LICH Development Survey Results

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The results of a Cobble Hill Association survey gathering community input on the future development at Long Island College Hospital.

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    pg 30-40

  • How important do you feel it is to maintain the existing buildings height, scale & style? Specific concerns?


    The character of the nabe calls for buildings of lower height & scale of a brownstone. Certainly should not be taller than the garage.

    I think a tall tower would look very out of place in the neighborhood. The size of the tower also affects school resources in the area.

    Very. New buildings facing and/or abutting the historic district need to match the existing buildings in height and style.

    The old hospital building on Henry sits in a Landmark Protected area. If its no longer a hospital, then it should be reintegrated into the community as landmark protected & renovated as is. No additional floors. The garage & LICH extension can be rebuilt, but should not exceed 20 floors.That development will change the character of the entire area.

    Very important.

    The height is the most important!

    I have zero belief that the proposed style guide will have any actual impact on the appearance of the proposed buildings.

    INCREDIBLY important. I cant stress this enough!

    The aesthetic of this area is why I moved here and continue to live here.

    Context is important, but not afraid of increased density if handled properly.

    Extremely important

    Very important. Im not okay with the current plan of putting 40 floor building. The new buildings should match the height and aesthetics of the buildings around our area.

    Should stay low! Especially near Henry and pacific and amity- need services- instead of making deals w developer to provide services government should be providing- government should find a way to provide- school, open space, transportation - already a problem in neighborhood and w BBP going to get worse

    We must keep the charm of the neighborhood. O hihrisers with brownstonesvery important

    This neighborhood does not need high rise buildings, it will put high demand on the infrastructure of the neighborhood. And parking which is already difficult will become ridiculous.


    extremely important. Cobble Hill has been a brownstone neighborhood. Raising the height of the buildings will fundamentally alter the nature of the neighborhood.

    The height is very important to maintaining the integrity and character of the neighborhood. In addition, there would be an overwhelming increase in residents to the Cobble Hill neighborhood. No longer being quaint and charming, but more like Times Square.

    Crucial! As it is the meager playgrounds surrounding the existing buildings get little sun and considerable car traffic and local elementary schools are overcrowded, These things will all get worse if the building heights increase.

    This will keep along with the idea of the actual Historic District.Very

    Extremely important that the buildings height is lowered to the existing LICH and

  • How important do you feel it is to maintain the existing buildings height, scale & style? Specific concerns?


    the style fit with the neighborhood, which these renderings do not by any stretch of the imagination. The developers plans are horrific. Very concerned about the building heights. Giant towers do not belong in this neighborhood.

    Extremely important. For one thing, the neighborhood cannot support an influx of people that a skyscraper would bring. This is a very residential (and historic) neighborhood-- there would be nothing but very bad blood if a building over 10 stories were plopped down in the middle of it.

    Extremely important

    Im most concerned about scale, since the neighborhood is crowded already.

    Absolutely essential.

    It is very important to keep the new development at the current LICH height.

    Very important. I think it is reasonable to allow the developer to go above 50 feet in height at the Atlantic/Hicks location, but 10-15 stories is plenty. Other buildings should be no more than 10 stories.

    Extremely important.

    Very important on height and scale. Not sure about style.

    I would prefer to see the existing buildings that have historic or architectural value preserved or expanded in a sensitive manner. I believe this can be done, (Renzo Piano at the Morgan Library for example) but I have no sense of whether Fortiss and FXfowle are up to the task. I do not believe every building on the site is worthy of preserving.

    Much of Cobble Hill is landmarked for a reason: we want to preserve the look and feel as Cobble Hill was intended to be. The hospital buildings are large enough as is to accommodate a significant number of residences and businesses. Large scale buildings will do nothing but ruin the feel of Cobble Hill that makes it special.

    Critically important

    Extremely important. Highrises would change the entire look of Cobble Hill, most of which is Historic District. It becomes very strange when we cannot paint our handrails without Landmarks permission, but across the street a 43 story glass tower is looking down on that very same handrail...

    Extraordinarily important--and would recommend an immediate political effort to rezone these blocks to apply the 50 foot height restriction and/or bring them into the historic district.

    The older buildings should be used as a model for the scale and mass of any new construction. Newer buildings can be stylistically modern, although using setbacks and materials that harmonize with the neighborhood (masonry instead of glass, etc).

    It is of utmost importance to maintain height restrictions not only because a skyscraper would be an eyesore in the middle of beautiful landmarked cobble hill but also because we can not accommodate the amount of people that would live in a skyscraper without our way of life being drastically changed.

    Absolutely crucial!

  • How important do you feel it is to maintain the existing buildings height, scale & style? Specific concerns?


    Tremendously important. Light, air, contextual scale.

    Its extremely important to keep the neighborhood as it is.

    It is crucial to me that the new development goes no higher than the current buildings. Anything higher will be a blight to the neighborhood...and will cause an already crowded area to be even more crowded.

    Keeping the scale to that of the current buildings and adding additional square footage in the pass through areas (closed down end of Pacific) with a creative and inspirational design by a renowned/great architect would be okay with me. Taking down the terribly designed (70s) building on Henry and Amity would be a plus! Turn that into a more contextual and designed building with only residential.

    VERY important. We are a historic district and ALL buildings in the district and on the edge of the district should maintain the historical nature of our neighborhood.

    Very! The idea of a 40 story building is terrifying

    Height= yesScale = same, or smaller.Style = portions that are older should be maintained.

    The newer portions, not important to maintain.

    Cobble Hill is a unique and historic neighborhood. It is vital that we keep it that way - once destroyed it will never return. Id like to see the current LICH buildings used as they are. If anything new must be built, please keep it to six stories or under. Lets not turn this into the Toll brothers travesty at BBP.


    Critical to maintain the character of the neighborhood.

    Very important. Dont take the sky away!!!


    Extremely important!! Glass towers do not fit with the aesthetic and history of the neighborhood. Neighborhood cannot absorb approx. 2,000+ residents.

    Very important. This area should continue to look like a part of Cobble Hill.


    Very important to stay within the scale of existing buildings.

    It is absolutely vital to maintain the scale and historic fabric of the neighborhood. The proposed Fortis schemes are completely out of character with the surroundings.

    I am concerned that the out-of-context height will be an eyesore to the village feel of Cobble Hill, and that the overpopulation due to the additional people/families who would occupy the proposed buildings would cause unacceptable stress on schools, parking, public transpiration and services. Also, a towering building will forever change the historic nature of the neighborhood.

  • How important do you feel it is to maintain the existing buildings height, scale & style? Specific concerns?


    They can and should be taller but within reason. 40 stories would cast terrible shadows on the neighborhood and would bring too many people to the area too quickly. Schools and local amenities would suffer.All historic/landmarked buildings should remain unchanged (no extra floors, etc).

    extremely important

    If there are towers looming over Cobble Hill its not the same neighborhood anymore.

    Maintaining style is much less important to me than maintaining height and scale.

    Very. I have no desire to see tall luxury buildings going up in this neighborhood

    EXTREMELY important. Height of buildings will dramatically impact neighborhood character and property values.

    very important

    Although it would be desirable to maintain that scale, it is unfortunately not likely to occur given the current economics of real estate development. There has been tall building development along the Brooklyn shoreline for several decades -- Cadman Plaza, Dumbo are two nearby examples in essentially brownstone neighborhoods. Now it is coming to Cobble Hill, a result of political decisions to convert the LICH site into tax yielding property. The only thing to hope for is a final design that keeps the height at the fringe of the community rather than encroaching on the low rise residential area.

    Very important to maintain height. Shadows cast from towers outside of landmarked area takes away the charm of our landmarked neighborhood. Cheapens the Landmarked area.

    The Height is extremely important. Tall buildings do not make vibrant neighborhoods - they produce overcrowding. If there is no school to handle the new residents, quality of life goes down. There is not going to be any new subway line, so how are we all supposed to get to work? The subways are overcrowded as it is. NO SOULLESS GLASS TOWERS. Manhattan has been ruined with skyscrapers and big box stores.

    Massively important, to preserve not only the character of those blocks but of the entire neighborhood (vis a vis views, shadows). Cobble Hill and Brooklyn Heights are an oasis relative to the verticality of Manhattan and downtown Brooklyn; if that is altered we destroy the spatial orientation of the cherished neighborhoods.

    This is an absolute must. Any change will destroy the value of coops and condos in Cobble Hill and City Councilman Lander the Mayor, Assemblywoman Simon and Senator Squadron will be responsible. They can fix the height by incorporating it into the Cobble Hill Historic District. This is part of the area used by the Continental Army in the Battle of Bklyn. Wed all be British save for what happened here.

    Very. It will effect the entire feel of the neighborhood and over crowd

    I think the brick H building should be landmarked-- No height built on top of that. I understand the newer hospital buildings will have to go. I think that all buildings along Henry Street should maintain the current height requirements of the rest of the neighborhood-- maybe with a little wiggle room. Taller buildings will block the light of the entire neighborhood. I think taller buildings are ok further down the hill.....they wont be seen from the neighborhood as much.

  • How important do you feel it is to maintain the existing buildings height, scale & style? Specific concerns?


    Im really upset about the idea of high-rises coming in. I think all residential buildings should be townhouse height, save landmark buildings, which should be converted to condos.

    Extremely important; this is a low-slung, brownstone neighborhood and part of the quality of life for those of us who live here is that we can see the sky.Very important. This is critical. This is not the era or neighborhood for a tower in the park proposal. We all know how those designs, once built, look and function in real life.

    Very!!!!! it is not fair that the lack of height restrictions from the hospital were passed along to a residential/commercial development who would knowing take advantage of the freedom to obliterate our neighborhoods character with a skyscraper.I think its more important to integrate the LICH dead zone into the rest of the neighborhood. Building height is not as much of a concern per the proposed plan as is making sure school and infrastructure can support all the new families. Would be great if some retail space could be reserved for small/local businesses too!

    I think its very important to maintain the integrity, look, and feel of the neighborhood. The addition of a 40 story bldg to the area is completely out of sync with the historical look and feel of cobble hill.

    I believe the height to be the most important as you dont want to create an eyesore.

    Very importantVery important

    Given the western location of the buildings, i dont find building height to be all that substantial.

    It is of paramount importance. This neighborhood has ZERO context for buildings over six stories. These towers will RUIN this neighborhood. People pay $1000/square foot to live here because this neighborhood has charm & a homey feel and because it ISNT Manhattan. I live in a landmarked building three blocks from this development site. I cant put screens in my windows because of landmark restrictions, but you can put up giant skyscrapers?!?

    Very. This is the reason we have historic zoning.

    The current buildings do nothing to address the sidewalk/pedestrian traffic in the area and are a general blight on the transition from Brooklyn Heights into Cobble Hill. The existing row house at the corner of Hicks and Amity is a horrid blight. The block between Amity on Congress should be returned to a row that faces the street whether it is commercial or residential.

    Extremely important.

    This neighborhood is of historical importance and people live here because it feels like a small quaint village! This is a small village within the city of NYC. And like a small village, building a towering skyscraper will dominate the village like a castle would in the middle ages: out of touch with the surrounding town and towns people. Other buildings in the area are required to honor the Brownstone style and keep the buildings small: 4 stories maximum. These plans are well too high and modern for this area. Why is the current buildings in their exact exterior and height not being renovated? This would not have heavy of a footprint on our tiny village. Instead this belongs in Manhattan or downtown Brooklyn.

  • How important do you feel it is to maintain the existing buildings height, scale & style? Specific concerns?


    maintaining the existing height and scale is important to avoid overwhelming the neighborhood. a taller building on Hicks at the parking garage would be ok, but not if coupled with very large buildings on the existing site. The style could be different as long as it is good and balances in with the neighborhood.

    Critical, landmarked neighborhood. Keep historic character. Dont want tall buildings.

    most important. very little brownstone brooklyn remains.

    Building height and scale are of paramount importance.

    What makes our neighborhood special is the historical integrity that the community has upheld for over a hundred years! Building a high tower takes away what generations have worked hard to maintain.

    It is extremely important. The character of the area is what draws people. If its not maintained, it will lose its uniquiness.

    all of the above should work in connection with the scale of the neighborhood. absolutely no need for high rise buildings where none currently exist in a historical neighborhood.

    I have no problem with a tall tower at the site of the existing LICH garage. The greater height and density should be placed away from Henry Street.

    I feel it is of the utmost importance to limit new buildings to the height of what is currently the highest building in the neighborhood. I am concerned about the congestion in the neighborhood and about the change in the light caused by very high buildings.

    Extremely important! Towers would be horribly out of context - this isnt midtown Manhattan.

    extremely important. it would be a travesty to have tall glass and metal buildings on the site and have it eclipse all the the older brownstones and smaller buildings. it would be ugly and the people that moved in would be unwelcomed.

    They are beautiful buildings, and Cobble Hill is a landmarked neighborhood. It would be a pity to lose that.

    Very important! We do not want to lose the character of the neighborhood!

    It is of utmost importance to maintain the current height, scale & style standard for the neighborhood. To build higher than what already exists would be a detriment to the wellbeing of current residents. The neighborhood is a quaint escape from bustling Manhattan and as a 24 year resident Id like to maintain historical and social integrity of the nighborhood. Limiting height on buildings is a must and if buildings are to change in facade, well I just hope they wont change too much, there is character in what already exists.

    I think its critical that the new structure maintains the existing buildings height, scale and style so it FITS IN to our beautiful historical neighborhood. I am so disappointed by the building height that has been specified. It will dwarf our neighborhood, block out sky and sunlight, cast ong shadows and feel completely disproportionate and distracting. The noise and congestion are worrisome as well. Im HUGELY disappointed. Its a major quality of life compromise and after the zoning that specified lower storied buildings? How did this slip by?

  • How important do you feel it is to maintain the existing buildings height, scale & style? Specific concerns?


    We are in a landmark district. They will share our brand. All development should be residential. Put commercial on Atlantic. All buildings should conform to 50 feet and brownstone townhouse from 1840 to 1890.

    No new buildings should be taller than the building that it replaces; the scale and style should fit the historical context of the neighborhood.

    The neighborhood is all low rise buildings within a particular range of brownstone Brooklyn style. I am very concerned about large towers being built- it will change the skyline and the cast a figurative shadow over the neighborhood. Also, the style should be in keeping with the existing neighborhood. Isnt that why it is so popular, because it is beautiful, traditional, tree lines, and quiet? Isnt this what Fortis is trying to capitalize on? Will they ruin it in the process?

    Yes, the current height and scale is not a nuisance to the skyline and look of the neighborhood.Very important. The low rise residential character of the neighborhood is what brought us here 8 years ago.

    Extremely building. People live in Cobble Hill because of its charm. High rises take away the charm and leave you in a generic area that no longer feels or acts like a community.

    Only important within the existing residential boundries of henry/pacific. Not important at all on hicks

    I believe that is it unrealistic to think that the existing building heights can be maintained because of the as of right entitlement. However 40 stories is way too high for our area. I believe style is important.

    Very important!

    Extremely important. I do not want Cobble Hill to become Williamsburg - the height restrictions keeps the historic look and feel of our neighborhood. These proposals are totally inappropriate.

    I would be appalled to see a high rise built on Henry Street. I would like to see it stay more or less the same.

    Not at all - in fact, the taller it is, the more affordability that we can fight for, and the more economic diversity our community will have.

    Very important, especially the height - even an eyesore wont be so bad if it doesnt tower over everything else.

    Not at all. In fact, I would prefer taller development so that the additional value created by that development can be applied to a larger portion of affordable housing units in the development at deeper levels of affordability. If the taller portion of the development is on Henry Street, it will minimize morning shadows in the park,

    Most important within the Cobble Hill on Henry St East and Amity St South

    The height of the building should blend in with the rest of the building heights. 44 stories is ridiculous. Even 20 is too many. 6? 10?

    Very important to retain the character of the neighborhood

    Having a too-tall tower will destroy the character of the neighborhood.

    None whatsoever.

  • How important do you feel it is to maintain the existing buildings height, scale & style? Specific concerns?



    Brownstone Brooklyn is so beautiful and really builds the character of this community, which is part of the appeal of this area. Tall residential towers would be so ugly and out of place to this landscape, not to even mention infrastructure issues.

    Extremely important to maintain the character of the neighborhood!

    the most important. the neighborhood should not be rezoned to increase building height.

    very important. its a beautiful tree-lined historic neighborhood and the look should be preserved.

    Its very important! Cobble hill and the surrounding neighborhoods are lovely and quaint because of their neighborhood feel. High rises would ruin the neighborhood. Does Brooklyn have to turn into Manhattan? We dont want eye sore high rises here!

    Keep it to scale. Why overbuild yet another nneighborhood. Build up Manhattan - not residential brooklyn

    It would be good if all of the current heights be maintained but the developer has the right to build high right now on the hospital site. I think the neighborhood should just go ahead with the as of right plan. It is not worth moving the location of the very tall tower and reducing it by only 4 floors to concede several of the other buildings then going much higher and the overall capacity built to be doubled.

    Very important. New buildings should not feel out of place in this historic hood.

    This is Cobble Hill, do they not understand what this community is all about and what has made it a great place to live? Malls are not that; towers are not that; glass is not that. Are they insane to think we would like this horrible development?

    very, extremely

    Very important. Concerns are shadows, neighborhood context, and density of population.

    While overall style is important - if increasing the height limits will allow for more residential units - and significant school infrastructure - Id be very open to the developers building taller than the 50 foot limit

    The buildings should be scaled to the existing low rise neighborhood. Anything over the current height of LICH would be inappropriate

    I am very concerned for the size and scope of the project. Our infrastructure - specifically health, library and school systems cant handle this influx without very detailed planning ahead of time (years).The urban planners at the city should be ashamed of themselves. HEIGHT. SCALE.

    I think this is incredibly important. Maintaining building height is one of the things that makes our neighborhood so beautiful (and popular and coveted).

    Very important.

    Buildings should be no taller than the rest of Cobble Hill

    Very important. Cobble Hill is an historic district, and it is going to change the neighborhood for the worse if out-of-context development is allowed.

  • How important do you feel it is to maintain the existing buildings height, scale & style? Specific concerns?


    From an aesthetic point of view, extremely important. To keep the integrity of the neighborhood and to create a building that is harmonious with the area.

    Extremely important with regard to height and scale. The existing style is ugly, so Im flexible here, so long as whats built fits with the landmark neighborhood aesthetic.

    The most important thing. This neighborhood and area is not suitable to have a Manhattan-style or even downtown Brooklyn style commercial tower or residential tower. Both things destroy the neighborhood and cause enormous stress and over crowding into a tiny space of only a few square blocks.

    Its extremely important to maintain the existing buildings height scale and style

    Not important

    Not concerned

    It is very important to maintain neighborhood scale.

    Very important. Changing the height of the buildings will change the neighborhood tremendously and not for the better. We need to preserve our brownstones.we need to do our part to build affordable and market-rate housing as our city population expands. I would prefer low-rise but cannot, in good conscience, expect other neighborhoods to become more dense to build low-and middle-income housing while we remain low-rise

    Cobble Hill is an historic neighborhood and maintaining the height of bldgs in paramount. As an architect it is of GREAT CONCERN that 30-40 story bldgs are even being contemplated.

    It is very urgent that the CHA mobilize legal advocates to contest the very poorly designed Fortis plan.

    Do not give anything up, do not give anything away in order to preserve our neighborhood. We should accept brownstones only.

    Very important. Its what makes Cobble Hill Cobble Hill.

    I think that the buildings can go higher without adversely affecting the neighborhood. The key issue in CH is schools. LICH is a massive block and additional height will not be very noticeable if along the BQE. I feel that bulk should be negotiated for additional schools.

    It is ridiculous that there is a proposal to build more homes in an already crowded neighborhood. It is shameful that LICH was shut down. My son was born there and I am absolutely disgusted by the greediness of the developers. Shame on you.I would hope there would not be any more height than exists currently - but even a few more floors would be okay but NOT 40!

    It is critical that any development stay within the scale of the existing buildings. Tall towers are totally out of scale in the neighborhood.

    The design - look and height- should fit with the existing neighborhood.

    Should definitely not be higher. Should be lower and more aesthetically pleasing.

    Extremely important. Our neighborhood is WAY overcrowded. If you build even one tower you should build a school to house just those families and take in some of the existing families as our schools have no space for new families.

  • How important do you feel it is to maintain the existing buildings height, scale & style? Specific concerns?


    very important

    Its very important to maintain the existing building height. We dont want the neighborhood to turn into lower Manhattan with sky scraper type buildings blocking the views that already exist and changing the character of the neighborhood.

    Extremely important. This neighborhood has breathing room at the moment and that is entirely threatened by the enormity of this project.

    Extremely important. Our neighborhood is defined by its lower-rise buildings and peaceful atmosphere. Towers would be an eyesore and completely out of context with the surrounding, landmarked buildings.

    I think its very important -- both because I value the look and feel of the neighborhoods human scale, and because of the impact a huge tower would have on the local community -- SCHOOLS, infrastructure, all would be stressed by such a major influx of residents and traffic.

    VERY! Im concerned mainly about the Manhattanization of Brooklyn -- too many people, no parking spaces and overcrowded subways and schools, which has already happened. We dont need 1000+ new apartments. It will break the neighborhood.

    extremely important for any property closest to our Landmark area but taller building further away is possible; not too tall, however.

    Extremely important- any further height will take away from the beautiful character of this neighborhood as well as decrease property value for those who have skyline views in the vicinity

    Please keep the building the sand size!

    Not as heigh. Definitely not 40 floors hight.It is my expectation that the height and scale of development at these sites will increase under any scenario. To me, it would be important that the bulk of these increases is further away from Henry Street, ie closer to Hicks and specifically making use of the existing LICH garage site.

    Very concerned about overcrowding of several facets of the neighborhood, such as schools and views, which would be caused by high- rise, high-density housing. Cobble Hill has had one of the most successful neighborhood preservation efforts in the country and it would be sad to see its character ruined by buildings of an inappropriate height, scale, and style.

    I feel this is critical to maintaining the integrity and character of the neighborhood. Furthermore building height should be preserved to manage the neighborhoods current capacity (e.g. an apartment tower means more residents, and there are already not enough groceries, healthcare, and schools to support current residents).

    The buildings should NOT, under any circumstance exceed the 50 limit. This development is an amazing sell out by our local politicians

    Its very importatnt. A super-tower would actually affect residents of Brooklyn Heights more greatly. Tall shadows will dramatically affect sunlight over neighboring blocks to the north. Most of the surrounding areas are landmarked. While the new construction does not have to fake mimic an old building, it should have correct historic context. A really successful example is 172 Amity Street (I believe thats the address - Maurer residence).not that important

  • How important do you feel it is to maintain the existing buildings height, scale & style? Specific concerns?


    Very important on all streets but Hicks - and even there, the height of the building and resulting shadow should not negatively impact the community.

    Critically important. Character and value of neighborhood depends on it

    Fairly important. More than anything i do not want development that is completely or of context and style to the rest is the area.

    Extremely important to limit building height to no more than 10 stories.

    Height/Scale is the most important. The neighborhood is not suitable for skyscrapers, nor is that remote corner of the neighborhood suitable for thousands of people to live in (i.e., no space in schools, far from public transportation, local shops are small, streets are narrow).

  • How important do you feel it is to maintain the existing parks? Specific concerns?


    The parks should be kept & improved. Especially that nice relaxing one on the corner of Pacific with the old fashioned clock. Was a nice place for adults to relax with morning coffee & read the newspaper in peace without a load of kids under foot.

    I dont have kids and thus is not a big deal to me. Building height and neighborhood feel are much more important to me.

    My opinion is the parks can be reconfigured as long as the community does not lose open space.

    Maintain existing or make plans to replace them within the footprint of LICH campus.


    I would prefer keeping the existing small scale parks.

    I am a huge proponent of parks and outdoor spaces.

    fairly important, they are well used.

    Somewhat important

    Not as important. We already have Cobble Hill park and of course Brooklyn Bridge Park.

    Those spaces are well used - should be kept or replaced

    Its important for the children in the neighborhood.

    This is a niegborhood of young families, need we go any further why parks a necessary.


    we need more greens and parks and playgrounds

    The current parks are perfectly fine now. The should knock down the LICH parking lot and turn that into a park.

    Vital! The existing parks are some of the few in the area appropriate for very young children and babies.A very good architectural project can use the spaces used by the actual parks and take them to the roof of the constructions with public free access.


    Of course its important! Are you kidding? We live in city with very precious green space--even Cobble Hill is lacking. Every inch of park is necessary.

    Extremely important. The neighborhood has so many children and it is vital for them to have a place to play. Its also vital to build the community. So many of my and my childs friendships are because of those parks. Having a play space saved me from depression when my child was a baby as it gave me an opportunity to meet and interact with other people.

    Families rely on the parks, even the small playgrounds. The developed waterfront nearby means nothing if the nearest park is only two blocks away and youre pushing a stroller or dragging a toddler. We cant lose park space.

    Not essential as long as comparable parks are provided.

    I am not too concerned about the small amount of park space that will be planned for the new development. We have Brooklyn Bridge park already in existence.

    Developers parks plans seem okay; with development, the existing parks wont feel right anymore

  • How important do you feel it is to maintain the existing parks? Specific concerns?


    I am not that concerned about the park space - it would be nice to have but not my primary concern


    I would like to see the amount of green/park space preserved or even expanded. I think the existing parks could be improved. I have 3 young children and when time allows we walk past the current parks to pier 6. Again, I can not judge whether Fortiss and FXfowle would/could improve what already exists.Incredibly important. The hospital parks are where every toddler in the neighborhood has taken their first try on a playground!

    very important- bbp is overcrowded already

    Not super important, there are quite a lot of park space in this area. I would never trade 2200 more residents in our already crowded area to get or maintain some additional park space.

    Important to maintain the square footage of the parks, not necessarily the placement.

    Im not concerned about the specific layout of the parks, but the total square footage should not decrease by much.

    It is very important we maintain our parks for her childrens well being and for the aesthetic beauty of cobble hill

    already not enough park space. Dont want to see whats there now to look as managed as Brooklyn Bridge Park! Try walking a dog on the neighborhood - grass is hard to find! Any open space needs to be natural for people to decide how theyd like to use it!

    There is not that much green space in Cobble Hill. I think at the very least the toddler park should be preserved.


    Very important. Especially for the elderly in our neighborhood who cant ambulate to the Brooklyn Bridge Park.


    Exiting parks should be maintained at least as they are now.

    Very important. These two parks are vital to our community.

    Very important. These are pocket parks and they are invaluable.

    Existing number of parks should continue to exist.

    Im not so concerned with the parks. There are a few small parks for small kids that are important to families in the neighborhood - but we have the Brooklyn Bridge Park that serves our area.

    Parks are a very important quality of life aspect. A large part of the charm, comfort, and health of our community.

    I hate to see BBPark keep putting new highrise condos and a hotel.

    My family uses the LICH playgrounds regularly -- at least once or twice a week, often more. It is crucial to me that playground space be included in the development. It doesnt have the be the existing parks, but comparable.

  • How important do you feel it is to maintain the existing parks? Specific concerns?


    Green spaces are great to have. Air and light is the biggest concern for me. If the childrens playgrounds go but open space with green space and trees are there I am happy. Better yet would be in addition to these green spaces a school with a playground and open area for the children. Where are all the kids going to go to school? We need a school in addition to other infrastructure.

    Not concerned with maintaining existing parks as long as equal or more square footage of parks are still present after the project

    Yes it is important to my family. We use those parks nearly every day.

    Extremely important, unless a new park is LARGER. These parks are essential to the children in famililies of

    Cobble Hill. Our daugther is past park age now, but we spent hundreds of hours in the LICH parks.

    Park space is extremely important - and developers need to be watched like hawks so they do not back out on their promises or pull a fast one (look at the hotel going up in BBP - a monstrosity.

    Ok to upgrade the parks, but public parkland should be an important feature.

    It is important but there is no shortage of available park space. We should not trade parks in the shadow of skyscrapers for the extant character of a neighborhood we love.

    The parks were created as a trade off for the garage. Is there no morality left in government?

    Very. There are no other parks close by.

    Lich toddler playground appears to be most used park in neighborhood! Please help us keep a playspace for kids, as there are not that many within cobble hill.

    I think the little kid (or Noisy park as Fortis called it) should stay- or something for that age group should be worked into the plan for the new park across the street. It is a unique space for 1- 3 year olds-- there arent any other playgrounds for that age group. That playground is PACKED all day long. I think the other playground could be sacrificed. The park Fortis presented looks more like a garden with a couple play elements. It should be 100% geared toward kid play if the other 2 playgrounds are closed and the other park areas are more adult strolling gardens. There are too many little ones around here for bucolic gardens-- they need a place to climb and play specifically geared toward them.

    The playground in front of the H building is one of the most popular in the neighborhood. If it is removed for a landscaped entryway for the new residential building then the proposed park across the street should be a full-szied playground with similar equipment, and should be visually unified with the small existing park on Pacific/Henry.

    very important

    Im not so concerned about this. There are plenty of playgrounds in the area.

    Its essential the parks be enlarged considerably and improved if residential development happens at anywhere near the planned rate. The parks are already over capacity.


  • How important do you feel it is to maintain the existing parks? Specific concerns?


    Important to maintain or expand the total amount of green space, including playgrounds, but whether that means existing or new parks is not a huge concern. Parks, particularly playgrounds should *not* be directly adjacent to the BQE.

    very important

    We have plenty of parks nearby the LICH footprint. Putting in a few new parks shouldnt justify these giant towers. We dont need your parks and we dont want these towers.

    Parks and green space in general is significant for both aesthetic and environmental reasons. I favor the expansion of it rather than merely maintaining the parks.

    Our parks are at capacity already - visit any of them at 330p, and you will see that we cant afford to lose any park space.

    very! Parks are what set us apart.

    making a pedestrian connection through Pacific Street will have a major impact on the condition of Hicks Street.


    I think saving the existing parks is important, unless better versions that are just as big and specifically fit developmental needs of small children replace them. The small LICH park has been extremely important in the lives of my children and of their friends and it is the one enclosed park in the neighborhood that toddlers can explore freely.

    I am not overly concerned about the parks. We need green space, but if we wanted high-rises and green space we have Brooklyn Bridge Park.

    Not only maintainadd to them. Thanks to the already greedy development along the Brooklyn Heights waterfront, the pier parks are already completely running over capacity in terms of visitors. Ever tried riding bikes with kids there? You take your life into your own hands.

    This is critical. The two LICH playgrounds are mainstays of our neighborhood!

    The existing parks near LICH always struck me as not getting much sunlight, so I dont think its a big issue if the park space is moved to another location (that would hopefully get more sun). It would be a shame to have a net loss of open space, though, because there arent many parks in the neighborhood, and none of them are large.

    We are big users of the LICH playgrounds.

    The parks are heavily used but not necessary to keep in current degraded state.

    Having outdoor play areas for families and children in the neighborhood is very important. Both LICH playgrounds are heavily used and important to keeping our kids healthy and active.

    We love the parks and think it is vital to the neighborhoods ambiance. This feel will vanish if parks are not kept.

    Park should remain the same we should not demolish the clinic building just to built a park. We could use the clinic building for more medical services.

    Parks, green space are very important. This is a kid friendly neighborhood

  • How important do you feel it is to maintain the existing parks? Specific concerns?


    Extremely important! Though I would emphasize the importance of them being useful as playgrounds, not hills of grass with some seating. The playgrounds along Henry serve MANY families - the developers need to spend time there on a sunny summer day to really appreciate their importance to the community. The grassy areas along the BQE seem especially impractical - they would quickly become wasteland.

    the parks there are great. there are so many kids in the area already, losing a park would be a strike against the neighborhood.

    LICH parks, Van Voorhees park, and Cobble Hill park are core community gathering points. That said, they could be replaced with other parks if they were equally nice.

    The childrens parks are very important to the families of this community. Weve watched our kids grow up here.

    This area is underserved by parks, playgrounds and green space. Brooklyn Bridge Park is not close enough for either the very young or the older population.

    Having grown up in the parks I feel it is of utmost importance to maintain them. There are many children and new families constantly moving into the neighborhood and those parks serve as babys first playground for those people. I learned to swing, slide and interact with other children in the hospital parks and I would hate to take that social and developmental space away from future kids in the neighborhood.

    Very important. its perfect for young families looking for a park close by. Its pleasant to have wide open space and see the greenery while also building a sense of familiarity and community in our neighborhood.

    maintaining the existing playgrounds is important. these playgrounds for small children are a respite in the neighborhood. they are more useful and functional than pier 6 for young children. if they are turned into more pier 6 then they are not worth it.

    Critical, lots of green space around LICH that the entire community accesses.

    very important. these are places the children love.

    Our children NEED a safe place to play within their community. This is truly a community where everyone knows one another, looks out for each other, and raises their families together with values.

    Parks are just as important. There needs to be green spaces to enhance the charm and overall heath of the area.

    all park space should be maintained, if not increased.

    Existing Parks should remain. New park space added along Henry is a good idea and welcome open space.

    Maintain/replace existing parks for those who use them.

    Very important!

    I have two children and we spent a large amount of time at the parks. It would be great if they could be maintained and ideally spruced up a bit. They are a valuable community resource and it would be devastating if they were to be razed for more high rises.

    Important - parks should be improved or expanded and any new designs should be the product of appropriate community input.

  • How important do you feel it is to maintain the existing parks? Specific concerns?


    This is important, but there are other neighborhood parks that see more intensive use.

    There should be more open space as part of the development, if possible, and any re-design should incorporate a significant means for community members to weigh in on priorities with the designers themselves.

    My daughter and I play at the LICH playground a few times a week. It would be sad to lose it.

    Yes! Keep the square footage we have!!!

    Would be great to have bigger parks

    Provisions for better-maintained parks should be part of the plan. Current parks are run-down and not well-maintained.

    Same amount of sq feet but would consider different locations but do not open the pacific and amity st backyards to vandals with open donut. Frame two block end parks at pacific and amity and build 7-8 brownstones to frame it in.

    The parks are very popular and should be maintained.

    My biggest concern for playspace is the toddler park. It is really the only park of its kind in the area, and if we lose that then there will be no place for the under 3 set to play.

    Very as this proposed site will add to the overcrowding of the neighborhood they need to give back by preserving green spaces and playspaces. Also I think they need to incest in a school. If they add more residents to an already crowded school zone they will bring down property value for all. This neighborhood is popular because of its good schools.

    Of no importance

    We spend a lot of time at the playgrounds on Henry and Congress. It would be a shame to lose these community parks.

    Parks are essential to health, physical and mental. Trees clean the air. Its ludicrous to get rid of parks.

    some mixed use park space with dedicated kids playground and dedicated quiet/sitting parks should be part of the plan, but retaining the existing parks is not important

    I think green space is important and the existing parks provide relief from the dense buildings

    Obviously we want parks but we dont want to ruin our neighborhood either. We thought we were getting a real park at the end of Atlantic but that was a mistake. We will NOT accept another bait and switch like with Brooklyn Bridge Park so this question is stupid. The real question is: do you care about enlarging the park space but not at the cost of losing quality of life like light and air and sky.

    very, extremely

    Not very.

    Its very important to me that the final plan has either the same amount of park space or more - if the parks need to be shot down at times during construction, developer should perhaps provide access to alternative locations/infrastructure

    They are nice but not important to me

    The park space would be great to maintain and with a little one, there is always a need for different parks to go to or ones that are not overrun with big kids or tons of people (read BBP).

  • How important do you feel it is to maintain the existing parks? Specific concerns?



    My children LOVED the LICH parks when they were little! What a wonderful asset to have a toddler friendly playground in the neighborhood!

    Very, very important. We need safe places for community and family to gather. Our family has greatly enjoyed the LICH playgrounds, and it would be a real tragedy to loose them.

    Its important for there to be places for kids to play. Playgrounds.

    Theres a huge population density of children in the area, and all of the parks are overcrowded already.

    Very important also! There are so many children in the neighborhood and the LICH playgrounds have been a mainstay for children in the neighborhood for a long time. I believe there was also something in the original LICH deeds that required the hospital to keep the playgrounds in place for the benefit of the neighborhood? A for-profit developer should do the very same.

    The LICH playground is a beloved spot in this community. It would be a real loss to see this go if nothing was put in its place.

    Very important--these are neighborhood gathering places vital to this community of young families. Access to parks right in cobble hill is limited-we cannot lose the LICH parks.

    the parks created by LICH were a requirement during its development because of public land the city gave to the developer. to now have a private developer eliminate this public space is of serious concern. this is stealing from the public if similar park access is not created

    very important. these playgrounds on henry are used on a daily basis by us and other families in the neighborhood and the children love them in their current state.

    Brooklyn beidge park is completely overcrowded. It is a victim of its own success. The kids need LICH parks for a respite from the crowds.

    My main concern is the scale and density.

    Brooklyn beidge park is completely overcrowded. It is a victim of its own success. The kids need LICH parks for a respite from the crowds.

    I wish the current parks to be maintained. The three separate parks each add something to the neighborhood, one being for toddlers, another for older kids and the last a quiet space for adults. The alternate plan gives us just another Pier 6 style park which we dont need. And the adult space is lost. The passive park offered in the alternate plan cannot be used and acts as a planting area to keep people far away from the apartment windows in the new development.

    Very. We use the park. It need to be repaired but to lose public park space is such a loss.

    Although I do not have young children, with the tremendous influx of new people, especially families, and for those of us in the neighborhood who want to continue to feel that this is a neighborhood and not a high-class project, it is most important.

    The existing parks are highly prized. They should be maintained or even increased.

    Extremely - cobble hill has little to no green space or nature, and I do not want a micro-mamaged playground at the end of my street on Pacific.

  • How important do you feel it is to maintain the existing parks? Specific concerns?


    Parks must stay. If there is no place to go outside people will be very unhealthyImportant. But if they improve on it, even better.

    Kids need spaces to play!

    The existing parks are a couple of many in the area. While convenience will be a factor for some, there are other park options. Still, I would expect some outdoor space meant for the community to continue to utilize in the development designs.

    Very important! They need upgrades, they dont need to be torn down so our children have nowhere to play.

    As long as we have some parks, I am fine. they dont have to be in existing areas

    If it means killing our neighborhood with inappropriate buildings then I would give up the parks to preserve low lying, neighborhood friendly buildings.

    VERY IMPORTANT. I am raising a family of 3 children. There is virtually no green space, so we rely on the few playgrounds there are almost every day.

    The existing parks are important and add to the neighborhood being kid friendly

    Yes, we need the parks. Not more condos you greedy scum.

    The existing parks should be maintained - they are important to the neighborhood!

    we need parking and decent shopping. The baby crazy people in this neighborhood need to move to Long Island

    I am not sentimental about the specific parks but we need even more park space than we currently have.

    The LICH parks have been an indispensable part of raising my child here, and I hope my #2 gets the same opportunity.

    Not important

    I dont think the site should impact any existing out door parks or space but should certainly include out door space for the families that would be living at the site.

    The exisiting parks are already overflowing with the influx of more and more families into the neighborhood. If anything they should be planning to add more parks.

    The childrens playgrounds are so incredibly well loved. It would be a true loss to see them go. I fear that with the huge influx of residents however, their character will be forever altered even if they stay.

    Extremely important. The parks around LICH are a valuable resource to many area families, particularly those with young children. They provide a safe and pleasant place for our children to play and exercise and contribute to our communitys quality of life.

    Very important. The LICH playground I frequent with my children is staple in the neighborhood.

    Yes, please maintain parks! So many little kids in the neighborhood.

    Very important

    I would trade the existing park for fewer apartments.

    Not as important as building aesthetics and density

  • How important do you feel it is to maintain the existing parks? Specific concerns?


    Very important since this area is overrun with children who already have too small spaces in which to play. A building of this size will only add to the number of children and people needing green quiet spaces to enjoy the outdoors.

    I place low importance on maintaining the existing park opposite the former hospital H building, proposed to be an expanded green space by Fortis. I would favor the development of town houses on this site, rather than use as a park.

    My specific concern is that an active park would be a source of noise and foot traffic, given the addition of many new residents in the envisaged towers and the inclusion of childrens play areas. The latter could be placed elsewhere, such as the upper portion of Van Voorhees park, or accommodated in other areas of the planned development closer to Hicks.

    The existing parks are a remarkable resource for the neighborhood. If new parks are to replace them, we must ensure that construction is phased such that the old ones are kept open during creation of the new ones. We cannot lose places for children to play, even for a year or two.

    This is significant given the number of families in the neighborhoods and lack of overall, easily accessible play space in Brooklyn and the City.

    as long as the buildings do NOT exceed 50, sure

    Not important - the new Brooklyn Bridge Park more than compensates for loss of parks, and the existing parks are just playgrounds of no use to adults anyway.

    Cobble Hill has limited green space and limited access to green space. BBP is closeby, but its too far of a walk for young children, e.g., age 2-4. There is also not much lawn space available. Even with the existence of private gardens, those resources are very limited and do not provide community access or meeting points. One of the greatest gifts to families, young children, and parents is meeting up at a playground or park.pretty important

    Should be non-negotiable

    It is important as i am a new mother, but i do feel we have other parks nearby including BBP

    Extremely important.

    Existing or new, unimportant as long as there is some.

  • Do you have any preference for the future outcome of the existing LICH garage at Hicks & Atlantic?


    Hope the garage stays. The area needs the parking spaces. I park there when I go to Brooklyn Bridge Park. If it wasnt there, I wouldnt be able to go to the park or spend my money in the neighborhood restaurants & shops.

    Doesnt matter to me. Building height and feel of neighborhood is much more important.

    This site makes the most sense for a high rise building, as long as pedestrian and vehicular access can be reconfigured to handle the increased traffic from the new residents.

    how about a residential tower with a school on the first floors, because where are all these kids going to go to school??

    However space is utilized, it should confiorm to existing neighborhood height structures.

    get rid of it. No onsite parking at all. Atlantic and hicks already too congested.

    senior citizen center. Ha

    The garage should remain in the same place as it is now. I thought the garage was a landmark.

    None what so ever.


    use for parking or some other development as is in terms of height

    They should knock down the garage and turn it into a park.

    Would be a public (but paid) parking space that people in general could use. Each residence would have one free space. More than one could be bought.

    Parking on the streets in front of the project are forbiden at any time.

    Tear it down and put a park there. If not, how about something that the community can use? Or small apartments--but nothing any larger than the current footprint.

    parking is an issue in the neighborhood already so it is important to keep the garage.


    A non-charter school.

    Something that maintains the same height as the current LICH garage.

    This should be the site for the tallest building.


    I dont use or think about that garage much. I dont think it is an attractive structure.

    Because of the increased traffic into the pier park it should remain a public parking garage.

    bury it underground

    No preference, just keep down the number of new residents in the area.


    I think developing this into housing and commercial space along Atlantic makes a lot of sense. It could unify the stretch between BB Park and the rest of Atlantic and serve as a noise barrier to the BQE. If the off ramp can be re-thought that would be great too.

    Not residential....perhaps remain a parking lot as parking is already an issue

  • Do you have any preference for the future outcome of the existing LICH garage at Hicks & Atlantic?


    no. Can be converted to residential, but not 40 stories high - thats just CRAZY

    Dont care - just dont want anything bigger.IT SHOULD REMAIN A GARAGE

    Not sure what the choices are at this time.

    Low level residential or school.


    Build something that serves the community. As more votes are being bought up and transformed into high-rises, we are losing basic services, including affordable supermarkets, and overcrowding our public (and private) schools.

    Perhaps a school?

    Id like to see a hospital serving women and children. It could be combined with residential development, but on a scale that is appropriate with the community.

    Parking is a big issue, less parking isnt a good option.

    New school or medical facility

    Well, lets say its nice to have parking for all the additional cars. If there is an as of right to build a tower (how can that be that landmark status forgiven for a hospital can be then used by a developer of luxury housing?) then put it there. Masking out the noise of the BQE and putting the bulk/mass on the eastern edge of our community.

    Its an atrocity. Raze it and make it a park as it should be in that location.

    Provides critical parking in a congested neighborhood. We have used on occasion when we could find no other parking in the neighborhood at odd hours.

    Take it down. Put a school there this neighborhood has adequate transit access and doesnt need parking lots.

    Lets not reduce net parking availability in the neighborhood

    Keep it as a garage.

    I understand the developers need to make money by building Bulk. As far as a tall tower, that would be the best place to put one-- its far enough down the hill that it wont be so visually invasive, block the light etc... I think 40 stories is INSANE-- but I think that if we let Fortis have their tall building, (with a school), then wed hopefully be able to negotiate on other points.

    My biggest concern is height. The proposed height is absurd, and completely out of context. That portion of Atlantic Ave, which is already unfriendly to pedestrians, would be in shadow. A more reasonable height would be something closer to 14 stories, which is the height of One Brooklyn Bridge Park.

    Having retail on the ground floor would be nice as the block between Henry and Hicks on Atlantic is rather dead. Glass would not be the end of the world, but a tasteful interpretation of the cast iron/loft style buildings in the area would be preferable.


    That tower is too tall!


  • Do you have any preference for the future outcome of the existing LICH garage at Hicks & Atlantic?



    We need more parking near BBP, not less. Spend some time on Hicks Street on a sunny saturday and youll see the volume of people who come to the area by car to use the parks.

    Given my comments above regarding building height, I regretfully see it as the best choice for locating the tallest building of the development there. It would be ridiculous to co-locate a school at that site. If anything, the H building would be a better location for a school.

    mixed use, mixed income

    Prefer to save it for public parking

    I prefer that to become park land or remain a garage.

    A low building filled with AFFORDABLE housing, all of it, made available to current residents of Cobble Hill first. How many more luxury condos can this neighborhood sustain? I dont want to find out.I think it would be fine to convert this to another commercial, institutional, or residential use.

    Dont care.

    Extremely concerned! It is already quite difficult to find parking at anytime of day. This development will creat an even bigger problem with parking.

    The Parking garage needs to stay.


    It should not be demolished for a 14 story building. The garage is needed for the patients and medical staff.

    No preference

    The area needs schools, schools, schools. Maybe not in that location, but definitely as part of this project. There are very few opportunities to build schools - it would be a crime to miss this one.



    Id like to see a school or medical center.

    First and foremost, I would like to see the building remain at its current height. Seeing as there is a parking war already, it would be a benefit to the community to keep the space as a parking garage. Especially if most of LICH will become residential, keeping the space a parking garage as it is now would only benefit future residents. Plus, having lived through the time when water mains were being replaced, I believe that the less developers dig into our streets the better off everyone will be.

    Residences or offices would be ideal.replacing the existing garage with a tower would be acceptable. the garage doesnt need to be maintained. however large open parking lots would be a travesty to the neighborhood. any parking should be enclosed and within the development not large open lots.

    Would be nice to update it and as right now it is an eyesore.


    Develop AFFORDABLE housing that fits in with the existing architecture of the neighborhood

    Civic or arts center, a new location for the Brooklyn Historical offices.

  • Do you have any preference for the future outcome of the existing LICH garage at Hicks & Atlantic?


    Tear it down and put a tower there. Its the best location for concentrated density.

    Nothing should be built that is higher than the highest building currently in existence.

    I dont.

    Parking should be preserved

    No preference.


    No preference


    Affordable housing, school.

    Put any and all heights there. Go to 1000 feet if that is what will protect our community.

    The garage should stay a commercial structure, replaced only by a new building of the same height and footprint.

    I would prefer that the tallest building went at this site, as it would have the least impact on the neighborhood.

    A public school k-6th grade.

    I hope the buildings remain low in scale, in keeping with the rest of the neighborhood. Our views would be obstructed from our building and rooftop.

    I dont know what the options for this space is. Ideally a park there would be nice, but I do see the value in parking for people visiting Langone.

    if there has a to be a tall building, thats the best place to put it.

    There will be a building there. It is a terrible place for a school because of the traffic on Hicks Street

    Put whatever ugly, large building there and NO WHERE ELSE!

    Residential building, but not high rise.

    Id prefer more park - and less parking



    I dont own a car so this doesnt affect me.

    I would love to see more park and community space.

    I dont have strong views on this, other than not turning the site into an out-of-context high-rise.

    Keep it a garage.

    Metered public parking should be available in the parking garage at regular city street parking rates not private garages.


    Keep it a garage for god sake, havent we seen enough development?


    I would like to maintain the current height if possible. It doesnt matter to me whether it is commercial or residential. But if there is a lot more residential added some school infrastructure should also be introduced.

    Dont put in a tall building.

  • Do you have any preference for the future outcome of the existing LICH garage at Hicks & Atlantic?


    I would need to hear more about what plans are being developed. At the moment, I dont have any preference, but whatever goes there should, again, be in line with the aesthetics of the neighborhood.

    It is critically located near a traffic choke point.

    Whatever is built should not increase the traffic problem.

    The garage can be converted to apartments, but it should not exceed the height or size it is now.


    of course. I would prefer low-rises but that is a very NIMBY attitude. there needs to be some upzoning

    That is the only place I dont care about. Put the terrible and stupid development there and there alone.


    Residential would be fine. The development should support its own parking and traffic patterns need to be studies with regards to the BQE on and off ramps

    Leave it as is so people can park. It is ridiculous that condos would be built on a structure that is not sound. Not that you care about peoples lives since you shut down our hospital.


    we need parking!

    Whatever the garage space becomes, it should stay within the scale of the surrounding buildings.

    Build a school.

    Public school.

    make that the site for the school and parking for the families who will be moving in

    Again I hope it wont be another high end tall residential building. Preferably something that is in keeping with the character of the surrounding buildings and if commercial something that will add needed amenities to the community and not another Barneys type store.


    Parking for all these people must be provided so that street parking does not become extinct here.

    A school.


    Please keep it as a garage.

    Something like Moxie spot. Or make it as an indoor water park or kiddie pool place.

    No, ive never used the parking garage.assume that it will have to be residential but shouldnt be too high

    It should remain parking for this extremely overcrowded area with already limited oarking

    My preference is for the existing LICH garage site to be the one with the greatest addition of new buildings in terms of height/ density, in favor of lower height/ density on Henry Street.

  • Do you have any preference for the future outcome of the existing LICH garage at Hicks & Atlantic?


    It should be replaced by a full-service hospital :)


    Reduce it to 50


    Prefer to keep as paid parking (such limited parking in the neighborhood already). And if not parking, then green space for the community -- or better yet, BOTH! Could there be a roof garden?


    No strong preference

    Not the garage, bit i am concerned about parking as a whole. Where will all these new residential units park? !

    Convert it to commercial space and parking.

  • Please share any additional concerns about the future development.


    The subways in the area are already so crowded, how will adding thousands of new residents affect that?

    The developers architects need to show the community a realistic as of right plan before further engaging in any dialog with the community or with elected officials.

    Just as Toll Brothers has destroyed the Promenade, we cant let Fortis destroy Cobble Hill. these developers are ruining everything that is great about Brooklyn. They make their buck and then go and we are left with their messes.

    Let them build their towering inferno proposed under the current zoning. I strongly and will actively oppose any re-zoning that essentially doubles the amount of new development as shown under the Uniform Land Use Review Procedure.

    I think height is an important concern, and while I am a huge proponent of developing the former hospital into residential living spaces, I strongly believe they should mesh with the neighborhood rather than stand at odds against it.

    I would like to take a more active role in this process and would like to help in whatever way I can (time, energy, expertise). Please reach out to me at [email protected] and let me know how I can help - I am a huge advocate of Cobble Hill and would like to use my time and energy to keep the character of the neighborhood

    the main thing is discouraging more car traffic. Foot traffic is fine.

    I am not in favor of an extremely tall housing development. A mixed-use commercial & residential complex would be ideal, especially if it is under 20 stories tall.

    no re-zoning- they will screw the neighborhood- must fight the as of right

    Er. Outpatient ambulatory surgery ???Fortis should give us more space for the hospital in case NYU wants to provide more services in the future.

    We need a functioning hospital. Red Hook has no facilitirs for emergencies.

    If Fortis is really that interested in development. Redevelop the current structures on the LICH site and turn them into housing. No need to know down these building to put up buildings that have no character and look like every new building going up through the city - glass and steel.

    Families in Cobble Hill no longer have a local hospital for emergencies, childbirth, and primary care medicine.

    Cobble Hill needs to preserve the idea of a small town in New York City.

    The developers will do anything they can to maximize their square footage and profit. If residential buildings are going here this area needs to be residential--with low height limits-- like the rest of the surrounding community.

    I am so concerned about the destructive nature of this proposal. There is NO REASON for this. This is not an area that needs nor wants a huge structure like this. Even in downtown Brooklyn this would stick out like a sore thumb, but in this neighborhood, it would be ridiculous.

    There isnt enough infrastructure in the neighborhood to sustain large residential buildings. The sewer cant handle it and the schools are already over crowded

  • Please share any additional concerns about the future development.


    Hicks St. already backs up for blocks because of the traffic light at Atlantic Ave and poor lane usage at the approach to that corner. Development should take into account ways ease the flow here.

    Something that maintains the current height of LICH.

    The developers greed and lack of concern for the community is appalling. What they want to do should be illegal.

    I believe that we unfortunately we have to reconcile ourselves to the fact that the sight will be developed in a substantial way. I would like to see the community engage the developer to get the best possible design for community rather than get stuck with the as of right plan. To me, the best possible design would include a school, green/play space and thoughtfully designed perhaps even elegant structures. I am resigned to the structures having some height but perhaps we can get something better than ugly glass towers.

    The neighborhood absolutely cannot accommodate any more children in the school system. Without more options, our great schools will decline.And changing the look and feel of the neighborhood would make it less desirable. Build apartments if they must, but keep them in the existing structure.we are residents who have built our lives here. We are entitled to push back/ the nimby epithet is offensive and divisive. Im very concerned that our elected officials will roll over on this instead of aggressively fighting and doing whatever it takes to protect our interests.

    The entire area would need to change to accomodate so many new residents. It would lose everything that the Histroric District intends to preserve. Schools are already scarce, and how are all these people going to go to work in Manhattan? The already overcrowded subway? Not to mention how crowded Brooklyn Bridge Park will be. Especially since they will most likely build two other highrises by the Furman building...

    I am extremely concerned about the character and density of this proposed development. The Cobble Hill historic, brownstone neighborhood character is extremely threatened by this proposal.

    I do not think Pacific should remain de-mapped.

    Private for profit entities should not be allowed to benefit from a public way, and the street should be re-extended through to Hicks.

    My main concern is the influx of people and traffic this will bring to our neighborhood. I am extremely concerned about the overcrowding of our schools and lack of healthcare for the people that already live here. Im not sure how we could sustain more people without losing what makes cobble hill specialIm definitely AGAINST letting them double the space of new residential development. I say we should fight for NO REZONING!!!

    We need access to healthcare, not high rises and stores that will forever change a historic landmarked neighborhood

    Concerns about the space in area schools and traffic/parking issues as well as the lack of an inpatient hospital.

  • Please share any additional concerns about the future development.


    Any glass towers are a huge concern and are not wanted under any circumstance.

    This side of Atlantic Avenue should remain residential, not commercial.

    Its a developers gold rush and the implications for the neighborhood are irreversible and awful. And its not just here in Cobble Hill, it;s happening all over Brooklyn. This particular site, long contested and fought over, should not be given over to any of Fortiss proposals. The city should block it and re-zone the area, as difficult as that may be.

    Ive lived in Brooklyn Heights since 2008 and have seen the neighborhood change dramatically since my relatively recent arrival. The neighborhood cannot handle another huge influx of people with the related school, traffic and public services requirements.Overpopulation without any support services with respect to schools for children, public transportation, super markets, parking and community restaurants, etc. There is no way this current community can support a 40 story building.We dont need any more luxury condos!!!

    I cannot stress enough just how strongly I feel that the buildings should not increase in height. This is a residential neighborhood. I have lived in Brooklyn for almost 20 years because I can see the sky. Please do not corrupt our neighborhood and turn it into Manhattan.

    The infastructure - schools, parking, water, sewer, over crowded subways.

    The chance of very terrible design - DeBlasio without landmark oversight wants units not good design so what terrible looking thing with ugly brick and metal windows will go up (the building going in on Atlantic at Henry is a terribly conceived brick box).

    No re-zoning! They will do what ever they want and we will be cast in shadow forever!!! Hi-rises of the proposed nature do not belong in our neighborhood - period - end of story.

    This type of development will wreck our neighborhood. Is there anything we can do to stop it?!

    Its horrible to lose a hospital, but to lose parks and other neighborhood services would be devastating to a community that is being eroded in character by one horrible development after another.

    I am concerned that the area from Henry street to Pier 6 will become a canyon of high rise towers. That makes me nauseous just thinking about it.

    Theres no way the local schools can support an influx of this size. Def need a new school.It is an outrage that a community resource in LICH has been snatched from us by the state, seizing upon an opportune moment within the truculent recent history of health care economics, with no recompense. But we find that not only is there no offset nor anything offered to the community through be disastrous sale process, actually it is at an unspeakable cost in both (a) this horrendous project which makes a mockery of the historic quality of our neighborhood and threatens us with ridiculously inappropriate verticality but (b) burdens the already strained infrastructure and resources of the neighborhood with a flood of new residents who, if attracted to this design, would be choosing cobble hill for all the wrong reasons. *FOR SHAME*. My family is happy to contribute considerable time and resources as we organize to take back control of our neighborhood.

  • Please share any additional concerns about the future development.


    I do not live in Cobble Hill, but I live in Brooklyn Heights and the issues facing Cobble Hill are the issues facing everyone in Brooklyn and throughout New York City. The city has no public planning to speak of - and its economic climate is not in alignment with what makes a city a nice place to live. For financial reasons, it has sold out to developers who do not know how to create vibrant, human environments. They only know how to construct large building that make money. This is very distressing and I thank the Association for seeking to have the publics voice heard.

    Its amazing how the Mayor, the Governor, the Councilman, two successive Assemblywomen and State Senator who collectively have the ability to restore the hospital, even today, seem to only answer to real estate developers. People will surely die without LICH period.

    Very concerned that this will change our quiet beautiful Cobble Hill. This is NOT Manhattan.lThe development seems to be going forward no matter what, so I am more interested in bargaining to get services for the community such as an elementary or middle school and a health center, rather than contesting the developments existence...

    Construction Noise. How many years are we going to have to listen to a MASSIVE construction project? How is that going to be regulated? The noise from replacing the gas and water lines was awful- and this is going to be so much worse.

    Clearly this developer doesnt actually care about the concerns of the neighborhood or the long-term viability of the area; suggest that the city look very closely at the long-term interests instead of the short-term sales.

    I live across the street and halfway down the block from LICH and am very concerned about the disruption to the neighborhood during demolition and construction, the huge change in the character of the neighborhood that this development will produce, and the very real chance that there will be structural damage to our building, which is a historic brownstone (and a co-op).

    Opening Pacific Street is a great idea. Perhaps retail/commercial could be limited to the corners of Hicks and Pacific so that the street does not look like a mall. Underground parking must be provided to accommodate the new residential units. Affordable housing would be preferred as the neighborhood is already too homogenous and elite. But not if it is used as a bargaining chip to build a huge tower.

    How are the schools going to support a potential influx of hundreds of schoolchildren?

    I live on Hicks and Baltic Streets. Since BBP opened, every weekend day in spring and summer we have bumper to bumper traffic heading northbound on Hicks (and Clinton) trying to get to BBP. Putting giant residential towers near the park will only increase the strain on the nearby road infrastructure. Why do we allow the development first and the infrastructure improvements later? THIS IS POOR URBAN PLANNING!

    Unfortunately, large scale development is a given for this area. The best we can hope for is something that isnt egregious. I doubt, however, that Fortis is capable of doing that. Also consider that this is not going to happen overnight and the future may bring unexpected changes the affect the size and scope of the development. We need, therefore, to remain vigilant.

  • Please share any additional concerns about the future development.


    Concerns about school space, shadows, and inadequate infrastructure.

    Keep the small town feel of cobble hill alive.The intersection of Hicks and Atlantic is dangerous for pedestrians and drivers alike. There are traffic jams almost every morning and on the weekends along Hicks. Bringing more density and construction to this zone is going to cause real problems for this area. I am in favor of the redevelopment but i hope that there are urban planning studies in place to address the congestion!

    Im very concerned about the scale of the development and the addition of all those new residential units without infrastructure like new schools. The neighborhoods existing schools are overcrowded and are turning away or poised to turn away zoned children already. Any additional development should include enough school spots for residents.

    The neighborhood is crowded! The schools can not absorb any more children. The local subway is a mess and the roads are not made to handle many more cars. This neighborhood can not handle any more people (let alone 40 stories worth of apts) without the infrastructure being overhauled!

    Additional development in this neighborhood puts a huge strain on already-taxed resources. We hardly have the infrastructure for more residents. Our schools are overflowing, we have no hospital (and dont be fooled, walk-in care centers are not stand ins for a full-service medical facility), and the streets are already clogged beyond reasonable comfort levels.

    The proposals are so sadly mediocre in their vision, but, unsurprisingly, overreaching in their desire for profit. The new buildings have no character; they look like Battery Park City buildings that were built c 1995,

    or the buildings on 6th Ave in Manhattan in the 20s: glass and brick, glass and brick, with monotonous airy commercial spaces carved out continuously on the ground floors.

    Proposing to make a pedestrian-only street only highlights the intention on the part of the developers to create another festival marketplace design, which tries to replicate a shopping mall experience in the city. This kind of development is usually aimed at attracting tourists, not residents, and has had mixed long term success: look at South Street Seaport. There are enough people living in CH to support retail for residents; I would not support closing off the street to make this area more friendly for day trippers and tourists, because this is not a good long term strategy for the neighborhood or the developer. Its a shame these guys didnt hire better architects, ones who better understood the urban streetscape and design of cobble hill and could integrate a modern proposal in a more interesting way.I also dont think we need THAT much new residential in CH, which is very residential already.

    The vehicle traffic in the area is unbearable. The thought of a 40 story tower will create a constant traffic pattern. Keep in mind the development that will be going up near the entrance of Brooklyn Bridge Park on Atlantic avenue. Also, our schools both Public and Private cannot handle the amount of people moving into the area.


    I am concerned about the flood of people and what it will do to the area, i.e., overcrowding the school, PS 21, reduce street parking for residence,

    Building height should not exceed the 50 foot height limit.

  • Please share any additional concerns about the future development.


    If Fortis wants more height we need to negotiate with nyu for more medical services such as full service hospital.

    i dont care that much about losing a badly run hospital. i care very much about the space being turned into upper class housing. its ruining new york.

    Im concerned that overdevelopment will crowd th neighborhood even further without improved infrastructure.

    I hope through this development the neighborhood can maintain its elegant beauty and while there may be an influx of people, those people will not make the neighborhood feel overpopulated.

    Its a disgrace in terms of scope and design. I dont understand how this could happen!

    NO more than 50 feet high buildings. Critical for the character of the neighborhood.

    no tall buldings. the area is experiencing a rebirth with huge numbers of families and very high birthrates. we need schools and services.

    What makes our neighborhood special and a popular place to live/move to is that it really is a small town and close knit community. We do not NEED or WANT modern towers to be rented out as tax shelters for the uber rich who probably wont live there.

    All these developers want to build, get the money and then get out and leave us holding the problem bag. Theyre all building but it seems that no one is taking into consideration how crowded the area has gotten, not to mention there are no new schools being built, no new supermarkets.

    I worry about congestion of our streets, sidewalks, transit, schools. In the suburbs, they add or widen roads and build shopping centers to serve new developments. That cant be done here, and the existing neighborhood would have to absorb a huge number of new residents. How?

    Instead of affordable rentals there should be affordable co-ops so CURRENT residents of the neighborhood can own their homes and continue to live here.

    I think it is imperative that we keep the character of the neighborhood. I am vehemently opposed to the current plan to build high rises on the site. It does not fit with the current community and is not welcome.I think it is imperative that we keep the character of the neighborhood. I am vehemently opposed to the current plan to build high rises on the site. It does not fit with the current community and is not welcome.

    Housing should be as affordable as possible, and there should be as many affordable unit