Letters to the Thessalonians¡nimo...Letters to the Thessalonians "He who Calls you is Faithful, and He will do it." 3 Introduction to Thessalonians Rejoice And Be Encouraged In the

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Page 1: Letters to the Thessalonians¡nimo...Letters to the Thessalonians "He who Calls you is Faithful, and He will do it." 3 Introduction to Thessalonians Rejoice And Be Encouraged In the
Page 2: Letters to the Thessalonians¡nimo...Letters to the Thessalonians "He who Calls you is Faithful, and He will do it." 3 Introduction to Thessalonians Rejoice And Be Encouraged In the

Letters to the Thessalonians

"He who Calls you is Faithful, and He will do it." 2


The Thessalonians ....................................................... 4

A Receptive People - Part 1.......................................... 6 A Receptive People - Part 2.......................................... 9

An Honorable Servant ............................................... 12 A Godly Encourager ................................................... 15

Timothy's Encouraging Report ................................... 18

A Call to Maturity - Part 1 .......................................... 21 A Call to Maturity - Part 2 .......................................... 24

Page 3: Letters to the Thessalonians¡nimo...Letters to the Thessalonians "He who Calls you is Faithful, and He will do it." 3 Introduction to Thessalonians Rejoice And Be Encouraged In the

Letters to the Thessalonians

"He who Calls you is Faithful, and He will do it." 3

Introduction to Thessalonians

Rejoice And Be Encouraged In the following 7 session we will, together, discover great truths about our Christian faith and be lead to rejoice and be encouraged. Each session will provide a new and distinct reason to rejoice and be encouraged. As each reason is identified by the end of each session, praise and glorify God together for his marvelous plan and work.

Encourage And Serve Others Use this study to fortify your faith and to encourage the faith of others, while you consider the greatness of the work of God among His people. In addition, consider how God would use your life to bring the gospel message in word and deed to others, serving them, following the examples herein provided by Paul and his companions.

Be Mission Minded The church is called to "make Disciples" and that is the work being observed within the pages of this epistle to the Thessalonians. The focus and goal is to strengthen these believers and mature them in specific areas where they needed to grow. Paul is direct and responsive to the needs of the Thessalonians, caring for them with a desire to see them mature. To accomplish this goal the truth, which drives encouragement, is declared lovingly and tenderly. Let's Begin....

Page 4: Letters to the Thessalonians¡nimo...Letters to the Thessalonians "He who Calls you is Faithful, and He will do it." 3 Introduction to Thessalonians Rejoice And Be Encouraged In the

Letters to the Thessalonians

"He who Calls you is Faithful, and He will do it." 4

The Thessalonians

Page 5: Letters to the Thessalonians¡nimo...Letters to the Thessalonians "He who Calls you is Faithful, and He will do it." 3 Introduction to Thessalonians Rejoice And Be Encouraged In the

Letters to the Thessalonians

"He who Calls you is Faithful, and He will do it." 5

Page 6: Letters to the Thessalonians¡nimo...Letters to the Thessalonians "He who Calls you is Faithful, and He will do it." 3 Introduction to Thessalonians Rejoice And Be Encouraged In the

Who were the Thessalonians?

"He who Calls you is Faithful, and He will do it." 6

A Receptive People - Part 1

First Thessalonians 1:1-5 He has chosen you

THEME: RECEPTIVITY to the Gospel Paul writes in recognition of the way in which the Thessalonians have become an example to all. The way in which they received the truth is exemplary and he writes to tell them and us what this looks like. In this first part we will consider the work of Paul among the Thessalonians, and in the second part we will consider the results RECEPTIVITY

"For we know, brothers loved by God, that he has chosen you" (1:4)

Please read together 1 Thess. 1:1-4 The Genuineness of their faith Paul(along with Silas and Timothy) begins his letter recognizing the authenticity of the church using a unique phrase: " the church of the Thessalonians in God." This distinction reveals the thoughts of Paul - recognizing that these believers were truly "in God" and not only gathering together in a city called Thessalonica. The whole of the first letter and this chapter has this tone. Paul warmly communicates how pleased he is to see these believes walking authentically. He is fully convinced of the genuineness of their faith. He is praying for them with gratitude to God for the authentic work of God in the Thessalonians.

Three DIMENSIONS of Gospel Communication Please read together 1 Thess. 1:5

In Words-In Deeds-In Power Paul explains why he believes their faith is genuine, providing us with solid proof of his assessment and explaining the reason for their genuine receptivity. He defines these proofs in groups of three. Paul explains that he delivered to them the Gospel in three ways:

In Words - " our gospel came to you not only in word" - So many think that giving others the words of the Gospel is enough, thinking they have given them the whole gospel. This is not true. If you only preach the gospel you have only given them part of the gospel. They have no proof that what you have told in words is true. In other words - they

Page 7: Letters to the Thessalonians¡nimo...Letters to the Thessalonians "He who Calls you is Faithful, and He will do it." 3 Introduction to Thessalonians Rejoice And Be Encouraged In the

Who were the Thessalonians?

"He who Calls you is Faithful, and He will do it." 7

need to see the gospel as well as hear it. (this does not mean that the gospel does not have the power to convert - Rom. 1:16 - but that our lives should reflect our words)

In Deeds - " You know what kind of men we proved to be among you for your sake" Paul did not assume that people were waiting to hear the Gospel - But he did assume that people were waiting to see the gospel. Paul, Timothy and Silas had been a living testimony among the Thessalonians. How they lived and what they did was evidence of the words they spoke. They must see changed lives for their words to be believed.

In Power - " in power and in the Holy Spirit and with full conviction." It is evident that the working of God in their midst was undeniable. Surely they had seen God do great deeds and miracles among them - Perhaps healing the sick, restoring marriages, saving their families, delivering them from the chains of addiction, protecting them from harm in miraculous ways.

The Evidence Paul provides 1. The Deeds were the human proof that the words were true 2. The Power were the divine proof that the words were true

Important note: Although faith come by hearing alone(Rom. 10:17), these demonstrations of deeds and power made the Thessalonians receptive to the message they heard.

You need the words - because the words explain it (this is where we tend to stay), but the deeds and the divine proof are the evidence that the words are true. Demonstrate it before you declare it - "Let them see it before they hear it" This was Paul's simple and successful approach. We fail in thinking that handing out tracts, saying "Jesus loves you", or sharing your testimony is enough. Even when we have preached the Gospel in clear words - we must convey it's truth in our manner of life. It must be seen as evident and true beyond words.

These Things Cannot Be Falsified Paul is making clear that when these three dimensions of Gospel communication are present - we can expect God to work. Some may attempt to produce these elements by human means, but that is never effective. Paul is declaring they He, Silas and Timothy removed all obstacles to their receptivity of the Gospel by simply being authentic in their words - deeds and dependence on the power of the Holy Spirit of God.

Page 8: Letters to the Thessalonians¡nimo...Letters to the Thessalonians "He who Calls you is Faithful, and He will do it." 3 Introduction to Thessalonians Rejoice And Be Encouraged In the

Who were the Thessalonians?

"He who Calls you is Faithful, and He will do it." 8

Conversation: How can you show the Gospel to others more effectively? (Consider the way you live - the choices you make - how you serve and dedicate yourself to others - demonstrating the genuineness of your words)

Who do you know that has not seen all three of these?

What could you do to ensure the Gospel is fully communicated to them, in words-deeds-and-power?

Have you prayed with someone for an expressed need, asking God to show them He is real?

Does your lifestyle solicit questions and curiosity? Do people notice you are living differently, full of hope and joy in another (Christ)?

Therefore WE KNOW vs 4 For we know, brothers loved by God, that he has chosen you Paul recognizes that these areas (word-deed-power) had been demonstrated effectual and provided evidence that these lives in Thessalonica were truly loved and chosen by God. It was God that had ultimately worked bringing the Gospel to the Thessalonians in word - deeds and power - Bringing about their salvation - growing them in faith - maturing them in Christ.

Are you being receptive? Why was Paul able to say about the Thessalonians, "we know that God has chosen you?" This conviction and certainty expressed by Paul was not based on positive thinking, but on evidences of how He, Silas and Timothy had communicated the gospel and how the Thessalonians responded with great receptivity. Conversation: What has been your receptivity to the Gospel? In your personal experience, can you give evidence of receptivity like the Thessalonians?

• If your answer is "no", consider what detains you, since God always communicates His message faithfully (Is. 55:11)? Are you being rebellious? Are you not tending to your doubts and uncertainties?

• If your answer is "yes," Regularly testify to others of how God showed Himself and is showing himself to your life in word-deeds-and Power so that others can also see the work of God.

Be Encouraged o People for He has caused His great Gospel to reach you,

and has wrought a marvelous work in you. Praise His name for evermore. And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. Eze. 36:26

Page 9: Letters to the Thessalonians¡nimo...Letters to the Thessalonians "He who Calls you is Faithful, and He will do it." 3 Introduction to Thessalonians Rejoice And Be Encouraged In the

Who were the Thessalonians?

"He who Calls you is Faithful, and He will do it." 9

A Receptive People - Part 2

First Thessalonians 1:6-10 Imitators of Us and Christ

THEME: RECEPTIVITY to the Gospel In this session we will continue to focus on the receptivity of the Thessalonians, now focusing on the evidence and results of that receptivity provided in this letter to the Thessalonians.

Together: Before proceeding, Review the three areas which made the Thessalonians receptive to the Gospel, remembering our last session.

THE INTERNAL EVIDENCE of Gospel Communication As Paul continues to encourage the Thessalonians, he also wants them to see for themselves what God has done. Therefore, his letter now focuses toward providing proof of the genuine work of God in them.

Please read together 1 Thess. 1:3, 6-8

Faith-Hope-Love Paul begins his letter with encouragement - acknowledging the authenticity of the believers in Thessalonica, in three distinct areas. We can consider these as evidence from the perspective of the results of the Gospel preached to them by Paul. What has been the result of his ministry? These three, according to Paul (Both here and in others of his writings - 1Cor13:13), are evidence of the genuine working of God. When these three are present, God has been at work. It is evident from this first letter that they had all three. However, we will see that their "hope" was beginning to erode and needed to be strengthened (when we get to chapter 4).

Faith - "your work of faith" ," your faith in God has gone forth everywhere" - Their faith was notable and strong and had gone out to all. This faith was yielding work as evidence of its genuineness, as stated by the Apostle James (James 2:17-18. ) Their lives had changed and now their faith was at work In and through them.

Hope - "steadfastness of hope" - Although not easily evident at this point in the letter(Paul is focused on encouraging them at this point) - we will soon discover that "Hope" was actually the area where the church was most weak. Paul will help them in this area specifically.

Love - "labor of love" Love requires action that go beyond feeling and thoughts. It is the labor of love that provides evidence of true love abiding within the heart of these believers which Paul recognizes.

Page 10: Letters to the Thessalonians¡nimo...Letters to the Thessalonians "He who Calls you is Faithful, and He will do it." 3 Introduction to Thessalonians Rejoice And Be Encouraged In the

Who were the Thessalonians?

"He who Calls you is Faithful, and He will do it." 10

Although this evidence is internal (for its genuineness cannot easily be seen outwardly) , it is visible in the attitudes, actions and direction of the lives in which these abide. And that is Paul's point. Your lives have changed on the inside, and many have begun to notice this authentic work of God. Conversation: Which of these three is strong in your life? Which of these is weak in your life?

Is your faith weak at times? Do you tend to doubt, lack in prayer, walk in an unstable manner? -or- do you trust God, pray fervently and obey with perseverance knowing his word?

is your love weak or strong? Do you concern yourself is the wellbeing of others or in your own wellbeing? Are your prayer more for yourself or for others? Do you love with self-interest -or- do you love selflessly?

How is your hope? Is your confidence in the present or in the future return of Christ. In which of these is your greater focus: to the past, the present or to the future? When change and challenges come, do you lose your hope easily?

(consider what needs to be done to strengthen the areas that are weak)

THE EXTERNAL RESULTS of Gospel Communication Please read together 1 Thess. 1:9-10

Turn-Serve-Wait Paul finally points out how the Gospel was not only communicated faithfully and created in them genuine Faith-Hope-and-Love, but that the Gospel has been seen in their lives externally in the way they have acted.

• Turn - " turned to God from idols" Repentance is the starting point and the daily life of the believer. We are constantly turning away from idolatry, from seeking the things of the world and even ourselves unto seeking, worshiping and serving the one and true God.

• Serve - " serve the living and true God" living to please God in all that we say and do is our reasonable service (Romans 12:1-2.) Our lives should be dedicated to serve others. Greatest one is the servant of all (Matt. 23:11.)

• Wait - " wait for his Son from heaven" The Expectation of Christ's return is the hope of the Christian. Without this he is weak and ineffective. Having of greatest desire to see Him and be with Him forever should be our great hope.

Page 11: Letters to the Thessalonians¡nimo...Letters to the Thessalonians "He who Calls you is Faithful, and He will do it." 3 Introduction to Thessalonians Rejoice And Be Encouraged In the

Who were the Thessalonians?

"He who Calls you is Faithful, and He will do it." 11

These three must be present in the life of a true believer. This is Paul's definition of a faithful believer. We should turn away from Idols, Serve the Living God, and await patiently for His return, CONTINUALLY.

Conversation: In which of these are you weakest? Why? Is time, money, others an Idol? Are you serving Him? What steps must you take to change in any of these areas?

Summary These three grouping of three demonstrate to Paul and to us the authenticity of the work of God in the Thessalonians. This is what we should also expect in our own lives and in those who are receptive to the Gospel.

• Word-Deed-Power • Faith-hope-Love • Turn-Serve-Wait

In Each of these Paul is providing keys for the Thessalonians to see and have assurance of God's work for and in their lives.

Be Encouraged o People because there is evidence in you of the work of

God, genuine, glorious and faithful. To Him be all the glory. And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. Phil 1:6

Page 12: Letters to the Thessalonians¡nimo...Letters to the Thessalonians "He who Calls you is Faithful, and He will do it." 3 Introduction to Thessalonians Rejoice And Be Encouraged In the

Who was the Apostle Paul?

"He who Calls you is Faithful, and He will do it." 12

An Honorable Servant

First Thessalonians 2:1-16 The Honorable Character of a Servant of Christ

THEME: The INTEGRITY of the servant After encouraging the Thessalonians(Ch 1) Paul now addresses the first problem that he sees is affecting the Thessalonians. The problem concerns Paul and his integrity. It is apparent that the Jews had started to malign and condemn Paul, being jealous of him - and behind this attack was the devil himself attempting to defame and destroy the work that God had begun. The tactic employed is the same one Satan used in the garden (1) defame the messenger and (2) destroy the message. Important: The attempt to impute bad motives on Paul, the man God was using, is evident by the argument Paul uses to defend, NOT HIMSELF, but the GOSPEL. It is very important to understand that Paul is not trying to save himself or his reputation due to any pride. He is keenly aware that the enemy wants to defame him in order to defame the Gospel, and this Paul cannot bear. Paul is willing to suffer many evils and persecutions for the sake of Christ, but when it comes to the Gospel message being attacked, we will defend it vigorously.

Paul defends His Integrity The Attack against Paul We can deduce what was being said falsely about Paul by the defense Paul employs. (For this we need to somewhat read between the lines.)

What were they probably saying falsely about Paul?

1. Paul is Incompetent (He has caused more confusion than good)

2. Paul is a coward (He is a criminal on the run, unbalanced)

3. Paul is a con man (He is deceiver)

4. Paul is a flatterer (He praises people falsely)

5. Paul is an opportunist (He is greedy and seeks evil gain)

6. Paul is idle and lazy (He doesn't want to work - wants the easy life)

7. Paul is a dictator (He is harsh and lords himself over the converts)

This is a horrible list - none of these things are true - but things like this - tend to stick. People are likely to believe them unless they are properly refuted.

Page 13: Letters to the Thessalonians¡nimo...Letters to the Thessalonians "He who Calls you is Faithful, and He will do it." 3 Introduction to Thessalonians Rejoice And Be Encouraged In the

Who was the Apostle Paul?

"He who Calls you is Faithful, and He will do it." 13

Evil Motives

These things were being said to attribute to Paul unworthy motives and They were all said behind his back. It is for reasons like this that Paul surely wrote in his first letter to Timothy.... Do not admit a charge against an elder except on the evidence of two or three witnesses. (1 Tim 5:19) It is a great evil to speak falsely accuse leaders - to gossip - to slander - to malign their motives - especially in the church - because it not only destroys them unjustly but also brings the message they preach into question. Paul wrote this letter to defend the integrity of the gospel he had preached to them. Conversation: What can you do to promote the work of God in the local church? Are your words and actions supporting God's work in the church? What should you do when you hear people speak against your leaders? Do you recognize how the enemy is behind such attacks and false words? Do you participate in or discourage gossip in your church?

Paul's Defense against the Attacks With each false attack we can see Paul's defense clearly stated. 1. His effectiveness - Paul appeals to the Thessalonians and to god as two separate witnesses - look at the effectiveness of my ministry - he was a competent minister of the Gospel yourselves know, brothers, that our coming to you was not in vain. 2. His boldness - far from being a coward he preaches from one place to another and risked his life many times. He was not seeking safety, he was seeking to boldly preach Christ where he has not yet been preached. as you know, we had boldness in our God to declare to you the gospel of God in the midst of much conflict. 3. His Genuineness - what I say I mean and what I mean I say - I have not and do not try to fool anyone. our appeal does not spring from error or impurity or any attempt to deceive 4. His godliness - if no one else approves me - god approves me. Our work is to please God. "just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, so we speak, not to please man, but to please God who tests our hearts." 5. His humbleness - I did not stand on my rights or my dignity not did I try to profit from anyone. nor with a pretext for greed—God is witness. Nor did we seek glory from people, whether from you or from others, though we could have made demands as apostles of Christ.

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Who was the Apostle Paul?

"He who Calls you is Faithful, and He will do it." 14

His gentleness - he appeals to his being gentle like a nurse with a baby But we were gentle among you, like a nursing mother taking care of her own children. His selflessness - I gave you my time, I gave you my money, I gave you myself So, being affectionately desirous of you, we were ready to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own selves, because you had become very dear to us. 6. His Fervent Work - I have not been lazy - but I have worked from sundown to sunset For you remember, brothers, our labor and toil: we worked night and day, that we might not be a burden to any of you, while we proclaimed to you the gospel of God. 7. His holiness - I am blameless and above reproach - who convicts me of sin? You are witnesses, and God also, how holy and righteous and blameless was our conduct toward you believers. His earnestness - I was both a father and a mother to you - I was fatherly when you needed comfort - I was fatherly when you needed a bit of discipline. I never compromised my standards with you. For you know how, like a father with his children, we exhorted each one of you and encouraged you and charged you to walk in a manner worthy of God, who calls you into his own kingdom and glory.

Conversation: How would you defend the working of God in your life, church, leaders? Do you honor the Lord in your work? Do you openly and frequently recognize what God has done and is doing in the local church? Do you pray for the church, its leaders, and support that work with your faithful assistance, service, offerings and tithes? Do you encourage faithfulness in others in the defense of the work of God in your local church?

I Don't Honor Myself - I Honor My Ministry

In his letter to the Romans (Rom. 11:13) Paul acknowledges God's calling and regards it worthy of honor saying "I magnify my ministry." His defense of the working of God through his life is not an expression of pride, but, on the contrary, a humble declaration of the greatness of God in an unworthy vessel (1 Cor 15:9.)

Be Encouraged o People, your God has sent faithful servants who come in

His name, preaching Christ alone. And I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding. Jeremiah 3:15

Page 15: Letters to the Thessalonians¡nimo...Letters to the Thessalonians "He who Calls you is Faithful, and He will do it." 3 Introduction to Thessalonians Rejoice And Be Encouraged In the

Who was the Apostle Paul?

"He who Calls you is Faithful, and He will do it." 15

A Godly Encourager

First Thessalonians 3:1-5 The Encouraging Character of a Servant of Christ

THEME: True Encouragers Communicates the Truth The authenticity and integrity of Paul is also seen in how he encourages the Thessalonians in the very midst of difficulties, refusing to fall to natural weaknesses and fear due to suffering. Chapter 3 is full of Paul's encouraging words helping them to know what to expect in the Christian life and how to respond to the difficulties we will surely face.

Please read together 1 Thess. 3:1-5

1. KNOW THIS: Paul Expects Suffering and Attacks And tells the Thessalonians to expect it as well Suffering for Christ sake, for the Christian, is the evidence/proof that they are chosen/elected - it is a badge of honor - a seal of faith. Paul is not surprised that he has had opposition and that many have intended to discredit his work in the Lord among the Thessalonians. He declares that in spite of these attacks, the church continues to advance.

1 Thess. 2:2 But though we had already suffered and been shamefully treated at Philippi, as you know, we had boldness in our God to declare to you the gospel of God in the midst of much conflict.

1 Thess. 2:14 For you, brothers, became imitators of the churches of God in Christ Jesus that are in Judea. For you suffered the same things from your own countrymen as they did from the Jews

Those Who never Suffer Those who should truly worry are those who never suffer for Christ's sake - who never have enemies or misunderstandings - who never pay a price. suffering like this is normal and expected for the believed who is faithfully following the Lord.

Why Expect Suffering? For you yourselves know that we are destined for this This is our destiny - this is part of our calling. They are empty words that try to deceive by promising no suffering. However, the believer is not simply called to expect or tolerate suffering. The believer is called to thrive and rejoice in the midst of suffering, knowing God is employing it for good (Rom 8:28.)

We have examples Christ' Suffering - John 11:50, Acts 17:3 ours - 2Tim. 3:12, Phil 3:10b Christ's Joy - Heb. 12:2 ours - 1 Peter 1:6

Page 16: Letters to the Thessalonians¡nimo...Letters to the Thessalonians "He who Calls you is Faithful, and He will do it." 3 Introduction to Thessalonians Rejoice And Be Encouraged In the

Who was the Apostle Paul?

"He who Calls you is Faithful, and He will do it." 16

Conversation: Have you suffered for Christ is this way? Can you distinguish between common suffering and suffering for the gospel? What is Biblical Reproach? (please read Rom. 15:3, Heb. 10:33, 13:13) What hardships have you experienced or are experiencing that are expected because you are following Christ? Have you responded with Biblical Joy? Next Paul endeavors to present to the Thessalonians how to respond in the midst of Christian suffering:

2. RESPOND THIS WAY: Be not moved or tempted 1. "Do not be moved by these Afflictions" Even though Paul understood suffering was expected and therefore did not mind being put in prison, or flogged or stoned, Paul would fight and fight hard against anyone imputing improper motives to his work - to try to discredit or destroy the true and authentic work of God among the Thessalonians. Therefore his concern turns to them being moved. He tells them, do not be moved by our suffering. Do not let it discourage you for it is the will of God that we suffer. The most common response to suffering is TO REACT... to be moved, disquieted, deceived, agitated, disturbed, troubled (these some plausible translation to the Greek Strong's word G4525 - sainō.) vs 4 For when we were with you, we kept telling you beforehand that we were to suffer affliction, just as it has come to pass, and just as you know.

First - Paul encourages them by informing them of how he anticipates his own Afflictions and how he handled them properly

Secondly - Paul encourages them to expect suffering and to consider and follow his example

2. Do not be "Tempted" Paul's wise words were intended to prevent them from being moved in such a way that they would make mistakes that they would later regret. vs 5 For this reason, when I could bear it no longer, I sent to learn about your faith, for fear that somehow the tempter had tempted you and our labor would be in vain. We are often tempted when difficulty comes. this kind of temptation can lead to bad decisions and actions that do not please God. Here is where temptation can take advantage of the believer. Paul was concerned about this and warns them with great love and sincerity. If they were to allow themselves to "be Moved" then they would be susceptible to "Temptation"

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Who was the Apostle Paul?

"He who Calls you is Faithful, and He will do it." 17

Conversation: Are you expecting difficulties? What hardships have you experienced or are experiencing that are expected because you have decided to trust God and not be moved or tempted? Do you try to avoid suffering or do you intentionally allow suffering to bring about its perfect work (James 1:2-4)? How should you respond to the temptation that comes upon the believer in the midst of this type of suffering?

Review Paul encouraged the Thessalonians with the truth. Biblical suffering (Reproach) is expected and we must be ready to face it piously. The knowledge that our great God is working his perfect will even in the midst of Christian suffering (as it was with Christ) is encouraging and strengthening to us who believe. A true encourager communicates the truth in love.

Be Encouraged o People knowing that our God is powerful and in control of

everything - He is our strength in the midst of all storms. I will say to the LORD, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” Psalm 91:2

Page 18: Letters to the Thessalonians¡nimo...Letters to the Thessalonians "He who Calls you is Faithful, and He will do it." 3 Introduction to Thessalonians Rejoice And Be Encouraged In the

What is True Encouragement?

"He who Calls you is Faithful, and He will do it." 18

Timothy's Encouraging Report

First Thessalonians 3:6-13 We have been comforted about you through your faith

THEME: The Cycle of Encouragement We all need encouragement and in this letter to the Thessalonian church we can quickly observe the-cycle-of-encouragement. In fact, The title of this study "Ánimo" originates from this observation. Paul is involved in the Cycle of Encouragement.

Please read together 1 Thessalonians 3:6-13


When people are not praised or encouraged, they in turn do not encourage or praise others. This is a common cycle that is present in everyday life. On the other hand, when people are encouraged, that encouragement begins a cycle of encouraging many others which in turn returns encouragement to the first encourager. However, we must be careful to understand the difference between human encouragement and Godly Encouragement. In order to properly encourage, you must first abandon the ideas of men and follow the way of God. Human encouragement is temporary, weak and sometimes even disingenuous. Godly encouragement is strong and lasting and always rooted in the truth.

The Elements of Godly Encouragement Mutual Love - Mutual Faith - Mutual Gratitude Within this brief telling of Timothy's Encouraging report we find these elements and then are able to see them extend out to both letters to the Thessalonians.

Mutual Love "you always remember us kindly and long to see us, as we long to see you" (vs 6b) Timothy's report indicated that they feel for Paul and his companions the same way he feels for them. True encouragement is rooted in Godly love.

Mutual Faith "we have been comforted about you through your faith" (vs 7b) Notably so, Paul and his friends are encouraged by the mere fact that the faith of the Thessalonians is genuine. Shared faith is one of the strongest bonds between believers.

o "Your work of faith", "Your faith in God has gone forth everywhere", 1Thess. 1:3,8 "because your faith is growing abundantly" 2Thess. 1:3

Page 19: Letters to the Thessalonians¡nimo...Letters to the Thessalonians "He who Calls you is Faithful, and He will do it." 3 Introduction to Thessalonians Rejoice And Be Encouraged In the

What is True Encouragement?

"He who Calls you is Faithful, and He will do it." 19

Mutual Gratitude "For what thanksgiving can we return to God for you, for all the joy that we feel for your sake before our God" (vs 9) Expressed gratitude to the Lord for others is so very encouraging. Both in prayer and in letting others know that you how you are grateful to God for their lives is sound and strong encouragement. (see 1 Thess. 1:2, 5:25 and 2 Thess. 1:2, 3:1)

Strong Mutual Ties More than a mere concern for the well being of others, we should consider these elements and understand that these are strong ties between the believer and God -and- between believers. These elements bind the believer one to another and to God.

My faith is not only my own - it is connected to yours in the sense that we share a same, common faith (Titus 1:4), a same common salvation (Jude 3) and it connects us to God.

My love is not my own - it is the love of God which connects us each to God and to one another (1Jn. 2:5.)

My gratitude is the overflow of God's goodness which He extends to each of us who believe knowing that your good is also my good and your blessing is also my blessing.

Faith unites us in one mind. Love unites us in one sense. Gratitude unites us in word and actions (giving thanks). These three elements work in a mutual way to encourage and strengthen each believer and God is at the center of all three. Conversation: Read vs 11-13 and discuss how God is the very center of these three elements. What actions is our God responsible for as noted in these verses (note the action verbs)? Are you able to see the working of God, uniting His people? Does your faith, love and gratitude server to encourage others? Does your lack of these discourage others?

The Purpose of Encouragement The stated purpose of encouragement found in Thessalonians is to Grow and abound in love for one another (see vs 12). the cycle is reciprocal. As we grow in love for God, we grow and abound in love for one another. Then others are encouraged and also grow and abound in love. The result of this growth and abounding is the establishment of your heart, blameless in all holiness before God.

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What is True Encouragement?

"He who Calls you is Faithful, and He will do it." 20

Summarizing The Cycle of Godly Encouragement Godly Communication As Timothy was sent by Paul to bring word of the Thessalonians' well being, we can also observe how encouragement is moving through the ranks of the believers. More than mere unexpressed feelings - there was action taking place. Paul sought out to know - Sent Timothy - and Timothy "reported that you always remember us kindly and long to see us, as we long to see you" - Paul shared Timothy's report. His report back to Paul encourages Paul. Timothy's report of the Thessalonians is now reported back to the Thessalonians by Paul, which encourages the Thessalonians. As Faith, Love and Gratitude grow and are expressed - in words and action - each is encouraged all the more.

Timothy Has brought us the good news of your faith and love From God to each of us - the working of God in each believer yields lasting encouragement and strength. Conversation: How can you encourage others with Godly Encouragement? What actions should you take to bring Godly Encouragement to others? Should you wait to be encouraged before you encourage others?

Be Encouraged o People because He is your joy and your encouragement. He

will not leave you, but will strengthen you. He will rejoice over you. The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing. Zephaniah 3:17

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The Coming of the Lord

"He who Calls you is Faithful, and He will do it." 21

A Call to Maturity - Part 1

First Thessalonians 4:1-8 This is the will of God, Your Sanctification

Theme: A Call to Mature in HOLINESS To help them grow, Paul addresses two important areas that were lacking in the Thessalonians: Holiness and Hope. In this session we will look at the first, holiness (and we will focus on Hope in the next session.)

TWO Practical Areas of Maturity in HOLINESS Please read together 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8

1. Holiness in SEXUAL BEHAVIOR To understands Paul's call for Holiness in SEX ("abstain from sexual Immorality") we need to know the culture of the roman world, and particularly the environment of the city of Thessalonica. The word translated as “sexual immorality” (Strong's G4202 - porneia) covers a lot of sexual activity: promiscuity, adultery, prostitution, pornography… The list goes on. Basically, their sex lives needed the purity of sanctification. One man, Demosthenes, a Greek statesman and orator born 384 b.c. spoke for most men when he said : “We keep harlots for the sake of pleasure, females slaves for our daily care and wives to give us legitimate children and to be the guardians of our households.” This was the normal Greek life and everyone in Thessalonica was accustomed to common sexual perversion in their culture. Yet, In the midst of this environment, the Gospel preached by Paul introduces monogamy, a new and revolutionary way of living. They were called to turn from their Godless ways to have just one wife. So Paul is saying, Don't treat your wife like a harlot, a mistress or a slave - Honor , love and cherish her (Heb. 13:4.) Reading 1 Thess. 4:4 we discover the two roads that can be taken: Self control in holiness and honor -vs- the passion and lust of the gentiles So the will of God- your sanctification - is a call to "know how to control you own body." Self-control is counted amount the gift of the Holy Spirit (Gal 5.) Conversation: Is our culture very different from the Thessalonians? Is sexual purity respected in our culture? How should a believer in our modern day culture respond in obedience in this matter? What should we do to model holiness to others in this Practical area?

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The Coming of the Lord

"He who Calls you is Faithful, and He will do it." 22

Please read together 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12

2. Holiness in WORK Faithfulness for the believer starts with his work ethic, therefore we begin the discussion in this matter by asking a question: "Are you in full time Christian service?" (ask repeatedly) if you are a Christian - you are already in full time Christian service. Your work and the way you do it is part of your holiness.

Your work demonstrates your love for the lord (vs 9)

Your work demonstrates your service to your neighbor (vs 10) You do your work to glorify the lord - otherwise you will waste the majority of your waking life. How you do your work is of utmost importance. Your faithfulness, promptness, effort and care for every detail of your work is important. Your manner of work reflects on your holiness or lack thereof.

Please read together Colossians 3:23-24 !Your work and the way you do it is about your holiness!

So let us ask this question again: "Are you in full time Christian service?" (by now all should be in agreement - saying "yes")

Please read together 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13

¡Do your work Well - Let it reflect your holiness!

Many think they are working for a paycheck but not for God - they have it all wrong, hoping someday to be called into some "real" Christian job - in the ministry - no - that is wrong. Paul tells the believer - Earn your own living - Make it your ambition to be dependent on none. An able believer should not live from the charity of other Christians. A believer should work and provide for his own household. An able believer should work - earning their own living - supporting themselves and their family, faithfully tithing in the church and even earning enough to give to those in need. (important: Paul is not talking about those who cannot work - but to those who will not work - big difference) God is not so concerned about what work you do as to how you do the work that you have: A conscientious janitor is better than a careless missionary, Because God is more interested in character than achievement.

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The Coming of the Lord

"He who Calls you is Faithful, and He will do it." 23

Conversation: What must change in your attitude towards your work? How is your work a reflection of Christian holiness? How is your money (the results of your work) used faithfully as a reflection of your holiness? Discuss the two promises made to those who seek holiness in their work (vs12.) 1. ___________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________ But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. 1Tim 5:8 How is your faithfulness in work related to your faith?

Be Encouraged o People because He is working in you His sanctification.

And because of him you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption 1 Cor. 1:30

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The Coming of the Lord

"He who Calls you is Faithful, and He will do it." 24

A Call to Maturity - Part 2

First Thessalonians 4:13-5:11 This is the will of God, Your Sanctification

Theme: A Call to Mature in HOPE As we considered in the second session (A Receptive People - Part 2) - Paul has already indicated that Hope is an essential of our faith: Faith-Hope-and-Love. This was one area where the Thessalonians were weak. In this session we will see how hope is essential, learning where hope is found and how it is made to increase.

Please read together 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12

TWO Practical Areas of Maturity in HOPE 1. Hope in the RESURRECTION One needs to have some understanding of the Greek idea of death. They believed that death was a place of hopelessness. Their philosophers commonly spoke of death in ways like these "Man dies and is no more", "there is hope for the living, but when life sets - there is only night", "against such things as death one can do nothing." One Greek tomb had this scribed on it: "I was not - I became - I am not - I care not." Paul notes for us that some Thessalonians believed that their loved ones who had passed away were now without hope - supposing that they would not be around at the return of Jesus. They grieved "as others who have no hope." Sadly - Even today there is much confusion among believers on this matter To corrected this error in understanding Paul explains - you should already know this - Death is only temporary. When Jesus returns - who will be first to see him? - first the dead (your loved ones who believed) - and then later those of us who are still alive - far from missing everything - they will be there first. There are far more Christians who have lived and died than will be alive on earth at Christ's return. Every Christian who dies is coming back to earth - to meet Jesus here. We will get our new bodies here on earth, not in heaven. Not only is Jesus coming back - but all Christians will also return. Millions will be coming in the air (from every place and time) - since there is no place to hold them all on earth. Don't worry about those who already died in Christ - They will, as we will also, be caught up to meet him in the air. SO COMFORT one ANOTHER with these words. Alive or dead - you will see him - either way we win.

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The Coming of the Lord

"He who Calls you is Faithful, and He will do it." 25

Certainty of the resurrection is a true indicator of Christian hope. A Believer who does not have this hope is either confused (as the Thessalonians were) or is not a believer at all. (as noted in an earlier study, Faith-HOPE-and-Love are essential to the Christian faith.) Conversation: How does your proper understanding of the Resurrection produce hope? Why do you think there is so much confusion on this matter? Does your Hope find strength in thinking/discussing the truth of these things?

Therefore encourage one another with these words

Please read together 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11

2. Hope in THE DAY OF THE LORD One reason there is often confusion in the church concerning Christ's return is the issue of its timing: The question eventually arises - "When will it occur?" to which many simple say "We do not know", but that is not accurate. Lack of knowledge about the coming of the Lord, as clearly shown in scripture, is a primary reason for the confusion and the weak hope. Here Paul makes the issues crystal clear. We should not only HOPE in the Resurrection But we should also HOPE in knowing that His Return draws near.

Paul's Extraordinary Answer: Its More About What than When

The return of Christ is more a question about WHAT must happen, than when. Paul quotes Jesus saying - it will be like "a thief in the night" in order to address the misunderstanding many had about this phrase (Read Matt. 24:42-44.) Will He come at any moment - or do things have to happen first? Many have misunderstood this phrase, "a thief in the night" , to mean that He can come at any minute. It does not refer to this. He will return "Unexpectedly" - ONLY TO SOME The point of this phrase, "a thief in the night", is that Jesus will only come unexpectedly - for those who are not waiting/watching for him. For those who are not ready - even Christians who are not ready - it will be a surprise. A thief in the night come to take things from you. Jesus does not come to take anything away from believers. This was not directed at Christians at all. He says - but you - Christian - you are not living in the night - you are living in the day - keep alert - ¡if you keep alert - watching you will NOT be surprised!

Conversation: Are you alert and ready for Christ's return? According to Paul, What characteristics should we expect to find in someone who is awake-alert-

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The Coming of the Lord

"He who Calls you is Faithful, and He will do it." 26

ready for Christ return (see vs 8)? Why do you think Paul needs to tell them "God has not destined us for wrath" in verse 9? Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, as you are doing.

Please read together 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12

THE FACTS To HOPE properly, and be encouraged, the believer must be alert understanding the Signs and the Times. On the basis of both Paul's and Jesus' teaching we must conclude that Jesus cannot come back tonight - next week - probably not even this year. Certain things still must occur first (see matt 24 for more details) even though they can happen quickly. The second coming cannot be immediate because there is at least one thing that I have told you about that must happen BEFORE Jesus can return (Jesus listed at least 4 things - Matt 24.) Though Paul does not use the word antichrist, that is what he is talking about: A man/system that will have no regard for law at all. The beast - the antichrist - the man of lawlessness.

The antichrist must come before the Christ

the antichrist has not come yet

So the idea that the second coming is just around the corner is just not accurate

Here is the important principle laid down in the first letter indicating that Jesus coming cannot be immediate - there are signs that must come first - and those alert and watching will see the signs - you must see them all first - before Jesus can come back - therefore his return cannot yet be immediate. He also says - the influence of this man of lawlessness is already in the world - and is now kept at restraint - but one day God will remove that restraint - and we will see a truly horrid world - but it will only be for a short time. (Revelation and Daniel let us see that it will be a short time - 3.5 years/42month/1260 days - Then Jesus comes.) The Bible lets us see through all the ideas of men VIEWS OF HISTORY

REPEATS - Greeks - history goes nowhere - (repeats itself)

CONTINUOUS - Some think it is just continuous, (unchanging)

PROGRESSIVE - UP and Up and Up, better and better etc - (progressing)

RECESSIVE - Down and down and worse and worse - (survival)

APOCALYPTIC- shared by Jews, Christians and Humanist (this will get worse and then suddenly get better and remain better)

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The Coming of the Lord

"He who Calls you is Faithful, and He will do it." 27

The question is - who will do it? o Humanist believe man will do it o Jews believe God will do it o Christians believe Jesus will do it (at the second coming)

Truth - The Christian View - "STAND FIRM" (vs 15)

For now we live, if you are standing fast in the Lord. 1 Thess. 3:8 So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the traditions that you were

taught by us, either by our spoken word or by our letter. 2Thess.2:15

SUMMARIZING OUR HOPE - Every generation's hope is to be that

generation that does not need to die - but will be alive at His coming. However, the church is called to mature in hope. For this - it must have a clear picture and understanding of what is to come based on a clear understanding of what is revealed in scripture of the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Be Encouraged o People because Jesus Is Our Hope Things are going to get worse - and worse - until the man of lawlessness is revealed- demands all to accept his will - saying he is God. These Signs must first take place. In the midst of all of this... "stand Firm!" Jesus will return for His church and destroy the enemy forever.

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The Coming of the Lord

"He who Calls you is Faithful, and He will do it." 28

Concluding our Study Key verse of Thessalonians (1Thess. 5:11)

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.

Rejoice And Be Encouraged

As you have been encouraged and lead to rejoice together, consider who you know that also needs this encouragement.

Be intentional to seek others out and demonstrate these truths to them, communicating the gospel to them in Word, Deed and power - just as you are doing

Be quick to let your faith, hope and love grow - just as you are doing

Be determined to turn, serve and wait on the Lord - just as you are doing

Follow The Examples As a faithful follower remember the examples presented by Paul and Silas and Timothy as Honorable Servants and Godly Encouragers

Respond To The Call To Maturity Be responsive to the beckoning of the Holy Spirit to increase in both Holiness and Hope in Christ