Lesson #10 Healing Through Relationships By By Stacey Mayo, MCC Center for Balanced Living, Inc. http://www.LifeTransformationTools.com

Lesson10 Relationships Hooponopono

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Lesson #10 Healing Through

Relationships By

By Stacey Mayo, MCC

Center for Balanced Living, Inc.


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Life Transformation Tools & More Lesson 10: Healing Through Relationships

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Life Transformation Tools & More Lesson 10: Healing Through Relationships

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Lesson 10: Healing Through Relationships In lesson 9, we talked about creating a delicious perspective on life. This is so important. If we let what we hear on the news or from others determine our perspective, we are being victims. Continue to create a positive perspective on whatever is happening in your life and things will get better and better and better. Links to all previous lessons are at the end of this document.

Today we are going to stop and look at what happens when we get triggered by others in our life. This can be co-workers, colleagues, bosses, friends, significant others, the person in traffic or in line at the grocery store . . . anyone!

When we get upset by what someone else does or says, it is an opportunity for growth and healing. And that growth and healing can actually come very quickly with the tool I am going to teach you today.

Let’s look at some examples. Here’s a simple one. I was listening to a recording in the car the other day. I found myself feeling irritated because the speaker was saying stuff I already knew and not covering what I was expecting from the lesson. I found myself wanting to shut off the recording and not listen anymore. I already knew that information.

Whenever we go to a place of, “I already know that and shut down”, it is a good sign we are in resistance to something. There is something to clear. The speaker on the CD provided an opportunity for me to heal and grow.

Here is another example. I see it all the time with spouses. They get in an argument and both take the position that they are right. Frustration and anger mounts. They can clearly see that the other one is being stubborn ☺

Or perhaps you are not having any luck getting a spouse or business colleague to do what you asked. It pisses you off. You see them as being disrespectful or irresponsible.

I could go on and on.

Whenever we get triggered by someone they are acting like a mirror for us. Generally, they are showing us one of three things:

1) They may be showing us part of ourselves that we do not like. If someone shows up and is embodying an energy or characteristic that you find annoying or unpleasant. Ask yourself what is it about this person that bothers me? Then identify that energy within yourself. We are all connected and have the same energy within us. Usually it shows up in a bigger, bolder form in others so that we cannot miss the message.

2) If you cannot find that energy or characteristic within yourself, then it may be that you have a strong judgment about it such that you would never want to be like that. i.e. “I would never brag so much, it is wrong and obnoxious.” In this case, we actually need to embrace this characteristic in order to become

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whole. We do not need to embody it to the extent it is being shown to us, but in this instance for example, we might need to take on the ability to speak confidently about what we do and the successes we have had.

3) We are aware of a specific energy or characteristic but have no reaction to it other than it is unpleasant and it does not belong here. We can understand it as we have been there before but no longer embody this energy. We do not take it personally.

Each time a person shows up with an energy that bothers you, it is an opportunity for healing and personal growth. When you take on healing yourself, that energy will also extend out to others.

Today I am going to teach you a simple tool to use in this type of situation.


You may have heard of Ho’oponopono. To give you some history on it, I have excerpted part of the definition from Wikipedia.

Ho'oponopono is a Hawaiian word defined in the Hawaiian Dictionary as "Mental cleansing: family conferences in which relationships were set right through prayer, discussion, confession, repentance, and mutual restitution and forgiveness."

The term has been popularized as a form of family or personal therapy.

Some practitioners believe it is an ancient Hawaiian practice. To date, the earliest documentation of a practice called Ho'oponopono is from Mary Kawena Pukui, who recorded her experiences and observations from her childhood (born 1895) in her 1958 book

Mary described it as a practice of extended family members meeting to try to "make right" broken family relations ("making right" is the literal translation of the Hawaiian term).

In the 1980s, Morrnah Simeona developed what she called an updated and streamlined version of ho'oponopono that is practiced by the individual alone and called Self I-Dentity Ho'oponopono. Her practice continues to be taught by her students in Hawaii. According to Morrnah Simeona, ho'oponopono is a Hawaiian healing process based on the principles of total responsibility, taking responsibility for everyone's actions. She taught if one would take complete responsibility for one's life, then everything one would see, hear, taste, touch, or in any way experience is one's responsibility because it is in one's life. Total Responsibility advocates that everything exists as a projection from inside the human being. The problem isn't with our external reality, it is with ourselves and to change our reality, we would have to change ourselves.

Ho’oponopono is based on the belief that we don’t see people how they actually are but we see our own reaction to them. And our reaction to them comes from our memories.

Those memories may be ours or those of our ancestors. It is not necessary to consciously remember a memory to clear it.

It is also based on the principle that peace begins with me. So if we feel peaceful, people around us will feel it too.

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Life Transformation Tools & More Lesson 10: Healing Through Relationships

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In our life we are either coming from a place of inspiration or from memories. The two cannot exist simultaneously although we can have inspiration and then after that memories can still get triggered. For example let’s say you get inspired to take action and the next day find yourself doubting yourself. That doubt comes from memories. When you clear the memories, the inspiration is still there.

We can use ho’oponopono on anything. For purposes of this lesson, I chose to focus on relationships.

Important: Please do not do this with the intent to fix others. That is not a healing energy.

A Simple But Powerful Process

Ho'oponopono practice involves communicating with the subconscious at the moment you observe a "reaction" by deed, word, thought or feeling.

So if you notice a reaction in yourself to another person, it is time for ho’oponopono.

Ask yourself the question, “what is it about this person or what this person did, that bothers/triggers me?”

“Are there times in my life that I have embodied that energy or done something like that – perhaps on a smaller scale”? For example if you are mad at someone who lied to you – ask yourself, “when have I lied?”

If you are bothered by someone who is angry and you do not let yourself get that angry because you think it is wrong, get in touch with that part of you that judges anger.

If you are bothered by someone who is negative about a situation and you cannot find that part in your now, see if you can remember being negative about something similar at some point in your life.

Once you have found that part of you that is either similar or judgmental of that part in someone else, take a quiet moment to get in touch with the place where that part resides in your body. Just take a deep breath and notice where you feel it in your body.

If you cannot sense it, do the eye scan and get centered in your body.

Close your eyes and focus on the dot to the left and then the dot to the right. Do this 5 or 6 times and then take a breath and fully relax.

Now notice where that place is in your body.

If you still cannot sense it, that is okay. Imagine that it is in your body.

Now you are ready to cleanse.

Say the following to yourself from an authentic place.

Say it slowly and deliberately.

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Life Transformation Tools & More Lesson 10: Healing Through Relationships

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I love you.

I am sorry.

Please forgive me.

Thank you.

Keep repeating these sentences over and over. The exact sequence is not important.

Notice what you notice. You may have thoughts or feelings or memories or just feel energy moving. At some point, you may sigh or take a deep breath.

There may be emotion that comes up. There may not.

It will be different each time.

Just notice what you notice. Be in touch with yourself and keep repeating the sentences until you feel complete.

This may happen in just a few minutes or a few hours. Or you may choose to cleanse for a while and then come back and cleanse more if it does not feel complete.

You will know you are complete when your feel peaceful and that aspect of the person no longer triggers you.

That’s all there is to it. Short and sweet but powerful.

Real Life Example:

Recently I was talking to a client who had been holding resentment towards her sister for a year because of an unresolved conversation. She had barely spoken with her during that time and she didn’t want to feel this way anymore. We found that place in her that was similar to what her sister did – that part of her that was “selfish.”

Her assignment was to do ho’oponopono on this. She did and when she came back the following week, she no longer felt any angst towards her sister. About a month later, she picked up the phone and spontaneously called her sister and they talked for over an hour – just catching up.

This is what is possible as a result of clearing with ho’oponopono.


Do you ever find yourself jealous of other people? Perhaps people that are succeeding faster than you or have something you want. This is another good place to do some ho’oponopono. When you look inside you may see a lack of self-worth that is keeping you from thinking you can have what they have. Clear that and watch what happens.

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This video is a more in depth explanation of ho’oponopono and how it was used in a prison and the miracles that happened


Here is a beautiful ho’oponopono song and video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ac5SGwRPv0o

This Month’s Assignment

Wishing you the best in living out your dreams,

Stacey Mayo, The Dream Queen Master Certified Coach and Publisher of Life Transformation Tools & More

1) Notice who bothers you and when

2) Get in touch with that part in yourself

3) Clear by repeating ho’oponopono to yourself until you are at peace and no longer triggered.

4) Consider each time you get triggered by someone, an opportunity to heal and grow and be at more peace with yourself. 

Coming Up in the Future...

Coming up in the future, more quick ways to raise your vibration, open your channel and bring you to a place of peace and clearing without having to know the source of what is blocking you. 

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Previous Lessons

Creating a Delicious Perspective and a Delicious Life – Lesson 9 … Click here to access

Going From Stressed Out to Blissed Out - Lesson 8 … Click here to access.

Principles and Tools for Manifesting What You Desire - Lesson 7 … Click here to access.

Health and Wellness – Moving towards a healthier you - Lesson 6 … Click here to access.

Increase Your Self Confidence Quickly and Easily - Lesson 5 … Click here to access.

Develop Your Intuition to Clarify Direction, Get Answers and much more - Lesson 4 … Click Here to access.

Manual Muscle Testing: Asking Your Body for the Truth - Lesson 3 … Click Here to access.

Working with Energy & How to Hear What is in Your Way - Lesson 2 … Click Here to access.

Clearing Your Concerns about Attaining Your Goal – Lesson 1, Part 2d … Click Here to access.

Clearing Resistance – Lesson 1, Part 2c … Click Here to access.

Instructions to Program in Cue Word – Lesson 1, Part 2b … Click Here to access.

ZPoint, A Tool for Clearing What’s in the Way – Lesson 1, Part 2a … Click Here to access.

Releasing Self Sabotage - Lesson 1, Part 1 … Click Here to access.

Getting Started Quick … Click Here to access.