HlwWf Jut ||» ISM i .Tl" * Mr. Or. & IiMan hwjfcrt otf omt' 0»VP** of" Klford'. Power. far «if $»rk * * fioy^ >n<i \ ****** h^]f' * fo«.th# p»rpqp* toturn J>i»w Ma^i SC4l« iww. are Hi receipt of th« " QfB«i*l Ile*i ner*of iba^oatW. CaroJia* IHUt *ry it » TbtgttduRsi .j .' Jv'i i , I og Clan wugjilWl -ycnriHUnuejeo twelve. The gggregele of tfcfc balance of Alt claAee H tiRO hundred and forty our. We return out tbunki to the friend rending it. 'JU l«aj*|wement. f. We ha*e tyeenl^y wdded t«v our prfcil'mg office an e»cellent IToe'iTV.r.tiog Preaa, with irking m:\clihie attach Trt*® <*h® by Aer since the !»._ Ami publication of the paper, hi« become moch wctfn and diflehnt from * . ' to*****. we have thought ft neceesaryi ,t to dircard. It the future we hope to be able <o preaent a neater and hand awber paper, and quite moro legible . * - l1t«h wa've been doing heretofore. r , T T?; FROM MONTGOMERY, ALA.' ^ "* Cernwjpeeayaoe of Souihom B*t»rprt»<. MoxToovEnr. AL^., )% May 3lrt, 1863. f Mtstrs. Editors.I am this. for on * . ttty aray to die-Vaiky of Uje Miwirtippl." ftavmjf lefi'Orceeiaille on Fridny mom» tng with roy fiiend'ntid Military Syecie> Tary, J. B. Clyde, ^q. The trip has been a pleaaant one so Jar.weathei * . fine, and crop* of cort^ntM wheal on ; the read unusually promising. The * train lir a been crowded ml! the way I from- Columbia with soldiers going on to join their Regiment* ; and amongrt tbem I recognizo many acquaintance* from the Brigade to which I belting.. ( At Barret Depot, on the Georgia U«iU j L- ViA. r>.:i .. e._.i ._."i ? «w * iwiMuni on-jiii'siiK rnaic v aboard, and I had the honor of an in traduction to him by mv friend Wiley Hill, Esq, of .Wasldngton, Georgia.. j Mr. 3irpl»4>na speaks hopefully of aff;iirr» 1 but thinks hot worV is nhead of the aitny of the Valley of the MississippiU Is reported here, that Rosencran* n on-the more to affect n junction uiili j Grant, and if-so, Gen. Itragg will no j , doubt form a junction with Gen. John ton. , tfou have doubtless, ere this, received intelligence of the Thursday's fight at Vicfcs-burg. Some several** bundled ] "Yankee prisoners were brought up from » S^lma on tha boat this morning " OtUi to Riabmond" bound1. We met a lnrgo installment of |»ifcopers also at Atlanta.^ I leave on the boat At 8 o'clock to j *- ' r.ight for Selma, and thence direct toj Jackson. .The people all mrtf in goctl spirit*, and hare every confidence in Gtn. Johnston and the ability of his I 11 oops to drive back the ihradur. As it would bo conlrabaml to apeak J of the movements of troops and the number of reinforcements going to tliej assisfanco of Gan. Jonston. the readers I of the Enterpriae will bare to. 44 wait n lime with patience ^ unfipthey can hear through official thannels, or till 4 secrecy is no iongcr necessary to be ob-! terved. i 1,1 . | As soon as I arrive at the seal of war,; I will itkUtavor lo furnish you n detailed RccounJ.Of (life fight* around Vicknbtirg. and an inkling of matters and things in j general, and the part the S^U'.h Care - " lijn troops have bourn in particular. Yours, Ikj., S. D. G. FaoWTcLtAnOMA..(*>fii(iihl in forma* "lion received, says the Richmond E\ami tier, induces the belief that ac'.ive operations are about to bo renewed in Tennessee. Kosencranfz's domonwrjs* " lion* within the last few days indicate . that he ig about to mako an advance. Tl ». however, impossible tosny whether he meditates a bona fide attack or is only threatening, to deler tin from sending leinforcements to Vieksburg. - ., » ^ . CotvTRRpsrrs ruOM A N'tw Qcsn Ucn.. We learn that some new counterfeiters of Cohfederrfte notes, of the denomination of 6, 10. 20 and 50 dol , tars, recently pot in circulation Here, , hn«, through tha energy of officer » .. llicks. bean (raced to some of the steam & - an which have lately reached titia port iniri Nimku, Two individual", who . % were found to have a quantity of the spurious tills on tbair persons, hare been arrested. The vigilrQt eye of (he detective is now renting upon other par m fiea rtrpeclfd of the ftrave crime. The tciefftbly . well executed. 1 ad<J our people will do w«H to he on , , Uietr gW rd. .4CI1M rim ton iferktrry. . Turn /ubitti opt -tna Brazil \ t Co Apt..IOa supposed'that the Ataha ma sailed South IrtMi iVrneiolweo on 1 the 29th uit. The Braaillan authorities displaced the cowimaptUnt at Fernando de Nevada and put tfrn under arrest, for permitting the AhfottM to refit in « (Jilailum sihdiltfiri' edffltniltmg d*> prtaatioua on the coast, nmmjBvi 'iii m ,w» f Letter*' from lUniiho*'. aCro»*»nj| J m umin Mm& oT Y**kre* *i«W <** piece, of cimta* ** *< R.p-tha.nock,. W»r Freddg&W l*k"r^[ petition M (he vi«iimtjr of the mi Ho** n.* »,; luppond to be * Mai. ; day, in henry ftefOff-Inn been heard in , thai direction. Caw«e not yet nreer- * iMnd.' . » ''* n Ttte T^nWp-burnt eerefal mitt* not) i Jtonada Hi kw$~ Wdliau Uuunty, nail R - * also rr ported til at «he? cai ue4 oft' n tn««tl*r'rJ>jt»groe<i. * I IUchmOww, June 8.Yntik«a» i wrDb arositod the "Rappahannock ml*"! vanced-on Saturday b> mk»ynr*ys-io»i of IIi*rairtdnVC»c*«4i**I{,..»i»i>f)ownj!r our force* harl remoredvfro|u tbwt vicinity. When they hud approached within n milo and a half of lire rnijioad, two or three of our t>ti£xde* m.vdo n da«h >U llu-m. lite, Y tinkers, without firing n t gun, fieri to their entrenchment* at Dvep linn. Duiing the remainder of ilrcdsty ! the enemy kwpf qurri behind their en- trenchmf nth. - " L.' -J" State of South Carolina. « 10* KN VIIiLE hlKTHlCT, SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtu# of sturdrv Writ* of Fieri 1'twins, I1 to me directed, i wilt still, Iwfore flic Ccurt House door, at the tnuul lioui.i of Bute, I on tbA nrst Monday in JCI.Y nest. 5* BRASS CLni'KS) levied nu ns the prop-, erty of II. It, II<m*«:rr nt the sui lot isusedrofl" A Loiduig. Turin* cash. ' J. T. V«I>AN*ICIv ?. 'I. D. I "Sheriff* Office/JiM}# fib. Ic63. . June II * d ... l T^ZT KAIIAWAY N, 8L FROM the subscriber on ibe "»lh incfC !' wffik my negtd girl CAJtOMXA. She 4s fivo foot hlgk, stoutly hnilt. dark color. I < SP^and is about jtl years old. She is Very juioroiic And is downcast in look. . A satlsQkctory reward wilt be given for her ' lixtpnnit in any of the Jail# of (be surrounding . Districts or tor her ilclifcry to me nt tirecti- ' viltc C. It, - * ... M. II FIT. June 11 p " if j State cf South Carolina- OFFICE OF AlTlrttCUt. j ' ' -Coldikm', June 8. isotl. Till: following regulation# have been adopted, with Ihenpprt-vnl of-(lie (!ov-i. ernor, for the "prese'ny tiou t nd j tliiyilgh this oftico. of requisitions Hod claims upon th(F Executive Department of this State: . 1. -Whenever practicable, all requisition*' for funds by the bend* <vf tnilitnry liiinnnx and works of tin* State, and «!1 claims against the Executive Department of the Stale.; -L_..i i i < . envim- ><: unnsniUUMi io mis oinc* lev ox.i- , imnnt'u.n and miJit at ImM one wceV l-ofore the first day of each month, ltequiritinii* and' claim*, approved l»v the finvoi nor,"**ill ho j ppid between I tie fifth and fonth rlayaof 11»«- ( month-ne:»l succeeding the one iJi which I hoy were submitted for audit. it l'.xcojit under special, vironmsiar.eeJ. ( funds will not lie roinited by majl. I'm lies who desire to receive amounts' through amenta, will .{douse otoervc the following L form of rowtr. or ATTonxr.T. I, ....do hereby appoint .; my true and lawful »0«riie\ »o vfffn reeeip a for.ntidreepive payment of.atT moneys w hich mntr he now due or coming to ni» from tlte Executive Depurtiueut of the Suite «1 Soos.Ii) Carolina. i Witness my hand and s*nl nt , ' this .i . day of , ! Iflf3. ! Witness . bill wiU.be paid^inless sworn to by the claimant, nna no requisition will be ai lowed nnless pi spared, itonr a* may I.e. I according to tlie form* pre«etibed 1-y the Army Regulations of the Confederals States, and certified in duplicate by the proper of- fleer rtf the department or nervice for w iiielt lie requisition is mode. 4. Alt Ir/qulstiions and c'a'tr.anf the cbnr-1 notvr het"eiii referredto,-that, were rendered previous to the date this notice, and which have lieen audited.and approved, I will be paid as heretofore upon application to this office. ! JAM PS TUPPF.R. "* .State Auditor. , j June1I R 1 car All papers in the feints will insert OUCe. "state of south Carolina! Adj. and [nap.-Genet al's Ofllc£ j Columbia, June 0, 18CU j , (yjjiQ-al Oritur*, So. 10..TIxtract. » f RICHARD CALDWEUehaving been Mwkitffi Cnmmintrf General ofi South Ciirollnn, *lth i-nnk of Lieutenant Colonel, in herewith announced at such,! rind obeyed nitil respected accord-j, i'tgly. ... I, ib- eoinautnd. O. >. FOlU!f, A. A. General. Jane 11, 0 1 * &F~ Rnper* of the State copy 'once. Enrolling Office, Greenville C. H. | OFFICERS, fion-Cnrom»»*inn sd OflVers and Private* absent on Furlough* in this District, are hereby required to report fo the Enrolling Officer, that their Fur- lough* he examined. The above requirement ia neceeeary. t«» the service a*' providing against unauthorized absence*' from the Army. I . . W)l. LfOTT, Lieut, and Enrolling Officer. May 28 4 . . 8 t Salt! Salt!! ARRIVED, a flue lot' if Wilmington romU SALT, and manufactured by »a, wbicb utay bo bad at rea.o>nat>le pricea, at whotoaaU 6r retail. GKOROE TIF.LDMANN A CO i Mar 19 * _ 4$ ' 11 ' it;. i~¥ Wut . fOR tliLE, . . aA A fEGTRO WOMAN AND BOY ^ J^SKVBS OR RIGHT YlLfiA OUPL Apply to * * THO. B. TfiRUSTOtt. . , M*r i}.] * «f rlfl wapwb».7 "XT OTWITH8TAI^f»INQth« loaa by flro of 1^1 oor MUX for IMi Maaafacturo of *RltJNU l'AFV.K, wo aha 11 eontiaua to require RAOS aa horotofore, ao wo Itaro two MilUyet in operation. * JOHN W.ORADY A CO. Mhv 18 4 5 Uf* CbarJeaton Courier and OohwlMl Chtmrditn and Corofiatert will copy 4 * % ~ r j5Sl ^5^" ^2v fal.1 _J22l ~»r^B ~~ ^ p mm jjbjj iM -!'**" rlMBrpr***" *' ^ *y^T "riv gr - »V AVITNOHtTV.^ I iyXoHt^ thf fKt*id iVt#- Qm*trrrlH** I" hf't ^»i4 CoMq*i.itrt/'* /hjmrftiikh, ««</ tk* oJ.'ntHtny t^ulir /«.<»« / i yn-/^«i7a ; Iim /or J\ irat* fitwperf£. , Cooflvcnrv* tUo CusMvnt« Plate* of tawriea cte enact, Tlint no ntHcer clnfrjcd rilh the »-( keeping Iranilcr or AflAHbiMlIt >f public money*, aboil coutcrt to bis own nae, »Y Inrut in mririm>«r nrflwrir or | Jib*. rtlml s»Ul>"M i.ut Interact, mib portion of lk« putdic »»ahrV? ffctruWed 4t» kf*» for ulttn|»t|, tmftsfec, dUturavmont ur «o.r other piMrpnve4 Skc, 2. XV4 rko'flni irllli Ifc# rafti,1e*«i<]ns> »f fmlw IBs money*, or churged Vtfh (jr n»»^u«l to ilutj of purcXaviitg for the g««#rmu\i>t yr'nnj frmrljUiljll'irr jfc rki\)l bn>, trade..ftwllfe «r »p^-eul»le hi, rivur direct'*"! »r indirectly for; tltQ pnrp.w-otgwiti^y bluufflj>r OtWet* by re- Mlci>r ctlierntpf..aW nrlicle of fwM or ch«lh- i»g or material of {(hicli lh* romc is. tumlc, or wliicWvuter* luldtw constitute* » nurt of lit**; (MM or 0>\£ material of war or article v. IuiImi «v*r, vrllicli m or Sony l»o rr/||iiN to lx> {mr chased for ll.e ui>o ol the army t*V the protect! tlon oft Lie war. "V "** ] Site. 3. ofli<''-r rliall t.vho a receipt in Monk Air uiiy iri|i))c or arlicki pi\jrclin<i d ny liiiu for tin? government or nn"Y i»ofmr*th<*f»t llicrfif; aiul every rrf»i|it efctiii ret lortli Ike ting amount pai<l, and op what account; nud wli^n payment is mode on aecouA^ of prnpdr-. tX ptirvbaaed ; the 'receipt -sh^Il aet forth the untile oftlio perron front wlomt eucb properly J *«« nundiascd, aud'lho pi.iee oMri*. residence,' thh thing or tilings ptfhohoe.id hj" itonht numbers", wfigh I or iiirariinaiMil. a* uiaj i><» «r:r-' tommy in tlie .particular ease, the priee there-' 'of, and the date uf tli«-payment. Skc. 4. *\n ofticer^vtiotl in charge of Iraita^i porration, or wlio'is empowered to grant the siusc, shall foV«nrd,.hy government convey- aneo or at the cxpuhse of jjorennmr.lx or to! the exclusion or dulny of govemttu :il fieigl,;, nny commodity or properly of any hind, uii- j leva the same belongs to fj-.e government or' <or.tc-depart nici-l thereof, cxn^t'u* author-! isrd hy law. . Sue. »». Any n/Hocr who ah all violate any J Ktriiion in the forogoing sections. ?|ut)l upon it conviction l.cforo a court martial or tnilittiry ' etarf, he cashiered, nud placed in the rank* ns j apt irate to serve during the war; /VonV.d, That nothing herein eonlainod shall impair the civil remedy which "the puvcmmriil may ', have rgnii.*t any ffcxr "of bis irrr<tlc? lor! fraud, speculation or mi-application of the public money 3 entrusted to bun hy thr puvvninunt. Hue. 0. V7e ft fmih-r tuartol. That any person in tbo employment or service of the government as aforesaid, and all other |a.-t*ofia coming wiiljn lit*, perview of this act. who ::lmll violate gnyofatm provision? of the for.*- going section*. shall lie liable to imlietniMii. and third in n sum not let * than one thoinaud dollars, and imprisoned not 1.x than one vc;,'\ n..e .1,........ i »v» >> » % * « \vnci iw HUjM.tVU J the jndjrc or jure (ivcj tho enu'sv, record j inp l'< the course -of judicial prurritfiiix in 1 firi'ii In tho Kjrrnl Stirles! /Vorpfei/. The j provisions oflhir not shall in ho wise interfere with or" iiiiiuir l(io civiW remedy v.l.ich the I jroveri.aicut-' may have c^nlhrt any of mi.I officers «.r tiivir secuiltit* or einpl.tyecs l«r] (rand*. ."peculation or iiilmpplieailoit > i the moneys rli'ruatol to then' respectively. l.y the Confederate Fhitc* : /'i»nVc/ o{.<>, That nil coinrerr.itof of.He peace. ivh.». l.y the l-.w* of] the Peroral {"tates, li«re jurhuiiyt'oii to en.mult or hind tiVvr, offenders f«>r l-reatio-a of tie* vriiu nol l«w« or UioSt.it.' in which thiy rimy re sid:'. shall liavo power to fpiiitiiil or 1 ind > r.i in o etiflier-nt rvrojrn'mniic* oGendoi" n^air-t the provision* oPlliis low, to ti|>pci>r hi the next term of the d'MrioJ court of the t'oiifedriitt Slates w:t!.iti the JurisiMetion of which the o!- fence wa* coir. mil led. for trial, in toe same manner ntnl under the ;*n:o iuli>< an if such^ preliminary trial were had before tl.e jui*>;c of; /uch district court, nmi thejWdjy* «.( tin- t'on- federate court* hnr in * jurir '}.!; >ts : { ' fences <1. lined I.jf this act ..I the Colu taenceincvt of each seneioit of w-ir ri »|w."tir.' courts, give ilii.*r:et iieol it* pr.vi.»i>»»ii> ojuvially in charge It) thi dUPeron. -pamljuriua. ' Approved .May 1st. litlC. 4 t .In Ac! !<> T.nii Tare* ih> ti.o.i 7fa-*t mmil Carry on tif 0'"t< mint at .if //, * ('najritcrule State*. I tlio congress of the confederal* s'fafiei of Atneric.v "do enact. That l!ir:e shell he levied hmi! eollcotct! ii|«)n tl»r va:ue. f til' ] it it v ill *t or- *, salt, wit. oh iiihk apiritiiutl* li fjtioia, ioimicjii, nifttiitfocttiCeil t-r i.t tnaett fttelUl 'cotton, wool, lh.ur, rc.jnf, mohi* fim. avrup. lice, nnd other ngrleultim. I pro illteta, held or owned on lite llt'st .lay ofi July neat, tind not incc»«*ry for family con sumption for the nin ypir poiliouof i|n* year eighteen hundred and «ixt v-three, uniij the grow th or pvodi Hum of Wiie year pn *** '? i I In- your eighteen humlm! mid sixty ihive, ft tax of » ight r Ji-ntuir ; uini on a!' mnn/p, bunk »»o»e*. or « »Iv »* cu-ronon lift mi, or on <h-i o-it or the fi.-*t ^4% ! of July nix) on the \it'n« of nil * i t * on which the Interest he* it..| ht-cu paid, | hi hi iir nwitdl by any person. oiiiwrim r ' hip or corporation on the first day of J^ily next, nn«) not employed in a I unine-.*, i)( ineojne <1. rived from which is tux»-il ilii-Vr the provisions of tIti * net, there shall he le vied Ami collected a.tax of one per cat : Th.it all money* own* ). held. uri deposited beyond the lin.f s of |J»»- (knifed n-iifc Stat eft, shall he valucl at the i>nirp-it )-«fc of exchange in Confederate 'Kiiasnrv iiofi . »nd the Ait id tax aIi:i1! lie ti*<e**«d on the first liny of July next, or a: soon there- aher as may he ivrmM-ifublo. nt.d he c..lli-et-1 cil on the tiiit nay of Oot'du-r* in-xl, or as :OOn theveaftt r OiXiilfty he prm-l "cable. Pi i". 2. Hverv; pereoij engegi'il or in»«*r»*1 it-.*r.J to engage in any businc-i*named in the fifth J section, of thi* act, ft}>4^, wtiliin rixt >* day#i nftcrthe pa.sage of thi*net, or at the time of la-ginning business, nml on the first ihiv of! Jan'iarv in each year thereafter, ri-gi*tir| With the district cojlcctoe, in smdi t.om -a*i tiie eontmiA.intier of tn\'<-» shuH preectilm, a line nccmint of lh« name and re>hh-t»oe t»f| each p'Teon, firm, or eoipornt bm engaged Dr iateresWd in the boshics,' with n slate-j inert of the time for which. ai»»l the p!« « 1 ami manner in- wtrfnti the mmtii to he eoti'l ilneteil, and of nil other fact* going to ss | certain the amount of tax upon nu-ii husi- ma* tor the past or future, according to the j provision^ of tin's act. At- tlie time of st|lh wgjutiy, there shall he t nid to the -oolh-c tor the specific tax foe the yaaK ending on I ha next thirty-firet day of Hee-n.hcr. ami such other tux »»ay he due upon snlca or receipts in such Iilialneas, at the time of ^fh registry, heroin provided ; and tlifl aafh-.-v tor shall givfc to the perron making stieh registry a copy thareof, with a receipt for the amount of tax then paid. 8»sc. 3. Ar.y peiwon failing lo make the registry, ami to pay. the tax reqnired l>y the preceding section-, shall, in addition to nil other taxes npoft his business imposed by this act, pay doitblo the amount of the apjeifie tax on sneji business; and s fika sutn far every thirty daya of such failnre. - Sro 4. JSVe»>pL wli. re <fceri-an otherwise (imnldnl, fh*r(i shall be « separate rtjginky nnd tax for tech business mentioned in tlie fifth fction of tl.te net. And for raeli a|«p« of ©ondueting the miim, Lot no tax ehnll be required for tlie mere storage of goods at n piece other than the registered place of business. Upon every ohnnge 7q the plaee of conducting a registered bitaftieee. tha re shall be a new regie try, bat no rfdartionsl tax shall be renmred. Upon the oestb of any person einmieting a business registered and taxed as herein required. Or upon the transfer of the business to another, tlie business Shall not be robjeeWd to any additional Ut, bat there ehsll be a new registry ia the name of the person authorized by law to eonttnne the buelaese. .. * Sxo. 6. That upon each trade, baetneas Or eeoupstlon bereia after named, the follow iag taxes shall be lerjed and paid for tha year, ending on the thirty-Am of December, eighteen bun aired ami sixty-three, and for eaaja and "trary year thereafter. v»f: I. BarkerasbaTrpny five hundred dollar*. r » . ' .jn, , * L 4 tv. TT |im,>R elmrt W. Codker wIrti-j 1 n | Im ^N*in| *t thW wt ttU keep* *T» O, ,mt» ] e fo-Jbv«r ntaiur fK/»©% <*»»n or oXirpMr«llui%e h *n**h*t voIWum nf money nrjli e«ievo*n¥f wnlV vMti »l»o en mo nr.">aj*K part l)i«rcof »VaR wl |>r"Ul tut or r«illt(f i «no« tlia draft,elirek, or order uf fu«Ii f'ird. Ii Hbr; U«it not inajp<le any Imnfc, legally V attftinrUatf t(ot«» eirenlnlloo, i»er « a^mts for t K- »uU of mm rliniolire Cor ac count of manufacturer*. v. j Tt. Aucf1on*eYa>t-Iuiit pAy fifty <1nllM-*n*3 i Ivru nu<] n hnlf pe£*eentum on (he groe* j amount of an lea it'*i1r: fmri'M, kmiemor, t rtudfxm «U Mile* nr puerto* »f »t<*k«r # » 4 minim* f«d" oner, (lie tax .«1.nJI T>«> one H toMr*fc-<«r -on<"-frt" entri* the' creee I jmount af wl«*. Kvcry perron rloill lie i dertited ng. uuotioi.nr, wiiMn tlir maiptng of t^tU art, wh»»o orenj><ttloft U'la to oflfoV ( ^vearAert* »fcr aol-- to tm liiglimt Mtldae at ( I1®? '* to*, upon.the anctmn* ( cin'ohatl ti* itennfj n Inr ufon Ike pee«.l aourii privilege, to Or pni-l.Uy hk-1i iudivid on| rMg'tg^J in tl-e Luahieee. oi «l without f Wjli# tiltiee at wlilt-lF tne mue laj ( tnrftlu*»ftr Jvo Ux i-luril.tie required itjoVit mm-tiott.rnlea made foe rie-tl-'t* in a.l-itetti^ee t 0egiet<rt <1 nlul tax« and t'n-r» Jilnca of! bnatiKvf. or niniii ottirial anl^a nl mu-tii-ti,! iMittle J>v jit-lie-inl or executive oftU--*r«. or l«y ' I'i-ipimiiii rv|'r^erninn»n'l K'"" umf.» »r nnn ruittoo*. ' f ».-ki 111. WIm'UwU tJo»W» ir\ Hq'-toy* any j mul fVciy JiMrlptiyf, <liw IM»-H rpiiit*. f* ri»i«,ii<««1 liquor-- mi»l wtno* of nil kiiols »hn!l pny'l\t'<» ItunArHl *to! t II vn nn'ltii r mount of fill r1hml<;. Kvfry |>fh">n, oUitr tbln llif M Ii-tiller or who (thrill toll or cf&jrl. !<>r hiJo Mtcli liquors or winrr, In qunt title* «linor» thntl thret^pnlloii* »t nnc lilrir, to il>o rhino pinhe npnnhil H i *.vliV>h*«(f!e il«- ih'rfll H()unirr> witlilli the mono tiip oft hi* «rt. A I |>er*t»Otl tr h liall wtl, ] or offer for *n|et nny turli lojuot* or wine*. in «|tutirti lers 'linn three unlum* nt one '< time to uhe Fame jwrroo, olinTl fe ii'fjnrrlol * nr n r.'tnil tlerler in liquor*. " * -j l.V. Hi trNI tlm'rir in |ji|iinr\ iitnirilinfr | < 'listiltesl M>iritr>, form le.l liquor* mu«I vino* of"t-Very yiseiijitloo, kIuiII pny »"< huiulret! < ilnllni* noil ton jx-r cent inn on the grorr i limner! of ojl snhr ' fI V. Hot nil iK;»l«r< rluill jn;y fifty ilollam i il fxI two mill n Imlf per rent not o:i the gum* -I i ironot of oil ^ili * niatali*. Kvi-rv jus-khi i hIhw hi'sins** or rrciipH'iivi t' in to m-ll or ofTi.-r lo roll pi-ofot'io* i r. noy tMiitlw n wnres. liyrolmoilir.o or o.Io r lltlitfj* ofj i j ! or ilonn-rtio |iiii'ilii« lloii. in lo«» i|umtf i- tie* 11 it* it n whole oripiiml lihee or l»neknife ( nt olio time, to the innii' | rrm*,(nrl i|ii'llii| tl ir g wif.es, «t.ii iniol;« or injv'l Ii«j'mr*.t slt/tV i lit rrpinli ii si* n relrtil ilf nil r tinier list*' sir! : /Voi'»t/fr/, /;--»rrr'-r, 'Pint, nnv r.eennnie* who thrtll ri ! Ol-lv t'hr j r< tlllet* uf tlio 1 I.or of himself iiovl I.:* ow ii liiinily, thrill he «,xoinj.t In til this hit. \ I. \\ hoh »ftle ilirh-r* th-.li Jiiv fwnj littUiiri tl dollars mol two no ' m linlf r eeiittim oh l.li« pros* ntiii-Hiit < ( nil rsiles! ninth-. I|i ii'v pniMti. whom hiirim ** to*! ooooimst ioii it is to roll nr^lii-i sell pro- roi ii r, or or y v. ! «. iviifi?or ii.eiehmitli*e ' ot f«»r« ign ilinvi *lii* jooifuetion. I f ones' or tnoro ori-i:inl [ tekupe or pircr, nl otio time, to tlio Mini, jitrt ehino-r. imf inehu'.U «jr; w iiio'. «|:ii :t-ii,.!i* or limit l«|tiorr. shall l-s's Joofliril sir ir r. hnirissilr <l-jtN-r UHil-1* lllik so*! ; hut hsixitip hooii i i.«lrro»l ns n wholo ni'e Jivilrr,. soeh |N-r.Min limy silsu mil, r* afoon,iii,l, ns n litis.lor. N il. Pnwnl rekoi-. iV.nll j a* twohnt,<]ro<! «lo* In r*. I I v i i v j i son, n huso hibittom or s ooo«ij»:ilioti it is to t?;ko or rotft ivo, hy wny of phil^o. fivur «'f xoi.ntij.o, nny pootl«,. unvo* or tiiorohsit tl so, tir »i.y him vf |»*r -olnl |ii'i'jHTt_V vhMiVir, *1 tin' pH_\*.|it or sivr.ii'y >>' it ifT llmitiij, fml I It : ! nit i? 11 |u»wiil»i ul.iimbr fii!» to-'. I ( Tlil. I>i.--iil-ri« rhnll | ay l«n lniiiin.t ,j lollm-*, n.ol aliu t|«i rmliiiu «.n tin illilt.i.s.l o/ 1 n;»Tr- llll'lt'. |.v« I V I ( son ot i">|iiiitiiC:«l<i|i who or in ih'i- , fjiMiia1 irUoi'M* .h»|*o»rs for -.rir. rliall ! ) 1o« nil«] « iii <t-r. this not ; 7Vo .viVi'. /<utc.»i re, 't toil .li'tillum of fn,|i (for i iio'iy >l«v» «>r «. -li.nl pit v V-\. y tlo'!:;r«. an I u'-o liiiv »*>-ii's per ' il|"ii on i! F.r-i ( T- o, ]! ;«. M..I i 'in <!o!|.i;« per pnlli-ti ro | all spirits <l sri".I«'vt Jii-viHiil IIih) i|iinii'i:v. IX. llri w.'f* >lmll pav out- luiiolr. it iloltin* mill uokiuol ii loill or onii'inn on tl.o ( trrorij. iMy.o'.i,l of '..Irs n.ioio. Fvin \ jo v- ' , nr., wtin mnma'aiMin- fyt no iilnil l oiioniofl nny iiniii" or it' riplTof*. for salr. fruitt i ir.H*!. wli 'll« or ifi .-ii.'Il bv ilti-mril a ! bro".vi r mni.r il.i- art, i \. lliilcV. i::i»r, livnuj a* ' ralii/j; hor.».,! a *1,1.11 Ik1 o!a«-i!ioi| phT ; alo.l neror t'tiij In i!..» \uir!y i.in!, or if«*- ntoii. ni-»nriHno i<>l i|io or'iiiinli il vali.e ill.- y.jirlr r* o 1 of i lir hoime or ji*-. im | ly uto-upo tl «tf iMlt>ui'« I !~j to It ^oronj.i. il a hotel. inn, rnwrn, t.r ra'lnij l.ou-o nr to wit; in cn«o! \> li.ro llir not mil or * inn»t»il lent rhn'.) mimiint to *1i1.<Iiii> hi tm»r<\ tSuy ttlmll run- ! niitutr the i'rst i-lusit. ri.il ray an »H' Mill mm of fU'e lintnlroil ilnllurs; in oii-os where pail! ivnt tlni'l b»» ts-|i(M| )vss tUnu fill,' j Ufn>, tlioy rlinli pnpt'.ttHtc ifin h'i-kmI « !»»«. ami paj an nMif.nl nrn of liir-n linn^reil ilo'!ir»: mo! in emm* where sni.l iriit nlintl l r *2..V)0 ami |. i lion £A,ihio4 iln y plinlM constitute tin-tiiiril r!;tr« nnil pav an nn-j in»:.l iiitn of two lini.Ji-i il ili-11 ii i *; in pim>» . where »ni-i relit rlintl 1£l.<)ftrt ni-.t !«.* ilinn Ajl fififl, lln-v *!-n!l roimtitiitf tlio iniirtli!' la*-, unit j c v nn nmitial mint nfnin ImnJreiV. j ilnilni'i ; nt.il In en»*n w here mU rent rlinll In* !i"sn tlian l.ili-'^. tlirjr »tinil roiif.ltnto I tin* fifth rlans, niol pay minimi stittt of thirty i tlolluin. Kv'i rv p'lnoi *v.lioic foiwl nml to J. ili!T». or Imiiiiiia oi.1r.nrn nhiii.l.il ! no.i fi.rni»1i<<l lrnvil'1*, eoj«H!rn»-ra or i nurd era, ill view r.f payment tT»«-fe««e the Ireoine or! frotv, u h\d>,amount »«> , dollar.- (W»»n that eonree, ahnll be rcjmiili'd ii hotel. inn or t'uvfrn tinder tide «< . } ;v4. That i iffv |'litc<» cbi'iv. f<od o- pr- J ft-eahinei !a of. njj* kin I urn |<m\l<)>il fi-r. ' hkiim) v^ltor* and aohl for con>ntiipti«>n therein, and erary'tmnrdiiig l.nMc in wtiieb [ IliriH nlntdi nix l.nnrdiTaor more eliall Ik? lii'mrd an enting under Utta art. XII. Jttokere ehnll imy 4we hundred il»V 1 luli». Any |>«-r»nn win**. hu>in<i*« ft in In pm-charc nitd fell eloeke, coined money, i bank-note*, or oilier rmm itier, for llirin- [ nflvi«*"tfT ofheir, or who dcnla in exchange relaiintpdo money, *bnlj be deemed n brok- er under tliir net. XUI. Ceinmereinl broker* or eom»ui«-J nion nierth.mtf slnill pav two bundled dob j Urn, nnd l*n and a half ]>er ecntnm upon nil aaler made. Any perion or firm, ex- i eept one rogieii-red n¥a wind, rale dealer or banker, who»e timinem it 14 aa tlie agent of other*, to purelia*« or roll good*, or aeek j 01 dura therefor in original or unbroken packager, or prodnee eonrlfcped by nthe»e i'.iHn iiie~Rrod.»a*rf, to manage bnalne** mat- tern for tno ottnera of va**«U. or for thai hinpera or eonrignora of good*, or wkone j bnnlneM it to pnrctiare, rent, hire or #HK real eat Me or Oearoea. nh'.Tl be deemed a commercial Tirolftr ur ComtMleelen merchant tinder this act. * XIV. Tobacconist* shall pny fifty dollar*, and two and a h«F per neat. on pro** amount of sain*. Jhsiy parson whoso n«l*l-' nesa jt is to soil, at retail. cigars, snuff, or tohatsto Id any form, shall he deemed a to baoeonisti nnder. this aet. 11 ntr registered wholesale and r«taH <loalters shall not be taxed tH tubaoconlst*. XV* THaMers shall jfij fire hundred dollars, and fllty per ami. on all resaipta, which t#X ahall b* paid by the oartier of ' tKte bnlhfinff. Fsrry ediffce need Mr Ike purpose of dramatic representation, plays* % -or perfsrsnanoes, and not including halt# rented used occasionally for coneerta or theatrical representations, shall be regarded aa a theatre nnder tide aet. Kaeh droit# shall pay one hundred dollars, and a tax <4 tea dollars fbr eaeh exhibition, which Mix shall be paid by the manager thereof. Kr erv building, tant or rpaec, or area where fyat4 of fiorieitiamdiip er acrobat sportsf * * *. " t / ^i^iti^*»»^unither StnU ^nod biitunc roir 11 rv rl«oll-b« required under thla ect to ; i*lWu« yjltiUliofte in If XVI. IJfcwliuj nil*}* and billiard rooms lull p»r forty dollar* for firh alley or y dWiara tabla r«>(|iatrrrO.-t*b'. eh tiis »hott bo r raid by Ilia owner iherrft Ky try j>Uee f »r. building trlier* Imwlr ire thrown or l>il- t inrda-pla>-»»J. and OJM-I1 Lo-V^ie |»iUI<\ Jfttli ' C without price. Mm! be rejtnrvTvdT A* A < WQrUnn alley or tjllim dt^oni rctp£fetiyylj 1 tinder tilia act. ' %xn. I.ivrry- al»bh> If open rhillpty I ".fry dolbtra. Any pew-n wltoso neenptt in or Uoriocie ia to liO'p lipi a-aYnr ^lire or to I off stall be regarded n' li very at able l;<ya*r. under tbla act. I ^VIIL Cattle broVeta sbnll pay th# aum if flftv dollars, and ttrn'aail a h.eif jvr re» "mm (lie gro>s niiimtM affile* inndv . Any-person ^lmeo lupines* it it t«i l*hjr and ndl and dial in e*f*Je, horrea ItnS* orehe«-|t^ dtnll-W c«n»M«*»>adI e entile brnlTcr.T ; XIX. Ilutofmra ami baker* shall pay Mm hum A#' filjr dollar^ .and «me per centum on the-proas i.tnoupt of aSlra. nin'e. Jrily |><-r t"H whose JiMun«" it U botcher (tad ect^ or dlVi'fiir tale In or* n miai ket or other--. who, th« fle-li «»r tilth), J<*?* t»r -oho« p. rim 11 V* Ihwomd a imteher rtnd«i> lliirw;, v<l «j»y vdratni trhowhtiA won ftJwu*. b«kr m.J r~)I or ii|'< i for nilo, hrotol, rMI he JiVmrtl h itpkrr oo-Vftii?* .XX". lV<'Ur* JihIJ pny fifty .thdlilr*. aim! wo nth! a halt pfr whit, un tlie pro** *ih-«. \«r pet nop. < *re|it pcr'niiA vi.gHg. d iA peth Jling mfhiKlviiiy periodic.*!*, t-ook* t»ew»- |«o|»er<», pnl.lii.lo «1 in klw CtMift del ii'oState*, j Itihira, or religion* ti ArfK, W lin »v)!*, or of-j Iris to to ll, at retail,"£no«l*. wnr.-w, of other.; potiuiit-tlili<V, trnvelin** with lu*g<iini« from p'ner to -plr.** yi tho otreet,- of through itilFri cut pail* of Ihtr country, ad.all he,' iir«-niol a podler under llii* not:' Pw'iW. ri.nl. phv podler w l.o selto, or offer* to »*dk, Iry g4N.il*, lorci;n or, tloineotln. l.y'oM or lore original |.i< o<>* or package* At onf intc, n.ul to the witn* per«on «»r peiwoiot a* itoi'tMiil, »h ill | nv <>nr limulrul «oI1ai*. ygd two unil a half |>er «OnC. on I ho g-oo* «nlc» : and anv potaon who peddle* j..wetrv lutl] |«y fifty i!o'!*n«. au<1 two hud n littif per oontann on lh» gro * *ale«. Thr la\ op- i.n pi'.hllcA* pIia.1 lw» deemed n tnx on the [loim»iiiiL|m ivihipp. to ho pni.l hv em-It it'.li- . it!iii: 1 riifPti'd in |liv l>ti»tnrffli. without re- :»rj to the pine* At which tlio on lilt' la con-1 litftxl. « XXI. Apolhoe.'tric**hti!i pnv fiftv d.dliir*, mill two niul ii half p. r eei.liinioo tin* pr> ** nnimtrt of kuIoa niaih, V,v> vV p.-r*on w ho k"«-ep* h oliop «r l-ntlditfjf w 11cfv nn'iilriii>ij mo potnpom <h i! rr prepnred neroi-ding toj preacriptfon* of phyticianA, inn! aoM," *hall: ho lopi.nlnl as hii nj otlieenry under ilti* not. '* ! XaII. riit h>£r*j»ber* t-hnll rnv tho aunt of fifty dollar*. Mfol two n> il n liHlf per r»n- t : in on t!.f ("iopo* /inooint of *m1o* 'ninth'.! Any poraoti or pot-Anii* wli-t make fi>r on Jo |>ho|ogrhpliA. ntiihri'typoft, tlngnerr.-t v|>o*. or I'll*.in on on ghi*n. m.-ti.l. pof-or, or other ton- I. r.;il. hv the Action of Motif .11 »i 11 ho regard- r«l ii photographer ntu'er tlilr not. XXIII. I.n\v vera net unile ciu.iji ,1 In prno lioo (linll p.iy t'.flv dollnm. l.tviv pomon v Ik/ov l.i.wtivaa il ia. f»r fee «.r rew nrd, to I loaeouie or ihfetul elU in flov Oollil of re. Ol d o|>«.th> r jlldiiMu! t I'it'lli.Al uf tho (' >n I teih-rulo Stale*, or "f AItV Slit'o, iir give \ 100 ill lelHtioll to OHIIAC* or llinllel* pelld inc I hot till, ahnll to* d'-eiued It. he h law Ver w ithin the HeAli.up tif ll.i* not. XXiV. riiya'eh' *. urgoon* nt .l dtyitial* itctii..!!y enyinjnl in [irjii'lifi* ehnll pnv Kfl* "tolliir* K'f'T |'<-rw«i l-n?:inn« li in for fee or r< wiir.1. t.» pr«M>!il>r r»-»u-1 nine. or perform fniraie,i! operation* for tIt *ure I ai r l»«li'y «ti«.-ijre »>r j«iiiiic,.eluill lv»un il a |>iiv»i«Mini. »irrj»«*i»i« »r .lentlrt will* i roi-nning «»f ilmUrl, ns the may * « : nii«l the provi<i»p« of |i-n«^r>>|.( nntn r I wonly ni.C elinll not xifiol U> pli«»i>j w In. h< oj> on Inn i| nxnili It" e-eolelr for the pnrpnw of'n.Mkint! n|» 11> Ir own pre- j vriplime Dirjlii-ir own patient*. The la* jM'ii lawyer*, phy ri.4nit*. ftnr;*.ninau<l .Sen* | ihtP elill'l he »!'*'lr«»'l li I:t\ lM . |i tIn* prrenn- i! piivilejfs In I l' pii'l i-iirli li iliri.tuiil in the MhiiiOn. ni.il without r*,pur«l -in the I place ni wliii'ii l!n*raini rniiilniitrii: /V»- j *1"1ih| I Im pr»v^«intt« of tliin art rlinll j llol.npplv to j.|u*irWin« imiil fMlt'Qeoni fxMl|. »ivelv i-n-.'i'in tin- <'oi.fe.Vr.,1" * v\lee, XXV. i'oii!«vtioii>i* pIihII pity lify ilnk1 l»r* m:«l tr.. tiiol a half per wlill in on lit* pi-"-* i Rintt'.t of isul"-*. Krcry pcryAn w Im nil' nt'ni.il fiMif.-Mionfry,, tn'mlmmtr, t ptwwfite^or other roufrct*, in any Utlihling, i pIu'II he l".".l-Xll hp a confectioner tender! t!ue not. Ami yory parson r*ni''a©1 an.I i trxv.l Sipoii the ftru-n amount of ealea a* I cf<>re.<ai.l ehall l>c re<p ire.l, on (lie fir*t »lny of July, «ii»l,l. en hninlml nm) f'i xty three,1 In make a li«t or return to llie nw^onr ©(J the "lintiiet «.f rheym*. nmoiliil nfmrh »al«-* ni ifi'riiniil. to-wit.: Frnn the pn**aj»« off till* net the thirtieth iliv of June, ©ieM>,»n I;nnill i ll ©It"I rixlv-thr.ee,inclusive, nn«l at t lie J "in! of rvrrv three month*. or will.in. left ' ilaya tlo-reafter, after the enl«l fir»l tlnrof.lii l ly. eijrhteen Imailreil an.lVixl v-thr<-e. make: lirl rtr rel IIWI t "'the ar«e.*«»r of the ilieti ietv of' the griai amount of eio-li eal. * mmle ft* nfo*e. j vi lli* f 1 a* (itniiiml s.f » »* ..1.1 . 1. I.. - ertied. or jJionhl nceriir ilii-rfnti, I'K-li li.-t j hull hare iinnixeil tlicriiA n <l<4l*r.rthm, | un-ler ihiUli minmuttion. in form or mnnn-rf n* n>xy l.o [ti wriUtl hy ilia MmjmliMiiHwr of j lax*e. that lli«« feme irlrnr i»bd v<,IT< e),*!!<].{ hall nt Iho wmf time «fot < mii.1. | ift- lut ihr ooili c'ur Ur<- amount nf lux 1her"tip..n a" t nforrJuiTtl, pud In dnfeu't lljer««i»f »linll j>ny penultv in ihnilJe thr tioin'nnr rf-ifte tax.. Krc 7 1 l»«rt Ilm. ealurif* nt nil e*l»s ri«*d pet/on* f. itIii«»' in any eapnyity hatever, exrepl hi «>n the ralvriaa of J er»ona in ilie military nf wivaI ifrt llnYo ili*ll he levied mil) rolh»trted * lux of on* per c. ntiim nil III* grn*iT'n«nnitt>t nt ilnli iihrv, wh» n ! mil ivxreedin* fifteen liuu.lti il doifsnr, mi?) two par eenti|»li upon any exee«» over llutl amount, Im levin' and _ entire) ad nt rtio] eml c4 eaeli year, In the nuini.fr prrrerihod for oilier iavea enumerated in tl.i«art:.1 /Vou»«/r./, *1 hat n«> Iww elinlllie llnpiniil hy viiloe nl ihi# net on the rotary nf npy per- inn receiving n wtlnry not exceeding Ante j (kotiMind ifnllni« per annum, <>r m n like! rale for am^her period of lino, longer or' holler. Far. 8. That. t1ie"Sver< lftry e| iln-Trmrnrv hull entire to he aa«er**d und «if»rtaim <i/' on tlu* firat of January next, or aajgion ilieiv nfti r practicable, the ineome apt! | rofnr derived hy each perron, joint s'oek rompary and ««»»pnrallon from every oeenpaiion, eni ploy wen t of KoUnoa*, wHei her regi»tered«>n urn, fat which they mny have lieiaxengaged, and from every ill veio'im-nt of InW, nkiH, property or money, ana 11#a tneotfl* and prone dertvad from any *onre. nhaUnar, exeept talarl^a. during the aalmdar jpfmr l<ri-®fr«iuiK fsi«i nr»i any J mam try rfext. and th« mW i*fii»nf ^ng profitf tIml) *»rert*lnf<1. jind tafod jn tbr meaner hereinafter yiirtrtfal. * * T ' I. If fbr income l>e derived ftom the rente of hobeer. Untie. toaomeafa, tonteufaet nHnjf or mininf eeU)>IUhh»*ftf". tUhjc«.» ami machinery, mille, tpringe ml eeUer_t>»l, ortreltw o( c<m»C Iran or other minofral* Ihere-ehall he deducted fro* the fw»« Mopjint oi the annual rent apdip evfllciMit for the neo+e«ry Onnaal ren#trr, Hat rxeeedtnff ten ftet eem tam hn m)4 eveept the rent deviVad frMMMM eke 11 he KdjetttaeMir tta* not e«eeedin£, H ve par oetKufn for anaoaf vhprfirr. If. If tli<> inooma ho tlerlv e.l from any manufacturing or mining huelneoe, there tliall bo dtilveUd fromM ho gruoe value of! the product* *»f the ye»r; Hret, tho r- ut ef . ' .. . V i'i.b. % i vva < r V^ ; t fofr~*'Mru+ :. .r \, ft Tw of lli© r«n ^lcni^ Fblw «l | ^incrlrn tlu pncpt.. 'KJini the lhi.«rtniifiti>r l«t»ne* 1 ... al a*<lfcrt i# hcarby,nuthurit«|l. if round 1' >raetteitblr'l»»d nccrf «,»rr. Jo e*tnbli*lt pxi»rv« ' nails for th* r .invfyattf* and govern-; * .iohI <li^|>3lcli« »; only, on n means of rernrini; {cooler titrate Inborn mti bo affu(4ud Ivy tbr « rvgnlar-tonil. nnd tlm lines of ox|>re*s mull* V ololvlioho^alinll bojisHiucljiy* mutee. Rl*r. 'J. Tb* rah** of ponUcr j»n sii 'li lino* . ball bo fixed bv tbe lV>tl master (tenerat. but ib*ll iml yxcved ui'ih <h<lt»r ou a iiojclotlfttor oof exconbtift In weight o«(i Wf uiivms and at lb* same mlUj'oT ntiy uibll»ioiml half otih*«? or frartl'itf trfVbnlf ooUrf. for anf'dielniwse it not ex{frilfi>j;llfp Imti'lffilmHYi, uliif PiMajrt dietancu axeeitiliit^ Rvj; hundred »iili'H11ilim,ij> the said rale to be ro fl?ed. I i:> ,'1ch This triv rlinll not repeal the Ltir* MotCty (br»lf fejl*p ulnlin/ lIn- ordinary umll service. ! Approved .^.i t fv.. »<.] '' «! jislin'.lii no J c) mh'lfiv/ " .1 In nrjnmV jMilftm-g Onnrt* tn nth 11 >Ur ,|V-''' »>* i / fA«'f'oi*/V«'< rntr ill thf frltt, unit j 4 fnuhyiurt)., ( Iinil l nf'nniil {VnfU,* -l/l/O "I"1 , »w \ , v,a, V " , J r Tpfi Coo^'our of-1 be Confed-riilo Pl.iOif of | AwYrloM <1* onacl,. 'J'list itf gdiililbn to one | military murk hr-attend c*rli.*rpi\ rorj-* lit; tl»r> vftrbl, jt* in w hhIIioHxcJ by an Acl entitled "An Art to ov?at»ir<5 military eii*rts In at"lewd lb* IfMT Iif ijio Conk-by ale PUt«"" in 111-' tflil, null to ill Hilt lltr jiOWNT oJ' said jTntirls." ( approved lfrtohor nintli, eighteen hundred ft'jo nx1r-t<»'s on* tollilHiV court sbnll l»o ojjniiir. nl in nidi of *n,-b miliinry department* i<o in (lie Jnjjdti'i 'i' tif lb* 1'reshleM. th* jmhlir c.tipeneiiA amy seonlar: t»» I* oreimir.e<l in life nniinrroml with power* prescribed in.Hit* act \ nflrhlcll ifcirf h I|i>'liili.t1irr. . A|i'rt'v*il Mi:* 1, IfO.I. - 3 . [No. fli.] i A AT A 1*7* in hi tJii 1 t.f f*vt'km-U'-il irith OjftMm mjiiipi'l ihr .C1""- /tl'»/"/» iVIlfo. - , .' Tho'.fViipri m nt ib® rniiu'ilfialf*fiiilM of Aiiirriift' ilu ciinrt, Tim I wliritcytr. from lurr-; curiiy^ir oiber r<nioj>,n Ih^ricJ »C*oiiil O.imini<Hion«'r ^kllll. in bU vit-iiriHion, .!«. ni if in-; MilviiT.bloYv . l U'Miit a' iiri-iii rr In llir of 111* enmity ill VlUl li be *1 II I ! » ailliep. 1 ebull ronunit bitte'liy any oUiof )»il wiiliin 1*:*» U>lr;vl. or live «fi«lri<-t tvivliin nl.bhfnit P ni-e allociol toliiivr bero »oiiiiiiitlr-l. tilth h ebnll «rni to Mm biort j*m/ri<Jf»*mri|jvariv. |l|'i< 5. Tim I kIii iii'n r il! tVll ii.jrin Ion Cotllixiii-ioliir l!*,vt. !finil onimi itivii for' |K i>f ii |-rift"\it r v'ti-h- v r*n»i<i>|ti (. K; sIhvII VviIi r lii* r»'tn*H u| unit iiiirii'ii*iMi/ :.t nliy m.1 lit wliiAii lici .rmglil linii- «* ; titi11* *i liiui »nil»r iKr lir<' wrlliili ut iiiir iu-;. ' ijiprnvAi Miiyl^ jfiv. ' 2 -i [Xii. «u;.j IA .1 'it' f%r if' it/* ,V. tu i /irr* ft7 ' »jiirf. e*.* fuf m tt"n /iith it fm "j' r/.r lW|(lr ^ tM.'ltitttt- »- ** t Tin- I'unniiMnf itic f'in'V«t rii'" StiH-«-».r Atiwrii » il« pm-i-i. '1 lint ^ t-jti--lu?i,M- j lln-r.-iil' rlmll I'liftr".!«i*^in'ivi.l«-, ||.4. r.' j I' « ti;i»n 1 -ir m»y /(itlHi i ui' il.t? fitu'r >( j l.i'ii'i'iMl.'i i»i.y> liiyli r.n Slt-flUty fniiin l rnuvi . r.ii'i;11v In- lu ll) in «>iiriiii-i|inmi «- i.r lli) *ii):it*' Ik-iii^ «iri-uglit| wimfly «ir til |ijirl liy :lm In"j| - f t!m i iK-uiy. tuny, mi |iriM'invi:iiiuii t)-r.i , fr>ft '-v iLe (iiitjcriiiir nf mill filut?. In- rl.i rcn l y tin- <|ii:ilillci| v.tl-r* Aiu-frt.l. i:i cy-n |^rliu.i.» f «ll till* ?! !»« U!<''llftll »:lft V* ff> ft-. t4.H-li. Si t . 2. Tilt- I. i r'.i-it jhi \ M. i| ;«.r in tin- forr »«.iny mtIIhi. ' linli w I.^U! nl tin Ii 1 in- r.i'I |i% u* i"«y It prv^i. riii'-fl *1 v tint 1 .i| niil Slali inn* in liftr.ii n:i |-i r j'Iit I'*,* en- «« ( I. nii'j "Iitil) in nil ri tjntlt, iiul iiioiis-Hl.-i. t wiili tin- |>r»t ij-i'.i.- '.( O'c 111-1. r*«-in.ii<-k*1 i in 1I1. ii'oji- t-p*-M i-il.f il I j tiiil 11.*>>. *. * A!:.v ). I - C 1." 2 , * ;* P-". > . ; l.\ r i* /».' fVm'fMl ( fi[ »'»< / "l» , f^tit'id ' A ^ r^ifriiM /V J .V/rT/»? v .Si I H/i-'it? J H /'. I.V-2. * v I Tit.- Coiipri-t' i.f iU: fW'ilMrnii; Sl.-'tp "f, ' Mi ri'D )'» .111111. 'I'lihl <in unti-li *t»f tit.- Ai l n |'I'T*'*"*-.'. Oriulirf i'Ii-vi'hili. Imt- ill' -HV:n ftI i-i»l.t*J Vniintr-'.l Hi .) f'\l.Y-twn,*jiy -.xi-miit* lYinit *p*1- . ili.r* tipr .i.-i- - niif |n-rtiif. i-illi-T n* Ngt-uT, i.Wimr i«f . in riii !i -|i)uuliiti.-ti «m uliii 'u «iV" **^1 ilc |<tlfi'iyi rt-.-nir- I" V*. I.rf-i 1-y ilip liAii i.r "ruli kf);t Sjnli-, aii'll ii nlti'li Ihv i.- tin i«l it? I'ltilll "in 1 in 1.1<- i'. mii'lnry 'vrilri', m ii 'n i'Sj'.Aj l«n\*Tnjr i-v mu!i ln-.\, mil- |i t«M* im MiUii. imm r. «r nv. v«r-i'r. mi t-ift li j«::.**?i* 1 t.»i »-T tw.-ii- j ly ninl "i. viV.ii It llu-fi- l> I!" V.-!ili«; nmli- uiltilt^ii. 1 !i»l.l<- 1.1 nl'ir.ir.v M'vir.-," m.-l nlift. llin fiuliili inir '-lull "s»'-i *?)iil it'-l. I.. V»il : t Ami fiirlJ.t-ri.ir.* '"->r m|iliO«-».:il |m!iif JVr pvrrv liv.-t ly iw-^ri.' . .m |i*-» r mntr i>lniil»^i liunii. 11itUU1r.i t> lii.ilc-f >'pftilt "llii r : mwl nu 1.1 hitviiiK I- i!mim iwonir H-jhi , aa-l -11 rUi-li Tlirro i-i mi tvliil'- t-.i-ln m'Iii'i 11.il I)mI le fn i.iiii- l«ry. iiul*-, Mir |ni.111 iim (lie nM. 11 ..I' llm an.I «rfiiuc uP' htreliy *> alcil. i^n'. J, Tfi Slt^ p..live yti>| ir.r.nj*;< of m il.iTp.«UhI| !<>* rxi'mptwl oue in-rc-it. eovli ferni or |i!ni tut tun, lb'' etc f'.jK't'y of n minor. q parx.llj of Wieotlltil mint).' I'rmr .tlr, or a |M-roi«i »h*nl ffi-m Vim« in Il(V. fuilllnry Arjinrd h the fonMi'rm v4 >ai wl>i»hi IliVrt are iKfiity or more : I'rwtttirrl. J tlio ao px-Tt|ii«>l pwpbwt/l end r.» nn urrr« < tJ'trfl«M» If tiro »ixtccntli » of Apr!'. ore t'jmviu.i) df'lit luiiiithoil ami >!stjr-;w<», nmi tin re \J hen.'.ill* n:-lie :i-'u't-«in 1 rai.J farm nr plant Vioti, rrbA « riot ItiiMe t>) wttilarritify. wM< li fm-t >hnll Ho rrVilitii JlJJ tl.c itfTMntil* uf ifai'l fwr«<«»i mill Ivro rri',iin»- > hie riiiri'iiititm1 rlinll filnl >vitt ll.r : nrul'- I lug 1'trvr : Ami Tl:c HBfr of mivIi fprtr nV ).>»* - « * « ii4«r WaL aatiict] of ^ctWvAall make afliilnVtt »w^«lt*v( iuC »amV.i he enrolling «>l^itr, thai, Ip nt effort, no ortrifr fan Hi* |>r>>o.tri ) lor *n«h farm or plantation nor linl.l.* t*i mV.ii.irr I'rnrut-ri. f'mlXrr, That I hi" rtnlivr ahail not extend fa »«T farin or JiHninll^n nit whieh thy r.CL'rot > here l**cn plutc-l Hy .Iniiii.n from, any wilier farm or phitilMinp a'oey I In- eleventh <lar of Ort«l,rr, wi# t^/tbrand fijht biimir**<l ami ri.il.rtwn^ fnrt/i-r. That l.»r very norr«n vju n:ptc#, < p(nrcMlil, an.I ihtr-1 ing the prri»4 of ».tMi eieini.fioh lh-f. ebail fas ppld a tin Hy Into |lw |nMh T rrare.rv. I.y (Ha owi»rr.« of elieh ahwax, llir mm of five hundred dollars. ^ Frr. 8. SikIi ot'.icyttor'on" ahull 1e exempt-' ill »« lln* Prr»Mv»it shall W aaiisllnl "MiWb-1» hi* "n mtilril In district* nf fini»!ry deprived of white orator? labor indi*|.-i.to tin* pro. Itiplion of grtflw or pmvisionr necessary for lie support of the pojoilntinn remaining at lunar, Mid *1m> on account of Justice, cijuify ml nceessity. « &rc. 4. Is addition to the ftlote'ohlrTTP tJtem pied hy f(ie a«*f of ffetidicr khtifrnlh. one tlaw>y*d eight I.on.(toil nail rfxlf-torn, there iJinW "itl«i* W exinaqito'l .U Slaty f)flferr» whom the Ch.verpor of any Ftato may claim to hrn w tsen»j>M for the <t«o aihiiiaUtratlnn r.t the (]/it irAmMli ftHil t»w« Ikarcnf l.nt I hit nvamn. ll'*i tfc«ll hut rnMlnM in «ne flat* nller tlio Tflt-itunvit* ml. tUk ttexi rf*«tft*ref»i<>n <.f it* l.orblatiiftS aftleM Mich LecMntnre »b»U Ujr In If Ufn» (Vow oiMtnry duty in the rVKvttMpI Aymf of 1H*> <'»»nfo(1«Tiito ktalci. Affwl»illl<y ktW. *~'i *rf »'"4i t o "A M ACT to Comffmti nif'J .Ifm/ tX* Tk*tA SrrtioH pf on Act tiiytpUmrninrf In on Act 9nn0r)^mm tkr fay ,t%H Ann «u 'fh wfiwl fftJthrr*. Al>pr,,,rA frl,(yimrj) 1 f>t%, *>w». *»W to Worcr/fr a, JTromr* dc^-u p +*Pt "/IJOiimm for AvrMr^g. nj Trp- AT ' ' J Lorphc* nit A UnmptO An* ^St*A»»A O/Jfrcr* -f-'lS-.typm,' 'Z Tli*' gqnji. if tli«i Cffrfbiltfffto Stale. nf A mminn Ao fotft, Ttuit tM eeU'.u nftm met mHleAe.l A f itppI.wAUrv ,n net §ot»o«irt»ii»j» ttit l*y ntViwnfir# <hNrt.> okileeV P«fcr***jr, lAtji., \pbtnon huuiWvd «n< »litjr tw»., »A>) in pen. i*M« fer I he t «»f rjaha. fW »rmnwt*f pny, allnwfcnee ami beunt* 4nc "Alrtr. »*«l nnMleri, be eoiifhiVil of form nnlll nitprwiM f>nnA<b»d by i'.nijjrtne. Approved May I, t -* | ' 4- ' : ' V . '' * '<' HI'. Intuit* J. KiMfli, ricvM. ) «(v, T th^rltic In my «niUf»>«*n<»i» ilmf M.VTt J I \ fXlt' KplTll, iK'U'i'liu.t In t;»-» mv* ni». rwtt1((.bf)'oni1 tlip'liiniti n( tlii« lnt*T Oriirrrtt, lil#t lln «W JMiiHiUnt Jo In4; nn»Wfr «»r <]rm;'r u> 'lw NiM ri^hln thr*c Wik/Ak from iSr pnltfini/io.i < r+of, <>r llif hiii. vi ki( l>u laWcti />im ,c«k- /*"] iruni u»tu ll'.lll, . » " -. m i-fOlL r. A -mosirst m, CunHiiii«ii>iiii'i ontv, i'mh 18 IWC 'A XhfrfrH a 1? J STATE OF BOOTH CAB«>ISA, Elites MSTMICT. ' J Ji.Uv^rv Mcriltt A FMAr' *** . , r> y P' ' i \ P-nrti* t-i c n IIP.IJ. ra»k«-i-nmi *!io > J ***> . jfT lyi^rariiu.' tii.mv inlllfuflio* tltaaJ \-£- t: I run fMrtf'Stf m..» niiy'M'ATM.ikAF - V c jiiil SaPi»1.KOX 0AVI ^>5^ ' «!» AV'fft,; MH:I.Y. iV'l«|iil»tt|iitUU ly**.'***. ti4; »M- Mil) limli* VfYjna is»J*le : (tnhr% "I. MiTtiKPriVi.4'n«il*^){« n'w iwi'f «ii»iV«nif u> tJ»«-jhU«1 lint" Willi in 1hrr+f mon 'A* trmo rfrnt -Jyrrrnf, «>r lli«* pf.lli* Ivlilt f>v IvkiW tn-o r#>. fhrnji M .|H llli lu. '-V It* A. 11U».VjfvoN.l' Y.t.ix. rii»iiiW«lttl',| Vnicli 18V 1S«V*I. 2^3jS Marrll .0 - ^ JQT I t |'« -j CLASSIC ALAiS^IKGLIfiTI1, s fs tftxEL, . VTfK. TMR W.xt SrwEuiv. 1M cu.^tAtfV,' AMI KStsi-feu' Irri *t'llftiH^,ft?<'''»l*'»iii«lilfi'h<4l l-i. X».^£7 VrM^ntf Klt\VAU)>ti nv.rf .1 Cl» t CSK^ >if>X. will) -fliy np|*ubui|nu «»C*rtHr T'.i'lrrd *>f T»»«rf«r «£~>'«irn»ii Murine Ike ipM|H'UKi<>n of tin* txcrrjc* » nf the I iilv*r*ilv. wijl ojmii at tli» VwvefMly HuiliU iiV>r.<..VTIIK-Kit»l F,K1tKr.vnY,m»«)tMttirm* , ion <|inu-Ur*c>l' Mi wvvk* fmh. .$Mt |kt nurtvr, wiih 2<* rents fof ; > inclrlvnttt| rnM'nxjSt |Wj«lil« In orfmnre. VT.*-3! Ouml lltHiriinjrcaii l«e lnr# nt $3u }n r«iii»it»lij . Tlie utM«*t vatr^i^rt'ttUl Vtb PjVrfllwl o.rr* /; llie mo»Ml> nf (H« |>w|)iU. v-1 Fi.r fii^lwr' iHii<nMiinn ; gfrtiWf^j I*. C. t;i>WAtion, Ontsvllfc, 8. l'.. .1 In* M . j(. <**-: eoooor , *&oc-» craolamental. 1^1 YK .T1»o«sid<1 Hollar* RrfrfttiMgiTf MtIV bill's, fHHi'i'tIrVvIxiti In funk** s'J.wii n yi tii-! The liii»lnV"*i-nj\5^ l.m-irl Mini I l I'liATlVNec«|ihil ».r ortfii'ii r»-r|V*ri«U. ,Ni> i^petiio h fkn-iil f Fi< « IhiikIm .1 Initios ht-if^eulli ITimi n'utiiiij ;ji ltv «i!«0''r-»"K '"* Itl'liiiiliHli-ty jut n:rti' I cI IV lo \ nlirm tvin lirnltll, 1V< l.!lli. In l«1|ly lI'M'u tifv.niiil »i I * | >f - v nmrriuifo. * ' i.a i l> JUM; COCATIS i«« ihv ' »- < f,'«I v wijliiip t«» mi' ! *w 1'iT filll.« .it I nun I < it ,'iMn iA (ii'Mt-'siiur vnttr i'-t<tf Tit A Mi K. n. f.iSi liiiii'tiV N^il I* t1., Wn<|iiNg'iiN l«o.> ^ A i-HI «i Cx * State of Seutli Coioliriffc. (ijtftKNVII.I.EMst!;K;i. ' IX EUillTV., v!. Ail) nr vm. 1 J + ^;v , <"luir!«"» I 11 > ] 'i-fclt.'t. ;-r ninl -I A l'sti'1, S A.'. >r.'_ /»»n».' * v '' r | *111. (tiuii|i'»»i ninl In.i in«r il i< il i\ tit <r 2 I Hill in ilir I'lii'iv "iriiiij fun', m< it iij'jM-.irii'^ I" lln ^iili»fin't-ii.n i'l Ii l \ i\iii»iii|itr lbs! f JIAKl.KS J HAM A^l ill .-v-.i ft< ni iiml ii iiUi't'i )' Milii'*. nr*«i'' "iji.-: It * f.'ril'i'"i. jlint h- «lo j <<A nVmi %«_ iinif In t oiii|'.'ul<ini-t'> J til I ». ... thf'r wntiOi*. «»t llio m".|iu Will l>. lnk<-lMb|<II* 111 |.)l|l, irffj' W if. M TUfMA®, ('. l:. r.5 * A ! ! i21. i Mi.i. -t *jviiv" !* . ' B'xcilAKGE' NOTICi?. NO. Jf: ii U tlJION ». M:i\ 1 -I.u. ^ J- Jill Vv lrO»-ll ll«JtV t-Xl'llHllgW't,' l»:vl .lllf' ' Jir..' « t Hj : 1. All iiUf^w n»nl mm vim li«\r Wf^viliiK^;' rivvn.il >il Ciiv !' irl at any ri.tv iniii i(L May ii. I"A3,» «, 2. All iilJWir< ini-'nrril lit auy nlaon Ih'T*-lT * ili« 1-1 «jl April, R o«.i , wli'i Imvc bnvii ' lilt p«ml«v< .# ' V ' ". \i\ r.ini vn;;>irvil In ^JV'tili C:i»-ofinn*« if Vir^i^'.N U-fvn- iju- let Mytyli, lbi$-'i*'Jiftjj., liuvb vn ir-lvam «V <»lj pur . *** i-1 >. ' I. Tin- . (In n< ami friMi ohlnH.i'l'.'! 'lifw, I I t lii h, S. i\ C»rli:r. Ifl.lii* ( spiiJirf. n 'In"' Tinin-WC la ll.t. inbtr hijif. i. Th» "Kin mill iprn <m|i|nr-A jipil p»-fr. t-r-. ri l.y I.ii.vtt. Col. -Kit n art al \'up Huron;1 -Arkmtint*, .tiiHwury 3.'s lMi)|l^ Cv(TPi- kvi^, in ! ' i-i uil-i r. I Til', in bin. m irrli '' .-ml Oliln lluilroi.-l : ttunl by I apt. A'»nR$n,' ul <.' rinili. Mi»a . in l>.'<*'-inWvr, ini*y. ' A C. Tito o«lli»r« iii.J limn pgry'tbS ul -fixfrrily- " Mi.-1/, till tbc 2.1TI rf l>nr?iul<rr. |Mi/;'») lu-n V Arc, Ark., on liit1 lTili .Tunitary, |* lit; mnl atl'. itnji IJnnm, on. tin- 2."M F|-Ijfn(rr. 1 i 7. AII pvrimn< iftmMmvc h-in ukfiturwl t>M * flic *fn. I lie HjtvTi" traAiitj.' to lljf mh.hv *yv-1 upon (fin vr»-eha»l nftbr <*c fnlmte T"nl«.-f ' Suicf al niiy lima |>ptvi.,H« lu lk-combat- Ibuia v . t liH H". A11 Hril|at»« wb liavn '.nrti nrrrabol " Mrn. I..-(lire tin- til Ii ..(' (I:ir. I SfHlv an''1, ar Ii i.'iMl oii pnrol^ iwv ilinhnr/nl 'row-uny i-yry obi in a i it'll cunliii|ii<t in ml( jinfilc. li ' »'at my «u;.U- pt-iimt Itnn if km aAy uitih of nllc-kCV» Afp na^fo tW I'hM Stulm or tfiv. n' Hi.y >o-.nt nr if l»i» ri^i ujm* *" n <u.m.un:. .1 ; '" -----. " »y" , tiflu*! rckdilioii, hp in <'i*< liftr^t-rl fr<iiu In' ' »nmc. BH i #. Tf j>ny pm'>ripwj lie HP.V 5* *hftft.pt-vf- mttiuiiii, or in «iir «*|U& of » f SihftAf# ' mMfetv wlnp in Jj.t > «i Uprtnrt-H nr« in nny FHr^.'J prilrl^ i*i$n fc'vy nf« « l»> ttiniH'liatcly rolrrt'^.l Bii'l «i3c e«i in lliv- U»*((4«'rt|g'l|illiuriiit'<. % .{ ItOllKHT Oi i.I». A^ful of ttxlliuo,'". May ?1 * H l'.i«Mrr»|c v»irp«rf wiil jilm^ hnnd it. forvs«it»ir hM'Mi *lx I imp* mi.I larKu.rU «& -*'''r ronut.1 lo (In) Wnr ]>«|Mirinirnt. JAMES M ALLEN is&fll:!!L DEALER; ti R BEN riMiK,'3!l.r^ ry All Orilrrtfer MabbLV. U'o«ji urnm i - -30 !y mt>n.lnl tot 4A-tf V. h t , ^ jrdTierc. Ji f». A,I». CUOOK A A. * llOKF. U i r-r *»!» <# by the d«»»tb of llj»*forj*4f.~H«... Mt<l A^mnt* due »!» .ftrjfc ,y » » iirfiMt* u/1 »orvtvfa»* .!_» P A dr. A.^^MB yftffrHiyfc1,1 ^ Hor pf ib« tfir fjfHK *"* "Wt » r«UMl iha jEsitf iflPb- ,,,p <x'' Mr*. C^Bk &»t. l»."K«»fc*. v HI r^r. Ivr ^ | J«*« 11 11 v *i L "V -^JKrv/.^H

Library of CongressHlwWf Jut.Tl"||» ISM i * Mr. Or. &IiManhwjfcrtotf omt' «if0»VP**$»rk of"Klford'. Power. far * *fioy^ >n

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Page 1: Library of CongressHlwWf Jut.Tl"||» ISM i * Mr. Or. &IiManhwjfcrtotf omt' «if0»VP**$»rk of"Klford'. Power. far * *fioy^ >n

HlwWf Jut ||» ISM i

.Tl"* Mr. Or. & IiMan hwjfcrt otf omt'

0»VP** of" Klford'. Power. far«if $»rk * * fioy^ >n<i

\ ****** h^]f'* fo«.th# p»rpqp* W» toturnJ>i»w Ma^i SC4l« iww.

are Hi receipt of th« " QfB«i*lIle*iner*of iba^oatW. CaroJia* IHUt *ryit » TbtgttduRsi

.j .' Jv'i i , Iog Clan wugjilWl -ycnriHUnuejeotwelve. The gggregele of tfcfc balanceof Alt claAee H tiRO hundred and fortyour. We return out tbunki to thefriend rending it.

'JU l«aj*|wement. f.We ha*e tyeenl^y wdded t«v our

prfcil'mg office an e»cellent IToe'iTV.r.tiogPreaa, with irking m:\clihie attachTrt*® <*h® by u« Aer since the

!»._ Ami publication of the paper, hi«become moch wctfn and diflehnt from


' to*****. we have thought ft neceesaryi,t to dircard. It the future we hope to

be able <o preaent a neater and handawber paper, and quite moro legible


- l1t«h wa've been doing heretofore.r


^"* Cernwjpeeayaoe of Souihom B*t»rprt»<.

MoxToovEnr. AL^., )%May 3lrt, 1863. f

Mtstrs. Editors.I am this. for on*

. ttty aray to die-Vaiky of Uje Miwirtippl."ftavmjf lefi'Orceeiaille on Fridny mom»tng with roy fiiend'ntid Military Syecie>Tary, J. B. Clyde, ^q. The trip hasbeen a pleaaant one so Jar.weathei

* . fine, and crop* of cort^ntM wheal on ;the read unusually promising. The

* train lir a been crowded ml! the way Ifrom- Columbia with soldiers going onto join their Regiment* ; and amongrttbem I recognizo many acquaintance*from the Brigade to which I belting.. (At Barret Depot, on the Georgia U«iU jL-ViA. r>.:i.. e._.i ._."i

? «w * iwiMuni on-jiii'siiK rnaic

v aboard, and I had the honor of an intraduction to him by mv friend WileyHill, Esq, of .Wasldngton, Georgia.. jMr. 3irpl»4>na speaks hopefully of aff;iirr» 1but thinks hot worV is nhead of theaitny of the Valley of the MississippiUIs reported here, that Rosencran*n on-the more to affect n junction uiili jGrant, and if-so, Gen. Itragg will no j

, doubt form a junction with Gen. Johnton. ,

tfou have doubtless, ere this, receivedintelligence of the Thursday's fight at

Vicfcs-burg. Some several** bundled ]"Yankee prisoners were brought up from» S^lma on tha boat this morning " OtUi

to Riabmond" bound1.We met a lnrgo installment of |»ifcopersalso at Atlanta.^I leave on the boat At 8 o'clock to j

*-' r.ight for Selma, and thence direct toj

Jackson. .The people all mrtf in goctlspirit*, and hare every confidence inGtn. Johnston and the ability of his I11 oops to drive back the ihradur.

As it would bo conlrabaml to apeak Jof the movements of troops and thenumber of reinforcements going to tliejassisfanco of Gan. Jonston. the readers Iof the Enterpriae will bare to. 44 wait n

lime with patience ^ unfipthey can

hear through official thannels, or till4 secrecy is no iongcr necessary to be ob-!

terved. i1,1

. |As soon as I arrive at the seal of war,;I will itkUtavor lo furnish you n detailedRccounJ.Of (life fight* around Vicknbtirg.and an inkling of matters and things in jgeneral, and the part the S^U'.h Care

-" lijn troops have bourn in particular.

Yours, Ikj., S. D. G.

FaoWTcLtAnOMA..(*>fii(iihl informa*"lion received, says the Richmond E\amitier, induces the belief that ac'.iveoperations are about to bo renewed inTennessee. Kosencranfz's domonwrjs*

" lion* within the last few days indicate. that he ig about to mako an advance.Tl ». however, impossible tosny whetherhe meditates a bona fide attack or isonly threatening, to deler tin from sendingleinforcements to Vieksburg.



.CotvTRRpsrrs ruOM A N'tw Qcsn

Ucn.. We learn that some new counterfeitersof Cohfederrfte notes, of thedenomination of 6, 10. 20 and 50 dol

, tars, recently pot in circulation Here,, hn«, through tha energy of officer

» .. llicks. bean (raced to some of the steam& - an which have lately reached titia port

iniri Nimku, Two individual", who. %

were found to have a quantity of thespurious tills on tbair persons, harebeen arrested. The vigilrQt eye of (hedetective is now renting upon other par

m fiea rtrpeclfd of the ftrave crime. Thetciefftbly . well executed.

1 ad<J our people will do w«H to he on, , Uietr gWrd..4CI1Mrimton iferktrry.

. Turn /ubitti opt -tna Brazil\ t CoApt..IOa supposed'that the Ataha

ma sailed South IrtMi iVrneiolweo on 1the 29th uit. The Braaillan authoritiesdisplaced the cowimaptUnt at Fernandode Nevada and put tfrn under arrest,for permitting the AhfottM to refit in

« (Jilailum sihdiltfiri' edffltniltmg d*>prtaatioua on the coast,

nmmjBvi 'iiim ,w»


Letter*' from lUniiho*'. aCro»*»nj| Jm umin Mm& oT Y**kre* *i«W<** piece, of cimta* ** *<

R.p-tha.nock,. W»r Freddg&Wl*k"r^[ petition M (he vi«iimtjr of themi Ho** n.* »,;luppond to be * Mai.

;day, in henry ftefOff-Inn been heard in ,

thai direction. Caw«e not yet nreer- *iMnd.' . » ''*

n Ttte T^nWp-burnt eerefal mitt* not) iJtonada Hi kw$~ Wdliau Uuunty, nail R - *

1» also rrported til at «he? cai ue4 oft' n

tn««tl*r'rJ>jt»groe<i. * IIUchmOww, June 8.Yntik«a» iwrDb arositod the "Rappahannock ml*"!vanced-on Saturday b> mk»ynr*ys-io»iof IIi*rairtdnVC»c*«4i**I{,..»i»i>f)ownj!r ourforce* harl remoredvfro|u tbwt vicinity.When they hud approached within nmilo and a half of lire rnijioad, two orthree of our t>ti£xde* m.vdo n da«h >Ullu-m. lite, Y tinkers, without firing n t

gun, fieri to their entrenchment* at Dveplinn. Duiing the remainder of ilrcdsty !the enemy kwpf qurri behind their en-trenchmf nth. - "

L.' -J"State of South Carolina.


BY virtu# of sturdrv Writ* of Fieri 1'twins, I1to me directed, i wilt still, Iwfore flic

Ccurt House door, at the tnuul lioui.i of Bute, Ion tbA nrst Monday in JCI.Y nest.5* BRASS CLni'KS) levied nu ns the prop-,erty of II. It, II<m*«:rr nt the sui lot isusedrofl"

A Loiduig. Turin* cash.'

J. T. V«I>AN*ICIv ?. 'I. D. I"Sheriff* Office/JiM}# fib. Ic63. .

June II *

d ... l

T^ZT KAIIAWAY N,8L FROM the subscriber on ibe "»lh incfC !'wffik my negtd girl CAJtOMXA. She 4s

fivo foot hlgk, stoutly hnilt. dark color. I <SP^and is about jtl years old. She is Very juioroiicAnd is downcast in look.

. A satlsQkctory reward wilt be given for her '

lixtpnnit in any of the Jail# of (be surrounding .Districts or tor her ilclifcry to me nt tirecti-


viltc C. It, - * ... M. IIFIT.June 11 p


if jState cf South Carolina-

OFFICE OF AlTlrttCUt. j' ' -Coldikm', June 8. isotl.

Till: following regulation# have beenadopted, with Ihenpprt-vnl of-(lie (!ov-i.

ernor, for the "prese'ny tiou t nd jtliiyilgh this oftico. of requisitions Hodclaims upon th(F Executive Department ofthis State: .

1. -Whenever practicable, all requisition*'for funds by the bend* <vf tnilitnry liiinnnxand works of tin* State, and «!1 claims againstthe Executive Department of the Stale.;-L_..i i i <.envim- ><: unnsniUUMi io mis oinc* lev ox.i- ,imnnt'u.n and miJit at ImM one wceV l-oforethe first day of each month, ltequiritinii* and'claim*, approved l»v the finvoi nor,"**ill ho jppid between I tie fifth and fonth rlayaof 11»«- (month-ne:»l succeeding the one iJi whichI hoy were submitted for audit.

it l'.xcojit under special, vironmsiar.eeJ. (funds will not lie roinited by majl. I'm lieswho desire to receive amounts' throughamenta, will .{douse otoervc the following

L form ofrowtr. or ATTonxr.T.

I, ....do hereby appoint .;my true and lawful »0«riie\ »o vfffn reeeip a

for.ntidreepive payment of.atT moneys w hichmntr he now due or coming to ni» from tlteExecutive Depurtiueut of the Suite «1 Soos.Ii)Carolina. iWitness my hand and s*nl nt


'this .i . day of, !Iflf3. !Witness .

bill wiU.be paid^inless sworn to bythe claimant, nna no requisition will be ailowed nnless pi spared, n« itonr a* may I.e. Iaccording to tlie form* pre«etibed 1-y theArmy Regulations of the Confederals States,and certified in duplicate by the proper of-fleer rtf the department or nervice for w iiieltlie requisition is mode.4. Alt Ir/qulstiions and c'a'tr.anf the cbnr-1

notvr het"eiii referredto,-that, were renderedprevious to the date o£ this notice, andwhich have lieen audited.and approved, Iwill be paid as heretofore upon applicationto this office. !

JAM PS TUPPF.R."* .State Auditor. , jJune1I R1

car All papers in the feints will insertOUCe.

"state of south Carolina!

Adj. and [nap.-Genet al's Ofllc£ jColumbia, June 0, 18CU j ,(yjjiQ-al Oritur*, So. 10..TIxtract. »

f RICHARD CALDWEUehaving beenMwkitffi Cnmmintrf General ofi

South Ciirollnn, *lth i-nnk of LieutenantColonel, in herewith announced at such,!rind obeyed nitil respected accord-j,i'tgly. ...I,

ib- eoinautnd. O. >. FOlU!f,A. A. General.

Jane 11, 01* &F~ Rnper* of the State copy 'once.

Enrolling Office, Greenville C. H. |OFFICERS, fion-Cnrom»»*inn sd OflVers

and Private* absent on Furlough* inthis District, are hereby required to reportfo the Enrolling Officer, that their Fur-lough* he examined. The above requirementia neceeeary. t«» the service a*'providing against unauthorized absence*'from the Army. I

. . W)l. R» LfOTT,Lieut, and Enrolling Officer.

May 28 4 . . 8 tSalt! Salt!!

ARRIVED, a flue lot' if Wilmington romUSALT, and manufactured by »a, wbicb

utay bo bad at rea.o>nat>le pricea, at whotoaaU6r retail.


_ 4$ ' 11'

it;. i~¥Wut . fOR tliLE, . .


* *

THO. B. TfiRUSTOtt. . ,

M*r i}.] *«f

rlfl wapwb».7"XT OTWITH8TAI^f»INQth« loaa by flro of1^1 oor MUX for IMi Maaafacturo of*RltJNU l'AFV.K, wo aha 11 eontiaua torequire RAOS aa horotofore, ao wo Itarotwo MilUyet in operation. *

JOHN W.ORADY A CO.Mhv 18 45Uf* CbarJeaton Courier and OohwlMl

Chtmrditn and Corofiatert will copy


* % ~ r

j5Sl ^5^"7» ^2v fal.1 _J22l

~»r^B ~~

^ p mm jjbjj iM

-!'**" rlMBrpr***" *' '» ^ *y^T "riv gr


iyXoHt^thf fKt*id iVt#- Qm*trrrlH** I"hf't ^»i4 CoMq*i.itrt/'* /hjmrftiikh, ««</ tk*oJ.'ntHtny t^ulir /«.<»« / i yn-/^«i7a ;Iim /or J\ irat* fitwperf£.

, Cooflvcnrv* tUo CusMvnt« Plate* oftawriea cte enact, Tlint no ntHcer clnfrjcdrilh the »-( keeping Iranilcr or AflAHbiMlIt>f public money*, aboil coutcrt to bis own nae,»Y Inrut in mririm>«r nrflwrir or |Jib*.rtlml s»Ul>"Mi.ut Interact, mib portion of lk« putdic »»ahrV?ffctruWed 4t» kf*» for ulttn|»t|, tmftsfec,dUturavmont ur «o.r other piMrpnve4Skc, 2. XV4 rko'flni irllli Ifc#rafti,1e*«i<]ns> »f fmlwIBs money*, or churged Vtfh (jr n»»^u«l toilutj of purcXaviitg for the g««#rmu\i>t yr'nnjfrmrljUiljll'irr jfc rki\)l bn>, trade..ftwllfe «r»p^-eul»le hi, rivur direct'*"! »r indirectly for;tltQ pnrp.w-otgwiti^y bluufflj>r OtWet* by re-Mlci>r ctlierntpf..aW nrlicle of fwM or ch«lh-i»g or material of {(hicli lh* romc is. tumlc,or wliicWvuter* luldtw constitute* » nurt of lit**;(MM or 0>\£ material of war or article v. IuiImi«v*r, vrllicli m or Sony l»o rr/||iiN to lx> {mrchased for ll.e ui>o ol the army t*V the protect!tlon oft Lie war. "V "**]Site. 3. X« ofli<''-r rliall t.vho a receipt inMonk Air uiiy iri|i))c or arlicki pi\jrclin<i d nyliiiu for tin? government or nn"Y i»ofmr*th<*f»tllicrfif; aiul every rrf»i|it efctiii ret lortli Iketing amount pai<l, and op what account; nudwli^n payment is mode on aecouA^ of prnpdr-.tX ptirvbaaed ; the 'receipt -sh^Il aet forth theuntile oftlio perron front wlomt eucb properly J*«« nundiascd, aud'lho pi.iee oMri*. residence,'thh thing or tilings ptfhohoe.id hj" itonht numbers",wfigh I or iiirariinaiMil. a* uiaj i><» «r:r-'tommy in tlie .particular ease, the priee there-''of, and the date uf tli«-payment.

Skc. 4. *\n ofticer^vtiotl in charge of Iraita^iporration, or wlio'is empowered to grant thesiusc, shall foV«nrd,.hy government convey-aneo or at the cxpuhse of jjorennmr.lx or to!the exclusion or dulny of govemttu :il fieigl,;,nny commodity or properly of any hind, uii- jleva the same belongs to fj-.e government or'<or.tc-depart nici-l thereof, cxn^t'u* author-!isrd hy law. .

Sue. »». Any n/Hocr who ahall violate any JKtriiion in the forogoing sections. ?|ut)l uponit conviction l.cforo a court martial or tnilittiry 'etarf, he cashiered, nud placed in the rank* ns japt irate to serve during the war; /VonV.d,That nothing herein eonlainod shall impairthe civil remedy which "the puvcmmriil may ',have rgnii.*t any ffcxr "of bis irrr<tlc? lor!fraud, speculation or mi-application of the publicmoney 3 entrusted to bun hy thr puvvninunt.Hue. 0. V7e ft fmih-r tuartol. That any

person in tbo employment or service of thegovernment as aforesaid, and all other |a.-t*ofiacoming wiiljn lit*, perview of this act. who::lmll violate gnyofatm provision? of the for.*-going section*. shall lie liable to imlietniMii.and third in n sum not let * than one thoinauddollars, and imprisoned not 1.x than one vc;,'\n..e .1,........ i»v» >> » % * « \vnci iw HUjM.tVU Jthe jndjrc or jure (ivcj tho enu'sv, record jinp l'< the course -of judicial prurritfiiix in 1firi'ii In tho Kjrrnl Stirles! /Vorpfei/. The jprovisions oflhir not shall in ho wise interferewith or" iiiiiuir l(io civiW remedy v.l.ich the Ijroveri.aicut-' may have c^nlhrt any of mi.Iofficers «.r tiivir secuiltit* or einpl.tyecs l«r](rand*. ."peculation or iiilmpplieailoit > i themoneys rli'ruatol to then' respectively. l.y theConfederate Fhitc* : /'i»nVc/ o{.<>, That nilcoinrerr.itof of.He peace. ivh.». l.y the l-.w* of]the Peroral {"tates, li«re jurhuiiyt'oii to en.multor hind tiVvr, offenders f«>r l-reatio-a of tie* vriiunol l«w« or UioSt.it.' in which thiy rimy resid:'. shall liavo power to fpiiitiiil or 1 ind > r.iin o etiflier-nt rvrojrn'mniic* oGendoi" n^air-tthe provision* oPlliis low, to ti|>pci>r hi the nextterm of the d'MrioJ court of the t'oiifedriittSlates w:t!.iti the JurisiMetion of which the o!-fence wa* coir. mil led. for trial, in toe samemanner ntnl under the ;*n:o iuli>< an if such^preliminary trial were had before tl.e jui*>;c of;/uch district court, nmi thejWdjy* «.( tin- t'on-federate court* hnr in * jurir '}.!; >ts : { '

fences <1. lined I.jf this act ..I the Colutaenceincvt of each seneioit of w-ir ri »|w."tir.'courts, give ilii.*r:et iieol it* pr.vi.»i>»»ii> ojuviallyin charge It) thi dUPeron. -pamljuriua. '

Approved .May 1st. litlC. 4 t

.In Ac! !<> T.nii Tare* ih> ti.o.i7fa-*tmmil Carry on tif 0'"t< mint at .if //, *('najritcrule State*. Itlio congress of the confederal* s'fafiei

of Atneric.v "do enact. That l!ir:e shell helevied hmi! eollcotct! ii|«)n tl»r va:ue. f til' ]it it v ill *t or- *, salt, wit.oh iiihk apiritiiutl* lifjtioia, ioimicjii, nifttiitfocttiCeil t-r i.t tnaettfttelUl 'cotton, wool, lh.ur, rc.jnf, mohi*fim. avrup. lice, nnd other ngrleultim. I proillteta, held or owned on lite llt'st .lay ofiJuly neat, tind not incc»«*ry for family consumption for the nin ypir poiliouof i|n*year eighteen hundred and «ixt v-three, uniijthe grow th or pvodi Hum of Wiie year pn

*** '?i m» I In- your eighteen humlm! midsixty ihive, ft tax of » ight p» r Ji-ntuir ; uinion a!' mnn/p, bunk »»o»e*. or « »Iv »* cu-rononlift mi, or on <h-i o-it or the fi.-*t ^4% !of July nix) on the \it'n« of nil * i t *on which the Interest he* it..| ht-cu paid, |hi hi iir nwitdl by any person. oiiiwrim r '

hip or corporation on the first day of J^ilynext, nn«) not employed in a I unine-.*, i)(ineojne <1. rived from which is tux»-il ilii-Vrthe provisions of tIti * net, there shall he levied Ami collected a.tax of one per cat :

Th.it all money* own* ). held. urideposited beyond the lin.f s of |J»»- (knifedn-iifc Stat eft, shall he valucl at the i>nirp-it)-«fc of exchange in Confederate 'Kiiasnrviiofi . »nd the Ait id tax aIi:i1! lie ti*<e**«d onthe first liny of July next, or a: soon there-aher as may he ivrmM-ifublo. nt.d he c..lli-et-1cil on the tiiit nay of Oot'du-r* in-xl, or as:OOn theveaftt r OiXiilfty he prm-l "cable.Pi i". 2. Hverv; pereoij engegi'il or in»«*r»*1 it-.*r.J

to engage in any businc-i*named in the fifth Jsection, of thi* act, ft}>4^, wtiliin rixt >* day#inftcrthe pa.sage of thi*net, or at the time ofla-ginning business, nml on the first ihiv of!Jan'iarv in each year thereafter, ri-gi*tir|With the district cojlcctoe, in smdi t.om -a*itiie eontmiA.intier of tn\'<-» shuH preectilm, a

line nccmint of lh« name and re>hh-t»oe t»f|each p'Teon, firm, or eoipornt bm engagedDr iateresWd in the boshics,' with n slate-jinert of the time for which. ai»»l the p!« « 1ami manner in- wtrfnti the mmtii to he eoti'lilneteil, and of nil other fact* going to ss |certain the amount of tax upon nu-ii husi-ma* tor the past or future, according to the jprovision^ of tin's act. At- tlie time of st|lhwgjutiy, there shall he t nid to the -oolh-ctor the specific tax foe the yaaK ending on

I ha next thirty-firet day of Hee-n.hcr. amisuch other tux a« »»ay he due upon snlca or

receipts in such Iilialneas, at the time of ^fhregistry, a» heroin provided ; and tlifl aafh-.-vtor shall givfc to the perron making stiehregistry a copy thareof, with a receipt forthe amount of tax then paid.

8»sc. 3. Ar.y peiwon failing lo make theregistry, ami to pay. the tax reqnired l>y thepreceding section-, shall, in addition to nilother taxes npoft his business imposed bythis act, pay doitblo the amount of the apjeifietax on sneji business; and s fika sutnfar every thirty daya of such failnre. -

Sro 4. JSVe»>pL wli. re <fceri-an otherwise(imnldnl, fh*r(i shall be « separate rtjginkynnd tax for tech business mentioned in tliefifth fction of tl.te net. And for raeli a|«p«of ©ondueting the miim, Lot no tax ehnll berequired for tlie mere storage of goods at n

piece other than the registered place of business.Upon every ohnnge 7q the plaee ofconducting a registered bitaftieee. tha re shallbe a new regietry, bat no rfdartionsl taxshall be renmred. Upon the oestb of anyperson einmieting a business registered andtaxed as herein required. Or upon the transferof the business to another, tlie businessShall not be robjeeWd to any additional Ut,bat there ehsll be a new registry ia thename of the person authorized by law toeonttnne the buelaese. .. *

Sxo. 6. That upon each trade, baetneas Oreeoupstlon bereia after named, the follow

iagtaxes shall be lerjed and paid for thayear, ending on the thirty-Am of December,eighteen bunaired ami sixty-three, andfor eaaja and "trary year thereafter. v»f:

I. BarkerasbaTrpny five hundred dollar*.r »

. ' .jn, ,




tv. TT |im,>R elmrt W. Codker wIrti-j 1 n

| Im ^N*in| *t thW wt ttU keep* *T»O, ,mt» ] e

fo-Jbv«r ntaiur fK/»©% <*»»n or oXirpMr«llui%e h*n**h*t voIWum nf money nrjli

e«ievo*n¥f wnlV vMti »l»o enmo nr.">aj*Kpart l)i«rcof »VaR wl |>r"Ul tut or r«illt(f i«no« tlia draft,elirek, or order uf fu«Ii f'ird. IiHbr; U«it not t£ inajp<le any Imnfc, legally VattftinrUatf t(ot«» n» eirenlnlloo, i»er «a^mts for t K- »uU of mm rliniolire Cor ac

countof manufacturer*. v. j

Tt. Aucf1on*eYa>t-Iuiit pAy fifty <1nllM-*n*3 iIvru nu<] n hnlf pe£*eentum on (he groe* jamount of an lea it'*i1r: fmri'M, kmiemor, trtudfxm «U Mile* nr puerto* »f »t<*k«r # » 4minim* f«d" t» oner, (lie tax .«1.nJI T>«> one HtoMr*fc-<«r -on<"-frt" entri* *» the' creee Ijmount af wl«*. Kvcry perron rloill lie i

dertited ng. uuotioi.nr, wiiMn tlir maiptngof t^tU art, wh»»o orenj><ttloft U'la to oflfoV (^vearAert* »fcr aol-- to tm liiglimt Mtldae at (

I1®? '* to*, upon.the anctmn* (cin'ohatl ti* itennfj n Inr ufon Ike pee«.laourii privilege, to Or pni-l.Uy hk-1i iudividon| rMg'tg^J in tl-e Luahieee. oi «l without f

Wjli# tiltiee at wlilt-lF tne mue laj (tnrftlu*»ftr Jvo Ux i-luril.tie required itjoVitmm-tiott.rnlea made foe rie-tl-'t* in a.l-itetti^ee t

0egiet<rt <1 nlul tax« and t'n-r» Jilnca of!bnatiKvf. or niniii ottirial anl^a nl mu-tii-ti,!iMittle J>v jit-lie-inl or executive oftU--*r«. or l«y '

I'i-ipimiiii rv|'r^erninn»n'l K'"" umf.» »r nnn

ruittoo*. ' f ».-ki111. WIm'UwU tJo»W» ir\ Hq'-toy* any jmul fVciy JiMrlptiyf, <liw IM»-H

rpiiit*. f* ri»i«,ii<««1 liquor-- mi»l wtno* of nilkiiols »hn!l pny'l\t'<» ItunArHl *to! tIIvn nn'ltii r mount offill r1hml<;. Kvfry |>fh">n, oUitr tbln llif MIi-tiller or who (thrill toll or cf&jrl.!<>r hiJo Mtcli liquors or winrr, In qunt title*«linor» thntl thret^pnlloii* »t nnc lilrir, toil>o rhinopinhe npnnhil n« H i

*.vliV>h*«(f!e il«- ih'rfll H()unirr> witlilli the monotiip oft hi* «rt. A I |>er*t»Otl tr h liall wtl, ]or offer for *n|et nny turli lojuot* or wine*.in «|tutirti lers 'linn three unlum* nt one '<time to uhe Fame jwrroo, olinTl fe ii'fjnrrlol *

nr n r.'tnil tlerler in liquor*. " * -jl.V. Hi trNI tlm'rir in |ji|iinr\ iitnirilinfr | <'listiltesl M>iritr>, form le.l liquor* mu«I vino*of"t-Very yiseiijitloo, kIuiII pny »"< huiulret! <

ilnllni* noil ton jx-r cent inn on the grorr ilimner! of ojl snhr ' fIV. Hot nil iK;»l«r< rluill jn;y fifty ilollam iil fxI two mill n Imlf per rent not o:i the gum* -Ii ironot of oil ^ili * niatali*. Kvi-rv jus-khi i

hIhw hi'sins** or rrciipH'iivi t' in to m-ll orofTi.-r lo roll pi-ofot'io* i r. noy tMiitlw nwnres. liyrolmoilir.o or o.Io r lltlitfj* ofj i

j ! or ilonn-rtio |iiii'ilii« lloii. in lo«» i|umtf i-tie* 11 it* it n whole oripiiml lihee or l»neknife (

nt olio time, to the innii' | rrm*,(nrl i|ii'llii| tlir g wif.es, «t.ii iniol;« or injv'l Ii«j'mr*.t slt/tV ilit rrpinli ii si* n relrtil ilfnil r tinier list*'sir! : /Voi'»t/fr/, /;--»rrr'-r, 'Pint, nnv r.eennnie*who thrtll ri ! Ol-lv t'hr j r< tlllet* uf tlio 1 l»

I.or of himself iiovl I.:* ow ii liiinily, thrill he«,xoinj.t In til this hit.

\ I. \\ hoh »ftle ilirh-r* th-.li Jiiv fwnjlittUiiri tl dollars mol two no'

m linlf |» reeiittim oh l.li« pros* ntiii-Hiit < ( nil rsiles!ninth-. I|i ii'v pniMti. whom hiirim ** to*!ooooimst ioii it is to roll nr^lii-i sell pro-roi ii r, or or y v. ! «. iviifi?or ii.eiehmitli*e 'ot f«»r« ign ilinvi *lii* jooifuetion. I f ones'or tnoro ori-i:inl [ tekupe or pircr, nl otiotime, to tlio Mini, jitrt ehino-r. imf inehu'.U «jr;w iiio'. «|:ii :t-ii,.!i* or limit l«|tiorr. shall l-s'sJoofliril sir ir r. hnirissilr <l-jtN-r UHil-1* lllikso*! ; hut hsixitip hooii i i.«lrro»l ns n wholoni'e Jivilrr,. soeh |N-r.Min limy silsu mil, r*

afoon,iii,l, ns n litis.lor.N il. Pnwnl rekoi-. iV.nll j a* twohnt,<]ro<!

«lo* In r*. I I v i i v j i son, n huso hibittom or s

ooo«ij»:ilioti it is to t?;ko or rotft ivo, hy wnyof phil^o. fivur «'f xoi.ntij.o, nny pootl«,.unvo* or tiiorohsit tl so, tir »i.y him vf |»*r-olnl |ii'i'jHTt_V vhMiVir, *1 tin' pH_\*.|itor sivr.ii'y >>' it ifT llmitiij, fml I It :

! nit i? 11 |u»wiil»i ul.iimbr fii!» to-'.I(Tlil. I>i.--iil-ri« rhnll | ay l«n lniiiin.t ,jlollm-*, n.ol aliut|«i rmliiiu «.n tin

illilt.i.s.l o/ 1 n;»Tr- llll'lt'. |.v« I VI(son ot i">|iiiitiiC:«l<i|i who or in ih'i- ,fjiMiia1 irUoi'M* .h»|*o»rs for -.rir. rliall !

)1o« nil«] « iii <t-r. this not ; 7Vo.viVi'. /<utc.»i re, 't toil .li'tillum of fn,|i (fori iio'iy >l«v» «>r ?» «. -li.nl pit v V-\. y tlo'!:;r«.an I u'-o liiiv »*>-ii's per ' il|"ii on i! F.r-i (T- o, ]! ;«. M..I i 'in <!o!|.i;« per pnlli-ti ro |all spirits <l sri".I«'vt Jii-viHiil IIih) i|iinii'i:v.

IX. llri w.'f* >lmll pav out- luiiolr. it iloltin*mill uokiuol ii loill or onii'inn on tl.o (trrorij. iMy.o'.i,l of '..Irs n.ioio. Fvin \ jo v- '

,nr., wtin mnma'aiMin- fyt no iilnil l oiionioflnny iiniii" or it' riplTof*. for salr. fruitt iir.H*!. wli 'll« or ifi .-ii.'Il bv ilti-mril a !bro".vi r mni.r il.i- art, i

\. lliilcV. i::i»r, livnuj a* ' ralii/j; hor.».,!a *1,1.11 Ik1 o!a«-i!ioi| phT ; alo.l neror t'tiij In

i!..» \uir!y i.in!, or if«*- ntoii. ni-»nriHno i<>li|io or'iiiinli il vali.e ill.- y.jirlr r* o 1 ofi lir hoime or ji*-. im | ly uto-upo tl «tf iMlt>ui'« I !~jto It ^oronj.i. il u» a hotel. inn, rnwrn, t.rra'lnij l.ou-o nr to wit; in cn«o!\> li.ro llir not mil or * inn»t»il lent rhn'.)mimiint to *1i1.<Iiii> hi tm»r<\ tSuy ttlmll run- !niitutr the i'rst i-lusit. ri.il ray an »H' Millmm of fU'e lintnlroil ilnllurs; in oii-os wherepail! ivnt tlni'l b»» ts-|i(M| )vss tUnu fill,' jUfn>, tlioy rlinli pnpt'.ttHtc ifin h'i-kmI « !»»«.ami paj an nMif.nl nrn of liir-n linn^reililo'!ir»: mo! in emm* where sni.l iriit nlintll r *2..V)0 ami |. s« i lion £A,ihio4 iln y plinlMconstitute tin-tiiiril r!;tr« nnil pav an nn-jin»:.l iiitn of two lini.Ji-i il ili-11 ii i *; in pim>» .

where »ni-i relit rlintl 1£l.<)ftrt ni-.t !«.*ilinn Ajl fififl, lln-v *!-n!l roimtitiitf tlio iniirtli!'la*-, unit j c v nn nmitial mint nfnin ImnJreiV. jilnilni'i ; nt.il In en»*n w here mU rent rlinll

In* !i"sn tlian l.ili-'^. tlirjr »tinil roiif.ltnto Itin* fifth rlans, niol pay minimi stittt of thirty itlolluin. Kv'i rv p'lnoi *v.lioic foiwl nml to J.ili!T». or Imiiiiiia oi.1r.nrn nhiii.l.il '« ! no.ifi.rni»1i<<l lrnvil'1*, eoj«H!rn»-ra or inurd era,ill view r.f payment tT»«-fe««e the Ireoine or!

frotv, u h\d>,amount »«> ,

dollar.- (W»»n that eonree, ahnll be rcjmiili'da« ii hotel. inn or t'uvfrn tinder tide «< . };v4. That i iffv |'litc<» cbi'iv. f<od o- pr- Jft-eahinei !a of. njj* kin I urn |<m\l<)>il fi-r.' hkiim) v^ltor* and aohl for con>ntiipti«>ntherein, and erary'tmnrdiiig l.nMc in wtiieb [IliriH nlntdi nix l.nnrdiTaor more eliall Ik?lii'mrd an enting under Utta art.XII. Jttokere ehnll imy 4we hundred il»V 1

luli». Any |>«-r»nn win**. hu>in<i*« ft in In

pm-charc nitd fell eloeke, coined money, ibank-note*, or oilier rmm itier, for llirin- [nflvi«*"tfT ofheir, or who dcnla in exchangerelaiintpdo money, *bnlj be deemed n brok-er under tliir net.

XUI. Ceinmereinl broker* or eom»ui«-Jnion nierth.mtf slnill pav two bundled dob jUrn, nnd l*n and a half ]>er ecntnm uponnil aaler made. Any perion or firm, ex- i

eept one rogieii-red n¥a wind, rale dealer orbanker, who»e timinem it 14 aa tlie agentof other*, to purelia*« or roll good*, or aeek j01 dura therefor in original or unbrokenpackager, or prodnee eonrlfcped by nthe»ei'.iHn iiie~Rrod.»a*rf, to manage bnalne** mat-tern for tno ottnera of va**«U. or for thaihinpera or eonrignora of good*, or wkone jbnnlneM it i» to pnrctiare, rent, hire or #HKreal eatMe or Oearoea. nh'.Tl be deemed a

commercial Tirolftr ur ComtMleelen merchanttinder this act. *

XIV. Tobacconist* shall pny fifty dollar*,and two and a h«F per neat. on pro**amount of sain*. Jhsiy parson whoso n«l*l-'nesa jt is to soil, at retail. cigars, snuff, ortohatsto Id any form, shall he deemed a tobaoeonisti nnder. this aet. 11ntr registeredwholesale and r«taH <loalters shall not betaxed tH tubaoconlst*.

XV*THaMers shall jfij fire hundreddollars, and fllty per ami. on all resaipta,which t#X ahall b* paid by the oartier of '

tKte bnlhfinff. Fsrry ediffce need Mr Ikepurpose of dramatic representation, plays* %-or perfsrsnanoes, and not including halt#rented a» used occasionally for coneerta ortheatrical representations, shall be regardedaa a theatre nnder tide aet. Kaeh droit#shall pay one hundred dollars, and a tax <4tea dollars fbr eaeh exhibition, which Mixshall be paid by the manager thereof. Krerv building, tant or rpaec, or area wherefyat4 of fiorieitiamdiip er acrobat i« sportsf

* * *."



^i^iti^*»»^unither StnU ^nod biitunc roir11 rv rl«oll-b« required under thla ect to ;i*lWu« yjltiUliofte in IfXVI. IJfcwliuj nil*}* and billiard rooms

lull p»r forty dollar* for firh alley or ydWiara tabla r«>(|iatrrrO.-t*b'.eh tiis »hott bo r

raid by Ilia owner iherrft Kytry j>Uee f»r. building trlier* Imwlr ire thrown or l>il- t

inrda-pla>-»»J. and OJM-I1 Lo-V^ie |»iUI<\ Jfttli '

C without price. Mm! be rejtnrvTvdT A* A <

WQrUnn alley or tjllim dt^oni rctp£fetiyylj 1

tinder tilia act. J» '

%xn. I.ivrry- al»bh> If open rhillpty I".fry dolbtra. Any pew-n wltoso neenpttin or Uoriocie ia to liO'p lipi a-aYnr ^lire or

to I off stall be regarded u» n' li very at ablel;<ya*r. under tbla act. I^VIIL Cattle broVeta sbnll pay th# aum

if flftv dollars, and ttrn'aail a h.eif jvr re»"mm (lie gro>s niiimtM affile* inndv .Any-person ^lmeo lupines* it it t«i l*hjr andndl and dial in e*f*Je, horrea ItnS* orehe«-|t^dtnll-W c«n»M«*»>adI e entile brnlTcr.T ;XIX. Ilutofmra ami baker* shall pay Mm

hum A#' filjr dollar^ .and «me per centum on

the-proas i.tnoupt of aSlra. nin'e. Jrily |><-rt"H whose JiMun«" it U !« botcher (tad ect^or dlVi'fiir tale In or* n miai ket or other--.who, th« fle-li «»r tilth), J<*?* t»r -oho« p.rim 11 V* Ihwomd a imteher rtnd«i> lliirw;,v<l «j»y vdratni trhowhtiA won ftJwu*. b«krm.J r~)I or ii|'< i for nilo, hrotol, rMI heJiVmrtl h itpkrr oo-Vftii?*.XX". lV<'Ur* JihIJ pny fifty .thdlilr*. aim!wo nth! a halt pfr whit, un tlie pro** *ih-«.\«r pet nop. < *re|it pcr'niiA vi.gHg. d iA pethJling mfhiKlviiiy periodic.*!*, t-ook* t»ew»-|«o|»er<», pnl.lii.lo «1 in klw CtMift del ii'oState*, jItihira, or religion* ti ArfK, W lin »v)!*, or of-jIris to to ll, at retail,"£no«l*. wnr.-w, of other.;potiuiit-tlili<V, trnvelin** with lu*g<iini« fromp'ner to -plr.** yi tho otreet,- of throughitilFri cut pail* of Ihtr country, ad.all he,'iir«-niol a podler under llii* not:' Pw'iW.ri.nl. phv podler w l.o selto, or offer* to »*dk,Iry g4N.il*, lorci;n or, tloineotln. l.y'oM orlore original |.i< o<>* or package* At onfintc, n.ul to the witn* per«on «»r peiwoiot a*

itoi'tMiil, »h ill | nv <>nr limulrul «oI1ai*.ygd two unil a half |>er «OnC. on I ho g-oo*«nlc» : and anv potaon who peddle* j..wetrvlutl] |«y fifty i!o'!*n«. au<1 two hud n littifper oontann on lh» gro * *ale«. Thr la\ op-i.n pi'.hllcA* pIia.1 lw» deemed n tnx on the[loim»iiiiL|m ivihipp. to ho pni.l hv em-It it'.li-. it!iii: 1 riifPti'd in |liv l>ti»tnrffli. without re-:»rj to the pine* At which tlio on lilt' la con-1litftxl. «XXI. Apolhoe.'tric**hti!i pnv fiftv d.dliir*,

mill two niul ii half p. r eei.liinioo tin* pr> **nnimtrt of kuIoa niaih, V,v> vV p.-r*on w hok"«-ep* h oliop «r l-ntlditfjf w 11cfv nn'iilriii>ijmo potnpom <h i! rr prepnred neroi-ding tojpreacriptfon* of phyticianA, inn! aoM," *hall:ho lopi.nlnl as hii nj otlieenry under ilti*not. '* !XaII. riit h>£r*j»ber* t-hnll rnv tho aunt

of fifty dollar*. Mfol two n> il n liHlf per r»n-t : in on t!.f ("iopo* /inooint of *m1o* 'ninth'.!Any poraoti or pot-Anii* wli-t make fi>r on Jo|>ho|ogrhpliA. ntiihri'typoft, tlngnerr.-t v|>o*. orI'll*.in on on ghi*n. m.-ti.l. pof-or, or other ton-I. r.;il. hv the Action of Motif .11 »i 11 ho regard-r«l ii photographer ntu'er tlilr not.XXIII. I.n\v vera net unile ciu.iji ,1 In prnolioo (linll p.iy t'.flv dollnm. l.tviv pomon

v Ik/ov l.i.wtivaa il ia. f»r fee «.r rew nrd, toI loaeouie or ihfetul elU o« in flov Oollil ofre. Ol d o|>«.th> r jlldiiMu! t I'it'lli.Al uf tho (' >n Iteih-rulo Stale*, or "f AItV Slit'o, iir give\ 100 ill lelHtioll to OHIIAC* or llinllel* pelldinc I hot till, ahnll to* d'-eiued It. he h law Verw ithin the HeAli.up tif ll.i* not.XXiV. riiya'eh' *. urgoon* nt .l dtyitial*

itctii..!!y enyinjnl in [irjii'lifi* ehnll pnvKfl* "tolliir* K'f'T |'<-rw«i l-n?:inn«li in for fee or r< wiir.1. t.» pr«M>!il>r r»-»u-1nine. or perform fniraie,i! operation* for tIt*ure I ai r l»«li'y «ti«.-ijre »>r j«iiiiic,.eluilllv»un il a |>iiv»i«Mini. »irrj»«*i»i« »r .lentlrt will* i

roi-nning «»f ilmUrl, ns the may *

« : nii«l the provi<i»p« of |i-n«^r>>|.( nntnr I wonly ni.C elinll not xifiol U> pli«»i>j

w In. h< oj> on Inn i| nxnili It" e-eolelr forthe pnrpnw of'n.Mkint! n|» 11> Ir own pre- jvriplime Dirjlii-ir own patient*. The la*jM'ii lawyer*, phy ri.4nit*. ftnr;*.ninau<l .Sen* |ihtP elill'l he »!'*'lr«»'l li I:t\ lM . |i tIn* prrenn-i! piivilejfs In I l' pii'l i-iirli li iliri.tuiil

in the MhiiiOn. ni.il without r*,pur«l -in the Iplace ni wliii'ii l!n*raini i« rniiilniitrii: /V»- j*1"1ih| I Im pr»v^«intt« of tliin art rlinll jllol.npplv to j.|u*irWin« imiil fMlt'Qeoni fxMl|.»ivelv i-n-.'i'in tin- <'oi.fe.Vr.,1" * v\lee,XXV. i'oii!«vtioii>i* pIihII pity lify ilnk1

l»r* m:«l tr.. tiiol a half per wlill in on lit*pi-"-* i Rintt'.t of isul"-*. Krcry pcryAn w Imnil' nt'ni.il fiMif.-Mionfry,, tn'mlmmtr, tptwwfite^or other roufrct*, in any Utlihling, ipIu'II he l".".l-Xll hp a confectioner tender!t!ue not.

Ami yory parson r*ni''a©1 an.I itrxv.l Sipoii the ftru-n amount of ealea a* Icf<>re.<ai.l ehall l>c re<p ire.l, on (lie fir*t »lnyof July, «ii»l,l. en hninlml nm) f'i xty three,1In make a li«t or return to llie nw^onr ©(Jthe "lintiiet «.f rheym*. nmoiliil nfmrh »al«-*ni ifi'riiniil. to-wit.: Frnn the pn**aj»« offtill* net the thirtieth iliv of June, ©ieM>,»nI;nnill i ll ©It"I rixlv-thr.ee,inclusive, nn«l at t lie J"in! of rvrrv three month*. or will.in. left '

ilaya tlo-reafter, after the enl«l fir»l tlnrof.lii lly. eijrhteen Imailreil an.lVixl v-thr<-e. make:lirl rtr rel IIWI t "'the ar«e.*«»r of the ilieti ietv of'the griai amount of eio-li eal. * mmle ft* nfo*e. j

vi lli* f 1 a* (itniiiml s.f » »* ..1.1 . 1. I.. -

ertied. or jJionhl nceriir ilii-rfnti, I'K-li li.-t jhullhare iinnixeil tlicriiA n <l<4l*r.rthm, |un-ler ihiUli minmuttion. in form or mnnn-rf

n* n>xy l.o [ti wriUtl hy ilia MmjmliMiiHwr of jlax*e. that lli«« feme irlrnr i»bd v<,IT< e),*!!<].{hall nt Iho wmf time n» «fot < mii.1. | ift- lutihr ooili c'ur Ur<- amount nf lux 1her"tip..n a" tnforrJuiTtl, pud In dnfeu't lljer««i»f »linll j>nypenultv in ihnilJe thr tioin'nnr rf-ifte tax..Krc 7 1 l»«rt Ilm. ealurif* nt nil e*l»s

ri«*d pet/on* f. itIii«»' in any eapnyity hatever,exrepl hi «>n the ralvriaa of J er»ona inilie military nf wivaI ifrt llnYo ili*ll helevied mil) rolh»trted * lux of on* per c. ntiimnil III* grn*iT'n«nnitt>t nt ilnli iihrv, wh» n !mil ivxreedin* fifteen liuu.lti il doifsnr, mi?)two par eenti|»li upon any exee«» over llutlamount, l« Im levin' and _ entire) ad nt rtio]eml c4 eaeli year, In the nuini.fr prrrerihodfor oilier iavea enumerated in tl.i«art:.1/Vou»«/r./, *1 hat n«> Iww elinlllie llnpiniil hyviiloe nl ihi# net on the rotary nf npy per-inn receiving n wtlnry not exceeding Ante j(kotiMind ifnllni« per annum, <>r m n like!rale for am^her period of lino, longer or'holler.Far. 8. That. t1ie"Sver< lftry e| iln-Trmrnrv

hull entire to he aa«er**d und «if»rtaim <i/'on tlu* firat of January next, or aajgion ilieivnfti r n» practicable, the ineome apt! | rofnrderived hy each perron, joint s'oek romparyand ««»»pnrallon from every oeenpaiion, eniploywen t of KoUnoa*, wHei her regi»tered«>nurn, fat which they mny have lieiaxengaged,and from every ill veio'im-nt of InW, nkiH,property or money, ana 11#a tneotfl* andprone dertvad from any *onre. nhaUnar,exeept talarl^a. during the aalmdar jpfmrl<ri-®fr«iuiK m« fsi«i nr»i any o» Jmamtryrfext. and th« mW i*fii»nf ^ng profitf tIml).« *»rert*lnf<1. jind tafod jn tbrmeaner hereinafter yiirtrtfal. * *


I. If fbr income l>e derived ftom the renteof hobeer. Untie. toaomeafa, tonteufaet nHnjfor mininf eeU)>IUhh»*ftf". tUhjc«.» ami machinery,mille, tpringe ml eeUer_t>»l, ortreltwo( c<m»C Iran or other minofral* Ihere-ehallhe deducted fro* the fw»« Mopjint oi theannual rent apdip evfllciMit for the neo+e«ryOnnaal ren#trr, Hat rxeeedtnff ten ftet eemtam hn m)4 eveept the rent deviVadfrMMMM eke 11 he KdjetttaeMirtta* not e«eeedin£, H ve par oetKufn for anaoafvhprfirr.

If. If tli<> inooma ho tlerlv e.l from anymanufacturing or mining huelneoe, theretliall bo dtilveUd fromM ho gruoe value of!the product* *»f the ye»r; Hret, tho r- ut ef

. '.. . V i'i.b.


i vva < rV ;̂ t

fofr~*'Mru+ :. .r \, ftTw of lli© r«n ^lcni^ Fblw «l |^incrlrn tlu pncpt.. 'KJini the lhi.«rtniifiti>r l«t»ne* 1 ...

al a*<lfcrt i# hcarby,nuthurit«|l. if round 1'>raetteitblr'l»»d nccrf «,»rr. Jo e*tnbli*lt pxi»rv« '

nails for th* r.invfyattf* and govern-;*

.iohI <li^|>3lcli« »; only, on n means of rernrini;{cooler titrateInborn mti bo affu(4ud Ivy tbr «

rvgnlar-tonil. nnd tlm lines of ox|>re*s mull*V ololvlioho^alinll bojisHiucljiy* mutee.

Rl*r. 'J. Tb* rah** of ponUcr j»n sii 'li lino* .

ball bo fixed bv tbe lV>tl master (tenerat. butib*ll iml yxcved ui'ih <h<lt»r ou a iiojclotlfttoroof exconbtift In weight o«(iWfuiivms and atlb* same mlUj'oT ntiy uibll»ioiml half otih*«? or

frartl'itf trfVbnlf ooUrf. for anf'dielniwse itnot ex{frilfi>j;llfp Imti'lffilmHYi, uliif PiMajrtdietancu axeeitiliit^ Rvj; hundred »iili'H11ilim,ij> i«the said rale to be ro fl?ed. I i:> ,'1ch Thistriv rlinll not repeal the Ltir* MotCty (br»lf fejl*pulnlin/ lIn- ordinary umll service. !Approved .^.it

fv.. »<.] ''«! jislin'.lii no J c) mh'lfiv/ " .1

In nrjnmV jMilftm-g Onnrt* tn nth 11 >Ur ,|V-'''»>* i / fA«'f'oi*/V«'< rntr ill thf frltt, unit j

4 fnuhyiurt)., ( Iinil l nf'nniil {VnfU,* -l/l/O "I"1 ,»w \ , v,a, V "

, Jr Tpfi Coo^'our of-1be Confed-riilo Pl.iOif of |AwYrloM <1* onacl,. 'J'list itf gdiililbn to one |military murk hr-attend c*rli.*rpi\ rorj-* lit;tl»r> vftrbl, jt* in w hhIIioHxcJ by an Acl entitled"An Art to ov?at»ir<5 military eii*rts In at"lewdlb* IfMT Iif ijio Conk-by ale PUt«"" in 111-'tflil, null to ill Hilt lltr jiOWNT oJ' said jTntirls." (approved lfrtohor nintli, eighteen hundred ft'jonx1r-t<»'s on* tollilHiV court sbnll l»o ojjniiir.nl in nidi of *n,-b miliinry department* i<o in(lie Jnjjdti'i 'i' tif lb* 1'reshleM. th* jmhlir c.tipeneiiAamy seonlar: t»» I* oreimir.e<l in lifenniinrroml with power* prescribed in.Hit* act \nflrhlcll ifcirf i« h I|i>'liili.t1irr. .

A|i'rt'v*il Mi:* 1, IfO.I. -3

. [No. fli.] iA AT A 1*7* in hi tJii 1t.f f*vt'km-U'-ilirith OjftMm mjiiipi'l ihr .C1""-/tl'»/"/» iVIlfo. - , .'Tho'.fViipri m nt ib® rniiu'ilfialf*fiiilM of

Aiiirriift' ilu ciinrt, Tim I wliritcytr. from lurr-;curiiy^ir oiber r<nioj>,n Ih^ricJ »C*oiiil O.imini<Hion«'r^kllll. in bU vit-iiriHion, .!«. ni if in-;MilviiT.bloYv . l U'Miit a' iiri-iii rr In llir of111* enmity ill VlUl li be *1 II I ! » ailliep. 1ebull ronunit bitte'liy any oUiof )»il wiiliin 1*:*»U>lr;vl. or live «fi«lri<-t tvivliin nl.bhfnitP ni-e i» allociol toliiivr bero »oiiiiiiitlr-l. tilth hebnll «rni to Mm biort j*m/ri<Jf»*mri|jvariv.

|l|'i< 5. Tim I kIii iii'n r il! tVll ii.jrin IonCotllixiii-ioliir l!*,vt. !finil onimi itivii for' |K

i>f ii |-rift"\it r v'ti-h- v r*n»i<i>|ti (. K;sIhvII VviIi r lii* r»'tn*H u| unit iiiirii'ii*iMi/ :.tnliy m.1 lit wliiAii lici .rmglil linii- «* ; titi11* *iliiui »nil»r iKr lir<' wrlliili ut iiiir iu-;.' ijiprnvAi Miiyl^ jfiv. '2

-i[Xii. «u;.jIA.1'it' f%r if' it/* ,V. tu i

/irr* ft7 ' »jiirf. e*.* fuf m tt"n /iith it fm "j' r/.rlW|(lr ^ tM.'ltitttt- »-


Tin- I'unniiMnf itic f'in'V«t rii'" StiH-«-».rAtiwrii » il« pm-i-i. '1 lint ^ t-jti--lu?i,M- jlln-r.-iil' rlmll I'liftr".!«i*^in'ivi.l«-, ||.4. r.' jI' « ti;i»n >« 1 -ir m»y /(itlHi i ui' il.t? fitu'r >( jl.i'ii'i'iMl.'i i»i.y> liiyli r.n Slt-flUty fniiin l rnuvi .

r.ii'i;11v In- lu ll) in «>iiriiii-i|inmi «- i.r lli) *ii):it*'Ik-iii^ «iri-uglit| wimfly «ir til |ijirl liy :lm In"j| -

f t!m i iK-uiy. tuny, mi |iriM'invi:iiiuii t)-r.i ,

fr>ft '-v iLe (iiitjcriiiir nf mill filut?. In- rl.i rcnl y tin- <|ii:ilillci| v.tl-r* Aiu-frt.l. i:i cy-n |^rliu.i.» f«ll till* ?! !»« U!<''llftll »:lft V* ff> ft-. t4.H-li.

Si t . 2. Tilt- I. i r'.i-it jhi \ M. i| ;«.r in tin- forr»«.inymtIIhi. ' linli w I.^U! nl tin Ii 1 in- r.i'I|i% .» u* i"«y It prv^i. riii'-fl *1 v tint 1 .i|niil Slali inn* in liftr.ii n:i |-i r j'Iit I'*,* en-

«« ( I. nii'j "Iitil) in nil ri tjntlt, iiul iiioiis-Hl.-i. twiili tin- |>r»t ij-i'.i.- '.( O'c 111-1. K» r*«-in.ii<-k*1 iin 1I1. ii'oji- t-p*-M i-il.f il I j tiiil 11.*>>.*. *

A!:.v ). I - C 1." 2, *

;* P-". >. ;l.\r i* /».' fVm'fMl ( fi[ »'»< / "l» ,

f^tit'id ' A ^ r^ifriiM /V J.V/rT/»? v .Si I H/i-'it? JH /'. I.V-2. *v I

Tit.- Coiipri-t' i.f iU: fW'ilMrnii; Sl.-'tp "f,' Mi ri'D )'» .111111. 'I'lihl <in unti-li *t»f tit.- Ai ln |'I'T*'*"*-.'. Oriulirf i'Ii-vi'hili. Imt- ill' -HV:n ft I i-i»l.t*JVniintr-'.l Hi .) f'\l.Y-twn,*jiy -.xi-miit* lYinit *p*1- .

ili.r* tipr .i.-i- - niif |n-rtiif. i-illi-T n* Ngt-uT,i.Wimr i«f . in riii !i -|i)uuliiti.-ti «muliii 'u «iV" **^1 ilc |<tlfi'iyi rt-.-nir- I" V*. I.rf-i1-y ilip liAii i.r "ruli kf);t Sjnli-, aii'll

ii nlti'li Ihv i.- tin i«l it? I'ltilll "in 1in 1.1<- i'. mii'lnry 'vrilri', m ii 'n i'Sj'.Ajl«n\*Tnjr i-v mu!i ln-.\, mil- |i t«M* im MiUii.imm r. «r nv. v«r-i'r. mi t-ift li j«::.**?i* 1 t.»i »-T tw.-ii- j

lyninl "i. viV.ii It llu-fi- l> I!" V.-!ili«;nmli- uiltilt^ii. 1 !i»l.l<- 1.1 nl'ir.ir.v M'vir.-," m.-lnlift. llin fiuliili inir '-lull "s»'-i *?)iil it'-l. I.. V»il : tAmi fiirlJ.t-ri.ir.* '"->r m|iliO«-».:il |m!iif JVr

pvrrv liv.-t ly iw-^ri.' . .m |i*-» r mntr i>lniil»^iliunii. 11itUU1r.i t> lii.ilc-f >'pftilt "llii r : mwl nu 1.1hitviiiK I- i!mim iwonir H-jhi , aa-l -11 rUi-liTlirro i-i mi tvliil'- t-.i-ln m'Iii'i 11.il I)mI le fn i.iiii-l«ry. iiul*-, Mir |ni.111 1» iim (lie nM. 11 ..I' llm

an.I «rfiiuc uP' htreliy *> )» alcil.i^n'. J, Tfi Slt^ p..live yti>| ir.r.nj*;< of

m il.iTp.«UhI| !<>* rxi'mptwl oue in-rc-it. t»eovli ferni or |i!ni tut tun, lb'' etc f'.jK't'y of n

minor. q parx.llj of Wieotlltil mint).' I'rmr .tlr,or a |M-roi«i »h*nl ffi-m Vim« in Il(V. fuilllnryArjinrd h the fonMi'rm v4 >ai wl>i»hiIliVrt are iKfiity or more : I'rwtttirrl. Jtlio ao px-Tt|ii«>l pwpbwt/l end

r.» nn urrr« < tJ'trfl«M» If tiro »ixtccntli »

of Apr!'. ore t'jmviu.i) df'lit luiiiithoil ami>!stjr-;w<», nmi tin re \J hen.'.ill* n:-lie :i-'u't-«in 1

rai.J farm nr plant Vioti, rrbA « riot ItiiMe t>)wttilarritify. wM< li fm-t >hnll Ho rrVilitii JlJJtl.c itfTMntil* uf ifai'l fwr«<«»i mill Ivro rri',iin»- >

hie riiiri'iiititm1 rlinll filnl >vitt ll.r : nrul'- Ilug 1'trvr : Ami Tl:c HBfr of mivIifprtr nV ).>»* - « * « ii4«r WaL aatiict]of^ctWvAall make afliilnVtt »w^«lt*v( iuC»amV.i he enrolling «>l^itr, thai,Ip nt effort, no ortrifr fan Hi* |>r>>o.tri ) lor*n«h farm or plantation nor linl.l.* t*i mV.ii.irr

I'rnrut-ri. f'mlXrr, That I hi" rtnlivr ahailnot extend fa »«T farin or JiHninll^n nit whiehthy r.CL'rot > here l**cn plutc-l Hy .Iniiii.n from,any wilier farm or phitilMinp a'oey I In- eleventh<lar of Ort«l,rr, wi# t^/tbrand fijht biimir**<lami ri.il.rtwn^ fnrt/i-r. That l.»rvery norr«n vju n:ptc#, < p(nrcMlil, an.I ihtr-1

ing the prri»4 of ».tMi eieini.fioh lh-f. ebail fasppld atin Hy Into |lw |nMh T rrare.rv. I.y (Haowi»rr.« of elieh ahwax, llir mm of five hundreddollars. ^

Frr. 8. SikIi ot'.icyttor'on" ahull 1e exempt-'ill »« lln* Prr»Mv»it shall W aaiisllnl "MiWb-1»hi* "n mtilril In district* nf fini»!ry deprived ofwhite orator? labor indi*|.-i.to tin* pro.Itiplion of grtflw or pmvisionr necessary forlie support of the pojoilntinn remaining atlunar, Mid *1m> on account of Justice, cijuifyml nceessity. «

&rc. 4. Is addition to the ftlote'ohlrTTP tJtempied hy f(ie a«*f of ffetidicr khtifrnlh. onetlaw>y*d eight I.on.(toil nail rfxlf-torn, thereiJinW "itl«i*W exinaqito'l .U Slaty f)flferr» whomthe Ch.verpor of any Ftato may claim to hrn wtsen»j>M for the <t«o aihiiiaUtratlnn r.t the(]/it irAmMli ftHil t»w« Ikarcnf l.nt I hit nvamn.ll'*i tfc«ll hut rnMlnM in «ne flat* nller tlioTflt-itunvit* ml. tUk ttexi rf*«tft*ref»i<>n <.f it*l.orblatiiftS aftleM Mich LecMntnre »b»U UjrIn If Ufn» (Vow oiMtnry duty in therVKvttMpI Aymf of 1H*> <'»»nfo(1«Tiito ktalci.

Affwl»illl<y ktW. *~'i *rf»'"4i t o

"AM ACT to Comffmti nif'J .Ifm/ tX* Tk*tASrrtioH pf on Act tiiytpUmrninrf In on Act9nn0r)^mm tkr fay ,t%H Ann «u

'fh wfiwl fftJthrr*. Al>pr,,,rA frl,(yimrj) 1 f>t%,*>w». *»W to Worcr/fr a, JTromr* dc^-u

p +*Pt "/IJOiimm for AvrMr^g. nj Trp- AT '

' J Lorphc* nitA UnmptO An* ^St*A»»A O/Jfrcr*-f-'lS-.typm,' 'ZTli*' gqnji. if tli«i Cffrfbiltfffto Stale. nfAmminn Ao fotft, Ttuit tM eeU'.u nftmmet mHleAe.l A fitppI.wAUrv ,nnet §ot»o«irt»ii»j» ttit l*y ntViwnfir# <hNrt.>

okileeV P«fcr***jr, lAtji.,\pbtnon huuiWvd «n< »litjr tw»., »A>) in pen.i*M« fer I he t «»f rjaha. fW»rmnwt*f pny, allnwfcnee ami beunt* 4nc

"Alrtr. »*«l nnMleri, be eoiifhiVil ofform nnlll nitprwiM f>nnA<b»d by i'.nijjrtne.Approved May I, t

-* |'

4- ' :'

V .''

* '<' HI'.Intuit* J. KiMfli, ricvM. ) «(v,T th^rltic In my «niUf»>«*n<»i» ilmf M.VTt J I

\ fXlt' L» KplTll, iK'U'i'liu.t In t;»-»mv* ni». rwtt1((.bf)'oni1 tlip'liiniti n( tlii«lnt*T Oriirrrtt, lil#t lln «W JMiiHiUnt JoIn4; nn»Wfr «»r <]rm;'r u> 'lw NiMri^hln thr*c Wik/Ak from iSr pnltfini/io.i< r+of, <>r llif hiii. vi ki( l>u laWcti />im ,c«k- /*"]iruni u»tu ll'.lll, . » "

-. m i-fOlLr. A -mosirstm,

CunHiiii«ii>iiii'i ontv, i'mh 18 IWC'AXhfrfrH a1?JSTATE OF BOOTH CAB«>ISA,Elites MSTMICT. ' JJi.Uv^rv Mcriltt A FMAr' ***

. , r> yP' '

i \ P-nrti* t-i c nIIP.IJ. ra»k«-i-nmi *!io >

J ***>.jfT lyi^rariiu.' tii.mv inlllfuflio* tltaaJ \-£- t:I run fMrtf'Stf m..» niiy'M'ATM.ikAF - V c

jiiil SaPi»1.KOX 0AVI ^>5^ '

«!» AV'fft,;MH:I.Y. iV'l«|iil»tt|iitUU ly**.'***. ti4;»M-Mil) limli* VfYjna is»J*le : (tnhr%"I. MiTtiKPriVi.4'n«il*^){« n'w

iwi'f «ii»iV«nif u> tJ»«-jhU«1 lint" Willi in 1hrr+fmon 'A* trmo rfrnt -Jyrrrnf, «>r lli«*pf.lli* Ivlilt f>v IvkiW tn-o r#>. fhrnji M .|H llli lu. '-V

It* A. 11U».VjfvoN.l' Y.t.ix.rii»iiiW«lttl',| Vnicli 18V 1S«V*I. 2^3jSMarrll .0 - ^ JQT I t |'« -j

CLASSICALAiS^IKGLIfiTI1,s fs tftxEL,.VTfK. TMR W.xt SrwEuiv. 1Mcu.^tAtfV,' AMI KStsi-feu'

Irri *t'llftiH^,ft?<'''»l*'»iii«lilfi'h<4l l-i.X».^£7 VrM^ntf Klt\VAU)>ti nv.rf .1 Cl» tCSK^ >if>X. will) -fliy np|*ubui|nu «»C*rtHr

T'.i'lrrd *>f T»»«rf«r «£~>'«irn»iiMurine Ike ipM|H'UKi<>n of tin* txcrrjc* » nf theI iilv*r*ilv. wijl ojmii at tli» VwvefMly HuiliUiiV>r.<..VTIIK-Kit»l F,K1tKr.vnY,m»«)tMttirm* ,

ion <|inu-Ur*c>l' Mi wvvk* fmh..$Mt |kt nurtvr, wiih 2<* rents fof ; >

inclrlvnttt| rnM'nxjSt |Wj«lil« In orfmnre. VT.*-3!Ouml lltHiriinjrcaii l«e lnr# nt $3u }n r«iii»it»lij .

Tlie utM«*t vatr^i^rt'ttUl Vtb PjVrfllwl o.rr* /;llie mo»Ml> nf (H« |>w|)iU. v-1

Fi.r fii^lwr' iHii<nMiinn ; gfrtiWf^jI*. C. t;i>WAtion, Ontsvllfc, 8. l'.. .1

In*M . j(.<**-:eoooor , *&oc-»craolamental.

1^1 YK .T1»o«sid<1 Hollar* RrfrfttiMgiTfMtIV bill's, fHHi'i'tIrVvIxitiIn funk** s'J.wii n yi tii-! The liii»lnV"*i-nj\5^l.m-irl Mini I l I'liATlVNec«|ihil ».rortfii'ii r»-r|V*ri«U. ,Ni> i^petiio h fkn-iil fFi< « IhiikIm .1 Initios ht-if^eulli ITimi n'utiiiij ;jiltv «i!«0''r-»"K '"* Itl'liiiiliHli-ty jut n:rti'I cI IV lo \ nlirm tvin lirnltll, 1V< l.!lli. In l«1|lylI'M'u tifv.niiil »i I * | >f -v nmrriuifo. * '

i.a i l> JUM; COCATIS i«« ihv ' »- <f,'«I v wijliiip t«» mi' ! *w 1'iT filll.« .itI nun I < it ,'iMn iA (ii'Mt-'siiur vnttr i'-t<tf

Tit A Mi K. n. f.iSiliiiii'tiV N^il I* t1., Wn<|iiNg'iiN l«o.> ^A i-HI «i Cx


State of Seutli Coioliriffc.(ijtftKNVII.I.EMst!;K;i. '

IX EUillTV.,v!. Ail) nr vm. 1 J+ ^;v ,

<"luir!«"» I 11 > ] 'i-fclt.'t. ;-rninl -I A l'sti'1, S A.'. >r.'_ /»»n».' * v ''

r | *111. (tiuii|i'»»i ninl In.i in«r il i< il i\ tit <r2 I 5« Hill in ilir I'lii'iv "iriiiij fun', m<

it iij'jM-.irii'^ I" lln ^iili»fin't-ii.n i'l Ii l \i\iii»iii|itr lbs! f JIAKl.KS J HAM A^lill .-v-.i ft< ni iiml ii iiUi't'i )' Milii'*. nr*«i''"iji.-: It * f.'ril'i'"i. jlint h- «lo j <<AnVmi %«_ iinif In t oiii|'.'ul<ini-t'> J til I ». ...thf'r wntiOi*. «»t llio m".|iu Will l>. lnk<-lMb|<II*111 |.)l|l, irffj'W if. M TUfMA®, ('. l:. r.5 *

A ! ! i21. i Mi.i. -t*jviiv" !*.


B'xcilAKGE' NOTICi?. NO. Jf:ii U tlJION ». M:i\ 1 -I.u. ^J- Jill Vv lrO»-ll ll«JtV t-Xl'llHllgW't,' l»:vl .lllf' '

Jir..' « t Hj :

1. All iiUf^w n»nl mm vim li«\r Wf^viliiK^;'rivvn.il >il Ciiv !' irl at any ri.tv iniii i(LMay ii. I"A3,» «,

2. All iilJWir< ini-'nrril lit auy nlaon Ih'T*-lT *

ili« 1-1 «jl April, R o«.i , wli'i Imvc bnvii '

lilt p«ml«v<.# '

V '

". \i\ r.ini vn;;>irvil In ^JV'tili C:i»-ofinn*« ifVir^i^'.N U-fvn- iju- let Mytyli, lbi$-'i*'Jiftjj.,liuvb vn ir-lvam «V <»lj pur !« .

***i-1 >.' I. Tin- . (In n< ami friMi ohlnH.i'l'.'! 'lifw,I I t lii h, S. i\ C»rli:r. Ifl.lii* ( spiiJirf. n'In"' Tinin-WC la ll.t. inbtr hijif.i. Th» "Kin mill iprn <m|i|nr-A jipil p»-fr. t-r-. riAi'ill.y I.ii.vtt. Col. -Kit n art al \'up Huron;1-Arkmtint*, .tiiHwury 3.'s lMi)|l^ Cv(TPi- kvi^,in ! ' i-i uil-i r. I Til', in bin. m irrli ''

.-ml Oliln lluilroi.-l : ttunl by I apt. A'»nR$n,' ul<.' rinili. Mi»a . in l>.'<*'-inWvr, ini*y. 'A

C. Tito o«lli»r« iii.J limn pgry'tbS ul -fixfrrily- "

Mi.-1/, till tbc 2.1TI rf l>nr?iul<rr. |Mi/;'») lu-n VArc, Ark., on liit1 lTili .Tunitary, |* lit; mnl atl'.itnji IJnnm, on. tin- 2."M F|-Ijfn(rr. 1 i

7. AII pvrimn< iftmMmvc h-in ukfiturwl t>M *

flic *fn. I lie HjtvTi" traAiitj.' to lljf mh.hv *yv-1upon (fin vr»-eha»l nftbr <*c fnlmte T"nl«.-f 'Suicf al niiy lima |>ptvi.,H« lu lk-combat- Ibuia v . tliHH". A11 Hril|at»« wb liavn '.nrti nrrrabol "

Mrn. I..-(lire tin- til Ii ..(' (I:ir. I SfHlv an''1, arIi i.'iMl oii pnrol^ iwv ilinhnr/nl 'row-unyi-yry obi in a i it'll cunliii|ii<t in ml( jinfilc. li '

»'atmy «u;.U- pt-iimt Itnn ifkm aAy uitih of nllc-kCV» Afpna^fo tW I'hM Stulm or tfiv. n' Hi.y >o-.ntnr if l»i» ri^i ujm* *" n <u.m.un:. .1 ; '"

-----. " »y" ,tiflu*! rckdilioii, hp in <'i*< liftr^t-rl fr<iiu In' '

»nmc. BHi #. Tf j>ny pm'>ripwj lie HP.V 5* *hftft.pt-vf-pgmttiuiiii, or in «iir «*|U& of» f SihftAf# ' mMfetv wlnp in Jj.t > «i

Uprtnrt-H nr« in nny FHr^.'J prilrl^ i*i$nfc'vy nf« « l»> ttiniH'liatcly rolrrt'^.l Bii'l «i3ce«i in lliv- U»*((4«'rt|g'l|illiuriiit'<. %.{ItOllKHT Oi i.I».A^ful of ttxlliuo,'".

May ?1 *Hl'.i«Mrr»|c v»irp«rf wiil jilm^ hnnd it.

forvs«it»ir hM'Mi *lx I imp* mi.I larKu.rU «& -*'''rronut.1 lo (In) Wnr ]>«|Mirinirnt.


is&fll:!!LDEALER;tiRBEN riMiK,'3!l.r^ry All Orilrrtfer MabbLV. U'o«ji urnm i - -30

!y mt>n.lnl tot 4A-tf V. h t , ^jrdTierc. Jif». A,I». CUOOK A A. * llOKF. U i r-r

*»!» <# by the d«»»tb of llj»*forj*4f.~H«...Mt<l A^mnt* due »!» .ftrjfc ,y » »iirfiMt* u/1 b« »orvtvfa»* .!_»P Adr. A.^^MB yftffrHiyfc1,1 ^

Hor pf ib«tfir fjfHK *"* "Wt » r«UMl

iha jEsitfiflPb- ,,,p <x'' Mr*. C^Bk

&»t. l»."K«»fc*. v HI r^r. Ivr ^ |J«*« 11 11v *iL

"V -^JKrv/.^H