Limiting configuration in dislocation glide through a random array of point obstacles Kenton Hanson and J. W. Morris Jr. Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 46, 983 (1975); doi: 10.1063/1.321718 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.321718 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/46/3?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Statistical theory of dislocation configurations in a random array of point obstacles J. Appl. Phys. 48, 4550 (1977); 10.1063/1.323478 Estimation of the critical resolved shear stress for dislocation glide through a random mixture of distinct obstacles J. Appl. Phys. 46, 2378 (1975); 10.1063/1.321917 Thermally activated dislocation glide through a random array of point obstacles: Computer simulation J. Appl. Phys. 45, 2027 (1974); 10.1063/1.1663541 Statistics of the thermally activated glide of a dislocation through a random array of point obstacles J. Appl. Phys. 44, 4882 (1973); 10.1063/1.1662057 Motion of a Dislocation Acted on by a Viscous Drag through an Array of Discrete Obstacles J. Appl. Phys. 42, 5273 (1971); 10.1063/1.1659936 [This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 17:02:41

Limiting configuration in dislocation glide through a random array of point obstacles

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Page 1: Limiting configuration in dislocation glide through a random array of point obstacles

Limiting configuration in dislocation glide through a random array of point obstaclesKenton Hanson and J. W. Morris Jr. Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 46, 983 (1975); doi: 10.1063/1.321718 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.321718 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/46/3?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Statistical theory of dislocation configurations in a random array of point obstacles J. Appl. Phys. 48, 4550 (1977); 10.1063/1.323478 Estimation of the critical resolved shear stress for dislocation glide through a random mixture of distinctobstacles J. Appl. Phys. 46, 2378 (1975); 10.1063/1.321917 Thermally activated dislocation glide through a random array of point obstacles: Computer simulation J. Appl. Phys. 45, 2027 (1974); 10.1063/1.1663541 Statistics of the thermally activated glide of a dislocation through a random array of point obstacles J. Appl. Phys. 44, 4882 (1973); 10.1063/1.1662057 Motion of a Dislocation Acted on by a Viscous Drag through an Array of Discrete Obstacles J. Appl. Phys. 42, 5273 (1971); 10.1063/1.1659936

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Page 2: Limiting configuration in dislocation glide through a random array of point obstacles

Limiting configuration in dislocation glide through a random array of pOint obstacles

Kenton Hanson and J. W. Morris Jr.

Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720 and Inorganic Materials Research Division, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley California 94720 (Received 28 August 1974)

We consider a dislocation in glide through a random array of point obstacles. Several important phenomena, including the critical resolved shear stress at zero temperature and the velocity of thermally activated glide at low temperature or at stress near the critical resolved shear stress, are known to be strongly influenced by the properties of the most stable obstacle configuration encountered by the dislocatton during glide. We devise a limiting technique to estimate the mechanical strength, the distribution of forces, and the mean dislocation segment length in this configuration. The estimates are in good agreement with results obtained from computer-simulated glide through an array of 104 points.


As in the earlier papers of this series, 1-3 we con­sider the planar glide of a dislocation, idealized as a flexible extensible string of constant line tenSion, through a random array of identical immobile obstacles which act as point barriers to dislocation glide. In the following we develop formulas which are useful in ap­proximating the properties of the most stable configura­tion which the dislocation can assume during glide through the obstacle array at a given value of the re­solved shear stress. The properties of these most stable configurations are central to a theory of disloca­tion glide since they determine the critical resolved shear stress for planar glide at zero temperature and have a dominant influence on the velocity of thermally activated glide when the temperature is small or when the resolved shear stress is close to its critical value.

The assumptions and baSic equations used below are specializations of those introduced in Ref. 1. The glide plane of the dislocation is taken to be a square contain­ing a random (Poisson) distribution of point obstacles whose density is given by the mean area (a) per point or by the characteristic length la = a1 /2. The area of the array may be written in dimensionless form: A* =A/a = n, where n is the expected number of obstacles con­tained. The dislocation is modeled as a flexible exten­sible string of constant line· tension r with Burgers vector b, of magnitude b, in the glide plane. The re­solved shear stress (1') impelling glide may be written in dimensionless form:

1'* = 1'lsb/2r. (1. 1)

Let the dislocation, under the applied stress 1'*, en­counter a configuration of point obstacles denoted by i (Fig. 1). Between two adjacent obstacles the dislocation will take the form of a circular arc of dimensionless radius R* (= 1/21'*). If the distance between any two adjacent obstacles along i exceeds 2R* or if the disloca­tion line anywhere intersects itself, then configuration i ia· transparent to the dislocation and will be mechani­cally bypassed. If i is not transparent, its mechanical stability is governed by the strength of the dislocation­obstacle interaction.

At the kth obstacle on i the dislocation line forms the

983 Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 46, No.3, March 1975

asymptotic angle lJ1(O ~ l/Jt ~ 1T). The force Ft that the dislocation exerts on the kth obstacle is, in dimension­less form, 2

M = Ft/2r = cos(tlJ1), (1. 2)

where 0 ~ M ~ 1. The mechanical strength of the obstacle is measured by the dimensionless parameter 13 (or angle l/J) and corresponds to the maximum for~e the obstacle can sustain without being cut or locally bypassed. A nontransparent line configuration of ob­stacles constitutes a mechanically stable barrier to the glide of a dislocation under stress 1'* if f3t < 13c for all obstacles k on i, hence if {3, < i3c' where {3, is the maxi­mum of the M.

As is discussed in Ref. 1, the set of nontransparent obstacle configurations within a given array of obstacles is uniquely determined by the dimensionless applied stress 1'* which fixes the dimensionless bowout radius R* of the arc of dislocation line connecting adjacent obstacles. The mechanical stability of the ith of these configurations is characterized by the maximum 13, of the forces exerted on it by the dislocation. Let the 13, be ordered in an increasing sequence. Then 13" the minimum of the {3" characterizes the configuration of greatest mechanical stability. 131 is determined by r* and may easily be seen to be a monotonically increasing function of r*. The form of the function, as determined by computer Simulation, is shown in Ref. 3.

(k-I. il

h--Rondomly distributed obstacles

. / FIG. 1. Detail of mechanical equilibrium in the ith obstacle configuration.

Copyright © 1975 American Institute of Physics 983

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Page 3: Limiting configuration in dislocation glide through a random array of point obstacles

The function J31(T*) [or, equivalently, its inverse T*(j31)] specifies the critical resolved shear stress for athermal glide through an array of obstacles of strength J3c. When 131 < j3c the dislocation will be pinned by at least one obstacle configuration within the array which must be passed by thermal activation. Hence, when (31 (T*) = (3c, T* = T:.

The set {J3f} contains the forces exerted on the most stable configuration. When the number of obstacles N1 in configuration 1 is large, we assume that the distribu­tion of forces may be represented by a normalized den­sity function, Pi «(3, T*), such that the number of ob­stacles having {3f in the range {3, {3+ d{3 is N1P({3, T*)d{3, with p({3, T*)=O when (3> (31(T*). The form of the function p({3, T*) has been determined by computer Simulation, and is given in Ref. 3.

The distribution of forces along the most stable con­figuration strongly influences the velocity of thermally activated glide at high stress (T* -T:) or low tempera­ture. 3 In either case the velocity of glide is largely determined by the expected reSidence time of the dis­location in its most stable configuration. This residence time is a function of the distribution of forces. 1

In the current literature the most stable configuration is often approximated by a simple model proposed by Friedel4 to treat thermally activated glide at high tem­perature and low stress. Fleischer and Hibbard5 sug­gested that the same model might be applied to the strength-determining configuration in low-temperature glide at low stress. The pinning configuration is apprOXimated by a straight line of equispaced points whose separation is determined by the condition that the dislocation sweep through a dimensionless area (A *) equal to one in cutting an obstacle. The model yields, in our notation

(31 = (T*)2/3,

P1 (13;T*) = 6(13 - (J1),

l* = (1"*>-1/3,

(1. 3)

(1. 4)

(1. 5)

where l* is the separation between adjacent obstacles, 6(x) is the Dirac delta function, and 1"* is assumed small.

The utility of the Friedel model was confirmed by the computer-simUlation experiments of Foreman and Makin6 who determined the critical stress for ather mal glide (T:) as a function of obstacle strength (13) for random arrays of up to 4 X 104 points. They found that the inverse of Eq. (1. 3) is a good approximation when the obstacle strength is small. However, a more de­tailed examination3 of the most stable configurations encountered in computer-simUlated glide revealed that the assumptions of the Friedel model are not satisfied. The most stable configuration does not tend toward a straight line of equispaced points at low stress. It re­tains a ~ distribution which differs qualitatively from that predicted by Eq. (1. 4) and has a mean segment length appreciably below that predicted by Eq. (1. 5).

To fully correct the simple Friedel model would re­quire an exact treatment of the most stable configura­tions. For reasons discussed below, the formulation of

984 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 46, No.3, March 1975

an exact treatment is likely to prove a difficult task. We have, however, found an analytic technique for con­structing a limiting configuration which is at least as stable as the most stable configuration in an array of arbitrarily large size. This limiting approach leads to equations for 131 (1"*), P1 (13 ;T*) and (l*)which are in rea­sonable agreement with the results of computer-simUla­tion experiments when the obstacle strength (j3c) is less than about 0.7. The technique and its consequences are developed below.


A. The circle-rolling technique as a branching process

A useful device for locating the stable configurations within a random array of points obstacles is the "circle­rolling" technique described in Ref. 3. The dislocation line between two obstacles (say, k - 1 and k) is the arc of a circle of dimensionless radius R* = 1/(2T *). If k - 1 and k are obstacles of strength j3c in a stable configura­tion at T*, then there must be at least one obstacle (k + 1) in the area swept out by rotating the circle counterclockwise about k through an angle

ec = 1T - <Pc = 2 sin-1(j3). (2.1)

Since this requirement holds for all obstacles on a stable line, the line may be generated by successive circle rolling.

If T* < T:(j3c)' then it must be possible to locate at least one stable configuration by circle rolling. Hence, given ec' if there is a Tt such that this technique de­monstrably cannot yield a stable configuration, then T~?- T: and is a valid upper bound. We find a 1"t by noting the formal similarity between the circle-rolling procedure and the classical branching process in prob­ability theory.

The classical branching process' contains independent events which may produce descendents of like kind, with the number of offspring given by an integer random variable of known distribution. The theory of branching processes estimates the size of the kth generation descended from a single initial event. The asymptotic size of the descendent population is sharply constrained by the extinction theorem of branching processes, which states that if (n) '" 1, where (n) is the expected number of offspring, then the line of descent will necessarily terminate after a finite number of generations.

The circle-rolling technique locates stable configura­tions through a type of branching process. Let the initial or zeroth segment on a configuration be that connecting an obstacle to the left-hand boundary of the array. Then the first segment, if it exists, will connect the first obstacle (1) to a second (2) located in the area (A*) swept by rotating a circle of radius R* through an angle 6c about (1). Each obstacle in A* defines a possible first segment. Since A* is a subarea of an array containing a unit density of Poisson-distributed obstacles the prob­ability that there are exactly v first segments (off­spring) is

(A*)V p(v;A*) = -- exp(- A*). (2.2)


K. Hanson and J.W. Morris, Jr. 984

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Page 4: Limiting configuration in dislocation glide through a random array of point obstacles

FIG. 2. Parametrization of the area searched by circle-rolling to an angle Be = rr.

The expe'cted number of descendents in the first generation is

(n)=A*. (2.3)

Generalizing, the kth segment connects the kth to the (k + l)th obstacle along the dislocation line. The pOssible kth segments of a configuration are the seg­ments which can be successfully found through sequen­tial searches by circle rolling from the initial segment; they belong to the kth generation of descent from (1). Each member of each generation has descendents whose number is governed by p (v;A *) with expectation A *. A given initial segment is on a stable configuration only if it has descendents through a sufficient number of genera­tiORIil to reach acl'o.ss the array. The extinction theorem may be invoked and states that stable configurations cannot exist in an array of arbitrarily large size if

A* .;:1. (2.4)

If the cirCle-rolling technique were a claSSical branch branching process the inequality (2.4) would directly yield the critical stress [T:~e)] for an array of arbitrar­ily large size. However, the circle-rolling technique violates the assumptions of the classical branching process in two ways. First, the descendent segments found by circle rOlling are not always distinct. A partic­ular segment may be obtainable from a given initial segment through more than one path. Second, the de­scendent segments are not always legitimate extensions of the dislocation line. The Circle rolling may find segments which cause the dislocation line to intersect it­self and, hence, violate a necessary condition for mechanical stability. Both these factors reduce the number of valid dislocation segments in the kth genera-

985 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 46, No.3, March 1975

tion below the value estimated by the theory of classical branching processes. The inequality (2.4) still applies, but may be shown to yield ,a serious overestimate of T~ • We obtain a more accurate estimate by modifying the circle-rolling procedure.

B. The limiting configuration obtained through circle rolling

Let a circle of radius R* be rotated counterclockwise through an,angle Be about obstacle k. The new area (A*) swept during this operation is shown in Fig. 2. The area may be described by coordinates () and cp. The lines of constant B are concave arcs generated by the leading edge of the circle as it is rotated. We choose () such that 0 .;: B.;: Be in A*. The lines of constant cp are convex arcs generated by the trailing edge of the circle as it is rotated through an angle 'IT + Be' We choose cp SUch that - 'IT';: cp .;: Be in A*.

The advantage of this parametrization of the search area is the following. Let a point k + 1 be found at (B, cp) within A* (Fig. 3). Then 8 is the angle of rotation be­tween arcs k - 1 and k at point k. Let t,. be a unit tangent vector to arc k - 1 at point k and let tlz+1 be a unit tangent vector to arc k at point k + 1. Then cp gives the angle be­tween t,. and tJz+1. If we now let a dislocation configura­tion (0 be generated by circle rolling left to right then the angle at the kth obstacle is Bt and the direction of the line at the kth obstacle is specified by the accumu­lated value of cp according to the relation

t,. = to expift cp{\ , (2. 5) \ia1 ~

where to is a unity vector perpendicular to the I eft-hand edge of the array and the imaginary axis is taken paral ... leI to the left-hand edge of the array.

Equation (2. 5) yields an important constraint on a stable configuration. If a stable configuration is to con­nect the sides of an array of arbitrarily large size then it is necessary that

1 HI

(CP)I =N I) cp~== 0, (2.6) I bi

!FIG. 3. Diagram illustrating that the angle CPA measures the change in direction of the dislocation line at obstacle (k+l).

K. Hanson and J.W. Morris, Jr. 985

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Page 5: Limiting configuration in dislocation glide through a random array of point obstacles

FIG. 4. Division of the search area Yz) into the limiting area <ao> and the excess area Yzj) by the coordinate line ¢ = - ¢o.

where N j is the number of obstacles in the configuration. Equation (2. 6) is a weak phrasing of the constraint that a stable dislocation line cannot loop onto itself. It is clearly insufficient, since (cf» = 0 on an arbitrarily long line containing a finite number of loops and also on a line containing equal numbers of loops of positive and negative sense.

We employ the constraint (2.6) along with the extinction theorem of branching processes to establish rci ~ r:(9 e) for an array of arbitrarily large si2;e. Given an ob­stacle strength (ee) let a configuration be generated by circle rolling left to right. We assume a stochastic process, ignoring any illegitimacy or redundancy in descendent segments. Then in each generation the points within the search area A* give possible extensions of the line. These points may only be used in sets which satisfy Eq. (2.6). Letf(e,cf», O~f~l, be the normalized frequency with which a point found at (e, cf» is used to test the continuation of the line. We choose fee, cf» to find the minimum value of R* for which the circle-rolling procedure will not necessarily fail.

Since each search area A * is a subarea of an array having a unit density of Poisson-distributed points, the probability that a point will be found in an element dA * of A* is simple dA*. In terms of the coordinates (e, cf»,

dA* =R*2 since - cf» dcf> de


where daCe, cf» is independent of the radius. Givenf(e, cf» the expected number of descendents in A* is

(n) = (R*)2 J I f(e, cf» daCe, cf» a

and the expected value of the coordinate cf> is

(cf» = (R*)2 = J I cf>f(e, cf» daCe, cf», a



where the area a(ee) is the area swept when a circle of unit radius is rotated through the angle ee; it includes the coordinates (0 ~ e ~ ee' - 7f ~ cf> ~ ee)' If the circle­rolling process is to be successful in an array of large size we must have (n) > 1 and (cf» == O. Incorporating

986 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 46, No.3, March 1975

these constraints and writing R* = 1/(2r *), we have

L == J J fie, cf» daCe, cf» > 4r*2 (2.10) a


(cf» = J J cf>f(e, cf» daCe, cf» = O. (2. 11) a

It follows that

r* < r* == -"-Ll/2 e 0 2 0 , (2. 12)

where Lo is the maximum value of the integral in Eq. (2. 10) under the constraint (2.11).

As shown in the Appendix, L is maximized by the choice

fee, cf»= 1, dawo(ee)

= 0, daEa1 = (a - ao), (2.13)

where ao(ee) (Fig. 4) is the subarea of a(ee) over which cf> ~ - cf>o(e), with cf>o(e) determined by the condition

t e cf>( J dace, cf>)).= t e cf> da(cf» == O. (2.14) ~o ~o

Hence, a limiting configuration is formed by selecting points only from among those found in the limited sub­area R*2ao(e) of A*. The lmiting value of the critical stress is

rt=Hteda(cf>))1/2. (2.15) -40

The distribution of forces and segment lengths may be computed from the distribution of points within ao'

Given the limiting function rt(e), the solution of Eq. (2.15), we may invert to obtain the function ~o(rt), where


The function i3o(rt) places a lower bound on the obstacle strength Se if stable configurations are to. exist at stress

FIG. 5. The limiting parameter "'0(6).

K. Hanson and J.W. Morris, Jr. 986

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Page 6: Limiting configuration in dislocation glide through a random array of point obstacles

- COMPUTER SIMULATION: 'C"I.ge) or ';"(~Jl - - THEORY: ,;" (~o) 0.5

O~~-L ____ ~ __ -L ____ ~ __ -L ____ ~ __ ~

o 0.5 /3

FIG. 6. The limiting stress To({3O> compared to the function T*({3t) obtained by direct computer simulation of glide through arrays of 104 obstacles. The bars include the values of the maximum force ((31) in the most stable configuration encoun­tered in glide through each of ten arrays of 104 points at each value of the stress T* for which a data bar is shown.

T~. Equivalently, it sets a lower bound on the value 131 of the maximum force exerted on the most stable con­figuration encountered in glide through an array of arbitrarily large size at stress Tt.

Before discussing the detailed properties of the limit­ing configurations we should perhaps point out that the precise configuration found by a search confined to R*2ao(9) depends on the starting pOint. Since the angle </> measured between successive tangerts left to right along a configuration differs from that measured right to left, a limiting configuration generated right to left across the array will not be strictly identical to one generated left to right. Still another configuration would be formed by searching toward the two lateral boundaries of the array from an interior point. However the physical properties of the limiting configuration (its strength, distribution of forces, and distribution of segment lengths) are uniquely independent of the starting point.


To compute the properties of the limiting configuration we require the function </>0(9), determined by Eq. (2.14). The differential area

da(</» = t da(9, </» (3.1)


da(</»=1-cos(9c -</», 0~</>~9c

=cos</>-cos(9c-</»' 9c-1r~</>~0

= cos</> +1, -1r~</>.;9c-1r. (3.2)

The function </>o(9c) cannot easily be given in closed form, but is plotted in Fig. 5. In the limit of small 9c

</>0 - k1 9c' (3.3)

987 J. App';Phys., Vol. 46, No.3, March 1975


kl = H<3- 2·[2)1/3 + (3 + 2.f2)1/3 - 1]

==0.3388. (3.4)

Given </>0(9c) the function Tt(9) follows immediately from Eqs. (2.15) and (3.2). The computed function Tt(t3 0) is compared to the function T:U3c) obtained from computer-simulation experiment in Fig. 6. The agree­ment between the two curves is good over the range 0 ~ 13 ~ O. 7, which exceeds the range of obstacle strengths which recent theoretical work (Bacon, Kocks, and Scat­tergood8

) suggests is physically meaningful. For J3 > O. 7 the theoretical curve diverges from that obtained by computer experiment, eventually approaching the limit Tt = (~1T)1/2 at 130 = 1. O. This divergence is not surpris­ing since dislocation looping becomes important at high stress, but is not properly aceounted for in the deriva­tion of Eq. (2.15). The problem of "overlap", or indis­tinguishability of descendants, may also be more serious when T* is large.

In the limit of small obstacle strength, Tt is given by the relation

(Tt)2 = -sir(3x2 + 6x + 13 + 6x-1 + 3x-2) 93c


where x = (3 + 2.f2)1/3. This equation may be rewritten

(Tt) = k2(3 0)3/2 = O. 8871(130)3/2 (3.6)

which differs from the Friedel relation (1. 3) only through a multiplicative constant. Both the agreement and disagreement between Eqs. (1. 3) and (3.6) deserve comment. The agreement in functional form is not fortuitous. Virtually any technique for searching an array by rolling or bowing a circle of radius R* through a small angle 9 c leads to a search area proportional to (R*)29~, and will, hence, yield an equation which differs from Eq. (1. 3) only through a multiplicative constant. Regarding the diagreement, note that what we have ob­tained here is an upper bound on the value of T: in an array of arbitrarily large size, which lies below the Friedel limit by -11 %. This result may be possibly questioned on the grounds that Tt also lies below the data obtained from computer simulation (Fig. 6) when 13 is small. One should, however, recognize that the number of obstacles on the most stable configuration in a finite array is small, where T* is small and increases with array size n only as In. Hence, the asymptotic relation obtained from computer simulation in arrays of tractable size will tend to overestimate T: for an array of infinite size.

The normalized distribution of foces along the limit­ing configuration may be computed from the relation

p(9,T*)d8=R*2J·da(9,</», (3.7) where p(8" T*) is the distribution of angles 8, in the limiting configuration at stress Tt. Using Eq. (2.7) and assigning appropriate limits to the integral we obtain

p(8, T"') 'e=;: R*2[l_ eos(8 + </>0)]' tPo ~ 1r - ec

=2R*2, 8;~8~1r-</>0, </>o~1T-ec

= R'l'lfl ... cos(o + 4>0>]. '1r~ </>o?- o?- 0, C/>{)?- 1r - 9c •


K. Hanson and J.W. Morris, Jr. 987

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Page 7: Limiting configuration in dislocation glide through a random array of point obstacles


, , , , ,

°0~--~0~~--rO~.5~0~-r0~.7~5--~L~ono~ (13/130 )

0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 ~~--~0~.2~5--~0~.~~--~=---~~~

10) 1:*' 01

(13/130 )

(b).", 0.3 (13//30)

(c) .*, 0.5

FIG. 7. The distribution of forces in the limiting configuration compared to histograms obtained through direct computer simula­tion of glide through arrays of 10' points. The limiting forces (j3J are 130= 0.2322 at T* = 0.1, f:lo = 0.4751 at T* = O. 3, 130= O. 6526 at T*= O. 5.

For the range of interest here, 0",; /30"'; O. 7, CPo is less than (1T - (Jc)' and only the first form is important. Since /3 = Sin(~(J),

dB p(/3;r*) == pee. 1"*) d/3

= 2R*2{(I_ /32)-1/2[1_ (1- 2/32) cosCPo] + 2/3 sincpo},

(3.9) where we have assumed cP 0 ",; 1T - (J c' This distribution is; of course, sharply cut off at /30' It is uniquely fixed by either rS or f3 0 since either is sufficient to determine the radius R*, the angle CPo, and the maximum /30'

The theoretical distribution (3. 9) is compared to computer-generated distributions at r* = O. 1, O. 3, and O. 5 in Fig. 7. The empirical distributions were obtained by superimposing the forces found on the most stable configurations in 10 arrays of 104 obstacles. The fit seems good. The slight discrepancy near the cutoff value of the theoretical distribution [f3o(tO")] is due to the fact that the configurations found by the computer have a distribution of f31 values near /30'

In the limit of small obstacle strength (or, equivalent­ly, low stress) the density of forces takes the form

p(/3;r*) = [(/3/f30) +ktl2(k~/3otl, /3 </30« 1, (3.10)

where k2 is defined in Eq. (3.6) and kl in Eq. (3.4). Note that this limiting distribution can be recast in the form


which is independent of r* or f3o• In earlier work3 we deduced that the function p(f3/ f3t) might be stress indepen­dent. While Eq •. (3.9) suggests that this inference is not strictly correct, Eq •. (3.11) argues that it becomes cor­rect when T* is small •. In fact, Eq. (3.9) deviates from its .asymptotic form (3. 11) by no more than 3% at rci = O. 5. Equation (3. 11) is quite accurate over the whole range of interest here.

988 J. Appl. PhY5., Vol. 46, No.3, March 1975

The normalized distribution of segment lengths, p(l*,1"*), may be found by expressing l* as a function of (J and cP and finding the differential subarea of ao over which l* is constant. The result is, for CPo"'; 1T - (Jc.

p(t*,r*)=l*(Jc, O"';l*"';l'

=l*[(Jc+ CPo- 2 sin-1 (l*/2R *)J, l~"'; l*"'; l", (3.12)


l' = 2R* sin(~cpo),

l" = 2R* sin[!«(Jc+ CPo)]. (3.13)

The mean segment length, <1(1"*», is the quantity which is usually compared to the Friedel relation (1. 5). Using Eq. (3.12),


<1(1"*»= 1 l*p(l*;T*)dl o

= 'H2R*)3(COS (!cpo)[1 - t cos2 (tcpo»)

- cos[t«(Jc + CPo)} {I - t cos2[ M(Jc + CPo)}}). (3.14)

The calculated function !.J (1"*» is compared to the func­tion (l(r*» obtained through computer simulation in Fig. 8. The empirical curve was found by averaging the segment lengths along the most stable configuration in each of 10 arrays of 104 obstacles at each value of 1"* for which a cj.ata bar is shown. The calculated curve closely fits the empirical data. Both curves lie below the prediction of the Friedel model. When T* or (Jc is small, !.J(r*» is approximated by the asymptotic relation

<I (T*» - tk23[ (1 + k1)4 - k~](t(Jc>-1/2

=0. 764 (t(Jct1/2

==0. 734 (T*,-1 13 (3.15)

which suggests that the Friedel relation overestimates the asymptotic (J(T*» by about 33%. The two relations are, however, identical in functional form.

While the model developed here yields an excellent

K. Hanson and J.W. Morris, Jr. 988

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Page 8: Limiting configuration in dislocation glide through a random array of point obstacles







I , , I , I , \ , , ,

\ \ \ \





\ , '" '" "- "- ...

' ............... ------

O~--~----~--~----~----~--~ o 02 0.4 0.6


FIG. 8. The mean segment length (1(T*» in the limiting config­uration compared to that predicted by the F'riedel relation [Eq. U. 5)1 and that determined by direct computer simulation of glide through arrays of 104 points. The data bars include the mean segment length in the most stable configuration in each of 10 arrays of 104 points at each value of the stress for which a data bar is shown.

fit to the mean segment length (l(T*), it is less suc­cessful in matching the distribution of segment lengths. The density function p(l*;T*) calculated from Eq. (3.12) is compared to that obtained from computer simulation in Fig. 9. The empirical curve was determined by com­piling the segment lengths found along the most stable configuration in each of 10 arrays of 104 points at T* = = 0.1. The calculated curve correctly predicts that p(l*) is zero when l* is significantly larger than (l), hence over most of the available range 0 < l* < 2R*. However, the theoretical curve does not correctly reproduce the shape of the empirical distribution. It is not clear whether this discrepancy principally results from the approximations involved in the theoretical model or from the finite size of the arrays used to generate the empirical distribution.


The authors are grateful to Dale H. Klahn for helpful discussions during the formulation of this problem. This work was supported by the Atomic Energy Commis­sion through the Inorganic Materials Research Division of the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.

989 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 46, No.3, March 1975



pll*) ~-,



, \ \ \ \ \



\ \ \ \ \ \ I

"C- • 0.1

2R*· 10


6.0 8.0 0.0

FIG. 9. The distribution of segment lengths in the limiting con­figuration at T* = 0.1 compared to a histogram determined by direct computer simulation of dislocation glide through arrays of 104 points at T* = 0.1. The mean segment length q,*) is 1.572 in the limiting distribution compared to 1.493 for the histogram.


We wish to choose f( B, cp) such that the integral

L = J J f( B, cp) 00 (B, cp ) a

is maximized subject to the constraints

f(B,cp)~ 1,

J J cpf(B, cp)OO(B, cp)=O, a




where a is the search area of Fig. 2, defined by 0 ~ B ~ Bc, - 7r ~ cp ~ Bc. The solution is


= 0, OOEa1 = (a -ao), (A4)

where ao is the subarea defined by 0 ~ B ~ Be, - CPo ~ cp ~ Bc, with CPo determined by the condition

tCcp<fcOO(B,cp))=fccpda(cp)=O. (A5) -~o 0 -~o

The proof is straightforward. Let q(6, cp) be a piece­wise continuous function, 0 ~ q ~ 1, such that

f(8, cp)= 1-q(8. cp), OOEao

and define

Lo= J J 00(8, cp). ao


L- Lo= t::.L =J1 - J o,


J1=lJqda?-O. at

K. Hanson and J.W. Morris, Jr.






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Page 9: Limiting configuration in dislocation glide through a random array of point obstacles

From Eqs. (A3) and (A5)

K j = I J {- ¢)qda. 41



It follows from the mean value theorem and the con­dition ¢o";;: (- ¢) ,,;;: 7T in al that


where N~ O. Similarly,


where M~ O. Equations (A10) and (A9) then require that M,,;;: ¢o and


990 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 46, No.3, March 1975

Hence ~L,,;;: 0 for arbitrary q(B, ¢). The equality holds only if q = 0, which establishes Eq. (A4).

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4J. Friedel, Dislocations (Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1969), p. 224.

sP. L. Fleischer and W.R. Hibbard, in The Relation Between the Structure and Mechanical Properties of Metals (fl. M. Stationary Office, London, 1963), p. 262.

sA.J.E. Foreman and M.J. Makin, Philos. Mag. 14, 911 (1966).

7W. Feller, An Introduction to Probability Theory and its Ap­plications, 2nd ed. (Wiley, New York, 1957), Vol. I.

8D.J. Bacon, V.F. Kocks, andR.O. Scattergood, Philos. Mag. 28, 1241 (1973).

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