Liberty, freedom Ability to have faith Power to act, to choose Experience savor Freedom in it’s prime, Statue Towering, watch on all Welcoming, stature

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Liberty, freedom Ability to have faith Power to act, to choose Experience savor Freedom in its prime, Statue Towering, watch on all Welcoming, stature Allow everyone, anyone Equality for rights When everything seemed lost with despair, With the many filled with worry in pairs, There shined Lady Liberty, With her bright, raised welcoming hand, Attracting the outsiders, changing their doubted plan, Despite her look, Her robe, Her flame, It all seems to remind us who came, What we can do, do as we may, And it still tells us to this very day. I stare at her face not smiling, not frowning her hand reaching up in grace with the torch of everlasting light The book in her hand symbolizes independence liberty, love and repentance Welcoming immigrants from far and wide, her hospitable form of freedom and pride loving all, rich or poor, black or white You want opportunity you want to have choices you want to have liberty you want to be free You were beaten and tossed by the sea s raging temper many were lost but you made it, you re here, Liberty s realm. Bring her your hopes bring her your dreams because now, my child You ve entered the Land of Liberty.