Letter President USA 19-03-2011

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  • 8/7/2019 Letter President USA 19-03-2011



    Mr. Barack Obama

    Hon. PresidentUnited States of America

    1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW

    Washington D.C 20500

    Hon. President

    This is a fallow up of series of letter, trying to bring to your attention

    the dangerous situation of the world and the need for action from your


    Knowledge is fundamental to governance and sustenance. It is vital for

    peace and order. Unfortunately knowledge on which the present world

    exists and functions is incomplete. It is material and has contributed to

    increasing the heat of the earth system unilaterally, breaking the

    energy and climatic cycles creating disorder and destruction. We are

    witnessing the peak of this destruction around the world. The Japan

    quake and nuclear catastrophes speak a reality that with all thescientific advancement we are no match against forces of nature.

    From my work, I did predict the tendency of earth and its forces to

    destroy human population on a large scale as time proceeds. I am not

    alone in this prediction. Noble Lauret James Lovelock in his Book

    Vanishing Face of Gaia The Final Warning has spoken it very

    clearly. This destruction is also very much spoken in all the ancientspiritual scriptures like Bible, Vedas, I-Ching and so on. The Mayans

    who are called time keepers of the world have clearly spoken that the

    present time cycle ends by 2012 December 21. Many prophesy exist

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    which tells that time approaching it could be disastrous. We are

    experiencing this around the world.

    Science and technology on which modern world exists and functions,

    stands only as a witness beaming the destructive reality unfolding in

    the world but have no solution to survive the destruction. Science does

    not know the interrelationship and oneness of nature or the Truth of

    Nature. Just few violent earthquakes, volcanic eruption and aberrant

    climatic seasons are enough to cause massive destruction and total

    disruption of the frame work of the modern world. Japan quake and

    tsunami has given a small taste of Natures power. America exists in

    the basin of Ring of Fire. Japan Disaster is an awakening call for

    humanity to evolve to Higher Knowledge and understand the Reality

    of Nature or Truth of Nature.

    There is hope for humanity in Truth. I am doing my duty by

    attempting to speak to you the truth revealed to me. I speak to you

    from nearly a life times selfless research. As a bio-technologist, myjourney into science dominated by physicist is more conceptual. I have

    limitation to speak what nature and her Master revealed to me in

    mathematical language. But I am speaking it in a logical manner in

    which even a common man can understand it. I call upon you very

    humbly in the interest of the whole of human population to activate

    your intellectual force to look into it. It is extremely important. It is

    my pleasure to discuss the Truth. It exists discussed extensively in mysites.

    The Truth in Brief

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    Scientific knowledge of nature can be divided into two; Linear

    Knowledge and Non Linear Knowledge. Modern world is dominated by

    Linear Science, where action and reaction is understood by equal and

    opposite reaction. Here small action creates small reaction. Here we

    overlook the influence of very small forces and its potentialities.

    Non Linear science speaks of potentialities of small actions to create

    huge events and chain of events that are locally irreversible but are

    reversible in larger context of thermodynamic principle of the whole

    system. This science is what we observe in nature and life. A living

    system is understood from non linear point. This is the science that we

    must look for answers to survive the present state of the world.

    For example, let us assume a canister of gasoline catches fire at 100

    degree. It is stable at 99 degrees, but the application of just a degree

    of heat can cause an explosion. This can create the same effect in near

    by can of gasoline that exists in say 95 degrees. It thus creates a

    chain that grows stronger unless an opposite force emerges from within to stop it. There is no way for any instrument in the world to know

    whether the system exists near to 100 degrees. Thus is because every

    atoms and all system in nature readjust it self to changes in the

    temperature or heat of the system. The system actually exists

    between an upper limit and lower limit and goes into self organization

    when the system reaches certain critical point. This self organizing

    aspect is the basic Reality in Nature.

    Nature seems to be driven by ratios. Most important reality one

    observes in nature is the existence of pairs of ratios that are opposing

    and balancing. The best example I can speak to you is the day and

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    night cycle. There is a west and east cycle. When west awakes to

    sunlight and the material matter in it unwinds to go into disorder, east

    simultaneously sleeps to go into order. When west peaks in sunlight

    darkness emerges from within and simultaneously east peaks in

    darkness and light emerges from within in. The system is designed to

    self organize or balance itself. The system has an inner and outer core.

    What happens in the inner core is related to what happens in the outer

    core and vice-versa.

    Matter is energy. All energy eventually can be deduced to heat. Two

    unflinching laws of nature are the Laws of thermodynamics. The

    second law of thermodynamic is inevitable. This means universe has a

    time direction that is directed to heating/expansion and disorder or

    towards cooling and order. The day and night cycle we discussed

    above [energy cycle] consist of two principle forces which are opposite

    and yet are one. This cycle now has a direction that can favor heating

    or cooling at the peak of which it has to give way for the other. We

    know that day and night cycle is embedded in 12 month climaticcycles, 12 years cycles and so on to form a huge universal cycle at

    which time direction has to stop and reverse. This transition stage can

    be catastrophic. Prophesies of Bible, Vedas, I-Ching, Maya, Hopi all

    could be related to the reversal of time direction.

    Linear science actually dominates the world. When second law of

    thermodynamics is applied to linear knowledge it leads to dead end,where all the matter in the universe winds to collapse to an infinite

    point at which all the laws of science break down [Big Bang Theory].

    The big bang is inevitable, but has remained incomprehensible to our

    common sense. A second consequence of second law of

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    thermodynamics is that heat released by matter as it winds, causes an

    expansion in the environment creating a shearing force. This means all

    the systems in nature are stressed and begins to break down. These

    two consequences are inseparably related. If you stand back to

    observe the earth in which we live, this destructive shearing force and

    winding force is occurring right here. The climate is going violent and it

    is stressing all the ecological systems enclosed in it. They are turning


    This is also reflected in individual and their collective state. We are

    seeing global human unrest seeking democracy and freedom. Freedom

    is such a beautiful state that all of us dearly wish. Yet freedom in the

    absence of truth can take negative vortex of self destruction. It can

    turn positive the moment we know Truth. An order out of disorder

    emerges with Truth and Light. Light here means Knowledge of Life and


    The Unity Science and Religion The LightFrom non-linear point the universe becomes only a process in which

    order emerges out of disorder in a spontaneous way. This process is

    the guiding process of the universe. It is reflected every where in

    nature from particle to all the systems. The Day emerging out of Night

    and Night emerging out of Day is an example. The information that

    reveals form nature as you observe it, and all recent developments in

    science, are increasingly stressing us to drop our old thinking thatuniverse is material and look at it form a new perspective A Living


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    In reality it is not a new perspective but an age old one spoken in all

    ancient spiritual scriptures. It is advocated by modern scientist such as

    Noble Lauret James Lovelock. His work however was restricted to

    arguments to plants and animals. It overlooked the role of Human

    Consciousness and intelligence in the whole process.

    The living vision of nature is not beyond second law of

    thermodynamics but it gives us an advantage. It gives us the scope of

    reinventing Big Bang Theory and understanding the process of time

    conquering and time initialization. Life is bestowed with the capacity of

    conquering time and time initialization through a process called

    reproduction. Now let me try to bring some important observations on

    which I constructed a Living Universe Theory.

    1] All life by instinct is anti-gravitational. You can observe a plant grow

    to know its truth. The second law of thermodynamics applied to living

    and material systems shows this opposition.

    2] Since gravity is based on non equilibrium anti-gravity should bebased on some form non equilibrium and life constantly works to

    protect its equilibrium.

    3] We can imagine plants in the day and night energy cycle. Plants

    absorb light and heat and works towards order. When night falls and

    the material system begins to wind, the plants converts absorbed

    energy to create organic mass that gowns against material world.

    Forest and greenery are critical to the very existence of life on earth.The loss of millions of hectares of forest to forest fire around the world

    and indiscriminate felling of forest calls for attention. The unchecked

    growth of plants can lead the time direction to anti-gravitational

    collapse. Thus herbivore control plants and carnivore control

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    herbivores. The nature is a dynamic Self-Sustaining system or Gaia

    without any preferred time direction.

    4] However, the moment we introduce human beings into above self-

    organizing system we begin to see a time direction. This time direction

    come form human mind that seek self breaking the law. A human

    who live by his mind is disconnected from his internal consciousness

    and intelligence. He then becomes slave to material force and aligns

    with material force directed to gravitational collapse.

    5] We may have to speak of some aspect of spirituality here. Most

    spiritual knowledge speaks that Creator exists in creation and creation

    exists in the creator. This speaks of two simple realities of biological

    world The creating state and the created state - The manifesting

    phase and the manifested phase. It is time conquering and time


    6] In a living universe time is a property of the creator. It is directed

    to the center of it self in the manifested state. Here it resists materialforce or time directed to winding of the material world. However in the

    creating state, where the creator hides in the womb, time no longer is

    resisted. Time gets directed to the womb within. Here the energy is

    transformed, such that in the peak of disorder a new order can

    emerge. Human mind and its self, we saw is the cause of time

    direction. In the universal system we can view this as time directed to

    one single Unique Cell or Human Being [soul and intelligence] - Toknow this reality take a huge sphere and fill it with small uniform

    spheres. We end in a unique sphere in the center. It is the image of

    the whole in the center. All other sphere exists in pair and

    complementary pairs in space-time. Time directs to this Unique Soul

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    in the center and through it back to the whole. From this context the

    Calvary Sacrifice emerges as the Big Bang Point. It is the

    conception of time. Time directs from Father to Son. Son conquers

    time and directs it back to Father. It is the consciousness of creator

    unfolding giving Free will to the created to take New Life and move

    into New Time Cycle. The expansion of God consciousness should

    culminate in Truth or Mind of God revealing, such that humanity takes

    guard of earth. New spontaneous order emerges form the great

    disorder. It is process in which humans become conscious and

    intelligent to gain Higher Knowledge to bring order and prosperity to


    These aspects are discussed in length in Mind of God and Big Bang

    and through out my sites from fundamental particle level to the whole

    system. We are on the edge and the earth is stressing us to become

    conscious and intelligent to emerge into a new dawn.

    Extremely Important points to note

    1] We are on the edge or near critical point. This means, even smallevents that are negligible has the potentialities to create huge and

    chain of destructive events. A stellar or planetary aspect, which is a

    routine thing, can create a chain of huge events in such near critical

    state. A negative action creates huge chain of negative reactions. A

    positive action also has such potentials. Knowing Truth thus becomes


    2] The two forces of nature unwinding [sun force] and [winding] Earth

    force is at its peak. This means we can expect forces of nature which

    other wise supported life, now acts like double edged sword causing

    huge destruction of humanity by virtue of increase fire/wind bound

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    catastrophes, water and earth bound disasters. The time ahead could

    be highly catastrophic.

    3] In the interrelated world the above aspect can reverberate to cause

    multiple miseries to humanity and the civilization.

    The only way to survive this critical period is to become conscious and

    intelligent to know Truth and bow to Truth.

    I humbly once again, in the interest of the whole human population

    request you to activate your intellectual force to look into the matter

    Yours Truly

    John Paily

    [email protected]

    http://sites.google.com/site/2012sciencemeetsgod and links there off
