Leverage the Dignity: The Ultimate of Life

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  • 7/29/2019 Leverage the Dignity: The Ultimate of Life



    Iswi Haniffah Cahyaningtyas

    XII-S2 / 10

    R-SMA-BI SMAN 2 Lumajang

    The Ultimate of Life

  • 7/29/2019 Leverage the Dignity: The Ultimate of Life



    The Ultimate of Life

    Coopersmith (Gilmore, 1974) said that: "Dignity is a personal judgment of

    worthiness that is a personal attitude that is expressed in the individual holds toward

    himself." This opinion explains that dignity is an individual assessment to honor him,

    which is expressed through attitude towards him. Meanwhile, Buss (1973) provide an

    understanding of self as an individual assessment against itself, that are implicit and not

    verbalized. Referring to the second opinion, then dignity can be defined as an individual

    assessment of the honor, through his attitude towards himself that are implicit and

    couldnt verbalized. For example, a child with a high dignity couldnt be possible assess

    his/her self just as someone, but also a good one.

    Over condescending may cause by a bad achievement, depression or crime. The

    seriousness of this problem will depend not only on the condescending of the person,

    but also the other condition. When condescending stands together with hardness at the

    transition phase or familys problem, will make the problem of the person may increase.

    From Islamic side, indeed, essentially God created human as a most valuable

    and precious creature on earth among other creatures. But not least, the human himself

    undermine the respect and dignity, by doing immoral deeds and not commendable,

    which is not in accordance with religious norms. Therefore, the glory contained in this

    human should always be kept out of the things that can cause damage, either in the form

    of attitudes and actions performed by oneself, as well as those made by others against

    his personality.

    The destination of our life is have a merciful life in the worl life and afterlife. To

    reach it, we need a lot of things to do, one of them is increase our dignity higher. If we

    realize how important this thing in our life, we wouldnt waste our time in useless thing.

  • 7/29/2019 Leverage the Dignity: The Ultimate of Life



    Dignity can be said so important to the world life and the afterlife, as someone

    who is able to increase the price of himself and channeled in a positive way, then he will

    seek the maximum in order to always do something much better than others in terms of

    seeking blessings of the Creator and interact with the community where he/she was, of

    course with a pure competition, there should be no dispute.

    Theres no two people are exactly the same, even twins. Each person is unique

    in their own way. All of us have some special properties that no one else has. The

    important thing is we need to know this uniqueness and learn to love ourselves. This

    will help build a positive view of ourselves and worked like a miracle for our dignity.

    From many sources, as daily life experiences, books, articles, etc. We can

    conclude that there were many ways to leverage our dignity, and the first way is try to

    appreciate yourself, though people underestimate you. If we cant appreciate ourself in

    front of people, they will always think that we are easy smitten with their words. But if

    we always try to appreciate the good things we have in ourselves, we will create an

    atmosphere that has the impression: This is me, and I will never care about your bad

    sight to me, because I'm sure I was a good person."

    Try to do something useful for your life. Keep quiet and dont do anything just

    like the audience wont make someone growing up. Get to know the strengths and

    grateful we have. There are so many people who continue to complain about how bad

    their physical, or how boring themselves, and so on. But they do not see their strengths

    and advantages. Look around and realize that nobodys perfect. After you have

    sucessfully optimize your advantages, then began to correct the lack step by step. But

    dont be too focus on improving the lack, until you forget to sharpen and enhance the

    advantages you have.

  • 7/29/2019 Leverage the Dignity: The Ultimate of Life



    On the other hand, do not resist when others offer praise about us. Accept it and

    think forward to getting better. Be careful when these words come to our heart, No, it's

    just a dream, can not possibly be real." Gradually, these words would undermine the

    dignity weve already been built.

    Furthermore, Buss (1973) proposed two types of self-assessment (self-

    judgment), namely: temporary and enduring. Temporary self-assessment refers to

    specific behaviors and situations. Example: "Today I played bad football". It is limited

    by space and time. While enduring assessmet more self-centered and related to covering

    the results of the basic life experiences, such as: affection from others and the

    achievements to reach.

    Make a decision in this life needs confidence. Learn to make the decision means

    that we learn to train our confidence. People who didnt have confidence, may not be

    brave to make a decision in their life. They always asking to other and ask what they

    should do, whats the best for them. Ask a question before make a decision is a llowed,

    but its much better if you make the decision yourself without any intervention from


    Increase our confidence to makes us always think possitive also help us to

    leverage our dignity, so that well never do anything as work load, but as

    responsibilities which make us enjoy to do it. Increase our confidence to always make

    us think positive, so we will never do the job as a burden but as a responsibility that will

    make us more relaxed finish the job.

    Dream high, because no dream is too high to reach, but how hard we try to reach

    that dream. So dont be affraid to dream higher and higher in this life, because if you

    believe it, youll reach it. And our little action which show our capability to increase the

    dignity higher and higher will chain big reaction to the others to do the same thing as

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    the destination of their lives. Self-esteem individuals have a strong influence on the

    behavior of the display. Mc Dougall (1926) suggested dignity is a major regulator of the

    behavior of an individual or a leader for all the encouragement. It depends on the

    dignitys personal power, action and integrity.

    Dream high is not only about dreaming, but it is about doing something

    precisely to make it real. We can do the things we think are important, even if we are

    not able to do it because we are ashamed or afraid. We have to force ourself to do the

    process. Believe yourself that you can do it well. One thing to remember is the more we

    forced to carry out a process which bother our comfort zone, we are increase the

    possibility to expand our comfort zone.

    Avoid to associate ourselves with the failure or mistake we did. Cultivate in

    ourselves to not giving up to the circumstances, however circumstances is the only who

    had to adjust to what weve been built. If we can adjust the circumstances suit fancy, no

    matter how it is, it will be on our side.

    Have a true concept of dignity, that dignity comes from within, not from outside

    ourselves. It is not about the material we have or we get, or our success life achieved

    because of the material, because the success of such apparent only fosters dignity and

    will not last forever.

    For students, parents and teachers have a great responsibility to meet the needs

    ofstudents dignity, through the provision of genuine affection that the child can grow

    and develop in a natural and healthy, that it contains a stable sense of dignity and

    steady. Here, it appears the importance of the parents and teachers role as facilitators.