l TniUQTTRSD Y AY 2 j83 I jb TnDEBOAT MAY 2 1891- T J b u rsrau- y rr XI o o Nr Tear O 0 IAY Pit TM < OO Jty IODAt rr Tear S 0 AMD SUXPAY r e oitb 1 re rer i i 0 t nt I ig csantriei Ude i rIJT tllB IUI 1v York en f tor n Clergyman tt1A3Y ptppor question from ft Rood clergy ifjjnah j It ollhl us always to answer itthoso with n graceful corn pli frtoflniWy preface cdmo from tim pastor bf- theFlr8t rroibytorlan Church of CUftoh tln Pnnay1van1a > To tni EHTO of Tni SoJiftn Permit m lou i itltlik I leaauret riad rita Fujr not cnlr became Ltfttkth courage of III eouTlcloni aliobteauie- HeJudicial j J llment i omi to predominate I In the mini Jr blmealda tbe tttirancei on the editorial pate I rftiif so liwp any that ihow a greater ability t- lookat pn1 principle objeetttsly or weigh ths- yngnnents en eaeb aide I more fairly > Fort lir aton I ask yoa to Inform me whether JJiOMwba are urging tbe opening nf ths gateiotthe- World t Fair on Monday conilder tbe ee of nalona ttgtilatlom to b tb gratlncatlon ot Ui otsny tMt ft people O tbe development nt good ettlten- iU tbe poilllte aim of Ooverument I It thedevelo- Duniet goon cKI enlrtt not hllor7 anti eiperlenc- dto to sod Amirlca both bow that the best aWUm are 10 be fount and have always bun 1 9iBl IB nina communltlei where one day In r Mvell I Is set ailde not for pltaiure or roe Watloti bit for tbe ipeclal honor of Don nwbt < J JSWleey 1 baa b1 babUoallytiervertcd from t DO courts alwaje bon morally dowu- Tbli jtpI la of tours looking at the matter 111- aIUllalullndpoIDI J and not from a theolog- qte Cmaui W lon fi ho end of national legislation U neither gratification of tho desires of any class iVf people nor tho development of gool cUt jiwiBhlp In the sense In which tho Mr t ijfXfetiN uses that phraso L HI Tho province of notional legislation Is 4 4 Jtriotly defined by tho Constitution Such powers anti functions government n aio not therein defined bolonl not to tho Fed Wral establishment tho Status flit dlol hn tho undoubted power t say Worlds Patio held In Chicago or elsewhere in that State shall be al- filowed to open their gates on Sun sf days The Congress of tho United Stnto- af I han power to docldo whether Words other exhibitions hold In o JFan York lu Ban Francisco or any ftiWharo else except In Wushlnglon shall b- ol J fjpenod or closed on Sundays Congress j could not constitutionally make I general i Iftirof that sort applying to nil Worlds vFdirs in the United States Still less can It iprblblt by special law tho Sunday opening fiZa particular Worlds Fair In Illinois > l lttoro has been no pretence that Congress I 9 rhpb such power Tho provision that tho 2 Colamblnu exposition should bo shut up on- e ttiday was attached by tho last Congress ftjuta 1 condition to a grout of money If Chi cgo should keep tho money but repudi i 4lte tho condition wo do not see how condition could bo enforced I she 4 i thould return tho money her right to open or BhUt tho gates at wilt subject vcny to tho lawn of Illinois would bo In tUiputablo The point has been raised that j th e swwiththeSundayc1osingprovisionis- t unconstitutional Inasmuch as It amounts i v toih6 j appropriation of money to hire cUt i4o5sbf tjip United States to refrain from t r olng whit tho Government of the United totes bos no power to prohibit them from i and a very strong point It is n Boy Mr NEVI will perceive as wo lj that tho ethical question of tho do 1rbIi1tyorsundayexliibitIos has nothing i L b with tlio question of thl power of Con giSS to Interfere Ha should free his mi- ndril alt confusion In thiH respect j r I first question belug answered tho frT id answers Itself As the positive att- ntho r Fpdoral Government Is not tho de ilnJontof good clleushllln thn sense J f I lies In thnt o regulaUoa of Sunday obsarvatico Is r i matter for Individual conaclenco nud i7 X nurch dlftlpllno rather thau for Co- nLrM WO win say to him frankly however r itjiclther in history nor In personal ux- ptIp t fleodc wo find sufficient grounds for ± thing that the quality citizenship Is renter in oonimuiiitloa where early Puritan 4 doA of Sunday observance havo been i c jfiitly maintained than in equally Intolli y t T1tbnd moral communities where I moro I tteu8 j and truly Biblical conception of jflpjirposo 01 tho Lords Day has found S fl Sjitance iT o Normannln Incident In Court reral of the pnscOngiMS quarantined on i hoornmUnia last eumnicr ImVobioutht- HamburgAraorloan i tho Packet iolpany to recover damages for tho dcteu lU and hardships Incurred by them at i tlmo Tho first of those cases that of h Judge ALFRED B BUCKS of Bridgeport has jKw4 on trial In tho United Status District i Acquit during tho rat two days Tho claim SptvlbAgo BEERB is based on tho allocution k itho English agents of tho Hainbuig i1Ctany which at that time was sending If pvJhlB harbor ship load after shIp load of Wiolorn from tho Infect poitof departure I Mjduced him and others to onibail at Campion by representing thnt no jl rage passengers wero aboard tho ef J pa that tVlp This stalotuont la oiii- cd r by othot1 cabin passengers of th- orp lnnla among whom is Senator Me- tt80H M c ol Kow Jorsoy Jio merits of the case are for tho court rI determine not tho newspapers We k of It In title placo merely to call at J on t tho extraordinary course pur- by I Ho NeiL 1 orc iVeiifno Pos whoso l J 1 if U la well known from Yokohama to- il l Was also I Norinannla paesengor 4Has never uttered a blnglo word of corn t itTht against the compnuy Ills own in baa been directed solely against flMlon IB and the quarantine system iL Wtabllbhcd for the purpose of keeping pea k lilotico out of Now YOII by holding cholera inips In the lower until thoy can be i admitted with safety to tho millions of V i peoplo for whose sake tho Health Officer j If elands guard Tho newspaper In question Is doing Us utmost to lulluciico public opinion and L >oeflibly the opinion of Judge Bitowxs- ury r f i M favorably t tho defendant foreign 1i corporation sad unfavorably to tho Amoii i i- i fl can plaintiff In tho following description f i I of tho case It munlfoslly omlHavora to crete the Impression that Judgo Hiaum I either a foot litigant engaged lu a lcral- wlldgooso 5 1 I chase or a sharp follow strlkhll i random for damages from a rich convom- r i JJr Scoot was a patitngir aol lummtr on the i 1 Jlonbinnla when that rtnet > ulTtred lu long delen onI quarantine I In ouMqaence of the mellKinl- fnelbod p of cotaballfig choera aJepted by the United tats Ur limos avers to lila complaint that he was daritgtdtelieeiientotat I trait tlCo If lit looses ef Tartoui klnda be tuiumcd up Sis Uilentionbr the s V a lt4 stile add Iii JEUU O0 and oS ji sI or Ih- t re t aaVaigA nerlcan porte line Inflicted pecanlary i j J4U4I list iielally pbyilcal and nitntal dlicomtorti n ted jt It bla vplulon that tbe iteamihipcouipany tbeuld- opiaattotltiBlxrieaudoouipenlatehlui > 1bo titus o- f1aLii A burfjjtticn ondtruktn lo put thiltu I si Stssoibl leakitoavlttllngllgB TUtrare 711 h op0i 4 In babalt of lbs namtmriAmerlcan Tacit Company by Wnttti COOn A OotiiH wbMellne c- anunnnl I II tbitlbtcompanrwoiM IY bun onl 10 glad to brine the Kormnnnla t o- learlnr thi rtiiel In till baudl of Dr J ieeaia Sot that tbty were pretented from Joint t bj the abiolul- ileipotle piwer rut br ttatntt In the Health Onletr and b7lliudolr ierclied to lbs detention otorole ef th Ieoma In qaeitlon Before tht lint arguS boot ot Ibt Ubetlanti counitl was disclosed bjr th- tirojtreii nf tht tial Enrirr P Wnitina was ahc what that lint be and bt replied that b was lr bt did not know Tho sneer at tho case as prepared by tho plaintiffs counsel is in keeping with tho animus of tho wholo article Oulyouo In protntlon can bo put upon tho Evening IOtla comments and Its incidental at- tempt ¬ t drol in Dr JENKINS by tho heels as tho rll responsible party That news paper too ostentatious a professor of Journalistic and judicial ethics to allow tho supposition that It Is Ignorant of what It Is really doing Improper under any circum- stances Mr 13 i GODKIHS treatment of tho suit now on trial before n Jury becomes indecent in the extreme in view of tho fast l that his son Is ono of tho lawyers retained by tho Hamburg Company Tho relations between tho Evening Rlt and this i particular steamship company scorn to bo peculiar and somewhat Interest- ing ¬ Tho points of attachment are so many that It might bo worth while to look behind tho ostensible motive of Mr GOD Kis8 Inveterate hostility to the quarantine system as now administered Qnl to tho quarautlno officer who kept cholera out of Now York last year Yes There Will Ho Two Ticket I tho heavens fall lark plo wilt bo In season Grrten cheese might bo plentiful- but tot the distance between tho moon and tho earth Tho nbsouco of rain would dry up the Hudson lllver between Its banks- It IB hard to say what would happen if tho salt was washed out of tho sea Thero may be as our contemporary tho Tribune has tho warrant of tho Evening l > at for alleg- ing ¬ two Democratic Stato tickets In tho field in Now York this year There may be toruolhluff Is Impossible but there wont bo If there should be two DomooratloStato tickets before tho voters this fall both tho Administration and tho antAlmlnlstrl tlou Democrats would nn organ State capital declares tho IVtime Tho loselblHUoa of the word I are many but In t this caso they exoludo oery reason iblo hum n 11 conjecture Tho Democratlo administration of public affairs in this State has beon remarkably successful The party is splendidly organized Its leaders enjoy the fullest measuro of popular confidence Its management of all branches of tho State Govornmunt has boon wise rigorous and judicious Its Itopubllcan opponents are In I brokendowi condition of political health and of personal spirits- At this moment they nro star glzlnl They are woudeilng what struck Who ono well may ask are tho antiAd ministration Democrats of whom tho Tribune speaks What are they But above all where nro they 1 To run I second Democratic State ticket except as a joko requires Democratic votes II support of It Who Is to furnish them Whore aro they to come from Tho answer Is not easy Governor FLOWER was elected in 1891 by a majority of 4700 A- yer later MrCriEVEiANU carried tho Stato by 45000 Mr FLOWER received 0003 per- cent ot tho total vote cast bo had a clear majority overall CLEVELAXU received 4702 per cent of tho total voto ho had a plurality but no majority In both sloe ton tho Democratic leaders throughout State labored diligently but though tho figures do not show It n clearly as might perhaps bo desired their oort wero more energetic In 1892 than In They had to look sharp or n very different result might have been witnessed for there is no gain- sayIng tho popularity of tho Domooratlo State Administration on trial In 1691 against ho combined nssaulls of the Itopubllcans and of all miscellaneous malcontents Mr CM3V fcANDrt plurality wns only 2500 short- of Mr rtowKBs Ills proportion of tho whole vote was only two por cent less This was a most creditable and conclusive proof of tho strength force and discipline of time Democratic organization of the State a supreme test of its loyalty oill- lenoy and votegetting power In tho taco of such a showing who Is thor among thoso at largo without restraint to xpotuid tho advantages or tho probability or 0 second Democratic ticket No ono I Theme 1 is no such individual What our contemporary the Tribune mis- led by tho quarantine ravings of tho Even jag flrst probably means is this There will- ie two tattcet In Now York QUO Dem- ocratic ¬ Itopubllcan The Dorao- ratH will sustain their administration of public niTuIrs the Republicans will arraign and donounco It Tim people wilt decide Our Republican friends apparently in ox loctntlon of such I contest have wo ob ¬ servo Issued a public address tinder date of Sunday May 21 at Albany This document signed by threii Kopubllcan State Senators mid seven Ilcpublkau Assemblymen tho Tribune publishes In full Commenting upon It out contemporary remarks Tho remedy Is lu Limo voters hands They can wlpn out tho disgrace ot 1831 nt tho capital- by Bonding the Democracy to the rear and plcctliiff u UOllblenl Legislature- They can They can knock tho Democ- racy ¬ higher titan GILDEIIOVH kilo hut they wont The Democracy of Now York- Is too popular it i In tot numerous It runs things too much to tho Peoples satisfaction There wi bo two tlukots lu Now York this year n hcretofoio tame will be Demo- cratic ¬ tho other will bo Ilcpubllcau Poverty of tin Kngllih Clergy Time belief is current lu thli country that In Kugland tho clergyman of tho IMablishod Church are exceedingly el pnld It Is ttue that thorn nro come livings hut their value aud especially their number Is grossly exaggerated In popular opinion Viewed collectively tho laborers in tho Anglican vineyard nro by no meain drcmed wortliyof tirdle lure It Is cas In contolo vary England to find counterparts of hOLD urriia parson passing rich with forty pounds I year and of curates like the Roy Mr ClmwnEZ ot whom ANTHONY THOLLOVB hues given us such a sympathetic bkotch Thoro me literally thousands of English clergymen wittier lives are worn out In a struggle with indigence so rUstreE6lnC that- It amounts to I public sClndal For I long thou it was extremely difficult to obtain precise Information regaullug tho incomes of time English clergy The multi udo who wore next door to starvation shrank from exposing their poverty tilrkcn condition to time public gaze and for reasons no lees obvious the tow who are living ou tho fat of tho loud preferred to preserve a discreet reticence At last how > ivcr tho facts or most of theta havo been brought out In tho report of I committee to the Lower House of tho Con vocation of Can tOI bur Tills report which has bon printed In tho London Guardian comprises returns froll 1223 lcumbont who constl tote 32 per cent o numbnr in Euglcnd and Walos lime net annual value of each boncflco is reached by doductlbt from tho nose Income all thtfso payments bg to which tho incumbent bits no option- or In other words the charges which ho Is compelled by law to meet Now It ecema that In England nnd Walos tlioro ate no fewer Mian 417 benefices whoso not Income- is under 10 And which on on average bring In 750 But this la not tho worst feature of the returns Thorn are 1079 boneflces tho net income of eaoh of which- Is loss than 500 the average being 2 On tho other hand thoro are 289 livings whose average hot income IB 480S Ono would like further to know how many bene flees pay tho incumbents on on average up ward of 10000 but this tho authors the report have omitted to disclose Thor doubtless thouglitthnt tho flgutcs 0 they stand are sufficiently suggcstUc It will perhaps bo Imagined that tho pay bears somo proportion to tho work Tho report does not sustain tho charitable as- sumption ¬ It is by ho means the rulo that clergymen ministering to tho larger popu- lations ¬ receive tho larger emoluments Tho stipend of tho Anglican shepherd bears BO fixed relation to tho stzo of his Hock O tho 389 Incumbents who on nn average en- joy ¬ nn Income of 181 eight occupy livings containing less thln 200 Inhabitants and- clghtyolght hold benefices which comprise less than a thousand souls apiece On tho other hand of livings which havo a popula- tion ¬ of upward of 0000 fortyflvo are ten ¬ anted by clergymen who mayo to subsist on 325 n year and 105 are occuplel by limo receiving 70 Of tho livings In Eng- land ¬ and Wales which nro credited with populations of above 0000 nearly onolmlf or 781 aro adnlnlstorol by clergymen whose let are less than 1600 and average less than 1250 Those data EUfllco t demonstrate tho flagrant want of proportion between tho labor exacted and tho reward bestowed Thero was suffering enough In tho lower ranks of tho Anglican clergy thirty years ago when ANindsT TnotLorn was delin- eating ¬ tho overworked anti Illpaid curate Things must bo much worse with curates now for they do not figure It should be ob- served ¬ In the report before us which Is confined to parsons that is to say tho in- cumbents ¬ of bonoflcos by sonic of whom curates aro employed Time tact that par Sons themselves far poorer than they woro In the Irtst generation is duo to tho depreciation of agricultural land In Eng- land ¬ In tho case of many benefices tithes which used toyield a little under 1000- liavo fallen off 25 per cent while glebo lauds which used to command good te- nant ¬ must now remain unrontod or bo let n greatly reduced rental Efforts have ben mado t relieve tho privations nttrl to agrarian and other means of various funds among which Queen ANNES Bounty tho best known but all existing resources are glaringly lu adequate to the demands The two Houses- of Convocation are agreed that something- must bo done at once but they differ as to ho application of tho money to bo raised Tho Lower House thinks that tho Income of every benefice should b raised by continu- ous ¬ grants to at least 1000 a year but tho Bishops woulrj confine assistance t beno Ices with incomes ranging from 500 to 51000 on the ground that no sane man un ¬ provided with private moans would think- of accepting 1 living that paid loss than szoo It Is obvjous that this objection could bo t met by requiring from each recipient In the lowest clues a statement that lila pri- vate ¬ income did not exceed that sum The debates on this report were note- worthy from tho hopelessness revealed with regard to tho procurement of ndaquat help from voluntary Bishops talk of raising 500000 a year but to increase to 10 each the 1379 incomes which average would require nearly n million dollars annuallyand to augmontto time same minimum of 1000 tho 4173 sti- pends ¬ which average 760 would call for abut 1 mutton moro The money needed night bo 01talnodby an net of Parliament abolishing 01 overpaid livings as tho abbey lauds wero confiscated under Unsuv VII and distributing time proceeds among neediest of the clergy But such on cqultabio readjustment of the riches of this world Is unlikely to be made so long as the Church of England remains an aristo- cratic ¬ Institution Stat Partnership li Hallrond Building A convention lies been called to moot In Lincoln Nebraska next month Delegates trai North and South Dakota Kansas No iroska Texas and Oklahoma have boon in- vited to consider the question of building a railroad from Bismarck North Dakota to Galveston Texas It Is a Populist schema Intended to demonstrate that Government ownership Is the practical solution of tho railroad problem This now line Is to give the fartnors an opportunity to get their grain arid produet t foreign markets at less cost present establishing nt the same time reciprocity between this country and Bontl America Meetings have been central and wostotn Kansas favoring tho enterprise Tho money for tho now rnllnftd is t bo furnished by tho several States through rhleh it Is to run and when built and quipped for business the road will bo tho joint piopertyof tho States Focontilbutlng Is maintenance and management will bo joint obligation Rates are to bo low 10 dividends ate to bo paid and tho profits which might otherwise go to time capitalists will bo turned into the pockets of tho farm- ers ¬ II Is I great scheme nnd tho won Ocr Is that nobody has thought ot It boforo Bismarck Is n distributing point In tho fertile wheat belt of tho Northwest Gul vcston Is tho natural outlet for the agricul ural exports the Southwest There is 10 direct railroad lino between the two mints Nearly all the railway systems west of tho Mississippi extend lotltudlnally from cat to Went Thoro are none running north and south from 88 ° t Iota longitude ansi freight therefore must ho sent by way of tho Missouri River or tho Mississippi liver roads In 1 somewhat circuitous anti presumably moro expensive manner That stated al arguments In favor o- ft Ktiitoownod Statamanaged railway between Bismarck nut Gnlvoston are propounded Tho disadvantages onllroly- ivernholm thom It may not havo oc- curred ¬ to tho minds of tho Populist theo- rists ¬ hut if there wore any probable profit itt building rind operating such a Him as these political economists propose private ndUlduals would have tkou hold of tho batter 1 would do bo now The truth II that thoio Is no profit In sight Aiilluo railroads built In disregard of topographl cal conditions seldom pay Thoro Is much inproductlve land In wcfitoru Nebraska und western Kansas through Which this road would run There are many engineer lug difficulties The present population Is scanty nail the local traffic would there fore amount to little Few railroads ate supported by through freight few ovn In the most fertile favored sections ant tU- be thus supported Sending wheat to Gal- veston In the expectation of gaining South American product nleo agricultural for rtUtl trains to carryover 1 lOflg AUth b unproductive country may cmmen- ditel to tho Populist fancy but it does to tho States participating return- of tho cash Invested Tho gross sum invested In American rail- ways ¬ in tho form of stock and bonds amounts t ton thousand million dollars Thototal payment of dividends and In- terest ¬ annually to three hundred nnd twentyfive million dollars This I at tho rate of 3X per cent a moderate on tho amount Invested Tho gross earnings Of American railroads nro about twolvo hundred million dollars a year I tho Populist States are to embark In rail- road ¬ business they must borrow from their citizens tho money for tho purpose They pay interest on ouch loans made for time le- gitimate ¬ purposes of Government and pre- sumably ¬ thO would bo obliged to pay In- terest ¬ Ind It n much heavier rate for ex- periments ¬ in tho railwayoperating fine That would forestall most of tho reduction In charges which tho Populist theorists aro counting upon The railway reformers who Bro to assemble In Lincoln In Juno wilt do well to give that feature of time caso their consideration bcforo they begin ot tho peo- ples ¬ expense tho laying of tracks between Bismarck aud Gal veston on tho Gulf Itapld Transit It took two years of tho existence of I Rapid Transit Commission to demonstrate- to tho public that nn underground railroad was n delusion and An absurdity- All thin same wo do not expect tho city travellers of Now York t sit helpless upon tho curbstone of disgust nnd discomfort for another equal period of time whllo tho public Is educated up to tho fact that tho necessary additional elevated railroads must lu reason bo Manhattan roads hats the truth but we do not believe that It will take two years moro for alt to bo conlncec of It It can scarcely take Inothor thirty days It ought not to tko another twentytour hours Givo us Rapid Transit I Sncazat Defeat at Muiaya Tho attempt of tho Ggvornment forces In Nicaragua to drive tho insurgent army from Its intrenched position near Masaya hues failed Their numerical superiority was more than offset by tho Held works of tho revolutionists who easily hold tho height of Coyotepo Now It remains to seen whether retreat does not mean ruin for tho cause of President BACAZA Tho present revolution is not Btrlctya- party affair since Liberals ¬ servatives and members of the Church party have combined against BACAZA Ho was elected In 1889 to lilt tho unexpired term of President CAVAZO who died In- ofllco anti In 1891 bo succeeded in being elected for a full term of his own Ho pushed on tho work of internal Improvements for Nicaragua but his enemies accused him of favoritism In tho award of contracts and ofn needless extravagance In his arrangements for raising tho funds required At length this year they combined In armod revolt Indicating MORALE a man of wealth ond- 10luonce1 their temporary President An ¬ rune of resources XAVALA may bo Chosen as constitutional President should tho revolt succeed and slncI was for- merly ¬ Minister Washington and one of the negotiators tho canal construction treaty with tho United States the canal company would not fear any hampering of their plans from him Tho question for the moment however Is whether the repuieo of BACAZAB forces wilt end the campaign I is possible that tho prestige arqulred b tho revolu- tionists ¬ In tho recent battle may make thorn masters of Nicaragua or at least enable them to dictate terms to SAOAZA Wo BOO the farmer declared Mr CLEVELAND to the comrhlttoe nf notification on July 20 1892 In accepting the nomination of the Chicago Convention llitonlDg to I delusive torr that fills lila mind with vlilona of advantage white his pocket Is robbed by the stealthY lined ol high protectIon- Never mind about that ir some of the Presidents adviser In May 1800 Lot the pooLet kklnc ot the farmer proceed Let the stealthy hand of high protection filch what it chooses Time election la over But the Democratic pnrtr cannot bo an acces ¬ sore to such proceedings Whn U hal de- nounced ¬ In National as fraud and robbery and what Its Presidential candidate In accepting his nomination ho described as a pocketpicking deice whereby the farmer is despoiled while deluded must be swept war now that the people lmvoclv It power for that purpose and Il that understanding Never declared CLKTELANO on time same occasion hasa jrrokt pnrtr latent upon he promotion ohllht sad justice had better incentive for effort than is now presented to us Turning our eyes to this plain people of tho land we see them burdened with a tariff srttam thnt unlnatl and retcntlesilrdeuandi from them In the purchai ot time nevrssarloa and cOlforts of life an amount scarcely met by wags of hari and steady toll This condition of things sow pullaimou aunpoitera of Mr CLtrvixinD oII turb The common puopl may continue to be robbed by ttio tariff and the fruits of their hArd and steady toll may continue to be take away from them But the Democracy Is pledged to do sway with such Iniquity Never to Quote Mr CLEVELANDS words had a party 1 belo Incentive than I Is hero furnished I must keep the ploJuel Bovontyfour years ago yesterday ALEX AMpniNA VICTORIA Queen of Unclond and Em- p ese of India was born In the city of London Tho Republicans of tho Twelfth Assembly district In which at time recent special oleo ton for Senator Mr MONTUOUEKI the Ilcpub candidate made such a iimnmentabioaimow inc getting In some election districts one vote only have sounded the first gus of the cam- paign ¬ and endorsed Mr Jous iUiUNK flunu- or BecroUry of State There ares Rood mad BMITII and the first name JOHN U not uncommon among thorn iititit will need moro than time support of all bo bMmia t pull the IlepublUan Stat tckt branch year Perhaps JOHN Pay ho on It but no violate no confidence In say int that If nominated l he wont lie In It Tho nows given In tho lloston papers about the two etatuas innleand female which tire to torte part of the exhibit of Harvard University at Chicago tnust 111 the uilndsof those elderly Ilarrnrd men peru gradu- ated ¬ In thin years that are no more The two etatues one of which i Is the work of I man sculptor and the other of a woman aeulptor are made for the purpose ot showing the phys heell development of the typical American student of both stxe The statue of the woman u mania by a woman Is life size and auto tho statue of tho man as made by a mean I Is UII size and nude Both of the artist modeled their works alter tho noblest forms In Harvard Inaetntoof nudity and both sought to Imitate the duals productions of lbs Greeks of the tint of lnUu It appear that the typical Jounl Amr can or rather Harvard man pe- riod closely resemble the typical Athenian ot the period of the twentieth Olympiad th American youths hands and knees however ale bigger than those of the Qrtelc while his wrist orb thlnoen The American young WOmans waist U elend rr than the Orsska While liar back Is more retiring or as a Dot ton paper say I Is hollower Doth the Harvard lean nnd woman however AreoNtboflneit- proportion and lube expressive faces morn fcltrictlro In some respects than tho faces of tho Greeks who lived during tbo twentieth Olympiad and who took oil their clothes while they stood as models for tho sculptor And these nude figures are In tho exhibit bent to Chicago br Harvard University an In- stitution ¬ which was endowed 250 yours by that worthy Puritan tho Itev JoaN RIO VAWJwho exercised tho ministry In Chariot town to the edification of alt tho people and which was dedicated with tho motto CHMSTOCT EccLKSiAf Yet wo commend yad the moral arid Intellectual progress of liar ¬ Emm Dwrnoixs is n name beMdc which ron JIIo and Joe flsi Dot duoiUs Into Illnln Tot Dwiootus has a halo of bankruptcy over his financial system whllo Judge DIRMUKE and tho noblehearted fINK nOT remain thin bosom friends or ono of tho moft dlntln- Bulihed statesmen of Georgia tho Hon HOKB BMnn tho horseback member of tim Cabinet I la pleasing to got so ninny assurances our royal guest thin Infanta Is entirely recardfulof thin proper ways and customs of tho Amlrlculs Commander DAVIS Is now able InnounCI that those Americana who enter prcsenoo nra not to be required to walk backward when they retire therefrom This announcement wi clvo perfect relief to those fashionable Yorker whoso minds have been disturbedt on account of their In ¬ ability to take tho backward top with amen Inc dignity howoier much they may desire do so or however sincerely thoy may hao tried to do U uml especially by ladles whoso trailing skirts must jjlv annoyance during the back action Thoso of our SpanlPh frlnnds who have often enjoyed tho IrhlecoI of tlm court of Mndrld will base no llmculty whatever In olsorvlnir the etiquette court whan timer moot tho Infanta hero nnd our own country people will do wolio koep tholr 10 open upon thin oera gala ball lint timer clay got their frt instruction In an art which they will surely be able to learn nn art In which Span ¬ lards excel nnl which I J II lick hlthcot pleasure to practise Tho Sunday condition of tho WorM Fair pproprlatin ii Vrr iii a nuln pititw to hit roam ft utbo to wr over oat all l day J In hUJourny Iii Vi ltshrmoei for Uklni it ait wlicn me hot sun tDad i litlo woulU LlIw llllur b rWlculoin 1 tu JW Whatothlesl What morality Suppose the rounc mans mothor has paid him five dollars to keep his overcoat on all day Thu lint sun might irlvo hint nn PXCUSO for breaking lila rom lie to wear the coat hut would It rullevo him from tho honorable obligation to refund tim old ladys cash Tnmmnnyllall Is conspicuous anti excep ¬ tional amotc political orcantrntloni In Now York not for efficiency discipline and good EenoraUhlp only but for providing with gen nine lienmolenoe for those who die whllo In Its eon Ice County Clerk KFILLY Judoo JOHN E KELLV Senator IUciN nnd Judge OlltlLLT are in tow of those whoso families bnvn bene ¬ fited by tilts practical method of romomlier log those who hove hoel stoadfost to Demo cratio principles and Interests A clever poet in tho Home Journal chants tho tl fir trees That illtnt rln and roll In the hut 0Ltrmtr nir To which we remark that Ors are not fair but dark and that thoy are only sliont when the air Is entirely stagnant A good rulo for tho Police Commissioners to promulgate Cnthodayof the annual lice parade policemen after breaking ranks po shall proceed to the various destinations with cot still buttoned and hats 111 on the tops- of their heads Instead of tilted back- ward ¬ A eouldorabll numberof mtlle and policemen such as are apt to be soon after n tour of duty Is completed I not beautiful to look at or beneficial to discipline At tho Chicago Fair everything Is 1 eon crest Tho women aro holdlnc a congress and a very fine congress It is the editors aro to hove congress the religions will havo a congress and at the right time anybody can see BUFFALO Din leading MB congress of Houqh llldern of the World throlll daring feats and wo havo no will be found tho most satisfactory 1 It not thg most useful congress of all Is It true that tho subjoined paragraph recently appeared a an advertisement In the London Times M HR JKORflK AS1ITONO Victoria ilrcrt Weitmln it takes ihliupiinrtunllr or lnnliilicriium r 05e trlfiiui l r their kind letlern of njninitlu oil the dliiolullon of hat aarrisge2Ctts April IbUJ There In nothIng Improper In it and with tho progress of modern mannorn such adver- tisements ¬ mny In time form I regular depart- ment ¬ of a newspapers advertising columns Tho fishermen and old salts who depend upon time waters of how York harbor torn living are beginning to uL themselves If tho climate horearouts hA chanced for eqod and If they must now bid farewell to the beau- tiful ¬ weather with steady winds which they usod to Rojoy In times past Last fal they bad to complain of flat calm anti alos Rod during tho pet two months they have had to contend with the same dlfllcultle ° As- a matter of fet boating from tho Narrows to Bandy Hook morn dangerous now than It used to be some years ago and tlmi > is Some thIng which the amateur should not forgot There Is llttl satisfaction in boating nllh too much wind or with too little I Happily here In New Voik wo have not beon troubled with tornadoes lucy nppair to keep away from tho sea although thoy can waltz with tho ivaven wiy crncofully but tholr In- fluence or rather tho liifluenoo nf the atmos- pheric ¬ conditions out West which create them upon our climate lucre Is probably very great Tho learned tell us that toinadoc are the price of the destruction of forests As tho trees disappear the tornadoes multiply anti time trees are certainly disappearing very rapidly The rumluL of IloUmmlth- inn dIE In di siukMinirt lam bLind Otorjl bmiMI Ibb1 t the nDIre lltcll fait Led tin MrlnKilniilnn II- Oalhn mj recent tOast LI Tour I love oh frlendi support IB 1 ttur f ob > ant l hw your ears Lllltn lo the treat lloken icoreli IIbl the faithful Dink Rotti bears Thou h my sored ant retorsn 1101 Ilear their I IiiMilnji high no Tliouio my reel I InJ aoo Vlln Strew the Vunjuri foist Though f lltrln job inrtound ra- lromit lJ 101 masters vlll I must tuck OIUL a rrawrUUj Secretary itllll 111u Let not Il lnr > tonlan Dilnloas Sloth the lion Iliuilald low To os no formal Iaml that plied ra- Al my K ° i t Irlinlt allihouldknavri Hit who pllliireil on my boso- mTriU atlde from tiory ray III who Urunl ollh inyoartiiti I 11 Xaimiy tnamw I chines away Should the UrlngttonUn rabbi Part mail my faint at Rome Where far notilt l partner Gordon Doetui lire when liet at hornet Seek him iaf the socl bur wllntu All acktnit ibis Iiviunlou That our tuttuence oltIDlod Vet shall iirlp Iof Imll I ram baited Georgia busted I liarS time Mrlniitcman shout Tbiy art combs quick my powers I Let me try lokaock them out Au no more midst Ceorrl Colonl SitaR my oul iiultlnr i hot PItA Cotta and IUmuko love m1 I hoSe Smiths basted I Ure ye w 1 znaoneova nvxtitta Aitovr 1 CL aAND n flee Nbt Detlded t la Prtfor of nn 1018 Tn Nor In FIr Atiollahlntc < en ainte lUnkSUermml Law Unit Go t Item 50 IMM41lM FMIt Mf WI nOTOJ May 24A despatch to the W Louis UrtiMic makes the positive state mont which that pnper troat n is rn ad- vance message from the rreMdent that It hits born decided br the 1resldrnt to recommend lie restoration of the Income tax tho repeal of the 10 per rent tax on time ctrcu hating notes of State banks mind the tepeat o- thobherman act This Is announced tho AdmInistration n crogrnmmo to slate antI It In nnsertod llhlt time Setrotary of tho Treasury nail Sir Clove land are In entire accord on this matter Notwithstanding tile fact that Ihodappntcl- alluded to Is said to bo given with author ltrlnm assured by authority that Is quIte Ira good that thf rresldont has not definitely decided to recommend tho restoration of time Income Inx There I U no doubt I hut Western nnd Southern mrmliernof lon rl wile favor tho restoration of this tax discussed tho question with the President and urged him to rocommcntls rolinponltloli hut tluse gen mlstakon the stlcnuo of the rrcsldent or rather hits failure to OUnp provo their arguments and recommendations for leQUI08COICI lie hums not ealti nor Intimated to any person that he favors tho relmnoiltlon of an Income tax nor hal he expressed a purpose to join with that n recommendation for the repeal of time tax on tho circulating notes of Htato banks HU opinion of the Sherman act Is no well known that hero can bo no doubt ha will recommend tho repeal of that measure JCfXBLIS OXS1DA AFtOINTMUKTS- Tho Itegnlar OrcnnUatlon Not Ignored nut AffVontvd bj 110 Mulectlonx UTICA May fFor ome time It lots been concldoll1y the members of the regular Dem ¬ In Oneida county that no favors were to bo expected from tho presenl Administration but no ono supposed for a mo- ment ¬ that the Administration Would co out 01- ItH way not only to injure tho party but to affront tho workers because of an ex- pressed ¬ preference at ono time for a gentleman whoso name wn the wltohwor which Inspired the State to wrest tho control of tho Legislature from time hands of tho common onomy lied a man boon socking moans In this county to destroy all prospects of futuro harmony- and to reward tho least deserving no better way could have been found than tho three ap- pointment ¬ made within I week In each In- stance ¬ a man was named who had nover beon regarded its a safe Democrat In YorkvIIle for instance the Hon Joseph Ackroyd wan ap- pointed ¬ 1ostmastor Mr Ackroyd worked openly last fall against Mr Patton Democratlo candidate for tho Assembly and has fr auently been charged with IslFtnr Senator Cocgeihall to an electon I necessary to say that Mr n delegate to tho May Convention In Syracuse In the vlllaco of South Trenton tho regular organization desired the appointment of a man named Bullock I farmer who had been loyal to tho party and Its nominees under all circumstances Mr Bullock had announced his intention of moving to the village and opening n store timers In which a convenient office could bo located Instead T N DeoleJ wan named Mr Booties Is also a re siding some distance from tho vlllaeo and it I is asserted that he will continue to llvo on hisI- immiltUrimthIOIThe farm over to a Republican who own a score In the hamlet But the most grievous time reeutar organization In time county Was tho appoint- ment ¬ of a 1ostmaRter in the town of Woft mnroland H 8 KolloKC was n candidate for time olllnit thor Ue tins twice been eleotod Supervisor of the Iowa which Is overwhelm thinly llflpubllcnn beIng the Ort Uemocratlo Stmpreriersent from there In ny years As Chairman of tIme Democratic Club In the town he succecdnd In reducing Mr Harrison ma- jority ¬ of 10U 18 to 73 In 1112 and his bren retarded nt the most useful tireless workers lu the county It wa not known that thoro was any opposition to his doilro tn tin the Postmaster those who re tv their mnll at list oQlce signed petition The Hon John D lien nnn also endorsed Mr can ¬ didacy with a letter in JiliolJS set forth nil these facts anti an Mr Reman was temporary Chairman of time Syracuse ConTon lon it wa hellexeil that whatoter Kol mlcht hare Ihoucht nf Mr HIM would he forgotten anti only the wishes or the people nnt the general Illness of time candidate would taken Into consideration Hut Mr Kel IOCKW Inside never heard from their effort in his 10111 Thn new Postmaster at Wet ¬ I A Ij Itch n farmer wbo rMltlon who last your tn join tho Cleveland nml Stevenson Hub of Wentmoro land or to contribute to Its welfare and who It Is saul will deleEHto loml friend of hla re- siding In time vlllncu a deputy nod eon ¬ tinue to experiment In hay seed on his farm several miles way ha of the ofllcxrs of the County Committee who line no deslie tn hold office remarked that If time good work wits continued br Mr Mnw ll In Oneida county on the same line ns that on vrlikh It had boon begun there would l he llttl use In plaelnce > en un Assembly ticket In thus Hold next fall FACTS AB TO 11IK AKTIBlfAPPJBB8 Judge Herilekn Dlxcrnetnil Polities la Albany County From tfn Syriuw kttnlnff Jftvt- Tho iirMcd antlorginliallon neersrspers through out the Stub sad the untl tnappera whose tentlmiats they reHtct which have bore rrlticlilni ao severely and baribly the recent aellou of LlintUor Bheebaa In Huflalu are silent open the course puriaed by their friends In Albany county yet the action of tbi latter win the incit Inchhanded piece of polltlrni robbery seer attempted eras by lbs mcit daring of political manliulMori lbs DerrickVanning machine In the city of Albany found when they recently hail to fill a vacancy In the Board of AUormon that tlielr majority wai alogllicr too rrrcanoaa owls loth fact that come Inltjitn dent Demoorati couW not be relied upon to alwayado the bidding of Ihe bouti Whle vot strictly necessary the bone determined that IbeyoonM be better able to lme their will faltlifully executed If they ihoull vain anoiberMat Accordingly they brought a trumped up cUSlest tot the seat of Fduard fautine a llepubil can member of the ward and Mr the war a former Fycacu an Abin tbe Contest wna ouuirrpncedlt was never dreamed that the machine would go aofaraitoo- unt Mr Cactinp who had sat In Ihe Hoard for a year without uurlnc that time hating It even ingiirited that ha Hai holding a lace to ulilch ho bad nut beiu- lectej lInt they did Mr Caullne liai been uuteated and A machine Democrat put In bl place The lUihy tftryw could say nothing loo harsh of MeutOoT Sheehan whet Ihe lluffato Police blU was paniil by the Ieclilutnre und ilgnoit by the Governor Yet Ha managliig editor engineers ai dirty a polit eal deal ni wan eter cnncocteJ Vet a year an Alderman holds a sent lu the Louuinn Council tvlthoqt lb least qutillon of hli right tn It being railed Hud dinly tnueet n political exigency a trumped con test U nod and he U compelled to icrtetider to n- itrUle toO ot Ihe nurMit II n remarkable how thn caie has ricartil tho attcnllon of the llullaio Courttr- tbe JioLl fag f the hrniu e fmriir the Lockport- Cn r aiil tbe ollirr null nninUition papers through- out time HMt wiilch pretvnd lo be on INAIUI tu iiurlfy- luetuoji Inlde I lime liiuiocullc part If ILejr war aliictre If they had tli good of Hie 1emocratlepiry at atAri and uern trjliig tu iirengthen IIbefore the p511U thee Mould tondemii ills course pursucU by their filemli In the iny of Al rnr a cnurn which ran by to rotillty tia tile illghleit juillCcatltn Tb- loclltoili cjf heoaton lull ant urphy are conderaurd- ty Ibex meters ni thoif tf ii corrupt luacalue yei these uien pla > honcil sid derrnt pnlliloi They do not rnutt lo hltli aa > rnbhtrr lo plate the Democratic potty a hers It l buys in this Sideit l the majority The Inon ut thu A I any Indrtrnt nor Deuiocrali Ii- in plain thai all v liu run urn rind Ulen they are aikeJ I lnpl ceth MOiitrolnf their party aSlIrs In the hanlirt inci n haul of political p rates we ire pm- Ihe they ul htnlau lh present organization u good enouvh fr tnem They want no rarty wreckers ut highn rhl > I at the helm of time Donuezatlu ship 53 fnr the Brat Hcflnllluii or Gentltmnn To are rlitnn or Tug Hen Sin I clip time following from Tin Ecu Ai1fr The rjrlre gltin by London nj Bin to the reaiterwho ihou d furnish the host dinnlllon ot a gentleman was won by one abysS ileicrlutlon Was A knight whoie armor U butior wbote weapon le COilllrll tir Jiitt not Tne Bci offer a pile mstiems not how iroitillrr the beat Auirriran iirtlnltioii of a irrntle zuant hnyland Urn nudocbitdly invent the genilt loan You mlud bunt nuKlitre uiith vf the tiKliili ctmimti nor des he Sear n cny littrature save tint ot the Euclid lancuaie Hut the BnvlUb lures tlon ass mimeS mini ruod hire We liar done a rat deal toward rerfrriliig the iptclia and II Is but tea iDnatile to tumioie that we could Klve the wrltcri In TW hfi points on Ibe gentliman qteitlvB Offer tbe prliel B 1 tzPUINTu rs AT TIER New nod Old rinseS In the F calty flied A Netv Donnllorj NEW IUVKJf day 21At A meeting of the tale corporal ton toili r Trof lornmlott IVr this Yale College 1HUO of Wcli ynn Iloiervo University wfiB iIeetpil to n tnofo for lilp of Greek In time ncmtcmlcnl itrn rr tnient Fred brIck Wells VIIII ms IVnb 1N71H nf New llnicn was Appointed nn Instructor In hUtorr tar tlio ensuing ftcnlomlj year Dr Tames llollnson now of riltaburch was nppolnteil- Instruolor In Latin tot two yean and Warren A Adams Vitto 18Htl now nn Instructor In Cornell Unixersltr was appointed Initructor In Qermnn for two scare Joseph liowilon Yale 1811 who Is now lintruclor In tie Be- lcntHlr School was nppoltte I to n ttttnrtihlp la tho collipe 1 1 hn fey William P rlacmnnof Itharn NT V itee nt l otnt d to n riot nrifei- lorshlp nf Chrlntlnn utlidt In the Uhlnlly Sohotil Jtr Jllitekmil will nl ienil hut hull year nbrnitil I In prdiHriitlon for lilidiillei I I Time rnrporulon has for some titan boon considering the iutolhuhiity of fimilMilni rooms which fan bo rentml ut n low pi foe nn 1 title reiliof I thu till lulik I MW At tniUrs lhtns tier mi bu hung t ndiolu Wliila Roxtlnit I tin liolh worn aim hut Itt nil ami I nt- iprocil t Thl I Will eonliiln mmmeilnu am mel itt Ii n for flftv sttliliMlB with t HIM in p room C wbloh I rait lie rented nt about SJ per tvet Thn bullilnit will bn nf the value coneMl irncliT as White llnll with llropronf Rtnlrs nmt linllwiiv ntnl- llnlshod In otk It will liowovir contain a inreo number nt single rooms like thn e la- 1itrnan ansI IrtWront0 halls 1 ho Uniiblu rooms will Im slmllnr to thnxo In Wolch Hall The cost of Ilia bulldlps will bo shout IGOOOU to be borne br the collic treasury rnno IcLrx iuvrunazcAsc Wn There Sharp Prattles nt Rente of Their Recent I ° lrlmarl Time republlcnn primaries hold In Drnok lyn on Tueedav nlcht In the various election districts nro alleged In tome cases to have beers marked with sharp practice if not actual fraud There Is a special hubbub over time pri- mary ¬ tn time Twentvsecona district of time rlchth ward Mr H N Cadmus has long been tho Republican leader la tho district and he and bin frtnnde made up the resular ticket which was run nt time primary Although only 43 names wore enrolled nt the special en- rollment ¬ two weeks ago there were 71 on the looks when time primary beean Ot the 55 votes cast VO wero nnnounced for the regular and 20 for thn oppositIon ticket Mr Cadmu all ao that not only was there palpable fraud in tbe names on tha hook but that the primary law was violated In eovurnl other ro peetR the most notable being the tine of n candy box for time tickets instead of trio regular ballot t lox furnished br- tho police Not only wit un effort be made to hAve time primary declared null and void by tile Ward Committee but local proceedings acalnst the persons responsible are throutened TUB FROVOSED XVCOStB TAX Views of Important Journal From the RaMfinrt Umlryean If the only object of Ooneress I Is to rate revenue without retard to time wishes and interests of tho American people an Income tag may accomplish that object but from such an uutatesiLnnllko standpoint even those who have Riven the matter due refleoion will conclude tlint the revenues ot time Government can Io raised In other ways at loss expense and with less friction Time country has already tried an Income tax anti condemned It at a time when the necessities of the Government were In ¬ creased tenfold arid the people were wlll Inc to snake almost any sacrifice flare ly haa a tax bedn Imposed In history which created such universal hostility nnd produced such Inadequate results The policy of parties has usually hers to Impose taxes of tile kind which will be tho least felt by the per- sons taxed and Which will at any rate not dls- courauo energy ant skill and labor but the Income tax Imposed during the throes ef civil strife when tile nation was batlllnir for Its life wan felt to ht > a tax on human endeavor anil a direct curb to sit preen ss If a man br hla superior mercy Intelligence or Industry made a llttie moro money than his neighbor during the year his aacaclty and Industry were compelled to pay a penalty while this neighbor received n premium for the lack ot those qualities without which progress IB 1m possible To rate e any money worth the effort br this Obnoxious tax the limit for untaxed incomes must bo mad low eo that tho more enter pricing wnceearners become the principal victims Willie men of wealth generally mien ngn by ono device or another to avoid pnylnjr their fair proportion of time tax An Income tnx must be disassociated altogether from direct tax on property The latter fails on all alike where It 1 is honestly enforced while the former discriminates against those who br t reason of their Greater energy and Intelll genes have outstripped their neighbors due¬ lag the year It In this feature of the tax which made It so unpopular twentyfive or thirty years ago that Congress was forced to repeal It and if the Administration revives it now the people will probably express their opinion in no uncertain terms la the tall olloul Yen trt St Imti KrpdMe- An Income tax on all Incomes over 2000 year would certainly result in absolutely wlp lag out any party that put It In force in this country white a tax on incomes of 50uo nnd over would as certainly result In the defeat of the party responsible for It aod In the early re ¬ peal of the measure lInt in tax on nil abnor ¬ mat Incomes say on all of ovortHUOOOa year to be levied as long as It In necessary to tiny penslonn would be sustained by the country n- an emergency tax It I lie only as an emeraencr tax that any sort of an Income tax will ever bej sustained In till country but there Is now ex ating on account nt our enormous pensions un emergency in which the public sentiment of the country will undoubtedly sustain ouc patriotic millionaires in coming to the rescue To time Victors Belong the Spoil fro tit Ilarrltlu 1ufriel Of course Mr Cleveland along with the rest meterS fourthclan Poet OCleei at time legitimate spolla of the victors and at Mr Maxwell la reported to have said If we dont take the adrlu ot the party mathlne where shall wa look for recommendations t If thoa who bare complained will took at this In the way thai Mr Hindi and Jr Uaxwell and we may say Mr Cleveland do they will soon tee how grouadleai their grumbling le Leltera recently sent to thIs olBoe show- cases In which habitual drunkards and men of nolan ouily bad character otberwlie have eeoued foarth class poet OHIce appolntmiati la this State But 54 may be easily understood Mr Maxwell cannot be blamed for hiss persons hays been named by lbs ref cress and llr VatweU had no alternative Ue must either lelect the men named by the Board or abandon tbe referee bnilneai and look for Information in the petitions 514 To pay attention to the petltloni w rld inrolyl much labor and at time tame time show tome deference to the wlibea of the patrons of the Ioit Ofllcci somthlng never contemplated by the uuwrlt ten lAirs that regulate time dutrlbutlon of party ipolla The Michigan refrreei ought to stand Jolt ai the inoylcsnia referees are being retained and grum- bling ¬ ouihl to stop Of Course this la not In the line of the pledge made prior to the election but where ee many pledget are made before an election a parly mast not beeipected to keep alt of them Tom bush hess of the lucceiiful party It tint to brook soy roubleiorae pledgee and next to keep tbo public un adviasd as toiucb viohailons- II ts true lb Irte timid itself soumewbat nut of hue tin in coinotendlrig what ii knows to be writer pohIti- Caimy as soil as amorally bt In this raruicniar mnsianre- twhiii Is mmmoralhy and ioitttcahiy wrong seis to hot s- Mmci hearty sprsvat norm the Dmorrauie authorities at Vasuitngtomm that we are willing for Its time ii set aside a mustIer or rouieoleue in order to me wholly iii- Imaunioniously Peamorratle tVe msle be prouihor hoe ever to coutinue mndumnitoiy Oils kind or euilamlstmeus and apOlogies Time Icfc rrlcreois > Outdoor I It Mnll I Jririli Utkl In the ihop nf Aivsn Clark A ron > rurlrl Irfrirt fall are now In process of diminution t AU Imifj M- leicnplo Initruiuenli whirl are mnn Itrtuiet I l II rrnre- of tinlteri l Intrreit lime machIne are tliiiinr moo forty Inch IPM trocjpe uhlch Ik nlaioit tin pleted lor the Km ui d Ubiertalnr if Die I utcr liy of Chicago sod the llriice jugraphic iOil lOpe which U being made fur the astronomical obieMatory of Harvard tlotlce lilt ionic for tlm chtrjco trltinpo are four lnre- argcr them iii homes In the tei ien e nt Its I rk- eoaiory and ore tom y liuliri In Ulanulrr r Cnrt1 contract tc tht two in in eureatn juor i out n year but I he cnni ler that ih cork Ii romiiu na extrepei1 well In fuel t ininii nuts i U alter 1 down wraic4 up In I imtitt f and put In a be s ii ceo box ready fur the llual po lulling a hlle lime lllut gi415- still requires ruiiuJtibt uiatuji ilntlciu The either irticope Ii the outcome of a gift ef- KAOOO which Vlif W lirureof New tork inaUe to the atroiieiiinfil obnr ol ry at llariard I nllrne for bo fcniiri lion ft a Ingraphio telr copc baring Sn eoeptivf f ubout is nniii a entire with n oral englhot I II I rrct Ibo niirument dicer Im olSen lug tflenuptii In tIc nitruclioi of lit tnijri1 glass wticim is a uround into of lbs form luowa lo pa- ograi ben ri a purttiU lent I Diacrlumsiling OrIeZ 1 ion Lt- rHeA widow When did her husband dlef 8he Iast week lieBut she I In In hilt mourning bhuVca it baa cool to light that be had another wife In Chlonzo

Library of Congress · 2017-12-16 · l TniUQTTRSD Y AY 2 j83 I jb TnDEBOAT MAY 2 1891-T J b u rsrau-y rr XI o o Nr Tear O 0 IAY Pit TM < OO Jty IODAt rrTear S 0 AMDreSUXPAY re oitb

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Page 1: Library of Congress · 2017-12-16 · l TniUQTTRSD Y AY 2 j83 I jb TnDEBOAT MAY 2 1891-T J b u rsrau-y rr XI o o Nr Tear O 0 IAY Pit TM < OO Jty IODAt rrTear S 0 AMDreSUXPAY re oitb

l TniUQTTRSD Y AY 2 j83 I

jbTnDEBOAT MAY 21891-


J b u rsrau-y rr XI o o

Nr Tear O 0IAY Pit TM < OO

Jty IODAt rr Tear S 0AMD SUXPAY re oitb 1re rer i i 0t nt Iig csantriei Ude i

rIJT tllB IUI 1v York en f

tor n Clergymantt1A3Y ptppor question from ft Rood clergy

ifjjnahj It ollhl us always to answeritthoso with n graceful corn pli

frtoflniWy preface cdmo from tim pastor bf-

theFlr8t rroibytorlan Church of CUftoh

tln Pnnay1van1a> To tni EHTO of Tni SoJiftn Permit m lou

i itltlikI leaauret riad rita Fujr not cnlr becameLtfttkth courage of III eouTlcloni aliobteauie-

HeJudicialj J llment i omi to predominate IIn the miniJr blmealda tbe tttirancei on the editorial pate I


liwp any that ihow a greater ability t-

lookat pn1 principle objeetttsly or weigh ths-yngnnents en eaeb aideI more fairly> Fort lir aton I ask yoa to Inform me whether

JJiOMwba are urging tbe opening nf ths gateiotthe-Worldt Fair on Monday conilder tbe ee of nalonattgtilatlom to b tb gratlncatlon ot Ui otsnytMt ft people Otbe development nt good ettlten-

iU tbe poilllte aim of Ooverument IIt thedevelo-Duniet goon cKI enlrtt not hllor7 anti eiperlenc-

dtoto sod Amirlca both bow that the bestaWUm are 10 be fount and have always bun

1 9iBl IB nina communltlei where one day Inr Mvell IIs set ailde not for pltaiure or roe

Watloti bit for tbe ipeclal honor of Don nwbt<J JSWleey1 baa b1 babUoallytiervertcd fromt DO courts alwaje bon morally dowu-TblijtpI la of tours looking at the matter 111-

aIUllalullndpoIDIJ and not from a theolog-qte Cmaui W lon

fi ho end of national legislation U neithergratification of tho desires of any class

iVf people nor tho development of gool cUtjiwiBhlp In the sense In which tho Mr

t ijfXfetiN uses that phrasoL HI Tho province of notional legislation Is

4 4 Jtriotly defined by tho Constitution Suchpowers anti functions government naionot therein defined bolonl not to tho Fed

Wral establishment tho Status flit

dlol hn tho undoubted power t sayWorlds Patio held In Chicago

or elsewhere in that State shall be al-

filowed to open their gates on Sunsf days The Congress of tho United Stnto-afI hanpower to docldo whether Wordsother exhibitions hold In oJFan York lu Ban Francisco or anyftiWharo else except In Wushlnglon shall b-

olJ fjpenod or closed on Sundays Congressj could not constitutionally make I general

i Iftirof that sort applying to nil WorldsvFdirs in the United States Still less can Itiprblblt by special law tho Sunday opening

fiZa particular Worlds Fair In Illinois> l lttoro has been no pretence that CongressI 9rhpb such power Tho provision that tho

2 Colamblnu exposition should bo shut up on-

e ttiday was attached by tho last Congressftjuta1 condition to a grout of money If Chi

cgo should keep tho money but repudii 4lte tho condition wo do not see how

condition could bo enforced I she4 i thould return tho money her right to

open or BhUt tho gates at wilt subjectvcny to tho lawn of Illinois would bo In

tUiputablo The point has been raised thatj the swwiththeSundayc1osingprovisionis-

tt unconstitutional Inasmuch as It amountsi v toih6j appropriation of money to hire cUt

i4o5sbf tjip United States to refrain fromt r olng whit tho Government of the United

totes bos no power to prohibit them fromi and a very strong point It is

n Boy Mr NEVI will perceive as wolj that tho ethical question of tho do1rbIi1tyorsundayexliibitIos has nothingi L b with tlio question of thlpower of Con

giSS to Interfere Ha should free his mi-ndril

alt confusion In thiH respectj r I first question belug answered tho

frT id answers Itself As the positive att-nthor Fpdoral Government Is not tho de

ilnJontof good clleushllln thn senseJ f I lies In thnt

o regulaUoa of Sunday obsarvatico Isr i matter for Individual conaclenco nudi7 X nurch dlftlpllno rather thau for Co-

nLrM WO win say to him frankly howeverr itjiclther in history nor In personal ux-

ptIpt fleodc wo find sufficient grounds for± thing that the quality citizenship Is

renter in oonimuiiitloa where early Puritan4 doA of Sunday observance havo been

ic jfiitly maintained than in equally Intolli


t T1tbnd moral communities where ImoroI tteu8j and truly Biblical conception of

jflpjirposo 01 tho Lords Day has foundS fl Sjitance

iT o Normannln Incident In Courtreral of the pnscOngiMS quarantined on

i hoornmUnia last eumnicr ImVobioutht-HamburgAraorloani tho Packet

iolpany to recover damages for tho dcteu

lU and hardships Incurred by them ati tlmo Tho first of those cases that of

h Judge ALFRED B BUCKS of Bridgeport hasjKw4 on trial In tho United Status District

i Acquit during tho rat two days Tho claimSptvlbAgo BEERB is based on tho allocution

k itho English agents of tho Hainbuigi1Ctany which at that time was sendingIf pvJhlB harbor ship load after shIp load of

Wiolorn from tho Infect poitof departureI Mjduced him and others to onibail at

Campion by representing thnt nojl rage passengers wero aboard tho efJ pa that tVlp This stalotuont la oiii-

cdr by othot1 cabin passengers of th-orp lnnla among whom is Senator Me-

tt80HMc ol Kow JorsoyJio merits of the case are for tho court

rIdetermine not tho newspapers Wek of It In title placo merely to call at

Jon t tho extraordinary course pur-byI Ho NeiL 1 orc iVeiifno Pos whosol J1 if U la well known from Yokohama to-

ill Was also INorinannla paesengor4Has never uttered a blnglo word of corn

t itTht against the compnuy Ills own inbaa been directed solely againstflMlon IB and the quarantine system

iL Wtabllbhcd for the purpose of keeping peak lilotico out of Now YOII by holding cholera

inips In the lower until thoy can bei admitted with safety to tho millions of

V i peoplo for whose sake tho Health Officerj If elands guard

Tho newspaper In question Is doing Usutmost to lulluciico public opinion and

L >oeflibly the opinion of Judge Bitowxs-uryrf i M favorably t tho defendant foreign

1i corporation sad unfavorably to tho Amoiiii-i fl can plaintiff In tho following descriptionf i

Iof tho case It munlfoslly omlHavora tocrete the Impression that Judgo Hiaum I

either a foot litigant engaged lu a lcral-wlldgooso5 1 I chase or a sharp follow strlkhllirandom for damages from a rich convom-

ri JJr Scoot was a patitngir aol lummtr on thei 1 Jlonbinnla when that rtnet > ulTtred lu long delenonI quarantine IIn ouMqaence of the mellKinl-

fnelbodp of cotaballfig choera aJepted by the Unitedtats Ur limos avers to lila complaint that he was

daritgtdtelieeiientotatI trait tlCo If lit loosesef Tartoui klnda be tuiumcd up Sis Uilentionbr the

s V alt4 stile add Iii JEUU O0 and oS ji sI or Ih-

tre t aaVaigA nerlcan porte line Inflicted pecanlaryi j J4U4I list iielally pbyilcal and nitntal dlicomtortin ted jt It bla vplulon that tbe iteamihipcouipany tbeuld-

opiaattotltiBlxrieaudoouipenlatehlui> 1bo titus o-f1aLii A burfjjtticn ondtruktn lo put thiltuI si StssoiblleakitoavlttllngllgB TUtrare

711 h

op0i 4 In babalt of lbs namtmriAmerlcan TacitCompany by Wnttti COOn A OotiiH wbMellne c-

anunnnl III tbitlbtcompanrwoiM IY bun onl10glad to brine the Kormnnnla t o-

learlnr thi rtiiel In till baudl of Dr Jieeaia Sot thattbty were pretented from Joint tbj the abiolul-ileipotle piwer rut br ttatntt In the Health Onletrand b7lliudolr ierclied to lbs detention otoroleef th Ieoma In qaeitlon Before tht lint arguSboot ot Ibt Ubetlanti counitl was disclosed bjr th-

tirojtreii nf tht tial Enrirr P Wnitina was ahcwhat that lint be and bt replied that b was

lrbt did not know

Tho sneer at tho case as prepared by thoplaintiffs counsel is in keeping with thoanimus of tho wholo article Oulyouo Inprotntlon can bo put upon tho EveningIOtla comments and Its incidental at-


tdrol in Dr JENKINS by tho heelsas tho rll responsible party That newspaper too ostentatious a professor ofJournalistic and judicial ethics to allow thosupposition that It Is Ignorant of what It Isreally doing Improper under any circum-stances Mr 13 i GODKIHS treatment oftho suit now on trial before n Jury becomesindecent in the extreme in view of tho fastlthat his son Is ono of tho lawyers retainedby tho Hamburg Company

Tho relations between tho Evening Rltand this iparticular steamship companyscorn to bo peculiar and somewhat Interest-ing


Tho points of attachment are somany that It might bo worth while to lookbehind tho ostensible motive of Mr GOD

Kis8 Inveterate hostility to the quarantinesystem as now administered Qnl to thoquarautlno officer who kept choleraout of Now York last year

Yes There Will Ho Two Ticket

I tho heavens fall lark plo wilt bo Inseason Grrten cheese might bo plentiful-but tot the distance between tho moon andtho earth Tho nbsouco of rain would dryup the Hudson lllver between Its banks-

It IB hard to say what would happen if thosalt was washed out of tho sea Thero maybe as our contemporary tho Tribune hastho warrant of tho Evening l > at for alleg-


two Democratic Stato tickets In thofield in Now York this year There may betoruolhluff Is Impossible but there wont bo

If there should be two DomooratloStatotickets before tho voters this fall both thoAdministration and tho antAlmlnlstrltlou Democrats would nn organState capital declares tho IVtime TholoselblHUoa of the word I are manybut In tthis caso they exoludo oery reasoniblo hum n11 conjecture Tho Democratloadministration of public affairs in thisState has beon remarkably successfulThe party is splendidly organized Itsleaders enjoy the fullest measuro of popularconfidence Its management of all branchesof tho State Govornmunt has boon wiserigorous and judicious Its Itopubllcanopponents are In I brokendowi conditionof political health and of personal spirits-At this moment they nro star glzlnl Theyare woudeilng what struck

Who ono well may ask are tho antiAdministration Democrats of whom thoTribune speaks What are they Butabove all where nro they 1

To run Isecond Democratic State ticketexcept as a joko requires Democratic votesII support of It Who Is to furnishthem Whore aro they to come from Thoanswer Is not easy Governor FLOWER waselected in 1891 by a majority of 4700 A-

yer later MrCriEVEiANU carried tho Statoby 45000 Mr FLOWER received 0003 per-cent ot tho total vote cast bo had a clearmajority overall CLEVELAXU received4702 per cent of tho total voto ho had aplurality but no majority In both sloe

ton tho Democratic leaders throughoutState labored diligently but though tho

figures do not show It nclearly as mightperhaps bo desired their oortwero moreenergetic In 1892 than In They had tolook sharp or n very different result mighthave been witnessed for there is no gain-sayIng tho popularity of tho DomooratloState Administration on trial In 1691 againstho combined nssaulls of the Itopubllcansand of all miscellaneous malcontents MrCM3V fcANDrt plurality wns only 2500 short-of Mr rtowKBs Ills proportion of thowhole vote was only two por cent lessThis was a most creditable and conclusiveproof of tho strength force and disciplineof time Democratic organization of theState a supreme test of its loyalty oill-lenoy and votegetting powerIn tho taco of such a showing who Is thoramong thoso at largo without restraint to

xpotuid tho advantages or tho probabilityor 0 second Democratic ticket

No ono I Theme 1is no such individualWhat our contemporary the Tribune mis-led by tho quarantine ravings of tho Evenjag flrst probably means is this There will-

ie two tattcetIn Now York QUO Dem-ocratic


Itopubllcan The Dorao-ratH will sustain their administration of

public niTuIrs the Republicans will arraignand donounco It Tim people wilt decideOur Republican friends apparently in oxloctntlon of such I contest have wo ob¬

servo Issued a public address tinder date ofSunday May 21 at Albany This documentsigned by threii Kopubllcan State Senatorsmid seven Ilcpublkau Assemblymen thoTribune publishes In full Commentingupon It out contemporary remarks Thoremedy Is lu Limo voters hands They canwlpn out tho disgrace ot 1831 nt tho capital-by Bonding the Democracy to the rear andplcctliiff u UOllblenl Legislature-

They can They can knock tho Democ-racy


higher titan GILDEIIOVH kilo hutthey wont The Democracy of Now York-Is too popular it iIn tot numerous It runsthings too much to tho Peoples satisfactionThere wi bo two tlukots lu Now York thisyear nhcretofoio tame will be Demo-cratic


tho other will bo Ilcpubllcau

Poverty of tin Kngllih ClergyTime belief is current lu thli country that

In Kugland tho clergyman of tho IMablishodChurch are exceedingly el pnld It Isttue that thorn nro come livings huttheir value aud especially their number Isgrossly exaggerated In popular opinionViewed collectively tho laborers in thoAnglican vineyard nro by no meain drcmedwortliyof tirdle lure It Is cas In contolovary England to find counterparts of hOLDurriia parson passing rich with fortypounds Iyear and of curates like the RoyMr ClmwnEZ ot whom ANTHONY THOLLOVBhues given us such a sympathetic bkotchThoro me literally thousands of Englishclergymen wittier lives are worn out In astruggle with indigence so rUstreE6lnC that-It amounts to Ipublic sClndal

For Ilong thou it was extremely difficultto obtain precise Information regaullug thoincomes of time English clergy The multiudo who wore next door to starvationshrank from exposing their povertytilrkcn condition to time public gaze andfor reasons no lees obvious the tow who areliving ou tho fat of tho loud preferred topreserve a discreet reticence At last how >

ivcr tho facts or most of theta havo beenbrought out In tho report of Icommittee tothe Lower House of tho Con vocation of CantOI bur Tills report which has bonprinted In tho London Guardian comprisesreturns froll 1223 lcumbont who constltote 32 per cent o numbnr inEuglcnd and Walos lime net annual value

of each boncflco is reached by doductlbtfrom tho nose Income all thtfso paymentsbg to which tho incumbent bits no option-

or In other words the charges which ho Iscompelled by law to meet Now It ecemathat In England nnd Walos tlioro ate nofewer Mian 417benefices whoso not Income-is under 10And which on on averagebring In 750 But this la not tho worstfeature of the returns Thorn are 1079

boneflces tho net income of eaoh of which-Is loss than 500 the average being 2On tho other hand thoro are 289 livingswhose average hot income IB 480S Onowould like further to know how many beneflees pay tho incumbents on on average upward of 10000 but this tho authorsthe report have omitted to disclose Thordoubtless thouglitthnt tho flgutcs 0theystand are sufficiently suggcstUc

It will perhaps bo Imagined that tho paybears somo proportion to tho work Thoreport does not sustain tho charitable as-


It is by ho means the rulo thatclergymen ministering to tho larger popu-


receive tho larger emolumentsTho stipend of tho Anglican shepherd bearsBO fixed relation to tho stzo of his Hock Otho 389 Incumbents who on nn average en-


nn Income of 181 eight occupy livingscontaining less thln 200 Inhabitants and-clghtyolght hold benefices which compriseless than a thousand souls apiece On thoother hand of livings which havo a popula-tion


of upward of 0000 fortyflvo are ten¬

anted by clergymen who mayo to subsist on325 n year and 105 are occuplel by limo

receiving 70 Of tho livings In Eng-land


and Wales which nro credited withpopulations of above 0000 nearly onolmlfor 781 aro adnlnlstorol by clergymenwhose let are less than 1600and average less than 1250 Those dataEUfllco tdemonstrate tho flagrant want ofproportion between tho labor exacted andtho reward bestowed

Thero was suffering enough In tho lowerranks of tho Anglican clergy thirty yearsago when ANindsT TnotLorn was delin-eating


tho overworked anti Illpaid curateThings must bo much worse with curatesnow for they do not figure It should be ob-


In the report before us which Isconfined to parsons that is to say tho in-


of bonoflcos by sonic of whomcurates aro employed Time tact that parSons themselves far poorer than theyworo In the Irtst generation is duo to thodepreciation of agricultural land In Eng-land


In tho case of many benefices titheswhich used toyield a little under 1000-

liavo fallen off 25 per cent while glebolauds which used to command good te-nant


must now remain unrontod or bo letngreatly reduced rental Efforts have

ben mado trelieve tho privations nttrlto agrarian and othermeans of various funds among whichQueen ANNES Bounty tho best knownbut all existing resources are glaringly luadequate to the demands The two Houses-of Convocation are agreed that something-must bo done at once but they differ as toho application of tho money to bo raisedTho Lower House thinks that tho Income ofevery benefice should braised by continu-ous


grants to at least 1000 a year but thoBishops woulrj confine assistance tbenoIces with incomes ranging from 500 to51000 on the ground that no sane man un ¬

provided with private moans would think-of accepting 1 living that paid loss thanszoo It Is obvjous that this objection couldbot met by requiring from each recipient Inthe lowest clues a statement that lila pri-vate


income did not exceed that sumThe debates on this report were note-

worthy from tho hopelessness revealed withregard to tho procurement of ndaquathelp from voluntaryBishops talk of raising 500000 a year butto increase to 10each the 1379 incomeswhich average would require nearly nmillion dollars annuallyand to augmonttotime same minimum of 1000 tho 4173 sti-pends


which average 760 would call for

abut 1 mutton moro The money needednight bo 01talnodby an net of Parliamentabolishing 01 overpaid livings as thoabbey lauds wero confiscated under UnsuvVII and distributing time proceeds among

neediest of the clergy But such oncqultabio readjustment of the riches ofthis world Is unlikely to be made so long asthe Church of England remains an aristo-cratic



StatPartnership liHallrond BuildingA convention lies been called to moot In

Lincoln Nebraska next month Delegates

traiNorth and South Dakota Kansas Noiroska Texas and Oklahoma have boon in-

vited to consider the question of building arailroad from Bismarck North Dakota toGalveston Texas It Is a Populist schemaIntended to demonstrate that Governmentownership Is the practical solution of thorailroad problem This now line Is to givethe fartnors an opportunity to get theirgrain arid produet t foreign marketsat less cost present establishing ntthe same time reciprocity between thiscountry and Bontl America Meetingshave been central and wostotnKansas favoring tho enterprise Thomoney for tho now rnllnftd is t bofurnished by tho several States throughrhleh it Is to run and when built and

quipped for business the road will bo thojoint piopertyof tho States Focontilbutlng

Is maintenance and management will bojoint obligation Rates are to bo low

10 dividends ate to bo paid and tho profitswhich might otherwise go to time capitalistswill bo turned into the pockets of tho farm-ers


II Is I great scheme nnd tho wonOcr Is that nobody has thought ot It boforo

Bismarck Is n distributing point In thofertile wheat belt of tho Northwest Gulvcston Is tho natural outlet for the agriculural exports the Southwest There is10 direct railroad lino between the twomints Nearly all the railway systemswest of tho Mississippi extend lotltudlnallyfrom cat to Went Thoro are none runningnorth and south from 88

° tIota longitudeansi freight therefore must ho sent by wayof tho Missouri River or tho Mississippiliver roads In 1 somewhat circuitous antipresumably moro expensive manner

That stated al arguments In favor o-ft Ktiitoownod Statamanaged railwaybetween Bismarck nut Gnlvoston arepropounded Tho disadvantages onllroly-ivernholm thom It may not havo oc-


to tho minds of tho Populist theo-rists


hut if there wore any probable profititt building rind operating such a Him asthese political economists propose privatendUlduals would have tkou hold of thobatter 1 would do bo now The truthII that thoio Is no profit In sight Aiilluorailroads built In disregard of topographlcal conditions seldom pay Thoro Is muchinproductlve land In wcfitoru Nebraskaund western Kansas through Which thisroad would run There are many engineerlug difficulties The present population Isscanty nail the local traffic would therefore amount to little Few railroads atesupported by through freight few ovn Inthe most fertile favored sectionsant tU-be thus supported Sending wheat to Gal-veston In the expectation of gaining SouthAmerican product nleo agricultural for

rtUtl trains to carryover 1lOflg AUthbunproductive country may cmmen-ditel to tho Populist fancy but it does

to tho States participating return-of tho cash Invested

Tho gross sum invested In American rail-ways


in tho form of stock and bondsamounts t ton thousand million dollarsThototal payment of dividends and In-


annually to three hundrednnd twentyfive million dollars This Iattho rate of 3X per cent a moderate ontho amount Invested Tho gross earningsOf American railroads nro about twolvohundred million dollars a year I thoPopulist States are to embark In rail-road


business they must borrow from theircitizens tho money for tho purpose Theypay interest on ouch loans made for time le-


purposes of Government and pre-


thO would bo obliged to pay In-


Ind It n much heavier rate for ex-


in tho railwayoperating fineThat would forestall most of tho reductionIn charges which tho Populist theorists arocounting upon The railway reformers whoBro to assemble In Lincoln In Juno wilt dowell to give that feature of time caso theirconsideration bcforo they begin ot tho peo-


expense tho laying of tracks betweenBismarck aud Gal veston on tho Gulf

Itapld TransitIt took two years of tho existence of IRapid Transit Commission to demonstrate-

to tho public that nn underground railroadwas n delusion and An absurdity-

All thin same wo do not expect tho citytravellers of Now York t sit helpless upontho curbstone of disgust nnd discomfortfor another equal period of time whllo thopublic Is educated up to tho fact that thonecessary additional elevated railroadsmust lu reason bo Manhattan roadshats the truth but we do not believe

that It will take two years moro for alt tobo conlncec of It It can scarcely takeInothor thirty days It ought not to tkoanother twentytour hours

Givo us Rapid Transit I

Sncazat Defeat at MuiayaTho attempt of tho Ggvornment forces In

Nicaragua to drive tho insurgent armyfrom Its intrenched position near Masayahues failed Their numerical superiority wasmore than offset by tho Held works of thorevolutionists who easily hold tho heightof Coyotepo Now It remains to seenwhether retreat does not mean ruin for thocause of President BACAZA

Tho present revolution is not Btrlctya-party affair since Liberals ¬

servatives and members of the Churchparty have combined against BACAZA Howas elected In 1889 to lilt tho unexpiredterm of President CAVAZO who died In-

ofllco anti In 1891 bo succeeded in beingelected for a full term of his own Ho pushedon tho work of internal Improvements forNicaragua but his enemies accused him offavoritism In tho award of contracts and ofnneedless extravagance In his arrangementsfor raising tho funds required At lengththis year they combined In armod revoltIndicating MORALE a man of wealth ond-

10luonce1 their temporary President An ¬

rune of resources XAVALA may boChosen as constitutional President shouldtho revolt succeed and slncI was for-


Minister Washington and one of thenegotiators tho canal construction treatywith tho United States the canal companywould not fear any hampering of theirplans from him

Tho question for the moment howeverIs whether the repuieo of BACAZAB forceswilt end the campaign I is possiblethat tho prestige arqulred b tho revolu-tionists


In tho recent battle may make thornmasters of Nicaragua or at least enablethem to dictate terms to SAOAZA

Wo BOO the farmer declared MrCLEVELAND to the comrhlttoe nf notificationon July 20 1892 In accepting the nominationof the Chicago Convention llitonlDg to Idelusive torr that fills lila mind with vlilonaof advantage white his pocket Is robbed bythe stealthY lined ol high protectIon-

Never mind about that ir some of thePresidents adviser In May 1800 Lot thepooLet kklnc ot the farmer proceed Letthe stealthy hand of high protection filchwhat it chooses Time election la over

But the Democratic pnrtr cannot bo an acces ¬

sore to such proceedings Whn U hal de-nounced


In National as fraud androbbery and what Its Presidential candidateIn accepting his nomination ho described asa pocketpicking deice whereby the farmeris despoiled while deluded must be sweptwar now that the people lmvoclv It powerfor that purpose and Ilthat understanding

Never declared CLKTELANO on timesame occasion hasa jrrokt pnrtr latent uponhe promotion ohllht sad justice had betterincentive for effort than is now presented tous Turning our eyes to this plain people oftho land we see them burdened with a tariffsrttam thnt unlnatl and retcntlesilrdeuandifrom them In the purchai ot time nevrssarloaand cOlforts of life an amount scarcely metby wags of hari and steady toll

This condition of things sow pullaimouaunpoitera of Mr CLtrvixinD oIIturb The common puopl may continue to berobbed by ttio tariff and the fruits of theirhArd and steady toll may continue to be takeaway from them But the Democracy Ispledged to do sway with such Iniquity Neverto Quote Mr CLEVELANDS words had a party

1beloIncentive than IIs hero furnished Imust keep the ploJuel

Bovontyfour years ago yesterday ALEX

AMpniNA VICTORIA Queen of Unclond and Em-p ese of India was born In the city of London

Tho Republicans of tho Twelfth Assemblydistrict In which at time recent special oleo

ton for Senator Mr MONTUOUEKI the Ilcpubcandidate made such a iimnmentabioaimow

inc getting In some election districts one voteonly have sounded the first gus of the cam-paign


and endorsed Mr Jous iUiUNK flunu-or BecroUry of StateThere ares Rood mad BMITII and the first

name JOHN U not uncommon among thorniititit will need moro than time support of allbo bMmia tpull the IlepublUan Stat tcktbranch year Perhaps JOHN Payho on It but no violate no confidence In say

intthat If nominatedl he wont lie In It

Tho nows given In tho lloston papersabout the two etatuas innleand female whichtire to torte part of the exhibit of HarvardUniversity at Chicago tnust 111 the uilndsofthose elderly Ilarrnrd men peru gradu-ated


In thin years that are no more The twoetatues one of which iIs the work of Imansculptor and the other of a woman aeulptorare made for the purpose ot showing the physheell development of the typical Americanstudent of both stxe The statue of thewoman u mania by a woman Is life size andauto tho statue of tho man as made by amean IIs UIIsize and nude Both of the artistmodeled their works alter tho noblest forms

In Harvard Inaetntoof nudityand both sought to Imitate the dualsproductions of lbs Greeks of the tint of

lnUuIt appear that the typical Jounl Amrcan or rather Harvard man pe-

riod closely resemble the typical Athenianot the period of the twentieth Olympiad thAmerican youths hands and knees howeverale bigger than those of the Qrtelc while hiswrist orb thlnoen The American youngWOmans waist U elend rr than the Orsska

While liar back Is more retiring or as a Dotton paper say IIs hollower Doth the Harvardlean nnd woman however AreoNtboflneit-proportion and lube expressive faces mornfcltrictlro In some respects than tho faces oftho Greeks who lived during tbo twentiethOlympiad and who took oil their clothes whilethey stood as models for tho sculptor

And these nude figures are In tho exhibitbent to Chicago br Harvard University an In-stitution


which was endowed 250 yoursby that worthy Puritan tho Itev JoaN RIOVAWJwho exercised tho ministry In Chariottown to the edification of alt tho peopleand which was dedicated with tho motto

CHMSTOCT EccLKSiAf Yet wo commend

yadthe moral arid Intellectual progress of liar ¬

Emm Dwrnoixs is n name beMdc which ronJIIo andJoeflsi Dot duoiUs Into Illnln

Tot Dwiootus has a halo of bankruptcy overhis financial system whllo Judge DIRMUKEand tho noblehearted fINK nOT remain thinbosom friends or ono of tho moft dlntln-Bulihed statesmen of Georgia tho Hon HOKBBMnn tho horseback member of tim Cabinet

Ila pleasing to got so ninny assurancesour royal guest thin Infanta Is entirely

recardfulof thin proper ways and customs oftho Amlrlculs Commander DAVIS Is nowable InnounCI that those Americana whoenter prcsenoo nranot to be required towalk backward when they retire therefromThis announcement wi clvo perfect relief tothose fashionable Yorkerwhoso mindshave been disturbedt on account of their In ¬

ability to take tho backward top with amenInc dignity howoier much they may desire

do so or however sincerely thoy may haotried to do U uml especially by ladles whosotrailing skirts must jjlv annoyance duringthe back action

Thoso of our SpanlPh frlnnds who have oftenenjoyed tho IrhlecoI of tlm court of Mndrldwill base no llmculty whatever In olsorvlnirthe etiquette court whan timer moot thoInfanta hero nnd our own country people willdo wolio koep tholr 10 open upon thin oera

gala ball lint timer clay got theirfrt instruction In an art which they willsurely be able to learn nn art In which Span ¬lards excel nnl which I JII lick hlthcotpleasure to practise

Tho Sunday condition of tho WorM Fairpproprlatin ii Vrr iii a nuln pititw to hit roamftutbo to wr over oat alll dayJ In hUJournyIiiVi ltshrmoei for Uklni it ait wlicn me hotsun tDad i litlo woulULlIw llllur brWlculoin 1 tu JW

Whatothlesl What morality Suppose therounc mans mothor has paid him five dollarsto keep his overcoat on all day Thu lint sunmight irlvo hint nn PXCUSO for breaking lilarom lie to wear the coat hut would It rullevo

him from tho honorable obligation to refundtim old ladys cash

Tnmmnnyllall Is conspicuous anti excep ¬

tional amotc political orcantrntloni In NowYork not for efficiency discipline and goodEenoraUhlp only but for providing with gennine lienmolenoe for those who die whllo InIts eon Ice County Clerk KFILLY Judoo JOHN

EKELLV Senator IUciN nnd Judge OlltlLLTare in tow of those whoso families bnvn bene ¬

fited by tilts practical method of romomlierlog those who hove hoel stoadfost to Democratio principles and Interests

A clever poet in tho Home Journal chantstho tlfir trees

That illtnt rln and rollIn the hut 0Ltrmtr nirTo which we remark that Ors are not fair

but dark and that thoy are only sliont whenthe air Is entirely stagnant

A good rulo for tho Police Commissionersto promulgate Cnthodayof the annuallice parade policemen after breaking ranks

poshall proceed to the various destinations withcot still buttoned and hats 111 on the tops-of their heads Instead of tilted back-ward


A eouldorabll numberof mtlle andpolicemen such as are apt to be

soon after n tour of duty Is completed I notbeautiful to look at or beneficial to discipline

At tho Chicago Fair everything Is 1 eoncrest Tho women aro holdlnc a congressand a very fine congress It is the editors aroto hove congress the religions will havo acongress and at the right time anybody cansee BUFFALO Din leading MB congress ofHouqh llldern of the World throlll daringfeats and wo havo no will befound tho most satisfactory 1It not thg mostuseful congress of all

Is It true that tho subjoined paragraphrecently appeared aan advertisement In theLondon Times

M HR JKORflK AS1ITONO Victoria ilrcrt Weitmlnit takes ihliupiinrtunllr or lnnliilicriium r05e trlfiiui l r their kind letlern of njninitlu oil thedliiolullon of hat aarrisge2Ctts April IbUJ

There In nothIng Improper In it and withtho progress of modern mannorn such adver-tisements


mny In time form I regular depart-ment


of a newspapers advertising columns

Tho fishermen and old salts who dependupon time waters of how York harbor tornliving are beginning to uL themselves If thoclimate horearouts hA chanced for eqodand If they must now bid farewell to the beau-tiful


weather with steady winds which theyusod to Rojoy In times past Last fal theybad to complain of flat calm anti alosRod during tho pet two months they havehad to contend with the same dlfllcultle ° As-

a matter of fet boating from tho Narrows toBandy Hook morn dangerous now than Itused to be some years ago and tlmi > is SomethIng which the amateur should not forgotThere Is llttl satisfaction in boating nllh toomuch wind or with too little I

Happily here In New Voik wo have not beontroubled with tornadoes lucy nppair to keepaway from tho sea although thoy can waltzwith tho ivaven wiy crncofully but tholr In-

fluence or rather tho liifluenoo nf the atmos-pheric


conditions out West which create themupon our climate lucre Is probably very great

Tho learned tell us that toinadoc are theprice of the destruction of forests As thotrees disappear the tornadoes multiply antitime trees are certainly disappearing veryrapidly

The rumluL of IloUmmlth-inn dIE In di siukMinirt

lam bLind Otorjl bmiMI

Ibb1tthe nDIre lltcll faitLed tin MrlnKilniilnn II-Oalhn mj recent tOast

LITour Ilove oh frlendi support IB1 ttur fob > ant lhw your ears

Lllltn lo the treat lloken icoreli

IIbl the faithful Dink Rotti bears

Thou h my sored ant retorsn 1101Ilear their IIiiMilnji high no

Tliouio my reel IInJ aooVllnStrew the Vunjuri foist

Though f lltrln job inrtound ra-

lromit lJ 101 masters vlllI must tuck OIUL a rrawrUUj

Secretary itllll111uLet not Il lnr > tonlan Dilnloas

Sloth the lion Iliuilald lowTo os no formal Iaml that plied ra-

Al my K ° i t Irlinlt allihouldknavriHit who pllliireil on my boso-

mTriU atlde from tiory rayIII who Urunl ollh inyoartiiti

I11Xaimiy tnamw I chines away

Should the UrlngttonUn rabbiPart mail my faint at Rome

Where far notiltl partner GordonDoetui lire when liet at hornet

Seek him iaf the socl bur wllntuAll acktnit ibis Iiviunlou

That our tuttuence oltIDlodVet shall iirlp Iof ImllIram baited Georgia busted I

liarS time Mrlniitcman shoutTbiy art combs quick my powers I

Let me try lokaock them outAu no more midst Ceorrl Colonl

SitaR my oul iiultlnr ihot PItA Cotta and IUmuko love m1I

hoSe Smiths bastedI Ure ye w 1

znaoneova nvxtitta Aitovr 1CL aANDn flee Nbt Detlded tla Prtfor of nn 1018Tn Nor In FIr Atiollahlntc <

en ainte lUnkSUermml Law Unit Go tItem 50 IMM41lM FMIt Mf

WI nOTOJ May 24A despatch to theW Louis UrtiMic makes the positive statemont which that pnper troat nis rn ad-

vance message from the rreMdent thatIt hits born decided br the 1resldrnt torecommend lie restoration of the Income taxtho repeal of the 10 per rent tax on time ctrcuhating notes of State banks mind the tepeat o-

thobherman actThis Is announced tho AdmInistrationncrogrnmmo to slate antI It In nnsertodllhlt

time Setrotary of tho Treasury nail Sir Cloveland are In entire accord on this matter

Notwithstanding tile fact that Ihodappntcl-alluded to Is said to bo given with authorltrlnm assured by authority that Is quIteIra good that thf rresldont has not definitelydecided to recommend tho restoration of time

Income Inx There IU no doubt Ihut Westernnnd Southern mrmliernof lon rl wile favortho restoration of this tax discussed thoquestion with the President and urged himto rocommcntls rolinponltloli hut tluse gen

mlstakon the stlcnuo ofthe rrcsldent or rather hits failure to OUnpprovo their arguments and recommendationsfor leQUI08COICI

lie hums not ealti nor Intimated to any personthat he favors tho relmnoiltlon of an Incometax nor hal he expressed a purpose to joinwith that n recommendation for the repeal oftime tax on tho circulating notes of Htato banksHU opinion of the Sherman act Is no wellknown that hero can bo no doubt ha willrecommend tho repeal of that measure


Tho Itegnlar OrcnnUatlon Not Ignorednut AffVontvd bj 110 Mulectlonx

UTICA May fFor ome time It lots beenconcldoll1y the members of the regular Dem ¬

In Oneida county that nofavors were to bo expected from tho presenlAdministration but no ono supposed for a mo-ment


that the Administration Would co out 01-

ItH way not only to injure tho party but toaffront tho workers because of an ex-


preference at ono time for agentleman whoso name wn the wltohworwhich Inspired theState to wrest tho control of tho Legislaturefrom time hands of tho common onomylied a man boon socking moans In this countyto destroy all prospects of futuro harmony-and to reward tho least deserving no betterway could have been found than tho three ap-pointment


made within Iweek In each In-


a man was named who had nover beonregarded its a safe Democrat In YorkvIIlefor instance the Hon Joseph Ackroyd wan ap-pointed


1ostmastor Mr Ackroyd workedopenly last fall against Mr Patton Democratlocandidate for tho Assembly and has frauently been charged with IslFtnr SenatorCocgeihall to an electonI necessaryto say that Mr n delegate to thoMay Convention In Syracuse

In the vlllaco of South Trenton tho regularorganization desired the appointment of aman named Bullock I farmer who had beenloyal to tho party and Its nominees under allcircumstances Mr Bullock had announcedhis intention of moving to the village andopening n store timers In which a convenientoffice could bo located Instead T N DeoleJwan named Mr Booties Is also a residing some distance from tho vlllaeo and itIis asserted that he will continue to llvo on hisI-

immiltUrimthIOIThefarm over to a Republicanwho own a score In the hamletBut the most grievous time reeutarorganization In time county Was tho appoint-ment

¬of a 1ostmaRter in the town of Woft

mnroland H 8KolloKC was n candidate fortime olllnit thor Ue tins twice been eleotodSupervisor of the Iowa which Is overwhelmthinly llflpubllcnn beIng the Ort UemocratloStmpreriersent from there In ny years AsChairman of tIme Democratic Club In the townhe succecdnd In reducing Mr Harrison ma-jority


of 10U 18to 73 In 1112 and hisbren retarded nt the most usefultireless workers lu the county It wa notknown that thoro was any opposition to hisdoilro tn tin the Postmaster those who retv their mnll at list oQlce signed

petition The Hon John D liennnn also endorsed Mr can ¬didacy with a letter in JiliolJS setforth nil these facts anti an Mr Reman wastemporary Chairman of time Syracuse ConTonlon it wa hellexeil that whatoter Kol

mlcht hare Ihoucht nf Mr HIM would heforgotten anti only the wishes or the peoplennt the general Illness of time candidate would

taken Into consideration Hut Mr KelIOCKW Inside never heard from their effortin his 10111 Thn new Postmaster at Wet ¬

I A Ij Itch n farmer wborMltlon who last your tn join thoCleveland nml Stevenson Hub of Wentmoroland or to contribute to Its welfare and whoIt Is saul will deleEHto loml friend of hla re-siding In time vlllncu a deputy nod eon ¬

tinue to experiment In hay seed on his farmseveral miles way

ha of the ofllcxrs of the County Committeewho line no deslie tn hold office remarkedthat If time good work wits continued br MrMnw ll In Oneida county on the same line nsthat on vrlikh It had boon begun there wouldlhe llttl use In plaelnce > en un Assembly ticketIn thus Hold next fall


Judge Herilekn Dlxcrnetnil Polities laAlbany CountyFrom tfn Syriuw kttnlnff Jftvt-

Tho iirMcd antlorginliallon neersrspers throughout the Stub sad the untl tnappera whose tentlmiatsthey reHtct which have bore rrlticlilni ao severelyand baribly the recent aellou of LlintUor BheebaaIn Huflalu are silent open the course puriaed by theirfriends In Albany county yet the action of tbi latterwin the incit Inchhanded piece of polltlrni robberyseer attempted eras by lbs mcit daring of politicalmanliulMori

lbs DerrickVanning machine In the city of Albanyfound when they recently hail to fill a vacancy In theBoard of AUormon that tlielr majority wai alogllicrtoo rrrcanoaa owls loth fact that come Inltjitndent Demoorati couW not be relied upon to alwayadothe bidding of Ihe bouti Whle vot strictly necessarythe bone determined that IbeyoonM be better ableto lme their will faltlifully executed If they ihoullvain anoiberMat Accordingly they brought a trumpedup cUSlest tot the seat of Fduard fautine a llepubilcan member of the ward and Mr the war a formerFycacu an Abin tbe Contest wna ouuirrpncedlt wasnever dreamed that the machine would go aofaraitoo-unt Mr Cactinp who had sat In Ihe Hoard for a yearwithout uurlnc that time hating It even ingiiritedthat ha Hai holding a lace to ulilch ho bad nut beiu-lectej lInt they did Mr Caullne liai been uuteated

and A machine Democrat put In bl placeThe lUihy tftryw could say nothing loo harsh of

MeutOoT Sheehan whet Ihe lluffato Police blUwas paniil by the Ieclilutnre und ilgnoit by theGovernor Yet Ha managliig editor engineers ai dirtya polit eal deal ni wan eter cnncocteJ Vet a year anAlderman holds a sent lu the Louuinn Council tvlthoqtlb least qutillon of hli right tn It being railed Huddinly tnueet n political exigency a trumped contest U nod and he U compelled to icrtetider to n-

itrUle toO ot Ihe nurMit II n remarkable how thncaie has ricartil tho attcnllon of the llullaio Courttr-tbe JioLl fag f the hrniu e fmriir the Lockport-Cn r aiil tbe ollirr null nninUition papers through-out time HMt wiilch pretvnd lo be on INAIUI tu iiurlfy-luetuoji Inlde Ilime liiuiocullc part If ILejr waraliictre If they had tli good of Hie 1emocratlepiryat atAri and uern trjliig tu iirengthen IIbefore thep511U thee Mould tondemii ills course pursucU bytheir filemli In the iny of Al rnr a cnurn which ranby to rotillty tia tile illghleit juillCcatltn Tb-

loclltoili cjf heoaton lull ant urphy are conderaurd-ty Ibex meters ni thoif tf ii corrupt luacalue yeithese uien pla > honcil sid derrnt pnlliloi They donot rnutt lo hltli a a > rnbhtrr lo plate the Democraticpotty a hers It l buys in this Sideitl the majority

The Inon ut thu A I any Indrtrnt nor Deuiocrali Ii-

in plain thai all v liu run urn rind Ulen they areaikeJ Ilnpl ceth MOiitrolnf their party aSlIrs In thehanlirt inci n haul of political p rates we ire pm-Ihe they ul htnlau lh present organization ugood enouvh fr tnem They want no rarty wreckersut highn rhl > I at the helm of time Donuezatlu ship

53 fnr the Brat Hcflnllluii or GentltmnnTo are rlitnn or Tug Hen Sin I clip time following

from Tin Ecu

Ai1fr The rjrlre gltin by London nj Bin to thereaiterwho ihou d furnish the host dinnlllon ot agentleman was won by one abysS ileicrlutlon WasA knight whoie armor U butior wbote weapon leCOilllrll

tir Jiitt not Tne Bci offer a pile mstiems not howiroitillrr the beat Auirriran iirtlnltioii of a irrntlezuant hnyland Urn nudocbitdly invent the geniltloan You mlud bunt nuKlitre uiith vf the tiKliilictmimti nor des he Sear n cny littrature savetint ot the Euclid lancuaie Hut the BnvlUb lurestlon ass mimeS mini ruod hire We liar done a ratdeal toward rerfrriliig the iptclia and II Is but teaiDnatile to tumioie that we could Klve the wrltcri InTW hfi points on Ibe gentliman qteitlvB Offertbe prliel B 1

tzPUINTu rs AT TIERNew nod Old rinseS In the F calty flied

A Netv DonnllorjNEW IUVKJf day 21At A meeting of the

tale corporal ton toili r Trof lornmlott IVrthis Yale College 1HUO of Wcli ynn IloiervoUniversity wfiB iIeetpil to n tnofo for lilp ofGreek In time ncmtcmlcnl itrn rr tnient FredbrIck Wells VIIII ms IVnb 1N71H nf Newllnicn was Appointed nn Instructor In hUtorrtar tlio ensuing ftcnlomlj year Dr Tamesllollnson now of riltaburch was nppolnteil-Instruolor In Latin tot two yean and WarrenA Adams Vitto 18Htl now nn Instructor InCornell Unixersltr was appointed InitructorIn Qermnn for two scare Joseph liowilonYale 1811 who Is now lintruclor In tie Be-

lcntHlr School was nppoltteI to n ttttnrtihlp latho collipe 11 hn fey William P rlacmnnofItharn NT V itee nt l otnt d to n riot nrifei-lorshlp nf Chrlntlnn utlidt In the UhlnllySohotil Jtr Jllitekmil will nlienil hut hullyear nbrnitil IIn prdiHriitlon for lilidiilleiI I

Time rnrporulon has for some titan boonconsidering the iutolhuhiity of fimilMilnirooms which fan bo rentml ut n low pi foe nn 1

title reiliof Ithu till lulikI MW At tniUrslhtns tier mi bu hung t ndiolu WliilaRoxtlnitI tin liolh worn aim hut Itt nil amiI nt-


ThlI Will eonliiln mmmeilnu am mel itt Ii nfor flftv sttliliMlB witht HIM inp room C wblohI raitlie rented nt about SJ per tvet Thn bullilnitwill bn nf the value coneMl irncliT as Whitellnll with llropronf Rtnlrs nmt linllwiiv ntnl-llnlshod In otk It will liowovir contain ainreo number nt single rooms like thn e la-1itrnan ansI IrtWront0 halls 1 ho Uniiblurooms will Im slmllnr to thnxo In Wolch HallThe cost of Ilia bulldlps will bo shout IGOOOUto be borne br the collic treasury

rnno IcLrx iuvrunazcAsc

Wn There Sharp Prattles nt Rente of TheirRecent I° lrlmarl

Time republlcnn primaries hold In Drnoklyn on Tueedav nlcht In the various electiondistricts nro alleged In tome cases to havebeers marked with sharp practice if not actualfraud There Is a special hubbub over time pri-mary


tn time Twentvsecona district of time

rlchth ward Mr H N Cadmus has longbeen tho Republican leader la tho district andhe and bin frtnnde made up the resular ticketwhich was run nt time primary Althoughonly 43 names wore enrolled nt the special en-rollment


two weeks ago there were 71 on thelooks when time primary beean Ot the 55votes cast VO wero nnnounced for the regularand 20 for thn oppositIon ticket

Mr Cadmu all ao that not onlywas there palpable fraud in tbe names on thahook but that the primary law was violatedIn eovurnl other ro peetR the most notablebeing the tine of n candy box for time ticketsinstead of trio regular ballot tlox furnished br-tho police Not only wit un effort be made tohAve time primary declared null and void bytile Ward Committee but local proceedingsacalnst the persons responsible are throutened


Views of Important JournalFrom the RaMfinrt Umlryean

If the only object of Ooneress IIs to raterevenue without retard to time wishes andinterests of tho American people an Income tagmay accomplish that object but from suchan uutatesiLnnllko standpoint even thosewho have Riven the matter due refleoion willconclude tlint the revenues ot time Governmentcan Io raised In other ways at loss expenseand with less friction

Time country has already tried an Incometax anti condemned It at a time when thenecessities of the Government were In ¬

creased tenfold arid the people were wlllInc to snake almost any sacrifice flarely haa a tax bedn Imposed In historywhich created such universal hostility nndproduced such Inadequate results The policyof parties has usually hers to Impose taxes oftile kind which will be tho least felt by the per-sons taxed and Which will at any rate not dls-courauo energy ant skill and labor but theIncome tax Imposed during the throes ef civilstrife when tile nation was batlllnir for Itslife wan felt to ht > a tax on human endeavoranil a direct curb to sit preen ss If a man brhla superior mercy Intelligence or Industrymade a llttie moro money than his neighborduring the year his aacaclty and Industrywere compelled to pay a penalty while thisneighbor received n premium for the lack otthose qualities without which progress IB 1mpossible

To rate e any money worth the effort br thisObnoxious tax the limit for untaxed incomesmust bo mad low eo that tho more enterpricing wnceearners become the principalvictims Willie men of wealth generally mienngn by ono device or another to avoid pnylnjrtheir fair proportion of time tax An Incometnx must be disassociated altogether fromdirect tax on property The latter fails on allalike where It 1is honestly enforced while theformer discriminates against those who brtreason of their Greater energy and Intelllgenes have outstripped their neighbors due¬lag the year It In this feature of the taxwhich made It so unpopular twentyfive orthirty years ago that Congress was forced torepeal It and if the Administration revives itnow the people will probably express theiropinion in no uncertain terms la the tallolloul

Yen trt St Imti KrpdMe-

An Income tax on all Incomes over 2000year would certainly result in absolutely wlplag out any party that put It In force in thiscountry white a tax on incomes of 50uo nndover would as certainly result In the defeat ofthe party responsible for It aod In the early re ¬peal of the measure lInt in tax on nil abnor ¬mat Incomes say on all of ovortHUOOOa yearto be levied as long as It In necessary to tinypenslonn would be sustained by the country n-an emergency tax It Ilie only as an emeraencrtax that any sort of an Income tax will ever bejsustained In till country but there Is now exating on account nt our enormous pensionsun emergency in which the public sentimentof the country will undoubtedly sustain oucpatriotic millionaires in coming to the rescue

To time Victors Belong the Spoilfro tit Ilarrltlu 1ufriel

Of course Mr Cleveland along with the rest meterSfourthclan Poet OCleei at time legitimate spolla of thevictors and at Mr Maxwell la reported to have said

If we dont take the adrlu ot the party mathlnewhere shall wa look for recommendations t If thoawho bare complained will took at this In the way thaiMr Hindi and Jr Uaxwell and we may say MrCleveland do they will soon tee how grouadleai theirgrumbling le Leltera recently sent to thIs olBoe show-cases In which habitual drunkards and men of nolanouily bad character otberwlie have eeoued foarthclass poet OHIce appolntmiati la this State But 54may be easily understood Mr Maxwell cannot beblamed for hiss persons hays been named by lbs refcress and llr VatweU had no alternative Ue musteither lelect the men named by the Board or abandontbe referee bnilneai and look for Information in thepetitions 514 To pay attention to the petltloni w rldinrolyl much labor and at time tame time show tomedeference to the wlibea of the patrons of the IoitOfllcci somthlng never contemplated by the uuwrltten lAirs that regulate time dutrlbutlon of party ipolla

The Michigan refrreei ought to stand Jolt ai theinoylcsnia referees are being retained and grum-bling


ouihl to stop Of Course this la not In the lineof the pledge made prior to the election but where eemany pledget are made before an election a parlymast not beeipected to keep alt of them Tom bushhess of the lucceiiful party It tint to brook soyroubleiorae pledgee and next to keep tbo public unadviasd as toiucb viohailons-

II ts true lb Irte timid itself soumewbat nut of hue

tin in coinotendlrig what ii knows to be writer pohIti-Caimy as soil as amorally bt In this raruicniar mnsianre-twhiii Is mmmoralhy and ioitttcahiy wrong seis to hot s-

Mmci hearty sprsvat norm the Dmorrauie authoritiesat Vasuitngtomm that we are willing for Its time ii setaside a mustIer or rouieoleue in order to me wholly iii-Imaunioniously Peamorratle tVe msle be prouihor hoeever to coutinue mndumnitoiy Oils kind or euilamlstmeusand apOlogies

Time Icfc rrlcreois > OutdoorI It Mnll I Jririli Utkl

In the ihop nf Aivsn Clark A ron > rurlrl Irfrirtfall are now In process of diminution t AU Imifj M-leicnplo Initruiuenli whirl are mnn ItrtuietI lII rrnre-of tinlteril Intrreit lime machIne are tliiiinrmoo forty Inch IPM trocjpe uhlch Ik nlaioit tinpleted lor the Km ui d Ubiertalnr if Die I utcr liyof Chicago sod the llriice jugraphic iOil lOpewhich U being made fur the astronomical obieMatoryof Harvard tlotlce

lilt ionic for tlm chtrjco trltinpo are four lnre-argcr them iii homes In the tei ien e nt Its I rk-

eoaiory and ore tom y liuliri In Ulanulrr rCnrt1 contract tc tht two in in eureatn juor ioutn year but Ihe cnni ler that ih cork Ii romiiu naextrepei1 well In fuel t ininii nuts iU alter 1

down wraic4 up In Iimtitt f and put In a be s ii ceo

box ready fur the llual po lulling a hlle lime lllut gi415-

still requires ruiiuJtibt uiatuji ilntlciuThe either irticope Ii the outcome of a gift ef-

KAOOO which Vlif W lirureof New tork inaUe tothe atroiieiiinfil obnr ol ry at llariard Inllrne forbo fcniiri lion ft a Ingraphio telr copc baring

Sn eoeptivf f ubout is nniii a entire with n oralenglhot IIII rrct Ibo niirument dicer Im olSen

lug tflenuptii In tIc nitruclioi of lit tnijri1 glasswticim is a uround into of lbs form luowa lo pa-

ograi ben ri a purttiU lentI

Diacrlumsiling OrIeZ1

ion Lt-rHeA widow When did her husband dlef8he Iast weeklieBut she IIn In hilt mourningbhuVca it baa cool to light that be had

another wife In Chlonzo