3_2b?docId=5002316541;jsessionid=5BBB16D0AAA973B8081AB284FCFCCDD3.inst3_2b?docId=5002316541;jsessionid=5BBB16D0AAA973B8081AB284FCFCCDD3.inst3_2b?docId=5002316541;jsessionid=5BBB16D0AAA973B8081AB284FCFCCDD3.inst3_2b?docId=5002316541;jsessionid=5BBB16D0AAA973B8081AB284FCFCCDD3.inst3_2b?docId=5002316541;jsessionid=5BBB16D0AAA973B8081AB284FCFCCDD3.inst3_2b?docId=5002316541
  • 8/7/2019 Little Foxes: News Corps' Silent Partner


    to deny terrorist groups the ingredients necessary for planning and carrying out

    attacks. Congress was concerned that terrorist organizations with charitable or

    humanitarian arms were raising funds within the United States that could

    then be used to further their terrorist activities. The provision outlawed any

    support to these groups, irrespective of whether that support was intended

    for humanitarian purposes.

    The original definition of "material support or resources" in the AEDPA included

    providing tangible support such as money, goods, and materials and also lessconcrete support, such as "personnel" and "training."Section 805 of the PATRIOT

    Act expanded the definition to include "expert advice or assistance.

    Well, out of respect for my readers and myself, I won't pretend to be a lawyer so I couldn't tell

    you if the activities I've outlined actually apply to any of the people in this post.

    Now are you ready for the punchline?

    The individual responsible for crafting that legal document, that is, the chief architect of the

    Patriot Act, Viet D . Dinh is a lawyer and a conservative legal scholar who served as an

    Assistant Attorney General of the United States from 2001 to 2003, under the presidency of

    George W. Bush.Born in Saigon, South Vietnam, Dinh has served as Associate Special Counsel to the U.S.

    Senate Whitewater Committee, as Special Counsel to Senator Pete V. Domenici for the

    Impeachment Trial of President Bill Clinton, and He also served as counsel to the Special

    Master mediating a number of lawsuits by Holocaust victims against German and Austrian

    financial institutions. Dinh was mentioned as a potential nominee to The Supreme Court of

    the United States in a Republican administration.

    One more thing, Dinh just happens to be on the board ofdirectors ofNews Corporation.

    So dont hold your breath. When it comes to News Corp, it is often difficult to know who or

    what you are actually dealing with.