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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Lippman, Stanley B.C++ primer / Stanley B. Lippman, Josée Lajoie, Barbara E. Moo. — 4th ed.

p. cm.Includes index.ISBN 0-201-72148-1 (pbk. : alk. paper)1. C++ (Computer program language) I. Lajoie, Josée. II. Moo, Barbara E. III. Title.

QA76.73.C153L57697 2005005.13’3–dc22 2004029301

Copyright c© 2005 Objectwrite Inc., Josée Lajoie and Barbara E. Moo

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C++ Primer, Fourth Edition, provides a comprehensive introduction to the C++ lan-guage. As a primer, it provides a clear tutorial approach to the language, enhancedby numerous examples and other learning aids. Unlike most primers, it also pro-vides a detailed description of the language, with particular emphasis on currentand effective programming techniques.

Countless programmers have used previous editions of C++ Primer to learnC++. In that time C++ has matured greatly. Over the years, the focus of thelanguage—and of C++ programmers—has grown beyond a concentration on run-time efficiency to focus on ways of making programmers more efficient. With thewidespread availability of the standard library, it is possible to use and learn C++more effectively than in the past. This revision of the C++ Primer reflects these newpossiblities.

Changes to the Fourth Edition

In this edition, we have completely reorganized and rewritten the C++ Primer tohighlight modern styles of C++ programming. This edition gives center stage tousing the standard library while deemphasizing techniques for low-level program-ming. We introduce the standard library much earlier in the text and have reformu-lated the examples to take advantage of library facilities. We have also streamlinedand reordered the presentation of language topics.

In addition to restructuring the text, we have incorporated several new el-ements to enhance the reader’s understanding. Each chapter concludes with aChapter Summary and glossary of Defined Terms, which recap the chapter’s mostimportant points. Readers should use these sections as a personal checklist: If youdo not understand a term, restudy the corresponding part of the chapter.

We’ve also incorporated a number of other learning aids in the body of the text:

• Important terms are indicated in bold; important terms that we assume arealready familiar to the reader are indicated in bold italics. Each term appearsin the chapter’s Defined Terms section.

• Throughout the book, we highlight parts of the text to call attention to im-portant aspects of the language, warn about common pitfalls, suggest goodprogramming practices, and provide general usage tips. We hope that thesenotes will help readers more quickly digest important concepts and avoidcommon pitfalls.


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xx Preface

• To make it easier to follow the relationships among features and concepts,we provide extensive forward and backward cross-references.

• We have provided sidebar discussions that focus on important concepts andsupply additional explanations for topics that programmers new to C++ of-ten find most difficult.

• Learning any programming language requires writing programs. To thatend, the primer provides extensive examples throughout the text. Sourcecode for the extended examples is available on the Web at the following URL:


What hasn’t changed from earlier versions is that the book remains a compre-hensive tutorial introduction to C++. Our intent is to provide a clear, completeand correct guide to the language. We teach the language by presenting a series ofexamples, which, in addition to explaining language features, show how to makethe best use of C++. Although knowledge of C (the language on which C++ wasoriginally based) is not assumed, we do assume the reader has programmed in amodern block-structured language.

Structure of This Book

C++ Primer provides an introduction to the International Standard on C++, cover-ing both the language proper and the extensive library that is part of that standard.Much of the power of C++ comes from its support for programming with abstrac-tions. Learning to program effectively in C++ requires more than learning newsyntax and semantics. Our focus is on how to use the features of C++ to write pro-grams that are safe, that can be built quickly, and yet offer performance comparableto the sorts of low-level programs often written in C.

C++ is a large language and can be daunting to new users. Modern C++ can bethought of as comprising three parts:

• The low-level language, largely inherited from C

• More advanced language features that allow us to define our own data typesand to organize large-scale programs and systems

• The standard library, which uses these advanced features to provide a set ofuseful data structures and algorithms

Most texts present C++ in this same order: They start by covering the low-leveldetails and then introduce the the more advanced language features. They explainthe standard library only after having covered the entire language. The result, alltoo often, is that readers get bogged down in issues of low-level programming orthe complexities of writing type definitions and never really understand the powerof programming in a more abstract way. Needless to say, readers also often do notlearn enough to build their own abstractions.

In this edition we take a completely different tack. We start by covering thebasics of the language and the library together. Doing so allows you, the reader, to

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Preface xxi

write significant programs. Only after a thorough grounding in using the library—and writing the kinds of abstract programs that the libary allows—do we move onto those features of C++ that will enable you to write your own abstractions.

Parts I and II cover the basic language and library facilities. The focus of theseparts is to learn how to write C++ programs and how to use the abstractions fromthe library. Most C++ programmers need to know essentially everything coveredin this portion of the book.

In addition to teaching the basics of C++, the material in Parts I and II serves an-other important purpose. The library facilities are themselves abstract data typeswritten in C++. The library can be defined using the same class-construction fea-tures that are available to any C++ programmer. Our experience in teaching C++ isthat by first using well-designed abstract types, readers find it easier to understandhow to build their own types.

Parts III through V focus on how we can write our own types. Part III intro-duces the heart of C++: its support for classes. The class mechanism providesthe basis for writing our own abstractions. Classes are also the foundation forobject-oriented and generic programming, which we cover in Part IV. The Primerconcludes with Part V, which covers advanced features that are of most use instructuring large, complex systems.


As in previous editions of this Primer, we’d like to extend our thanks to BjarneStroustrup for his tireless work on C++ and for his friendship to these authorsthroughout most of that time. We’d also like to thank Alex Stepanov for his originalinsights that led to the containers and algorithms that form the core of the standardlibrary. Finally, our thanks go to the C++ Standards committee members for theirhard work in clarifying, refining, and improving C++ over many years.

We also extend our deep-felt thanks to our reviewers, whose helpful commentson multiple drafts led us to make improvements great and small throughout thebook: Paul Abrahams, Michael Ball, Mary Dageforde, Paul DuBois, Matt Green-wood, Matthew P. Johnson, Andrew Koenig, Nevin Liber, Bill Locke, Robert Mur-ray, Phil Romanik, Justin Shaw, Victor Shtern, Clovis Tondo, Daveed Vandevoorde,and Steve Vinoski.

This book was typeset using LATEX and the many packages that accompany theLATEX distribution. Our well-justified thanks go to the members of the LATEX com-munity, who have made available such powerful typesetting tools.

The examples in this book have been compiled on the GNU and Microsoft com-pilers. Our thanks to their developers, and to those who have developed all theother C++ compilers, thereby making C++ a reality.

Finally, we thank the fine folks at Addison-Wesley who have shepherded thisedition through the publishing process: Debbie Lafferty, our original editor, whoinitiated this edition and who had been with the Primer from its very first edition;Peter Gordon, our new editor, whose insistence on updating and streamlining thetext have, we hope, greatly improved the presentation; Kim Boedigheimer, whokeeps us all on schedule; and Tyrrell Albaugh, Jim Markham, Elizabeth Ryan, andJohn Fuller, who saw us through the design and production process.

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C H A P T E R 1G E T T I N G S T A R T E D


Section 1.1 Writing a Simple C++ Program . . . . . . . 2Section 1.2 A First Look at Input/Output . . . . . . . . 5Section 1.3 A Word About Comments . . . . . . . . . . 10Section 1.4 Control Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Section 1.5 Introducing Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Section 1.6 The C++ Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25Chapter Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28Defined Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

This chapter introduces most of the basic elements of C++: built-in,library, and class types; variables; expressions; statements; and func-tions. Along the way, we’ll briefly explain how to compile and exe-cute a program.

Having read this chapter and worked through the exercises, thereader should be able to write, compile, and execute simple pro-grams. Subsequent chapters will explain in more detail the topicsintroduced here.


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2 Getting Started

Learning a new programming language requires writing programs. In thischapter, we’ll write a program to solve a simple problem that represents a com-mon data-processing task: A bookstore keeps a file of transactions, each of whichrecords the sale of a given book. Each transaction contains an ISBN (InternationalStandard Book Number, a unique identifier assigned to most books publishedthroughout the world), the number of copies sold, and the price at which eachcopy was sold. Each transaction looks like

0-201-70353-X 4 24.99

where the first element is the ISBN, the second is the number of books sold, and thelast is the sales price. Periodically the bookstore owner reads this file and computesthe number of copies of each title sold, the total revenue from that book, and theaverage sales price. We want to supply a program do these computations.

Before we can write this program we need to know some basic features of C++.At a minimum we’ll need to know how to write, compile, and execute a simpleprogram. What must this program do? Although we have not yet designed oursolution, we know that the program must

• Define variables

• Do input and output

• Define a data structure to hold the data we’re managing

• Test whether two records have the same ISBN

• Write a loop that will process every record in the transaction file

We’ll start by reviewing these parts of C++ and then write a solution to our book-store problem.

1.1 Writing a Simple C++ ProgramEvery C++ program contains one or more functions, one of which must be namedmain. A function consists of a sequence of statements that perform the work of thefunction. The operating system executes a program by calling the function namedmain. That function executes its constituent statements and returns a value to theoperating system.

Here is a simple version of main does nothing but return a value:

int main(){

return 0;}

The operating system uses the value returned by main to determine whether theprogram succeeded or failed. A return value of 0 indicates success.

The main function is special in various ways, the most important of which arethat the function must exist in every C++ program and it is the (only) function thatthe operating system explicitly calls.

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Section 1.1 Writing a Simple C++ Program 3

We define main the same way we define other functions. A function definitionspecifies four elements: the return type, the function name, a (possibly empty)parameter list enclosed in parentheses, and the function body. The main functionmay have only a restricted set of parameters. As defined here, the parameter listis empty; Section 7.2.6 (p. 243) will cover the other parameters that can be definedfor main.

The main function is required to have a return type of int, which is the typethat represents integers. The int type is a built-in type, which means that thetype is defined by the language.

The final part of a function definition, the function body, is a block of statementsstarting with an open curly brace and ending with a close curly:

{return 0;


The only statement in our program is a return, which is a statement that termi-nates a function.

Note the semicolon at the end of the return statement. Semicolonsmark the end of most statements in C++. They are easy to overlook,but when forgotten can lead to mysterious compiler error messages.

When the return includes a value such as 0, that value is the return value ofthe function. The value returned must have the same type as the return type of thefunction or be a type that can be converted to that type. In the case of main thereturn type must be int, and the value 0 is an int.

On most systems, the return value from main is a status indicator. A returnvalue of 0 indicates the successful completion of main. Any other return valuehas a meaning that is defined by the operating system. Usually a nonzero returnindicates that an error occurred. Each operating system has its own way of tellingthe user what main returned.

1.1.1 Compiling and Executing Our ProgramHaving written the program, we need to compile it. How you compile a programdepends on your operating system and compiler. For details on how your particu-lar compiler works, you’ll need to check the reference manual or ask a knowledge-able colleague.

Many PC-based compilers are run from an integrated development environ-ment (IDE) that bundles the compiler with associated build and analysis tools.These environments can be a great asset in developing complex programs but re-quire a fair bit of time to learn how to use effectively. Most of these environmentsinclude a point-and-click interface that allows the programmer to write a programand use various menus to compile and execute the program. Learning how to usesuch environments is well beyond the scope of this book.

Most compilers, including those that come with an IDE, provide a command-line interface. Unless you are already familiar with using your compiler’s IDE,

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4 Getting Started

it can be easier to start by using the simpler, command-line interface. Using thecommand-line interface lets you avoid the overhead of learning the IDE beforelearning the language.

Program Source File Naming Convention

Whether we are using a command-line interface or an IDE, most compilers expectthat the program we want to compile will be stored in a file. Program files arereferred to as source files. On most systems, a source file has a name that consistsof two parts: a file name—for example, prog1—and a file suffix. By convention,the suffix indicates that the file is a program. The suffix often also indicates whatlanguage the program is written in and selects which compiler to run. The systemthat we used to compile the examples in this book treats a file with a suffix of .ccas a C++ program and so we stored this program as


The suffix for C++ program files depends on which compiler you’re running. Otherconventions include



The command used to invoke the C++ compiler varies across compilers and operatingsystems. The most common compilers are the GNU compiler and the Microsoft VisualStudio compilers. By default the command to invoke the GNU compiler is g++:

$ g++ prog1.cc -o prog1

where $ is the system prompt. This command generates an executable file namedprog1 or prog1.exe, depending on the operating system. On UNIX, executable fileshave no suffix; on Windows, the suffix is .exe. The -o prog1 is an argument to thecompiler and names the file in which to put the executable file. If the -o prog1 isomitted, then the compiler generates an executable named a.out on UNIX systemsand a.exe on Windows.

The Microsoft compilers are invoked using the command cl:

C:\directory> cl -GX prog1.cpp

where C:directory> is the system prompt and directory is the name of the cur-rent directory. The command to invoke the compiler is cl, and -GX is an option thatis required for programs compiled using the command-line interface. The Microsoftcompiler automatically generates an executable with a name that corresponds to thesource file name. The executable has the suffix .exe and the same name as the sourcefile name. In this case, the executable is named prog1.exe.

For further information consult your compiler’s user’s guide.

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Section 1.2 A First Look at Input/Output 5

Running the Compiler from the Command Line

If we are using a command-line interface, we will typically compile a program ina console window (such as a shell window on a UNIX system or a CommandPrompt window on Windows). Assuming that our main program is in a filenamed prog1.cc, we might compile it by using a command such as:

$ CC prog1.cc

where CC names the compiler and $ represents the system prompt. The output ofthe compiler is an executable file that we invoke by naming it. On our system, thecompiler generates the executable in a file named a.exe. UNIX compilers tend toput their executables in a file named a.out. To run an executable we supply thatname at the command-line prompt:

$ a.exe

executes the program we compiled. On UNIX systems you sometimes must alsospecify which directory the file is in, even if it is in the current directory. In suchcases, we would write

$ ./a.exe

The “.” followed by a slash indicates that the file is in the current directory.The value returned from main is accessed in a system-dependent manner. On

both UNIX and Windows systems, after executing the program, you must issue anappropriate echo command. On UNIX systems, we obtain the status by writing

$ echo $?

To see the status on a Windows system, we write

C:\directory> echo %ERRORLEVEL%

EXE R C I S E S SE C TI ON 1.1.1

Exercise 1.1: Review the documentation for your compiler and determine what filenaming convention it uses. Compile and run the main program from page 2.

Exercise 1.2: Change the program to return -1. A return value of -1 is often treatedas an indicator that the program failed. However, systems vary as to how (or evenwhether) they report a failure from main. Recompile and rerun your program to seehow your system treats a failure indicator from main.

1.2 A First Look at Input/OutputC++ does not directly define any statements to do input or output (IO). Instead, IOis provided by the standard library. The IO library provides an extensive set of

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6 Getting Started

facilities. However, for many purposes, including the examples in this book, oneneeds to know only a few basic concepts and operations.

Most of the examples in this book use the iostream library, which handlesformatted input and output. Fundamental to the iostream library are two typesnamed istream and ostream, which represent input and output streams, respec-tively. A stream is a sequence of characters intended to be read from or written toan IO device of some kind. The term “stream” is intended to suggest that the char-acters are generated, or consumed, sequentially over time.

1.2.1 Standard Input and Output ObjectsThe library defines four IO objects. To handle input, we use an object of typeistream named cin (pronounced “see-in”). This object is also referred to as thestandard input. For output, we use an ostream object named cout (pronounced“see-out”). It is often referred to as the standard output. The library also definestwo other ostream objects, named cerr and clog (pronounced “see-err” and“see-log,” respectively). The cerr object, referred to as the standard error, is typi-cally used to generate warning and error messages to users of our programs. Theclog object is used for general information about the execution of the program.

Ordinarily, the system associates each of these objects with the window inwhich the program is executed. So, when we read from cin, data is read from thewindow in which the program is executing, and when we write to cout, cerr, orclog, the output is written to the same window. Most operating systems give usa way of redirecting the input or output streams when we run a program. Usingredirection we can associate these streams with files of our choosing.

1.2.2 A Program that Uses the IO LibrarySo far, we have seen how to compile and execute a simple program, although thatprogram did no work. In our overall problem, we’ll have several records thatrefer to the same ISBN. We’ll need to consolidate those records into a single total,implying that we’ll need to know how to add the quantities of books sold.

To see how to solve part of that problem, let’s start by looking at how we mightadd two numbers. Using the IO library, we can extend our main program to askthe user to give us two numbers and then print their sum:

#include <iostream>int main(){

std::cout << "Enter two numbers:" << std::endl;

int v1, v2;std::cin >> v1 >> v2;

std::cout << "The sum of " << v1 << " and " << v2<< " is " << v1 + v2 << std::endl;

return 0;}

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Section 1.2 A First Look at Input/Output 7

This program starts by printing

Enter two numbers:

on the user’s screen and then waits for input from the user. If the user enters

3 7

followed by a newline, then the program produces the following output:

The sum of 3 and 7 is 10

The first line of our program is a preprocessor directive:

#include <iostream>

which tells the compiler that we want to use the iostream library. The nameinside angle brackets is a header. Every program that uses a library facility mustinclude its associated header. The #include directive must be written on a singleline—the name of the header and the #include must appear on the same line. Ingeneral, #include directives should appear outside any function. Typically, allthe #include directives for a program appear at the beginning of the file.

Writing to a Stream

The first statement in the body of main executes an expression. In C++ an ex-pression is composed of one or more operands and (usually) an operator. Theexpressions in this statement use the output operator (the << operator) to print theprompt on the standard output:

std::cout << "Enter two numbers:" << std::endl;

This statement uses the output operator twice. Each instance of the output oper-ator takes two operands: The left-hand operand must be an ostream object; theright-hand operand is a value to print. The operator writes its right-hand operandto the ostream that is its left-hand operand.

In C++ every expression produces a result, which typically is the value gener-ated by applying an operator to its operands. In the case of the output operator,the result is the value of its left-hand operand. That is, the value returned by anoutput operation is the output stream itself.

The fact that the operator returns its left-hand operand allows us to chain to-gether output requests. The statement that prints our prompt is equivalent to

(std::cout << "Enter two numbers:") << std::endl;

Because (std::cout << "Enter two numbers:") returns its left operand,std::cout, this statement is equivalent to

std::cout << "Enter two numbers:";std::cout << std::endl;

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8 Getting Started

endl is a special value, called a manipulator, that when written to an outputstream has the effect of writing a newline to the output and flushing the bufferassociated with that device. By flushing the buffer, we ensure that the user will seethe output written to the stream immediately.

Programmers often insert print statements during debugging. Suchstatements should always flush the stream. Forgetting to do so maycause output to be left in the buffer if the program crashes, leading toincorrect inferences about where the program crashed.

Using Names from the Standard Library

Careful readers will note that this program uses std::cout and std::endlrather than just cout and endl. The prefix std:: indicates that the names coutand endl are defined inside the namespace named std. Namespaces allow pro-grammers to avoid inadvertent collisions with the same names defined by a library.Because the names that the standard library defines are defined in a namespace,we can use the same names for our own purposes.

One side effect of the library’s use of a namespace is that when we use a namefrom the library, we must say explicitly that we want to use the name from the stdnamespace. Writing std::cout uses the scope operator (the :: operator) to saythat we want to use the name cout that is defined in the namespace std. We’ll seein Section 3.1 (p. 78) a way that programs often use to avoid this verbose syntax.

Reading From a Stream

Having written our prompt, we next want to read what the user writes. We startby defining two variables named v1 and v2 to hold the input:

int v1, v2;

We define these variables as type int, which is the built-in type representing in-tegral values. These variables are uninitialized, meaning that we gave them noinitial value. Our first use of these variables will be to read a value into them, sothe fact that they have no initial value is okay.

The next statement

std::cin >> v1 >> v2;

reads the input. The input operator (the >> operator) behaves analogously to theoutput operator. It takes an istream as its left-hand operand and an object as itsright-hand operand. It reads from its istream operand and stores the value it readin its right-hand operand. Like the output operator, the input operator returns itsleft-hand operand as its result. Because the operator returns its left-hand operand,we can combine a sequence of input requests into a single statement. In otherwords, this input operation is equivalent to

std::cin >> v1;std::cin >> v2;

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Section 1.2 A First Look at Input/Output 9

The effect of our input operation is to read two values from the standard input,storing the first in v1 and the second in v2.

Completing the Program

What remains is to print our result:

std::cout << "The sum of " << v1 << " and " << v2<< " is " << v1 + v2 << std::endl;

This statement, although it is longer than the statement that printed the prompt,is conceptually no different. It prints each of its operands to the standard output.What is interesting is that the operands are not all the same kinds of values. Someoperands are string literals, such as

"The sum of "

and others are various int values, such as v1, v2, and the result of evaluating thearithmetic expression:

v1 + v2

The iostream library defines versions of the input and output operators that ac-cept all of the built-in types.

When writing a C++ program, in most places that a space appears wecould instead use a newline. One exception to this rule is that spacesinside a string literal cannot be replaced by a newline. Another excep-tion is that spaces are not allowed inside preprocessor directives.


Initialization is an important concept in C++ and one to which we will return through-out this book.

Initialized variables are those that are given a value when they are defined. Unini-tialized variables are not given an initial value:

int val1 = 0; // initializedint val2; // uninitialized

It is almost always right to give a variable an initial value, but we are not required todo so. When we are certain that the first use of a variable gives it a new value, thenthere is no need to invent an initial value. For example, our first nontrivial programon page 6 defined uninitialized variables into which we immediately read values.

When we define a variable, we should give it an initial value unless we are certainthat the initial value will be overwritten before the variable is used for any otherpurpose. If we cannot guarantee that the variable will be reset before being read, weshould initialize it.

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10 Getting Started

EXE R C I S E S SE C TI ON 1.2.2

Exercise 1.3: Write a program to print “Hello, World” on the standard output.

Exercise 1.4: Our program used the built-in addition operator, +, to generate the sumof two numbers. Write a program that uses the multiplication operator, *, to generatethe product of two numbers.

Exercise 1.5: We wrote the output in one large statement. Rewrite the program to usea separate statement to print each operand.

Exercise 1.6: Explain what the following program fragment does:

std::cout << "The sum of " << v1;<< " and " << v2;<< " is " << v1 + v2<< std::endl;

Is this code legal? If so, why? If not, why not?

1.3 A Word About CommentsBefore our programs get much more complicated, we should see how C++ handlescomments. Comments help the human readers of our programs. They are typicallyused to summarize an algorithm, identify the purpose of a variable, or clarify anotherwise obscure segment of code. Comments do not increase the size of theexecutable program. The compiler ignores all comments.

In this book, we italicize comments to make them stand out from thenormal program text. In actual programs, whether comment text isdistinguished from the text used for program code depends on the so-phistication of the programming environment.

There are two kinds of comments in C++: single-line and paired. A single-linecomment starts with a double slash (//). Everything to the right of the slashes onthe current line is a comment and ignored by the compiler.

The other delimiter, the comment pair (/* */), is inherited from the C language.Such comments begin with a /* and end with the next */. The compiler treatseverything that falls between the /* and */ as part of the comment:

#include <iostream>

/* Simple main function: Read two numbers and write their sum */int main(){

// prompt user to enter two numbersstd::cout << "Enter two numbers:" << std::endl;

int v1, v2; // uninitializedstd::cin >> v1 >> v2; // read inputreturn 0;


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Section 1.4 Control Structures 11

A comment pair can be placed anywhere a tab, space, or newline is permitted.Comment pairs can span multiple lines of a program but are not required to do so.When a comment pair does span multiple lines, it is often a good idea to indicatevisually that the inner lines are part of a multi-line comment. Our style is to begineach line in the comment with an asterisk, thus indicating that the entire range ispart of a multi-line comment.

Programs typically contain a mixture of both comment forms. Comment pairsgenerally are used for multi-line explanations, whereas double slash commentstend to be used for half-line and single-line remarks.

Too many comments intermixed with the program code can obscure the code.It is usually best to place a comment block above the code it explains.

Comments should be kept up to date as the code itself changes. Programmersexpect comments to remain accurate and so believe them, even when other formsof system documentation are known to be out of date. An incorrect comment isworse than no comment at all because it may mislead a subsequent reader.

Comment Pairs Do Not Nest

A comment that begins with /* always ends with the next */. As a result, onecomment pair cannot occur within another. The compiler error message(s) thatresult from this kind of program mistake can be mysterious and confusing. As anexample, compile the following program on your system:

#include <iostream>

/** comment pairs /* */ cannot nest.* ‘‘cannot nest’’ is considered source code,* as is the rest of the program*/

int main(){

return 0;}

When commenting out a large section of a program, it can seem easiest to puta comment pair around a region that you want to omit temporarily. The troubleis that if that code already has a comment pair, then the newly inserted commentwill terminate prematurely. A better way to temporarily ignore a section of codeis to use your editor to insert single-line comment at the beginning of each line ofcode you want to ignore. That way, you need not worry about whether the codeyou are commenting out already contains a comment pair.

1.4 Control StructuresStatements execute sequentially: The first statement in a function is executed first,followed by the second, and so on. Of course, few programs—including the onewe’ll need to write to solve our bookstore problem—can be written using onlysequential execution. Instead, programming languages provide various control

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12 Getting Started


Exercise 1.7: Compile a program that has incorrectly nested comments.

Exercise 1.8: Indicate which, if any, of the following output statements, are legal.

std::cout << "/*";std::cout << "*/";std::cout << /* "*/" */;

After you’ve predicted what will happen, test your answer by compiling a programwith these three statements. Correct any errors you encounter.

structures that allow for more complicated execution paths. This section will takea brief look at some of the control structures provided by C++. Chapter 6 coversstatements in detail.

1.4.1 The while StatementA while statement provides for iterative execution. We could use a while towrite a program to sum the numbers from 1 through 10 inclusive as follows:

#include <iostream>

int main(){

int sum = 0, val = 1;// keep executing the while until val is greater than 10while (val <= 10) {

sum += val; // assigns sum + val to sum++val; // add 1 to val

}std::cout << "Sum of 1 to 10 inclusive is "

<< sum << std::endl;

return 0;}

This program when compiled and executed will print:

Sum of 1 to 10 inclusive is 55

As before, we begin by including the iostream header and define a mainfunction. Inside main we define two int variables: sum, which will hold oursummation, and val, which will represent each of the values from 1 through 10.We give sum an initial value of zero and start val off with the value one.

The important part is the while statement. A while has the form

while (condition) while_body_statement;

A while executes by (repeatedly) testing the condition and executing the associ-ated while_body_statement until the condition is false.

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Section 1.4 Control Structures 13

A condition is an expression that is evaluated so that its result can be tested. Ifthe resulting value is nonzero, then the condition is true; if the value is zero thenthe condition is false.

If the condition is true (the expression evaluates to a value other than zero) thenwhile_body_statement is executed. After executing while_body_statement, the condi-tion is tested again. If condition remains true, then the while_body_statement is againexecuted. The while continues, alternatively testing the condition and executingwhile_body_statement until the condition is false.

In this program, the while statement is:

// keep executing the while until val is greater than 10while (val <= 10) {

sum += val; // assigns sum + val to sum++val; // add 1 to val


The condition in the while uses the less-than-or-equal operator (the <= operator)to compare the current value of val and 10. As long as val is less than or equalto 10, we execute the body of the while. In this case, the body of the while is ablock containing two statements:

{sum += val; // assigns sum + val to sum++val; // add 1 to val


A block is a sequence of statements enclosed by curly braces. In C++, a block maybe used wherever a statement is expected. The first statement in the block uses thecompound assignment operator, (the += operator). This operator adds its right-hand operand to its left-hand operand. It has the same effect as writing an additionand an assignment:

sum = sum + val; // assign sum + val to sum

Thus, the first statement adds the value of val to the current value of sum andstores the result back into sum.

The next statement

++val; // add 1 to val

uses the prefix increment operator (the ++ operator). The increment operator addsone to its operand. Writing ++val is the same as writing val = val + 1.

After executing the while body we again execute the condition in the while.If the (now incremented) value of val is still less than or equal to 10, then thebody of the while is executed again. The loop continues, testing the conditionand executing the body, until val is no longer less than or equal to 10.

Once val is greater than 10, we fall out of the while loop and execute thestatement following the while. In this case, that statement prints our output,followed by the return, which completes our main program.

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14 Getting Started


C++ programs are largely free-format, meaning that the positioning of curly braces,indentation, comments, and newlines usually has no effect on the meaning of ourprograms. For example, the curly brace that denotes the beginning of the body of maincould be on the same line as main, positioned as we have done, at the beginning of thenext line, or placed anywhere we’d like. The only requirement is that it be the firstnonblank, noncomment character that the compiler sees after the close parenthesisthat concludes main’s parameter list.

Although we are largely free to format programs as we wish, the choices we makeaffect the readability of our programs. We could, for example, have written main on asingle, long line. Such a definition, although legal, would be hard to read.

Endless debates occur as to the right way to format C or C++ programs. Our beliefis that there is no single correct style but that there is value in consistency. We tendto put the curly braces that delimit functions on their own lines. We tend to indentcompound input or output expressions so that the operators line up, as we did withthe statement that wrote the output in the main function on page 6. Other indentationconventions will become clear as our programs become more complex.

The important thing to keep in mind is that other ways to format programs arepossible. When choosing a formatting style, think about how it affects readabilityand comprehension. Once you’ve chosen a style, use it consistently.

1.4.2 The for StatementIn our while loop, we used the variable val to control how many times we it-erated through the loop. On each pass through the while, the value of val wastested and then in the body the value of val was incremented.

The use of a variable like val to control a loop happens so often that the lan-guage defines a second control structure, called a for statement, that abbreviatesthe code that manages the loop variable. We could rewrite the program to sum thenumbers from 1 through 10 using a for loop as follows:

#include <iostream>

int main(){

int sum = 0;

// sum values from 1 up to 10 inclusivefor (int val = 1; val <= 10; ++val)

sum += val; // equivalent to sum = sum + val

std::cout << "Sum of 1 to 10 inclusive is "<< sum << std::endl;

return 0;}

Prior to the for loop, we define sum, which we set to zero. The variable val isused only inside the iteration and is defined as part of the for statement itself. Thefor statement

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Section 1.4 Control Structures 15

for (int val = 1; val <= 10; ++val)sum += val; // equivalent to sum = sum + val

has two parts: the for header and the for body. The header controls how oftenthe body is executed. The header itself consists of three parts: an init-statement, acondition, and an expression. In this case, the init-statement

int val = 1;

defines an int object named val and gives it an initial value of one. The init-statement is performed only once, on entry to the for. The condition

val <= 10

which compares the current value in val to 10, is tested each time through theloop. As long as val is less than or equal to 10, we execute the for body. Onlyafter executing the body is the expression executed. In this for, the expression usesthe prefix increment operator, which as we know adds one to the value of val.After executing the expression, the for retests the condition. If the new value ofval is still less than or equal to 10, then the for loop body is executed and val isincremented again. Execution continues until the condition fails.

In this loop, the for body performs the summation

sum += val; // equivalent to sum = sum + val

The body uses the compound assignment operator to add the current value of valto sum, storing the result back into sum.

To recap, the overall execution flow of this for is:

1. Create val and initialize it to 1.

2. Test whether val is less than or equal to 10.

3. If val is less than or equal to 10, execute the for body, which adds val tosum. If val is not less than or equal to 10, then break out of the loop andcontinue execution with the first statement following the for body.

4. Increment val.

5. Repeat the test in step 2, continuing with the remaining steps as long as thecondition is true.

When we exit the for loop, the variable val is no longer accessible. Itis not possible to use val after this loop terminates. However, not allcompilers enforce this requirement.

In pre-Standard C++ names defined in a for header were accessibleoutside the for itself. This change in the language definition can sur-prise people accustomed to using an older compiler when they insteaduse a compiler that adheres to the standard.

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16 Getting Started


Part of the compiler’s job is to look for errors in the program text. A compiler cannotdetect whether the meaning of a program is correct, but it can detect errors in the formof the program. The following are the most common kinds of errors a compiler willdetect.

1. Syntax errors. The programmer has made a grammatical error in the C++ lan-guage. The following program illustrates common syntax errors; each commentdescribes the error on the following line:

// error: missing ’)’ in parameter list for mainint main ( {

// error: used colon, not a semicolon after endlstd::cout << "Read each file." << std::endl:

// error: missing quotes around string literalstd::cout << Update master. << std::endl;

// ok: no errors on this linestd::cout << "Write new master." << std::endl;

// error: missing ’;’ on return statementreturn 0


2. Type errors. Each item of data in C++ has an associated type. The value 10,for example, is an integer. The word “hello” surrounded by double quotationmarks is a string literal. One example of a type error is passing a string literalto a function that expects an integer argument.

3. Declaration errors. Every name used in a C++ program must be declared beforeit is used. Failure to declare a name usually results in an error message. Thetwo most common declaration errors are to forget to use std:: when accessinga name from the library or to inadvertently misspell the name of an identifier:

#include <iostream>

int main(){

int v1, v2;std::cin >> v >> v2; // error: uses "v" not "v1"

// cout not defined, should be std::coutcout << v1 + v2 << std::endl;return 0;


An error message contains a line number and a brief description of what the com-piler believes we have done wrong. It is a good practice to correct errors in the se-quence they are reported. Often a single error can have a cascading effect and causea compiler to report more errors than actually are present. It is also a good idea torecompile the code after each fix—or after making at most a small number of obviousfixes. This cycle is known as edit-compile-debug.

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Section 1.4 Control Structures 17

EXE R C I S E S SE C TI ON 1.4.2

Exercise 1.9: What does the following for loop do? What is the final value of sum?

int sum = 0;for (int i = -100; i <= 100; ++i)

sum += i;

Exercise 1.10: Write a program that uses a for loop to sum the numbers from 50 to100. Now rewrite the program using a while.

Exercise 1.11: Write a program using a while loop to print the numbers from 10down to 0. Now rewrite the program using a for.

Exercise 1.12: Compare and contrast the loops you wrote in the previous two exer-cises. Are there advantages or disadvantages to using either form?

Exercise 1.13: Compilers vary as to how easy it is to understand their diagnostics.Write programs that contain the common errors discussed in the box on 16. Studythe messages the compiler generates so that these messages will be familiar when youencounter them while compiling more complex programs.

1.4.3 The if StatementA logical extension of summing the values between 1 and 10 is to sum the valuesbetween two numbers our user supplies. We might use the numbers directly in ourfor loop, using the first input as the lower bound for the range and the secondas the upper bound. However, if the user gives us the higher number first, thatstrategy would fail: Our program would exit the for loop immediately. Instead,we should adjust the range so that the larger number is the upper bound and thesmaller is the lower. To do so, we need a way to see which number is larger.

Like most languages, C++ provides an if statement that supports conditionalexecution. We can use an if to write our revised sum program:

#include <iostream>

int main(){

std::cout << "Enter two numbers:" << std::endl;int v1, v2;std::cin >> v1 >> v2; // read input

// use smaller number as lower bound for summation// and larger number as upper boundint lower, upper;if (v1 <= v2) {

lower = v1;upper = v2;

} else {lower = v2;upper = v1;


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18 Getting Started

int sum = 0;

// sum values from lower up to and including upperfor (int val = lower; val <= upper; ++val)

sum += val; // sum = sum + val

std::cout << "Sum of " << lower<< " to " << upper<< " inclusive is "<< sum << std::endl;

return 0;}

If we compile and execute this program and give it as input the numbers 7 and 3,then the output of our program will be

Sum of 3 to 7 inclusive is 25

Most of the code in this program should already be familiar from our earlierexamples. The program starts by writing a prompt to the user and defines fourint variables. It then reads from the standard input into v1 and v2. The only newcode is the if statement

// use smaller number as lower bound for summation// and larger number as upper boundint lower, upper;if (v1 <= v2) {

lower = v1;upper = v2;

} else {lower = v2;upper = v1;


The effect of this code is to set upper and lower appropriately. The if conditiontests whether v1 is less than or equal to v2. If so, we perform the block that imme-diately follows the condition. This block contains two statements, each of whichdoes an assignment. The first statement assigns v1 to lower and the second as-signs v2 to upper.

If the condition is false—that is, if v1 is larger than v2—then we execute thestatement following the else. Again, this statement is a block consisting of twoassignments. We assign v2 to lower and v1 to upper.

1.4.4 Reading an Unknown Number of InputsAnother change we might make to our summation program on page 12 would beto allow the user to specify a set of numbers to sum. In this case we can’t know howmany numbers we’ll be asked to add. Instead, we want to keep reading numbersuntil the program reaches the end of the input. When the input is finished, theprogram writes the total to the standard output:

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Section 1.4 Control Structures 19

EXE R C I S E S SE C TI ON 1.4.3

Exercise 1.14: What happens in the program presented in this section if the input val-ues are equal?

Exercise 1.15: Compile and run the program from this section with two equal valuesas input. Compare the output to what you predicted in the previous exercise. Explainany discrepancy between what happened and what you predicted.

Exercise 1.16: Write a program to print the larger of two inputs supplied by the user.

Exercise 1.17: Write a program to ask the user to enter a series of numbers. Print amessage saying how many of the numbers are negative numbers.

#include <iostream>

int main(){

int sum = 0, value;// read till end-of-file, calculating a running total of all values readwhile (std::cin >> value)

sum += value; // equivalent to sum = sum + valuestd::cout << "Sum is: " << sum << std::endl;

return 0;}

If we give this program the input

3 4 5 6

then our output will be

Sum is: 18

As usual, we begin by including the necessary headers. The first line insidemain defines two int variables, named sum and value. We’ll use value to holdeach number we read, which we do inside the condition in the while:

while (std::cin >> value)

What happens here is that to evaluate the condition, the input operation

std::cin >> value

is executed, which has the effect of reading the next number from the standardinput, storing what was read in value. The input operator (Section 1.2.2, p. 8)returns its left operand. The condition tests that result, meaning it tests std::cin.

When we use an istream as a condition, the effect is to test the state of thestream. If the stream is valid—that is, if it is still possible to read another input—then the test succeeds. An istream becomes invalid when we hit end-of-file orencounter an invalid input, such as reading a value that is not an integer. Anistream that is in an invalid state will cause the condition to fail.

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20 Getting Started

Until we do encounter end-of-file (or some other input error), the test will suc-ceed and we’ll execute the body of the while. That body is a single statementthat uses the compound assignment operator. This operator adds its right-handoperand into the left hand operand.


Operating systems use different values for end-of-file. On Windows systems we enteran end-of-file by typing a control-z—simultaneously type the “ctrl” key and a “z.” OnUNIX systems, including Mac OS-X machines, it is usually control-d.

Once the test fails, the while terminates and we fall through and execute thestatement following the while. That statement prints sum followed by endl,which prints a newline and flushes the buffer associated with cout. Finally, weexecute the return, which as usual returns zero to indicate success.

EXE R C I S E S SE C TI ON 1.4.4

Exercise 1.18: Write a program that prompts the user for two numbers and writeseach number in the range specified by the two numbers to the standard output.

Exercise 1.19: What happens if you give the numbers 1000 and 2000 to the programwritten for the previous exercise? Revise the program so that it never prints more than10 numbers per line.

Exercise 1.20: Write a program to sum the numbers in a user-specified range, omittingthe if test that sets the upper and lower bounds. Predict what happens if the input isthe numbers 7 and 3, in that order. Now run the program giving it the numbers 7 and3, and see if the results match your expectation. If not, restudy the discussion on thefor and while loop until you understand what happened.

1.5 Introducing ClassesThe only remaining feature we need to understand before solving our bookstoreproblem is how to write a data structure to represent our transaction data. In C++we define our own data structure by defining a class. The class mechanism is oneof the most important features in C++. In fact, a primary focus of the design of C++is to make it possible to define class types that behave as naturally as the built-intypes themselves. The library types that we’ve seen already, such as istream andostream, are all defined as classes—that is, they are not strictly speaking part ofthe language.

Complete understanding of the class mechanism requires mastering a lot ofinformation. Fortunately, it is possible to use a class that someone else has writtenwithout knowing how to define a class ourselves. In this section, we’ll describe asimple class that we can use in solving our bookstore problem. We’ll implement

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Section 1.5 Introducing Classes 21

this class in the subsequent chapters as we learn more about types, expressions,statements, and functions—all of which are used in defining classes.

To use a class we need to know three things:

1. What is its name?

2. Where is it defined?

3. What operations does it support?

For our bookstore problem, we’ll assume that the class is named Sales_item andthat it is defined in a header named Sales_item.h.

1.5.1 The Sales_item ClassThe purpose of the Sales_item class is to store an ISBN and keep track of thenumber of copies sold, the revenue, and average sales price for that book. Howthese data are stored or computed is not our concern. To use a class, we need notknow anything about how it is implemented. Instead, what we need to know iswhat operations the class provides.

As we’ve seen, when we use library facilities such as IO, we must include theassociated headers. Similarly, for our own classes, we must make the definitionsassociated with the class available to the compiler. We do so in much the sameway. Typically, we put the class definition into a file. Any program that wants touse our class must include that file.

Conventionally, class types are stored in a file with a name that, like the nameof a program source file, has two parts: a file name and a file suffix. Usually the filename is the same as the class defined in the header. The suffix usually is .h, butsome programmers use .H, .hpp, or .hxx. Compilers usually aren’t picky aboutheader file names, but IDEs sometimes are. We’ll assume that our class is definedin a file named Sales_item.h.

Operations on Sales_item Objects

Every class defines a type. The type name is the same as the name of the class.Hence, our Sales_item class defines a type named Sales_item. As with thebuilt-in types, we can define a variable of a class type. When we write

Sales_item item;

we are saying that item is an object of type Sales_item. We often contract thephrase “an object of type Sales_item” to “a Sales_item object” or even moresimply to “a Sales_item.”

In addition to being able to define variables of type Sales_item, we can per-form the following operations on Sales_item objects:

• Use the addition operator, +, to add two Sales_items

• Use the input operator, >>, to read a Sales_item object

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22 Getting Started

• Use the output operator, <<, to write a Sales_item object

• Use the assignment operator, =, to assign one Sales_item object to another

• Call the same_isbn function to determine if two Sales_items refer to thesame book

Reading and Writing Sales_items

Now that we know the operations that the class provides, we can write some sim-ple programs to use this class. For example, the following program reads datafrom the standard input, uses that data to build a Sales_item object, and writesthat Sales_item object back onto the standard output:

#include <iostream>#include "Sales_item.h"

int main(){

Sales_item book;

// read ISBN, number of copies sold, and sales pricestd::cin >> book;

// write ISBN, number of copies sold, total revenue, and average pricestd::cout << book << std::endl;

return 0;}

If the input to this program is

0-201-70353-X 4 24.99

then the output will be

0-201-70353-X 4 99.96 24.99

Our input said that we sold four copies of the book at $24.99 each, and the outputindicates that the total sold was four, the total revenue was $99.96, and the averageprice per book was $24.99.

This program starts with two #include directives, one of which uses a newform. The iostream header is defined by the standard library; the Sales_itemheader is not. Sales_item is a type that we ourselves have defined. When weuse our own headers, we use quotation marks (" ") to surround the header name.

Headers for the standard library are enclosed in angle brackets (< >).Nonstandard headers are enclosed in double quotes (" ").

Inside main we start by defining an object, named book, which we’ll use tohold the data that we read from the standard input. The next statement reads intothat object, and the third statement prints it to the standard output followed asusual by printing endl to flush the buffer.

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Section 1.5 Introducing Classes 23


As we go through these programs that use Sales_items, the important thing to keepin mind is that the author of the Sales_item class defined all the actions that canbe performed by objects of this class. That is, the author of the Sales_item datastructure defines what happens when a Sales_item object is created and what hap-pens when the addition or the input and output operators are applied to Sales_itemobjects, and so on.

In general, only the operations defined by a class can be used on objects of the classtype. For now, the only operations we know we can peeform on Sales_item objectsare the ones listed on page 21.

We’ll see how these operations are defined in Sections 7.7.3 and 14.2.

Adding Sales_items

A slightly more interesting example adds two Sales_item objects:

#include <iostream>#include "Sales_item.h"

int main(){

Sales_item item1, item2;

std::cin >> item1 >> item2; // read a pair of transactionsstd::cout << item1 + item2 << std::endl; // print their sum

return 0;}

If we give this program the following input

0-201-78345-X 3 20.000-201-78345-X 2 25.00

our output is

0-201-78345-X 5 110 22

This program starts by including the Sales_item and iostream headers.Next we define two Sales_item objects to hold the two transactions that we wishto sum. The output expression does the addition and prints the result. We knowfrom the list of operations on page 21 that adding two Sales_items togethercreates a new object whose ISBN is that of its operands and whose number soldand revenue reflect the sum of the corresponding values in its operands. We alsoknow that the items we add must represent the same ISBN.

It’s worth noting how similar this program looks to the one on page 6: We readtwo inputs and write their sum. What makes it interesting is that instead of readingand printing the sum of two integers, we’re reading and printing the sum of twoSales_item objects. Moreover, the whole idea of “sum” is different. In the caseof ints we are generating a conventional sum—the result of adding two numericvalues. In the case of Sales_item objects we use a conceptually new meaning forsum—the result of adding the components of two Sales_item objects.

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24 Getting Started

EXE R C I S E S SE C TI ON 1.5.1

Exercise 1.21: The Web site (http://www.awprofessional.com/cpp_primer)contains a copy of Sales_item.h in the Chapter 1 code directory. Copy that file toyour working directory. Write a program that loops through a set of book sales trans-actions, reading each transaction and writing that transaction to the standard output.

Exercise 1.22: Write a program that reads two Sales_item objects that have thesame ISBN and produces their sum.

Exercise 1.23: Write a program that reads several transactions for the same ISBN.Write the sum of all the transactions that were read.

1.5.2 A First Look at Member FunctionsUnfortunately, there is a problem with the program that adds Sales_items. Whatshould happen if the input referred to two different ISBNs? It doesn’t make senseto add the data for two different ISBNs together. To solve this problem, we’ll firstcheck whether the Sales_item operands refer to the same ISBNs:

#include <iostream>#include "Sales_item.h"

int main(){

Sales_item item1, item2;

std::cin >> item1 >> item2;// first check that item1 and item2 represent the same bookif (item1.same_isbn(item2)) {

std::cout << item1 + item2 << std::endl;return 0; // indicate success

} else {std::cerr << "Data must refer to same ISBN"

<< std::endl;return -1; // indicate failure


The difference between this program and the previous one is the if test and itsassociated else branch. Before explaining the if condition, we know that whatthis program does depends on the condition in the if. If the test succeeds, thenwe write the same output as the previous program and return 0 indicating success.If the test fails, we execute the block following the else, which prints a messageand returns an error indicator.

What Is a Member Function?

The if condition

// first check that item1 and item2 represent the same bookif (item1.same_isbn(item2)) {

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Section 1.6 The C++ Program 25

calls a member function of the Sales_item object named item1. A memberfunction is a function that is defined by a class. Member functions are sometimesreferred to as the methods of the class.

Member functions are defined once for the class but are treated as membersof each object. We refer to these operations as member functions because they(usually) operate on a specific object. In this sense, they are members of the object,even though a single definition is shared by all objects of the same type.

When we call a member function, we (usually) specify the object on which thefunction will operate. This syntax uses the dot operator (the “.” operator):


means “the same_isbn member of the object named item1.” The dot operatorfetches its right-hand operand from its left. The dot operator applies only to objectsof class type: The left-hand operand must be an object of class type; the right-handoperand must name a member of that type.

Unlike most other operators, the right operand of the dot (“.”) opera-tor is not an object or value; it is the name of a member.

When we use a member function as the right-hand operand of the dot operator,we usually do so to call that function. We execute a member function in much thesame way as we do any function: To call a function, we follow the function nameby the call operator (the “()” operator). The call operator is a pair of parenthesesthat encloses a (possibly empty) list of arguments that we pass to the function.

The same_isbn function takes a single argument, and that argument is an-other Sales_item object. The call


passes item2 as an argument to the function named same_isbn that is a memberof the object named item1. This function compares the ISBN part of its argument,item2, to the ISBN in item1, the object on which same_isbn is called. Thus, theeffect is to test whether the two objects refer to the same ISBN.

If the objects refer to the same ISBN, we execute the statement following theif, which prints the result of adding the two Sales_item objects together. Oth-erwise, if they refer to different ISBNs, we execute the else branch, which is ablock of statements. The block prints an appropriate error message and exits theprogram, returning -1. Recall that the return from main is treated as a status indi-cator. In this case, we return a nonzero value to indicate that the program failed toproduce the expected result.

1.6 The C++ ProgramNow we are ready to solve our original bookstore problem: We need to read afile of sales transactions and produce a report that shows for each book the totalrevenue, average sales price, and the number of copies sold.

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26 Getting Started

EXE R C I S E S SE C TI ON 1.5.2

Exercise 1.24: Write a program that reads several transactions. For each new transac-tion that you read, determine if it is the same ISBN as the previous transaction, keepinga count of how many transactions there are for each ISBN. Test the program by giv-ing multiple transactions. These transactions should represent multiple ISBNs but therecords for each ISBN should be grouped together.

We’ll assume that all of the transactions for a given ISBN appear together. Ourprogram will combine the data for each ISBN in a Sales_item object namedtotal. Each transaction we read from the standard input will be stored in a sec-ond Sales_item object named trans. Each time we read a new transaction we’llcompare it to the Sales_item object in total. If the objects refer to the sameISBN, we’ll update total. Otherwise we’ll print the value in total and reset itusing the transaction we just read.

#include <iostream>#include "Sales_item.h"

int main(){

// declare variables to hold running sum and data for the next recordSales_item total, trans;

// is there data to process?if (std::cin >> total) {

// if so, read the transaction recordswhile (std::cin >> trans)

if (total.same_isbn(trans))// match: update the running totaltotal = total + trans;

else {// no match: print & assign to totalstd::cout << total << std::endl;total = trans;

}// remember to print last recordstd::cout << total << std::endl;

} else {// no input!, warn the userstd::cout << "No data?!" << std::endl;return -1; // indicate failure


return 0;}

This program is the most complicated one we’ve seen so far, but it uses onlyfacilities that we have already encountered. As usual, we begin by including theheaders that we use: iostream from the library and Sales_item.h, which isour own header.

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Section 1.6 The C++ Program 27

Inside main we define the objects we need: total, which we’ll use to sumthe data for a given ISBN, and trans, which will hold our transactions as we readthem. We start by reading a transaction into total and testing whether the readwas successful. If the read fails, then there are no records and we fall through tothe outermost else branch, which prints a message to warn the user that therewas no input.

Assuming we have successfully read a record, we execute the code in the ifbranch. The first statement is a while that will loop through all the remainingrecords. Just as we did in the program on page 18, our while condition reads avalue from the standard input and then tests that valid data was actually read. Inthis case, we read a Sales_item object into trans. As long as the read succeeds,we execute the body of the while.

The body of the while is a single if statement. We test whether the ISBNs areequal, and if so we add the two objects and store the result in total. If the ISBNsare not equal, we print the value stored in total and reset total by assigningtrans to it. After execution of the if, we return to the condition in the while,reading the next transaction and so on until we run out of records.

Once the while completes, we still must write the data associated with the lastISBN. When the while terminates, total contains the data for the last ISBN in thefile, but we had no chance to print it. We do so in the last statement of the blockthat concludes the outermost if statement.


Exercise 1.25: Using the Sales_item.h header from the Web site, compile and exe-cute the bookstore program presented in this section.

Exercise 1.26: In the bookstore program we used the addition operator and not thecompound assignment operator to add trans to total. Why didn’t we use the com-pound assignment operator?

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28 Defined Terms

CH A P T E R SU M M A R YThis chapter introduced enough of C++ to let the reader compile and execute sim-ple C++ programs. We saw how to define a main function, which is the functionthat is executed first in any C++ program. We also saw how to define variables,how to do input and output, and how to write if, for, and while statements.The chapter closed by introducing the most fundamental facility in C++: the class.In this chapter we saw how to create and use objects of a given class. Laterchapters show how to define our own classes.


argument A value passed to a functionwhen it is called.

block Sequence of statements enclosed incurly braces.

buffer A region of storage used to holddata. IO facilities often store input (or out-put) in a buffer and read or write the bufferindependently of actions in the program.Output buffers usually must be explicitlyflushed to force the buffer to be written. Bydefault, reading cin flushes cout; cout isalso flushed when the program ends nor-mally.

built-in type A type, such as int, definedby the language.

cerr ostream object tied to the standarderror, which is often the same stream as thestandard output. By default, writes to cerrare not buffered. Usually used for errormessages or other output that is not part ofthe normal logic of the program.

cin istream object used to read from thestandard input.

class C++ mechanism for defining ourown data structures. The class is one of themost fundamental features in C++. Librarytypes, such as istream and ostream, areclasses.

class type A type defined by a class. Thename of the type is the class name.

clog ostream object tied to the standarderror. By default, writes to clog are

buffered. Usually used to report informa-tion about program execution to a log file.

comments Program text that is ignored bythe compiler. C++ has two kinds of com-ments: single-line and paired. Single-linecomments start with a //. Everything fromthe // to the end of the line is a comment.Paired comments begin with a /* and in-clude all text up to the next */.

condition An expression that is evaluatedas true or false. An arithmetic expressionthat evaluates to zero is false; any othervalue yields true.

cout ostream object used to write to thestandard output. Ordinarily used to writethe output of a program.

curly brace Curly braces delimit blocks.An open curly ({) starts a block; a closecurly (}) ends one.

data structure A logical grouping of dataand operations on that data.

edit-compile-debug The process of get-ting a program to execute properly.

end-of-file System-specific marker in a filethat indicates that there is no more input inthe file.

expression The smallest unit of computa-tion. An expression consists of one or moreoperands and usually an operator. Expres-sions are evaluated to produce a result. Forexample, assuming i and j are ints, theni + j is an arithmetic addition expression

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Defined Terms 29

and yields the sum of the two int values.Expressions are covered in more detail inChapter 5.

for statement Control statement that pro-vides iterative execution. Often used to stepthrough a data structure or to repeat a calcu-lation a fixed number of times.

function A named unit of computation.

function body Statement block that de-fines the actions performed by a function.

function name Name by which a functionis known and can be called.

header A mechanism whereby the defini-tions of a class or other names may be madeavailable to multiple programs. A header isincluded in a program through a #includedirective.

if statement Conditional execution basedon the value of a specified condition. If thecondition is true, the if body is executed. Ifnot, control flows to the statement followingthe else if there is one or to the statementfollowing the if if there is no else.

iostream library type providing stream-oriented input and output.

istream Library type providing stream-oriented input.

library type A type, such as istream, de-fined by the standard library.

main function Function called by the op-erating system when executing a C++ pro-gram. Each program must have one andonly one function named main.

manipulator Object, such as std::endl,that when read or written “manipulates”the stream itself. Section A.3.1 (p. 825) cov-ers manipulators in more detail.

member function Operation defined by aclass. Member functions ordinarily arecalled to operate on a specific object.

method Synonym for member function.

namespace Mechanism for putting namesdefined by a library into a single place.Namespaces help avoid inadvertent nameclashes. The names defined by the C++ li-brary are in the namespace std.

ostream Library type providing stream-oriented output.

parameter list Part of the definition of afunction. Possibly empty list that speci-fies what arguments can be used to call thefunction.

preprocessor directive An instruction tothe C++ preprocessor. #include is a pre-processor directive. Preprocessor direc-tives must appear on a single line. We’lllearn more about the preprocessor in Sec-tion 2.9.2.

return type Type of the value returned bya function.

source file Term used to describe a file thatcontains a C++ program.

standard error An output stream intendedfor use for error reporting. Ordinarily, on awindowing operating system, the standardoutput and the standard error are tied to thewindow in which the program is executed.

standard input The input stream that ordi-narily is associated by the operating systemwith the window in which the program ex-ecutes.

standard library Collection of types andfunctions that every C++ compiler mustsupport. The library provides a rich setof capabilities including the types that sup-port IO. C++ programmers tend to talkabout “the library,” meaning the entirestandard library or about particular partsof the library by referring to a librarytype. For example, programmers also re-fer to the “iostream library,” meaning thepart of the standard library defined by theiostream classes.

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30 Defined Terms

standard output The output stream thatordinarily is associated by the operatingsystem with the window in which the pro-gram executes.

statement The smallest independent unitin a C++ program. It is analogous to a sen-tence in a natural language. Statements inC++ generally end in semicolons.

std Name of the namespace used by thestandard library. std::cout indicates thatwe’re using the name cout defined in thestd namespace.

string literal Sequence of characters en-closed in double quotes.

uninitialized variable Variable that has noinitial value specified. There are no unini-tialized variables of class type. Variablesof class type for which no initial value isspecified are initialized as specified by theclass definition. You must give a value to anuninitialized variable before attempting touse the variable’s value. Uninitialized vari-ables can be a rich source of bugs.

variable A named object.

while statement An iterative control state-ment that executes the statement that is thewhile body as long as a specified conditionis true. The body is executed zero or moretimes, depending on the truth value of thecondition.

() operator The call operator: A pairof parentheses “()” following a functionname. The operator causes a function to beinvoked. Arguments to the function may bepassed inside the parentheses.

++ operator Increment operator. Addsone to the operand; ++i is equivalent to i= i + 1.

+= operator A compound assignment op-erator. Adds right-hand operand to the leftand stores the result back into the left-handoperand; a += b is equivalent to a = a + b.

. operator Dot operator. Takes two oper-ands: the left-hand operand is an object and

the right is the name of a member of that ob-ject. The operator fetches that member fromthe named object.

:: operator Scope operator. We’ll seemore about scope in Chapter 2. Amongother uses, the scope operator is used toaccess names in a namespace. For exam-ple, std::cout says to use the name coutfrom the namespace std.

= operator Assigns the value of the right-hand operand to the object denoted by theleft-hand operand.

<< operator Output operator. Writes theright-hand operand to the output streamindicated by the left-hand operand: cout<< "hi" writes hi to the standard output.Output operations can be chained together:cout << "hi << "bye" writes hibye.

>> operator Input operator. Reads fromthe input stream specified by the left-handoperand into the right-hand operand: cin>> i reads the next value on the stan-dard input into i. Input operations can bechained together: cin >> i >> j reads firstinto i and then into j.

== operator The equality operator. Testswhether the left-hand operand is equal tothe right-hand.

!= operator Assignment operator. Testswhether the left-hand operand is not equalto the right-hand.

<= operator The less-than-or-equal opera-tor. Tests whether the left-hand operand isless than or equal to the right-hand.

< operator The less-than operator. Testswhether the left-hand operand is less thanthe right-hand.

>= operator Greater-than-or-equal opera-tor. Tests whether the left-hand operand isgreater than or equal to the right-hand.

> operator Greater-than operator. Testswhether the left-hand operand is greaterthan the right-hand.

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Bold face numbers refer to the page on which the term was first defined.Numbers in italic refer to the “Defined Terms” section in which the term is defined.

... (ellipsis parameter), 244/* */ (block comment), 10, 28// (single-line comment), 10, 28_ _DATE_ _ , 221_ _FILE_ _ , 221_ _LINE_ _ , 221_ _TIME_ _ , 221_ _cplusplus, 803\0 (null character), 40\Xnnn (hexadecimal escape sequence), 40\n (newline character), 40\t (tab character), 40{ } (curly brace), 3, 28#define, 71#ifdef, 71#ifundef, 71#include, 7~classname, see destructorL’c’ (wchar_t literal), 40ctrl-d (Unix end-of-file), 20ctrl-z (Windows end-of-file), 20; (semicolon), 3

class definition, 440++ (increment), 13, 30, 146, 190

and dereference, 163iterator, 98, 108, 312overloaded operator, 527pointer, 114prefix yields lvalue, 162reverse iterator, 412

-- (decrement), 190and dereference, 163iterator, 312overloaded operator, 527prefix yields lvalue, 162reverse iterator, 412

* (dereference), 98, 108, 146, 389iterator, 98

on map yields pair, 362overloaded operator, 524pointer, 119yields lvalue, 99, 120

& (address-of), 115, 146, 511-> (arrow operator), 164

class member access, 445overloaded operator, 525

->* (pointer to member arrow), 783[ ] (subscript), 87, 108, 146

bitset, 105deque, 325map, 363string, 87vector, 94, 325and multi-dimensioned array, 142and pointer, 124array, 113overloaded operator, 522

reference return, 522valid subscript range, 88yields lvalue, 88

() (call operator), 25, 30, 226, 280overloaded operator, 530

:: (scope operator), 8, 30, 78, 108base class members, 569class member, 85, 445container defined type, 317member function definition, 262to override name lookup, 449

= (assignment), 13, 30, 159and conversion, 179and equality, 161class assignment operator, 476container, 328overloaded operator, 483, 520

and copy constructor, 484check for self-assignment, 490


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844 Index

Message, 490multiple inheritance, 737reference return, 483, 521rule of three, 485use counting, 495, 498valuelike classes, 501

pointer, 120string, 86to signed, 37to unsigned, 37yields lvalue, 160

+= (compound assignment), 13, 30, 161string, 86iterator, 313overloaded operator, 511Sales_item, 521

+ (addition), 150string, 86iterator, 101, 313pointer, 123Sales_item, 517

- (subtraction), 150iterator, 101, 313pointer, 123

* (multiplication), 150/ (division), 150% (modulus), 151== (equality), 30, 154

string, 85algorithm, 421container, 322container adaptor, 350iterator, 98, 312string, 347

!= (inequality), 30, 154container, 322container adaptor, 350iterator, 98, 312string, 347

< (less-than), 30, 153overloaded and containers, 520used by algorithm, 420

<= (less-than-or-equal), 13, 30, 153> (greater-than), 30, 153>= (greater-than-or-equal), 30, 153>> (input operator), 8, 30

Sales_item, 516istream_iterator, 408string, 81, 108overloaded operator, 515

must be nonmember, 514

precedence and associativity, 158<< (output operator), 7, 30

bitset, 106ostream_iterator, 408string, 81, 108formatting, 514overloaded operator, 513

must be nonmember, 514precedence and associativity, 158Sales_item, 514

>> (right-shift), 155, 190<< (left-shift), 155, 190&& (logical AND), 152

operand order of evaluation, 172overloaded operator, 511

|| (logical OR), 152operand order of evaluation, 172overloaded operator, 511

& (bitwise AND), 156, 189Query, 610

! (logical NOT), 153| (bitwise OR), 156, 190

example, 290Query, 610

^ (bitwise XOR), 156, 190~ (bitwise NOT), 155, 189

Query, 610, (comma operator), 168, 189

example, 289operand order of evaluation, 172overloaded operator, 511

?: (conditional operator), 165, 189operand order of evaluation, 172

+ (unary plus), 150- (unary minus), 150\nnn (octal escape sequence), 40ddd.dddL or ddd.dddl (long double lit-

eral), 39numEnum or numenum (double literal),

39numF or numf (float literal), 39numL or numl (long literal), 39numU or numu (unsigned literal), 39class member:constant expression, see bit-


Aabnormal termination, stream buffers, 292abort, 692, 748absInt, 530

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Index 845

abstract base class, 596, 621example, 609

abstract data type, 78, 429, 473abstraction, data, 432, 474access control, 65

in base and derived classes, 570local class, 796nested class, 787using declarations to adjust, 573

access label, 65, 73, 432, 473private, 65, 432protected, 562, 622public, 65, 432

Account, 468accumulate, 396, 823Action, 783adaptor, 348, 353

container, 348function, 533, 535, 553iterator, 399

addition (+), 150string, 86iterator, 101, 313pointer, 123Sales_item, 517

address, 35, 73address-of (&), 115, 146

overloaded operator, 511adjacent_difference, 824adjacent_find, 813algorithm, 392, 424

_copy versions, 400, 421_if versions, 421element type constraints, 394independent of container, 393iterator argument constraints, 397, 415iterator category and, 416, 418naming convention, 420–421overloaded versions, 420parameter pattern, 419–420passing comparison function, 403read-only, 396structure, 419that reorders elements, 421that writes elements, 398type independence, 394, 396using function object as argument,

531with two input ranges, 420

algorithm header, 395alias, namespace, 720, 750

allocator, 755, 755–759, 805allocate, 759

compared to operator new, 761construct, 755, 758

compared to placement new, 762deallocate, 759

compared to operator delete,761

destroy, 755, 759compared to calling destructor, 763

operations, 756alternative operator name, 46ambiguous

conversion, 541–544multiple inheritance, 734

function call, 269, 272, 280multiple base classes, 738

overloaded operator, 550AndQuery, 609

definition, 618eval function, 619

anonymous union, 795, 805app (file mode), 296append, string, 342argc, 244argument, 25, 28, 226, 227, 280

array type, 238C-style string, 242const reference type, 235conversion, 229

with class type conversion, 541copied, 230

uses copy constructor, 478default, 253iterator, 238, 242multi-dimensioned array, 241passing, 229pointer to const, 231pointer to nonconst, 231reference parameter, 233template, see template argumentto main, 243to member function, 260nonconst reference parameter, 235type checking, 229

ellipsis, 244of array type, 239of reference to array, 240with class type conversion, 541

argument deduction, template, 637argument list, 226

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846 Index

argv, 244arithmetic

iterator, 100, 107, 312, 313pointer, 123, 146

arithmetic operatorand compound assignment, 162function object, 533overloaded operator, 517

arithmetic type, 34, 73conversion, 180, 188

from bool, 182signed to unsigned, 36

conversion to bool, 182array, 40, 73, 110–114

and pointer, 122argument, 238as initializer of vector, 140assignment, 112associative, 388conversion to pointer, 122, 181

and template argument, 639copy, 112default initialization, 111

uses copy constructor, 478uses default constructor, 460

definition, 110elements and destructor, 485function returning, 228initialization, 111multi-dimensioned, 141–144

and pointer, 143definition, 142initialization, 142parameter, 241subscript operator, 142

of char initialization, 112parameter, 238–244

buffer overflow, 242convention, 241–243reference type, 240

size calculation, 309and sizeof, 167subscript operator, 113

arrow operator (->), 164auto_ptr, 704class member access, 445generic handle, 670overloaded operator, 525

assert preprocessor macro, 221, 223assign

container, 328

string, 340assignment

vs. initialization, 49memberwise, 483, 503

assignment (=), 13, 30, 159, 502and conversion, 179and copy constructor, 484check for self-assignment, 490container, 328for derived class, 586Message, 490multiple inheritance, 737overloaded operator, 476, 483, 520

reference return, 483, 521pointer, 120rule of three, 485

exception for virtual destructors,588

string, 86synthesized, 483, 503to base from derived, 578to signed, 37to unsigned, 37use counting, 495, 498usually not virtual, 588valuelike classes, 501yields lvalue, 160

associative array, see map, 388associative container, 356, 388

assignment (=), 328begin, 369clear, 359constructors, 360count, 377element type constraints, 309, 323empty, 359equal_range, 379erase, 359find, 377insert, 364key type constraints, 360lower_bound, 377operations, 358overriding the default comparison,

604rbegin, 412rend, 412returning an, 381reverse_iterator, 412size, 359supports relational operators, 359

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Index 847

swap, 329types defined by, 361upper_bound, 377

associativity, 149, 170, 188overloaded operator, 507

atdeque, 325vector, 325

ate (file mode), 296auto_ptr, 702, 748

constructor, 703copy and assignment, 704default constructor, 705get member, 705operations, 703pitfalls, 707reset member, 706self-assignment, 705

automatic object, 255, 280see also local variablesee also parameterand destructor, 485


queue, 352sequential container, 324

back_inserter, 399, 406, 424bad, 289bad_alloc, 175, 219bad_cast, 219, 774bad_typeid, 776badbit, 289base, 414base class, 285, 302, 558, 621

see also virtual functionabstract, 596, 621

example, 609access control, 561, 571assignment operator, usually not vir-

tual, 588can be a derived class, 566constructor, 581

calls virtual function, 589not virtual, 588

conversion from derived, 567access control, 579

definition, 560destructor

calls virtual function, 589

usually virtual, 587friendship not inherited, 575handle class, 599member operator delete, 764member hidden by derived, 593multiple, see multiple base classmust be complete type, 566no conversion to derived, 580object initialized or assigned from de-

rived, 578scope, 590static members, 576user, 563virtual, 751

see virtual base classBasket, 605

total function, 606Bear, 731

as virtual base, 741begin, 353

map, 369set, 372vector, 97container, 317

best match, 269, 280see also function matching

bidirectional iterator, 417, 424list, 417map, 417set, 417

binary (file mode), 296binary function object, 533binary operator, 148, 188binary_search, 814BinaryQuery, 609

definition, 617bind1st, 535bind2nd, 535binder, 535, 552binding, dynamic, 559, 621

requirements for, 566bit-field, 798, 805

access to, 798bitset, 101, 101–106, 107

any, 104count, 104flip, 105

compared to bitwise NOT, 155none, 104reset, 105set, 105

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848 Index

size, 104test, 105to_ulong, 105compared to bitwise operator, 156constructor, 101–103header, 101output operator, 106subscript operator, 105

bitwise AND (&), 156, 189example, 610

bitwise exclusive or (^), 156, 190bitwise NOT (~), 155, 189

example, 610bitwise operator, 154–159

and compound assignment, 162compared to bitset, 156compound assignment, 157example, 290operand, 155

bitwise OR (|), 156, 190example, 290, 610

block, 3, 13, 28, 193, 223try, 216, 217, 224, 750as target of if, 196function, 227

block scope, 193body, function, 3, 29, 226, 281book finding program

using equal_range, 379using find, 377using upper_bound, 378

bookstore program, 26exception classes, 698

bool, 35and equality operator, 154conversion to arithmetic type, 182literal, 39

boolalpha manipulator, 826brace, curly, 3, 28break statement, 212, 223

and switch, 201–203buffer, 8, 28

flushing, 290buffer overflow, 114

and C-style string, 132array parameter, 242

built-in type, 3, 28, 34–37class member default initialization,

264conversion, 179initialization of, 51

Bulk_itemclass definition, 564constructor, 581constructor using default arguments,

582derived fromDisc_item, 584interface, 558member functions, 559

byte, 35, 73


calling C function from C++, 801compiling C and C++, 803using C linkage, 802

.C file, 4

.cc file, 4

.cpp file, 4

.cp file, 4C library header, 90C with classes, 430C-style cast, 186C-style string, 112, 130, 130–134, 145

and char*, 131and string literal, 140compared to string, 134, 138definition, 130dynamically allocated, 138initialization, 130parameter, 242pitfalls with generic programs, 671

c_str, 140example, 294

CachedObjadd_to_freelist, 771operator delete, 770operator new, 769allocation explained, 769definition, 767definition of static members, 771design, 766illustration, 767inheriting from, 768

call operator (()), 25, 30, 226, 280execution flow, 226overloaded operator, 530

calling C function from C++, 801candidate function, 270, 280

and function templates, 679namespaces, 728

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Index 849

overloaded operator, 549capacity

string, 336vector, 331

case label, 201, 201–204, 223default, 203

cassert header, 221cast, 183, 188

checked, see dynamic_castold-style, 186

catch clause, 216, 217, 223, 693, 749catch(...), 696, 748example, 217exception specifier, 693matching, 693ordering of, 694parameter, 693

category, iterator, 425cctype, 88–89, 107

header, 88cerr, 6, 28char, 34

literal, 40char string literal, see string literalcharacter

newline (\n), 40nonprintable, 40, 75null (\0), 40printable, 88tab (\t), 40

checked cast, see dynamic_castCheckedPtr, 526children’s story program, 400

revisited, 531cin, 6, 28

by default tied to cout, 292cl, 4class, 20, 28, 63, 73, 473

static member, 474abstract base, 621

example, 609access labels, 65, 432as friend, 465base, 285, 302, see base class, 621concrete, 433conversion, 552

multiple conversions lead to am-biguities, 546

conversion constructor, 461function matching, 547with standard conversion, 540

data member, 64, 74const vs. mutable, 443const, initialization, 455constraints on type, 438definition, 435initialization, 454mutable, 443reference, initialization, 455static, 469

data member definition, 65default access label, 433default inheritance access label, 574definition, 64, 430–440

and header, 264, 437derived, 285, 302, see derived class,

621destructor definition, 486direct base, see immediate base class,

621explicit constructor, 462forward declaration, 438generic handle, 667, 683handle, see handle class, 599, 622immediate base, 566, 622indirect base, 566, 622local, see local class, 806member, 64, 73, 430member access, 445member function, 25, 29, see mem-

ber functionmember:constant expression, see bit-

fieldmultiple inheritance, see multiple base

classnested, see nested class, 806nonvirtual function, calls resolved at

compile time, 569operator delete, see member op-

eratoroperator new, see member opera-

tor newpointer member

copy control, 492–501copy control strategies, 499default copy behavior, 493

pointer to member, 780definition, 781

pointer to member function, defini-tion, 782

preventing copies, 481private member, 431

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850 Index

inheritance, 561private member, 75protected member, 562public member, 75, 431

inheritance, 561static member, 467

as default argument, 471data member as constant expres-

sion, 471example, 468inheritance, 576

template member, see member tem-plate

type member, 435undefined member, 482user, 433, 563virtual base, 751virtual function, calls resolved at run

time, 569class, keyword, 64

compared to typename, 631in template parameter, 630in variable definition, 440

class keyword, 473class declaration, 438, 473

of derived class, 566class derivation list, 563, 621

access control, 570default access label, 574multiple base classes, 731virtual base, 742

class scope, 65, 444, 473friend declaration, 466inheritance, 590–595member definition, 445name lookup, 447static members, 470virtual functions, 594

class template, 90, 107, 627, 683see also template parametersee also template argumentsee also instantiationcompiler error detection, 634declaration, 629definition, 627error detection, 635explicit template argument, 636export, 645friend

declaration dependencies, 658explicit template instantiation, 657

nontemplate class or function, 656template class or function, 656

member function, 653defined outside class body, 651instantiation, 653

member specialization, 677member template, see member tem-

platenontype template parameter, 655static member, 665

accessed through an instantiation,666

definition, 666type includes template argument(s),

628, 637type-dependent code, 634uses of template parameter, 649

class template specializationdefinition, 675member, declaration, 677member defined outside class body,

676namespaces, 730

class type, 20, 28, 65class member default initialization,

264conversion, 183initialization of, 52object definition, 439parameter and overloaded operator,

507variable vs. function declaration, 460

cleanup, object, see destructorclear, 289, 290

associative container, 359example, 290, 295sequential container, 327

clog, 6, 28close, 294comma operator (,), 168, 189

example, 289operand order of evaluation, 172overloaded operator, 511

comment, 10, 28block (/* */), 10, 28single-line (//), 10, 28

compareplain function, 624string, 347template version, 625

instantiatied with pointer, 671

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specialization, 672compilation

and header, 67conditional, 220inclusion model for templates, 644needed when class changes, 434needed when inline function changes,

258separate, 67, 76

of templates, 643separate model for templates, 644

compilerextension, 112flag for inclusion compilation model,

645GNU, 4Microsoft, 4template errors diagnosed at link time,

635compiler extension, 145compiling C and C++, 803composition vs. inheritance, 573compound assignment (e.g.,+=), 13, 30, 161

string, 86bitwise operator, 157iterator, 313overloaded operator, 511, 518Sales_item, 521

compound expression, 168, 188compound statement, 193, 223compound type, 58, 73, 145compute, 542

overloaded version, 545concatenation

Screen operations, 441string, 86string literal, 41

concrete class, 433initialization, 464

condition, 13, 28and conversion, 179assignment in, 161in do while statement, 211in for statement, 15, 207in if statement, 18, 195in logical operator, 152in while statement, 205stream type as, 19, 183, 288string input operation as, 82

condition state, 287, 302conditional compilation, 220

conditional operator (?:), 165, 189operand order of evaluation, 172

console window, 6const, 57

and dynamically allocated array, 136conversion to, 182, 231

and template argument, 639iterator vs. const_iterator, 100object scope, 57, 69overloading and, 267, 275parameter, 231pointer, 128reference, 59

initialization, 60const object, constructor, 453const data member

static data member, 470compared to mutable, 443initialization, 455

const member function, 261, 262, 280,431, 473

overloaded, 442reference return, 442static, 469

const pointer, see also pointer to constconversion from nonconst, 182

const referenceargument, 235conversion from nonconst, 182parameter, 235

overloading, 275return type, 249

const void*, 127, 145const_cast, 183, 184const_iterator, 99, 415

compared to const iterator, 100container, 316

const_reference, 317const_reverse_iterator, 412

container, 316constant expression, 62, 74

and header file, 69array index, 110bit-field, 798enumerator, 62nontype template parameter, 633static data member, 471

construction, order of, 456, 749derived objects, 581, 582multiple base classes, 732virtual base classes, 746

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852 Index

constructor, 49, 74, 262, 281, 431const objects, 453conversion, 461, 474

function matching, 547with standard conversion, 540

copy, 476–482, 502base from derived, 578multiple inheritance, 737

default, 52, 74, 262, 281, 458–461, 474default argument in, 458derived class, 581

initializes immediate base class, 583initializes virtual base, 744

execution flow, 454explicit, 462, 474

copy-initialization, 477for associative container, 360for sequential container, 307–309function try block, 696in constructor initializer list, 457inheritance, 581initializer, 452may not be virtual, 588object creation, 452order of construction, 456

derived objects, 581, 582multiple base classes, 732virtual base classes, 746

overloaded, 452pair, 357resource allocation, 700synthesized copy, 479, 503synthesized default, 264, 281, 459, 474virtual inheritance, 744

constructor initializer list, 263, 281, 431,453–458, 474

compared to assignment, 454derived classes, 582function try block, 696initializers, 457multiple base classes, 733sometimes required, 455virtual base class, 745

container, 90, 107, 306, 353see also sequential containersee also associative containerand generic algorithms, 393as element type, 311assignment (=), 328associative, 356, 388begin, 317

clear, 327const_iterator, 316const_reference, 317const_reverse_iterator, 316element type constraints, 309, 323elements and destructor, 485elements are copies, 318empty, 323end, 317erase, 402has bidirectional iterator, 417inheritance, 597insert, 319iterator, 316rbegin, 317, 412reference, 317rend, 317, 412returning a, 381reverse_iterator, 316, 412sequential, 306, 354size, 323size_type, 316supports relational operators, 321swap, 329types defined by, 316

continue statement, 214, 223example, 290

control, flow of, 192, 224conversion, 178, 188

ambiguous, 541–544and assignment, 159argument, 229

with class type conversion, 541arithmetic type, 180, 188array to pointer, 122, 238

and template argument, 639class type, 183, 535, 552

design considerations, 544example, 537multiple conversions lead to am-

biguities, 546operator, 537, 537–540, 552operator and function matching,

545used implicitly, 538with standard conversion, 539

constructor, 461function matching, 547with standard conversion, 540

derived to base, 567, 580access control, 579

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enumeration type to integer, 182from istream, 183function matching of template and

nontemplate functions, 681function to pointer, 277

and template argument, 639implicit, 189inheritance, 577integral promotion, 180multi-dimensioned array to pointer,

143multiple inheritance, 734nontemplate type argument, 640of return value, 246rank for function matching, 272rank of class type conversions, 545signed type, 180signed to unsigned, 36template argument, 638to const pointer, 127to const, 182

and template argument, 639parameter matching, 231

virtual base, 743conversion constructor, 474copy, 815copy constructor, 476, 476–482, 502

and assignment operator, 484argument passing, 478base from derived, 578for derived class, 586initialization, 478Message, 489parameter, 480pointer members, 480rule of three, 485

exception for virtual destructors,588

synthesized, 479, 503use counting, 495, 497valuelike classes, 500

copy control, 476, 502handle class, 601inheritance, 584–590message handling example, 489multiple inheritance, 737of pointer members, 499

copy-initialization, 48using constructor, 477

copy_backward, 816count, use, 495, 503

count, 812book finding program, 377map, 367multimap, 377multiset, 377set, 372

count_if, 404, 812with function object argument, 532

cout, 6, 28by default tied to cin, 292

cstddef header, 104, 123cstdlib header, 247cstring header, 132curly brace, 3, 28

Ddangling else, 198, 223dangling pointer, 176, 188

returning pointer to local variable,249

synthesized copy control, 494data abstraction, 432, 474

advantages, 434data hiding, 434data structure, 20, 28data type, abstract, 473dec manipulator, 827decimal literal, 38declaration, 52, 74

class, 438, 473class template member specialization,

677dependencies and template friends,

658derived class, 566export, 645forward, 438, 474function, 251

exception specification, 708function template specialization, 672,

673member template, 661template, 629using, 78, 108, 720, 750

access control, 573class member access, 574overloaded inherited functions, 593

declaration statement, 193, 224decrement (--), 190

iterator, 312

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overloaded operator, 526prefix yields lvalue, 162reverse iterator, 412

deduction, template argument, 637default argument, 253

and header file, 254function matching, 270in constructor, 458initializer, 254overloaded function, 267virtual functions, 570

default case label, 203, 224default constructor, 52, 74, 262, 281, 458–

461, 474Sales_item, 263string, 52, 81default argument, 458synthesized, 264, 281, 459, 474used implicitly, 459variable definition, 460

definition, 52, 74array, 110base class, 560C-style string, 130class, 64, 430–440class data member, 65, 435class static member, 469class template, 627static member, 666

class template specialization, 675member defined outside class body,

676class type object, 439derived class, 563destructor, 486dynamically allocated array, 135dynamically allocated object, 174function, 3inside an if condition, 196inside a switch expression, 203inside a while condition, 205map, 360, 373multi-dimensioned array, 142namespace, 712

can be discontiguous, 714member, 716

of variable after case label, 204overloaded operator, 482pair, 356pointer, 115pointer to function, 276

static data member, 470variable, 48

delete, 145, 176, 188, 806compared to operatordelete, 760const object, 178execution flow, 760member operator, 806member operator

and inheritance, 764interface, 764

memory leak, 177, 485null pointer, 176runs destructor, 485

delete [], 135and dynamically allocated array, 137

deque, 353as element type, 311assign, 328assignment (=), 328at, 325back, 324begin, 317clear, 327const_iterator, 316const_reference, 317const_reverse_iterator, 316constructor from element count, uses

copy constructor, 478constructors, 307–309difference_type, 316element type constraints, 309, 323empty, 323end, 317erase, 326

invalidates iterator, 326front, 324insert, 319

invalidates iterator, 320iterator, 316iterator supports arithmetic, 312performance characteristics, 334pop_back, 326pop_front, 326push_back, 318

invalidates iterator, 321push_front, 318

invalidates iterator, 321random-access iterator, 417rbegin, 317, 412reference, 317relational operators, 321

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rend, 317, 412resize, 323reverse_iterator, 316, 412size, 323size_type, 316subscript ([ ]), 325supports relational operators, 313swap, 329types defined by, 316value_type, 317

dereference (*), 98, 108, 146, 389and increment, 163auto_ptr, 704iterator, 98on map iterator yields pair, 362overloaded operator, 524pointer, 119yields lvalue, 99, 120

derivation list, class, 563, 621access control, 570default access label, 574

derived class, 285, 302, 558, 621see also virtual functionaccess control, 561, 572as base class, 566assgined or copied to base object, 578assignment (=), 586constructor, 581

calls virtual function, 589for remote virtual base, 744initializes immediate base class, 583

constructor initializer list, 582conversion to base, 567

access control, 579copy constructor, 586default derivation label, 574definition, 563destructor, 587

calls virtual function, 589friendship not inherited, 576handle class, 599member operator delete, 764member hides member in base, 593multiple base classes, 731no conversion from base, 580scope, 590scope (::) to access base class mem-

ber, 569static members, 576using declaration

inherited functions, 593

member access, 574with remote virtual base, 742

derived objectcontains base part, 565multiple base classes, contains base

part for each, 732design

CachedObj, 766class member access control, 563class type conversions, 544consistent definitions of equality and

relational operators, 520is-a relationship, 573Message class, 486namespace, 714of handle classes, 599of header files, 67export, 646inclusion compilation model, 644separate compilation model, 645

optimizing new and delete, 764using freelist, 766

overloaded operator, 510–513overview of use counting, 495Query classes, 609–611Queue, 647resource allocation is initialization,

700–701Sales_item handle class, 599TextQuery class, 380vectormemory allocation strategy,

756writing generic code, 634

pointer template argument, 671destruction, order of, 749

derived objects, 587multiple base classes, 733virtual base classes, 747

destructor, 476, 484, 502called during exception handling, 691container elements, 485definition, 486derived class, 587explicit call to, 762implicitly called, 484library classes, 709Message, 491multiple inheritance, 737order of destruction, 485

derived objects, 587multiple base classes, 733

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virtual base classes, 747resource deallocation, 700rule of three, 485

exception for virtual destructors,588

should not throw exception, 692synthesized, 485, 486use counting, 495, 497valuelike classes, 500virtual, multiple inheritance, 736virtual in base class, 587

development environment, integrated, 3difference_type, 101, 107, 316dimension, 110, 145direct base class, see immediate base class,

621direct-initialization, 48

using constructor, 477directive, using, 721, 751

pitfalls, 724Disc_item, 583

class definition, 583discriminant, 794, 806divides<T>, 534division (/), 150do while statement, 210

condition in, 211domain_error, 219dot operator (.), 25, 30

class member access, 445double, 37

literal (numEnum or numenum), 39long double, 37notation outptu format control, 830output format control, 828

duplicate word program, 400–404revisited, 531

dynamic binding, 559, 621in C++, 569requirements for, 566

dynamic type, 568, 622dynamic_cast, 183, 773, 806

example, 773throws bad_cast, 774to pointer, 773to reference, 774

dynamically allocated, 145const object, 177array, 134, 134–139delete, 137definition, 135

initialization, 136of const, 136

C-style string, 138memory and object construction, 754object, 174auto_ptr, 702constructor, 453destructor, 485exception, 700

Eedit-compile-debug, 16, 28

errors at link time, 635else, see if statement

dangling, 198, 223empty

string, 83, 107vector, 93, 107associative container, 359container, 323priority_queue, 352queue, 352stack, 351

encapsulation, 432, 474advantages, 434

end, 353map, 369set, 372vector, 97container, 317

end-of-file, 19, 28, 835entering from keyboard, 20

Endangered, 731endl, 8

manipulator flushes the buffer, 291ends, manipulator flushes the buffer, 291enum keyword, 62enumeration, 62, 74

conversion to integer, 182function matching, 274

enumerator, 62, 74conversion to integer, 182

environment, integrated development, 3eof, 289eofbit, 289equal, 814equal member function, 778equal_range, 814

associative container, 379book finding program, 379

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Index 857

equal_to<T>, 534equality (==), 30, 154

string, 85algorithm, 421and assignment, 161container, 322container adaptor, 350iterator, 98, 312overloaded operator, 512, 518

consistent with equality, 520string, 347

eraseassociative container, 359container, 402invalidates iterator, 326map, 368multimap, 376multiset, 376sequential container, 326set, 372string, 340

error, standard, 6escape sequence, 40, 74

hexadecimal (\Xnnn), 40octal (\nnn), 40

evaluationorder of, 149, 189short-circuit, 152

exception, raise, see throwexception

class, 216, 224class hierarchy, 698constructor, 220extending the hierarchy, 697header, 219what member, 218, 697

exception handling, 215–220, 749see also throwsee also catch clauseand terminate, 219compared to assert, 221exception in destrutor, 692finding a catch clause, 693function try block, 696, 749handler, see catch clauselibrary class destructors, 709local objects destroyed, 691specifier, 217, 224, 693, 749

nonreference, 693reference, 694types related by inheritance, 694

stack unwinding, 691uncaught exception, 692unhandled exception, 219

exception object, 690, 749array or function, 689initializes catch parameter, 693must be copyable, 689pointer to local object, 690rethrow, 695

exception safety, 700, 749exception specification, 706, 749

throw(), 708function pointers, 711unexpected, 708violation, 708virtual functions, 710

executable file, 4EXIT_FAILURE, 247EXIT_SUCCESS, 247explicit constructor, 462, 474

copy-initialization, 477export, 645

and header design, 646keyword, 645, 683

exporting C++ to C, 802expression, 7, 28, 148, 189

and operand conversion, 179compound, 168, 188constant, 62, 74throw, 689, 750

expression statement, 192, 224extended_compute, 542extension, compiler, 145extern, 53extern ’C’, see linkage directiveextern const, 57

Ffactorial program, 250fail, 289failbit, 289file

executable, 4object, 68source, 4, 29

file mode, 296, 302combinations, 298example, 299

file static, 719, 749fill, 816

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fill_n, 815find, 392, 812

book finding program, 377map, 368multimap, 377multiset, 377set, 372string, 344

find last word program, 414find_first_of, 812find_first_not_of, string, 346find_end, 812find_first_of, 396, 812

string, 345find_if, 421, 812find_last_not_of, string, 346find_last_of, string, 346find_val program, 234fixed manipulator, 830float, 37

literal (numF or numf), 39floating point

notation output format control, 830output format control, 828

floating point literal, see double literalflow of control, 192, 224flush, manipulator flushes the buffer, 291Folder, see Messagefor statement, 29, 207

condition in, 207execution flow, 208expression, 207for header, 207initialization statement, 207scope, 15

for statementfor statement, 14for_each, 813format state, 825forward declaration of class type, 438forward iterator, 417, 424fp_compute, 542free store, 135, 145freelist, 766, 806friend, 465, 474

class, 465class template

explicit template instantiation, 657nontemplate class or function, 656template class or function, 656

function template, example, 659inheritance, 575

member function, 466overloaded function, 467overloaded operator, 509scope considerations, 466

namespaces, 727template example, 658

friend keyword, 465front

queue, 352sequential container, 324

front_inserter, 406, 424compared to inserter, 406

fstream, 285, 293–299, 302see also istreamsee also ostreamclose, 294constructor, 293file marker, 838file mode, 296

combinations, 298example, 299

file random access, 838header, 285, 293off_type, 839open, 293pos_type, 839random IO sample program, 840seek and tell members, 838–842

function, 2, 29, 225, 281equal member, 778inline, 257, 281candidate, 270, 280conversion to pointer, 277

and template argument, 639function returning, 228inline and header, 257member, 25, 29, see member function,

474nonvirtual, calls resolved at compile

time, 569overloaded, 265, 281

compared to redeclaration, 266friend declaration, 467scope, 268virtual, 593

pure virtual, 596, 622example, 609

recursive, 249, 281viable, 270, 282virtual, 559, 566–570, 622

assignment operator, 588

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Index 859

calls resolved at run time, 568compared to run-time type iden-

tification, 777default argument, 570derived classes, 564destructor, 587destructor and multiple inheritance,

736exception specifications, 710in constructors, 589in destructor, 589introduction, 561multiple inheritance, 735no virtual constructor, 588overloaded, 593overloaded operator, 615overriding run-time binding, 570return type, 564run-time type identification, 772scope, 594to copy unknown type, 602type-sensitive equality, 778

function adaptor, 533, 535, 553bind1st, 535bind2nd, 535binder, 535negator, 535not1, 535not2, 535

function body, 3, 29, 226, 281function call

ambiguous, 269, 272execution flow, 226overhead, 257through pointer to function, 278through pointer to member, 784to overloaded operator, 509to overloaded postfix operator, 529using default argument, 253

function declaration, 251and header file, 252exception specification, 708

function definition, 3function matching, 269, 281

and overloaded function templates,679–682

examples, 680argument conversion, 269conversion operator, 545conversion rank, 272

class type conversions, 545

enumeration parameter, 274integral promotion, 273multiple parameters, 272namespaces, 727of member functions, 436overloaded operator, 547–551

function name, 3, 29function object, 531, 553

algorithms, 531example, 534

binary, 533library defined, 533unary, 533

function pointer, 276–279and template argument deduction,

640definition, 276exception specifications, 711function returning, 228initialization, 277overloaded functions, 279parameter, 278return type, 278typedef, 276

function prototype, 251, 281function return type, 226, 227, 281

const reference, 249no implicit return type, 228nonreference, 247

uses copy constructor, 478reference, 248reference yields lvalue, 249void, 245

function scope, 227function table, 785

pointer to member, 785function template, 625, 683

see also template parametersee also template argumentsee also instantiationas friend, 659compiler error detection, 634declaration, 629error detection, 635explicit template argument, 642

and function pointer, 643specifying, 642

export, 645inline, 626instantiation, 637template argument deduction, 637

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type-dependent code, 634function template specialization

compared to overloaded function, 673declaration, 672, 673example, 672namespaces, 730scope, 674

function try block, 696, 749

Gg++, 4gcd program, 226generate, 816generate_n, 815generic algorithm, see algorithmgeneric handle class, 667, 683generic memory management, see CachedObjgeneric programming, 95, 624

and pointer template argument, 671type-independent code, 634

getline, 82, 107example, 300, 386

global namespace, 716, 750global scope, 54, 74global variable, lifetime, 254GNU compiler, 4good, 289goto statement, 214, 224greater-than (>), 30, 153greater-than-or-equal (>=), 30, 153greater<T>, 534greater_equal<T>, 534GT6 program, 403GT_cls, 532guard header, 71, 74

H.h file, 21Handle, 667

int instantiation, 668operations, 668Sales_item instantiation, 669

handle class, 599, 622copy control, 601copying unknown type, 602design, 599generic, 667, 683that hides inheritance hierarchy, 610using a, 603

handler, see catch clausehas-a relationship, 573HasPtr

as a smart pointer, 495using synthesized copy control, 493with value semantics, 499

header, 7, 29, 67, 74bitset, 101cctype, 88, 107cstddef, 104iomanip, 829string, 80vector, 90algorithm, 395and constant expression, 69and library names, 810C library, 90cassert, 221class definition, 264, 437cstddef, 123cstdlib, 247cstring, 132default argument, 254deque, 307design, 67export, 646inclusion compilation model, 644namespace members, 714separate compilation model, 645

exception, 219fstream, 285, 293function declaration, 252inline function, 257inlinemember function definition,

437iostream, 285iterator, 399list, 307map, 360, 375new, 219numeric, 395programmer-defined, 67–72queue, 349Sales_item, 21, 67, 264set, 373, 375sstream, 285, 300stack, 349stdexcept, 217, 219type_info, 219using declaration, 80utility, 356

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vector, 307header file, naming convention, 264header guard, 71, 74heap, 135, 145hex manipulator, 827hexadecimal, literal (0Xnum or 0xnum),

38hexadecimal escape sequence (\Xnnn), 40hides, names in base hidden by names in

derived, 592hierarchy, inheritance, 558, 566, 622high-order bits, 102, 107

IIDE, 3identification, run-time type, 772–780, 807identifier, 46, 74

naming convention, 47reserved, 47

if statement, else branch, 224if statement, 17, 29, 195, 224

compared to switch, 199dangling else, 198else branch, 18, 197

ifstream, 285, 293–299see also istreamclose, 294constructor, 293file marker, 838file mode, 296

combinations, 298example, 299

file random access, 838off_type, 839open, 293pos_type, 839random IO sample program, 840seek and tell members, 838–842

immediate base class, 566, 622implementation, 63, 74, 432implementation inheritance, 573implicit this pointer, overloaded opera-

tor, 508implicit conversion, see conversion, 189implicit return, 245

from main allowed, 247implicit this pointer, 260, 281, 431, 440

in and overloaded operator, 483static member functions, 469

in (file mode), 296

include, see #includeincludes, 822inclusion compilation model, 644, 683incomplete type, 438, 474

restriction on use, 438, 566, 693increment (++), 13, 30, 146, 190

reverse iterator, 412and dereference, 163iterator, 98, 108, 312overloaded operator, 526pointer, 114prefix yields lvalue, 162

indentation, 14, 197index, 87, 107indirect base class, 566, 622inequality (!=), 30, 154

iterator, 98container, 322container adaptor, 350iterator, 312overloaded operator, 512, 519string, 347

inheritance, 284, 302containers, 597conversions, 577default access label, 574friends, 575handle class, 599implementation, 573interface, 573iostream diagram, 285multiple, see multiple base class, 731private, 622static members, 576virtual, 741, 751

inheritance hierarchy, 558, 566, 622inheritance vs. composition, 573initialization, 9

vs. assignment, 49array, 111array of char, 112built-in type, 51C-style string, 130class data member, 454class member of built-in type, 264class member of class type, 264class type, 52, 452const static data member, 470dynamically allocated array, 136dynamically allocated object, 174map, 373

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memberwise, 479, 503multi-dimensioned array, 142objects of concrete class type, 464pair, 356parameter, 229pointer, 117–119pointer to function, 277return value, 247value, 92, 108variable, 48, 50, 76

initialization vs. assignment, 456initialized, 48, 75initializer list, constructor, 263, 281, 431,

453–458, 474inline function, 257, 281

and header, 257function template, 626member function, 437

and header, 437inner_product, 823inplace_merge, 816input, standard, 6input (>>), 8, 30

Sales_item, 516istream_iterator, 408string, 81, 108overloaded operator, 515

error handling, 516–517must be nonmember, 514

precedence and associativity, 158input iterator, 416, 424insert

inserter, 406invalidates iterator, 320map, 364multimap, 376multiset, 376return type fromset::insert, 373sequential container, 319set, 373string, 340

insert iterator, 399, 405, 425inserter, 406inserter, 425

compared to front_inserter, 406instantiation, 625, 684

class template, 628, 636, 654member function, 653nontype parameter, 655type, 637

error detection, 635

function template, 637from function pointer, 640nontemplate argument conversion,

640nontype template parameter, 633template argument conversion, 638

member template, 663nested class template, 788, 791on use, 636static class member, 665

int, 34literal, 38

Integral, 539integral promotion, 180, 189

function matching, 273integral type, 34, 75integrated development environment, 3interface, 63, 75, 432interface inheritance, 573internal manipulator, 832interval, left-inclusive, 314, 354invalid_argument, 219invalidated iterator, 315, 353IO stream, see streamiomanip header, 829iostate, 289iostream, 6, 29, 285

see also istreamsee also ostreamheader, 285inheritance hierarchy, 740seek and tell members, 838

is-a relationship, 573isalnum, 88isalpha, 88ISBN, 2isbn_mismatch, 699

destructor explained, 709iscntrl, 88isdigit, 88isgraph, 88islower, 88isprint, 88ispunct, 88isShorter program, 235, 403isspace, 88istream, 6, 29, 285

see also manipulatorcondition state, 287flushing input buffer, 290format state, 825

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Index 863

gcount, 837get, 834

multi-byte version, 836returns int, 835, 836

getline, 82, 836getline, example, 300ignore, 837inheritance hierarchy, 740input (>>), 8

precedence and associativity, 158no containers of, 310no copy or assign, 287peek, 834put, 834putback, 835read, 837seek and tell members, 838unformatted operation, 834

multi-byte, 837single-byte, 834

unget, 835write, 837

istream_iterator, 407, 425and class type, 410constructors, 408input iterator, 417input operator (>>), 408limitations, 411operations, 409used with algorithms, 411

istringstream, 285, 299–301see also istreamword per line processing, 300, 370str, 301word per line processing, 386

isupper, 88isxdigit, 88Item_base

class definition, 560constructor, 580interface, 558member functions, 559

iter_swap, 816iterator, 95, 95–101, 107, 311–316, 354

argument, 238arrow (->), 164bidirectional, 417, 424compared to reverse iterator, 413, 414destination, 399, 419equality, 98, 312forward, 417, 424

generic algorithms, 394inequality, 98, 312input, 416, 424insert, 399, 405, 425invalidated, 315, 353invalidated byassign, 328erase, 326insert, 321push_back, 321push_front, 321resize, 324

off-the-end, 97, 394, 425operations, 311output, 416, 425parameter, 238, 242random-access, 417, 425relational operators, 313reverse, 405, 412–415, 425stream, 425

iterator, 362, 374container, 316

iterator header, 399iterator arithmetic, 100, 107, 312, 313

relational operators, 313iterator category, 416–418, 425

algorithm and, 416, 418bidirectional iterator, 417forward iterator, 417hierarchy, 417input iterator, 416output iterator, 416random-access iterator, 417

iterator range, 314, 314–316, 354algorithms constraints on, 397, 415erase, 327generic algorithms, 394insert, 320

Kkey_type, 388

associative containers, 362keyword

enum, 62friend, 465namespace, 712protected, 562template, 625try, 217union, 793

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virtual, 559export, 645

keyword table, 46Koenig lookup, 726


case, 201, 201–204, 223access, 65, 73, 432, 473statement, 214

labeled statement, 214, 224left manipulator, 832left-inclusive interval, 314, 354left-shift (<<), 155, 190length_error, 219less-than (<), 30, 153

overloaded and containers, 520used by algorithm, 420

less-than-or-equal (<=), 13, 30, 153less<T>, 534less_equal<T>, 534lexicographical_compare, 823library, standard, 5, 29library names to header table, 810library type, 29lifetime, object, 254, 281link time errors from template, 635linkage directive, 801, 806

C++ to C, 802compound, 802overloaded function, 803parameter or return type, 804pointer to function, 803single, 801

linking, 68, 75list, 354

as element type, 311assign, 328assignment (=), 328back, 324begin, 317bidirectional iterator, 417clear, 327const_iterator, 316const_reference, 317const_reverse_iterator, 316constructor from element count, uses

copy constructor, 478constructors, 307–309element type constraints, 309, 323

empty, 323end, 317erase, 326front, 324insert, 319iterator, 316merge, 423performance characteristics, 334pop_back, 326pop_front, 326push_back, 318push_front, 318rbegin, 317, 412reference, 317relational operators, 321remove, 423remove_if, 423rend, 317, 412resize, 323reverse, 423reverse_iterator, 316, 412size, 323size_type, 316specific algorithms, 421splice, 423swap, 329types defined by, 316unique, 423value_type, 317

literal, 37, 37–42, 75bool, 39char, 40decimal, 38double (numEnum or numenum), 39float (numF or numf), 39hexadecimal (0Xnum or 0xnum), 38int, 38long (numL or numl), 38long double (ddd.dddL or ddd.dddl),

39multi-line, 42octal (0num), 38string, 9, 30, 40unsigned (numU or numu), 39wchar_t, 40

local class, 796, 806access control, 796name lookup, 797nested class in, 797restrictions on, 796

local scope, 54, 75

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local static object, 255, 281local variable, 227, 281

destructor, 485lifetime, 254reference return type, 248

logic_error, 219logical AND (&&), 152

operand order of evaluation, 172overloaded operator, 511

logical NOT (!), 153logical operator, 152

function object, 533logical OR (||), 152

operand order of evaluation, 172overloaded operator, 511

logical_and<T>, 534logical_not<T>, 534logical_or<T>, 534long, 34

literal (numL or numl), 38long double, 37long double, literal (ddd.dddL or ddd.dddl),

39lookup, name, 447, 474

and templates, 647before type checking, 269, 593

multiple inheritance, 738class member declaration, 447class member definition, 448, 450class member definition, examples,

449collisions under inheritance, 591depends on static type, 590

multiple inheritance, 735inheritance, 590, 595local class, 797multiple inheritance, 737

ambiguous names, 738namespace names, 724

argument-dependent lookup, 726nested class, 791overloaded virtual functions, 593virtual inheritance, 743

low-order bits, 102, 107lower_bound, 814

associative container, 377book finding program, 378

lvalue, 45, 75assignment, 160dereference, 99function reference return type, 249

prefix decrement, 162prefix increment, 162subscript, 88


bitfield layout, 798char representation, 36division and modulus result, 151end-of-file character, 20iostate type, 288linkage directive language, 802nonzero return from main, 247pre-compiled headers, 67random file access, 837reinterpret_cast, 185representation of enum type, 274return from exception what oper-

ation, 220signed and out-of-range value, 37signed types and bitwise operators,

155size of arithmetic types, 34template compilation optimization,

645terminate function, 219type_info members, 779vectormemory allocation size, 331volatile implementation, 799

magic number, 56, 75main, 2, 29

arguments to, 243not recursive, 251return type, 3return value, 2–5, 247returns 0 by default, 247

make_pair, 358make_plural program, 248manip, 542manipulator, 8, 29, 825

boolalpha, 826dec, 827fixed, 830hex, 827internal, 832left, 832noboolalpha, 827noshowbase, 828noshowpoint, 832noskipws, 833

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866 Index

nouppercase, 828oct, 827right, 832scientific, 830setfill, 832setprecision, 829setw, 832showbase, 827showpoint, 831skipws, 833uppercase, 828boolalpha, 826change format state, 825dec, 827endl flushes the buffer, 291ends flushes the buffer, 291fixed, 830flush flushes the buffer, 291hex, 827internal, 832left, 832noboolalpha, 827noshowbase, 828noshowpoint, 832noskipws, 833nouppercase, 828oct, 827right, 832scientific, 830setfill, 832setprecision, 829setw, 832showbase, 827showpoint, 831skipws, 833unitbuf flushes the buffer, 291uppercase, 828

map, 356, 388as element type, 311assignment (=), 328begin, 369bidirectional iterator, 417clear, 359constructors, 360count, 367definition, 360dereference yields pair, 362element type constraints, 309empty, 359end, 369equal_range, 379

erase, 359, 368find, 368header, 360insert, 364iterator, 362key type constraints, 360key_type, 362lower_bound, 377mapped_type, 362, 388operations, 358overriding the default comparison,

604rbegin, 412rend, 412return type from insert, 365reverse_iterator, 412size, 359subscript operator, 363supports relational operators, 359swap, 329upper_bound, 377value_type, 361

mapped_type, map, multimap, 362match, best, 269, 280max, 822max_element, 822member, see also class member

mutable data, 474pointer to, 780, 807

member function, 25, 29, 431, 474const, 280equal, 778as friend, 466base member hidden by derived, 593class template, 653

defined outside class body, 651instantiation, 653

const, 261, 262defined outside class body, 261, 431definition, 258–262

in class scope, 445name lookup, 448name lookup, examples, 449

function template, see member tem-plate

implicitly inline, 259inline, 437

and header, 437overloaded, 436overloaded on const, 442overloaded operator, 483, 508

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Index 867

pointer to, definition, 782returning *this, 442static, 467this pointer, 469

undefined, 482member operator delete, 764, 806

and inheritance, 764example, 769CachedObj, 770interface, 764

member operator delete [], 765member operator new, 764, 806

example, 769CachedObj, 769interface, 764

member operator new [], 765member template, 660, 684

declaration, 661defined outside class body, 662examples, 660instantiation, 663template parameters, 663

memberwise assignment, 483, 503memberwise initialization, 479, 503memory exhaustion, 175memory leak, 177, 485

after exception, 700memory management, generic, see CachedObjmerge, 816

list, 423Message, 486–491

assignment operator, 490class definition, 488copy constructor, 489design, 486destructor, 491put_Msg_in_Folder, 489remove_Msg_from_Folder, 491

method, see member function, 29Microsoft compiler, 4min, 822min_element, 822minus<T>, 534mismatch, 814mode, file, 296, 302modulus (%), 151modulus<T>, 534multi-dimensioned array, 141–144

and pointer, 143conversion to pointer, 143definition, 142

initialization, 142parameter, 241subscript operator, 142

multi-line literal, 42multimap, 375, 388

assignment (=), 328begin, 369clear, 359constructors, 360count, 377dereference yields pair, 362element type constraints, 309empty, 359equal_range, 379erase, 359, 376find, 377has no subscript operator, 376insert, 376iterator, 362, 376key type constraints, 360key_type, 362lower_bound, 377mapped_type, 362operations, 358, 376overriding the default comparison,

604rbegin, 412rend, 412return type from insert, 365reverse_iterator, 412size, 359supports relational operators, 359swap, 329upper_bound, 377value_type, 361

multiple base class, 750see also virtual base classambiguities, 738ambiguous conversion, 734avoiding potential name ambiguities,

738conversions, 734definition, 731destructor usually virtual, 736name lookup, 737object composition, 732order of construction, 732scope, 737virtual functions, 735

multiple inheritance, see multiple base class,731

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868 Index

multiplication (*), 150multiplies<T>, 534multiset, 375, 388

assignment (=), 328begin, 372clear, 359constructors, 372count, 377element type constraints, 309end, 372equal_range, 379erase, 359, 376find, 377insert, 376iterator, 376key type constraints, 360lower_bound, 377Sales_item, 605operations, 358, 376overriding the default comparison,

604rbegin, 412rend, 412return type from insert, 373reverse_iterator, 412supports relational operators, 359swap, 329upper_bound, 377

example, 607value_type, 372

mutable data member, 443, 474

N\n (newline character), 40name lookup, 447, 474

and templates, 647before type checking, 269, 593

multiple inheritance, 738class member declaration, 447class member definition, 448, 450class member definition, examples,

449collisions under inheritance, 591depends on static type, 590

multiple inheritance, 735inheritance, 590, 595local class, 797multiple inheritance, 737

ambiguous names, 738namespace names, 724

argument-dependent lookup, 726nested class, 791overloaded virtual functions, 593virtual inheritance, 743

name resolution, see name lookupnamespace, 8, 29, 712, 750

class friend declaration scope, 727cplusplus_primer, 714definition, 712design, 714discontiguous definition, 714function matching, 727global, 716member, 713member definition, 716

outside namespace, 716restrictions, 716

nested, 717scope, 713–717unnamed, 718

local to file, 718replace file static, 719

namespace keyword, 712namespace alias, 720, 750namespace pollution, 712, 750naming convention

header file, 264source file, 264

NDEBUG, 220negate<T>, 534negator, 535, 553nested class, 786, 806

access control, 787class defined outside enclosing class,

789in class template, 788in local class, 797member defined outside class body,

788name lookup, 791QueueItem example, 787relationship to enclosing class, 787,

790scope, 786static members, 790union, 794

nested namespace, 717nested type, see nsted class786new, 145, 174, 189, 806

compared to operator new, 760execution flow, 760

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Index 869

header, 219member operator, 806member operator, interface, 764placement, 761, 807

compared to construct, 762new [], 135new failure, 175next_permutation, 821noboolalpha manipulator, 827NoDefault, 459nonconst reference, 60

parameter, 232limitations, 235

nonportable, 42nonprintable character, 40, 75nonreference

parameter, 230uses copy constructor, 478

return type, 247uses copy constructor, 478

nontype template parameter, 625, 628, 632,684

see also template parameterclass template, 655must be constant expression, 633

nonvirtual function, calls resolved at com-pile time, 569

noshowbase manipulator, 828noshowpoint manipulator, 832noskipws manipulator, 833not equal, see inequalitynot1, 535not2, 535not_equal_to<T>, 534NotQuery, 609

definition, 616eval function, 620

nouppercase manipulator, 828nth_element, 818NULL, 118null pointer, 118

delete of, 176null statement, 192, 224null-terminated array, see C-style stringnumber, magic, 56, 75numeric header, 395numeric literal

float (numF or numf), 39long (numL or numl), 39long double (ddd.dddL or ddd.dddl),


unsigned (numU or numu), 39

Oobject, 46, 75

automatic, 255, 280function, 553is not polymorphic, 569local static, 255, 281temporary, 247

object cleanup, see destructorobject creation

constructor, 452order of construction, 456

derived objects, 581, 582multiple base classes, 732virtual base classes, 745

order of destruction, 485derived objects, 587multiple base classes, 733virtual base classes, 747

object file, 68object lifetime, 254, 281

and destructor, 485compared to scope, 254

object-oriented programming, 285, 302, 622key ideas in, 558–560

oct manipulator, 827octal, literal (0num), 38octal escape sequence (\nnn), 40off-the-end iterator, 97, 394, 425

istream_iterator, 408off-the-end pointer, 125ofstream, 285, 293–299

see also ostreamclose, 294constructor, 293file marker, 838file mode, 296

combinations, 298example, 299

file random access, 838off_type, 839open, 293pos_type, 839random IO sample program, 840seek and tell members, 838–842

open, 293open_file, example of, 370, 383open_file program, 299operand, 148, 189

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870 Index

order of evaluationcomma operator, 172conditional operator, 172logical operator, 172

operator, 148, 189sizeof, 167typeid, 775, 807addition (+), 150string, 86iterator, 101, 313pointer, 123

address-of (&), 115arrow (->), 164

class member access, 445assignment (=), 13, 30, 159

and conversion, 179and equality, 161container, 328multiple inheritance, 737pointer, 120string, 86to signed, 37to unsigned, 37yields lvalue, 160

binary, 148, 188bitwise AND (&), 156bitwise exclusive or (^), 156bitwise not (~), 155bitwise OR (|), 156bitwise OR (|), example, 290call (()), 30, 226comma (,), 168

operand order of evaluation, 172comma (,), example, 289compound assginment (e.g.,+=), it-

erator, 313compound assignment (e.g.,+=), 13,

30, 161string, 86arithmetic, 162bitwise, 162

conditional (?:), 165operand order of evaluation, 172

decrement (--)iterator, 312prefix yields lvalue, 162reverse iterator, 412

dereference (*), 98and increment, 163iterator, 98on map yields pair, 362

pointer, 119yields lvalue, 99, 120

division (/), 150dot (.), 25, 30

class member access, 445equality (==), 30, 154string, 85algorithm, 421container, 322container adaptor, 350iterator, 98, 312string, 347

greater-than (>), 30, 153greater-than-or-equal (>=), 30, 153increment (++), 13, 30

and dereference, 163iterator, 98, 312pointer, 114prefix yields lvalue, 162reverse iterator, 412

inequality (!=), 30, 154container, 322container adaptor, 350iterator, 98, 312string, 347

input (>>), 8, 30Sales_item, 516istream_iterator, 408string, 81precedence and associativity, 158

left-shift (<<), 155, 190less-than (<), 30, 153

used by algorithm, 420less-than-or-equal (<=), 13, 30, 153logical AND (&&), 152

operand order of evaluation, 172logical NOT (!), 153logical OR (||), 152

operand order of evaluation, 172modulus (%), 151multiplication (*), 150output (<<), 7, 30bitset, 106ostream_iterator, 408string, 81precedence and associativity, 158

overloaded, 189, 482, 503pointer to member

arrow (->*), 783dot (.*), 783

right-shift (>>), 155, 190

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Index 871

scope (::), 8, 30, 78class member, 85, 445container defined type, 317member function definition, 262to override name lookup, 449

shift, 155, 190sizeof, 167subscript ([ ])bitset, 105deque, 325map, 363string, 87vector, 94, 325and multi-dimensioned array, 142and pointer, 124array, 113valid subscript range, 88yields lvalue, 88

subtraction (-), 150iterator, 101, 313pointer, 123

unary, 148, 189unary minus (-), 150unary plus (+), 150

operator alternative name, 46operator delete function, 760, 806

compared to deallocate, 761compared to delete expression, 760

operator delete member, 764and inheritance, 764example, 769CachedObj, 770interface, 764

operator delete [] member, 765operator new function, 760, 806

compared to allocate, 761compared to new expression, 760

operator new member, 764example, 769CachedObj, 769interface, 764

operator new [] member, 765operator overloading, see overloaded op-

eratoroptions to main, 243order of construction, 456, 749

derived objects, 581, 582multiple base classes, 732virtual base classes, 746

order of destruction, 485, 749derived objects, 587

multiple base classes, 733virtual base classes, 747

order of evaluation, 149, 189comma operator, 172conditional operator, 172logical operator, 172

ordering, strict weak, 360, 389OrQuery, 609

definition, 618eval function, 619

ostream, 6, 29, 285see also manipulatorcondition state, 287floatfield member, 831flushing output buffer, 290format state, 825inheritance hierarchy, 740no containers of, 310no copy or assign, 287not flushed if program crashes, 292output (<<), 7

precedence and associativity, 158precision member, 829seek and tell members, 838tie member, 292unsetf member, 831

ostream_iterator, 407, 425and class type, 410constructors, 408limitations, 411operations, 410output iterator, 417output operator (<<), 408used with algorithms, 411

ostringstream, 285, 299–301see also ostreamstr, 301

out (file mode), 296out_of_range, 219, 325out_of__stock, 699output, standard, 6output (<<), 7, 30

bitset, 106ostream_iterator, 408string, 81, 108overloaded operator, 513

formatting, 514must be nonmember, 514

precedence and associativity, 158Sales_item, 514

output iterator, 416, 425

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872 Index

overflow, 150overflow_error, 219overload resolution, see function match-

ingoverloaded function, 265, 281

using declarations, 728using directive, 729compared to redeclaration, 266compared to template specialization,

673friend declaration, 467linkage directive, 803namespaces, 727scope, 268virtual, 593

overloaded member function, 436on const, 442

overloaded operator, 189, 482, 503<< (output operator), 513* (dereference), 524& (address-of), 511-> (arrow operator), 525[ ] (subscript), 522

reference return, 522() (call operator), 530= (assignment), 476, 483, 520

and copy constructor, 484check for self-assignment, 490Message, 490reference return, 483, 521rule of three, 485use counting, 495, 498valuelike classes, 501

>> (input operator), 515error handling, 516–517must be nonmember, 514

<< (output operator)formatting, 514must be nonmember, 514Sales_item, 514

&& (logical AND), 511|| (logical OR), 511, (comma operator), 511addition (+), Sales_item, 517ambiguous, 550arithmetic operators, 517as virtual function, 615binary operator, 508candidate functions, 549compound assignment (e.g.,+=), 511Sales_item, 521

consistency between relational andequality operators, 520

definition, 482, 506design, 510–513equality operators, 512, 518explicit call to, 509explicit call to postfix operators, 529function matching, 547–551member and this pointer, 483member vs. nonmember function,

508, 512postfix increment (++) and decrement

(--) operators, 528precedence and associativity, 507prefix increment (++) and decrement

(--) operators, 527relational operators, 511, 520require class-type parameter, 507unary operator, 508

overloading, see overloaded functionoperator, see overloaded operator

Ppair, 356, 388

as return type from map::insert,365

as return type from set::insert,373

default constructor, 357definition, 356initialization, 356make_pair, 358operations, 357public data members, 357

Panda, 731virtual inheritance, 741

parameter, 226, 227, 281array and buffer overflow, 242array type, 238–244C-style string, 242const, 231const reference, 235

overloading, 275ellipsis, 244function pointer, 278

linkage directive, 804initialization of, 229iterator, 238, 242library container, 237lifetime, 255

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Index 873

local copy, 230matching, 229

ellipsis, 244template specialization, 673with class type conversion, 541

multi-dimensioned array, 241nonconst reference, 232nonreference type, 230

uses copy constructor, 478of member function, 260vector type, 237passing, 229pointer to const, 231

overloading, 275pointer to function, 278

linkage directive, 804pointer to nonconst, 231pointer type, 231, 239reference

to array type, 240to pointer, 236

template, see template parameterand main, 243type checking

and template argument, 638of reference to array, 240

parameter list, 3, 29, 226, 228member function definition, 446

parentheses, override precedence, 169partial specialization, 678, 684partial_sort, 818partial_sort_copy, 818partial_sum, 824partition, 817placement new, 761, 807

compared to construct, 762plus<T>, 534pointer, 114, 114–126, 146

array, 122arrow (->), 164as initializer of vector, 140as parameter, 231assignment, 120char*, see C-style stringclass member copy control, 492–501

copy constructor, 480destructor, 485strategies, 499

compared to iterator, 114compared to reference, 121const, 128

const pointer to const, 129container constructor from, 308conversion from derived to base, 567conversion from derived to multiple

base, 734conversion to bool, 182conversion to void, 181dangling, 176, 188

synthesized copy control, 494declaration style, 116–117definition, 115delete, 176dynamic_cast, example, 773function returning, 228implicit this, 260, 281initialization, 117–119is polymorphic, 569multi-dimensioned array, 143new, 174null, 118off-the-end, 125pitfalls with generic programs, 671reference parameter, 236relational operator, 132return type and local variable, 249smart, 495, 503, 553

handle class, 599overloaded-> (arrow operator) and* (dereference), 524

overloaded (++) and (*), 526subscript operator, 124to pointer, 122typedef, 129typeid operator, 776uninitialized, 117volatile, 800

pointer arithmetic, 123, 146pointer to const, 127

argument, 231conversion from nonconst, 127parameter, 231

overloading, 275pointer to function, 276–279

definition, 276exception specifications, 711function returning, 228initialization, 277linkage directive, 803overloaded functions, 279parameter, 278return type, 278

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typedef, 276pointer to member, 780, 807

and typedef, 783arrow (->*), 783definition, 781dot (.*), 783function pointer, 782function table, 785

pointer to nonconstargument, 231parameter, 231

polymorphism, 558, 622compile time polymorphism via tem-

plates, 624run time polymorphism in C++, 569

poppriority_queue, 352queue, 352stack, 351

pop_back, sequential container, 326pop_front, sequential container, 326portable, 797postfix decrement (--)

overloaded operator, 528yields rvalue, 163

postfix increment (++)and dereference, 163overloaded operator, 528

precedence, 124, 146, 149, 168, 189of assignment, 160of conditional, 166of dot and derefernece, 164of increment and dereference, 163of IO operator, 158of pointer to member and call oper-

ator, 782overloaded operator, 507pointer parameter declaration, 241

precedence table, 170predicate, 402, 425prefix decrement (--), 163

overloaded operator, 527yields lvalue, 162

prefix increment (++)and dereference, 163overloaded operator, 527yields lvalue, 162

preprocessor, 70, 75directive, 7, 29macro, 221, 224variable, 71

prev_permutation, 821preventing copies of class objects, 481print_total, 559

explained, 568printable character, 88printValues program, 240, 242, 243priority_queue, 348, 354

constructors, 349relational operator, 350

privateclass, 496copy constructor, 481inheritance, 571member, 75, 474

private access label, 65, 432inheritance, 561

private inheritance, 622program

factorial, 250find_val, 234gcd, 226isShorter, 235make_plural, 248open_file, 299printValues, 240, 242, 243ptr_swap, 237rgcd, 250swap, 233, 245vector capacity, 331book finding

using equal_range, 379using find, 377using upper_bound, 378

bookstore, 26bookstore exception classes, 698CachedObj, 766duplicate words, 400–404

revisited, 531find last word, 414GT6, 403Handle class, 667int instantiation, 668operations, 668Sales_item instantiation, 669

isShorter, 403message handling classes, 486Query

design, 609–611interface, 610operations, 607

Queue, 648

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copy_elems member, 652destroy member, 651pop member, 651push member, 652

random IO example, 840restricted word count, 374Sales_item handle class, 599Screen class template, 655TextQuery, 383

class definition, 382design, 380interface, 381

vector, capacity, 331vowel counting, 200word count, 363word transformation, 370ZooAnimal class hierarchy, 731

programmer-defined header, 67–72programming

generic, 95, 624object-oriented, 285, 302, 622

promotion, integral, 180, 189protected, inheritance, 571, 622protected access label, 562, 622protected keyword, 562prototype, function, 251, 281ptr_swap program, 237ptrdiff_t, 123, 146public

inheritance, 571, 622member, 75, 474

public access label, 65, 432inheritance, 561

pure virtual function, 596, 622example, 609

pushpriority_queue, 352queue, 352stack, 351

push_back, 94, 108vector, 94back_inserter, 399sequential container, 318

push_frontfront_inserter, 406sequential container, 318

put_Msg_in_Folder, 489

QQuery, 610

& (bitwise AND), 610definition, 614

~ (bitwise NOT), 610definition, 614

| (bitwise OR), 610definition, 614

<< (output operator), 615definition, 613design, 609–611interface, 610operations, 607

Query_base, 609definition, 612member functions, 609

Queue<< (output operator), 659assign, 662copy_elems member, 652, 662definition, 648design, 647destroy member, 651final class definition, 664interface, 627member template declarations, 661operations, 627pop member, 651push, specialized, 677push member, 652template version, char*, 675

queue, 348, 354constructors, 349relational operator, 350

QueueItem, 648as nested class, 787

constructor, 789definition, 788

friendship, 658CachedObj, 768

allocation explained, 769

RRaccoon as virtual base, 741RAII, see resource allocation is initializa-

tionraise, 750raise exception, see throwrandom file IO, 838random-access iterator, 417, 425

deque, 417string, 417

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vector, 417random_shuffle, 820range

iterator, 314, 314–316, 354left-inclusive, 314

range_error, 219rbegin, container, 317, 412rdstate, 290recursive function, 249, 281refactoring, 583, 622referece, 317reference, 58, 75

and pointer, 121const reference, 59

initialization, 60conversion from derived to base, 567conversion from derived to multiple

base, 734dynamic_cast operator, example,

774is polymorphic, 569nonconst reference, 60parameter, 232–237pointer parameter, 236return type, is lvalue, 249return type and class object, 440return type and local variable, 249return value, 248to array parameter, 240

reference count, see use countreference data member, initialization, 455reference to const, see const referencereinterpret_cast, 183, 185relational operator, 153

string, 85associative container, 359container, 321container adaptor, 350function object, 533overloaded operator, 511, 520

consistent with equality, 520pointer, 132

remove, 819list, 423

remove_copy, 820remove_copy_if, 820remove_if, 819

list, 423remove_Msg_from_Folder, 491rend, container, 317, 412replace, 400, 816

string, 342replace_copy, 400, 815replace_copy_if, 815replace_if, 816reserve

string, 336vector, 331

reserved identifier, 47resize, sequential container, 323Resource, 700resource allocation is initialization, 700–

701auto_ptr, 702

restricted word count program, 374result, 148, 189rethrow, 695, 750return, container, 381return statement, 245–251

from main, 247implicit, 245local variable, 247, 249

return type, 3, 29, 226, 227const reference, 249function, 281function pointer, 278linkage directive, 804member function definition, 446no implicit return type, 228nonreference, 247

uses copy constructor, 478of virtual function, 564pointer to function, 278reference, 248reference yields lvalue, 249void, 245

return valueconversion, 246copied, 247

reverse, 819list, 423

reverse iterator, 405, 412–415, 425-- (decrement), 412++ (increment), 412base, 414compared to iterator, 413, 414example, 414requires -- (decrement), 413

reverse_copy, 819reverse_iterator, 412

container, 316rfind, string, 346

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rgcd program, 250right manipulator, 832right-shift (>>), 155, 190rotate, 819rotate_copy, 820rule of three, 485, 503

exception for virtual destructors, 588run time, 75

error, 38run-time type identification, 772–780, 807

classes with virtual functions, 772compared to virtual functions, 777dynamic_cast, 773

example, 773throws bad_cast, 774to poiner, 773to reference, 774

type-sensitive equality, 778typeid, 775

and virtual functions, 775example, 776returns type_info, 776

runtime_error, 217, 219constructor from string, 218

rvalue, 45, 75

Ssafety, exception, 700Sales_item, 21

addition (+), 23, 517throws exception, 217, 699

class definition, 64, 258–265compare function, 604compound assignment (e.g.,+=), 521conversion, 461default constructor, 263equality operators (==), (!=), 519explicit constructor, 462handle class, 599clone function, 602constructor, 601, 602definition, 600design, 599multiset of, 605using generic Handle, 669

header, 21, 67, 264input (>>), 516istream constructor, 452no relational operators, 520operations, 21

output (<<), 514avg_price definition, 261same_isbn, 24, 258string constructor, 452

scientific manipulator, 830scope, 54, 75

const object, 57, 69block, 193class, 65, 444, 473compared to object lifetime, 254for statement, 15friend declaration, 466function, 227function template specialization, 674global, 54, 74local, 54, 75multiple inheritance, 737namespace, 713–717statement, 194template parameter, 629using declaration, 720using directive, 721

example, 722name collisions, 723

scope (::)base class members, 569namespace member, 750

scope operator (::), 8, 30, 78, 108class member, 85, 445container defined type, 317member function definition, 262namespace member, 713to override class-specific memory al-

location, 765to override name lookup, 449

Screen, 435class template, 655concatenating operations, 441display, 442do_display, 442friends, 465get definition, 446get members, 436get_cursor definition, 446CachedObj, 768Menu function table, 785move members, 441set members, 441simplified, 781size_type, 435

ScreenPtr, 523

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arrow operator (->), 525dereference (*), 524use counted, 523

ScrPtr, 523search, 813search_n, 813self-assignment

auto_ptr, 705check, 490use counting, 498

semantics, value, 499, 503semicolon (;), 3semicolon (;), class definition, 440sentinel, 97, 108separate compilation, 67, 76

inclusion model for templates, 644of templates, 643separate compilation model for tem-

plates, 645, 684sequence, escape, 74sequence (\Xnnn), hexadecimal escape, 40sequential container, 306, 354

assign, 328assignment (=), 328back, 324clear, 327const_iterator, 316const_reverse_iterator, 316constructor from element count

uses copy constructor, 478uses element default constructor,

460constructors, 307–309deque, 306element type constraints, 309, 323empty, 323erase, 326front, 324insert, 319iterator, 316list, 306operations, 316–330performance characteristics, 333pop_back, 326pop_front, 326priority_queue, 348push_back, 318push_front, 318queue, 348rbegin, 412rend, 412

resize, 323returning a, 381reverse_iterator, 316, 412size, 323size_type, 316stack, 348supports relational operators, 321swap, 329types defined by, 316value_type, 317vector, 306

set, 356, 388as element type, 311assignment (=), 328begin, 372bidirectional iterator, 417clear, 359constructors, 372count, 372element type constraints, 309empty, 359end, 372equal_range, 379erase, 359, 372find, 372insert, 373iterator, 374key type constraints, 360lower_bound, 377operations, 358overriding the default comparison,

604rbegin, 412rend, 412return alternatives, 381return type from insert, 373reverse_iterator, 412size, 359supports relational operators, 359swap, 329upper_bound, 377value_type, 372

set_difference, 822set_intersection, 619, 822set_symmetric_difference, 822set_union, 822setfill manipulator, 832setprecision manipulator, 829setstate, 289, 290setw manipulator, 832shift operator, 155, 190

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Index 879

short, 34short-circuit evaluation, 152

overloaded operator, 508shorterString, 248showbase manipulator, 827showpoint manipulator, 831signed, 35, 76

conversion to unsigned, 36, 180size, 108

string, 83vector, 93associative container, 359priority_queue, 352queue, 352sequential container, 323stack, 351

size_t, 104, 108, 146and array, 113

size_type, 84, 108string, 84vector, 93container, 316

sizeof operator, 167skipws manipulator, 833sliced, 579, 622SmallInt, 536, 550

conversion operator, 537smart pointer, 495, 503, 553

handle class, 599overloaded -> (arrow operator) and

* (dereference), 524overloaded (++) and (*), 526

sort, 401, 817source file, 4, 29

naming convention, 264specialization

class templatedefinition, 675member defined outside class body,

676partial, 678partial specialization, 684

class template member, 677declaration, 677

function templatecompared to overloaded function,

673declaration, 672, 673example, 672scope, 674

template, namespaces, 730

specifier, type, 48, 76splice, list, 423sstream

header, 285, 300str, 301

stable_partition, 817stable_sort, 403, 817stack, 348, 354

constructors, 349relational operator, 350

stack unwinding, 691, 750standard error, 6, 29standard input, 6, 29standard library, 5, 29standard output, 6, 30state, condition, 302statement, 2, 30

break, 212, 223continue, 214, 223do while, 210for, 29, 207goto, 214, 224if, 17, 29, 195, 224return, 245–251switch, 199, 224while, 12, 30, 204, 224compound, 193, 223declaration, 193, 224expression, 192, 224for statementfor, 14labeled, 214, 224null, 192, 224return, local variable, 247, 249

statement block, see blockstatement label, 214statement scope, 194statementfor statement, for, 14static (file static), 719static class member, 467, 474

as default argument, 471class template, 665

accessed through an instantiation,666

definition, 666const data member, initialization,

470const member function, 469data member, 469

as constant expression, 471inheritance, 576member function, 467

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this pointer, 469static object, local, 255, 281static type, 568, 622

determines name lookup, 590multiple inheritance, 735

static type checking, 44, 76argument, 229function return value, 246

static_cast, 183, 185std, 8, 30stdexcept header, 217, 219store, free, 135, 145str, 301strcat, 133strcmp, 133strcpy, 133stream

istream_iterator, 407ostream_iterator, 407flushing buffer, 290iterator, 405, 407–412

and class type, 410limitations, 411used with algorithms, 411

not flushed if program crashes, 292type as condition, 19

stream iterator, 425strict weak ordering, 360, 389string, C-style, see C-style stringstring, 80–89

addition, 86addition to string literal, 87and string literal, 81, 140append, 342are case sensitive, 344as sequential container, 335assign, 340assignment (=), 86c_str, 140c_str, example, 294capacity, 336compare, 347compared to C-style string, 134compound assignment, 86concatenation, 86constructor, 80, 338–339default constructor, 52empty, 83equality (==), 85equality operator, 347erase, 340

find, 344find_first_not_of, 346find_first_of, 345find_last_not_of, 346find_last_of, 346getline, 82getline, example, 300header, 80input operation as condition, 82input operator, 81insert, 340output operator, 81random-access iterator, 417relational operator, 85, 347replace, 342reserve, 336rfind, 346size, 83size_type, 84subscript operator, 87substr, 342

string literal, 9, 30, 40addition to string, 87and string library type, 81, 140and C-style string, 140concatenation, 41

stringstream, 285, 299–301, 302see also istreamsee also ostreamstr, 301

strlen, 133strncat, 133strncpy, 133struct, see also class

default access label, 433default inheritance access label, 574

struct, keyword, 66, 76, 474in variable definition, 440

structure, data, 20, 28Studio, Visual, 4subscript ([ ]), 87, 108, 146, 389

bitset, 105deque, 325map, 363string, 87vector, 94, 325and multi-dimensioned array, 142and pointer, 124array, 113overloaded operator, 522

reference return, 522

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Index 881

valid subscript range, 88yields lvalue, 88

subscript rangestring, 88vector, 96array, 114

substr, string, 342subtraction (-), 150

iterator, 101, 313pointer, 123

swap, 329, 816container, 329

swap program, 233, 245swap_ranges, 816switch statement, 199, 224

default label, 203and break, 201–203case label, 201compared to if, 199execution flow, 201expression, 203variable definition, 204

synthesized assignment (=), 483, 503multiple inheritance, 737pointer members, 493

synthesized copy constructor, 479, 503multiple inheritance, 737pointer members, 493virtual base class, 747

synthesized copy control, volatile, 800synthesized default constructor, 264, 281,

459, 474inheritance, 581

synthesized destructor, 485, 486multiple inheritance, 737pointer members, 493

T\t (tab character), 40table of library name and header, 810template

see also class templatesee also function templatesee also instantiationclass, 90, 107class member, see member templatelink time errors, 635overview, 624

template keyword, 625template argument, 625, 684

and function argument type check-ing, 638

class template, 628conversion, 638deduction, 684

from function pointer, 640deduction for class template mem-

ber function, 653deduction for function template, 637explicit and class template, 636explicit and function template, 642

and function pointer, 643specifying, 642

pointer, 671template argument deduction, 637template class, see class templatetemplate function, see function templatetemplate parameter, 625, 628–633, 684

and member templates, 663name, 628

restrictions on use, 629nontype parameter, 625, 628, 632, 684

class template, 655must be constant expression, 633

scope, 629type parameter, 625, 628, 630, 684uses of inside class definition, 649

template parameter list, 625, 684template specialization, 672, 684

class member declaration, 677compared to overloaded function, 673definition, 675example, 672function declaration, 672, 673member defined outside class body,

676member of class template, 677parameter matching, 673partial specialization, 678, 684scope, 674

template<>, see template specializationtemporary object, 247terminate, 219, 219, 224, 692, 750TextQuery

class definition, 382main program using, 383program design, 380program interface, 381revisited, 609

this pointerimplicit, 260, 281

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implicit parameter, 431, 440in overloaded operator, 483overloaded operator, 508static member functions, 469

three, rule of, 485, 503throw, 216, 216, 224, 689, 750

example, 217, 290execution flow, 218, 691pointer to local object, 690rethrow, 695

tolower, 88top

priority_queue, 352stack, 351

toupper, 88transform, 815transformation program, word, 370translation unit, see source filetrunc (file mode), 296try block, 216, 217, 224, 750try keyword, 217type

abstract data, 78, 473arithmetic, 34, 73built-in, 3, 28, 34–37class, 20, 28, 65compound, 58, 73, 145dynamic, 568, 622function return, 281incomplete, 438, 474integral, 34, 75library, 29nested, see nsted class786return, 3, 29, 226, 227static, 568, 622

determines name lookup, 590name lookup and multiple inher-

itance, 735type checking, 44

argument, 229with class type conversion, 541

ellipsis parameter, 244name lookup, 269reference to array argument, 240

type identification, run-time, 772–780, 807type specifier, 48, 76type template parameter, 628, 630, 684

see also template parametertype_info, 807

header, 219name member, 780

no copy or assign, 780operations, 779returned from typeid, 776

typedefand pointer, 129and pointer to member, 783pointer to function, 276

typedef, 61, 76typeid operator, 775, 807

and virtual functions, 775example, 776returns type_info, 776

typename, keywordcompared to class, 631in template parameter, 630inside template definition, 632

UU_Ptr, 496unary function object, 533unary minus (-), 150unary operator, 148, 189unary plus (+), 150uncaught exception, 692undefined behavior, 41, 76

dangling pointer, 176synthesized copy control, 494

invalidated iterator, 315uninitialized class data member, 459uninitialized pointer, 117uninitialized variable, 51

underflow_error, 219unexpected, 708, 750uninitialized, 8, 30, 51, 76uninitialized pointer, 117uninitialized_copy, 755, 759uninitialized_fill, 755union, 792, 807

anonymous, 795, 805as nested type, 794example, 794limitations on, 793

union keyword, 793unique, 402, 819

list, 423unique_copy, 412, 820unitbuf, manipulator flushes the buffer,

291unnamed namespace, 718, 750

local to file, 718

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Index 883

replace file static, 719unsigned, 35, 76

conversion to signed, 36, 180literal (numU or numu), 39

unsigned char, 36unwinding, stack, 691, 750upper_bound, 814

associative container, 377book finding program, 378example, 607

uppercase manipulator, 828use count, 495, 503

design overview, 495generic class, 667held in companion class, 496pointer to, 600self-assignment check, 498

user, 433, 563using declaration, 78, 108, 720, 750

access control, 573class member access, 574in header, 80overloaded function, 728overloaded inherited functions, 593scope, 720

using directive, 721, 751overloaded function, 729pitfalls, 724scope, 721

example, 722name collisions, 723

utility header, 356

Vvalue initialization, 92, 108

map subscript operator, 363vector, 92and dynamically allocated array, 136dequedeque, 309listlist, 309of dynamically allocated object, 175and resize, 324sequential container, 309vectorvector, 309

value semantics, 499, 503value_type, 389

map, multimap, 361sequential container, 317set, multiset, 372

varargs, 244

variable, 8, 30, 43–55define before use, 44defined after case label, 204definition, 48definitions and goto, 215initialization, 48, 50, 76

constructor, 452local, 227, 281scope, 55

Vector, 757capacity, 757memory allocation strategy, 757push_back, 758reallocate, 758size, 757using operator new and delete,

761using explicit destructor call, 763using placement new, 762

vector, 90–95, 354argument, 237as element type, 311assign, 328assignment (=), 328at, 325back, 324begin, 97, 317capacity, 331clear, 327const_iterator, 99, 316const_reference, 317const_reverse_iterator, 316constructor from element count, uses

copy constructor, 478constructor taking iterators, 140constructors, 91–92, 307–309difference_type, 316element type constraints, 309, 323empty, 93, 323end, 97, 317erase, 326, 402

invalidates iterator, 326front, 324header, 90initialization from pointer, 140insert, 319

invalidates iterator, 320iterator, 97, 316iterator supports arithmetic, 312memory allocation strategy, 756memory management strategy, 330

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parameter, 237performance characteristics, 334pop_back, 326push_back, 94, 318

invalidates iterator, 321random-access iterator, 417rbegin, 317, 412reference, 317relational operators, 321rend, 317, 412reserve, 331resize, 323reverse_iterator, 316, 412size, 93, 323size_type, 93, 316subscript ([ ]), 325subscript operator, 94supports relational operators, 313swap, 329type, 91types defined by, 316value_type, 317

vector capacity program, 331viable function, 270, 282

with class type conversion, 545virtual base class, 741, 751

ambiguities, 743conversion, 743defining base as, 742derived class constructor, 744name lookup, 743order of construction, 746stream types, 741

virtual function, 559, 566–570, 622assignment operator, 588calls resolved at run time, 568compared to run-time type identifi-

cation, 777default argument, 570derived classes, 564destructor, 587

multiple inheritance, 736exception specifications, 710in constructors, 589in destructor, 589introduction, 561multiple inheritance, 735no virtual constructor, 588overloaded, 593overloaded operator, 615overriding run-time binding, 570

pure, 596, 622example, 609

return type, 564run-time type identification, 772scope, 594static, 469to copy unknown type, 602type-sensitive equality, 778

virtual inheritance, 741, 751virtual keyword, 559Visual Studio, 4void, 34, 76

return type, 245void*, 119, 146

const void*, 127, 145volatile, 800, 807

pointer, 800synthesized copy control, 800

vowel counting program, 200

Wwcerr, 286wchar_t, 34

literal, 40wchar_t streams, 286wcin, 286wcout, 286weak ordering, strict, 360, 389wfstream, 286what, see exceptionwhile statement, 12, 30, 204, 224

condition in, 205whitespace, 81wide character streams, 286wifstream, 286window, console, 6Window_Mgr, 465wiostream, 286wistream, 286wistringstream, 286wofstream, 286word, 35, 76word count program, 363

restricted, 374word per line processing

istringstream, 386istringstreamistringstream, 370

istringstream, 300word transformation program, 370WordQuery, 609

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definition, 616wostream, 286wostringstream, 286wrap around, 38wstringstream, 286

X\Xnnn (hexadecimal escape sequence), 40

ZZooAnimal, using virtual inheritance, 741ZooAnimal class hierarchy, 731