Visit www.readinga-z.com for thousands of books and materials. Writing Write an acrostic poem about Thomas Edison and his inventions. Use the name Edison for the acrostic. Each letter in his name begins a line of your poem. Science What would you invent? Make a poster showing your invention and how it works. Share your poster with your class. Connections Edison’s Inventions A Reading A–Z Level J Leveled Book Word Count: 292 www.readinga-z.com Written by Rus Buyok LEVELED BOOK • J Edison’s Inventions

LEVELED BOOK J Edison s Inventions

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Visit www.readinga-z.com for thousands of books and materials.

Writing Write an acrostic poem about Thomas Edison and his inventions.Use the name Edison for the acrostic.Each letter in his name begins a line of your poem.Science What would you invent?Make a poster showing your invention and how it works. Share your poster with your class.


Edison’s InventionsA Reading A–Z Level J Leveled Book

Word Count: 292


Written by Rus Buyok


Edison’s Inventions

Page 2: LEVELED BOOK J Edison s Inventions


What are Thomas Edison’s inventions, and why are they important?

Focus Question

Written by Rus Buyok

Edison’s Inventions

Photo Credits:Front cover, pages 3, 14 (both): © Bettmann/Getty Images; back cover, page 10 (bottom): Early light bulbs: left: first commercial l ight bulb, right: electric filament lamp made by Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931) in 1879 (glass & wood)/Science Museum, London, UK/ Bridgeman; title page: ueddeutsche Zeitung Photo/Alamy Stock Photo; page 4: courtesy of Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division [LC-USZ62-41756]; page 5: courtesy of Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division [LC-USZ62-55326]; page 6: Niday Picture Library/Alamy Stock Photo; page 7 (top): courtesy of Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division [LC-USZ62-55344]; page 7 (bottom): © Danita Delimont/Gallo Images/Getty Images; page 8 (main): © Hulton Archive/Getty Images; page 8 (inset): Lebrecht Music & Arts/Alamy Stock Photo; page 9 (left): © Science & Society Picture Library/SSPL/Getty Images; page 9 (right): © NYPL/Science Source; page 10 (top): © Underwood Archives/Archive Photos/Getty Images; page 11: courtesy of Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division [LC-DIG-ggbain-04851]; page 12: © Topical Press Agency/Hulton Archive/Getty Images; page 13 (main): © PhotoQuest/Archive Photos/Getty Images; page 13 (inset): © Science & Society Picture Library/SSPL/Getty Images; page 15: © CORBIS/Corbis Historical/Getty Images

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Edison’s InventionsLevel J Leveled Book© Learning A–ZWritten by Rus Buyok

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Page 3: LEVELED BOOK J Edison s Inventions


Table of Contents

Who Was Thomas Edison? . . . . . . 4

Early Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

The Phonograph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

The Electric Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

The Movies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Other Inventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Amazing Edison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Edison’s Inventions • Level J 4

Who Was Thomas Edison?

Thomas Edison was an inventor.

He lived from 1847 to 1931.

He invented many things.

We stil l use some things

he invented today.

Thomas Edison was nicknamed the “Wizard of Menlo Park.” Menlo Park, New Jersey, was the town where he worked.

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Early Life

Thomas did not go to school much,

but he loved to read.

He quit school when he was twelve.

He went to work on trains.

Thomas did not do well in public school, so his mother taught him at home.

Edison’s Inventions • Level J 6

There he learned to use

the telegraph .

The telegraph was a machine

that sent a message.

The message came in long

and short beeps.

A telegraph worker sends a message from the top of a building.

Page 5: LEVELED BOOK J Edison s Inventions


Thomas did not hear well.

He could not always hear

the beeps.

He invented a machine that

changed the beeps to letters.

Thomas was an inventor!

Edison’s telegraph made it easy to send and read messages. It also worked in bad weather when others wouldn’t.

Edison’s Inventions • Level J 8

The Phonograph

Thomas invented many things.

He invented the phonograph .

People could record and play back

sound with this machine.

They did not think it was real!

They thought another person

was talking.

Edison listens to his phonograph.

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The Electric Light

Thomas invented many things.

He invented an electric light.

At that time, electric lights cost

a lot and were not safe.

Other people had tried to make

a safe light that many people

could buy.

Early electric lights, such as these, burned out quickly and used a lot of energy.

Edison’s Inventions • Level J 10

Thomas tried

many times, too.

He did not quit.

He made a safe

electric light.

His light did not

cost much

to make.

Edison celebrates fifty years of the light bulb in 1929.

Edison’s electric light was first used in 1879.

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Thomas then worked to bring

electricity to people.

His lights would later be used

around the world.

Edison’s ElectricityMost people today do not use the kind of electricity

Edison invented. It costs too much and can be dangerous. Today we use electricity in a way created by another inventor, Nikola Tesla.

Nikola Tesla invented radio and the first remote control boat.

Edison’s Inventions • Level J 12

The Movies

Thomas invented many things.

He invented a machine that took

pictures quickly.

He also invented a machine that

showed the pictures on a screen.

A man looks through one of Edison’s early film cameras in 1912.

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The machine quickly showed

the pictures one after the other.

The things in the pictures looked

as if they were moving.

Thomas had invented movies!

Edison invented the first machine for playing movies. Sound came through tubes placed in the viewer’s ears.

Edison’s Inventions • Level J 14

Other Inventions

Thomas invented many more things.

He invented batteries that ran cars

and other machines.

He invented phone parts that are

stil l used today.

Edison’s Big Inventions

1869 Printing telegraph

1877 Phonograph

1879 Electric light

1894 Movies

1909 Battery

Page 9: LEVELED BOOK J Edison s Inventions


Amazing Edison

Thomas invented

over one thousand things!

People stil l talk about him

and the things he invented.

Edison helped invent a machine that took pictures of small things very close up.

Edison’s Inventions • Level J 16

Glossarybatteries (n.) objects that give power

to things (p. 14)

electric charged with, (adj.) powered by, or

creating electricity

(p. 9)

inventor (n.) a person who creates

or builds something

for the first time (p. 4)

machine (n.) any device that uses

energy to help a

person do work (p. 6)

phonograph a record player (n.) (p. 8)

telegraph a system that delivers

(n.) messages using simple

electrical signals sent

over wires (p. 6)