www.waterways.org.uk/lichfield Issue 13 Autumn 2015 The IWA may not agree with opinions expressed in this magazine but encourages publication as a matter of interest. Nothing printed may be construed as policy, or as an official pronouncement, unless specifically identified as such. Lichfield Lines AGM Awards—See Page 6 The newsletter of IWA Lichfield Branch The Inland Waterways Association is a non-profit distributing company limited by guarantee. Registered in England no. 612245. Registered as a charity no. 212342

Lichfield Lines issue 13 Autumn 2015

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IWA Lichfield Branch Newsletter, Autumn 2015

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Issue 13

Autumn 2015

The IWA may not agree with opinions expressed in this magazine but encourages publication as a

matter of interest. Nothing printed may be construed as policy, or as an official pronouncement, unless specifically identified as such.

Lichfield Lines

AGM Awards—See Page 6

The newsletter of

IWA Lichfield Branch

The Inland Waterways Association is a non-profit distributing company limited by guarantee. Registered in England no.

612245. Registered as a charity no. 212342

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Branch Chairman’s Report

By now you will have read in the national IWA newsletters that Lichfield Branch has been

awarded the IWA Branch Achievement Award. The citation states “Among many other

activities, such as responding to a staggering number of planning applications every year, this

busy branch has this year completed exceptional towpath improvements in Rugeley alongside

the new visitor moorings created by the branch and been recognised for its work on HS2,

especially at Fradley. In addition, Lichfield Branch holds well attended branch meetings, has an

excellent programme of walks and fundraising activities and makes regular donations to

waterways groups”. The branch’s newsletter was also commended by the judging panel.

Congratulations are due to all members of the branch who have worked so hard to achieve this

award. Thank you all.

I should also like to congratulate Phil Sharpe for being awarded IWA's premier award, the Cyril

Styring Trophy. Some very eminent IWA members have been awarded this trophy in the past

and their names are all engraved on the trophy. To receive this award is a huge honour. See the

official Press Release and photos on Page 6.

You may also have seen that IWA has been named as

winner of a 2015 Living Waterways Award (Natural

Environment category) for our work on combating the

spread of Himalayan Balsam nationally. Our own

attempt here at Wychnor needs to be repeated next

year, hopefully with more people and whilst there are

flowers on the plants. We pulled huge quantities of the

stuff this year but due to other commitments we were

unable to repeat the exercise during the flowering

season. Without a major concerted effort, this

pernicious but pretty weed will continue to spread. Do

we have a volunteer to organise and spearhead our

next year's attack on it, please? I will bestow the title of

“Himalayan Balsam Tsar” on the lucky candidate!

Since the IWA AGM at the end of September, the post

of Region Chairman has been vacant. According to the

Articles of the Association, no one may sit on the board

of Trustees for more than 12 years in any 15 year

period. As a consequence of this, our former region

chairman, Vaughan Welch has stood down as a Trustee although he remains in post as

Chairman of IWA's Restoration committee. I should like to thank Vaughan for his work during

his time as West Midlands Region chairman.

We (all of us) have until the end of November to nominate a new Region Chairman to become

a Trustee. He/she will represent the four branches of the Region on the IWA Board of

Trustees. If anyone has any idea as to who they feel we should nominate, please

would they contact me to discuss this. If more than one candidate is nominated, a postal

ballot will be held. Our rules state “In the event of there being no valid nominations for

candidates to serve as the chairman of any region, the Board of Trustees shall invite further

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nominations and arrange for the Ballot to take place again as soon as practicable, and to have

concluded no later than six months from the date of the Annual General Meeting. If there are

no candidates for this further ballot then the Board of Trustees may give notice to members of

the Region of its intent to dissolve the Region and divide its constituent branches amongst

adjacent regions, or howsoever the Board of Trustees may think fit”. It is obviously very

important that we find a suitable candidate for the role of Region Chairman! The post is for

three years initially and no region chairman should retain the post for longer than six years.

Our Christmas meal will again be held on a Sunday lunch-time, on December 13th. We were

made very welcome at Oddfellows at the Boat following our July walk along the Lichfield Canal

at Summerhill and the food was excellent. We have therefore decided to have our Christmas

meal there this year. The venue is easily accessible by road from all parts of our branch area.

Please be sure that you book your place (and menu choice) in good time and certainly by

midday on Friday, 4th December. See details on Page 11.

Whilst thinking about Christmas, may I remind you that the full range of IWA Christmas cards

and the 2016 calendar are available from the sales-stand at branch meetings?

It has recently been announced that the next IWA Festival of Water will be held at Pelsall over

the 2016 August Bank Holiday weekend. Planning by the IWA national events team is in its very

early stages but they have invited a representative from our branch committee to attend their

meetings. It is anticipated that volunteers from our branch will be invited to help the organisers.

I cannot stress how much fun it is to have such a prestigious event come to our branch area and

I do hope that many of you will offer your help once the call for volunteers is issued. Please

keep the date free in your diaries.

All that remains is for me to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and prosperous New Year!

Helen Whitehouse

Committee Vacancy

Unfortunately Christine Watkins our Minutes Secretary is having to relinquish her post. In the

relatively short time she has been in the role she has done a great job in recording our

committee meetings and publishing the minutes. If anybody is interested in taking up this role

please see any member of your committee. The meetings are monthly, light hearted and the tea

and cake are good as well.

Forthcoming Events

Tuesday 3rd November 2015 - Walk

Polesworth and the Coventry Canal. This is an easy, 5.5 mile circular walk, with 3 stiles, along

quiet country roads, green lanes and across fields. Shortly after leaving the Red Lion public

house we proceed through Polesworth gently uphill (100 foot of climb in total) towards

Dordon. From here there are extensive views of the hills of north-west Leicestershire. We

then proceed north-easterly before descending downhill to join the Coventry Canal at Grendon

Bridge from where we return along the towing path. Shortly before the finish we pass by

Polesworth Abbey, a 12th century church with a grade II listed gatehouse. Meet at 10:15 for a

10:30 am start in the car park of the Red Lion, Bridge Street, Polesworth, Warwickshire, B78

1DR. There is a free public car park opposite the pub. Contact Clive Walker on 07866 201873

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or [email protected]

Wednesday 18th November 2015 - Branch Meeting

“Narrow Dog Adventures” an illustrated talk by Monica and Terry Darlington, author of the

‘Narrow Dog’ books about their voyages in France and the USA. 7.15 for 7.30 pm at Martin

Heath Hall, Christchurch Lane (off Walsall Road), Lichfield, WS13 8AY

Friday 20th November 2015 - Work Party

Mossley Bridge in Rugeley. Meet from 9.30 for a 10 am start, finishing about 4 pm. Please help us

to remove and replace dangerous fencing on the bridge approach, paint fencing on the other

side and paint railings over the bridge, clear vegetation, remove litter and graffiti to make the

area safer and tidier. Meet at Mossley Bridge 65 on the Trent & Mersey Canal, behind the

Mossley Tavern, 95 Armitage Road, Rugeley, Staffs. WS15 1DQ. Refreshments will be provided.

No experience needed but please wear stout shoes and old clothes. Protective suits for

painting and all equipment will be provided. Further information from Margaret Beardsmore on

07581 794111 or email [email protected]

Wednesday 20th January 2016 - Branch Meeting

“The Residential Boat Owners Association” an illustrated talk by Ivor Caplan about the

challenges and light-hearted experiences of living afloat. 7.15 for 7.30 pm at Martin Heath Hall, Christchurch Lane (off Walsall Road), Lichfield, Staffs. WS13 8AY

Wednesday 17th February 2016 - Branch Meeting

An illustrated talk by Ian Lane, Waterway Manager for the Canal & River Trust’s West Midlands

Waterways, covering their local activities and plans. 7.15 for 7.30 pm at Martin Heath Hall,

Christchurch Lane (off Walsall Road), Lichfield, Staffs. WS13 8AY

For further information about our meetings please contact John Stockland on 0121 308 0293 or

email: [email protected].

Posters for our upcoming events may be found at www.waterways.org.uk/lichfield

If you can download these and help to publicise our events it would be very helpful.

Recent Activities

Sunday 2nd August 2015—Lock Wind

A Lock Wind is a one-day event in which

experienced volunteers help boaters work through a

lock, by winding the paddles for them and opening

the gates. Several IWA branches hold annual lock

winds and Lichfield Branch decided to join in the fun

with a day out at Barton Lock on the Trent &

Mersey Canal, a busy place on a summer Sunday.

The aim was to help raise the profile of IWA by

talking to boaters, and any passing towpath walkers,

about the Association and, hopefully, to collect

some donations at the same time.

The day chosen turned out to be quite hot, but our

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intrepid band of volunteers worked some 28 boats through the lock and received over £40 in

donations. We also took over £70 in sales, mainly of cakes which had been home baked for the

occasion and were very popular, with all being sold by mid-afternoon. All the work on a hot day

had definitely worked up a thirst so the group retired to the Barton Turns pub near the lock for

a well earned drink and barbecue food.

Not bad for our first attempt. Thanks to everyone who worked the lock or contributed cakes,

and to Helen for having the idea and providing the refreshments.

Report from notes by Helen Whitehouse, photo by Margaret Beardsmore

September 8th 2015—Walk Shareshill and the Staffs. and Worcester Canal

Ten walkers, many of whom were regular attendees but non-IWA members, met up in the car

park of The Fox and Anchor pub, Cross Green, near Wolverhampton. There was a hint of

drizzle in the air, but the weather forecast had promised sunny spells.

We set off at a strong pace eastwards along the towpath, following the contours of the Staffs.

and Worcs. towards Moat House Bridge, where we would leave the canal for a detour into

Shareshill. On the way we passed the remains of a wharf between bridges 72 and 73. This had

been formerly used to supply coal to South Staffordshire Waterworks Co's Slade Heath

Pumping Station. The local towpath guide states that the steam engine was replaced by electric

pumps in 1969 although coal deliveries by canal had finished earlier, probably in 1966 when the

Littleton Colliery Basin was destroyed

by construction of the M6.

A group photo was taken at Moat

House Bridge (no.74) and we

continued along a farm track and

quiet country road slightly uphill

towards the village of Shareshill. This

village will be familiar to users of the

busy A460 which connects the M6

with Cannock and Wolverhampton.

However, we were visiting the more

picturesque half of Shareshill. Our

destination was the historic church of St Mary & St Luke, which is "half

medieval and half 18th Century" and

whose most prominent feature is a

"semicircular porch resting on four

columns". A bell tolled languidly as we approached - a funeral was taking place - and we decided

it would have been inappropriate to venture any closer. We therefore skirted the church and

proceeded along Latherford Lane before picking up a green track back to bridge 74.

It had been intended to rejoin the canal at The Laches Bridge (no.73), where the OS map shows

a bridlepath crossing the canal, but access has been clearly barred off, and so we returned along

the same stretch of towpath to the pub. On the way back several of our party helped push off a

hire boat that had run aground on a tight bend.

A good deed done for the day and with six miles of walking under our belts, we retired to the

Fox and Anchor for a hearty lunch.

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It was good to visit one of the less frequented parts of the branch network. Hopefully we will

return one day and get another opportunity to visit Shareshill church.

Report Clive Walker Photo Phil Sharpe

Wednesday September 16th 2015—Meeting

The branch season of meetings started in September with a presentation by Tony Condor,

former curator of the Gloucester Waterways Musuem, on “The History of Gloucester Docks”.

This was a fascinating presentation covering not only the Docks but the construction and

history of the Gloucester and Sharpness Canal (or the Gloucester and Berkeley as it was

originally known). A brilliant start to the new season!

Saturday October 10th 2015—Skittles Evening

Teams from the Lichfield, Shrewsbury & North Wales, and North Staffs & South Cheshire

Branches met at Stafford Boat Club for an evening of skittles. We borrowed a member of the

Shrewsbury & North Wales party to enable us to enter two teams in the competition, one

ladies' and one men's. The standard of playing from the branch teams was variable, but no-one

scored a “duck”! There was a brief respite during which we had a very good Fish and Chip

supper, from a local fish shop, followed by pudding. Our men’s team did very well finishing joint

second – the ladies came a little lower down, but were not last. It was a very good night and

everyone enjoyed themselves.

Wednesday October 21st 2015—Meeting

We continued our season with a presentation by Peter Brown, Heritage and Planning Officer

for IWA Shrewsbury & North Wales Branch about Thomas Telford. I don’t think many in the

audience appreciated the breadth of his achievements—from canals and bridges to churches and

harbours. A fascinating talk followed by a lively question and answer session.

Branch sales and Recruiting stand

If you attend branch meetings, you will be aware that we have a small sales stand present.

We sell waterways books, maps and

guides as well as IWA Christmas

cards and calendars. Most of our

stock is new but we will happily

receive second hand waterways

books in good condition to sell on.

We often attend outside events with

the stand most recently at the

Tamworth Cruising Club open day

and the Huddlesford Heritage

weekend. Besides raising funds for

the waterways and recruiting new

members, it can be most enjoyable

talking to members of the public. If

you would like to be part of the team

which mans the stand at outside events, please speak to Helen Whitehouse.

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IWA Press Release

Local Waterways Campaigner Receives National Award

A waterways campaigner from Rugeley has been recognised by a national charity, The Inland

Waterways Association, by being awarded its premier award. The trophy, which is awarded

annually to an IWA member who has made an outstanding contribution to the Association’s

campaign, was presented to Phil Sharpe of the Association’s Lichfield Branch recently at the organisation’s national AGM.

Phil, who has volunteered with the Inland Waterways Association since 1988, was given his

award particularly for his recent work in campaigning

to protect a local canal that would have been severely

affected by proposals for the HS2 high speed rail line.

Phil identified an alternative route which would avoid

the originally proposed multiple crossings of the Trent

& Mersey Canal close to Wood End lock near Fradley

Junction. Phil spent many hours, working with others

in IWA, and attending and negotiating with local

authorities at County Council, District Council and

Parish Council level. An engineering report was

commissioned which confirmed the viability of the

alternative route and this was presented to the House

of Commons Select Committee. The Government

subsequently announced its decision to adopt the

proposed re-alignment.

Twenty years ago, Phil also led the combined IWA and

Lichfield & Hatherton Canals Restoration Trust teams

at the second M6 Toll Road (Birmingham Northern

Relief Road) Public Inquiry to fight successfully for

navigable crossings for the Lichfield and

Hatherton canals.

Phil has carried out this work in his

role as Planning Officer for the Lichfield

Branch of The Inland Waterways

Association, and in this capacity he

regularly deals with about 200 planning

matters each year. He has also been a

chairman, secretary, and website editor

for the Association, as well as several

years as a trustee.

Les Etheridge, National Chairman of

Phil Sharpe with the Cyril Styring


Members of the Lichfield Branch Committee with the

Branch Achievement Award

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The Inland Waterways Association, said “Phil has been an active member of IWA for over 35

years and it is for his many years of contribution, as well as his more recent role in successfully

campaigning to reduce the impact of HS2 on the Trent & Mersey Canal at Fradley, that he is a

worthy recipient of the Cyril Styring Trophy, IWA’s premier award”.

Phil’s local branch of The Inland Waterways Association, Lichfield Branch, were also award

recipients at the AGM, when they were presented with the Branch Achievement Award, awarded annually to an IWA branch that has made the greatest progress and achievement in

promoting the Association’s aims and objectives during the past year.

Planning Matters

Phil Sharpe—Planning Officer

This report covers some of the 40 or so planning matters covered between mid July and mid

October, which are all summarised in monthly notes on the Planning page of our website. If

anyone would like further information, please contact me.

On the Staffordshire & Worcestershire Canal the existing stables alongside Otherton

Lock are to be replaced and the floodlit ménage retained.

On the Trent & Mersey Canal the previously refused 196 berth marina between Shirleywich

and Pasturefields has been resubmitted, with evidence that it would not affect the groundwater

source of the nearby Pasturefields Salt Marsh SAC. However, our concerns about the road

access, disposal of excavated material and location of the pump-out station remain.

In Rugeley we have enquired why the long delayed development of the former garage site on

Armitage Road differs from the 2007 approved plans, with houses of different design, nearer to

the canal and very close to the canalside trees.

Another marina is proposed adjacent to Common Lock between Fradley Junction and Alrewas.

This would have 60 berths and a substantial workshop building able to accommodate 2 full

length narrow boats side by side. IWA’s policy is to generally support new off-line moorings

subject to good design, congestion, access and other considerations. But there are concerns

here that any more marinas

close to Fradley Junction can

only add to congestion and

queuing at the locks at popular times, and about the road

access from the very narrow

Daisy Lane.

On the edge of Alrewas two

applications for housing

development have been made

on either side of Bagnall Lock.

The earlier application for 10

houses in the ‘doctors field’

adjoining the towpath above the

lock has been reduced to 8, but

their height increased to 3 Common Lock at Alrewas with proposed Marina site

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storeys which would still be visually intrusive. The proposed 15 houses in the ‘horse field’

between the lock and the bypass are of reasonable design but the road access is wholly

inadequate along a narrow track and over the historic hump-backed canal bridge. Meanwhile,

the Alrewas Neighbourhood Plan that effectively promoted these sites has been heavily

criticised by the Examiner and extensive deletions recommended.

Alongside the Birmingham & Fazeley at Fazeley Mill Marina the proposed office and stores building was reduced in size before being permitted.

On the Coventry Canal by the former golf course east of Amington the removal of a rather

unsightly pipeline which arches over the canal and its replacement on a different underground

route has been approved.

Close to the Ashby Canal a solar

farm has been proposed at Basin

Bridge near Stoke Golding and we

have suggested it should be

conditional on extra planting to fully

screen it from the canal.

On the Daw End Branch Canal

the plans for a solar farm around

College Farm near Aldridge have

been amended to remove the field

adjacent to the canal, as we


And finally, along the Wyrley &

Essington, Daw End Branch and

Rushall canals all of the 7 large Green Belt housing sites and 3 other canalside open spaces

that we objected to in the 2013 Walsall Site Allocation consultation have now been excluded,

and we are pleased to see a policy on canals that supports good design, provision of moorings,

improved access and towpaths, retention of heritage and protection of restoration routes.

HS2 High Speed Rail Update – October 2015

Phil Sharpe, Planning Officer

Following publication in July of the Additional Provision 2 plans and Environmental Statements,

detailing the changed alignment for the Handsacre Link lines and the Wood End Lane diversion,

we finalised IWA’s Petition welcoming the former and objecting to the latter. Our alternative

proposal taking Wood End Lane under the tracks would avoid the large embankments and

constant traffic noise alongside the Trent & Mersey Canal below Wood End Lock. The Petition

also supported Lichfield Cruising Club’s requirements for replacement moorings and slipway

provision, as well as covering noise impacts on residential boats on the Slough Arm of the

Grand Union Canal from a new rail depot.

These objections were then further detailed in IWA’s response to the Environmental

Statements, with the addition of some concerns about access to the agreed replacement section

of the Lichfield Canal, issues on the Oxford Canal and Birmingham & Fazeley Canal and route-

wide noise issues. We have worked closely with Lichfield & Hatherton, Lichfield Cruising Club

Field at Aldridge removed from Solar Farm Plan

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and Canal & River Trust to ensure mutual support in all our petitions and ES responses. HS2

Ltd has since given additional assurances about the Lichfield Canal diversion construction and

undertaken to cover the design costs for the LCC mooring basin etc.

Discussions with HS2 indicated that they would be prepared to alter the Wood End Lane

diversion route if the concerns of Staffordshire Highways about road alignment and drainage

could be overcome. So in October IWA and CRT met with Staffordshire County Council to better understand the issues on both sides, and we confirmed that IWA and CRT are both

prepared to take this to the Select Committee for resolution if necessary.

Additional Provision 3 was issued in September, although affecting only the London end of the

route, and AP4 has just been published mainly affecting the Chilterns. News about the much

delayed Phase 2 decision is sparse but some form of announcement about the Phase 2a

extension to Crewe at least is now anticipated before the end of the year.

Navigation Report 19/10/2015

Mike Bending, Navigation Officer

We have discussed a number of issues with CRT over the past year, some of which have been

reported in previous Navigation Reports. It now seems a useful time to summarise the current


Fradley Swing Bridge

About a year ago notices appeared at the swing footbridge at Fradley Junction indicating that for

safety reasons the bridge would be kept locked closed. Passage would require the use of a

Waterways Key. Both we and CRT management believed that this would cause significant delay

resulting in congestion at the junction. CRT have now decided not to lock the bridge but rather

to install a damping mechanism on the bridge pivot discouraging misuse by children and

minimising any hazards. This seems to us to be a sensible resolution of the problem.

Rugeley Moorings

For several years we have been pressing both British Waterways and subsequently CRT to

repair the moorings in the centre of Rugeley and make other improvements in the area. CRT

have recently obtained sufficient external funding for work to be done and we hope to see their

implementation plans at the start of next year.

Dallow Lock Burton

We received a report from a member that their boat had run aground entering Dallow Lock in

Burton. This was reported to CRT who investigated but could not find any fault. However,

they told us that a large piece of industrial fencing had recently been removed from the

waterway. If you experience any problems here or elsewhere please could you let me know.

Cat Gallows Footbridge, Nuneaton

Steps have now been installed allowing local residents access to the towpath. A ramp would

have been more convenient both for disabled users and for people with pushchairs but this was

not possible because of cost and practical constraints at the site.

Barton Turn Lock

The downstream bank collapsed a couple of years ago and the towpath and much of the lock

landing moorings were fenced off. Although repair was planned for last winter it was found to

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be a larger job than originally thought. CRT have confirmed that they are talking to their

contractors and that the work will be completed this winter.


You may have noticed pink arrows appearing on the historic bridges between Fradley and

Rugeley, which it seems had been painted by the organisers of a long distance event. We

discussed these with CRT to understand their policy on the general topic of graffiti. There is funding for its removal, so please could you report any new instances to CRT or to myself.

Visitor Moorings—Central Shires Review

CRT are currently undertaking a review of visitor moorings in the Central Shires area. We

hope to be be able to discuss the results with them before Christmas.

Removal of Permit Holder Only moorings

CRT have a policy of reducing the number of permanent towpath moorings as new marina

moorings become available. It would clearly be very helpful for boaters if such decommissioned

moorings were reclassified as visitor moorings particularly where the permanent sites are in

desirable locations. We await a response from the CRT central moorings team on this


Editorial Notice

Lichfield Lines is the newsletter of IWA Lichfield Branch, it is produced 4 times a year to keep

members informed about our forthcoming public meetings, walks, work parties and other

activities, to provide reports on recent meetings and events, and to include articles of general

interest to our members.

The editor, Peter Gurney, welcomes articles, letters or photographs of waterway activities in

our Branch area which can be emailed to [email protected] (Please note there is a

10MB limit for emails with photos as attachments sent via this address).

The copy date for the next newsletter is 15th January 2016, for publication in February.


Lichfield Lines is posted or emailed to about 300 addresses covering about 440 Branch

members. It can also be read and downloaded by anyone from the Branch website pages.

If you would like to publicise your waterway related business to our members, and others that

read the newsletter online, we can offer advertising space at the following rates:

Full Page - £20 per issue

Half Page - £10 per issue

Please contact the editor to discuss artwork and layout.

By advertising you will help to sponsor IWA's charitable activities and reach potential customers

who are all committed to the waterways.

Email Copies

If you currently receive Lichfield Lines by post but would be happy to have future copies sent

instead by email link, please inform our Secretary at [email protected]

This saves IWA printing and postage costs and enables the Branch to do more to support local


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Sunday, 13th December 2015, 12.30pm for 1.00pm

Menu & Booking Form for Christmas Meal at:


Walsall Road, near Muckley Corner, Lichfield, Staffs.

WS14 0BU

Choose one from each of the following courses:


Home-made Leek and Potato soup

Deep fried brie with cranberry dip

Gravadlax of salmon with mustard & dill

Black & white pudding fritters with Puy lentils

Spiced beef empanadas, bravas sauce


Roast turkey, chipolata, stuffing and roast potato

Pan fried sea bass fillets, confit lemon garlic vine tomatoes Crispy belly pork on chorizo, butter beans and peppers

Blue cheese, chestnut and spinach tart

Rump steak, griddled mushroom and tomato


Christmas pudding with brandy butter

Pannetone bread and butter pudding

Sticky toffee pudding, butterscotch sauce

Damson frangipane tart

Ice cream or sorbet

Cheese and biscuits

Prices: £16.00 for 2 courses or £19.00 for 3 courses

Tea or coffee included in the price

Please complete the booking form opposite and send to Helen Whitehouse

email: [email protected] or phone 01543 491161

Payment by cheque (payable to IWA LICHFIELD) can be made by post to:

Virginia Cottage, Brook End, Longdon, Rugeley, Staffs. WS15 4PD

Orders and payment by midday on 4th December 2015, please.

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Please enter Name(s) with Number of courses, an X against choices and Price

Contact Details:

Name Email

Phone Address

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What’s the Stafford Riverway Link CIC about?

We were formed in 2008 as a Community Interest Company.

Our mission is to re-open the Waterway Link from the Staffs & Worcs Canal to the Town Centre of Stafford.

We have made some progress but now need more volunteers.

We are having an


Friday the 13th November from 7-30 pm.


Stafford Boat Club.

Maplewood Wildwood


ST17 4SG We invite existing and prospective members to join us to hear of

the progress so far and our future intentions.


P.S. Any retired or active Engineers or Surveyors will be especially welcome.

e-mail [email protected]

Visit our website at www.stafford-riverway-link.co.uk

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Your Committee Chairman, Sales and External Talks Tel: 01543 491161 Email: [email protected]

Helen Whitehouse

Secretary and Membership Tel: 01283 761971 Email: [email protected]

Denise Bending

Treasurer Tel: 01785 716806 Email: [email protected]

Barbara Hodgson

Deputy Chairman and Recruitment Tel: 07947 337491 Email: [email protected]

Pat Barton

Planning & Website Tel: 01889 583330 Email: [email protected]

Philip Sharpe

Speakers Secretary Tel: 0121 308 0293 Email [email protected]

John Stockland

Newsletter Editor and Publicity Tel: 01785 255101 Email: [email protected]

Pete Gurney

Volunteer Coordinator Tel: 07581 794111 Email: [email protected]

Margaret Beardsmore

Minutes Secretary

Position Vacant

Navigation Officer Tel: 01283 761971 Email: [email protected]

Mike Bending

Ex Officio: Region Chairman

Position Vacant

Branch Contact Address IWA Lichfield Branch 35a Main Street Linton Swadlincote DE12 6PZ [email protected]

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The ideal present that lasts forever

1,2 and 3 day RYA Inland Waterways Helmsman courses aboard our training

boat SHROPSHIRE LASS, or on your own craft.

RYA Certificate on successful completion of the course for both beginners and

the experienced from £95.00 per student.

Also available: ICC and CEVNI assessments for boating in Europe.

Friendly and Understanding Instructor

A few comments from satisfied customers:

“Thank you for a fantastic day. Your guidance, gentle coaxing and patience got

the best from both of us”

“The course was conducted in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere and was

complimented by tips from you that cannot be found in the tuition book”



Email: [email protected]

Website: www.trboathandling.com