TllE DAILY EXPRESS. ! i MONDAY .. 111 V i , 11 ! Tue Jiurste i ir in to rcto that the Krpabücan party i aii JWrfi party " ' Davis aaviM gaas are at the Mm- - d.j.g. They help eack other. li Tu a, steamer fJrwl EH't Mt.vtd on 't'.urd.y with foreign date n the -- th 1. There i noilun or prt! nhtr irrftrd :. then. There 1- -- beeti another terrible con c! tir-ratl- on ia London. A I ettf r täte of led ing Is indicated toward-- ! the United Main in Lapland. Spain ha Lu.d u l't'-vü- u n;"H of neutrally on tb? Aucrb'j vrär .uet':on. The are tl.e leadi.-.- g mat'-r- - "f i.w 1 h? report I not ir.rtc I. orinr tu tle.roeded a: te of our colurr.r.. . The rc The entire copy of tu. l're.-iIfiit- V Mr; ,., hieb telesraoh-- ! e-- t. wiitn ia to hj K-u- e from enr etr.t ot 4t irJar. It V"mbt!e ont.i'm JH.rü' iui 1 feet".n., but a whole ecrxl to be r . orre.'t. It wjh nM ptb!h.e 1 in the i'ite-in-na- ti iir of SaltanU. uri-- l will tirt reich ojr patrons ßnl fiitn'U in all the adjoining Dn anI roitotie thttuh the me-iia- of our eoljrau. The of the rueuue kcIuJ the u.uaI quantity of e.litoriil vi e!ertel matter from to dty'n a vt ii t riUeud.!! and Other Corapruiute. Tho Journal pretcn U to be very much friere-- ! o er an atluion in thi- - jnjer, nnte ilit ince, t" t!ie failnre of the t'iMTrtMr t'outpr )inie tj tneet the wants rf the e nin trf. Th'. fact w,i inentonej in two or 1t :iri'.'-Ie- . 1. wa, a fic-- fmthrr no'ori-- o , a, that Mr. t wa i:sn'iv' 'c . ia it-- . Iii . by the jvj ! . le o 1 "the while ouulry, an I fr!c I to tall ton a the popular upjoit re.tn'.i .t- - to ensure lie eateiment of anv law tuib.n'.yiug its 1 rin-r'!- e. We bae rot d that it efer 'ibuiitte-- i to any ptlr vuie. that it w., referre-- l to the ballot boa or auvti.ing ef t!i wrt, a the Jiturni' trou!,! tm to in- - lleate Kroiu the time of it pTp al J'jwn to it rr-m- ' inju b Congve. it wa a Jure. o tar a th jo! weie concarne.?. lh m - Norva and a ui'i Saile l to ap-proT- H it, anJ it went to the "tomb of the i""apu:et, bevouj reurre tioo. The ei-ia- l guarditn'uip of the Juur-ia- l urer the reuta tioa of Mr. CaiftrxDK o.:vl hi oV-.-e- I cou.promi i rari.er la triable! Thia CVittenden-Corapremi- i now ihi4 ap" frora atnrj; the c 1 1 political fo-i!- , bv sreakirp; Northerrt SeceioniL. as a.wcn!e.-fa- l maker. It U eihutned an--I trippcl of it p;rare clothej til exhibit el. a beautiful corrne," orer which tiie lowanily inl corrupt eev-iont- a of the Nortli may weep ajvl wonier. It i refresh-ttij- r to M-- e them writsjin their hand, drying their tear and v.i.ll'.n afier the m-j- t ap-prot- eil style of "pro fe ion al inonrner Vaia work. pentJeinen! The "el vi of the valley' have r!o-- l over "t it ri'ii'iu has teen -- .r. , -- .in! you tnj n 'el! It it ret in ' peu-- f If th" .i, , i eitrerne!r dhlirn! n ee what ther is to c rnrromie, the- - Uvs. The alavery 'pie-cio- a ia the Territori i et:!,!. The lt Congre orj.mizeJ all the Territories thai ran. for year, be re'.Jy for orfnizstier., up)Q the uon mtrri rutiitn plan. There eanr.ot, therefore, be anyth'uj totomrromia on the 'Mte of mery in the Terr.toriei. Slavery- - Li the Sr.vte-- , wlre it preva.l. ia tikl bv iturautable . It e 1 interfeireJ with, atul there i no üijidwa to ti i so, on the part ef the North. Tlse call ti.l.'.i: b be eoaproml.-- e l away, i tl.e llf ;a'! exitence of t!e repnb!!. Io or.uru Ser a irtn's'a wish the (ioiemment to m piien u;v to mheru rcbelaj Yea fer.1?' Thr'r i!e : cvnprme ia nothing i!i . tmrrmtlmr I tr if art mnd thirr't! TL! 1 he me.wiic ol comprom; aiih then I- -t rer-l- t;,ii hew are rf tl-e- t!k. ajI !., titee hypKT.tcI eraVwitei onfr "U'fi They mean ecvstvn a'l the khre .m',li'cz tere. nothiar lea' Atothrr di.Tirultv hotthl -- r.grf.t iteSl t . . . . . . s'.ä a v t J a P i a L in' r . - sa t(v- - T av1' ' sftliS" 'Ul.w Iii, ?t. V sa s . i - .1 a r i M " t'V T ruawerernse K.:a I re t;ib det-lar- e fr e'ernal ep5rai'n. aid for the otrrthriw of the enditute I goierr.-nient- . It i rot reprr-ente- .1 in Congee. Her met.j'r refuse U rvcapy thir aLs even t. 1 rum rrromiiJ truk' There .een s tv ! no auihritv with wl.Vh t. roinpeinI anv preteo.ie-- 1 difhV'ihy. nrle. ww are to re rfant th Nor the m y aitath;er with se-e- t Ioa a t!ie ;ier iutmt of the Svuth. It I k verv much as if the hid aumeI tKe it!ice. f.at tne.r arpo.ntniit i. not tecn o.Ttc.al.y protauljirated, a e;. Who d i tort eipevt to compnni.e iih j.ei.'ierie'i Ssfiv' r t:.e N'.rth? Ercwidrnt .TlcwnnRr. Wittt.T 1, Julv S. "S VrlUm' tViu.i t Sr.tt llmmtr mf Hjrrrtmtiit ; tlailrg ten ee.niee-- l an evtr.f iry .aaa.i.- - vevtsi-j- , a amnoetfej iy tl.e t. ot.tt:ate--ti- . vour sttr:if hn i rt.i rslVd to .BT i.n'.n.rY abVt of ierviston t the hejir.nir.r "f iae pre-e- n i reirT;..; term. iir rr"T.'r the fnr.rtHr.a ( the r e!n! ( I t rt.:a".t wr !aiI to be frnui'i i;sn Innl w;t!..r If f wtfril MC.it i.f s,..i:'i t'lro'. lis. (Vr Ii, Ali'aruv. Vj,.i.i.4, Ixu'ians. ird Flrt. ecp.i-.- fidv 'hu of tre I'...tol hce ! arta-vfit- . Wuhcj i!.e .nt. t",e Kett. VrnvV. IKrk Ysri, 1 1 bor. Hau, and the l a, b'-,.- t th tauft!! in! v vii..;irt pr.-ert- i V ebut I hem. had m sud st I were held i.n 0"n rtd.tv t ' rnmewt. eice Ir.k Mily Fort fVkers, Ta)! r ail deÄrr n. oa and aea r tSe not! r.t,aJ Ftrt Sni ter, in CaSar'.stston haiitr. S. C. The ri thus aeie.l Uad been rnit in a dojred diuva. new onee hi! U'fi budt, arvj aitQ-- l t t.e h'l leet orsr.irrd. er.d we? o?f!.i a..v; ab. rowedlt with the warne bttjle -- r p live fort rerruirire; in te pe e ;o if ih KeVral .osernment 'ri ar ! rar ie Suites, tri either lieiei or rr.e.i s--l by war bke srd sllv Krt tiitr w reurly nrni le I hv well tc re te! lt.vtl!e t anrV. ith gnu it. ; ifti'iv to ll e 'ei ef its own, iii 0.1. a u ben.r the lttr pfrh.r tri 1 M a .! . .rAtk.ifOiitl. v arl ra-k- '. bv WS W I. i jbr-.- f w ay ir.lo U.eH H'j:t ti ha i teei -- e '41 t 1- -e u-- rl a;r'ut the 'ot rr.ur.t. t unm l4foTi t.t ptM.' rsftt 1 u .shi, l'ni VJ htil -- e;re4 f f the 4a The Nt ii tvatlerst-- 1 lj dttsj.t r 1. let w but a vrt .'.il pari ill !m ..n ei fs.s - . - . ste ues o. t!.e i e ;". rr. .f Ite Federal Army and Navy ld re.tgt - .n lireat nsin'ers. -- d of h tm tu r.f al'e pmpert'-- n Ud talea -- p '.rtr '- -; t the Government. Kirtiultaneoud , and In on Dtku w ith all these, the putpo. to -- ever lie Federal LVion was op n!y avowed In atooidane with tili purpose an otdi , ! . ui - i b.d been adootrd it. ach of l'.e-- r I ut declaring the Mil. respectively ti be I VAr.iÄi from the batioiial Union, and a i fTiuu!a for and instituting a com bined gov eruuicnt in lue.c .nate had b'.-c- ; promulgated, h' 'legal otg ipl? iti n hi ! ihe character ot v.ouieurr..te tatr wa .u "' ready iuvoking recognition, ad at.. I intctten i ; n l'iorii f ore:gn ttowerv Findirg thi con i Ü) viuüm et tn:n. aivi tK-i;!'- ; it to t itu jutie uron t! incoiuU eiecutit U ytc j rcr.t. if -- ilt!. the ronunnnition of Muh j ot uie4m to that e: I became uAh 4 i.ubV. The chok-- w ruiJe. ati-- l !c . ireJ in the inaugural ih1r.-- . The "olic choen l4e l to th; eOuutiun of all j r ce ul ine tn. before a revrt to trouer '.ie. It ouht oal to hul l the ubtie 4.cea n-- l ito;:tv nt nlrctlf nreteJ from the eor-eninteu- t. i aul t) coilect the teienue. iely-'n- ? fjr the real on time, tlicuiu:i an l the . taUot. lut it proiu!evl a coutiausnce of the a i.iaild, at jovercment eipene, to the very I cot.. who were reitir? tK1 p vermur: t 1.1.1' . . .'V iDU it K'w reAltJ pilMei ga:.i-- i mi; .utta: e to ant of the peop'e it any of their lithtW; t)f all that which a lrtvi lent m:.'ht .f4'.'nt;v,i,.t!lr ar. ju-t'fiib- lT h in ?orh a Mte; everything va forbort:e. with nit ' wLch it U btliefM pottle to acep the gov ' rument on foot. Ou the th f lah, the rre-e- nt ineun.l-- nt firat full Jay ia office, a i .ftt-- r of Mvor Ar. ler r. 4 . ci.inman.l n; ' r ort unuer. written on the -- Mh ot ry, a:.l rei-eiie-l u the W ar Ueputment on j the 4th ot Maren ? Vut MaceU iu h: Land. Ice letter ev-re-.e- the prwfe.-ioua- l opinion of the riter tint ! coula nct be thrown into j that fori wiihrn tlie timw f r hi relief, ren-Jert- tie'.-ear- y by theliatitel fipplv ufprt. ikn. and w .th a v lew of liohling p-.i- j I ioti of the aatue, with a force of le than JtlAKH) cool an-- ! wt!l licitline.! m?n. Th! o;tniou wa eoneurre.l in bv ul! the oJTieer; i f his eotnuiamJ, anl tiieir memoranda oa th? ub'eet were mn'.e iuv'.o.ne of .Major j Aii-lir-on'- s letter. The whose wa innne-I- i ately laid before L:eui. t.en Scott, vva-- v at j once eon?uneJ with Major An U roti op.a , ion. O11 reflection, however, he took lull ii.ne for coa-uluti- on with other crhrer, Uth of the array and the luvy. and at the r:5 ! ot four days, came reluctantly bM .le.-,...- - J. t , leLre. Me.iiv.-ia- . te 1 at t!;e same tune thvt .uch itt'h-:en- t 1 rre , -- t the control ot toe gov or ot pi .,,,e alo:ilr the line of eepriration. could be ra;ed and b,,ught to l:l0.ound n-.- t j not ite xa.xhU onc, for, ,,. withi the time when the w ouhl j t,f,r J,,c f.s.;,(f ,,f neutiuhti it would tie the bv ea'wme-i- . Iu a purely mdiury rr.t of ; u(sJh ,;,.). i'n;tJ ln0M; nU, fl0fh prt v:e. Oc rrJuctjd duty of tho Auai.ui jj ,.! fr,.u, thorn 1. the inquire? tration in the -- ae t the mere matter of t v do j tlunit wt;;ci, it Cou!d nd nn an open ci.t-kio- - the gairi-o- u afcly out ot th- - fort. , mr M R ,trvke it would take all the Ii wis beiicve 1. however, to ahauJou that . 0ff the of seee-ion- , eaeept only nh t pvaitioa under the circuxnlance would be prveeoJ irom the external blockade. It j'.'.erty ru;:iou; that the r.eccily j would do fi r tint whidiof all ahlcii it to le tioLe would not W lully ; things tuot desire feel well and 4indertood: tht bv many it wuuld be con i them disunion without vtruglc of trui.d .si a rart of a o!m! firy pvliv;thi: at nome it would discourage the tren ! of the I Union a:nl enil"ldet it adicrvines &ni go r to enure to the latter a recognition ibro i J; that, in la't, by it would our national Jetruction be consummated. This could not be allo ed. Starvation wa uot yet upim the I rarr!- - n, and ere it w ould e reached, Kort Uickea eight be reitifoceeJ. 1 his Iat would b a clear indication of polity, and oul-- better enab!e the country ia a crept the evacuation of Kort Sumter a ; military ne-eiit- v. ! Aa onler ws at once d'rectnl to be i ent far the landing of the troop trout t!ie tesra-jhi- Hroklyn into Tort l'aken The irder ejuhl not by land, but tnut take the I longer and !ow er route by ei. The firt retarn news fnra the order wa recfiic l. but i ne week before the fall of Kort Sumter. The new ielf was that tlieo.licer cooi:nanl-ic- e the Saline, to which veel the troo; had ln tr3Dffrred from the Hrocklyii.act up.: paai rmi'tlceot the late theei'eu.,c of which up to the time tlie order was di.utched, there were hid oalv uxi rairuo and uncertain rumor toSx at-tea- ii 11 .hi 1 refu.eJto land the troopj tor!u on-- c Fort Ticken bei re a crisis would be reacheilatFt. Sutnter.w hlch was ro-i- My reu- - i derel s by the near eihauvion of provi$:on i In the latter named fort. In re:.;utior. ig.tii.ft such a conjuncture, the government had a ft dtvs before colaieace,. prpr!ng an etjlltlon as well alapted :t might b u. relieve Fort Sumter. whi--- b esje.htloa wa btct !i 1 to to uiiinitlely u.M or not, g tirircumlvn'e. The tnnget eae for uvng it wa now pre'ete-l- , and it a reoiel t.et;-- I it forward, a had ben intende.1. In th" cor.tinj'enev it wat ! retdvel ton .tifv tlie tiyv era r of S it;?!, i Carolina that he r.i:ght ( t:c t thtt an j attempt would be made to rovir!oii the Kort. and if the attempt ho-.i- l I l.ot be reo , . i.rvnT.1 .. A9..t llt,, a. I V A . I M t I m.., I IfJ, Wli.V "'"il W ü 'J .ii I 1.1 .11. .1. ' irm or aaimunit on. 1 hi notice ! -- It.-, it i fall Wt'hoiiteven dA uil o! :!.e ; , ovi'axg etpe-iiti"u- . j It i lhu seen that the r au!t u;i, and tl e re l'u tiorj nf Krt .rnter wa in 1. 'r!.e a aatterof sel.'defen onthe ;ort f . a-- -! i nt. 1 hev w ell k?:e v t!.at the .irri.nia i the f.Tt could bv no t wi!iitv '"iMi.ot an f i, .n nt.n 1 hrv n' fi.-- v "Te etrtt! notice.! that the ci in tf I re ; 1 to ! . , I I r a üst r e av a r i itiTr? 1 ix irti- - i 1 a a ft ,1 .1 . a . i An aap .a I K i m MV All : 1 Tr.t i i. I I I - illami.f A.1 ort'eii f Kanselt S b, t , a aaa s s v var; ui' n n t u - v '.,iu r-- j h .j -- r3Tte :nn0 knv j t:t the i; en.riertt i!'rt--l t k-- the ! trrrl- - )n ia th fort, not to at;.! tl.ct i, but to merely malnta n i;b!e j '. .n, attd to preserve the Union fj: s"'u.l .md im nietl'i'e dldt.t;on. lr..t:rjj a Ic.e'n i.e fore .ta!ed. t time. di"M-or!- . sr. I '.e tivi-v- . x f.- - rln! a.!jutrn;nt, nt. tK.r ii'1 Ii fort for free ae!y the iee:e object ( ine out toe s.ib!e authcr.ty of the Fed era! Uni. n, : thu . to it.in.e ii tt di olt.tion. That th! t!:cir oh:e-t- . t!.e fverutive well tinde,-n.- d, aiel hi,iig ti iIiir in tliit in ii iral ..d!re' "tr.urn: , n., cot.M'.-- t without lein; voifelre l ' the .r.-r- e '." iie ? p-- 1. - r only t- - ! ke ; t'.- - .Vro.tr.it:. g.Kl, Imt a.o kepi tl.e i. .1 fre fron ti e jaer of in en-oi- i t o; .Yrv a t'i't ti e w r' l Vreild 1: it I e a','e ' to m linier':! it. J' ' ..r. t r i i . i Satl?er, WiUt ;f i;i ro. ri.i-- i Z ' "f ::.. Ulf. tht .int w . If u '..J Ti,"r if d ', 't the a- - dal. ot the g v errr: t'.niif e ; t of srni. HI n; f p ; 1 t.,, to ret irr. ',. r lire. .ve .! the ) f'W in the fiii, wh t mrjc . nt v th.l hlt".r tuiNUloic ,r t).-:- r .. vr. oi'M,:i .d ' will reidy t' e"ve thu . . .. . ft ,, art ir.; ... A ,4t If CT 1 e I f.H tn thef"u;tii v the d'-t- r 1. 1. e rnaseit'tte b' . I . . . : t'.-.J.:."-- or n, to:, e re vr ses ta vre t .tn iS ( r of I ee I Un-te- tvle I. t4, i; to. iin ilr i f t!.ft ... s c nTHu ! Iir a! rsti.bc or d;ri w; Vt ft ' t Ji -- lt of the - !p br re nmf ipie -- in or ; rn-.r- . i tcaihts'-- it tetrU-- ! t ei i - e;a it i' d'rr..c f ' 1 a! ! l..e i 1! ! w t.r ther ."i.tfi t i 0. ., . I., ! t to fw in i,im' ee. i e.. ir a the a ! n'--. trst'ort, tril ; t- - or s nie ir in ir pi, and l Ji s 1. 1 1' p j re ' f . tb' re. er anv ej;.r pr e trr lv. witbobt ant t.tet ie. brek o, i gov rr. tae&t. atd th i praetnl ! i . . sn en I to free IfoTerr.ttirrt ti;-- o feeirih: It t;t. ak, i there in al! rf , nb' 14 ifAsTf s:..J fatal kf.e! 'it a .' rwtestt .f ; nees!tt 1 trortt f"' S her e cf our pe We, tf' wk ntv it .an e "l iffij the r. ie, t uhhp i.i Jet but Jo cill oit t.e war p of t!;e .oTn Stent, aj 10 re."t the f're f"v;Jie! Ic de trvie!i..ti bt f.-r- e iff i -rt -- ) TU m I w 9 1 de, art I th re;-- i e . f ti e 1 tr . t.t gf v:.ft irf. fiei.i ; H ii:v'i - -- ;'rt. b t tst ;ni... e;.;. t , ffi.i Y. D.:.e of t!. .üJt roriT. .'t , e!i-- i t ,r !le, rot' !? e jrt , e a f ihrHigl rK.lf Mete rg .: rt A ! te ; I. tv e len n'rl - 'I. ii -- .!- . .'l,r tf iKf vt te. .t ii !: ft k.'m tl e;.'e t4 jmt al re. r .ie 1 ir.t the c u . tru.-'ei- .t rtive (1' c.'.t I e e bVi v,-?t- , --. s' ti n sV, ;5 Jeu 1! ' . , yK.M ! tbe t:;e cfl'.f iraii .'uri t o? . e aj tr. pa u t!e ca.e of ihr Vu !". The border täte. ci called, weie not uuifviui ii; tl.rlr action; ft the m being aim- - t a tnti-j- r iv f.r the Union, wd.ile in a ia Virginia XmiiIi Carolins. Teanea . and Arkansi, the Union rrntimei.l was i.eul rr:rrrj and nitct!. The cour taken la hginla. w. the m .t lui rkahle. cinmeri. proviion the ;!mong trouble hand uner the ti.4 ihey them a tnrrn force 'iiilier j. :. itt".. ner' pome oth peri.sp Iii tu-- t ir?vri it V romeutioii, thi I t a eiccte l Ly the Sutu to ti.uiJt r tu: tty' p.e - lion of d'.i upline the i I 1 the v",n t"e r.k..tAl .f Virfiiii at lie InR lizic uru rwtfi Sumter kn. lothn .kv the it'! tlti-v:- i a li-f- . m.;,.,liv f it t! mm. AJrat ImmViiatHr after the fall of $umtrr. mnj utciuUr of to thu nnjoritr ent nrrr tr. the ordinal ,tj!UI)1 f, itlrawin t!t ut fium t! ru:.ii. Whether th chii.L Ma rcui 't-- r lor t..e r tt.u a;; rov,il ol the aMult ujK.n if Suaiter, or the -n- -at itt atthi-uv-erniiicu- t' toi-U- i e tu ibt au!i. i- - 1,0t tUhuitely known. AHh-- 'h ther juibn.t'e thf ofhuuice fir the ratifu ation to a uie ot the .le. to be taken on a ilaj eonif h it im more thin a in n.ih litmit, the ('onvt ntion ml the hich a ul-- o i:i e- - io!;fttthe ine time aiul place, with leal'nii taeit orthe btite, nt member of either Is'vly. ciiiiiue-- n t i iiu i it" the 5ftte were ah-viul- 01U of the l'iiio? 1 hey i'.he I ml!! t try pu'purthn vivr-ou!- v triil all over t!ie State; they e re l the t't.ite,! state Ann ry ntlUrprr'a Kerry, nl the Navv Varl at (!oXrt, uir Nor- - Sf"te , kv( anir, Ou-i-r war like Ha,mt,aeutfi-ou- i the ,0- - CaiJea s.e.-eilei- l State; ther foimtllv enter e-- l into , a treaty of eniorarv alliance anl P(l. jpril,;ull witK the o called t onfeib-rat- e Sute. anl eIlt members to their Congrean at Mong'tnery, an.l f.n illy they j frmittfKi the iniinerti n an gn eminent to be, tr.in-- , ferret to their ca;iul at Kkhinon-i- . 1 he people of Virginia hae thu allow to! thi giant insurrection to mske its net within her r)nler, mv- - tlie oxcintner.t has no choice left but tode.il with it where it found it; and it ha the le- - regtet i" the loval cititena ihoe in lue farm chime I it protection. Thoe loval citiens thl government U bound e.v es a utwl t.MilM! nJ l.a'tiw Vieiriiiitii.j u l c h mJp. S i,c ju fjcl t,(C . 0- - s.,.0. ..eid arP ,;loe who favi r a Vcj mlk.xtyAVy C:iU AlllXiX ueutmlitr; that h a'armitr,' of "t1io.e- - Slate to prevent the Vukm f rr;A otu, wr,r,or tu,. o fiirc lh c r Wl,nM u ti;,u.;,m llI,;.lcttsl-figurati- vt!v .km:r it f ,he tuiidin; of nn ita- - 'their own. It recognle no hdciv tithe Constitution, no obligation to maintain the Union, ari l while vcrr intnv wholnve favor- - edit are Uaubtle loyal, it is nevertheless itijiriou in eft Vet embirra-in- g the action of the goiernmeut. Kirt, icall wan mule foraeveaty-tiv- e thousand militirv, attd rapid iy f.dlowin this a pro- - chitnttion w.i d cloiag the pirt of tlie hiiurrectioimy d tricts. S far all wa believe I to 1m ti ctly l"gal. At this 'uit the insurrectionist. announced their purpose to ent?r upon the practice of privateering; other nl! wete male for volunteera to erve tliree years un'e dicharj;ed, and a!o f-- r a la r ire uddittoit to the regular Army and Navy. The?e measure whether "trictly lesrvl or not were ventured upon under what app-eare- to be a popular demand and a pub-I;'- e r.ere-ii- v, tiu-tin- g that Congress would r.diir ratify th.eni. It i believed thai'othini; I .a- - beeu !Mie beyond the Conititution r the competency f Con-- r '. S"vnn after the llrt ckII for iniliti.n it wa cotisiden-- k duty to authorize the corannndini (Jonoral, in proper cases ac cording to hi? discretion, to suspend tho privil-g- c of the writ of hnU(a f.17..., or in otiu-- r words to arr.'d ud detain with out ra-or- t to ihe ordinary process ntid forms of law. s'jcli in livid jali as he might deem d mi;' r.-- u to th.-- public safety. Tlii authority lot- - urj .dy ex.rM-- l but very fparingly: th ity and propriety of what ha 1. en lne under it are qae-tioiie- d, and the at-- t nti"U of the countrv ha be. n called to the prtp I. !), that one who i aorri to tnkfiort' th :.t t!i!av frtithfull v cxe- - ui? 1, "ho-d- i not hita.-l- f violate then. OTcurso "i!i'' coriid'-iMiot- i was L'ivrri to th p;;etion f poao r and propriety. In f Te thi initiier V.m nctcl Upon. Tl.e whole f the htwH which were rcpulr. d to b laithfally cxerut-- were lfimr; icsiU-l- ; an 1 fiiilir.'g' e-- th; execution in inarlv ..c..-thir.- l ofthe Stat. ', tiot-- t they U af- - lowe I to ihi illy fill f cx .'utiop.1 Uvea had it p-rf- lly eh-a- r that by the u-- .. of the iu'-m- c t" their oxeciltivu, .Mo; n.gl': iw nsu ie in M h extreme t n.e: io-- i f the citizens liU-rt- that p; u tier 11 v it rdi ved more of the uiltv th 111 . f tl. j i.ii.ocyr.t, ho:;M to ft vcrv IilA,r.l Af Ii fit liH Vb. 'itll . 1(1 nt A L IhO IllUlkl 'I v ...- m - - - nu'.io!i more directly Are nil the lavss but one b o tun ifcut.'d Kvcn in Mich cae w cul l n t the o?td-i:- il nsth bo br-- I ken if tho eoveriifiout should l c ovcr-- ' thr.-wn- . wii- - n it wn bf iieved that ditre- - gardi"gth ingl law tend to p--- : erveit. Hd it w.i rot b.liev.d that ih piti!-- wii presented It wa iot leli'-ve- that, any law was violated, i TI." ;nv ioon of the Uon-tifuti- on thst the pnv i;ei,e f t! writ of holnu iwrv 'kill tiot be rw I, li'i'e when, in caes of reh llrf-'- i e.r iuva-ojt- i, the pi,hlic fet v in a r rernire' It. it equivalent to a pnivldi-- that ach pnv iVg niy le utpDael wnn. in nn of rebellion or invation. the piblic sife?r doe re ( lite it. It wu de. .del thil e line a fao of tebe'lin. and that the ;ti!ir ifr'.r de re. t re the rpialift-- l pu pen.iori of the privib-- e of the writ, which a a ai.vh ri'd t be made N'nw ii i in i !! that t" rrr1. arid lot the Kteidive, U ve.tel with thi ptr; liut th ("on!it'j j ti Tl i'-'- t'f ii . V it t w h 1 or who is to ' etern,. the T" r. -- "i proiiiu. w vs ..'V nio.e ir a utnrni "v." ! 1 rrn.i '"bei a i i iai n.e irstners 01 tue insTt.rti' nih.t ti V t that in evert ei the 1 m- - . , pt it ; rut it r.- - ir 1. iii. 1 oicre e . . . 'i mi t Tt ( T'-s- l to rt:.er. tne Vvrv ... ... .i I ' . ; sh-f- h ti i f t r ttrevente!. a wss I ii etele i u t . 't-- e bt t!i tr'-flo-Mi- . .vo v. . ...... t. I . . IT I i ni t.'e evieo-i- ! rti mr.n i. no u.irrr. , n t.tn . it 4i at me lencth w i!J t tobt Mr t ! . . ' . r.re.f.t i h !!i AtfonitrOHiff!. vwt.ether j there ? s'l t anv legislation t;tn the ub jft; s'ttlifi'iv, wl,t, i entite'v , to tl f e:i r ;u ljU'erit of Cookie. s. The) ( iiH.;r'i. e of th tJoT erntnent h I bee-- i 0 eilrs-- h'.iM snd o J'-r- .' o.tirr.e I s to j t..i. , f .rtiffi niii.-T- i to pt the.r 1 l .11 s. il ihei .j!.j,. tho .iilr ro-- t iui j of 1 r N'sii'-ev- Ui Iom w.tsrrobsble WJ ,U '. t' iTi ii -- o er . jr iv s t: F.ie otire .me , , . ...... (i'l'rr!. ii- - I nip i to .v t?-- . u i, .m t ersijt'itv ? I r';!.'. "( the UriiI Sis?et ate now evervwljere prrhril'i re bj I r gt j.iif" . so 1 1 c''er'r .' 'fwpsthv w o'i t he , 1 ocii i ru!.:V-t- e ! through vit tlie nt! J. 1 I he r ft f i'ie Sa- - teart ofthe 1 ret. ' t.'t . ef VV.r i't I the N vi v wiii t9 thi in f riivi ii ii. tVts 1 Venie'I tiereisrr arnl c..,tve i'sr.t ft if.r df''heb n an I n. ! t h.V the Kiecu'.ite ai d all tl.e Ilepsttmf nts w I'I tan I redv to upply otni."sions. tr tij C '"t'tr. ctW te .e st f.rW cr-- lared tnr..Mta-it- i n.f n to krerw. i It is m l that tun fite! mefiv f f rnikif'g th's ixtn'et s j h tr', t ' t - u ,(.y I I .st 1 'J In 1 v p' r j ' t tie v.trd td ut ernst: ft t'i the. wtt( si S.I l' . ir I f !;e I th ei i!S M, .fi. ' n ioi iti 1 1, kl rIJnib rrd Met , tM; j ; et.e it nh of th-t'- d sc1 wltlrn the j .trti where appsrestls all are ill'ur 1.1 i er;i-- e, a?d tl.e tu i Je. thia a "".' I th id part of te r value osttel bv the f ti.pn eir eem teilt P dertie tU i,ole 1 l beared n.lKotia tf i.!!irs, i wF.h is aV 4 1 1 tu j- -f hau! ihaasja.i lie Jehl of ot.r reer.huhm kUihcuimo rut 1 .. r i. ....... i . i .t i .i I rot.ntrr no her een a i. iter .njtti n i Outrage u.n Mite t'phL. Hut nijtjie ih it to it then than the rci4e!v tfie i.ime act.iiv-te.u- ! of teinj: call-ture- eierr mn amnion' a innlve ei ?ti ins them out, rh-'iiJ- J cille-- l the a"J n''1'"".' 1 t r." , wUls unJ oft tUo riJ.t f i".!-;rt- - , tU. tliey aie not jurtial t. that wer Abteil . iu tie institution. n-- i ppesk fpnm the ntoamhle ealhr.-i- ut lf, ? V tU. ije. now i( nfcit'iir oar lincrfe eitu l.i t thn to ultUh theio. A rirht teult al t tiir.ß will keep th North mie the Olk tlu'iteu tiüi the men anl ten time ! nonev. Ainl the etiiei. ie.h t:l fnnu the rouutrv It iv ir oautt th .1 I tiMteriit fjr the uoik i abun lam an-- l i.ee-- 1 oi.lt the hn.l uf le.'iUtiou t j;.veit le-iUt- n. no the hin I of th Kjeajtirc ! U ie it pr.toti. al b4p an.l e(hiM.'iH V. , . Oi.e ol the crejtejt ferr-h-viti- of t'.a , c.jruuuicnt U to avt.iJ reu'itin: '1 I - f.t-- u r than it h 1 provMeJ for thctn. A I 41 r. i I wor-l- , l!ie people will i..ive their po eminent l the poTen.mit.t ii elf ill h iu part fcuh inlifTcreiillv wftll. It lulht eeiu at hrt thought ut but ht;'e thlferiiKi- - vheiber the teirnt tnoiemfat at .m ti tilth be cal!el peven-io- n r ttbel!'un 1 . . . . 1 .liffe.nee, .i .!, iJi.,,.;,. Tlwv kr.fw they rouhl never raiae" their' tr inn M ane j rC'iK'ttable mirnitu-l- bv nt i.v !,:r.e whi.li ! liu;he u.lation ef law.- il.e kntw tt.eir r . . . . . .i. - . ... i .. j i iwinr issriwn iuut it .! in-- ii .'rnrv, i much ol devotion ) law r.rul or lera much pride aitd revereme .or the h.ttorj end of their ' er i.Tmn rountrv, inny other riilied M1 p itri-di.- . jh--- ie. They ! knew they could mike 1,0 advancement diret tlt- - in the teeth of thee tr"tig aiid 110 Me yeidunenu. Arcorli:ir Jy the y cuiimt n d by an inid-iou- a debiuch.112 of the tiubl.r mind; they J an inen:ous Mpitim, uhi: h, ifewu-tele- , , i wos tittlowed by peilectlv logical hte,x throtigh all the iacident. 1 1 the com i ! plete do.rturtion of the Union. The i.'.ph!m itclf ia. tint any State of tlie t ' j '., 1 may ioi ni'teully witli tl. Nr.iim al rr.i u, and there fore lawfully und peacefully withdraw from the Union without c. n-c- nt of the Union or of ! any other SLate. The little diaguif--e tint the supioed right i to be eiercised uly for a jiijt caue, because they the!n-!v- e are to he the .sole judge of its justice is too thin to merit any notice. With rebellion thu iu-fja- r coate.l they hive been drugging tlie pub ! lie la.nd of their section for nrre than thnly ! . . ft .i t a s I veara. until at leniit . tney . nive . orougm I ' manv ' o .I men a wniuigne- - to take up I aruwacaimdlue trovernment the .l.v afier l .I... t Be.cl,t ll.rJjTW..re II,,. .o,.,,-.t- t receive much, ne. the l,.,.e of.n cur- - J'..,. . .1 h.n I K ft t won , rtut. y, 11 um Uta jsnijnivii vuai fcssw-ft- - - oma nniidfyvianl latatl 11 mil ftilMtltm K'V ! T .lavii-as'a.v-..- . , ilt.ytn ol. Wi.lA Al'Alie j'aa I S . at t v a ft . t eral Union. Our State have neither more ; n.rle. power than that recrvevl to them iu , theUnioa bv the Conititution; u one of them ever h.tviug been State out of the Union, eten before thev c.i$t r(T their Hrit- - ! ili colonial dejendence, and the new one ! each came into the Union direetlv from a condition of de,ienienco, xcept Texa, and even Texas in iu temporary independeu-.-e- , wasneverdesignate laStAte". Tho new one onlv took the ieignition of State on com- - lnt;'inb tho Union, while that name wa firt a.lopted for the old one in, ami by the culo- - nie were declared to be fiee and' in depend ent Sute. Hut even then, the obiect rlainlv was not to declare their independence of one another, or cf the Union, but directly the contrary, r.s their mutual pledge and their mutual action betöre, at tao time, an 1 alter-wanla- , absolutely show, and the express plighting of faith by epch and all of the ori- ginal thitteeu State ofthe confederation two jear later, that the Union sdiall be perpetu- al, is most conclusive. Having never been State either in sultance or in name, out- side ofthe Union, whence their magical om- nipotence of State, rights, aertint' a claim of power lawfully to destroy the Union itsell? Much id paid about the Auvercignty of the States, but the wont ia not in the national Constitution, nor, r..s f ' believed, in any of tho State Constitution. What is sovereign- ty in the political sen-- e of the term? Would it be far wrong to define it a political com- munity without a political upriori Tested by thi. no one ot our Sutea except Texas ever was a sovereignty, and ever. Tea g ive up the character on coiuaig into the Union, by which act aho acknowledged the Constitu- tion of the United Slates, und tlie laws and treaties of the United State made in tnirsu-anceo- f tho Constitution to be for her the su- preme law of the land. The S;ac have their latu in the Union, and they have i,o other legal statu. If they break from this, they can only duo aaint law, by revolution. The Union, and not themselves feepirated, procured their iude;endenc and their libeity by conq'iOit or'purch.ite. 'I he Union rate each of them whatever independence und liberty it had. The Uuion i older than any of tho Sato. and in fact it created thun as State originally. J? line dependent colonic ui ule the Union, and in turn the Union tluew off their el l def envleuce for thei. and nude tbent States, each a they are; not one of them ever hid a Sato l.'jiistitution inJc; n dent of the Union. Of coure it ia ma lor-Kotie- u that all the new Sutei framed their Ceoiitut:ons Kefore they entered the Union, neieithele, depetnlent up.ui and prep tea-tor- y to ronainj; into the Union. Uncuetiotu bly lha Sutc have the lowers and right iq. served to them In and by the national Con- stitution; but among them surely are not in-t- f tided all conceivable pnweri, however s or destructive, that were kuown in the world al the titi'o a g nertiuieiitil pow en , and certainly a power to destroy the gov etument itself hid teil er I ee n known a.gov-rnmental- , batrueie'y adminUtrat'f power. This rwlatiie mvtter of national power and Sitr lights e ptinc;(t!e, is not other thin the pri.."ip!e of rc.ieral'.ty arid lo .iliti. Whatever coacfti.t hw whole eh mid be rot. tided to tl.e whole, to the gfuiir.il ovt'rn metit, white whatever concern oi.lv tho State ah;iu!d bejelt exiluivrlv to the Slate. This i all there i of origin! ptimiple about it. Whether the niti h.d CUe tduthui, ill defining boundaries briaeeu the iwo. ho apphel the pruiciplt wii'tcit no urna, i nt tti be ipte-iionc- l. We ate nil bound hv tint defining. Without Uction, whst i now combined in the poition thai e'e.ior, i conitent wi'.li the Constitution i liwtul and je iceful it 1 tt contended tint there is anv expr"i Ian for it, an'! i.. 'thing h mid A.Af t,.t im. IV! 'i. !iw tfth'.'t i.L 1.1 ....:..., 'r.,u. ' l hm ,uUon . f hve w M 11 livuier Ihm rotintne out nf ,!,!, et eral o( thee r- - were I. .mi-- I, j it :... ll .... r 'I .... ..1 m ,1 I. ... t I .. . . . ...I - .,.1. 1 1 r n.ri wnho'it t ef 11 in Im 7 ti ha til:ou t.,i t 1.0 I ,l. . . .. 1 I . - . I Hi;" .iihi", in 1 ir ..irvir, i nv. l ir.l'l 1 hundfe-- l inilli"t?. t te'e e lhii!a fnitlhe . . . : . .1 . ttopgin u tri'.e; i iiiu.i inn (tie ti w gi oT w tthoMt oiiM.f'1. or without linking anv . . . .. . , ti i . i.. , i .1 Ifli n 1 ir h.ii.i:i 1 1 11 ul iir I .1.- - J epplir i to tl.e bnrttt of the .i ct'ii 1 eejf 1 St '!, in omni on w;th the rc: I it jut cither th it ctr h'or ?!! j;o r the letn ihiicg St ttr pav ? Vhilepitl of the present r.tt.ftiil debt 1 contra, ted to pvy tho 11 .If ht of Tes. is it ju-- t llut she .!; ill lea t e and pay Co jatt cf tl Le rll At iin, if e.ie State nay sc c !e, 1 mit aa other, snl when all sh! hue cede I. n lie i lf l t psv tlie dehta I tl-- i intw ji. t ctt-i;!o- rs' p.d w e ttotifv tlteai .f ties s.e I iw .,f ours w l.r n we borrowed th'r mnei- - T II we r re- - 'rii:e th:S 1! tctfiup h aH.w i z, the sece !tr to 0 itj j t o e, it i d Hindt t i .1 w Ust we can do if ah-- r 1 1 ooe t go or to extort term iijoT hi h they w d t n e to fen'ahi lie e"de insi.t tu it .yr rtlUlot a lttri pfftHi-i- . ! lief l ate umel to mske a nti "ts' co'ntitutiou vt their ti, In hihrif ;ee.vltt lies he eitler dlcard i or retvintfl the rchl ef serei.r.. as thev init it eibt In ur If the? hive th.eir.f I it, Ihr t'jeteb adndi that, iu pi.uch.le, it eegtit to be la roirs. If tUer hive re talfe-- i it bt tl.iir n uid rut tint nf ;its thet .how th I to be they n se cede fr on o: inj hr w eeter tiv iha'! hrsd it the f-- h t w nf Mtt' r-- the r dehts. or eHrcvii ir "vv other rif.u ..f ,,( .. Tl' rirc: V iie!f U our rf 'It mtegrii 11, ...... . n 1 uiü wliictj r..t;ieui Caa sa.b'f f Bil 1 OL- - n'J aietl the p rr ta dri. th.t one out of the IVcb. It I rw,rJ '"W'oiM fii 4reon' portli'San trouW.' '"at t.t.f, Am? lh j . . . - i .i .... ... t k.'i i Iim - 11 t I j t etinc o( the others from thni cue. it oull X4 t!r liut the ei-t-I- t Uiui to do, ut- iles tii'lee-1- , ther Hike the rx.iat, t'.nt the cue Im( Atiüd it i a luinoriiv. tun iLhtfuliy tu ysh.a t!ic olht-r- . bec.iue they are a It ntij til .e quest...nel wt.etr-e-r tnere 1. tn - !av. a mijor.tv of the !e; iv ua.u.eu . - . ...... .11! 1. v.kl. ..I nil Iult. tPV4'fIfi. IVHH ifuna - mm.., - " t e C I: aroi.n i, in lavar i oj'i4iu"o. , . There i mm Ii leaoti U Wl.eie tin I the I'nh.ii m-- u are the m ijority iu uavy , if not j iu eiery other, of tl.e .nocllel fltl P ."Sutei. 'M e rontt.iry hi n t been deiuu , fctr tc.l in of thein. It 5 Tentnrru ; orin tLucv.uof VirKiiu, at,l Tcn- u- -- e, fof the i rt:!f of art t ieeuou bM in in.l liry riati. where the bay,.neti are nit on , one biitu vi Hie cueuon tou-- o u-- -.., t in e!v be fnul re I .ib ni.ir . . nlir.i. . . ni At uch ia election, lldiat j re at once for the I n ; V . ...II I. ... r,r.-o.- l t.t and gnip."-- i lot-rciou- , iuj w ü-i.v- v, vi.te nraii.-'- t the Uuu-u- . It m iv' Fe j . . . .... . . il. I t j t t in jf til. WHtiOUt eiiratagame mai me ii- - K.-n- .t s tiou we ci.joy have deielojd the " ' and improved" the condition of our whole , people hejond au cittmlc iu the world. Of 1 thin we 1,0 Lave a htrtkmg and nn impres ; ie.illuhlrutioii. So dt?e au army a tlie (Jot eminent ha new on loot, ws never be fore known, without a. mddier Iu W but who ha. taken hi place there f hi own free choice. Hut more than tl.i. there ate xnw.s ningle regiments Im member, one aiii Hiiother, poe full prati'vd Vnowlelge o nil ti e nrt. acience. profewAn, an I what ' eier el-- e lo-ef- or elegant i known in the ( world; and there U ccareely one from which ' there could lejt be selected a 1 ieilent, n Cabinet, a Congre, and peihaps a Court, abundantly competent to administer the (luv j ernnient itelf. Nor do I fav thi i not true, ; alo, in the arniv of our late friend, now ' . ' .i"- - 1. l ... t tt . . , ' adverstt.eii hi tuw con ich, oui n u. r t. 1 .1- .- t. tl.At;..i.in!n.iit .... , i mr 1 nur mc I . . r . , , ... 1: .. i1(l,.flU nB u-.t- h I1UN 11 " ' v. 1 r - . 1 ilium ...ä .ii. 1 1:4 . wi.i.u'd i. . . ... not tie inn. .en v.u. 1 Wliv. . . . . ... t u..itii1i.ti . kiii-l- i ... .. f ver III nil) i nu m i -- j- nrJtJ! .U.1'V1 ä.'.',: i h.it le.ter ne 1 mbrtituti . will give or bo in j ! f , . P' There ore pome lorehadow ing doubl- - ''H ubject. tiur adversaria haie adopted some de- - claraiK.u ol independence, m wn.cn, ui.i.k the -- 1 old one penned by .Jefleon, they limit lliKword ill men are created equal." I hey have adopted a temporary r.ntioual C in the p.eauibl ot w men unlike j i our good old one igiicl by ahi'igt n, they ; omit "we, the peoj-le.- .in I Mib-titu- te thu deputie of the fovc reign and In.lepen ' dent State." Why t!:i deliberate pie-in- g . out of iew the right of n.fn and the authori ; 1 ty of tho pet'pleT This i eeutialiy a peo- - j ple'n content. On tke hide of the world,th it j ; form and ubtance of government whoe i le iding object a to elevate the condition ot I men; to lift artificial weights from all .shotd- - i I. der; to clear the paths of laudable pursuit j for all; to afford all an unfettered ttart and I ! f ir dunce in the race of life, viehbng to the J partial and temporary depattufes from i.ece j pitv this i the leading object ofthe govern ment for whose existence we cor, tend. I am mo-- t happy to believe that the plain eopl? understand and appreciato thi. It L worthy of note that while in thi the government hour of peril, large number of those in the army and navy who have btcn favored with the office!?, have resigned and proved fale to the hand w hich had pampered them, not onc common ooldier or common sailor is known to have deserted hi fl ig. fJreat honor ia duo to thve olTicfr? who remained true despite the example of their treicherou a sociate. But the grtates: honor aul moul iiupor Ung fact of all, is the unanimity and Lrru-nes- a of the cotntnon FoldVrs aial comovm sailor. To the last man, as far as knr.wn. j thev succe.?fit llv lesisted the traitorous cf- - ; forts of those whose commands but an ln.ur i before the. oheve-- l at tibolute !..w. This ; is ihe patti'etic action of plsiii people; they understood, without argument, that de ftroying the government which wa mvde by ; Washington means no gtol to them. Our pop- - I ular giiv eminent ha oflen been callr! an i eapei it icat. Two points iu this, our people ; have rdreadv settled; the suece.fal evtab- - , ! lisment and tlie meeeful adminitist3on of i i :. v.-,- .:ii . .......f.a ,.;,..! Ii. VhC Skill IfiU I'li'i iv-- " rjvv -- -. j tenance against formidable internal attempt , , . . , I tr overthrow U. it i now i r mem to i.e- - montrate to the w orld that thou who can j fairlr earrv an lection, can alo uvre. a , reUU ion: that are the rightful a id peveeful purceeor of bullei.aiid th t when . t I .11.. 1.: nallO!. litte laitiv .'.hvi cursi.iuiuui.iiiv ue.. j ded, there can be no nccei.tiil appl back j to bullets; that tlier can be r.o c.cces.fid j appeal eicept to billot themclvcs at sue- - j 1 : t...: ,.. . 'M i.o il .... a . .mi i..a . , irwiins.riiiviit. uv .r k.v... : son of ttce. teacbin- - men thst whM ti-.e- eannot tike hv an election, neither can thev j tske it by war: teaching all the fo!! of be ing the beginnen-o- f war. Let there miy be some utieainc in the I . . PI S ft B.ft m no 01 canuiu men as to wn.it i to ttetne courr of the (ioeinnient towanlitho Sinth- ern State, after the rebellion shall have been uppieved, the Kveoutive deeni il pner t pay he will b by the Coifii tutioriand tho law, and that he probihlv will have no different uader-Undin- g ol the powers and du tie of the Federal iov eiu-tnei- it lelatire tti the right ,f the State, and ih people 1111 b r the Contit ulion, than was eipie ed in the Inseguril A Id nta. lie do-pii- e ti piescrve the tiov cnimer.t. that it may ho administered toi ail. a il wa. a.linniter el liv the tuen who mole it . ImaI citilens eveir wh':e have the right totlaitu thi of their fnv eminent, and the gov emuieni ha no rij;ht to withhold or negiert ii. It i not pemive l that in siting il there i auv coer eicn.an coii.piering or an? ubjur.at ion. in aar ju' ep.e of llire term. Tlie Ceiuii I tuiioij pi-o- v i le m l a'l the Stale have ic i re.-te- j t'ie prvviipion tint tue Unite 1 State hI! f irai tee to everv State in thi 1 r.iori j 1 rt;mbbt ,01 form of gov ertinient ; but if . ! Stat nn lawfully r. out of the Union, ' hw ing d"ie po, it inty sUo dianl tl.e re I pu'.ii. in of gov erinnern , so thst to pre vent it peing out is sn ndi-pnd't- ,e me m to the en I l nt int du.nL the guaiar-le- men tiojsoj, and w n an end i Isw fid and obog-i- . , lorv . tlie i'!i;i'ti iblc ir.est'. to t sre aU 1 : lawful nrd ohlicatcry. Ii w w uh the 1cs;m .1 tfiet that the ex et f.-- t o. the latv uf empht ing the w ir j ptiw er in 'bfe:ie 'f tlie oi nimrnl fuved j u;j'H lees. Het. u'd bntprf'rrt this duty or ! n'.'.Vr the eiitti.iw of the tgove.ti nnid I - u: it ioui ti.e public .er i. f j w ould in t 1 s 1 a be a 1 ritne. tvl tint via prom - are le i oftm htsper, but that no pjipnl if government can h ng im v iv e a 'S k j el pmint that those. ;t carry nil lection fin on'v vve i''.e ov vtRinetit from itniutdi- ! ate iVtp. ii. n bv civiru: the r.vv n t;nt o!vu wh e'a thejetple give the eleci.oa. I h i --w 1 1 thrii-ele- , and r - tite r -- er i I va:;t. ran vfelv rev ere their ow n drld erste I d.ci.ion. As a ptivaie riliren. the Uiec'i-tii- e 1 01M rot h V eBetiteI lli it thf.f hi t'tut'ott phll ptr!i. much ! (Mold he act in hi trawl of s v si and ostfrd a tr it s t!i-- e fire r'p!e Im! Confidol to h;m He felt that I e hu no ni-rs- l riiht tohiink tof even to iViil the fhle .f his nan Iii what u.igl.t foüow. In lall vis cf barest rf I.. f n'Aditr, . . tJifj Fie- - ..it. utive lis iir'."fie w ,Ai ne ns tieemtti m ttutv. inu whtfio iriiip! to mir own ludgmet't , iiur. He rt rely rt thst ur ne. r-.-i ..'ir actons ic.sv s"t peit-- l w-t- . .... . ' . . I. .1 r o 1 1 v t. ! i", ... a- - ne so 14'iiuiii i niitrt ri i mi f ! Suited i ther tVlts. ola irtttt, ! 5e Jf trt. rs'ion t. ti.a Isw Anlhvv. . Ii-t- hus rh.r, rur ci . re, wiih apuretur tvxe.ltttiltfrewtvartruftt In lI. and j J. i :,w .... f- - - -- . i.i t . i f .ii..M - i..wi iv-- -, win -- iiu m.n.j nrarv- - AHH41I AM LINCOLN JJy 4-- lfcl PUOLIC SALE. w ni.L he sole on WKDNCSDAV lu.m.irw Bex. lb lfrtU uM- - at iL riCtH of tt: iUM:n1.'r, i xt d.j'r to ..l'-- t ct.rr.t r T k:Khru f jrnitur. al A. M . 4 th um rl- - ' Ji.lt . -- 2t J. b. it ACtKR. TT- - DRY GOODS. V.tslUMI.Xtl O I T ! At Tbl ; REN Ö H STORE. F. NIPPERT ÖL DUNN. VAKDS MCt I'KINTKU ,r)0,00( ) LWNS Very Cheap vf ' J 'V JJ M ) YARDS RKK KMJI.AI. or 1.AVKL1.A HK a to 0,00(1 Urie Helene aixl Ti ie-- . o CA It LOAIs OKi'KINT: e) Unnually Large, ('AhT-MlADSO- F I.AD1KS and Mi-- e. l?ewt sit eel Hoon i skirt. Ilk I ii i TAHASOLS . AM SUN I II II I w m. I Vit iv'vf Mi.Ur. r nm e 10 tilronlene.s and Lares ! GisOVt:s4iiiti Eiosir.uv: LA HITS A.Vi HUM Will i K AN L i'KI M HI) Linen Drills for Pants Firt-r.- ; iu:ditv ! Geilt'st aNeck Tit-c- , Paper Collaia and . cNirtil ! . liest ii :!. Market j Suinmcr Cloths and Cassini erc' ' fri..vMi As.RtviksT Siimnit r Vctiliii ! , i j . Booto c&? Sliocs ! j ar KHMryi KU TUT. I I AcK ' - n.v JH f ; Pj-ti- , V. m.v.nlL w4 tth, HvriV ;i f i I n;rjcy-iivurf- , im. r. Nirm kt i iunn, 1wtJ " . . f .. LEGAL. . 1 m ..... UM 1 ..,,.,.. It A 1 1 1 .v. - Not ic IS iuL iT 'c! t.sve t cm rraiite 1 to l I, v;i.:i ttei.r Atv'.rrw Wi;ki..-if-i- . Tb" 1 - jvt.?-.- i te m K4Ttit. All jr.ii .oIri'td tt ttc or v r.Ir n;. fr ti a.- -t t. tn i:n. or i.tL.-rM-f- sr 0 rrn-i!- v iifi'fii.l t mate in-.n- . .!.! puTCfi.t aii l vf tlit inf ivr f.rtf.cr rt H h Vt I KATT, A-i- r. July 1. lCl-t!w.- 3 , , DIVIDET4D NOTICE. t j riu I.- - 1 J. f iani Iihs I " Ul"r'" Jrcl.ired a i'i t4 n r oett., er. ttsCsr.,U lf lU ,.ihl,, lrr,. w flrr ,h )Mh U i F. . im tVs, ra-h'- r. T.r re Hi-- ., J,,li 't-'- a j j ' NEEDLE-WOR- K. I Ladies I l.tudiea! I.Hilir ! ! I jnm s a. v v. w iniM i i:.., .a !i..a . tn j 1 a rl.t fir ttnrf.:r,r ir-- l n w.rij tr. Ju: st:,. t ll.etr rr irrr, W s h s'rrPt. 'v , Ve-M- i . M . "Jr,!r J, ? ; PERSONAL. - X 1 1 1 1 t'. VI ' 1 - iivl If4 lu n.'ti!iif,. j ft.lnf ). J f.f!'.-- r, lV f. rtfl.-Tvrnt- . J 1thM h J M l sn J.i!y J. .Htttl , ! DISSOLUTi'ON. i ' !... inioN or pKTFKntr.-'n- e f IV V . W W iltisM.s A t o., fcss ttei n ihilvrt I v ) i.i' u r.w.t,t. All t. ng t". rit t.i.i t'. t.n.iare rroir.il 1 i thrrt .r -- tu.-. ie . -- .1 iti.r tn.tr htr.t ia tl.e f,r:s wi'.l ns.t j t. il. VV. WILUAiiS, j . v 'I j. 1;. iivvii i GRAIN AND FEED. t;vi sirM in 11. dim; 1 i.ni u anif n:i;i stimki T I VVIiiti t t.a r.f ii' I ih. iU w UiHr, I 1 .ii.u.!!.. .. IS- - rillt-.- , ..f j I'nt-lllrf- , l'.li ' J . A FAMILY FLOUi:. i I MUM.. UK AN, SHOUTS. I slII?TUr: j ' OAT. I Ct"V Al ( ft I .:i the tt . ( Tr s- -t vrr-t- . t trrrr-- t r'r f tjWit e4 M.j t ' '! t r t . Wtlj't. S"t !)'. ; r '!' ir I 'i .f ... ( fftt-- i f !p trr. M.! !.1 jo w itrrlrK I i Iht rti'.liii ff I t o .. ii i nk. r w f i ' t Id- - fie I UK A I Ii KM AKT. I (lTt-.';o-- fl Fa. I t . Uii. svt tth . I j J i LEGAL. j I I oTn:iT.nTi: Notice is tmtri.y f.tt n. li.l tin v r. U r s il n vs.! Ua i f 4 Ike hl - tA A.lfe';y PttreiiV, ,r.1, -- 1'1 ' , t A I . A..l..r .1 tr r mt w .i T nr..! ft t jthei.iJ.yt 11 .t, t fse V r,wrrrt tVate i !i r . 'i -- ! u i.ii.fn ,i a k, UU. ihiidUs nüwif lir Aatl.fi v ft milk, tU .td ;(tat. 141 MEDICAU. T) N..llllu ! Cardial 4M. - m: . fc if m Purifier ! Tklure ialiir.t. AflfrTaVint, U!.KATKT KKMF.DV IN JHF. WOKUi tum Ml in llilniiv A. Xellslnf ucAr. dial .' v.rTnKent 'Piih THOITSANDS u:..-- thoU l iloHlctt und Mreiigfh tuvhi. i- - t M-r- Ki .tun it lla,!.v-he- . crti-- . .f rVu 1".: .1 Ap. irw.-.r- d fur, I J t':r r V, ' th tJvr-- . jw.i rl r lir. MU. M . - v mi'Ti Ut J,iU.t ' ircci . i rr ' jriir fKmt-- u,r p-- o ai ic attU j, klX)H I I KiFll l;: --VM) ivl-- v iei a trennt.:; it warr.r.tNl x ivr atI-t- ;i:. It wü! tt- - try 1 W.n rftl Kldji K- -' vr I'.U.lJrr: fr'Tior;- - t'Tmr4 K,wn,; r frutur.r.-!''erNrrf-- ivi.o ,; 'j, K t. ;,,f,j'..;.; r.tumJr. ler ( lilldreu. v- -u wafijourJ.lK-sif- . wkley.i.uiiv rtm..,.. W I l.r.il.y, HW't r .! 1 .1'- -,) .. V. . Kt t"'.?'""11"."? 'AU '""... !j u .1. t.( tÄfc) Or,e tsl'i(-s.f- !i, ukrn tun n-- ir,, U.; u Us tr i.ri'irulur nta;iii rti.ii kil lrr, r,i.' fvr, Lvl. ra r any ttrvuiig ciiJ CaniON. of I".iKKiK: t.r ...r,, tr.sy t?r to r!sa uj-- 0i a Uti.' .f H.nrr (which liier ta lj- - chmj.' nj.,,, i; u Jiu-- t a x Tli-r- e srr rirn tnu Kt'.d s I ui.T rav i.aair ud.; tl.r U c . t).;.f. Aoii .'Kli n 'an.ou- - l'IKl K ut U.,;ru- - i:. :i'tg il.al a. 1.; Itt:fer. lk. l.rthir r !.'. It t- - ...slj fZmJ U.kt ill 1 ritl yr..:r l.;.-- d tl.-ro- -jf UU". ia t U. timr iUi4 STKKM.IHLN t i.N Vai.OiUTK ti. w b U j, 4ii: ' !! n. I" ,t .t hiim lrpr Untl. H rw r UJe ir ri U'tUt Ut ü. " I'll. J. H. 3MtL: V.N, So ll pr.ivr. C.-'i- . r Tiii-- .l aiMi r.ne Mn . Luul, J,.. Dr. 71rl.cunv I'nltrml lIIIt ri; nut i..muiM, nui.n win, ifKAiacir,Vc Tut i iH vrr t..t I.. ii a C.VTiAr.TIC K'l-!- r f .f . ri o. tl j ! t.n: ki u m. h rnurf .t-- ' Ic1.j: fv X' I sti'v Flu ? kl X-- f:ilirf !y v. .j.a' t; , r arc J.vl.s-t- v .. C..l ;rl ecu ! ilk. r f r ll " r .r. j..., i,.. vt a n4 r. - ) a i'i v i::.' :t , f i n. " r ir- - . ,t, ,r ., Ii f-- -t, ih-- y ft- - l c-- tv i tLa! J btWl ie n'! "!.i 1 f'ti i I'm prIac-1- . ) zi'i i.: , t l. r t;Q m tL UtTuo. i rr 1. I. , :Jk.Ki hi fT n.iv.- - ari l !ni;,. tr eratJ--.- , .r'M ! g t r;:;,r 'rt tl.. hver au! VV n;!J ;r..-r f--c:t t ilUu-!- ., LeotlacLt. a.l f ul n,rn tlf-n- t rriWy f en Vw !.; K jt tL-r- u r.tti tlt oo Lunl; :' i; i l... D i?i s.r. iur priVrM Lour, tyk . t in.cj.. J Ak Kr It. J. II. Mlesn's l"rral I jl'. 1 i oJair. kUit .......... . k . . ...... . .... . t 1. j- i.-- ii.-- .' ii,' 7J t.'s iff nl 'b - :.t t y ms-- l t-- . ny n'u ihr r. ? J. H. M.-l.- in. s ir.,.f if..r r""" V ' f. u u. Dr. J II MrLriuiS Velrnnlr Oil . . Mitiuirui, Tmk H.t KxTirvAt iiTnrWoup.nn M r. ltF.ti7 P.-u.a- !..J cl Jn.nisii h . h-- f sitrdaUiv of l.x-r.'pfi- n- - u.a uii r, y lue n c4 thi. lar-i- -) tm'.'lr ut. It ;!! rrj.i v I'.iis aha,, iim.o t'i'nt;y. a.i it w i!! tinny, pür:fy at L cl tl. .iitMiiKlaa:ilTrJ!l..!yki,...M t!tna. YcLEaN ViU AN!C.'l!.IJNIMKVi ; ! rhrv 1 ttvwt in-- j ttKre.f fiti i f hfunie:w. iltmt, .t l..r rariv.t , ( .i.:rri.-- d Vr,v-;- . , cfTr, f.f v l i'i xi.r Jn.i'L, y.Dk. s if .f; rtM-u- t s. tt srl ! tT. rr fi!. Two .; hc.t!-t- i:t h, Three. II. -- ...ii" of KtTmthr. fit P . il't if Scalit. r ai ' r. ... it ar l:.f-!t- 3 rrm.y. Itj it, and roti wil f.nl U ? ! 1.'. ;. r 1 -y. K--- p U s'trjij-- . & l.Jll. ri.ANTIT.S. FAKMI KS or ry bsv ir. . h .r. U - k. Uiil nsv Oofrfy y UiIIi( Väi.la-sn- ' Vti-- ! (Hilf Oil I.ÜUiw.C 2t 1 .ft M ll.'.'.iltl r"' f It i'.'f, Striv.i.. Ci arJ2.l:;, ttu-- t "tr- - WX, .VVi.fn ts, (T L fxurtst (:? . Try tt. S; a! you ri;i W e.trt.vj. Ur.itll. yirl-ati- . sw a.i. . JalKlwly hi-- a Lv' C V ). v UK) crC rvi CT! 'fsffltJtf9iT 11 or 1 Vr Hilft Horst Trail All Clllier f omplalnle V ITACKs Ain: suddi:n', AM V fit. aiiiv lU-t- pt.-ir- s la a v rj lort p. ri Iii rrf.x It U wt- - to prr.a.r4 vottr.t 0 alaiit.ii e tmipUm pr"u;sly, Wt a tztui.g is iii; sjf Ii ULI. t'Hiir if rttl-srt- -J r.u VTI.-,tUt- trrp tn ,ri l it v!jr f i,r,. srv-- 1 ttvsrttr o.ur-IL- ' Mt. TflAtT- - Cr at Srw.. fria Wt lomem' IT, Li I r irrv ti! ; xTriZZ "'T " ' 'V 1 V"- - V ""'Z ' njr, L-'- ;.V ' W. r' r" ut.-- ;,. fAra reft-- at a In :r. f f , r,lw,( S!f,!t,., sprnnr.. im mtur ur m J'jnr .ti l.r... r.Tfl nt Sh'nl. Siitti'a la. ratt K'li.f jt.!i!j iflrrts oj. M t :vT J. na I - I k.i.ur..tJ t w it:. ihr r i t a'r r!tot-- , fi.lv ibf t(.f (M woihlrrful rthtlnr. ILrdJ-- j t.r t ui-- r-- ,ln .x tin-- vl. qui 1.1 .4 tt m. c r.t h..tf U , oittjui tillv S.ti.n t.! t n 1 x j :r!.0 ü. .l-.l- toltir. Vor Tl n 11 It i n il , jsi.o.Ws INSTANT IU:LlF.r ! I Ho- - l.rtiH Internat A I'xtertiHl ku...l f ril. in.iiia.at . trc ! cs,.-- , .r u.o. 6.f t'.'i rn, t- - ! I. mi Lr, tt rn'ku 4 ihr .f k 'k! k ....... . j", "oiitT", o.Miiitij-- , ii u rs i 4 n. .; 10.. m.f rur ; i ..iL. ... k Lr.aachr, tifi:r r skf, l.l..ri tlri. rti .( thr - ... f. in trt jj r liinW. T:. j . n:t ;mm;-s- . t ..i.'... spinal awriirj j.r is. -- t'f"". trtiM, MoantftConrtlliou I'oudrr ! Nrvr fit' i o.rt- - s, tf ;! or e ' . I MoMti' I Min 1 If OiMlittetil j t'ni.4 ii urt Orf rr- -t 1 litmte rr 4 1 ,. j sloon's llortr Ulntuieni Its i.- - f - Iltu: r l ;.rtu-- U aarr.. t j TJ' "e I v mil i.irlt in riir.,iC4w.t tftJJ 4 fit. i. ajatX . 81 J LECAL. T VTK OT INM VN V. VUrfl OH NTT. Si jO ft -; I oru 11 .wt, Vrnti)tf Irna, tu-l- i Irtti.lt, I rrkkrl Iimv 'O.tjftli t S I'.it'p. t arvt Atla. I.tttft-t- . tNts1T.to.srt,rtPTSSTef Jtw.. ts l"t rtnr th. 1 In t.. I Ktlvi K l .., hu rs - 1 ffia kU .itufxa-t- btri4 slv. a. . M r.i.e'a atr..'.ttt h"w.. ( t.".ai U.o U. I le.ü t i a frow-re- i lia i tLe rf p.a.aua. r.-.i- . . 1 u.or r h.-rr- k.v.t I. ii ..14 .'..I-ut- -i ent ;f t.r thf a" t i- - vSt try h tit. iT'ce.!:rf:,p; l it si tt.f P.m will It- - l.t aiJ sut t!rtfri-.tae- t at hs -t vfn f,t r ti.'. C ..rt. ii rm il. fj-.- t AKV.tU. l.'ai TONOOQIALa Medicated Heir V7aa!i! pi:ol r.oii.i; v. i;anaia U-v.- t- r.f.tte-- 1 ft).w?iv n.t !llr le.. r,; ;.. i. s-- .ai.tr r tie Terre Hvt-- i lln.w, Upo ft ti.r-.-tt- i ta nui.fct ait -- UI :. irnrrshf , Ü..I l is t a fr'rs'l t.wJt r-r- wi rnin 'a its ".! ..'.'tnry iat.t,m. Vrvrl attr.m.n ftv to aaj""fipf . t CNitytr tadi. UuU Itrl J V.KtV W. r.f tlA. SlvV.','' DOOItO. a I 1 I V I la.' a tSvltlve Ist -- s 0C1ETT ty tha aa'ti-- el "vc ( arlsvtsrvf A4 7.IL WZnCTa 111 tY A.C I? T WW.y mi VHrm.r frit, . V. 1C 1 Att - J.Il. M l ( , I m t.n j. r. ... t.it ft t,t o. ,.-- , .1 '. I 'III .I I'pv ! . 1 I 111 IIKtl. - - . .. . - . , ........ - - iC':!:: 1 W' l - ' '" -- "" !i,i.4I; kvia aatar4 to Wtiu-- m lar ;:-- , i ti i.i.t't V 1 ATnt ant j sa. Uala) - se.t te TTewtaall. Ia.eev, i A Ml I? . tUtl tir rjSiiioAalU aMt ssi4Un4is. aso w J.. M.kr.sef.ai4 j - v sti l kiti.i s-- f v- -. t. J l Vir6eriif, as4 t y atJ 11 TVh.u.r s...t-- .t Ai.u,tt i T V WITS M UKAL'X OK S

Library of Congress · TllE DAILY EXPRESS.! i MONDAY . . 111 V i, 11 ! Tue Jiurste i ir in to rcto that the Krpabücan party i aii JWrfi party " ' Davis aaviM gaas are at the Mm-

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Page 1: Library of Congress · TllE DAILY EXPRESS.! i MONDAY . . 111 V i, 11 ! Tue Jiurste i ir in to rcto that the Krpabücan party i aii JWrfi party " ' Davis aaviM gaas are at the Mm-




MONDAY . . 111 V i , 11 !

Tue Jiurste i ir in to rcto that the

Krpabücan party i aii JWrfi party " '

Davis aaviM gaas are at the Mm- - d.j.g.

They help eack other. li

Tu a, steamer fJrwl EH't Mt.vtd on

't'.urd.y with foreign date n the -- th 1.

There i noilun or prt! nhtr irrftrd :.

then. There 1- -- beeti another terrible conc!

tir-ratl- on ia London. A I ettf r täte of leding Is indicated toward-- ! the United Main in

Lapland. Spain ha Lu.d u l't'-vü- u n;"H

of neutrally on tb? Aucrb'j vrär .uet':on.

The are tl.e leadi.-.-g mat'-r- - "f i.w 1 h?

report I not ir.rtc I. orinr tu tle.roededa: te of our colurr.r.. .

The rcThe entire copy of tu. l're.-iIfiit- V Mr;,., hieb telesraoh-- ! e-- t. wiitn

ia to hj K-u- e from enr etr.t ot

4t irJar. It V"mbt!e ont.i'm JH.rü' iui

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Dn anI roitotie thttuh the me-iia- of

our eoljrau. The of the rueuuekcIuJ the u.uaI quantity of e.litoriil vi

e!ertel matter from to dty'n a vtii

t riUeud.!! and Other Corapruiute.Tho Journal pretcn U to be very much

friere-- ! o er an atluion in thi- - jnjer, nnte

ilit ince, t" t!ie failnre of the t'iMTrtMrt'outpr )inie tj tneet the wants rf the e nin

trf. Th'. fact w,i inentonej in two or1t :iri'.'-Ie- . 1. wa, a fic-- fmthrr no'ori-- o


a, that Mr. t wa

i:sn'iv' 'c . ia it-- . Iii . by the jvj !

. le o 1"the while ouulry, an I fr!c I to tall

ton a the popular upjoit re.tn'.i .t- - to ensure

lie eateiment of anv law tuib.n'.yiug its

1 rin-r'!- e. We bae rot d that it

efer 'ibuiitte-- i to any ptlr vuie. that it

w., referre-- l to the ballot boa or auvti.ingef t!i wrt, a the Jiturni' trou!,! tm to in- -

lleate Kroiu the time of it pTp alJ'jwn to it rr-m- ' inju b Congve. it wa a

Jure. o tar a th jo! weie concarne.?.

lh m - Norva and a ui'i Saile l to ap-proT- H

it, anJ it went to the "tomb of thei""apu:et, bevouj reurre tioo. The ei-ia-l

guarditn'uip of the Juur-ia- l urer the reutatioa of Mr. CaiftrxDK o.:vl hi oV-.-e- I

cou.promi i rari.er la triable!Thia CVittenden-Corapremi- i now

ihi4 ap" frora atnrj; the c 1 1 political fo-i!- ,

bv sreakirp; Northerrt SeceioniL. as

a.wcn!e.-fa-l maker. It U eihutnedan--I trippcl of it p;rare clothej til exhibit

el. a beautiful corrne," orer which tiie

lowanily inl corrupt eev-iont-a of the

Nortli may weep ajvl wonier. It i refresh-ttij- r

to M--e them writsjin their hand, dryingtheir tear and v.i.ll'.n afier the m-j- t ap-prot- eil

style of "pro fe ion al inonrnerVaia work. pentJeinen! The "el vi of thevalley' have r!o-- l over "t it ri'ii'iu hasteen --.r. , --.in! you tnj n 'el! It it ret in

'peu-- f

If th" .i, , i eitrerne!r dhlirn! n eewhat ther is to c rnrromie, the- - Uvs.The alavery 'pie-cio- a ia the Territori i

et:!,!. The lt Congre orj.mizeJ allthe Territories thai ran. for year, be re'.Jyfor orfnizstier., up)Q the uon mtrri rutiitnplan. There eanr.ot, therefore, be anyth'ujtotomrromia on the 'Mte of mery in the

Terr.toriei. Slavery-- Li the Sr.vte-- , wlre itpreva.l. ia tikl bv iturautable . It e

1 interfeireJ with, atul there i no

üijidwa to ti i so, on the part ef the North.Tlse call ti.l.'.i: b be eoaproml.--e l away, i

tl.e llf ;a'! exitence of t!e repnb!!. Ioor.uru Ser a irtn's'a wish the (ioiemment

to m piien u;v to mheru rcbelaj Yea

fer.1?' Thr'r i!e : cvnprme ia nothingi!i . tmrrmtlmr I tr ifart mnd thirr't!

TL! 1 he me.wiic ol comprom; aiih thenI-

-t rer-l- t;,ii hew are rf tl-e- t!k. ajI!., titee hypKT.tcI eraVwitei onfr

"U'fi They mean ecvstvn a'l the khre.m',li'cz tere. nothiar lea'

Atothrr di.Tirultv hotthl -- r.grf.t iteSl t .

. .. . .s'.ä a v t J a P i a L in' r . - sat(v-- T av1' ' sftliS" 'Ul.w Iii, ?t. V sa s

.i - .1 a r iM " t'V T ruawerernse K.:a I ret;ib det-lar- e fr e'ernal ep5rai'n. aid

for the otrrthriw of the enditute I goierr.-nient- .

It i rot reprr-ente- .1 in Congee.Her met.j'r refuse U rvcapy thir aLs

even t. 1 rum rrromiiJ truk' There .een s

tv ! no auihritv with wl.Vh t. roinpeinIanv preteo.ie-- 1 difhV'ihy. nrle. ww are to rerfant th Nor the m y aitath;er with se-e- t

Ioa a t!ie ;ier iutmt of the Svuth. It I kverv much as if the hid aumeI tKe it!ice.f.at tne.r arpo.ntniit i. not tecn o.Ttc.al.yprotauljirated, a e;. Who d i tort eipevt tocompnni.e iih j.ei.'ierie'i Ssfiv' r

t:.e N'.rth?

Ercwidrnt .TlcwnnRr.Wittt.T 1, Julv S. "S

VrlUm' tViu.i t Sr.tt llmmtr mf

Hjrrrtmtiit ;

tlailrg ten ee.niee-- l an evtr.f iry.aaa.i.- -

vevtsi-j- , a amnoetfej iy tl.e t. ot.tt:ate--ti- .

vour sttr:if hn i rt.i rslVd to .BT i.n'.n.rYabVt of ierviston t the hejir.nir.r "f

iae pre-e- n i reirT;..; term. iir rr"T.'rthe fnr.rtHr.a ( the r e!n! ( I t rt.:a".t

wr !aiI to be frnui'i i;sn Innl w;t!..rIf f wtfril MC.it i.f s,..i:'i t'lro'. lis. (VrIi, Ali'aruv. Vj,.i.i.4, Ixu'ians. irdFlrt. ecp.i-.- fidv 'hu of tre I'...tolhce ! arta-vfit-

. Wuhcj i!.e .nt. t",eKett. VrnvV. IKrk Ysri, 1 1 bor.Hau, and the l a, b'-,.- t thtauft!! in! v vii..;irt pr.-ert- i Vebut I hem. had m sud st I were heldi.n 0"n rtd.tv t ' rnmewt. eiceIr.k Mily Fort fVkers, Ta)! r ail deÄrr n.oa and aea r tSe not! r.t,aJ Ftrt Sniter, in CaSar'.stston haiitr. S. C. The rithus aeie.l Uad been rnit in a dojreddiuva. new onee hi! U'fi budt, arvj aitQ-- l

t t.e h'l leet orsr.irrd. er.d we? o?f!.ia..v; ab. rowedlt with the warne bttjle -- rp live fort rerruirire; in te pee ;o if ih KeVral .osernment 'ri ar ! rar

ie Suites, tri either lieiei or rr.e.i s--l

by war bke srd sllv Krttiitr w reurly nrni le I hv well tc

re te! lt.vtl!e t anrV. ith gnu it.; ifti'iv to ll e 'ei ef its own, iii 0.1. a uben.r the lttr pfrh.r tri 1 Ma .! . .rAtk.ifOiitl. v

arl ra-k- '. bv WS W I. i jbr-.- f

w ay ir.lo U.eH H'j:t ti ha i teei -- e '41 t1- -e u-- rl a;r'ut the 'ot rr.ur.t. t unml4foTi t.t ptM.' rsftt 1 u .shi,l'ni VJ htil -- e;re4 f f the 4aThe Nt ii tvatlerst-- 1 lj dttsj.t r 1. letw but a vrt .'.il pari ill !m ..n eifs.s - . - .ste ues o. t!.e i e ;". rr. .fIte Federal Army and Navy ld re.tgt - .nlireat nsin'ers. -- d of h tm tu r.f al'epmpert'-- n Ud talea -- p '.rtr

'--; t the

Government. Kirtiultaneoud , and In onDtku w ith all these, the putpo. to -- everlie Federal LVion was op n!y avowed

In atooidane with tili purpose an otdi




ui- i b.d been adootrd it. ach of l'.e-- rI

ut declaring the Mil. respectively ti be I

VAr.iÄi from the batioiial Union, and a i

fTiuu!a for and instituting a combined gov eruuicnt in lue.c .nate had b'.-c- ;

promulgated, h' 'legal otg ipl? iti n hi !

ihe character ot v.ouieurr..te tatr wa .u "'ready iuvoking recognition, ad at.. I intctten i


n l'iorii fore:gn ttowerv Findirg thi con i Ü)

viuüm et tn:n. aivi tK-i;!'- ; it to t itujutie uron t! incoiuU eiecutit U ytc j

rcr.t. if -- ilt!. the ronunnnition of Muh j

ot uie4m to that e: I became uAh4 i.ubV. The chok-- w ruiJe. ati-- l !c .

ireJ in the inaugural ih1r.--. The "olic

choen l4e l to th; eOuutiun of all j r ceul ine tn. before a revrt to trouer '.ie.

It ouht oal to hul l the ubtie 4.cea n-- l

ito;:tv nt nlrctlf nreteJ from the eor-eninteu- t. i

aul t) coilect the teienue. iely-'n- ?

fjr the real on time, tlicuiu:i an l the .

taUot. lut it proiu!evl a coutiausnce of the ai.iaild, at jovercment eipene, to the very I

cot.. who were reitir? tK1 p vermur: t1.1.1' . . .'V

iDU it K'w reAltJ pilMei ga:.i-- i mi;.utta: e to ant of the peop'e it any of theirlithtW; t)f all that which a lrtvi lent m:.'ht.f4'.'nt;v,i,.t!lr ar. ju-t'fiib- lT h in ?orh aMte; everything va forbort:e. with nit '

wLch it U btliefM pottle to acep the gov '

rument on foot. Ou the th f lah, therre-e- nt ineun.l--nt firat full Jay ia office, a i

.ftt-- r of Mvor Ar. ler r. 4 . ci.inman.l n; '

r ort unuer. written on the -- Mh otry, a:.l rei-eiie-l u the W ar Ueputment on j

the 4th ot Maren ? VutMaceU iu h: Land. Ice letter ev-re-.e-

the prwfe.-ioua- l opinion of the riter tint!

coula nct be thrown intoj

that fori wiihrn tlie timw f r hi relief, ren-Jert-

tie'.-ear-y by theliatitel fipplv ufprt.

ikn. and w .th a v lew of liohling p-.i-



ioti of the aatue, with a force of le thanJtlAKH) cool an-- ! wt!l licitline.! m?n. Th!o;tniou wa eoneurre.l in bv ul! the oJTieer;


f his eotnuiamJ, anl tiieir memoranda oath? ub'eet were mn'.e iuv'.o.ne of .Major

jAii-lir-on'- s letter. The whose wa innne-I- i

ately laid before L:eui. t.en Scott, vva-- v at j

once eon?uneJ with Major An U roti op.a ,

ion. O11 reflection, however, he took lullii.ne for coa-uluti- on with other crhrer, Uthof the array and the luvy. and at the r:5 ! otfour days, came reluctantly bM .le.-,...- - J. t ,

leLre. Me.iiv.-ia- .

te 1 at t!;e same tune thvt .uch itt'h-:en- t 1 rre ,

-- t the control ot toe gov orot pi .,,,e alo:ilr the line of eepriration.could be ra;ed and b,,ught to l:l0.oundn-.- t j not ite xa.xhU onc, for, ,,.withi the time when the w ouhl j t,f,r J,,c f.s.;,(f ,,f neutiuhti it would tie thebv ea'wme-i- . Iu a purely mdiury rr.t of ; u(sJh ,;,.). i'n;tJ ln0M; nU, fl0fh prt

v:e. Oc rrJuctjd duty of tho Auai.ui jj ,.! fr,.u, thorn 1. the inquire?tration in the --ae t the mere matter of t v doj tlunit wt;;ci, it Cou!d nd nn an open ci.t-kio- -

the gairi-o- u afcly out ot th- - fort. ,

mr M R ,trvke it would take all theIi wis beiicve 1. however, to ahauJou that . 0ff the of seee-ion- , eaeept only nh t

pvaitioa under the circuxnlance would be prveeoJ irom the external blockade. Itj'.'.erty ru;:iou; that the r.eccily j would do fi r tint whidiof allahlcii it to le tioLe would not W lully ; things tuot desire feel well and4indertood: tht bv many it wuuld be con i them disunion without vtruglc oftrui.d .si a rart of a o!m! firy pvliv;thi: at

nome it would discourage the tren ! of the I

Union a:nl enil"ldet it adicrvines &ni gor to enure to the latter a recognition

ibro i J; that, in la't, by it would our nationalJetruction be consummated. This could notbe allo ed. Starvation wa uot yet upim the


rarr!- - n, and ere it w ould e reached, KortUickea eight be reitifoceeJ. 1 his Iatwould b a clear indication of polity, and

oul-- better enab!e the country ia a crept theevacuation of Kort Sumter a ; military ne-eiit- v.


Aa onler ws at once d'rectnl to be i

ent far the landing of the troop trout t!ietesra-jhi- Hroklyn into Tort l'aken Theirder ejuhl not by land, but tnut take the


longer and !ow er route by ei. The firtretarn news fnra the order wa recfiic l. but i

ne week before the fall of Kort Sumter.The new ielf was that tlieo.licer cooi:nanl-ic- e

the Saline, to which veel the troo;had ln tr3Dffrred from the Hrocklyii.act

up.: paai rmi'tlceot the latetheei'eu.,c of which up to the

time tlie order was di.utched, there were hidoalv uxi rairuo and uncertain rumor toSx at-tea- ii

11 .hi 1 refu.eJto land the troopj tor!uon-- c Fort Ticken bei re a crisis would be

reacheilatFt. Sutnter.w hlch was ro-i- My reu- - i

derel s by the near eihauvion of provi$:on i

In the latter named fort. In re:.;utior.ig.tii.ft such a conjuncture, the governmenthad a ft dtvs before colaieace,. prpr!ngan etjlltlon as well alapted :t might b u.relieve Fort Sumter. whi--- b esje.htloa wa

btct !i 1 to to uiiinitlely u.M or not, g

tirircumlvn'e. The tnngeteae for uvng it wa now pre'ete-l- ,

and it a reoiel t.et;-- I it forward, a hadben intende.1. In th" cor.tinj'enev it wat

! retdvel ton .tifv tlie tiyv era r of S it;?!,i

Carolina that he r.i:ght ( t:c t thtt anj

attempt would be made to rovir!oii theKort. and if the attempt ho-.i- l I l.ot be reo, . i.rvnT.1 .. A9..t llt,,a. I V A . I M t I m..,

I IfJ, Wli.V "'"il W ü 'J .ii I 1.1 .11. .1.' irm or aaimunit on. 1 hi notice ! -- It.-, it


fall Wt'hoiiteven dA uil o! :!.e;

, ovi'axg etpe-iiti"u-.


It i lhu seen that the r au!t u;i, and tl ere l'u tiorj nf Krt .rnter wa in 1. 'r!.e aaatterof sel.'defen onthe ;ort f . a-- -!


nt. 1 hev w ell k?:e v t!.at the .irri.niai the f.Tt could bv no t wi!iitv '"iMi.ot anf i, .n nt.n 1 hrv n' fi.-- v "Teetrtt! notice.! that the ci in tf I re ; 1 to

! . , II r a üst r e a v a r i itiTr? 1 ix irti- -i 1 a a ft ,1 .1 . a .i An aap .a I K i m MV All : 1 Tr.t i i. III -illami.f A.1 ort'eii f Kanselt S b, t , a aaa s

s v var; ui' n n t u - v '.,iur--

j h .j -- r3Tte :nn0 knv j

t:t the i; en.riertt i!'rt--l t k-- the !

trrrl- - )n ia th fort, not to at;.! tl.ct i, butto merely malnta n i;b!e j '. .n, attdto preserve the Union fj: s"'u.l .md imnietl'i'e dldt.t;on. lr..t:rjj a Ic.e'n i.efore .ta!ed. t time. di"M-or!- . sr. I '.e tivi-v- .

x f.- - rln! a.!jutrn;nt, nt. tK.r ii'1Ii fort for free ae!y the iee:e object (

ine out toe s.ib!e authcr.ty of the Federa! Uni. n, : thu . to it.in.e ii ttdi olt.tion. That th! t!:cir oh:e-t- . t!.efverutive well tinde,-n.- d, aiel hi,iigti iIiir in tliit in ii iral ..d!re' "tr.urn:

, n., cot.M'.-- t without lein; voifelrel'

the .r.-r-e '." iie ? p-- 1. - r only t- -

! ke ; t'.- - .Vro.tr.it:. g.Kl, Imt a.o kepi tl.ei. .1 fre fron ti e jaer of in en-oi- i

t o; .Yrv a t'i't ti e w r' l Vreild 1: it I e a','e '

to m linier':! it. J' ' ..r. t r i i . iSatl?er, WiUt ;f i;i ro. ri.i-- i Z ' "f ::.. Ulf.tht .int w . If u '..J Ti,"r if d ', 'tthe a- - dal. ot the g v errr: t'.niife ; t of srni. HI n; f p

; 1 t.,, to ret irr. ',. r lire. .ve .! the) f'W in the fiii, wh t mrjc . nt v th.l hlt".rtuiNUloic ,r t).-:- r .. vr. oi'M,:i .d' will reidy t' e"ve thu

. . .. .

ft ,, art ir.; ... A ,4t If CT 1 eI f.H tn thef"u;tii v the d'-t- r 1. 1. e

rnaseit'tte b' . I . . .: t'.-.J.:."-- or n, to:,

e re vr ses ta vre t .tn iS ( r of I eeI

Un-te- tvle I. t4, i; to. iinilr i f t!.ft ... s c nTHu

! Iir a! rsti.bc or d;ri w; Vt ft ' t Ji -- ltof the - !p br re nmf ipie -- in or ;

rn-.r- . i tcaihts'-- it tetrU-- ! t ei i -

e;a it i' d'rr..c f ' 1 a! !

l..e i 1! ! w t.r ther ."i.tfi t i 0. ., . I., !

t to fw in i,im' ee. i e.. ir a the a ! n'--.

trst'ort, tril ; t- - or s nie ir in ir pi,and l Ji s 1. 1 1' p j re ' f . tb're. er anv ej;.r pr e trr lv.witbobt ant t.tet ie. brek o, i gov rr.tae&t. atd th i praetnl ! i . . sn en I to freeIfoTerr.ttirrt ti;-- o feeirih: It t;t.ak, i there in al! rf , nb' 14 ifAsTf s:..Jfatal kf.e! 'it a .' rwtestt .f

; nees!tt 1 trortt f"' S her e cfour pe We, tf' wk ntv i t .ane "l

iffij the r. ie, t uhhp i.i Jet butJo cill oit t.e war p of t!;e .oTn Stent,aj 10 re."t the f're f"v;Jie! Ic detrvie!i..ti bt f.-r- e iff i -rt -- ) TU

m I w 9 1 de, art I th re;-- i e . f ti e 1

tr . t.t gf v:.ft irf. fiei.i ; H ii:v'i- -- ;'rt. b t tst ;ni... e;.;. t

, ffi.i Y. D.:.e of t!. .üJt roriT. .'t, e!i-- i t ,r !le, rot' !? e jrt , e

a f ihrHigl rK.lf Mete rg .:rt A ! te ; I. tv e len n'rl

- 'I. ii -- .!- . .'l,r tf iKf vt te. .t ii !:ft k.'m tl e;.'e t4 jmt al re. r .ie 1 ir.t the c u

. tru.-'ei- .t rtive (1' c.'.t I e e bViv,-?t- ,

--. s' ti n sV, ;5 Jeu 1!'

. , yK.M ! tbe t:;e cfl'.f iraii .'urit o? . e aj tr. pa u t!e ca.e of ihr Vu

!". The border täte. ci called, weie notuuifviui ii; tl.rlr action; ft the m beingaim- - t a tnti-j- r iv f.r the Union, wd.ile in

a ia Virginia XmiiIi Carolins. Teanea. and Arkansi, the Union rrntimei.l was

i.eul rr:rrrj and nitct!. The courtaken la hginla. w. the m .t lui rkahle.



the ;!mong


uner theti.4 ihey them









peri.sp Iii tu-- t ir?vri it V romeutioii, thiI t a

eiccte l Ly the Sutu to ti.uiJt r tu: tty'p.e - lion of d'.i upline the i I 1 the

v",n t"e r.k..tAl .f Virfiiii at lie InRlizic uru rwtfi Sumter kn. lothn .kv theit'! tlti-v:- i a li-f- . m.;,.,liv f itt! mm. AJrat ImmViiatHrafter the fall of $umtrr. mnj utciuUr of tothu nnjoritr ent nrrr tr. the ordinal

,tj!UI)1 f, itlrawin t!t ut fium t!ru:.ii. Whether th chii.L Ma rcui 't-- r

lor t..e r tt.u a;; rov,il ol the aMult ujK.n ifSuaiter, or the -n- -at itt atthi-uv-erniiicu- t'

toi-U- i e tu ibt au!i. i- - 1,0ttUhuitely known. AHh-- 'h ther juibn.t'ethf ofhuuice fir the ratifu ation to a uie otthe .le. to be taken on a ilaj eonif h it immore thin a in n.ih litmit, the ('onvt ntion

ml the hich a ul-- o i:i e- -

io!;fttthe ine time aiul place, with leal'niitaeit orthe btite, nt member of eitherIs'vly. ciiiiiue-- n t i iiu i it" the 5ftte wereah-viul- 01U of the l'iiio?

1 hey i'.he I ml!! t try pu'purthn vivr-ou!- v

triil all over t!ie State; they e re lthe t't.ite,! state Ann ry ntlUrprr'a Kerry,nl the Navv Varl at (!oXrt, uir Nor- -

Sf"te , kv( anir,Ou-i-r war like Ha,mt,aeutfi-ou- i the ,0- -

CaiJea s.e.-eilei- l State; ther foimtllv entere-- l into, a treaty of eniorarv alliance anl P(l.

jpril,;ull witK the o called t onfeib-rat- e

Sute. anl eIlt members to their Congreanat Mong'tnery, an.l f.n illy they j frmittfKithe iniinerti n an gn eminent to be, tr.in-- ,

ferret to their ca;iul at Kkhinon-i- . 1 hepeople of Virginia hae thu allow to! thigiant insurrection to mske its net within herr)nler, mv- - tlie oxcintner.t has no choiceleft but tode.il with it where it found it; andit ha the le- - regtet i" the loval cititena

ihoe in lue farm chime I it protection.Thoe loval citiens thl government U bounde.v es a utwl t.MilM! nJ l.a'tiw Vieiriiiitii.j

u l c h mJp. S i,c ju fjcl t,(C. 0- - s.,.0. ..eid arP ,;loe who favi r a

Vcj mlk.xtyAVy C:iU AlllXiX ueutmlitr; thath a'armitr,' of "t1io.e-- Slate to prevent theVukm f rr;A otu, wr,r,or tu,.

o fiirc lh c rWl,nM u ti;,u.;,m llI,;.lcttsl-figurati- vt!v

.km:r it f ,he tuiidin; of nn ita- -

'their own. It recognle no hdciv titheConstitution, no obligation to maintain theUnion, ari l while vcrr intnv wholnve favor- -

edit are Uaubtle loyal, it is neverthelessitijiriou in eft Vet embirra-in- g the actionof the goiernmeut.Kirt, icall wan mule foraeveaty-tiv- e thousandmilitirv, attd rapid iy f.dlowin this a pro--chitnttion w.i d cloiag the pirt oftlie hiiurrectioimy d tricts. S far all wabelieve I to 1m ti ctly l"gal. At this 'uit

the insurrectionist. announced their purposeto ent?r upon the practice of privateering;other nl! wete male for volunteera to ervetliree years un'e dicharj;ed, anda!o f--r a la r ire uddittoit to the regular Armyand Navy. The?e measure whether "trictlylesrvl or not were ventured upon under whatapp-eare- to be a popular demand and a pub-I;'- e

r.ere-ii- v, tiu-tin- g that Congresswould r.diir ratify th.eni. It i believedthai'othini; I .a- - beeu !Mie beyond theConititution r the competency f Con-- r

'. S"vnn after the llrt ckII for iniliti.nit wa cotisiden-- k duty to authorize thecorannndini (Jonoral, in proper cases according to hi? discretion, to suspend thoprivil-g- c of the writ of hnU(a f.17..., orin otiu-- r words to arr.'d ud detain without ra-or- t to ihe ordinary process ntidforms of law. s'jcli in livid jali as he mightdeem d mi;' r.-- u to th.-- public safety. Tliiauthority lot- - urj .dy ex.rM-- l

but very fparingly: th ity

and propriety of what ha 1. enlne under it are qae-tioiie- d, and the at-- t

nti"U of the countrv ha be. n called tothe prtp I. !), that one who i aorri totnkfiort' th :.t t!i!av frtithfull v cxe- -ui? 1, "ho-d- i not hita.-l- f violate then.OTcurso "i!i'' coriid'-iMiot- i was L'ivrrito th p;;etion f poao r and propriety.In f Te thi initiier V.m nctcl Upon. Tl.ewhole f the htwH which were rcpulr. d tob laithfally cxerut-- were lfimr; icsiU-l- ;an 1 fiiilir.'g' e-- th; execution in inarlv..c..-thir.- l ofthe Stat. ', tiot-- t they U af- -

lowe I to ihi illy fill f cx .'utiop.1 Uveahad it p-rf- lly eh-a- r that by the u-- ..

of the iu'-m- c t" their oxeciltivu,.Mo; n.gl': iw nsu ie in M h extreme

t n.e: io-- i f the citizens liU-rt- thatp; u tier 11 v it rdi ved more of the uiltvth 111 . f tl. j i.ii.ocyr.t, ho:;M to ft vcrvIilA,r.l Af Ii fit liH Vb. 'itll . 1(1 nt A L IhOIllUlkl 'I v ...- m - - -

nu'.io!i more directly Are nil the lavssbut one b o tun ifcut.'d Kvcn in Mich

cae w cul l n t the o?td-i:- il nsth bo br-- I

ken if tho eoveriifiout should l c ovcr-- 'thr.-wn- . wii- - n it wn bf iieved that ditre- -

gardi"gth ingl law tend to p---:

erveit. Hd it w.i rot b.liev.d thatih piti!-- wii presented It wa iotleli'-ve- that, any law was violated,

i TI." ;nv ioon of the Uon-tifuti- on thst thepnv i;ei,e f t! writ of holnu iwrv 'killtiot be rw I, li'i'e when, in caes ofreh llrf-'- i e.r iuva-ojt- i, the pi,hlic fet v in a rrernire' It. it equivalent to a pnivldi-- thatach pnv iVg niy le utpDael wnn. in

nn of rebellion or invation. the piblicsife?r doe re ( lite it. It wu de. .del thil

e line a fao of tebe'lin. and that the;ti!ir ifr'.r de re. t re the rpialift--l pu

pen.iori of the privib-- e of the writ, whicha a ai.vh ri'd t be made N'nw ii i in

i !! that t" rrr1. arid lot the Kteidive,U ve.tel with thi ptr; liut th ("on!it'j j

ti Tl i'-'- t'f ii . V it t w h 1 or who is to '

etern,. the T" r. -- "i proiiiu. w vs

..'V nio.e ir a utnrni "v." !

1 rrn.i '"bei a i i iai n.e irstners 01 tueinsTt.rti' nih.t ti V t that in evert ei the 1 m- -

. ,pt it ; rut it r.-- ir 1. iii. 1 oicree . . .'i mi t Tt ( T'-s- l to rt:.er. tne Vvrv... ... .i I

' . ; sh-f- h ti i f t r ttrevente!. a wssI ii etele i u t . 't-- e bt t!i tr'-flo-Mi- . .vov.. ...... t . I . . IT Ii ni t.'e evieo-i- ! rti mr.n i. no u.irrr. ,

n t.tn. it 4i at me lencth w i!J t tobt Mr t !

. . ' .r.re.f.t i h !!i AtfonitrOHiff!. vwt.ether

j there ? s'l t anv legislation t;tn the ubjft; s'ttlifi'iv, wl,t, i entite'v ,

to tl f e:i r ;u ljU'erit of Cookie. s. The)( iiH.;r'i. e of th tJoT erntnent h I bee-- i 0

eilrs-- h'.iM snd o J'-r- .' o.tirr.e I s to j

t..i. , f .rtiffi niii.-T- i to pt the.r 1

l .11 s. il ihei .j!.j,. tho .iilr ro-- t iui j

of 1 r N'sii'-ev- Ui Iom w.tsrrobsble WJ ,U '.

t' iTi ii -- o er . jr iv s t: F.ie otire .me, , . ......(i'l'rr!. ii- - I nip i to .v t?-- . u i, .m

t ersijt'itv ? I r';!.'. "( the UriiI Sis?et atenow evervwljere prrhril'i re bj I r

gt j.iif" . so 1 1 c''er'r .''fwpsthv w o'i t he, 1 ocii i ru!.:V-t- e ! through vit tlie nt! J. 1

I he r ft f i'ie Sa- - teart ofthe 1 ret.' t.'t . ef VV.r i't I the N vi v wiii t9 thi inf riivi ii ii. tVts 1 Venie'I tiereisrr arnlc..,tve i'sr.t f t if.r df''heb n an I n.



h.V the Kiecu'.ite ai d all tl.e Ilepsttmf ntsw I'I tan I redv to upply otni."sions. tr tijC '"t'tr. ctW te .e st f.rW cr-- lared tnr..Mta-it- i

n.f n to krerw. i

It is m l that tun fite!mefiv f f rnikif'g th's ixtn'et s j

h tr', t ' t - u ,(.y I I .st 1 'J In 1 v p' r j

' t tie v.trd td ut ernst: ft t'i the.wtt( si S.I l' . ir I f !;e I th ei i!S M, .fi. '

n ioi iti 1 1, kl rIJnib rrd Met , tM; j


et.e it nh of th-t'- d sc1 wltlrn the j

.trti where appsrestls all are ill'ur 1.1 i

er;i-- e, a?d tl.e tu i Je. thia a "".'I

th id part of te r value osttel bv the f

ti.pn eir eem teilt P dertie tU i,ole 1

l beared n.lKotia tf i.!!irs, i

wF.h is a V 4 1 1 tu j- -f hau! ihaasja.i

lie Jehl of ot.r reer.huhm kUihcuimo rut 1

.. r i. ....... i . i . t i .i I

rot.ntrr no her een a i. iter .njtti n i Outrage u.n Mite t'phL. Hut nijtjie ih itto it then than the rci4e!v tfie i.ime act.iiv-te.u-! of teinj: call-ture-

eierr mn amnion' a innlve ei ?ti ins them out, rh-'iiJ- J cille--l the

a"J n''1'"".' 1 t r." ,

wUls unJ oft tUo riJ.t f i".!-;rt- - ,

tU. tliey aie not jurtial t. that wer Abteil .

iu tie institution. n-- i ppesk fpnm thentoamhle ealhr.-i- ut lf, ? V tU. ije.

now i( nfcit'iir oar lincrfe eitu l.i t

thn to ultUh theio. A rirht teult al ttiir.ß will keep th North mie the

Olk tlu'iteu tiüi the men anl ten time !

nonev. Ainl the etiiei. ie.ht:l fnnu the rouutrv It iv ir oautt th .1 I

tiMteriit fjr the uoik i abun lam an-- l

i.ee-- 1 oi.lt the hn.l uf le.'iUtiou t j;.veitle-iUt- n. no the hin I of th Kjeajtirc ! U

ie it pr.toti. al b4p an.l e(hiM.'iH V. ,.

Oi.e ol the crejtejt ferr-h-viti- of t'.a ,

c.jruuuicnt U to avt.iJ reu'itin: '1 I

-f.t-- u r than it h 1 provMeJ for thctn. A


r. iI

wor-l- , l!ie people will i..ive their po eminent l

the poTen.mit.t ii elf ill h iu part fcuh

inlifTcreiillv wftll.

It lulht eeiu at hrt thought ut but ht;'ethlferiiKi- - vheiber the teirnt tnoiemfat at

.m ti tilth be cal!el peven-io- n r ttbel!'un1 . . . . 1

.liffe.nee, .i .!, iJi.,,.;,. Tlwv kr.fwthey rouhl never raiae" their' tr inn M ane j

rC'iK'ttable mirnitu-l- bv nti.v !,:r.e whi.li!

liu;he u.lation ef law.- il.e kntw tt.eirr . . . . . .i. - . ... i .. j


iwinr issriwn iuut it .! in-- ii .'rnrv, i

much ol devotion ) law r.rul or lera muchpride aitd revereme .or the h.ttorj end

of their ' er i.Tmn rountrv, innyother riilied M1 p itri-di.- . jh--- ie. They


knew they could mike 1,0 advancementdiret tlt-- in the teeth of thee tr"tig aiid 110

Me yeidunenu.Arcorli:ir Jy the y cuiimt n d by an inid-iou- a

debiuch.112 of the tiubl.r mind; theyJ an inen:ous Mpitim, uhi: h, ifewu-tele- , ,


wos tittlowed by peilectlv logicalhte,x throtigh all the iacident. 1 1 the com i


plete do.rturtion of the Union. The i.'.ph!mitclf ia. tint any State of tlie t ' j '., 1 may ioini'teully witli tl. Nr.iim al rr.i u, and therefore lawfully und peacefully withdraw fromthe Union without c. n-c- nt of the Union or of


any other SLate. The little diaguif--e tintthe supioed right i to be eiercised uly fora jiijt caue, because they the!n-!v- e are tohe the .sole judge of its justice is too thinto merit any notice. With rebellion thu iu-fja- r

coate.l they hive been drugging tlie pub !

lie la.nd of their section for nrre than thnly !

. .ft .i t a s Iveara. until at leniit .tney





manv ' o .I men a wniuigne- - to take upI

aruwacaimdlue trovernment the .l.v afier l.I...tBe.cl,t ll.rJjTW..re II,,. .o,.,,-.t- treceive much, ne. the l,.,.e of.n cur- -

J'..,. . .1 h.n I K ft t won ,rtut. y, 11 um Uta jsnijnivii vuai fcssw-ft- - -

oma nniidfyvianl latatl 11 mil ftilMtltm K'V ! T

.lavii-as'a.v-..- . ,

ilt.ytn ol. Wi.lA Al'Alie j'aa IS . at t v a ft . t

eral Union. Our State have neither more ;

n.rle. power than that recrvevl to them iu ,

theUnioa bv the Conititution; u one ofthem ever h.tviug been State out of theUnion, eten before thev c.i$t r(T their Hrit- - !

ili colonial dejendence, and the new one !

each came into the Union direetlv from a

condition of de,ienienco, xcept Texa, andeven Texas in iu temporary independeu-.-e- ,

wasneverdesignate laStAte". Tho new oneonlv took the ieignition of State on com- -

lnt;'inb tho Union, while that name wa firta.lopted for the old one in, ami by the culo- -

nie were declared to be fiee and' in dependent Sute. Hut even then, the obiect rlainlvwas not to declare their independence of oneanother, or cf the Union, but directly thecontrary, r.s their mutual pledge and theirmutual action betöre, at tao time, an 1 alter-wanla- ,

absolutely show, and the expressplighting of faith by epch and all of the ori-

ginal thitteeu State ofthe confederation twojear later, that the Union sdiall be perpetu-al, is most conclusive. Having never beenState either in sultance or in name, out-

side ofthe Union, whence their magical om-

nipotence of State, rights, aertint' a claimof power lawfully to destroy the Union itsell?

Much id paid about the Auvercignty of theStates, but the wont ia not in the nationalConstitution, nor, r..s f ' believed, in any oftho State Constitution. What is sovereign-ty in the political sen-- e of the term? Wouldit be far wrong to define it a political com-munity without a political upriori Testedby thi. no one ot our Sutea except Texasever was a sovereignty, and ever. Tea g iveup the character on coiuaig into the Union,by which act aho acknowledged the Constitu-tion of the United Slates, und tlie laws andtreaties of the United State made in tnirsu-anceo- f

tho Constitution to be for her the su-

preme law of the land. The S;ac havetheir latu in the Union, and they have i,oother legal statu. If they break from this,they can only duo aaint law, by revolution.The Union, and not themselves feepirated,procured their iude;endenc and their libeityby conq'iOit or'purch.ite. 'I he Union rateeach of them whatever independence undliberty it had. The Uuion i older than anyof tho Sato. and in fact it created thun asState originally. J? line dependent colonicui ule the Union, and in turn the Union tluewoff their el l def envleuce for thei. and nudetbent States, each a they are; not one ofthem ever hid a Sato l.'jiistitution inJc; n

dent of the Union. Of coure it ia ma lor-Kotie- u

that all the new Sutei framed theirCeoiitut:ons Kefore they entered the Union,neieithele, depetnlent up.ui and prep tea-tor- y

to ronainj; into the Union. Uncuetiotubly lha Sutc have the lowers and right iq.served to them In and by the national Con-

stitution; but among them surely are not in-t- f

tided all conceivable pnweri, however s

or destructive, that were kuown inthe world al the titi'o a g nertiuieiitil powen , and certainly a power to destroy the govetument itself hid teil er I ee n known a.gov-rnmental-


batrueie'y adminUtrat'f power.This rwlatiie mvtter of national power and

Sitr lights e ptinc;(t!e, is not other thinthe pri.."ip!e of rc.ieral'.ty arid lo .iliti.Whatever coacfti.t hw whole eh mid be rot.tided to tl.e whole, to the gfuiir.il ovt'rnmetit, white whatever concern oi.lv thoState ah;iu!d bejelt exiluivrlv to the Slate.This i all there i of origin! ptimiple aboutit. Whether the niti h.d CUe tduthui, illdefining boundaries briaeeu the iwo. hoapphel the pruiciplt wii'tcit no urna, i

nt tti be ipte-iionc- l. We ate nil bound hvtint defining. Without Uction, whst i

now combined in the poition thai e'e.ior,i conitent wi'.li the Constitution i liwtuland je iceful it 1 tt contended tint thereis anv expr"i Ian for it, an'! i.. 'thing h midA.Af t,.t im. IV! 'i. !iw tfth'.'t i.L 1.1 ....:...,

'r.,u. '

l hm ,uUon .f hve w M 11 livuier Ihm rotintne out nf ,!,!,et eral o( thee r- - were I. .mi-- I, j it

:... ll .... r 'I .... ..1 m ,1 I. ... t I ... . . ...I- .,.1. 1 1 r n.riwnho'it t e f 11 in Im 7 tiha til:ou t.,i t 1.0I ,l. . . .. 1 I . - .I Hi;" .iihi", in 1 ir ..irvir, i nv. l ir.l'l 1

hundfe-- l inilli"t?. t te'e e lhii!a fnitlhe. . . : . .1 .ttopgin u tri'.e; i iiiu.i inn (tie ti w gi

oT w tthoMt oiiM.f'1. or without linking anv. . . .. . ,ti i . i.. , i .1Ifli n 1 ir h.ii.i:i 1 1 11 ul iir I .1.- -

J epplir i to tl.e bnrttt of the .i ct'ii 1

eejf 1 St '!, in omni on w;th the rc:I it jut cither th it ctr h'or ?!! j;o

r the letn ihiicg St ttr pav ? Vhilepitl ofthe present r.tt.ftiil debt 1 contra, ted topvy tho 11 .If ht of Tes. is it ju-- t llut she.!; ill lea t e and pay Co jatt cf tl Le rllAt iin, if e.ie State nay sc c !e, 1 mit aaother, snl when all sh! hue cede I. n liei lf l t psv tlie dehta I tl-- i intw ji. tctt-i;!o- rs' p.d w e ttotifv tlteai .f ties s.eI iw .,f ours w l.r n we borrowed th'r mnei- - T

II we r re- - 'rii:e th:S 1! tctfiup h aH.wi z, the sece !tr to 0 itj j t o e, it i d Hindtt i .1 w Ust we can do if ah-- r 1 1 ooe t goor to extort term iijoT hi h they w d t n

e to fen'ahilie e"de insi.t tu it .yr rtlUlot

a lttri pfftHi-i- . ! lief l ate umel tomske a nti "ts' co'ntitutiou vt their ti, In

hihrif ;ee.vltt lies he eitler dlcardi or retvintfl the rchl ef serei.r.. as thev

init it eibt In ur If the? hive th.eir.fI it, Ihr t'jeteb adndi that, iu pi.uch.le,

it eegtit to be la roirs. If tUer hive retalfe-- i it bt tl.iir n uid rut tint nf ;itsthet .how th I to be they n secede fr on o: inj hr w eeter tiv iha'!hrsd it the f-- h t w nf Mtt' r-- the r dehts.or eHrcvii ir "vv other rif.u ..f ,,( ..Tl' rirc: V iie!f U our rf 'It mtegrii 11,...... .

n 1 uiü wliictj r..t;ieui Caa sa.b'ff Bil 1 OL- - n'J

aietl the p rr ta dri. th.t one out of theIVcb. It I rw,rJ '"W'oiM fii

4reon' portli'San trouW.' '"at t.t.f, Am? lh j. . . - i .i .... ... t k.'i i Iim - 1 1 t I



etinc o( the others from thni cue. it oullX4 t!r liut the ei-t-I- t Uiui to do, ut-

iles tii'lee-1- , ther Hike the rx.iat, t'.nt the cueIm( Atiüd it i a luinoriiv. tun iLhtfuliy tuysh.a t!ic olht-r- . bec.iue they are a

It ntij til .e quest...nel wt.etr-e-r tnere 1.tn - !av. a mijor.tv of the !e; iv ua.u.eu .

- . ...... .11! 1.v.kl. ..I nil Iult. tPV4'fIfi. IVHH ifuna- mm.., - "t e C I:aroi.n i, in lavar i oj'i4iu"o. ,


There i mm Ii leaoti U Wl.eie tin I theI'nh.ii m-- u are the m ijority iu uavy , if not j

iu eiery other, of tl.e .nocllel fltl P."Sutei. 'M e rontt.iry hi n t been deiuu ,

fctr tc.l in of thein. It 5 Tentnrru ;

orin tLucv.uof VirKiiu, at,l Tcn- u---e, fof the i rt:!f of art t ieeuou bM in in.l

liry riati. where the bay,.neti are nit on,one biitu vi Hie cueuon tou-- o u-- -..,

t in e!v be fnul re I .ib


. nlir.i.. .

ni At uch ia election, lldiat j

re at once for the I n ;

V . ...II I. ... r,r.-o.- l t.tand gnip."-- i lot-rciou-, iuj w ü-i.v- v,

vi.te nraii.-'- t the Uuu-u- . It m iv' Fe j

. . . .... . .il. I t j t t in jf til.WHtiOUt eiiratagame mai me ii- - K.-n- .t s

tiou we ci.joy have deielojd the " '

and improved" the condition of our whole ,

people hejond au cittmlc iu the world. Of 1

thin we 1,0 Lave a htrtkmg and nn impres ;

ie.illuhlrutioii. So dt?e au army a tlie(Jot eminent ha new on loot, ws never before known, without a. mddier Iu W but whoha. taken hi place there f hi own freechoice. Hut more than tl.i. there ate xnw.sningle regiments Im member, one aiiiHiiother, poe full prati'vd Vnowlelge onil ti e nrt. acience. profewAn, an I what '

eier el-- e lo-ef- or elegant i known in the (

world; and there U ccareely one from which '

there could lejt be selected a 1 ieilent, nCabinet, a Congre, and peihaps a Court,abundantly competent to administer the (luv j

ernnient itelf. Nor do I fav thi i not true, ;

alo, in the arniv of our late friend, now '. ' .i"- - 1. l ... t tt .

. , 'adverstt.eii hi tuw con ich, oui n u. r

t. 1 .1- .- t. tl.At;..i.in!n.iit.... ,imr 1 nur mc I

. . r . , , ... 1:.. i1(l,.flU nB u-.t- h

I1UN 11 " ' v. 1 r -

. 1

ilium ...ä.ii. 1 1:4 .wi.i.u'di. . . ...not tie inn. .en v.u.1

Wliv.. . . . ...t u..itii1i.ti .kiii-l- i... ..f ver III nil) i nu m i -- j-

nrJtJ! .U.1'V1 ä.'.',: i

h.it le.ter ne 1


will give or bo in j!

f ,

.P' There ore pome lorehadow ing doubl- -

''H ubject.

tiur adversaria haie adopted some de- -

claraiK.u ol independence, m wn.cn, ui.i.kthe -- 1 old one penned by .Jefleon, theylimit lliKword ill men are created equal."I hey have adopted a temporary r.ntioualC in the p.eauibl ot w men unlike j

i our good old one igiicl by ahi'igt n, they; omit "we, the peoj-le.- .in I Mib-titu- te

thu deputie of the fovc reign and In.lepen' dent State." Why t!:i deliberate pie-in- g

. out of iew the right of n.fn and the authori ;

1 ty of tho pet'pleT This i eeutialiy a peo- -j

ple'n content. On tke hide of the world,th it j

; form and ubtance of government whoe i

le iding object a to elevate the condition otI men; to lift artificial weights from all .shotd- - i

I.der; to clear the paths of laudable pursuitj for all; to afford all an unfettered ttart and I

! f ir dunce in the race of life, viehbng to theJ partial and temporary depattufes from i.ece j

pitv this i the leading object ofthe government for whose existence we cor, tend. I ammo-- t happy to believe that the plain eopl?understand and appreciato thi. It L worthyof note that while in thi the governmenthour of peril, large number of those in thearmy and navy who have btcn favored withthe office!?, have resigned and proved fale tothe hand w hich had pampered them, not onccommon ooldier or common sailor is knownto have deserted hi fl ig. fJreat honor ia

duo to thve olTicfr? who remained truedespite the example of their treicherou asociate.

But the grtates: honor aul moul iiuporUng fact of all, is the unanimity and Lrru-nes- a

of the cotntnon FoldVrs aial comovmsailor. To the last man, as far as knr.wn. j

thev succe.?fit llv lesisted the traitorous cf- - ;

forts of those whose commands but an ln.ur i

before the. oheve-- l at tibolute !..w. This ;

is ihe patti'etic action of plsiii people; theyunderstood, without argument, that deftroying the government which wa mvde by ;

Washington means no gtol to them. Our pop- - I

ular giiv eminent ha oflen been callr! an i

eapei it icat. Two points iu this, our people ;

have rdreadv settled; the suece.fal evtab- - ,

! lisment and tlie meeeful adminitist3on of i

i :. v.-,- .:ii . .......f.a ,.;,..!Ii. VhC Skill IfiU I'li'i iv-- " rjvv -- -. j

tenance against formidable internal attempt, , . . , I

tr overthrow U. it i now i r mem to i.e- -

montrate to the w orld that thou who can j

fairlr earrv an lection, can alo uvre. a ,

reUU ion: that are the rightful a id

peveeful purceeor of bullei.aiid th t when. t I .11.. 1.:nallO!. litte laitiv .'.hvi cursi.iuiuui.iiiv ue.. j

ded, there can be no nccei.tiil appl back j

to bullets; that tlier can be r.o c.cces.fid j

appeal eicept to billot themclvcs at sue- - j

1 : t...: ,.. . 'M i.o il....a . .mi i..a. ,irwiins.riiiviit. uv .r k.v... :

son of ttce. teacbin- - men thst whM ti-.e-

eannot tike hv an election, neither can thev j

tske it by war: teaching all the fo!! of being the beginnen-o- f war.Let there miy be some utieainc in the I

. .PI S ft B.ftm no 01 canuiu men as to wn.it i to ttetnecourr of the (ioeinnient towanlitho Sinth-ern State, after the rebellion shall havebeen uppieved, the Kveoutive deeni ilpner t pay he will b by the Coifiitutioriand tho law, and that he probihlvwill have no different uader-Undin- g ol thepowers and du tie of the Federal iov eiu-tnei- it

lelatire tti the right ,f the State, andih people 1111 b r the Contit ulion, than waseipie ed in the Inseguril A Id nta. lie do-pii- e

ti piescrve the tiov cnimer.t. that it mayho administered toi ail. a il wa. a.linniterel liv the tuen who mole it . ImaI citilenseveir wh':e have the right totlaitu thi oftheir fnv eminent, and the gov emuieni ha norij;ht to withhold or negiert ii. It i notpemive l that in siting il there i auv coereicn.an coii.piering or an? ubjur.at ion. inaar ju' ep.e of llire term. Tlie Ceiuii I

tuiioij pi-o-v i le m l a'l the Stale have ic i

re.-te- j t'ie prvviipion tint tue Unite 1 StatehI! f irai tee to everv State in thi 1 r.iori j

1 rt;mbbt ,01 form of gov ertinient ; but if .!

Stat nn lawfully r. out of the Union, '

hw ing d"ie po, it inty sUo dianl tl.e re I

pu'.ii. in of gov erinnern , so thst to prevent it peing out is sn ndi-pnd't- ,e me mto the en I l nt int du.nL the guaiar-le- mentiojsoj, and w n an end i Isw fid and obog-i- .


lorv . tlie i'!i;i'ti iblc ir.est'. to t sre aU 1 :

lawful nrd ohlicatcry.Ii w w uh the 1cs;m .1 tfiet that the ex

et f.-- t o. the latv uf empht ing the w ir j

ptiw er in 'bfe:ie 'f tlie oi nimrnl fuved j

u;j'H lees. Het. u'd bntprf'rrt this dutyor ! n'.'.Vr the eiitti.iw of the tgove.tinnid I - u: it ioui ti.e public .er i. f j

w ould in t 1 s 1 a be a 1 ritne. tvl tint viaprom - are le i oftm htsper, but that nopjipnl if government can h ng im v iv e a 'S k j

el pmint that those. ;t carry nil lectionfin on'v vve i''.e ov vtRinetit from itniutdi- !

ate iVtp. ii. n bv civiru: the r.vv n t;nto!vu wh e'a thejetple give the eleci.oa.

I h i --w 11 thrii-ele- , and r - tite r -- er i


va:;t. ran vfelv rev ere their ow n drld erste I

d.ci.ion. As a ptivaie riliren. the Uiec'i-tii- e

1 01M rot h V eBetiteI lli it thf.f hit'tut'ott phll ptr!i. much ! (Mold he act

in hi trawl of s v si and ostfrd a tr it st!i-- e fire r'p!e Im! Confidol to h;m Hefelt that I e hu no ni-rs- l riiht tohiinktof even to iViil the fhle .f his nan

Iii what u.igl.t foüow. In lall vis cfbarest rfI..f n'Aditr,

. .tJifj Fie- -

..it.utive lisiir'."fie w ,Ai ne ns tieemtti m ttutv. inuwhtfio iriiip! to mir own ludgmet't ,

iiur. He rt rely rt thst urne. r-.-i ..'ir actons ic.sv s"t peit-- l w-t- ..... . ' . .I. .1 r o 1 1 v t.

! i", ... a- - ne so 14'iiuiii i niitrt ri i mi f! Suited i ther tVlts. ola irtttt,

! 5e Jf trt. rs'ion t. ti.a Isw Anlhvv. .Ii-t- hus rh.r, rur ci . re, wiih apureturtvxe.ltttiltfrewtvartruftt In lI. and j

J. i :,w .... f-- - -- . i.i t . if .ii..M - i..wi iv-- -, win -- iiu m.n.j nrarv- -



wni.L he sole on WKDNCSDAVlu.m.irw Bex. lb lfrtU uM- - at iL riCtH

of tt: iUM:n1.'r, i xt d.j'r to ..l'-- t ct.rr.t r T

k:Khru f jrnitur. al A. M . 4 th um rl- -

'Ji.lt . -- 2t J. b. it ACtKR.



V.tslUMI.Xtl O I T !

At Tbl;


VAKDS MCt I'KINTKU,r)0,00( ) LWNS Very Cheap




or 1.AVKL1.A HK a


0,00(1 Urie Helene aixl Ti ie-- .


CA It LOAIs OKi'KINT:e) Unnually Large,

('AhT-MlADSO- F I.AD1KSand Mi-- e. l?ewt sit eel Hoon i


Ilk I ii i TAHASOLS.

AM SUNI II II I w m.I Vit iv'vf Mi.Ur. r nm e 10

tilronlene.s and Lares !

GisOVt:s4iiiti Eiosir.uv:


Will i K AN L i'KI M HI)

Linen Drills for PantsFirt-r.- ; iu:ditv !

Geilt'st aNeck Tit-c- , Paper Collaia and .

cNirtil ! .

liest ii :!. Market


Suinmcr Cloths and Cassinierc''

fri..vMi As.RtviksT

Siimnit r Vctiliii ! ,



Booto c&? Sliocs ! j

ar KHMryi KU TUT. I I AcK ' -

n.v JH f ; Pj-ti- , V. m.v.nlL w4 tth, HvriV ;i f



n;rjcy-iivurf- , im.

r. Nirmkt i iunn,1wtJ"

. . f ..




.....UM 1

..,,.,..It A 1 1 1 .v. - Not ic IS

iuL iT 'c!t.sve t cm rraiite 1 to l I, v;i.:ittei.r Atv'.rrw Wi;ki..-if-i- . Tb" 1 -jvt.?-.- i te m K4Ttit. All jr.ii .oIri'td tt ttc orvr.Ir n;. f r ti a.- -t t. tn i:n. or i.tL.-rM-f- sr 0

rrn-i!- v iifi'fii.l t mate in-.n-. .!.! puTCfi.t

aii l vf tlit inf ivr f.rtf.cr rtH h Vt I KATT, A-i- r.July 1. lCl-t!w.- 3




jriu I.-- 1 J. f iani IihsI " Ul"r'"Jrcl.ired a i'i t4 n r oett., er. ttsCsr.,U

lf lU ,.ihl,, lrr,. w flrr ,h )Mh U i

F. . im tVs, ra-h'- r.

T.r re Hi-- ., J,,li 't-'- a jj



Ladies I l.tudiea! I.Hilir !!

I jnm s a. v v. w iniM i i:.., .a !i..a . tn j1 a rl.t fir ttnrf.:r,r ir-- l n w.rij tr.

Ju: st:,. t ll.etr rr irrr, W s h s'rrPt. 'v ,Ve-M- i . M . "Jr,!r J, ?



X 1 1 1 1 t'. VI ' 1 - iivl If4 lu n.'ti!iif,. j

ft.lnf ). J f.f!'.-- r, lV f. rtfl.-Tvrnt- . J

1thM h J M l snJ.i!y J. .Htttl ,




!... inioN or pKTFKntr.-'n- e fIV V . W W iltisM.s A t o., fcss ttei n ihilvrt I v

) i.i' u r.w.t,t. All t. ng t". rit t.i.it'. t.n.iare rroir.il 1 i thrrt .r -- tu.-.

ie .-- .1 iti.r tn.tr htr.t ia tl.e f,r:s wi'.l ns.t j t.

il. VV. WILUAiiS,j . v 'I j. 1;. iivviii

GRAIN AND FEED.t;vi sirM in 11. dim;

1 i.ni u anif n:i;i stimkiT I VVIiiti t t.a r.f ii' I ih. iU w UiHr,I 1 .ii.u.!!.. .. IS- - rillt-.- , ..f j

I'nt-lllrf- , l'.li ' J . A





slII?TUr: j'



Al ( ft I .:i the tt . ( Tr s- -tvrr-t- . t trrrr-- t r'r f

tjWit e4 M.j t ' '! t r t .

Wtlj't. S"t !)'. ; r '!' ir I 'i .f ... (

fftt--i f !p trr. M.! !.1 jo w itrrlrK I

i Iht rti'.liii ff I t o .. i i i nk.r w f i ' t Id- - fie I

UK A I Ii KM AKT. I(lTt-.';o-- fl Fa. I t . Uii. svt tth .







I oTn:iT.nTi: Notice istmtri.y f.tt n. li.l tin v r. U r s il n vs.! Ua i

f 4 Ike hl - tA A.lfe';y PttreiiV, ,r.1, -- 1'1 ', t A I . A..l..r .1 t r r mt w .i T nr..! ft


jthei.iJ.yt 11 .t, t fse V r,wrrrt tVate i

!i r . 'i --! u i.ii.fn ,i

a k, UU.ihiidUs nüwif lir Aatl.fi v ft milk, tU .td;(tat. 141


T) N..llllu !



- m: . fc

if m

Purifier !Tklure ialiir.t. AflfrTaVint,U!.KATKT KKMF.DV IN JHF. WOKUi


Ml in llilniiv A. Xellslnf ucAr.dial .' v.rTnKent'Piih THOITSANDS u:..-- thoU


iloHlctt und Mreiigfhtuvhi. i- - t M-r- Ki .tun it

lla,!.v-he- . crti-- . .f rVu 1".:.1 Ap. irw.-.r-d fur, I J t':r r V, 'th tJvr-- . jw.i rl rlir. MU. M . - v mi'Ti Ut J,iU.t' ircci. i rr '

jriir fKmt-- u,r p--o ai ic attU j,

klX)H I I KiFll l;:--VM)

ivl-- v iei a trennt.:; it warr.r.tNl x ivr atI-t-

;i:. It wü! tt- - try 1 W.n rftl Kldji K- -'vr I'.U.lJrr: fr'Tior;- - t'Tmr4 K,wn,; r

frutur.r.-!''erNrrf-- ivi.o ,; 'j, K t. ;,,f,j'..;.;r.tumJr.

ler ( lilldreu.v- -u wafijourJ.lK-sif- .

wkley.i.uiiv rtm..,..W I l.r.il.y, HW't r .! 1 .1'- -,) .. V. .Kt t"'.?'""11"."? 'AU '""...!j u .1. t.( tÄfc)

Or,e tsl'i(-s.f- !i, ukrn tun n-- ir,, U.; uUs tr i.ri'irulur nta;iii rti.ii kil lrr, r,i.'fvr, Lvl. ra r any ttrvuiig ciiJCaniON. of I".iKKiK: t.r ...r,,tr.sy t?r to r!sa uj-- 0i a Uti.' .f H.nrr(which liier ta lj- - chmj.' nj.,,, i; u

Jiu-- t a x Tli-r- e srr rirn tnuKt'.d s I ui.T rav i.aair ud.; tl.r U c .t).;.f. Aoii .'Kli n 'an.ou- - l'IKl K ut U.,;ru- -

i:. :i'tg il.al a. 1.; Itt:fer. lk.l.rthir r !.'. It t- - ...slj fZmJ U.kt ill 1 ritlyr..:r l.;.-- d tl.-ro- -jf UU". ia t U. timr iUi4STKKM.IHLN t i.N Vai.OiUTK ti. w b U j, 4ii:

'!! n. I" ,t .t hiim lrpr Untl. H rw r UJeir ri U'tUt Ut ü. "

I'll. J. H. 3MtL: V.N, So ll pr.ivr.C.-'i- . r Tiii-- .l aiMi r.ne Mn . Luul, J,..

Dr. 71rl.cunv I'nltrml lIIItri; nut i..muiM, nui.n win, ifKAiacir,Vc

Tut i iH vrr t..t I.. ii a C.VTiAr.TIC K'l-!- rf .f . ri o. tl j ! t.n: ki u m. h rnurf .t-- 'Ic1.j: fv X' I sti'v Flu ? kl

X-- f:ilirf !y v. .j.a' t; , r arc J.vl.s-t- v ..

C..l ;rl ecu ! ilk. r f r ll " r .r. j..., i,.. vta n4 r. - )

a i'i v i::.' :t , f i n. " r ir- - . ,t, ,r .,

Ii f-- -t, ih-- y ft- - l c-- tv i tLa! J btWl ien'! "!.i 1 f'ti i

I'm prIac-1- . ) zi'i i.: , t l. r t;Q m tLUtTuo. i rr 1. I. , :Jk.Ki h i fT n.iv.- - ari l!ni;,. tr eratJ--.- , .r'M ! g t r;:;,r 'rttl.. hver au! VV n;!J ;r..-r f--c:t t ilUu-!- .,

LeotlacLt. a.l f ul n,rn tlf-n- trriWy f en Vw !.; K jt tL-r- u r.tti tlt ooLunl; :' i; i l... D i?i s.r. iur priVrMLour, tyk . t in.cj.. J Ak Kr It. J.II. Mlesn's l"rral I jl'. 1 i oJair. kUit.......... . k . . ...... . .... . t1. j- i.-- ii.-- .' ii,' 7J t.'s iffnl 'b - :.t t y ms-- l t-- . ny n'u ihr r. ?

J. H. M.-l.- in. s ir.,.f if..rr""" V ' f. u u.Dr. J II MrLriuiS Velrnnlr Oil

. . Mitiuirui,Tmk H.t KxTirvAt iiTnrWoup.nn M

r. ltF.ti7P.-u.a- !..J cl Jn.nisii h . h-- f sitrdaUiv

of l.x-r.'pfi- n- - u.a uii r, y lue n c4 thi. lar-i- -)tm'.'lr ut. It ;!! rrj.i v I'.iis aha,, iim.ot'i'nt;y. a.i it w i!! tinny, pür:fy at L cl tl..iitMiiKlaa:ilTrJ!l..!yki,...M t!tna. YcLEaN

ViU AN!C.'l!.IJNIMKVi ; ! rhrv 1 ttvwt in-- jttKre.f fiti i f hfunie:w. iltmt, .tl..r rariv.t , ( .i.:rri.-- d Vr,v-;- .

, cfTr, f.f v

l i'i xi.r Jn.i'L, y.Dk. s if .f; rtM-u- t s. tt srl ! tT.rr fi!. Two .; hc.t!-t- i:t h, Three.II. -- ...ii" of KtTmthr. fit P. il't if Scalit. r ai '

r. ... it ar l:.f-!t- 3 rrm.y. Itj it, and roti wilf.nl U ? ! 1.'. ;. r 1 -y. K--- p U s'trjij-- . &

l.Jll.ri.ANTIT.S. FAKMI KS or ry bsv ir. . h .r.

U - k. Uiil nsv Oofrfy y UiIIi( Väi.la-sn- ' Vti-- !

(Hilf Oil I.ÜUiw.C 2t 1 .ft M ll.'.'.iltlr"' f It i'.'f, Striv.i.. Ci arJ2.l:;, ttu-- t

"tr- - WX, .VVi.fn ts, (T L fxurtst(:? . Try tt. S; a! you ri;i W e.trt.vj.Ur.itll. yirl-ati- . sw a.i. .

JalKlwly hi-- a Lv' C V ).


UK) crC rvi CT!


11or1 Vr Hilft HorstTrail All Clllier f omplalnle

V ITACKs Ain: suddi:n', AMV fit. aiiiv lU-t- pt.-ir- s la a v rj lort p. ri

Iii rrf.x It U wt- - to prr.a.r4 vottr.t0 alaiit.ii e tmipUm pr"u;sly, Wt a tztui.g isiii; sjf Ii ULI. t'Hiir if rttl-srt- -J r.u

VTI.-,tUt- trrp tn ,ri l it v!jr f i,r,. srv-- 1 ttvsrttro.ur-IL- ' Mt. TflAtT- - Cr at Srw.. fria Wt

lomem' IT, Li Ir irrv ti!; xTriZZ"'T " ' 'V 1 V"- - V

""'Z ' njr, L-'- ;.V 'W. r' r"

ut.-- ;,. fAra reft--at a In :r.f f , r,lw,( S!f,!t,., sprnnr.. im mtur ur m

J'jnr .ti l.r... r.Tfl n t Sh'nl. Siitti'a la.ratt K'li.f jt.!i!j iflrrts oj. M t :vT J.na I - I k.i.ur..tJ t w it:. ihr r i t a'r r!tot-- ,

fi.lv ibf t(.f (M woihlrrful rthtlnr. ILrdJ-- jt.r t ui-- r-- ,ln .x tin-- vl. qui 1.1 .4 tt m.

c r.t h..tf U , oittjui tillv S.ti.n t.! tn 1 x j :r!.0 ü. .l-.l- toltir.

Vor Tl n 11 It i n il ,jsi.o.Ws INSTANT IU:LlF.r !

I Ho- - l.rtiH Internat A I'xtertiHlku...l f ril. in.iiia.at . trc ! cs,.-- , .r u.o.6.f t'.'i rn, t- - ! I. mi Lr, tt rn'ku 4 ihr .f k 'k!k ....... .j", "oiitT", o.Miiitij-- ,

ii u rs i 4 n. .; 10..m.f rur ; i ..iL. ... k Lr.aachr, tifi:r r skf, l.l..ritlri. rti .( thr - ... f. in trt jj r liinW. T:. j .

n:t ;mm;-s- . t ..i.'... spinal awriirj j.r is.-- t'f"". trtiM,

MoantftConrtlliou I'oudrr! Nrvr fit' i o.rt-- s, tf ;! or e ' .I MoMti' I Min 1 If OiMlittetilj t'ni.4 ii urt Orf rr- -t 1 litmte rr 4 1 ,.j sloon's llortr Ulntuieni

Its i.- - f - Iltu: r l ;.rtu-- U aarr..tj TJ' "e I v mil i.irlt in riir.,iC4w.t tftJJ 4

fit. i. ajatX. 81 J


T VTK OT INM VN V. VUrfl OH NTT. SijO ft -; I oru 1 1 .wt, Vrnti)tf Irna,tu-l- i Irtti.lt, I rrkkrl Iimv 'O.tjftli t SI'.it'p. t arvt Atla. I.tttft-t- .

tNts1T.to.srt,rtPTSSTef Jtw.. ts l"trtnr th. 1 In t.. I Ktlvi K l .., hu rs -

1 ffia kU .itufxa-t- btri4 slv. a. .M r.i.e'a atr..'.ttt h"w.. ( t.".ai U.o U. I le.ü t i a

frow-re- i lia i tLe rf p.a.aua.r.-.i- . . 1 u.or r h.-rr- k.v.t I. ii ..14 .'..I-ut- -i

ent ;f t.r thf a" t i- - vSt try h tit. iT'ce.!:rf:,p;l it si tt.f P.m will It- - l.t aiJ sut t!rtfri-.tae- t at hs

-t vfn f,t r ti.'. C ..rt. ii rm il. fj-.- t



Medicated Heir V7aa!i!pi:ol r.oii.i; v. i;anaia

U-v.- t- r.f.tte-- 1 ft).w?iv n.t !llr le.. r,;;.. i. s-- .ai.tr r tie Terre Hvt-- i lln.w, Upoft ti.r-.-tt- i ta nui.fct ait -- UI :. irnrrshf , Ü..I lis t a fr'rs'l t.wJt r-r- wi rnin 'a its".! ..'.'tnry iat.t,m. Vrvrl attr.m.n ftv toaaj""fipf . t CNitytr tadi. UuU Itrl

J V.KtV W. r.f tlA.SlvV.',''

DOOItO.a I 1 I V I la.' a tSvltlve Ist --s

0C1ETTty tha aa'ti-- el "vc (

arlsvtsrvf A4 7.IL WZnCTa

111 tY A.C I? T WW.y mi VHrm.r frit, . V. 1C 1

Att - J.Il. M

l (


I m t.n j. r. ... t.it ft t,t o. ,.-- , .1 '. I 'III .I I'pv ! . 1 I 111 IIKtl.- - . .. . -. , ........ - -iC':!:: 1 W' l - ' '" -- ""!i,i.4I; kvia aatar4 to Wtiu-- m lar ;:-- , i ti i.i.t't V 1 ATntant j sa. Uala) - se.t te TTewtaall. Ia.eev, i A Ml I? . tUtl tir rjSiiioAalUaMt ssi4Un4is. aso w J.. M.kr.sef.ai4 j -

v sti l kiti.i s-- f v- -. t. J l Vir6eriif, as4 t y atJ 11

TVh.u.r s...t-- .t Ai.u,tt i T V WITS M UKAL'X OK S