Library of Congress...TIU'RH'iAT MOKNiNff MATS) IW. The Spirit *r"76-Thr Old Rifleman. W« are indehun! to a gentleman el Colum-hut, (.J.i., DM the fw-Bwlhg lincA, by Kit.iNß Tickaor,

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Page 1: Library of Congress...TIU'RH'iAT MOKNiNff MATS) IW. The Spirit *r"76-Thr Old Rifleman. W« are indehun! to a gentleman el Colum-hut, (.J.i., DM the fw-Bwlhg lincA, by Kit.iNß Tickaor,


The Spirit *r "76-Thr Old Rifleman.W« are indehun! to a gentleman el Colum-

hut, (.J.i., DM the fw-Bwlhg lincA, by Kit.iNßTickaor, M. I)., of that city, thsring ol the truo nietnl. Kvery "id VirginiaI il.in.in. and every de-ccntlarit ef n Virginiar.ilman nf '70, should lake down _is old gun,an.l trtlk to her as our lir.-r/id friend doss to

"Old Hot:"The Old Rillfinau.

II i. ". v .Now lirtnc me on' my buck-skinnail .My peseta und powder, teeIWe i,n«" aee«tety*sln cansheet

As | Xtrtl-n l.»*d I Id-.

i 1;.! ,ti'«s w« re ki-rat .-oir harrsla bright1>,-r -I H v-r qalf - Kud ttr.H'As fur. if 00. s- sir * s _;.?,.».» ioBSi si i- drew

A :ii pick r;n> ont r. Ittntyfit. 'A r.ai white and bias,Perbaps lalll *iv :!:» other tic;.Before the hnat Is tbroagh'laive boy» your hrs»s peseasilea .:ips'Old "shßtpSS nllita s- va. 1Thars's voateihlsg Is lhe sparks) sei bapsTunre's BoMalhtag in tbe -ri.sii 'We're mso the rt,d roai Briton bleed'".'.. red skin Isdlsa. toolV>'h rstsr ibnagtal 10 itr-iW a 'lead00 faskee-a«rudls-dee'

Bat, Bessie I Bless yoßi deareld heart:'l .: -i 1. J Bf ..-' .¥ .i ..-.a- ;And rut we liißHt rr-f'.ri. Nt- art

uf >m >i. .... . v the r-_a 'If !>\u25a0 -j'. Baaat be neddtlog,why,1 --f. « omy tills t. dolelei t'.. . spot li hia eveBad i«! tit. mi. ,<u: thteagh 'Ar.,l If bt dni-au'l ll'Ae !h« w.y1 n -i Bt -.- , r-s«otH vUw,H» 11, maybe, ehaage hi« mind aad rtayVgbsra til-, good '?"' Ilea do'Where Llssols live*. Tne <k.ic. you know,

Wta \u25a0 i.i--\u25baai the ,ests_M Bl .Te k \u25a0? a iii- t oßatitßttoa I BeIbbaqiUs Casaiasasst/We'll haai for I lai »la, Bess' old tool.

And i»ke biro bail aad _<?!!";W«'l I aim io Ai' him, :l a fool,

And Bin hint it B?lit]BTe'll ii-srii tbess -io I *>?\u25a0". boys tliM trlckaBy v» | ir-i a at* r ia wo* .- c ally now r- » sal - t'lotk t/i.e* on thf xrin.

[Kor the Btaauaoud DWpsteb.]EniToi;s DIBFATCa : 1 ob-crvf wilh BOOM

snrprlse that maar "f th». rolnntaer compa-nies are nttlCormedaa If their members wr"to be noil :i» targets I'-r ti.i-n eaeta_es.

A eompaayfrom iilosirnim tin* in-Judicious selection and arrangementofcolors iFirsta gronsd ofdark blue, then white cross_?!'« aad pi it- , and, as II ?tiil further to n--sist tin- enemy in imninr,a broad r>;l b.imloietripaextendingirom the throat tt> ihe kaee.I* Is ri ptty chat litres shoatd be *o exfx sed.OarThnhaeenemies will not make thi- mis-take ah s-j.ii contrasts ot color and ar>rinn'iri'-nis ot lines ealcalAted to facilitatethe itim ofaa enemy, should u>. H>o»iei!. Aplainsalt ofaomeanil color, without jininisit relief, siioiiul be adopted, or at b-ast ttui-formlty rt color in th" aatt. SPBi.rAToa.

How to nr. Wbatbsb-Wins.?Whether clearor rlotniy, a rosya'_y at aunaet presagea Boeweathgr; i ryd sky la the momiag hadweather, or Biaeh wind, (perhaps rain;' agrey »kv In tho moi itiii, iina. weather ~1 high. .-....._ . 1 low dawn, fair we-tther. Softlookingor delicate clouds foretellOne wemhej,with moderate 01 !ij*U'- breezes; bard-edged,.. _ clouds, wind. A dark, fclootuy,blue sky is wind]; bit; a li^l;-, bright blueskr indiettea Boe westber. QeaeraHy, theK'.;ii r cl in ii I ii the le.-s wind, bat perhaps,n ore mio may b.> expected ; aaid tbe harder,more greasy, roiled, iuli.-?ti or ragged, thekii-014-r theearning wind will prora. Also,;i brigbt yi il .V -Xi at sunaet presaprs wind,11 pale yellow, wet; and thus, by t.io prr>\ it-lenee ofred, yellow or grey tints, tbeeotniiig

In rmiy b« 1 '11' Id very nearly; Indeed,it aided by instruments, .'tiinoet exactly.?-Small, inky-looking cionds loreiell rata;lint 11 airi.i-, may Indicate wind only.?liiyli npper cionds crossing the sna, moon,\u25a0 titi 11 adirertien dHTerest from thatOf thelower clouds, or the wind then below, foi.-ti-lla change of wind. When sea-Mrde By outeirly, aad lir lo seaward, mode-ate wind", anillur .-.r-ntiii-r mar be expected; whan theybang aboui tin land,or orer it, sotnetimets. ... it bind, expect it r-.i-o-njc wind witbhi my weather. There are other sign* ofABurning cii iture in ti... weatber, known leee,'-,., 1r.'.y than m i> or- desirable, and i.hen>-i.»re worth notice; aucb aswhen .irilsot longflight, rooks, swallows, unit oilier.-, bangabi ul l is, aad rty npand down, aad low?r.mi 01 wind in ij be expected. Also whenanimals set k shelir-r places, Instead ofspreaal-ln(over their naval raajee; wlu-n pine carryBtra « totbeirstya; wheaat-iokelroacbh-inevadue. not naoend readily (or atraigbt upwardduringcalm), aa unfavorablechange laprob-able. Dew is aa Indication of flue treaiier;1-.1 is fog. Neither ol ih»'-e two formations.. a in undi r no nrereast «ity, or when there ismuch wind. Oaesees fog occasionally rolledaway, aa ia ware, by the wuni, but BS?inig or1 evei formed while it is blowing.

Psarai r_i Ooot .? .v w iggish friend of our.tf-lls the following, which we do not ieoelseetto iitve seen in print!

Aceituin ninn who we will call M .wh io>ti-il lor Lis I'ossprssiiijstrren tixiurttge aadp*S_-_ce of u.imi. illid lhe iro-f-est Wiio in thoneighborhood, aaore th an one attempt h.tdbeen made to frighten .1 without euo-cees; bat one dark, stormy avealag,one ofhis brotner chip* resotred to see it there wassoy sears in turn, fixed biaeerlf in a lonelypieceof woodtbrongb which .M-?? haai to

C.ts-. on i,;, my home, The pretended ghoetad scarcely -otiU-d himself In his pesitioa,

when M hove lv sifcht, jtutl came VAiiiet-liag uacoacaraed aa usu;il. Saddenlytbeghostly Bxare ooafteatad him, and, ia Bsepulchral voice, commanded lum to .top.?IVi aiul bo, aaiai, after regarding hi. com-fi ininn for a moment, snld, with Lhe almostt-taoioese, "I eaa'l stop mend ; if you aie amaa, I mum requeei yi>u tv get out oi theway, nnd let BBS pass , if you are Old Nick,come along mid take supper with me?/ nwr-rfsd tfentr sister I"

Home l.ioiiT.?liven a« the snnie<am is com-posed of millions of minute rave, the homeligt-t uiu.L be eooßtitnted of little tender-i:et--e«, kindly looks, sweet hiughler. ;...!?words, loving couaael: ; it must not be likethe torch blazeot natoral exeiteomt, whichlseii«lly qqeaehed, but like the serene, ch;i_-leaed light wbtcb bums aa s>tiely in the drye.i-t triad ta in the sttlleet mmosphere. Isit...-ich bear the other's bunion tho while?letench culiivate the mutual confidence which isn sut oapahla of increase and improvement?aad soon n will in. totimi th v hiadUaeea willspring up on aver* aide, displacing oousti-.u-tioiiiil uusultH-flfty, vt.'tutof mutual know--1 d-f.evenas we hiiveeeen sweet violetsandpriatroara dispelling the gloom of the grey

nea rocha.

\. I. «. >» a SAI IAUS UA Ak\u25a0%jrlrrr.i try the i.r0..,i,use a/ lv.

C*l'lT_l »_os,ftOSMOBgT resetrad on depoeti in enine of KIVBDOLLAR,and opwards, on which luterest at the

rhte of sis p»r centom per annniu is paid forsomaremaining sixmouibi* or )<>nir>r; for shorter pcrfoda, interest at the rale of 6 per contain.The whole lolat stock boond tor the dsposlta.Deposits isoeived and centiicataa lasusd by tbat'a-hier, T. H HrARKE. st the -tore of .ponce Aihsrst, cornerof Mala aad boreruor streets, Rich-mond, Vs. bAM'L-. COTTKBLL.Prea'tT. B at ARKK. Cashier.~.- \u25a0 . !*.-. o* vJJ* fthWn Ja . fWretanr

UFKCIAIs NBTICI ?fno.R fKIK.VDtJI ANDO THK PUBI.H..?The ii»ail ar.nnes throu.bwhich our hnj-pllen «t» ootuio-. being niWStoeed, the stock ? >! good* that we h»ve is ell that-?«> hare te liveol! at, and cannot be replenished'AAliei, exhausted One member of our firm, sndltiore than bali ? f our venal aesistants, are onmilitarydnty. These ucts, 10.-eti.-i with the ex-traordinsiy and anaauAl financial oftba t'.iu«s, compel us./a>r tbs present. To SBI.I. Po&i'A*n, except te >»crm;.-f-paylaK customers, aad tosec tue ..[.eutoK sue ik-c urn* fot snv one, onrpresent force no*. beln? sufflclest to write up onroil accounts sren .matin*that uirfriends willaro.- the fores of theseremarks, and appreciateoutsit'imi. v, weteadar them onr Krttsinl arkoow-?dKineutu f.,r the liberal patioaage here'.oforsi>r rto»ed on us. »nd _*»are ;?<*n, wewill seeteßO__-___-._?______! _" *»***ln, by s.-me mesas, oiluea:e» a_ry articles la on, Use

?., "siabß J. BAR.X. PhaMnacentlsts,. _**._ iss BUio M.. Ktchmond. Va.L'l -. AKlA.h.il.AHl'S, ___"_£ aI s_""""fi_£ _. _____rfc i* ___" li2Km*%^stThS.?ease te inform their pairous, Ari!«u -____*___and the put-llc SBneialty, la*X they hi-e r___*__r_fi^s___7i: m* ?if 1-.*s' mw ?Jiu^KfgSOH Fnnta, Line and M.iiottai Ks___tVlß » __3UthoKr_pha, both pla'.a aad colored ______!ÜBS. B KreAtv.rtet'y ofbraucbs- al (.ra_a.entatDrswing and PtHut'aiThey will be pleaaed to show iheir t-todl t_disspectfullysolldia vlelt to ihelr Sst«b___t_a«sL» few doorr. betow the -xcbaotre Bank.-i. P.-liavioKa traiue .actoryconnected wUhtis.r bntiue«s, orders i«r tbe sum* will reeslra?ttsidl.B. anila v. viik-aii>, \YitKK!.u-«_~ tuTTiirFoKT.\J LR.IWK iIAUD-A'AKL-Otfer f«r aids, at iowpric-ri, j,.«j« ...,ir Tr_c<, f _aioa; t>oo ns.lt .te_sTr*ce~, 6ea iiwr Broawt And Baca Lbs-Ba. toe dJiOraa*. aud Oraiu eeytbee; ISO dot. bcyibs BB«.tba,su Uoi fickle*, of sunetior inaks; I.SOS dor. RU-' "i \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Hiillax una W««dlBK Boos, SC do» Cml-Meet Weeding Hoes, IS« dos Kpsdes asd Hhovels;\u25a0- -?<..» Hay aud Manure XiV- To wbtsb th.ylarite the attsratiou of the CQBufry trade apt'iiMnrTt-Av a loontoH t-'_ti^_3FAßi_*1 HohisLK iii'ifti-" th* milk of .aA-h cow fruietwo to six «iasrta daily, ana improves tbeia-iUy;

rsstuiea woiu-oatabb breAeu-doaa bor»ea ia aai.ot tiu.e, gut u,s.y bs n»e-i with gr«at bsaeflt fote..iai.o, carries* and dray bones. Il haaglree«?_?!*. satlslaetioß. For sale by

BLAIR A HAUVIk,**? Car/sad Uia suseis

DRY GOODS, Ac.\r«R If"l':B-_'. Y6I*~THE* IpI.A-naa.i tboee «|ileiiilid Vrint-Wl'l* l»l»AC'ied il'.>tt<-aa. bses «ilslit;» wet, only tfjc'i per yard , j0-,,<«* f,>f Military parpotes: I I nieces I rsy 'CasstaMre aad aatfaete. ts . lens* BiaeTwtitsiiPiaasala, s-j fit. r Mertaatablrts, . ..drs B!aa« jketa. At Alt ? ?? 1 .ass abespi alts ,** ,? till eahiid. at oaly teets._mt yard?with na- jmerou« 1 tbsr g< ;-." all oi wh'rh Bill tv

, \u25a0'. 1f-rrd at tcrj low pttsoa, Is eiese salbl--ckad« pr-r--.;,. u,e freißSSttine auy Inure tup-pii..*st prsseat. _LI ;., b hi uRs,my i'> «i Hsla - m * "fIKI-il VVI Kit! t'fc. Ol MIHKIIIir- 'tr 88188 ?In f.Mi-«|n. m.. of ths Drsseßl Bom-Bieretsiaiad polities! troabtsa, I i.L'er aiy wt,..|e i?to~_ ..f n .fin Ideates, eoaaprislag 'r (I res 'tbeasaad Cellars; l.sesgwlTardaCsisbricaad Bwias B-alsga ami laaerti.c, ,. I \u25a0\u25a0 Csaabric sr.l .\u25a0...',\u25a0beiotr their vain ?. Persoei '.r. wsai of say of tbsab ye chb <ie;>eo.t on frtdlng theui very cheapat 'my_tinre, iinv") .1 tMiHi_ \_ I.K.VV.uM. ins!?Jllfl tHIWSKfcIVa, tOI.OKEU II U II PtnAJXt sKIRTH OPEXIKU Ti:;-. houbibu at \u25a0E-KKIBL'B CBltr STORB -fSBChildren'sColored HoopBatata, tabsranci for ealy aioe- ip«ncee*ch. Hear ts tbe Uaasfeetbechll res tbsi* Iwant a Roes bktrt n-.i! wr-.t'-'r seriag i-\u25a0?\u25a0

rsi. «..-?; o. Oalj f tot-in _t -'io :?.-? ..n'.y,at BZEBaiBL'B, iM_iHrt'r ele stand,) ,

i-v ' _ MMslB \u25a0MtIHL.U rim I. DKfcV's tiOOBs. Welitre BAOOd stock of _ia-d am , 'res*

Oooda ssy, r.inbro'der»d BersKS Anglsis,fit ?

arid fuv per varl, La.? al, '/.<- ' rgan-dier; a tin-, ssaortsseal i'..p!to- aad Pop Inettes, jMtrsvelaiaea, frsaebPrists, Brilliants, fl'sglCalicos, hiik., Pealard* a<-. <'-' ssaor tnent ofPlata Black " ends ;- at Iter than - ra-i before?say, \H t Bersee, Tatnostiss, Tarn'eTnia, _u.'''.-b ; .Poplta, Hoaaialßes, Cballlss, I mbarlas, Ac.A- Ami v- 1 1rednce t_« -?\u25a0 ck of tv, -\u25a0? 0snd tern theta latoessba seen as possll c, wenisll oßeirth« m si U*w priest Onr friend-«odcustomers.S-4 tbs pßhltc geii-TriUy, ar-* -_i .<! ito call. (11 v S] CHILE* * CHBBI

Nlll > 1 V LX H-H Vlii >».Vrgs bat bsw -?'' 1 wrspli .- ip in j

nor ..Tvn _etahlt*-l- ?' ' t ft '\u25a0< -i ,.'\u25a0\u25a0: to re :'n. II In that depsrtroeai thliwe hsrs detsriataeg tooffer a -

so* made np al rrart low prices. As-oas ;h-'n'areall ths deeirsblestyles >f the seasoa.ia h \u25a0\u25a0* 1silk asd other mater if*. ' :-" a large lot of low- >priced Bhawls. suited to the warm weather. Weassarethepnl 1 tl - .'.-) urtmeal *c .r.-- i 'dii -.;t.- ger preat Indo \u25a0 u». dr.Tisdi I with as, prepared te make to order any -ivieI 1ot wrs) CHI-agß A CHBBBBY.aya 1 JHAKUAina, BAHtaAifha, bahoaias. rJiir-, received, a I ng i-. B< c,

*t very low prices f.-r tbe times, i shall nffei .tbea at tbe low Agereof 1« cents per yard. Ai-o.a lot of th'-se Batbroldered ditto, si one "bllllns : ,AH ladles tßsrantef ebssp Drees Ooods. will do jwell to i-iv« me a c»!i r,-ei ,ro parcbsatng,as I -n.eosideat that I esa .-n.-r greai Indncemeul*. I \u25a0hsve sgrsstauay y«otU ia store tbsl 1 ess 'bsrgsina in. aacb sa Handbsrchlsfa, C<tii.ii Liaea Miir: Proßts,aud rsriona other \u25a0 '<'»'. it_i lo- k lor va-tii-.. yea st my »l <en.

«.- ! ' Al.r t-;i 1' M'-'-r.--. S3 Ma a/ t lit TA Pt.KI li V \u25a0?l,\l*-.rl~A s-tsil si " v" J f-'.iii ou hands.l *i per ysrd. Mv -lore «- I,for tbs preseat, openal I o'clock A. tl., tads Iclose at 7P. M not a i o'clock allks moatstores* jas 1 haveasufficient force not subject to i.v ;_rydsly. 1 mi rj I.KVV. ri» :*int'i -1.T)_AAlBa Mil Kff BKA 11*.?li *UHBI.K< iiATaiid Vl.-'sT BDTTOHS

GOLD BP.AIl);C'I.MSiNAI i'»V COBSSTB, .vi rices;BKWIBG 8ILK8: , ";COATS' ff> t>-''. COTTOJf:LISES CAMBRIC H4NPKKRCHIBPB ;,VTOVBB MIiHTS.X to IS hoops. ' gPail liaes of thebbore Ooods lust received aad j r

,for snl« to the trsile by j 'ton .iiVTRK. AI.Yf.T A ARFVTS. !*,OKKlittAl .UtIUS-.tIAKCH. Isdl.?i> BKBT, PAIMi fi CO., ; tlimnor'Mrs md trh-il«*al« diaims in FAT.am! LrOMBBTICDBT OOODS, >o ISSafld l«Maia . tlatreet, Blehmoad. We st-» receiving, aad havenow in stor-a. n mrg-e aad destranie -' »ck of '~,Isssh -j-rHii.:ij'-odri, c.insisiinK of tbensnal svri>«-ty, aadeotbracingeverydeelrablestyleoi -..-...i 1and Domestic Ooods, «roi--.|i we me prepaiofferto oar customers apon tii» most Irvorableterm-. Wecimli.iu consequence of the disturb-ed cuaditiAO ol commercial eoniise our \Balsa to ??.-1 aad prompt »ir months' buyers, foiaesotlable paper; aad to aacb,great kadaceawt.l be offeree. Our stock will be _? pt op durinatf.e season, and v. ? be surpassed, In varietyand extent, br ear hoaae la the Southern >? ? ?-."In our CLOTuIBU DEPAKTMBNT we are prepared to exhibit a large,fsshioaable aed fib 'stock, or i ur own mannfaciur i. asd g.prsssly forour own trade. lUI'.'WN Ml v;i?:-. ' \ ,-sad .niBTIKOS will be s< Id at net! pricesi, ?\u25a0 1cAa-i. '11 bankable in_<ii. Ordera ire \u25ba?.. .t.-i. ; '-'and M-'.il onr prompt sad y f-, > \u25a0Hoc. Imli -tj ggBT. PAINE .lirKT eooits: wbt BwuDßii-iitit-tY AI.F.IJ Bf lffi£a.B WAT hit ATWHAlir' AT ROCKBTTB ?Keci v . thisl 1.i.-c Bleach Oottoas, al ".\u25a0;., -.. n-. 1.1,0 3| tynr.is , f Bprlnff Prints, at 8d ayard, fast cars, \u25a0rs, \u25a0'w-rth 1..c Mpleeeehlae Denins,at lute; f pieces 'tiotinß Pnf.ts mitt, st i-v. ."?>' pieces 5 .stu_, st ':\u25a0!,-; Preeeb Jtaceaefs stid Orj ia -,Worth 75c. at oaly 86c; Ruckabark Towels ai ? ?. ' \u25a0dsssa; siik Veils vi st'.t, worth It; Ipieces 111 ckBilk, air-si bsrgaia; Her,-j-«- : ac ,Be. !'.-?. .Goodsare desirable, asd werthytbe attentl nol -"".1! wbosrsnl cheapgoods They m I besoid ex- helnatrely for sash, being b-?-,'\u25a0?' eu tb -\u25a0aad offered st profits sosrasH I sennot ado d 1charge to aayparty. ivL-i;_.D .\;op.rv__iin -'1 at Main - . ,'pBEAT BAKUAINB |.t »lLk!s. -vl CfaeckedBilks at isaod TS eta.; Pcs dree; i .teres Ken HilkatßU. gll so.I >*lj (SO rich > itKobes itt \u2666"\u25a0"! and *>-?', w«rtb double the money;lee Berege aad Organdie Bobet : half prie Iyards Btirege Aaglaisat UJc. per yard; rid Ior.,-la.red and Printed i \u25a0 . 1; 1<-!.-. '. m aad Hosambiquen: plaia IBud Berette at tbo., worth ?'\u25a0'; Agalasla all styles of C \u25a0? U, t_a.it 1 Main I"iBtreat [apkj I HKO.. I-.- x 1. iTHR< P J||OMtlU,ll.»A|_,H. A Kood -.11 alary, for Ladles, li untie mea aad Chlldreu.Also, iw.i humired pair good country iaiiit, 1hie forsoldiers. smj I ('lilLim i CUE.XERT. v

Nta t. IIS II I.t.M. t 1,111 I|h.a gxtra Nnt-.-r. Ks|rlieh Bleached bhirtin 1 ...

our own iuportatloa. t' >r ash By lia 1 eveor ;C.tse. by ji,.v/ :>] hl.vi, PAINB b I 11

oratifM* HANtttfA AT A liKKAI BAI H.I-O PICB. To CLOBK BOHIMBfb -CHARLB. aUWATKIN', Stb anu Main street*, a irth side, v. ill ,sell tbe whale ofbia spring;stock ai i irre_i 1un - .rllice?tt lav.c sssortwsut Lawaa,Oambrioa, Col- vIsra,Popllaetts, Ac. K.n ! lies mayrelynpon get- 'dUna .arjrataa. AU..., a large lot French 'and huxlish Bereges, at a great Iesa. li.-n-e ior .reiat. CHAs. a. -V.'An.!M,

)s tl lib and Main atresia,\f ArfriLLAß. MA-ITILAiAM W. -.\u25a0- uZw \ 1itl ia receipt oi new stAii--- ol Black bilk, Be- ' Jrai.-e, Aariata, asd Mack LaeeMAMTlLLAß,whlcfawe arerjoiliria-n t 5-rices tosiitt tie ti ? ! «

ap »» Jtmyßow a hakwood n Maia at.ul'KlM. UKV 60VBa~-W* bs*s 'received tOoii BprißK atocß ot Paaey and Btwle Dry \tOi«>ds,au(i lavite tbe public te examine ovt stoea 'sad prises before parebssiag, as wsareofferiotjjreat ikducem.aia roreash. 1

JOUBSOB a HARWOI I , »Be. 53 .Vlnin -.ir-at.

SAI'I.t t. I», KATlßiß.ra.?Al* BAud, X rn-estotr-pricM hittiuets, suitable for v. Jo ?\u25a0\u25a0? 1?eoinroioiHA Koreslet-v AI.KX BOTT.

pHEV il.i)ll|s, URGV CLOTHS.-We \u25a0\r have hi it o! 'Jrev Cloths ot !:_:!.t fabric, !iiwhich will .-nstver wel'i i-o soldiers' > ...my v CHILBH _ CHKNKRT.Cl I lIKN A BtIIXCR, corns, il'h and <:ryO street*, haee tv s'oro a lull assonraent ilt;i.- aiCKRif>. WINE., and LIQUORS, oi sboiseqaall :ties, which they are disi.a.--ed t.. -ell at tne lowest amarket prlssß for cash, or on the Basal fililtl hi Iprompt-paving saatonisßS. [aeladed ia ouras- '\u25a0aortment will be louud tne Baeat '{tialitiats of IBntndies aud Wlaea Imported lata this ooaatry,a lari<e portion of which bs ye been Imoerted by\u25a0onrseivora io suit the wants el those de»lrl nil the Svery cbiile-ast ciM.da n.l: « | pk>/| HMDs, sad ts hi is. old aad :»w crop Bus- :*M\f covado Moianses; Aate Adamaotlne ( au-dies. 6c-' bbift. M.-nntatn Kve Whiskey, very old; : -too bbis. I'ooi'iion Whiskey, Uiu .led rreticn 1Brsndy, 7,i>00 World's Pair Snj(,.r-('ured Matn«, : 1very superior; M hhdn. Mdc», Baonlders, __.i IBreast Pi-ces: BBS bt>is. trii-li.vi, A, b. Extrao.:snd P .wdered s-iixnrs, and .1 large Stock.Of GrO- !**ceiien a. all kinds, f-.r «hlh lya(. s THOK .IQNF.S. Xn. I M;alr st.|)IKK LtAU? Liueeea Oil; Cotot-T greoad jA in oil -_i.i dry, -"aiot Urasiieri ; band Paper: |Patty; bpirita Tori>eutine aiud *7aralahes?all ef jKood nuallty, and at prices compelled to tfive nat- ' -tsfsctlou. Jtisa'r-Aceiv.vJ iiy

li. W. POWKIB PrnKK'.st,ap» Main « i..l !:? h sfs.I' o i A I O i: > FUR PLAKTIMJ 1ASD TAtiLS PSK -White .Mnrcer, Peach |liBlow And Pink-eye- aii «i the be.ji quaiuv; fjr ; o

sale at iLe family 'troc-iv of ; 0ap U MI .N M 1a B CO.. 8d aad_ M _____W&T UIL-ou draught and in csa*s . s very JO purearticle: booi;ht during the winur, whan i

tbe price waa very icrvv?will be sold to puaciua!custcmeit onveiv reasou_t>le t-rms, by

_t. W. PoWEKsi, bruKis-lft, Cap it ___"n"r !r,Hi " '' n', **v'l',! __\u25a0 */ t Or I' A _ E ttA.O_Tl.Alla AMI MAI-V' TRKBtiKa.?For s?ie cueap, l«w siujile aadDoable Cottage li-olsteads ;lt» single iad Doable ,ebocK and Hair Maine--,-s _T.Bg r«..|Tj>LKE~ mkoicivaL ctTD i.iv_nr"tTiT; iX nauofuctured by li v. I'raser, an I bottled Acarsfuliy by v Virginia House. Ho faakes hnn sbuj{, but a pure srtlsls Tboas In need wi I- sWell to call oa ?. W. I'UWtK. Am! sinplvvi.-iii- issella*. DK.laUi-T, j «my v Corn*. Ma., and ir.ih »tre-t"

M~A*»t .k FLLISA ."SIS. «a.r lor **i7~*uZ .whole and half boxoe AdatUAntlne CaaA-sa ; 1VA boxoe T-iaow CAudlat.: tou ,\u25a0 xa-- Brows " sp; alIfO (aicriagea ned Refined hard jfs» I.hds <bides aed Bnouid«;r», tJ tieraea H&m» , H oaxea ' pR. tl Hhmaaai -X cs»«a P A C,,~-** n|>l 'it

ILtatAIIWAI toTTtAtuLfca, WarnUaadlsa" !*\u25a0\u25a0sperm, Puratflte and AdauiSDUße, snd evory 1.other qaaltty Caudle, for sale low. at the KRtuiiy fOroceiy .f MINNJK & CO., \u25ba-*L_* ;t"l and Msln a'reets '\ \u25a0

S*V**?*'¥ fct.WJBUii, A.-*i> iiAK.Mfc's'n:___? , n,l'» lo; ?* 'jw-priced s-addleaati.l Hri-

el entiVv0'" f 'jw1'""*( ,Bl»._y Hame-s X r «_le j ,- " p _ iuiysl AI.KX. S"fT. '_

ic.'il r_ir', &c '''»-,-..At.uiipiyatra.a. uu- \ ImyV ' ?o "'Mll,\u25a0 »7 __v. BTAKKSTr,

? -Z ~- 1 Ooveriior atreet.j^g^St-!-3Q_sS!B[®-1____!__! L_--!i_B t>avisport I «A "il. "*l**MEI.» PBIM-BoLIIUMPirr I *la store, for sale by ""*?*'*?" *«***?, 1 smv IT I.KWIs W'KHK a Jott«l « Wilis i d( )*Wy?il £ *>K >*Moai^AniAiZiTui-rr| v*a / Bebollsd Molaaatie. lornale by

E01/'* t *«.B 6trE.NPORT. ' --EATKKH.-tveaidSß gondsad Damaged RC '' .Leather forsaU by . ,

\u25a0g« ?? H iUJISBB ? 00, t


The enderstgaedja new pr<y»&rsd to *l«s» otitVatei « ..«\u25ba- s..y« n-dOnt FTor?-*.!« the nbo-t---sat aotlee, tn a maaaor irhtcii wl.i notto the f.rimi«»s oa whten he ft work. *"">.lIaMS-MBB. -bWsMSI n's ? ? c-a-'raaiad ts io

be water sad sir-tt sat. Bia L i**- ssa lie I'""d<i*t DrVAA _ Soatos -, c .rs< r u-1. sad M»\u25a0'> -'? ?

*ni JoassTor AMiubtrarHu K,»n Kslß.betwseßInhsad Mth streets. All orders let! .tfhe.borsplsews, trill be prr-ronOy te. . I|M

(B 14?tt X H. At-1.-^ 1\u25a0vr.rKb7k- i . '{I

Pinmta'n«. Oaa F.ulbk, nod Tin VV-u. K«naiai;y.a__sis's ao», aoraaaoß sTaasT,

_ao_i2 «lthtr.na tr __j. a. ««rt. _t ** *? "*< ?**?

( , t V At C O V(:UWA,r!i:;;iA; --COMMISBIO.I IfgBCHA S T 8 ,

rob «- tsj I" -tr "-r . Ki. eaoap. **JI'AjkjK AM* BLRuCAH-PlttXlß BA* t»,T iV? rsRBfcLL, RKSKLMQ SCO.'B MAM'f--C-TtTKß.?Ths ssbecrtber hi- on eonsigsßis-t as-serted rises . .' tbs above eelebrsted _ trafe, wtacS

?? m u-jisettr peleeiAI.M.-l 1-1 of MAH"'.A>'V MD'W-I ASKS.<? i '- J H PIOOBB. 80. *s Matsatrest

A~"LrtiH'!>. la-A,rOBWARDIB. AN.O


Pf.AHTBK. HALT, iaOMOi..;, ? .*'.!., -.c.Iasddltioa toaty Torw-rdtag B« _\u25a0 .in'.rri- -;.v friends and tbe public tß_ht i

LCMBKU xABD opposUo Bar w ' 'rectly oaths h< el the fork Hwba-rr? be fonad » Keneral Besort?teat ol \ ;r.-. . \u25a0? LI _888 BHIBOhBM, a.c.

Mr. T. W. I'LiihS will httend to sales of Lira-her 'i« n i a-... tint.

of Lumber soilsitsd, -- wn, 1?liberal *dv.news w S. B. nT * hi iiufvROst co..I> o__iil_lAl.CO_tMlti-lOßaad ?.?_._I'.iK'rA' ABDIB 1M B RCBABTB,o,tbsDo.k,t-«__aoad,V» i. p KIDaMRJit,' ?;?!%-; r.Y I'tl rj.

nil > ' ~

Ths BELVIDER* MANI PACT-RISO COMPA-Sl k-. .-.._st tutly oa hs I' \u2666criptlon- \u25a0-'

BBVgLOPg, MANILLA, WRAPPINO, KEWIsand :..-<i'\' PAi'.K.s They lit*'- reeeatly made

addiUoaa to tbetrBasebiaery, aad are be\u25a0 1 : n oal srery article la iheii Ins

with intsreaaed facility, aad at moderali pric -.-Tbs qnal \u25a0 of tbeii paper will coa re with.i» in ths country, ? i they dei ti r

attentl in to this f_ct. AH sir.. » furni -j

at the shortest notice, and ordera trom ererjlion are respectfully solicited.

e_Tl , .- i aid for RAOBvi». WHITFIBIaD, Pre«'t

h w. Lrei n?trI«A :v »a * HIA.-io \u25a0--...-.tw \u25ba -.»1 ssd PSovl.lO-i i'K..i.-.-.--, offer for sale-

Vi bbli .BREASTS BA(Bf hb te. ai -! .-»I i* _ BACOH.li hhds. :-": -LDER BACON,

IBS bl i.' I,"Extra "??" snd 4,8"SDOABB.ir i.l. .. Cal I." 1 s" 1 _B I IW do.IM . .: lymand RioCOPf 88.»i. bb -. M <>.'i-_.i P. k MOI-s* bb i. Extra )._A'"' I.AKi'.to O'os. pure C) Di.it. Vi ? . - -..bo bb>. A. C. Sherman t WflieKßT.100 bbls. dRASIDT, OLB najv.',;i _.

»,SSd uho.ca .lUAK-.18th STKT ' CABT.

MBLllil *\u25a0 iv, bass ola baad eeve.-Bi I.. sholcMOCBTAra WHI.KET,

Sr.ch ar; 1,. I . ..-i i .. --.' <\, .o-nrair-e Honrbon itreot t\u25a0 m thi msi r in !Kentucky. >-n i '.-\u25a0WATT'S PDRB K\ E AND WHEAT WHIBEET |?' :i ,_»; i.nte iir.-iiH, wo ?!:taj 1' from c

_\u25a0;« yeitr.. oid.-iio wi.h a pare ar:i.c.-',w!;! do w- ii to ?' T - :

'heto a c.'i!.I lr>i~i -I Mi-rh !(. ?\u25a0\u25a0-, t-r-Al ftiHTA at I IO t,Ub.*t 111 k VI _X

-,-' I- THE TIME. TO SAVEril i V PER CENT.? OnnD'ry merchants wi ' ag

avafifty per cent, caa lo so byas.. .i \u25a0.: le , ... ? ... rhe only coustoc_ ot Coi \u25a0 ? . I : -i.i :? -.. store, the 1' N't-wYoTk. ?'are reqaeste ft" call snd exsn as 1 hemi

tBTOBI, ?.. . ebolsi Sale - .I IIMa Inat. a\u25a0 \u25a0 "ent, »'. . s ~ n

IWil.""*11"* '"^""^^lStil.iJi-AKK ??;:<. A» \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0>.- .- A

A '. - ?. -~-.,.'?:, ..-i ?\u25a0 - re,Cnllery, I\u25a0-r - .- .?. -~-.-, BoltlßN ' - :ships "Moi and "Pi ..-.'\u25a0 ----r ? | ' 'int te ?be i I ' ?\u25a0 ?I-\u25a0 ; in rcl oti - -pay j \u25a0 v ...;.-..- Ed Allwi.i cad il to then adv.iniage to bay ol tbeii .? 'l'ii-.y are « io sgi nts loi .- t'u?, ..',.\u25a0

.». V I'Ai'i'.t jik: atteatloa niven Lo ofßt? ? \u25a0 iA Ith.AA.'tAtfe.K *801 i._ INT,'W ?!tenJ reitnlarly to the saleeof BOEBES,MPLRS, W AiloXs s, , . the H trss Lot,bATCRDA. y >:\u25a0 ?

--..a-i. ir --lew,ii please _c t.na-.i.ir- the m'*rtitni of the aa levs. a h» i. *-- it On aa.

j 0 IS W . li A VI K6,-!..,£» / E ilsiSOS,


goM;aw-;-, tombu,in- ?' D PIECES,

??.. - r_, ..;. 'HTTI ?Pi \u25a0. -? sw -i tv the Vli -.a.Asrlenltnrs B \u25a0 v lad v ton

?? B. .'? lOW MS* I W IBS.(tb street nrxttotbeMi *<ai - tm-titats,

IROM UA) 1,1 IN OS, VERANDAH., HALilOiCH AiK>. sETTBKe, Be. : alaiBad DOORS, moi sveiv -. saisi asd kaUdiua

\u25a0 \u25a0

JvjT:'. . i given to eacl -'.:i- Ba-r ~'....UV K_t kt~i i lAiit,li -a -..

rOBB '< ASD DOaiBeTIC »_We fa ~'\u25a0--'.. \u25a0 \u25a0 IABDIES,

V'i.a';> BPd OLD X,;. WI. -KKVS. which wewm -'I n' radaeed pricM, aad -..'ntr_ui tio-to t Ivs satisf-ctlon.

tAttrBtore, south aide Carystreet, t dooi ?- ~U I .n_T All orderspromptlyall - led to rap IJ?tm j

JttilllH J tt tMOMti it.AY bHlr- BROKER, i 04IMIfif»I< >' ANL»PiIKWAKi- ;>A.'fT. !OROOKB Air. J BHIP OHABDLBB,Ell IBHBIt *."!> UITT i'o.sr. Vs..la isrsdtotaks Oood us >!i-ai;..al ?. >i ? ritheat I. of drayacs, _U_-r .or \u25a0r fromr'..;rrac St? ly|>Al -S i tilV AND AKglBTb" Ml'l'Ll1 STORK OFALBERT LTBIOCE.ff?-. tSS M lis \u25a0\u25a0'-. under Bpo'irwood tiotet )Ths stock c inpri-e.s I theart'oleslaaseihonse -uid n't;n Mlßters, carris|re aiol fnt i .r.B?mnfastttrers, arcbitat c aud !

BBS K-u-.. -7Ajt'ooo, Kooy a to.->W_<iTTE X 1 & 8 .A'lthcnted by ti.e states ?..'DELAWARE,MIbSOt Bland KE*- 1 - ?T,Drsw datly, n. public, unn.ir tae superlntaSr* iieaLe of Sworn (Joiuniiriai taa I.WT'Ttie li,- ..i.-i -.' OOeee _!?! loeatsd atWll»lEiaxton, Pah ; re tad Si LotUs, _i,i ? rl

PRIXS9 VAR_ FROMB-.J.0 te Piuii.fJtit'.

TiCKKTBFROM\u25a0B.BB«aSBOI»_t"i ircoi -.rs, Kivinij fn i sxpleasl >a and tbs \u25a0Sc-ernes to bo Jiawb, w!!'. be sent, frei of ex- |

pense, by ndJre.- WiH'n, EDDY A CO. i( ivl )rt '.-. Kv.

WOOD. EDDY A CO.._lvl«-lr f lLl""' i,'_.Mi__||_iVt*, -Btcta'PHE-t a CO.'will give theira/ entire attesttoß te be

BAI.B OF N-GK.OBB,. nbticij aad priratsly.ODD FELLOWS' HAi.L.

tCoraerMayo *_v -"rsijlciia stresta,i_ICHBO_-_, VA,b.O. H, DAVIS,

WM. s l)t:nia« :h g8. H- FOHDREB.

RrT\A<? O. MADnrx, Cli»i d_s i iya to.,rr tarosTßßS aso nsAUtss ib


SRrSHES ?We received by the late Bt samara ,larH'- suypiyoi fsiaiers'and Artist*' BRO-HBB, .ot sapertor iiuai'.-y, 1.0whn.h wasail theaUeatiea jttoarsaatomars. !iTiiwl-t t% ohTTTaTv. at tin".Hi OROCER., CO-UUBBIOa JBIitiCUABTg,


CORK. rLOUii. he, to the sals of which BDWIH iWOBTHAM wiUfrive h!s perfoual :Atten:ion.Afg~ nude an consiK_'.neu_>.k_T KAOS fnrnirihei. vln-n r-aintred.

MAMHESTER SC.-I.K WORK*.?Wehave on t.und from .hi .At.ove factory, PLAT*rORV SCALES, weigbiag 'roa iM to3,c»»lbs.?Alto, Cf.nXTSR (4(,'ALKfs o'eVery eanery. aadaaaaa-o-ts f-.rtbe BasesfsstSTS-B seeprepares to j*esetera toi railraad '? , deiMt an-i wHr*h.._.*bctt.-e, Be, wnich fur -ir-.'.neris,dnrahiilty auc_e-t_:_cy ci.anot os sarpaseed,

VA-.-L_.Va\ TAi LOK A CO.,la tt? iv Sa. 14 Malastreet.

1OHM I*. «M»a.lM>N As SmtM. MTH .C~ i?I ZiKAR THB BXCBABOE HOTEL,OCare fir sale a large assort meat i»f IROjf, i .»'---pr!«la>{ .weedt's Auieilcsn Hammarsd,and Eagllsa Refiatd; Bsgllsh Aiiia-ricitii. n-and Imitation Bnsataßbeet Ir- _ . Hoop, Bard andKeroll iron: Kelltied Plow Iron aud Pl.-w Plates.Also, Tla-Plite of vasteas s!;es, for PlaastlKaonfacturers ; bheet. B..it. and IrK'-t Coposr-bbeet i'iuc Spelter, Hl<>ck Tin, and ihe Basts «Uhualiy si Id in ih.» ui.iis-.. nib il

OSFICKUF X H MAUKV a C*>., (RICHMOAin, Ini?. «. ISM. t

CTocks Areo bomm coR bale.?vjr-1> SIX fiih\ CE-ITS.ORAM.. AMD AuEXAMDRU RAILROAD biA

P.KJIKNTB..hariAb Hack of CosnaonwaAltb STOCK.Shares Faru ere' Buna s-TOOfrBhsrea Rant; nt Vir.inls KT'>''K aat?ta

ttEITMA-! I*>l.? and p.rs. tiwith rtheutuatlsiii, should gite .he?'Kllair of Propylamine" a trial It hua been

btahiy extolled in ia« b.iepltf 1rBpSTtS of £ui"i>eand Amarlcu a. aa e-lcactous remedy for thiso!*r,_n«. Kor a«le, wuh ail a*w pharuacsatlcsJIrisiMtthtloas, atMkADE a BAKER'S D.-i'K Store,

SB* ??* V.l>ia,t rnrn<r ?l.oAraP O.VHtsM lUU.HhAS MAt tit. A lot ofA Karat".a Wauir, fissU liom the borings, Justreel red. Andfor «?ie by*PU . W, PETWeon A CO, lWMaUtt. '

! LIFE ANDJPIRB INSURANCE.j£Tr__>_K__ AXDMARi-iICTtiBLRAXcEI ' liTrHMOXD rmK ASSOCIATIOS.iOrrtcs. No. it* Mai? __. I, Cosuss or Urn)St.,i KI'.H-10.'.D, Va., I Chaptered M Ma"h, II?.i 1 T_is old sod rsltabis Inatltattos, with smplsI ! ssidtal, s.il co_;in*eDt fand carefnliy }***-%£>, oonli_-ei.toi_i.are.LAV*., *B*J-WU"tO*k, M«---i ,CHABDIZE, sferary dt»-«rii;.on ; HoCmSHwi.D. FCBMT-__aadFs__ilr WkAKINO AFPAkELjVKs.rt i;.'.. <ABOOBSaad FREIGHT.a: the .owes'

Leasts sdjasted as. paid wtth all possible dts-rstcn. NHBMMI _ _ _ .. David Cnrrls. Robert M. bort-_,

9. T. WorTfi.ro, Francis J. Harass,John H. Us-burse, £«** T .nbiett,John J. Wi ,on, Tnos A Kaet,Alex. Oarrstt, Uee. N. Gwatht..«e.

p,ti>» C. W*rr-CK.DAVID Cl'-.RIB, l'retttisnt.

Jon J. WtLsor, Trsssbret. .K. T. Baooss, Secretary. da .7?iy

I~A .. _T 11 -OHrtUO. Agsal RABHATTaB: J urßii-*-ÜBcS SokpiJi v. of -New_ org.Oflksat the i_i-nr__.e Assney of THoxas M. At-;-r?;_»'i. en Utb street, n«_r.y ..ppor-.te Ooddta a

i B al. where ippltctUost willha reeelre*.

pKriiiir-Cpasrj?; lssv ___c_.riaeorvorated *?*** I


tar .'-flee No >?1 Rata Kiohrnond JfegCAPITALasA SDBFLOS, »-_a).000.

ThlsComosriv __>?\u25a0 tue a-isa-taK--l tasalj seesa?to-*' sxpertense in Insurance business, andi Aviv* asj. j c i tbafavor of lhe public darin.r al!;of thatperiod, aseds no .special recoriui'-ad-tlon

Ito tb- cftaZt.ii \u25a0f V giaia.i is Firelaaaraaca in cityand eoastry, »n.

Marina l_t.nr.nce to itii pans oi tba world.Its es-h c.ii Its! sad s.r--.;.-. n,a< bs shore, and itsiagainare managed prudently, bul liberally, aadiits rates areas iow aa tboss ofany other good la-

Istttatloa. roa_W.L.Coward-a.J E- Wadrworth, Patrick Callsa,Josevb>'!*'? Wm Be«r», Ben. W 6n th' HoraseL Kant Tbes Baaison, B.L. WI

iWm Palmer, I'b-ri.W. Piirceil. Jno.N.Gordon,jAi?f.R.Parker, Joe. P. Wiastoa, Arch. Thomas.IJse.'A. Into .H. 4.1 beroe.

Applyto the President -,-r k.«cretarv, In personor by tetter. W. 1.. COWABDLS, President.WI. Wt_j.ts. Ja..Becretsry Je»?la» Atsß-tT of several Brst slses FIRE\ .\~-BURANt It \u25a0 i Mi-AKI.S, .bs no_ersiK_«td iaprepared to Is. aa

SHORT-T IB \u25a0! PO LI CI _S.to protest Increased stoi tt ' - la daring theaomlns ?...»>.\u25a0? *.

MS.P.CHANT. dsslriae; sAdUtonsJ ia-nrsnee aresolicited tot Ilea J. H. MoataUUK,Ml?ttssta MeriaAuts' lasarance t:o.

HOTHLB.CVYtHAMOL HOTI- 1 .-1-* if A i. ii I 8 0 H B D R d, VA,

rs. WILLIAR ffi:.''ij:-. PaorsißToa.p. if. WOODWARD, Srr«ai»T«sD_»T.Thi-' i,i ? tltnsti I,ls in re-, spec! -i FIRST .LAS. HOTEL and is now ready

' :i eption of all who mayvi.l ths Valley,iI poci ily a de-irable stoppingplace for thoss\u25a0 who pass toaad from the Wil ing Plai -vie-In .-. rh« Honae and Fnraitureare '? ?re ? i- r, aad the Rooms largeand eomfortaLlai i_j baadsomely tarnished-i ? at:\u25a0 'i, [tnelnaliagroom, Ac.,) per day ti rs

per week 1 SIj.or luoiilli 25 nomb '? IswtHaylßAt c-i«:.r-3 .V "Tit. I tli"tui'tr?.,I V 6TA.BTOB,

VIRf'TNIA.The VIRGINIA - . n.v koowaf ibe rety bi -; Uo-i tbo ate, ia a n Is st by Messrs.i \sjt. it . in??». j- r;,', ros, who will dcv .«?--\u25a0\u25a0 ? srsaei bg,. - - .- it pros-

re i ? ?:';\u25a0? t.-_.-!i-i---plcj I to render their frnesta sat is tied asd com-Tbereeeel ? iditi .us pnt to this sstab-\u25a0?? anal ie propriety s toaceommmiatea-. \u25a0 formerly.?'Ihswj , . ... i _a.. in tne Qterior andexterior,RKPITTED s_.j PAINTED,

r .i ! . ? 9OOD ABNI W,The ;'-;\u25a0.*.\u25a0.' - - a -.1 rV.e i*rr;c<.« of: \u25a0? - ?>. Sr .s. ssi.f the j'-iv k..r Hotel, Win-- - \u25a0 RIBT '..> !--.-.> T, who trill i.-v1every fciteuti -, ~ pinj( at tbe H

ifort ol .-\u25a0? - ':' table willetofore, to eqnal that of any hots!--?-tp

t,.i.,. ? li the 1 ?-,l are srteasire STA-\u25a0 i'Li S. andet the m tERS A L't'.,. -n- ma-- ami entcienoy 1.

livery,\u25a0..»tviii bo ajfordea

I ii..-i..',..., | ared

\u25a0?\u25a0-, -_d \u25a0.- -iioiiiisr... -ii..., a,t the 81\u25a0 -'..--I la furnished, siol c«>nta!na aa. .... Idtngat lyhonai- -?., this Hotel -? . ;:-sI, and pa-tent-ensb-... .; s. ;., x s_.i comfortable

\u25a0 eenm -,y Itted np.W ?\u25a0! 1-'. i'- - . \u25a0 80 ' COB-with thiri li -, i bis whole at-

.'??-\u25a0?\u25a0 i \u25a0 I I! i-

I for the ilbei \u25ba ?- !\u25a0-\u25a0 ? tofore\u25a0 i would -j \u25a0;\u25a0 ?-'. >ku:ac- c of ihe si . cV.'.m H. PEYTOK. h,, ~...?

II LINES last>i s Hon«< also, ths - Bee of ADAMS \i 0 b BX-: PRBBB. Wri M. PAY rob .'. BRti bl .i at. -i. >'. \u25a0- '-; 15, .\u25a0 . ap 1 'I OP*.- IJSVtOI'U HUi.l,0 '..'NP, VA.i This new HOIXL,at ihe cornerof Mais nd '' h

i, inai r..- ?-:.__ aad elsgaatlr famished, U_. «\u25a0 open foi thesceoi imedalioß o: ~ta.~ir..The cation ia the bast ._ lhe city _.j ??vorj

sffnrtwill be mad - , \u25a0 t:.. nations ;-f thsh -.!. -c".rarel tbt \u25a0 ' Hr T W H-tß*\u25a0 \u25a0?-». Ist" of the tut- ; .( o-e, S«v York.BDt-'.it JOSEPH H. CRENSHAW.

ALUM WATERlit AT X R l> I T M X-, >» ROCK BRiDUE ALCM SPRIHGH, VA.,BOTTLED hi i ti h bPBIBG..The . -. i- - - ,. I hay i . is otPCS ' : , LADD o C.i ~ Dl I ':.. nd. Vs.,\u25a0 - \u25a0 . ? \u25a0 ? ? i-a fur the tTBITED 6TAI \u25a0\u25a0>'\u25a0

\u25a0 rE6TATEBef AMERICA,reputation of this water, as s. oied cloI ag-nt, It'irgiata, aad ir.aiit \u25a0, irttsouth o . stssdina orsr the- .... ry. TheImportantfactia bow wall aali -.v Mineral Wi ter«i which will 1 . _ as I 'to.; ;' b ts? -i - lire years Is ,: ?--. wtthantI apparentdamage,either tortsti ti ?.-! Its medical: ijnsii:'»-..) 'i be : my i msrkableenret as ferated bv'.ttnl ''y-Ai -\u25a0'\u25a0' ? \u25a0-'..'' i ..ir-'iam dLd f'lasafi y. ?i .-? \u25a0 -~r aad 'kin.-, ?' ' \u25a0onseXrrvtus <"..\u25a0? \u25a0 . .' ntchttis, Piles,? A.- . i._ -.- . r. ci i ..,.-\u25a0 cml

l ' on of ;!i- i-.-uutry.[>r. >'-r>v-Tr \u25a0' ,nit Orleans, Bsya: "in-,!..-. ... .r America 11licsJ sabaiaßSSi sa that of Rockbridipi

_.. . . Harißge."? - . real '.- I phyaleian ul the White '- . It la a matter orai i rtaneetic shonld bs faltj apprised -?!'the.- - . -'thi- RockTbriage watera, is iI atramoas ditsaaoa especially hare: stood arepcoMm teoar iMvfeasies, and never, t>ai:in thssa waters, hass remedy I I .m as <:ii« _aiua oi' s. spscipt foi their can. anjrhletia ailed wiih v-;;- i-.? -t !,\u25a0

a1t....?:-. s, ii. ~y:.:ia, htwysrs. s:? .t .'- ow-citliens, who certify their. pei .r.sl kaowledgsand experience of tbe m-ines «.f tbta water

Tbennde-stgaedbare aaw sowipleted snch ar-rai .-o.'i-'its t r bottliaa sad trsasportstl.. ej sosAdeatly believe a-u! e-i-riie thoni bence-, v r._ fall) and promptly teaaeet the tus.ir.yK*ros iii.. demand.J CADTIOB.?The unprecedented sneeessofthisi Iflßeral Water, aot OBiy asnssd st tonatain1by ti;-< visiters -.. I n !>.hv"ii t!iroii.-«"d tbither, bnl i-vI inv.A)iilsat their distaat homes, h»s ustaraiiyhad

at to biisa into liio s__rket, to aonseoxt-ut,Mrata ta im.aili.. >..\u25a0.. lit I,a, -- '! i- .afore,I persoßS wh \u25a0 lab I i a~e .... wab t will do well to

Iapply diiettly to the BnAerarigasd,or to ti.oir nen-I er_i_Kents, in Rtchmond, whilst thetrud* wii, insee, p*o< 'ire iriei'. sui-plle* throat,h the h'.nsa01 i'ruii...... Laod c Co., by whom alio tnevwillbe fuiaisUoJ wilh lha pioper certitjclo, aud'show.- lThs ALTJMPOWDERS or MASS, betas the re-slin.-.iysalts of 'tie wat«>r, oli'ain»id by erapora-

bara seea f< and by long experieeee ts re-tsla tbs medics! eirtass oftbewater, and ts besa iexesllestsßbstitntafor theaama. itiaaaai att_ '\u25a0 entile s.slaty by the mall, i«Dd le r--iii..-.i. ??... utn, I;wbere the water ossai-t .-_-'lv ne Uaaspoctsda: For i'_;'. partkalars,seal naßtpnlet.We will s>.>nii toe pamphlet,post-paid,on _{ pil- Ieatloß by letter, addressed toi'EAZIhR A ka.MmiLPH, Preprtetera,

Peet-Oflee, Alsm Springs,Rockbridgesoasty, Va.;'oi toPCK'JALL, l___»D i CO., Oeseral _k-h!-s,Kit Mm .ii 1 l».

j LiAlltOi.U .lLl.il A>_» lOUIM. .UAanTThts article ia BISBBi-d from the water of *he

BEDPORD ALUS AMI loPI.V. ePKi <og, by ai carefai and scientific method -f *-vs.p..ration,i wherebyall of the tnieeial icr;re.|!ont« And m-..d1«i ciaal pripert'.ee of tbs water are retained is it nn-ired. i.in! aad psocars » pamyhitt of ourAKeiais, anatalalna corttficater. of Prof. .Avrßt- >*, of the Joffer-.-a Medics!Colisge, Pliila-dslpbia, sad also twsaty other PhyslcUas of cmi-Bf-.ce, tastlfylag to Its eiJlrat-y in various d:s-

--?»_».?». TtiH lIA.S -and WATKR ie kept for sals' by Mesare. Mkihb a Bakbb abu E. T. jtaßutsea, ?; l-ri-A s'-»ts, Runa-oud, Va.P. ECHOLS A 60S8,

fs JS? dSra Pr.pristora.

l>A-tIC PKICJEB. Vt EiKSEST.I At WHoLESALKandKKTAIL.By .IOKKPH BTBAUBE, Bo nMain street..T.-t st less thn:. ivi c»uts on the dollar,a l,.rtf« tteeh ofrich Lawns at e|. », i» and U .-tr- ;line Jaconets and OvgaaAiaa, 1-jc, U. ac.'. ii. t._-taa, I cts , I<i t-ts., and higher; B«r.«es, all colors,

;ut a-,. Mils., A-: , MS handsome tii-rrtfe Meliftj bh_wis. with Chenille Euibroidery, a'-tl.iii, w.rthi;:*Ak and Coiorrd Mik Par.jiois, from T5cents aud upwa.-ds; f«st colorsd t_tlieo, tt <4 sadIcents, ch«*p at w : I.aoi^<! Mlk Thread Blovsa.ana o..antlota<, at 12| aud 'ii cent. ; «hort an l loajri bliia Mils, at ;t| and tv eeni<, worth dsabia ilmj iiaoney ; Ltaen Handknrchiefe. lii-hj L.-t-ii, and Boi-'iiu*; BreWß ai black >h'>. t;i:«, aud SaheMtinrf ;Ptilow (are M_»iiu and Tow-in^,i r'reoch >»-eu!e- Worked Collars from l'.'J to !;5 ci» ;| C'.ai:itir.c and _tvi.sn llanis, the fiaenl work in theetty . Casstmeres Bad i a. o Goods f.r Men .odHoy = ' wettr; Ca_ek aad Celorsd Silks, and t.i.aiuiany mole o"i<.-.is, too uaaierooe lo uientton, willbe toand at prices that aatoat.h svery body thatenila at 80. -< M_inatrost. _.>Hikout for thy riaht(apH JobEPH bTKAt'sg.

CiALIt tit's, t Al-lt OE!».-Kec.l»ed, a Uras/ lot ef Calico, faat colors, which wsutfsr st thsold l'ries of U'i sssis n«r yard.JOHHIkOS A HARWOOD,uifU So. 77 Mala rt.



So. Ist yinin St., nppnsils Mmtssnst Rnrtk, Rtrh'd ,n_ve read-, and are now o-srlaif to the mar- ,cbantri of \ uhluU. Morth Carnllna,and Teonea-see, ?' rrtcoo 'o »oU th» 'tine*, a soisplete stock nfbl'P.I-VO and bCMMEROfMiDM, which forv.irtety |and style cnaooi be excelled. Bayers will dowall to tire usacall betoiapnrchssinifei»ewb«re.

mh -> gLfiRTT a ________\u25a0\u25a0jl BPHl.t*. IKADE. |Hftl j

HATS, CAPS, AJT-TsTRAW 800M.ROBKBT L. Di'CKINSoy.(Sncce«sor to Biuford, Dickinson A Welslcer.lI Tl Main Str*«t, Rlchm-md. Vs.,Has opea sod iv afero a fall aud -Kituili-io stock of -HAT>, t.APM, nud STRAW DOOM, of the latesttud no-' fashionable etyies,which will be sold atWboievat* and Katail, oa the ntooi farorablsterms.

:h.< attantloa ef merch_ots is mr»*t respectfully 'aollcitod te call snd exAmloe for theriselve».MJLITA.R. I'.Als. and CAPS mads to ordsT attbe shorl#»! aoiiee.Cast rfirchsiterK will Bad it to their !nteT-*»t to >sail Hod exi-u' sa mv stoca MOBbs pnrchasiaj

CHINA. OLABSWARBTfta '*__*_-Tt_l§_P*fii«Bßl STOKE-WARE IMIT-'.m Wi ' ''"'* ?''n band, s v»tv iar»re assiiriiin»ntIJ \u25a0 'TO-,«E- f.na*iMlng -A-Tkus JTJOS,.IARS. CHtnirt,

BREAD RISERS PITCHFKS. ,MILK PANS.*.-..&\u25a0 ' rwprices,Bi Khiihtl, a PARR'SPottery.CosaszofUtbasdCarr atrsets.

rirt«i new»i____Puß-r____ tv tbba BOOTH '.?latbeaa gsspsrale times it will be 'cheerlag sew. toeu friend* and tue pabliclato be informed thatws hare last opeaed, 'si onr aew establlahmsßt,sspeeially anil tfor oartrade, at 80. jss _r.*_ street, between *th isdpleadid stock ofCHIBAandOLABSWABB.BOtI.EPDBBIMHIBeaBdPABCYOOOPS.BSsBr'irtu t|;.._i t'riHt ms.ny geoda b-:nif beagbl saly re-cently for cesh, ;.t panic pric«s wJi b-uft'ered to_b*m at Prises saltta* these .iiSmlt times ad.ii-i»oy. We apeoislly r»>A-o_iuieuii <mr Diunsr, Teaaud Toilet Seta, etc., eU.; Or. Kano's Rofrin-rs.tors, and others; Water Coolers; thai miaats ie«''ra-.iiii iur,j Cagos; Cblldrea's i sr-rianea; Table Cntlery, siivor Pis'f-d. Aii.sta. Hn-t».ntiiri. Block Tin, s'id Japsssed Wer«; TeaTrsys;La>.kiiiif-Ui.i*M«aMiad Picture iiaui-as, (whiah wet: isafaetare to ordern Wooden and Willowj Ware,sad afreaetal assertaaeat or FancyOoods..; Pleaaecallai ou,- sew atore, Josßroad atreet.[ _?<!__ si"u\ \r a; . >._*_* t thi.i a, c LA»k ~aT.» ~u __iß_i'J5---A/ KA XT HXN W \XE Wbll"'u '>L "?\u25a0'*'-1 l -'\u25a0 \u25a0!-xi> retail aßrf

O. B. TATLOS, U7 Mat* SraggT.IC-x :\u25a0. ?» Id store, aad ea storeee. s. LAKrtRAn-l .DLL AbSOBTMBBT ofARTICLEB IB Hl*LINE OF RTi6I_EBS. He has latelyK.NLAROED Ibl* FACILITIES for DOIBO BD -I.*" Ks-S. n-.d b_* !IBCRSA.EDBUbTOCK. Ha te prepamd to sua\u25a0pea as BKAso.sABi.E TIMI ah _ay of toe re- jp«i.oi.inK ha-urairs of tin' >"orih

Thankful for the liberal patroargs herelefers >bestntvei on b'iu. he will eridPdVor, by rKcnrt iATtR-.TH s iv B.SIBBM, to rna-rit acootinnauceof jthe same. mh is- ?rn |_j_i~ «" _n7 :fSJf "t'>rk of '.I iblets, Ttunbl-rs, Winp», < hsjs-jlWMD-'r, ie»mon».|es, Ale Ul_ro..as. Lriaer jmsAW lie-r wins..,-, ssirer.. Krutt Bow|aa, VickieStands, Olasa Tabs?, s>ait Cellars, Ac, Ac. "ni

siock is mil a-td complete.THOU. A. BCLI.LEY A CO.,ap 15 la7Mialu stroet.

HaDl'tilU.v t"* CKU _.. "Olab-\___ BIBS, PHLLE-i A Co. will, from thte day, IagfiH "ti'A-r tl.elr entire stock of FANCY OtiOPN"S_9 YABES, Ac,at K r »"' ;7 reinced prices foicash. Now Is to.! time to mate your purchase* firtbsholidsys. Call a.irty

POLLEB * CO.. \Ist (tornsrsth aad Broad sta

BOOTS, BHOEB, dko,y_ Gft-EAT KtIII'CTIO.S 111 THEr& PBICB Ot HATS A.ND BOOTS.- Bit£_j_ From 15 toM per cent, snved bybny-Jail'y&tW.'wtt-im J. B. ABTHOBT, ""**:>'.'-*-_* Colamblan Uoi»i Bnlldm..Mo|i-siH_ Rata 'f ha-st ~i»n,y, et.Su ? go. se.iood

nsallty,gt; fMhioasblaßilk Hats, BAAS; tiiiecnif \u25a0?kin sewa-d Boots. |B.M; Couitreßs OaUst Boats, it» 25 ; _uet-»!t skin sewod hhoes,#2.25.J. H. ASTHO-iY has mule arrnnfc-ements with_n<i \u25a0 f t.'ie b_.>: makers In th« city or Phiiadelpbla!t jsnriply htn w'.:h innafome arid .nhstsnOol calfakin s,-wec! BOOTS, trhir-h he will sell st tbe nn- Ipreeedsatsd low price of THREE DOLLAR. ABB ;I H A l.r oe2t?alawla~

il__rr "*Ptc 'AEi ltortCE.?Os las to tksi \a_s****"**_t :\u25a0' ? 'ii! \u25a0 i>r--»'.ir'n.-eppt forea*b, my aslas heresn.rwlll in*,

for fn«h OBiy, excepting oaly i'iosm w.'no»> aa<\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0_'"- bare bees pstd heretofore promptly in ths 'tths of Jai lary al',.' -iiv

iOBa C. PAGE, \u25a0?>.,my IJ St Main street.\u25a0l-Bls'V-T-s t KCMaa.ltOS»-lEr _lOkfcß. '"Si-:;-^rli \ AI.!-sr.'s. CARPET BAOs,, «c, 'B -Hleg cheap at ' H?AVvI_IJL_I.J "* uT-tBLLBK* CO.'S,my 3 is? Broad »tr#>et. ' '" ______ tsPttlAL NOrtCE?BtHJTb aSU! ',

'-.- '.T i'!.v PHIf'ES.-O. Htl.l.RK i |? CO. reaps* i y Inform tbslr aamsr- i|

cms customers, snd th» pnt-tlc in genera . abat tithey h-tv nni raised tbe prises od say of thsl* iKooda, still bavlsg ia isnje a-inrtmeut, r-.-m a.i .j

ss ~_o sisea on baad. fhr.y rsapsetfnlly |solicit a call tr.n_ all belors ol buai- «ia,.-. ]Ai ??, a large variety ef all kinds of Trunks, \u25a0Dm letBoxes,Valises, Ac,st iow ptiesa, at li0. HBLLEU A CO.>Sptt Boot SBd Who. More, 'S» Br.ofi t. i

JAPHI.Mi ASH SLM.TIEK lITUtK. 'BOOTS, BHOBB, Be -I bars bow ii store ?"t.iv atnek of Spring snd Samtsst Be«ds,comprialaM a nßßdeoms sssortiasni of all ' cIhebeet ssd m.-it faihlnaahlf styles or ladies, igenilemea,missee, boys. _ud tblldrea,to whichI iuvii.! lbs attention of lh« public.

Jofl>- c. PAfiF, Jr.. 'ap M S.l MaO, j <' ~~ BTIIX bELLIaIb UUlki. ' !___BB|/HKKi.iii, co;.'(;:;i-ss .- .. laced cai-;_Rfi : |i, at O. HELLBR _ co.s, jIBS !<roa<l «tref-t, betwur-n ?-lh and Bb.

_a | 6HOKB AMI BOIMS (UK SKli^.JiWM '' ' ANI) L.\K')KKl:>' -! hiii.. in

rt irs h inrsfc atoek of Bouts »d<l mi.*»,suitable f'-r isbnrer* anil s-rv_ors, to which 1 Is- I <I - l tsatiOß. JDH.N C. PAUK, Ja., \u25a0 lap is Si Main siri.-i. ' t

CI.OTHINGI. *o/i HEAT t:\it< \i>n IPi ti-OllliMi.---" « -.i 1̂- -:lc. BALBKY aCO , lis Main -tr-.-', are: ig.iiina rs Woek of CLOTHIBS i.od :Cents FUKNISHIFO '- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0? I %r*ni bargaias. IBat ar determined to--dace tbatr tteehsamssh Itas poa ibis, taey wilt, from ta day» eßsr great ta* Id'lcenieun to c'.ish baver-. l'ctsot.» iv tk.iut of 1ClOliilUK Wiitilu aio Wa-ii lo five va A C_J i.IsHAFEB, HAL-SKY .. <'\u25a0>~ tl* Main st. , tntiEfißßAVr'tl ri.SAI.IIEKES- WBTHB-L/ BELL'S < AteslMiSKHrA ? VoL'.N'O A WKle- ~Ti-:, - CAJiSIMKRES?MILLER'SCASbIMERES-j .JAll of _ a'.tieiu manofactare, n.-w in hand, sadtrill be made to order Ib the latent styles, *-l;hei !,foreitiseaa' or military wear, l>ineiuber, tbis is ;a Southern mauutactofy. s.ml has beeu for ti.. is«t :ITyeitis. it has not upruun uja Irom the u«A.:ssity ',f tin: c-iases. a prastical manat ibe basi- | Jaaas, .ml _othaviiii; ciimbed ia at (be back win- ijdow. overotherpeople's shoaldersJ 1 Istiarmr-sell ". ' 1 kn \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ioy bnrinens, aua ku-wiu.. it, : .can . -a ;.'.-'ca-touiersthe t? of that know-tsdge. J( cAii al the iarjieand n»w store, but old «tsnd, 'lit Mais street [mh-s;. WM IBA SMITH. 'li-fifi »AMI'L_!» OK IJOOUS-rrsuchT !HIIIU Bscliab .mi horne-nis.de, which I will iiiiaaa toorder ia the latent shape and in the t-»st

| ]i t«.i goods nt a low figure, strictly forca*h. | iIRVIBQ HULL. A««nt. Isits H Mala,cornerl«thstreet.

SPMI-ttt C_4»ffHIM«?SPMIJte CIJoTIf- 1(

IBU -DARRACOTT, HAKKIs A CO. aren.w : ]reeelrlaa thri' Spriax atoek of C'lothibK, wnicb i!is very desirable, -a-lwill be sola si lower price* iihiiQ heyharearea Seesable to aeii the same ,laalit] before,aad woald iarlte theirfrisags aad!t'i« pG-ii..- gsaeraliyto cs.il and look t..c thesi- ]'Setras. Their Btoeh is entire, ernbiHnug all ?Uoods n»nally fjnnd in Clothing esißbitubitieota, 'cut and Hindu, a the very bent uinun-.r. iCalt, ifyon winh tvod »-a_i* at low pi'ia:_ri, _> K<.. HI Mala 'street,oa DarracmTT. HARRI. A ro.'t*i«J iIILI lAKY t OVll' AM_.Si._Woarrj nowI prepared to tiiAke, nl short no'.loe, ÜBlt'OßMbfor Uiiiilarycmijiauies.

.NOAH WALKER AC<».,ay 1 C raer of Mdin aud nth or Ps-tlsm

Sil "a (WMI AwiMtTHarGf-OTMIfIO AltO iVl.>,"t/rCnl(ia.\Ts' FDRBI6HLSUOOODH k<>k |BA LE A r C< 'ST MsCASH, To CLOSE 188 W H'.'LBSTOtrK.? The subn-nber L<u> _dvie*. from theproprietor to oger the whole st.ick on baud, aaaboVs setteed, and iarttea atiention te ihe «««ort- ,meat,knowingthe opi-ortnoity an excellent one ile pnrab-se good f -brice, made up in t.'.e best inaa-'asr. The stock ha> ail been made up within u.eUtat six or a-ia<ht mouths, and nrei-ents rare oppor- Iluuiiies. Dross, Frock _nd husinesa Coat';Doe-skiu arid Fancy Ca-aaiuieraaPenta; Caisalnia-r-, .Mar-net 11en. Silk and Cashmere Ve«U. AUo, Murts. !Drawers, tlaudkurcbiefs, Oloves, Bosks, SUawlaj :l-oUare, -ieek-Tiiwi aud Natrfe. ? all seiet'-od atthebest luai'ket.A for retail trade.Merchants vii-ltlnx the city for .prlagpurchaassare invited toan exaaiinstion, a* we think m< _aycaq be made, and we oSer tliwe iudnoeueut* forthepnrpoes of raiem. ruoaev.W. S.TCPBA.N, Agent,_mh_to bi* Main aii^aatAI.L IHE LAI tSI »TIT_.K» SMr* IbtuCi-.TIBB, CaiLLaRS. b1.1_.T6. *c For fcirtnaaud Hu-iuisr, «n_ be had at

BO AH WALKER A CO.'B,Coreet Main sni Uth, or Pearl sts ,mh -S BrAßch nf Baltimore Hon»e.

CPKlsil> CIX'rHiNO-ALL -VKW -lauTuoS*C*» prepaid to show my new SPRlBti oTol'Kwhich i*Kotten up after ibe latest reoorted etvlßa*»ad made by the oaet workmen-aeSBSBhIBa »iTl-i-'., durable and cheap.a_TCr«B«B_w Oooda raady-mada

? . iRVI?O HCLL,Au*t>t,»*» 'l* »t Main corner Uth Mreet

N° r, V'.'?" Wi' ""i" "?"' aae a..0«.meat olUe-dy-madef loibina-forKentlemeß'tT*r _» B -"*'",° » go*- stock ot »egro Clothiur*bleb ac uavs determiaed to aeil for the b_i»noeof ina.ses.osst VERY RED.CED PRICES forcssh 'ajd to punctual etutowe... We hope that theiiV *n!l"anc*'n»nt will aecare for aa at once acall from an who are in need of aaylhlaK la oarline, a* we are determined toconform a'rictly lethis Bouse. SIMPSON a MILLER._ 11* Male etrsst,v \u25a0*ili____! \u25a0*"*«»\u25a0?" *J>d Tyisr*a. Blchmoad.r. ..? ioriu Caxoluta mossy taksa st par for

__*__ sa 11

g~tt i S t_ i. _r"gT7 *

IM M Bsart aad SapOiriMl IBIDOLII. For as 1* by

fa "-ta A. t LWM, 1

TRAVELERS' OUII. 3.r-r: r___wmu__r, "yt 5fi c_?-?_. >? -i s? -r_"-_r ___! ____ v '%' ? -'.tbe?\u25a0\u25a0« ._______\u25a0__.? F?_l<.llT 1 RAlill of elCompaaywlM beraa THaLF. timk- a WEEK,

jsa follow* Leave KirSmor-.i for > r#di r ckSI 'ir*ion MONDAY.. WEDNESDAYS sod FBIDAY. -i Retarii'Utf, wiil Isttn lrral«r.i:H'hiiri BBrl a;- v.lv biefaa oßd ?\u25a0 TCEapAY-, THI*HaDAVs andisaTIIRDAY-

Ir :_ht rec-iA-ftl oa Tseadars, Tborsdays ii'\u25a0; Saturday., BBtll lo'sl ek p >lBAM'L RI'TH. "-it t.

Ori<_ X., F. _ P X X OS . I_ Rlrhmond, Way SI. Is 1. | my tt ?-

fg: ~ mii n\Y.i -i. > .1. jh>.__»e_Bßa_H___»'' M.i -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ""*?«? sa-rn PBRMiiT. CLAIMINGFK_K. PAB"A0l «?'. XX THIs ROAD:N__a_oKTH_ isTATK.- BsllrosAl e«M_tietaa bee* aottfltd by-liilor-Ceaetsi R.

_Lrathat? Noi will bs mado for the!rsu

uiiou oi ear peraos Is the military »ervita, as-! loss specially authorized by ths lean roreoine oae of the Ot-neral oScsra c>mmasdlßg Di-r visloas or Departments of tbe.tate ,"ao<l ?': furl her ie't> r.-<l Ibst ii.«' efccßßta of the Km; ro»d ii !npatit»»" aa&lnst tb'.&tiiie "be sect - ,I n'-d by writ.en erases from properly sstb. i /? II i.ittcer*. as apoeigsd afore-Mid,aa rose hen; pers__» are hereby notified itsi so osi ?* tv. allowed lo travel \u25a0 n tlio ro_J in the Bams \u25a0\u25a0' II aSti»:e uulsss ue tarnish ths Tiirii-; ar Ptsttos'Affect, i wrttten ordar, *neb _- Is re-intn I1si. t« i,ini_a eotlgcoriea ir-ia Major-U'LskI 'ti rjr. iviui,' tbts writtea order -fet tr*r-

t;- a, to* Ai- vi wi- i iaena to taa posses wbaeauitaTicket,aad tbia tichet, aftet bsisgi<w>_d l-y tbx b-lnei iv preaeaca ol tLeAg*Bt,?..:,; t ? i-1 ,_..- iiy tb ' .. tic. rbs i]p*«_. -HAS. la. TALCOfT, *BrrirxesTr, May '<'?. t" i ! nts i_ i»?- - ? -% «> I' I < *..-\u25a0'.! ilv ''\u25a0' E'DAY. tih -?-' , lhe!__£__? __"_"r-*r-* .MA li. T:^'*\u25a0 ?- ? Kkh

I moad liot-'t bI ?' as a. M . in«'*nil ef *a M , ;_jtbs ACCOMMODATION TRAIN will leavs ,; il') .ti , moats* thronftb lo FBEDERiCKsBIRstaraiae,will lesve Kr .. ;-. r s, |

iM.,a&d arrive la Richmond si ?\u25a0.\u25a0- \ MP. M. Train lsdlscA»ntiaaed.!, l.'.'TH, Snpt. T as,i Or-:,-r 8.,P. _V. K. X Co., /. . I««l, < r- ?- I -\t

S.M' 111 >.. - , - lie, in-.sb] Biaol ?:-.-. \u25a0«? ir or -uj| Hi -. mtransported ovei say part of tb - reed.on as-

sess! ?\u25a0\u25a0 Mas Htate. or >f the <. i: ??\u25a0!-: n« - \u25a0Iwithoat an order far so- ii iraaeporuiioa InIBtaße ormilitsrysßtsar aathoriaed to eoatiI the sniue. bAM'L RUTH, -Up't,

Ottict X.. V & P. K. K. Co.,iRlchmuad, m.ay i, i- '.. { my -<ia.V_i btrPT.'B oi'i'iCE Vs I i S l . .-. -. .. \u25a0Bichmosd, April B», \-\u25a0'\u25a0 \a THE PAtSCNUJER iK.VI>s

cotnmence roaalog retinlarlv on >\-,.<-\i\\next. TUWJ. DffDAM! ID,| an i» -ts i;. ....... | >1 -H« rS iit. ti(Asm Tiß-rTrfT'- a > .< a p < i-.\>'._ ?'.*?**K':Lj**' "-ii"i';.t The MAIL asBENOEB TRAINS :i!i UMOND dAliy.e«c«p:Snudsys, i«t s A \u25a0In cmn'-jni-ucs of in)tiry to tin read by )'l*lw.a'-r. u.'dr lisuovor Court-Uuitao, i'.i-.-ru.- t-Will take the .are ol thsß.. >' AP.R. K. Uath'JUNCTION.where they Lake ths Ci

thus. DODAMEAD, Oeasral aaf tOeu'l bnii » "n.ce v* i-_. K. R . I

Blehmosd. April is. last f tf--ts

OFFICE KiCU d"_ .ET U X ii CO.. iBicasosn, Bor. ttrh, issa, »«»> AMI II I CX MO"V

'\u25a0a-tf""*' _Ea»'M'i ..) T.-l itriv. f P.r- ;- -Tt.-.LBg vi luis Koaii will >tan as follows :

i -Atsri i.sAt a xiormosp roa rxTßassinbrpreaa dally, (exes I at .lasa. X. 1Accotuiuodaition, ttrv weaktyj Moadsy,Wednesdayard tr-dav, _i MM.!* iMail ifm/y, a: ! to P. ii iTBAISA IrXArBPSTBBSBTBa Foa BloK^ai.MD.Bzpress goßpat.... » »» A. il jAasoaSßtsdsueß i;;ri-w«a.i.;y,) iiooasy,VA't-iuesaUy rind rricliia', l t M A. MMali .i*iy, i-xcepi buadaysjiat I UP. M ;

_d__?is THOS, if WYNNE, - ipiH__ T_____i__C' I'liVtlfclls ia, I__sl__B^_H_?T'', 1r1 "?,..-\u25a0 "KiH ?.-*\u25a0 '\u25a0 !R A I L W A T.?Trains .-.v« ( ,-.a iBaltimore.del y, isxeeptßandar,)al '.so a. Maa_ at t.ssp. M., for Klsg»ra *r-lls, ffare vadollars,)Baßalo. Otrego, Oeweco,T i ?iltoa, ail parts ot Western r<a-w fork unci Ci i.lor Dstroii, C'hieajro,CiaeißS-itl, bt. Loats,aad aiparts of the w tat, Northwsat atat Heal i*.-..;

Travelers sasko to Detroit, Cbisairo, M IwsaHo, au., rts Nisgara Falls, at the same cost as byauy other route.A naaw roote t-a York Is row i ? «,i -Boad, vU Harritbarr sad Jersey ':;.">.' v?ataatMsfttM. f-re, r<" Tskstbitrain aadgothroagh by daylight, urar inBtKMta and tbionifh _ br-Ao-lfal seas try. liv 1.

?_T Day ticksu culy t" BaltimoreJAB. C. CLARKE, s -Jons T. Xi i«itt. Assistant > ijMtfFliiß IWl.ij__r > _P"*M__fci i- 'PAS - it. .- --'.M '- ' >' 'I."" ???""->.OINO NORTH.?NEW I

RAKOEME>'T IMI 'RTANT TOER3.?TBRuUOH TICKBTB AM» TMi I liRCHECKS.?GREAT NORTHERN BODTK?Cajt-rymt the jiroai tiuite.l Mutes M-:il. Twice J y.(bn_day nitrbt aAc-;.teali t>-t *aac,u Richmaa .asdria, \v>..h!_'jt...i.., Baltimore, PI.lew iaira, au-i all imporiant pointsActinia Creek as I '.v over th<moad, Fredsrickabnrg _; Pi i, mac KsP--' iffiac river, 73 Use, aadlerteblesteamers tbenoe to Wasblsgton,*?la ail IMmllee la aeeea hoars i"-i-u *. aoible arid oerfettly -*t.- at so-ed.lAHoora of depsrtara ;iMt.H.,_it P.M.

BA_Uj-»>_, nn.ler Charge if Bpecisl ?'.-;" aCBBCKED THRODOBto Wssbiagloa, .1 bilsdeiphla _ud New York.

Taaoroa Ti< aara ra,a be secarsd to the fill iw.tuif po'-nts, vu: Baltimore. Fhll* Iasti, Colnmbns, lndis I \u25a0\u25a0, J;lfer- tarl 'c. Bock Islssd Zi-iesv. i«, w.o':New York,Bt. Louis. ' iinn. i. Piitsbcrs, Losjttviila, l»e._.tair. _ew.trk _ud VIBOOBBSS

Passeagersbreekfsst sud sayiat Asbiaad, anddine ou Board the somfertabla stsaust i-AsaalaCreak unri Wsahiagtoa.

Persons trlsblngto btala tlekets for ssreirt foiWasblngtOß cityaad pointsfartherNorth, asßcasas, oeroQehed for by somereepoa ? >slilii-n of Kict.irond, faagsssßa, k sows totl siol the Ko-.a, ia* «»- Jictut, viJfes mtl,i \/ ~,, >\u25a0 .them

*_f" Por farther laforauitiAiß, applyBt this sMsb, 'B.'.iA-i Street, BhoshiJAB.B. WUif.i.V, Oss'lTlcksl '. IHam'i kftb. Hbß'lr_r. - .a»I"'M *. in ilniniti.n . Iis_%'Jt__WAMS_s,yi:w »,:.\u25a0!> iMPt",T*-r ak-asr-s \u25a0 _-a \u25a0"" BANOEMSNT. !ssi. Thu AD. IAMBBXPR-BBCOMPABY reapoctfal " ti . acsto the pillule tba? tbo» havei rraaireat teranthe't 'fcxt.resriTWp.fJ l)Ai_7 team BcW EoRK, PHIL-ADELPHIA aid BALTIMORE '.<? RICHMOND,therebya_*er_laa aansp&l facUitisa tor obbiheirfreight nod t-ckai(es in too »_ .n»» posstblttime.Kxpresses leave Kew Y->r a at I, I i.nd * o'clock jP if E_pie**ef> leave Pbtladelpbia at SA. M.,and tt P.M. b.r-ra-sse* lea-.-« li.n moreat 4.7*A.M »ad 4.Sil P M., in Kuhmond *t « '?> A jM and 1 P. M.

Eapressee leave K'a bnior.i for New York, Phlladaipnie aod Haaiiitnore, itaid aii noiuis North And iWest, st S.ac A. M. aad S.M P. B.yreijilit Htid pack-gts should to alt eases le at Ion.-ofi*ce oNB H"UR bofore tbs dspsriare ol ih« (Trains.KXPKKHKM KORTRv SOOTH :<*t« KlcUt.ioaiiTWH'B DAILY, StAAS A A..2 «t P. hi

The Admits E-i-resa Comt ivy feel that th-y est :(jua.r»cti« to iub puiili". civiiily, <i.;'.«ii",ou BBS s?.t jisfaction ia All iteir iatereonrss with thaiiIn Richno uJ, sad Bothlngall) I .«

_ jtheir pi;r; to nice. the WSBta of I belr CBBtomi r . jfreuht y-nJ,PH>.kai{e«»ir!vtni l: bA' thsExpreithe NorthBIS ..loc* P. M., will bedelimiueduiely,thi-reby io -,'ir enst .v\u25a0?? \u25a0- ai ?ealveice of twelve hoars over onr STl_S|r*B nsti !Bsrstafere.

IsTEAMKK KXPUESSSb, TO A.*>'f» FK«-M NBW IyORK, frelgbta lolirersd in< !tuedi-tsiy upon the arrival of in-shin.HEAVY AN I.'hl'MlT FBEIOHTS, PACKAOKBMONEY, HcNOS, LBOAL I»n< DMENTS &?? , forwarded with aafety and dispatch to all pA,r:« ol IblUaliasd Btstas, llauadas, and fc-irope.MOTi-B. DRAFTS AND BILL*,arlth or *Ooosis, ea>llea:ted at all aecee.ibie oo.ui- hi

oat ths Vnl.ed bu.ee, aad promptreturn, gaaraateed.SLAV., forwarded by each ofoat Expresses, Usb»rK6 of cAn»fti! su.l reltabls masesngsra.

TOBAOCO and other s_mple» carried.*' nunsusl-ly low rates.All frelsrbts pronptly called f..r aod deliveredwithout exits i:b_r^ee_T s'or fnrihei icformatlos, pleaaa call at oarO&ce, 102 Mala street

"ADAMSR.-PB.KI. COMPANY"sa 7-ta W.H.TIiEU". Snp'l.

-js RICMtIO-SO ILOTHItr. ._ %M .Tl FACTOgT?ThsaahacrlberaluTaoiIJ a Inns Badeompietssesortmest ofSODTH--__J__KN MAROFACTORED OOODS ICasslmers and Vesting, of all >radsa. fr i. 'orfollowing anted mtlla: Mills, t;i..vi-

\u25a0 ond. Vn ; Millar A Co.'a Mllia, Cuipeier conn:-,V*.; Keliey. tiu.'iMiiin, FrsderiekabnrsVs.; Thoiaiaa A Aii__e' Miila, Marios,eonuty, Va.; Rock IslandMiUs, Cbasl. tts, B C ;which a*aro prepired to iaaks to aeeann»nor»est notice, snd In the !ate-t act aa st ap-proved styles?Roods thvt wlii compare 'n everyrsspect with the b«»: Vertbara autaafiiKoa.d», »-i uiAoy of th» Crenshaw (j.md- Mqaality t«> freach. Thers ckb be no los«sf aa !escaasfor bttvißK Koodn uiaioalar-tui-j.lml of ihe Ist.te. In additioß, w« keep a.ways ..n l,Ati 1s :KliENl H AND __t(IHSD CLOTH* ABD !i A-SIMBRK., not to be mni.Mid by auv bouss i_? ths city. Ws hays ths be*t .1 t mat* i-od s eorp« ct workmen n.it to be scr;?_«i-<i jby any bo iss la tba I'sloa, w!tb s teisraat-sat.on to furui.n oar mmtsmm* witu losthsraClotulna?maierUt tali ed .oath, «ooUs woesBooth, cat sad !___» bouiii, .tad we truat I i V*sold aud w»ra .onta, aa w« _ts deteriniu-J o dall in oarp.wsr to push forward bi-n'be.ia ..- itatioaa SPEBCI a OAKEY.

Clithlsrsaai Merr.itt Tailors,'?tS i nn.rof M-ta *i.-l I.'r. «'\u25a0- ?-?

WAITS C I BY- M X At t. PL.Ott ... -tjgn. WATT A CO.-g-rASi.isasi) is to**.- jGSOR.E WATT baa übuiued, at dilsrai.lfour sep«r_'e patents oo his OUFr-SJtAt HiFLOWS, Ackuowiedßod te embrsss tbs must re. }ilabla improvement* ever (Bade oa this lA-pie- jBent, three of wh.ch j_tent« have : < ma respee- Itivslytes, twslvs and thirteen yssrs, «_1 ti«abeen awarded at the late Meehautc*' Kait la I.niouil » e«-rii-cat« oi .ilr.r Medni. t -r ssattsssdsuperiority la |ia_tsli», i.he hi*tie»t ireanaju*!div.v.l and *l tbe i»-t Mala i'air piauaiuna .?» IU jSAiuie, lv-dduloa to preuilams awarded at *i i tbs1preceding Fairs f.r years

Wit).i. two u-mtia -,-A-t bs baa added a-thstealnable ttuoruvemeuts, aud we now lavita ail Is Iwaulot Plowa, w«rr»at«_ la every rsapect au- !:psrior tootbsra, tocall aadnßaiulßsour larwe aadvaried atoek ol Plowa, t_r.tiaK* and Aansatlta-r»l ImplatiueaU,sad fieeh aad prlus tiatda a sadField bsods, Ac., which asugar fut - .\u2666 va outasasl eccotnmodaAUsi( t«tu_i.

tiEOROE WATT A CO..Oas aqaars bslow Exchauita Hotel,*?« Hlenmi'ud. Vs..L'lHAi OP fIlk. »__A_stTV. "****

Fl*-iMBtJTTBR,FBBaHKtßtrT ,rbB £ TTKI>I At^hp'^iT^^rT.^lVo"'

BTBAMBOAT-J, SRIPPIn'o 4-; l£fi^^ N ':V'^-.^^»;.^';\u25a0"\u25a0B Mi 1r i"T»ai \u25a0 , j ? ~ M, M.i.r:. I--.- v. 1 ' \u25a0'. sei *'.->? V- , la-1 \u25a0 r ~,,. ~..

_B I ' \u25a0 ' l>r'Wro , .;. 1, 't ll' '>!. trVMAKF, l«at i» l *a«, ..f»AI a:.V>\u25a0\u25a0 'li "? _o'i « « \u25a0 \u25a0- ? .y,arri-e at -M.; rsl ? Wbsrf.ai


_* 'V s Jru .Th" rßftl 1 Io vV '\u25a0 ' - .

from b- tow aae «.» >...r -~- c lbs a.- ?\u25a0?.? W barf

Pasaasel liroveoi -- as\u25a0

\u2713 \u25a0*' ' '"' "*' "' < <f a-a ..Ifort - 1.w*B A N OJ . . \u25a0ETBA.B - V.Jbcs IADINB 1 HI, ? * - ' ..1 s 1 '1 A-_ *\u25a0\u25a0 ;\u25a0 Sataraay, ....; North Suaat. ' "j

?Ai." . -;First Cabis., . -' l . '\u25a0 J \u25a0?? t D Ira"ti>»»rig* Ret oral

P? - . 1 Is >\u25a0. -I taili. hltßl.tj. i . , . .1 -.


.-.«? forkCabta.F" - - -j Tbsse « ism re 1I for i

1 ? ..' ,:.? -\u25a0

j SH* ' .. -1 ..\u25a0

It Ipry 17?Is W I

_______!__!__ ' '... w jTHC. ' . ' ri'KPAI \u25a0h--,t ii r.t;.- 1ANT. 1r: Taos : . . -I 11, II t OLIVIA.I-nt. U. W'? A«. H 1 ?-. ?- - 'I bycaiIlys* advsr.issd. "Tor '1

1. \ . ,?" _

Dills no'; .J-*-t TT.T f,?

'H : . \u25a0\u25a0?\u25a0; \u25a0 ?ol lii- :-

to 1bi -»- irbo , .sp -§sjr_-. iinuii, .n (lltm*f:r- -? -i **iJZY'r***£v i -\u25a0"

isr, ; \u25a0 - \u25a0 1.: : 1, ?? 1 .j abs<Jwu

\u25a0'i ' ' 1 - \u25a0 ? I SO\u25a0

irbe !\u25a0 \u25a0,- . ' . 11 »to thi-'1 1 \u25a0 1 ? . . . , . .

111-- -- ? .j- ' ... 1 \u25a0 N'oitl \u25a0!-those « \u25a0*?:.-. !\u25a0\u25a0 <.-??? ? -? ?

1iboae t i.- ??\u25a0. 1 >?\u25a0*. t si Itract) ~ : ......pain.

m§f OBos oa Mala sti

AVOlii__ q ... tt. JFttAYKI H......i£m ' ' \ .! rili-rs . \u25a0- . I. . den t. 1 r , -.- -St. oil ~ t 1 \u25a0

I( omhs ..be day,

1' \u25a0 .....,---1 sd others c

\u25a0? imp .1

J. W PRA\ -XX.\u25a0 . \u25a0? -%__) I'll!! A PCI . .*\u25a0'\u25a0rT '' "? _"'?

1 ;?\u25a0 . -


'/ iOH.t VI

» f MjasifiaTus. MKDH " ....

ARTIIi Kb, i. .

S| »_ t. pgi i, mi,,v t. ._Tw. r v'' IsI\u25a0

.0 I \u25a0 / ..i . ... w»oa,;


bt. 1 ii-- \u25a0, Mai\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ' ?'

> ? in thatr Irsshsesa, pari .\u25a0 aad amPhj is n \u25a0 f.j.i hia -, ens-*.:,1 1 . .! '\u25a0 . \u25a0 . . 'i- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0~ Ip I i). rsr»fr. ? ? Bligbie>* orderspremptiysttei I 1) o« S 's gOBT '.- ¥\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ?'

__jt i) it« H.'... 1. ton a « «?, tL_9 \u25a0 OLKMAI.K UKIff '- urn ??' M_ sAJA Oeai-rs :u .>\u25a0.,

1 .'laali' |. VA

r. ? . - '\u25a0 I.. r line. \u25a0Isnd others very low faroaeb, oroa hasteIP ?.!\u25a0?:' Bl CI 1....1 .t.vioji >uiu aad\u25a0 \u25a0. HtiM-ll,l>\ UI Jylt.l>r.««.

\> HUMt ..a .£_h PMABBtSHU 'm al Fttouri v-Mli»s ami travelers - - -ii"o El stia v. ~ \u25a0 . .. 1 -t. ii*-flr-' lllln. ItJ 1 I'! la'u. 1y .eir.l Waiters, le It led aWares sad Iall of ths bast aaailts j c IJ

lit ". 1 tt . ci-; asr .ai 1-?*? is

* .j Jos. Itli LA iiiLi .«:;\u25a0/ pj R E M 1Wf OR IDVATE '-:-' PH

\u25a0StiaaadFlrM tkreett, Supah aMi.an. -.

M*nafsi''iir*rof sad D« ?MEDK 1NE..1 I 1axpru r . 1 pb'i - ? All uewav.:aad Pitar



i: ? \u25a0 ' .Kissiu 1 1 i Lai- il*i

Is. I '-B* Bl 1 I '.' .is.

Mi-.ii._i Bracdv Wise. I.'iavorii.r Extrsi -.'>?\u25a0

sad ..t as c ...,m f. r. siiksr gorth \u25a0 r b«oih

X_f W PKTKKS'.N *' - ,Weo'. '-»» -J_W ilK.iiali ~.o>r- ?

Logvood. Bi. I - \u25a0robaeco, .caff, I .pstrs, - \u25a0\u25a0 -..A. --..»-:- IS, J -r

_iuc piAiut, Llaseed till, Colors, Pari Iut on. LasdOli. Csstoi lv. T..-J.IA i- ?

I sue the kil-altoa 'I tam.t.i, to ia»d, toaa 1 BsailaaHsß si ta' variriy.iii pute, w .tol satpa»«»4 is this « *""bsractiy.g«_ri'*dkr* promptly attss-isd ts.Ist* Bs-BKlata, W» B "\u25a0"_ '"aJ A. I.UIHkHHK).. t! fWiM. DKi"i.'i:sTt, 8... 1" "*ai»

j\g ues: uld Matkst.R - \- -AJA ea has 1* _-?«r»! ass ivtmest \u25a0 l-1 Relaes.Cl ißloaAa.Olla. Psiata, WlsdeePni'.ir, _'_:_ut Mcd ,_-.alibiada, ji.i.ia.r hyp: itit. . i;- \u25a0\u25a0- ?"

' ?ohol.bospa.Perfatpery. ra.ci a . />aa«V A*tls-?Baad Tobaoev, l laaf. »»MadlclßSi l.lqliors,AC __~I Pre.cripll ._ pict-e.-d at all boors. WiW

I sere, by msmber*of tb* s.rii, a .Phv..A-l»B«' order* »r-, e 'he c. tsltr SS1promptly, end tba «-»i rsllabla uiedwess^'ji Bishad

?M, A.StU «. OIVIaIaIIUi ItIMWIH ,r Wot tba cats oi Pyaaaury, 1»..r.la lha Bowel*. Chottra, aad bammiwunchiidt-ti I a warrant*! RV f;_.l_\ Aneßsctaal. rersale. by - V» Ma\

mv t """": '\i *TiTiinrt.tv « 1111 Kl.: \i>Tl Lead. WSits -tor. and alt kinds of I »?»sra Coloib. dry aed rftousd is all * ' **.* *'A. BOi.'sßßli * v*'-'. ,

my 14 Mala stie*t, asat tb* oid *****\u2666?
