LG Microwave Oven Recipes3

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  • 8/17/2019 LG Microwave Oven Recipes3


    5/13/2016 LG Microwave Oven Recipes




    Soups & Drinks

    Tandoor Se


    Rice Dishes

     Achaar & Chutney

    Indian Dry & Semi Dry Dishes

    Chinese & Continenetal

    Baby Foods

    Desserts & Cakes

    Nita Mehta  is a household name,

    thanks to her expertise with food

    and flavours. A Gold Medalist in

    M.Sc. (Food & Nutrition), she has

    w ritten more than 400 books on

    various topics including more than

    350 best selling cookery books. Her 

    book "Flavours of Indian Cooking"

    w on the Best  Asian Cookbook

     Aw ard at the Versailles (Paris)

    World Cookbook Fair.

    read more


    Baigan ka Bharta 

    Prepration: 10 mins.

    Cooking: 19 mins.

    Serves 3-4 Cal/Ser 82



    1 medium (350 gm) brinjal (baingan) of round variety

    2 tbsp oil

    2 onions - chopped f inely

    1" piece ginger - chopped f inely (1 tbsp)

    1 green chilli - chopped

    2 tsp coriander (dhania) powder 

    ¼ tsp garam masala

    ½ tsp degi mirch or red c hilli powder 

    ¾ tsp salt, a pinch of haldi

    2 tbsp ready-made tomato puree

    1 tomato - chopped finely



    1. Wash brinjal. Prick w ith a fork. Place w et brinjal in a micro proof f lat dish. Microw ave for 5 minutes. Let it cool down. Cut

    into half and scoop out the pulp w ith a spoon. Cut the pulp w ith a knife. Mash pulp. Keep pulp aside.

    2. In the same dish, put oil, onions, ginger, green chilli, dhania powder, garam masala, degi mirch. Add brinjal pulp. Mix w ell

    and microw ave uncovered f or 8 minutes.

    3. Add chopped tomato, tomato puree and ¾ tsp salt. Mix w ell. Microw ave covered for 6 minutes. Serve hot.

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