I have always loved meeting people and hearing their stories and sharing mine. One thing that is so good about this part of the world, is that there are, firstly, so many people doing good things and also there are so many people coming and going, so you have a limitless supply of hearing good things! I have a bit of local experience now, so there are always many people seeking out my wisdom regarding life here and tips about what to do and not to do. Anyway back to the story, I was hosting some people for COC back in June and we went along to a wonderful organisation that helps out boys in the sex industry. It’s called Urbanlight and I have been friends with them forever, well over 2 years. I love taking our guests there because they serve their guys with great commitment and help them out with medical checks and personal hygiene issues, English classes, bakery lessons, many other helpful classes, and in some cases, rent assistance. They are changing lives. They do all this from a drop-in centre near the Chiang Mai Night Bazaar area. Each of their clients, are free to come and go as they choose and the team works hard to offer any alternatives to continuing in current their lifestyle. This group of caring individuals are led by Alezandra, who started by visiting bars and seeing a need and then giving up everything to try and help these young guys move their lives in a different direction. Connections - Connecting People Shayne in Thailand From Life in a Northern Town My name is Shayne Rochfort and I am a servant of God, volunteering in Chiang Mai, Thailand. I am the Legal Advisor at Christian Outreach Centre Thailand (COC) and The Haven Project. I am helping coordinate visas and work permits and the whole work in local churches and communities all over Thailand. My main role involves everything and anything, STILL. Please consider partnering with me, building God’s kingdom in Thailand. Each year most of the students from my old school, Baan Guan, now called Sri Sawaang, go to the Wat Ram Poeng temple for three days of camp. The last couple years, I have been able to meet them for lunch and keep acquaintance with them and catch up with all the things they have been doing. I really miss the chance to teach them each week, it was my first school and I have a real connecon with the students and teachers there. I only spent a few hours there every week, but they treated me just like a regular teacher. I try to connect with them whenever I can. Visiting my School at a temple There are more than 200 foundations in Chiang Mai, which means in most cases there are lots of good people doing good things to help Thai people. I love meeting people and I love to hear about the good things happening around the place and seeing if there is anyway we can help each other. In late June, the Social Department in Bangkok, called all foundations in Thailand to a full day seminar in Bangkok. My colleague and I jumped on the early flight down, taxied it across to the seminar and enjoyed the morning sessions about the same old, same old, immigration and work permit presentations, but in the afternoon they did some team building activities. After the seminar I booked a night in Bangkok, so I could connect with our guys in Bangkok and some of their weekly activities, which included a Friday night session in some of the badder parts of Bangkok. The actual Saturday morning activities were much better though, I joined with the Chulalongkorn University Gavel Club (think Toastmasters). It was good to sit and listen to some passionate English presentations and table topic talks from the students. I am pictured with one of the former Club presidents and CU graduate, Napat. “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. John 15:5-6 (NIV) Shayne in Bangkok

Life in a Northern Town - Issue 20

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Shayne's monthly, bi monthly, whenever news and information about his life in Chiang Mai, Northern Thailand.

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Page 1: Life in a Northern Town - Issue 20

I have always loved meeting people and hearing their stories and sharing

mine. One thing that is so good about this part of the world, is that there

are, firstly, so many people doing good things and also there are so many

people coming and going, so you have a limitless supply of hearing good

things! I have a bit of local experience now, so there are always many

people seeking out my wisdom regarding life here and tips about what to

do and not to do.

Anyway back to the story, I was hosting some people for COC back in

June and we went along to a wonderful organisation that helps out boys

in the sex industry. It’s called Urbanlight and I have been friends with them forever, well over 2 years.

I love taking our guests there because they serve their guys with great commitment and help them

out with medical checks and personal hygiene issues, English classes, bakery

lessons, many other helpful classes, and in some cases, rent assistance. They

are changing lives. They do all this from a drop-in centre near the Chiang

Mai Night Bazaar area. Each of their clients, are free to come and go as

they choose and the team works hard to offer any alternatives to

continuing in current their lifestyle. This group of caring individuals are led by

Alezandra, who started by visiting bars and seeing a need and then giving

up everything to try and help these young guys move their lives in a different


Connections - Connecting People

Shayne in Thailand From Life in a Northern Town

My name is Shayne Rochfort and I am a servant of God, volunteering in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

I am the Legal Advisor at Christian Outreach Centre Thailand (COC) and The Haven Project. I

am helping coordinate visas and work permits and the whole work in local churches and

communities all over Thailand.

My main role involves everything and anything, STILL.

Please consider partnering with me, building God’s kingdom in Thailand.

Each year most of the students from my old school, Baan Guan, now called Sri Sawaang, go to the Wat Ram Poeng temple for three days of camp. The last couple years, I have been able to meet them for lunch and keep acquaintance with them and catch up with all the things they have been doing. I really miss the chance to teach them each week, it was my first school and I have a real connection with the students and teachers

there. I only spent a few hours there every week, but they treated me just like a regular teacher. I try to connect with them whenever I can.

Visiting my School at a temple

There are more than 200 foundations in Chiang Mai, which means in most cases there are lots of

good people doing good things to help Thai people. I love meeting people and I love to hear about

the good things happening around the place and seeing if there is anyway we can help each other.

In late June, the Social Department in Bangkok, called all foundations in Thailand to a full day seminar in Bangkok. My colleague and I jumped on the early flight down, taxied it across to the seminar and enjoyed the morning sessions about the same old, same old, immigration and work permit presentations, but in the afternoon they did some team building activities. After the seminar I booked a night in Bangkok, so I could connect with our guys in Bangkok and some of their weekly activities, which included a Friday night session in some of the badder parts of Bangkok. The actual Saturday morning activities were much better though, I joined with the Chulalongkorn University Gavel Club (think Toastmasters). It was good to sit and listen to some passionate English presentations and table topic talks from the students. I am pictured with one of the former Club presidents and CU graduate, Napat.

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such

branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing

yourselves to be my disciples. John 15:5-6 (NIV)

Shayne in Bangkok

Page 2: Life in a Northern Town - Issue 20

I am committed to being in Thailand. I would like to

let you know that if you are able to partner with me in

my work, then you can do so through One Mission

Society. There are many ways you can support me, through prayer as well as financially. This partner-

ship is helping serve the great need for Thai people to come to know Jesus.

My prayer card with all the details is available at

http://issuu.com/shayneinthailand/docs/prayercard .

Please include my missionary number #803833 with any donations.

You can support me financially by :-

Cheque - Please make cheques payable to: OMS International, PO Box 897, RINGWOOD, Vic 3134.

Include a note with my name.

Direct Debit - If you wish to make a payment directly through your bank, pay to: Westpac.

Acc Name: OMS International Australia- Inc. BSB: 733172 Account Number: 628724.

NOTE: In the transaction details please be sure to include your name and ROC.

Credit card donations - can be made through the website.


OMS phone – 03 9870 8559

Supporting Shayne

PO Box 90




Phone +66801202074

Email -

[email protected]

Skype - shayneinthailand

COC Thailand Foundation

inc The Haven Foundation


Praise for God’s blessing on the work of COC Thailand and the Haven Foundation. And for getting my recent visa.

Please pray for Judy Vickers and her recovery and rehabilitation from a recent heart attack and subsequent surgery.

Please pray for Thailand. The government is in in a challenging situation so many things are changing and it’s affecting lots of people.

Please pray for the purchase of suitable land for our daycare and school we need it very shortly so that we can move in for the new school year.

I enjoy my job a lot and being able to serve and connect with so

many awesome people is on of the real pleasures. Sometimes,

though, I just need to get out of the office and I had the chance to

get out to Mae Jam with our Foundation leaders for a visit to two of

our projects.

COC Thailand are in the middle of an extensive building program,

with a church and training centre in Mae Jam and a

church building in Hot. In the pictures to the left you can

see the building behind me. It is quite a massive undertaking and is 15 metres wide

by 30 metres long and two stories, I know it’s hard to picture it on paper, but

believe me, it’s impressive. The plan is to have a place that will be the centre of the

community, a place for the government to have to host events for the surrounding

areas, a centre for community training and a vibrant church. We spent time

planning the next part of the project which will require a massive load of more

cement, dirt and steel.

The second stop on the way back was to see our pastor who, bit by bit,

brick by brick is building his church in more ways than one. The whole

church is helping out and many of our head

office team have been out there welding, roofing

and brick laying.

I believe that before too long both these buildings

will be icons in their communities and the place

for changing lives, one at a time. You too, can be

a part of this, if you would like to donate, just

head to http://www.cocthailand.com .

Workin’ It