Lesson Starter Create a spider diagram showing the 4 Principles of the Scottish Parliament.

Lesson Starter Create a spider diagram showing the 4 Principles of the Scottish Parliament

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Page 1: Lesson Starter Create a spider diagram showing the 4 Principles of the Scottish Parliament

Lesson StarterCreate a spider diagram

showing the 4 Principles of the Scottish Parliament.

Page 2: Lesson Starter Create a spider diagram showing the 4 Principles of the Scottish Parliament

Today we will…

•Describe the meaning of a Representative Democracy

•Identify the different role of an MSP in the constituency.

•Outline how to answer a Knowledge question for the National Qualifications.

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Success Criteria• I can define the meaning of

a representative democracy. • I can list and explain the

role of an MSP in their constituency.

• I can produce a model answer using the structure for a Knowledge question about the role of an MSP

Page 4: Lesson Starter Create a spider diagram showing the 4 Principles of the Scottish Parliament

Task 1: What is Democracy?

• On your placemat write down what you think the features of democracy.

• Now, as a group, write down the top 5 things that make a democracy.

Social Target: ListeningAcademic Target: To

learn the features of a democracy

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Democracy • The term democracy

is derived from the ancient Greek words demos meaning ‘people’ and kratos meaning ‘power’.

• Democracy is based on concept (idea) of participation.

• Key feature of a democracy are elections which allow people to have their say in who runs their country.

The opposite of a democracy is a dictatorship – this is a political system where the people have no say in who represents them and runs their country.

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Representative Democracy In the UK we have a representative

democracyThis means that we elect people (MPs, MSPs, MEPs, Local Councillors) to make decisions on our behalf.However, at times we participate in direct democracy which is when the people vote on an issue / question.

Can you think of any examples of direct

democracy? What is the name for this?

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Representation • In a democracy we elect people to speak on our behalf, this

is called representation. Many different people can be ‘representatives’ such as local councillors, MSPs, MPs, MEPs.

• You may even be a representative yourself! If you are a member of a pupil council then you represent other people by speaking on their behalf i.e. your class.

• Members of the Scottish Parliament are our elected representatives and they represent our views when making new laws for Scotland.

• MSPs can represent us in Parliament and discuss our views. MSPs will talk and vote on our behalf.

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Your Representatives


Paul Martin MSPScottish Labour


Glasgow Provan

Margaret Curran MP


Constituency: Glasgow East

Councillor James Coleman 

Ward: Baillieston (each ward has four councillors)

Scottish Labour Party

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The Work of an MSP

A representative of the Scottish Parliament (MSP) will represent

his or her constituents in 2 ways:

• In the constituency • In the Parliament

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In the Constituency

With your shoulder partner, use the following clues to work out the type

of work carried out by an MSP. Create a mind map.

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Hold a Surgery

We are going to work through the different things that an MSP does in the constituency. As we talk through them ,add the notes to your mind map.

A Surgery is when people go along to talk to an MSP about problems they might have in the constituency. You could think of it as being like a doctors surgery, where you go along to tell the doctor your problem. In an MSPs Surgery, people go along to tell the MSP about the problems in their constituency.

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Answer email, phone calls and letters from constituents

Constituents can contact MSPs in many ways. One duty of an MSP is for them to respond to requests from constituents.

Attend Local Meetings

Your MSP may be asked by many different groups to attend a meeting. This could be to see how the MSP can help or just to let them know about the work that is going on in the community. For example, groups such as pressure groups and local community groups might invite an MSP along. An MSP may also meet with the local council to resolve an issue.

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Fact Finding Missions

When a constituent raises an issue, an MSP may have to visit somewhere to see first hand what the problem is. After, the MSP might arrange more meetings to resolve the problem or raise it as an issue in Parliament.

An MSP may also work with the media to highlight an issue.

Mass Media

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Adding Examples• In the National 5 exam you are required to

answer KNOWLEDGE questions.• To get full marks you must give

EXAMPLES in your answers. • Looking back at your mind map, add

examples of how MSPs can represent their constituents.

– Paul Martin, who represents Glasgow Provan will answer emails from his constituents. People may email him about problems in the local area such as high unemployment in the area.

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Knowledge Questions

• Knowledge and Understanding questions (KU) are one type of question which will appear in your unit assessment, prelim and main exam. These questions require you to recall your knowledge from the three topics that you have covered for National 5 Modern Studies, therefore you will have KU questions related to…

• Democracy in Scotland .• Social issues in the UK• World Powers.

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Knowledge Questions

• To ensure you answer these questions effectively, here are some tips…

• Read the questions carefully.• Pay attention to words which appear

in BOLD.• Pay attention to the marks as they

will indicate how lengthy your answer needs to be.

• Follow the key structure.

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Key StructurePEE

Make your POINT. EXPLAIN your point.

Give an EXAMPLE to back up your point (or ELABORATE further on your


PEE X2 (4 marks)PEE X3 (6 marks)PEE X4 (8 marks)

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There are a number of ways MSPs can represent their constituents. Point- The first way MSPs can represent their constituents is by carrying out a fact finding mission in their local constituency.

Explain- This is when a constituent raises an issue and the MSP may have to visit somewhere to see first hand what the problem is. After, the MSP might arrange more meetings to resolve the problem or raise it as an issue in Parliament.

Example-The MSP for Provan, Paul Martin may be contacted about vandalism in the area so he would visit the area to try and come up with a solution to the problem.

2 marks

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2 marks

In pairs, complete the second part of the answer.

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Was I successful? • I can define the meaning of

a representative democracy. • I can list and explain the

role of an MSP in their constituency.

• I can produce a model answer using the structure for a Knowledge question about the role of an MSP