October 15, 2017 God Leads His People (Planet 1) God’s Leaders Trust! ______________________________________________________________________ 1 | Page Lesson Highlights: Scripture References: Genesis 24 Teaching Point: Abraham’s most trusted servant must rely on God to find the chose wife for Isaac while Isaac and Rebekah must submit to what God reveals. Unit Memory Verse: Genesis 28:15 – Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land. For I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you. Alternate Verse: Psalm 36:5 – Your steadfast love, O LORD, extends to the heavens, your faithfulness to the clouds. Story Snap Shot God is worthy of our trust. As we read the Bible, we see that God has proven Himself throughout time to be faithful. However, we see ourselves as not worthy of the least of what He gives us. God sent His only Son to die which is our proof that He will willingly and freely gives us all other things (Romans 8:32). Understanding this will give us deep joy. Yet, this concept is very difficult for us to really grasp. In our story, we see an older servant. Not a patriarch… not a prophet…just a servant. But a man who witnessed the faithfulness of God to Abraham. He stepped out and went far away to find someone he could never meet without God’s help. This person was to be Isaac’s future wife. And God answered while the words were still on his lips. Trust is rewarded and this story gives readers a great picture of our Creator who is worthy of our trust!

Lesson Highlights0r.b5z.net/i/u/6147717/f/JC Builders Curriculum/Genesis9...To step it up, blindfold the student who is falling back. Activity 5: “Feel For It”-- Materials: Large

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October 15, 2017

God Leads His People (Planet 1)

God’s Leaders Trust!


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Lesson Highlights:

Scripture References: Genesis 24

Teaching Point: Abraham’s most trusted servant must rely on God to find the chose wife for

Isaac while Isaac and Rebekah must submit to what God reveals.

Unit Memory Verse: Genesis 28:15 – Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go,

and will bring you back to this land. For I will not leave you until I have done what I have

promised you.

Alternate Verse: Psalm 36:5 – Your steadfast love, O LORD, extends to the heavens, your

faithfulness to the clouds.

Story Snap Shot

God is worthy of our trust. As we read the Bible, we see that God has proven Himself

throughout time to be faithful. However, we see ourselves as not worthy of the least of what He

gives us. God sent His only Son to die which is our proof that He will willingly and freely gives

us all other things (Romans 8:32). Understanding this will give us deep joy. Yet, this concept is

very difficult for us to really grasp. In our story, we see an older servant. Not a patriarch… not a

prophet…just a servant. But a man who witnessed the faithfulness of God to Abraham. He

stepped out and went far away to find someone he could never meet without God’s help. This

person was to be Isaac’s future wife. And God answered while the words were still on his lips.

Trust is rewarded and this story gives readers a great picture of our Creator who is worthy of

our trust!

Planet 1, OT Lesson 9: God’s Leaders Trust

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Write kids names on board with total attendance!

After the Rally Idea: use the icebreaker question to

introduce this morning’s topic and get the kids talking!

Icebreaker Question:

Open your Bibles!!!

(Get the kids to open their bibles and read! We will do a quick recap

then hit the lesson!)

Recap: Last Sunday we read about Abraham. Abraham and his wife Sarah

could not have children. When God said they would have kids, they both

laughed. Their attitude is the same as ours we doubt God. Sure

enough….guess what happens? Sarah had a baby boy named “Isaac” which

means “He laughs”. Now Isaac is a young man and he is ready to marry.

Let’s see how God provides a wife for this man!

Read Genesis 24:1-3

How old was Abraham now? (Not sure, but he was really old….100+!)

What did Abraham ask his oldest servant of the household? (Abraham asked

to make promise to him.)

Who are some people you have made promises to? Who has made promises

to you? Have you kept them? Have they kept them? Are promises important?


What was the promise that Abraham desired? (He wanted his son to not to

marry one of the Canaanite women.)

October 15, 2017

God Leads His People (Planet 1)

God’s Leaders Trust!


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Why do you think Abraham did not want Isaac not want to marry a

Canaanite woman? (See your commentary in the back.)

Read Genesis 24:4-6

Where was this servant to go and find a wife? (He was to go back to their

home country.)

Where do you think are good places to find a wife or husband? Where are

not good places to find a wife or husband? (Try not to laugh as kids answer.)

What is the problem in verse 5 and 6? (The problem is most women will not

leave home and marry a complete stranger. Abraham is worried Isaac may

go and live back home.)

Read Genesis 24:7-9

What does Abraham say in verse 7? (Abraham remembers and recites the

promise of God.)

Do you know some of God’s promises by memory? Which ones? Is it

important? Why?

What is the servant to do if the woman is not willing to come back with him?

(He is free from the promise and he is to not allow Isaac to leave nor marry

a Canaanite.)

Do you think a lot is riding on God’s provision?

Why did they grab each others thigh? (See your commentary in the back.)

Planet 1, OT Lesson 9: God’s Leaders Trust

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The leader needs to read Genesis 24:10-14

What was the prayer of the servant? (To bring success and specifically reveal

to him who will be Isaac’s wife.)

What are some things you have prayed for?

Read Genesis 24:15-16

Describe the woman who came to the well? (She was a virgin and beautiful.)

Do we know anything about her character or heart? (No.)

Read Genesis 24:17-20

What kind of woman is this? (She is a hard worker and a servant.)

Do you think being married is hard work? Do you think you have to really

serve your spouse? (Yes.)

Is this girl a good match for Isaac?

Read Genesis 24:21-22, 26-28

Has God provided for this servant?

Are both the servant and Rebecca amazed?

How do you think Bethuel who is Rebekah’s father will respond?

How do you think Laban who is Rebekah’s brother will respond?

Read Genesis 24:50-52

Did Rebekah’s family respond in faith? (Yes.)

October 15, 2017

God Leads His People (Planet 1)

God’s Leaders Trust!


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If you have time read the ending!

Read Genesis 24:63-67

Did you notice the response of Isaac?

What are the benefits of having a godly husband or wife?

How did Rebekah comfort Isaac? (She comforted him when his mother


Take Home: The story of Abraham’s servant is the story of

God’s faithfulness to keep His promise. If Isaac could not marry,

the promise of being the father of a nation would not happen. God

intentionally made the task very difficult. The chances of finding a woman

in their home country who was worthy of Isaac and who would be willing

to come was very slim. However, that is exactly what God wanted because

it shows God’s faithfulness in His promises and our weaknesses to look for

the practical, the easy, and use our own efforts! All we need to do is trust

God and obey! God will take care of the rest!

Prayer Time

Before you pray, allow the kids to share with you things that are happening in their lives. Be

sure you write these down with their names for you to pray for as the week goes along. Ask

them the things they mentioned the previous week. Older kids can be asked if they will pray for

Planet 1, OT Lesson 9: God’s Leaders Trust

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another who mentions something. As the leader, begin by opening in prayer and thanking God

for this lesson:

Praise God for answering our prayers for help.

Ask God to give us hearts that believe in His care and provision for His people.

Pray for any specific requests named either by praying yourself or by opening it up to those

who said they would pray.

Activities and Crazy Ideas:

Activity 1: “Best Hand Shake” Put the kids in pairs and challenge them to come up

with the best hand shake. They only have 2 minutes to come up with it. Remind the

kids of the “funny handshake” Abraham did with his servant. It was to seal the

agreement between both of them.

Activity 2: “Lovey Dovey Face” Use your Ipad or phone to take pictures of the kids

face as they renact the “first glance” of Isaac and Rebecca in the field! Vote on whose

face best demonstrates that scene!

Activity 3: “Can I trust this?” Show them a chair and yell “Can I trust this”? “Will it

hold me?” Then sit in the chair. Show them a pencil or pen and ask “Will this pen

write?”. Then show them it will write. You can come up with many objects in the room

that will be faithful in their design to perform or perhaps some will fail. The servant of

Abraham was faithful to do the task that was asked of him!

Activity 4: “Trust Fall” You can have the kids do trust falls with each other. To step it

up, blindfold the student who is falling back.

Activity 5: “Feel For It”-- Materials: Large paper bag, variety of items (small ball,

crayon, rubber insect/animal, block, toy truck, pencil, Lego, rock, etc.) Place all of the

objects in the bag and have a volunteer come up and, without looking, have them feel

for and draw out of the bag a specific item. Do that several times with other

volunteers. When the game is over say “Just as Abraham’s most trusted servant had to

rely on God to find the chosen wife for Isaac, you had to trust me that what you were

looking for was truly in the bag.”

October 15, 2017

God Leads His People (Planet 1)

God’s Leaders Trust!


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Activity 6: “Trust Walk”-- Materials: blind folds or have kids close their eyes! Have

the children pair up with a friend. One child of each pair puts on a blindfold. The one

without the blindfold will then help the blindfolded child navigate around the room

without bumping into tables, chairs, others, walls, etc. Say “sometimes it is very hard

to trust just anyone to walk you through obstacles isn’t it? You can always trust the

Lord for guidance.”

Activity 7:“Trust and Obey” Sing the old hymn “Trust and Obey”. The children will

be amazed by your desire to demonstrate the huge value of obedience. You can also

play the hymn as well on your phone! Remind them of the story of Isaac and Rebekah.

Activity 8: “Who Can You Trust?” Show pictures of different Disney characters or

read their name. Ask the kids if this character is someone you can trust or not trust.

God leaders are worthy of trust because God’s leaders trust God. Remind them of the

story of Issac and Rebekah.

Notes and Commentary

24:1–9. Abraham, confident in the Lord’s promise, had his chief servant … swear an oath to find a

wife for Isaac from Abraham’s native land, 450 miles away. Eliezer’s putting his hand under the

patriarch’s thigh (cf. 47:29) was a solemn sign that if the oath were not carried out, the children who

would be born to Abraham would avenge the servant’s unfaithfulness.1

24:1 The observation that the LORD had blessed Abraham in all things confirms the special

relationship between God and Abraham.

24:2–6 Abraham is deeply concerned that Isaac should not marry a Canaanite; he fears that this will

draw him away from worshiping the Lord. From ch. 9 onward, the Canaanites are frequently

1 Ross, A. P. (1985). Genesis. In J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck (Eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An

Exposition of the Scriptures (Vol. 1, p. 67). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.

Planet 1, OT Lesson 9: God’s Leaders Trust

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portrayed as being wicked (see notes on 9:24–27; 10:6–20; 13:11–13). Abraham entrusts the

important task of finding a wife for Isaac to his most reliable servant, the oldest of his household,

who had charge of all that he had (24:2). To place his servant under oath, Abraham instructs him

to put your hand under my thigh (v. 2). On the significance of this action, see note on v. 9. In spite

of having left Haran in northern Mesopotamia almost a hundred years earlier, Abraham refers to it

as my country (v. 4). He hopes that a wife may be found for Isaac from among his relatives there.

Although Abraham insists that Isaac’s wife should come from his kindred in Mesopotamia (v. 4), he

emphasizes that Isaac himself should not return there (v. 6). Isaac’s future is to be in Canaan, for God

has promised this land to Abraham’s descendants. Later, Abraham’s grandson Jacob will get wives

from the same region (29:1–28).

24:4 The marriage of Isaac is important, because he is the offspring of promise through whose

offspring the world will be blessed. The special provision of a wife for Isaac prefigures God’s

offspring of promise, Christ, receiving a bride, the church (Rev. 19:7).

24:9 the servant put his hand under the thigh of Abraham. Since striking one’s thigh was

possibly understood as a sign of remorse and submission (see Jer. 31:19; Ezek. 21:12), the placing of

one’s hand under the thigh of another may have indicated submission to that person’s strength and

authority. In any case, by undertaking this action, the servant binds himself to obey Abraham’s


24:10 camels. See note on 12:16. Mesopotamia (lit., “between the rivers”) was the Greek title for the

entire region between the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers. Here “Mesopotamia” is a translation for the

Hebrew expression ’Aram naharayim, meaning “Aram of the two rivers,” an expression that denotes

more precisely only the northwestern part of Mesopotamia. The city of Nahor, probably to be

identified with Nakhur (which is mentioned in ancient texts that were recovered from Mari on the

Euphrates), was located near Haran in northern Mesopotamia (see note on 11:31). “Nahor” is also the

name of Terah’s father (11:25) and Abraham’s brother (see 11:26–27; 22:20). The use of the same

name for both a city and a person is not unusual; settlements are sometimes named after people,

and people are sometimes named after places.

24:12–14 The servant (like Abraham) has faith in the Lord and prays for guidance. The conditions

set by the servant reveal that he is seeking a wife who has a generous and caring disposition similar

to that of God, who shows steadfast love to Abraham (v. 12). The specific request in v. 14 is not the

ordinary way to ask for guidance—the servant might better have asked for wisdom to discern the

best wife for Isaac rather than to probe into what God had providentially appointed. Nevertheless,

God graciously honors the request (cf. Gideon’s fleece, Judg. 6:36–40) as his means of directing


lit. literally

October 15, 2017

God Leads His People (Planet 1)

God’s Leaders Trust!


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24:16 The description of Rebekah as a maiden whom no man had known confirms that she is a

virgin, creating the expectation that she may well be the one intended by God to be Isaac’s wife.

24:17–20 Rebekah’s actions exactly mirror what the servant had earlier prayed for (v. 14).

24:27–28 God’s swift answer to the servant’s prayer evokes an immediate response of worship and


24:29 The actions of Laban, Rebekah’s brother, suggest that he has taken on the day-to-day

responsibility of overseeing the family. While Laban’s father Bethuel is still alive (cf. v. 50), his lack of

involvement in the narrative suggests that he may well be incapacitated, possibly through old age.

24:34–49 The long speech by the servant closely repeats much of what has already been narrated in

the first part of the chapter. Additional minor details are occasionally included; for example, v. 47

reveals that the gold ring mentioned in v. 22 was put on Rebekah’s nose.

24:50–51 The thing has come from the LORD … as the LORD has spoken. Rebekah’s brother and

father acknowledge that the providential nature of all that has taken place convincingly indicates

that Rebekah should become Isaac’s wife. This is clearly God’s will.

24:53 The gifts confirm what the servant has earlier said about Abraham’s wealth (see v. 35).

24:60 they blessed Rebekah. The hopes expressed in this brief blessing echo the divine oath made

to Abraham in 22:17, emphasizing both many descendants and a special descendant who will

conquer his enemies (those who hate him; see note on 22:15–18).

24:63 Isaac went out. This is another divinely directed event, which allows for Isaac to be the first

person to meet Rebekah when they arrive at Isaac’s homeland.

24:65 she took her veil and covered herself. It was customary for a woman to cover her face with

a veil during the period of betrothal.

24:67 and she became his wife.

This is another key event leading toward the fulfillment of the promise to make of Abraham a great


2 Crossway Bibles. (2008). The ESV Study Bible (pp. 90–93). Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles.

Planet 1, OT Lesson 9: God’s Leaders Trust

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The story reveals more than God’s providence. It is also part of the development of His plan to bless

mankind. Many potential mishaps were avoided: the servant could have failed (vv. 5–8), the “sign”

could have been missed (vv. 14, 21), Laban might have refused (vv. 49–51), or Rebekah might have

been unwilling (vv. 54–58). God steered through all the potential hazards and then put all the parts


While one marvels at God’s providence in this event, human responsibility was also evident. The

servant faithfully carried out his assignment. (1) He was loyal to his holy commission to further God’s

program to bless mankind. (2) He trusted God implicitly, looking in prayer to God’s leading. (3)

Covenant loyalty was his predominant motivation (vv. 9, 12, 27, 49). (4) He praised God even before

his assignment was completed (vv. 27, 48–49). This praise is an important part of the story. Many

expositors pass over it as repetitious. But that is the point: It is such a marvelous story it has to be


Lecture Notes

When we last left Abraham, he and Sarah had just had something really exciting happen. What

was it? (Isaac was born) They had just had a son. And how old were they when this happened?

(Abraham, 100; Sarah, 90) I can’t imagine my parents being that old when they had me! It never

happens now. But God was faithful to give Abraham a son…after all, God had promised to make

Abraham’s family into a great nation. But guess what? That was the only child these two had.

About 30 years have passed now and Sarah has died at the age of 127. Abraham is almost 140

years old and Isaac is about 40. And guess what? Isaac doesn’t even have a wife or kids!

Abraham decided to do something about that. He knew it would be a bad idea to try to get

Isaac to marry one of the women where they were living. The land was full of people who

wouldn’t follow God. They were worshiping all sorts of false gods. The women there might lead

Isaac to worship idols instead of being a leader for God. So, Abraham had a plan. One day he

called in his oldest and most trusted servant. This was a man who had been with Abraham from

the beginning. He had seen God work in Abraham’s life and bless him. He was so trustworthy

that Abraham put him in charge of all he had.

Abraham called him in one day and told him he wanted Isaac to get married before he died. He

asked this servant to do something for him. Abraham wanted him to travel far away to where

Abraham’s family was living to find a bride for Isaac. From where they were living now, the

servant would have to travel for about 3 weeks by camel to get there. (map provided) This

servant was going to go to people they hadn’t seen for a long, long time. The servant thought

3 Ross, A. P. (1985). Genesis. In J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck (Eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An

Exposition of the Scriptures (Vol. 1, p. 68). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.

October 15, 2017

God Leads His People (Planet 1)

God’s Leaders Trust!


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about this and realized there would be a problem. Open up your Bible to Genesis 24. Read

verses 5-8 and let’s see what that was.

So, what if the woman won’t come back with him? Should he take Isaac to her? (no) Abraham

made the servant promise Isaac wouldn’t move back to the country they had left. Abraham

knew that the promises of God were going to come to Isaac. They just had to have faith and

wait on the Lord. Isaac couldn’t leave the land God had brought them to. So the servant loaded

up the camel with lots of stuff…gold and silver jewelry, clothes for her made of the finest

material…lots of gifts that would show the woman and her family that Abraham’s family were

going to take good care of her. And off he went. He traveled and traveled for weeks trusting

God to show him the right woman.

He came to a town called Nahor. It’s the town where Abraham’s family had lived. It was

evening…the time of day when it was getting darker and cooler. During this time, the people

would come out and get water from a well outside of the town for themselves and for their

animals. The servant was in the right place to see women coming and going, but how was he

supposed to find Abraham’s family? And even if he did, how would he choose the right woman?

Can someone read verses 12-14?

There was a reason Abraham had picked this servant. This man trusted God. He believed God

had made promises to Abraham and would not let him down after all this time. So, he stopped,

made his camels lie down, and the servant…did what? (prayed) And what was the plan? What

did the servant say he was looking for? (a woman would offer to water his camels as well as give

him a drink) So, the servant had a very specific request, didn’t he? Basically, he thought of what

he’d say to a woman and wanted the one God had chosen to say certain words back. So, he

prayed and what happened? (it happened) Before he even finished talking, Rebekah came over!

The servant trusted God to show him the way even in a strange land, and God answered before

the words were out of his mouth. The Bible also tells us something very important about

Rebekah. It tells us she was from Abraham’s family. She was the granddaughter of Abraham’s

brother…but the servant doesn’t know that yet. What he does see is that she is the right age

and she’s very pretty. Let’s see what happens. Keep reading in verses 17-21.

God goes before us. He takes care of us. And He knows everything…even the prayers we speak

before we speak them. In fact, God told us in Isaiah 65:24 that before a word even leaves the

Planet 1, OT Lesson 9: God’s Leaders Trust

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lips of His people, He will answer. God is ready to help us. He loves it when His leaders show the

world that He can be trusted. And Abraham’s servant knew that…but he didn’t know what we

know…that Rebekah really is from Abraham’s family. So, the servant needed to ask her some

more questions. He gave her some of the jewelry to thank her for helping him and then he

asked who her father was and if there might be room for them to spend the night at her

father’s house. When she answered that she was from Nahor’s family, the servant was so

grateful. Read verses 26-28.

The servant was so thankful…and Rebekah was amazed to hear he was from Abraham’s house

and what had happened. She ran home and told her family everything. And when her brother,

Laban, heard it he immediately ran to the servant and invited him to stay with them. There he

was…sitting in the house of Abraham’s family…eating with them…having found the exact

woman God intended for Isaac to marry before the words from his prayer left his mouth. God is

so faithful and trustworthy. He led him right where he needed to be. So, the servant told

Rebekah’s family all about what had happened from the day Abraham sent him in until now.

They were amazed at what he said, and they agreed that the Lord had done this. They wouldn’t

stand in the way. If Rebekah wanted to go, she could go. She said yes! So, immediately Rebekah

left her family…forever…and traveled with the servant back to Isaac and Abraham. The servant

had trusted God. Now it was Rebekah’s turn.

And on the very day they arrived, guess what? The Bible says Isaac was standing out in a field.

He saw Rebekah as soon as she arrived. The servant told him everything that had happened.

And Isaac also showed he trusted God because immediately the Bible tells us that when he

heard what happened, he took Rebekah as his wife…but not just married her. He loved her.

Isaac listened and obeyed because he trusted God.

God is asking us to be just like this. He wants us to believe so strongly in Him that we will follow

His plans no matter how hard it may seem. The servant had no way to know how to do this job.

But he knew he could ask God to be faithful and to help him because God takes care of His

leaders. Trusting God to be a good Father. It sounds like a good idea. We even say we do. But

what we really believe shows up in everything we do and say each day. We need to confess our

weakness to God, to tell Him when we’re doubting and struggling…and ask His Spirit to give us

His help to believe more and more every day that He is for us. Let’s do that now. Let’s pray and

ask God to give us that same understanding…that God is worthy of our trust. He is a good

leader of His people. He will guide us and provide for us as we live with Him. He knows our

needs and loves to show off His faithfulness to His people.

October 15, 2017

God Leads His People (Planet 1)

God’s Leaders Trust!


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Suggested Follow-up Activities

Teachers are free to choose the activities that they feel are best for their group. The idea is that

as the children work and play, remind them of the truths they just learned.

Scripture Memory: Figure out your reward system for memorizing the Scriptures provided

in this section. Give the children several opportunities to tell it to you in class. Play a memory

game with the kids if you have time.

Craft: Offering Water – Remind the kids that we talked about trusting God by looking at the

story of when Abraham sent his servant to find a wife for Isaac. Each person in our story had to

trust God to find just the right woman. God is worthy of this kind of trust because He is a good

Father who will lead His people down the paths of life He intends for them that His glory might

be best known to them and to those watching their lives.

Give each child a copy of the craft page and have them color it as they’d like. Provide scissors

so that they may cut out the arm and necklace. A brad will be used to place the arm on

Rebekah’s body so that her arm can raise the water pitcher as she offered the servant a drink.

Have them also cut out the necklace and trim the inside part as well so that the necklace can be

glued in place in the servant’s hands as an offering to Rebekah.

Materials: copies of the craft page; markers or crayons; scissors; stick glue; brads

Craft: Finding Rebekah – Remind the kids that we talked about trusting God by looking at

the story of when Abraham sent his servant to find a wife for Isaac. Each person in our story had

to trust God to find just the right woman. God is worthy of this kind of trust because He is a

good Father who will lead His people down the paths of life He intends for them that His glory

might be best known to them and to those watching their lives.

Give each child a copy of the craft page and the cutouts provided. Have the color them as

they’d like and then glue the verse and servant/camels in place. Give them each a brad so that

they can attach Rebekah’s legs so they can move them to show that she walked to the servant.

Materials: copies of the craft page and templates; scissors; markers and crayons; stick glue;


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Craft: Gift of Jewelry – Remind the kids that we talked about trusting God by looking at the

story of when Abraham sent his servant to find a wife for Isaac. Each person in our story had to

trust God to find just the right woman. God is worthy of this kind of trust because He is a good

Father who will lead His people down the paths of life He intends for them that His glory might

be best known to them and to those watching their lives.

Prior to class, color pasta by placing 1 tbsp alcohol and 10 drops of liquid, food coloring in a

quart-sized, zip-top baggie (or one big squirt of gel coloring). Mix well and add penne pasta.

Leave room to shake the pasta in the bag. Seal tightly. Toss pasta to coat the pieces thoroughly.

Repeat for the number of colors you’d like. Allow them to sit for 3-10 minutes until it’s the

desired color. Remove to paper towels to dry completely.

Remind the kids that one of the gifts the servant gave to Rebekah was jewelry. Give each child

a long length of bright yellow yarn and about 30-40 pieces of pasta. Show them how to tie one

piece at the end of their yarn so the pasta doesn’t fall off as you string it. Then have them wrap

tape around the other cut end for easier threading through the pasta. Help them to tie it off

once all of their pieces are on it.

Materials: rubbing alcohol; liquid or gel, food coloring; large penne pasta; bright yellow string;

clear tape

Suggested Study for Leaders

Map of probable route servant would have taken through towns to Haran:

October 15, 2017

God Leads His People (Planet 1)

God’s Leaders Trust!


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