LOCAL MENTION. The Wmthfr. fohtcakt tti.l eight a.m. stnn>AT. For the District of Columbia. Maryland and Virginia, colder; northerly winds; threatening Weather and rain. Sei.li* Blt shuts her eye When she goes to sleep; Taken a coaline powder in the morn When her eyes begin to peep. Attentioh House Kbepebs..Round steak, 10c.; sirloin steak, 14c.; P. H. steak. 15c.; rib roast, 12c.; chuck roast. 8c.; soup meat, Sc.; corn beef, 6c.; lard, 3 lbs. for 25c.; pork, 10c. per lb.; corn pork, 10c. per lb.; corn shoulder. 8c. per lb.; sugar-cared shoulder. 8c.; sugar- eared hams, liljxj'c.; sausages. 10c. per lb.; creamery batter. 30c. per lb.; fresh country eggs. 15c. per doz.; four year* old rye whisky, 76c. qt; seven year* old whisky, $1 qt For cash only,'at Frank P. Dalit's, Cor. 2d and F eta. n.w. Thompson's Dbuo Store, , Dapont circle, Xa the place for '-west end" people to buy drags, fine perfumes, sponges, toilet requisites, <kc., Ac., as the prices are as low as down town. "Treea" stops falling hair: makes it grow in. fiL Druggists, or Yucca Co., Burlington, Yt Northeast Washinoton Real Estate.. Among the many handsome residences now be¬ ing erected at reasonable cost in the northeast ¦ection none are more elegant or desirable than the twentv-fonr houses in course of con¬ struction at 7th and F. and 7th and F streets northeast. These houses are owned and built by Mr. Buckingham, who is always on the ground ready to deal with prospective home purchasers. The houses have six and eight rooms. Intending purchasers should inspect the ftbove premises before purchasing elsewhere. New Outino Cloths, 10. 12'^c. Now ging¬ hams and satteens. plaid muslins and India linens, 5c. up. A big redaction on our winter goods. Johnson, Garner A Co. 636 Pa. ave. near 7th si Don't Fail to see the latest for comfort and be auty of the feet Dr. J. J. Gkoboes A Son. Parlors, 1115 Pa. ave. Banks and Insurance Companies are using Leon Isaacs' glucicuni pens, for which Chap¬ man A Taylor are sole agents for the District. Have You 8een those elegant frames Esta- BXOuk is giving with each dozen cabinet*. Wurdeman A Co. call your attention to the reduced prices at which they are selling their own make of furniture. Also that they do every description of upholstery, decorating, cabinet making, and guarantee all work. Moth exterminators. Wurdeman A Co., 610 12th street northwest, three doors north of F street. A>w*rnx Opera Glasses. IIempler's, cor. 4>% I.aces. Handkerchiefs and Notions. Wor¬ sted goods at cost. A K. Delano, 1205 F st. 500 Rolls of the best ten-wire tapestry Brus¬ sels carpets, made and laid, only 65c. per yard; former price £1 pec y»r L Wash. B. Williams, 315 and 317 7th st. n.w. Boast Bee*..John R. Kelly will have at bis stalls all ne-.t week, 9th street wing of the Center market, also at the Northern Lib¬ erty market. 5th and K streets, a grand sup¬ ply of beef from Fauquier county. Va. The cattle were fed by Mr. Joshua Fletcher. The farm is on the Alexandria turnpike. 50 miles from Alexandria and 6 miles from Ashpy's Cap in the Blue Ridge mountains, the finest bine grass country hi the world. Mr. Fletcher is one of the largest handlers and grazers of cattle in Virginia. lie grazed the lot of cattle that brought the highest price in the state last Cir and was sold to N. Lehman A Brother of ltimore and exported to England. The meat of cattle fed and grazed in this blue grazed grass country is always superior to any other in flavor and quality, ana always com¬ mands the highest price. The Cheapest Fcel in the market is Wash¬ ington gas light company's coke. Johnson Bros.. Exclusive Agenta. Attention. House Keepers! Porter house steak. 15c. lb. Birloin steak, 13c. lb. Bound steak, 10c. lb. Prime rib roasts, 10 and 12c. lb. Roup meat. 5c. lb. Corned beef. 5c. lb. Pork ant? sausage. 10c. lb. For castfe only, at the Home Market, cor. 11th and I sts. n.w. F. G. Alexander. Before Tor Bur yonr carpets and furniture lit W. H. Hoeke's stock and get his prices. Chas. A. Muddiman. BEDLCTION IN LAMPS. Finest assortment in the city, an endless Tariety and too many prices to enumerate. Jast now we make a special low price on all Oar handsome lamps; must make room for more gas stoves. Want the space; 100 lamps mast go. Come snd get first choice. Chas. A. Mcddiman. 1206 F street Visit the Empire Carpet Cleaning Works, GS1-635 Mass. ave. n.w. Telephone 787-2. W. B. Moses A Sons Wish the public to know that they have two rooms 50x100 feet each in which they design and execute the finest cabinet work and give Xcial attention to repairing old furni- e. Their upholstery shop is also 50x100 feet. It is ran in a thoroughly systematic manner, bo that they are enabled to upholster and recover furniture, u>ing nothing but best labor and materials, at the same price as you would pay for ordinary work. In this room there is a moth exterminator for renovating furniture. All old furniture should go througn this apparatus before being reup- holsteri d. It is the only sure method of eradicating the moth and its eggs. No damage done to the finest fabrics or frames. Their finishing shop is complete, and their finishers are thorough and experienced. Goods taken on storage in 1106 F st They have a thoroughly competent force of furniture packers and movers and have packing materials for sale. W. B. Moses A Sons. F and 11th sts. n.w. Furniture, carpet*. upholstery goods, bed¬ ding, wall papers and fresco decorations. Bt\ ^ot-R Coal. Coke and Wood from John¬ son Buothjuu, the leading iinu in the Dis¬ trict W. S. Ft'iter. florist. 1425 Ta. ave. n.w. Beware of Pneumonia..Use at once Baker's Pubk Cod Liver Oil or Baker's Emulsion. The genuine only. Of druggists. James B. Henderson, wall paper, window ¦hades. Ac. 923 F n.w. Telephone call 054-3 Genuine Calf's-foot Jelly made especially f«r invalids. JarviV, 4jr, 8th street Fob Wall Paper and Wind, w .shades go to B. W. Henderson, 1113 F st. n.w. Brr Yoru Coal. Coke and Wood of Forres Dodge, office 1214 31st st, telephone 956.2. CITY ANDJMSTRICT. AMUSEMKNTS TONIGHT. Albauoh's.."La Tosca." National.."The Oolah." Harris' Bijou.."The Fakir." Eil ian's..Rcntz-Santley Barlesqae. WlEtAUD Hall..Carpenter's Mesmerism. CONDENSED LOCALS. Mrs. Chas. B. Fondi of Capitol Hill met with a verv painful accident on Thursday evening. Vailing from her bicycle she dislocated her arm at the elbow. Drs. Dunn and J. Ford Thomp¬ son were called in and their patient is doing as well as can be expected. In the Criminal Court. Chief Justice Bing¬ ham, a colored man. James Snowden. was ac¬ quitted vest, rday of a charge of writing policy .appealed from the Police Court. Petitions have been tiled and writs issaed by ladgu Cox in the ca-M* of M>°nie Johnson and Barah Tnrpin, alleged lunatics. James Maher was placed on trial in the Criminal Court yesterday afternoon for larceny from the United States monkey wrenches from the navy yard;, bat the trial was not concluded and went over till Monday. Yesterday a dead inf*it (colored) was foand in the alley between Trumbull and Pomeroy streets near the Freeduiaa's hospital. A dead iufaut (colored) was found in Rock creek near the K street bridge yesterday after- In the hall of Friendship lodge. No. 11 LO. O. F.. Thursday evening. Past Grand Master James A. Watt was presented on behalf of the lodge with a past grand Boaster's Jewel and collar. Lizzie Peterson and Eva White were fined . 106 each in the Police Court to-day for keep- ing on lice used bars. Practical Intellioencb and Wisdom.. Throe hundred and fifty students have entered the various departments of S pence nan Busi¬ ness College since the fall opening. Cituens more and more realize that this is the sorest and most permanent provision for the success to ]Its of their sons andflaogutersk * AM1SKM KNTS. Albauok's.Wtkdham Comtavy..On Mon- Mr. Chas. Wyndham, assisted by Him Mar? Moore and hia London Criterion company, will begin an engagement of one week at Albaugh's. The opening play* will be "David Uarrick" and '.The Household Fairy." which will be pre¬ sented on Monday, Tuesday and Friday even¬ ings and Satardav matinee, Mr. Wyndham appearing aa Datta Garricic and Miss Moure as Aiia lnnot. "The Candidate.'' a new comedy by Justin McCarthy. M.P., will be given for the first time here on Wednesday, Thursday end Saturday evenings, with Mr. Wvndham in the character of Lord Oidacre and Misa Moore as Lady Ikrrothy. Habbis'."A Royal Pass.".Geo. C. Staley, a star of much popularity in the west, will make his first appearance in Washington on Monday nest at Harris' Bijou theater in "A Royal Pass." a drama dealing with Russian plots and Siberian exile. Mr. Stnley has been warmly praised for his work in this play and the company is generally indorsed as a good one The play will be staged in exceptionally good style, ali the scenery and properties being carried by the company. Usual prices and matinees. Kkbna.n's..Hyde's star specialty com¬ pany, direct from Hyde andliehman's thea¬ ter, Brooklyn, will appear at Kernan's next week, Ihe company is headed by the Clipper ?,U"r.lw, lnclude'1 ^ olio Mclntvre and Heath. Helene Mora, female baritone.' Fields ri .u UD80?'. mas!cal giants; James McA voy, Ldith Sinclair and Ed. Favor, sketch artists; ttuerr and Whatkin, character artists; and' others. The bill conclude! with "Wuv Down South, a picture of southern life before the war. Bischoff Cornsk..The third concert of the Bischoff course will begin at Congregational church Monday night. Tim concert will be a piano recital by the eminent, charming artist. Miss Neally Stevens, and she will be assisted in vocal numbers by Miss Nellie Wilson, so- pruno. Tickets at Ellis'. Stoddabd Lectebf.s..Probably no enter¬ tainments of the coming week will awaken more interest than the three Stoddard lectures at Congregational church. On Tuesday and Wednesday evenings Mr. Stoddard will give the first lecture each in courses A and B, hav¬ ing for his subject "The Rh;ne." The lecturer is an enthusiast on this subject and ho will not find it diilicult to impart his sentiments to his hearers, especially when he is able to repro¬ duce its beauty almost with the effect of actual presence. Mr. Stoddard on Saturday evening will give the first ot his two illustrated lectures on the career of Napoleon. Holders of tickets for course B series will hear this lecture on the following Tuesday evening. ^ illabd H all..The ni'jsmcric mysteries of Prof. Carpenter at Willard hall will continue every night next woek. and the fun goes on as usual. Prof. Carpenter is not a funny man time 110 naalte* P°°Plti hiugh all the Tub Chobal Society Coxcebts..The sale of season tickets for the concei ts of the Choral society began at Metzerott's this morning and will be continued through next week, no tick¬ ets for single concerts being on sale before * ebruary 10. Much interest is being manifested in the oratorio "Armiuius." which will bo given at the first concert. Of the soloists both Mr. Lawton and Mr. Prehn have sung the music elsewhere with great success, and Miss Ed¬ munds studied the part with Mr. B. J. Lang, the well-known organist and teacher of Hoston. and in his opinion it is the best thing she dot's. ® The Landon Divorce Case. In the divorce case of Kate J. Landon against Georjfe W. Landon, the defendant has filed his answer denying the charges of infidelity and abandonment, but admits that ho has not lived with complainant since the time stated by her and says that it is not his purpose or intention to live with her or support her. A Bootblack's Claim Disallowed. James Wilkerson. who is bettor known as "one-leg Jim the bootblack," was sadly dis¬ appointed when his counsel, Mr. Carrington, showed him a letter from Adjutant General Hastings of the Pennsylvania militia disallow¬ ing his claim for damages against the »tate militia. '.Shine 'em up gentlemen?" inquired Jim when some of Pennsylvania's defenders came ilong during the Harrison inauguration season. Une of the soldiers had his muddv shoes blacked and Jim asked for a nickel 'for the service. Instead of paying Jim they jumped apon him and kicked and beat him so badly that he carried his head in a bundle of rags for a long time. Jim wants to take "an appeal' Marriage Licenses. Marriage licenses have been issued by the clerk of the court to R. C. Upperman and Daisy E. Marshall; Howard Sulser and Kate Shilling; b rauK C. Bates and Laura J. Bolar; Chas. S. Capehart and Etta E. Oliver, both of'Pittsburg! Pa.; tt.H. Brown and Mary B. Stannard. Sent to the Kcforin School. Tommio Duffy and W.llie Hall, thirteen-year- >ld colored boys, were in the Police Court yes¬ terday charged with larceny. They were on Louisiana avenue near .the market yesterday ind one of them stole a pocket book containing f 2. Each charged the other with having taken the pocket book, and they were sentenced to liio reform school. Real Estate Matters. Geo. J. Johnson has bought of W. A. Gordon st _aL for f5,233.75 lots 1.17 to 20, square 1095, fronting 286 feet 2 inches on 18th between East Capitol and A streets northeast. The deed of the Thirteenth-street Baptist church property to E. M. Gallaudet for $36,000, of the property on the east side of 13th street above G street was placed on record yesterday F.H. Smith has bought of W. Dauenhower et al. for *4.500 sub 174. square 444. 17 bv 72.50 leet on R between Marionandfcth streets'north- west 1I.R-®-HUl has bought for $16,500 of J. L Iiesk, II sub A. square 210, front.n* 40 feet on Khode Island avenue between 14th and 15th streets northwest. 6ifi1i« M; K.«ut ha?bought of AA- H*ycs for 930.000 sub 28 and part of adjoining snb square ljtf. fronting feet on Khoda Island avenue between 17th street and Connecticut avenue northwest. W riKllt 4 Stocketthare recently made the following rial estate sales: For Jacob Jones, a block of six houses on 3d street northeast aggregating *21.800; No. 701 B street northeast, Hale for *5.000; live lots in square for *2,475.20; three lots in iiUi'i^i'j L°r Partelio and others for ' e lots i" square 8C1 to J B Williamson for $5,700. For J. H. Walter and ^e.r-S,\ ,la fect of Srou'iJ >n square 1J37 for v2n.bj9. Jo; lot 21 in square 177 for *3,100- lot 7o in square 363 for *4.800; lots 30. 31 and 3"' in square 0J6 for $4,500; lot on Massachusetts avenue near loth northeast for $J,032- lots in squaie 10% for $2,374.35. ' °Geor«e Bauersch:nidt brewing company of Baltimore has bought for $8.7u> of J. iLrrv k* 14 ftl,d 15' C2«, 45 by 126 "lde 01 avenue wtf? i F stree,» northwest. of i m v .ln Job?*ou hli* ho,1sht for $6,510.05 4M "1bS ^ *Bd 8414,111square 435, 41 leet 8 inches by 125 feet, on iU between b and F streets southwest. Olllcers for the Year. At a regular meeting January 22 1890 Capitol council. No. 320, Royal Arcanum, hu installed the following officers for this year: Re^tnt, Chas. L. Heilbrun; vice regent, Chas. H. Voss; chaplain. H Hirich; warden, Sidney Cohen; sentry, I. Kaufman; guide, E. A fcchwarz; orator, J. Baumxurtexi; treasurer, J Brock; collector. A. Brunn; secretary M STri. omS.?: 1»".*. * ***** Not in Favor of Kmigratlng. At a meeting of the colored people of Garfield, D.C.. held in the A. M. E. church at that place Thursday night, to take into consideration -the African emigration bills now before Congress." resolutions were adopted denouncing colored men who were eucouraging emigration schemes and expressing disapproval ot Bishop Turner's remarks and approval of Senator IngaUs' speech. WlllsViledT The will of the late Elizabeth Jones has been filed. 8he leaves property on Franklin street to Alice Dounman: directs that 827 23d streej be sold and the proceeds divided be¬ tween Mrs. Fanny Ames of Freedom. McL, and ,Ent«r. »nd *ft«r a small bequest The will or the late Ada C. Adams leaves a large number of Uquesu to neoh«w//n^ nieces and directs her real estate be ^Td !!d divided betweenpertain relafavi A Charge of Kmbezzlement. James C. West, who was formerly employed ae an agent for the National Union benefit as¬ sociation. was arrested Thwsday on a charm of embezzling #1 of the fnnds of the Meociatioi which.he received, it U alleged, while he was ooUeetor. It is alleged that this is onlv one of asany similar transactions. ThJT wee tried tn the Polled Court vesterdav and Missi.' irss WHEELMEN AT A BANQUET. The Annual Dinner of the Capital Bicy¬ cle Club. A combination gathering of wheelmen and oarsmen eat down to the eleventh annual ban¬ quet of the Capital bicycle clnb last night at the comfortable clnb house on 15th street. The former were ont in force, arrayed in clnb uniforms and dress sai ts and they went at the feast of good things with a zest. The oarsmen belonged to the Analostan boat clnb. the mem¬ bers of which were made honorary members of the Capital last fall pending the rebuilding of the boat house. There were sixty-two covers. The second act of the feiwt wan under the care of Mr. Henry W. Olds as toast master, who managed to find valid excuses for the follow¬ ing toasts: "The President's message," Edson B. Olds; "Dry toast," Charles Richards Dodge; "Whist or bumble-puppy." James Q. Rice; "A C.Bi.C.,A-B-C," Clarence O. Allen; "The chain gang," Thomas H. Went worth, ir.; "La grippe." Dr. Gabriel F. Johnson; "Mounts and dis¬ mounts." Thomas C. Tipton. Dr. Johnson be¬ ing ill himself with the grip, his remarks were read by Capt. Low. Mr. Hub T. Smith sang several of his own inimitable songs. Tho table was graced with a large basket of magnificent roses, the gift of the Analostan boat club. TWO WOMAN'S CONVENTIONS. One That Will Take Issue With the Church as an Knemy of Woman's Cause. The woman suffragist convention is to be held hero, as stated tn Thk Stab, during the third week of February. A week later those of the advocates of female freedom who believe that they are oppressed and denied their poli- tical rights more through tho infiuonce of the church than through that of the politicians, "the mean masculine politicians," will hold a convention at Willard hall and see what they can do to take themselves and their sinter citi¬ zens out of the power of the church. It is un¬ certain how many of the woman suffragists rill join this movement, and those who do not will oppose it, as a rule. The object of this movement to throw off tho yoke of the church is not, the women who are promoting it declare, antagonistic to Christianity, but merely to church dogmas and "church tyranny," which place women in a secondary station to man. They say these dogmas are of man and not of Ood. and maintain that the rea¬ son the movement for woman's poli¬ tical freedom has been a failure is because the influence of the church has been directed against it. Prof. Elliot Coues has championed the cause of these new crusaders against crceds. He is not taking a very active part, but he gives them the benefit of his indorsement and such assistance as he can find time to give. Miss Anthony is conservative and does not give the movement her approval at all and Miss Willard is not willing to strike the "Christian" out of her Woman's Christian temperance union. DISTRICT GOVERNMENT. DISTRICT WHARF PRIVILEGES. Several days ago the Commissioners wrote to Attorney Hazelton requesting information as to how long the Commissioners could lease wharf privileges and what was their general power over the river front. In his report upon the questions submitted Attorney Hazelton, after quoting decisions and laws sustaining the authority of the Commissioners in the premises, says: "As there is no statute in this District limiting the terms of a lease or license in this class of cases to any particular period of time I am of the opinion that it is wholly within the discretion of the Commissioners to fix the U rm of any proposed lease or license for wharfage." THE PROPOSED BOULEVARD. Recently Mr. Joseph Paul in a letter to Capt. Rossell submitted several suggestions relative to the subdivisions of land on the District line. He suggested that in such sub¬ divisions the parties owning tho land be required to donate sufficient land to make an avenue along said line for a dividing line between ilie District and state of Maryland. Capt. Rossell thinks the suggestion a good ono aud will recommend in the laying out of streets that his scheme be regarded as a part of the present system, the boulevard to be known as north boulevard, south boulevard, east boulevard and west boulevard, and that provisions be made for open plats iu the form of semi-circles along the said line that would call attention to the pro¬ posed boulevard in Capt. Mahan's plan for the extension of streets, which was submitted when that officer was assistant to the Engineer Com¬ missioner, which he considers a good one MISCELLANEOUS. The Commissioners have written a letter to Senator lugalls stating that they heartily ap¬ prove the bill to establish an inebriate asylum in the District of Columeia. The Commissioners hold that the plumbers who paid money to Permit Clerk McDevitt will be required to make a deposit of the amount due for repairing cuts before any more per¬ mits are grunted to them. Washington Produce Market. Unpropitious weather has seriously affected the tone of the market. Poultry has fullen off 3 to 5 cents, turkeys, choice drawn, small, 12a 14; large, 10al2; live, 10; chickens, dressed or live, 10al2; old fowls, 9al0; ducks, dressed, 10a 12, live, 'JalO; geese, 8al0. Butter.receipts ample and priccs dull.fancy creamery prj^b, 2Ha30; best western dairy, 18u20; chorce dairy packed Virginia aud Maryland, 18a20; choice roll, 15al7. Egg murket demoralized on account of large receipts and slow buyers, nenrby 12a 13; ice house. 8. Hay market is very dull. Mill feed in liberal supply. Market is firmer on good grades of potatoes. Good sound apples in demand. The Central Union Mlsson. A movement has been started by the central union misson for the erection of a building for the exclusive use of the misson. The present quarters have prooved to be entirely too small, It will be necessary to raise a large sum of money and the managers feel confident that it can be done. Next Saturday night a mass meeting will be held, when the new building will be discussed aud it is hoped that the movement will be inaugurated. The Amlres-Doerner Concert. Tho duo concert by Messrs. Andres and Doerner, pianists, at Universalist church Thursday night, filled the house. It was their first appearance in Washington and the audience was very favorably impressed, al- though the selectious were too classical for the general taste. The Zigeuner, Polka (Conradi- List) aud Gavotte and Musette, op. 20 (Raff), were given w.th great brilliaucy aud spirit and were the gems of the program. Held for the Grand Jury. A negro named Charles Martin was held in $200 bail for the grand jury in the Police Court yesterday on a charge of cutting Tobe Williams in the stomach. The cutting oc- currcd iu Steve Wall's place, corner of 11th and Q streets. Giving Talbert Time. Perry Talbert, who keeps a saloon on H street northeast, was before the Police Court yes¬ terday charged with keeping an unlicensed bar. Talbert held a receipt for $100, which he deposited at the office of the Commissioners three months ago. He said ho had the signa¬ tures of a sufficient number of property owners and house keepers approving his application. Tho application, it is alleged, was mislaid or lost at the Commissioners' office. The judge continued the case, giving Talbert time to re¬ new his application. Mr. Edwabd T. Kaiser, for a long time with Mr. R. O. Holtzman, has opened an office on his own account, as real estate, loan and insur¬ ance broker, in the Atlantic Building. His wide circle of acquaintances and excellent busi¬ ness training and experience will stand Mr. Kaiser in good stead in his new undertaking, in which he can hardly fail of success. Upright Pianos for rent F. G. Smith, 1335 Pa. are..AUvC. Thk Attention of those interested in real estate, either as buyers or sillers, is directed to the card of Mr. John B. Wight in another column of today's paper. Mr. Wight com¬ mences a business career under most encour¬ aging auspices, having the esteem and good wishes of a large circle of friends, and means to win, as he hopes to deserve, a large measure of i A Labgk Brick Stable, on lot 30x45, will be .old on Monday next at 6 o'clock p.m.: situated between O ana P and 16th and 17th streets northwest Bee advertisement * Palack Oboaks.new steles.sold on t5 pay¬ ments. F. O. Smith, 1325 Pa. ave..AdvC Among the passenger* an the Bothnia at New York was Sister Rose Gertrude, who to bound for Molokai, the leper toland la the South Pacific, where It to her purpose to take up the work laid down by the late Father Da- main in ministering to the wants of theaflUcted inhabitants. HOW TARSI*EY ILLUSTRATED IT. lie Says He Hm Found . Missouri Pre¬ cedent for Mr. Reed'* Ruling. Tarsney. the new Representative in CongreM from Missouri, is proving one of the greatest wags in the House. He is fuller of stories, jokes.practical and oral.and general wit and good humor than even his brother, who was in the last House, lie is a heavy-set man. with * big head and overhanging brows, which give him a serious expression. He moves among the other members a great deal, never staying long in one place. He stops for a moment near a group of members and then passes on with a solemn look and manner.whilo the group is left in a most mirthful mood. During the hottest of the fight in the House Thursday, after Mc- Kinley bad been quoting bad precedence on the democrats, Tarsney walked up to a repub¬ lican 111 a solemn und confidential manner and said: "I guess your Sp< uker must be right in his ruling; there is precedence for it" '.What is it?" asked the eager republican. "Wnv," said the Missouri member, "some vears ago the Missouri legislature had an able Irishman for a speaker. There was a measure that was very popular with the speaker, but which had little support ou the tloor. The speaker was anxious to get it through the as- Humbly and one day he got it up for a vote. " 'All those in favour of the bill will please say yes when their names air culled,1 he said. Half a dozen men responded. 'Those aginst it will say naw.' Nearly a hundred men voted no. 'The yeas have it!' the speaker declared. Then there was a tumult.like this.aud several members appealed from the decision of the chair. " 'It's appals ye does.' cried the speaker; 'thin ov will pot the question. All in favor of appalin' from the chair will say yes." Nearly the whole bouse responded. . Those opposed say naw!' About six mon voted no. "Tne chair looked at the house for a moment and then spoke: 'It takes two-thirds ov yez to appal from the chair, and it is the opinion ov tfie chair that there aren't two-thirds ov yez present at all. The bill is passed.' " Transfers of Real Estate. Deeds in tee have been filed as follows: J. W. Keyaer to Henry Kcuter, lot 125, Long Meadows; 8.. J. Henry Gulick to 8. T. G. Morsell, sub 22. sq. 833; $.. Annie M. Carpen¬ ter et al to James F. Dartt. part of Girls' Por- tion, 6.08 acres; $3,040. Jeanuie A. C. Prentiss to Pi. J. Earnshaw, part 7, sq. 871; $100. I. 8. Lyon to Jos. H. Aukward, lot 13, sq. 637; «1,289.GO. W. J. Fitzgerald to Theodore Balts- ter, sub A. sq. 638; £1.350. J. H. C. Wilson to Hallie W. Curtis, sub 32. sq. 1057; $851.75. Mary F. Burrows to llobt. W. Pherson, pt 249, B. A H.'s ad to W.W.; *1,100. M. llenz to L. J. Williamson, sub 53. sq. 926; $3,250. Jennie Marche to David Lescallet, sub 49. sq. 896; $3,800. J. T. Given et al. to T. B. Ferguson, lot 10, sq. 212; $.. Emma M. Gillett to 11. J. Jackson, sub 25, sq 1058; $1,050. Mary F. Hoff- man et al. to E. B. Hay, parts 8 and 9, sq. 399; $466.66. L. Taylor to Isaac Frohman. part Fletchall's Chance; . II. C. Borden to (*. J, Johnson. 7 to 10, sq. 1141; $.. Lots 7 to 14, sq. 1144; $.. C. A. McEuen to G. J. Johnson, lots 12 and 14, sq. 1136; $.. 3 to 6, sq. 1133; 6 to 8, sq. 1143; $.. F. J. Dieudonue to H. C. Borden, lot 1, sq. 1076; $3,380. II. C. Borden to W. P. Lyons, lot 1, sq. 1076; $3,380.10. GEORGETOWN. Death or an Estimable Lady..Mrs. Hen¬ rietta King, the wife of William H. King, the well-known wood aud coal merchant, died at 2:30 o'clock this morning at the family home, 3114 N street, of heart failure, from which she had long been a sufferer. The deceased was a most kind-hearted and charitable lady und was highly esteemed. By her death the poor of Georgetown lose a valued friend. The funeral will take place from the family residence at 3 o'clock Monday afternoon. I Tue Fcnkb.'.l of Mrs. Eastmond Tile, whoso death occurred yestei day at her residence, No. 3015 Q street, will take place Monday after¬ noon. Interment at Bock Creek. Personal..Mr. Harry Craig is confined to bis residence on O street by illness. Ex- Commissiouer Dent, who has been quite ill at bis residence on the heights, is con¬ valescent. Mr. I'rank Miller of the firm of J. McL. Dodson A Co., real estate agents, is rapidly recovering from a spell of illness. Mr. Wm. G. Steam, who went to California a few weeks ago on a business trip, has returned home. ' Tempsuatcbe and Coxditio* or Water at 7 A.M..Great Falls.temperature, 47; condi¬ tion. 36. Receiving reservoir.temperature, 43; condition at north connection. 36; condition at south connection, 36. Distributing reservoir- temperature, 45; condition, 36. As Awful Sore Limb. SKIN ENTIRELY GONE. FLESH A MASS OF DIS¬ EASE. LEO DIMINISHED ONE-THIRD IN SIZE. CONDITION HOPELESS. CURED BY THE CUTICURA REMEDIES IN TWO MONTHS. CURED BY CUTICURA. For throe years I waa almost crippled with an awful sore leg frotu my knee down to my ankle: the akin was entirely gone, and the flesh was one mass of disease. Some physicians pronounced it incurable. It had diminished about one-third the size of the other, and I was in a hopeless condition. After trying all kinds of remedies and spending hundreds of dollars, from which I «nt no relief wha'ever, I was persuaded to try your CUTICURA REMEDIES, and the result waa as follows: Af:er three days I noticed a decided change for the better, and at the end of two months I was completely cured. My flesh was pun fled, slid the hone (which had been exposed for over a year) got sound. The flesh began to grow, and today, aud for ueaily two years past, my leg is as well as ever it was, sound in every respect, aud not a sign of the disease to be seen. b. U Alll. 1.N, Dubois, Dodge county, Ua. SKIN DISEASE 17 YEARS. I have been troubled with a skin and scalp disease for seveuteen years. My head at times was one run- Iilnif sore and my bodv was covered with them as large as a half dollar. I tried a great many remedies with¬ out effect until 1 used the CUTICURA REMEDIES, aud am tlnukful to atate that after two months of their use 1 am entirely cured. L. R. McDowell, Jamesburg, N.J. The CUTICURA, CUTICURA RESOLVENT and CUTICURA SOAP have brought about a marvelous cure of a skin disease on my little son, eight years old, after sll remedies and doctors failed. ED N. BROWN, 720 N. 10th at, Omaha, Neb. CUTICURA RESOLVENT, The new Blood and Skin Purifier aud purest and best ot Humor Remedies, internally, und CUTICURA, the irreat Skin Cure, andCUTICUKA TiOAP, au exquisite Skin Beautifier, externally, cure ever y disease and humor ot the skiu, acalp and biood, with loss of hair, front pimples to scrofula . Sold everywhere. Price, CUTICURA, f>Oc.;SOAP, 25c.: RESOLVENT, «1. Prepared by the POTTER DRUO AND CHEMICAL CORPORATION. Boston. tysend for "How to Cure bkin Diseases," U4 pages, 50 illustrationa and 100 testimonials. PIMPLES, black-heads, red, rough, chapped and *>iiy akin prevented by CUTICURA SOAP. HOW MY BACK ACHE81 Back Ache, Kidney Pains and Weakness, Soreness. Lameness. Strains and Pcin relieved in one minute by the CUTICURA ANTI-I'AIN PLASTER. The first and only instantaneous pain-killing plaster. Js20-w&s JANUARY 31.1890. ELPHONZO YOUNGS COMPANY Beg to repeat their announcement of yesterday In regard to a audden de¬ cline la FLOUR.Just in time for your monthly orders. This la nor a "hatclied-up story to catch trade," but ia a true statement of the market. The fact of a DE¬ CLINE IN FLOUR waa announced to the trade here yesterday morning, and, as u our custom, waa at once communicated to every house keeper in the vary first issue of the Star. We are solo agenta for Wlnalow, Rand ft Watson's celebrated Purity Java Coffee in elegant tcrtw-top tin cans. Cans returnable at full cost. Headquarters for "Philips' Digestible" and Mall- lard's Cocoa. Fresh lota Just in samples free. ELPHONZO YOUNGS COMPANY, 181 42S Ninth at bet. D and E. McAuthue's COMPOUND CARBOLATK OF TAB INHALES. A Simple and Pleasant Method of Treating Catarrhal Troubles, Cold in the Head, Isllnensa, Hay Fever and Diseases of the Throat. Quick and PUOS, 78 BDWABD p. mm JaS-la Ml* W at a.*. That Tibed Feeling Debility and proetration. which follow* MkcU of LA OBIPPE OB THK INFLUENZA U the most danrerona stare of the disease. braoit la the weakened condition of th» body and the decline of health-tone, the ayatem ie very snsceptible to relapse, pneumonia or typhoid fever. To overcome that tired feelin*. take HOOD'S SABSAPABILLA The beet tonic end blood purifier. It gives strength mad Ticor to the whole budy, restores end sharpens the appetite; in ahort, makee the week atrony. "My daughter received ranch benrflt from the ttee of Hood's Saraaperilla ae en excellent tonic after a pro tracted attack of broncuial pneumonia." Bev. F. H. ADAMS, New Hartford, Conn. RENEWED MY GRIP "Bool'a SarsaperiUa has renewed my nip. I am sixty-five yeara of aire and waa all ran down and dis¬ couraged. I have taken Hold's Sarsaparilla and on look'.Hir wyaelf over find that I am much better, in fact quite a chap. Of course the medicine will not dis¬ counting yean, bat it cornea nearer to it than any thine el<e." CHAS. B. LONG. sUrew ury. Masa., January 3,1890. N. B.Be sore to pt HOOD'S SABSAPAKILLA Sold by all druxirlats. 91: alx for *5. Prepared only by C. L HOOD & CO.. Apothecaries. Lowell, Maaa 1 100 DOSES ONE DOLI.AB CITY ITEMS. "Wine of Coca," a Nbrvine, Tonic and Ap¬ petizer; large bottles, 75c. It Thompson's Drug Store, Dupont circle. lower l'hnn the Liotvest. 21c. for English Tooth Brush, reduced from S5c., firsts, guaranteed. Cuticura Hoap and Pear's Soap. 15c.; White Castilo Soap (Genuine Conn's) 49c. per bar, 17c. per lb. 6c. for . Good Tooth Brush, down from 10c. 10c. for a Shoe Brush, down from 20c. 5c. for a Shaving Brush. 10c. for a Shaving Brush, down from 20c. 14c. for a First-closs, Well-wade Whisk Broom, down from 25c..choice of small, medium or large. 7c. for Bird 8eed. best quality, lb. packages. 10c. bottle for Large Size Vaseline. Patent Mediciues Nearly at Cost Kolb Phahxacx, 7th and E sta. n. w. ja28.30.dl.fi "Phosphatic Kmulslon," the great rem¬ edy for Winter Colds, Consumption and kindred affections; made three times weekly. 75c. pint bottle. It Thompson's Drug Store, Dupont circle. No Man, Woman, or Child of today will ever live to see a year without a 9 in it, and it will be just as impossible to find a household without our 9, judging by iU daily increasing sales. Wheeleu & Wilson M'f'o Co. Office 437 9th st. n.w. Ja7-lmo Phillips' Digestible Cocoa, now being served at N. W. Bcbchell's, 1325 F st. Call and try a cup. 6 Piles! Piles! Piles!.Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment is the only sure euro for Blind, Bleeding or Itching Piles ever discovered. It never fails to cure old chronic cases of long standing. Williams Mro. Co., Cleveland, Ohio. ja25-s,tn,thl60t Star Spring Water. Saratoga Star Spriug Water for sale in bot¬ tles and by the glass by all druggists. Sam'l C. Palmeb, Agent. ju25-s,tu,thl50t Household Ammonia, large bottles, 10c. Witch Hazel, pint bottles. S5c. It Thompson's Drug Store, Dupont circle. Castorla. When baby was sick we gave her Castoria. When Bhe was a Child she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss tsiie clung to Castoria. When she had Children she gave them Castoria. jal6-th,s,tu, ly For Coughs and Throat Troubles use "Brown's Bronchial Troches. ''They stop an attack of my asthma cough very promptly.". C. Fatch, Miauiiclk, Ohio. eo-3t<fck Club and Society Badges, Gold and Sil¬ ver Trimmings. S. N. Meyeh, ja25-w&slm 922 7th st n.w. ? A Neglected Cold will not neglect you. One bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup will cure it § For Cheap, Quick Fire Buy Washington Gas Company's Coke. d7-3m Johnson linos., Agents. Oub Choice Stoce Of 1-aJiea' Winter WB.vPS and Children's Winter COATS AT GBEATLY BEDUCED IBICES WM. H. McKNEW, (Successor to It. H Taylor), Ja22 933 Pens. are. Extraordinary Cash Bargains. LONSDALE CAMBRIC, very finest quality, yard wide, only 10c.. rt-ul value lUJfc. LADIhS' CLOTH DRESS GOODS, all colors. Navy Blue and Black included, extra wide double fold, all pure wool, 25c. _ LADIES' BALBRIOAN ENGLISH STOCKINGS, excellent quality, the kind, three pairs lor 50c. BLACK -ILK JIUHAIUS, very fine quality, extra wide double fold. :>7)4c. I ALT BLEACHED CO'il'ON, yard wide, K^c.; worth lOc. DOUBLE WHITE WOOL bLaNKETS, *1.60. I'J. *-\i>u. <3.75. *4.50. *5. *0.as, *10. bUPEUlOK yl AUT* UL.CK rU EN. special cash Utivaiua, *1, *1.-5, *1.50. bliEKIINU CO'il'ON, excellent quality, a.*. HEN KlET'l'AC ASHMEHKb,HENRIETTA HERGES, ELt-GANT Dili.am nearly yard and a hall wide, all pure fine Krstich wool. epeclal barmiu. 50c LA1)1 Kb' CLOTH DUEbS GOODS, yard and a half wide, all pure wool: aoecial caeb barKain, 50c. FINK >BENCH BUOADCIX>TH. nearly yard and half wide, pure w ol: reduced caah price, 87Hc. Til ECO CLOTH DiiEbrt GOOD*. nearly all van wool, wide double fold, 1 £ yards for *~. CARTERS Caah store, 711 MARKET SPACE. VALUABLE PRESENTS for Cash Customers. Select one of the foliowintr presents with a purchase of *5: A pair of LM*e-^aeT*maak Towtda. worth,75 eta.: a Hail Doaen >lte Dainaak Napkins, worth 75c.; a pair of bill embroidered Corsets, < 5c. Select one of the following pfeeeota withapurchase ol *10 or mora: Al^nre-aixe Handegnae Brioal Quilt, worth *1.50: a Doaen Fine Daaaak Mapkla^ worth *1.60,or two Pairs of Lars* -aixa Fine Damsak Tow¬ els, worth *1.60. )a*l 10 Per Cent Redoctio* OK OPEBA GLASSES. CLOCK* AND FOB 15 OATS OXLZ. AMUSEMENTS. ^LBiDoiri oka Mi orm hoi bb. * *T n. LAST PERFORM \XCE OF Tbs DUtaurm.h«1 Tr*rr ll ana. f a n n i ROD A v V KKC 1*1* N RR M Hi*!* D I) A A V ? RK S X 1 .* DD AAA V V K \ \ « ... DUO A A V KICK N KM J" OO RRR ... P.T O O R R T PPP O O K r u n ? r In VictoriM Swdon's Sensation of Two Continents^ LA Ti 8CA. Farewell Tour. An Excellent C«ni|»«j in Rapport. Headed by MkLBul'KKE lliclMHI.I. Rerulsr I'm*. Nell Wffk-CHAR. WYNDHAM. fl ERNAN'S NEW WASHINGTON THt t-ryft Elsrsntli at. south of I'ennaylTama arena* TONIGHT! TONIGHT! LAST APPEAR ABC* OF RR* FEE !»X 5 TTTT 7.7.7. R R K N N NT /. ... RRR El RUN T Z R RE N NN T X. U K KKK N NN T ZZZ gSSg A NT* K TTTT f. EEC TT 2 AA N !t N T L E TT "US,. A A N X T L EE YY ¦~2 AAA N M if T L E Y Hr A A N MN * F.LLL EES T NOVELTY AND BURLESQUE OO. Week Comiuenrluir Monday. February 3, H H YY ODD EKB ~ sSS« HHYYnPK . ? » SHHH YY D D EB ^iS* H Y D D E M 5 H Y DI>D EKB ®S3S STAR SPECIALTY CO.. FROM HYDE A BEH MAN'S BROOKLYN THEATER. BEST SPECIALTY ARTISTS ON THE SI AUK. A Picture of Southern Life. " "WAY DOWN SOUTH." An Exciting Scene ou the Mississippi! Thrilling Race Between Steam Boats! Terrific and Realistic Explosion! I-Adies' Matinees Tuoa.. Tliur. and Sat. fl EW XATIONAL I HI. ATER. Crowded all the Time! Tills Saturday Eveaimr, I*a»t ai i-i arance of FRANCIS WILSON AND COMPANY IN THAT MLRliY OPERA. HPS S EKE ~°° 00 ». AH H J j u J O OO OL AA H H I 15 H !i O O O O L A A IIHII Til HE OOOO L AAA H H _ T H H EKB OO OO LLLLA All H_ Pricea 25c. 50c , «1 ana tl.Sa GENERAL ADMISSION. 50 CENTS. NEXT WEEK Hojrt's Biff New York Success, A BRASS MuNKEY. Seata now on male. n ^LBAUUH'S GRAND OPERA BOUSE. ELKS . 8th Annual Benefit, WEDNESDAY MATIN EE, FEB. 6, *90. CHAS. WYNDHAM. Supported by MISS MOORE. MB8. JOHN CllAMBERLIN D LEAH THE FOR8AKEN. MISS MAROURITE NOLAN. MASCOTS OF W. LLC, And Boat Volunteer* from HYDE'S STAR SPECIALTY OO. TICKETS to be had AT W. O. METZEROTT'S. 1110 F at. n.w. fl-3t HARRIS' BIJOU THEATER, Week of February 3. The Talented Actor, GEO. C. STALEY » A ROYAL PASS. An Excellent Caat, Magnificent Sta*e Appointment*. The company carries it* scenery and properties com¬ plete. One of the strongest liuMtian Drama* ever written. fl-<t N<xt Meek MY PART'NEB. ^.TODDARD LECTURE TICKETS. Four Seats, Center Floor at PFE1FFEB * CONLIFT8. 514 11 tli it yi w Advertiser unable to u»e them. II Grand a it my hallT Concert for Grace Churrh < Protestant Erie- coral). TUESDAY EVENING. FEB 4, » £nx. Ticket* 'J5 centa. f l-3t* ¦yy ALTERS GALLERIES BALTIMORE, Will be open as usual to the public for the heneflt of Uie I'oor all the V nine-days of February, March aui tllo Saturdays of April. Eaater Monday and a 2d of tebruary. TICKETS AT HARRIS k SHAFER'8, . 1113 Pennsylvania Avenue, AND MT. VERNON HOTEL. BALTIMORE. fl-3t JJB. F. H. ROSCOE WILL LECTURB AGAIN AND GIVE PSYCHOMETRIC READINGS AT WILLABD'S HALL ON SUNDAY EVENING, FEB. 2. Doors open at 7. Lector* at 8 p.m. Admission 25c. Ja31-2t* HI ESMERISM. lfj. HYPNOTISM 5TH week ILLUSTBATIONS By Prof. CARPENTER at WILLARD HALL EVERY NIGHT. WONDERFUL FUN. Admlaaion, 23 and 50 centa. Ja31 ONE MONTH'S LESSONS FOR *3 At THE ROMAN'S GYMNASIUM, till 12th at. Dr. CLARA BLISS HINDS. MEDICAL DIRECTOR AND LKCTUBEB. Prof, sad Mr*. N1SSLN, INSTRUCTORS. JaJl-Ct* Albaugh's. Special. SEAT8 ARE NOW ON SALE. For Week Commencing MONDAY. FEBRUARY 3, MR. CHAS. WYNDHAM, MISS MARY MOORE, AndHia LONDON CRITERION COMPANY. Repertoire: Monday, Tuesday and Friday Eveninva, also Saturday Matinee, DAVID GAUR1CK And THE HOUSEHOLD FAIBY. Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday Erenlnffa, THE CANDIDATE And a PRETTY PIECE OF BUSINE8& Regular Prices. Ja3(At ClALDWELL'S DANCING ACADEMY. L . . . ., _ Cor. H und 5th ata. n.w. Tuesday and Friday Evening Private Les¬ sons tfiven daily. Address 114 C st. n.w. >JO-t<t* glSCHUFl COURSE. THIBD C0NCEBT. MISS NEALLY STEVENS, Tbe Eminent and Charmin* Artist, Will Give a PIANO BECITAL As the Third Concert of the Course, Assiated by MISS NELLIE WILSON. Soprano, In Vocal Numbers, AT CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. MONDAY. FE^tUARY 3. Tickets, 50 cents. For sale at Ellis' Music Store snd at the door. JaStMit IJUIR IN ST. AUGUSTINE'S CHURCH HALL, TO build the pastoral Residence, From JslH-lmtl J January -2 to February 1830. /CALIFORNIA. \J Siwcial 1-artiea. Semi-monthly. Tourist Klewp- intr Cars. Cheap Rates. Southern Pacific Co. Address E. HAWLEY, Gen'l Eastern Affent, 343 Broadway, New York: R. J. SMITH. Aireiit, South 3d si. Philadelphia, or any Baltimore and Ofaio Ticket A#enL Jal5-wks-104t The cyclebies. i4oe n. y. avk.. will guab- antee to 'leach You to Ride the Psycho Safety Bi¬ cycle for tl. ladies «1. Special hours for LADIES Opeai nufhta. Largest ridmif school in U. M. my 1? Got Xhem 1b X ODAT. w .LECTURES. 14TB ST. K ,W. !«k* aWS0*OTIjocl 116 li5VfaVftfrBJ£SS A'*-. 723 .»*r .ft Ml* JD TirtlfO * Da. G * u^i Vxiw. 11 £0NuREGAT10MAL CHURCH THE 8TODDAKD U rri'IU TUESDAY EVBXIMO, February 4. And WEDNESDAY EVES ISO, Pwbraary ^ THE BHIXE A Charmiaf Vtvt< MMf Elrlin Alii tiW Aad River of twiUftl 8»U( wl btory. UluMllUiiW Adm:a*i<'n. 50r.; Rea*ivfrt asata, 75c.. Ml.1,1 ft Co.'*. »37 Pennsylvania in. Fib. 8 utd 11, Firwt Sir- Io n Iitrlu* r<A IS and 14. ttecend X(|h>1wii Ln-iun »b. 15 and 17. Berlin la 1NW fttk 18 and ljASwilaarlauA )»lu-M BIKPITT ft XORTH. Manarere. STAGE EXCURSIONS. ffo ARLINGTON.FAi?T STAUE LIKE AT 2 :<0 X p ni, Fare .*>Oe. round. l»nve ibr.uirl |>ru« ti«l .trwU. 26c. Soldier*' H. ii.e an.l ground*. .Vie. (W k charged Lnt« Um WEBS I EH, 5M14th M Ii.« NEW PUKLU ATIONS Ihe Gladstone- Blaine controversy I* continued by BOX. BOGEH U MILL* H THE FEBRUARY XUMBEB or m XOBTH AMERICAN REVIEW. Other Feature* of This Number M: JEFFERSON DAVIS on Stat* lUtfbta. ELECTRIC LIGHTING AND PTBLIO SAFETY Br Sir William Thomson. the fmtMt European Authority. XEWSPAPERS HERE AMD ADBOAD. Br E L Oodkln. BRITISH CAPITAL AXD american IXDCS TBI EE. »r i ITALY AXD THE POPE By Gall H Am 11 ton OCIDA-A HEW VIEW OF SHELLEY. THE AMERICAN BISHOP OF TODAY. By Bt«. J. H. Ward. THE PREVAILIXO EPIDEMIOL By Cyru» Edeon, MD. CliMf Inspector Maw York Board of Health. FINAL WORDS OX DIVORCE. Marvaret Lee, the Rev. Philip 8. Moxona. FOB SALE BY ALL XEWS DEALERS. Fifty Cenu a Copy. tb.00 a Year. XOBTH americax REVIEW. K.T. It PROFESSIONAL. MME. DREAMER, THE ONLY WONDERFUL Oitted Kiiellah aiid German Astroluirer in the city. Telia all cvttu of life. ott.-rhoura.Ua.ui to M p.m. Ou Mn.ilay trom 10 am. to 8:30 p u. 4-1 Will n.w. film' PROF. CLAY. THE OLD-ESTABLISHED ONLY reliable treuuiue and natural-born Clairvoyant, Astrologer and Medium in thi* city, baa located i«r- niaueulijLUi pmate i^clurt at 603 12th at. li ar IT jf. Clay waeuoru with vellatiU wonderfulprophetic(nil of aecoiid ai«rbt. rv\eai* every hulilen m>eter>, two* luet orit .h i. | ro|*rty. brill*.-* M)*rated toa-rtbei, .-aunt* sit-edy mairiatrea, irivee *u<veas 1U businei-*, remove* ail tauilly trouble*, evil influence*; coundci.lia) adviee on pendiiur peualona, divurcea, law auita. ain ulmi. ua. love orauytbintr you are in doubt of. Never l*»u kuowutolail. vucceeded where all others bavefai.od. blttuur*. 50c. Hour* U a-rn. to 8.30 p.m. sundaya, 2 to 8 pm. Jlh 1st* MME. BROOEE TELLS ALL THE EVENTS OF LIFE. All bualnea* confidential. Ladle* and Butleuien 50 cents each. 408 L at, between 4il and li *ta. n.w. au'Jti--'4w* OCEAN STEAMERS. ^HORT ROUTE TO LONDON, j5 XORDDEU1'-CHLit LLt)VD 8.8. OO. laat Expreas steainera. To Southampton i London. Havre). Ilremaa. Trave, N\' At., i l it, 5, o a.m Falda, hat., F< b. 8, 7 ajn.. Lahn. Wed.. Feb. 12, iO:.rt> a.m.. Lider, hat.. Feb. 15, 2 p.m.. Aller. Wed., leb lu, B am . Werr», Sat.. Feb, 2-'. 8 a.iu. Comfortable stale looina, excellent table, luiunoos Saloon appointment*. l'riee*: I at cabin. *75 and upward a berth, accordant tolooauou. Ml cabin, ft.» J an auult. aioera«e at low raloa. Apply to k. F. DROOP. b'~5 lunn. ava 11 Italiah OLIVE OIL. My ova bottling. Rich and deliciou*. Will make mora Mayonnaise t h a a any other Oil knows tome. H. W. BVRCHELU Ja30 1326 F at. a. w. Great Sargaixs lx Fixe Good* TEX FEB CENT OFF FOB CASH. OCR STOCK OF FIXE DRESS materials IB STILL VERY LARGE. ALTHOUGH WE HAVE BEEN MARINO A GREAT MANY SALES AT RE¬ DUCED RATES FOR THE PAST FEW WEEKS, AND THOSE WHO WANT OOOD MATERIALS will FIND IT TO THEIR INTEREST TO call AXD look THBOCQH OUR STOCE BEFORE the ASSORTMENT IS HRORLN- ten per CENT OFF 18 QUITK AX ITEM IX the PURCHASE OF A NICE DRESS, axd IF WE were not OVER8TOCEED WE WOULD not MAKh THE sacrifice WE HAVE A few FIXE BLACK CLOAKS that MUST BE BOLD THIS SEASON. and WE ARB OFFERING THEM AT less THAN HALF WB PAID fob fltM, and the discount OFF BE¬ SIDES. you CAN now buy OF US the cheapest BLACK SILK YOC HAVE EVEB been OFFERED, IN GROS GRAIN8 AXD FAILLES OF THE BEST BRANDS EXOWX. AXD MAEE A CLEAN SAVING OF TEX CENTS OX THE DOLLAR, AXD MA XT OFOUB FANCY OOODS IX EVENING MATERIALS WB ABE SELLING AT ABOUT HALF PRICE AMD TAKE THE D1SOOUXT OFF BESIDES, AS WE ABE DETERMINED TO CLOSE THEM OUT THIS SBASOX. THEY comprise ELEGANT FANCY VELVETS AND VELVET BOBES IN GBEAT variety. IN FACT. ANT OOOD JUDOE CAB FIND MANY extraordinary BARGAINS DUR¬ ING THIS SALE. REMEMBEB THAT THIS DISCOUNT OF TEX FEB CEXT OFF FOB CASH APPLIES TO EVERY ITEM IX OUR STOCE THAT amounts TO TEN CENTS, WHBTHEB WE SELL THEM AT A PROFIT OB A LOSS, AND occasionally A OOOD JUDGE OF OOODS KAY FIND MAXY EXPENSIVE ARTI¬ CLES AT A VEBT LOW PRICE WE WISH TO GALL YOUR PARTICULAR AT¬ TENTION TO OUR LABOE STOCK OF MOUBB- IBO OOODS, AS WB CLAIM TO KEEP ONE OB THE BEST ABSOBTMEXTS OF BLACK OOODS TO BE FOUXD IB THIS MABKET, OOMPUSIMO LUPIN'S, BITCHOOCK-S AMD OTHER CELE¬ BRATED wt.irm noon* in aw WHICH WB WILL TAKE FLKASUBE IB SHOWIMO. AND TOO WILL MOT BE FBKSSBD TO BUT WHAT TOO BO HOI UU. OMB RKB IB FlaAZB

Library of Congress · LOCAL MENTION. The Wmthfr. fohtcakttti.l eighta.m. stnn>AT. Forthe Districtof Columbia. Maryland and Virginia, colder; northerlywinds; threatening Weatherandrain

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Page 1: Library of Congress · LOCAL MENTION. The Wmthfr. fohtcakttti.l eighta.m. stnn>AT. Forthe Districtof Columbia. Maryland and Virginia, colder; northerlywinds; threatening Weatherandrain


fohtcakt tti.l eight a.m. stnn>AT.For the District of Columbia. Maryland and

Virginia, colder; northerly winds; threateningWeather and rain.

Sei.li* Blt shuts her eyeWhen she goes to sleep;Taken a coaline powder in the mornWhen her eyes begin to peep.

Attentioh House Kbepebs..Round steak,10c.; sirloin steak, 14c.; P. H. steak. 15c.; ribroast, 12c.; chuck roast. 8c.; soup meat, Sc.;corn beef, 6c.; lard, 3 lbs. for 25c.; pork, 10c.per lb.; corn pork, 10c. per lb.; corn shoulder.8c. per lb.; sugar-cared shoulder. 8c.; sugar-eared hams, liljxj'c.; sausages. 10c. per lb.;creamery batter. 30c. per lb.; fresh countryeggs. 15c. per doz.; four year* old rye whisky,76c. qt; seven year* old whisky, $1 qtFor cash only,'at

Frank P. Dalit's,Cor. 2d and F eta. n.w.

Thompson's Dbuo Store,, Dapont circle,

Xa the place for '-west end" people to buy drags,fine perfumes, sponges, toilet requisites, <kc.,Ac., as the prices are as low as down town.

"Treea" stops falling hair: makes it grow in.fiL Druggists, or Yucca Co., Burlington, YtNortheast Washinoton Real Estate..

Among the many handsome residences now be¬ing erected at reasonable cost in the northeast¦ection none are more elegant or desirablethan the twentv-fonr houses in course of con¬struction at 7th and F. and 7th and F streetsnortheast. These houses are owned and builtby Mr. Buckingham, who is always on theground ready to deal with prospective homepurchasers. The houses have six and eightrooms.Intending purchasers should inspect the

ftbove premises before purchasing elsewhere.New Outino Cloths, 10. 12'^c. Now ging¬

hams and satteens. plaid muslins and Indialinens, 5c. up. A big redaction on our wintergoods. Johnson, Garner A Co.

636 Pa. ave. near 7th siDon't Fail to see the latest for comfort and

beauty of the feet Dr. J. J. Gkoboes A Son.Parlors, 1115 Pa. ave.

Banks and Insurance Companies are usingLeon Isaacs' glucicuni pens, for which Chap¬man A Taylor are sole agents for the District.Have You 8een those elegant frames Esta-

BXOuk is giving with each dozen cabinet*.Wurdeman A Co. call your attention to the

reduced prices at which they are selling theirown make of furniture. Also that they doevery description of upholstery, decorating,cabinet making, and guarantee all work. Mothexterminators. Wurdeman A Co., 610 12thstreet northwest, three doors north of F street.

A>w*rnx Opera Glasses. IIempler's, cor. 4>%I.aces. Handkerchiefs and Notions. Wor¬

sted goods at cost. A K. Delano, 1205 F st.

500 Rolls of the best ten-wire tapestry Brus¬sels carpets, made and laid, only 65c. per yard;former price £1 pec y»r L

Wash. B. Williams,315 and 317 7th st. n.w.

Boast Bee*..John R. Kelly will have atbis stalls all ne-.t week, 9th street wing ofthe Center market, also at the Northern Lib¬erty market. 5th and K streets, a grand sup¬ply of beef from Fauquier county. Va. Thecattle were fed by Mr. Joshua Fletcher. Thefarm is on the Alexandria turnpike. 50 milesfrom Alexandria and 6 miles from Ashpy'sCap in the Blue Ridge mountains, the finestbine grass country hi the world. Mr. Fletcheris one of the largest handlers and grazers ofcattle in Virginia. lie grazed the lot of cattlethat brought the highest price in the state last

Cir and was sold to N. Lehman A Brother ofltimore and exported to England. The

meat of cattle fed and grazed in this bluegrazed grass country is always superior to anyother in flavor and quality, ana always com¬mands the highest price.The Cheapest Fcel in the market is Wash¬

ington gas light company's coke.Johnson Bros.. Exclusive Agenta.

Attention. House Keepers!Porter house steak. 15c. lb.Birloin steak, 13c. lb.Bound steak, 10c. lb.Prime rib roasts, 10 and 12c. lb.Roup meat. 5c. lb.Corned beef. 5c. lb.Pork ant? sausage. 10c. lb.For castfe only, at theHome Market, cor. 11th and I sts. n.w.

F. G. Alexander.Before Tor Bur yonr carpets and furniture

lit W. H. Hoeke's stock and get his prices.Chas. A. Muddiman.BEDLCTION IN LAMPS.

Finest assortment in the city, an endlessTariety and too many prices to enumerate.Jast now we make a special low price on all

Oar handsome lamps; must make room formore gas stoves.Want the space; 100 lamps mast go. Come

snd get first choice.Chas. A. Mcddiman.

1206 F streetVisit the Empire Carpet Cleaning Works,

GS1-635 Mass. ave. n.w. Telephone 787-2.W. B. Moses A Sons

Wish the public to know that they have tworooms 50x100 feet each in which they designand execute the finest cabinet work and give

Xcial attention to repairing old furni-e. Their upholstery shop is also 50x100 feet.

It is ran in a thoroughly systematic manner, bothat they are enabled to upholster and recoverfurniture, u>ing nothing but best labor andmaterials, at the same price as you would payfor ordinary work.

In this room there is a moth exterminator forrenovating furniture. All old furniture shouldgo througn this apparatus before being reup-holsteri d. It is the only sure method oferadicating the moth and its eggs. No damagedone to the finest fabrics or frames.Their finishing shop is complete, and their

finishers are thorough and experienced.Goods taken on storage in 1106 F stThey have a thoroughly competent force of

furniture packers and movers and have packingmaterials for sale.W. B. Moses A Sons. F and 11th sts. n.w.

Furniture, carpet*. upholstery goods, bed¬ding, wall papers and fresco decorations.Bt\ ^ot-R Coal. Coke and Wood from John¬

son Buothjuu, the leading iinu in the Dis¬trictW. S. Ft'iter. florist. 1425 Ta. ave. n.w.

Beware of Pneumonia..Use at once Baker'sPubk Cod Liver Oil or Baker's Emulsion.The genuine only. Of druggists.James B. Henderson, wall paper, window

¦hades. Ac. 923 F n.w. Telephone call 054-3Genuine Calf's-foot Jelly made especiallyf«r invalids. JarviV, 4jr, 8th street

Fob Wall Paper and Wind, w .shades go toB. W. Henderson, 1113 F st. n.w.

Brr Yoru Coal. Coke and Wood of ForresDodge, office 1214 31st st, telephone 956.2.


Albauoh's.."La Tosca."National.."The Oolah."Harris' Bijou.."The Fakir."Eilian's..Rcntz-Santley Barlesqae.WlEtAUD Hall..Carpenter's Mesmerism.

CONDENSED LOCALS.Mrs. Chas. B. Fondi of Capitol Hill met with

a verv painful accident on Thursday evening.Vailing from her bicycle she dislocated her armat the elbow. Drs. Dunn and J. Ford Thomp¬son were called in and their patient is doing aswell as can be expected.In the Criminal Court. Chief Justice Bing¬ham, a colored man. James Snowden. was ac¬quitted vest, rday of a charge of writing policy.appealed from the Police Court.

Petitions have been tiled and writs issaed byladgu Cox in the ca-M* of M>°nie Johnson andBarah Tnrpin, alleged lunatics.James Maher was placed on trial in the

Criminal Court yesterday afternoon for larcenyfrom the United States monkey wrenches fromthe navy yard;, bat the trial was not concludedand went over till Monday.

Yesterday a dead inf*it (colored) was foandin the alley between Trumbull and Pomeroystreets near the Freeduiaa's hospital.A dead iufaut (colored) was found in Rockcreek near the K street bridge yesterday after-

In the hall of Friendship lodge. No. 11 LO.O. F.. Thursday evening. Past Grand MasterJames A. Watt was presented on behalf of thelodge with a past grand Boaster's Jewel andcollar.Lizzie Peterson and Eva White were fined. 106 each in the Police Court to-day for keep-ing onliceused bars.Practical Intellioencb and Wisdom..Throe hundred and fifty students have enteredthe various departments of Spencenan Busi¬

ness College since the fall opening. Cituensmore and more realize that this is the sorestand most permanent provision for the successto ]Its of their sons andflaogutersk*


Albauok's.Wtkdham Comtavy..On Mon-Mr. Chas. Wyndham, assisted by Him Mar?

Moore and hia London Criterion company, willbegin an engagement of one week at Albaugh's.The opening play* will be "David Uarrick" and'.The Household Fairy." which will be pre¬sented on Monday, Tuesday and Friday even¬

ings and Satardav matinee, Mr. Wyndhamappearing aa Datta Garricic and Miss Moure as

Aiia lnnot. "The Candidate.'' a new comedyby Justin McCarthy. M.P., will be given for thefirst time here on Wednesday, Thursday endSaturday evenings, with Mr. Wvndham in thecharacter of Lord Oidacre and Misa Moore as

Lady Ikrrothy.Habbis'."A Royal Pass.".Geo. C. Staley,

a star of much popularity in the west, willmake his first appearance in Washington onMonday nest at Harris' Bijou theater in "ARoyal Pass." a drama dealing with Russianplots and Siberian exile. Mr. Stnley has beenwarmly praised for his work in this play andthe company is generally indorsed as a goodone The play will be staged in exceptionallygood style, ali the scenery and properties beingcarried by the company. Usual prices andmatinees.

Kkbna.n's..Hyde's star specialty com¬pany, direct from Hyde andliehman's thea¬ter, Brooklyn, will appear at Kernan's nextweek, Ihe company is headed by the Clipper?,U"r.lw, lnclude'1 ^ olio Mclntvre andHeath. Helene Mora, female baritone.' Fieldsri .u UD80?'. mas!cal giants; James McA voy,Ldith Sinclair and Ed. Favor, sketch artists;ttuerr and Whatkin, character artists; and'others. The bill conclude! with "Wuv DownSouth, a picture of southern life before thewar.Bischoff Cornsk..The third concert of the

Bischoff course will begin at Congregationalchurch Monday night. Tim concert will be apiano recital by the eminent, charming artist.Miss Neally Stevens, and she will be assistedin vocal numbers by Miss Nellie Wilson, so-pruno. Tickets at Ellis'.Stoddabd Lectebf.s..Probably no enter¬

tainments of the coming week will awakenmore interest than the three Stoddard lecturesat Congregational church. On Tuesday andWednesday evenings Mr. Stoddard will givethe first lecture each in courses A and B, hav¬ing for his subject "The Rh;ne." The lectureris an enthusiast on this subject and ho will notfind it diilicult to impart his sentiments to hishearers, especially when he is able to repro¬duce its beauty almost with the effect of actualpresence. Mr. Stoddard on Saturday eveningwill give the first ot his two illustrated lectureson the career of Napoleon. Holders of ticketsfor course B series will hear this lecture on thefollowing Tuesday evening.^ illabd H all..The ni'jsmcric mysteries of

Prof. Carpenter at Willard hall will continueevery night next woek. and the fun goes on asusual. Prof. Carpenter is not a funny man

time110 naalte* P°°Plti hiugh all the

Tub Chobal Society Coxcebts..The sale ofseason tickets for the concei ts of the Choralsociety began at Metzerott's this morning andwill be continued through next week, no tick¬ets for single concerts being on sale before* ebruary 10. Much interest is being manifestedin the oratorio "Armiuius." which will bo givenat the first concert. Of the soloists both Mr.Lawton and Mr. Prehn have sung the musicelsewhere with great success, and Miss Ed¬munds studied the part with Mr. B. J. Lang,the well-known organist and teacher ofHoston. and in his opinion it is the best thingshe dot's. ®

The Landon Divorce Case.In the divorce case of Kate J. Landon against

Georjfe W. Landon, the defendant has filed hisanswer denying the charges of infidelity andabandonment, but admits that ho has not livedwith complainant since the time stated by herand says that it is not his purpose or intentionto live with her or support her.

A Bootblack's Claim Disallowed.James Wilkerson. who is bettor known as

"one-leg Jim the bootblack," was sadly dis¬appointed when his counsel, Mr. Carrington,showed him a letter from Adjutant GeneralHastings of the Pennsylvania militia disallow¬ing his claim for damages against the»tate militia.'.Shine 'em up gentlemen?" inquired Jim

when some of Pennsylvania's defenders cameilong during the Harrison inauguration season.Une of the soldiers had his muddv shoesblacked and Jim asked for a nickel 'for theservice. Instead of paying Jim they jumpedapon him and kicked and beat him so badlythat he carried his head in a bundle of rags fora long time. Jim wants to take "an appeal'

Marriage Licenses.Marriage licenses have been issued by the

clerk of the court to R. C. Upperman and DaisyE. Marshall; Howard Sulser and Kate Shilling;b rauK C. Bates and Laura J. Bolar; Chas. S.Capehart and Etta E. Oliver, both of'Pittsburg!Pa.; tt.H. Brown and Mary B. Stannard.

Sent to the Kcforin School.Tommio Duffy and W.llie Hall, thirteen-year-

>ld colored boys, were in the Police Court yes¬terday charged with larceny. They were onLouisiana avenue near .the market yesterdayind one of them stole a pocket book containingf2. Each charged the other with having takenthe pocket book, and they were sentenced toliio reform school.

Real Estate Matters.Geo. J. Johnson has bought of W. A. Gordon

st _aL for f5,233.75 lots 1.17 to 20, square1095, fronting 286 feet 2 inches on 18th betweenEast Capitol and A streets northeast.The deed of the Thirteenth-street Baptist

church property to E. M. Gallaudet for $36,000,of the property on the east side of 13th streetabove G street was placed on record yesterdayF.H. Smith has bought of W. Dauenhower

et al. for *4.500 sub 174. square 444. 17 bv 72.50leet on R between Marionandfcth streets'north-west

1I.R-®-HUl has bought for $16,500 of J. LIiesk, II sub A. square 210, front.n* 40 feet onKhode Island avenue between 14th and 15thstreets northwest.

6ifi1i« M; K.«ut ha?bought of AA- H*ycs for930.000 sub 28 and part of adjoining snbsquare ljtf. fronting feet on Khoda Islandavenue between 17th street and Connecticutavenue northwest.

W riKllt 4 Stocketthare recently madethe following rial estate sales: For Jacob Jones,a block of six houses on 3d street northeastaggregating *21.800; No. 701 B street northeast,Hale for *5.000; live lots in square

for *2,475.20; three lots iniiUi'i^i'j L°r Partelio and others for

' e lots i" square 8C1 to J BWilliamson for $5,700. For J. H. Walter and

^e.r-S,\ ,la fect of Srou'iJ >n square 1J37 forv2n.bj9. Jo; lot 21 in square 177 for *3,100- lot7o in square 363 for *4.800; lots 30. 31 and 3"' insquare 0J6 for $4,500; lot on Massachusettsavenue near loth northeast for $J,032- lots insquaie 10% for $2,374.35.


°Geor«e Bauersch:nidt brewing companyof Baltimore has bought for $8.7u> of J. iLrrvk* 14 ftl,d 15' C2«, 45 by 126

"lde 01 avenuewtf? i

F stree,» northwest.of i m v .ln Job?*ou hli* ho,1sht for $6,510.05

4M"1bS ^ *Bd 8414,111square435, 41 leet 8 inches by 125 feet, on iU betweenb and F streets southwest.Olllcers for the Year.

At a regular meeting January 22 1890Capitol council. No. 320, Royal Arcanum, huinstalled the following officers for this year:Re^tnt, Chas. L. Heilbrun; vice regent, Chas.H. Voss; chaplain. H Hirich; warden, SidneyCohen; sentry, I. Kaufman; guide, E. Afcchwarz; orator, J. Baumxurtexi; treasurer, JBrock; collector. A. Brunn; secretary M

STri. omS.?: 1»".*. * *****Not in Favor of Kmigratlng.

At a meeting of the colored people of Garfield,D.C.. held in the A. M. E. church at that placeThursday night, to take into consideration -theAfrican emigration bills now before Congress."resolutions were adopted denouncing coloredmen who were eucouraging emigration schemesand expressing disapproval ot Bishop Turner'sremarks and approval of Senator IngaUs' speech.

WlllsViledTThe will of the late Elizabeth Jones has

been filed. 8he leaves property on Franklinstreet to Alice Dounman: directs that 827 23dstreej be sold and the proceeds divided be¬tween Mrs. Fanny Ames of Freedom. McL, and

,Ent«r. »nd *ft«r a small bequest

The will or the late Ada C. Adams leaves alarge number of Uquesu to neoh«w//n^nieces and directs her real estate be ^Td !!ddivided betweenpertain relafavi

A Charge of Kmbezzlement.James C. West, who was formerly employed

ae an agent for the National Union benefit as¬sociation. was arrested Thwsday on a charmof embezzling #1 of the fnnds of the Meociatioiwhich.he received, it U alleged, whilehe was ooUeetor. It is alleged that this is onlvone of asany similar transactions. ThJT c«wee tried tn the Polled Court vesterdav and

Missi.' irss

WHEELMEN AT A BANQUET.The Annual Dinner of the Capital Bicy¬

cle Club.

A combination gathering of wheelmen andoarsmen eat down to the eleventh annual ban¬quet of the Capital bicycle clnb last night atthe comfortable clnb house on 15th street.The former were ont in force, arrayed in clnbuniforms and dress sai ts and they went at thefeast of good things with a zest. The oarsmenbelonged to the Analostan boat clnb. the mem¬bers of which were made honorary members ofthe Capital last fall pending the rebuilding ofthe boat house. There were sixty-two covers.The second act of the feiwt wan under the careof Mr. Henry W. Olds as toast master, whomanaged to find valid excuses for the follow¬ing toasts: "The President's message," EdsonB. Olds; "Dry toast," Charles Richards Dodge;"Whist or bumble-puppy." James Q. Rice; "AC.Bi.C.,A-B-C," Clarence O. Allen; "The chaingang," Thomas H. Wentworth, ir.; "La grippe."Dr. Gabriel F. Johnson; "Mounts and dis¬mounts." Thomas C. Tipton. Dr. Johnson be¬ing ill himself with the grip, his remarks wereread by Capt. Low. Mr. Hub T. Smith sangseveral of his own inimitable songs. Tho tablewas graced with a large basket of magnificentroses, the gift of the Analostan boat club.

TWO WOMAN'S CONVENTIONS.One That Will Take Issue With theChurch as an Knemy of Woman's Cause.

The woman suffragist convention is to beheld hero, as stated tn Thk Stab, during thethird week of February. A week later those ofthe advocates of female freedom who believethat they are oppressed and denied their poli-tical rights more through tho infiuonce of thechurch than through that of the politicians,"the mean masculine politicians," will hold a

convention at Willard hall and see what theycan do to take themselves and their sinter citi¬zens out of the power of the church. It is un¬certain how many of the woman suffragistsrill join this movement, and those who do not

will oppose it, as a rule. The object of thismovement to throw off tho yoke of the churchis not, the women who are promoting itdeclare, antagonistic to Christianity, but merelyto church dogmas and "church tyranny," whichplace women in a secondary station to man.They say these dogmas are of man andnot of Ood. and maintain that the rea¬son the movement for woman's poli¬tical freedom has been a failure is becausethe influence of the church has been directedagainst it. Prof. Elliot Coues has championedthe cause of these new crusaders against crceds.He is not taking a very active part, but he givesthem the benefit of his indorsement and suchassistance as he can find time to give. MissAnthony is conservative and does not give themovement her approval at all and Miss Willardis not willing to strike the "Christian" out ofher Woman's Christian temperance union.


DISTRICT WHARF PRIVILEGES.Several days ago the Commissioners wrote to

Attorney Hazelton requesting information asto how long the Commissioners could leasewharf privileges and what was their generalpower over the river front. In his report uponthe questions submitted Attorney Hazelton,after quoting decisions and laws sustainingthe authority of the Commissioners in thepremises, says: "As there is no statute in thisDistrict limiting the terms of a lease or licensein this class of cases to any particular period oftime I am of the opinion that it is wholly withinthe discretion of the Commissioners to fixthe U rm of any proposed lease or license forwharfage."

THE PROPOSED BOULEVARD.Recently Mr. Joseph Paul in a letter to Capt.

Rossell submitted several suggestions relativeto the subdivisions of land on the Districtline. He suggested that in such sub¬divisions the parties owning tho landbe required to donate sufficient land tomake an avenue along said line for a dividingline between ilie District and state of Maryland.Capt. Rossell thinks the suggestion a good onoaud will recommend in the laying out of streetsthat his scheme be regarded as a part of thepresent system, the boulevard to beknown as north boulevard, southboulevard, east boulevard and westboulevard, and that provisions be made foropen plats iu the form of semi-circles along thesaid line that would call attention to the pro¬posed boulevard in Capt. Mahan's plan for theextension of streets, which was submitted whenthat officer was assistant to the Engineer Com¬missioner, which he considers a good one

MISCELLANEOUS.The Commissioners have written a letter to

Senator lugalls stating that they heartily ap¬prove the bill to establish an inebriate asylumin the District of Columeia.The Commissioners hold that the plumbers

who paid money to Permit Clerk McDevitt willbe required to make a deposit of the amountdue for repairing cuts before any more per¬mits are grunted to them.

Washington Produce Market.Unpropitious weather has seriously affected

the tone of the market. Poultry has fullen off3 to 5 cents, turkeys, choice drawn, small, 12a14; large, 10al2; live, 10; chickens, dressed orlive, 10al2; old fowls, 9al0; ducks, dressed, 10a12, live, 'JalO; geese, 8al0. Butter.receiptsample and priccs dull.fancy creamery prj^b,2Ha30; best western dairy, 18u20; chorcedairy packed Virginia aud Maryland, 18a20;choice roll, 15al7. Egg murket demoralizedon account of large receipts and slow buyers,nenrby 12a 13; ice house. 8. Hay market is verydull. Mill feed in liberal supply. Market isfirmer on good grades of potatoes. Good soundapples in demand.

The Central Union Mlsson.A movement has been started by the central

union misson for the erection of a building forthe exclusive use of the misson. The presentquarters have prooved to be entirely too small,It will be necessary to raise a large sum ofmoney and the managers feel confident that itcan be done. Next Saturday night a massmeeting will be held, when the new buildingwill be discussed aud it is hoped that themovement will be inaugurated.

The Amlres-Doerner Concert.Tho duo concert by Messrs. Andres and

Doerner, pianists, at Universalist churchThursday night, filled the house. It was theirfirst appearance in Washington and theaudience was very favorably impressed, al-though the selectious were too classical for thegeneral taste. The Zigeuner, Polka (Conradi-List) aud Gavotte and Musette, op. 20 (Raff),were given w.th great brilliaucy aud spirit andwere the gems of the program.

Held for the Grand Jury.A negro named Charles Martin was held in

$200 bail for the grand jury in the PoliceCourt yesterday on a charge of cutting TobeWilliams in the stomach. The cutting oc-currcd iu Steve Wall's place, corner of 11th andQ streets.

Giving Talbert Time.Perry Talbert, who keeps a saloon on H street

northeast, was before the Police Court yes¬terday charged with keeping an unlicensedbar. Talbert held a receipt for $100, which hedeposited at the office of the Commissionersthree months ago. He said ho had the signa¬tures of a sufficient number of property ownersand house keepers approving his application.Tho application, it is alleged, was mislaid orlost at the Commissioners' office. The judgecontinued the case, giving Talbert time to re¬new his application.Mr. Edwabd T. Kaiser, for a long time with

Mr. R. O. Holtzman, has opened an office onhis own account, as real estate, loan and insur¬ance broker, in the Atlantic Building. Hiswide circle of acquaintances and excellent busi¬ness training and experience will stand Mr.Kaiser in good stead in his new undertaking,in which he can hardly fail of success.

Upright Pianos for rent F. G. Smith, 1335Pa. are..AUvC.Thk Attention of those interested in real

estate, either as buyers or sillers, is directedto the card of Mr. John B. Wight in anothercolumn of today's paper. Mr. Wight com¬mences a business career under most encour¬aging auspices, having the esteem and goodwishes of a large circle of friends, and meansto win, as he hopes to deserve, a large measureof i

A Labgk Brick Stable, on lot 30x45, will be.old on Monday next at 6 o'clock p.m.: situatedbetween O ana P and 16th and 17th streetsnorthwest Bee advertisement *

Palack Oboaks.new steles.sold on t5 pay¬ments. F. O. Smith, 1325 Pa. ave..AdvC

Among the passenger* an the Bothnia atNew York was Sister Rose Gertrude, who tobound for Molokai, the leper toland la theSouth Pacific, where It to her purpose to takeup the work laid down by the late Father Da-main in ministering to the wants of theaflUctedinhabitants.

HOW TARSI*EY ILLUSTRATED IT.lie Says He Hm Found . Missouri Pre¬

cedent for Mr. Reed'* Ruling.Tarsney. the new Representative in CongreM

from Missouri, is proving one of the greatestwags in the House. He is fuller of stories,jokes.practical and oral.and general wit andgood humor than even his brother, who was inthe last House, lie is a heavy-set man. with *big head and overhanging brows, which givehim a serious expression. He moves amongthe other members a great deal, never stayinglong in one place. He stops for a moment near agroup of members and then passes on with asolemn look and manner.whilo the group is leftin a most mirthful mood. During the hottestof the fight in the House Thursday, after Mc-Kinley bad been quoting bad precedence onthe democrats, Tarsney walked up to a repub¬lican 111 a solemn und confidential manner andsaid: "I guess your Sp< uker must be right inhis ruling; there is precedence for it"

'.What is it?" asked the eager republican."Wnv," said the Missouri member, "somevears ago the Missouri legislature had an ableIrishman for a speaker. There was a measurethat was very popular with the speaker, butwhich had little support ou the tloor. Thespeaker was anxious to get it through the as-Humbly and one day he got it up for a vote." 'All those in favour of the bill will please

say yes when their names air culled,1 he said.Half a dozen men responded. 'Those aginst itwill say naw.' Nearly a hundred men voted no.'The yeas have it!' the speaker declared. Thenthere was a tumult.like this.aud severalmembers appealed from the decision of thechair." 'It's appals ye does.' cried the speaker;'thin ov will pot the question. All in favor of

appalin' from the chair will say yes." Nearlythe whole bouse responded. . Those opposedsay naw!' About six mon voted no."Tne chair looked at the house for a moment

and then spoke: 'It takes two-thirds ov yez toappal from the chair, and it is the opinion ovtfie chair that there aren't two-thirds ov yezpresent at all. The bill is passed.' "

Transfers of Real Estate.Deeds in tee have been filed as follows:

J. W. Keyaer to Henry Kcuter, lot 125, LongMeadows; 8.. J. Henry Gulick to 8. T. G.Morsell, sub 22. sq. 833; $.. Annie M. Carpen¬ter et al to James F. Dartt. part of Girls' Por-tion, 6.08 acres; $3,040. Jeanuie A. C. Prentissto Pi. J. Earnshaw, part 7, sq. 871; $100. I. 8.Lyon to Jos. H. Aukward, lot 13, sq. 637;«1,289.GO. W. J. Fitzgerald to Theodore Balts-ter, sub A. sq. 638; £1.350. J. H. C. Wilson toHallie W. Curtis, sub 32. sq. 1057; $851.75. MaryF. Burrows to llobt. W. Pherson, pt 249, B. AH.'s ad to W.W.; *1,100. M. llenz to L. J.Williamson, sub 53. sq. 926; $3,250. JennieMarche to David Lescallet, sub 49. sq. 896;$3,800. J. T. Given et al. to T. B. Ferguson,lot 10, sq. 212; $.. Emma M. Gillett to 11. J.Jackson, sub 25, sq 1058; $1,050. Mary F. Hoff-man et al. to E. B. Hay, parts 8 and 9, sq. 399;$466.66. L. Taylor to Isaac Frohman. partFletchall's Chance; . II. C. Borden to (*. J,Johnson. 7 to 10, sq. 1141; $.. Lots 7 to 14,sq. 1144; $.. C. A. McEuen to G. J. Johnson,lots 12 and 14, sq. 1136; $.. 3 to 6, sq. 1133; 6to 8, sq. 1143; $.. F. J. Dieudonue to H. C.Borden, lot 1, sq. 1076; $3,380. II. C. Bordento W. P. Lyons, lot 1, sq. 1076; $3,380.10.

GEORGETOWN.Death or an Estimable Lady..Mrs. Hen¬

rietta King, the wife of William H. King, thewell-known wood aud coal merchant, died at2:30 o'clock this morning at the family home,3114 N street, of heart failure, from which shehad long been a sufferer. The deceased was amost kind-hearted and charitable lady und washighly esteemed. By her death the poor ofGeorgetown lose a valued friend. The funeralwill take place from the family residence at 3o'clock Monday afternoon. ITue Fcnkb.'.l of Mrs. Eastmond Tile, whoso

death occurred yestei day at her residence, No.3015 Q street, will take place Monday after¬noon. Interment at Bock Creek.Personal..Mr. Harry Craig is confined to

bis residence on O street by illness. Ex-Commissiouer Dent, who has been quite ill atbis residence on the heights, is con¬valescent. Mr. I'rank Miller of the firm ofJ. McL. Dodson A Co., real estate agents, israpidly recovering from a spell of illness.Mr. Wm. G. Steam, who went to California afew weeks ago on a business trip, has returnedhome. '

Tempsuatcbe and Coxditio* or Water at7 A.M..Great Falls.temperature, 47; condi¬tion. 36. Receiving reservoir.temperature, 43;condition at north connection. 36; condition atsouth connection, 36. Distributing reservoir-temperature, 45; condition, 36.



CURED BY CUTICURA.For throe years I waa almost crippled with an awful

sore leg frotu my knee down to my ankle: the akin wasentirely gone, and the flesh was one mass of disease.Some physicians pronounced it incurable. It haddiminished about one-third the size of the other, and Iwas in a hopeless condition. After trying all kinds ofremedies and spending hundreds of dollars, fromwhich I «nt no relief wha'ever, I was persuaded to tryyour CUTICURA REMEDIES, and the result waa asfollows: Af:er three days I noticed a decided changefor the better, and at the end of two months I wascompletely cured. My flesh was pun fled, slid the hone(which had been exposed for over a year) got sound.The flesh began to grow, and today, aud for ueaily twoyears past, my leg is as well as ever it was, sound inevery respect, aud not a sign of the disease to be seen.

b. U Alll. 1.N, Dubois, Dodge county, Ua.

SKIN DISEASE 17 YEARS.I have been troubled with a skin and scalp disease

for seveuteen years. My head at times was one run-Iilnif sore and my bodv was covered with them as largeas a half dollar. I tried a great many remedies with¬out effect until 1 used the CUTICURA REMEDIES,aud am tlnukful to atate that after two months oftheir use 1 am entirely cured.

L. R. McDowell, Jamesburg, N.J.The CUTICURA, CUTICURA RESOLVENT and

CUTICURA SOAP have brought about a marvelouscure of a skin disease on my little son, eight years old,after sll remedies and doctors failed.

ED N. BROWN, 720 N. 10th at, Omaha, Neb.

CUTICURA RESOLVENT,The new Blood and Skin Purifier aud purest and bestot Humor Remedies, internally, und CUTICURA, theirreat Skin Cure, andCUTICUKA TiOAP, au exquisiteSkin Beautifier, externally, cure ever y disease andhumor ot the skiu, acalp and biood, with loss of hair,front pimples to scrofula .

Sold everywhere. Price, CUTICURA, f>Oc.;SOAP,25c.: RESOLVENT, «1. Prepared by the POTTERDRUO AND CHEMICAL CORPORATION. Boston.tysend for "How to Cure bkin Diseases," U4 pages,

50 illustrationa and 100 testimonials.

PIMPLES, black-heads, red, rough, chapped and*>iiy akin prevented by CUTICURA SOAP.

HOW MY BACK ACHE81Back Ache, Kidney Pains and Weakness, Soreness.

Lameness. Strains and Pcin relieved in one minute bythe CUTICURA ANTI-I'AIN PLASTER. The firstand only instantaneous pain-killing plaster. Js20-w&s

JANUARY 31.1890.


announcement of yesterday In regard to a audden de¬cline laFLOUR.Just in time foryourmonthly orders.This la nor a "hatclied-up story to catch trade," but

ia a true statement of the market. The fact of a DE¬CLINE IN FLOUR waa announced to the trade hereyesterday morning, and, as u our custom, waa at oncecommunicated to every house keeper in the vary firstissue of the Star.

We are solo agenta for Wlnalow, Rand ft Watson'scelebrated Purity Java Coffee in elegant tcrtw-top tincans. Cans returnable at full cost.

Headquarters for "Philips' Digestible" and Mall-lard's Cocoa. Fresh lota Just in samples free.


181 42S Ninth at bet. D and E.



A Simple and Pleasant Method of Treating CatarrhalTroubles, Cold in the Head, Isllnensa, Hay FeverandDiseases of the Throat.

Quick and

PUOS, 78

BDWABD p.mmJaS-laMl* W at a.*.

That Tibed FeelingDebility and proetration. which follow* MkcU of


U the most danrerona stare of the disease. braoit lathe weakened condition of th» body and the decline ofhealth-tone, the ayatem ie very snsceptible to relapse,pneumonia or typhoid fever. To overcome that tiredfeelin*. take


The beet tonic end blood purifier. It gives strengthmad Ticor to the whole budy, restores end sharpensthe appetite; in ahort, makee the week atrony."My daughter received ranch benrflt from the ttee of

Hood's Saraaperilla ae en excellent tonic after a protracted attack of broncuial pneumonia." Bev. F. H.ADAMS, New Hartford, Conn.


"Bool'a SarsaperiUa has renewed my nip. I amsixty-five yeara of aire and waa all ran down and dis¬couraged. I have taken Hold's Sarsaparilla and onlook'.Hir wyaelf over find that I am much better, infact quite a chap. Of course the medicine will not dis¬counting yean, bat it cornea nearer to it than anythineel<e." CHAS. B. LONG. sUrew ury. Masa., January3,1890.N. B.Be sore to pt


Sold by all druxirlats. 91: alx for *5. Prepared onlyby C. L HOOD & CO.. Apothecaries. Lowell, Maaa


CITY ITEMS."Wine of Coca," a Nbrvine, Tonic and Ap¬petizer; large bottles, 75c.It Thompson's Drug Store, Dupont circle.

lower l'hnn the Liotvest.21c. for English Tooth Brush, reduced from

S5c., firsts, guaranteed.Cuticura Hoap and Pear's Soap. 15c.; White

Castilo Soap (Genuine Conn's) 49c. per bar,17c. per lb.

6c. for . Good Tooth Brush, down from 10c.10c. for a Shoe Brush, down from 20c.5c. for a Shaving Brush.10c. for a Shaving Brush, down from 20c.14c. for a First-closs,Well-wade Whisk Broom,

down from 25c..choice of small, medium orlarge.

7c. for Bird 8eed. best quality, lb. packages.10c. bottle for Large Size Vaseline.Patent Mediciues Nearly at Cost

Kolb Phahxacx, 7th and E sta. n. w.ja28.30.dl.fi"Phosphatic Kmulslon," the great rem¬

edy for Winter Colds, Consumption and kindredaffections; made three times weekly.

75c. pint bottle.It Thompson's Drug Store, Dupont circle.

No Man, Woman, or Childof today will ever live to see a year without a9 in it, and it will be just as impossible to finda household without our 9, judging by iU dailyincreasing sales.

Wheeleu & Wilson M'f'o Co.Office 437 9th st. n.w. Ja7-lmoPhillips' Digestible Cocoa, now beingserved at N. W. Bcbchell's, 1325 F st. Call

and try a cup. 6

Piles! Piles! Piles!.Dr. Williams' IndianPile Ointment is the only sure euro for Blind,Bleeding or Itching Piles ever discovered. Itnever fails to cure old chronic cases of longstanding. Williams Mro. Co., Cleveland,

Ohio. ja25-s,tn,thl60tStar Spring Water.

Saratoga Star Spriug Water for sale in bot¬tles and by the glass by all druggists. Sam'lC. Palmeb, Agent. ju25-s,tu,thl50tHousehold Ammonia, large bottles, 10c.

Witch Hazel, pint bottles. S5c.It Thompson's Drug Store, Dupont circle.

Castorla.When baby was sick we gave her Castoria.When Bhe was a Child she cried for Castoria.When she became Miss tsiie clung to Castoria.When she had Children she gave them Castoria.

jal6-th,s,tu, lyFor Coughs and Throat Troubles use

"Brown's Bronchial Troches. ''They stop anattack of my asthma cough very promptly.".C. Fatch, Miauiiclk, Ohio. eo-3t<fck

Club and Society Badges, Gold and Sil¬ver Trimmings. S. N. Meyeh,ja25-w&slm 922 7th st n.w.


A Neglected Cold will not neglect you.One bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup willcure it §

For Cheap, Quick FireBuy Washington Gas Company's Coke.d7-3m Johnson linos., Agents.

Oub Choice StoceOf 1-aJiea' Winter


and Children's Winter




(Successor to It. H Taylor),

Ja22 933 Pens. are.

Extraordinary Cash Bargains.LONSDALE CAMBRIC, very finest quality, yardwide, only 10c.. rt-ul value lUJfc.LADIhS' CLOTH DRESS GOODS, all colors. NavyBlue and Black included, extra wide double fold, all


excellent quality, the kind, three pairs lor 50c.BLACK -ILK JIUHAIUS, very fine quality, extra

wide double fold. :>7)4c.IALTBLEACHED CO'il'ON, yard wide, K^c.; worth lOc.

DOUBLE WHITE WOOL bLaNKETS, *1.60.I'J. *-\i>u. <3.75. *4.50. *5. *0.as, *10.bUPEUlOK yl AUT* UL.CK rUEN.

special cash Utivaiua, *1, *1.-5, *1.50.bliEKIINU CO'il'ON, excellent quality, a.*.HEN KlET'l'ACASHMEHKb,HENRIETTA HERGES,ELt-GANT Dili.am nearly yard and a hall

wide, all pure fine Krstich wool. epeclal barmiu. 50cLA1)1Kb' CLOTH DUEbS GOODS, yard and a half

wide, all pure wool: aoecial caeb barKain, 50c.FINK >BENCH BUOADCIX>TH. nearly yard and

half wide, pure w ol: reduced caah price, 87Hc.TilECO CLOTH DiiEbrt GOOD*. nearly all vanwool, wide double fold, 1 £ yards for *~.CARTERS Caah store,711 MARKET SPACE.

VALUABLE PRESENTS for Cash Customers.Select one of the foliowintr presents with a purchase

of *5: A pair of LM*e-^aeT*maak Towtda. worth,75eta.: a Hail Doaen >lte Dainaak Napkins, worth 75c.;a pair of bill embroidered Corsets, < 5c.Select one of the following pfeeeota withapurchaseol *10 or mora: Al^nre-aixe Handegnae Brioal Quilt,worth *1.50: a Doaen Fine Daaaak Mapkla^ worth

*1.60,or two Pairs of Lars* -aixa Fine Damsak Tow¬els, worth *1.60. )a*l



AMUSEMENTS.^LBiDoiri oka Mi orm hoi bb.

* *T n.LAST PERFORM \XCE OFTbs DUtaurm.h«1 Tr*rr ll ana.f a n n iROD A v V KKC 1*1* NR R M Hi*!*D I) A A V ? RK S X 1 .*

D D AAA V V K \ \ « ...


J" OO RRR ...



r u n ? rIn VictoriM Swdon's Sensation of Two Continents^LA Ti 8CA.Farewell Tour.

An Excellent C«ni|»«j in Rapport.Headed by MkLBul'KKE lliclMHI.I.Rerulsr I'm*.Nell Wffk-CHAR. WYNDHAM.flERNAN'S NEW WASHINGTON THt t-ryftElsrsntli at. south of I'ennaylTama arena*





Week Comiuenrluir Monday. February 3,H H Y Y ODD EKB ~ sSS«HHYYnPK . ? »



A Picture of Southern Life." "WAY DOWN SOUTH."

An Exciting Scene ou the Mississippi!Thrilling Race Between Steam Boats!

Terrific and Realistic Explosion!I-Adies' Matinees Tuoa.. Tliur. and Sat. fl


Crowded all the Time!Tills Saturday Eveaimr, I*a»t ai i-i arance of


HPS S EKE ~°° 00 ». A H HJ j u J O OO OL AA H HI 15 H !i O O O O L A A IIHIITil HE OOOO L AAA H H _T H H EKB OO OO LLLLA All H_Pricea 25c. 50c , «1 ana tl.Sa


NEXT WEEKHojrt's Biff New York Success,

A BRASS MuNKEY.Seata now on male. n


8th Annual Benefit,WEDNESDAY MATIN EE, FEB. 6, *90.

CHAS. WYNDHAM.Supported by




And Boat Volunteer* fromHYDE'S STAR SPECIALTY OO.

TICKETS to be hadAT

W. O. METZEROTT'S. 1110 F at. n.w. fl-3t

HARRIS' BIJOU THEATER,Week of February 3.The Talented Actor,GEO. C. STALEY


An Excellent Caat, Magnificent Sta*e Appointment*.The company carries it* scenery and properties com¬plete.One of the strongest liuMtian Drama* ever written.fl-<t N<xt Meek MY PART'NEB.

^.TODDARD LECTURE TICKETS.Four Seats, Center Floor at

PFE1FFEB * CONLIFT8.514 11 tli it yi wAdvertiser unable to u»e them. II

Grand aitmy hallTConcert for Grace Churrh < Protestant Erie-coral). TUESDAY EVENING. FEB 4, » £nx.Ticket* 'J5 centa. f l-3t*


Will be open as usual to the public for the heneflt ofUie I'oor all the V nine-days of February, March auitllo Saturdays of April. Eaater Mondayand a2d of tebruary.TICKETS AT HARRIS k SHAFER'8,

.1113 Pennsylvania Avenue,AND MT. VERNON HOTEL. BALTIMORE. fl-3t







Doors open at 7. Lector* at 8 p.m.Admission 25c. Ja31-2t*


Admlaaion, 23 and 50 centa. Ja31ONE MONTH'S LESSONS FOR *3At THE ROMAN'S GYMNASIUM,


Albaugh's. Special.SEAT8 ARE NOW ON SALE.



Repertoire:Monday, Tuesday and Friday Eveninva, also Saturday



Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday Erenlnffa,THE CANDIDATE


Regular Prices. Ja3(AtClALDWELL'S DANCING ACADEMY.L . . . ., _

Cor. H und 5th ata. n.w.Tuesday and Friday Evening Private Les¬sons tfiven daily. Address 114 C st. n.w. >JO-t<t*glSCHUFl COURSE.


Tbe Eminent and Charmin* Artist, Will Give aPIANO BECITAL

As the Third Concert of the Course, Assiated byMISS NELLIE WILSON. Soprano,


MONDAY. FE^tUARY 3.Tickets, 50 cents. For sale at Ellis' Music Store snd

at the door. JaStMit

IJUIR IN ST. AUGUSTINE'S CHURCH HALL, TObuild the pastoral Residence,

FromJslH-lmtl J January -2 to February 1830./CALIFORNIA.\J Siwcial 1-artiea. Semi-monthly. Tourist Klewp-intr Cars. Cheap Rates. Southern Pacific Co. AddressE. HAWLEY, Gen'l Eastern Affent, 343 Broadway,New York: R. J. SMITH. Aireiit, 4» South 3d si.Philadelphia, or any Baltimore and Ofaio Ticket A#enLJal5-wks-104t

The cyclebies. i4oe n. y. avk.. will guab-antee to 'leach You to Ride the Psycho Safety Bi¬

cycle for tl. ladies «1. Special hours for LADIESOpeai nufhta. Largest ridmif school in U. M. my 1?

Got Xhem 1b X ODAT.



!«k*aWS0*OTIjocl116 li5VfaVftfrBJ£SS A'*-.723

.»*r.ft Ml*

JD TirtlfO * Da. G *u^iVxiw. 11



A Charmiaf Vtvt<MMf ElrlinAlii tiW AadRiver of twiUftl

8»U( wl btory. UluMllUiiWAdm:a*i<'n. 50r.; Rea*ivfrt asata, 75c.. Ml.1,1

ft Co.'*. »37 Pennsylvania in.Fib. 8 utd 11, Firwt Sir- Io n Iitrlu* r<A IS and

14. ttecend X(|h>1wii Ln-iun »b. 15 and 17. Berlinla 1NW fttk 18 and ljASwilaarlauA)»lu-M BIKPITT ft XORTH. Manarere.

STAGE EXCURSIONS.ffo ARLINGTON.FAi?T STAUE LIKE AT 2 :<0X p ni, Fare .*>Oe. round. l»nve ibr.uirl |>ru« ti«l.trwU. 26c. Soldier*' H. ii.e an.l ground*. .Vie. (W kcharged Lnt« Um WEBS I EH, 5M14th M Ii.«

NEW PUKLU ATIONSIhe Gladstone- Blaine


I* continued by






Other Feature* of This Number M:

JEFFERSON DAVIS on Stat* lUtfbta.

ELECTRIC LIGHTING AND PTBLIO SAFETYBr Sir William Thomson. the fmtMt EuropeanAuthority.



»r i





By Cyru» Edeon, MD. CliMf Inspector Maw YorkBoard of Health.

FINAL WORDS OX DIVORCE.Marvaret Lee, the Rev. Philip 8. Moxona.


Fifty Cenu a Copy. tb.00 a Year.

XOBTH americax REVIEW. K.T. It


Oitted Kiiellah aiid German Astroluirer in the city.Telia all cvttu of life. ott.-rhoura.Ua.ui to M p.m.Ou Mn.ilay trom 10 am. to 8:30 p u. 4-1 Will n.w.film'

PROF. CLAY. THE OLD-ESTABLISHED ONLYreliable treuuiue and natural-born Clairvoyant,Astrologer and Medium in thi* city, baa located i«r-

niaueulijLUi pmate i^clurt at 603 12th at. li ar ITjf.Clay waeuoru with vellatiU wonderfulprophetic(nil ofaecoiid ai«rbt. rv\eai* every hulilen m>eter>, two* luetorit .h i. | ro|*rty. brill*.-* M)*rated toa-rtbei, .-aunt*sit-edy mairiatrea, irivee *u<veas 1U businei-*, remove*ail tauilly trouble*, evil influence*; coundci.lia) advieeon pendiiur peualona, divurcea, law auita. ain ulmi. ua.love orauytbintr you are in doubt of. Never l*»ukuowutolail. vucceeded where all others bavefai.od.blttuur*. 50c. Hour* U a-rn. to 8.30 p.m. sundaya,2 to 8 pm. Jlh 1st*

MME. BROOEE TELLS ALL THE EVENTS OFLIFE. All bualnea* confidential. Ladle* and

Butleuien 50 cents each. 408 L at, between 4il andli *ta. n.w. au'Jti--'4w*


laat Expreas steainera.To Southampton i London. Havre). Ilremaa.

Trave, N\'At., i l it, 5, o a.m Falda, hat., F< b. 8,7 ajn.. Lahn. Wed.. Feb. 12, iO:.rt> a.m.. Lider,hat.. Feb. 15, 2 p.m.. Aller. Wed., leb lu, B am .Werr», Sat.. Feb, 2-'. 8 a.iu.Comfortable stale looina, excellent table, luiunoosSaloon appointment*. l'riee*: I at cabin. *75 and

upward a berth, accordant tolooauou. Ml cabin, ft.»Jan auult. aioera«e at low raloa. Apply to k. F. DROOP.b'~5 lunn. ava 11


My ova bottling.Rich and deliciou*.Will make mora

Mayonnaise t h a a

any other Oil knows


H. W. BVRCHELUJa30 1326 F at. a. w.

Great Sargaixs lx Fixe Good*TEX FEB CENT OFF FOB CASH.



MUST BE BOLD THIS SEASON. and WE ARBOFFERING THEM AT less THAN HALF WBPAID fob fltM, and the discount OFF BE¬SIDES.you CAN now buy OF US the cheapest