Suite 301 28 Old Brompton Road London SW7 3SS UK Telephone: +44(0)7074-192400 E-mail: [email protected] Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain The Liberation Party Dear Brother in Islam Asalaamu alaikum wa Rahmatulallahi wa Barakatuhu I pray that you are in the best of health and Imaan. Dear respected Imams, Khateebs and Community Leaders, In recent weeks the media has launched a fully-fledged campaign attacking the concept of an Islamic State following the false declaration by an Iraqi militia. Politicians across the world, particularly those in the UK, have attempted to tarnish the noble idea of the Khilafah through constant association with non Islamic acts such as the killing of the U.S. journalist James Foley. Thus the media discusses the Khilafah as a state that lacks mercy, kills minorities and is filled with sectarianism and injustice. Such a state, far from providing stability to the region, would only cause chaos and killings. This false description must be challenged with the true vision of what the Khilafah represents. For it is a state full of justice and mercy - exemplified by our beloved Prophet (salallahu alaihi wasallam) and the Rightly-Guided Khulafaah through the application of Islam. The Prophet (salallahu alaihi wasallam) explained that leadership was a responsibility and guardianship for its citizens (Muslims and non Muslims), like a shepherd. It is a state where no one, not even the Khaleefah, is above the law. The Prophet (saw) stated, “…By Allah, even if Fatimah, the daughter of Muhammad committed theft, Muhammad will cut off her hand!” (Bukhari/Muslim) The Prophet (salallahu alaihi wasallam) informed us of the seriousness in having a scrupulous justice system that assumes the accused is innocent until proven guilty by a court of law; “The burden of proof is upon the plaintiff, and the oath is upon the one who is accused.” (Tirmidhi) He (salallahu alaihi wasallam) further taught that we should only apply the hudood after the high burden of proof has been established otherwise, "Avert the hudud from Muslims as much as you can. So if there is a way out for him, let him

Letter to community leaders regarding the national series of khilafah conferences

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Page 1: Letter to community leaders regarding the national series of khilafah conferences

Suite 301 28 Old Brompton Road London SW7 3SS UK

Telephone: +44(0)7074-192400 E-mail: [email protected]

Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain The Liberation Party

Dear Brother in Islam Asalaamu alaikum wa Rahmatulallahi wa Barakatuhu I pray that you are in the best of health and Imaan. Dear respected Imams, Khateebs and Community Leaders, In recent weeks the media has launched a fully-fledged campaign attacking the concept of an Islamic State following the false declaration by an Iraqi militia. Politicians across the world, particularly those in the UK, have attempted to tarnish the noble idea of the Khilafah through constant association with non Islamic acts such as the killing of the U.S. journalist James Foley. Thus the media discusses the Khilafah as a state that lacks mercy, kills minorities and is filled with sectarianism and injustice. Such a state, far from providing stability to the region, would only cause chaos and killings. This false description must be challenged with the true vision of what the Khilafah represents. For it is a state full of justice and mercy - exemplified by our beloved Prophet (salallahu alaihi wasallam) and the Rightly-Guided Khulafaah through the application of Islam. The Prophet (salallahu alaihi wasallam) explained that leadership was a responsibility and guardianship for its citizens (Muslims and non Muslims), like a shepherd. It is a state where no one, not even the Khaleefah, is above the law. The Prophet (saw) stated, “…By Allah, even if Fatimah, the daughter of Muhammad committed theft, Muhammad will cut off her hand!” (Bukhari/Muslim) The Prophet (salallahu alaihi wasallam) informed us of the seriousness in having a scrupulous justice system that assumes the accused is innocent until proven guilty by a court of law; “The burden of proof is upon the plaintiff, and the oath is upon the one who is accused.” (Tirmidhi) He (salallahu alaihi wasallam) further taught that we should only apply the hudood after the high burden of proof has been established otherwise, "Avert the hudud from Muslims as much as you can. So if there is a way out for him, let him

Page 2: Letter to community leaders regarding the national series of khilafah conferences

Suite 301 28 Old Brompton Road London SW7 3SS UK

Telephone: +44(0)7074-192400 E-mail: [email protected]

off. For verily, it is better for the Imam to error in pardon than to error in punishment." [Al-Bayhaqi] The Prophet (salallahu alaihi wasallam) taught us that the Khilafah guarantees rights to all its citizens whether Muslim or non Muslim. With regards to Non-Muslim citizens (Ahl al Dhimma) of the Islamic State he (salallahu alaihi wasallam) stated, “He who kills a covenanted person (Ahl al Dhimma) enjoying the oath of Allah and the oath of His Messenger, then he has betrayed the oath of Allah so he shall not smell the scent of Heaven; its scent is found the distance of a seventy year march.” (Tirmidhi) This narration makes it clear that the Muslims are obliged to give the Ahl al Dhimma the same protection as they do towards themselves. The Islamic State does not interfere in matters specific to the beliefs of the Ahl-Dhimma. The Prophet (salallahu alaihi wasallam) after making peace with the people of Najran on certain conditions and agreed “that their churches would not be destroyed, and that no priest of theirs is banished, and that they would also not be coerced away from their faith provided they did not innovate any matter and they did not deal in usury” (Abu Dawud) This is a practical manifestation of the Qur’anic words that "there is no compulsion in religion." Indeed it is not for the Khilafah to dictate a particular madhab for its citizens. Rather matters related to individual ibadah, like salah and siyam, and branch matters of faith are not determined by the Khaleefah but are left to the adoption of the individual. The State would only adopt on the basis of Iman (the six pillars of faith) and those Islamic laws necessary for societal cohesion (e.g. revenues, administration, political system etc). Indeed the Khilafah ordained in the Islamic texts and demonstrated by the Prophet (salallahu alaihi wasallam) is a system that would provide stability in a region that has been ravaged by secular dictatorships and failed democracies imposed by Western governments to serve its interests. Dear Imams, Khateebs and Community Leaders, it is our duty to extol the virtues of Islam and respond to the lies that we are witnessing about the Khilafah. This is the time for us to present the true vision of the Islamic Khilafah and present, in detail, the systems of Islam that will take mankind from the darkness of ignorance to the light of Islam To help aid the work of counteracting the lies and build the correct vision of the Khilafah Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain has organised a series of Khilafah Conferences across the UK. The conferences will address the following issues amongst others:

Page 3: Letter to community leaders regarding the national series of khilafah conferences

Suite 301 28 Old Brompton Road London SW7 3SS UK

Telephone: +44(0)7074-192400 E-mail: [email protected]

1. How the Khilafah would deal with sectarianism, national divisions, the Gaza massacre and minorities. 2. The Khilafah on the Prophetic model - understanding the Madinan model. 3. The Prophetic method in establishing the Islamic State – as opposed to violent struggle or failed reformist politics. 4. Our role in reshaping the Ummah's future. We look forward to joining our hands to address the vital issues confronting the Ummah today. The details of the conferences are as follows: London West - Khilafah Conference Sunday 31st August 2014 Doors Open 2.00 PM Wembley London Ticket Hotline: 07914881117 London East Khilafah Conference Saturday 6th September 2014 Doors Open: 11.30 AM Water Lilly, 10 Cleveland Way London, E1 4UF Ticket Hotline: 07914881117 Manchester Khilafah Conference Saturday 13th September 2014 Doors Open: 1.30 PM Eastern Pearl, 250 Plymouth Grove Manchester, M13 0BG Ticket Hotline: 07459211360 Your brother Dr Abdul Wahid Chairman – UK Executive Committee Hizb ut-Tahrir [email protected] www.hizb.org.uk