Linking Physician Health and Physician Leadership

Linking Physician Health and Physician Leadership Physicia… · Executive Leadership and Physician Well -being, Shanafelt and Noseworthy, Mayo Clin Proc, January 2017:92(1): 129146-2

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Page 1: Linking Physician Health and Physician Leadership Physicia… · Executive Leadership and Physician Well -being, Shanafelt and Noseworthy, Mayo Clin Proc, January 2017:92(1): 129146-2

Linking Physician Health and Physician Leadership

Page 2: Linking Physician Health and Physician Leadership Physicia… · Executive Leadership and Physician Well -being, Shanafelt and Noseworthy, Mayo Clin Proc, January 2017:92(1): 129146-2

Faculty: Gigi OslerNothing to declare

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The physician health landscape in Canada

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Prevalence of + psychological factors

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Prevalence of - psychological factors

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Polling question: The impact of stigma

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Leadership is critical for better physician health

Strategy #2:

“Harness the Power of Leadership”

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Canada’s physician workforce










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Female Physicians in Canada 2000-2018

All Physicians GP/FP All Specialists

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Top factors affecting women’s health & wellness

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Other factors to watch

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Key take-aways• High levels of burnout, despite high levels of resiliency

• Suggests issues is broader than individual factors and extends to other, systemic factors

• Occupational factors were stronger predictors of physician health

• Relatively few differences across demographics• Suggests health and wellness issues relevant to physicians across the profession

• Stigma is a barrier to seeking help • Suggests stigma needs to be addressed and eliminated to normalize help-seeking

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Faculty: Rollie NicholRelationships with financial sponsors:

Grants/Research Support: NilSpeakers Bureau/Honoraria: NilConsulting Fees: NilPatents: NilOther: Employee of Alberta Health Services

Disclosure of Financial SupportThis program has received financial support from CCPH in the form of subsidized travel and accommodation

Potential for conflict(s) of interest:Currently, President Canadian Society of Physician Leaders

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Part 2 – Leader’s Intent1. Good will and good intent2. Sensitivity to impact3. Boundaries between individual wellness and the

collective4. What’s a leader to do?5. How can we simplify it?

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A leader’s intent plus development of a collective will supported by accountability – that creates our new reality – our future

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Tale of 3 Physician Leaders1. Context2. Intent of new Department Head3. Legacy of the previous Department Head4. Where is the Hospital Lead?5. What went wrong?6. Where are we now?

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Faculty: Mamta GautamRelationships with financial sponsors:

Grants/Research Support: NilSpeakers Bureau/Honoraria: NilConsulting Fees: NilPatents: NilOther: CEO, PEAK MD Inc

Disclosure of Financial SupportThis program has received financial support from CCPH in the form of subsidized travel and accommodation

Potential for conflict(s) of interest:Board member, Canadian Society of Physician Leaders

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Part 3 – Impact of Leadership on Health1. The Link:

• Are Physician Health and Physician Leadership linked? • If so, how?

2. Physician Engagement: • How can we better engage our physician colleagues?

3. Compassionate Leadership: • How can we be more compassionate as leaders?

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Preventing Burnout

We need to stop blaming doctors and see this as a shared responsibility of:

•Individual physicians•Culture of medicine•Healthcare systems

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Quit Multiplying By Zero (Gautam, CJPL 5(3), 2019))

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Engagement is the Opposite of Burnout

1. Executive Leadership and Physician Well-being, Shanafelt and Noseworthy, Mayo Clin Proc, January 2017:92(1): 129-146

2. Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) (Schaufeli and Bakker, 2003)

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Successful leaders have mastered physician engagement.1. Leading leaders2. Being right is not enough

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Factors Influencing Physician Engagement• degree of physicians' trust in leadership• involvement in clinical and administrative policy decision-making• reactions to various changes in the healthcare industry — such

as technology• authority over their own schedules • the amount of support available to them• their personal health and well-being

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What might we do as leaders that could improve physician engagement?

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The 3 A’s of Successful Leadership1. Availability2. Affability3. Ability

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3 Factors that lead to motivation1. Autonomy - the desire to direct our own lives2. Mastery - the urge to get better and better at something that

matters3. Purpose - the yearning to do what we do in the service of

something larger than ourselves.

Drive, Daniel H. Pink, 2009

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Herzberg’s Two-Factor TheoryTwo types of factors in the workplace:

1. Motivators: cause job satisfaction (achievement, recognition, responsibility, advancement, nature of the work)2. Demotivators or Hygiene Factors: a separate set of factors that can cause dissatisfaction (salary, administration, supervision, company policy, status, working conditions)

We need to address both.

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Boston Consulting Group‘Simply showing the data helps lead to the solution’

Show people the problem; there is no need to tell them the solution. They will come up with the solution on their own and be more engaged.

Buy-In vs Ownership

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Spurgeon’s Medical Engagement Model

Medical Engagement Model Developing a medical engagement scale (MES) , Spurgeon P et al,The International Journal of Clinical Leadership 2008;16:213–23

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Leadership missteps directly affect physician engagement and wellbeing• Administration may not listen to their opinions or suggestions, or

ask for physicians' input after they have already made a decision• A lack of understanding among leaders about what physicians

want or the stress they might feel, which leads leaders to make decisions that impact physicians without understanding the context of a situation.

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Acknowledge and Assess BurnoutOpen candid conversations to acknowledgeMeasure physician well-being as a routine performance metricIdentify leaders to foster wellness and engagement, address issues of concernCultivate sense of community at workPromote flexibility and work-life integrationProvide resources to promote resilience

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Compassionate LeadershipCollective compassionate leadership enables health care innovation: • Intrinsic motivator of staff • Promotes a culture of learning • Creates cultural safety • Recognizes and supports organizational failures (suffering) which are a prerequisite to innovation

West M et al. The King’s Fund. Caring To Change: How compassionate leadership can stimulate innovation in health care

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Compassion is a four part process:

1. Noticing that suffering is present 2. Interpreting and making meaning of suffering in a way that contributes to a

desire to alleviate the suffering 3. Feeling empathetic concern for the person or people suffering 4. Acting to alleviate suffering in some manner

Worline & Dutton. Awakening Compassion at Work: The Quiet Power That Elevates People and Organization. 2017

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Leading with Compassion• We look to leaders for guidance, particularly in times of suffering.• Compassion deeply bonds us with others and is central to human well-being,

both for those who provide it as well as for those who receive it.• Compassion is more than an emotion; it is a felt and enacted desire to

alleviate suffering.• Leaders can guide other team members about how to think, feel and act

when suffering surfaces by how they act or role model. • Leaders can use their position and power to shift the architecture of an

organization, and direct resources to alleviate suffering.- Worline & Dutton

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Linking Physician Health and Physician Leadership