Lesson 5 Early Religions in Africa and the West Title

Lesson 5 Early Religions in Africa and the West

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Title. Lesson 5 Early Religions in Africa and the West. Polytheism. Worshiping many gods. كثيرة. آلهة. عبادة. Afterlife. Life after death. الآخرة. Mummy. A body that has been dried so it won't decay. الاضمحلال. لذلك لن. تجفيفها. التي تم. هيئة. Egyptian Afterlife. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lesson 5Early Religions in Africa and the West


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Worshiping many gods




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Life after death


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A body that has been dried so it won't decay

لذلك لن



التي تم


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Egyptian Afterlife

Believed bodies would be used in afterlife

Everyday items and food buried with the dead because these items would be needed in the afterlife

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Important Egyptian Godsاآللهة المصرية الهامة






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God of the sun

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God who judged Egyptians after death

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The goddess of birth

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God of the dead

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God of craftspeople

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People who make objects such as furniture, pottery, and tools

الناس الذين يصنعون األشياء مثل األثاث، والفخار، وأدوات

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Origins of Judaism

Judaism began in ancient Mesopotamia

بدأت اليهودية في بالد ما بين النهرين القديمة

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A Mesopotamian group of herders and farmers (2000 B.C.E)

مجموعة بالد ما بين النهرين من الرعاة والمزارعين

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The first five books of the Hebrew bible

الكتب الخمسة األولى من الكتاب المقدس العبرية

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The father of the Hebrews

إبراهيم، والد العبرانيين

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According to the Torah, God promised the land of Canaan to Abraham and his people

Abraham led his people to “the Promised Land” of Canaan

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The Hebrews in Canaan became known as the Israelites

أصبح العبرانيين في كنعان المعروفة باسم إسرائيل

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Not enough food

ال ما يكفي من الغذاء

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Around 1300 B.C.E, there was a famine in Canaan

The starving Israelites went to Egypt

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Took away someone's freedom

شخص ما اخذ الحرية

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When the Israelites arrived in Egypt, the Egyptians enslaved them

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Leader who led the Israelites out of Egypt

موسى، زعيم الذي قاد إسرائيل من مصر

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The Israelites journey from Egypt

هجرة بني اسرائيل من مصر

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The Egyptian king sent his army to make Moses and his return to Egypt

According to tradition, God parted the Red Sea for Moses and his people to cross, but drowned the Egyptians in it

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The Ten Commandments

According to the Torah, the ten laws given by God to Moses on Mount Sinai

وفقا للتوراة، وعشرة قوانين التي قدمها الله لموسى

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An agreement


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First Commandment

First commandment said that the Hebrews could worship only one God

When Moses made a covenant with God, he established a new religion

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The religion of the Jewish people

الدين للشعب اليهودي

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The ancient kingdom of the Israelites

المملكة القديمة من بني اسرائيل

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Judaism Influences Western Civilization

Jewish culture and influence began to spread

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Rules or beliefs

قواعد أو المعتقدات

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The Torah became central to Jewish life

It provided






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Religious ceremonies

االحتفاالت الدينية

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Belief in one, all-powerful God

اإليمان بالله كل واحد قوي

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Prior to the Torah, people had believed in many gods

The Torah helped spread the belief in one all powerful God

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Invaders who attacked Israel

الغزاة الذين هاجموا إسرائيل

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Facing Challenges

1029 B.C.E Philistines came from Philistia to attack Israel

Later Israelite leaders disagreements caused problems

922 B.C.E Israel split into two kingdoms, Israel and Judah

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Babylonians Invade

597 B.C.E. Babylon invaded Jerusalem

Destroy Israelites' Temple

Enslaved Israelites

Took them to Babylon

Israelites became known as Jews

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The new name of the Israelites

االسم الجديد إلسرائيل

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King Cyrus II

Captured Babylon

Freed Jews

Many Jews returned to Jerusalem and rebuilt temple

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Prophets and the Messiah

Prophets were spiritual leaders who predicted the future

كانوا أنبياء الزعماء الروحيين الذي توقع المستقبل

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A king the prophets believed would come to rule the Jews

ومن شأن الملك األنبياء يعتقد يأتي لحكم اليهود

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Origins of Christianity

A second monotheistic religion begins in Palestine

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Religion based on Jewish ideas and the teachings of Jesus

الدين القائمة على األفكار اليهودية وتعاليم يسوع

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A Jewish teacher who developed the ideas on which Christianity is based

المعلم اليهودي الذي طور األفكار التي يستند المسيحية

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Born when Romans ruled Judea

Story told in the Gospels

4 books written after Jesus' death by his disciples

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Followers of Jesus

أتباع يسوع

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Disciples who wrote the Gospel





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According to the Gospels, Jesus

- taught that the kingdom of God was coming

- performed miracles

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People began to believe Jesus was the Messiah and could free them from Roman rule

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Remove someone from power by force

إزالة شخص ما من السلطة بالقوة

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Roman leaders were scared Jesus and his followers might overthrow them

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The Roman governor ordered Jesus to be killed by crucifixion

Crucifixion is the execution by hanging from a cross

االعدام شنقا من كرة عرضية

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The return of Jesus from the dead

عودة يسوع من بين األموات

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Christianity Spreads

Jesus' followers carried on his teachings

One follower, Paul, spread Christianity throughout the Roman Empire