Page 2-3 From the Rector Page 4 Way of the Heart by Deacon Judy Page 5-6 Music Notes from LeighAnn Page 7-10 Director of Christian Formation News & Newcomer Ministry Page 11 Worship Times/Mission & Vision Page 12 DOK & Men of St. Peters Page 13-14 M-O: Thompson House Easter Offering Page 15 Stewardship Corner Page 16-18 Vestry Minutes Page 19 Make a JOYFUL Noise! Page 20 April Events Page 21 Anniversaries, Birthdays Page 22 Staff and Vestry APRIL 2020 The Episcopal Church of Saint Peter by-the-Lake 8433 Fairfield Forest Rd. Denver, NC 28037 704-483-3460 www.saintpeterbythelake.net

APRILimages.acswebnetworks.com/1/3053/095322_AprilNET2020.pdf(Let us remember our family members and friends who were there with us, to comfort us during the most painful times of

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Page 1: APRILimages.acswebnetworks.com/1/3053/095322_AprilNET2020.pdf(Let us remember our family members and friends who were there with us, to comfort us during the most painful times of

Page 2-3 From the Rector Page 4 Way of the Heart by Deacon Judy Page 5-6 Music Notes from LeighAnn Page 7-10 Director of Christian Formation News & Newcomer Ministry Page 11 Worship Times/Mission & Vision Page 12 DOK & Men of St. Peters Page 13-14 M-O: Thompson House – Easter Offering

Page 15 Stewardship Corner Page 16-18 Vestry Minutes Page 19 Make a JOYFUL Noise! Page 20 April Events Page 21 Anniversaries, Birthdays Page 22 Staff and Vestry


2020 The Episcopal Church

of Saint Peter by-the-Lake

8433 Fairfield Forest Rd.

Denver, NC 28037



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Dear people of God at St. Peter by-the-Lake…it’s amazing how much life can change in a short period of time! I usually write these monthly messages at my desk at the church, but this month I write from my study at home. And of course, that’s because, as I write this, the entire state of North Carolina is under the ‘stay at home’ order of our Governor to help deal with the Covid – 19 virus situation. On those rare occasions when I do go out right now, there isn’t much traffic on the road, and many businesses are closed down. Our lives, at least in the short term, have been drastically altered by this new reality. Like all of you, I’m praying for an end to this virus. I’m praying for those most vulnerable in our midst. I’m praying for those in health care. I’m praying for therapies and a vaccine to put an end to the suffering and fear. I’m also missing ALL of you, the beloved saints at St. Peter by-the-Lake. It’s necessary that we stay apart right now to slow the spread of the virus. But that makes me just miss all of you all the more. I am missing our corporate worship, our laughter and fellowship, our many outreach services, and our times of learning together. Yet even as I miss all these things, I hear the words of my mother in the back of my mind…”Son, even this shall pass.” And it will pass. And one day we will be together once again to celebrate the Eucharist. Remember that this year, April is the month of Holy Week and Easter. This is the month that especially calls to our minds the resurrection of Jesus. And it’s out of that resurrection to new life that the church was called into being. And Jesus told us that the gates of Hell would not prevail against His church. This will pass! In the meantime, remember that there are still many ways that we can be the Body of Christ right now, even as we cannot be together in the same place at the same time. 1. We can continue to pray each and every day. We can pray for the church, our community, the nation and the world.




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2. We can recommit ourselves to daily scripture and devotional reading. Spend some time with God’s word written. Even a short devotional reading, over time, brings forth great rewards. 3. Join with the rest of our St. Peter’s community ‘on-line’ each week for worship, praise, and message. Services are posted through our parish website and Facebook page each week during this time. 4. Get out the parish phonebook and call some folks to check on them. Talk and pray with each other. Does anyone need anything? Just hearing another familiar voice sometimes makes all the difference in the world. 5. As you are able, in the midst of this uncertainty, please continue to support St. Peter’s financially. If your circumstances enable you, remember your pledge right now. This will help us to continue to pay the bills, and staff salaries. For those who don’t give on-line, you can do good ole’ snail mail to 8433 Fairfield Forest Road, Denver NC 28037. Finally, continue to be of faith and of good cheer. We will be together again. We will experience the Eucharist together again…and I’ll just bet the peace will last a good 30 minutes!! See you all soon. Faithfully, Father Ron

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In these difficult times, God is faithful.

God is with us and will never fail us!

“O God, our help in ages past”

O God, our help in ages past, our hope for years to come,

our shelter from the stormy blast, and our eternal home:

under the shadow of thy throne thy saints have dwelt secure;

sufficient is thine arm alone, and our defense is sure.

Before the hills in order stood, or earth received her frame,

from everlasting thou art God, to endless years the same.

(Hymn 680, verses 1-3)

Faithfully, +Deacon Judy

The Way of the Heart

By Deacon Judy Cole

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Music Notes ♫ April, 2020

As I reflected on what I wanted to share with you this month, one phrase kept popping up in my mind: “In Times Like These…”. This “oldie but goodie” is a gospel hymn from the 1940’s made popular by George Beverly Shea and the Billy Graham crusades. As is the case of many hymns we sing today, this one was written by a “regular person” – a housewife, not a trained professional musician or poet. Ruth Caye Jones was a pastor’s wife, mother of five, and self-taught pianist and organist in rural Pennsylvania during World War II. She was distressed by the horrible tragedies and loss of life in the war. It seemed as though the Allies were only barely making progress in Europe and supplies were rationed at home. People were living under incredible tension, stress, and strain. Sound familiar? Inspired by 2 Timothy 3:1 “…”There will be terrible times in the last days”, Mrs. Jones scribbled down the words to “In Times Like These” on a small notepad in her apron pocket. A series of notes also played in her mind. Only later did she realize they came from the old clock on the mantle with its iconic Westminster Chimes. “In Times Like These.” was born. Ruth’s song may have been inspired by 2 Timothy 3:1, but it is based on her knowledge of another verse - Hebrews 6:19, which says: “This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast.” The words that Mother Jones wrote almost 80 years ago ring more true today than they ever have. When we encounter ‘storms’, we have the assurance that our anchor will hold. No storm can or will destroy us. We can hold onto these and other scriptures as we face the troubling times of the COVID 19 pandemic.

In times like these we need a Savior;

In times like these we need an anchor.

Be very sure, be very sure

Your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock!

MUSIC NOTES By: LeighAnn Johnston

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This Rock is Jesus, yes, He’s the One.

This Rock is Jesus, the only One!

Be very sure, be very sure

Your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock!

In times like these we need the Bible.

In times like these O’ be not idle.

Be very sure, be very sure

Your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock!

This Rock is Jesus, He’s the One.

This Rock is Jesus, God’s only Son!

Be very sure, be very sure

Your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock!

In times like these I have a Savior;

In times like these I have an anchor.

I’m very sure, I’m very sure

My anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock!

This Rock is Jesus, yes, He’s the One.

This Rock is Jesus, the only One!

Be very sure, be very sure

Your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock!

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Here is a short version of “Stations of the Cross”.

We can meditate on these stations during our free

time, wherever we are – be it office, school or home.

These stations will help us to remember Jesus and

his passion during the Lenten Season, amidst our

busy schedules. As we read each station, let us

picturize Jesus and his agony in our minds. As we meditate on each station for a while,

let us surrender our lives to Jesus. All our burdens, our sorrows, the crosses we carry and

more importantly our sins. The “Way of the Cross” will help us to relate our lives with

the Sufferings of Jesus.

1. First Station: Jesus is condemned to death.

V. We adore Thee, O Christ, and we bless Thee.

R. Because by Thy holy Cross, Thou hast redeemed the world.

(We may have been condemned by others for no fault of ours. We may have been hurt.

We may be unwanted and lonely in this world. We may be a burden for others. Let us give

all those painful moments over to the Lord.)

2. Second Station: Jesus carries the Cross.

V. We adore Thee, O Christ, and we bless Thee.

R. Because by Thy holy Cross, Thou hast redeemed the world.

(Let us remember the times when he had to carry our cross in the form of sin, sickness,

pain, worry, despair, loneliness, guilt, loss of loved ones, financial problems and so on.

As Jesus bore the cross with patience, let us be patient with our cross and look forward

towards greater glory.)

3. Third Station: Jesus falls the first time.

V. We adore Thee, O Christ, and we bless Thee.

R. Because by Thy holy Cross, Thou hast redeemed the world.

(Let us remember the first time when we gave into temptation and sinned. We fell into sin

and moved away from God. Let us repent and ask Jesus for his forgiveness.)

4. Fourth Station: Jesus meets his mother.


Formation News

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V. We adore Thee, O Christ, and we bless Thee.

R. Because by Thy holy Cross, Thou hast redeemed the world.

(Let us remember our Heavenly Mother who gave birth to Jesus Christ and raised him on

this earth. Let us believe in our Heavenly Mother’s powerful intercession. Mother Mary

can intercede for us and obtain all graces we need in our lives. Let Mother Mary be our

comfort and strength during this earthly journey.)

5. Fifth Station: Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus to carry his cross.

V. We adore Thee, O Christ, and we bless Thee.

R. Because by Thy holy Cross, Thou hast redeemed the world.

(When we were burdened with our cross, when the cross was too heavy for us to carry,

Jesus would have sent someone into our lives to help us carry the cross. It may have been

your spouse, your parents, your children, your friends or even a stranger. Jesus would

never abandon us. Let us thank Jesus for all those people who gave us hope.)

6. Sixth Station: Veronica wipes the face of Jesus.

V. We adore Thee, O Christ, and we bless Thee.

R. Because by Thy holy Cross, Thou hast redeemed the world.

(Let us remember our family members and friends who were there with us, to comfort us

during the most painful times of our life. Let us pray for them, for all the times they

comforted us and brought back faith to our lives. )

7. Seventh Station: Jesus falls for the second time.

V. We adore Thee, O Christ, and we bless Thee.

R. Because by Thy holy Cross, Thou hast redeemed the world.

(We often feel sorry and repent for our sins. We again fall into temptation and then forget

everything pretty soon. We go back to our sinful lives, falling into even more greater sins.

Let us surrender our hearts to the Lord and be truly repentant and sorry. Let us strive not

to keep committing the same sins over and over.)

8. Eight Station: Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem.

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V. We adore Thee, O Christ, and we bless Thee.

R. Because by Thy holy Cross, Thou hast redeemed the world.

(Let us be compassionate and merciful to the people around us. Let us open our eyes to

the people suffering in this world. As Jesus comforted the women of Jerusalem, let us

have mercy on those in distress. Let our hearts reach out to the Sinners and the people

who yet don’t know Jesus.)

9. Ninth Station: Jesus falls the third time.

V. We adore Thee, O Christ, and we bless Thee.

R. Because by Thy holy Cross, Thou hast redeemed the world.

(Let this be the last time we sin. Let us make our hearts strong and pray to Jesus for

strength to fight the temptations of Satan. Let us become closer to God during this Lenten

Season, through Fasting, Prayer and Almsgiving.)

10. Tenth Station: Jesus is stripped of his clothes.

V. We adore Thee, O Christ, and we bless Thee.

R. Because by Thy holy Cross, Thou hast redeemed the world.

(Surrender all those moments in your life which you wish had never ever happened and

want to forget forever. It may have been a moment of great embarrassment or great

shame. It may be a moment when somebody insulted you or hurt you deeply. When Jesus

was stripped of his clothes, he was ashamed and hurt, but he bore everything for our sins.

Let us invite Jesus to heal our wounds and surrender all painful moments of our lives to


11. Eleventh Station: Jesus is nailed to the Cross.

V. We adore Thee, O Christ, and we bless Thee.

R. Because by Thy holy Cross, Thou hast redeemed the world.

(Let us give up our sinful life. Let all our sins be nailed to the cross so that we can live a

new life in Jesus. As Jesus endured unbearable pain while being nailed to the cross, let us

bear our sorrows with patience and hold onto life.)

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12. Twelfth Station: Jesus dies on the Cross.

V. We adore Thee, O Christ, and we bless Thee.

R. Because by Thy holy Cross, Thou hast redeemed the world.

(Let the Sinful Man in us die on the Cross along with Jesus. Let us resolve to never sin

again and avoid all temptation.)

13. Thirteenth Station: The body of Jesus is taken down from the Cross.

V. We adore Thee, O Christ, and we bless Thee.

R. Because by Thy holy Cross, Thou hast redeemed the world.

(Jesus, you died for our sins and purchased for us the reward of eternal life. Let us

always keep that in our minds and live this life with hope.)

14. Fourteenth Station: Jesus is laid in the tomb.

V. We adore Thee, O Christ, and we bless Thee.

R. Because by Thy holy Cross, Thou hast redeemed the world.

(Let us look forward to the Eternal Life that Jesus has offered us by giving his own life as

ransom. Let us pray to Jesus for the grace of a happy death.)

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8:30AM Holy Eucharist or

Morning Prayer with

Holy Eucharist

9:30AM Christian Formation for

all ages

10:30AM Holy Eucharist:

traditional service with

full choir Nursery available at both services.


Please be sure to schedule all reservations of the church facilities through the Parish Administrator so your events can be placed on the Church’s main calendar. Thank you!

Check out our website!

Our web address is: www.saintpeterbythelake.net

Vision of St. Peter by-the-Lake

In response to our Lord Jesus Christ’s

missional imperative to baptize and

teach all nations….and to love God and

our neighbors as ourselves: We the

clergy, vestry, and people of the

Episcopal Church of St. Peter by-the-

Lake commit ourselves to:

*Walk in the Way (Spiritual growth

through worship, formation,

repentance & prayer)

*Widen the Walls (Proclaiming the

Good News by Word & Example)

*Wake up the World (Striving for

Justice & Peace. Respecting the dignity

of every person)

Mission of St. Peter by-the-


In response to our parish vision: The

mission of The Episcopal Church of St.

Peter by-the-Lake is to:

*Be Disciples: Engage the World*

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Daughters of the King

The Daughters of the King is an international lay order of women in the Episcopal Church who are dedicated to prayer and study with the purpose of knowing and growing closer to Jesus Christ, making Him known to others, and becoming reflections of God’s love throughout the world. Monthly and Quarterly gatherings offer opportunities for sharing and through various activities joyfully enhancing our relationship with each other and more importantly, Jesus Christ. All women are welcome.

Please feel free to contact me or any of the Daughters with questions.

For His Sake

Josette R. Anzalone Phone/Text 919.939.0759 Email – [email protected]


Group contact: If you would

like to receive emails

regarding activities of the

men in the Church (and

currently are not receiving

them), send your email

address to

[email protected] (and

we will add you to this

year's list. Anyone without

email can call David

Pittinaro (704) 530-1858,

and we will set up a calling


Men of St. Peter by-the-Lake

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With the current situation, the easiest approach is to write a check to St. Peter By-the-Lake, designate Easter Offering in the For: ______ and mail it to the church at 8433 Fairfield Forest Rd, Denver, NC 28037. If you want to use the electronic option, go to the SPBTL website and select “Online Giving” from the Resources tab. Click the ‘CLICK HERE TO GIVE’ button to donate online. To the right of “Give to:” you will have to choose “Offering” from the three choices - Tithe, Offering, Building Fund. Otherwise it will default to Tithe.

For over ten years, St. Peter by-the-Lake has been directly engaging and supporting Thompson (aka Thompson Child & Family Focus). Following is an excerpt from the Thompson website (www.thompsoncff.org), sharing their story and mission:

THE THOMPSON STORY At Thompson we see lives with tremendous potential all around us. We

strive to help make that potential into reality. Children and families struggling with neglect, abuse and hardship require the kind of commitment and compassion that is unique to kind of support we provide. That's why Thompson is the trusted partner and preferred community resource for a child or adult who needs to establish healthy relationships with their family and their community. We are where our clients need us - at our own campuses and treatment centers, through outpatient services in homes and schools, through family education or with full psychiatric services and residential programs. Thompson provides comprehensive education, treatment and care designed to transform lives. Our goal is to create a stable foundation on which children and families can learn to thrive for a lifetime. At Thompson, we are dedicated to Strengthening Children, Families and Communities. _____________________________________________________________________________ During 2018 Thompson embarked on an ambitious but critical new initiative to provide Charlotte Metro Area children born into generational poverty the realistic hope of achieving economic prosperity during their lifetime. The following announcement (www.thompsoncff.org/friends-of-the-children-charlotte/) describes the purpose and plans for the initiative.

A monthly highlight of organizations we support with our Time, Talent and Treasure.

FOCUS ON MISSION - OUTREACH TEAM And do not neglect doing good and sharing; for with such sacrifices God is pleased. Hebrews 13:16

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Thompson has collaborated with the national nonprofit Friends of the Children to launch Friends of the Children – Charlotte, which will begin enrolling youth in July of 2018. The program will provide Charlotte’s most vulnerable children with a long-term, salaried, professional mentor, who we call a Friend, for 12 ½ years – no matter what. Why Does Charlotte Need This? In 2013 researchers ranked Charlotte, NC, 50th out of 50 among the largest U.S. cities in economic mobility. This means the zip code a child is born into is what ultimately defines their future…. For the Charlotte-Mecklenburg area at large, the U.S. Census currently reports that 44% of the 13,976 children ages 4-5 live in households earning below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level. In Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (CMS) with the highest concentration of black students, only 29% of third graders read at or above grade level, compared with 59% at balanced campuses and 82% in schools with the highest concentration of white students. And this is just the beginning… The Friends of the Children model has the potential to address the needs of children in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg community because it has a proven track-record of releasing children from intergenerational poverty.

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PLANNING for END-of-LIFE It is never too early to create a meaningful End-of-Life Plan to ensure your wishes are followed and your family is cared for properly. The Book of Common Prayer, page 445: “The minister of the congregation is directed to instruct the people from time to time, about the duty of Christian parents to make prudent provisions for the well-being of their families and of all persons to make wills while they are in health, arranging for the disposal of their temporal goods, not neglecting, if they are able, to leave bequests for religious and charitable uses.” The Stewardship Committee is currently planning an End-of-Life Seminar under the leadership of Tricia Wagner ([email protected] -704- 756-5511) and Pamela Weed ([email protected] – 704-562-1715) for all members of the congregation. Topics will include:

- Legal considerations; ensuring your wishes are followed - Funeral and cemetery planning - Pastoral care for the sick - Charitable legacy planning

There will be a Q&A session following the presentation when you can ask questions of the panel of expert presenters. More information will follow as the date and plans are confirmed.

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VESTRY MINUTES February 17th, 2020

Vestry Members Present: Sherree Brady, Vicki Gaver, Ron Horne, Daniel Malyevac, Ronnie Rudd, Rebecca Smith, Michelle Stewart Clergy Present: Father Ron Taylor, Deacon Judy Cole Other Members Present: Gary Johnston, Bill Reid, Phil Shapiro, Daphne Wagner Opening Prayer: (Father Ron) Discussion/Decision: Minutes: December minutes were approved. Financials: (Gary Johnston)

The Super bowl luncheon proceeds for East Lincoln Christian Ministry was $525.00.

This was the second month in a row that our revenues and expenses looked good!

For period ending January 31st, total spending budget including mortgage P&I was

$31,910.59. Total amount spent was $29,327.34 with a budget spending difference of

$2,583.25. We have taken in more than we have spent. Vestry approved the


Technology Report: (Bill Reid & Phil Shapiro) There is a need for live streaming of our services to

reach members who are unable to attend church. Bill and Phil visited three different churches to

research different live streaming systems to see what churches similar to our size were using. It

would cost approximately $5,000 for live streaming video and audio equipment to be able to view

our service on St. Peters website. This would include the software and licensing for the equipment, 3

cameras with tilt and zoom capabilities, all the coax cables, switches and wiring, and lighting. All of

the equipment would be housed on the balcony. Father Ron would have a microphone attached to

him. We would need a dedicated team of people that will sit up there and take control of the camera

to film the service. Father Ron suggested that we only need to livestream the gospel lesson and the

sermon, we don’t need to broadcast the entire service, as it would take too long. Vestry gave Bill and

Phil approval to proceed to work within the $5,000 budget to acquire the equipment for the live


Junior Warden: (Ronnie Rudd)

No issues so far this year. We replaced a bulb out in the hallway. We will have to

add a small fixture over the mirror to the bathroom in the library. The light on the

sign out by the road went out because the light seal went out and fried the board.

Ron Horne was able to make the repair. Father Ron wants to clean out the back-end

closet in Furr Hall, so we can have more room to store things we need. Ronnie has

been approached again about remodeling the kitchen.

Vestry Liaison:

Daughters of the King will get a new president this year.

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VESTRY MINUTES February 17th, 2020 continued

Junior Warden: (Ronnie Rudd) Continued

(No detail plans for the kitchen were part of Widen the Walls. The Feasibility Study

indicated that we would not be able to raise enough funds to do the kitchen too, so

it was never in scope for detail design planning from WtW.) We would have to get a

building permit for this project. Ron Horne will approach Gra Wagner with G.P. Kon

Custom Builders about helping out with managing the project.

Senior Warden: (Ron Horne)

Most of what I have done this month is help the Junior Warden get acclimated to

the new position of Junior Warden.

Upcoming Schedules/Events:

Sunday, 2/23 there will be three baptisms, two at the 8:30 service and one at the

10:30 service.

Tuesday, 2/25 Shrove Tuesday with pancake supper, 5:30 pm-7:00 pm.

Wednesday, 2/26 Ash Wednesday service 7:00 pm.

Sunday, 3/8 daylight savings time, Acolyte Festival and Boy Scout and Girl Scout

Sunday. McKenzie Weed will be preaching. Daniel Malyevac and Father Ron will

have lunch for the Acolytes after the 10:30 service.

Sunday, 3/29 Bishop Jose visits during the 10:30 service with lunch served

afterwards. There will be 18-23 folks to be confirmed that day.

The Brotherhood of St. Peter was launched and about 20 guys have committed.

The YMCA wants to see if we are interested in being a host church, for

yoga/exercise class by sending an instructor here that would be open and free to

the whole Westport area. Father Ron will explore further, as he thinks it would be a

good community outreach.

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VESTRY MINUTES February 17th, 2020 continued

Vestry Liaison:

Daughters of the King will get a new president this year.

The Alexander Concert Series is currently trying to raise funds to purchase a nice

used upright piano to leave upstairs. This will avoid having to transport the existing

piano up and down the stairs when needed.

Vestry to e-mail their assigned parish members a couple of weeks before Holy


Father Ron was nominated to serve on the Executive Council for the Episcopal

Diocese of Western NC (this is like the Bishops Vestry). He will serve for three years.

Sherree Brady is the 2020 President of the Episcopal Foundation of Western NC.

Deacon Report: (Deacon Judy Cole)

Asking prayers for the residents of Lakewood, the flu has hit them bad. They don’t

want any visitors right now.

Cadence Assisted Living Center in Huntersville has asked if St. Peter’s could sponsor

a Bible study for their residents.

Closing Prayer: (Deacon Judy)

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Though our building may be closed, the church remains

open through you, your families, and their actions and

prayers. We encourage you to find ways to acknowledge and celebrate Holy Week and Easter at home.

April 5th Palm Sunday (online 10:30am)

April 9th Maundy Thursday (online 7pm)

April 10th Good Friday (see Kina’s message this month)

April 12th Easter Sunday (online 10:30am)

Upcoming Events:

May 10th Mother’s Day

June 21st Fathers’ Day

July 5th Independence Day Service

July 20th – 23rd Vacation Bible School

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5 – Jason and Libby Barger

9 – Jim and Ginny Pretty

17 – Patrick and Patty Duggan

18 – David and Nancy Pittinaro


Happy Anniversary

Happy Birthday

2 – Joanna Fletcher

3 – Pearson Aebischer

3 – Patty Duggan

4 – Sarah Ortner

5 – Maria Becker

5 – Jonathan Plyler

6 – Hallie Shinn

8 – Judy Cole

9 – Jim Loftin

10 – Diane Zawacki

12 – Samantha Jarvis

13 – Nancy Pittinaro

14 – Elijah Feneque

15 – Michele Moss

16 – Glenda Loftin

17 – Brittany Bowden

17 – Escher Griffin

18 – Martha Parton

19 – Mason Rudd

20 – Victoria Jordan

22 – Callie Berchem

23 – Will Crist

23 – Judith Hahn

23 – Libby Motto

24 – Ginny Pretty

24 – Margie Lunney

24 – Leigh Anne Wisham

25 – Bailey Fowle

25 – Ken Halley

25 – Rosie Thyne

29 – Michael Emmerson

29 – Frank Herbst

30 – Isabelle Dalton

30 – Jessica Ireland

19 – Joe and Tiffany Ferebee

20 – Gamaliel & Christina Feneque

21 – Will and Claudia Crist

22 – Jim & Eileen Kosmala

30 – Gilbert & Beverly Moore

Page 22: APRILimages.acswebnetworks.com/1/3053/095322_AprilNET2020.pdf(Let us remember our family members and friends who were there with us, to comfort us during the most painful times of



The Rev. Dr. Ronald B. Taylor, Rector 704-483-4634 (home), 704-618-7213 (cell)

[email protected]

The Rev. Judith Cole, Deacon 704-483-4321 (home), 704-534-1496 (cell)

[email protected]

Leigh Ann Johnston, Organist/Director of Music

Kina Cartee, Director of Christian Formation & Newcomers Ministry

[email protected]

Kate D’Amato, Parish Administrator

[email protected]

Janice McGuire, Accounting [email protected]

Gary Johnston, Treasurer

[email protected]

Grimelda Alderman, Nursery Staff Angeline Carmichael, Nursery Staff


Senior Warden – Ron Horne

Junior Warden – Ronnie Rudd Sherree Brady

Vikki Gaver Cyndi Jarvis

Daniel Malyevac Scott Mical

Beckye Smith Michelle Stewart

Clerk of the Vestry: Daphne Wagner