Subject Link Starter 3 Translation Worksheet Name Lesson 1. How Do Animals Survive in Winter? 1. It gets very cold in winter. 2. However, animals survive because of their special habits. 3. Many birds fly south in fall. 4. It is warmer there. 5. There is also more food. 6. However, the trip is long and dangerous. 7. So, geese fly in large groups. 8. That way, they can travel to faraway places more safely. 9. Some animals, like black bears, sleep through winter. 10. They eat a lot of food in fall. 11. Then they can survive all winter without eating. 12. They also find warm, safe places to sleep. 13. Caves are good sleeping places. 14. Some animals grow different fur in winter. 15. Rabbits get thicker fur to stay warm. 16. Other animals also change color.

Lesson 1. How Do Animals Survive in Winter?...Lesson 10. The World’s Greatest Fossil Hunter 1. Dinosaurs and other ancient animals left fossils. 2. Do you think only famous scientists

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Lesson 1. How Do Animals Survive in Winter?

1. It gets very cold in winter.

2. However, animals survive because of their special habits.

3. Many birds fly south in fall.

4. It is warmer there.

5. There is also more food.

6. However, the trip is long and dangerous.

7. So, geese fly in large groups.

8. That way, they can travel to faraway places more safely.

9. Some animals, like black bears, sleep through winter.

10. They eat a lot of food in fall.

11. Then they can survive all winter without eating.

12. They also find warm, safe places to sleep.

13. Caves are good sleeping places.

14. Some animals grow different fur in winter.

15. Rabbits get thicker fur to stay warm.

16. Other animals also change color.

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17. For example, Arctic foxes are brown in summer.

18. But their fur turns white in winter.

19. It helps them hide in the snow.

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Lesson 2. The Snowflake Man

1. Wilson Bentley really loved snow!

2. When he was 15, he got a microscope for his birthday.

3. He used it to look at snowflakes.

4. Bentley thought they were beautiful.

5. He tried to draw them.

6. However, they melted before he finished.

7. So, he decided to take pictures of them.

8. In 1885, Bentley took the first picture of a snowflake.

9. First, he connected a camera to a microscope.

10. Next, he used a black board to collect falling snowflakes.

11. With a toothpick, he separated one snowflake from the others.

12. Then he took a picture of it.

13. Over the next 45 years, Bentley took more than 5,000 pictures of snowflakes.

14. From these pictures, he made an important discovery.

15. He found that every snowflake is different.

16. Because of this, people call him “The Snowflake Man.”

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Lesson 3. Sled Hockey

1. Have you ever watched sled hockey?

2. It is a winter sport for disabled people.

3. Sled hockey players use special equipment.

4. They sit on sleds because they cannot skate with their legs.

5. They also use two short sticks.

6. They use one end of each stick like a ski pole.

7. This part helps the players move across the ice.

8. The other end looks like an ice hockey stick.

9. The players use this to pass and shoot the puck.

10. The rules of sled hockey are similar to ice hockey’s rules.

11. Sled hockey has two teams.

12. Each team has one goalkeeper and five skaters.

13. The skaters try to shoot the puck into the other team’s net.

14. The team with the most goals wins!

15. Many people love sled hockey because it is exciting!

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Lesson 4. The Story of Orion

1. In winter, there is a bright group of stars in the sky.

2. It is called Orion.

3. Orion was a great hunter in Greek myths.

4. He was a human, but he and the goddess Artemis were friends.

5. Orion and Artemis liked hunting together.

6. Then they fell in love.

7. Apollo was Artemis’s brother.

8. He hated Orion because Orion was not a god.

9. One day, Apollo saw Orion swimming.

10. He asked Artemis to play a game.

11. “Let’s shoot the black spot in the sea,” he said.

12. Artemis did not know the black spot was Orion.

13. She shot an arrow and killed him.

14. Artemis was very sad.

15. She put Orion’s body in the sky to remember him.

16. A group of stars make his shape.

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17. He is holding a club and a shield.

18. Look for him at nighttime in winter!

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Lesson 5. Unique Homes in Hot Places

1. Some places in the world are very hot.

2. In these places, people live in special homes.

3. In Tunisia, the desert is very hot and windy.

4. So, some homes are in large holes in the ground.

5. These holes are usually five to ten meters deep.

6. They also have more holes at the bottom.

7. These extra holes are bedrooms, living rooms, and kitchens.

8. People can keep cool and avoid the wind in these homes.

9. Senegal also has very hot and dry areas.

10. The water is very salty there.

11. So, some people build unique homes.

12. Their roofs are upside down!

13. People make the roofs from straw and grass.

14. When it rains, the roofs collect the water.

15. The water goes down to wells inside the houses.

16. Then the people drink it.

17. Do you know any other interesting homes?

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Lesson 6. A Huge Home for a Little Bird

1. Oni is a social weaver.

2. She is a small bird, but her home is huge!

3. Social weavers build bigger nests than other birds.

4. Oni’s nest has hundreds of rooms.

5. It is like an apartment building for birds!

6. Almost 300 social weavers live there.

7. Other kinds of birds stay there too.

8. All the birds watch for danger.

9. They tell each other when dangerous animals are nearby.

10. This keeps the nest safe.

11. The big nest is useful in hot and cold weather.

12. Oni lives in the Kalahari Desert in Africa.

13. That desert is hot in summer but cold in winter.

14. In summer, Oni stays in a room near the outside of the nest.

15. This keeps her cool.

16. But in winter, she stays in the middle of the nest.

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17. It is warmer there.

18. Oni’s big nest is a great place to live.

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Lesson 7. Housewarming Gifts in the Past

1. When people move into a new house, they have a housewarming party.

2. Family and friends bring gifts to the party.

3. Housewarming parties began long ago.

4. In the past, housewarming gifts had special meanings.

5. In Italy, people gave brooms as housewarming gifts.

6. They believed the brooms kept bad luck away.

7. Also, they cleaned the house with the brooms after the party!

8. In Germany and Switzerland, people brought bread.

9. They hoped that the family always had food to eat.

10. They also brought salt.

11. People used the salt to scare away witches.

12. Koreans gave matches and candles when someone moved.

13. They were used to make light.

14. People believed this light brought good luck.

15. Today, people give many kinds of housewarming gifts.

16. What present do you want to give?

17. Does it have a special meaning?

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Lesson 8. Van Gogh’s Bedroom Art

1. In 1888, the artist Vincent van Gogh moved into a bright yellow house.

2. It was in Arles, France.

3. He created his famous The Bedroom paintings there.

4. There are three versions of The Bedroom.

5. The first one was painted in 1888.

6. However, a flood damaged it.

7. So, Van Gogh’s brother asked him to repaint it.

8. Van Gogh painted the second picture in 1889.

9. A few weeks later, he painted it a third time because he liked it so much.

10. All three paintings are similar.

11. They have the same furniture.

12. There are two chairs, a bed, and a desk.

13. Clothes are hanging from hooks.

14. But the paintings on the walls are different.

15. Van Gogh liked hanging new paintings in his room.

16. So each time he made The Bedroom, he changed the paintings on the walls.

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Lesson 9. Learning from Fossils

1. How do we know about dinosaurs?

2. Fossils teach us!

3. Fossils are things from ancient plants and animals.

4. They are found in rocks.

5. Scientists learn from bone and teeth fossils.

6. They use leg bones to guess a dinosaur’s height.

7. Teeth fossils tell what dinosaurs ate.

8. Sharp teeth are from meat eaters.

9. But flat teeth are from plant eaters.

10. Footprint fossils show how dinosaurs walked and ran.

11. Some dinosaurs walked on two feet.

12. Others walked on four feet.

13. When a dinosaur ran, it left footprints far apart.

14. Egg fossils show that dinosaurs came from eggs.

15. Many dinosaurs made nests on the ground for their eggs.

16. In 1993, scientists found a dinosaur fossil.

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17. It was sitting on eggs like a bird!

18. Dinosaurs died long ago.

19. But we still learn about them from their fossils.

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Lesson 10. The World’s Greatest Fossil Hunter

1. Dinosaurs and other ancient animals left fossils.

2. Do you think only famous scientists discover them?

3. Actually, a 12-year-old British girl found many important fossils!

4. Mary Anning liked collecting fossils along the beach.

5. In 1811, she and her brother found a strange skull.

6. It was on the side of a cliff.

7. The skull was over one meter long!

8. It looked different from other animals.

9. In 1812, there was a big storm.

10. Rocks fell from the cliffs by the sea.

11. Anning found the animal’s whole skeleton after the storm.

12. It lived in the sea long ago.

13. Over the years, Anning found more bones from other ancient animals.

14. Scientists studied these bones.

15. We can see some of them in museums today.

16. Anning helped people learn about the world long ago.

17. Now she is called the world’s greatest fossil hunter.

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Lesson 11. Tyrannosaurus Rex and Apatosaurus

1. Tyrannosaurus rex and Apatosaurus are famous dinosaurs.

2. But they did not live at the same time.

3. They were very different dinosaurs.

4. Tyrannosaurus rex (T. rex for short) was as long as a bus.

5. It weighed almost seven tons and ran on two legs.

6. T. rex was a meat eater.

7. It had giant, powerful jaws.

8. It used them to catch and kill other dinosaurs for food.

9. T. rex ’s sharp teeth helped it tear its food.

10. Apatosaurus was bigger than T. rex.

11. It was as long as two buses.

12. It weighed almost 38 tons and walked on four legs.

13. Apatosaurus ate plants.

14. With its long neck, it could reach high leaves.

15. Apatosaurus’s teeth looked like a rake.

16. It used them to gather leaves from branches.

17. Which dinosaur do you like better, T. rex or Apatosaurus?

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Lesson 12. Spending Time with Dinosaurs!

1. Last weekend, my family took a trip to Alberta, Canada.

2. We visited two famous dinosaur places there.

3. On Saturday, we went to Dinosaur Provincial Park.

4. We hiked to a special area.

5. There were real dinosaur bones in the ground!

6. Our guide told us there was a big flood.

7. It killed hundreds of dinosaurs and left many fossils.

8. We learned how to look for fossils.

9. We found dinosaur bones and teeth.

10. We found dinosaur poop too. Ew!

11. The next day, we drove to the Royal Tyrrell Museum.

12. Dinosaur Hall was my favorite part of the museum.

13. There were about 40 dinosaur skeletons inside.

14. We saw T. rex and Triceratops.

15. I really liked Triceratops.

16. It had three horns on its face.

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17. It also had a big plate on its head.

18. Learning about dinosaurs was very interesting and fun!

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Lesson 13. All About Hot Deserts

1. When you imagine a desert, what do you see in your mind?

2. Let’s learn about hot deserts.

3. Deserts are very dry places.

4. They get very little rain.

5. In hot deserts, the temperature can reach 55 degrees Celsius.

6. But surprisingly, the nights are very cold.

7. Deserts usually have lots of sand and rocks.

8. Strong winds make hills with the sand.

9. These hills are called sand dunes.

10. There are plants in deserts too.

11. Cactuses, bushes, and grass all grow there.

12. Some plants have long roots to find water under the ground.

13. Other plants store water in their stems and leaves.

14. Animals also live in deserts.

15. You can see coyotes, lizards, and snakes there.

16. Many desert animals sleep in shady places or underground in the daytime.

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17. They come out at night when it is cooler.

18. Hot deserts are interesting places.

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Lesson 14. The Sahara and Gobi Deserts

1. The Sahara and the Gobi are deserts.

2. They are both huge, dry places.

3. But they are very different from each other.

4. The Sahara is the world’s largest hot desert.

5. It goes through 11 countries in North Africa.

6. This desert is one of the hottest deserts in the world.

7. It has strong winds, and they create big sandstorms.

8. There are also many sand dunes.

9. A lot of oil is buried under the Sahara’s sandy ground.

10. The Gobi is in China and Mongolia.

11. It is the fifth-largest desert in the world.

12. In winter, the Gobi is freezing cold.

13. Sometimes it has snowstorms.

14. The Gobi is also very rocky and has some mountains.

15. Lots of fossils are found in the rocks.

16. Scientists use them to learn about the past.

17. Which do you want to visit, the Sahara or the Gobi?

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Lesson 15. The Sonoran Desert’s Special Cactuses

1. The Sonoran Desert has special cactuses.

2. They are called saguaros.

3. They have round trunks and curved branches.

4. Saguaros look like waving humans!

5. These cactuses grow very tall.

6. Some saguaros are 18 meters high.

7. However, they grow very slowly.

8. Their first branch takes about 60 years to grow.

9. Saguaros are good at gathering water.

10. They have roots near the ground’s surface.

11. These roots collect water when it rains.

12. Then saguaros store the water in their trunks and branches.

13. Their thick, waxy skin keeps the water inside.

14. Some animals use saguaros as homes.

15. For example, woodpeckers make holes in saguaros and live inside them.

16. The holes are safe places for their babies.

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17. Dangerous animals can’t get inside because of the cactus spines.

18. Saguaros are amazing cactuses.

19. If you ever visit the Sonoran Desert, look for them!

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Lesson 16. A Forest in the Desert

1. Deserts usually don’t have forests.

2. However, China’s Mu Us Desert has one.

3. How did that happen?

4. Yuzhen Yin lived in the Mu Us Desert.

5. It was a difficult place to live.

6. Sometimes big sandstorms almost buried her house!

7. One day, she saw a small tree in her village.

8. She thought, “If this tree can live, I can plant more trees here.”

9. In 1986, she started planting trees in the desert.

10. Surprisingly, many of them survived.

11. Yin wanted more trees to plant, so her husband helped her.

12. He did many jobs and asked for trees as payment.

13. Each year, Yin and her husband planted lots of trees.

14. The trees grew, and now the Mu Us Desert has a large forest.

15. It protects Yin’s village from sandstorms.

16. Thanks to Yin and her husband, the desert became a nicer place to live.