Life Support

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Life support

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Hoja1SubjectEnglishSpanishDefinitionDefinition sourceStatusNotesEN ContextEN Context SourceES ContextES Context SourceCardiac life supportischemic heart diseasecardiopata isqumica Pathologic cardiac condition caused by lack of oxygen in the cells of myocardium resulting from total or partial coronary occlusion.Adapted from: Mosbys Medical Dictionary (1982/2013) Missouri: Elsevier/Mosby Publisher, 9th editionIschemic heart disease is caused by the accumulation of fatty deposits lining the inner wall of a coronary artery, restricting blood flow to the heart.OECD iLibrary website: [last accessed 4 November 2014]."La cardiopata isqumica (CI) o cardiopata coronaria consiste en el estrechamiento u obstruccin de una o ms arterias coronarias debido a la acumulacin de sustancias en las paredes vasculares (arteriosclerosis)." website: [last accessed 4 November 2014].Cardiac life supportmyocardial infarctioninfarto al miocardioIrreversible gross necrosis of myocardium due to ischemic heart disease, often characterised by severe chest pain or discomfort, dyspnea, nausea, and loss of consciousness, and sometimes resulting in death.Adapted from: Mosbys Medical Dictionary (1982/2013) Missouri: Elsevier/Mosby Publisher, 9th edition and Medline Plus website: [last accessed 4 November 2014]Cardiac-specific mortality increased with coronary artery disease comorbidity, the investigators reported. Deaths determined to be of cardiac etiology occurred in 36 of 200 (18%) patients with no coronary artery disease risk factors, 43 of 176 (24.4%) patients with one risk factor and 12 of 43 (27.9%) patients with coronary artery diseaseinduced congestive heart failure or myocardial infarction."CancerNetwork website: [last accessed 4 November 2014]."El infarto al miocardio es un evento cardiovascular que se manifiesta tras la obstruccin u oclusin de un vaso sanguneo en el corazn. Como consecuencia de lo anterior, se produce una interrupcin del flujo sanguneo y la posterior muerte y prdida de un segmento del msculo cardaco."Clnica Santa Mara website: [last accessed 4 November 2014].Cardiac life supportsudden cardiac arrestparo cardiorrespiratorioAbrupt, complete cessation of cardiac activity with hemodynamic collapse, typically due to sustained cardiac arrhythmia or myocardial infarction, which may be reversible by the prompt application of life support techiques but will lead to death in its absence.Adapted from: Mosbys Medical Dictionary (1982/2013) Missouri: Elsevier/Mosby Publisher, 9th edition and Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine (1950/2001) New York: McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing, 15th edition."Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) and sudden cardiac death (SCD) refer to the sudden cessation of cardiac activity, typically due to sustained ventricular tachycardia/ventricular fibrillation."UpToDate website: [last accessed 4 November 2014]."El paro cardiorrespiratorio consistente en el cese de la actividad mecnica cardaca y se diagnostica ante la falta de conciencia, pulso y respiracin." Coma-Canellaa, Isabel; Luis Garca-Castrillo, Miguel Ruano et al. (1999) 'Guas de actuacin clnica de la Sociedad Espaola de Cardiologa en resucitacin cardiopulmonar', Revista Espaola de Cardiologa 52(8): 589, [last accessed 4 November 2014].Cardiac life supportbasic life supportsoporte vital bsicoConstellation of emergency procedures consisting of activation of emergency response, basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation and early defibrillation with an AED to preserve or restore life in a SCA patient before treatment by medically trained personnel is available. Berg, Robert; Robin Hemphill;Benjamin Abella et al. (2010)'American Heart Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Part 5: Adult Basic Life Support', Circulation 122:(18 suppl): S685-S705, [last accessed 4 November 2014]"Basic Life Support (BLS) refers to the act of supporting an unconscious patient's breathing and circulation in order to preserve their life and buy time for professional emergency medical attention."Edinburgh University Students' Association (EUSA) website: [last accessed 4 November 2014]."El Soporte Vital Bsico comprende aquellas medidas que se deben poner en marcha ante una situacin de parada cardiorrespiratoria con el fin de mantener esas funciones hasta la llegada de los sistemas de emergencia sanitarios. Por lo tanto, son medidas que DEBEN CONOCER TODOS LOS CIUDADANOS."Fabiani, Rodrigo (2007) 'Soporte Vital Bsico', Mediblog de familia: el blog de un mdico de familia, 9 December, [last accessed 4 November 2014].Cardiac life supportadvanced cardiac life supportsoporte vital avanzadoConstellation of emergency medical procedures applied by medically trained personnel to preserve or restore life in a SCA patient treatment and which is composed by advanced CPR, cardiac rhythm recognition, defibrillation and pharmacotherapy. Adapted from: Driscoll, Peter, Carl Gwinnutt, Kevin Mackway-Jones, Terry Wardle (eds) (1993/1997) Advanced Cardiac Life Support: the practical approach, London: Chapman & Hall Medical, 2nd edition, p 7. "Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) is the use of sophisticated methods and equipment to treat cardiopulmonary arrest. ACLS includes the use of specialized equipment to maintain the airway, early defibrillation and pharmacological therapy."Reference.MD online Medical Encyclopedia website: [last accessed 4 November 2014]."El Soporte Vital Avanzado incluye el manejo de la va area, el apoyo a la ventilacin y el tratamiento de las bradiarritmias y taquiarritmias."Asociacin Anestesia Reanimacin Espaa AnestesiaR website: [last accessed 4 November 2014].Cardiac life supportcardiopulmonar resuscitationreanimacin cardiopulmonarEssential component of BLS and ACLS which consists in an emergency procedure composed by external cardiac compressions and expired air ventilations used in cases of cardiac arrest and apnea to establish effective circulation and ventilation. Adapted from: Mosbys Medical Dictionary (1982/2013) Missouri: Elsevier/Mosby Publisher, 9th edition."Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is the technique of chest compressions combined with rescue breathing. The purpose of cardiopulmonary resuscitation is to temporarily maintain a circulation sufficient to preserve brain function until specialised treatment is available. Rescuers must start CPR if the victim is unresponsive and not breathing normally."Australian Resuscitation Council website: [last accessed 4 November 2014]."La reanimacin cardiopulmonar es el conjunto de maniobras o procedimientos destinados a dar soporte vital, ventilatorio y circulatorio durante el paro cardiorrespiratorio (CRP) y lograr el retorno de la circulacin espontnea y la funcin cerebral." Hospital de los Angeles de Chile (2010) 'Reanimacin Cardiopulmonar Avanzada' [last accessed 4 November 2014].Cardiac life supportexpired air ventilationventilacin artificial"Component of RCP which consists in assisting or stimulating the respiration of a SCA patient to provide oxygen to the lungs."Adapted from: Mosbys Medical Dictionary (1982/2013) Missouri: Elsevier/Mosby Publisher, 9th edition and Priceton University website: [last accessed 1 November 2014]."Breath him (breath for him), this means artificially ventilate him. This is done by expired air ventilation after taking a deep inspiration filling is lung with vital capacity, the resuscitator must breathe out into the patient lungs as forceful as possible when the air is clear. This is commonly called as 'Expired Air Ventilation'." Pillai, Ahanatha (2007) Understanding Anaesthesiology, New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, p. 402."La ventilacin artificial puede ser administrada con distintas tcnicas, por ejemplo, boca a boca: abriendo la va area, el reanimador toma una respiracin normal y a continuacin sella su boca alrededor de la de la victima e insufla lo suficiente como para elevar el trax de la victima. Si bien hay pocos reportes de casos de transmisin de enfermedades infectocontagiosas esta tcnica es segura y la probabilidad de enfermedad es mnima."Universidad Catlica, Escuela de Medicina website: [last accessed 6 October 2014].Cardiac life supportexternal cardiac compressioncompresin torcicaEssential component of RCP which consists in a serial of rhythmic applications of pressure on the lower part of the sternum to re-establish circulation of a SCA patient.Adapted from: Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine (2002), New York: McGraw-Hill Publishing and Mosbys Medical Dictionary (1982/2013) Missouri: Elsevier/Mosby Publisher, 9th edition."Circulatory assist procedures include external cardiac compressions and fluid resuscitation. External cardiac compression provides cardiac output when the infants intrinsic circulation is inadequate , i.e., when the HR is less than 80. The correct point for cardiac compression is just below the midsternum under which lies the ventricles."Stanley, T.H. (ed.)(1988) Whats New in Anesthesiology, Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,p. 204. "La Reanimacin cardiopulmonar de alta frecuencia emplea alta frecuencia de compresiones torcicas en el masaje cardiaco externo, ms de 100 compresiones por minuto, consiguiendo mejoras en las presiones de perfusin as como una mayor eliminacin de ETCO."Elvira Garca, Juan (2003) 'Parmetros fisiolgicos de los reanimadores durante la resuscitacin cardiopulmonar' p. 36 [last accessed 4 November 2004]Cardiac life supportautomated external defibrillatordesfibrilador externo automticoPortable computarised defibrillator that incorporates a rhythm analysis and a shock-advisory system to be used even by non-medical trained people during the BLS to manage a SCA. Adapted from: 'ECC guidelines Part 4: the automated external defibrillator key link in the chain of survival' (2000), Circulation 102(1): I-60 - I-62, [last accessed 4 November 2014]."An automated external defibrillator (AED) is a portable device that checks the heart rhythm. If needed, it can send an electric shock to the heart to try to restore a normal rhythm."National Institutes of Health website: [last accessed 4 November 2014]"Qu es el desfibrilador externo automtico (DEA)? Es un pequeo aparato porttil, de poco peso, que puede descargar una corriente al corazn a travs del trax, para que sta pare la fibrilacin ventricular y permita que el corazn vuelva a un ritmo normal saliendo del paro. Los desfibriladores externos automticos hacen posible la resucitacin exitosa de un paro cardiaco y pueden usarlos personas ajenas a la Medicina con algo de entrenamiento o aun sin entrenamiento cuando han odo acerca de su uso y utilidad."Matiz, Hernando (2009) 'El desfibrilador externo automtico (DEA): un aparato que debe utilizarse en muchos sitios para salvar vidas', Revista Colombiana de Cardiologa 16(4): 137-142, [last accessed 4 November 2014].Cardiac life supportdefibrillatordesfibriladorelectronic device that delivers electrical shock at a present voltage to the myocardium in order to restore the normal cardiac rhythm and rate during a fibrillation or SCA.Adapted from: Mosbys Medical Dictionary (1982/2013) Missouri: Elsevier/Mosby Publisher, 9th edition and FDA website: [last accessed 4 November 2014]."A defibrillator delivers an electrical current through the chest which aims to shock the heart back into a normal rhythm allowing it to pump again."Community Heartbeat website: [last accessed 4 November 2014]."El desfibrilador restablece el ritmo cardiaco normal mediante la aplicacin de una descarga elctrica. Los hay externos (sobre la piel) e implantables (definitivos), este ltimo solo est indicado para algunas situaciones especficas."Fundacin del Corazn website: [last accessed 4 November 2014].Cardiac life supportcardiac arrhythmiaarritmiaDeviation from normal pattern of the heartbeat that may lead to a SCA and ultimately to death.Adapted from: Mosbys Medical Dictionary (1982/2013) Missouri: Elsevier/Mosby Publisher, 9th edition."A cardiac arrhythmia is a problem with the rate or rhythm of the heartbeat. During an arrhythmia, the heart can beat too fast, too slow, or with an irregular rhythm." National Institutes of Health website: [last accessed 4 November 2014]."Una arritmia es una alteracin del ritmo cardiaco. Pueden causar sntomas como palpitaciones, mareo, sncope, dolor torcico o prdida de conocimiento, pero tambin pueden pasar inadvertidas y detectarse casualmente cuando se realizan pruebas diagnsticas. Pero para entender mejor qu es una arritmia, antes debemos saber cmo y por qu late el corazn."Fundacin del Corazn website: h [last accessed 4 November 2014].Cardiac life supportventricular fibrillationfibrilacin ventricularshockable cardiac arrhythmia in which the coordinated contraction of the ventricular myocardium is replaced by high-frequency, disorganized excitation. adapted from: Medscape website: [last accessed 4 November 2014]."Fibrillation is an uncontrolled twitching or quivering of muscle fibers (fibrils). When it occurs in the lower chambers of the heart, it is called ventricular fibrillation. During ventricular fibrillation, blood is not pumped from the heart. Sudden cardiac death results."MedlinePlus website: [last accessed 4 November 2014]."La fibrilacin ventricular es una activacin rpida y desorganizada de los ventrculos, debido a la aparicin de mltiples frentes de activacin simultneos. Durante la fibrilacin ventricular no se produce una contraccin efectiva de los ventrculos, por lo que se produce una parada cardiaca y la muerte del paciente si ste no es inmediatamente reanimado. La nica manera de restablecer el ritmo normal es mediante un choque elctrico (desfibrilacin) precoz." website: [last accessed 4 November 2014].Cardiac life supportPulseless ventricular tachycardiataquicardia ventricular sin pulso Shockable cardiac arrest rhythm marked by an accelerated heartbeat that originates in one of the cardiac ventricles and which is unaccompanied by a detectable pulse. Adapted from: Mosbys Medical Dictionary (1982/2013) Missouri: Elsevier/Mosby Publisher, 9th edition."Cardiac arrest, as a result of ventricular fibrillation or pulseless ventricular tachycardia, is a common phenomenon, and the only treatment available is defibrillation."Finamore, Sheila and Sheila Turris (2008) 'Biphasic External Defibrillation for Adultsin Ventricular Fibrillation or PulselessVentricular Tachycardia', Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 23(4): 326-329, [last accessed 4 November 2014].Contexto: Las dos arritmias desfibrilables son la Fibrilacin Ventricular "FV" (que provoca un ritmo catico y desorganizado del corazn) y la Taquicardia Ventricular Sin Pulso "TSVP" (el corazn tiene actividad elctrica rtmica pero no es eficaz como bomba).Linares, David (2012) 'Desfibrilacin', Salvar Vidas blog, 29 February, [last accessed 4 November 2014].Cardiac life supportCardiac life support

