Lesson 16 The Christian and God’s will (part II)

Lesson 16 The Christian and God’s will (part II)

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Lesson 16The Christian and God’s will (part II)

The Fourth Commandment: 1 God places His representatives over us in

the ____________, in the __________ and in the __________ (government).

The Fourth Commandment: 1. God places His representatives over us in

the home, in the church and in the state (government).

2. Through these representatives God wishes to bless us and train us as His people.

Our attitude toward God’s representatives

1. In love for God and His will, we _______ and _________ our parents and overseers. In doing so we honor and obey _______.

Our attitude toward God’s representatives

1. In love for God and His will, we honor and obey our parents and overseers. In doing so we honor and obey God.

2. One exception:

Our attitude toward God’s representatives

1. In love for God and His will, we honor and obey our parents and overseers. I doing go we honor and obey God.

2. One exception: if they tell us to sin against God’s will.

The Fifth Commandment 1. God created mankind in His own _____

(holiness and sinlessness). 2. A lifetime is a person’s chance to _______

the image of God.

The Fifth Commandment 1. God created mankind in His own image

(holiness and sinlessness). 2. A lifetime is a person’s chance to _______

the image of God.

The Fifth Commandment 1. God created mankind in His own image

(holiness and sinlessness). 2. A lifetime is a person’s chance to regain the

image of God.

The Ending of Human Life 1. Only God has the __________ to end

human life. 2. He delegates this right also to the _____


The Ending of Human Life 1. Only God has the inherent right to end

human life. 2. He delegates this right also to the _____


The Ending of Human Life 1. Only God has the inherent right to end

human life. 2. He delegates this right also to the state


A Christian does not want…. 2. Sinful attitudes (hatred), which is murder in

the heart.

A Christian wants to …. 1. Be ____ and _____, as God ________ us in

Christ. 2. _________ to all people as we have

opportunity, especially to our fellow believers.

A Christian wants to …. 1. Be kind and forgiving, as God forgave us

in Christ. 2. _________ to all people as we have

opportunity, especially to our fellow believers.

A Christian wants to …. 1. Be kind and forgiving, as God forgave us

in Christ. 2. Do good to all people as we have

opportunity, especially to our fellow believers.

The Sixth Commandment 1. God created __________ and instituted

____________. He called them “___________”; they were to

be holy and pure. 2. God tells us His purpose for marriage:

A)_________________ B) ____________ C)______________________

The Sixth Commandment 1. God created man and woman and instituted


The Sixth Commandment 1. God created man and woman and instituted

marriage. He called them “very good”; they were to be

holy and pure.

The Sixth Commandment 1. God created man and woman and instituted

marriage. He called them “very good”; they were to be

holy and pure. 2. God tells us His purpose for marriage:

A) Companionship B) Children C) Chastity = sexual purity

3. God protects His precious gifts of sex and marriage by forbidding adultery.

Spoiling God’s gift of sex and marriage