Storyboard Lifecycle Picture of a tree Picture of a butterfly Picture of a frog Picture of a plant link link link link Picture of a chicken link

Lifecycle Story Map

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Page 1: Lifecycle Story Map


Website for image: http://gets.gc.k12.va.us/elementary/lifecycles/images/lifecycleweb.jpg

Picture of a tree

Picture of a butterfly

Picture of a frog

Picture of a plant



link link


Picture of a chicken

Page 2: Lifecycle Story Map



D e s c r i b e s t a g e s f r o m S e e d - R o t t i n g L o g

R e s o u r c e s :

h t t p : / / w w w . l e a r n o u t s i d e . o r g / i m a g e s / P L T _ A c t i v i t y _ 7 9 _ T r e e -L i f e c y c l e . p d f

h t t p : / / y o u t u . b e / X A _ N c z l h g v M

L i n k t o t h e f o l l o w i n g :

B u t t e r f l y , F r o g , P l a n t , C h i c k e n , H o m e p a g e

Picture of lifecycle of a tree

Page 3: Lifecycle Story Map

Butterfly Lifecycle




Cite: http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/butterfly/activities/printouts/lifecycle.shtml

Page 4: Lifecycle Story Map

Link to: Tree, Frog, Plant, Chicken, Homepage

Frog Lifecycle

Frogs are amphibians which are types of animals that live their life in the water and part on land. Most amphibians start their life with the ability to breathe in the water with gills. As frogs get

older they develop lungs.


Eggs-A frog lays 1,000’s of eggs which are covered in a jelly substance which prevents predator’s from eating them. Eggs bond together to create a frog-spawn that gradually comes to

the top of the water. Soon after, tadpoles hatch from egg.

Tadpoles- A 7-weeks a tadpoles hind legs starts to grow. After 9-weeks their front legs and tail are almost disappeared. After 12-weeks tadpoles can swim.

Adult Frogs-Tadpoles become adult frogs in as little as 3 months. They are able to live in water and out of water.

Resource Links:


Page 5: Lifecycle Story Map

Links to the following pages:Tree, Butterfly, Plant, Chicken, Homepage

Plant Lifecycle

Life stages of a plant:

Seeds-Germination-Stem & Roots-Leaves-Flowers-Pollination

Website for image: http://brobichaud.pbworks.com/f/1278620938/plant%20life%20cycle.jpg

Interactive Lesson: http://www2.bgfl.org/bgfl2/custom/resources_ftp/client_ftp/ks2/science/plants_pt2/index.htm

Classroom Activity Site:


Page 6: Lifecycle Story Map

Chicken Lifecycle

Egg-Egg Hatch-



Website for image:


Links for the following page:

Trees, Butterfly, Frogs, Plants, Homepage