Lightweight Enterprises January 25, 2016 Dr. Andrew Rawicz School of Engineering Science Simon Fraser University Burnaby, British Columbia V5A 1S6 RE: ENSC 440 Project Proposal for Automated Drink Dispensing System Dear Dr Rawicz, The attached document, Proposal for Automated Drink Dispensing System, provides an overview of our capstone project. The goal is to design a software controlled drink dispensing system using electronic control, mechanical design, and software design techniques. The purpose of this proposal is to provide a summary of our prototype, explain the main components of the system, introduce a proposed budget, and provide information on the scheduling and deadlines associated with the project. Lightweight Enterprises consists of 3 talented senior design students: Noel Barron, Luke Mulder, and Ben Hieltjes. If you have any concerns or inquiries related to our proposal, please do not hesitate to contact our Head of Communications and CFO, Noel Barron, by email at [email protected]. Sincerely, Luke Mulder CEO Lightweight Enterprises Enclosure: Project Proposal for Automatic Drink Dispensing System

Lightweight Enterprises - Simon Fraser Universitywhitmore/courses/ensc305/projects… ·  · 2016-01-27overview of our capstone project. ... system using electronic control, mechanical

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Lightweight Enterprises

January 25, 2016

Dr. Andrew Rawicz

School of Engineering Science

Simon Fraser University

Burnaby, British Columbia

V5A 1S6

RE: ENSC 440 Project Proposal for Automated Drink Dispensing System

Dear Dr Rawicz,

The attached document, Proposal for Automated Drink Dispensing System, provides an

overview of our capstone project. The goal is to design a software controlled drink dispensing

system using electronic control, mechanical design, and software design techniques.

The purpose of this proposal is to provide a summary of our prototype, explain the main

components of the system, introduce a proposed budget, and provide information on the

scheduling and deadlines associated with the project.

Lightweight Enterprises consists of 3 talented senior design students: Noel Barron, Luke

Mulder, and Ben Hieltjes. If you have any concerns or inquiries related to our proposal, please

do not hesitate to contact our Head of Communications and CFO, Noel Barron, by email at

[email protected].


Luke Mulder


Lightweight Enterprises

Enclosure: Project Proposal for Automatic Drink Dispensing System

Automated Drink Dispensing System


Lightweight Enterprises

Project Team: Noel Barron

Luke Mulder

Ben Hieltjes

Contact Person: Noel Barron

[email protected]

Submitted to: Dr. Andrew Rawicz - ENSC 440

Steve Whitmore - ENSC 305

School of Engineering Science

Simon Fraser University

Issue Date: January 25, 2015

Revision 1.0

Lightweight Enterprises

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Executive Summary

According to IBIS World’s market research report, Canada’s bars and nightclub industry has an

annual revenue of three billion dollars. IBISWorld also estimates that for every $1.00 the

industry spends on wages, $0.09 is required for capital equipment, including the use and

replacement of buildings and fittings [1]. With our product Bartini, any business can redistribute

these funds and greatly increase their net profits.

Here in Lightweight Enterprise we design our product Bartini to deliver delicious, enjoyable

cocktails tailored to the needs of the consumer. Given a user-friendly interface, making the

perfect, precise drink has never been easier. The graphic user interface will be hosted in a

Raspberry Pi and will be brought to life using Python. With a press of a button, the user can

choose and customize a drink from a pre-set menu. Once selected, Bartini will then dispense

the necessary ingredients into a mixing mechanism visible to the consumer. Base liquids will be

taken from a cooled enclosure and brought through a series of tube, while the spirits are

displayed in the front in a carousel and dispensed directly into the mixing chamber. The transfer

of liquids would be accomplished primarily through gravity flow and will be regulated by servo-

controlled valves.

The Bartini is targeted towards various venues such as bars, clubs, restaurants, hotels, and

even homes. Currently, there are similar products in production and in the market but they tend

to be large, obtrusive, and more importantly expensive machines. We differentiate ourselves

from the competition with our relatively inexpensive, modular, and scalable design. In this

document, we will discuss in more detail the design details, costs, and possible problems that

we may encounter.

Lightweight Enterprises is consisted of three fourth year Simon Fraser University engineering

students. Each of us has a concentration in different fields including electronics, computer, and

systems. We possess a varying set of skills necessary for the production of our prototype, such

as circuit design and analysis, software programming, and mechanical design. Within the next

three months and with a budget of approximately $1070, we expect the construct the initial

prototype of our design; focussing on modularity and scalability for future expansions.

Lightweight Enterprises

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Table of Contents

List of Figures .............................................................................................................................................. iv

List of Tables ................................................................................................................................................ iv

Glossary ....................................................................................................................................................... iv

1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 1

2.0 Scope ...................................................................................................................................................... 2

2.1 Alternative Design Solutions .............................................................................................................. 3

2.2 Proposed Design Solutions ................................................................................................................. 6

2.3 Risks .................................................................................................................................................. 12

2.4 Benefits ........................................................................................................................................... 12

3.0 Market Overview ................................................................................................................................ 13

4.0 Project Planning .................................................................................................................................. 14

4.1 Timeline ............................................................................................................................................ 15

4.2 Milestones ........................................................................................................................................ 15

5.0 Cost Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 16

5.1 Proposed Budget .............................................................................................................................. 16

5.2 Funding and Resources .................................................................................................................... 16

6.0 Company Profile .................................................................................................................................... 17

7.0 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................. 18

References .................................................................................................................................................. 19

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List of Figures

SolidWorks Concept Model - Overview of System References .................................................................... 1

Bartender Flow Chart References ................................................................................................................. 2

SolidWorks Concept Model - Carousel References ...................................................................................... 6

SolidWorks Concept Model - Dispensing Mechanism ................................................................................ 7

SolidWorks Concept Model - Mixing Chamber ............................................................................................ 8

SolidWorks Concept Model - Motor Mechanisms ....................................................................................... 8

SolidWorks Concept - Dispensing Chamber ................................................................................................. 9

System Interaction Diagram ....................................................................................................................... 10

Basic I/O Control Flow Diagram ................................................................................................................. 11

Somabar Machine ...................................................................................................................................... 13

Monsieur Automated Drink Machine ........................................................................................................ 14

Gantt Chart ................................................................................................................................................. 15

Milestone Chart ......................................................................................................................................... 15

List of Tables

Projected Project Costs .............................................................................................................................. 16


Raspberry Pi – A small computer containing a low-power microprocessor, various inputs/output

devices, expandable memory, and capabilities of running an operating system.

Servo – A miniature rotary actuator consisting of a motor driving a train of reduction gears.

Lightweight Enterprises

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1.0 – Introduction

With a menu of over twenty thousand different cocktails and mixed drinks, many overlook the

complexity that mixology entails. The art of mixology requires the person preparing the drinks to

have significant knowledge regarding both the tools and ingredients necessary.

Our goal is to alleviate the stresses and hardships that an average restaurant/hotel staff

member goes through. With our device, the need to know of each ingredient and method of

preparation of the plethora of mixed drinks simply disappears. This would remove the staff’s

responsibility over the production of the drinks and reduce their work to simply refilling the

machine occasionally. With a convenient interface, the user/customer is given free rein to

choose from a conceptually limitless menu with the insurance that every drink made is

consistent to its pre-set design.

In the next three months, a working prototype of our product Bartini will be delivered. As figure 1

indicates, our product will feature a carousel where the spirits will be stored, and a closed,

cooled storage in the back where a number of base drinks will be stored. The user interface will

ideally be placed in a touch screen panel located at the left side of the mixer chamber.

Figure 1: SolidWorks Concept Model - Overview of System

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2.0 - Scope

The purpose of our machine is to perform all the functions of a bartender. A bartender’s main

duties can be broken into taking drink orders, mixing the drink and being visually entertaining. A

flow chart of a typical order can be seen below. There are many different ways in which to

accomplish each stage of the process. Alternatives to all these tasks will be presented along

with the chosen design and the reasons it was chosen over the others.

Figure 2: Bartender Flow Chart

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2.1 - Design Solutions

Taking the Drink Order

In order to interact with the customer the machine must have some input/output. There are two

categories of I/O used for an application like this touch/tactile feedback and sound/voice

commands. Sound can be immediately dismissed as it requires advanced software to process

voice commands into usable input and would be too expensive and hard given the time

constraints and the size of our group. Tactile input however is much easier to implement and

much more common in consumer electronics. The simplest method of receiving the order

through touch would be to have buttons corresponding to each drink choice like a vending

machine. Digitizing button presses are trivial and the chance for the user making a mistake is

small. The largest drawback of buttons is the lack of customizability. If a bar or restaurant wants

to purchase our product have limited choices in a menu especially if the establishment is

famous for a special kind of drink would be a huge drawback. A better tactile input would be a

touch screen which can be totally customized to fit any requirements of the client. The only

drawback is that the software implementation is not trivial. However given the availability of

open source software and relatively low cost of high resolution touch screens it is the best


Displaying the UI

There are three main types of touch screen technologies to choose from for a system such as

this. An iPad connected through a serial port. This has the benefits of having a sleek and

responsive interface which add to the user experience but would require either us providing the

iPad with the system which would add immensely to the cost or require the client to provide their

own iPad. Another option is to use app based interface where the user connects to the device

with their phone and selects and pays for their drinks all within the app. Given the widespread

use of phones limiting the use of the machine to only those who have a phone shouldn’t be an

issue. The problems an app only machine presents is making sure that if there are many orders

placed that there is no confusion about who uses the machine next and if someone places an

order and then does not pick it up that it could be ignored and not lock down the machine. The

last option is to use a built-in touch screen using off the shelf displays. Now that open source

platforms like Raspberry Pi are widely available and low cost it would now be difficult to make a

custom user interface that could be seamlessly integrated into the system. Having a built-in

screen means there would be no ordering confusion and interesting graphics could be displayed

to entertain while the pouring and mixing procedures are taking place. It would also aid in the

debugging of software as we could monitor the status of the system through the built-in screen.

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Pouring Ingredients into Shaker

The biggest mechanical design challenge in the system is devising a way of moving liquids

quickly and easily by computer control. The two main solutions found in competing devices are

using pump systems or gravity fed systems. Using pumps to move the liquid around allows the

bottles and containers to be placed anywhere and in any orientation which can reduce the

amount of space that the device takes up. The disadvantage is that pumps are either cheap and

very slow or fast and very expensive. The pumps that were within budget and met food safe

requirements had flow rates so slow that pouring a single drink could take anywhere from 1 - 5

minutes. This wait time would significantly impact the user experience and the number of drink

which could be sold in a given time period. Gravity fed systems flow rates however do not

depend on expensive pumps but on valves to regulate flow and the diameter of the valve

determines how fast the liquids can be dispensed. The most common gravity fed designs use a

linear conveyer belt to move the glass under different liquids which are then released into the

glass by a valve. All the different liquids are arranged side by side and take up a lot of counter

space. It also limits the number of different kinds of liquids because a line of 16 bottles would be

impractical in terms of width and the time it takes to move from bottle to bottle. An alternative to

the conveyer system is to have all the bottle bunched into a cluster to conserve space but then it

is difficult to identify what liquid is being dispensed which impacts the user experience. The

design chosen is a carousel system in which bottle are mounted on a rotating platform so that

the user can see what exactly is going into their drink and the movement adds to visual interest.

In addition the clustering of bottles reduces the real estate that the system takes up. However

because large volumes of base liquid like water and soda would be impractical to mount on the

carousel large reservoirs are mounted in an enclosed container at the back. This is not ideal but

because the base liquids are unbranded anyway the user experience shouldn’t be impacted.

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Cooling of the Liquid

The temperature of a drink is critical to the taste and overall enjoyment of a drink. It is also

difficult to implement mechanical systems that could use ice in the same way that a regular

bartender does. Adding ice to the drink during mixing, straining it out during pouring and then

dumping it out afterwards would require either a massive reservoir of ice or a very fast ice

making machine which in itself would significantly increase the cost and space requirements of

the machine. This is not to mention the kind of machinery involved in moving the ice around to

where it is needed. For these reasons no low cost commercial systems use ice within the

system. Almost universally chilling is done within the machine by refrigerating all liquids before

dispensing occurs. Often times chilling is not even done and the user is expected to add ice to

their glass afterward. But adding ice afterward limits the number of drinks possible because

martinis for example don’t contain ice as they would be diluted and ruined otherwise. Therefore

a refrigeration unit will be used within the enclosure which will chill the base liquids. This poses

a problem for drink that only contain alcohol and not base liquids. The carousel system prevents

the alcohols from being chilled however so the chilling must occur in the mixing chamber. By

circulating cold air around the chamber and making the chamber out of metal for better

conduction during mixing heat will taken out of the drink to cool it.

Mixing of the Drink and Cleaning the Chamber

All drinks require some form of mixing to be complete which is why they are called mixed drinks.

Many existing products however skip this part and expect the user to mix the drink themselves

after everything has been dispensed. This is because introducing mixing functionality presents

several issues. If mixing preformed by the machine after all the ingredients have been

dispensed into the glass there must be a way of lowering some kind of implement into the glass

and stirring the liquid. Making something that can raise and lower into a glass that would be

compatible with all types of glasses would be either expensive or fragile. The other option is to

have a sub chamber that collects everything before it is poured into the glass which would

contain a blender like attachment to stir or shake the drink. This adds complexity and cost but

more replicates the actions of a bartender which is why it is used in our design. Introducing the

mixing chamber causes the problem of tainting the next drink with remaining liquid from the

previous drink so a rinse cycle must performed after each drink is dispensed. This rinse cycle is

exactly the same step that a bartender would have to do which is why the added complexity is


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2.2 - Proposed Design Solution

The automated bartender system is a multidisciplinary engineering project with mechanical,

electronic, software, and control based components. The design and execution of such a project

requires understanding of how the various systems interact with one another and the various

problems that are likely to arise during the prototyping process.

Pouring the Liquids

The method chosen for dispensing the liquids was a carousel for brand name alcohols and large

reservoirs at the back to store the mixers like water, soda, tonic water, orange juice etc. The

carousel will be constructed so that as many different types of bottles can be used. This is done

by using a rubber stopper for the lip of the bottle to go over when interfacing with the dispensing

system. The chassis will be made of upright hollow aluminum bars welded onto circular disks

with the three spokes cut out seen below. A long shaft will then connect to the two disks and slot

into the enclosure where a stepper motor will provide rotational movement through bicycle

gears. The reservoirs inside the enclosure will be constructed from 2L bottles flipped upside

down so that the neck can be mounted on wooden slots and connected to pipes into the mixing


Figure 3: SolidWorks Concept Model - Carousel

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Each of the eight places on the carousel will be regulated by a valve. The most readily available

and cheap valve that also give a high flow rate is one from a water cooler. The whole rubber

stopper assembly terminated with a water cooler valve and be seen in figure 4. To trigger the

valve, when the selected bottle is overhead the mixing chamber funnel, a small metal axel will

be connected to a servo inside the enclosure which will move it up and down. All mixers will be

connected through hoses directly into the mixing chamber. To regulate flow of the mixers inside

the reservoirs the same water cooler valve, each controlled by a separate servo, will be used.

This brings the total of servos used to nine, eight for the reservoir and one for the carousel.

Figure 4: SolidWorks Concept Model - Dispensing Mechanism

Mixing Chamber

Once the all the necessary ingredients have been dispensed mixing can occur. The mixing

chamber consists of a stainless steel enclosure with nine holes from which liquids can enter and

a viewing port on the front made from acrylic so that users can see the drink being mixed. To

agitate the liquid a paddle wheel made of stainless steel is connected to a dc motor which will

either rotate slowly for recipes that call for stirring of spin back and forth quickly for recipes that

require shaking.

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Figure 5: SolidWorks Concept Model - Mixing Chamber

Viewed from the back in figure 7, the mixing DC motor connected to the mixing chamber along

with the carousel stepper motor and servo to actuate the carousel valve can be seen.

Figure 6: SolidWorks Concept Model - Motor Mechanisms

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Pouring and Waste Basin

After the drink had been mixed it is dispensed into the customer’s glass which will be sitting in

the dispensing chamber. The dispensing chamber will be another stainless steel box with an

opening at the front to allow a glass to be placed inside and take out as well as a hole at the top

to allow the drink to flow from the mixing chamber and a grate at the bottom to allow waste

liquid to enter the waste basin during the rinse cycle.

Figure 7: SolidWorks Concept Model - Dispensing Chamber

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The Bartini system requires knowledge of many technical fields. In addition to the mechanical

and hardware components mentioned above, there are electrical, software, control and auxiliary

components in the project. A Raspberry Pi is the heart of the Bartini, implementing the control

signals generated by the software running on the embedded chip. Figure 8 below details how

the different component interact within the system.

Figure 8: System Interaction Diagram

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A brief overview of the system input/output flow is depicted in figure 9. This high-level diagram

details how an end user might go about acquiring a completed mixed drink from the Bartini

system. Software, electronic control, and mechanical precision combine to produce the end


Figure 9: Basic I/O Control Flow Diagram

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2.3 - Risks

The biggest risk in the project involves the fabrication of the mechanical systems. The computer

and software systems that will be used have been test by so many people and well documented

that they should pose little issue. Given however that none of the group members have any

substantial experience or training in mechanical engineering and that the project is so

mechanically oriented more time must be taken to simplify the mechanical systems and check

with those who have more experience before paying money to have it fabricated. The part most

likely to cause problems is the carousel driving system. This includes the stepper motor and the

power transmission assembly. Picking a stepper motor that is powerful enough to drive a fully

loaded carousel of alcohol without over torquing and skipping steps while at the same not being

so powerful that it wastes precious space and money will be critical. Another challenge will be

finding a refrigeration unit that can fit inside the enclosure but also be able to provide enough

cooling power to keep all liquids at the appropriate temperature. Because a custom refrigeration

unit would be too costly, we will need to find one, most likely second hand, that can meet all the

requirements without being able to do tests first. The last significant challenge will be dealing

with loss of liquids inside an electrical system. Any small leak can pose a significant safety

hazard. All systems involving liquid must be tested for leaks at each stage and the overall

design must be made to mitigate accidents that could occur from leaks or dripping

condensation. Backup parts should also be seriously considered in the event that something

goes wrong days before the final presentation.

2.4 - Benefits

The purpose of our design is to be an all in one system that can perform the same functions as

a bartender. Any hotel, restaurant, sporting event, theatre etc. could benefit from having our

product. Alcohol sales in these places generate massive amounts of revenue but are often

limited to beer because it does not require a bartender. Finding and employing a bartender is

expensive and cuts into the revenue of a business even at times when there is no one at the bar

to be served. A small upfront cost of purchasing our system could offset their employment wage

costs. Another benefit of having a digital system is the ability to precisely track sales and the

consumption of ingredients. One of the challenges of the bartending industry is tracking how

much of a given item is consumed. Point of sale system can track standard orders but for many

systems custom orders cannot be tracked or only estimated. Our system would have the ability

to track every order and give statistics on consumables to the millilitre.

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3.0 - Market Overview

The target market for a production quality version of our automated drink dispensing system is

predominantly composed of establishments such as bar, clubs, casinos, hotels, sporting arenas,

etc. It is a product primarily servicing the entertainment and amenities industry. This space in

incredibly large; potential customers exist all around the world. The product we are proposing is

not seasonal, nor specific to a small subsection of the market. The end user of the system is an

adult of legal drinking age although it would be very possible to serve underage customers by

replacing the alcoholic drinks in our automated system with other types of soft drinks and juices,

further expanding the potential market.

According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 70.7% of American

citizens of age claim to drink at least once per year [2]. Recent US census information indicates

76.9% of American citizens are at least 21 years of age which means the maximum number of

possible users in the United States alone is approximately 175M people [3]. It is no secret how

large the drink/entertainment market is. We are proposing introducing a new product into this

proven sector.

Current competition is scarce but in development. The majority of projects that feature similar

functionality are fairly young. Possibly the most comparable product, Monsieur, is currently

active in the US marketplace and selling to a similar demographic [4] in small quantities.

Somabar is a smaller automated drink mixing machine (similar to the Keurig brand of coffee

brewing machines) aimed more towards the household appliance market and has only recently

debuted at CES 2016 [5]. The Somabar has yet to ship and have only done pre-sales via their

kickstarter campaign. The idea of an industrial/consumer grade automated drink mixing

machine has yet to be explored in depth. The aforementioned companies have only recently

begun to test the market and their success has proven that there is a demand for a project of

this nature. Because there are few competitors and no real dominant player in this space, the

market for our automated drink dispensing system is present and thus we can justify the need

for such a solution.

Figure 10: Somabar Machine [6]

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Figure 11: Monsieur Automated Drink Machine [7]

Section 5.1 outlines a prototyping budget for the Bartini system. We predict the cost of a mass

produced unit to be approximately $600 depending on the part sourcing and order quantity. This

machine is sold in a similar space to other industrial machinery and automated technologies of

this size. Based upon the listing prices of the Somabar and Monsieur, a sale price of $3000

would be an appropriate entry point to our target market. A lease-based model may also be

feasible but it is difficult to predict such business models and cost-revenue amounts this early in

the project development cycle.

4.0 - Project Planning

Because the capstone design project is a full development cycle from problem inception to

prototyped solution, it is extremely important to have adequate planning. Section 4.1 shows a

Gantt chart outlining the proposed work schedule through the semester. Section 4.2 contains a

collection of milestones that we can use to gauge our project completion as we develop the


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4.1 - Timeline

Figure 12 shows a Gantt chart representing the proposed distribution of time over various

project aspects. Our goal is to have a functional prototype by April 15th, 2016.

Figure 12: Gantt Chart

4.2 - Milestones

Figure 13 shows an overview of the milestones expected throughout this project. These markers

may be used to help our team gauge our progress and adjust accordingly to meet the deadlines

associated with this endeavour.

Figure 13: Milestone Chart

08-Jan 18-Jan 28-Jan 07-Feb 17-Feb 27-Feb 08-Mar18-Mar28-Mar 07-Apr

Research and Planning

Parts Acquisition and Ordering

Mechanical Assembly

Software Development

Electronics and Wiring

Stream Integration

Software Testing

Mechanical Testing

Project Proposal

Functional Specifications

Design Specifications

Presentation and Demo Prep

Automated Drink Dispensing System Gantt Chart

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5.0 - Cost Overview

As with any engineering product, the costs of research and design, especially when prototyping,

can be costly. Section 5.1 outlines a potential budget for our system based upon current design

ideas and availability of components. Section 5.2 outlines the sources of funding and resources

we have access to through the implementation of the project.

5.1 - Budget

Table 1 outlines a proposed budget for our automatic drink dispensing system.

Table 1: Projected Project Costs

Equipment Cost (CAD)

Raspberry Pi 2 Model B 60

Servos, Mixing Motor, and Carousel Motor 100

Vinyl Tubing and Rubber Stoppers 40

Touch Screen for Raspberry Pi 90

Cooling Equipment 90

Valves 110

LEDs and Visual Components 30

Building Materials (Wood, Metals, etc.) and Manufacturing 300

Subtotal: 820

+Tax (12%): 98

+Contingency Fund 150

Total Cost: 1,068

5.2 - Funding and Resources

The primary source of funding available to us for the project is the Engineering Science Student

Society (ESSS) Endowment Fund. In addition to this fund, there is a reimbursement policy

available to students taking the capstone design project course through the Wighton Fund. It is

understood by all group members that there are financial implications associated with a project

of this magnitude and it has been acknowledged that any costs not covered by an external

funding source will be split evenly between team members. As such a risk exists, it is important

that as engineers, we attempt to create a design which is both efficient in terms of engineering

functionality and costs. Because we are proposing a unique solution to a real world problem, it

is expected that unforeseen issues may arise. In an attempt to cover a portion of the costs

associated with problems discovered during the design process, faulty/broken parts, and similar

situations, a small contingency fund has been incorporated into the budget.

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6.0 - Company Profile

Luke Mulder – CEO

He is currently in his 4th year in Simon Fraser University, finishing a degree in Applied Sciences

with a concentration in computer engineering. With industry experience from Intel as a Software

Developer and VHDL Designer, where he developed soft skills like interdepartmental

communication and presentation skills as well as technical knowledge of software technologies

and CMOS design practices. He possesses valuable microcontroller programming skills that

would be helpful in developing control software for a wide range servos, motors and sensors in

addition to knowledge of languages such as C, C++ and Python as well as 3D modeling

experience with SolidWorks. He has a genuine interest in project development and passion for

finding solutions to problems.

Noel Barron – CFO

He is currently in his 4th year in Simon Fraser University, finishing a degree in Applied Sciences

with a concentration in electronics engineering. With industry experience from Ensemble

Systems as a Software Developer, he was able to grow professionally, and expand his

knowledge of software technologies tremendously. He possesses valuable programming skills

that would be helpful in developing front end interfaces and firmware for motor and servo control

with a wide range of languages such as C, C++, objective-C, Java, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

He has a genuine interest in project development and passion for finding solutions to problems.

Ben Hieltjes – VP Systems

He is a 4th year Systems engineering student currently attending Simon Fraser University.

Experience working as a systems engineer and web applications developer at Optigo Networks

has further developed his skills as a software engineer and invoked an interest into the business

and marketing aspects of engineering products. Experience programming in C/C++, JavaScript,

and MATLAB in addition to projects centered on UI will be helpful in the design of the Software

UI for our automated drink system. Rigorous testing experience will be helpful as we seek to

find imperfection and fine tune this project. With an interest in control and automation coupled

with his ability to communicate effectively in both technical and non-technical environments, he

is an active contributor to the team at Lightweight Enterprises.

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7.0 - Conclusion

The bar and nightclub’s three billion dollar industry in Canada alone, offers a considerably large

market for the Bartini. With a product that differentiates itself from its small amount of

competitors and a welcoming market that’s ready to be entered, the Bartini is a product that has

the potential to succeed and change the way people celebrate with friends.

With the choices made regarding the materials and the design for the Bartini, we project the

costs of building a working prototype to be approximately $1070. As much as it is a challenging

engineering problem, the Bartini has an alluring entertainment aspect to it with its flashing LEDs

and the way it prepares your drinks right before your eyes that makes it appealing to anyone

who enjoys a night on the town. Through harmonious interaction between electronic, software,

and mechanical components, a sublime drink experience awaits the user of this product.

Casinos, bars, nightclubs, sporting arenas, hotels, and countless others will benefit from the

development of the Bartini system and the potential profits it promises. A reduced demand on

overworked bartending staff and less time spent waiting to grab a cold one at the bar will help

boost the spirits of bartending staff and customers alike.

The driven team at Lightweight Enterprises is motivated by the opportunity to provide partygoers

everywhere with a unique drink and entertainment experience that will have them smiling ear to

ear as they go about making memories worthy of a drink from the Bartini.

Lightweight Enterprises

19 | P a g e Copyright © 2016 Lightweight Enterprises


[1] - Ibisworld.ca, "Bars & Nightclubs in Canada Market Research | IBISWorld", 2016. [Online].

Available: http://www.ibisworld.ca/industry/default.aspx?indid=1685. [Accessed: 26- Jan-


[2] - Niaaa.nih.gov, "Alcohol Facts and Statistics | National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and

Alcoholism (NIAAA)", 2016. [Online]. Available: http://www.niaaa.nih.gov/alcohol-

health/overview-alcohol-consumption/alcohol-facts-and-statistics. [Accessed: 22- Jan-


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