Councilmember Jennifer S. Gates Position Statement on Forestwood Development August 26, 2015 After several months meeting with neighbors and developers and receiving feedback from the community, it has become evident that there is consolidated and strong opposition to the current plan set forth by the Daniel family. While there is support for redevelopment, the majority of property owners in closest proximity to the proposed development site are mainly opposed to the retail and density component of the plan. At the request of the neighbors closest to the property, City Plan Commissioner Margot Murphy and I met with them on Monday, August 24. At the meeting I was informed that all residents within 500 feet of the property had been invited. Those in attendance shared with us their unanimous opposition to the proposed project. No vote was taken at this meeting, nor was my decision based solely on the information provided to me at this meeting. Rather, this meeting reinforced my understanding that both the developer and those opposed are far from an agreement, and that I needed to take a position on the current plan. The decision still remains with the Daniel family to proceed with the current plan, make changes, or do nothing. My staff has been tracking the support and opposition of neighbors who have reached out to my office via a Google application, “Maps”. Below is a screenshot of the most current representation of support and opposition to the current plan. Each balloon represents one household, where green indicates support and red indicates opposition. Of those who reached out to my office via phone, email or mail, approximately 60 are in support and 90 are in opposition. While I cannot support the proposed plan today due to overwhelming opposition by the neighbors most affected, I do believe that the current Planned Development (PD) will not allow for future redevelopment as it is written. At this time, it is not viable for the owner to redevelop the property within current zoning. Because the PD will not allow for redevelopment, I thought it valuable to listen and work with the developers and the agencies they retained. I was hopeful that the neighborhood would come to an agreement to address the PD at this time. I believe at some point down the road this will have to be addressed. I have made my position known at this time to help guide the Daniel family in their decision to move forward and to also help ease the decisive atmosphere in the neighborhood. While there is division in the neighborhood regarding the retail and density component of the plan, I should mention that there is widespread support on both sides for Jesuit to have additional playing fields. There is discussion throughout the neighborhood that redevelopment should occur if it is done with attention to the needs and desires of the neighbors. There is also neighborhood concern with the current state of the north east corner of Forest and Inwood and its redevelopment potential. I have been told by the Daniel family that the owners of that site are not ready to redevelop. The Daniel family has promised me that they will continue to maintain the Forestwood Townhome community.

Letter From Jennifer Staubach Gates on Forestwood Development

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Letter From Jennifer Staubach Gates on Forestwood Development

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Page 1: Letter From Jennifer Staubach Gates on Forestwood Development

Councilmember Jennifer S. Gates Position Statement on Forestwood Development

August 26, 2015

After several months meeting with neighbors and developers and receiving feedback from the

community, it has become evident that there is consolidated and strong opposition to the current

plan set forth by the Daniel family. While there is support for redevelopment, the majority of

property owners in closest proximity to the proposed development site are mainly opposed to the

retail and density component of the plan. At the request of the neighbors closest to the property,

City Plan Commissioner Margot Murphy and I met with them on Monday, August 24. At the

meeting I was informed that all residents within 500 feet of the property had been invited. Those

in attendance shared with us their unanimous opposition to the proposed project. No vote was

taken at this meeting, nor was my decision based solely on the information provided to me at this

meeting. Rather, this meeting reinforced my understanding that both the developer and those

opposed are far from an agreement, and that I needed to take a position on the current plan. The

decision still remains with the Daniel family to proceed with the current plan, make changes, or

do nothing.

My staff has been tracking the support and opposition of neighbors who have reached out to my

office via a Google application, “Maps”. Below is a screenshot of the most current representation

of support and opposition to the current plan. Each balloon represents one household, where

green indicates support and red indicates opposition. Of those who reached out to my office via

phone, email or mail, approximately 60 are in support and 90 are in opposition.

While I cannot support the proposed plan today due to overwhelming opposition by the

neighbors most affected, I do believe that the current Planned Development (PD) will not allow

for future redevelopment as it is written. At this time, it is not viable for the owner to redevelop

the property within current zoning. Because the PD will not allow for redevelopment, I thought it

valuable to listen and work with the developers and the agencies they retained. I was hopeful that

the neighborhood would come to an agreement to address the PD at this time. I believe at some

point down the road this will have to be addressed. I have made my position known at this time

to help guide the Daniel family in their decision to move forward and to also help ease the

decisive atmosphere in the neighborhood.

While there is division in the neighborhood regarding the retail and density component of the

plan, I should mention that there is widespread support on both sides for Jesuit to have additional

playing fields. There is discussion throughout the neighborhood that redevelopment should occur

if it is done with attention to the needs and desires of the neighbors. There is also neighborhood

concern with the current state of the north east corner of Forest and Inwood and its

redevelopment potential. I have been told by the Daniel family that the owners of that site are not

ready to redevelop. The Daniel family has promised me that they will continue to maintain the

Forestwood Townhome community.

Page 2: Letter From Jennifer Staubach Gates on Forestwood Development