Feasibility Report of Laptop Computer Purchase for Mark Stanaszek  _______________________________________________________________________  _ Created by: Lindsey Hines

Lindsey Hines Feasibility Report

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Feasibility Report of Laptop Computer Purchase

for Mark Stanaszek _______________________________________________________________________ 


Created by: Lindsey Hines

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Lindsey Hines April 21, 2009

To Mark Stanaszek, Capella University

From Lindsey A. Hines, University of Minnesota

Date April 21, 2009


I am pleased to submit the attached feasibility report for your recommendedlaptop computer purchase.

After careful investigation it is found that the HP Pavilion dv4t is the best laptopcomputer for you. You expressed the need for a reliable and attractive computer and this model will not let you down. It is found to be reliable as reviewed bymany current users. It also exhibits an incredibly sleek and attractive design.This model was found to be the least expensive computer of the three computersinvestigated pricing at just $642.

I believe your next step should be to take a look at this computer for yourself.They have this model available to view at Best Buy locations, take some time tothoroughly familiarize yourself with this model. Try out the functional accessoriessuch as the keyboard and mouse. If you decide you like the look and feel youshould purchase this computer. You can do this by calling Danielle at HewlettPackard at 1-877-999-4747 ext. 48913. She will have your name in thecomputer with the specific model discussed in this feasibility report.

I would be delighted to answer any further questions you may have. Please feelfree to contact me anytime.

Encl: Feasibility Report (1 copy)


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Table of Contents

Figures and Tables ..........................................................................3Executive Summary .........................................................................6

Introduction .....................................................................................7

Problem Statement ..........................................................................8

Scope of this Report ........................................................................8

Background Methodology ................................................................8

Computer Terms .............................................................................8

Findings ............................................................................................9

Conclusions ....................................................................................11

Recommendations .........................................................................11Appendix A:....................................................................................12

A.Interview Questions for Dell Sales Representative Kyle Johnston ............................12

B. Interview Questions for HP Sales Representative Danielle Thompson ....................14C. Interview Questions for Apple Sales Representative Dan Bergman .........................15

D. Interview with Mark Stanaszek .................................................................................17

 Works Cited ....................................................................................18

Figures and Tables

 Dell Inspiron 15 HP Pavilion dv4t MacBook 13

Table 1: Computer functions and accessories


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Computer Dell Inspiron 15 HP Pavilion dv4t MacBook 13 inchScreen 15.6” 14.1” 13.3”Price $842.00 $657.00 $949.00Weight 6.0 lbs. 5.63 lbs. 5.0 lbs.Dimensions 1.2” x 14.05” x


1.34” x 13.15” x


1.08” x 12.78” x

8.92”Processor 2.0GHz Intel Core

2 Duo2.4GHz Intel Core2 Duo

2.0GHz Intel Core2 Duo

Memory 2GB 3GB 2GBHard Drive 250GB 320GB 120GB*DVD Burner Yes Yes YesBattery Life 4 hours* 3 hours* 4.5 hours*Wireless Card Yes Yes YesInput and OutputPorts

Yes Yes Yes

Web camera and


Yes Yes Yes

Virus protection 3 years 15 months Not neededWarranty 1 year* 1 year* 1 year*Microsoft software Yes No* NoColor Red, Blue, Black Black, White White

*upgrade for a fee

Table 2: Website Editor ReviewsComputer Dell Inspiron 15 HP Pavilion dv4t MacBook 13 inchPros • Slim design

(CNet, PC).

• Light weight(PC).

• Affordable

• Goodperformance(NR).

• Great price(PC).

• Combinesperformanceand portabilitylike never before (CNet).

• Appealingdesign (DG).


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(PC). • Good designand bodyquality (DG). • Incredibly fast

processor (PC).

Cons • Cheap plasticfeel (CNet).

• Short batterylife-2.75 hours(CNet).

• Design and


• Short batterylife- 2.25 hours(PC).

• High runningtemperature(DG).

• Small screensize for similarly pricednotebooks(CNet).

• Small harddrive for similarly priced


• Battery life lessthan expected-2.5 hours(CNet).

Table 3: Reviews from Users of Computer Computer Dell Insprion 15 HP Pavilion dv4t MacBook 13 inch

Pros • This computer is well built(CNet).

• It gets the jobdone (CNet).

• I really enjoythis computer (NB).

• This laptop isoutstanding(CNet).

• The bestlaptop I haveever used(CNet).

• A great sizeand a reallygreat design


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• Good design(NB).

• A greatcomputer for its price (NB).

• This computer has workedperfectly(CNet).


• I have usedboth Macs andPCs…. I’ll pick

this Mac anyday (PC).

• Stylishnotebook (NB).

Cons • I do notrecommendthis computer (PC).

• Very

disappointing, Ihave hadmanyproblems withthis laptop(CNet).

• I have hadseverehardware


• Cheapmemory (NB).

• Bad speakers(NB).

• I amdisappointedwith mypurchase (NB).

• The speakers

are notanything toboast about(NB).

• Purchasedcomputer andit has given menothing butproblems (PC).

• Integratedgraphics arebad (NB).

Executive Summary

It is recommended that Mark Stanaszek purchase the HP Pavilion dv4t laptopcomputer. He is currently using an out of date desktop computer for hisacademics at Capella University. This computer is unreliable and keeps himrestricted to his apartment for accomplishing his assignments.


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He would like to purchase an attractive and reliable laptop computer for under $1000. Three laptop computers were chosen from top computer companies, theinvestigated computers in this report are:

1. HP Pavilion dv4t2. Dell Inspiron 15

3. The MacBook 13

The HP Pavilion dv4t is recommended because it is the most reliable andattractive computer at a low price. The Dell Inspiron 15 did not meet the specificcriteria. The MacBook 13 was reliable and attractive but its price was high incomparison to the HP Pavilion dv4t.


Currently Mark Stanaszek relies on his out of date desktop computer to fulfill hisacademics at Capella University. He would like to replace his computer with anew laptop. This would allow him the freedom and reliability that he desires froma computer.


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Problem Statement

Capella University is an online school in which all classes are conducted via theinternet. Marks academic achievement relies heavily on the reliability of hiscomputer, any type of problem could lead to serious consequences. He wants anattractive and dependable top of the line laptop computer to get him through hisfinal three years of college. Like most college students Mark is on a budget andcan afford to spend $1,000 or less on a computer. Unfortunately, Mark has verylittle knowledge about computers and limited time to look for one. Theserestraints make it nearly impossible for Mark to find a computer that is best for him.

Scope of this Report

This report is important because it determines the best laptop computer byinvestigating many different options. To decide which computer is best for Mark,three computers were thoroughly researched. Each computer is highlyrecommended by sales representatives from each of the computer companiesthey include; the Dell Inspiron 15, the HP Pavilion dv4t and the MacBook 13 inchsystem. This report includes the features of each selected model and the reviewsof each selected model. The information is analyzed in this report and the topcomputer is chosen for Mark Stanaszek.

Background Methodology

Three of the nations top computer companies were chosen for considering alaptop computer. The three companies were Dell, Hewlett Packard, and Apple.Choosing three different companies allowed for a broad spectrum of computer options. Each company sales representative was allowed to choose what theyfelt would be the best laptop computer for an online college student. This workedbest because the sales representatives are more knowledgeable than aconsumer. Questions were then asked to each sales representative. Editor reviews from reputable websites were also used in the evaluation of eachcomputer. Reviews from actual buyers were also found on these websites andused in the evaluation. These websites allow for subjective opinions by editor 

reviewers and actual buyers which allowed for an array of opinions.

Computer Terms


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Intel Core 2 Duo Processor : This processor allows someone to do more at thesame time, like playing music, running virus scan in the background, all whileediting pictures. This processor provides you with the speed you need toperform any and all tasks (Intel).

Memory: The amount of storage that exists in a computer to temporarily holddata. Before a program can run it must be loaded into the memory which allowsthe program to be opened (Web).

Hard Drive: A storage device for all files and programs on a computer (Web).

GHz: Gigahertz. 1 GHz represents 1 billion cycles per second. Thismeasurement is used for processor speeds (Web).

GB: Gigabyte. This measurement is used to indicate memory in computer systems. One Gigabyte is 2 to 30th power bytes (Web).

Byte: A storage unit capable of holding a single character. A computer byte isequal to 8 bits (Web).


There are many distinct differences between the three computers evaluated inTable 1. The most obvious to any observer would be the difference in screensize. The Inspiron 15 has a screen size of 15.6”, next the Pavilion dv4t has a

14.1” screen, and lastly the Macbook 13 having the smallest screen at 13.3”.The weights of each of these computers follow the same trend with the Inspiron15 weighing heaviest at 6 pounds to the smallest Macbook 13 weighing just 5pounds.

The three computers have the same Intel Core 2 Duo processor. The Inspiron 15and the MacBook 13 processor is 2.0GHz, while the Pavilion dv4t has a slightlylarger processor size of 2.4GHz. The Inspiron 15 and the MacBook 13 also havethe same 2GB memory, the Pavilion dv4t has a 3GB memory. It is important tonote Dan the Apple sales representative said “a Mac 2GB would work faster thanany competitors 3GB” (Appendix A). After further investigation it was found that a

Mac’s speed is faster than a PC’s when they are equipped with nearly identicalparts including memory and processor (Mac/PC). Each of the computers has adifferent size hard drive; the Inspiron 15 has a 250 GB, the Pavilion dv4t has a320 GB, and the MacBook 13 has a 120GB. The battery life of the threecomputers quoted by each of their sales representatives were 4 hours for theInspiron 15, 3 hours for the Pavilion dv4t, and 4.5 hours for the MacBook 13(Appendix A).


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Each computer is equipped with a wireless card, input and output ports, a DVDburner and web cam with a built in microphone. These computers also comewith a l year warranty which can be extended for an additional fee. Inspiron 15comes with 3 free years of virus protection upon purchase. The Pavilion dv4tcomes with 15 months free virus protection. The MacBook 13 does not need

virus protection. Dan from Apple explained that “Mac’s do not get viruses”(Appendix A). The Inspiron 15 includes installed Microsoft software. Neither thePavilion dv4t nor the MacBook 13 includes this software although the Paviliondv4t can have the software installed for an additional fee. Dan from Applerecommended “going on Amazon.com and purchasing a version for a cheaper price” (Appendix A). The Inspiron 15 is available in three colors; blue, red, andblack. The Pavilion dv4t is available in two colors; black and white. TheMacBook 13 comes in white only.

The cost of each of these computers includes the functions and accessorieslisted in Table 1. The price of the Inspiron 15 is $842. The price of the Pavilion

dv4t is $657. Lastly the price of the MacBook 13 is $949.

Editor reviews on reputable websites show trends with pros and cons of each of the models (Table 2). The pros for the Inspiron 15 are its slim design, lightweight, and affordable price (CNet, PC). The cons for this computer include itsdesign and shape, cheap plastic feel, and short battery life of 2.75 hours (PC,CNet). The Pavilion dv4t pros include its good performance and great price alongwith its good design and body quality (NB, PC, DG). The cons of this computer are its short battery life and high running temperature (PC, DG). The MacBook13 pros include its performance and portability, appealing design and incrediblyfast processor (CNet, DG, PC). The cons of this laptop computer are its smallscreen size and hard drive for similarly priced laptop computers, as well as itsless than expected battery life (CNet).

Reviews from actual buyers were also available on these websites (Table 3). TheInspiron 15 had some positive reviews including one saying the computer was“well built” (CNet). This laptop computer also had many negative reviewsincluding; “I do not recommend this computer”, “very disappointing” and “I havehad severe hardware problems” (PC, CNet). The Pavilion dv4t had manypositive reviews including; “I really enjoy this computer”, “this laptop isoutstanding” and “a great computer for the price” (NB, CNet). One reviewer of this laptop computer said, “I am disappointed with my purchase” (NB). TheMacBook 13 had many reviews online as well. Some reviews that were positivestated; “the best laptop I have ever used”, “a great size and a really great design”and “I have used both Mac’s and PC’s, I’ll pick this Mac any day” (CNet, PC).Some negative reviews said “I have had nothing but problems with thiscomputer”; another said “the integrated graphics are bad” (PC, NB).


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Reliability, attractiveness and price are the most important criterion to Mark, andwill be used to draw conclusions for the best computer in this report. Each of these criteria can be assessed by looking at the findings.

It is hard to determine the reliability of a computer in general because the viewscan be very subjective. Each of the computer companies said that their computer was very reliable (Appendix A). The editor reviews did not comment onreliability because they only review the computer, they do not use the computer on a day to day basis. Due to this the best insight into reliability of a computer isto look at current user reviews (Table 3). This information shows that buyers hadmixed reviews on each of the laptop computers. It is important to note that theInspiron 15 had more user complaints on these websites than the other twolaptop computers. The most notable complaints are the ones about technicaldifficulties. The Pavilion dv4t and the MacBook 13 had far more positive reviews

than negative. It is to difficult to draw definite conclusions based on this databecause it is very subjective. It should be noted when considering these reviewsthat the reviews were taken off reputable websites in an attempt to get the leastbiased opinion of one computer over another. With that being said one mustkeep in mind that not everyone comments to a website about their good or badexperience with a computer. Therefore much of the reliability of this computer will be discovered by oneself after their computer purchase. It is important toremember that all three of these computers come with warranties which will beimportant for ensuring the reliability of each computer should it malfunction. InMarks case he may consider renewing his warranty when it expires.

Attractiveness can be assessed by the editor review (Table 2). The Inspiron 15 isgiven poor reviews for its attractiveness. This model is said to have “cheapplastic” and “a disappointing design and shape” (CNet, PC). Both the Paviliondv4t and the MacBook 13 got rave reviews on their attractive designs.

The prices of these three laptop computers vary but are all under the required$1,000. The Inspiron 15 is priced at $842, the Pavilion dv4t is $657 and theMacBook 13 is $949.


Based on these three criteria the HP Pavilion dv4t appears to be the best choicefor Mark Stanaszek. This laptop computer excels at meeting each of Markscriteria. The Dell Inspiron 15 does not compare because it lacks both reliability bymany current users and attractiveness. The MacBook 13 measures up with thePavilion dv4t in reliability and attractiveness but it can not beat its incredibly lowprice. By purchasing this model instead of the MacBook 13 Mark will save $292.


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The Pavilion dv4t will also get him more for his dollar. It has a larger screen anddouble the hard drive size of the MacBook 13. It also has a larger processor andmemory, although this does not necessarily mean it will run faster (Mac/Pc). Hewill also have the option of a black or white computer depending on hispreference.

This specific model is registered under Mark Stanaszek at Hewlett Packard. Irecommend that Mark Stanaszek call Hewlett Packard and purchase the Paviliondv4t.

Appendix A: A. Interview Questions for Dell Sales Representative Kyle


1. I am looking for an affordable laptop computer for an onlineuniversity student for under $1,000, what do you recommend?


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Kyle (K): “ Will  the student being using it for anything else?” Interviewer (I): “It will be used predominately for school.” 

K: “We specifically customize our computers to fit your needs.

“I am going to recommend the Inspiron 15 and will add an upgraded hard drive to make this computer optimal for a college student. This computer just came out; it is the most popular with the newest parts.” I: “That sounds great.” 

2. What will the total price be for this computer?“This computer is priced at $842.00 and will have everything that a collegestudent needs.” 

3. What are the special features that come with this computer?“This computer comes with a 2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor, a 250GB

hard drive, a wireless card to get Wi-Fi, 2GB memory, a DVD burner, awebcam with a microphone and Microsoft software. All of these will beimportant for a college student.” 

4. What is an Intel Core 2 Duo processor? Why is it important? “This processor is like having a 2 in 1 brain. It allows you to run different 

 programs at the same time without your computer slowing down on you.” 

5. What does the Microsoft software come with?“This software comes with Microsoft Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook email.” 

6. What does this computer look like?“It has a nice size screen which is 13.6”. It weighs about six pounds and comes in a few different color options.

7. What are the color options?“This model comes in three colors blue, red and black. This is nice becauseyou can personalize your computer a little bit! It seems like most people only have black or white computers.” 

8. Does this computer come with virus protection valid for?“Yes, and it is covered for the first three years free of charge. After this you 

have the option of buying it.” 

9. Does this computer come with any type of warranty do you offer?“There is a 1 year warranty that covers: technical support by phone or onlineand in home service technical support which includes free parts and labor.


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You can extend the warranty for a fee when it has expired or for a cheaper rate if you extend it when you buy the computer.” 

10. How long is the battery life on this computer?“This particular model has a four hour battery life.”

11. Can this computer be viewed online?“Yes, go to our website…Dell.com. Go to the search at the top of the screenand type in Inspiron 15, you can view it in all three color options.” 

12. What are some problems that an operator might have when usingthis computer?“A user should be problem free. If there is a problem there is in hometechnical support as well as support by phone or online.” 

13. Do you believe this computer will be reliable for a college student?

“Yes, most definitely.” 

14. Would it be okay to contact you with any further questions?“Yes, absolutely”

B. Interview Questions for HP Sales Representative DanielleThompson

1. I am looking for an affordable laptop computer for an onlineUniversity student for under $1,000, what do you recommend?“I would recommend the HP dv4t. It is very popular among college students.

We also offer a college discount on the computers along with any of our products.”

2. What are the features of this computer?“It comes with a 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor, a 3GB memory, 320 GBhard drive, DVD burner, many ports and a webcam with microphone.

3. How big is this computer?“It weighs 5.63 pounds and has a 14.1 inch screen. It is a great size at areally great size for its price.” 

4. What is the price?“The price of this model after the student discount is $657.00. This is a great 


5. Does your computer come with wireless capabilities?


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“Oh yes, it comes with a wireless card. All of our computers come standardwith this.”

6. Does this computer come with virus protection?“Yes… It is cover for the first fifteen months. After this you can subscribe to

continue service.” 

7. Do you have a warranty? What kind of warranty do you offer?“There is a 1 year warranty on all of our computers. You have the option toextend this warranty for a fee when the warranty has expires or you can pay extra now for an extended warranty.” 

8. What colors does this computer come in?“It is offered in both black and white.” 

9. Does this computer come with Microsoft software?

“You can purchase it for $99.00.”

10. Can this computer be viewed online?“Yes, you can go to our website.” 

11. What are some problems that an operator might have when usingthis computer?

“A user should have no problems with our computers”.

12.Do you believe this is a reliable computer for a college student?“Absolutely, this is our top seller for college students” 

13. Would it be okay to contact you with any further questions?“Yes, please do.” 

C. Interview Questions for Apple Sales Representative DanBergman

1. I am looking for an affordable laptop computer for an onlineuniversity student for under $1,000, what do you recommend?

“The MacBook 13- inch system would work best for this price range it runs at $949.00. My daughter uses this MacBook for school .”

2. What are the features of this computer? (Each feature was inquiredabout if not directly informed)


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“This computer comes with many features a 2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor, 120 GB hard drive, 2GB memory, wireless card, webcam withmicrophone attached, a DVD burner and many ports for connecting an iPod and such.” 

3. Does this computer come with virus protection?“Macs do not get viruses. Because of this our computers do not slow down. I guarantee our 2GB processor will work faster than any competitors 3GB.” 

4. What kind of warranty do you offer?“There is a 1 year warranty on hardware and components. You also get awarranty for 90 day for over the phone questions” 

5. What is the weight and screen size of this computer?“This is a very nice small computer, perfect for a college student to fit in their backpack. It has a 13.3 inch screen and weighs only 5 pounds.” 

 6. What colors does this computer come in?“It comes in white.” 

7. Does this computer come with Microsoft Word?“No, but I would recommend going to Amazon and getting it for cheap.” 

8. This computer has a smaller hard drive than the other computers Ihave looked at, will a student have to be worried about filling up thehard drive?“It would take a lot to fill up this hard drive especially if the main use of this

computer is for school work. If you would run in to this problem which would not likely happen for many years you can change out your hard drive for abigger size.” 

9. Can this computer be viewed online?“Yes, on our website.” 

10. What is the battery life on this computer?“It has a long battery life of up to 4.5 hours.” 

11. What are some problems that an operator might have when usingthis computer?“A user will seldom have problems with any apples. Each component put 

into this system is specifically for that computer. We also use high dollar components unlike any of our competitors this is why our computers are moreexpensive. They are much better quality. You can not compare a Mac to aPC.” 



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12. Do you think this college student will be able to rely on thiscomputer for his needs?

  “Of course, my daughters works wonderfully.” 

13. Would it be okay to contact you with any further questions?


D. Interview with Mark Stanaszek 

1. What exactly are you looking for in a new laptop computer?“I am looking for something that is reliable. My current computer is very oldand I feel like it could die on me any day, it takes forever to turn on andsometimes shuts off on me. I really want a laptop so that I can go to coffeeshops or to the park and do my homework.”

2. Do you have any specific computer in mind?“I really don’t, I have not really been looking all that much. I really just wantsomething that is going to get me through school without costing me afortune. I definitely can not afford anything over $1,000; I am on a seriousbudget!”

3. Is there any feature in a computer that you want, like a specificscreen size, color, style?

“I do want something that doesn’t look cheap if it’s possible for my pricerange. I don’t want to be embarrassed of my computer! I also don’t want a

really big or really small computer just something in between.”

4. Are you going to be using this computer for anything other thanschool like gaming etc.?

“No basically just for school and to go on the internet. I am definitely not agamer.”

5. Is there anything else you can think of that may be of importance toin a computer?

“ I don’t think so, I don’t really know a lot about computers so I just want tomake sure I get one that will be good for keeping all of my school information

and allows me to get on the internet…. That sort of stuff.”

6. OK, well if you think of anything else let me know.“I will.”


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Works Cited

1. CNet.com. 05 Feb. 2008. CNet Reviews. 14 Apr. 2009 .http://reviews.cnet.com/ (CNet)

2. PCMag.com . 03 Apr. 2009. Product Guides. 14 Apr. 2009.http://www.pcmag.com/category2.asp. (PC)

3. Notebookreview.com . 07 Apr. 2009. Notebook and News Reviews 16 Apr.2009. http://forum.notebookreview.com/forumdisplay. (NB)


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4. Digitgeek.com . 26 Oct. 2008. Hardware Reviews and Tutorial. 16 Apr.2009. http://www.digitgeek.com/laptop-review. (DG)

5. Intel.com . 2 Dec. 2008. Intel Core 2 Duo Processor. 16 Apr. 2009.http://www.intel.com/products/processor/core2duo/index.htm. (Intel)

6. Webopedia.com . 1 Jan. 2009. Terms. 16 April 2009.http://www.webopedia.com. (Web)

7. Consumerreasearch.com . 2 Nov. 2008. Mac vs. PC.http://www.consumersearch.com/mac-vs-pc. (Mac/PC)

8. Johnston, Kyle. Personal interview. 8 April 2009.

9. Thompson, Danielle. Personal interview. 8 April 2009.

10.Bergstrom, Dan. Personal interview. 8 April 2009.

11. Stanaszek, Mark. Personal interview 1 April 2009.