1 July 2019 LISA STROHSCHEIN Professor phone: (780) 492-0475 Department of Sociology email: [email protected] University of Alberta 5 - 21 Tory Building Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2H4 EDUCATION 2002-2004 SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Toronto Supervisor: Dr. Blair Wheaton 2002 PhD, Sociology, McMaster University Supervisor: Dr. Margaret Denton; committee: Dr. John Fox, Dr. Michael Offord 1997 MA, Sociology, York University Supervisor: Dr. Peggy McDonough; committee: Dr. Terrence Sullivan 1995 BA (with distinction) Psychology, University of Alberta ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE 2019 - Professor (promoted July 1, 2019) Department of Sociology, University of Alberta 2013 - 2017 Associate Chair, Undergraduate Department of Sociology, University of Alberta 2010 - 2019 Associate Professor (promoted July 1, 2010) Department of Sociology, University of Alberta 2004 - 2010 Assistant Professor Department of Sociology, University of Alberta

LISA STROHSCHEIN EDUCATION · 2020. 11. 25. · 1 July 2019 LISA STROHSCHEIN Professor phone: (780) 492-0475 Department of Sociology email: [email protected] University

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    July 2019


    Professor phone: (780) 492-0475

    Department of Sociology email: [email protected]

    University of Alberta

    5 - 21 Tory Building

    Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2H4


    2002-2004 SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Toronto

    Supervisor: Dr. Blair Wheaton

    2002 PhD, Sociology, McMaster University

    Supervisor: Dr. Margaret Denton; committee: Dr. John Fox, Dr. Michael Offord

    1997 MA, Sociology, York University

    Supervisor: Dr. Peggy McDonough; committee: Dr. Terrence Sullivan

    1995 BA (with distinction) Psychology, University of Alberta


    2019 - Professor (promoted July 1, 2019)

    Department of Sociology, University of Alberta

    2013 - 2017 Associate Chair, Undergraduate

    Department of Sociology, University of Alberta

    2010 - 2019 Associate Professor (promoted July 1, 2010)

    Department of Sociology, University of Alberta

    2004 - 2010 Assistant Professor

    Department of Sociology, University of Alberta

  • 2


    2019-2020 Killam Professor, University of Alberta

    2017 Teaching Excellence Appreciation Award, Delta Chi fraternity, University of Alberta

    Top 50 Reviewer in 2015 for Family Relations

    2014 Bill Meloff Memorial Teaching Award, Department of Sociology

    2010 Research Award, at the rank of Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arts, University of Alberta

    Honourable mention for best publication in mental health in 2007, presented by the mental health

    section of the American Sociological Association, August 11, 2007.

    Recognition of exceptional service, Journal of Marriage and Family, 2007.

    Top ten media experts: Summer 2007 Ranked in the top ten media experts at the University of

    Alberta by Cormex Research Group in a report titled ‘Canadian Universities in the Media:

    Summer 2007’.


    Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

    23. Strohschein, Lisa and Anne H. Gauthier. (2018). Poverty dynamics, parenting and child

    mental health in Canada. Society and Mental Health 8(3), 231-247.


    22. Smith, Chelsea, Lisa Strohschein and Robert Crosnoe. (2018). Family histories and teen

    pregnancy in the United States and Canada. Journal of Marriage and Family 80(5),

    1244-1258. DOI:10.1111/jomf.12512.

    21. Strohschein, Lisa and Usha Ram. (2017). Gender, marital status and mental health: A test

    of the sex role hypothesis in India. Journal of Family Issues 38(13), 1899-1922.


    20. Strohschein, Lisa. (2017). Non-residential fatherhood in Canada. Canadian Studies in

    Population, 44(1), 16-27. Invited paper selected from presentations at the 2015 meetings

    of the Federation of Canadian Demographers. http://dx.doi.org/10.25336/P6NC8Q

    19. Strohschein, Lisa and Alvinelle Matthew. (2015). Adolescent problem behavior in

    Toronto, Canada: Associations with family, school and neighborhood social capital.

    Sociological Inquiry, 85(1): 129-147. https://doi.org/10.1111/soin.12055


  • 3

    18. Ram, Usha, Lisa Strohschein and Kirti Gaur. (2014). Gender socialization: Differences

    between male and female youth in India and associations with mental health.

    International Journal of Population Research. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/357145

    17. Freistadt, Josh and Lisa Strohschein. (2013). Family structure differences in family

    functioning: Interactive effects of social capital and family structure. Journal of Family

    Issues 34(7), 952-74. https://doi.org/10.1177/0192513X12447054

    16. Strohschein, Lisa. (2012). Parental divorce and child mental health: Understanding

    predisruption effects. Journal of Divorce and Remarriage 53(6), 489-502. (listed as

    fourth most read article on journal website:

    https://www.tandfonline.com/action/showMostReadArticles?journalCode=wjdr20 with

    8300+ reads as of July 2019)

    15. Strohschein, Lisa. (2012). I want to move, but cannot: Characteristics of involuntary

    stayers and associations with health among Canadian seniors. Journal of Aging and

    Health, 24(5), 735-751. https://doi.org/10.1177/0898264311432312

    14. Strohschein, Lisa. (2011). Spousal bereavement as a triggering mechanism for a loss of

    residential independence among Canadian seniors. Research on Aging, 33(5), 576-597.

    13. Strohschein, Lisa. (2011). A life course approach to studying transitions among Canadian

    seniors in couple-only households. Canadian Public Policy, 37(1), 57-71.

    12. Strohschein, Lisa. (2010). Generating heat or light? The challenge of social address

    variables. Journal of Marriage and Family, 72(1), 23-28.

    11. Li, Xu, Anne H. Gauthier, and Lisa Strohschein. (2009). Why are some children left out?

    Factors barring children from participating in extracurricular activities. Canadian Studies

    in Population, 36(3-4), 325-345. http://dx.doi.org/10.25336/P6CW3H

    10. Strohschein, Lisa, Noralou Roos, and Marni Brownell. (2009). Family structure histories

    and high school completion: Evidence from a population based registry. Canadian

    Journal of Sociology, 34(1), 83-103.


    9. Strohschein, Lisa, Anne H. Gauthier, Rachel Campbell, and Clay Kleparchuk. (2008).

    Parenting as a dynamic process: A test of the resource dilution hypothesis. Journal of

    Marriage and Family, 70(3), 670-83. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1741-3737.2008.00513.x

    8. Strohschein, Lisa. (2007). Challenging the presumption of diminished capacity to parent:

    Does divorce really change parenting practices? Family Relations, 56(3), 358-368.


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    7. Strohschein, Lisa. (2007). Prevalence of methylphenidate use among Canadian children

    following parental divorce. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 176(12), 1711-14.

    6. Strohschein, Lisa A., Peggy McDonough, Georges Monette and Qing Shao. (2005).

    Gender, marital status and mental health: Are there gender differences in the short-term

    effects of continuity and change in marital status? Social Science and Medicine, 61,


    5. Strohschein, Lisa A. (2005). Parental divorce and child mental health trajectories.

    Journal of Marriage and Family, 67, 1286-1300.

    4. Strohschein, Lisa A. (2005). Household income histories and child mental health

    trajectories. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 64(4), 359-375.


    3. McDonough, Peggy and Lisa Strohschein. (2003). Age and the gender gap in distress.

    Women and Health, 38(1), 1-20.

    2. McDonough, Peggy, Vivienne Walters, and Lisa Strohschein. (2002). Chronic stress and

    the social patterning of women's health in Canada. Social Science and Medicine, 54, 767-


    1. Walters, Vivienne, Peggy McDonough, and Lisa Strohschein. (2002). The influence of

    work, household structure, and social, personal and material resources on gender

    differences in health: An analysis of the 1994 Canadian National Population Health

    Survey. Social Science and Medicine, 54, 677-692.


    2. Brym, Robert, Lance Roberts, and Lisa Strohschein. (2019). Sociology: Compass for a

    New Social World. (Sixth edition). Toronto, ON: Nelson Education (602 pp.; responsible

    for seven chapters: 4, 11, 12, 15, 16, 19, and 20). Also co-author in Brym, Roberts,

    Strohschein and Lie, 2016, Sociology: My Compass for a New World, Fifth edition, 600

    pp; also responsible for same chapters as above).

    1. Strohschein, Lisa and Rose Weitz. (2014). Sociology of Health, Illness and Health Care

    in Canada: A Critical Approach. (First Canadian edition). Toronto: Nelson Education

    (423 pp, adapted for Canada, 90% rewritten).

    Instructor Manual

    1. Strohschein, Lisa. (2019). Sociology: Compass for a New Social World. Instructor

    Manual. Toronto, ON: Nelson Education.


  • 5

    Book Chapters

    5. Strohschein, Lisa. (2020). Socialization. Chapter 4 in R. Brym (Ed.) New Society. (Ninth

    edition). Toronto: Nelson Education.

    4. Strohschein, Lisa. (2017). Socialization. Chapter 4 in R. Brym (Ed.) New Society. (Eighth

    edition). Toronto: Nelson Education.

    3. Feldberg, Georgina, Lisa Strohschein, Karen Grant, and Dominika Wranik-Lohrenz.

    (2003). Does gender count? Differences in English-Canadian beliefs, attitudes, and

    behaviours towards breast cancer and infertility. In P. Van Esterik (Ed). Head, heart and

    hand: Partnerships for women’s health in Canadian environments. Toronto: National

    Network on Environments and Women’s Health.

    2. Walters, Vivienne, Peggy McDonough, and Lisa Strohschein. (2003). The influence of

    work, household structure, and social, personal and material resources on gender

    differences in health: An analysis of the 1994 Canadian National Population Health

    Survey. Pp. 89-120 In S. Arber and M. Khlat (Eds.) Social and economic patterning of

    health among women. Paris: Committee for International Cooperation in National

    Research in Demography.

    1. McDonough, Peggy, Vivienne Walters, and Lisa Strohschein. (2003). Chronic stress and

    the social patterning of women’s health in Canada. Pp. 267-296. In S. Arber and M. Khlat

    (Eds.) Social and economic patterning of health among women. Paris: Committee for

    International Cooperation in National Research in Demography.

    Encyclopedia Entries

    2. Strohschein, Lisa. (2014). Child labor. In L. Ganong & M. Coleman (Editors). Social

    History of the American Family. London: Sage.

    1. Strohschein, Lisa. (2013). Health, children’s physical effects of parental divorce. In R.E.

    Emory (Editor). Cultural Sociology of Divorce. London: Sage.


    2. Strohschein, Lisa. (2016). Do men really benefit more from marriage than women?

    American Journal of Public Health. 106(9), e2. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2016.303308

    1. Strohschein, Lisa. (2007). Methylphenidate use and divorce. Canadian Medical

    Association Journal, 177(7), 751.

  • 6

    Government Reports

    5. Strohschein, Lisa. (2009). Data Evaluation of Living in Canada Pilot: CSHCN Screener.

    Report prepared for Income Statistics Division, Statistics Canada.

    4. Strohschein, Lisa. (2008). Identifying content from the NLSCY for use in the CHPS: Final

    Report. Report prepared for Income Statistics Division, Statistics Canada.

    3. Strohschein, Lisa, Jayna Brulotte, and Amy Klassen. (2008). Transitions in later life:

    Who experiences them? Are transitions linked over time? Report prepared for Human

    Resources Social Development Canada.

    2. McDonough, Peggy, Georges Monette, Lisa Strohschein, Qing Shao, and Donna Ansara.

    (2003). A life course approach to the social determinants of health. A report submitted to

    the Canadian Institute for Health Information.

    1. McDonough, Peggy, Vivienne Walters, and Lisa Strohschein. (1999). Gender, work and

    health: An analysis of the 1994 National Population Health Survey. A report submitted to

    the Women’s Health Bureau and the National Network on Environments and Women’s


    Book Reviews

    1. Strohschein, Lisa. (2009). Review of C.E. Bird and P.P. Rieker: Gender and Health: The Effects of Constrained Choices and Social Policies. Canadian Journal of Sociology,

    34(4), 1178-1180.


    Under review

    SSHRC Partnership grant. Consortium on Analytics for Data-Driven Decision-Making

    (CAnD3): Developing Talent for Population Analytics in Aging Societies. Principal Investigator:

    Amélie Quesnel-Vallée, McGill University ($2.5 million, Funding period: 2020-2026; successful

    at Stage 1, preparing for stage 2 submission in fall 2019).


    SSHRC Insight Grant: The changing dynamics of parenthood in Canada. Principal investigator:

    Lisa Strohschein ($89,082; SSHRC Insight Grant No. 435-2019-1025).


    Kule Institute for Advanced Studies (KIAS) Cluster Grant. Health, wealth, and happiness:

  • 7

    Dynamics of families and a good old age? Principal investigator: Norah Keating, University of

    Alberta. Co-applicants: Janet Fast, Lisa Strohschein and Jacquie Eales, University of Alberta;

    Zheng Wu, University of Victoria; Laura Funk, University of Manitoba; Yeongjung Lee,

    University of Calgary and Joohong Min, Jeju National University in Korea. ($99,765; Funding

    period: 2016-19).

    Kule Institute for Advances Studies (KIAS) Alberta-Saskatchewan Research Collaboration

    Grant. Teen pregnancy and childbearing in Canada: What do we know? What do we need to

    know? Co-principal investigators: Lisa Strohschein, University of Alberta and Laura Wright,

    University of Saskatchewan. Co-applicants: Nancy Galambos and Matt Johnson, University of

    Alberta and Sarah Knudson, University of Saskatchewan ($10,000, Funding period: 2017-18).

    SSHRC Insight Grant: Canadian families in flux: New and emerging family forms across the life

    course. Principal investigator: Lisa Strohschein ($100,381; SSHRC Grant No. 435-2014-0268,

    Funding period: 2014-2018).

    National Science Foundation grant: Transitioning into adulthood during the Great Recession.

    Principal investigator: Rob Crosnoe, University of Texas at Austin, co-applicants: Shannon

    Cavanagh and Leticia Marteleto at University of Texas at Austin, collaborator: Lisa Strohschein,

    University of Alberta (Funding period: 2014-2016).

    Canadian Institutes for Health Research Operating Grant. Demands and resources in work and

    family life and their implications for stress and health among Canadians. Principal investigator:

    Scott Schieman, University of Toronto. Co-applicants: Bill Avison, University of Western

    Ontario; Lisa Strohschein, University of Alberta; Alex Bierman and Jean Wallace, University of

    Calgary and Melissa Milkie, University of Maryland. ($800,240. Funding period: 2010-2014).

    SSHRC Standard Research Grant. Family structure histories and child outcomes: How do

    patterns of stability and change in family structure influence the lives of Canadian children?

    Principal investigator: Lisa Strohschein ($67,750; SSHRC Grant No. 410-2009-0890, Funding

    period: 2009-13).

    SSHRC, Initiatives of the New Economy grant. Raising and leveling the learning bar. Principal

    investigator: Doug Willms, University of New Brunswick. Co-applicants: from across Canada

    including Lisa Strohschein, University of Alberta ($3,000,000, Funding period: 2003-2008).

    RBC Financial Group Visiting Scholar at the Manitoba Center for Health Policy. Divorce

    histories, residential mobility and educational outcomes. Principal investigator: Lisa Strohschein,

    University of Alberta. Co-applicants: Noralou Roos and Marni Brownell, University of

    Manitoba. ($20,000, Funding period: 2005-2008).

    Human Resources and Social Development Canada. Successful transitions. Principal

    investigator: Doug Willms, University of New Brunswick. Co-applicants: from across Canada

    including Lisa Strohschein, University of Alberta ($100,000, Funding period: 2006-2009).

  • 8

    Human Resources and Social Development Canada. Life course as a policy lens: Six illustrative

    studies. Co-principal investigators: Paul Bernard, University of Montreal and Susan McDaniel,

    University of Utah. Co-applicants: Martin Cooke, University of Waterloo; Lisa Strohschein,

    University of Alberta; Stephanie Gaudet, University of Ottawa; Michael Ornstein, York

    University and Lynn McDonald, University of Toronto. ($266,501, Funding period: 2007-2008).

    Statistics Canada. Canadian Household Panel Survey: Identifying questions from the NLSCY to

    be used in the CHPS. Principal investigator: Lisa Strohschein, $10,000, 2007-08.

    Statistics Canada. Canadian Household Panel Survey: Preliminary analysis of pilot data.

    Principal investigator: Lisa Strohschein, $5,000, 2009.

    Other completed grants (internal)

    $2800 SAS travel grant, 2005, travel to Norway to present paper

    $1623 SAS research grant, 2006

    $1800 Killam travel grant, 2006, travel to Norwich, UK to present paper

    $1800 SAS travel grant, 2007, travel to New York to present paper

    $900 SAS travel grant, 2013, travel to Victoria to present paper and chair session at CPS 2013


    Editorships/Editorial Board

    Associate Editor, Canadian Public Policy (2015-present)

    Editorial board, Journal of Marriage and Family (2005-present)

    Elected Positions

    President, Canadian Population Society, elected (2019-21)

    Vice-President, Canadian Population Society, elected (2016-18)

    Council member, Canadian Population Society, elected (2012-14)

    Appointed Positions and Committee membership

    Vanderkamp Prize committee, for best paper published in 2017 Canadian Public Policy/Analyse

    de politiques (2018)

    Canadian Population Society, Lifetime Award adjudication committee (2017)

    CIHR grant review committee, Analyses of existing Canadian cohorts and databases related to

    Reproductive Maternal & Child Health committee (2016-17)

    Vanderkamp Prize committee, for best paper published in 2016 Canadian Public Policy/Analyse

    de politiques (2017)

    CIHR New Investigator Salary Award review committee (2015-16)

  • 9

    Advisory Board, Canadian Society for the Sociology of Health (2015-18)

    ACAT Department of Sociology representative (2014-17)

    Statistics Canada Advisory Committee on Demographic Statistics and Studies (2014-present)

    Canadian Sociological Association, department representative (2013-16)

    Statistics Canada Longitudinal Platform Advisory Committee (2009-14)

    Canadian Population Society, chair, national committee (appointed) (2012-14)

    Canadian Population Society, student paper award committee (2014)

    Canadian Population Society, Lifetime Award adjudication committee (2013)

    CIHR New Investigator Salary Award review committee (2011)

    National Steering Committee, National Longitudinal Survey of Child and Youth, Statistics

    Canada (2007-09)

    New Investigators Network, Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (2003-07)

    Academic Assessor

    Reviewer, Tenure and Promotion file, Western University

    Reviewer, Tenure and Promotion file, University of Calgary

    External reviewer, Sociology undergraduate program, Western University

    Conference organizer

    Chair, Conference Organizing Committee, Canadian Population Society, Annual meeting, Regina,

    SK, May 30-June 1, 2018

    Chair, Conference Organizing Committee, Canadian Population Society, Annual meeting,

    Toronto, ON, May 31-June 2, 2017

    Committee member, Scientific Program, Federation of Canadian Demographers, “Revisiting the

    demographic challenges of the 21st century: Population dynamics, demographic methods

    and public policy” Ottawa, ON, June 4-5, 2015

    Vice-Chair, Conference Organizing Committee for the 2012 Biennial meeting of the

    International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, Edmonton, AB, July 8-

    12, 2012 (Nancy Galambos, Chair and Jeff Bisanz, Vice-Chair)

    Committee member, Scientific Program, “Longitudinal Studies and Demographic Challenges for

    the 21st Century”, sponsored by the Federation of Canadian Demographers, Montreal,

    QC, November 18-19, 2005

    Session organizer/chair

    Session chair, ‘Parents, children and schools’, 2018 CRDCN National Conference, Hamilton,

    ON, October 18-19, 2018.

    Session co-organizer, ‘New developments in the measurement of social inequalities in health’,

    with Amélie Quesnel-Vallee, McGill University and Peter Kriwy, Technical University

    of Chemnitz. 2018 meetings of the International Sociological Association, Toronto, ON,

    July 15-21, 2018.

  • 10

    Session presider, ‘Family relationships’, 2017 annual meeting of the American Sociological

    Association, Montreal, QC, August 11-15, 2017.

    Session organizer, ‘Families and fertility’, 2016 annual meeting of the Canadian Population

    Society, Calgary, AB, June 1-3, 2016.

    Session organizer and chair, ‘Changing Canadian families’ and ‘Families: International

    perspectives’, 2016 annual meeting of the Canadian Population Society, Calgary, AB,

    June 1-3, 2016.

    Session organizer and chair: “Lone-parent households: Complexity, diversity and change”, 2014

    annual meeting of the Canadian Population Society, St. Catharines, ON, May 28-30,


    Session organizer and chair: “Canadian families in the 21st century”, with Pascale Beaupré

    (Statistics Canada), 2013 annual meeting of the Canadian Population Society, Victoria,

    BC, June 5-7, 2013.

    Grant Reviewer (single applications)

    Grant reviewer, SSHRC Insight Grant (2014)

    Grant reviewer, Croatian Agency for Science and Higher Education (2013)

    Grant reviewer, Czech Science Foundation (2012)

    Grant reviewer, SSHRC Standard Research Grant (2009)

    Reviewer, Book Manuscripts

    Reviewer, book proposal, Critical Perspectives on Mental Health and Illness, Oxford University

    Press (2016)

    Reviewer, book manuscript, William Cockerham, Sociology of Mental Disorder, Routledge


    Reviewer, book manuscript, Alexander Segall and Christopher Fries, Pursuing Health and

    Wellness: Healthy Societies, Healthy People. Oxford University Press (2011)

    Reviewer, book manuscript, Richard U’Ren, Social perspective: The missing element in mental

    health practice. University of Toronto Press (2009)

    Reviewer, book manuscript, blinded review, Sociology of Health, Illness and Health Care:

    Canadian edition. Thomson Wadsworth (2006)

    Reviewer, Government Reports

    External reviewer, Statistics Canada report ‘Living alone in Canada’ by Jackie Tang, Nora

    Galbraith and Johnny Truong (2018)

    External reviewer, Institute de la Statistique Québec report “The impact of parental separation on

    young children’s mental health” by Hélène DesRosiers (2013)

    External reviewer, Statistics Canada report “Readiness to learn at school among five-year-old

    children in Canada” by Eleanor Thomas (2006)

  • 11

    Reviewer, Academic Journals

    Occasional reviewer for Family Relations (25), Journal of Health and Social Behavior (11),

    Society and Mental Health (10), Canadian Journal of Aging (5), Social Science and

    Medicine (5), Journal of Family Issues (4), Sociological Inquiry (4), American

    Sociological Review (3), Canadian Journal of Sociology (3), BMC Public Health (2),

    Social Forces (1), Demography (1), Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (1),

    Journal of Comparative Family Studies (1), Canadian Studies in Population (1), Journal

    of Child and Family Studies (1), Research on Aging (1), Development and

    Psychopathology (1), Population Research and Policy Review (1), Canadian Journal of

    Public Health (1), Canadian Medical Association Journal (1), Youth and Society (1),

    Journal of Socioeconomics (1), Infant and Child Development (1), Sociological

    Perspectives (1), Sociological Spectrum (1), Advances in Life Course Research (1),

    European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (1), Comparative Population Studies (1),

    Canadian Journal of Psychiatry (1), Journal of Community Practice (1), Demographic

    Research (1)


    Advisory team member, Public Health Agency of Canada “Because Life Goes On”. (published

    in 2016, this handbook provides advice to parents going through separation and divorce).

    Available at https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/hc-sc/healthy-




    2018-19 President’s Review Committee, appointed (2018-2021)

    Working Group, Signature Area in Aging

    Undergraduate Teaching Committee, Dept. of Sociology

    2016-17 Faculty Evaluation Committee, Faculty of Arts, University of Alberta, elected

    Arts Teaching, Learning and Engagement Committee, Faculty of Arts

    Assistant professor, Hiring Committee, Social Neuroscience position, Dept. of


    Assistant professor, Hiring Committee, Developmental Science Advanced

    Methodology position, Dept. of Psychology

    Chair, Undergraduate Teaching Committee, Dept. of Sociology

    2015-16 Faculty Evaluation Committee, Faculty of Arts, University of Alberta, elected

    FEC policy committee, Faculty of Arts

    Arts Teaching, Learning and Engagement Committee, Faculty of Arts

    Honors Committee, Faculty of Arts, University of Alberta, elected

    Chair, Undergraduate Teaching Committee, Dept. of Sociology

    2014-15 Faculty Evaluation Committee, Faculty of Arts, University of Alberta, elected

    Chair selection committee, Dept. of Sociology


  • 12

    Assistant professor, Hiring Committee, Family Science position, Dept. of Human


    Assistant professor, Hiring committee, Gerontology position, Dept. of Human


    Chair, Undergraduate Teaching Committee, Dept. of Sociology

    Chair, Advisory Committee, Population Research Lab (January - June 2015)

    2013-14 Undergraduate Research Symposium, poster judge (November 2013)

    Chair, Undergraduate Teaching Committee, Dept. of Sociology

    Chair, Criminology program (Jan. - June 2014)

    Chair, Advisory Committee, Population Research Laboratory (Jan. - June 2014)

    2012-13 Undergraduate Research Initiative selection committee, Faculty of Science

    Undergraduate Teaching Committee, Dept. of Sociology

    2011-12 Advisory Committee, Population Research Laboratory

    Assistant professor, Screening committee, Dept. of Sociology

    2009-10 Graduate Program and Policy, Dept. of Sociology

    2008-09 Graduate Awards and Admissions Committee, Dept. of Sociology

    Assistant professor, Hiring committee, Dept. of Psychology

    2007-08 Advisory Committee, Population Research Laboratory

    Assistant professor, Screening committee, Dept. of Psychology

    2006-07 Staff Advisory Evaluation Committee, Dept. of Sociology

    Graduate Awards and Admissions Committee, Dept. of Sociology

    Assistant professor, Screening committee, Dept. of Psychology

    2005-06 Staff Advisory Evaluation Committee, Dept. of Sociology

    Assistant professor, Hiring committee, Dept. of Anthropology

    2004-05 Advisory Committee, Population Research Laboratory



    1. Laura Wright, SSHRC postdoctoral fellow, 2015-2016 (tenure-track assistant professor,

    appointed July 1, 2016 at University of Saskatchewan)

    2. James Falconer, SSHRC postdoctoral fellow, 2016-2017 (analyst in demography

    division, Statistics Canada, Ottawa)

    International PhD (with internationally funded scholarships)

    1. Alvinelle Matthew, PhD student, University of West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago,

    research supervisor, Canada-CARICOM scholarship, Sept 2011 - March 2012

    2. Kirti Gaur, PhD student, International Institute of Population Studies, Mumbai, India,

    research supervisor, Canada Commonwealth scholarship, January - June 2013


    1. Jiawen Chen, PhD, Department of Psychology, dissertation co-supervisor (with Nancy

    Galambos), 2012-2017

  • 13


    1. Meghann Eagle, Master of Arts, Department of Sociology, thesis supervisor, defended

    August 2015, currently employed by Alberta government

    2. Katherine Herzog, Master of Arts, Department of Sociology, thesis co-supervisor (with

    Rob Shields), 2012-14, employed by MS Society of Canada

    3. Jiawen Chen, Master of Arts, Department of Psychology, thesis co-supervisor (with

    Nancy Galambos), 2010-12, entered PhD program

    4. Amy Klassen, Master of Arts, Department of Sociology, thesis supervisor, 2007-09,

    currently in PhD program at the University of Toronto


    1. Ashley Carlson, Bachelor of Arts, Department of Sociology, honors thesis supervisor,


    2. Derwin Cheng, Bachelor of Arts, Department of Sociology, honors thesis supervisor,

    2006-07, accepted in Master’s program at University of Chicago

    3. Melissa Tirkha, Bachelor of Arts, Department of Sociology, honors thesis supervisor,



    1. Hamda Ali, Bachelor of Science, Undergraduate Research Initiative award, (Summer


    2. Solomiya Draga, Bachelor of Arts, Roger S. Smith Award, (Summer 2013)

    3. Melissa Tirkha, Bachelor of Arts, Roger S. Smith Award, (Summer 2017)

    Directed Reading, Graduate

    1. Family complexity and LATs in Canada, SOC 603 (Fall 2015)

    2. A life course approach to socioeconomic inequalities in health, SOC 503 (Fall 2011)

    Directed Reading, Undergraduate

    1. Sociology of disability, SOC 403 (Fall 2005)

    2. Sociology of stigma, SOC 403 (Fall 2006)

    3. FWB and hooking up: Romance in the 21st century, SOC 403 (Winter 2015)

    4. Parenting in marriage and cohabitation, SOC 403 (Summer 2016)

    5. Second Demographic Transition: Families and kids, SOC 403 (Fall 2016)



    1. Marlene Mulder, PhD specialization exam, Department of Sociology, University of

    Alberta, 2005

    2. Connie Meeks, PhD candidacy exam, Department of Anthropology, University of

    Alberta, 2007

    3. Keiko Asakawa, PhD candidacy exam and external examiner, Public Health Sciences,

    University of Alberta, 2006-08

  • 14

    4. Kateryna Pashkovska, PhD candidacy exam, Department of Anthropology, University of

    Alberta, 2008

    5. Peggy McFall, PhD candidacy exam, Department of Psychology, University of Alberta,


    6. Teresa Lightbody, PhD candidacy exam, Department of Human Ecology, University of

    Alberta, 2008-12

    7. Dayuma Vargas, PhD specialization exam, Department of Psychology, University of

    Alberta, 2012

    8. Christoph Schimmele, PhD external examiner, Department of Sociology, University of

    Victoria, November 2013

    9. Alvinelle Matthew, PhD dissertation committee, University of West Indies, Trinidad and

    Tobago, 2013-2016

    10. Jonathan Simmons, PhD candidacy exam, Department of Sociology, University of

    Alberta, 2014

    11. Jinette Comeau, PhD external examiner, Department of Sociology, Western University,

    August 2015

    12. Marta Urbanik, PhD defense committee, Department of Sociology, University of Alberta,

    August 2017

    13. Bethany Devenish, PhD external examiner, Department of Psychology, Deakin

    University, Australia, February 2018

    14. Choong Kim, PhD dissertation committee, Department of Human Ecology, University of

    Alberta, 2017-

    15. Luca Berardi, PhD defense committee, Department of Sociology, University of Alberta,

    June 2018

    16. Chelsea Durber, PhD dissertation committee, Department of Educational Psychology,

    University of Alberta, 2018-


    1. Kristianne Dechant, Master of Arts, Dept. of Sociology, University of Alberta, thesis

    committee, 2004-05

    2. Ting Yang, Master of Science, Faculty of Nursing, University of Alberta, thesis

    committee, 2004-06

    3. Dayuma Vargas, Master of Arts, Department of Psychology, University of Alberta,

    external examiner, 2010


    Graduate Research Supervision (supported through my external research grants)

    Kristianne Dechant, research assistant (July 2004 - June 2005; graduated with MA, subsequently

    employed by Government of Manitoba)

    Michelle Brady, research assistant (September 2004 - December 2004; current position:

    Lecturer, The University of Queensland)

    Rachel Campbell, research assistant (September 2005 - September 2007; current position:

    associate professor, Grand Valley State University, Michigan)

  • 15

    Melanie Beres, research assistant (April 2006 - June 2006; current position: senior lecturer,

    University of Otago, New Zealand)

    Amy Klassen, research assistant (January - August 2007; went on to do PhD at University of


    Teresa Lightbody, research assistant (May - December, 2007; current position: employed by the

    Alberta government)

    Joshua Freistadt, research assistant (July 2007 - December 2009; current position: director in

    Ministry of Social Services in the Saskatchewan government)

    Jiawen Chen, research assistant (August 2010 - August 2012)

    Lei Chai, research assistant (August 2015 - June 2016)

    Nicole Hill, research assistant (January - April 2017)

    Jiawen Chen, research assistant (May 2017 - August 2017)

    Undergraduate Research supervision (supported through my external research grants)

    Claire Pitcher, research assistant (September - November 2006; current position: MA, UBC)

    Clayton Kleparchuk, Department of Psychology (University of Alberta, January - April 2007)

    Jayna Brulotte, research assistant (May - December 2007; to University of Victoria for MA)

    Alexandra Rydz, Department of Sociology (September 2009 - April 2010)

    Hamda Ali, Department of Sociology (January – April 2012)

    Farhia Aden, Department of Sociology (January - April 2012)

    Katherine Childs, Department of Sociology (July 2012 - November 2012)

    Jasbinder Badesha, Department of Sociology (May - August 2015)

    Taylor Maxston, Department of Sociology (May - August 2016; July - August 2017)

    Melissa Tirkha, Department of Sociology (September 2016 - April 2017)

    Vladimir Kuszniryk, Department of Sociology (September 2016 - April 2017)



    Sociology of Health and Illness

    (2018-19, 2016-17, 2015-16, 2014-15, 2013-14, 2012-13; 2011-12; 2009-10, 2008-09,

    2007-08, 2006-07, 2005-06, 2004-05)

    Sociology of Mental Illness

    (2018-19, 2016-17, 2015-16, 2014-15, 2013-14, 2012-13; 2011-12; 2009-10, 2008-09,

    2007-08, 2006-07, 2005-06, 2004-05)


    (2018-19, 2012-13)


    Sociology of Health and Illness

    (2012-13, 2009-10, 2008-09, 2007-08, 2006-07, 2005-06, 2004-05)

  • 16

    Multivariable Analysis

    (2011-12; 2008-09, 2007-08, 2006-07)


    University Courses

    January 2002 - Graduate Instructor, Quantitative Methods

    June 2002 (winter and spring session)

    School of Graduate Studies, Faculty of Social Work

    University of Toronto

    January 2002 - Undergraduate Instructor, Social Production of Illness: Women’s Health

    December 2002 (winter and fall session)

    Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Sociology

    McMaster University


    Co-instructor, Workshop on Intermediate Statistics, with Peggy McDonough, Western Statistics

    Seminar, Statistics Canada Data Training School, Edmonton, AB, May 2-6, 2005.

    Co-instructor, Workshop on Multilevel Models, with Blair Wheaton, Toronto Regional Statistics

    Canada Research Data Centre, Toronto, ON, April 28-29, 2003


    Invited Presentations

    24. Strohschein, Lisa. Poverty, parenting and mental health: A closer look at teen mothers in

    Canada. Presented to the Development Psychology study group, University of Alberta,

    Edmonton, October 29, 2018.

    23. Strohschein, Lisa. Teen pregnancy: A forgotten social problem. Sociology Colloquium

    Series, Western University, April 6, 2018.

    22. Strohschein, Lisa. Living alone in later life: Evidence from Canada. Aging Research

    Forum. Session sponsored by the Institute for Population and Development Studies, Xi'an

    Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China, September 9, 2017.

    21. Meet the editor panel. “Top 3 tips for publishing’. Canadian Political Science Association

    meetings, Calgary, Alberta, June 1, 2016.

    20. Strohschein, Lisa. Mental illness: A global perspective. Invited keynote speaker at the

  • 17

    Edmonton WHO Simulation conference. Edmonton, Alberta, February 14, 2015.

    19. Strohschein, Lisa. Family complexity and Canadian fathers. Symposium “Does marriage

    matter? US and Canadian perspectives”, Population Association of America, San Diego,

    April 30 – May 2, 2015.

    18. Strohschein, Lisa. Promoting optimal child health and development: More than income?

    Strathcona County Family and Community Services ‘Lunch and Learn’, March 27, 2014.

    17. Strohschein, Lisa. Nonmarital childbearing in Canada. Population Research Group at the

    University of Victoria. November 29, 2013.

    16. Strohschein, Lisa. Nonmarital childbearing among first time mothers and health in early

    childhood in Canada. International Perspectives on Family Structures and Child Well-

    being. McGill University, November 30 - December 1, 2012.

    15. Strohschein, Lisa. Aging in place: A closer look. Seminar at the Institute for Human

    Development, Life Course and Aging, University of Toronto, September 22, 2011.

    14. Strohschein, Lisa. Keeping time in health and aging research. Keynote address at the

    Annual Interdisciplinary Research Day, Centre for Population, Health, and Aging,

    University of Western Ontario, May 27, 2011.

    13. Strohschein, Lisa. Fragile families and health in early childhood: What accounts for the

    association? Presented to the Development Psychology study group, University of

    Alberta, Edmonton, April 18, 2011.

    12. Strohschein, Lisa. Child health in Canada. Presented at the International Institute of

    Population Sciences, Mumbai, India, January 25, 2011.

    11. Strohschein, Lisa. Families and mental health: Does marriage still matter? Presented at

    JSS Medical College Hospital, Mysore, India, January 6, 2011.

    10. Strohschein, Lisa. Are the kids okay? Towards an understanding of how parental divorce

    affects child health and well-being. Grand Pediatrics Rounds, University of Alberta

    Hospital, March 11, 2010.

    9. Strohschein, Lisa. Family structure histories and child outcomes: How do patterns of

    stability and change in family structure influence the lives of Canadian children?

    Presented at the Women and Children’s Health Research Institute Research Day,

    Edmonton, AB, November 25, 2009.

    8. Strohschein, Lisa. Longer-term maternal health outcomes. Presented at the Maternal

    Health Consensus Workshop, sponsored by Canadian Institutes of Health Research,

  • 18

    Montreal, QC, June 10-11, 2009.

    7. Strohschein, Lisa. Thinking through the links between families and health from an

    international perspective. Presented at the First Annual meeting of the Student University

    Network for Social & International Health (SUNSIH), Edmonton, AB, September 27-28,


    6. Strohschein, Lisa. Family structure or marital instability: What matters more for child

    outcomes? Presented at the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute, The

    Hague, Netherlands, March 31, 2008.

    5. Strohschein, Lisa. Parental divorce and child mental health trajectories: Findings from the

    National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth. Presented at the 10th Journées

    Annuelles de Santé Publique (JASP). Montreal, QC, October 24-27, 2006.

    4. Strohschein, Lisa. Parental divorce and child mental health: A growth curve model

    approach. Presented at the annual meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada, London,

    ON, May 28-31, 2006.

    3. Strohschein, Lisa. The mental health consequences of divorce: Do children and their

    mothers respond similarly? Presented at the Manitoba Center for Health Policy,

    University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, August 18, 2005.

    2. Strohschein, Lisa. Social determinants of child health over time: Findings from the

    NLSY, 1986-1998. Presented to the Canadian Child and Youth Research Network,

    Hamilton, ON, November 9, 2001.

    1. McDonough, Peggy, Vivienne Walters, and Lisa Strohschein. The social patterning of

    women’s health in Canada: Exploring structures and pathways. Presented at the

    conference, “Social and economic patterning of health among women,” organized by the

    Committee for International Cooperation in National Research in Demography, Tunis,

    Tunisia, January 20-22, 2000.

    Peer Reviewed

    38. Strohschein, Lisa. LAT relationships among emerging adults in Canada: Innovation or

    capitulation? To be presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Study of

    Emerging Adulthood (SSEA), Toronto, ON, October 10-12, 2019.

    37. Strohschein, Lisa. Connecting union and fertility histories to non-residential fatherhood

    in Canada. To be presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Population Society,

    Vancouver, BC, June 5-7, 2019.

  • 19

    36. Strohschein, Lisa and Nancy Galambos. Teen pregnancy in Canada: A multi-dimensional

    life course approach. Presented at the CRDCN National Conference, Hamilton, ON.

    October 18-19, 2018.

    35. Strohschein, Lisa. Trends in teen births in Canada: Lower prevalence, but greater risk.

    Presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Population Society, Regina, SK, May

    30-June 1, 2018.

    34. Strohschein, Lisa, James Falconer, and Zheng Wu. The effect of spousal loss on living

    arrangements and residential location in later life. Presented at the annual meeting of the

    Canadian Population Society, Regina, SK, May 30-June 1, 2018.

    33. Strohschein, Lisa. LAT relationships among Canadian young adults. Presented at IUSSP

    workshop ‘New and emerging family forms’, Barcelona, Spain, March 21-23, 2018.

    32. Strohschein, Lisa and Usha Ram. Mental health problems among married young adults in

    India: Accounting for gender differences. Presented at IUSSP 2017, Cape Town, South

    Africa, October 29-November 4, 2017.

    31. Strohschein, Lisa, James Falconer, Zheng Wu and Joohong Min. Spousal bereavement

    and mortality risk: Evidence from Canada. Presented at the annual meeting of the

    Canadian Population Society, Toronto, ON, May 31-June 2, 2017.

    30. Strohschein, Lisa and Laura Wright. Teen parenthood and early home-leaving: Does one

    risky transition beget another? Presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian

    Population Society, Toronto, ON, May 31-June 2, 2017.

    29. Strohschein, Lisa and Lei Chai. LAT Relationships among young Canadian adults: A life

    course perspective. Presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Population Society,

    Calgary, AB, June 1-3, 2016.

    28. Smith, Chelsea, Rob Crosnoe, and Lisa Strohschein. Human capital in the family and

    teen pregnancy in the United States and Canada. Presented at the annual meeting of the

    Society for the Longitudinal and Life Course Studies. Dublin, Ireland, October 18-22,


    27. Strohschein, Lisa. Non-residential fatherhood in Canada. Presented at “Revisiting the

    demographic challenges of the 21st Century - Population dynamics, demographic

    methods and public policy.” Conference of the Federation of Canadian Demographers,

    Ottawa, ON, June 4-5, 2015.

    26. Strohschein, Lisa. Children born to single, never-married mothers: What do we know?

    What do we need to know? Annual meeting of the Canadian Population Society, St.

    Catharines, ON, May 28-30, 2014.

  • 20

    25. Strohschein, Lisa. Evaluating the risk for parental separation for children born into

    cohabiting versus married parent households: Is Québec comparable to the rest of

    Canada? Annual meeting of the Canadian Population Society, Victoria, BC, June 5-7,


    24. Strohschein, Lisa, Usha Ram and Kirti Gaur. Marital status and mental health in India:

    Gender differences among young adults. Presented at the biennial meeting of the

    International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development. Edmonton, Alberta, July

    8-12, 2012.

    23. Ram, Usha, Kirti Gaur, and Lisa Strohschein. Gendered Socialization and Family

    Violence Experiences: Barriers to Young Indian Adults’ Agency and Egalitarian

    Attitudes. Presented at the biennial meeting of the International Society for the Study of

    Behavioral Development. Edmonton, Alberta, July 8-12, 2012.

    22. Gaur, Kirti, Lisa Strohschein, and Usha Ram. Parent-youth interaction and effects on

    mental health among Indian youth: Exploring the unexplored. Presented at the biennial

    meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development.

    Edmonton, Alberta, July 8-12, 2012.

    21. Strohschein, Lisa, Greg Eklics, and Scott Schieman. Children with chronic health or

    school problems and psychological distress among working parents: Examining the

    mediating influence of family-to-work conflict. Presented at the biennial meeting of the

    International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development. Edmonton, Alberta, July

    8-12, 2012.

    20. Strohschein, Lisa. Fragile families and health in early childhood in Canada. Presented at

    the annual meeting of the Population Association of America, San Francisco, California,

    May 3-5, 2012.

    19. Strohschein, Lisa. Fragile families in Canada and effects on health in early childhood.

    Presented at the annual meeting of the National Council for Family Relations (NCFR),

    Orlando, Florida, November 15-19, 2011.

    18. Chen, Jiawen and Lisa Strohschein. Family structure changes as a predictor of

    postsecondary education enrollment in emerging adulthood. Presented at the meeting of

    the Study for the Society of Emerging Adulthood, Maryland, Rhode Island, October 28-

    29, 2011.

    17. Strohschein, Lisa. “I want to move, but cannot”: Characteristics of involuntary stayers

    and associations with health among Canadian seniors. Presented at the National RDC

    Conference Coming of Age: The Policy Impact of an Aging Population, Edmonton,

    Alberta, October 4-5, 2011.

  • 21

    16. Strohschein, Lisa. Fragile families and health in early childhood: What accounts for the

    association? Presented at the Statistics Canada Socioeconomic conference, Ottawa,

    Ontario. September 27-28, 2011.

    15. Chen, Jiawen and Lisa Strohschein. Who goes? Parental influence on Canadian youth

    participation in postsecondary education. Presented at the Royce Conference, Department

    of Psychology, University of Alberta, March 18, 2011.

    14. Strohschein, Lisa and T.S.S. Rao. Divorce and the stress process: Does divorce increase

    the risk for childhood mental disorders? Workshop presented at the 2011 Annual

    National Conference of the Indian Psychiatric Society (ANCIPS), New Delhi, India,

    January 16 - 19, 2011.

    13. Strohschein, Lisa, Lucia Tramonte, and J. Douglas Willms. Family instability and child

    mental health trajectories. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological

    Association, Atlanta, Georgia, August 14 - 17, 2010.

    12. Strohschein, Lisa, Rachel Campbell, and Anne H. Gauthier. Assessing the influence of

    poverty histories and parenting on child behavioural development in stable two-

    biological-parent households: Findings from Canada. Presented at the 21st biennial

    meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development, Lusaka,

    Zambia, July 18-22, 2010.

    11. Joshua Freistadt and Lisa Strohschein. Do increases in social capital improve levels of

    family functioning in single-parent households? Presented at the annual meeting of the

    American Sociological Association, San Francisco, California, August 8-11, 2009.

    10. Li, Xu, Anne H. Gauthier, and Lisa Strohschein. Why are some children left out? Factors

    barring children from participating in extracurricular activities: Results from the

    Canadian National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth. Presented at the annual

    meeting of the Canadian Population Society, Vancouver, B.C., May 28-June 4, 2008.

    9. Strohschein, Lisa. Gender differences in the mental health consequences of bereavement.

    Presented at the 11th International Conference on Social Stress Research, Santa Fe, New

    Mexico, May 31-June 2, 2008.

    8. Strohschein, Lisa, Anne H Gauthier, Rachel Campbell, and Clayton Kleparchuk.

    Parenting as a dynamic process: A test of the resource dilution hypothesis. Presented at

    the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, New York City, New

    York, August 11-14, 2007.

    7. Strohschein, Lisa. Tracking the mental health consequences of divorce in Canada: Do

    children and their mothers respond similarly? Presented at the International Conference

  • 22

    on Children and Divorce, Norwich, United Kingdom, July 24-27, 2006.

    6. Strohschein, Lisa. Diminished capacity to parent: Does divorce change parenting

    behaviour? Presented at the international conference “Longitudinal studies and

    demographic challenges for the 21st century”, Montreal, Quebec, November 18-19, 2005.

    5. Strohschein, Lisa. Parenting practices during the process of divorce: Effects on the

    mental health of Canadian children. Presented at “Childhoods 2005", Oslo, Norway, June

    29-July 3, 2005.

    4. Strohschein, Lisa. Effects of parental divorce on child mental health trajectories.

    Presented at the 2nd annual RDC Network Conference, University of Calgary, Alberta,

    September 20-21, 2004.

    3. Strohschein, Lisa, Peggy McDonough, Georges Monette and Qing Shao. Gender, marital

    status and psychological distress: Evidence from the Canadian National Population

    Health Survey, 1994-98. Presented at the 14th International Conference on Women’s

    Health Issues, Victoria, B.C., June 15-18, 2003.

    2. McDonough, Peggy, Lisa Strohschein, Donna Ansara, Georges Monette, and Qing Shao.

    The gender gap in distress: What can longitudinal data tell us? Presented at the annual

    meeting for the Canadian Population Society, Halifax, Nova Scotia, May 31-June 1,


    1. Strohschein, Lisa A. It’s the little things that get you: Strategies of coping in a self help

    group for unemployed professionals. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society for

    the Study of Social Problems, San Francisco, California, August 20-22, 1998.

    Government presentations

    4. Beaupré, Pascale and Lisa Strohschein. Non-residential fatherhood in Canada. Presented

    to the Analysis Coordination Committee, Statistics Canada, Ottawa, ON, June 7, 2019.

    3. Strohschein, Lisa, Lucia Tramonte, and J. Doug Willms. The effects of family structure

    on children’s developmental outcomes. Presented at “Successful Transitions”, Ottawa,

    Ontario, April 28-29, 2009.

    2. Strohschein, Lisa, Jayna Brulotte, and Amy Klassen. Transitions in later life: Who

    experiences them? Are transitions linked over time? Presented at “Policy Dialogue: The

    Lifecourse Perspective as a Policy Lens”, Ottawa, Ontario, January 30, 2009.

    1. Strohschein, Lisa. Parental divorce, parenting practices and child mental health.

    Presented at the Raising and Leveling the Learning Bar mid-term report. St. Andrew,

    New Brunswick, June 14-17, 2005.

  • 23


    CBC Radio, live radio interview, December 13, 2005

    Global National News, live television interview, December 14, 2005

    The Globe and Mail, ‘Divorce can ease turmoil in home’, December 14, 2005

    WebMD, “Is divorce always bad for the kids?” interview December 14, 2005

    KCBS in San Francisco, live radio interview, December 15, 2005

    New 740 in Montreal, live radio interview, December 19, 2005

    Reuters (interview for study on divorce covered in all major newspapers in Canada and picked

    up in newspapers as far away as Australia [The Australian, The Courier-Mail] and India [Kerala

    News, Telegraph]).

    University of Alberta ExpressNews, ‘Bad behaviour grows as income stays small’, interview,

    February 17, 2006

    Child Magazine (interview, March 2006)

    Edmonton Journal “U of A sociologist looks at links between ADHD and divorce”, June 5, 2007

    Edmonton Global Evening news (television interview, June 6, 2007): ADHD and divorce

    Reuters and Canadian Press (interviews, June 6, 2007): interviews with reporters from Reuters

    and Canadian Press were picked up in major newspapers in Canada as well as around the world

    (e.g., US, New Zealand, France, Germany, UK, South Africa). The coverage also led to an

    editorial article by Colby Cosh in the National Post on June 8, 2007 titled ‘Broken homes,

    unfocused minds’ that commented on the association between divorce and Ritalin use as well as

    an e-Review article posted by Institute for Marriage and Family Canada on June 20, 2007,

    ‘Ritalin children and divorce: What scholars are not saying’

    CTV local news (television interview, September 12, 2007): 2006 census, marriage statistics

    Global local news (television interview, September 12, 2007): 2006 census, marriage statistics

    Calgary Today - AM 770 CHQR (live radio interview, September 12, 2007): 2006 census,

    marriage statistics

    Edmonton Sun 2006 census, marriage statistics, interview, September 13, 2007

    National Post ‘Parenting doesn’t suffer, study finds’, interview, December 8, 2007

    LiveScience, ‘Divorced parents do a good job’ (also picked up by divorce360 and MSNBC),

    December 19, 2007

    The New York Sun ‘Clinic in South Bronx targets children’s mental health’, July 28, 2008

    USA Today ‘Children who have ADHD can strain marriages’, October 19, 2008

    CTV local news (television interview, April 1, 2009)

    Edmonton Journal (interview, April 7, 2009): ‘High school dropout rate rises for children whose

    parents divorce, study finds’ (later picked up in newspapers across Canada)

    AM 1220 Cornwall, live radio interview, April 15, 2009

    USA Today “Same-sex couples can be effective parents”, January 21, 2010

    Asunder, CBC Radio, with Rachel Cave, April 22, 2010

    University of Zambia Radio 91.7 FM, July 18, 2010

    630 CHED Radio, Edmonton, ‘Families at Christmas’, December 8, 2010

    Edmonton Journal ‘Spousal death key link to loss of independent living for seniors’, October 21,


  • 24

    Edmonton Journal, Family Day, February 2012

    More Magazine ‘Why women lie to their doctors’ April 2012

    Postmedia ‘Number of new divorces falling, StatsCan survey shows’, National Post, Montreal

    Gazette, March 28, 2012

    University of Alberta Express News, July 11, 2012

    Edmonton Sun, Family Day, February 17, 2013

    630 CHED with Brenton Driedger, ‘Families in flux’, October 27, 2014

    U of A News, ‘The narcissism of modern love’, February 22, 2016

    CBC RadioActive, live radio interview with Portia Clark, ‘Modern marriage’, February 24, 2016

    630 CHED live radio interview with Brenton Driedger, ‘Modern marriage’, February 24, 2016

    CBC News, ‘Canadian marriage changing, says University of Alberta sociologist’, February 28,


    Jon McComb Show, live radio interview, CKNW Vancouver, ‘The narcissism of modern love’,

    February 29, 2016

    770 News Talk Radio with Roger Kingkade and Rob Breakenridge, ‘Modern marriage’, March

    2, 2016

    Radio Canada International, ‘Marriage evolving in Canada; becoming obsolete in Quebec’,

    March 3, 2016

    American Psychological Association, ‘A living wage’. In Monitor on Psychology, Vol 47(4), p.

    28, April 2016 (http://www.apa.org/monitor/2016/04/living-wage.aspx)

    Edmonton Journal, ‘Complex income assistance system may leave Alberta parents, children with

    inadequate funds’, August 15, 2016

    In love or left out? No way, Valentine’s Day. https://www.ualberta.ca/newtrail/featurestories/in-

    love, February 14, 2017.

    106.9 ‘The X’ and ‘CFRL Radio’, radio interviews, ‘Teen pregnancy: a forgotten social issue’,

    April 6, 2018

    Edmonton Metro Star, ‘Common-law couples could make for more complicated families’, May

    16, 2018.
