Let’s Understand the Qur’an Lesson -9a

Let’s Understand the Qur’an - ISACTisact.org.au/.../uploads/2014/02/UnderstandQuran-Week-6.pdf · Let’s Understand the Qur’an Lesson -10a. ... By the end of this lesson, we

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Let’s Understand the Qur’an

Lesson -9a

In this lesson…

Qur’an: Surah Nasr

Grammar : يفعل، يفعلون، تفعل، تفعلون، أفعل، نفعل Educational tip: Make a Team

In this lesson you will learn 3 new words

which occur in Qur’an almost 935 times



By the end of this lesson, we will learn

56 words, which occur in Qur’an almost 26,257 times

There are 4,500 words in Qur’an which are repeated almost 78,000 times


This Surah was the last complete Surah revealed to our Prophet (SAW).

This Surah indicates that our Prophet SAW had fulfilled his task, accomplished his mission, and he could look forward to returning to his Lord in full favour, as his death was approaching fast.

This Surah teaches the beautiful manners of:

asking for Allah’s forgiveness and

offering constant praise and thanks to our Lord.

(1) والفتح هللانصر ا جآء إذا

When comes the Help of

Allah, and the Victory,

سور الفتح ة


إذ إذا

(1) والفتح هللانصر ا جآء إذا

When comes the Help of

Allah, and the Victory,




When (it) comes

جاء إذا جاء

(1) والفتح هللانصر ا جآء إذا

When comes the Help of

Allah, and the Victory,

ج ي ء

makes a Perfect Tense as Imperfect Tense إذا

(1) والفتح هللانصر ا جآء إذا

When comes the Help of

Allah, and the Victory,

ن ص ر


رص ن

(1) والفتح هللانصر ا جآء إذا

When comes the Help of

Allah, and the Victory,

ف ت ح

opening فتح victory

The Victory = Conquest of Makkah in 10th year of Hijrah

(1) والفتح هللانصر ا جآء إذا

When comes the Help of

Allah, and the Victory,

ف ت ح

(1) والفتح هللانصر ا جآء إذا

When comes the Help of Allah, and the Victory,

Message from:

Victory comes from Allah alone. We can just try.

Everything happens with Allah’s help alone.

O Allah! Give us victory! (Evaluate: How much time…?)


(1)والفتح هللانصر ا جآء إذا

When comes the Help of

Allah, and the Victory,

(2) أفواجا هللادين ا يدخلون في

Entering [into] (the) religion

of Allah in crowds /


سور الفتح ة

الن اس ورأيت And you see the people

رأيت و

الن اس ورأيت And you see the people

ر أ ي

you saw and

رأيت ( إذا)و

الن اس ورأيت And you see the people

ر أ ي

you see and (when)

الن اس ورأيت And you see the people

ن و س

Man إنسان

People ناس

People: from different tribes of Arabia

الن اس ورأيت And you see the people

ن و س

(2) أفواجا هللادين ا يدخلون في

entering [into] (the) religion

of Allah in crowds /

troops, د خ ل

Entry دخول Exit


Entering in

يدخلون في

(2) أفواجا هللادين ا يدخلون في

entering [into] (the) religion

of Allah in crowds /

troops, د خ ل

(2) أفواجا هللادين ا يدخلون في

entering [into] (the) religion

of Allah in crowds /

troops, د ي ن


”way of life“



دين اإلسالم

Religion System

Christianity -

Hinduism -

- Communism


(2) أفواجا هللادين ا يدخلون في

entering [into] (the) religion

of Allah in crowds /

troops, ف و ج

crowds crowd

أفواج فوج+

Message from:

Notice the result of victory: The entry of people in to Islam (not the crushing of people)

(2) أفواجا هللادين ا يدخلون في

entering [into] (the) religion of Allah in crowds / troops,

الن اس ورأيت And you see the people


(2) أفواجا هللادين ا يدخلون في

entering [into] (the) religion of

Allah in crowds /


الن اس ورأيت And you see the people

ح ك بحمد فسب واستغفره ربThen

glorify with (the)

praise (of) your

Lord and ask forgive-

ness of Him.

ح ف سب س ب ح

then; thus glorify;

ح ك بحمد فسب واستغفره ربThen

glorify with (the)

praise (of) your

Lord and ask forgive-

ness of Him.

to say: هللا


is to declare that

Allah is free from defects

ح سب س ب ح

ح ك بحمد فسب واستغفره ربThen

glorify with (the)

praise (of) your

Lord and ask forgive-

ness of Him.

ح م د

حمد ب with praise

ح ك بحمد فسب واستغفره ربThen

glorify with (the)

praise (of) your

Lord and ask forgive-

ness of Him.

تسبيحNegation of the Negatives


حمد andتسبيح

ر ب ب

ح ك بحمد فسب واستغفره ربThen

glorify with (the)

praise (of) your

Lord and ask forgive-

ness of Him.

Who takes care of us

and helps us grow

Your Rabb :رب ك

ف رغ ه استغفر و

ح ك بحمد فسب واستغفره ربThen

glorify with (the)

praise (of) your

Lord and ask forgive-

ness of Him.

Him ask forgiveness of and

Message from:

You can’t praise, if don’t truly believe that Allah is free from defects.

Our praise and glorification of Allah is imperfect, and we should seek forgiveness for that too.

Whenever we get to start a good work, we should glorify, praise and seek forgiveness of Allah

ح ك بحمد فسب واستغفره ربThen

glorify with (the)

praise (of) your

Lord and ask forgive-

ness of Him.


ح ك بحمد فسب واستغفره ربThen

glorify with (the)

praise (of) your

Lord and ask forgive-

ness of Him.

ابا كان ،إن ه (3) تو

Indeed, He is Oft-forgiving

سور الفتح ة

ابا كان ،إن ه (3) تو

Indeed, He is Oft-forgiving

،إن ه إن هم إن ك إن كم ين إ

إن نا إن ها

ابا كان ،إن ه (3) تو

Indeed, He is Oft-forgiving

was =كان

Only for Allah

is =كان

ابا كان ،إن ه (3) تو

Indeed, He is Oft-forgiving

to turnتاب

One who turnsتائب

One who turns oftenتو اب



ابا كان ،إن ه (3) تو

Indeed, He is Oft-forgiving

Message from:

Repent immediately!

Understand Qur’an & Salah The Easy Way

Lesson -9b

– قواعد


Use TPI (Total Physical Interaction)

Hear it

See it

Think it

Say it

Show it

Do it with love & enthusiasm


TPI (Total Physical Interaction): See it; say it; show it; listen to it;

think it;…

He هو They هم

You أنت

You all أنتم

I أنا

We نحن

4960* for from with, about with له، منه ،معه عنه معهم عنهم منهم لهم

معك عنك منك لك

معكم عنكم منكم لكم

ي لي ي من معي عن

معنا عن ا من ا لنا

معها عنها منها لها



with, in in on to, toward إليه عليه فيه ابه إليهم عليهم فيهم بهم إليك عليك فيك بك إليكم عليكم فيكم بكم إلي علي في بي إلينا علينا فينا بنا إليها عليها فيها بها


Kinds of words that we speak or write (Kalimaat)

Noun اسمName (كتاب، مك ة)

Attribute (مسلم، مؤمن)

Verb فعلTells us about an action

فتح، عملوا

Letter حرفJoins nouns and/or verbs

ب، ل، من، في، إن

Verb فعل

Verb فعل

ل ـ ـعـ ـف • حـ ـتـ ـف • رـ ـصـ ـن • ب رـ ـض •

In Arabic language, most Verbs are derived from three-letter roots

Arabic language has Verbs of two types of Tenses

Perfect Tense

Imperfect Tense

ي. فعل ماض 1

فعل مضارع2.

This Tense tells us that the work is Finished i.e. Past Tense.

This Tense encompasses two time periods, the Present & the Future, including the Continuous form.

Being done or will be done

ي فعل ماض

فعل مضارع

That which is done

That which is not done yet

Arabic language has Verbs of two types of Tenses

ي Perfect Tenseف علماض He did

They did


فعلوا You did

You all did



I did

We did



Almost 5,000 words

have come in the Qur’an on this pattern

ماض ي

وا ـ

عل ف

م ـت ـت

عل ف

عل ف

اـت ـن

He has already


They have already


فعل قد

فعلوا قد You have already


You all have already


فعلت قد

فعلتم قد I have already


We have already


فعلت قد

فعلنا قد

قد Already

Today’s Class

We will learn Imperfect Tense, using three root letters

“ف ع ل”

Arabic language has Verbs of two types of Tenses

Imperfect Tense

This Tense encompasses فعل مضارع2. two time periods, the Present & the Future, including the Continuous form.

He does

They do



You do

You all do



I do

We do


نفعل Flowers are chosen here to represent good deeds (good work) somebody is doing. We are all doing some good and we beg Allah to accept them. Keep this in mind while doing the ‘fa’ala’ exercises. He does (good work); They do (good work), …

Almost 5,000 words

have come in the Qur’an on these patterns

Imperfect Tense فعل مضارع


Imperfect Tense فعل مضارع


He does

They do



You do

You all do



I do

We do



يفعل يفعلون


فعلوا تفعل تفعلون


فعلتم أفعل




Almost 10,000 words

have come in the Qur’an on these patterns


When practicing in Arabic, say it as if you are talking to Arabs

soon he will do

soon they will do


يفعلون سوف سوف

soon you will do

soon you all will do


تفعلون سوف سوف

soon I will do

soon we will do


نفعل سوف سوف

Soon (will do)

very soon he will do

very soon they will do



very soon you will do

very soon you all will do



very soon I will do

very soon we will do



Very soon

(will do)

Learning Tip

Make a Team – and get 4 Extra Rewards Hadith:

The Prophet pbuh said: “No people assemble in one of the houses of Allah, reciting the Book of Allah and studying it among themselves, without:

ما اجتمع قوم في بيت ”يتلون كتاب هللامن بيوت

ويتدارسونه بينهم هللا :إال

Make a Team – and get 4 Extra Rewards Hadith:


– tranquillity descending upon them,

– Mercy (of Allah) covering them,

– the Angels surrounding them, and

– Allah making mention of them in the presence of those near Him.''


:إال نزلت عليهم السكينة ‒

وغشيتهم الرحمة ‒

وحفتهم المالئكة ‒

“فيمن عنده هللاوذكرهم ‒

Benefits of Group Study …

Everyone is a Student

And a ‘Teacher’! ...(وعل مه)

Regularity (you remind each other)

Shaitaan is weaker on a group, but stronger on individual… makes him leave within 3, 4 days

… Benefits of Group Study…

Weaker student gets support from others

Environment helps (even of sounds)

Encouragement (if he can do it, why can’t I)

Spirit of Competition

Benefits of Group Study

‘Home team’ is good, but not enough

Have separate teams: for men, for women, for boys, and for girls



By the end of this lesson, we have learnt

56 words, which occur in Qur’an almost 26,257 times

There are 4,500 words in Qur’an which are repeated almost 78,000 times

The best amongst you is the one who learns and teaches Quran

Allah has chosen you to learn Qur’an. Thank Him & don’t reject his selection by walking away!

Don’t give up!

Let’s Understand the Qur’an

Lesson -10a

In this lesson…

Qur’an: Surah Ikhlaas

Grammar : إفعل، إفعلوا، ال تفعل، ال تفعلوا Educational tip: Repetition

In this lesson you will learn 2 new words

which occur in Qur’an almost 432 times

By the end of this lesson, we will learn

58 words, which occur in quran almost 26,689 times

There are 4,500 words in Qur’an which are repeated almost 78,000 times



Introduction خالصاالة ور س

Revealed in the early Period of Mecca

The name of the Surah “Al-Ikhlaas”- means “The Purity”, thereby whoever recites it with understanding and belief, his ‘Imaan’ becomes pure.

This is an answer to the people who ask, “To which Lord do you worship?”


Sunnah of Prophet SAW to recite once after every obligatory prayer and three times after Fajr and Maghrib Prayers.

Sunnah of Prophet SAW to recite in the the Sunnah prayers of Fajr and Maghrib

This is a perfect description as to which entity could be worthy worshipping

Equals to 1/3rd of Qur’an

أحد هللا هو قل Say, He (is) Allah, [who is] One.

سور اإلخالص ة

(1) أحد هللا هو قل

Say, “He (is) Allah, [who is] One.

ق و ل


(1) أحد هللا هو قل

Say, “He (is) Allah, [who is] One.

.He is Allah هللاهو ا

(1) أحد هللا هو قل

Say, “He (is) Allah, [who is] One.

أ ح د

One and only


(1) أحد هللا هو قل

Say, “He (is) Allah, [who is] One.

Message from:

Ask: O Allah! Help me to make You alone as the true God and to obey You alone.

Evaluate: How many times have I obeyed my ‘Nafs’: (أفرأيت من ات خذ إلهه هواه)

How many times obeyed Shaitan? (أال تعبدوا الشيطان)

Why? Because of friends, TV, Internet…..

Plan: To Worship and Obey Just Allah,

Propagate =قل

هو قل Practice with imagination; feelings prayer

(1) أحد هللا

Say, He

[who is] One. (is) Allah,

مد هللا (2) الص

Allah, the Self-Sufficient.

سور اإلخالص ة

مد هللا (2) الص

Allah, the Self-Sufficient.

the Self-Sufficient

مد الص {2} الل

Everyone needs him

He needs no one

مد هللا (2) الص

Allah, the Self-Sufficient.

Message from:

My heart should be filled with His Greatness and His High Position.

O Allah! Please be enough for me (Ex: Someone says he has 1,000’s of jobs … and you are jobless)

مد هللا (2) الص

Practice with imagination; feelings & prayer

Allah, the Self-


(3) يولد ولم لم يلد

He did neither beget

and nor is He begotten,

سور اإلخالص ة

(3) يولد ولم لم يلد

He did neither beget

and nor is He begotten,

و ل د

did not

will not

لن لم

(3) يولد ولم لم يلد

He did neither beget

and nor is He begotten,

يلد لم He did not beget

و ل د

(3) يولد ولم لم يلد

He did neither beget

and nor is He begotten,

did not

will not

لم لن

و ل د

(3) يولد ولم لم يلد

He did neither beget

and nor is He begotten,

و ل د

begets (active voice)

is begotten (passive voice)

يلد يولد

(3) يولد ولم لم يلد

He did neither beget

and nor is He begotten,

و ل د

، والدين، ۃوالد، والد ، والدة، ميالداوالد

(3) يولد ولم لم يلد

He did neither beget

and nor is He begotten,

Message from:

Imagine the past: 100 yrs, 1000 yrs, million yrs, billion yrs, trillions yrs, zillions yrs, …. and He was there!

Imagine the future also… and fill your heart with awe and respect and love

To say that Allah has a son (Isa A.S.), is absolutely wrong

ولم لم يلد Practice with imagination; feelings & prayer

(3) يولد

He did neither beget

and nor

is He begotten,

(4) أحد كفوا ،ل ه و لم يكن

And (there) is not

unto Him comparable Anyone.

سور اإلخالص ة

(4) أحد كفوا ،ل ه و لم يكن

And (there) is not

unto Him comparable Anyone.

يكن لم و ك و نis not and

(4) أحد كفوا ،ل ه و لم يكن

And (there) is not

unto Him comparable Anyone.

for Him, unto Him

،له لهم





لكم دينكم ولي دين لها

(4) أحد كفوا ،ل ه و لم يكن

And (there) is not

unto Him comparable Anyone.

ك ف ء


Similar qualities

In matrimonials…

Scholar’s Recommendation

Boy’s family Girls’ family

(4) أحد كفوا ،ل ه و لم يكن

And (there) is not

unto Him comparable anyone.

أ ح د


One (for Allah only)


....{ 1} أحد قل هو الل

{4} أحد كفوا ،ولم يكن ل ه

(4) أحد كفوا ،ل ه و لم يكن

And (there) is not

unto Him comparable Anyone.

Message from:

One should have such a feeling that nobody is equal or comparable to Him in any way regarding:

Entity Attributes Rights Powers of Allah

(4) أحد كفوا ،ل ه و لم يكن

And (there) is not

unto Him comparable Anyone.

Message from:

Evaluate: Is there anybody whom I am afraid of? Do I expect some benefits from someone else? Do I think that someone is more powerful than Allah

O Allah! you be enough for me.

(4) أحد كفوا ،ل ه و لم يكن

And (there) is not

unto Him comparable Anyone.

Message from:

Neither there is a partner of Allah nor he has any relations.

There is no partner of Allah in his Qualities (Like no one knows the unknown)

There is no partner of Allah in his Rights (Worshipping Allah alone)

There is no partner of Allah in his Powers, (All the laws should be from Allah)

We should not only propagate this but also correct the wrongs.

We are required to plan for these.

Lessons from Surah

Story of a companion of Prophet SAS

he used to recite Surah Ikhlaas in every rakah of Salah

When he was asked why he does so, he said because I love this Surah.

Prophet SAS said, “Your love for it will admit you to Jannah.”

Recite it with Love

Example: Your relative!...

Allah is my creator, provider, whom I love, and He is my Mohsin!! Why not I remember him continuously?

And there is no one like my Rabb, and there will not be.

Feel the greatness and love of Allah, when you recite this Surah

Plan to propagate the oneness of Allah

85 أحد كفوا أحد ،و لم يكن ل ه، أحد هللاقل هو ا 347 لم لم يلد ولم يولد

New words in this lesson


صة ور س ال


(1)أحد هللا هو قل

Say, “He (is) Allah, [who is] One.

مد هللا (2)الص

Allah The Self-Sufficient


ص ةور



(3)ولم يولد لم يلد

He did neither beget and nor is He begotten

(4)أحد كفوا ،ل ه و لم يكن

And (there) is not unto Him comparable anyone.


Let’s Understand the Qur’an

Lesson -10b

– قواعد


Use TPI (Total Physical Interaction)

Hear it

See it

Think it

Say it

Show it

Do it will love & enthusiasm


Verb فعل

Verb فعل

ل ـ ـعـ ـف • حـ ـتـ ـف • رـ ـصـ ـن • ب رـ ـض •

In Arabic language, most Verbs are derived from three-letter roots

Being done or will be done

ي فعل ماض

فعل مضارع

That which is done

That which is not done yet

Arabic language has Verbs of two types of Tenses

Perfect Tenseفعل ماضي He did

They did


فعلوا You did

You all did



I did

We did



Almost 5,000 words have

come in the Qur’an on this pattern

He does

They do



You do

You all do



I do

We do


نفعل Flowers are chosen here to represent good deeds (good work) somebody is doing. We are all doing some good and we beg Allah to accept them. Keep this in mind while doing the ‘fa’ala’ exercises. He does (good work); They do (good work), …

Almost 5,000 words have

come in the Qur’an on these patterns

Imperfect Tense فعل مضارع

يفعل يفعلون


فعلوا تفعل تفعلون


فعلتم أفعل




Almost 10,000 words

have come in the Qur’an on these patterns


When practicing in Arabic, say it as if you are talking to Arabs

Today’s Class

Imperative رم أ Order/



Order / request نهىnot to do

We will learn these forms using three root letters

“ف ع ل”

!Don’t Do ال تفعل

!Don’t Do ال تفعلوا

!Do افعل

!Do افعلوا

He will do


He يف did



They will do

و عل


نThey did




Don’t Do!


ف ت


Do! عل You اف

will do عل


You ت





Don’t Do you





Do ال

you all!



You all will do

و عل



نYou all


م ف



I will do

عل ف

I أ

did ت



We will do

عل ن

We ف

did ا




وافعل = افعل + و + و وافعلوا= وا افعل

فافعل = افعل + ف + ف فافعلوا= وا افعل

= افعل + يا أبت يا أبت افعل

+ وقل = عملوا ا عملوااوقل

138 www.understandquran.com

Be Careful!

And Do (all of you)!

And they did

with Verbs, Attached Pronouns,


become Objects

with Verbs

him -ه، them - هم you - ك

you all - كم me -ني us -نا

with Verbs

with Verbs

created him خلقه، created them خلقهم created you ك خلق

created you all كم خلق created me يخلقن created us ناخلق

141 www.understandquran.com

Be Careful!

He created us. We created.

142 www.understandquran.com

Be Careful!

We made He made us.

143 www.understandquran.com

Be Careful!

He provided us. We provided.

144 www.understandquran.com

Prefixes and suffixes

ه هم ك م

ك يا ن


ع ف ل

و ف

قد ما

د، لقد، ولقدق وقد، ف

وما، فما

145 www.understandquran.com

Prefixes and suffixes

ه هم ك م

ك يا ن


يفع ل

و ف

سوف سـ لم ل

ن ل


، ف

وسوفســ وســـ،


،ل، أ





ف أ

م م، ول

لم، ف

ل أ

ن لن، ف


146 www.understandquran.com

Learning Tip

Earlier Tips

1. Brain has huge Capacity, largely unused 2. Create as many Flashes as possible 3. Take a Deep Breath 4. 95% Retention if we read, write, say,

see, and do

5. Think Big and Colorful

6. Learn with Love and Enthusiasm 7. Learn the Meanings with an Example

Tip No. 8: Repetition

Whatever you Learn … you Forget! Therefore, you need to Revise.

REVISION is a Must!

But the ‘System of Revision' is more important.

If you learn 100 things …

you forget 70% after an Hour!

If you Revise after an Hour, then you get them back, AND IT STAYS LONGER (FOR 1 DAY).

But by the end of next DAY…

you forget 70% again after one DAY!

If you Revise after 1 DAY, then you get them back,

AND IT STAYS LONGER (FOR 1 WEEK). But by the end of the WEEK…

you forget 70% again after one WEEK!

… and so on …

If you revise after 1 Week,

you remember till 1 MONTH

If you revise after 1 MONTH,

you remember till 6 MONTHS

Therefore, to ensure that you don’t forget, you should do…

1st Revision: After one Hour

2nd Revision: After one Day

3rd Revision: After one Week

4th Revision: After one Month

5th Revision: After one Semester (6 months)

To implement this, for learning Qur’an

We have introduced 7 + 2 Homeworks!!

All of them are absolutely simple, practical, and do-able by everyone.

What are they? Look for the next lesson.

First 2 of the 7 Homeworks

Two on recitation

1. Recite 5 min. at least from Mushaf

2. Recite 5 min. at least from memory

In Ten lessons, with the parts of Salah, we

Learned 58 words, which occur in Qur’an almost 26,689 times

There are 4,500 words in Qur’an which are repeated almost 78,000 times




The Best amongst you is the one who learns and teaches Qur’an

Allah has chosen you to learn Qur’an. Thank Him & don’t reject his selection by walking away!

Don’t give up!