"" . , i l.r Vee- President French as the C bier Marls- WXt**,H, i .¦alojina the rreatest prosperity ever t""of,? 'euiitiory oi tue wotld. In reply tue 1're.i- known in *. *tnl ta**-- I thank rou for fbe warmth of this CTeet- °*D tm ."'ail io have the opjH.rtun.ty of meeline so **. , tai, reoresentatire businessmen of thi* magnltl- ..'.'^.n I shan alway* recall with pleasure the wainui; **"} Ju btv witu which I dave been welcomed, and ."'^yoi wits "«y best wlsne* for your future prosper- '^'"tiil?!'Laoola said that he bad been endesvurius B^T,»twir*tocouviuce ibe Prcement that Calca* ** ' ifridlha Nation, mid ls BtngB flee ni r eeptlon W"_.0C"ifould prove au anrnmeot I ec .mo not witn*t..n.L ^.', ibe I'reaidein held a reception at the lu len *l1 ii'iimii i ai 3 "'clock nat down to admn rat tn. ¦^fumetlbib tendered by tuc li: innis Com uauderv .f V^IMMn of 8 and 10 o'c'o k tonight tbs ________ held a reeeptliu at the Giant! 1'aciUc Hotel, to BK tue. general public was invite Zn. Inviatton waa laueiy accepted lhe Incident and members ol bis pany to .- E!ou,i*iu thegeuerai parlor* ol ibo uotel. I he crowd, thiciim-'mentarilv increased frj.u 3 to 9 o'clock, was .iL«duiliae by polios and Ulidia, v ollncrs, ann kept LTrmr steadily pasi ibo ''resident. Toe luovcnent . to rapid tuat band-sbakiug was luiposstole, ona ih* President was t.ierefure spured thal irfln-t'on except In the special cases of friends Ino actiuaiutanoe*. ar of those perauually preseuied .o'uio. lu spite of a steady stream passing, Uera wu* _. rtuuiiiuiion In tb* ciowo, ami whee (bc frc.ul.nt w.i* /iiuiieiiediti*ndtUe recepuou io prepare foi his Journey hundred* still thronged tbe cuiiidora uud stairways mmWxt to the parlor floor. A! ll:3tHo-uigbt the Ptesi- *eut "tarted ior Washington, by siucul train over"' pliuhurg, Port Wayne and Chicago Railroad. THE CAPITOL OF DAKOTA. tat t__ coaNER-JTONg LAID AT BISMARCK.A SPKKCfl BP KX-PRK8IDKNT CHANT. Bismarck, Dak.. Sept. 5..The Villard train ?atoned here durieg tue nigut. A prooeealon was to term st 8 o'clock to maren to the Cs pl: ol poonda, where the oercmouy of layla* tbe corner »lone of Dakota's capitol wa* auaouuocd to lake pl at e. jj that hour the atreete were already Ulled with dec¬ orated carriages aud fully 3,000 person* were assembled. ?lia Villard party wat taken possession of and escorted to thc ground*, wbere no time was lost tn preliminaries. Governor Oidway, lu addressing President Villard and his guests, »*id tbat upon bim devolved tbe agreeable duty of welcoming tbem to His nardi, tbe capital ot Dakota, the largest and most prosperous Territory lu the Huton. The Governor theu sketched tbe hittory of Hie Jerri tory. Mr. Villard responded In flitting terms. Governor Ordway theu asked the architect If the Btone was pm j telly s inaivd and lani, uud upon ticing answered that it was, said : ".Now tbat tbe stone lt Well and truly laid may I ask you all to join with me iu fbe hope ainl prayer tbat this edifice may be BBOSBBS* fully reared as planned; tbat lt auy be tbe pride, of t be people of Dakota; that il may soon be tbe, capitol ol a aovcreign State| tbat lt may be the scat of wise legisla¬ tion and of nil thc blessings of Justice and tlheitr that are tho birthright st American freemcu." Governor Orilwuy urti pieaeated thc German Minister, Baron Vou Eiseudrckcr, with an engrossed copy of tne .resolutions of the citizens of bismarck in honor of the German Chancellor, for whom (he city is named. Baron yon Eisendt-ekt-r lu reply expressed his thanks. William M-Evarts was intro.lue.d aud spoke briefly. Tin re were calls for General Grant, and that distinguished gue.-t stepped io the front and ssl I Ladh.s ami dam i.iikn : It is with some reluctance that 1 reS|ioii(l io your Iiiini ii tint-si. As y(,ii aie aware trom your rea-ling, wneu I get to talking belora a crowd I scarcely haOW 1. nen to (lilt, [Langater.) 1 am sure. wera I to slop and tell yun of my feeling.-uud lue SH li ts I bave teen, thc irani wui.ld liol get off nu time. I nt vcr aal ft «>t la Dakota till y ester.lay. 1 bud heard uiucu of your ooiintry, om I was nwt prepared ie tee what tty own Sj ct Uave wnnesscd. Wun Mr. Evuru;, 1 predict lor you a protiH-i'tuis future." Remarks were aleo made by Carl Sch ure, by Carter Hairir-oii, n.id by Secretary ISIlev. Mr. ViKard thea introduced .Sit ung Hull, whose apeech was transiaicd to tue assembled tiiousands by tbe Government Interpreter. With a few mme worls Mr. VnUnt closed the osranonlt a ami be aud his gaeata tic- parted. The ViKurd train eroaaed tbe Uiver* Maudau, where another haudsomo wc e tine wu* exieoded. Wum ibe box wm ie dy to nc placed in it* recent acle, Guvernur GiUivay Invited those present to deposit anyiulng iiiey wis. .-.I iu II tue box. Mrs. Hate av put in a small elie'af of inls Mdaaany gentlemen pei In tueir cunts. Kiifleorrtsry jfctai la remarked : .'liiis is leavniitour caiuson |iu-iei- Ity." The giK*d humor was furtu-r beli;htciied winn Mr. Evarts said to a German gu-st who Baked inn io pul hit cat d wit.< til* own muir box: ''Ahl tbey will know that wc called together." THE PROPOSED DIVISION OF DAKOTA. ¦FETING OF TIIK COXVKXTION AT SIOUX KAUS. CUMMITTK.K8 APl'lUNl ID. IBT TELEGRAPH TO TUE TBI UL XE. i Sioux Falls, Dak., Sept. 5..The Consti- tutioual I SBVSattaS mci hero io-AAj, Ula pru|Ki.se*J to prepare aOaastUatlOfl lee -ba State whtshU Shall be acssatSOd trom the co.;.ilic* in Dakota sotitu af tu-forty-sixth pantUaL Every county is represent.1. Thee uvc it:oa was called to ord r bv John B.Gamble, Thea* legu'.ci were sworn in by Julge Middcr. Com¬ mittees were a piKiiuted on ru! es and order af business, aooQicers and to procure BtBMfrephie sorv.ee. The oonsiKution ia to reuiaiu wiiuout efl-ct till th- .tate ls admitted to th* Uuion. Prov.siunai .Stile officers and representatives will probably bc provni. d lar and proviti .ii will be made for their elset mu. Tbe Prahi litionisui are bera. Tuey wul urge tbe Incorpora¬ tion ufa p-o 1 ii iou liguor clause lu the constitution. Mrs. M. il. Pones, of Webster, Pakula, vice-p.esidenl ol tbe Womau'i* -Nalioual 6iUfrago Astoeialiou, ls also lime and will enleavur to Induce the convention not tu teciude the word "male" in thc constitution. Mucu Interest is felt here OSOOSSai Bfl 'be actiuu of the pro posed ooiivi-utiou, oal led at Pargo on Se j. lc mb r li. Wtuch, lt ls understood, bi de-igned to organize a force In opposition to ti.e division proposed by fie inhabitants Jof the southern half of the territory. A delegate remarked or tbis subject: "I speak tbesentl- nieut ol SoiKberu Iiakuta, wueu I toy i!iat BIWfl any atlemiH of tua*, kind we will remove tlie capital M.iii Biaiuarck aud plat e it on Wbeeis ano keep lu r a nt.run.-. Two-iuiixu o' all ibo leglmntivc renreeeutaUvoa mein Bout iern I»a'»ma, and w* can do tbis ibiug. J' ev baa beiu-r keep tbcir bands off." Tbe Ouauaittee eu Proec.uie reeemaaeaded the appointment et thirty committees to whom sb.il. be re'errea ibe duty of pieparing iKirtlous ol tbe cousu- tutiou. T..e loiuuiit'ce funner reeommendwd tba: a eoiiiiiiuue be appointed te present ibe couttitutiou to tat Pr tiueot and Congress and lo urge ihe admissiuu a. Uic Territory into thu Uuion. !iOSSIP FROM SARATOGA. Saratoga Spuisgs, N. Y-. Sept, 5..Thu ie buuuml alni lilly lanius and gaul lemon from Vtinker* an 1 vicinity mad* an excursion lo thi* place yostetday. In the afternoon 100 of tbe party continued tuen Wp to Laka George, aud In the evening lue oilier* returned heme. Itt. Barali, of Columbia College, gavo bis BOaetaOtafl lecture here lids aftcruoon. At ibt Or.-u 1 Uuion Ho al to-day wa* beld a BBSSttofl afiaepre*ide.nts. managers and iren-rai agent* of tue Sta laauranc- SSBspaafSS of tbe United fciatee. John M. Joi.es, of New-York, haa purciiaaed of Charles D. .slocum a i.e. ou Union ave., aad will at once creel a *ot.age, wi.icu hs wiil occupy next summer, beveral hew.Yorker* will build cottages nero during tbe ia,i sud winier month*. Collage ino 1* bcoouitug popular .«»d uki. mm « irom jaar to year. ThcPaicrwiu L)gut Guards, of Puterson, N. J., were fttcu a most heany reception here yetteitiuy. tba* Vue received by the barato,a Cttlsea's ( orps, whn ..eorted th. m lo thc Grand Calca Hotel, where a dreea ..rad* of the lo:nt comm.tu,is took place. lu the cv.-n- l-gl'je hotel ground* were bandsomely Illuminated, and Sfaddre** hop wa* given In the balliooiu. Tbe Guard* J'Hli'y vlewsi) tbe many attraCioiis here. They will re¬ wire Uome tomorrow. Joseph Tinta, uitad nailman al tbe Umtod Stale.* Hall, .ttciT** J'rt',CIjU:il tty *u* sabuidiuate* Wiln a gold lurry Hamburgh and J. I)* Haven, of New-York, bad 2_r*!.f *** «i Git-n Miichcll, and toe foi mei wou. tut Mu** Marina J. and Franc . L. luman, ef Al- *mmy, Uava par thawed mo L. li Pille collage ou Caiuliue- AssBastttaUoB of the United OMptera of ibe Phi s^appanoclely bavlug been ral.in ti by Hie vole ol .,, ~* c*"»Pter*,toe delegal«*-tweiity-one, representing .eiv* citapier*.mitt lu tbe Court of A|ip-*a:s ibis umru- * «* lhe Hu c.iuuciU Ai the set omi *e*aloo, beld ibis <«nioon> mrmoersof the senate were cUosan, aud otber ¦waeas ot Imporiauce Haasasli d. Cler IHK WANING LONG P.EANCH SEASON. Loko Bbanch, N. J., Sept. 5.-The botils ¦Squiu, __) _ifA ^ mVlUi ot tbe ll4U.ueM of ^^ _,_.__. *** suaau bow n«re are thorougaly eujoyiug tuem- rec xaa tiotela nave done well tnt* aaason tn siutc ***«eool weenier. Tba Uuitci eutea Hotel cloeed to- .ay- Tue omen will remain open for Uu daya. BSffu*! K,btrou l-*i*iu ls gay with music and mit lb *W Hy. It wiU remain open until October. ¦ab Oavii Hetiguiati gave a Uluuer pa ly at her 00U ¦flaat oeeaa aud Para area, tuts eveulng. Cor.-r* were m un* coupiea. Eweu gue,l received a tu-k-t of tra The floral decoratluua of tue table wera elabo- ^MIH**, a E Humpbrle*. of New-York: Mr. and af kiar.?'1>rew* ef Bridgeport ; Mist Grace. Falisbawe, ? iiuC^u,*re'£ta,*i::'J»rru"- O. W. Hannan. Hr*. .lr. a\\l?i. Mri *"d M,a-J, W. I'aramore, ol New York; fi- 0 M.l!if*" r "v**"", of Uobb* terry ; Mr. ami Jlrs. ¦«*tir»?« "*. Jlr*' D' K,t"«r' '".. '. W" ******** .' ti___j-_'_?lr''a ** tu' w"« *¦'¦"*. »'otel IO-Jay. .a»o. a wanta***. .( u, Maw-Jaraay ttl*ie Court nf Errors und Appeals, and General J. Vi. James, of I'uiliidelphia. are guest* of tbe Kv. li. I bora, ut bis nonage lu liroadway. PLEASAN1 DA l's AT NEWPORT. rtlEPoLO OAMtt.DINNFt! PARTI S AND RKCEPTKiNS G1VIIH |BT TELKGIAPH TO THE TRIBVM ,| Newport, li. 1., Bept. 5..Eleven polo gamea vere played this afier, BBB ; tue ia tbtOWWaS given wuen ihe itg ita ihoae lort i trent the aarTenadtss fottaires. Nine gaaaes were wuii ny the Iteds nntl iwo by ibe nines, rhe eldee were i ttait, Pierre Lerlllaid. |r. K. K. Joues and Thoma* Hltchc lc. |r.; Illues. ._ ____, Sauua, Jr., W. K. Taorn, Jr.. Btaalay Morilmer and N. Griswold Lonnard. Thc acuuoiier yacht Intrepid, of New-York, arrived li re from Lo-tou by way of Martha's Vineyard tins ufiernoon. At the meeting of tbe Newport Natural History So¬ ciety on Friday, Professor Raphael Pumi>elly will read a paper ou his rectal Jouruey lo the Northern Hoc ky Mountain*. Mr. and Mrs. Georgi* W. Merrill, of New-York, cave a receptiuu at Browu Villa, wuieh they recently pur. chased, tbi* afternoon lt was a tine entertainment. Ovci 31)0 invitations were tsauea, aod at least two-thirds ot them were accepted. TUB evening Mr*. James H. Kerne, of New-Yolk, gave a german at Burns foliage. About IBO p nous were present, tbs floral dtasrsllOBI were fine and the favors ubique and cosily. Many of the leading resident* were pesssnti A dinner party was given thia evening by Qeaeral James H. Van Alcn, ol New-York. LuucUeou panics were niven lo-duy by General Mere¬ dith Head and Mra. J. J. Mason, or New-York. Dinuer purtles were given last night br Arthur Leary au.l P. Vi. Vanderbilt, ol New-York, br Nra, (J. Norlan, ol Boston, aud by Kolieri Hallett, ot liauimore. (. ai ,in ale uu lol aa elaborate G'.triiiau lu na given at lhe Cusbuiati Villa na Pufay eveuiug, bj Mr*. Lawrence Tiiruuie, ol New-York. A vii,a is to be erected at one* for G. G. Haven, of New.York, who bas Jual puiCb.iSi-d fruin Giorgi* \V Merrili, of New-York, a poi lion of the Brown estate St Bellevue.ave- and Bellevue Court, coaiaiulng about 10,000 tnt, Mr. and Mrs Tajlur, E. W. Merritt ami General Cool- Wortby, of England, arrived here today. AMERICA* INDUS'!EY. TIIE EXHIBITION AT BOSTON. Oratora day.si'kkcuf.8 by govkrnoks mun AND JARVIS.Vf. K. CI1ANDL. R ON PRO- TECliON PRINCIPLES. Boston, Mass., Sept. 5..The opening exer¬ cises ni the American Exposit! in o: the Manufacturers uud Meena nie*' lastttate look plaee io-tiay. Qovarner But,cr was escort'd to thc fair hui.tiing by tbe Otb MaeiaetaaetteInfantry, and the Jackson Onrpty of Al¬ bany, N. Y. Arnon* the guests Wen WI I E. Cl .iiuller, Secretary ol tbe Navy; Lieutenant Governor Ames aud Governor Jarvis, of Norm Carolina The eseselaes seana wita prayer by the Bev. Elwari Everett Hale* A. it. leha m. Luiic, m a (atr antde. prescutcd aa freeWll>| olliccr Governor Bailer, who, lu bi* speech Blinded to tte centennial afthedi Suite treaty ol peace by which the United Stale* WM for tbe mst time admitted to lue family ot nations. Peace, hu said, had achieved la nae bemired year* a greater triuiutui ilian lue most dee sive bailies uf war. ile BBBtinnedl "We do uol wish lo furgc: tuat within twenty-five years our country seemed io be aboni to be tom into fragment* and ani 11. bsbbbI pertab (rem ths carib, bu' nudet the provt- ..I cod tuc sine ssofour annadeelded thal theee United States ass aad ever shun bs oa* eaootry, with one tia-, one ot-fiim .nd one glory Iii lha tal IIS tte shall ull bc proud mat in tuat war none hut Ann-iran- tonk nari, ami tb .t Americans cul.! I.e (-..uijinrel by nouc bat Americas -." W.kt,Chandler,-eci-taryBf the Navy, (..nert' tbt Natl in ii;, ni lhe product* wbich had be. n |a of Ami-ric.in luguumty and Auu:.ca a ia- bor. Tbo pei pie were sJorded a rare epportnntty, bf two sznlbltloBS, of smearing Anerieaa with loreign prwdasta American workmen were better nani, led, clo. neil, aouaod aud educ*.) thea* oi uny otiit-i coumrr. Tins waa tue crowning dig¬ nity et the American pet.inc. lin tia termination lual tue waget t.l American lauor should nev ,- b auy govcrnuieii.al pulley ought to ba di American citizen, Dependence upon loreign vessels wai a dangerous pu icy tor ins sxiateaoa auupuw' nation and the in.eiiuitj aud energy of thc people ougui lo correct lt. GoVt-ruur Jarvis, of North Carolina, responded for the Heath to tue (lort lu,,r's wei omi'. He wu. (url bx a In-ariy roiind ot applause, which ni ne beftunlog el bis speech bu c .tirti-otislv acknowledged. He sal 1 thal hr tunic, UOt to abak* ll Hill over a bum ly iiu-'n, but to clasp baud* witb New-Kligisiiil titer ibe crowning prosperity of a nmiad i<-,t)iie rna dlffereoea* wblee led te the wsr had n-en Battled, W lieu tue hom been people cnn- link inio tue Lihou tbry cam- pietigeo to lui all.-, bu under tie isl nott re i.i * a i opted Iq u id their nd county gorernmeata In th.- banda et peraon* n no om nm serra the interest* nf the sections tn womb tu y lived, lin* \t w bal made tin bout* Build, nu: haired of the Government, hut a desire ier wi-,* law* lu-t.v admlalstend. Tee development of I .. itoatb bad eon eenaead mostly tn taa peal len yean, in North (.ti., ma owe tweatf new eottou (acuu-tea ii du en erected uni tuc tactoiit-s iu wood and nun were liujuoviug, aud all OVOT -Soi! ('aro.ina t -day tiicre was a sp.ni of pontentiuenl .iii,.h.,ding. "Our bnaiaeaa nod pnbllo Intereau sud, "requite mal t ereahall ba no more narau apeah- ing ol oue beetloo by ai,oil.et. 1 Iud jon join iii-- i n l m iimeut, 'our numil oonntryl te luce we etina."* .1 dgi Munn, s, ol Or v.-r. i ..I., ma.le ,, anuri address, sud waaf, lowed hy Mra Juna tv ard Howe. (.liana, I rant ts A. WalKer lb.ti BpoBe o! the re¬ ntal guile industrial growth of thc country WltblD i.a.i a ccuiury. ..Hun ni inui* etnltiBg deep into tbe pat," bo saul; "WttS BO ci itt mv.ir- r.ei, u.e e.o.v growth ld ogrm; willi no helpfnl tra d iii. .ns ami pi est i ipi ions of t hi u rs to oe oona a nu iSlug* lt, .tro.ued.'-ui'u a* nave guided i beartwuoa L.iguud, I Lillee, (i. ia,ali'. Italy and Aualfla, Wa bfgail OUT lu- tins,tut carver Jual oue oeutnry ago, with little c.ipual, wiiuoiii warrhonaaa ur tai louts, without macaim ni apparaina; om* waur pawer iindarnlopoti; our mine* uuopeued and even undiscovered. Already we t> ,;*_» lue .s. couu p.ac- amuug tile inauula. in .'ng miliuna ol Hu- World." 'lui* growth, bc sa.d, Waa tine io tuc me- Clialilcal gt-Ullin ol I SO | eo|'i». Major Palmar wa* liri mat speaker, and at the sloes ol ms spoons te (inv r.e.r formally oealarnd tao l.t. poMtton open. Tue ex.niuis an es gai larfrma n. .u»- p. rlecied. .Mtirli space np ni the muni Dmr in still vacant, and maur el tba eimiuis ki- Ii um pie le. Nor,ii Carolinaasakeetua tutgest exuibn ot any gingie:state oulaidc Ol Maa»aCiiU»c .la. SOCIA L SCI EN CE TOPICS. Tin: pa ri its MADAT saratoga TISTXaOAT. Saratoga, Bept. 5..Tho principal papa before in. Ailie),tau soi la! Sc,mee Ans .ciauou lo.I.ty was that eoutrlhatca hy Oeorge ____» Waring, Jr., of new¬ port, on .'House Construction With ri fi r- cuoo to Plu lining aud Drainage," whicb wa* discussed al length, br. t. M. Hunt, ot in ..tun, I ,airman of tuc Department of Health, and pr-sideut of lue Americas Pabtlc llaalib Aaeoeistlee (-.* lech Will mee! fi! I), in.lt BB Nnvenlicr IS), mac un audreosea M lite Deelal Uearinga <>i Bauliatm ." i xl* orately piep ired paper* were Rad nv in I. il. I io n, i¦-, Ot Hanlon. (' 'im., on " I. e .ru-t "; dy 1)1*. l.i. | M Had, ol M.rrdoiii, .Ma-., o.i '* imiu niy In Wo.ru: ll. tnnt ami ll- suits": anil ny lu. W.t.cr ( ,,.nunile, ot iii is to. i, ou " 1 Ue ta uses ul I n.-auii t." Ai a apeelaJ acsaloa ueld at 4 o'clock mis afton.n, Protap Cb lieder Maxoodar, el calcutta, made ao ml r- eotiug addreee ob ** tieltgtoue lie,udna: un Ib in ju." l'o- igbl tm* s. 'Ti- aiy mi bm Heil m. .tn nu ai i, j. u aod tue election ot offloera took plaee. Donald li, Mlteaeil, ot N.-w-H tv ii, (m.n., dt.ivrieJ au address on "Public I'urit*." AN AMATEUM IE-HERMAN DENNED. The committee appointed ty Ute National lt d auu li, A social on to misc tu.* iiet.--.iy anaugemenla fm tuc nee.nd auinial lt.urn,nut ul ..! in.* Ubbuelal.on, lu bc beld un /clobsr IU au l 17, mci .. kiel day af.eriiutiu lu lim oibcc ul p. (>. C..t kuud lu Puiiou Market. Cominilt, 1*011 tru.il, lia a and h.iIumih i_c.nn,', ..iiimi reoepilau,prises nun pnntlngwere aiiputnted, a i ., Indi tue i|U - ui ol tie- .lill rene, ot Inc,11 au a.ii.t'i'iir unit u plot si-ional ilslu 1 ni iii arn.e. A; inc .Ug-'Csiioii o! James lieii»aid .tn aui ilcur tv i- iii BnOu lo lie 11 e tt no b j- nev, 1 HaBad lol a iivi.il na nev, dei. u i_.ui ie and bas o. vcr 1. eu cii.pe..,, 1 lu nie »_,,r ur manufacture ni uabiug t ichle. i'.i* plae* of boldlos tua luuiuameiil Waa Bot .). cid ii, bulli wilt prunaolj beal Ibo uit ic lu CcUiiai Pal g. TRANSA ELAN I IC I MA TEL I.ER I _*****_ tho 'Ail paasenfen who anived on thc Walt ia j ei-i'itiiiy were c. Pi. Aicui, li. a Alcott, ll. ti. Amt., litlnar Am.--, ('aittaui Ai uisiroug, tlr and Mrs. c. ii. Bteaa rn, Ulm Wea a s, Caeiala r. n. iiu.c .t:. Mr. Cad willa uer, Mr. um) Mr*. BalTBteT* (' nt :, '.. ('aiie- toii, Mr. and Mrs. James 1 oal* aud la.uily, mo i:.-v. Ur. Vi. L. Davidson, Prescott Lvarls. Hot ai V. (.01, tl, fr>- tasssf a. ti. Ilarhaesa, Mr. ead Mr*. Uardiscr g. Uah* tatfd. Mr. tam Mrs. A floyd Sesee. Dr. sud Mrs. P W. Liiniilnai, ItS Vex. Dr. Newland .Mat mid, Piof,-»*or 8. Newcuuili, C. M. Nut'Waw4\ M. t M i|ef ftptat, John M. Miiainiuii, Mr. aud Mt*. C. P. Zaoitki, truest Cunard aud C. P. baum. Aiium* ll.use Who Sailed OU l..e. Galil I Were Mio. Geoige Havcu, Mr*. L. C. Hamersley, Lic.iicna.it sm K. N., Mi. .md M*. .-Munt c. Cnmaerl ind, Hruc- (ali.inns. mWi th* Her ClOOgh Williams plus, Mia W. K. Uuieita, thrCasrie*amita, dr-, j ,u ohakc- . i«-a»r»-, Mi .. A. -iai I ns. Mi**d.W. dc -liz^ala VerUl, Mia. H. V. K. ma ci, and tue Kev. and Mrs. H. Yeena. Tuero will nail lu-uuy ou th* Cu> ul Rlcbmouu thc k.v. Dr. Juba K. Cox. .Mis. Ihar.is il. Mi-Vn,., di. BU Mr*, rt ni,a,11 ,1a, in. il- h. ney. H. M Dow* :. Mr. *uu Mis. W,l!l.,iu Martin, aud toe ita* .1 livia* Tbe il mimouia vt 1,1 tslit u Mary King, Mi»* Ulna, Ciao Ju.:,is i.. OS .. li- . -. Peed, Mr, and Mra ibuuias Drew, Mr*. P. Vf. WstM, .uni A. meicu roeUsa LAND GRANT RAILROADS. THE BOUTHEBS PACIFIC OTTPSED. KFl'ilKSI.MAllVi; PATSOM aOAiaOf TIIK APIOINT- Mi:.\T Ol OOVCBXMI ST I -i WI BO. mr tki.iokapu to np: t.uiiink.i Was'iiniitun, Sept 5..Bepreeentnttre I*:»y- so,i. o: iih .11-, will id.- nu Brgnmeat le-merran in the u pnruanai in reply tn ths hi-fi of ssas- Bri Car du - itacra r. Ma B Uroal Oeoaaeny, fled la s pportet theappUeattaa el thai eeeapeaytar ti"* ss> poiuttn ii! o! Covernineii! eiinml'tsio'iers to ev milne sud raper) apes thnl part o: ths ned bm sosa H Paso, T. x., and Yuma. Ama. Ii Ib uiidmaiSSil ISSI .ld ii- Ptgtoa take- inc gran 1 thal if tha -'-ere in- ri ths tater! . sc tin- 1*1,wt.lem sii-ii appoint ti.- BBinmlaalnBaes bearlH thereby w.dve all (jiiostious of law a 1 f ct, niul be c.impeded M tne report of the ssssarisslsBefi iii.nl ... satisfactory a* io tue e mdiuon of the road.to perform tue othes etsaeettre Bailee peensrihsd bf tbe u i tu laeerporata thc i\*x is and Paella med, luciudm* thal of is».i:ii« pataata to the leads granted bg tue act of 1871. Mi. Pu soi ttlll reciis tbnl ail MhMqaenl art* of conan-** ralntlag le thc Terna PncMe ami the tenth ern Patin- Unlined o. California, and also of th* char- teesgreeted te ths later serpsratloa br i-o Territorial Isiglslatarns of iflsons sad ltow Marisa ile will also sst forth |he Mets ta the eoatrarsrsj betweea the two eompanlea reapeeUag tha right nf way bbtssb the Fort Yu.i.a Muitiry Kcs.rvuiitiu aud the bridge acroaa the Km Colorado at tb.it p.ace. AI er settin-it forth tbndeial* nf the agreement of 1881 between tue managers of thc twoBeeperultana^ Mr Pay¬ son proceed* to ar___ut\ tlr»t, that tha OonaoitdntMO of theTenna Pasile with tha Benihern Pacific was with a compel inn line. and. second, t-ai the latter corpora¬ tion is not In law the " iiic-esnor " of the Texa* Psetle and, therefore, is not entitle-1 lo me eOBdlttOaal ci ant of p ih,ic iand ooiileircd upiu tbat SSmpBBJ lo a.J lu the cunr-li uciiuu of Its road, lp ti this point Mr. Faysoa laj* cat stress and Hie p .rtiou of ..i« ar.':i:u n: b, anus ii)iuu ii i* lull and BShsaStlffS He insists tbat until all the ij ii,**! mili of law have beeu settled, and settle.I tn favor of tbe leathers Paella Company, the Executive d par.uic.nt cannot ) i-iiy Ktaut the appiic.itiuii in bsfeal f u>e railroad cuuipau.v. In lb* BSBUSS Bl ins argBBMnl Mr. P.iy-un will bring out the fact that tlie leathern Paciilc Kinl- road prup-r ls 1> ascii by the Cemral I'aetfl.* ai tbe rate ol ni.,., per mi,.- BOT tu >utb plus laxes fur thal purdon ut tue linn lu Arizona ami Now-.Mt-xicu, #SM pei niue jil ii.nulli lor Itu liar. ,il tte man l.uo wh.cu ls In California, $100 per un c per in.it.tu plas tuxes a;ul BperaiitiK expends* for tne Los Anec «« unit -an l>le.'o !,_,*.mell, mid fl,OOO pi r monti) a-h for the bridges user the OoJorndo a a Rio <; mde [hs control ol i.n -e linea by tuo central Pa ldc, M . Payson .ats, C'tiiipicitly u nd t In tu mi ol Donare** ia mallina a sun. of .a.i.l fur a loni ny lui-cu,belu rou* in p; iv11-- a c imp * Una icroaa tna c..nilli' nt. lltal-to munsies lhat mete l-u-i d net .ne a uardea of espoo** lo the i nt rai Paeidc and ki j eon* ¦utera de eil nt t. .ince tao pajraaes atouaamklag fund nuder lie i uni iu.1,1 act. lu pill.lie c ut li .¦..ill.Ul Juice PayaOB tiki* t bc groobd tnat Uougreaa aaa Uta power lo ileelara ii tor* it iiuie oi au) ia.id m,i aui io. iMHj-eeuipliai_.ee nits lhe iu aita di.¦ ,,n i ie inua, iveu lt a portion el tbem hare been patt ited ie tba gi r auu h.lusieineil jut ii .tm t- rn lima* ans rqueutiy, me cont,iiimi ol ta* --ia,i-.*i" fci.iii.n geeeiatij anea, .tt ti r, n" ti -, iii ii t ie d'lT. i ,i ii ui can declare fur- : uml oin; lor in mo*i earea ina grantee* i.isa a mere bar- l, .t ll. Iltut,.! r .tl nc i i.,e lau is liol lee,,Vt tl - ii i,'n- c. Mee* iu i ea i .ii i "ii. inn.n ol pun,ic lands ari- cin.ir.it d in granta ibt toodltlon* oi wa a bet - b ii m il oitaj aud ia .ii ai actio iain ..ti.ii tbem. S b .Nm il, ii I'acide n.i.p.'ii. n.t - n.is bi eu pu e..le .. l.e.i ;. -, ,1 1. Pa.teOtl k*f* p.u.y una s, ain a .1 mliug to a .ii -. nut a nilli* ll iv iii j li quired i, teeterto* of t>egroote. * .In _. , ni tue Ji. ¦- .! ,,1-r a.i .'tl' nnii ,i - m rn ut I giant* . n.i me i'i. ela ¦ Um* ii oi tue lauC g. aal nueatiou .Ui ll.l.,»,..,. . ' u. A PROTKtfl i.i 11 (SKATED. ri i-i.i -I.--1 \n\: m s ..ii- sn mn laaoAMca of C I sis i ', ;i ll * -. _.,i ai it ti i-i. -- i. -ctr ii [ \Y.\-in\'(;i.iN, Sept. 5..ll pi sentatlve Dona ba« a kin med le ti.e ti one¬ il lng ' bo pru al ma ls e < "lil) mid linn leif I any action on lue put of tue Department lookla laaaencets Ihe eslhara Peril Kaiirm paoytt ian. i.. etti . 'or iha land grau w :... ii \.« p.c ia* Ball¬ ad against the liing ol tag lliortg.ig. dy Ibu NeW- CI. call" Pac nt Kalima i empaaj ou nu- landa elalmod li) ll a-> aaaifBOea ol lhe Ni iW-Ol i. ai,*, liewa Boug* and .1. ... .,....., .. lin- i...ie nt land giMoi b ada. Mr. Dann sa.,*: .'. ni ls non a_..t ... .1 tu a* st-ii'-iii Bl pram diepei ...' si date to tbe effcel lhat tm Mr. .-.¦ p.t.-i*. a pareen u.ik-iotu | , ..cr to ratary of Ihe Interior, urged bim io sri faror ra i talma ol tb.- -,,ut;:tr.i Ba ci ( .'inp.1 .y ai.d lha New-Otleaa ompaoi tn tha reepeetlra lead _,o-. an aeohiog to aoquira bj ru in ol ro .1 p ;, uded ,"!l said pi BSl v..: in i ,.-. a .! tha a l thai tald pretest* bara been ailhura * u. m- ... rj ul ma i tt t l lie i:i .I.m- ,..,! no PO ¦>. r ur aui ."iny aa-ci.i i.-i iiuob any iicr .on wbomaeerer ,, i,i .ii ... - ., i ni H in-. .un wiih ¦aid pi ittat* ot ibe mattera to whicb ibrj related foi i Ol Ul ou( linnie." Mr lin u .i,".. r-.'i'i'a1 i aa thai may bave ikea ni i. V Mill i* .ne mat) M idler's ll ,:i Im ne .pp ...d ineut ol a Dom mi* nm In examine a completed aeouoa ..? me sontaera Pacific .i aa* made mum rn* ago, a. ung mci tary .io-: ii rotiusdto sci ii ni it. ..ml Mi. syp,,n for¬ warded bl* applleatt io to aoei isrv teller, w o promptly r.i irnedli mi tba Indoraemenl tua. ni oommtaaien . uuu.d oe app.duli d MISt-ELLASEOUt. EAlLEOAL NEWS. i ih. union Pacific i;;..yi en. nisToni "i nut sun tuataai ran canon Mo¬ nti aa. I;.-;.i.n, Bept 5. L'be full bench of tbe t pi ,e toni li /-.lay tl.-m.--t ,t.|ii ooota tho -mt ol tin Lin tt Pin nie ll,illio.id hiii|i,iii) BgalllSt the t rejll Moiinicr of America rea mei mu boen argnod three Iiuui, deli.ru ibe lund, Hie last time being lu Mared, Whoa lui) luluu PaOlflS Was ¦oetod by Sydney Bartlett, anJ tba Cn*,in Mohilier by William <v Kaaael aad Ut orge Pam im i iu amonut iiitolied was fil,99d,000.t,ii* slim BgNBd BpOO as ihs baatoel ths eouJameel nt aeeeaate betweea the two (i,r,,orati.iis, aller ile- I retlit Mublder bad InlBBSd (UL.tiuiK int- NS 1, and a I ii IJ.-r MM '.i .>J..s,Oi»(l WblSS was suusciiin-uny lo in I to !n> dm ms < eui Msbttler. Ifaaa in.- antarprlm was prnjecied whleh lcd to the bull.lune of the (Jalna Pacific Kii.nud (it c .ntr.iet for bulldut; ibr Brat 100 arila* wai a.. u la to Utrhan M. li..xic, uf Nett-V.n ii, a Inenil oi 1 In, uta-, i. lim.int, turn Vice- i'ie ..ui ni ol ne Union Pacific Company, Aa Unala waa unable to earry oat the tarma ef the eoatraet, ho awd* aa .i agnmenl ri lha same rn the Credit dobtlter, of Aiiii-i icu, w.ilcl! was a curp.uauun cuai tu.vd lu Pennsyl- \.imi aud was reilly a syn lt alt) of capitallsl*. lu.tuy of Slltllll ttcro ll.tur. -tl. tl lu inc lumu I'.n illc lual, anti tbe uanui-li.-tl |,,uri ion ol Uosu's Work Was completed hy tne Qredti Mohilier, wen* i!-*u i id un « addlUoaaL Tao atoekaoider*ol Um I'niuii Paeiile iiidu! lue (ledi' M dnlcr wsrtt MB Stanilally lin- s.i ue, sud tv nen inc gNBl pro|ect hail been Boesplaied the hslanoo hs tarnr el the Oradli MehUtsr, wliii-u Was the "iibjeei at c.iiiti*..var-y, wa, fun.id by a i in i.littt) seaalsUac u' tta, Ibmman. Govern* BM li.ictior, ami Messrs. Dillon, Mary and InilT. Ai .m..ii tuis nm.- tue. < 'timmie! 'vt-iiii of I'-im -vi rania brmight anlt agmnat tue Crodli MwMUsr tar Ibobbm ina alleged io be dna, mid is aa i iwet ruun fm__maa\ wa* d In farer el Um Commonwealth, Tee Credit Ma. ni ipp ui i and tbe Uutou Paetdi Usmpnu/, ss surety lui-the . n-dii M.-Diner, gnvo Ita uo.e for 9300,000, ead nfier IBS teriiiiii.ii'o:i et ti I Batt the note wa* to be np- pltc l nw,i rd ectiluirf lin- a..Bel tietwi-Mii Hie Ci eui MO biln rand ih'- Union Va- tlc Cutup my. In 187,1, firth- first lime, lue I, ullin Put ltie Comp.my, taranga it- board of maasgi u-* at, ssweated the elmm >t bb < i edll Moodier, and aliened lb.it tim Original t ouiracl, BtthOttgb pur..,.ri¬ me to .A\r b cn ni id.- ny Mox.*, w.m re ii. y made tn tuc -' of rhamaaC Durant,and Bia franrt mads th* cootracl vui I. Anun.ei itruund of fraud saargsd was that the e-n- muicd cost |>er mlle b> lue BSglnaer wuo made tba I'i .- | ¦'. I, .». ni, and Uiui lb- i*'.ilia prise a* Pi I Hm"* f.Mi.ouu per mila lu answer lo tim ia*1 proposition ibo ( reuu .hu iUr *.iy- toai a.ter .ne pi -pmlnao aurreyi W. te mi le ie cns i USS Bgmei r, Ar. vui un, ci ue iii lue cmi lu-ioii l./ii ll wa* In-t I-, Suv, tUe ruling Hr.itia ull IC p ll iq] , ii- el ii. n / ,,, .,, pi*. vin .ri. agrceS upon, atti us this Inv Ir.-l a in. eb laraw ce*i» n..xir's eootraet of |6o,owu pei uiiIh eas ba*aj upou ini* ahasfs rae p '-.linn liiUeu liy tin: ri tilt .Mi.Iiiliei wita Ina. weat..vcr in.iv bora bea iai f tlui bj Bonnee- tiuu witu dr. Durant it wu eared hy ta* wroe-uaiagi Ib ihs * iring of 1863, nboa Ilona aasigned bl* eentmri lo edit Mo 'i.i. i.i ia t nc B diway bt, in... seesptod Ibe rt ,u\ WA* in law bon ld ht lue lena* of .lit) cn.ur.if. ll Wus niau ,.a:ui"i lid Cn- Union Pu, nu- Compauy ;. i- liii available Randing in tata smt. aa t ..* eely partiel a'.ui .cl. . -i iii)ii(i-l of ,,.,. ,..,,,(, u..n. r»uiy ... I.. coutrtc; nara tho solder* of 1 tuo Uulou PaiiiUy Compauy, au Ot wuiua sim;* wa* *ub- saliently acqnlred br the Credit Mobiller except thlr- tt eu shares whleh lui ve ti.cn uucluiiuud for eighteen venr», and for which no owner can be found. A still fin ti cr legal nunn relied npon waa that tin- Un; n Paeille Cninpauv bas been tudty of gross lachen la not bunging its suit before so many ycura i ad etaaood. Tlicre-cHd nf thc full Curt 1* as follows: " Ttiere w.is no sum lent Woof ot actual fruiid, and no such pi of of eo isiruciiv.t fraud aa io reutler tbe eon tract open tar r i'in;ia' cu aficr thc votea of April ti, 1 ssOO." A HOAD TO YELLOWSTONE I'AIiK. itmn ri mam roon soot wa-uakik im wyoming iiiiiitiroitv. Hawkins, Wy. T., Bept, 5..It lias lieen ie. in >hattheniiraad wtrrag widen is being made aerooa Wyoming te tha Tallow alene -Tart, beginning at Fun Wii.li.ili'c, is bei.:g made ut the expense ot John K. Hoi ii wed. of New York. It is not known wbo his bucker* are. although it ls reported that a London stmiicate I* bshlad lum. lt 1* also saul that he ls neilin; In tbe inter¬ cut of tbe Uuiou Paclllc or Central Paclllc railway. It ls known thai tue Bothwell party huve *ecured soda Ink ¦*, p,umbum springs ami otner large Interest* lu (his it ci.on. i uiuue. Wallace, of Penusylv mia, is with Mr. Bothwell SI Port Was .ame, and Hr. Oroll is on ihe road tn lulu i :ii-m. Ths conni ry (hat will be developed by thia read la limed Inr lu agricultural grazing land, a* will BS lui limber, soda,coal, iruu aud pen*' lento. ? WEtTEBfl BATU CUT. St. Loris, Sept. 5..The Ohio nnd Missis¬ sippi Kailroad mil charge* X*> 50 to Cincinnati, but haa met tho $1 Louisville cut. Ths Air Line positively asserts thal ii ls nui paying comiutss.uus lo " scalpers," BBd that IBO reports thal broker* are discounting tue cu: rans iiiiiii t ic ref,ire be Bairne. T ie Vandalia Line ba* not yet eutered tee tcbt, sad there arc at preseut no mdicatlous tnat lt wtll do so. THE EASTERN POOL ATTACKED. Chicago. Sept. 5..Another suit WM inati- tutc in tue local cour;.* today with the evident dc*lre to teal tha right of tba Kastern l'ruiu Linc Poul to divert fn igbt fm.ii thc mud to which lt has been sp dally BOB* ¦iKBed. Tue snit I* against the Grand Trunk Railway and the Ure it leeters Fust Freight Line and the prarer Hsk-.tr.at the) restrained Irom div.mug cciiaiu freight to other line* in the Kaat.lumad Pool a* they ter .attn. Judge Moran, uf tho Circuit Court, grauied a temporary mjnaeuoe. THK OENERAL CON FF. lt EN CE TO-DAY. om unocnons in katks to follow if cct- TINO U NOT STOri'Ll). Railroad men ttlsniSSOll nita in;crest yester- da. lha pussinie aciiuu ol lue Joint Kn euuvt. Committee Bl lha .n.uk lum and tbclr Uratan ciiuucc'.ioi.*, which meets lei day. The mseUug wat called to eoaaldcr the ',..,.- nf taeesauhenndaad weet' boand fn ignt-ruto ratting anbmltted lo cemmlmisnsr Fink. lt is expected le stark the taraiBg point in tbe niiraad iHastiaa bs redai min rates. Tm- lltUBtion moiitns t I the *ame ground (ur tunnai oomplaiataol Cst it ailoris to-i.iy, ail meOtlug* lune fly bein mid through toe *ainuier (or tin* mi,.ci pnrpuee ot endsnroring to aeenra ibe nmlntennnee of lands. it is believed, Lustier. IBal tuc .\(\t.y,.rk Central aud tho ij rania railroads ute nutt determined lhat lt aol I ping uf tin* cullin* be r 11 .*i loth* leroi el ths lowes rat nie. Int - are BaUraed anlastWed- '¦¦ i '.-,.i i.u, inn was poraunded to .. nt rai ooaiaranoa. A :, .t in ,.,!,,j aga ai a iiiceling ul tue iruuk liue .i k Central advocated . reduction . itatlrea demured to rae ,t lip inn of thi* iuiii'-., .mi declared thai there- inn I. 11 - -ii .*_.- -1. ,i .,_t tn* ictrtai wonld uot mont - wi i - a .nit iratou i I.., i- ¦¦ .. t | ii i-i.i tu furor ni swecpiug it.1.1 C.,is it lo .mi catt b T lualU- 1 \ rate on gan mw ne IO oaoia per I., p un ia una been inggeated by ii luformnli/. Ai- ianda to t be ouiuilutom r i 11,es, i aa un aler number i- r«to i ubare.i lodged ugiiu-i Wonioraeon- It li . Beting - i.u t tu leetiug m.* t,., pialua i " But tue ti aper ai ino I'ebuaylfaula au i in» ¦>-1 \ u ,t Boo¬ timinbee of Irrrguiaritte*, eeii-iaformrd laiiroad moa 1 w itu.a a WoBB ny uprii and g.* ucl al reduct! SPECIAL CONVENTION KATES. Ai the regular weekly meeting of tbe trunk Uu* pt -.m. i ___», ,,t- yuaierday, apodal rate* ivrru .ii.-.wr. ior tee Bogala - st* Conrcntlon ii nt s Wi leai'r. '..I u. ii,eu at Wasblagtofl wi.o Intend .. Dom ii, vote al Ilia runing election. A tlual neill wa* made of Ibe .iCi-oU'its of tbe Castle (Jar- J ,. kg t. ¦.. Hi*y w. r i'ldiid ii,.,ri Uoe of Jots) Ageal Booth. Ti.e athoc busm*** iraae- ..i . i tr : ,.i tua ne I., mad, wnh im« Boob dring nu lmuiiKi am unana, .¦over ii* louepcmltiul lou.e to liuf- o, baa ap] uion ,o ihe ( a- b Uardeo ul A_[ ne; No action ba. b ¦¦.li t aft Ul OB tills maller io mn pori iua.1. ( OAL ELI' Es F'Hi sEElEMUER. bbadino's mibtaks i.n oaoaauto an Boyanca. PHILADELPHIA, bept. 6..Tlie act mn nt tin- I'm.jil.-.j,ll,.i an.l Kt adiug i "al md Iron Couipauy iu log In- lu*, rt nt Um c lat to tuc line :iTi-1 Hy tr ids for the in n tn of September uot prorad, a* ma' onmpaaf bus since lear* ad, tll-ndvisrit. I ula BStlOS Was not t.i.en Until Un- lr blgh Bporntora bud reiusotl lu last snell ., Pre«ideul (lowen felt lhat hla example a a i t. ra; w..-, ti i it or bot. ii tooktbe ground tbat ha waa the aaaater of tne etina- tloa ny virtue nf hoing tao beermat producer, ami tbat lt wea for elm to oom mead ami for tue oth.-rs m oia-y. Tin- LoaigB i.ii iiiuso bas (iiown tual it wa* nut in be io by Its prr»iet»ni rriinal IO mak au> ad¬ la u., ami nv in« laaanaea of tis draelat atatlngtual prleea WOnMnri lie advanced fur lins mouth overthoM rating lari m ¦* 11». I ne natani result of the sliuatlon ls that ths Heading roi uiiisl lullnw Ibo Ia-liiKU iii prices or nave _,n ii ii,,ni I.it uni of coal, lue fm .uer lu ur. ¦«, ls al; fatly al adlaadvaotage, aa ibe Indlridunl BcaaylhUl operator* ng coal al last moath'a gitan*, aad tha Healing is pi ri en lng a ttar In moods froui ll* 'I it* il ar l.r selling the Don! pr td i.-'-tl at Ute l.etuirii and Wllheabarro mmes at t.., i. ngbcircular, lt u alsooutted upon geed anthor- ,-- I* ii wen ta«.*s un .te eadanl Man ii,', ju-- nu BM in1 coal ot hi* own, ibe mapirlly ol the nun ui i.m iiin.es naring beea anticipated for dged for mousy adratioee wan tt,,., li lu tn r ni ii iii in, uli.ir.il'.uiis. A Ins priid.it bus lu-, li -,.l.l up HI ti. I Bgure*, ne c ni weil Um d lo iii ak d all mop. ml. ul .land. 1 ue tale ol product um eppii** to all .1,, ii going uiilidde tbe Cape* a* well aa lual coining IO tl.r Hoe and eily tr.ul.*. SI SIESSION OF .1 Sl.lf-ORI.EANS FIRM. Ni uoki.kans Sept. r>..ll. lindley Coleman ' miner, iran feodora end aMubinuto, auapaedod to¬ day Tiieir llii'iili Isa are Jj.',!., ix lo. Bad tlu-n- anet* 1400,000. I lin . upciisiun was cau*od by luahiilty to L.t.,.., uu theirInroaimanta TH8 lil: .ISLi MOND DECISION. Holden of Virginia Minto bonds tra elated nv r: ba Beetaloo in t be United Statea circuit court mai aland r of eonpens ter texas dns mat Brats is a ir^-.ii tinder. Heretofore tBr aeopeoa bave beeu refused hy Un* male til a-un, boiidlnd lers have been foiced io pay u.e lassa rn money ami rabeoo.asstly recover judgment in inuit, inc eil.et sf thed'cisiuii,li wassatthy beni boldcin hara yretarday. wools ba to oompol tao etoto Ofl ,tl« in ice. te (lit* COOPOM for USO* direct Iv. " Anv Beetaloo," ou.ui one uuiiduo.uer. " whleb landa to auld up Virginia and uim-i Souiuera etnt ¦ lo lao lull payment Ol ineii tii.'l-iiiioui, is fiivorabiit lu Ita ctt-c:, Bul otny ii tue ti.-iiiui». out lo lint .-'laies ineniselvrs. Wutnuier tbey are OOoinelled to bc bune-.t tue people of these Kiau-S will timi tb.it t .dr Industrial program wm ba coinitlerably gre.,t»r tn ni ll tia* lit-eiini tue past." '. beetle, lol lhe decision wa* lu n.tiiiulalti lUipnir fur Suutuerii Stale securities, Bud io advance Hut pru-.. Vu.iuia BOaaola roes 4 prr ecu, tr nu tee pre ¦. al t it* ta..* «a,t), the tou-forties t_ and lhe coupon bond* 7 perceuL HIE DERI OE il A Ssl'IEEE, IND. ' A coufereme wis bold ut tho Fanners' Loan anti Trust fem pB BJ "B ottlon yeiterdar, lim wren bund- huldel*uf the city ol Kvau*vide, ludiaua, aad a Cuai- milUe of ollloiai* uf tuat cl y iu regard U au a,lj.i*tmeut ot ihe muuioipal dobi. Bond* to tlie aiumnit of *3.30,OOl> were represented. Mayor t. C. Bridewell, CUy Atioruey J. ii. Kuck.r aud hngnst Bretsno. ciialrinan of the rtnsne* iwmlitss of Branerille, appealed fur tho city. l..*v Bread tn* creditor* IB appoint a committee per- sou illy lo es imtue tne dnuueca of lue city, reprc*euilug inn llii*ii Ooudltioo was tnt t-r mai liu.l tn eu sliowu at aful ber meeting, lue omi.edd rs toole un action, lt la lailmated toa th«*.-am awaitiug ths unit tins ot two au,:, h.guu uguinsl tvaiisviuo BB BBSt dBW coupuii*. Mi.HUSH OF CALEDONIAN Associations. flie annual convention of tho North Am. Hean UsttSd ( aledunuu A»suc!at.un» was held ye*- ,,i ; y afici-iiooii at tint looms ri tbu MsW-Torh Cale- ,i,,.,.,! (lui), ai Nos. H and IO ¦ matta Bt Uele.gatei ii, m i lailssa flabs sf lit- it"T -** Osaadasmra ¦twa lat'.lu-meet lng. Several changes.were made In law* of mt* aaaootati in. ruei K.iiowiug «>«;.-« were elected ror tao ensuing year: Prewdeut, «u«aui Ai.Hei-.ou. ot Auburn, M. Yd Urst riv* presl.lent. A. O. ll,.,l... of lornno. Cam 1^; saeoud vice-president, Oeorge Ooodfcllow, of Pallndalpatol .ecreiacy. Peter j- -- .,1 Ntw-YorB! BSOUtsut aaeWlarr, NV ililam Keller, mi i, ii. ,sir-r. rtioinas Walicll, of Pltt.ton; i i ommlttee, D. ¦eBartasn, of iiamiiton. Ou- i.,i..i,and J-utis Mci limb, tl Albany. T.,0 BonroBties ,! i jj ti IU n-xi annual ineetlne at Hranfurd, Canada, la tne evening tb* delegate* were entertained at supper by the member* of the New-York Caledonian Club at tb*tr club room* lu Horatio-at. Speeebea wera made by William Anderson, A. O. Uooge aud several otner*. HIE I'I RE E ECO RD. A FATAL FIRE* IN ST. LOUIS. ONE LIFE L08T AND SKVRRAL PKR8ON8 MIS8IMO. St. Louis, Sept. 5.-The Misaouri PlamtiK Mill, Nus Mill aud 811 Casvave., was bumed at between .'! aud 4 o'clock this altoruoou. One life waa lost and tliree or four persons are reported mussing. A tenement hons* adjoining wai alto burucd, and e.-veral lamilies lost all their eftects. The loss on th* mill is about $13,000. A CABBIAOB BOUSE BURNED. Lark George, N. Y., Sept. 5. .A valuable ham aud a can ia*c bouse at the summer residence Here of Dr. J. W. Dowling;Bf New-York, were destroyed by tire this m..rid ir. Tbey are supposed to have caught hre from tne pip* of one of the stablemen. Tbe borsej and carriages were removed wlibout Injury. IDE WOOL_ ROWERS OF OHIO. Columbus, Sept. 5..At a meeting of tbe Ohio Wool-Grower*' Association to-day a spirit of opposi¬ tion to the Tariff bill was manifested. Acaucu*of the president* and secretaries of six State association* waa held, at watch lt wss decided to call a niau-ineettog of wuol.growcrs aua sbecp-breeder* at tbe Grand Tactile Hotel, In Cslcaio, on September 25, io organize a .National association. MIDNIGHI WEA I UER RERORI. m GOVBUNMKNT INDICATIONS. ForXew-Knjtland, fair weatber, northwest to south¬ west winds, nearly stationary temperature, nsinz fol¬ lowed lu ibe norn west portions hy tallinn barometer. For tho Middle Atlsnuc State*, fuir weatber, nearly stationary temperature, nortiierlv winds b-cuiuiujj va¬ riable, nain*- followed by falllna barometer. 1 or inc Lake reston, slightly war.uer, fair weather, south to west winds and lower baromi l( r. For the Upper Mlsdaaippt and Missouri Valleys, .ligntly warmer, fair weatber, southeast to *outbwe»t winds, lower barometer. indication* for le-morroie. Coal and fair weather Is indicated for New-Kngland and tlie Middle -tates on burs lay, followed hy slightly warmer, fair weather on Friday. Tne temperature will rise slowly lu Die Ohio Valley, Lake re/nm ana Upper Mississippi Valley ou Tuursday ami Friday, with gen- nally fair weather. TRIBUNE LOCAL OBSERVATIONS, TtTfUODRS: M r>n>.ng.' D') _4 72 Tn loo |i JO ORS: Morning. NlfM. 1 ___ l ? a i r, a t a oin 12i;s<r*7* mon i__, B^riXjIU!!ir3!?^^JT~~"^lr1 IO.! .-..lr_m'.m\..nlrU .mm.'rmi-'i. t-J___J_ _^!5^ jj !"*!>"-¦ ¦'.-¦!- -r -----.. -.- V*- A.-mi- mr. imi ,«_-. «... L_j- ,r. ? il) b-t -e-rir V f4-l-,.T-i.>H_V-^.-_»,,«.J».,_i.,. ,o-t -pm wwil^ '¦**/**pt*¦ I"! 'I»i[jH "li. t _____Z____i__ j _____. IL'O, ti tar <li|-iitiil,i»iit. btrttnntirtl TsrUUoo, to tLla cit, ti> trurru .f mcti-i Tl,. |,.i|,n._l.c»..i lu., |lf- d..iil.in ul tlior fur (Uf Louis . ... ,< - r,,g',i Iw f'4ilyt olnlr Alf rtlitr.-nll Otr ,t, . ly IS' rn-', l.) ¦) 1.1«| 'nm.' h«ur. Ta'St.'km ordoltrd lit' ir, ir,.nit li.-..- ¦ ii tiitl.aul bj il- i!tcim~aiclcr ml Usa .ni's rkariasc;. Ill SrM4«»f. Tninrsr Offk'r. P^pr.O-la. m..The morement m tba barometer yesterday was upward. Partly doody weatber prevailed dnrtnr pane ol the flnt and aaeond quartan, followed by elnar waatber. Tbs 'cnueiature anaed notween M*aed 74\ tue BTsrngs _0S°i betas liv1 lower tb.ri on t.i- aarreapoadiag day u^r year and .-.'¦.j' higher thau oa rueoday, ,r weatber, wltb tllxbi ebaagsa tn temperature^ may beexpeeled tooday lu this city un 1 viciuity. UNIONS Dl.i LARI SH MOUE SER1KES. A meeting of tlip Executive Council of tlio Buddins Tradsa area baM Inst nlgbt ni Nu. .99 Tblrd- ave. Til.- ;i,ii,m o' the 'Jenn -i Framer*1 Union In onicrinsf their tuen bael in tho beddings In Seventy- ihlrlst Intw.-iii Blgbtfe uml N n'h ave*., was discussed. and thal srgSBtsattea was unan¬ imously expelled from thu amalgamation. Tue wulk'nit deli yate* were satfeartsed ti declare a str'k* at an end on the f>eveu:y-tli;r.l.tf. bnUdtngS, prot I.* i Kr B mta. the balkier, iroal I agna to smploy oil. onion men bi natter, rue qttestton of compelling 1. trimmer A- Muinau to take their bod-hotatlag eunnes out of toe building betns erected bv Contractor rnckar waa taken up, and the delegate* werenteoa full pow r lu outer »tnkes OB sixteen tui'ldniTS in wliicb Bdelmayat A Morgan have engine*. If tba angina* ure not removed by Mon I.iv. A sf rik* was nrd-red on Cvms Vi. Field's n*w build- las ei Broadway ami (ireenwlch-st. on account of the emp oyuient of a nonunion bod-bouilag engineer, I bi re ure between 139 and 200 m'n employed mi tue te ding. \t tie* Oakota flat-bouse (he framers returned t w ult yesterday. ^^^ ////.; MMOOKLTN CONSTITUTION CLUB. A meeting for organization was hold laai erening by the Bewly termed BroeklyB cn-titution Club, winch ls asodolled n't- r tba similar club In tbis eily. Aboal tl-tv nicn, am.un; whom wero .. n,.' de prominent elttsena ol Brooklyn, m-t al Ha TITI Fulton.st , In responso to a rall issued by thc promotar* of the undertaking. Amour them were d. r. Jaams, Joatsh B Witta, Henry Qeeng* Fir,- Pammis stoner Partr iga, TboBtss il Badana, Frat,kiln A.I. h. J. i. in ju P. BoMassa, Detnas Ilarue', .1 Warren i, .ur. William Hichardion, the Kev. Charles Wood, Dr. It Q Mortat. I>. II. Houghtaling, James r.i Igwar, millam ii rieemnn, Ambros* Baew, (icuetal ll, "n I!. I'i.Bin, I- W. lie isley and C P. Adam*. a constitution was adopted ami by-laws wrr** are- bul owiiu toa disputeorer some ol ibe proimona In nu- la'trr, I ley were referred to a committee. Offleer* will be elsetrd al the nnxi meeting. FAILURE OF HINE DEALERS. Aasignnenta wro made bj two wine deolan yeaterday. Anna Bonbons ami her son Fnederich Kubin ru, wholesale dealers, at No. 51 Wall st., nuder the stvlo of Fnederich Robbert! A !*ou, made an as-iignnicnt to Kobert A. Oraaeaa, (ivmra preCaraams to the Kast Uiver .\aii mal lia nit foi Tl">.-VJ3. Aliens' lliicbow and Louis F. lirandau, composing the thin of titicbuw X iiraudau. whulcsale dealer* lu Call- lurnla wines nt N'.-. 73 Murray-st., made BB assignment to iiuiieri Plantar. k-vIhk bim a preteronea n.r $4 SSA 1 ne timi ls (he accnt lu the I.a*.ern States fur tbe wines of Knout r .v i'.i;!i!ii.*, ol i-an Francisco,ned ni tbe Pacific Vinegar f'onipauv, of tba same etty, Tiie Ua- Uiitlea are reported to ue about $20,000. METURN OF FRESH-AIR CHILDREN. A party of twenty-two children who were sent out IWO Weeks ago UUtl-1 the aaSStSl I Bl Tilt TRIU- iM fiaab Air Fuuti to Fast Fairfield, Vt., rntarasd home jes'.crduy morntnr. Tlie children left BBSS Fau- Ui lit at noon on Tuesday and went to Maqujin. where they crossed Lake Champlain to Plattsburg, ihe voyaxt- ¦etOSB the lake waa tryiin; to tbo children, a* Ibe water waa t-iu-ii and heavy (eas tame poiiuuing uvt-i t'* decks of thc boat. Nearly all or the children were seasick. The partv came hythe New-Yoik Central Railroad from Aibauy to New-York, arriving lien* early yesterday BtBTBtng. J. A. Perkins was In charge or tbo pirty. rae ebiMrsa secmeu mast Sseattod hy then visii ani..u_i tho lulls of Vermont. Tho followlun: parenna wero their entertainers: A. Chase, J. N. Pomeroy. B, t'i"nn. T. Mltsbsll, I~ OL Hull, B. B. Isbam, A. Ciiase, J K. Finler. F. MilcheM. J. BqnlrOB, ll. M. Wells. H.. II. Suule. sift lt Miirtevaiit ami I). Watreu. At lilKbl a M'vii* uf m,libers walled In the stailigbl at the l barnie r*»l ferry tor »evetily--i-vci* chiblreli wno were returning from a vacation near Bmtthfleld, I'i tin. TBu ir Jiu was latn auU tOaro were Kinny Runout nc tinnies belora thc ferry leaded tba Uttle one* c. M. K.iiri-hill had chun:* or tue psrty on Hip Journey, and on tuan art ital ben* Mr. Parsons n-celv. d ino children aud saw lhat ail were delivered to fiicutl* to be takeu burne._ Eilll TRIHI NE Filc.Sll-Allt FUND. Previously acknowledged._.$16,111 77 Proceed* of a collection taken tu Hu- Nostrand Aveoue M'tnn.iisi Kpiaeupai Church (intaiit cassi, iiniukiyn.- 10 10 Flues for makl ,g sputa on tb« tuble-el ah at laoola, per Ula K. WI llets, ace ume year*.. 2 15 Pri-*b> ut mu -s.iUatij-iciiu,iI, or Wiudnaia, N. Y., second ooutributlon. 2 00 Total, Sent 5. 1833.H0JUI 08 Tbe New-Yoik anl Sea Heacb Railway Company, which nive* one eiiihl's ticket willi ev,rv adult's excur¬ sion ticket (inn jasen over iu road, haa given 1,000 children's tickets .0 lu. Uunr.Ni: frsab dlr Fiiml, tobe used lu takiug pour culdreu to tlie seaahorc lor a day's excursion. _ _ IHTBBE8T OF AN INFANT CLASS. To fl* Hil it or of IA* tribune. Sm: Herewith I bepr to hand you $10 16, the proceeds of a collection takeu lu thu Noslraud Aveline M. ____¦ Church Infant Class, Brookli n, on sunday last. Kvcr slnoe your good work began our children have beeu heartily with you, unit known of your success. Most of them are lu the country, hence tbo smalt collec¬ tion. We purp.se during the winter, when our class ls mil, lo Uko a collection lu a.illclpaiiou ol next summer. In b'hulr "f tu* sutfertnit little one* of New-York city, accept our thank* tor your imbi* services. Hiuo*reiy yours, 1 cst un i:s or THK I n* an 1 CLaaa. Jlrooklya, Scpr, 5, 1883. HOSMLR'S CHALLENGE TO COURTNEY. George Hoainci's challeiitfe to Charles E. Courtney bas ucl yet been lakeu ut>. Hosmer depnsited SJUO wiiu the KU tor ot the Sew lurk Clm>er o* (oneil lauueylaal we... an. the cuaUc*.) ba* yet a weak IO run. Ii I* lot a tuioe .mle race for f2,000 a siae. to takt. piece at *uob ume aud plaoe a* *ball be deiermlued BBfesAaa OBITUARY. ANDREW VABICK STOUT. Androtr Varick Stout, a well-known and wealthy citizen of Kew-York, died of panalyaie nt bin auramer resldenoe lu Bernard sri Ile, N. J., yeaterday morning. In February last Mr. Stout raalgned bia po*i. Hon aa president of ibe 81:00 and Leather Bank, owing to 111 health. Ula health did not improve, and be anaaS moat of his time since bl* retirement from bnsineaa oe. Us farm at Ilernardsville. Ou Monday last bo auflerod a stroke of p iralysis. . Mr. stout wis In his seventy-first year. He waa born and brought up in this city, and received a public school education. He waa appointed an assistant teacher la old Public School No. 7, in Chrystlo-st., at the age ot eighteen. Later he was promoted to be principal of old I'ulillc School No. 2. Finally ne occam.: principal of old Public School No. 13, ia Madtsou-st.. aad afterward be. came manager of the New-York Orphan Asylum. 8ub- stqueutiy be embarku t lu thc wholesale boot aud sboe business ut der tbe Arm Dame of mont X Ward, aud later witb a change of partners, under the naxe of A. V. Stout A Ca Od April 3, 1853, h> was floored president (.f the National Sboe aud Leather Bank, or whica be bad been th<* vice-president for a short tune previous. Tbla position he held for almost twenty-eight years. Mr. St«mt was actively engaged In many financial enterprise* and Institution*. Un waa a director In Ihe Bom-Tart Mutual Oas Light Company, the Phoenix Fire Insurance Company, the American Hank Note Company, tbe New-York ami Brooklyn F, rry Company, tbe Broad. way Insurance Company, and the Loan nud Improve¬ ment 'Jump my. At one time he was connected with the Board or Kiln ati<u. Wiieu Fernando Wood was Mayor Mr. Stout was ciiy Chamberlain, aud during tbe dls- tnrbanean at tbat tims tn regard io thc nuilee force he advanced the sui aries of Ibo loree from his owe pocket, being afterward rel in nursed by tho oity. Or'gloally he was a Democrat in politics, bu' during tbo war be ne,-.un.- a Republican, ami afterward waa a ¦tanncb and eiitluislasifc sn upon er or Republican princi¬ ples. Asa prominent mein lier or the Methodist Episco¬ pal Church, ho was dpt cully lui -rested lu tue iu- .tltutlooa connected with that dcnoniina lui, Eli: waa a trtiMee of Wesleyan University and of the Drew Theo¬ logical seminary. A few years ago he gave $.V),000 to the Drew Seminary and a Ilka sum also to We*lt*yaa University. He was a member aud trustee of St. I'aul'a Methodist Episcopal church, at Foiirtk-avn. andTwenty- .ei-onti-*t. I be funeral will take place at that church at 2 p. m. ou Fritiay. The surviving family or Mr. Smut Includes his wife, one sun and two daughters. Joseph S. Stout, hi* son, la the bead of the firm ur Stunt A Co., brokers, at No. 23 Hroail-sU, lu which A. V. Stout waa a special par'ncr. One uf Hu* daughu rs is tbe wife of J. N. Kwell, banker, 'il N". IS Broadway, nud the other is married to A. P. 'ioii!berum), a banker, ot Chicago. THOMAS LBOKAUX Thomas Leonard died ut his home, No. 234 IVtB-st., yesterday from cancer of thc liver. Ile belonged to Luelle* Compauy Nu. 49. nut hud been oa thesick Hst lor about six mouth*, ile was boru ni this city Septem¬ ber 13. 1-40, mid was a chaiidk-r when he was ap¬ pointed a tl re in.m in IBM Os July 1. Lift, be waa mane asalatani foreman n- Bngtns < somnaay Ba, 13 and was promoted tetbe position of foreiuaiioii.lutielO, 1S73. before he lust bis health he was regar led by tbe Fire Commissioners as oue uf tue most efficient meu lu tbe department. SMITH H. CBOBSMAV. Smith H. Cro«Tirtn, an o!d and respected cifiZ'ti or the village of Jamiica, L. I, died at his homa on rui"til;iy eMuiur, from diab. t -s. Mr. Crossman waa IbeotdeatearHafa manufacturer on Long Island, aud wa* the deeigner aad (milder uf tba aarrmem kuown aa Bnekairaya. He wun a leading mein,.er ,.i tue Jamaica Mc bodial LpUcupaiChurcu, und ns treasurer since iHb'X PROFESSOR 0. P. TABLET. LoBDOX, Sept. 5..Professor C. F. Varley, weowna el etrtetan te tba Bteatsts interuuionai Teie> graph < tanpenjr.wbleb laid thc hrsi cable across the Ab laulic Oo BB, is dead. HOWARD STAHLER. BaLTOIOBS, .Sept- 5..Edward Staider died at bis re-:i|.!ii -c. s.uidv S|iiui,'. Moutgoiner/ County, thia Man-, la t nu':!, IB tba sj:,ie house lu which be waa born in December, 1794. ile waa appointed postmaster at Sandy bptlnga iu ln.ii. .md held thc utflce up to the time ut hl«.it. aili Ile was a Quaker, aud his long lifo waaaucb as lo command general respect. Ile wa* said to be tue oldeel p .Munster in tbe United Slates. SELECTING PARE SITES. The commission to lix Bites for parka in tha annexed diatrict beld a meeting yesterday at the offlce of the Mercantile Trust Company. There were present Luther R. Marsh, General I.-wis Fitzgerald and J. Mnllally. A letter was read from 0*ner.tl Shaler on toe advantages ufleretl by tbeCortlandt property aa a park site, in its report to tne Legislature tue commissioa will rcconiiiif nd the Cortlandt properly a* one site of RHO ur 1100 acres, au I another site on thu Bronx River of .too u( 4(S> acres. 1 will also suggest a* a possible site for tbe tatars a splendid stretch uf land overlooking the Hound a.!)) Bing 1'eibam. A GREAl IN,QIC E OF SEALSKINS. Tho largest iiutultcr of sealskins ever re- calved bare at saes arrive! yestcrdiy by the Sunset ionic. Khars w m 540casks or Alaska skins packed la salt, destined for London, and w.re estimaied to be worth W0O.0OO. Tb.y hail been sbtpped from Califor¬ nia on Ibo Southern P.e-iflc Railroad to New-Orlean* .iud then.-.* by steamer. Kngl ind still leads the world In dreaalon and ootorlag tbia beautiful tar, In spite of ths experimental attempts at cuuipetniun that bave beea made here aud elsewhere ltnineti'* Cnconine ptasoetas tho rrowthof anl beautWs* tu.) hair, aud rentiers ll dark aud glossy. Colgate .V Ce s C.tsh BOM I . u net Toilet Trna Tba nuveiivaailt»ii}*pli<)ual Hretiztu,,- us .i-rto a* Ate iu> iisow- ui laajiaatiooam tala taaario.it mit a. MARRIED. CltAOIN- VAI.K-At (he Urand Hotel. New.York City, >spt,-nili*r 5, nv the I'.ev. Dr. Cbane* W. Haul of Ky*, a, V., Kdwaitl Wilton Cia-'lii and Auuio ir*_ie VallL SLOAN -JOHNSTON-On Tin-.tUy. september i, by tba Kev. ______ A. I'.Iniut i, Mil.ie Jubustuu to Sauiu*l Sinai), botb ot lbw city. _ All noliee-t of mari-toye* must be indorsed icitli /ali inline und address. wm' v .a Jil ED. BFI.K NA I*.Suddenly on soptember 5, Charis* F. Relkntfc in (he 77th vear of his axe. Kelatlvcs and fneuds :ir invits-l BO attend lils funeral on sat. urday, aeetemaac in ai j p. m., at the Ku at rresbyteriaa Church, doukers, N, V. Cairlsges wm ur iu waning killie depot for 2 o'clock tram Iiu.ntiiaiitlCeytr.il Depot. UL'Kill n.At Mvrttstowo. N. J.. August 21, IHHA, Freddi* suu of Frederic is. and Mary A. (iueriu. age 1 ye-r, A inuutas and 3 day*. M ii.I,Kit- Ai Kedft.ttl. N. V., on Wednesday, september i, M*(| A., wife ul lleic^iah L Miller, la lite MS year uf h*r aga 1 uncial servicea wu! b* in lil si the hunte Friday, septeinbm 7, at 1 p m. SIDVT-At Bernanlsnlle, V. J.. Wedneadav nuirning. Sep. tember % Aatlrrw Varick sion!, in the 7 tat yea: uf his au* B*l*Uv*e aud trie ls sre lumea to Bttood his funeral nae. turk ai Ot, Paul's M. I US licit, curut-r 4lh>ave. sud rid. SL, tm Friday, 7lh last., yt *_! p m. Friends wm kiudiv omit flo srer*. TUC Its ion'-On Mandari September A, lH-*o. Jonathan ? Thurston. Unsure* sud friends are respectfully Invite! lo attend his tu;i»iai ai lils late residence, Nu. ilil M«:cei st.. Jersey City uu Thursday. September ii. at 1 o'clock i>. m. V AI I.-On Wednesday BOBteabar *, IHHA, Mary R..daajk. lui ol l.ii/.aiietb N. suit ttie isle David M. \ ail. Friiiadssi-t .uvue-t toatirui tbafnoetaJ bombi*lasa re**. dm r. No. (il Quio st llruoklyu, un Friday eveuin,-, Sep. leinbar 1, al n n rm. m. Political Xoncco. \i .i lt nub 1 ll..ul, l.i .tub! an Im...hIU)'. --0* rial mei-iiux al headnuirters this I'liursd*/) evening at S u'c.ti. a tu laka acliuu uo ame uni,-ul toct.nstiluliou. W M. liuaatu, ^ny. lt KN KY ll. li.tlti.iT, President. .lio Wari- XIXUl Assembly Dislrlcr Keiiubllisn A-aoL rlatioii. tinner u7th-st. ami tVesl li uilerard. A regular iu*et« nie ul lhe abuts a»sut.iaiii.ii wi.l be he ,! tali nvaniug at S o.liick. tllAIU.Ks ft BIUOKR, i'r*altTeiiU F. il. Dbsa. secreisry. - J Special Xatttca. tuii.it- 'I. ii'.ui!.. TbeNKW.KNd I. A N L) ti HA N 11 4 W ill Ks. Ilartrord. Conn Quarries aud Wuikshops. WesierU. ll. I. Fla* mtiuu.ueuu.aud hui.dui-; w irs iu ..ramie. Dravring* an eslliiiatesiurulshetl willi i ii .large. t"urres(,oni!euei- tt- Uutetb .n. V.OOice, I.SSI ii'war. C. Vi. CANFlriLU. Agu lugnilii Carpel*. BM pieces Rest Quality KXTn.V at'FR iNOUAIVSat 76tenisiKit yturd. slli'.Fl'Altl) KNAPP & CO.. _Siiib.ave. ami l.ilu st. Foal UHce Nonce. Furelgn malls fnr th* week eu Ung September 4 will cit*} st thi* ellice a* luilow* TUC KSDAY-At 5:30 a. in fur ireland, per city of Itlcb uiuutl.vl* Queeusiuwu tlrttei* lur moat Urllala and utnal buiupt.au cuuunie* uiua. tllrectest "pei city ul Kiea iiniii'i" ai il 3(1 o. ul fur Kuiupe, \ter na {lammunia. VII I'lViutiutn. ( nerhuur* a*.d llauiburf ai l:3o p. ui. ita UubA. i'm to I'.lcuauu Mencu, per a*, eily ot Wa*bin*u>e via Havana. Fill I'A V Ai iain, for Newfouuduud »nd St IM*r»e-Mu|no mu. vi* lialltaa, at 1 p. ni. fur lia/u. c»rtlia«eu*. Ui*»y. t.. wu au i l.imuu. per aa Alp*; al 130 p. m. for euramo* 8_._\titUA\r-AtU'7 a. m. to Koropa. ocr sa "srmaiiiie, via Q.ie*ns(owu<l*iter»foriierni»uf. A*, must be directeS -yet *jieru,aBio".t al 1 e. ox. lur ^coUau* mrwjL 4.01 »a A* rliorla. VU Ulasaow (letters Biual be direcied oar AM. c_.rm'TaiOnl_. rn HelmMnu direou pei os. Swiuer. ______ Antwerp; at 11 5 m. ror t-urupe, pert* Habfc bara, via isoumainptoa aud ureuieu at i p. m. tor ino WSlmid lslauds. ,.m SO iieroiuua. at li30 p.m. torCoUB au.i Porto nico, uar *i* Newporuru ****,*****¦___,,__ _._ SUS DAV Al 7 30 p. m. tor uuudura* aatl lavmitMOO, p*» ss Lucy F. MU.en tl* N*w.()rlean*. Maila terChine ami I tana, per .-sa. Aiablo. na san nBBSBBSSi ouse her" M*pl*mL.r -Bal 7 p. ul. M-Ul* foi AiUU-all* ^ewV.ea;aud.»aullwnb and KUI Ulauua, per j*, city of .N*w-Vu:a, via >aa tiout-ieco, f.ioao hem beptambar 'iff mil p. to- ___. RY Q *MA**__ Postmaster. ro*i offlce. N*w York. M. Y.. Au«a»Ul. IMS. . Tbescnednleorcieimroi traas-Pseiilo mail* I* arranged on lb* piMUuiptioa ol tuon auuitoTi upisisl uvanaud tiaaalS to suu Maui isca. MalU tIVui Uio r.sil airman US TIMS Ot haa FrauciMio jo lb* day ol aaiiuit ol WWSmWS ac* tUavaloaa* lututc ui* *auu* dag

Library of Congress"". , i l.r Vee-President Frenchasthe CbierMarls-WXt**,H,t""of,? 'euiitioryi .¦alojina the rreatest prosperity ever oi tue wotld. In replytue 1're.i-known in *

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Page 1: Library of Congress"". , i l.r Vee-President Frenchasthe CbierMarls-WXt**,H,t""of,? 'euiitioryi .¦alojina the rreatest prosperity ever oi tue wotld. In replytue 1're.i-known in *

"". , i l.r Vee- President French as the C bier Marls-

WXt**,H, i .¦alojina the rreatest prosperity ever

t""of,? 'euiitiory oi tue wotld. In reply tue 1're.i-known in *.

*tnl ta**-- I thank rou for fbe warmth of this CTeet-°*D tm ."'ail io have the opjH.rtun.ty of meeline so

**. , tai, reoresentatire businessmen of thi* magnltl-..'.'^.n I shan alway* recall with pleasure the wainui;**"} Ju btv witu which I dave been welcomed, and

."'^yoi wits "«y best wlsne* for your future prosper-

'^'"tiil?!'Laoola said that he bad been endesvuriusB^T,»twir*tocouviuce ibe Prcement that Calca*

** ' ifridlha Nation, mid ls BtngB flee ni r eeptlonW"_.0C"ifould prove au anrnmeot I ec .mo not witn*t..n.L

^.', ibe I'reaidein held a reception at the lu len*l1 ii'iimii i ai 3 "'clock nat down to admn rat tn.

¦^fumetlbib tendered by tuc li: innis Com uauderv .f

V^IMMn of 8 and 10 o'c'o k tonight tbs________ held a reeeptliu at the Giant! 1'aciUc Hotel, to

BK tue. general public was invite

Zn. Inviatton waa laueiy accepted lhe

Incident and members ol bis pany to .-

E!ou,i*iu thegeuerai parlor* ol ibo uotel. I he crowd,thiciim-'mentarilv increased frj.u 3 to 9 o'clock, was

.iL«duiliae by polios and Ulidia, v ollncrs, ann keptLTrmr steadily pasi ibo ''resident. Toe luovcnent

. to rapid tuat band-sbakiug was luiposstole,ona ih* President was t.ierefure spured thalirfln-t'on except In the special cases of friends

Ino actiuaiutanoe*. ar of those perauually preseuied.o'uio. lu spite of a steady stream passing, Uera wu*

_. rtuuiiiuiion In tb* ciowo, ami whee (bc frc.ul.nt w.i*

/iiuiieiiediti*ndtUe recepuou io prepare foi his Journeyhundred* still thronged tbe cuiiidora uud stairwaysmmWxt to the parlor floor. A! ll:3tHo-uigbt the Ptesi-

*eut "tarted ior Washington, by siucul train over"'pliuhurg, Port Wayne and Chicago Railroad.




Bismarck, Dak.. Sept. 5..The Villard train

?atoned here durieg tue nigut. A prooeealon was to

term st 8 o'clock to maren to the Cspl: ol

poonda, where the oercmouy of layla* tbe corner

»lone of Dakota's capitol wa* auaouuocd to lake pl at e.

jj that hour the atreete were already Ulled with dec¬

orated carriages aud fully 3,000 person* were assembled.

?lia Villard party wat taken possession of and escorted

to thc ground*, wbere no time was lost tn preliminaries.Governor Oidway, lu addressing President Villard and

his guests, »*id tbat upon bim devolved tbe agreeableduty of welcoming tbem to His nardi, tbe capital ot

Dakota, the largest and most prosperous Territory lu the

Huton. The Governor theu sketched tbe hittory of Hie

Jerritory.Mr. Villard responded In flitting terms.

Governor Ordway theu asked the architect If the

Btone was pm jtelly s inaivd and lani, uud upon ticinganswered that it was, said : ".Now tbat tbe stone lt

Well and truly laid may I ask you all to join with me iu

fbe hope ainl prayer tbat this edifice may be BBOSBBS*

fully reared as planned; tbat lt auy be tbe pride, of t be

people of Dakota; that il may soon be tbe, capitol ol a

aovcreign State| tbat lt may be the scat of wise legisla¬tion and of nil thc blessings of Justice andtlheitr that are tho birthright st American freemcu."Governor Orilwuy urti pieaeated thc German Minister,Baron Vou Eiseudrckcr, with an engrossed copy of tne

.resolutions of the citizens of bismarck in honor of the

German Chancellor, for whom (he city is named. Baronyon Eisendt-ekt-r lu reply expressed his thanks. WilliamM-Evarts was intro.lue.d aud spoke briefly. Tin re

were calls for General Grant, and that distinguishedgue.-t stepped io the front and ssl ILadh.s ami dam i.iikn : It is with some reluctance

that 1 reS|ioii(l io your Iiiini ii tint-si. As y(,ii aie aware

trom your rea-ling, wneu I get to talking belora a crowdI scarcely haOW 1. nen to (lilt, [Langater.) 1 am sure.wera I to slop and tell yun of my feeling.-uud lueSH li ts I bave teen, thc irani wui.ld liol

get off nu time. I nt vcr aal ft «>tla Dakota till y ester.lay. 1 bud heard uiucu of yourooiintry, om I was nwt prepared ie tee what tty ownSj ct Uave wnnesscd. Wun Mr. Evuru;, 1 predict loryou a protiH-i'tuis future."Remarks were aleo made by Carl Sch ure, by Carter

Hairir-oii, n.id by Secretary ISIlev. Mr. ViKard theaintroduced .Sit ung Hull, whose apeech was

transiaicd to tue assembled tiiousands by tbeGovernment Interpreter. With a few mme worls Mr.VnUnt closed the osranonlt a ami be aud his gaeata tic-

parted. The ViKurd train eroaaed tbe Uiver* Maudau,where another haudsomo wc e tine wu* exieoded.Wum ibe box wm ie dy to nc

placed in it* recent acle, Guvernur GiUivayInvited those present to deposit anyiulng iiiey wis. .-.I iu

II tue box. Mrs. Hate av put in a small elie'af of inls

Mdaaany gentlemen pei In tueir cunts. Kiifleorrtsryjfctai la remarked : .'liiis is leavniitour caiuson |iu-iei-Ity." The giK*d humor was furtu-r beli;htciied winn

Mr. Evarts said to a German gu-st who Baked inn io

pul hit cat d wit.< til* own muir box: ''Ahl tbey willknow that wc called together."



IBT TELEGRAPH TO TUE TBI UL XE. iSioux Falls, Dak., Sept. 5..The Consti-

tutioual I SBVSattaS mci hero io-AAj, Ula pru|Ki.se*J to

prepare aOaastUatlOfl lee -ba StatewhtshUShall be acssatSOd trom the co.;.ilic* in Dakota sotitu

af tu-forty-sixth pantUaL Every county is represent.1.Thee uvc it:oa was called to ord r bv John B.Gamble,Thea* legu'.ci were sworn in by Julge Middcr. Com¬mittees were a piKiiuted on ru! es and order af business,aooQicers and to procure BtBMfrephie sorv.ee.

The oonsiKution ia to reuiaiu wiiuout efl-ct till th-.tate ls admitted to th* Uuion. Prov.siunai .Stile

officers and representatives will probably bc provni. d

lar and proviti .ii will be made for their elset mu. TbePrahi litionisui are bera. Tuey wul urge tbe Incorpora¬tion ufa p-o 1 ii iou liguor clause lu the constitution.Mrs. M. il. Pones, of Webster, Pakula, vice-p.esidenl ol

tbe Womau'i* -Nalioual 6iUfrago Astoeialiou, ls also limeand will enleavur to Induce the convention not tu

teciude the word "male" in thc constitution. MucuInterest is felt here OSOOSSai Bfl 'be actiuu of the pro

posed ooiivi-utiou, oal led at Pargo on Se j. lcmb r li.Wtuch, lt ls understood, bi de-igned to organize a

force In opposition to ti.e division proposed byfie inhabitants Jof the southern half of the territory. A

delegate remarked or tbis subject: "I speak tbesentl-nieut ol SoiKberu Iiakuta, wueu I toy i!iat BIWfl anyatlemiH of tua*, kind we will remove tlie capital M.iiiBiaiuarck aud plat e it on Wbeeis ano keep lu r a nt.run.-.Two-iuiixu o' all ibo leglmntivc renreeeutaUvoa meinBout iern I»a'»ma, and w* can do tbis ibiug. J' ev baabeiu-r keep tbcir bands off." Tbe Ouauaitteeeu Proec.uie reeemaaeaded the appointmentet thirty committees to whom sb.il.be re'errea ibe duty of pieparing iKirtlous ol tbe cousu-tutiou. T..e loiuuiit'ce funner reeommendwd tba: aeoiiiiiiuue be appointed te present ibe couttitutiou totat Pr tiueot and Congress and lo urge ihe admissiuua. Uic Territory into thu Uuion.


Saratoga Spuisgs, N. Y-. Sept, 5..Thu iebuuuml alni lilly lanius and gaul lemon from Vtinker*an 1 vicinity mad* an excursion lo thi* place yostetday.In the afternoon 100 of tbe party continued tuen Wpto Laka George, aud In the evening lue oilier* returnedheme.

Itt. Barali, of Columbia College, gavo bis BOaetaOtafllecture here lids aftcruoon.At ibt Or.-u 1 Uuion Ho al to-day wa* beld a BBSSttofl

afiaepre*ide.nts. managers and iren-rai agent* of tueSta laauranc- SSBspaafSS of tbe United fciatee.John M. Joi.es, of New-York, haa purciiaaed of Charles

D. .slocum a i.e. ou Union ave., aad will at once creel a

*ot.age, wi.icu hs wiil occupy next summer, beveralhew.Yorker* will build cottages nero during tbe ia,isud winier month*. Collage ino 1* bcoouitug popular.«»d uki. mm « irom jaar to year.ThcPaicrwiu L)gut Guards, of Puterson, N. J., were

fttcu a most heany reception here yetteitiuy. tba*Vue received by the barato,a Cttlsea's ( orps, whn..eorted th. m lo thc Grand Calca Hotel, where a dreea..rad* of the lo:nt comm.tu,is took place. lu the cv.-n-

l-gl'je hotel ground* were bandsomely Illuminated, andSfaddre** hop wa* given In the balliooiu. Tbe Guard*

J'Hli'y vlewsi) tbe many attraCioiis here. They will re¬wire Uome tomorrow.Joseph Tinta, uitad nailman al tbe Umtod Stale.* Hall,

.ttciT** J'rt',CIjU:il tty *u* sabuidiuate* Wiln a goldlurry Hamburgh and J. I)* Haven, of New-York, bad2_r*!.f *** «i Git-n Miichcll, and toe foi mei wou.tut Mu** Marina J. and Franc . L. luman, ef Al-

*mmy, Uavaparthawed mo L. li Pille collage ou Caiuliue-

AssBastttaUoB of the United OMptera of ibe Phis^appanoclely bavlug been ral.in ti by Hie vole ol

.,,~* c*"»Pter*,toe delegal«*-tweiity-one, representing

.eiv* citapier*.mitt lu tbe Court of A|ip-*a:s ibis umru-* «* lhe Hu c.iuuciU Ai the set omi *e*aloo, beld ibis<«nioon> mrmoersof the senate were cUosan, aud otber

¦waeas ot Imporiauce Haasasli d.



Loko Bbanch, N. J., Sept. 5.-The botils¦Squiu, __) _ifA ^ mVlUi ot tbe ll4U.ueM of ^^ _,_.__.*** suaau bow n«re are thorougaly eujoyiug tuem-rec xaa tiotela nave done well tnt* aaason tn siutc***«eool weenier. Tba Uuitci eutea Hotel cloeed to-

.ay- Tue omen will remain open for Uu daya.

BSffu*! K,btrou l-*i*iu ls gay with music and mit lb*W Hy. It wiU remain open until October.¦ab Oavii Hetiguiati gave a Uluuer pa ly at her 00U

¦flaat oeeaa aud Para area, tuts eveulng. Cor.-r* weremun* coupiea. Eweu gue,l received a tu-k-t oftra The floral decoratluua of tue table wera elabo-

^MIH**, a E Humpbrle*. of New-York: Mr. andaf kiar.?'1>rew* ef Bridgeport ; Mist Grace. Falisbawe,? iiuC^u,*re'£ta,*i::'J»rru"- O. W. Hannan. Hr*..lr. a\\l?i. Mri *"d M,a-J, W. I'aramore, ol New York;fi- 0 M.l!if*" r "v**"", of Uobb* terry ; Mr. ami Jlrs.¦«*tir»?« "*. Jlr*' D' K,t"«r' '".. '. W" ******** .'ti___j-_'_?lr''a ** tu' w"« *¦'¦"*. »'otel IO-Jay..a»o. a wanta***. .( u, Maw-Jaraay ttl*ie Court

nf Errors und Appeals, and General J. Vi. James, of

I'uiliidelphia. are guest* of tbe Kv. li. I bora, ut bis

nonage lu liroadway.



|BT TELKGIAPH TO THE TRIBVM ,|Newport, li. 1., Bept. 5..Eleven polo

gamea vere played this afier, BBB ; tue ia tbtOWWaSgiven wuen ihe itg ita ihoae lort i trent the aarTenadtssfottaires. Nine gaaaes were wuii ny the Iteds nntl iwo

by ibe nines, rhe eldee were i ttait, Pierre Lerlllaid.|r. K. K. Joues and Thoma* Hltchc lc. |r.; Illues. ._ ____,

Sauua, Jr., W. K. Taorn, Jr.. Btaalay Morilmer and N.

Griswold Lonnard.Thc acuuoiier yacht Intrepid, of New-York, arrived

li re from Lo-tou by way of Martha's Vineyard tins

ufiernoon.At the meeting of tbe Newport Natural History So¬

ciety on Friday, Professor Raphael Pumi>elly will read

a paper ou his rectal Jouruey lo the Northern HockyMountain*.Mr. and Mrs. Georgi* W. Merrill, of New-York, cave a

receptiuu at Browu Villa, wuieh they recently pur.chased, tbi* afternoon lt was a tine entertainment.Ovci 31)0 invitations were tsauea, aod at least two-thirdsot them were accepted.TUBevening Mr*. James H. Kerne, of New-Yolk, gave

a german at Burns foliage. About IBO p nous were

present, tbs floral dtasrsllOBI were fine and the favors

ubique and cosily. Many of the leading resident* were

pesssntiA dinner party was given thia evening by Qeaeral

James H. Van Alcn, ol New-York.LuucUeou panics were niven lo-duy by General Mere¬

dith Head and Mra. J. J. Mason, or New-York.Dinuer purtles were given last night br Arthur Leary

au.l P. Vi. Vanderbilt, ol New-York, br Nra, (J. Norlan,ol Boston, aud by Kolieri Hallett, ot liauimore.

(. ai ,in ale uu lol aa elaborate G'.triiiau lu na given atlhe Cusbuiati Villa na Pufay eveuiug, bj Mr*. LawrenceTiiruuie, ol New-York.A vii,a is to be erected at one* for G. G. Haven, of

New.York, who bas Jual puiCb.iSi-d fruin Giorgi* \VMerrili, of New-York, a poi lion of the Brown estate StBellevue.ave- and Bellevue Court, coaiaiulng about10,000 tnt,Mr. and Mrs Tajlur, E. W. Merritt ami General Cool-

Wortby, of England, arrived here today.


TIIE EXHIBITION AT BOSTON.Oratora day.si'kkcuf.8 by govkrnoks mun



Boston, Mass., Sept. 5..The opening exer¬

cises ni the American Exposit! in o: the Manufacturersuud Meena nie*' lastttate look plaee io-tiay. QovarnerBut,cr was escort'd to thc fair hui.tiing by tbe Otb

MaeiaetaaetteInfantry, and the Jackson Onrpty of Al¬

bany, N. Y. Arnon* the guests Wen WI I E. Cl .iiuller,Secretary ol tbe Navy; Lieutenant Governor Ames aud

Governor Jarvis, of Norm CarolinaThe eseselaes seana wita prayer by the Bev. Elwari

Everett Hale* A. it. leha m. Luiic, m a (atr antde.prescutcd aa freeWll>| olliccr Governor Bailer, who, lu

bi* speech Blinded to tte centennial afthedi Suite treatyol peace by which the United Stale* WM for tbe mst

time admitted to lue family ot nations. Peace, hu said,had achieved la nae bemired year* a greater triuiutuiilian lue most dee sive bailies uf war. ile BBBtinnedl"We do uol wish lo furgc: tuat within

twenty-five years our country seemed io be

aboni to be tom into fragment* and ani

11. bsbbbI pertab (rem ths carib, bu' nudet the provt-..I cod tuc sine ssofour annadeelded thal theee

United States ass aad ever shun bs oa* eaootry, with

one tia-, one ot-fiim .nd one glory Iii lha tal IIS tte

shall ull bc proud mat in tuat war none hut Ann-iran-

tonk nari, ami tb .t Americans cul.! I.e (-..uijinrel bynouc bat Americas -."

W.kt,Chandler,-eci-taryBf the Navy, (..nert'

tbt Natl in ii;, ni lhe product* wbich had be. n |aof Ami-ric.in luguumty and Auu:.ca a ia-

bor. Tbo pei pie were sJorded a rare

epportnntty, bf two sznlbltloBS, of smearingAnerieaa with loreign prwdasta American workmenwere better nani, led, clo. neil, aouaod aud educ*.)thea* oi uny otiit-i coumrr. Tins waa tue crowning dig¬nity et the American pet.inc. lin tiatermination lualtue waget t.l American lauor should nev ,- bauy govcrnuieii.al pulley ought to ba diAmerican citizen, Dependence upon loreign vessels waia dangerous pu icy tor ins sxiateaoa auupuw'nation and the in.eiiuitj aud energy of thc people ouguilo correct lt.GoVt-ruur Jarvis, of North Carolina, responded for the

Heath to tue (lort lu,,r's wei omi'. He wu. (url bx a

In-ariy roiind ot applause, which ni ne beftunlog el bisspeech bu c .tirti-otislv acknowledged. He sal 1 thal hrtunic, UOt to abak* ll Hill over a bum ly iiu-'n,but to clasp baud* witb New-Kligisiiiltiter ibe crowning prosperity of a nmiadi<-,t)iie rna dlffereoea* wblee led te the wsr had n-enBattled, W lieu tue hom been people cnn- link inio tueLihou tbry cam- pietigeo to lui all.-, bu under tie

isl nottre i.i * a iopted Iq u id theirnd county gorernmeata In th.- banda et peraon*

n no om nm serra the interest* nf the sections tn wombtu y lived, lin* \t a» w bal made tin bout* Build, nu:

haired of the Government, hut a desire ier wi-,* law*lu-t.v admlalstend. Tee development of I .. itoatb badeoneenaead mostly tn taa peal len yean, in North(.ti., ma owe tweatf new eottou (acuu-tea ii du en

erected uni tuc tactoiit-s iu wood and nun

were liujuoviug, aud all OVOT -Soi! ('aro.inat -day tiicre was a sp.ni of pontentiuenl.iii,.h.,ding. "Our bnaiaeaa nod pnbllo Intereausud, "requite mal t ereahall ba no more narau apeah-ing ol oue beetloo by ai,oil.et. 1 Iud jon join iii-- i n l

m iimeut, 'our numil oonntryl te luce we etina."*.1 dgi Munn, s, ol Or v.-r. i ..I., ma.le ,, anuri address,sud waaf, lowed hy Mra Juna tvard Howe.(.liana, I rant ts A. WalKer lb.ti BpoBe o! the re¬

ntal guile industrial growth of thc country WltblDi.a.i a ccuiury. ..Hun ni inui* etnltiBg deepinto tbe pat," bo saul; "WttS BO ci itt mv.ir-

r.ei, u.e e.o.v growth ld ogrm; willi no helpfnl trad iii. .ns ami pi est i ipi ions of t hi u rs to oe oona anu iSlug*lt, .tro.ued.'-ui'u a* nave guided i beartwuoa L.iguud,I Lillee, (i. ia,ali'. Italy and Aualfla, Wa bfgail OUT lu-tins,tut carver Jual oue oeutnry ago, with little c.ipual,wiiuoiii warrhonaaa ur tai louts, without macaim ni

apparaina; om* waur pawer iindarnlopoti; our mine*uuopeued and even undiscovered. Already we t> ,;*_»lue .s. couu p.ac- amuug tile inauula. in .'ng miliuna ol

Hu- World." 'lui* growth, bc sa.d, Waa tine io tuc me-

Clialilcal gt-Ullin ol I SO | eo|'i».Major Palmar wa* liri mat speaker, and at the sloes

ol ms spoons te (inv r.e.r formally oealarnd tao l.t.

poMtton open. Tue ex.niuis an es gai larfrma n. .u»-

p. rlecied. .Mtirli space np ni the muni Dmr in stillvacant, and maur el tba eimiuis ki- Ii umpie le. Nor,iiCarolinaasakeetua tutgest exuibn ot any gingie:stateoulaidc Ol Maa»aCiiU»c .la.


Tin: pa ri its MADAT saratoga TISTXaOAT.Saratoga, Bept. 5..Tho principal papa

before in. Ailie),tau soi la! Sc,mee Ans.ciauou lo.I.tywas that eoutrlhatca hy Oeorge ____» Waring, Jr., of new¬port, on .'House Construction With ri fi r-

cuoo to Plu lining aud Drainage," whicb

wa* discussed al length, br. t. M. Hunt, ot

in ..tun, I ,airman of tuc Department of Health, and

pr-sideut of lue Americas Pabtlc llaalib Aaeoeistlee(-.* lech Will mee! fi! I), in.lt BB Nnvenlicr IS), mac un

audreosea M lite Deelal Uearinga <>i Bauliatm ." i xl*orately piep ired paper* were Rad nv in I. il. I io n, i¦-,

Ot Hanlon. (' 'im., on " I. e .ru-t )¦ "; dy 1)1*. l.i. | MHad, ol M.rrdoiii, .Ma-., o.i '* imiu niy In Wo.ru: ll.

tnnt ami ll- suits": anil ny lu. W.t.cr ( ,,.nunile, otiii is to. i, ou

" 1 Ue ta uses ul I n.-auii t."Ai a apeelaJ acsaloa ueld at 4 o'clock mis afton.n,

Protap Cblieder Maxoodar, el calcutta, made ao ml r-

eotiug addreeeob ** tieltgtoue lie,udna: un Ib inju." l'o-

igbl tm* s. 'Ti- aiy mi bm Heil m. .tn nu ai i, j. u aod tueelection ot offloera took plaee. Donald li, Mlteaeil, otN.-w-H tv ii, (m.n., dt.ivrieJ au address on "PublicI'urit*."


The committee appointed ty Ute Nationallt d auu li, A social on to misc tu.* iiet.--.iy

anaugemenla fm tuc nee.nd auinial lt.urn,nut ul ..! in.*

Ubbuelal.on, lu bc beld un /clobsr IU au l 17, mci .. kiel

day af.eriiutiu lu lim oibcc ul p. (>. C..t kuud lu Puiiou

Market. Cominilt, 1*011 tru.il, lia a and h.iIumih i_c.nn,',..iiimi reoepilau,prises nun pnntlngwere aiiputnted,a i ., Indi tue i|U - ui ol tie- .lill rene, ot Inc,11 au

a.ii.t'i'iir unit u plot si-ional ilslu 1 ni iii arn.e. A; inc

.Ug-'Csiioii o! James lieii»aid .tn aui ilcur tv i- iii BnOu lolie 11 e tt no b j- nev, 1 HaBad lol a iivi.il na nev, dei.u i_.ui ie and bas o. vcr 1. eu cii.pe..,, 1 lu nie »_,,r ur

manufacture ni uabiug t ichle. i'.i* plae* of boldlos tualuuiuameiil Waa Bot .). cid ii, bulli wilt prunaolj bealIbo uit ic lu CcUiiai Pal g.


_*****_ tho 'Ail paasenfen who anived onthc Walt ia j ei-i'itiiiy were c. Pi. Aicui, li. a Alcott, ll.

ti. Amt., litlnar Am.--, ('aittaui Ai uisiroug, tlr and Mrs.c. ii. Bteaa rn, Ulm Wea a s, Caeiala r. n. iiu.c .t:. Mr.

Cad willa uer, Mr. um) Mr*. BalTBteT* (' nt :, '.. ('aiie-

toii, Mr. and Mrs. James 1 oal* aud la.uily, mo i:.-v. Ur.

Vi. L. Davidson, Prescott Lvarls. Hot ai V. (.01, tl, fr>-

tasssf a. ti. Ilarhaesa, Mr. ead Mr*. Uardiscr g. Uah*tatfd. Mr. tam Mrs.A floyd Sesee. Dr. sud Mrs. P W.Liiniilnai, ItS Vex. Dr. Newland .Mat mid, Piof,-»*or 8.

Newcuuili, C. M. Nut'Waw4\ M. t M i|ef ftptat, John M.

Miiainiuii, Mr. aud Mt*. C. P. Zaoitki, truest Cunard aud

C. P. baum.Aiium* ll.use Who Sailed OU l..e. Galil I Were

Mio. Geoige Havcu, Mr*. L. C. Hamersley, Lic.iicna.itsm K. N., Mi. .md M*. .-Munt c. Cnmaerl ind,Hruc- (ali.inns. mWi th* Her ClOOgh Williams plus,Mia W. K. Uuieita, thrCasrie*amita, dr-, j ,u ohakc-. i«-a»r»-, Mi .. A. -iai Ins. Mi**d.W. dc -liz^ala VerUl, Mia.

H. V. K. ma ci, and tue Kev. and Mrs. H. Yeena.Tuero will nail lu-uuy ou th* Cu> ul Rlcbmouu thc

k.v. Dr. Juba K. Cox. .Mis. Ihar.is il. Mi-Vn,., di. BUMr*, rt ni,a,11 ,1a, in. il- h. ney. H. M Dow* :. Mr. *uuMis. W,l!l.,iu Martin, aud toe ita* .1 livia*Tbe il mimouia vt 1,1 tslit u Mary King,

Mi»* Ulna, Ciao Ju.:,is i.. OS .. li- . -. Peed, Mr,and Mra ibuuias Drew, Mr*. P. Vf. WstM, .uni A. meicuroeUsa



Mi:.\T Ol OOVCBXMI ST I -i WI BO.mr tki.iokapu to np: t.uiiink.i

Was'iiniitun, Sept 5..Bepreeentnttre I*:»y-so,i. o: iih .11-, will id.- nu Brgnmeat le-merran in the

u pnruanai in reply tn ths hi-fi of ssas-Bri Car du - itacra r. Ma B Uroal Oeoaaeny, fled las pportet theappUeattaa el thai eeeapeaytar ti"* ss>

poiuttn ii! o! Covernineii! eiinml'tsio'iers to ev milne sud

raper) apes thnl part o: ths ned bm sosa H Paso, T. x.,

and Yuma. Ama. Ii Ib uiidmaiSSil ISSI .ld ii- Ptgtoatake- inc gran 1 thal if tha -'-ere in- ri ths tater! . sc

tin- 1*1,wt.lem sii-ii appoint ti.- BBinmlaalnBaes bearlHthereby w.dve all (jiiostious of law a 1 f ct, niul be

c.impeded M tne report of the ssssarisslsBefiiii.nl ... satisfactory a* io tue e mdiuon of the road.to

perform tue othes etsaeettre Bailee peensrihsd bf tbe

u i tu laeerporata thc i\*x is and Paella med, luciudm*thal of is».i:ii« pataata to the leads granted bg tue act of1871. Mi. Pu soi ttlll reciis tbnl ail MhMqaenl art*

of conan-** ralntlag le thc Terna PncMe ami the tenthern Patin- Unlined o. California, and also of th* char-

teesgreeted te ths later serpsratloa br i-o TerritorialIsiglslatarns of iflsons sad ltow Marisa ile will also

sst forth|he Mets ta the eoatrarsrsj betweea the two

eompanlea reapeeUag tha right nf way bbtssb the FortYu.i.a Muitiry Kcs.rvuiitiu aud the bridge acroaa the

Km Colorado at tb.it p.ace.AI er settin-it forth tbndeial* nf the agreement of 1881

between tue managers of thc twoBeeperultana^ Mr Pay¬son proceed* to ar___ut\ tlr»t, that tha OonaoitdntMO of

theTenna Pasile with tha Benihern Pacific was with a

compel inn line. and. second, t-ai the latter corpora¬tion is not In law the " iiic-esnor " of the Texa* Psetleand, therefore, is not entitle-1 lo me eOBdlttOaal ci ant of

p ih,ic iand ooiileircd upiu tbat SSmpBBJ lo a.J lu the

cunr-li uciiuu of Its road, lp ti this point Mr. Faysoalaj* cat stress and Hie p .rtiou of ..i« ar.':i:u n: b, anus

ii)iuu ii i* lull and BShsaStlffS He insists tbat untilall the ij ii,**! mili of law have beeu

settled, and settle.I tn favor of tbe leathersPaella Company, the Executive d par.uic.nt cannot) i-iiy Ktaut the appiic.itiuii in bsfeal f u>e railroadcuuipau.v. In lb* BSBUSS Bl ins argBBMnl Mr. P.iy-unwill bring out the fact that tlie leathern Paciilc Kinl-road prup-r ls 1> ascii by the Cemral I'aetfl.* ai tbe rate

ol ni.,., per mi,.- BOT tu >utb plus laxes fur thal purdonut tue linn lu Arizona ami Now-.Mt-xicu, #SM pei niue

jil ii.nulli lor Itu liar. ,il tte man l.uo wh.cu ls In

California, $100 per un c per in.it.tu plastuxes a;ul BperaiitiK expends* for tne Los Anec ««

unit -an l>le.'o !,_,*.mell, mid fl,OOO pi r monti) a-h

for the bridges user the OoJorndo a a Rio <; mde [hscontrol ol i.n -e linea by tuo central Pa ldc, M . Payson.ats, C'tiiipicitly u nd t In tu mi ol Donare** iamallina a sun. of .a.i.l fur a loni ny lui-cu,belurou* in p; iv11-- a c imp * Una icroaa tnac..nilli' nt. lltal-to munsies lhat mete l-u-i d net .ne

a uardea of espoo** lo the i ntrai Paeidc and ki j eon*¦utera de eil nt t. .ince tao pajraaes atouaamklag fundnuder lie i uni iu.1,1 act.

lu pill.lie c ut li .¦..ill.Ul Juice PayaOB tiki* t bc

groobd tnat Uougreaa aaa Uta power lo ileelara ii tor*it iiuie oi au) ia.id m,i aui io. iMHj-eeuipliai_.ee nits lhe

iu aita di.¦ ,,n i ie inua, iveu

lt a portion el tbem hare been patt ited ie tba gi r

auu h.lusieineil jut ii .tm t- rn lima* ans rqueutiy, mecont,iiimi ol ta* --ia,i-.*i" fci.iii.n geeeiatij i» anea,.tt ti r, n" ti -, iii ii t ie d'lT. i ,i ii ui can declare fur-: umloin; lor in mo*i earea ina grantee* i.isa a mere bar-

l, .t ll. Iltut,.! r .tl nc i i.,e lau is liol lee,,Vt tl- ii i,'n- c. Mee* iu i ea i .ii i "ii. inn.n

ol pun,ic lands ari- cin.ir.it d in granta ibt toodltlon*oi wa a bet - b ii m il oitaj audia .ii ai actio iain ..ti.ii tbem. S b.Nm il, ii I'acide n.i.p.'ii. n.t -


bi eu pu e..le .. l.e.i ;. -, ,1 1. Pa.teOtl k*f*p.u.y una s, ain a .1 mliug to a

.ii -. nut a nilli* ll iv iii j li

quired i, teeterto* of t>egroote. *

.In _. , ni tue Ji.¦- .! ,,1-r a.i .'tl' nnii ,i -

m rn ut I giant*. n.i me i'i. ela ¦ Um*

ii oi tue lauC g. aal nueatiou.Ui ll.l.,»,..,. .

' u.

A PROTKtfl i.i 11 (SKATED.ri i-i.i -I.--1 \n\: m s ..ii- sn mn laaoAMca of

C I sis i ', ;i ll * -.

_.,i ai it ti i-i. -- i. -ctr ii [

\Y.\-in\'(;i.iN, Sept. 5..ll pi sentatlve Donaba« a kin med le ti.e ti one¬

il lng ' bo pru al ma lse < "lil) mid linn leif I

any action on lue put of tue Department looklalaaaencets Ihe eslhara Peril Kaiirm paoyttian. i.. etti . 'or iha land grau w :... ii \.« p.c ia* Ball¬

ad against the liing ol tag lliortg.ig. dy Ibu NeW-

CI. call" Pac nt Kalima i empaaj ou nu- landa elalmodli) ll a-> aaaifBOea ol lhe Ni iW-Ol i. ai,*, liewa Boug* and

.1. ... .,....., .. lin- i...ie nt

land giMoi b ada. Mr. Dann sa.,*: .'.

ni ls non a_..t ... .1 tu a* st-ii'-iii Bl

pram diepei ...' si date to tbe effcel lhat tm

Mr. .-.¦ p.t.-i*. a pareen u.ik-iotu | , ..cr to

ratary of Ihe Interior, urged bim io sri farorra i talma ol tb.- -,,ut;:tr.i

Ba ci ( .'inp.1 .y ai.d lha New-Otleaaompaoi tn tha reepeetlra lead _,o-.

an aeohiog to aoquira bj ru in ol ro .1 p ;, uded,"!l said pi BSl

v..: in i ,.-. a .! thaal thai tald pretest* bara

been ailhura * u. m- ... rj ul ma itt t l lie i:i .I.m- ,..,! no PO ¦>. r ur

aui ."iny aa-ci.i i.-i iiuob any iicr .on wbomaeerer,, i,i .ii ...

- ., i ni H in-. .un wiih¦aid pi ittat* ot ibe mattera to whicb ibrj related foi i

Ol Ul ou( linnie."Mr lin u .i,".. r-.'i'i'a1 i aa thai may bave

ikea ni i. V Mill i* .ne mat) M idler'sll ,:i Im ne .pp ...d ineut ol a Dom mi* nm In

examine a completed aeouoa ..? me sontaera Pacific.i aa* made mum rn* ago, a. ung mci tary

.io-: ii rotiusdto sci ii ni it. ..ml Mi. syp,,n for¬warded bl* applleatt io to aoei isrv teller, w o promptlyr.i irnedli mi tba Indoraemenl tua. ni oommtaaien. uuu.d oe app.duli d


i ih. union Pacific i;;..yi en.nisToni "i nut sun tuataai ran canon Mo¬

ntiaa.I;.-;.i.n, Bept 5. L'be full bench of tbe

t pi ,e toni li/-.lay tl.-m.--t ,t.|ii ooota tho -mt oltin Lin tt Pin nie ll,illio.id hiii|i,iii) BgalllSt the t rejll

Moiinicr of America rea mei mu boen argnod threeIiuui, deli.ru ibe lund, Hie last time being lu

Mared, Whoa lui) luluu PaOlflS Was

¦oetod by Sydney Bartlett, anJ tba Cn*,in Mohilierby William <v Kaaael aad Ut orge Pam im i iu amonutiiitolied was fil,99d,000.t,ii* slim BgNBd BpOO as ihs

baatoel ths eouJameel nt aeeeaate betweea the two(i,r,,orati.iis, aller ile- I retlit Mublder bad InlBBSd(UL.tiuiK int- NS 1, and a I ii IJ.-r MM '.i .>J..s,Oi»(l WblSSwas suusciiin-uny lo in I to !n> dm ms < eui Msbttler.Ifaaa in.- antarprlm was prnjecied whleh

lcd to the bull.lune of the (JalnaPacific Kii.nud (it c .ntr.iet for bulldut;ibr Brat 100 arila* wai a.. u la to Utrhan M. li..xic, ufNett-V.n ii, a Inenil oi 1 In, uta-, i. lim.int, turn Vice-

i'ie ..ui ni ol ne Union Pacific Company, Aa Unala waa

unable to earry oat the tarma ef the eoatraet, ho awd*aa .i agnmenl ri lha same rn the Credit dobtlter, ofAiiii-i icu, w.ilcl! was a curp.uauun cuai tu.vd lu Pennsyl-\.imi aud was reilly a syn lt alt) of capitallsl*.lu.tuy of Slltllll ttcro ll.tur. -tl. tl lu inc lumu

I'.n illc lual, anti tbe uanui-li.-tl |,,uri ionol Uosu's Work Was completed hy tne Qredti Mohilier,a« wen* i!-*u i id un « addlUoaaL Tao atoekaoider*olUm I'niuii Paeiile iiidu! lue (ledi' M dnlcr wsrtt MBStanilally lin- s.i ue, sud tv nen inc gNBl pro|ect hail been

Boesplaied the hslanoo hs tarnr el the Oradli MehUtsr,wliii-u Was the "iibjeei at c.iiiti*..var-y, wa, fun.id by a

i in i.littt) seaalsUac u' tta, Ibmman. Govern*BM li.ictior, ami Messrs. Dillon, Mary and InilT.Ai .m..ii tuis nm.- tue. < 'timmie! 'vt-iiii of I'-im -vi rania

brmight anlt agmnat tue Crodli MwMUsr tar Ibobbm ina

alleged io be dna, mid is aa i iwet ruun fm__maa\ wa*

d In farer el Um Commonwealth, Tee Credit Ma.ni ipp ui i and tbe Uutou Paetdi Usmpnu/, ss suretylui-the . n-dii M.-Diner, gnvo Ita uo.e for 9300,000, eadnfier IBS teriiiiii.ii'o:i et ti I Batt the note wa* to be np-

pltc l nw,i rd ectiluirf lin- a..Bel tietwi-Mii Hie Ci eui MObiln rand ih'- Union Va- tlc Cutupmy. In 187,1, firth- firstlime, lue I, ullin Put ltie Comp.my, taranga it- board of

maasgi u-* at, ssweated the elmm >t bb < i edll Moodier,and aliened lb.it tim Original t ouiracl, BtthOttgb pur..,.ri¬me to .A\r b cn ni id.- ny Mox.*, w.m re ii. y made tn tuc

-' of rhamaaC Durant,and Bia franrt mads th*cootracl vui I.Anun.ei itruund of fraud saargsd was that the e-n-

muicd cost |>er mlle b> lue BSglnaer wuo

made tba I'i .- | ¦'. I, .». ni,and Uiui lb- i*'.ilia prise a* Pi I Hm"*f.Mi.ouu per mila lu answer lo tim ia*1 proposition ibo( reuu .hu iUr *.iy- toai a.ter .ne pi -pmlnao aurreyiW. te mi le ie cns i USS Bgmei r, Ar. vui un, ci ue

iii lue cmi lu-ioii l./ii ll wa* In-t I-, Suv, tUe rulingHr.itia ull IC p ll iq] , ii- el ii. n / ,,, .,, pi*.vin .ri. agrceS upon, atti us this Inv Ir.-l a in. eblaraw ce*i» n..xir's eootraet of |6o,owupei uiiIh eas ba*aj upou ini* ahasfs raep '-.linn liiUeu liy tin: ri tilt .Mi.Iiiliei wita Ina. weat..vcrin.iv bora bea iai f tlui bj i« Bonnee-tiuu witu dr. Durant it wu eared hy ta* wroe-uaiagi Ibihs * iring of 1863, nboa Ilona aasigned bl* eentmri lo

edit Mo 'i.i. i.i ia t nc B diwaybt, in... seesptod Ibe rt ,u\ WA* in law bon ld htlue lena* of .lit) cn.ur.if. ll Wus niau,.a:ui"i lid Cn- Union Pu, nu- Compauy;. i- liii available Randing in tata smt. aa t ..* eely partiela'.ui .cl. . -i iii)ii(i-l of ,,.,. ,..,,,(, u..n. r»uiy ... I..

coutrtc; nara tho solder* of 1tuo Uulou PaiiiUy Compauy, au Ot wuiua sim;* wa* *ub-

saliently acqnlred br the Credit Mobiller except thlr-tt eu shares whleh lui ve ti.cn uucluiiuud for eighteenvenr», and for which no owner can be found. Astill fin ti cr legal nunn relied npon waa thattin- Un; n Paeille Cninpauv bas been tudty of grosslachen la not bunging its suit before so many ycura i adetaaood.Tlicre-cHd nf thc full Curt 1* as follows: " Ttiere

w.is no sum lent Woof ot actual fruiid, and no suchpi of of eo isiruciiv.t fraud aa io reutler tbe eontractopen tar r i'in;ia' cu aficr thc votea of April ti, 1 ssOO."

A HOAD TO YELLOWSTONE I'AIiK.itmn ri mam roon soot wa-uakik im wyoming


Hawkins, Wy. T., Bept, 5..It lias lieenie. in >hattheniiraad wtrrag widen is being madeaerooa Wyoming te tha Tallowalene -Tart, beginning at

Fun Wii.li.ili'c, is bei.:g made ut the expense ot John K.Hoi ii wed. of New York. It is not known wbo his bucker*are. although it ls reported that a London stmiicate I*bshlad lum. lt 1* also saul that he ls neilin; In tbe inter¬cut of tbe Uuiou Paclllc or Central Paclllc railway. Itls known thai tue Bothwell party huve *ecured sodaInk ¦*, p,umbum springs ami otner large Interest* lu (hisit ci.on. i uiuue. Wallace, of Penusylv mia, is with Mr.Bothwell SI Port Was .ame, and Hr. Oroll is on ihe roadtn lulu i :ii-m. Ths conni ry (hat will be developed bythia read la limed Inr lu agricultural grazing land, a*will BS lui limber, soda,coal, iruu aud pen*' lento.


WEtTEBfl BATU CUT.St. Loris, Sept. 5..The Ohio nnd Missis¬

sippi Kailroad mil charge* X*> 50 to Cincinnati, but haamet tho $1 Louisville cut. Ths Air Line positivelyasserts thal ii ls nui paying comiutss.uus lo " scalpers,"BBd that IBO reports thal broker* are discounting tuecu: rans iiiiiii t icref,ire be Bairne. T ie Vandalia Lineba* not yet eutered tee tcbt, sad there arc at preseutno mdicatlous tnat lt wtll do so.

THE EASTERN POOL ATTACKED.Chicago. Sept. 5..Another suit WM inati-

tutc in tue local cour;.* today with the evident dc*lreto teal tha right of tba Kastern l'ruiu Linc Poul to divertfn igbt fm.ii thc mud to which lt has been sp dally BOB*¦iKBed. Tue snit I* against the Grand Trunk Railwayand the Ure it leeters Fust Freight Line and the prarerHsk-.tr.at the) b« restrained Irom div.mug cciiaiufreight to other line* in the Kaat.lumad Pool a* theyter .attn. Judge Moran, uf tho Circuit Court, grauied atemporary mjnaeuoe.

THK OENERAL CON FF. ltENCE TO-DAY.om unocnons in katks to follow if cct-

TINO U NOT STOri'Ll).Railroad men ttlsniSSOll nita in;crest yester-

da. lha pussinie aciiuu ol lue Joint Kn euuvt. CommitteeBl lha .n.uk lum and tbclr Uratan ciiuucc'.ioi.*, whichmeets lei day. The mseUug wat called to eoaaldcr the',..,.- nf taeesauhenndaad weet' boand fn ignt-rutoratting anbmltted lo cemmlmisnsr Fink. lt is expectedle stark the taraiBg point in tbe niiraad iHastiaa bs

redai min rates. Tm- lltUBtion moiitnst I the *ame ground (ur tunnai oomplaiataolCst it ailoris to-i.iy, ail meOtlug* lune

fly bein mid through toe *ainuier (ortin* mi,.ci pnrpuee ot endsnroring to aeenraibe nmlntennnee of lands. it is believed,Lustier. IBal tuc .\(\t.y,.rk Central aud tho

ij rania railroads ute nutt determined lhat lt aolI ping uf tin* cullin*

be r 11 .*i loth* leroi el ths lowesrat nie. Int - are BaUraed anlastWed-'¦¦ i '.-,.i i.u, inn was poraunded to

.. nt rai ooaiaranoa.A :, .t in ,.,!,,j aga ai a iiiceling ul tue iruuk liue

.i k Central advocated . reduction. itatlrea demured

to rae ,t lip inn of thi* iuiii'-., .mi declared thai there-inn I. 11 - -ii .*_.- -1. ,i .,_t tn* ictrtai wonld uot mont

,¦ - wi i - a .nit iratou i I..,

i- ¦¦ .. t | ii i-i.i tu furor ni swecpiugit.1.1 C.,is it lo .mi catt b T lualU-

1 \ rateon gan n« mw ne IO oaoia perI., p un ia una been inggeated by ii luformnli/. Ai-

ianda to t be ouiuilutom ri 11,es, i aa un aler number

i- r«to i ubare.i lodged ugiiu-i Wonioraeon-It li . Beting

- i.u t tu leetiug m.*

t,., pialua i " But tue ti aper ai ino I'ebuaylfaulaau i in» ¦>-1 \ u ,t Boo¬timinbee of Irrrguiaritte*, eeii-iaformrd laiiroad moa

1 w itu.a a WoBB ny uprii and g.* ucl al


SPECIAL CONVENTION KATES.Ai the regular weekly meeting of tbe trunk

Uu* pt -.m. i ___», ,,t- yuaierday, apodal rate* ivrru

.ii.-.wr. ior tee Bogala - st* Conrcntlonii nt s Wi leai'r. '..I

u. ii,eu at Wasblagtofl wi.o Intend.. Dom ii, vote al Ilia runing election. A tlual

neill wa* made of Ibe .iCi-oU'its of tbe Castle (Jar-

J ,. kg t. ¦.. Hi*y w. r i'ldiid ii,.,ri

Uoe of Jots) Ageal Booth. Ti.e athoc busm*** iraae-..i . i tr : ,.i tua

ne I., mad, wnh im« Boob dring nu

lmuiiKi am unana, .¦over ii* louepcmltiul lou.e to liuf-o, baa ap] uion ,o ihe ( a- b Uardeoul A_[ ne; No action ba. b ¦¦.li t aft Ul OB tills maller

io mn pori iua.1.


bbadino's mibtaks i.n oaoaauto an Boyanca.PHILADELPHIA, bept. 6..Tlie actmn nt tin-

I'm.jil.-.j,ll,.i an.l Kt adiug i "al md Iron Couipauy iu

log In- lu*, rt nt Um c lat to tuc line :iTi-1 Hy tr idsfor the in n tn of September uot prorad, a* ma' onmpaafbus since lear* ad, tll-ndvisrit. I ula BStlOS Was not t.i.en

Until Un- lr blgh Bporntora bud reiusotl lu last snell

., Pre«ideul (lowen felt lhat hla example a a it. ra; w..-, ti i it or bot.

ii tooktbe ground tbat ha waa the aaaater of tne etina-tloa ny virtue nf hoing tao beermat producer, ami tbat

lt wea for elm to oommead ami for tue oth.-rs m oia-y.Tin- LoaigB i.ii iiiuso bas (iiown tual it wa* nut in be

io by Its prr»iet»ni rriinal IO mak au> ad¬

la u., ami nv in« laaanaea of tis draelat atatlngtualprleea WOnMnri lie advanced fur lins mouth overthoMrating lari m ¦* 11».

I ne natani result of the sliuatlon ls that ths Headingroi uiiisl lullnw Ibo Ia-liiKU iii prices or nave _,n

ii ii,,ni I.it uni of coal, lue fm .uer luur. ¦«, ls al; fatly al

adlaadvaotage, aa ibe Indlridunl BcaaylhUl operator*ng coal al last moath'a gitan*, aad tha Healing is

pi ri en lng a ttar In moods froui ll* 'I it* il ar l.r selling the

Don! pr td i.-'-tl at Ute l.etuirii and Wllheabarro mmes at

t.., i. ngbcircular, ltu alsooutted upon geed anthor-,-- I* ii wen ta«.*s un .te eadanl Man

ii,', ju-- nu BM in1 coal ot hi* own, ibe mapirlly ol thenun ui i.m iiin.es naring beea anticipated for

dged for mousy adratioee wantt,,., li lu tn r ni ii iii in, uli.ir.il'.uiis. A Ins priid.it bus

lu-, li -,.l.l up HI ti. I Bgure*, ne c ni weil Um d lo iiiakd all

mop. ml. ul .land. 1 ue tale ol product um eppii** to all.1,, ii going uiilidde tbe Cape* a* well aa lual coining

IO tl.r Hoe and eily tr.ul.*.


Ni uoki.kans Sept. r>..ll. lindley Coleman' miner, iran feodora end aMubinuto, auapaedod to¬

day Tiieir llii'iili Isa are Jj.',!., ix lo. Bad tlu-n- anet*

1400,000. I lin . upciisiun was cau*od by luahiilty toL.t.,.., uu theirInroaimanta


Holden of Virginia Minto bonds tra elatednv r: ba Beetaloo in t be United Statea circuit court mai

aland r of eonpens ter texas dns mat Brats is a ir^-.iitinder. Heretofore tBr aeopeoa bave beeu refused hyUn* male til a-un, boiidlnd lers have been foiced io pay

u.e lassa rn money ami rabeoo.asstly recover judgmentin inuit, inc eil.et sf thed'cisiuii,li wassatthy beniboldcin hara yretarday. wools ba to oompol tao etoto

Ofl ,tl« in ice. te (lit* COOPOM for USO* direct Iv. " AnvBeetaloo," ou.ui one uuiiduo.uer. " whleb landa to auld up

Virginia and uim-i Souiuera etnt ¦ lo lao lull paymentOl ineii tii.'l-iiiioui, is fiivorabiit lu Ita ctt-c:, Bul otny ii

tue ti.-iiiui». out lo lint .-'laies ineniselvrs.Wutnuier tbey are OOoinelled to bc bune-.ttue people of these Kiau-S will timi tb.it

t .dr Industrial program wm ba coinitlerably gre.,t»rtn ni ll tia* lit-eiini tue past." '. beetle, lol lhe decisionwa* lu n.tiiiulalti lUipnir fur Suutuerii Stale securities,Bud io advance Hut pru-.. Vu.iuia BOaaola roes4 prr ecu, tr nu tee pre ¦. al t it* ta..* «a,t), the tou-fortiest_ and lhe coupon bond* 7 perceuL

HIE DERI OE il A Ssl'IEEE, IND.' A coufereme wis bold ut tho Fanners' Loananti Trust fempBBJ "B ottlon yeiterdar, lim wren bund-

huldel*uf the city ol Kvau*vide, ludiaua, aad a Cuai-

milUe of ollloiai* uf tuat cl y iu regard U au a,lj.i*tmeutot ihe muuioipal dobi. Bond* to tlie aiumnit of *3.30,OOl>were represented. Mayor t. C. Bridewell, CUy Atioruey

J. ii. Kuck.r aud hngnst Bretsno. ciialrinan of the

rtnsne* iwmlitss of Branerille, appealed fur tho city.l..*v Bread tn* creditor* IB appoint a committee per-sou illy lo es imtue tne dnuueca of lue city, reprc*euiluginn llii*ii Ooudltioo was tnt t-r mai liu.l tn eu sliowu at

aful ber meeting, lue omi.edd rs toole un action, lt

la lailmated toa th«*.-am awaitiug ths unit tins ot two

au,:, h.guu uguinsl tvaiisviuo BB BBSt dBW coupuii*.


flie annual convention of tho NorthAm. Hean UsttSd ( aledunuu A»suc!at.un» was held ye*-

,,i ; y afici-iiooii at tint looms ri tbu MsW-Torh Cale-

,i,,.,.,! (lui), ai Nos. H and IO ¦ matta Bt Uele.gateiii, m i lailssa flabs sf lit- it"T -** Osaadasmra¦twa lat'.lu-meet lng. Several changes.were made In

law* of mt* aaaootati in. ruei K.iiowiug «>«;.-«were elected ror tao ensuing year: Prewdeut, «u«aui

Ai.Hei-.ou. ot Auburn, M. Yd Urst riv* presl.lent. A. O.

ll,.,l... of lornno. Cam 1^; saeoud vice-president,Oeorge Ooodfcllow, of Pallndalpatol .ecreiacy. Peterj- -- .,1 Ntw-YorB! BSOUtsut aaeWlarr, NV ililam Keller,

mi i, ii. ,sir-r. rtioinas Walicll, of Pltt.ton;i i ommlttee, D. ¦eBartasn, of iiamiiton. Ou-

i.,i..i,and J-utis Mci limb, tl Albany. T.,0 BonroBties,! i jj ti IU n-xi annual ineetlne at Hranfurd,Canada, la tne evening tb* delegate* were entertained

at supper by the member* of the New-York CaledonianClub at tb*tr club room* lu Horatio-at. Speeebea weramade by William Anderson, A. O. Uooge aud severalotner*.


ONE LIFE L08T AND SKVRRAL PKR8ON8 MIS8IMO.St. Louis, Sept. 5.-The Misaouri PlamtiK Mill,

Nus Mill aud 811 Casvave., was bumed at between.'! aud 4 o'clock this altoruoou. One life waa lostand tliree or four persons are reported mussing. Atenement hons* adjoining wai alto burucd, ande.-veral lamilies lost all their eftects. The loss onth* mill is about $13,000.

A CABBIAOB BOUSE BURNED.Lark George, N. Y., Sept. 5. .A valuable

ham aud a can ia*c bouse at the summer residence Hereof Dr. J. W. Dowling;Bf New-York, were destroyed bytire this m..rid ir. Tbey are supposed to have caughthre from tne pip* of one of the stablemen. Tbe borsejand carriages were removed wlibout Injury.


Columbus, Sept. 5..At a meeting of tbeOhio Wool-Grower*' Association to-day a spirit of opposi¬tion to the Tariff bill was manifested. Acaucu*of thepresident* and secretaries of six State association* waa

held, at watch lt wss decided to call a niau-ineettog ofwuol.growcrs aua sbecp-breeder* at tbe Grand TactileHotel, In Cslcaio, on September 25, io organize a.National association.


GOVBUNMKNT INDICATIONS.ForXew-Knjtland, fair weatber, northwest to south¬

west winds, nearly stationary temperature, nsinz fol¬lowed lu ibe norn west portions hy tallinn barometer.For tho Middle Atlsnuc State*, fuir weatber, nearly

stationary temperature, nortiierlv winds b-cuiuiujj va¬riable, nain*- followed by falllna barometer.

1 or inc Lake reston, slightly war.uer, fair weather,south to west winds and lower baromi l( r.For the Upper Mlsdaaippt and Missouri Valleys,

.ligntly warmer, fair weatber, southeast to *outbwe»twinds, lower barometer.

indication* for le-morroie.Coal and fair weather Is indicated for New-Kngland

and tlie Middle -tates on burs lay, followed hy slightlywarmer, fair weather on Friday. Tne temperature willrise slowly lu Die Ohio Valley, Lake re/nm ana UpperMississippi Valley ou Tuursday ami Friday, with gen-nally fair weather.



loo |i

JOORS: Morning. NlfM. 1___

l ? a i r, a t a oin 12i;s<r*7* mon i__,B^riXjIU!!ir3!?^^JT~~"^lr1 IO.!.-..lr_m'.m\..nlrU .mm.'rmi-'i. t-J___J_ _^!5^jj

!"*!>"-¦ ¦'.-¦!- -r -----..

-.- V*- A.-mi-mr. imi ,«_-.

«... L_j- ,r.? il) b-t -e-rir V f4-l-,.T-i.>H_V-^.-_»,,«.J».,_i.,.,o-t -pm wwil^ '¦**/**pt*¦ I"! *¦ 'I»i[jH "li. t

_____Z____i__ j _____. IL'O, titar <li|-iitiil,i»iit. btrttnntirtl TsrUUoo, to tLla cit, ti> trurru

.f mcti-i Tl,. |,.i|,n._l.c»..i lu., |lf- d..iil.in ul tlior fur (Uf I« Louis

. ... ,< - r,,g',i Iw f'4ilyt olnlr Alf rtlitr.-nll Otr ,t, .

ly IS' rn-', l.) ¦) 1.1«| 'nm.' h«ur. Ta'St.'km ordoltrd lit' ir, ir,.nitli.-..- ¦ ii tiitl.aul bj il- i!tcim~aiclcr ml Usa.ni's rkariasc;. Ill SrM4«»f.

Tninrsr Offk'r. P^pr.O-la. m..The morement m

tba barometer yesterday was upward. Partly doodyweatber prevailed dnrtnr pane ol the flnt and aaeondquartan, followed by elnar waatber. Tbs 'cnueiatureanaed notween M*aed 74\ tue BTsrngs _0S°i betas

liv1 lower tb.ri on t.i- aarreapoadiag day u^r year and.-.'¦.j' higher thau oa rueoday,

,r weatber, wltb tllxbi ebaagsa tn temperature^may beexpeeled tooday lu this city un 1 viciuity.


A meeting of tlip Executive Council of tlioBuddins Tradsa area baM Inst nlgbt ni Nu. .99 Tblrd-ave. Til.- ;i,ii,m o' the 'Jenn -i Framer*1 Union In

onicrinsf their tuen bael in tho beddings In Seventy-ihlrlst Intw.-iii Blgbtfe uml N n'h ave*., was

discussed. and thal srgSBtsattea was unan¬

imously expelled from thu amalgamation.Tue wulk'nit deliyate* were satfeartsed ti declare a

str'k* at an end on the f>eveu:y-tli;r.l.tf. bnUdtngS,prot I.* i Kr B mta. the balkier, iroal I agna to smployoil. onion men bi natter, rue qttestton of compelling1. trimmer A- Muinau to take their bod-hotatlag eunnes

out of toe building betns erected bv Contractor rnckarwaa taken up, and the delegate* werenteoa full pow r

lu outer »tnkes OB sixteen tui'ldniTS inwliicb Bdelmayat A Morgan have engine*.If tba angina* ure not removed by Mon I.iv.A sf rik* was nrd-red on Cvms Vi. Field's n*w build-las ei Broadway ami (ireenwlch-st. on account of the

emp oyuient of a nonunion bod-bouilag engineer,I bi re ure between 139 and 200 m'n employed mi tuete ding. \t tie* Oakota flat-bouse (he framers returnedt w ult yesterday. ^^^

////.; MMOOKLTN CONSTITUTION CLUB.A meeting for organization was hold laai

erening by the Bewly termed BroeklyB cn-titution

Club, winch ls asodolled n't- r tba similar club

In tbis eily. Aboal tl-tv nicn, am.un; whom wero

.. n,.' de prominent elttsena ol Brooklyn, m-t al HaTITI Fulton.st , In responso to a rall issued by thc

promotar* of the undertaking. Amour them were d. r.

Jaams, Joatsh B Witta, Henry Qeeng* Fir,- Pammisstoner Partr iga, TboBtss il Badana, Frat,kilnA.I. h. J. i. in ju P. BoMassa, Detnas Ilarue', .1 Warren

i, .ur. William Hichardion, the Kev. Charles Wood,Dr. It Q Mortat. I>. II. Houghtaling, James

r.i Igwar, millam ii rieemnn, Ambros* Baew, (icuetalll, "n I!. I'i.Bin, I- W. lie isley and C P. Adam*.a constitution was adopted ami by-laws wrr** are-

bul owiiu toa disputeorer some ol ibe proimonaIn nu- la'trr, I ley were referred to a committee.Offleer* will be elsetrd al the nnxi meeting.


Aasignnenta wro made bj two wine deolanyeaterday. Anna Bonbons ami her son FnederichKubin ru, wholesale dealers, at No. 51Wall st., nuder the stvlo of FnederichRobbert! A !*ou, made an as-iignnicnt to Kobert A.

Oraaeaa, (ivmra preCaraams to the Kast Uiver .\aii mal

lia nit foi Tl">.-VJ3.Aliens' lliicbow and Louis F. lirandau, composing the

thin of titicbuw X iiraudau. whulcsale dealer* lu Call-lurnla wines nt N'.-. 73 Murray-st., made BB assignmentto iiuiieri Plantar. k-vIhk bim a preteronea n.r $4 SSA1 ne timi ls (he accnt lu the I.a*.ern States fur tbe wines

of Knout r .v i'.i;!i!ii.*, ol i-an Francisco,ned ni tbePacific Vinegar f'onipauv, of tba same etty, Tiie Ua-Uiitlea are reported to ue about $20,000.


A party of twenty-two children who were

sent out IWO Weeks ago UUtl-1 the aaSStSl I Bl Tilt TRIU-iM fiaab Air Fuuti to Fast Fairfield, Vt., rntarasdhome jes'.crduy morntnr. Tlie children left BBSS Fau-

Ui lit at noon on Tuesday and went to Maqujin. where

they crossed Lake Champlain to Plattsburg, ihe voyaxt-

¦etOSB the lake waa tryiin; to tbo children, a* Ibe

water waa t-iu-ii and heavy (eas tame poiiuuinguvt-i t'* decks of thc boat. Nearly all or the childrenwere seasick. The partv came hythe New-Yoik Central

Railroad from Aibauy to New-York, arriving lien* earlyyesterday BtBTBtng. J. A. Perkins was In charge or

tbo pirty. rae ebiMrsa secmeu mast Sseattod hythen visii ani..u_i tho lulls of Vermont. Tho followlun:

parenna wero their entertainers: A. Chase, J. N.

Pomeroy. B, t'i"nn. T. Mltsbsll, I~ OL Hull, B. B. Isbam,A. Ciiase, J K. Finler. F. MilcheM. J. BqnlrOB, ll. M.Wells. H.. II. Suule. sift lt Miirtevaiit ami I). Watreu.At lilKbl a M'vii* uf m,libers walled In the stailigbl at

the l barnie r*»l ferry tor »evetily--i-vci* chiblreli wno

were returning from a vacation near Bmtthfleld, I'i tin.

TBu irJiu was latn auU tOaro were Kinny Runout nc

tinnies belora thc ferry leaded tba Uttle one* c.M. K.iiri-hill had chun:* or tue psrty on Hip Journey, andon tuan art ital ben* Mr. Parsons n-celv. d ino childrenaud saw lhat ail were delivered to fiicutl* to be takeu

burne._Eilll TRIHI NE Filc.Sll-Allt FUND.

Previously acknowledged._.$16,111 77Proceed* of a collection taken tu Hu- NostrandAveoue M'tnn.iisi Kpiaeupai Church (intaiitcassi, iiniukiyn.- 10 10

Flues for makl ,g sputa on tb« tuble-el ah atlaoola, per Ula K. WI llets, ace ume year*.. 2 15

Pri-*b> ut mu -s.iUatij-iciiu,iI, or Wiudnaia,N. Y., second ooutributlon. 2 00

Total, Sent 5. 1833.H0JUI 08Tbe New-Yoik anl Sea Heacb Railway Company,

which nive* one eiiihl's ticket willi ev,rv adult's excur¬

sion ticket (inn jasen over iu road, haa given 1,000children's tickets .0 lu. Uunr.Ni: frsab dlr Fiiml, tobeused lu takiug pour culdreu to tlie seaahorc lor a day'sexcursion. _ _

IHTBBE8T OF AN INFANT CLASS.To fl* Hil it or of IA* tribune.

Sm: Herewith I bepr to hand you $10 16,the proceeds of a collection takeu lu thu NoslraudAveline M. ____¦ Church Infant Class, Brookli n, on sundaylast. Kvcr slnoe your good work began our childrenhave beeu heartily with you, unit known of your success.

Most of them are lu the country, hence tbo smalt collec¬

tion. We purp.se during the winter, when our class lsmil, lo Uko a collection lu a.illclpaiiou ol next summer.In b'hulr "f tu* sutfertnit little one* of New-York city,accept our thank* tor your imbi* services. Hiuo*reiyyours, 1 cst un i:s or THK I n* an 1 CLaaa.

Jlrooklya, Scpr, 5, 1883.


George Hoainci's challeiitfe to Charles E.Courtney bas ucl yet been lakeu ut>. Hosmer depnsitedSJUO wiiu the KU tor ot the Sew lurk Clm>er o* (oneil

lauueylaal we... an. the cuaUc*.) ba* yet a weak IO

run. Ii I* lot a tuioe .mle race for f2,000 a siae. to takt.

piece at *uob ume aud plaoe a* *ball be deiermluedBBfesAaa


Androtr Varick Stout, a well-known andwealthy citizen of Kew-York, died of panalyaie nt binauramer resldenoe lu Bernardsri Ile, N. J., yeaterdaymorning. In February last Mr. Stout raalgned bia po*i.Hon aa president of ibe 81:00 and Leather Bank, owingto 111 health. Ula health did not improve, and be anaaSmoat of his time since bl* retirement from bnsineaa oe.Us farm at Ilernardsville. Ou Monday last bo aufleroda stroke of p iralysis. .

Mr. stout wis In his seventy-first year. He waa bornand brought up in this city, and received a public schooleducation. He waa appointed an assistant teacher laold Public School No. 7, in Chrystlo-st., at the age oteighteen. Later he was promoted to be principal of oldI'ulillc School No. 2. Finally ne occam.: principal of oldPublic School No. 13, ia Madtsou-st.. aad afterward be.came manager of the New-York Orphan Asylum. 8ub-

stqueutiy be embarku t lu thc wholesale boot aud sboebusiness ut der tbe Arm Dame of mont X Ward, aud later

witb a change of partners, under the naxe of A. V.Stout A Ca Od April 3, 1853, h> was floored president(.f the National Sboe aud Leather Bank, or whica be badbeen th<* vice-president for a short tune previous. Tblaposition he held for almost twenty-eight years.Mr. St«mt was actively engaged In many financial

enterprise* and Institution*. Un waa a director In IheBom-Tart Mutual Oas Light Company, the Phoenix FireInsurance Company, the American Hank Note Company,tbe New-York ami Brooklyn F, rry Company, tbe Broad.way Insurance Company, and the Loan nud Improve¬ment 'Jump my. At one time he was connected with theBoard or Kiln ati<u. Wiieu Fernando Wood was MayorMr. Stout was ciiy Chamberlain, aud during tbe dls-tnrbanean at tbat tims tn regard io thc nuilee force headvanced the sui aries of Ibo loree from his owepocket, being afterward rel in nursed by tho oity.Or'gloally he was a Democrat in politics, bu' during tbowar be ne,-.un.- a Republican, ami afterward waa a¦tanncb and eiitluislasifc snupon er or Republican princi¬ples. Asa prominent mein lier or the Methodist Episco¬pal Church, ho was dpt cully lui -rested lu tue iu-.tltutlooa connected with that dcnoniina lui, Eli: waaa trtiMee of Wesleyan University and of the Drew Theo¬logical seminary. A few years ago he gave $.V),000 tothe Drew Seminary and a Ilka sum also to We*lt*yaaUniversity. He was a member aud trustee of St. I'aul'aMethodist Episcopal church, at Foiirtk-avn. andTwenty-.ei-onti-*t. I be funeral will take place at that church at2 p. m. ou Fritiay.The surviving family or Mr. Smut Includes his wife,

one sun and two daughters. Joseph S. Stout, hi* son, lathe bead of the firm ur Stunt A Co., brokers, at No. 23Hroail-sU, lu which A. V. Stout waa a special par'ncr.One uf Hu* daughu rs is tbe wife of J. N. Kwell, banker,'il N". IS Broadway, nud the other is married to A. P.'ioii!berum), a banker, ot Chicago.

THOMAS LBOKAUXThomas Leonard died ut his home, No. 234

IVtB-st., yesterday from cancer of thc liver. Ile belongedto Luelle* Compauy Nu. 49. nut hud been oa thesick Hstlor about six mouth*, ile was boru ni this city Septem¬ber 13. 1-40, mid was a chaiidk-r when he was ap¬pointed a tlrein.m in IBM Os July 1. Lift, be waamane asalatani foreman n- Bngtns < somnaay Ba, 13 andwas promotedtetbe position of foreiuaiioii.lutielO, 1S73.before he lust bis health he was regar led by tbe FireCommissioners as oue uf tue most efficient meu lu tbedepartment.

SMITH H. CBOBSMAV.Smith H. Cro«Tirtn, an o!d and respected

cifiZ'ti or the village of Jamiica, L. I, died at his homaon rui"til;iy eMuiur, from diab. t -s. Mr. Crossman waa

IbeotdeatearHafa manufacturer on Long Island, audwa* the deeigner aad (milder uf tba aarrmem kuown aa

Bnekairaya. He wun a leading mein,.er ,.i tue JamaicaMc bodial LpUcupaiChurcu, und ns treasurer since iHb'X

PROFESSOR 0. P. TABLET.LoBDOX, Sept. 5..Professor C. F. Varley,

weowna el etrtetan te tba Bteatsts interuuionai Teie>

graph < tanpenjr.wbleb laid thc hrsi cable across the Ablaulic Oo BB, is dead.

HOWARD STAHLER.BaLTOIOBS, .Sept- 5..Edward Staider died

at bis re-:i|.!ii -c. s.uidv S|iiui,'. Moutgoiner/ County, thiaMan-, la t nu':!, IB tba sj:,ie house lu which be waa

born in December, 1794. ile waa appointed postmasterat Sandy bptlnga iu ln.ii. .md held thc utflce up to thetime ut hl«.it. aili Ile was a Quaker, aud his long lifowaaaucb as lo command general respect. Ile wa* saidto be tue oldeel p .Munster in tbe United Slates.


The commission to lix Bites for parka in thaannexed diatrict beld a meeting yesterday at the offlceof the Mercantile Trust Company. There were presentLuther R. Marsh, General I.-wis Fitzgerald and J.Mnllally. A letter was read from 0*ner.tl Shaler on toeadvantages ufleretl by tbeCortlandt property aa a parksite, in its report to tne Legislature tue commissioawill rcconiiiif nd the Cortlandt properly a* one site ofRHO ur 1100 acres, au I another site on thu Bronx River of.too u( 4(S> acres. 1 will also suggest a* a possible sitefor tbe tatars a splendid stretch uf land overlooking theHound a.!)) Bing 1'eibam.


Tho largest iiutultcr of sealskins ever re-

calved bare at saes arrive! yestcrdiy by the Sunsetionic. Khars wm 540casks or Alaska skins packed lasalt, destined for London, and w.re estimaied to beworth W0O.0OO. Tb.y hail been sbtpped from Califor¬nia on Ibo Southern P.e-iflc Railroad to New-Orlean* .iudthen.-.* by steamer. Kngl ind still leads the world Indreaalon and ootorlag tbia beautiful tar, In spite of thsexperimental attempts at cuuipetniun that bave beeamade here aud elsewhere

ltnineti'* Cnconine ptasoetas tho rrowthof anl beautWs*tu.) hair, aud rentiers ll dark aud glossy.

Colgate .V Ce s C.tsh BOM I .u net Toilet Trna Tbanuveiivaailt»ii}*pli<)ual Hretiztu,,- us .i-rto a* Ate iu> iisow-ui laajiaatiooam tala taaario.it mit a.

MARRIED.CltAOIN- VAI.K-At (he Urand Hotel. New.York City,

>spt,-nili*r 5, nv the I'.ev. Dr. Cbane* W. Haul of Ky*, a,V., Kdwaitl Wilton Cia-'lii and Auuio ir*_ie VallL

SLOAN -JOHNSTON-On Tin-.tUy. september i, by tbaKev. ______ A. I'.Iniut i, Mil.ie Jubustuu to Sauiu*l Sinai), botbot lbw city. _

All noliee-t of mari-toye* must be indorsed icitli /aliinline und address.

wm' v .aJilED.

BFI.K NA I*.Suddenly on soptember 5, Charis* F. Relkntfcin (he 77th vear of his axe.

Kelatlvcs and fneuds :ir invits-l BO attend lils funeral on sat.urday, aeetemaac in ai j p. m., at the Ku at rresbyteriaaChurch, doukers, N, V.

Cairlsges wm ur iu waning killie depot for 2 o'clock tramIiu.ntiiaiitlCeytr.il Depot.

UL'Kill n.At Mvrttstowo. N. J.. August 21, IHHA, Freddi*suu of Frederic is. and Mary A. (iueriu. age 1 ye-r, A inuutasand 3 day*.

M ii.I,Kit- Ai Kedft.ttl. N. V., on Wednesday, september i,M*(| A., wife ul lleic^iah L Miller, la lite MS year uf h*r

aga1 uncial servicea wu! b* in lil si the hunte Friday, septeinbm7, at 1 p m.

SIDVT-At Bernanlsnlle, V. J.. Wedneadav nuirning. Sep.tember % Aatlrrw Varick sion!, in the 7 tat yea: uf his au*

B*l*Uv*e aud trie ls sre lumea to Bttood his funeral nae.turk ai Ot, Paul's M. I US licit, curut-r 4lh>ave. sud rid.SL, tm Friday, 7lh last., yt *_! p m.

Friends wm kiudiv omit flo srer*.

TUC Its ion'-On Mandari September A, lH-*o. Jonathan ?Thurston.

Unsure* sud friends are respectfully Invite! lo attend histu;i»iai ai lils late residence, Nu. ilil M«:cei st.. JerseyCity uu Thursday. September ii. at 1 o'clock i>. m.

VAI I.-On Wednesday BOBteabar *, IHHA, Mary R..daajk.lui ol l.ii/.aiietb N. suit ttie isle David M. \ ail.

Friiiadssi-t .uvue-t toatirui tbafnoetaJ bombi*lasa re**.dm r. No. (il Quio st llruoklyu, un Friday eveuin,-, Sep.leinbar 1, al n n rm. m.

Political Xoncco.\i .i lt nub 1 ll..ul, l.i .tub! an Im...hIU)'. --0*

rial mei-iiux al headnuirters this I'liursd*/) evening at Su'c.ti. a tu laka acliuu uo ame uni,-ul toct.nstiluliou.W M. liuaatu, ^ny. ltKN KY ll. li.tlti.iT, President.

.lio Wari- XIXUl Assembly Dislrlcr Keiiubllisn A-aoLrlatioii. tinner u7th-st. ami tVesl li uilerard. A regular iu*et«nie ul lhe abuts a»sut.iaiii.ii wi.l be he ,! tali nvaniug at So.liick. tllAIU.Ks ft BIUOKR, i'r*altTeiiU

F. il. Dbsa. secreisry.- J

Special Xatttca.tuii.it- 'I. ii'.ui!..

TbeNKW.KNd I. A N L) ti HA N 11 4 W ill Ks. Ilartrord. ConnQuarries aud Wuikshops. WesierU. ll. I.

Fla* mtiuu.ueuu.aud hui.dui-; w irs iu ..ramie. Dravring*an eslliiiatesiurulshetl willi i ii .large. t"urres(,oni!euei- tt-

Uutetb .n. V.OOice, I.SSI ii'war. C. Vi. CANFlriLU. Agu

lugnilii Carpel*.BM pieces Rest Quality KXTn.V at'FR iNOUAIVSat

76tenisiKit yturd. slli'.Fl'Altl) KNAPP & CO.._Siiib.ave. ami l.ilu st.

Foal UHce Nonce.Furelgn malls fnr th* week eu Ung September 4 will cit*} st

thi* ellice a* luilow*TUC KSDAY-At 5:30 a. in fur ireland, per s» city of Itlcb

uiuutl.vl* Queeusiuwu tlrttei* lur moat Urllala and utnal

buiupt.au cuuunie* uiua. b« tllrectest "pei city ul Kieaiiniii'i" ai il 3(1 o. ul fur Kuiupe, \ter na {lammunia. VIII'lViutiutn. ( nerhuur* a*.d llauiburf ai l:3o p. ui. ita

UubA. i'm to I'.lcuauu Mencu, per a*, eily ot Wa*bin*u>evia Havana.

Fill I'A V Ai iain, for Newfouuduud »nd St IM*r»e-Mu|nomu. vi* lialltaa, at 1 p. ni. fur lia/u. c»rtlia«eu*. Ui*»y.t..wu au i l.imuu. per aa Alp*; al 130 p. m. for euramo*

8_._\titUA\r-AtU'7 a. m. to Koropa. ocr sa "srmaiiiie, via

Q.ie*ns(owu<l*iter»foriierni»uf. A*, must be directeS-yet *jieru,aBio".t al 1 e. ox. lur ^coUau* mrwjL 4.01 »a A*

rliorla. VU Ulasaow (letters Biual be direcied oar AM.

c_.rm'TaiOnl_. rn HelmMnu direou pei os. Swiuer.

______ Antwerp; at 11 5 m. ror t-urupe, pert* Habfc

bara, via isoumainptoa aud ureuieu at i p. m. tor ino

WSlmid lslauds. ,.m SO iieroiuua. at li30 p.m. torCoUBau.i Porto nico, uar *i* Newporuru ****,*****¦___,,__ _._

SUS DAV Al 7 30 p. m. tor uuudura* aatl lavmitMOO, p*»ss Lucy F. MU.en tl* N*w.()rlean*.

Maila terChine ami Itana, per .-sa. Aiablo. na san nBBSBBSSiouse her" M*pl*mL.r -Bal 7 p. ul. M-Ul* foi AiUU-all*

^ewV.ea;aud.»aullwnb and KUI Ulauua, per j*, city of.N*w-Vu:a, via >aa tiout-ieco, f.ioao hem beptambar 'iffmil p. to- ___. RY Q *MA**__ Postmaster.

ro*i offlce. N*w York. M. Y.. Au«a»Ul. IMS.

. Tbescnednleorcieimroi traas-Pseiilo mail* I* arrangedon lb* piMUuiptioa ol tuon auuitoTi upisisl uvanaud tiaaalSto suu Maui isca. MalU tIVui Uio r.sil airman US TIMS Othaa FrauciMio jo lb* day ol aaiiuit ol WWSmWS ac* tUavaloaa*lututc ui* *auu* dag