Level 5 Session 1 2006 Written Paper N24913

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  • 8/16/2019 Level 5 Session 1 2006 Written Paper N24913



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    London Tests of EnglishCertificate of Attainment

    Level 5

    Session One 2006Time: 2 hours 55 minutes

    Materials required for examination Items included with question papers

    Cassette player Perforated information sheets

    1 Cassette per 10 candidates

    Instructions to CandidatesYour details:Step 1: Write your name and signature in the space provided at the top right corner of the page.Step 2: - If you have been given a label containing your details then stick it carefully in the box at

    the top left corner of the page.  - If you have not been given a label then write your centre number and your candidate

    number in the box at the top left corner of the page.

    Use blue or black ink. Do not use pencil. Some tasks must be answered with a cross in a box ( ). Ifyou change your mind, put a line through the box ( ) and then indicate your new choice with a cross( ). For Task 5 indicate which question you are answering by marking the box ( ).

    Answer all questions in the spaces provided in this book.

    Information for CandidatesThe marks for the various tasks are shown in round brackets: e.g. (15 marks).There are 5 tasks in this question paper. The total mark for this paper is 100.There are 28 pages in this question paper. All blank pages are indicated.

    Advice to CandidatesWrite your answers neatly.You should remove the perforated information sheet 1 (pages 13–14) to answer Task Three (a).You should remove the perforated information sheet 2 (pages 15–16) to answer Task Three (b).You should remove the perforated information sheet 3 (pages 21–22) to answer Task Four.

    This publication may be reproduced only in accordance with

    Edexcel Limited copyright policy.©2006 Edexcel Limited.

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     Question Leave Number Blank 

     Task 1

     Task 2

     Task 3

     Task 4

     Task 5


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    Hello everyone! Today’s test is the London Tests of English Level 5. The theme of this

    test is Energy. This test lasts two hours and fifty-five minutes. There are five tasks. Tasks

    One and Two are listening. You must listen to the tape and write your answers in this

    booklet. Good luck!

    1. Task One: Energy Audit (15 marks)

      You are doing some research into energy and the environment. You hear a radio talk in

    which an environmentalist describes carrying out an “energy audit” to calculate his own

    energy use and its effects on the environment. Listen to the talk and complete the sentences


    You will hear the talk twice. Do as much as you can the first time and finish your work

    the second time.

    For each statement, put a cross ( ) in the box next to the option which best completes the

    sentence. The first one is an example.

      You have one and a half minutes to look at the statements.

      Example: The speaker starts by telling us that he

      (a) has been an environmentalist for more than ten years.

      (b) advises politicians on environmental matters.

      (c) lives in an environmentally-friendly community.

      (d) writes about the environment as a journalist.

    1. Before doing the energy audit, he

      (a) knew his lifestyle was environmentally friendly.

      (b) assumed that his activities did little harm.

      (c) realised that he wasn’t doing enough.

      (d) gave little thought to the consequences of his actions.

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      2. He was hesitant about doing the energy audit because he

      (a) was afraid of what he might discover.

      (b) wasn’t sure how easy it would be.

      (c) thought the results might not be accurate.

      (d) didn’t fully understand the technology.

      3. When he looked into his own home energy use, he

      (a) couldn’t find the necessary information.

      (b) didn’t completely understand his bills.

      (c) spent too much time calculating it.

      (d) left out his consumption of oil, coal and wood.

      4. In terms of travelling he

      (a) has a car of his own but rarely uses it.

      (b) occasionally commutes to work by train.

      (c) fears there may be one particular problem.

      (d) often uses water-borne transport.

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      5. His air travel over the previous year 

      (a) was necessary for his work.

      (b) was difficult to calculate.

      (c) consisted of two return trips.

      (d) was an unpleasant experience.

      6. Energy use by industry and commerce

      (a) makes up about half of his energy use.

      (b) seems to be growing every day.

      (c) is supported by ordinary people.

      (d) is a category most people may not be aware of.

      7. His first reaction to the results of the audit is one of 

      (a) confusion.

      (b) disbelief.

      (c) disillusionment.

      (d) guilt.

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    Turn over*N24913B0522*

      8. Without the air travel, his carbon total would be

      (a) about average.

      (b) nearly halved.

      (c) quite acceptable.

      (d) slightly less disastrous.

      9. The 2.5 tonne personal carbon target proposed by the Climate Information Network 

      (a) is much higher than a sustainable level.

      (b) should not be taken too seriously.

      (c) may be achievable with slight lifestyle changes.

      (d) teaches us a worrying lesson.

      10. The main point made by the speaker is that

      (a) nearly everyone faces making big changes in lifestyle.

      (b) environmentalists do not practise what they preach.

      (c) his own lifestyle is less harmful than most people’s.

      (d) energy audits would be too worrying for most people. Q1

    (Total 15 marks)

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    2. Task Two: Climate Change (15 marks)

      Later you hear a radio interview in which the presenter, Terry Davis, is talking to Dr

    Elizabeth Jones, an expert on climate. Listen to the interview and complete the notes below.

    You should not need to use more than three words. The first note is an example.

      You will hear the interview twice. Do as much as you can the first time and finish yourwork the second time.

      You have one minute to look at the notes.

    Example: Weather and climate are ............................................................... .

    1. Climate refers to a ................................................................. ; weathervaries from day to day.

    2. Climate is ................................................................. than weather.

    3. Scientists can now ................................................................. , which helpsfuture projections.

    4. Climate has been quite ................................................................. for thepast 10,000 years.

    5. A lot of ................................................................. (e.g. coastal cities) arenow more vulnerable to climate changes.

    6. In the late 70s: new equipment was developed to calculate the

    ........................................................................................................... . There have

    been very small variations over last 20 years.

    7. Most warming in 20th century was caused by increased emissions of

    ................................................................. produced by humans.

    8. Small temperature changes may cause ..................................................... .

    9. For example, there is only .................................................................difference between the last Ice Age and now.

    two different things

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    (Total 15 marks)

    10. Evidence of change: melting glaciers, early springs, less snow on

    mountains, more frequent ................................................................. .

    11. Oceans and forests absorb some carbon dioxide but burning fossilfuels

    produces ................................................................. .

    12. Carbon dioxide levels are now at their highest for

    ................................................................. .

    13. It can take up to ................................................................. for carbondioxide to be removed from atmosphere.

    14. The word ................................................................. can be defined invarious ways.

    15. One study suggests emissions at a level of 450 parts per million

    will be necessary to avoid ................................................................. .

    That is the end of the listening tasks. The other tasks test your reading and writing of

    English. Now go on to Task Three.

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    3. Task Three: Lifestyle Changes.

      Task Three (a): Reading (10 marks)

    You find an article in a magazine about making your lifestyle more environmentally

    friendly. Read the article on Perforated Information Sheet 1 for Task Three (a). The

    first sentence of each paragraph has been removed. Choose the best opening sentencesfrom 1–12 to start the paragraphs A–K  by putting a cross ( ) in the appropriate box.

    Be careful. There is one more sentence than you need.

      One has been done as an example.



    1. I aim to turn my

    standard flat into a

    miniature power station.

    2. First, there’s

    the thorny issue of


    3. Since I became

    more environmentally

    aware, my qualityof life has improved


    4. This is largely good


    5. It is easy for

    ordinary people to

    feel powerless in the

    face of environmentaldestruction.

    6. It’s a good time to

     be green.

    7. This is trailblazing

    stuff, but the more

     people do it the simpler

    and cheaper it will


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    Turn over*N24913B0922*

    A B C D E F G H I J K  

    8. Then there’s

    the matter of carbon


    9. I must confess that

    I am still on a low rung

    of the eco ladder.

    10.  None of us is


    11. But being green is

    as much about not doing

    as about doing.

    12. Attempts to

    cycle have not been



    (Total Q3(a) 10 marks)

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    Task Three (b): Reading and Writing (20 marks)

      You have been asked to contribute an article to your college magazine entitled

    “My Top Five Tips”, and you decide to write about ways in which your fellow students

    could make their lifestyles more energy-efficient.

      Use only  the information on Perforated Information Sheet 1 for Task Three (a) and

    Perforated Information Sheet 2 for Task Three (b) to write your article.

      You should include the following:

      •  reasons why it is important to save energy  •  five specific pieces of advice on saving energy  •  reasons why each one is effective

    Write 230–260 words. Use your own words as much as possible.


















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      .............................................................................................................................................. Q3(b)

    (Total Q3(b) 20 marks)

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    London Tests of English

    Certificate of Attainment

    May 2006 Level 5



    Your Planet: How you can save it

    Who says that sustainable living has to be all about self-denial? On the contrary, says The

    Independent’s green columnist, Julia Stephenson. Giving your lifestyle an eco-makeover

    can be not just good for your wallet but surprisingly glamorous.


    Back in the 1980s, anything that reeked of environmentalism was seen as uncomfortable,

    unfashionable, more about giving things up than enhancing one’s life. Now, however, it is a

    wonderful time to be green. In the past few years, we have witnessed a sea change. Green is

    now mainstream, fashionable and increasingly glamorous. Manufacturers have woken up tothe power of the green pound, and there is an ever-increasing range of eco-friendly goods and



    But many of these products - organic vegetables air-freighted from distant lands, “natural”

     beauty creams, eco holidays in far-flung places - continue to buy into our rampaging consumer

    mindset that has created so many environmental problems in the first place. We have been

    conditioned to think that progress is necessarily about doing things - spending money, going

    to places and acquiring things.


    It doesn’t mean giving up all the material things we love best. On the contrary: being truly

    green saves money and enhances your quality of life in countless ways. Even if you don’t

    know the first thing about solar panels, you can get way ahead of the pack - and save money -

    simply by making often tiny adjustments to your daily life. Small actions such as putting on an

    extra sweater instead of turning up the heating, switching off lights, switching your electrical

    appliances off at the mains and avoiding buying unnecessary and over-packaged goods will

    help the planet, your health and your finances.


    I’ve finally realised that buying into the latest must-have trend or visiting the latest fancy spawon’t fundamentally make me any happier. Indeed, in recent years I have lost much of my

    interest in acquiring unnecessary material possessions: not out of guilt, or because I’ve run out

    of money, but because I’ve realised that the effort of acquiring and maintaining possessions

    is no guarantee of happiness and, on the contrary, is often a huge drain of energy that I would

    rather expend instead on seeing friends or family, reading, swimming, or pursuing a host of

    other more life-enhancing activities.


    But I am moving up. Three years ago I redecorated my flat. It didn’t occur to me then to

    use environmentally friendly paints or sustainable wood on the floors. Now, however, I am

    extending my loft with an altogether greener awareness. Of course, the most eco-friendly thingis not to do any building work at all but I’d love an extra room.

    Turn over

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    This will provide all my energy needs from the sun and the wind. It can typically cost £1,000

    to install solar panels, but within a short time I will own a flat that will manufacture much of

    its electricity for free. We have also just applied for planning permission for a wind turbine

    on the roof. I live in a conservation area so we expected to be turned down flat but we were

     pleasantly surprised to meet tacit approval when we raised the project with local planners.


    Most people just want convenient and inexpensive ideas of what they can do right now, and

    that approach is important, too. So, while waiting for my wind turbine, I have incorporated

    a raft of simple green measures which, though minor, save me money and time and increase

    my quality of life.


    Plane and car travel are hugely environmentally damaging. I’m trying to cut down on air

    travel by using the train whenever possible. I recently replaced my car with a bike. Not

    only has this reduced my carbon emissions but I am lighter and brighter now the hideousresponsibilities of car ownership are in the past. Running a car was such a strain that I would

    have sold it even if it wasn’t the green thing to do.


    My first journey left me a nervous wreck, and I was secretly relieved when the gears broke.

    The thing is currently languishing outside my flat, waiting to get fixed (I’m in no great

    rush), which means I’m reliant on walking, public transport or cabs. But this is still more

    eco-friendly than running a car.


     I will gloss quickly over my sound system that can’t be turned off at the mains and the huge

    fridge. If I’d known then what I know now, I wouldn’t have installed them in the first place.

    Ripping them out wouldn’t be environmentally friendly, and green living unfortunately

    involves a degree of compromise. The real question to answer is: are you going to think

    about such questions, or are you going to continue to live in a state of denial?


    But our own environments - our home, school, street, garden - are the few places over which

    we as individuals do have some control. What we buy (or don’t buy); what we wear, eat,

    drink; how we travel - all these choices have a huge impact not just on our health but on the

     planet’s, too. So I will continue to do my imperfect bit and encourage my friends and thosewho read my columns to do the same.

    (Source: ‘Your Planet’, The Independent , 20 September 2005)

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    London Tests of English

    Certificate of Attainment

    May 2006 Level 5


    A Waste of Energy

    Where does it all go?

    We read nearly every day about the need to conserve energy and the imminent crisis of the

     planet. For many of us the issue seems remote, something that we as individuals can do little

    about. Yet every hour of every day, millions of people waste energy on what is, collectively,

    a massive scale. In fact, energy use by the average home contributes more to climate change

    than the average car. So, what are the main causes of this energy loss?

    In the Home and at Work 

    Many people don’t bother to switch off lights when they’re not in the room. Old-style light

     bulbs could be replaced by energy-saving types. Putting reflector foil behind all radiators

    will reflect the heat back into the room instead of wasting it outside. An overfilled kettle may

    take five times longer to boil, and often the water is used for a single cup of tea or coffee.

    Most of us have TVs and VCR or DVD machines with a standby function and we tend not

    to switch them off, which wastes up to 15% of total household electricity.

    Out and About

    Most of the car journeys we make are short ones, like popping out to the local shop for a

    newspaper, and these short hops use much more fuel than longer trips. Walking or biking is

    cheaper, healthier and better for the environment. Also, large numbers of cars are occupied

     by one person travelling to work, when they could be shared by colleagues who are going

    to the same place. We also tend to drive too fast, which uses far more fuel. The big problem

    though is air travel, which people in the developed world have come to expect as a right. It

    may be that in the future we will have to re-think our whole approach to overseas holidays.

    A typical household energy bill

    Heating and cooling 45%

    Water heating 11%

    Washing and drying clothes 10%

    Lighting 7%

    Refrigerator 6%

    Dishwasher 2%

    Computer and monitor 2%

    Home entertainment 2%

    Other 15%

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    Turn over

    4. Task Four: Reading

    You find an article, ‘Twilight of the Oil Age’, in a newspaper. Read the article on

    Perforated Information Sheet 3 for Task Four and complete the tasks that follow.

      Task Four (a): (5 marks)

      Choose the best heading for each of the paragraphs A – F by putting a cross ( ) in the

    correct box.

    Be careful. There is one more heading than you need.

    The first one is an example.



    Example: The scale of the problem

    1. The significance of oil in human history

    2. A momentous happening

    3. A way forward

    4. What individuals can do to help

    5. Our dependence on oil

    6. Further evidence of global warming



    (Total Q4(a) 5 marks)

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      Task Four (b): (7 marks)

      For each of the following statements, put a cross ( ) in the correct box to show whether

    the statement is TRUE or FALSE according to the text.

      If the statement is FALSE, explain why on the line under the statement.

    The first one is an example.


    Example: The collapse of the ice shelf was well




      1. Most people now realise how serious the two

     problems are.



      2. Some people believe human greed was the reason

    for burning too much oil.



      3. The signs of global warming are mostly hidden.



      4. Drilling for oil will soon become uneconomical.



      5. Eventually, one problem will help to ease the




    It wasnt on any front pages.



    (Total Q4(b) 7 marks)

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    Turn over

       T  a  s   k   F  o  u  r   (  c   )  :   (   8  m  a  r   k  s   )

       F   i  n   d

       t   h  e   i   t  e  m    A

      –   N   i  n   t   h  e  v  o  c  a   b  u   l

      a  r  y   b  o  x  o  n   t   h  e  r   i  g   h   t   t   h  a   t   h  a  s   t   h

      e  s  a  m  e  m  e  a  n   i  n  g  a  s

      e  a  c   h

       i   t  e  m    1

      –   9   b  e   l  o  w ,  a  s  u  s  e   d   i  n   t   h  e   t  e  x   t .   I   t  e  m  s   1  –   9  a  r  e   h   i  g   h   l   i  g   h   t  e

       d   i  n   t   h  e   t  e  x   t .

       T   h  e

       f   i  r  s   t  o  n  e   i  s  a  n  e  x  a  m  p   l  e .

       P  u   t  a  c  r  o  s  s   (

       )   i  n   t   h  e  a  p  p  r  o  p  r   i  a   t  e

       b  o  x .   B  e  c  a  r  e   f  u   l  :   t   h  e  r  e  a  r  e   f   i  v  e

      m  o  r  e   i   t  e  m  s   t   h  a  n  y  o  u

      n  e  e   d

       i  n   t   h  e  v  o  c  a   b  u   l  a  r  y   b  o  x .   D  o  n  o   t  p  u   t  a  c  r  o  s  s   (

       )  u  n   d  e  r  a   l  e   t   t  e  r

      m  o  r  e   t   h  a  n  o  n  c  e .















       1 .  r  u  p   t  u  r  e   d

       2 .   i  n  c  r  e  m  e  n   t  a   l

       3 .  a   d  v  e  n   t

       4 .  u  n  w   i   t   t   i  n  g   l  y

       5 .  a   b  u  n   d  a  n   t

       6 .   f   i  n   i   t  e

       7 .  m  u  s   t  -  r  e  a   d

       8 .  c   l   i  n  g   i  n  g  o  n

        t  o

       9 .  a  n  o  m  a   l  o  u  s



      s  m  a   l   l


       b  r  o   k  e


      w   i   t   h  o  u   t   k  n  o  w   i  n  g


      c  o  m   i  n  g


      s   t  u  p   i   d   l  y


      c  o  m  p  u   l  s  o  r  y


      u  n  n  a  m  e   d


       k  e  e  p   i  n  g


       h   i  g   h   l  y  r  e  c  o  m  m  e  n   d  e   d


       l   i  m   i   t  e   d


       f   i  n   i  s   h  e   d


       p   l  e  n   t   i   f  u   l


      g  r  a  s  p   i  n  g


      u  n  u  s  u  a   l


    (Total Q4(c) 8 marks)

       V  o  c  a   b  u   l  a  r  y   B  o


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  • 8/16/2019 Level 5 Session 1 2006 Written Paper N24913



    Turn over

    London Tests of English

    Certificate of Attainment

    May 2006 Level 5


    Twilight of the oil age by Johann Hari


    In September 2003, an ominous event occurred, although it featured on no front pages. The

    largest ice shelf in the Arctic, which had been in place for tens of thousands of years, suddenly

    ruptured and began to collapse. Warwick Vincent, professor of biology at Laval University in

    Quebec, explained: “We’d been measuring incremental changes in the Arctic ice each year.

    Suddenly everything changed.” The scientists witnessing the event later admitted to weeping

    with shock and grief: this was global warming happening far more quickly than anyone had



    We are currently sleepwalking into two crises that will have to be confronted simultaneously

    and soon: runaway global warming, and the running out of the world’s oil supply. The tale

    of how we came to this begins on a day in August 1859, when a man called Edwin L Drake

     became the first man ever to drill successfully for oil. Few people could have imagined Drake’s

    discovery would end up powering the most vigorous, relentless, and ultimately dangerous part

    of the industrial revolution. The discovery of vast reservoirs of oil below the earth’s surface

    made an explosion of human productivity (and population) possible. Feats of travel, building

    and farming that were impossible before suddenly became easy with fossil fuel-powered

    technology. Millions of people were freed from the grinding tedium of subsistence agriculture.

    Before the advent of oil, poverty and hunger had been nearly universal: in the year of Drake’s big find, the average European and American lived on 90 per cent of the resources used by

    the average African today. That’s why - contrary to the beliefs of some weirdly reactionary

    versions of environmentalism - people did not burn up the earth’s store of fossil fuels because

    they were “greedy” or “selfish”. They did it because they were hungry and cold and desperate

    to live a decent life.


    But there were two problems that lay dormant within this experiment with fossil fuels, and

    their shape has finally become clear in the past 20 years. Oil is simply solar energy trapped by

     plant life millions of years ago. By releasing all that solar energy in a sudden burst over just

    two centuries, humans unwittingly changed the physics and chemistry of the planet. Levels

    of greenhouse gases - which trap heat in the atmosphere - nearly doubled, causing rising

    temperatures. The results are now visible all over the world. All the hottest years on record

    have occurred in the past 15 years. The seasons are changing, with deadly results across the

    developing world. The peaks of Mount Kilimanjaro are naked of snow for the first time in

    10,000 years. Many climatologists now warn that oil has triggered a global warming “positive

    feedback loop”. It sounds complicated, but in fact is startlingly simple. Look at the world’s

    ice cover. It acts like a mirror, reflecting heat from the sun back into the atmosphere. But -

     because of global warming - it is melting away at a phenomenal rate. So as the world warms,

    it is destroying its own cooling system, making the warming even more rapid. It’s like tossing

    more fuel into the engine of a runaway train.

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    As if this was not enough, there is a second crisis, also set in train by Edwin L Drake’s black

    discovery. At first, oil seemed to be infinitely abundant, so we built our lives on the assumption

    that the petrol party would never stop. We moved to suburbs that can only be reached by

    car, we became dependent on supply chains that fly T-shirts from Beijing to Boston, and we

    expanded our population so we need petrol-fuelled megafarms to keep our stomachs full. We

     became petroholics. But in the real world, the oil turned out to be finite. It is going to run out,in the next 30 to 40 years, no matter how much we may weep at the petrol pumps. Many oil

    experts believe the world hit its oil production peak in 2004. And that was the stuff that was

    easy to find: the half that remains is in much harder-to-reach places, and a lot of it can’t be

    mined at all because it takes more barrels of oil to drill and battle towards it than you could

     pump out.


    In the long-term, this depletion of oil is obviously a good thing for humanity. Climatologists

    tell us we need to cut our use of fossil fuels by 70 per cent by 2050 if we want to stabilise the

    earth’s climate (assuming it’s not already too late). So a bit of help from the oil fields themselvesis welcome. But in the short term, unless we develop alternative fuel sources very fast, this

    means we will be dealing with two crises at once. We are going to have to confront global

    warming without the oil that powers our transport system and food networks. New York Times

    writer James Kunstler explains in his must-read book The Long Emergency how stressful the

    transition could be: “Before fossil fuels came into general use, fewer than one billion human

     beings inhabited the earth. Today the planet supports six-and-a-half billion people. Subtract

    the fossil fuels, and the human race has an obvious problem. Fossil fuels provided for each

     person in an industrialised country the equivalent of hundreds of slaves constantly at his or

    her disposal. We are now unable to imagine a life without them, so are unprepared for what is



    So what should we all do - give up in despair? No, there is one thing we can campaign for. It

    is not guaranteed to solve either problem, but it is the best chance we have of clinging on to

    the lives we developed in the fossil fuel age. During the Second World War, the United States

    (helped by Britain and Canada) launched the Manhattan Project, a programme of intensive

    scientific research to develop nuclear weapons. The climate crisis is, for once, a genuine threat

    to “our way of life”. That’s why environmentalist Ross Gelbspan has argued for a Manhattan-

    style project to develop, urgently, renewable energy sources like wind, solar and hydrogen

    fuels to an industrial level. The market will not do it alone. It requires concerted and massive

    government funding. We need to make sure we have these replacements for oil fast, to prevent

    even more disastrous global warming and to ensure we have the softest landing possible when

    the petrol runs out. Of course, it is possible that there simply isn’t a replacement that will allow

    us to maintain the same energy-intensive lifestyles. Kunstler argues: “The fossil fuel bonanza

    was a one-time deal, and the interval we have enjoyed it in has been an anomalous period

    in human history.” If we can’t find an alternative, then we will simply have to downscale

    drastically, and condemn future generations to look back on our current lives with eternal envy.

    It’s also possible we will develop an alternative to oil too late, and the runaway climate change

    we have already triggered will soar ahead of us regardless. But the sooner we start, the greater

    our chances of success. Don’t we owe it to ourselves to try?

    (Source: The Independent , 19 September 2005)

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    Turn over

    5. Task Five: Writing (20 marks)

      Choose ONE of the following tasks.


      A At the end of your research, your tutor has asked you to write an essay on thefollowing topic.

      “Global warming is not worth worrying about because individuals can’t do much

    about it. It’s the responsibility of governments and big business, and I’m sure they’ll

    find a solution.” Discuss this opinion.

      Write your essay, using your own words as much as possible.


    B  You see the following notice in a magazine.

    Write your article, using your own words as much as possible.

    Write and tell us about attitudes to energy use in your town or country. Are people

    concerned about the issue? What do they do, and what more could be done, by

    individuals or the authorities? We will publish the best articles.


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    Put a cross ( ) in the box next to the task you have chosen. A B

    Write 300 – 350 words.

























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    (Total 20 marks)


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