Literature By: Claudia Halbauer, Jared Putterman, Julio Martinez, Kristen Grumblatt, Amy Rice

Literature By: Claudia Halbauer, Jared Putterman, Julio Martinez, Kristen Grumblatt, Amy Rice

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Page 1: Literature By: Claudia Halbauer, Jared Putterman, Julio Martinez, Kristen Grumblatt, Amy Rice

LiteratureBy: Claudia Halbauer, Jared Putterman, Julio

Martinez, Kristen Grumblatt, Amy Rice

Page 2: Literature By: Claudia Halbauer, Jared Putterman, Julio Martinez, Kristen Grumblatt, Amy Rice


• William Shakespeareo Romeo and Juliet

• Danteo Divine Comedy

• Chaucero The Canterbury Tales

• Christine de Pizano The Book of the City of Ladies

• Machiavellio The Prince

• Petrarcho Sonnets for Laura

Page 3: Literature By: Claudia Halbauer, Jared Putterman, Julio Martinez, Kristen Grumblatt, Amy Rice

William Shakespeare

Shakespeare was a famous poet, playwrite, and considered to be one of the greatest writers in history. He was born on April 23, 1546 and died on April 23, 1616. Shakespeare is most famous for his plays like Julius Caesar, Hamlet, and Romeo and Juliet.

Page 4: Literature By: Claudia Halbauer, Jared Putterman, Julio Martinez, Kristen Grumblatt, Amy Rice

Dante Alighierio Dante was born in Florence, Italy

around 1265. He was an Italian author who was one of the authors that made vernacular literature in the Renaissance popular. One of his most famous pieces is called Divine Comedy.

Page 5: Literature By: Claudia Halbauer, Jared Putterman, Julio Martinez, Kristen Grumblatt, Amy Rice


Chaucer was born in 1340-1400. Chaucer was the first notable English author who wrote the Canterbury Tales. He was also one of the famous authors who popularized

the vernacular.

Page 6: Literature By: Claudia Halbauer, Jared Putterman, Julio Martinez, Kristen Grumblatt, Amy Rice

Christine de Pizan

She is an author who lived in the Renaissance that wrote in the vernacular. She wrote about sexism and stereotypes. She was considered Europe's first professional woman writer.

Page 7: Literature By: Claudia Halbauer, Jared Putterman, Julio Martinez, Kristen Grumblatt, Amy Rice


He was born in 1469-1527 in Florence, Italy. He was a political theorist and philosopher. He wrote about political philosophies and the books were like handbooks for rulers. His writing influenced the behaviour of

many different people and stressed the idea that it was better to be respected than loved.

Page 8: Literature By: Claudia Halbauer, Jared Putterman, Julio Martinez, Kristen Grumblatt, Amy Rice

Inventions That Influenced Literature

The Printing Press, invented by Johannes Gutenberg, was a machine that printed books, newspaper and other literary works. It allowed for more literature to reach more people so more ideas could be formed and shared.

Page 9: Literature By: Claudia Halbauer, Jared Putterman, Julio Martinez, Kristen Grumblatt, Amy Rice


The Renaissance was the time period when writers began to write in the vernacular (native language).

They wrote in...

• German

• Latin

• French

• Italian

• Etc.

Page 10: Literature By: Claudia Halbauer, Jared Putterman, Julio Martinez, Kristen Grumblatt, Amy Rice

Topics of Which They Wrote

• Hell, Purgatory, Heaven, or Paradise-Religion

• Written in the Vernacular

• Pilgrimage

• Quests

• Sexism

• Romance

• Tragedies

• Politics