Leveraging Investment in Global Change Research, Development, and Innovation Wim Hugo Chief Data and Information Officer, SAEON Chief Data and Information Officer, SAEON ICSU-WDS Scientific Committee [email protected] National Conference on Global Change Boksburg, November 2012

Leraging Instment in Global Change Research, Delopment ... · ∗The data has current commercial value, and the state entity depends on the income derived from it to fund its operations

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Page 1: Leraging Instment in Global Change Research, Delopment ... · ∗The data has current commercial value, and the state entity depends on the income derived from it to fund its operations

Leveraging Investment in Global Change Research, Development,

and InnovationWim Hugo

Chief Data and Information Officer, SAEONChief Data and Information Officer, SAEONICSU-WDS Scientific Committee

[email protected]

National Conference on Global ChangeBoksburg, November 2012

Page 2: Leraging Instment in Global Change Research, Delopment ... · ∗The data has current commercial value, and the state entity depends on the income derived from it to fund its operations

The Department of Science and Technology (DST) invests inthe order of R 10 billion per annum in Research, Developmentand Innovation through its National System of Innovation.


and Innovation through its National System of Innovation.

A large proportion of this expenditure is project-based orgrant-based, has a finite lifetime and supports specific goalsor outcomes.

The situation locally is partly mirrored internationally.

Page 3: Leraging Instment in Global Change Research, Delopment ... · ∗The data has current commercial value, and the state entity depends on the income derived from it to fund its operations

∗ Data sharing and availability of publicly funded RDI outputs at no cost.

∗ Increasing support from the scientific community for peer-


∗ Increasing support from the scientific community for peer-reviewed data publication. ∗ Improved accessibility to and description of data sets, driven

by scientists’ desire to publish;

∗ Freely available in the public domain, supported by transparency demands.

∗ A need for the infrastructure to publish, curate, and disseminate published research outputs is implied

Page 4: Leraging Instment in Global Change Research, Delopment ... · ∗The data has current commercial value, and the state entity depends on the income derived from it to fund its operations

Two principles:∗ Free access:

∗ Free of charge if possible

Free and Open Access

∗ Free of charge if possible∗ Reasonable cost of availability and dissemination∗ Often funded as a public good

∗ Open access:∗ Equal opportunity to discover, obtain, and use the data without


Developing countries stand to benefit considerably from trendstowards free and open access to data, and are already doing so.

Page 5: Leraging Instment in Global Change Research, Delopment ... · ∗The data has current commercial value, and the state entity depends on the income derived from it to fund its operations

∗ Governments invest large sums of money into science as a driver for data acquisition, knowledge creation, capacity building, and innovation. This is a virtuous circle that is fed by availability of data, information, knowledge, and capacity.

Benefits of Free and Open Access


At a basic level, reduced access to the outputs of such funding diminishes the

return on investment. What is often overlooked, though, is that reducing the

efficiency of this feedback loop hurts the return on investment even more by

limiting indirect returns and collaboration. It is the equivalent of removing

compound interest from a financial investment.

∗ Secondly, the public has funded the outputs from state department data collection and state funded research, and owns it already. Allowing selective access infringes basic rights of citizens in general, and the scientific community in particular.

This right has to be balanced by reasonable measures to allow researchers to

exploit the academic value of their work without undue competition, typically in

the period leading up to publication of a paper or thesis.

Page 6: Leraging Instment in Global Change Research, Delopment ... · ∗The data has current commercial value, and the state entity depends on the income derived from it to fund its operations

Indirect benefits of RDI investment are impeded by:

∗ lack of access to and standardisation of funded RDI outputs;

Lack of Compound Interest…


∗ lack of policies/ licensing in respect of availability, usage parameters, and cost, if any, of funded RDI outputs, and

∗ poor preservation of knowledge generated by short projects and studies.

All exacerbated by duplication of effort, lack of funding, and unwarranted embargoes.

Page 7: Leraging Instment in Global Change Research, Delopment ... · ∗The data has current commercial value, and the state entity depends on the income derived from it to fund its operations

∗ Developing Countries often indicate that they regard some of their research data as sensitive, based on the (possible) future commercial

value of such data, or on its conservation implications – especially in the


value of such data, or on its conservation implications – especially in the case of natural resources.

∗ The data has current commercial value, and the state entity depends on the income derived from it to fund its operations.

∗ It is obvious that some data held by the state is private to companies or individuals.

∗ The users will apply the data incorrectly, will apply it to challenge

government, or gain financially from it.

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There is a tension between the drive towards free and open access, and current or future legislation.

∗ Intellectual Property Rights from Publicly Financed Research and Development Act (Act No 51 of 2008)

Legal Aspects

Development Act (Act No 51 of 2008)

∗ Spatial Data Infrastructure Act (Act No 54 of 2003)

∗ South African Weather Service Amendment Bill

∗ Promotion of Access to Information Act, 2000 (Act No. 2 of 2000)

∗ Protection of Information Bill

∗ National Archives and Records Service of South Africa Act, 1996 (Act No. 43 of 1996)

The concern is, in almost all cases, not the intent of the Act but the potential

to abuse the Act and unduly or unfairly restrict access thereby harming

knowledge creation and socio-economic development.

Page 9: Leraging Instment in Global Change Research, Delopment ... · ∗The data has current commercial value, and the state entity depends on the income derived from it to fund its operations

Intervention 1Infrastructure

Page 10: Leraging Instment in Global Change Research, Delopment ... · ∗The data has current commercial value, and the state entity depends on the income derived from it to fund its operations

DIRISA Infrastructure

Secure Services

Science Gateways



Computational Facilities

Domain-Specific Software

Mainstream Application Environments


Virtual Research Environments

Web-Based Applications and

Content Management Frameworks

Portal Environments

Data/ Object Storage Facilities


Facilities(Clusters, Grid)

Support Software enabling Research



Interoperability Tools


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Stakeholders and CoPs

Research Institutions,


External Systems and



DIRISA: RDI/ Science Ecosystem

Research and Joint/ Collaborative projects

Knowledge Bases, Courseware, Implementation Assistance, and Workshops

Community and Domain-Specific Special Initiatives

Products, Services, Cloud-Based Portal/ Gateway Implementations, SLAs

Service-Oriented, Standards-Based Components

Basic Infrastructure


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Open, Aligned Infrastructure




Science Gateway






Quality Assurance


World Data System



DL: Digital Library | DDL: Digital Data Library | DDA: Digital Data Archive

Page 13: Leraging Instment in Global Change Research, Delopment ... · ∗The data has current commercial value, and the state entity depends on the income derived from it to fund its operations

Intervention 2Policy

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Process ModelRDI

Grant Funding







under IPR Act

Conservation, Conservation,

Privacy, Legal


Free and

Open Access








Access – No





Open Access

at Cost

Page 15: Leraging Instment in Global Change Research, Delopment ... · ∗The data has current commercial value, and the state entity depends on the income derived from it to fund its operations

∗ All RDI outputs generated by state-funded means should ideally be included in a national policy. This includes grant-funded university research, and data generated by state departments.

Policy Recommendations

university research, and data generated by state departments.

∗ It specifically excludes contract research performed for private entities.

∗ The data so described should be exempted or declassified in terms of the Protection of Information Bill, as provided for in the authority of each state department.

∗ The legal meaning of ‘custodian’ of a publicly funded database should include the provision of free and open access.

Page 16: Leraging Instment in Global Change Research, Delopment ... · ∗The data has current commercial value, and the state entity depends on the income derived from it to fund its operations

∗ Exceptions and qualifications are valid, based on∗ Privacy afforded to legal entities and individuals;∗ Conservation considerations;∗ Infringement of rights afforded by the Intellectual Property

Policy Recommendations - 2

∗ Infringement of rights afforded by the Intellectual PropertyRights Act;

∗ Infringement of current or future legal rights to exploit naturalresources.

∗ Government should fund and support the electronic infrastructurewhereby research outputs are preserved, discovered, and accessed.

∗ Where state departments or agencies derive a significant proportion oftheir income from the sale of publicly funded data should bediscontinued over time and mitigation measures should be put in placeto replace the loss of income.

Page 17: Leraging Instment in Global Change Research, Delopment ... · ∗The data has current commercial value, and the state entity depends on the income derived from it to fund its operations

∗ Scientific Data is an ASSET

∗ OECD/G20 Governments and Public Companies spend 1.8% of GDP on average on R&D

Funding Model: Open Access

GDP on average on R&D

∗ Translates to approximately $ 600 billion a year on R&D (GERD)

∗ 3% Management and Preservation Fee: $ 18 billion per annum.

∗ Publishing Industry: $ 19 billion per annum (2008)

http://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/sites/factbook-2010-enMcGuigan GS, Russell RD. (2008).

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Intervention 3Networks of Networks

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A New Description of Science

Meta-Data Mining Tools and Projects

Network of Networks


Publications and Citations

Tools for Query and Retrieval

Visualisation and


Mediators/ Judgment


Maintain Inventory of Sources

Supporting Standards, Schema, and Specifications linked to a Reference Model


schema.org -based scrapers

Network/ Institutional


Voluntary/ Crowdsourcedcontributions

Other RDF and LOD


Build Reference Implementations

Create and Operate Repository

BILLIONS of smart devices

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Traditional Meta-Datais mostly hierarchical …



Spatial, Topic)


Title, Abstract and




Use, Caveats, Lineage,

Methods, and Licenses






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Liberalised Meta-Datais a network



Spatial, Topic)



RDI Outputs/ Online




Use, Caveats, Lineage,

Methods, and Licenses






Relationships are contributed by (1) meta-data mining (2) information from websites conforming to schema (3) social-media-type sites and VREs (4) existing network contributions (5) scraping existing websites (6) ontologies and vocabularies (…)

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∗ DST – DIRISA Steering Committee and Sector Working Groups: Cannot finish soon enough!

Wish List

Groups: Cannot finish soon enough!

∗ NRF/ DST: Policy for Grant-Funded Research

∗ Leading to broader policy adoption

∗ Ring-fenced Allocations for RDI Output Preservation

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