Libeluile - French Artisanal Gourmet Oils and Vinegars

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Complete Product Catalogue for 2016 English Version

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2 0 1 6C A T A L O G U E

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Libelui le is located in the heart of Bourg-en-Bresse, an area within the French Rhone-Alpes region renowned for i ts r ich cul inar y tradit ions and f ine vineyards. We are a small art isanal producer, dedicated to handcraft ing some of the most exquis ite vi rgin nut & seed oi ls, and an extensive complementar y col lection of

innovative f resh f ruit pulp vinegars.

Our stor y began in 2004 at the site of our beauti ful ly renovated mi l l , Moul in de Vernessin. Here we unite a per fect balance of t radit ional production methods with the latest technology using our award-winning, state of the art pressing equipment. This unique combination of new with old, al lows us to

create products with truly authentic f lavour, pur ity and quality.

Our passion and uncompromised dedication to creating such high quality, award-winning products has not gone unnoticed; our oi ls and vinegars are now recognised and appreciated worldwide for their excel lence by Michel in

starred restaurants, creative cooks and enthusiast ic f ine food lovers al ike.

Notre Histoire


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Au menu

Our Creat ions

Vi rg in Nut and Seed Oi l s page 1 to 4

F ru i t Pu lp V inegars page 5 to 13

Our Partnerships

Pu re Ex t ra V i rg in Ol i ve Oi l

I n fu sed Ol i ve Oi l s page 14 to 16

Our Gift Ideas

Wood Gi f t Box “ Les F iancés ” page 18 to 19

Wood Gi f t Box “Découver te ” page 20 to 21

De luxe G i f t Box “P res t ige” page 22

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Virgin Nut &

Seed Oils

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The r ich, sweet bitterness of new season’s walnuts, local ly grown and also in the famous area of Grenoble, wi l l t ransport you to the cold but fert i le plains of our beauti ful region. This oi l has a r ich golden colour, classic wooden notes with added touches of f resh butter and caramel.

As an a r t i san p roducer o f v i rg in nu t & seed o i l s, L ibe lu i le ove r sees eve r y aspect o f p roduct ion, f rom the eth ica l se lect ion and pu rchas ing o f the nu t s and seeds to the manu factu r i ng and

mar ke t ing o f ou r p roducts.

Thanks to ou r award-w inn ing and innovat i ve p ress ing p rocess, we can fu l l y respect the natu re and f lavou r o f the nu t s and seeds. We do not roas t be fo rehand, p re fe r r i ng to p rese r ve a l l t he de l icate a romas and f lavou r s, wh ich have to be tas ted to fu l l y

apprec iate the d i f fe rence. WA L N U T

10cl code 048 25cl. code 001 50cl. code 009

Soft and delicate, this vi rgin oi l has a r ich golden to ochre-yel low colour. I t has a subtle taste with woody notes and the presence of warm spices and chocolate. The highest quality hazelnuts are selected and sourced from the region of Tarragona, Spain.


10cl code 050 25cl code 003 50cl code 011

Possessing a deep, glossy emerald green colour, this unique oi l br ings out the real sweet nutty f lavour of premium sun-r ipened I ranian pistachios. The careful pressing of the whole nut releases expressive aroma notes of dark chocolate and brioche adding to its r ich and complex f lavour.


10cl code 049 25cl code 002 50cl code 010

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With a r ich, l ight amber colour derived from gently toasting white sesame seeds f rom India. Careful pressing releases their wonder ful ly pungent f lavour, This vi rgin oi l wi l l t ransport your senses on a delectable journey to far off Asia. I t has s l ight ly coniferous aromas with touches of warm caramel


10cl code 050 25cl code 003 50cl code 011

Made from blue poppy seeds grown and harvested in the Picardie region of France, this del icate, subtle oi l br ings to mind far off exotic places. Light yel low, soft and pleasant in colour, i t has a f ruity, sweet taste close to that of f resh hazelnuts. In the nose, there are notes of violet, cut grass and l iquorice


10cl code 052 25cl code 005 50cl code 013

Thick and glossy, this oi l has a deep green to burnt orange colour prof i le with a rust ic, earthy f lavour and aromas reminiscent of f resh, tart quince and undertones of roasted chicken. Careful ly sourced and selected seeds f rom Styr ia, Austr ia ensure the ver y best quality avai lable.


10cl code 053 25cl code 006 50cl code 014

This exquis ite oi l combines a harmonious blend of both sweet and bitter almonds grown and hand harvested in the sun-drenched region of Tarragona, Spain. The nuts are careful ly hand-harvested and gently pressed without any roasting to obtain the per fect balance of f lavour, aroma and colour.


10cl code 060 25cl code 061 50cl code 062

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not available in 25cl & 50cl

“ Ou r v i rg in o i l s a re bes t used co ld o r added as a f i n i sh ing o i l to warm d i shes to p rese r ve the i r de l icate a romas & f lavou r s. They a re the per fect compan ion fo r a l l you r c reat ions, f rom appet i se r s to desse r t s . ”

* A l l o u r p r o d u c t s a r e a v a i l a b l e i n b u l k . Do not hesitate to contact us.

Cr e t a n S a l a d

Made with baby spinach leaves, finely chopped parsley, small fresh onions, smoked salmon, Libeluile virgin Walnut oil and a little sea salt.

C h e f ’ s T i p

An elegant, smooth oi l, with wonder ful f ruity, foral aromas and the f lavour of sun-r ipened sunf lower seeds f rom France, wi l l give your tastebuds a burst of sunshine. The seeds are careful ly cold-pressed to release al l of their del icate aroma and taste, which is also r ich with vitamin E.


10cl code 055 25cl code 007 50cl code 015

Made from local ly grown rapeseed in the heart of the Bresse countr yside, this yel low-gold, ful l f lavoured oi l is almost nutty in taste with notes of clove and vani l la. The unmistakeable bright yel low f lowers, yield t iny black seeds which, when harvested, and gently cold-pressed, release their golden l iquid treasure.


10cl code 056 25cl code 008 50cl code 016

The dist inctive and uniquely earthy, f lavour of black summer truf f le, is master ful ly cold-infused with this oi l made from local ly grown rapeseed in the heart of the Bresse countr yside. With its almost nutty taste and notes of clove and vani l la, the result is a treat for al l t rue gourmet lovers.

R A P E S E E D w i t h B L A C K T R U F F L E

10cl code 034

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Fruit Pulp


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L ibe lu i le o f fe r s an unpara l le led range o f de l ic ious f r u i t pu lp v inegars. F ree f rom any a r t i f i c ia l addi t i ves, co lou r s, f lavou r ings o r p rese r vat i ves ; ou r v inegars a re p r i v i leged par tne r s fo r rec ipes that w i l l de l igh t a l l

f i ne food love r s and gou rmets.

Ou r f r u i t pu lp v inegars a re p roduced w i th the g reates t ca re and at ten t ion, both i n te rms o f i ng red ien t se lect ion and the i r e th ica l sou rc ing as par t o f the c reat ion p rocess. The i r h igh f r u i t pu lp content g ives them in tense, au thent ic f lavou r s w i th a pu r i t y o f characte r that

matches ou r o i l s .

Pe r fect par tne r s fo r ou r v i rg in nu t & seed o i l s and ou r I ta l ian o l i ve o i l s when d ress ing many types o f sa lad ; they a re a l so we l l su i ted fo r

deg laz ing the pan when cook ing meats, f i sh & poach ing f r u i t.

Even more su rp r i s i ng i s the added d imens ion they can b r ing when added to cock ta i l s and so f t d r i n k s.

Made with succulent raspberr ies grown in the heart of the beauti ful French Auvergne. This i r resistable vinegar has a beauti ful ly deep ruby-red colour combined with a del iciously tart and juicy f reshness. You wi l l f ind it hard not to want to savour i t st raight f rom the bott le.


10cl code 065 25cl code 078 50cl code 342

With an incredible velvety texture and intense f lavour, this vinegar wi l l give an exotic splash of colour to your creative cook ’s palette. Made with superior, r ipe Alphonso Mangoes f rom Brazi l, you can indulge your tastebuds with a burst of r ich smoothness, layered with sweet and sl ight ly sharp f lavours.


10cl code 065 25cl code 078 50cl code 342

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Luscious, purple f igs, careful ly picked at pr ime juicy r ipeness in the area of Sol l iès, Provence are the secret ingredient for this addicit ive vinegar. Long days f i l led with French summer sunshine, contr ibute toward their smooth and st icky sweet texture which are an essential element to this elegant vinegar.


10cl code 064 25cl code 077 50cl code 341

Give yoursel f an exotic treat with this exquis ite pair ing of vinegar and intensely f lavoured passion f ruit f rom Réunion Is land, located east of Madagascar. With a bright golden-yel low colour, f ragrant aroma and sweet-sour taste, this vinegar wi l l spice up al l your cul inar y creations.


10cl code 066 25cl code 079 50cl code 343

Enl iven your taste buds with this tangy and wel l balanced blend of lemon and ginger. Enjoy the unmistakeable pungent f lavour and pepper y taste of ginger spice combined with the sweet and sour zesty aroma of sun-r ipened Sici l ian lemons.

L E M O N & G I N G E R

10cl code 066 25cl code 079 50cl code 343

Awaken your taste buds with this vinegar made from sun-r ipened, organic Ital ian tomatoes and enjoy the magic of a balmy summer evening in Tuscany. Add a burst of Mediterranean sunshine in a bott le to your dishes or dr inks, to be enjoyed the whole year round.


10cl code 063 25cl code 076 50cl code 340

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Enjoy the compell ing sweetness and dist inctive almond taste of soft, velvet textured, f leshy apricots grown in the heart of the Rhône Val ley. Add a few delicate drops of just plucked fruit iness to your creations to give a f resh, sweet sharpness.


10cl code 067 25cl code 080 50cl code 344

Granny Smith apples grown in the verdant Limousin orchards of France give this vinegar a handsome balance between the sweet-sour aroma of green apple and the soft, sweet f lavour of art isanal, premium quality wi ldf lower honey sourced from a local producer in the heart of the Bresse region.

G R E E N A P P L E & H O N E Y

10cl code 068 25cl code 081 50cl code 345

Grown in the beauti ful, verdant wine region of Burgundy, an area world-renowned for i ts unique terroir, these deep purple, juicy blackcurrants burst with a tart, piquant f lavour and is a must for al l your cul inar y creations and sheer f lavour indulgence.


10cl code 087 25cl. code 088 50cl. code 348

Small, golden and blush-red in colour, the Ruby peach is grown in the vineyards of the Rhône Val ley, and adds a soft, f ragrant aroma to this vinegar. Per fectly balanced between sweetness and acidity with r ich, juicy pulp f rom the f ruit. Capture the true essence of French summer sunshine f lavours and long, lazy days.


10cl code 097 25cl code 099 50cl code 350

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* A l l o u r p r o d u c t s a r e a v a i l a b l e i n b u l k . Do not hesitate to contact us.

B o u c h é e s d e S t . J a c q u e s

Pan fry the scallops, then deglaze the pan with Raspberry fruit pulp vinegar. Wrap the scallops in thin slices of smoked salmon. Serve with whipped cream seasoned with chopped coriander and parsley.

C h e f ’ s T i p

These small, tart but sweet, wi ld growing berr ies, are hand-harvested in the high Rhône-Alpes region during the warm summer months. Burst ing with juicy f lavour, this vinegar has a r ich, deep blue-purple colour, and is l ike tast ing the cool, f resh Rhône-Alpes mountain air.

BLUEBERRYNative to the Phi l ippine Is lands, the Kalamansi is a smal l lesser-known cit rus f ruit with a taste al l of i ts own. A kaleidescope of f lavours with notes of grapefruit, mandarin and l ime wi l l lead you on dazzl ing and inspired cul inar y adventures. Your only l imits are your imagination.


Costa Rican pineapples are picked r ipe for their aromatic per fume, r ich tangy taste and honey-sweet pulp, Their natural sweetness, thanks to plenty of sunshine, contrasts per fectly with the cool, f resh f lavours of local ly grown fresh mint leaves, result ing in an innovative creation guaranteed to charm your tastebuds.


10cl code 254 25cl code 264 50cl code 361

10cl code 252 25cl code 262 50cl code 352

10cl code 101 25cl code 115 50cl code 351

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Products avai lable by special order.

Min imum quant i ty requi rement. I f you are interested, please contact us for

detai ls.

O u r s p e c i a l A p p l e Cr u m b l e

Made with apples, strawberries, Libeluile Walnut oil (to replace the butter), and Green Apple with Cinnamon fruit pulp vinegar.

C h e f ’ s T i p

With intense aromas and sugar y, juicy pulp, pineapples f rom the sun-drenched, fert i le plantations of Costa Rica are picked r ipe for optimal sweetness and f lavour. This vinegar can add an exotic splash of f lavour to al l sorts of dishes.


10cl code 125 25cl code 126 50cl code 347

We careful ly select lemons with a low acidity, soft aroma and vibrant sweetness. Grown in Sici ly, they benefit f rom long hours of sunshine and mi ld temperatures al l year round. This vinegar is burst ing with f lavour that just makes the mouth water.


10cl code 098 25cl code 100 50cl code 346

Fresh, juicy green apples grown in Limousin and cinnamon, native to Sr i Lanka, is an absolute must combination. Warm, spicy aromas and mi ld, sweet tastes with cit rus, f loral and clove undertones, wil l take you on an evocative culinar y journey or remind you of chi ldhood memories much closer to home.


10cl code 118 25cl code 131 50cl code 359

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G o u r m e t R a n g e Th i s super la t i ve range f rom L ibe lu i le, i s a l u xu r ious combinat ion o f f r u i t s and savou r y sp ices, c reated to exp lo re in te res t i ng and adventu rous b lends to s t imu la te both the tas te buds and the cu l i na r y

imag inat ion o f a l l who use and en joy them.

This elegant vinegar is the per fect marr iage of local ly grown Wil l iams Pears f rom the Rhône Val ley, with their dist inctive texture and f lavour, and the sweet aromatic and luxur ious f lavours of pure Madagascan vani l la, considered by many to be the most exquis ite vani l la on earth. Per fection in a bott le!


10cl code 085 25cl code 083 50cl code 353

This vibrant vinegar per fectly combines cr isp, tasty deep-red Andalusian peppers, sweet, sun-r ipened Tuscan tomatoes ful l of depth and f lavour with a spiced note of the unique Espelette pepper, a sweet and mi ld variety grown exclusively in the French Basque countr y.


10cl code 085 25cl code 083 50cl code 353

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Surprise your palate with these amazing pepper berr ies grown in Tasmania.Their del icate aroma of f resh coffee and cocoa bean, with a deep woody sweetness and herbal, f loral note; pairs per fectly with the sweet f lavour of juicy, f resh raspberr ies.


10cl code 117 25cl code 130 50cl code 355

Enjoy this del ightful blend of sweet, crunchy, sand-grown carrots f rom the French region of Les Landes, Aquitaine, with a hint of layered spicy notes derived from South Indian Madras Curr y. This vinegar is a melange of sweetness and spice, guaranteed to make al l things nice!


10cl code 253 25cl code 263 50cl code 360

With a dist inctive, l ingering l iquorice taste on the palate, star anise sourced from China is a per fect spice match for the sharp but sweet Granny Smith apple grown in the orchards of Limousin. This harmonious pair ing produces a vinegar with an interest ing complexity of f lavours .


10cl code 251 25cl code 261 50cl code 358

An exquis ite f ruit and spice pair ing of sweet Alfonso mango pulp f rom Brazi l with pungent, aromatic green cardamom seeds f rom the Malabar coast location of Kerala, India, wi l l take ever y cur ious gourmet on a unique cul inar y experience that is sure to del i ight, inspire and surpr ise.


10cl code 250 25cl code 260 50cl code 357

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A unique combination of the sweetness of luscious purple f igs f rom the area of Sol l iès, Provence, with this rare Nepalese peppercorn which has a vibrant aroma of passion f ruit and grapefruit. A vinegar that is del icious with seafood, meats, f ruits and even chocolate desserts.


10cl code 117 25cl code 130 50cl code 355

An unsurpassed fragrance with notes of lemongrass and a hint of bitterness are characterist ic of this smal l cit rus f ruit, sourced from Vietnam and popular in Thai and Indonesian cooking. Exotic f lavour matches are achieved with seafood, oi ly f ish, crunchy vegetables and tropical f ruit salads.


10cl code 101 25cl code 115 50cl code 351

A bold blend of pineapple, passion f ruit, orange and lemon to enhance the f lavours of lemon verbena. Add a splash of creativity to a bean sprout salad, st i r- f r ied vegetables, chicken, prawns, hake or cod f i l let, sparer ibs, a f ish soup or a salad of f resh pineapple and mango.


10cl code 117 25cl code 130 50cl code 355

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Extra Virgin Olive Oils

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Libelui le has selected a high quality range of Extra Virgin Olive Oils to complement our own exquis ite range. Produced by an Ital ian art isan partner producer who shares our same passion & care for creating true quality products.

These oi ls are created by pressing just harvested ol ives with f resh cit rus f ruits and herbs. The results are pure, unadulterated f lavours and authentic tastes and aromas of the Southern

Ital ian region of Pugl ia.

Ogliarola and Coratina ol ives grown in the abundant groves of Apul ia are hand-picked to ensure the ver y best quality, and then cold-pressed to release a f ruity, tangy f lavour. The combination of these two cult ivars produces an intense aroma, with notes of f resh grass, art ichoke and herbs, and a deep woody undertone.

PURE Extra Virgin Olive Oi l

25cl code 755 50cl code 758

Ogliarola and Coratina ol ives grown in the abundant groves of Apul ia in Southern Italy are hand-picked to ensure the ver y best quality, and then crushed together with local ly grown fresh basi l . Notes of art ichoke, herb and fresh grass marr y per fectly with the quintessential pepper y f lavour of Basi l, a true "k ing of herbs" .

Extra Virgin OLIVE OIL with BASIL

10cl code 770 25cl code 751 50cl code 756

Hand-picked Ogliarola and Coratina ol ives grown in the abundant groves of Apul ia are pressed together with local ly grown fresh lemons. This ol ive oi l has notes of art ichoke, herb and fresh grass marr ied per fectly with f resh but del icate cit rus lemon f lavours.

Extra Virgin OLIVE OIL with LEMON

10cl code 771 25cl code 750 50cl code 782

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* A l l o u r p r o d u c t s a r e a v a i l a b l e i n b u l k . Do not hesitate to contact us.

R i s o t t o w i t h Cr a y f i s h

With broccoli, chives, parmesan cheese, Extra Virgin Olive Oil with Bergamot and a sprinkle of fleur de sel.

C h e f ’ s T i p

Hand-picked Ogl iarola and Corat ina ol ives grown in the abundant groves of Apul ia are pressed together wi th local ly grown f resh Apul ian mint. Th is ol ive oi l has notes of art ichoke, f resh grass and herbs marr ied per fect ly wi th f resh spearmint.

Extra Virgin OLIVE OIL with MINT

10cl code 772 25cl code 75250cl on request

Hand-picked Ogl iarola and Corat ina ol ives grown in the abundant groves of Apul ia pressed together wi th local ly grown f resh oranges. This ol ive oi l has notes of art ichoke, herb and f resh grass marr ied per fect ly wi th the f resh orange cit rus f lavours and aromas.

Extra Virgin OLIVE OIL with ORANGE

10cl code 773 25cl code 75350cl on request

Hand-picked Ogliarola and Coratina ol ives grown in the abundant groves of Apul ia are pressed together with f resh bergamot f ruit, f rom Calabria, This ol ive oi l has notes of art ichoke, herbs and fresh grass marr ied with the dist inctive bergamot aroma made famous by Earl Grey tea.

10cl code 774 25cl code 75450cl on request

Extra Virgin OLIVE OIL with BERGAMOT

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Gift Boxes

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Sesame Seed 10cl & Passion Fruit 10cl

code 069


Poppy Seed 10cl & Green Apple & Honey 10cl

code 070

Les “Fiancés”

We c reate the per fect l y ba lanced match between v i rg in f i r s t -p ressed spec ia l i t y o i l s o f au thent ic, pu re f lavou r, w i th r ich and exp ress i ve f r u i t pu lp v inegars adding a tanta l i s i ng sp lash o f

co lou r and characte r.

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Hazelnut 10cl & Raspberr y 10cl

code 073


Pistachio 10cl & Apricot 10cl

code 074


Walnut 10cl & Fig 10cl

code 071


Pumpkin Seed 10cl & Tomato 10cl

code 072

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Nut & Seed Oi l s Col lect ion “Armel le”

Sesame Seed, Pistachio, Hazelnut, Pumpkin

Seed & Poppy Seed in 10cl bott les

code 075

Nut & Seed Oi l s Col lect ion “Amandine”

Walnut, Sesame Seed, Pumpkin Seed, Hazelnut

& Poppy Seed in 10cl bott les

code 089

Les “Découvertes”

The per fect g i f t to embark on a cu l i na r y voyage o f d i scover y. Exp lo re the wonder fu l va r ie ty o f f lavou r s, co lou r s and a romas o f fe red

by L ibe lu i le.

“Olive Oi l s Col lect ion”

Olive Oil with Basi l, Olive Oil with Orange, Olive Oil with Mint, Olive Oil with Lemon,

Olive Oil with Bergamot in 10cl bott les

code COF010

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Vinegars Se lect ion “Exotic”

Pineapple, Passion Fruit, Raspberr y &

Tasmanian Pepper, Kalamansi, Mango in 10cl bott les

code COF003

Select ion Vinegars “Gourmet Spice”

Espelette Pepper, Green Apple & Star Anise,

Lemon & Ginger, Raspberr y & Tasmanian Pepper, Pear & Vani l la

in 10cl bott les

code COF004

Vinegars Se lect ion “Orchard Fruits”

Pear & Vani l la, Blackcurrant, Apricot,

Raspberr y, Green Apple & Honey in 10cl bott les

code COF001

Vinegars Se lect ion “Mediterranean”

Fig, Apricot, Tomato, Lemon,

Ruby Peach in 10cl bott les

code COF002

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Gourmet Nut & Seed Oi l s

"Prest ige Gift Box"

Pistachio, Hazelnut, Pumpkin Seed, Sesame Seed in 10cl bott les

code COF005

Gourmet Extra Virgin Olive Oi l s

"Prest ige Gift Box

Olive Oil with Basi l, Olive Oil with Orange, Olive Oil with Mint, Olive Oil with Lemon

in 10cl bott les

code COF009

L e s " P r e s t i g e " G i f t B o x e s

The idea l g i f t fo r the f i ne food gou rmet. Luxu r ious p resentat ion boxes o f p rem ium se lect ions f rom L ibe lu i le.

Gourmet Vinegars

"Prest ige Gift Box"

Mango & Cardamom, Espelette Pepper, Kalamansi, Raspberr y & Tasmanian Pepper

in 10cl bott les

code COF006

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