Lighting & Visual Effects CSE 191A: Seminar on Video Game Programming Lecture 8: Lighting & Visual Effects UCSD, Spring, 2003 Instructor: Steve Rotenberg

Lighting & Visual Effects CSE 191A: Seminar on Video Game Programming Lecture 8: Lighting & Visual Effects UCSD, Spring, 2003 Instructor: Steve Rotenberg

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Lighting & Visual Effects

CSE 191A: Seminar on Video Game Programming

Lecture 8: Lighting & Visual Effects

UCSD, Spring, 2003

Instructor: Steve Rotenberg


NormalsNormals are usually specified per vertex (rather than per polygon)Normals are usually set up entirely through an interactive modeling program and are just read in as is into the real time rendererA ‘smooth’ vertex normal is usually computed as the average of the normals of the triangles using that vertex (offline)Consider that a cube has 8 vertices & 6 normals, but requires 24 unique vertex/normal pairsEach vertex/normal pair should be uniquely lit

Light-Surface Interaction





L: Light

N: Normal

R: Reflection

H: Halfway

V: Viewer

T: Transmission

Diffuse Lighting

An ideal diffuse surface reflects light uniformly in all directions



Light TypesAmbient: uniform light from all directionsDirectional: light from a single direction (usually approximates a distant light source such as the sun)Point: light emitting from a point source (like a light bulb). Point lights should obey the inverse square law: I=I0/distance2

Spot: light emitting from a point source, but aiming in a particular direction cone

Specular LightingAn ideal specular surface reflects incident light rays in one direction (a perfect mirror)A less-ideal specular surface may scatter rays in a cone around the mirror directionSpecular surfaces can be approximated with the (old fashioned) Blinn (or Phong) models:

H=~(L+V) (halfway vector) (~=normalize)


Computing specular lighting at the vertices doesn’t always look very good because the lighting can vary a large amount over a small distance

Environment MappingEnvironment mapping is a technique that uses a texture map to fake the appearance of a shiny surface.The ‘environment map’ itself is a 360 degree view of the world viewed from the object’s position.There are a variety of actually mapping techniques (polar, spherical, cube, dual paraboloid…)The view vector is reflected off of the normal and then converted to a texture coordinatePolar environment map:

Vector reflection: R=-V+2*N*(V·N)Tx=(atan2f(R.x,R.z)+PI)/(2*PI)Ty=(R.y+1)/2 -or- (asin(R.y)+PI/2)/PI

Sphere map:N’=N·Mview


Environment Mapping

Environment maps can be rendered on the fly or can be precomputed

Environment maps can be blurred to simulate ‘glossy’ reflections

BRDFs & Global Illumination

Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function

BRDF = ρ(θi, φi,θr,φr,λ)

Real materials reflect light in complex ways

Real light bounces around in complex ways

There is some modern research on implementing accurate BRDFs and global illumination in real time, but these techniques are still a little out of reach for mainstream gaming

Practical Real Time Lighting

Precompute any static lighting when possible

Turn point lights into directional lights (if possible)

Ignore darker lights (not necessarily distant ones)

Use environment mapping for specular lights (rather than per-vertex)

Use projected textures for spot lights & other custom projection shapes (rather than per-vertex)


Drop shadows

Polygonal projection

Texture projection


Precomputed LightingIdeal diffuse light is view independent and so it can easily be precomputed and storedPossible effects include:

Diffuse lightingComplex light types (point, spot, area…)Shadows (and soft shadows)Diffuse inter-reflection

Techniques for precomputing global illuminationPhoton mappingMonte-Carlo path tracingRadiosity

Dynamic light can be layered on top of precomputed light

Alpha Blending

Alpha‘Alpha’ is a generic name for an extra parameter that can treated as a fourth color component (i.e., rgba: red, green, blue, alpha)Often, alpha is used to represent opacity in a 0…1 range (opacity = 1-transparency)Alpha can be specified per vertex and can also be specified per texel in a texture mapThe alpha blending function can be controlled through graphics API callsDifferent hardware systems tend to have radically different alpha blending capabilities


Usually, for transparency to work, you must render polygons sorted from distant to nearWhen a partially transparent pixel is rendered, the incoming color (source color) is blended with the existing pixel color (destination color)


Additive BlendingIncoming color is simply added to the existing color in the framebufferUseful for lighting effects such as glows, lens flares, lighting bolts, plasma beams, etc.


or even:


Color Modulation

Useful for colored lighting (either precomputed or dynamic projected lights)

Cfinal= Csrc*Cdest

or sometimes:

Cfinal= αsrc*Cdest

Source & Destination FactorsOne traditional method of specifying alpha blending is the use of src and dest factors:


Where Fsrc and Fdest can be:

0, 1, αsrc, αdest, (1- αsrc), (1- αdest), Csrc, Cdest, or others

This leads to lots of possible blending functions. Only a small number of them are generally useful.

Multipass RenderingIn multipass rendering, a polygon is rendered several times (passes) to combine various effectsUseful for several lighting & material type effects.Example:

1. Precomputed diffuse light (overwrite)2. Projected shadow textured light (add)3. Diffuse material texture (multiply)4. Specular map (overwrite into alpha)

5. Environment map (Cfinal=αdestCsrc+Cdest

Multistage RenderingSame idea as multipass rendering, except the individual passes and blending is done internally and the final color is only written into the framebuffer once.Because combination isn’t necessarily linear, you can potentially do more complex effectsNumber of stages may be limited (4 on XBox)You can still do multipass rendering with multistage rendering to get more passes

Vertex & Pixel Shaders

Shaders are microprograms that can run per-vertex or per-pixelDifferent hardware supports radically different capabilitiesAs graphics chips become more complex, pixel and vertex programs become more general purposeStream architecture


ParticlesUseful for tons of visual effects

FireSmokeWaterDirtDebris, explosionsTrash, leaves blowing around

Usually, particles have only a position and no orientation infoParticles are usually rendered as sprites/quads with alpha effects

Particlesclass Particle {

Vector3 Position;

Vector3 Velocity;

Vector3 Force;

Vector4 Color;

float Mass;

float Radius;

int TexFrame;


class ParticleSystem {int ActiveParticles;int MaxParticles;Particle *Particles;float CreationRate;Particle Mean;Particle Variance;



Fog (or depth cueing) is an important visual feature that provides perception of depth

Different hardware supports different fog features

Linear, exponential, exp2

Depth based vs. distance based


Complex geometric objects can be approximated with simple ‘cards’ or ‘billboards’ (trees are a common example)

Texture Movies

Useful for fire, water surface, clouds, misc.

Cheap and powerful effect, but may require a lot of texture memory

Streaming texture movies

Lens Effects

Glows, blooms, stars


Lens flare

Internal reflections, scattering

Off-Screen RenderingShadow mapsEnvironment maps (cube map…)ImpostersFull-screen effects

2D distortion, ripple, heat wave, shockwaveColor: night vision, visual adaptation…‘Predator’ effect, etc.

SupersamplingFocus (depth of field)Motion blur

IssuesVideo memoryState changesPixel fill


Preview of Next Week

Networking with guest speaker Mark Rotenberg, Technical Director for Midnight Club 2