Life in a nuclear era

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  • 8/14/2019 Life in a nuclear era



    Group members

    Ashwin M. 04

    Bento Fernandes 12

    Ishan Gindra - 13

    Rinat Mendon 30

    Subramanyan R. 52

    Nevil Thakkar - 53

  • 8/14/2019 Life in a nuclear era



    When the first nuclear bomb was exploded on July 16, 1945 at Almogorodo

    of New Mexico deserts in the USA, the great scientist and leader of the

    Manhattan Project, Professor Robert Openheimer, described what he saw by

    quoting two lines of famous stanza ofBhagavad Gita.

    The shine of a thousand suns in the sky,

    Shall nt match, my Lord, Thy brilliance.

    For once the mankind at large came face to face with two faces of the atom,

    one as the destroyer of humanity and the other as the provider of electrical

    energy for development and prosperity. This dilemma has continued ever

    since as the essence of the nuclear saga facing mankind.

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    Nuclear Terror Days

    When the two bombs, nicknamed Little Boy and Fat Man, were dropped by

    the United States over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on

    August 6 and 9, 1945, fortunately the only such cases so far, over 340,000

    persons were killed barbarously. Near the centre of the explosion, people

    were instantaneously vaporized by the searing heat, leaving only their

    shadows scorched into the stonework of walls or roads. Thousands more

    were killed by being blown to bits, more commonly being hurled against

    solid objects, crushed beneath falling buildings or lacerated by the shrapnel

    of flying glass. Others were simply cremated into charred corpses or

    hideously burned with great patches of skin stripped from their bodies and

    hanging grotesquely in flaps around them. In Hiroshima 13 sq.kms. of area

    was devastated and 9.2% of all buildings destroyed. The destruction in

    Nagasaki was relatively less due to its hilly terrain which shielded part of the

    city from the heat and blast effects even though the bomb was more

    powerful than the one dropped in Hiroshima. It is estimated that about 60%deaths were caused due to burns, 20% due to injuries and the rest due to

    physical disorders caused by nuclear radiation. Hearing of those terror days,

    Mahatmaji said I regard the employment of the atom bomb for the

    wholesale destruction of men, women and children as the most diabolical

    use of science.

    Even though such horrible effects of the atom bomb became well known, the

    nuclear powers went ahead with massive programmes of nuclear

    weaponisation. They conducted 403 atmospheric tests between July 16,

    1945 and August 5, 1963 216 by USA, 162 by USSR, 21 by UK and 4 by


  • 8/14/2019 Life in a nuclear era



    Chernobyl nuclear plant is located at about 80 miles north at Kiev. On 26th

    April, 1986 at this plant the worst reactor disaster took place. The accident

    was a result of many small mistakes adding up to create a catastrophe.

    Before the test, the power output pf the reactor was dropped in preparation

    of the upcoming test. Unexpectedly the power output dropped almost to

    zero. Because of this, some control rods were removed to bring the power

    back up. The power output raised & all appeared normal.

    Later 2 pumps were switched on in the cooling system. They increased the

    water-flow out of the reactor & thus removed heat more quickly. They also

    caused the water level to lower in the steam separator of the reactor. In the

    hopes that the water level would rise, the operator increased the amount of

    feed water coming into the steam operator. Also more control rods were

    taken out of the reactor to raise the internal reactor temperature & pressure,

    also hoping the water level to rise. The water level in the steam separatorbegan to rise, so the operator adjusted again the flow of feed water by

    lowering it. This decreased the amount of heat being removed from the

    reactor core.

    As there wasnt enough coolant, the cores temperature kept rising. A valve

    at the top of core automatically opened to vent some of the steam. But the

    valve didnt close properly, because of which steam continued to vent from

    the reactor, further reducing the coolant level. The operators didnt know

    about it as the indicator in the control room was covered by a maintenance

    tag. They thought that the situation was under control as the temperature

    stopped rising. Because they didnt know the pump outlets were closed, they

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    thought the coolant had been replaced. A few minutes later the temperature

    began to rise again & the Emergency Core Cooling System automatically

    switched on. But the operator deactivated thinking the situation was under


    Because of the coolant lost through the open valve, the core temperature

    started to rise. At this point the fuel rods started to collapse from the intense

    heat. The operators knew something was wrong but didnt understand what

    it was. After 2 hrs. someone figured out that the valve at the top of the core

    didnt close properly. During that time precious coolant was released from

    the reactor. At around 6am an operator discovered it and closed the valve.

    During the day, hydrogen gas began to accumulate inside the reactor &

    caused an explosion later in the afternoon. The explosion did not damage the

    containment systems. A group of nuclear experts were called to help as the

    core was still not under operator control for past 2 days. They figured that lot

    of hydrogen gas had accumulated at the top of the core, which could have

    exploded or it could have displaced the reactor causing a complete nuclear

    reactor meltdown. A hydrogen recombiner was used to remove some of the

    hydrogen, but it was not very effective. However, hydrogen dissolves in

    water, which is what the coolant was composed of. Thus, overtime the

    hydrogen that had collected at the top of the core completely dissolved in the

    coolant. Two weeks later the reactor was brought to a cold shutdown & the

    accident was over.

    No one was directly injured as a result of the accident. However some

    radioactive gas & water were vented to the environment around the reactor.

    At one point, radioactive water was released into the Susquehanna River,

    which is a source of drinking water for near by communities. No one is

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    really sure what effects these radio active releases might have had on the

    people living near the power plant.

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    As mentioned earlier, when a nucleus of U 235 absorbs a neutron, the

    resultant compound nucleus fissions into two fragments roughly of equal

    mass number in the case of symmetrical fission and a number of unequal

    fragments in other cases. These fission fragments undergo radioactive decay

    and ultimately end up as stable nuclei. In the case of U 235 there are formed

    over 80 primary products which, as a result of further radioactive decay,

    would end up as over 200 radio-isotopes of over 30 elements as fission

    products. This is simultaneously followed also by evolution of large

    amounts of energy. This symmetrical fission process is described in a

    simplified way as below.

    U 235 + n ..> X 95 + Y 139 + 2n + 200 MeV

    The major public concerns on the safety of nuclear reactors arise from the


    a) Health hazards from nuclear radiations (both from the background

    around the reactors and from exposures from accidents).

    b) Long term effects from nuclear wasters.

    Based on very elaborate and rigorous scientific studies appropriate strategies

    have been worked out for managing these aspects of reactor

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    Nuclear Waste

    Although the benefits of nuclear power seem to make it the obviouschoice for the power source of the future, it still has many drawbacks.

    Nuclear disasters can become of the most devastating incidents on the

    planet, and though rare, the possibility of their occurrence must be taken into

    consideration. Many safety features exist to prevent such catastrophes;

    however, the environment does not have any safety features to protect it

    from the harmful effects of nuclear waste.

    Obviously, nuclear waste consists of the Uranium broken down

    during the fission process that creates nuclear energy. However, many

    people forget to take into account that nuclear waste also means the

    machinery used in the process, and the architecture of the nuclear power

    plant. During the fission process, anything that has come in contact with the

    energy created becomes radioactive. Not only does the energy released

    create radioactivity, but so do the by-products created by the fission process.

    The elements cesium, strontium and plutonium are highly radioactive and

    must also be disposed of. Since there is no long-term solution for nuclear

    waste disposal, and because nuclear energy is a relatively new source for

    energy, long-term environmental and health effects remain to be seen.

    Mostly, nuclear waste is just dumped in low population areas all over the

    globe, but with the population growing as fast as it is, it is only a matter of

    time before we will have to find a new solution. Especially if nuclear wastebegins to destroy the environment we are trying so hard to protect (Reaching

    Critical Will).

    The effects of nuclear waste are much like the effects of nuclear

    fallout; however, the former can be avoided. Contaminated soil and

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    groundwater do not have to be a problem, but they are. Increased risk of

    cancer, birth defects, and infertility are just a few of the harmful effects

    caused by nuclear waste. Concerned citizens created the Not in My

    Backyard organization in an effort to deter government attempts to dispose

    of nuclear waste near populated areas. However, the United States is

    currently dumping waste in an underground site only 26 miles from a city

    called Carlsbad with a population of 30,000 (Military Nuclear Mess). Now,

    these people live in constant fear of possible contamination from leaking

    radioactive material. The effects of nuclear waste on the population arent

    only physical, they are mental as well. In 1957, the specifications for a safe

    underground storage facility were a site that is dry, geologically stable,

    away from natural resources and water, and has a salt creep which would

    slowly entomb the nuclear substance. In addition, the waste should be

    retrievable (Military Nuclear Mess).

    If humans become exposed to nuclear waste, their cells may become

    damaged, and repair themselves incorrectly, resulting in biophysical damage

    that more often than not results in cancer. Different types of cancer than

    have resulted from radiation exposure from nuclear waste include

    leukaemia, breast, bladder, lung, colon, liver, lung, oesophagus, ovarian, and

    stomach cancers (Harmful Effects). Humans become exposed to nuclear

    waste radiation when nuclear waste is disposed of improperly. One example

    is when low-level waste that is not properly stored seeps through its

    containment area and comes in contact with groundwater. The same goes

    for the soil. In this manner however, plants become contaminated, and in

    turn the organisms that feed on them, including humans (Harmful Effects).

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    At the present time, there is no disposal facilities (as opposed to storage

    facilities) in operation in which used fuel, not destined for reprocessing, and

    the waste from reprocessing can be placed. Although technical issues related

    to disposal have been addressed, there is currently no pressing technical

    need to establish such facilities, as the total volume of such wastes is

    relatively small. Further, the longer it is stored the easier it is to handle, due

    to the progressive diminution of radioactivity. There is also a reluctance to

    dispose of used fuel because it represents a significant energy resource

    which could be reprocessed at a later date to allow recycling of the uranium

    and plutonium.

    A number of countries are carrying out studies to determine the optimum

    approach to the disposal of spent fuel and wastes from reprocessing. The

    general consensus favours its placement into deep geological repositories,

    initially recoverable.

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    Nuclear Power Status around the WorldIn Operation Under Construction

    Countries No. of


    Total net


    No. of Units Total net


    Argentina 2 935 1 692

    Armenia 1 376 - -

    Belgium 7 5,631 - -

    Brazil 1 626 1 1,245

    Bulgaria 6 3,538 - -

    Canada 21 14,907 - -

    China 3 2,167 - -Czech


    4 1,648 2 1,824

    Finland 4 2,310 - -

    France 56 58,493 4 5,810

    Germany 20 22,017 - -

    * This total includes Taiwan, Chine where six reactors totaling 4884 MWe

    are in operation.

    Notes to table: During 1995, two reactors were shut down (including Bruce-2in Canada which could restart in the future).

  • 8/14/2019 Life in a nuclear era



    Indian Nuclear Energy Programme was initiated with great farsight by its

    great pioneer Homi Jehangir Bhabha in March 1944 (barely sixteen months

    after the Fermis demonstration of the nuclear chain reaction) through his

    letter addressed to the Tata Trust soliciting support to establish an advanced

    research centre in Bombay so that when nuclear energy has been

    successfully applied for power production in, say a couple of decades from

    now, India will not have to look abroad for the experts but will find them

    ready at hand. Subsequently developments are as given below:

    1945 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay,

    with Bhabha as Director

    1948 April Atomic Energy Act



    Atomic Energy Commission under Ministry of

    Natural Resources & Scientific Research



    Atomic Energy Establishment, Trombay



    Department of Atomic Energy with Bhabha as its


    The Department underwent steady expansion over the decades

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    Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay*

    Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam*

    Centre for Advanced Technology, Indoor*

    Atomic Minerals Research & Directorate, Hyderabad*

    Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay*


    Nuclear Fuel Complex, Hyderabad

    Heavy Water Plants, Udaypur, Baroda, Hazira, Tuticorin, Manuguru, Nangal

    and Talchar

    Uranium/Thorium Mills, Jadaguda, Chatrapur, Manawalakurichi and

    Alwaye ECIL, Hyderabad.


    Tarapur, Kota, Narora, Kalpakkam, Kaiga, Kakrappara.

    Total Capacity 1820 MWe

    The activities of the DAE are centered around the above units and

    interestingly enough they cover all established major uses of nuclear energy .

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    Protector of Green House Effect

    Fossil fuels including coal form the major source of energy, thereby also

    contributing significantly for increase in CO2 concentration in the

    atmosphere. It is estimated that unless corrective action is taken, the present

    value of around 280 ppm in air by volume would double between the middle

    and the next century, leading probably to a rise in global mean temperatures

    greater than any in mans history, between 1.5 to 4.50C. (These values are

    only typical. According to the reports of the US Oak Ridge National

    Laboratory, the CO2 values were 285 ppm in 1850 increasing to 312 ppm in

    1953 and 360 ppm in 1993). This Green House Effect described by some

    as the granddaddy of all environmental issues, trapping an extra 2W/m2

    energy on the earths surface, can be combated to a good extent through

    nuclear energy which generates only one hundredth of green house gases

    compared to coal. It is already eliminating 40 million tones CO2 annually in

    UK, with France reducing her contribution by as high as 50% through

    generation of nuclear electricity; UK Atomic Energy Authority estimates that

    if the world generates 50% electricity through nuclear sources, the Green

    House Effect would perhaps be eliminated altogether.


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    Summary & Conclusions

    Ever since the phenomenon of nuclear fission was discovered in 1938 by

    Hahn and Strassmann and the chain reaction demonstrated in 1942 in the

    Chikago Pile by Enrico Fermi, humanity have never looked back to utilize

    the power of the atom. The nuclear bombs have made the humanity quite

    gullible. Nuclear (electric) power on the other hand has provided a Faustian

    Alternative for uninterrupted development and progress. As the well-known

    Buddhist saying goes, to quote the Nobel Laureate Richard Feynman from

    his The Value of Science.

    To every man is given the key to the gates of

    heaven. The same key opens the gates of

    Hell. The value-neutral science looks as always to Man, its master, for
